Unless you have been living under a big rock for the last few weeks, you have probably heard of the Panama Papers, documents that mysteriously found their way into the hands of the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung, member of particular Western media group that we will focus on a bit later.
The files allegedly “leaked” from the fourth biggest offshore law firm in the world, Mossack Fonseca. Among the names present in the documents, 12 national leaders and 143 politicians, their families and close associates from around the world known to have been using offshore tax havens.
The use of offshore business entities is not illegal when they are regimented and follow the jurisdictions in which they are registered. But the investigation reporters apparently found that some of the companies may have been used (the investigation is still pending and just like for those propagating rape culture, unfortunately, an accusation is not a proof of guilt) for illegal purposes, including fraud, drug trafficking, and tax evasion.
The one in the crosshairs
But interestingly, only one face has been plastered all over the news. Who, among the world leaders, embodies the nemesis of the gay-friendly, feminized, globalist scheming Left?
So why this organized kabbala against Vladimir, absent from the papers, and the clemency shown towards the Saudi Arabian king, the Ukrainian president, or the UK’s Prime Minister? Many factors can explain it: his refusal to bow under Western hegemony, his refusal to adopt the gay-friendly, multicultural agenda imposed by leftists’ standards, his protection of the interests of his country against foreign investors. The list is quite long.
What interests us here is the incredible media bias that is at play here and that has become too regular lately, not verifying information or cherrypicking it for more clicks and following the plans of their employers. It proves once more that impartiality and reporting facts is not a priority or a duty. The reporters obey to masters, follow an agenda and must have quotas and targets.
A few facts
In contradiction with speculations on the Panama Papers, here are a few interesting facts:
- Western media (list detailed later in the article) speak of Putin’s “best friend(s)”, “inner circle” but are covering the headlines with his own picture, often ignoring prominent figures who are present in the Panama Papers
- The leaked material includes 4.8 million email messages, 1 million images, and covers 40 years of the operations of the Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca, starting in 1977 — with 14,000 clients and 214,000 companies named in the files. In the “groundbreaking” parts released to the public, the name of Vladimir Putin is not mentioned once.
- There are no US or American political figures, citizens of the first global economical power, involved in the leak.
- Mossack Fonseca partner, Mr Ramon Fonseca, also reported that the documents, taken out of context, according to him, have not been leaked as advertised, but stolen. Washington, on its side, does not really know if the leak was data-theft or not. They also could not say if there was a difference between the Panama Papers leak and the documents disclosed by Wikileaks, that they consider a crime and an act of treason and theft.
- The reports have been “leaked” over a year ago and kept in the greatest secrecy. International “journalists” supposedly “compiled it” together to give it to the public. For the “groundbreaking leak of the century”, that is a hell of a suspense builder.
The two persons described as “Putin’s inner circle” and “best friends”
Mentioned in the Panama Papers and described as Putin’s “brothers” or “best friends,” billionaire Rotenberg and his brother (blacklisted by the USA) know Vladimir Putin because they practiced Judo together in the 60’s. Roldugin, a famous cellist, met Putin in the 70’s and is the godfather of his daughter. Who is one’s best friend? I can count my friends on one hand. Only a man himself can tell who his best friend really is in his close knit community.
How can the media, who lately do not investigate thoroughly and is satisfied with only pointing fingers, know who Putin’s “best friend” is? Would one of the most powerful man in the world would mix friendship and business, and entrust his money to a musician?
Men eat together, hang out, or do business with people that are not their friends. But onlookers could think so. As they shake each other’s hand and are courteous to one another, in our new sanitized world, any physical mark of politeness is considered abnormal. In this world of sharks and traitors, Putin has probably not more than a couple of “true” friends, that do not care about his power or money. They are certainly not dealing with his fortune. But he has legions of vultures, lapping at his feet to receive crumbs of his wealth.
The David Cameron case
Let’s take the case of Mr Cameron, neck deep in the Panama papers, as it is his own father who sorted out his piggybank with the firm Mossack Fonseca. Dave first denied, then changed his mind, then confessed, then vowed to be the champion of the UK’s fight against tax evasion. Bit too late, Dave?
Here it is not an hypothetical “best friend,” but rather someone that has a direct blood link to the accused. His own flesh. Nothing is stronger than blood ties. But strangely, the British Brainwashing Cloaca, also known as the BBC, did not mention him until very recently in the Panama Papers scandal. Nor did the leftist Guardian. Even with their own head of state involved, the only picture you find in the article depicts Putin.
In a Hail-mary bid to try to justify himself, Cameron publicly published his “accounts” after a statement at the House of Commons. his line of defense was “Yes, I did it a bit. But everyone does it too”.
We do not want to see your tax files, David. If you show us what you want us to see, you won’t choose incriminating papers. A man won’t present the stick he will be beaten with. Just like the beta male displaying the freshly cleared, almost virginal browser history after a 12-hour one-handed porn binge, with his face still red, Cameron has “liar” seared on his forehead.
He also asserts that he does not have “any offshore accounts or funds since 2010.” Strange coincidence that his dad, the one running the accounts, died the same year. The 3 to 30 million dollars (to be determined) fund is still active. Who calls the shots? Who is enjoying it? I’d be curious to see David Cameron publishing the same kind of accounts for his three other siblings.
We don’t want to see what you willingly show us. If we want to uncover the truth, we want to see what an exterior authority (a court) orders you to show, such as your father’s accounts and who he transferred his money to.
The Shadow of Soros looms all over it
As usual, he has all his dirty little fingers in a lot of dirty little pies. For the few of you sleeping at the back of the classroom who do not know, George Soros is born Schwartz Györgi, a US-Hungarian business investor, magnate and billionaire which focuses on investing his fortune and influence into “progressive” and liberal causes such as:
- The “defense of human rights, especially the rights of women, ethnic, racial, and religious minorities, drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ communities”
- “Developing democracy in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union”
- The “promotion, in the USA, of reforms in criminal justice, drug policy, palliative care, education, immigration, equal rights, and democratic governance
- The “advancement of the rights of Roma communities in Europe”
- The Black Lives Matter movement
- Anything that prevents Donald Trump from being elected President
- The French Collective Against Islamophobia and the Open Society Justice Initiative, which invented the catchphrase “contrôle au faciès” (“features-related control”) to throw as an accusation on any police constable that searches Non-native French suspects.
- The OTPOR organization, dissident group that tried to bring down the Milosevic regime in Serbia
- The CANVAS “non-violent” organization, leading various seminar to teach people how to bring down sovereign governents, like it did in Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt, The Maldives and others. Many of the leaders of the “Arab Spring” received training from CANVAS.
And many, many others. Is Mr. Soros advancing his pawns, trying to castigate Putin and his country, in order to start his own “Cold War 2.0”?
Incidentally, Soros’ activities in Russia are not very popular. As Russian channel RT puts it :
Organizations belonging to Soros have been proclaimed to be “undesirable” in Russia. Last year, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office recognized Soros’s Open Society Foundations and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation as undesirable groups, banning Russian citizens and organizations from participation in any of their projects.
Prosecutors then said the activities of the institute and its assistance foundation were a threat to the basis of Russia’s constitutional order and national security. Earlier this year, the billionaire US investor alleged that Putin is “no ally” to US and EU leaders, and that he aims “to gain considerable economic benefits from dividing Europe.”
He is also the one behind the No Border group which smuggles illegally legions of migrants in the recent European invasion crisis and the author of the delightful sentence “National borders are the enemy”.
The puppeteer’s curtain is not thick enough to hide him
Wikileaks have indeed confirmed that the whole Panama Papers leak was organized by Washington and Soros, who had the info in their possession. It was just kept handy to strike at the ones that bother their plans.
The main organizations between the leak are the OpenSociety/Soros funded OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project), which has, despite its ominous name, no juridical weight or power.
The main media sources and partners relaying the info and focusing on Putin’s hypothetical involvement are part of the ICIJ syndicate.
The ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative journalism) backed by the Center for Public Integrity, is also the one that Wikileaks accuses of bias, directing the fire on Putin and almost forgetting the others incriminated. They did not wait long to start a cut-throat competition:
But who are exactly the ICIJ? According to their page (emphasis theirs):
Founded in 1997 by the respected American journalist Chuck Lewis, ICIJ was launched as a project of the Center for Public Integrity to extend the Center’s style of watchdog journalism, focusing on issues that do not stop at national frontiers: cross-border crime, corruption, and the accountability of power.
Why we exist
The need for such an organization has never been greater. Globalization and development have placed extraordinary pressures on human societies, posing unprecedented threats from polluting industries, transnational crime networks, rogue states, and the actions of powerful figures in business and government.
The news media, hobbled by short attention spans and lack of resources, are even less of a match for those who would harm the public interest. Broadcast networks and major newspapers have closed foreign bureaus, cut travel budgets, and disbanded investigative teams. We are losing our eyes and ears around the world precisely when we need them most.
What we do
ICIJ projects are typically staffed by teams ranging from as few as three to as many as 100-plus reporters spread around the world. These journalists work with counterparts in other countries and with our Washington, D.C., staff to report, edit, and produce groundbreaking multimedia reports that adhere to the highest standards of fairness and accuracy.
Over the years, our teams have exposed smuggling by multinational tobacco companies and by organized crime syndicates; investigated private military cartels, asbestos companies, and climate change lobbyists; and broke new ground by publicizing details of Iraq and Afghanistan war contracts.
In other words, it is little more than a tabloid organization, with an agenda with globalism, ignoring national sovereignty and looking for scandals to smear on their opponents, under the guise of a Robin Hood-esque “investigative journalism.”
I will not expand on how their patron organization’s logo is a Doric column, symbol of American secularism and Freemasonry. The Doric column is associated with the Senior Warden in the Masonic Order.
This is not the complete list of papers working with Soros-backed ICIJ. You can find the complete list here
En bref
The fact that the ones behind the scenes waited for more than a year to release this nuke of an info shows that they are truly running out of options to hurt the ones that don’t follow the plan. But rest assured that no quarter will be given and that they will not spare any options. Even if that means sacrificing allies such as ISIS-supporting Saudi Arabian King, Western puppet Porochenko or multicultural poster boy Cameron.
By doing this, they throw out the baby with the bathwater. Next steps can only be coup d’états or assassination. Once more, the media weapon exposes what their masters want them to disclose, and ignore what is inconvenient.
Read More: Why Vladimir Putin Is Russia’s Proto-Tsar
a man a plan a canal panama
A maj, a plan, a canal, pajama
Go hang a salami. I’m a lasagna hog.
Sniff’um muffins
Won’t lovers revolt now
Rise, sir lapdog. Revolt, lover God, pal, rise, sir
“Do nine men interpret?” “Nine men,” I nod
Name now one man
“Naomi,” I moan
He did, eh?
Not the Oculesics live in Danbury CT, but:
Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard.
Prefer Naomi “Russell”, but whatever…
race fast, safe car
odd selection
No, sir, prefer prison
Oh No, Don Ho!
The one in the picture is Naomi “Moan.”
Flee to me, remote elf.
funny for another reason
Nurse, I spy gypsies, run
Stratagem: megatarts!
Amy, must I jujitsu my ma?
Do good? I? No. Evil anon I deliver. I maim nine more hero-men in Saginaw, sanitary sword a-tuck, Carol, I. Lo! Rack, cut a drowsy rat in Aswan. I gas nine more hero-men in Miami. Reviled, I (Nona) live on. I do, O God.
A slut nixes sex in Tulsa.
Egad, no bondage!
Campus Motto: Bottoms up, Mac
Strap on no parts.
Murder for a jar of red rum
Stop! Murder us not, tonsured rumpots.
no bondage? pssh, whatever:
Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?
I was about to say the same thing, heh. Fun exchange to watch. Palindromes make me chuckle.
Go! Desire vagina, man. I gave. Rise, dog.
I love BLJ. I am a huge fan.
But no…funny because it’s my name….I thought I was being doxed,
ok you win. However, I am giving you an asterisks because you have the preworkout all day
Tell us, what are you going to do next, now that you’ve won Palindrome XXVII?
Bombard a drab mob.
It pisses me off that he didn’t put out an album with that as the name.
I man up 4 punami
That s the best one so far
pots on soros no stop
Plausible deniability is the name of the game
Mission Soros: no iss ‘im
You’re late to the party. The palindrome battle is over and a victor has been crowned.
it’s too much fun to be over. Or it would be if I could think any more
Better luck next time, chap.
Are you lolknees new sidekick. What happened to that Moncho character or whatever his name was with the dirty harry avatar?
He might have shipped off already. He’s in the military.
Always the same…
This rotten, stinking, fetid old man cannot pass away soon enough. (of natural causes, to be clear)
God! Soros dog!
(Help! I can’t stop!)
The dark side has you in its grasp. Feel its power. Come, join us…
Help is here, but only because I care about you:
Did it again, huh. Oh well, so much for my help.
I find your means of phrasing disturbing
(not to mention easy pickings for humor):
I have no fucking clue. It just felt right to say. I’m about 2 hours out from hitting the road on a beautiful 75 degree sunny day, my mind, it’s wanderin’.
Bike nights started up first Wednesday in April and run through Halloween, every Wednesday. Tonight will be packed. I might have a nice seat cover tagging along, or not, don’t know yet. Either case, it’s going to be a fun night.
“I might have a nice seat cover tagging along”
Senile felines?
(It’s an illness…)
“I might have a nice seat cover tagging along”
Couldn’t help it…
It’s turning out to be a really good year so far. Guess God is shooting some good vibes my way for a lifetime of Clean Living And Wholesomeness ™. Yeah, that sounds good, let’s go with that!
Fine, you made me do it, I saved that pic to hard drive.
Or from a devine power.
Whatever it takes.
So you are in the train of paranoid jewish conspiracy. What would be the “alt” right without that?
Oh shut up you faggot.
I am. Got a problem with that, yarmulke boy?
And it ain’t paranoid. It’s been readily observable and even documented for decades… starting way back with the Bolshevik Revolution and Frankfurt School.
Don’t shoot the messenger….
So you’re saying it’s just a coincidence they’re constantly writing articles on “White privilege” and the end of White males?
It sure is a big coincidence that they always seem to be ones who oppose Whites organizing for their own benefit too.
It go’s back even further. These gypsies have been conspiring against their hosts like a parasitic cancer since ancient times. There sacred Talmud commands them to deceive and kill until they take the throne of the world and enslave the goyim.
There are however Jews who reject this and refuse to be the meat shield zealots for their Zionist leaders. I commend and respect these Jews greatly.
Im Anarcho capitalist so im not a part of the alt right but I have friends who are. I don’t really care if these people are Jewish or Australian because it does not change the nature of the problem.
Bottom line is they need to be pushed into a oven regardless of race gender because there a threat to the sovereignty of every group and individual on earth.
His obituary will be interesting. I wonder how they will describe him…
Glowing praise and as if a Saint had passed. Guaranteed.
We’re dealing with full force naked evil with the Left. People better start realizing that and acting accordingly.
Putin and Russia are the Mafia. Russia is a mafia-run country.
Messianism around Putin is a weird feature of racistosphere. Pretty much like what is with Trump
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.
Now, please, have a cookie.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zk_VszbZa_s on the third day, he rose and triggered all the leftists
All Government can be seen as a mafia in some way.
But at least the Russian “mafia” serves it`s own people first, unlike the western mafia who serves only the Globalist super-rich elite.
Putin is hyper-alpha, which is both an alien and frightening concept to the homosphere you reside in.
Mafia means tough guy in Italian
Fucking brilliant expose!
This, THIS, is why I don’t subscribe to the “it’s all over now” thinking. Prior to the internet this story would just fly as printed in the papers and on the television. Today it’s exposed at the speed of light. There is hope.
Who his one’s best friend?
Except for grammar, where it appears that all hope is lost.
Sorted. Cheers GOF
pas de quois
EDIT: quoi
Stupid French language, not conforming to my spelling.
Pas de quoi*. 1 : 1. Serve, Mr. Poqueliche.
Merde! heh
Agenda 21 – Agenda 2030
Can someone please tell me why its so fucking important to be “gay friendly”? Its become a matter of national policy. What is up with that? A bunch of perverts doing perverted things is that fucking important? They have all their rights, why do they need to be revered and celebrated?
This article was omnious
Just read the article in the link. Um, it makes my skin crawl for sure. I think the west is very very very divided. I just can’t see how all people find sodomy so wholesome that its good to show it to kids. Most of the moves that are made towards kids and gays etc are done through bureaucratic fiat. We tend to hear about a new policy or new book or something, pro homosexual or something else, after the fact. That speaks to an entirely different issue altogether and one that demands our attention. To be clear, allowing for big decisions to be made in the backroom by un-elected officials. As it pertains to Russia and the west and the U.S., I don’t think that Putin’s policy to homosexuality is going to be a key reason that will lead to war. I think that any outrage that the west (or obama) might have tried to leverage vis-a-vi homosexuals wasn’t very effective. And it was part of a larger propaganda campaign against Russia/Putin. The reason we may end up going to war with Russia is over the Petrodollar. If you look at all of our recent military operations you’ll see one clear theme – protecting the petrodollar or maintaining that all hydrocarbons are traded in US dollars. This is the mechanism that enriches the west and, among other things, allows us to run-up enormous debts spent on things like…homosexual rights. When we lose this status, and the process is already well on its way, the impact will be severe. Russia, China, Iran…and many other countries all know this. Iraq and Libya tried to do this, with gold backed dinars or trading in Euros. They were easy for the US military to take down, but, not so easy afterwards to clean up the mess. Russia and China are NOT those tiny little backwards countries. Russia, for instance, just proved to the whole world that their military can do in ~ 100 days what the US military has been unable to do in several years. Defeat ISIS. Plus Russia has more thermonuclear weapons then the US and better ones at that. So, if we did go to war with them it would be nuclear and a total humanitarian catastrophe. Frankly, call me a trader or whatever, I think Putin has the moral high ground and is right. The u.s. has killed millions and millions of people since 9/11 and for stupid reasons. We’re the aggressors, and worse, we’re now perverted group of aggressors looking to rape kids. Sorry, that is the truth.
Great analysis.
The petrodollar issue is in my opinion the biggest risk US is facing.
The article was not really claiming that gay issues will cause WW3, rather that that will be the argument which will be used to convince americans “US are the good guys”. This should tell you about the values of the west.
A competing currency of BRICS nations will mean an end to american hegemony and a absolute social catastrophe.
Any issue US manages to hide under the rug or minimize will only catalyze and become worse. If you think race relations are bad now, see what happens when America is hit by hyper-inflation.
It is clear that America has lost the high ground years ago and has become a neocon puppet state, a de facto United States of Israel and Corporations. The masses are sedated and unaware of the issues.
America is sitting on a powder-keg of social and political issue that will explode in an event of an economic collapse. If you think Black Lives Matter is bad, hope you enjoy South African type genocide. And good luck finding a place to live and pay utilities when SHTF. When communication goes down, transport becomes expensive and it’s hard to pay rent or utilities, cites will become warzones and MidAmerica will seem like heaven compared to the rest of the US.
One better preper accordingly, it will not be pretty.
As of April 19 China is on a gold standard. Oh and you can’t redeem it in US dollars
Too late China introduced a gold standard that can’t be redeemed in US dollars.
(Few days ago)
That’s worth an article.
Try writing one.
Nope not worth my “time”
Ordo ab Chao.
They want to destroy all structures of society, all cohesive identity that is based in reality and turn everything into one meaningless soup where no one knows up from down, left from right, or right from wrong.
Then they will spin out some utopian idiocy and everyone will follow as it will be the only coherent narrative and culture available.
Because it tears what YOU believe down. The elite probably hold these faggots and idiots in complete contempt. They are pawns, being used to deconstruct YOU.
Indeed, and a big part of it is to find a way to shame into irrelevance the most coherent and powerful opposing group, heterosexual men, most of all whites.
That’s why there is so much of this white privilege shit and shaming of machismo and male culture.
Honest to God, I’ve never encountered the “shame machismo” thing where I live. Hell, chicks get openly turned on by it.
Lucky you, here it’s sneaking into a lot of things at a low level mostly, and staying away from the hipsters and hamsters and feminazi keeps the exposure to a minimum.
Thanks for clearing that up. It was obvious but is needed to be said over and over again.
Yeah look at wearechange’s video on the subject. Hillary Clinton hates the LGBT
“Can someone please tell me why its so fucking important to be “gay
friendly”? Its become a matter of national policy. What is up with that?
A bunch of perverts doing perverted things is that fucking important?
They have all their rights, why do they need to be revered and
What is not taboo is mandatory. Either sodomy is actively persecuted and driven underground or all children will be sexually abused to ensure they’ve been educated correctly (Brave New World). All the perversions will soon be legalized and mandatory.
Less Than 50% of Teens Identify as Straight, Says New Study:
Parents furious over school’s plan to teach gender spectrum, fluidity:
One of the nation’s largest public school systems is preparing to include gender identity to its classroom curriculum, including lessons on sexual fluidity and spectrum – the idea that there’s no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.
“Human beings are created male and female. But the current transgender ideology goes way beyond that. They’re telling us you can be both genders, you can be no gender, you can be a gender that you make up for yourself. And we’re supposed to affirm all of it.”
I find it funny how the Pro-Russian frog writing this article tries to paint Cameron as a co-conspirator in all this. I am more inclined to believe this was a hit job by Obama Administration in conjunction with Soros against both Putin and Cameron: Putin because he cucked Obama, Cameron because of the growing antagonism between Cameron and Obama, not the least of which over the Brexit possibility.
The typical circlejerk over Putin at RoK is getting a bit tiring. Yeah, Soros, Obama, all feminists and anyone on the left is bad. That’s why we’re all here. But let’s not mistake the vile people on this side too, in particular, a bona-fide murderer who fought for the Soviet Union (one of the most anti-neomasculine organizations in history) and was an operational terrorist in East Germany.
Putin’s corruption goes beyond the Panama Papers.
The sheer amount of orbiting betas at RoK who are ready to lick Putin’s balls is somewhat astounding. I don’t see women get put in pedestals here, I see people who have their political opponents murdered, used to fight for the Communists and are engaged in more cronyism than the U.S. banks get put on pedestals and white-knighted by a bunch of betas who will orbit anyone who puts on a tough-guy act.
There doesn’t appear to be much at all concerning mentions of Putin in the comments section (yet). Lots of talk about Soros, and of course, a Palindrome duel took place. Are you seeing secret crypto comments that I can’t see, brother?
It’s not the comments in this particular article I’m referencing. It’s the overall sentiment, shown by previous articles and subsequent comments.
“The sheer amount of orbiting betas at RoK…”
I don’t approve of what Putin is or does a lot of the time (I think of Putin in the similiar vein as Trump), but here is why I can appreciate Putin / Russia to a degree:
1) Putin opposes the progressive agenda that the US spreads in the name of ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’.
2) Putin does not prosecute Christians, and promotes the patriarchy.
3) There really is no difference between Russian corruption and US government corruption: if I’m stopped in Russia, I pay a bribe to the corrupt police; and in the US, I pay my ‘bribe’ (in the form of some BS traffic violation) to the local road pirates (aka police officers) and the local government treasury.
4) You are an idiot if you think we have any more freedom in the West than they have in Russia; given the size of the surveillance state, the US probably has less freedom.
I’m no Putin fanboy, either. But while we’re at it,
– he does not deliberately flood Russia with third world barbarians in order to put native Russians in a strangehold, all so he can usurp more power
– he isn’t enacting a plan of soft genocide against his own people
– he isn’t hell-bent on destroying the Russian cultural heritage
– he doesn’t make ordinary Russians pay for their own demographic replacement
– he doesn’t deliberately promote every sexual perversion and social degeneracy there is to tank his own people’s birth rate
I’m sure there is more.
1. The barbarians (fanatical and deadly Muslim ethnic groups) are woven into Russia’s demographic (and see 5)
2. Huh? You mean he’s not spreading chemtrails or flouridating Russia’s water?
3. Well, Putin’s not making anyone take down statutes of Stonewall Jackson, so, um … I guess.
4. Huh?
5. Dykes and fairies are only 2 percent or so of the US population. They dont make much of a dent in our birth rate. As for porn, some of the most depraved stuff comes out of Russia. And the abortion rate there is sky high. Much worse than ours. As for Putin’s “stay home and screw” campsign to get more babies made, most of the babies have names like Tamerlane and Fatima (see 1 above)
Putin can be accused of many things, working against the interest of his own country is not one of them.
Btw, dear rosbif, how are you faring lately in the Califate of Britain? How’s Cameron’s politic working out for ya?
Working against his country’s own interest? Such as tanking his own economy? How is the Russian economy, again?
In all impartiality, Russia will still be pretty similar in 50+ years. Britain, not so sure.
You quote the Moscow Times, leftist and Western-biased. Anti-russian by nature, constantly collaborating with think tanks such as The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, who is involved financially with… with… Soros!
Now owned by Anti-russian Demyan Kudryavtsev (spoiler: tribe), former close collaborator of Berezovsky (tribe), it constantly instrumentalizes Soros’ Open Society being kicked out of the country. Example
: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/open-society-and-its-enemies-in-putins-russia-op-ed/553519.html
Btw this is the author of the “economy” article, Natalia “Zubarevitch” (wait for it… tribe) as she is called regularily “патологическая русофобка”
I distrust by nature unpatriotic women with short hair and glasses.
But let us not bicker. You are on R.O.K. it’s a good start, rooinek.
Played both sides lIke the true puppet master
Ah George Soros(Real name :György Schwartz), the personification of evil.
Yes, another tribalist. There seems to be a pattern here, but we mustn’t speak of such things. After all, in progressive society the greatest crime known to man is anti Semitism.
Can anyone give any good reasons to be PROsemitism. Because I fucking can’t!
I’m sure they want to make it a crime punishable by law to notice the pattern that continuously appears amongst the tribe.
Once again RoK kisses Putin’s ass, this time by spuriously linking opposition to the tin horn despot to the eeeeeevil George Soros.
Can you demonstrate then where he got it wrong?
Your admiration for the federation is utterly misplaced. I can bring proof that will make you cringe. BUT in my country, their pawns have secret serv. international immunity. In other words, it is dangerous.
It’s not ass kissing, it’s ass tapping. And implying Soros is irrelevant… is not wise, my young padawan.
He’s Leftist I believe. They are utterly blind to Soros’ influence and power.
Strangely, there is a noticeable proportion of leftists who admire both Soros and Putin–usually the aggressively anti-American/anti-west “Progressive” types who also don’t seem to terribly mind radical Islam for fear of being labeled “racist.”
I really don’t even try to understand them any longer, I chalk their mentality up to what would have been diagnosed as a psychosis in the past, and let it go at that.
That and they fail to see the forest through the trees.
Yep. Ignorance and arrogance combined is a deadly thing.
No youngster here, sunshine. And it’s not Soros who teamed up with Iran to massacre moderates in Syria to support an evil regime, it’s not Soros who conquered the Crimea, invaded Ukraine, attacked a US warship in the Baltic Sea or supplied advanced AAMs to Iran. Think about that for a while, young Jedi.
Should I call you General Ripper, or General Tergidson?
WTF does any of what I posted have to do with a Kubrick flick? Anyhow, Putin’s Russia is hardly the USSR of yore. It has a smaller economy than Italy’s and a smaller population than Bangladesh, with a rusting military infrastructure to boot. Sucks when Russia’s only product of value (oil) took a nosedive in price.
Well, Duck Ming, then.
I am unable of understanding abstract concepts like “moderates in Syria” (the more al-Qaedic ones? The internationally acclaimed Kurd terrorists? ISIS, those good followers of the Prophet?); “conquest of Crimea” (in such a way that noone civilian or military was there to counter an amphibian attack? The same Crimea which has been populated by Russians and was merely awarded to Ukrayne by USSR?)…
And then… supplying weapons to Iran… If you are as mature as you claim, you certainly recognize Oliver North. It’s not such a big deal (well, $$$, but not that bad).
Even with all this going on… I know, I know, Putin isn’t perfect. But why should we buy a new Cold War again, ducky? He’s NOT that bad. Kaddhafi, he was a devil. But the present and the future of the Mediterranean lead me to miss him… Duck Ming, Duck Yoo, we’re all Ducks.
“WTF does any of what I posted have to do with a Kubrick flick?”
I’m referring to your antagonistic obsession with Russia while ignoring the obvious problems in the US.
Several people have commented on the fantasy of bugging out in Russia / expating. Let me tell you about some domestic US fantasies: the prepper / survivalist fantasy, the enclave of the patriarchy in the Rockies (or other deserted place), and the “Trump is the savior of the US” fantasy.
I used to work for an alphabet agency, and I hence have a fair appreciation for the surveillance capabilities of the US government.
Anyone who thinks that infrared blips in the middle of nowhere that were not present 2 weeks before will go unnoticed is a fool. Anyone who thinks that the US government would not hesitate to harass, intimidate, or otherwise kill them a la Ruby Ridge is heir to the Kingdom of Fools.
I don’t trust the Russian government or Putin, but I am not so deluded as to think the US has any more moral ground than Putin does.
You’re obviously far too young to remember how Iran humiliated the US during the 444 day hostage crisis. We have never avenged ourselves against Iran for this, never regain our honor. Men are all about honor, isn’t that so? Unless we severely damage or destroy the regime in Tehran, even if we have to ally ourselves with IS in the process, we will forever be sans honor.
Uncle Sam isn’t invincible when faced with a determined foe. Try to find “South Vietnam”on a map.
1) Unless you’ve lived off the grid all your life, you have a trail (electronic and otherwise) following you.
2) Only mass resistance works. Individuals will probably get squashed.
3) I would highly suggest reviewing the proverb about the end result of arrogance.
2 is certainly true. It took mass resistance to get the Brits out of the 13 Colonies and it took mass resistance to get the mighty USA out of “South Vietnam.”
Kaddhafi wasn’t a bad person that was western programmer
If we compare him to other African leaders, you are right. At least he developed his country…
Yes but he wasn’t “evil” or attacking his own people
Once again the duck shames the ROK readers when they approve the behaviour a masculine figure fighting the globalist agenda, this time by asserting that respect between men is a synonym of closeted homosexuality/teacher’s pet behaviour.
Good article. This whole Panama Papers thing never sat right with me. It reeked of propaganda from day one.
And of course the normies will soon forget that their leaders and corporate owners use these slimy practices to avoid paying taxes, while they slave away for a third or more of their income to be taken away and given to those very same people. The Panama Papers could teach the populace a very real lesson but it’s just another blip in the MSM news cycle to them.
This actually made me optimistic, after reading the article about how terrible the future will be, this article has shown how desperate globalist are. They are losing their grip on us, as the world is becoming more nationalist, more and more Westerners are pushing back. The destruction of our leftist overlords is inevitable, and they know it; which is why feminists, globalists, and the rest of those SJW pukes are more radical now than they’ve ever been. It’s not because they are growing in influence, it’s because their dying and desperate. The last dying breath is always the loudest one. Our battle plan should be to “Divide and Conquer” because they’ve already started doing the dividing for us.
Fucking baby boomers are determined to restart a pointless cold war with Russia.
God, we have to get the baby boomers in nursing homes.
I’m not going to a nursing home! Prison would be better.
I signed up to a 4 week trial at the FT recently and my very first comment was on this colossal expose of corruption by intrepid investigative reporters. All I did was respond to someone to the effect that I thought it might have been ‘strategically leaked’ and literally within seconds my comment had gone into pending purgatory and the next time I logged in I was unable to see the comments.
Anything associated with the German press though is particularly suspect in my view, given that not so long ago a veteran news reporter – I forget the name – basically admitted that the public broadcasters at least get told what to say / write by the government, and it would be naive to imagine that Germany is a unique case. The sad fact is the fact so many journos were involved in this was already a strong indication that this was entirely co-ordinated, although before reading this article I had no idea it was Mr Soros, who is increasingly becoming like Professor Moriarty in the new British Brainwashing Cloaca’s series Sherlock, appearing every episode, always behind absolutely everything wicked in the world. In fact he’s so brazen about his activities these days, it’s clear he’s past caring what people think.
Returning to the Panama affair, the real expose perhaps is the journalists involved, who we now know are establishment hacks.
Saw an article yesterday that the part that of people who have confidence in the reporting of the MSM is down to 6% but it’s still too high.
I think this is the one http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/february_2013/only_6_rate_news_media_as_very_trustworthy
But no, Germany is far from unique or even the first to openly admit and discuss this, it’s happened many times before, and I thought it was common knowledge tbh.
Not surprised. I heard something about Time or Newsweek having been shown to be infiltrated by intelligence back in the 70s but I was still surprised when I read about how completely top down the German case was – it’s not a question of individual journos who are compromised: it’s the whole organisations. Well, the whole media I guess, but it’s still sad to behold
Yep it is the whole media, but there is a somewhat interesting background story to it also. You remember the leftist student riots and so on in the 70ties?
The leaders and top level ideological people from those movements went to the top of academia and media, that’s the moment the whole thing flipped on its head.
You used to have crooked individuals in a working or fair system, now the whole system is sold down the river and controlled by these social justice warriors of the 70s.
I can’t even estimate the number of people I’ve looked into and found to be exactly this group. The greens, and the climate fascists come from this same grouping, and you might find interesting that the Soviet Union used to bankroll a lot of this in sync with the revolutionary fronts in Europe.
I think you’re right. I’ve often been surprised to find that the most ardent radicals pushing feminist / marxist ideas to the current generation are actually middle aged. People didn’t take them seriously. They were dismissed as harmless, sandal wearing hippies mouthing stuff they didn’t understand, and all the time they were marching through the institutions determined to capture the whole system and bend it to their will.
Yep that’s it, they were dismissed as harmless youngsters who will ‘get out of it’ but what they did is to develop a whole ideology around the old commie stuff, based on control of the media and academia, and they have done it slowly, and incrementally, and now control the majority of it which is enough.
They are moral relativists from the beginning honestly believing the end justifies the means and that their utopian society is something good.
I have personally met several of the first generation of this, and spoken to them at length.
They are dying now but there is a new generation ready to pick up their little red book and carry the flag.
they may be moral relativists, but the ‘truths’ they believe in are absolute and largely non-negotiable. That’s perhaps why they can believe the end justifies the means, which I think you are right in saying is what characterises their modus operandi: they are utterly unscrupulous and underhand about the way they go about duping and manipulating the public, because the only thing that matters is the endpoint. That’s also a weakness though. Their manipulations are often difficult to demonstrate but they can be teased out, and shown. in a democracy it is process that matters, and however much it may be a democracy only on the surface their method potentially at least denies them legitimacy.
The new generation though is perhaps more worrying than the old: they are pure zealotry.
Bloody hell. I have always suspected le Monde to be more leftist than they advertise, then i see them in the list of that Consortium. The leader in the written press in France. Makes you think
I was surprised by that too. Both France and German in particular seem completely owned by the financial elites
Check this one out
that’s the sort of thing. Imagine the work involved in putting that together though. There are similar things that have been done for the US media. Not sure about the UK or Germany though.
Far more reliable than a spectrum of a website/newspaper’s opinion, check who owns them to know what to expect
Yes. For instance the Agnelli’s & Rothschild’s now own ‘the economist’. I’m sure they would never try to influence its editorial line. “Discover the networks” used to be too though I haven’t checked it in a while
I stick to:
Russia Today (although they relayed the story on Roosh with a leftist outlook. I was extremely disappointed, I could not find the author). Surprising as they are usually anti-globalism and pro-russia.
Valeurs actuelles
(Once in a while) Le Figaro
Any others that are not left-leaning?
I read Breitbart, and the alternative RT perspective is always interesting. My French could be a lot better but I’ check out Le Figaro etc when I can
I used to work in a big international firm who have relations with Mossack Fonseca, and what you have seen is nothing compared with what is below. This is not even the tip of the iceberg.
Of course, as Jean said, this “revelations” have an agenda:
1. It is completely impossible for some prick who suddenly “grew a conscience” to stole the ammount of data leaked. MossFon have big, really big internal security procedures.
2. Even if the data leaked is clean and fair (which is not), we know that all the media have a very cohesive group behind (yes, the Tribe) who decide which data is “good” and which is “bad”.
Putin was the first mentioned, and we all know that they hated him; then this Iceland guy (do you remember what he did some time ago?), and who’s next? They are fishing…..
As casual information, Jurgen Mossack and Ramon Fonseca are members of the Tribe.
Yeah, I heard about the security measure in some of these companies and wondered how can these docs get out? Crazy
Knew this guy who used to work for Aramco in the late 80s early 90s was telling me how they had a butler following you around the place mainly to spy on you and had a person standing by the photocopier to make sure that not one unauthorised copy was made.
This whole business is so fishy and it runs very deep. I could not fit everything here but the rabbit hole is rotten and seems endless
Don’t dis living under a big rock. It’s less stressful under here.
I prefer hiding in the swamp.
Well fellow country man, I don’t think it is a war against Putin. Anybody checked the press coverage, of the panama papers the next 2 days after it happened? See pic.
Besides, why there is almost no U.S. Citizen in the list…?
The US has Delaware and Nevada and Wyoming…you can open a bank account under the name of your cat:
Basically the LLC is so easy here than the US is now becoming a place where you can launder money. The superpacs are using shell companies to buy votes. Is it legal?…really tricky.
Morally reprehensible…? Totally. All Elites are corrupted, the people usually have a tolerance or threshold for it. Past that one…and people get angry.
I think the work done regarding the panama papers has been outstanding. I am very aware of the manipulations but the more I look at a part of the left and a part of the right, the more I see similarities, one of them is that both share a leaning towards conspiracy theories.
The EU has Switzerland, London city etc too. Everyone is in on this stuff in the west.
Don’t forget Jersey island!
I think rather than a conspiracy theory, it is more a biased and systematic campaign to shame their opponents. In a conspiracy there is an effort to do it under the radar.
Ps: “countryman”? . “76” , Seine-Maritime?
Je vais utiliser notre langue commune. Je suis du 92, mais je vis aux États Unis.
Jean Baptiste Poqueliche, c’est trop fort, tu as chopé Moliere!
Tes articles sont pour la plus part mes préférés avec ceux de Q.Curtius.
On ne peut pas être d’accord sur tout, mais au moins on discute. Les SJW me rendent dingue…je préférerai au moins la gauche a Papa…
Bon courage a toi, et merci pour tes articles…^^.
Merci garçon. Ca fait toujours plaisir de voir ceux qui pensent encore.
Jean Batave Poqueliche vient d’une discussion arrosée avec un ami. On se demandait quel aurait été le nom de Molière si il avait été manouche. Dc voilà Jean Batave. Serre les dents et garde courage dans ce pays de fous!
This just in! Putin tells the world what he thinks of the Panama papers.
Must See!
He blows his nose in it
There are so many possibilities on who it is. One fact is any American who is implicated with the Panama Papers is indirect. Its as if any known American was washed from the evidence.
I believe this is a distraction. Important players such as Soros (CIA, White House, who knows) are GUILTY of participation and are distracting from their own malfeasance.
Shocking, absolutely shocking. Why is Bob the plumber not on this list? Rich folk, criminals and politicos hiding money – tell me it ain’t so.
There is only one Panama…..
Mmm… Actually:
Any more questions?
Simpler: Putin is a real man, not an elite educated, effete ivory tower type. Media hates that.
The hunt/fishing holiday in the wild ad campaign was fucking genius. I can imagine fat western cows around : “Ah what an biggoted racist neanderthal, but why am I aroused by his shitlord grin?”
Look, Soros isn’t Magneto or a Bond villain or a modern Professor Moriarty or anything like that. Direct action can rid the world of this guy.
soros is palpatine
He has max 5 years before turning senile and getting his cheese stolen by relatives or orbiters, or before The Old Reaper knocks at the door. Too long, yeah. But if we keep working in the same direction and become more successful, more organised and more efficient, we are doing are part.
Soros is a Nazi pawn. He’s been involved with them from the time he was a teenager in Nazi-controlled Hungary. And by “Nazi” I am not referring to it’s incarnation as German National Socialism. But a global version of corporate-government control continued by the original players of that movement who were not prosecuted for their crimes.
Haha what ludicrous nonsense
his own words.
The best you can say for him is that he is a sociopath.
So a 14 year old Jew was in charge of repossessing Hungarian land owned by Jews?
Yet the worlds Anti-Semite brigade is rounding up 90 year old geriatrics around the world for alleged Nazi war crimes for so much as having made buttons for the Brownshirts.
George Soros Hebrew birth name Schwartz György collaborates with other known big Zionist players, finances and carries out clear Zionist programs. Odd that a so called nazi pawn would be so fiercely Pro-Israel.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then its a duck.
If you think it’s odd that a 14 year old would be tasked with betraying his own people, then go ask his masters why they had him do it. I don’t expect to understand sociopaths.
And the only reason you think it’s odd that a “pro-zionist” is a nazi, is because you are looking at random statements of his and not at his actual actions.
The man is a Jew in name only. He is about as Zionist as any of the original Nazis. Of which, I am convinced by his own words and actions that he is clearly one of.
In any case, regarding your last point, I am 100% against punishing innocent men. So if that was your point, we are in agreement.
On the other hand, if you want to elicit my sympathy for a murderer because of his/her circumstance, you should know that as far as I am concerned a murderer is a murderer. I have zero sympathy for 90 year geriatric Nazis just as I have zero sympathy for 18 year old sluts that kill because they think some fool will have pity on them.
Personally I think they should be put up against a wall and shot right in front of their wailing families. Would they had given any of their victims that much courtesy.
See that asshole? That’s a good end for a bastard. He was also an 81 year old geriatric. Look how brave his wife is, babbling about “dying together” yelling and screaming at everyone like an animal. And how many of their victims were allowed to “die together”? How much compassion did those asshole have on anyone? Fuck them. Fuck them, and fuck your “90 year old geriatrics”.
Your lies and propaganda fail under proper scrutiny. Its why your people make laws against their enquiry.
“The truth does not fear investigation”
You’re a sick and twisted Zionist zealot shill.
Great site, thanks
It’s the one they WANT to be in the media crosshairs. Take Iran and North Korea. While the Jewish controlled media and Congress keep screaming about how Iran “could” have nuclear weapons in the future, North Korea has been ramping up it’s own program with no complaints. AND showing that they’re a nut-case country bent on using them the first chance they get. In the early days of NK’s program it would have been easy to shut them down, but the SJW’s, backed by the Jews, kept on about Iran. Now it’s to the point where NK has ICBM missles, and the bombs to put on them, and still you don’t hear a peep from the Administration, Congress, or the media.
Cheap russiaboos ITT
It’s pretty obvious a new cold war has begun. NATO military deployments to friendly nations bordering Russia including missile shield to counter ICBM’s. Russians re-establishing nuclear armed strategic bomber patrols and fighter’s harassing civilian and military aircrafts and ships in international waters. Multiple war games and exercises on both sides. Propaganda, smear campaign’s and various “leaks”. Western MSM shifts acting on behalf of it’s own interests to what’s in line with foreign policy. Proxy wars, economic warfare, currency manipulation, sanctions. Need I go on.
The stage is being set for WWIII.
Future is quite bleak indeed