Act As If Every Girl Were A Slut

“Act as if every day were your last” we’re told. Pretend it’s true, the thinking goes, and you’ll have a more thrilling life. In the same vein, here’s another aphorism to boost your game: “Every girl is a slut.”

It’s a truism among players, and it’s one I struggled with. Yet girls aren’t all the same – some will have sex with you at a moment’s notice, and others will tell you they’re saving it for marriage. To someone with an empirical bent, to someone who likes to understand the world as it is, you might struggle with such an absolute statement – it’s so vague it’s not even true or false per se.

Properly understood however, “every girl is a slut” is valuable because it makes your game better. It’s a tactical assumption, something that you assume to be true to improve your strategy, even if you think it will be false most of the time. For instance, if you were getting into a fight, you might assume that your opponent had a knife on him. There might only be a 20% chance that he carries a knife, but if you adopt a fighting style that’s vulnerable to an opponent with a knife, you’d be 100% fucked if he whipped one out. While the assumption will constrain your behavior, it will be a great boon to your continued success over time.

Over the past month, I slept with several new girls – girls I saw once or twice. That was it – I doubt I’ll ever get to sleep with any of them again. We had met for a date in each case, and then proceeded to have sex on the first date, or in one case, a second date. When I tried to push it beyond a second date, only a couple were interested. Angry women on the internet tell me I have a tiny penis, so maybe that was it.

One girl claimed she ‘could not commit to anything right now’ when I never claimed to want anything more than sex. Another girl was casually dating another man, and chose to stick with him. One worked too much and lived with her parents to make it a regular deal. One was interested in something more serious, but I wasn’t. One said we were going different ways. These girls were like cold beads of water coursing through my fingers – refreshing, but I’d be a fool to try and hold on to them. Better to enjoy them for the brief moment I have them laid away in my lair.

Even if a girl likes you, there’s no guarantee that she will see you again. Maybe she’ll end up fucking some guy on her next night out. Or her workload doubles and decides she doesn’t have time for any ‘commitments’ right now. It sounds like she is only temporarily rejecting you – after all, you had a good time together. From experience though, know you will never see her again. In the mind of a woman, sex should be effortless – if she has to overcome what she calls ‘fate,’ aka that loss of momentum and time apart, her pussy will dry up and she will lazily opt out. Especially if she’s a slut.

As a man, dating is an investment whose minimum return is sex. Other things matter, but they’re meaningless without sex – and then you’re just platonic friends. Some ‘investments’ won’t pan out – you go on a date or two with the girl yet you never fuck. And others, you’ll have sex with nothing more than a round of beers and a floor mattress. By pushing for sex early and often, your returns come in quicker, and you invest less on girls that never pan out.

When you act as if every girl is a slut, she may assume you ‘do this with every girl.’ While that sounds counter-productive, in her mind she ‘won’t be a slut’ for sleeping with you, because so many girls have done so before her. Sheep see safety in the herd.

You will take every step to maximize the likelihood of having sex quickly. You toss out all those dating conventions – all that matters is if they help you get laid or not. Maybe you even like the girl – no matter.

Always structure dates so that you can get laid. Set the date near her house or yours, preferably yours – girls can be skittish about letting you in to their house on a first date. Do not meet in the middle.

Assume she’s already fucking other men. No attractive girl is ever truly single or alone. There are always men just a text away, and sometimes less. When you assume that she is already fucking other men, or is about to, you realize time is of the essence – as the tacky infomercials go, “You must act now!” Dawdle, and you’ll end up in the friend zone or as a dead phone number. When a girl is sleeping with someone, she becomes markedly less attentive to other men.

This dynamic is even obvious among female coworkers – when girls are openly distant in greeting me, I know it’s because she’s already fucking someone and she feels little need to talk up other eligible men. Even though she’d never consider fucking me anyway, her steady dose of dick imbues her everyday behavior and makes her distant with other men. If a girl is already sleeping with someone, you’ll have to leverage all of your pull on her to get anywhere. Even if this assumption were false, the end result is you get sex or rejection quicker – more return or less investment, a win in either case.

If she’s being flaky, she’s already fucking someone. Women crave sex. Once they start having it, they will not want to go without it for long. If she isn’t getting it from a boyfriend, she’s getting it from someone else, even as she’s going on dates with you.

Be wary of poisoning the pot. Be aware that you could turn her off if you’re too aggressive. If you proceed carefully enough, this shouldn’t be an issue. Even so, you have to ask yourself if this girl is so special that you’d be willing to put in time to get with her – if you can’t say yes to that, her rejection is a blessing – she’s keeping you from wasting more of your time and money in a failed prospect. Even so-called nice girls, who are not sluts, can be very forgiving of an aggressive man, provided you show some enduring interest in her as a person. They secretly respect men who pursue boldly. Proceed more carefully in sensitive situations, like with coworkers or girls in your social circle, until you’re sure she likes you.

You may want more than sex. But with a woman who’s got several sexual partners in her past, and dozens of suitors lining up in the present, you’re not remotely in her reality until you fuck her. She will not think twice about never talking to you again until you’ve had sex, and maybe not even then. We live in a Slut Culture where sex means nothing, an amicable date even less. Every time you see a woman, you cannot be certain you will see her again… imagine every night with her is your last.

Fortune favors the bold.

Read More: 24 Signs She’s A Slut

398 thoughts on “Act As If Every Girl Were A Slut”

  1. So many point in this article.
    Assume she is a slut >> you enter abundance mentality >> she gets attracted enough to sex you
    Assume she is not a slut >> you enter targeted scarcity mentality >> good luck getting laid
    They complain about men just wanting sex, but sex only the men wanting only sex, because the other guys are forgotten after few calls, because there has been no investment on her part.
    Lesson: go for sex as fast as possible,
    The only thing you’ll lose is the few girls who will be genuinely turned off by a man who has the guts to go fast.
    Good luck finding that woman, if you’re actually looking for one.
    Unicorns and pink rabbits with hearts on their fur…

  2. That’s actually good advice. Just enjoy them for the moment. Get lists of experience in pleasing women in bed to the point that you perfect your love making techniques. Then once you have banged them you begin the process of owning there bodies and minds if it suits you. If not, toss them back in the sea with the other fish and cast your line again for bigger game. Treat women like sluts until proven otherwise and enjoy them that way if that’s what they show you. She is only worthy of respect if she respects herself. I have no problem waiting to sleep with a woman for months (while banging other chicks of course) if that’s her stance. After I get it. I make her pay for making me wait. But I do respect her for making me wait. Basically, it’s a no win situation for them. Lol. Damn it’s great to be a man!!!

    1. You marry good girls and make them your private sluts. You don’t marry sluts and try to turn them into good girls. You can’t turn a whore into a house wife. She will always be a whore. Enjoy the sluts but don’t invest in them. They are broken women. It’s too much effort to try to fix them with little to no return on investment.

      1. That philosophy is logical, but the only problem is today now all women are whores. “Good girls” don’t exist anymore.

        1. I’m sure a few good girls still exist in the deeply religious fringe, but unless a guy wanted to live there too why would he pursue her? Better bet is the late bloomer.

        2. True.
          However, there are approximate 2 “good girls” in a thousand. The problem for men is by the time you get close to finding them in their insulated bubbles, you’ve already encountered 100 whores who’ve given you more fun and pleasure than the one good girl would ever give you in 25 years of marriage. I know this from personal experience having found and married one of the “good” girls.
          Good girls also have no sexual experience, are usually religiously (ie source of their good girl morals) and will have no motivation or desire to become sexually competent because by their own moral code, they’ve satisfied any sexual laying the first, and only man — the one they married. It’s downhill after that.
          Any girl who’s already had a lover, even one, is no longer a good girl. She’s had her bit of sausage and can never be a virgin again. We can’t excuse her behavior by saying, “well, the one guy was just an accident and didn’t count.” A good girl can’t fall back on excuses for otherwise slutty behavior, lest she lose her good girl merit badge.
          So, if a man wants good plentiful sex, he plows the fields of whores and harvests its bounty. To commit to a good girl means enduring the drought of unimaginative sex–the harvest of a good girl.
          Being pragmatic, the best mix is the marriage to the virginal good girl for child rearing, family and dynasty building while paying for exception, experienced, young, tight pussy from the best the most talented professions. You can try gaming you own pussy. But, playing with amateur whores on the side is too risky. Professional know the boundaries and respect the separation of sex and spouse.
          Amateurs on the other hand are whores alike. But don’t know and don’t respect any boundaries. You may not leave cash on the nightstand, but they’ll demand payment in other ways. It may be your money, your status, your stuff, or the worst case: your eternal monogamist love, affection and worship of her. Amateurs have no qualms destroying you and yours for their own selfish ambitions. That’s why its always a better move to pay for the cream de la creme than risk losing everything to a amateur whore who’s a loose canon aimed at your head.
          That’s the price for having having and keeping a good girl, if you can find that one in a thousand.

        3. a good girl would be taking care of her man , instead of sucking dicks virtually on ROK , like you , ” Ashley”

        4. Women always were whores, and will remain so. The only difference is women used to get penalized for behaving in whorish ways in those days: no husband, no kids, almost total social rejection, thrown on the stake etc. Now women are rewarded for it (express yourself, you go girl), thus all this power hoing.

        5. A good girls is:
          1. one that guards her body, and gives the “keys” exclusively to her husband.
          2. uses her time prior to marriage to educate and train herself in skills and knowledge that will be beneficial to her future family.
          3. In case of kids, prioritizes them. If you’re still in school while you have kids you’re a dumb ho. It’s time to be a mom now.
          4. doesn’t waste precious time watching soap operas, or worse Oprah. Read a book, learn how to cook (better) engage your kids in conversation.
          etc etc.
          I feel for women in this time and age. No one will give you the knowlegde to better yourselves: dad is pussy whipped (problably an undercover faggot), mom is a psycho and the media pushes a feminist utopian agenda aka the matrix.

        6. Forgot one important one: Shut the f*ck up. Women need to understand that 9 times out of 10 you have nothing interesting to say. A dude will only get annoyed with you running you mouth. Learn the value of scarcity. Less is better. This alone will get you +5 points. The pussy and the mouth are connected; the bigger the mouth the bigger the pussy i.e. a nasty mouth is a nasty pussy.

        7. I agree with you 100%. That is the perfect way to do it and has been done that way for centuries. That’s good living!

        8. What planet are you Gen Y boys from? Most of you sound like virgins or perhaps got lucky with some drunk fat girl. You lack experience and sophistication.

        9. Females have always been sexual so this idea that they have all become sluts these days is absurd. In the past they were just a little bit more reserved and subtle but they did the same things. Upper class females today still behave this way. It’s the vulgar masses who have lost all self control and have made their presence known in pop culture. They existed in the past but were marginalised.Something like the Jerry Springer show would be appalling and disgusting to watch.

        10. The Girl Scout Law
          I will do my best to be
          honest and fair,
          friendly and helpful,
          considerate and caring,
          courageous and strong, and
          responsible for what I say and do,
          and to
          respect myself and others,
          respect authority,
          use resources wisely,
          make the world a better place, and
          be a sister to every Girl Scout.

        11. I agree, I mean when I used to live with m was seriously annoying hearing her talk about her life..and when I told her to talk about what is important, she would go apeshit….I thought my mother was unique…but then I starting meeting other women and found they were the same
          Women, SHUT THE FUCK UP unless you have something important to say like what sexual position your going to use.

        12. care to explain why, or are you just here to use-and-abuse the “i`m older therefore i`m automatically right” argument?

        13. sadly he isn`t exaggerating. city life means more people, means more men around any given woman. hence more opportunities to play hide-the-salami for any given whore. statistically speaking the odds are way higher in cities, i see no flaw in emanuel`s logic

        14. Take mine for example, now it is a new relationship but very traditional, she understands I work hard and have long hours, she cooks and bakes for me, understands if I put my foot down on an issue and sees that staying thin is important. Now granted she asked we not have sex right away, to me its fine cause I know she wants to be proper and not just used for sex. She’s a great girl and I know Is worth keeping around.

        15. I’ve lived in cities, country and suburbs.A city may look like a mass of anonymous people to you but it’s divided into areas. In the country you may know everyone within 5 sq. miles and in the city it may be 2 sq blocks and it’s like your own village where people can be just as provincial. I’ve known Kansas farmgirls and believe me they are horny.That girl with more men around her in the city also has a lot more females around too to compete with and most cities have more females than males these days.Don’t assume that city girls are having more sex.

        16. I get 100%!
          Oops, just broke the last one. Oh well. 4/5 is still a B in most grade books…;-p

    2. Just like Dr. Dre sang —
      “you can’t make a ho a housewife.”

      Tom Leykis used to say that the black community was 20 years ahead of the white community in just how fast all their women were becoming sluts (and marriage was going extinct).
      This song is a good example. Best lyrics–
      [My friend] found him a hoe that he like
      But you can’t make a hoe a housewife
      a bitch is a bitch, but a dog is a man’s best friend.
      So what you found you a hoe that you like
      But you can’t make a hoe a housewife
      Now hoe is short for honey…
      Tellin tales of bein pregnant, catchin Norstrom sales with abortion money
      he caught up in the hoe’s erotica
      Exotic – she’s psychotic, rockin his Nautica
      Soon he’ll need antibiotics …
      Name a sexual disease, she got it like Sam Goody
      You be like, “Damn how could she hit me off with chlamydia?”
      Fool I pity ya
      And bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks
      I had to dream of hoes, I had to scream at hoes
      I seen my hoes in all kinds of clothes
      Come back to the mansion, chill at the spot
      From the way she was blowin, I know she does it a lot

      1. A ho is a woman who doesn’t give sex away for free. Housewives don’t give it away for free. Therefore . . .

  3. Slut implies that sex is dirty. Sex is not dirty. A penis does not defile a woman.
    For an author who has Machiavelli as his avatar, I’m disappointed he’s internalized this wacko religious nonsense.
    That said, this is not only sound advice that will help you get pussy, it’s true advice: women love sex. They’re animals just like us.

    1. “A penis does not defile a woman.”
      Obviously, you have never seen your own cum oozing out of a quivering vagina.

      1. I’ve seen it oozing from vaginas and dribbling from chins and sprayed on faces. It’s a beautiful sight.
        You seem unaware you’re adopting the feminist view that sex is something dirty that men do to women and that male sexuality is lowly. Feminists think leering at women “objectifies” them and that spraying a woman with semen degrades her. Feminists want to ban porn for this reason. It’s such nonsense.

        1. Hmmm, sex is not dirty but it’s been proven scientifically and empirically that slut shaming was done in order to preserve order and society itself, it wasn’t a “wacko religious nonsense”. Nowadays it doesn’t apply since our society is in its way down, so better live today as if it were your last.

        2. I bask in the notion that sex is dirty and that I defile women on the regular, cupcake. Take your sex-pos bs elsewhere.

        3. And if you think it’s dirty, you’ve adopted the schoolmarmish feminist point of view. Sorry if the truth hurts you.
          Your mother and your grandmother loved to get fucked and had wild fantasies of getting fucked by movie stars.

        4. Nice troll, feminist. Was it beautiful and magical getting your face drenched with cum by those drunken frat boys the other night?

        5. Whats so beautiful about cum? Its a fucking bodily fluid. Whoop-dee-doo. It feels good ejecting it. I find a Chagall a beautiful sight. Cum, not so much. Do you feel that makes you a real man? Seeing it on some cunts face? You are a weird dude bro. Sometimes I even wonder if you are a dude.

        6. My cum on a woman’s face is very beautiful. If you don’t agree, I can live with that.
          Real men don’t worry about what makes one a real man.

        7. Hmmm, lack of innovation in most disciplines, crippling debt, verifiable slow decline of life quality (less for your dollar in spite of automation and productivity gains..), decline in education standards and even IQ decline, demographic decline (and not due to war and famine)….yeap, we are okky dokky KalosLiar

        8. Haha, you’re one to talk about adopting feminist talking points.
          Your comments read like a “sex positive feminism” textbook.
          They also sound like most of the angry comments on the 24 Slut Signs article — “how dare you call me a slut for enjoying sex with dozens of different dicks over the past 6 months!!!!”

        9. Life as a human being has never been better. No polio , modern medicine , people living longer and enough food for all In America. America is the number 1 empire in the world , and you live here. Obamacare means women go the OBGYN twice a year so vaginas are cleaner than ever, and you have the means to fuck them.

        10. So theoretically, would you have a problem with some dude spraying cum all over your girlfriends face? Why or why not?

        11. Remember, men once demanded virgins. Even despite constant bombardment today to accept women as ‘sexual creatures'(lulz), guys still avoid women with high cock counts
          Just this week I’ve noticed that a few girls I know who are extremely beautiful with high SMV never have boyfriends and really aren’t popular. Why? It’s been known that they’ve rode the carousel with the alphas
          Some guys might not have the mate jealousy, but I think it’s a proper desire that 90%+ of guys still have. I know I can’t value used up women and obviously all over the world men reject cheating wives, and in the Muslim world, stone them
          So yes, you’re correct and upvoted. The “DONT ASK ABOUT HER PAST’ meme is extremely beta, and most PUA’s I’ve known have been very beta(talking chin shape, passive aggressive, etc)

        12. Society is not on the way down and is probably better than any time in the past. Only the dumb proles are on the way down

        13. What you’re seeing is just the usual thinning of the herd that you see in every generation. The people left standing after the dead wood is eliminated will be even better. It’s like a company that has some divisions that are losing money and are cut off making the co. even stronger.

        14. Obamacare will probaly fail but you’re right, everything is better in general. Even prices are 1/2 what they were in the 60’s

        15. Looks like he’s projecting his own fantasies onto you because I’ve never heard a straight Man talk like that.

        16. Hmmmm, Most Americans are so deluded, but in general terms yes, we are maybe “physically better off” than our ancestors, however our way of life is unsustainable (not talking about ecowarming nonsense here) and even if I reach 70 or even 60 years I would be alive to see the logical end of your country but in the grand scheme of things maybe better things await around the corner.

        17. I will not deny we’ve been on an economic decline since we began dismantling the New Deal since 1980 and that the socialist nations of Europe have surpassed us in happiness.

        18. I will not deny we’ve been on an economic decline since we began dismantling the New Deal since 1980 and that the socialist nations of Europe have surpassed us in happiness.

        19. I will not deny we’ve been on an economic decline since we began dismantling the New Deal since 1980 and that the socialist nations of Europe have surpassed us in happiness.

        20. I will not deny we’ve been on an economic decline since we began dismantling the New Deal since 1980 and that the socialist nations of Europe have surpassed us in happiness.

        21. I will not deny we’ve been on an economic decline since we began dismantling the New Deal since 1980 and that the socialist nations of Europe have surpassed us in happiness.

        22. Even if I were a feminist, what I say would still be true.
          Googe ad hominem, read it, learn it.

        23. Even if I were a feminist, what I say would still be true.
          Googe ad hominem, read it, learn it.

        24. Even if I were a feminist, what I say would still be true.
          Googe ad hominem, read it, learn it.

        25. Even if I were a feminist, what I say would still be true.
          Googe ad hominem, read it, learn it.

        26. Even if I were a feminist, what I say would still be true.
          Googe ad hominem, read it, learn it.

        27. Even if I were a feminist, what I say would still be true.
          Googe ad hominem, read it, learn it.

        28. So you’re saying that men are jealous because sex with other men defiles women? You don’t make sense.
          Whether I’m jealous is not the issue.

        29. So you’re saying that men are jealous because sex with other men defiles women? You don’t make sense.
          Whether I’m jealous is not the issue.

        30. So you’re saying that men are jealous because sex with other men defiles women? You don’t make sense.
          Whether I’m jealous is not the issue.

        31. So you’re saying that men are jealous because sex with other men defiles women? You don’t make sense.
          Whether I’m jealous is not the issue.

        32. So you’re saying that men are jealous because sex with other men defiles women? You don’t make sense.
          Whether I’m jealous is not the issue.

        33. So you’re saying that men are jealous because sex with other men defiles women? You don’t make sense.
          Whether I’m jealous is not the issue.

        34. So you’re saying that men are jealous because sex with other men defiles women? You don’t make sense.
          Whether I’m jealous is not the issue.

        35. So you’re saying that men are jealous because sex with other men defiles women? You don’t make sense.
          Whether I’m jealous is not the issue.

        36. I think it’s beautiful to see my cum oozing out of the mouth of a woman. Why do you care what I find beautiful?

        37. What I’m saying is that, if sex is nothing more than a pleasurable activity, if it doesn’t matter who or how many guys she’s had sex with, if it doesn’t defile a woman or change her in any way, why would you care if some dude was blasting a load all over her face while you were at work? What difference would it make?

        38. Under your theory, women defile men when they have sex with men — as women too get jealous, no?

        39. Wouldn’t the anger and/or jealousy stem from the fact that she’s CHEATING on him? If she’s taking loads from the neighbors while he’s at work – presumably in the home HE pays for – that is a violation of an agreement (be it tacit or expressed) of fidelity first and foremost. Defilement be damned, it’s pure disrespect.

    2. A penis can profane and a penis can sanctify.
      It’s not the penis per se, but the circumstances. If a candidate for a job had a record of flitting from one employer to another, from one week to the next, a prospective employer would hesitate to invest any training in the candidate. Sluts aren’t much different.
      A woman who has sex with men she deigns to never see again shortly thereafter is spiritually dead.
      And you’re taking lexical cues from feminists. Mr. Logos Brah opts for feminist retard logic – by your logic, use of the word ‘glutton’ implies eating food is shameful.

      1. A penis is not a magic wand that magically sanctifies or profanes things. Such thinking underlies the wacko belief that a man wearing a special magic uniform can waive his hands and thereby magically alter the property of H2O making it “holy.”
        Your worker employer analogy would only apply to prostitutes where the woman would be looking to exchange money for sex and garner profits.
        The feminist belief is the one you’ve adopted — namely, that sex is something dirty that men do to women. Travel to some feminist blogs and you’ll see this belief instantiated in countless forms: eg, that the “male gaze” “objectifies” women, that semen on a woman’s face “degrades” her, that pornography “degrades” women.

        1. As a man: There is nothing wrong with objectifying women, we are supposed to, they are our sexual objects. There is nothing wrong with defiling their bodies, they are our sexual objects. There is nothing wrong with doing dirty things to their tight, wet vaginas, they are our sexual objects.
          In caring too much about what feminists say about men and sex, you have rationalized yourself into sex-pos land.

        2. From the amorous point of view Véronique belonged, as we all do, to a sacrificed generation. She had certainly been capable of love; she wished to still be capable of it, I’ll say that for her; but it was no longer possible. A scarce, artificial and belated phenomenon, love can only blossom under certain mental conditions, rarely conjoined, and totally opposed to the freedom of morals which characterizes the modern era. Véronique had known too many discothèques, too many lovers; such a way of life impoverishes a human being, inflicting sometimes serious and always irreversible damage. Love as a kind of innocence and as a capacity for illusion, as an aptitude for epitomizing the whole of the other sex in a single loved being rarely resists a year of sexual immorality, and never two. In reality the successive sexual experiences accumulated during adolescence undermine and rapidly destroy all possibility of projection of an emotional and romantic sort; progressively, and in fact extremely quickly, one becomes as capable of love as an old slag. And so one leads,obviously, a slag’s life; in ageing one becomes less seductive, and on that account bitter. One is jealous of the younger, and so one hates them. Condemned to remain unvowable, this hatred festers and becomes increasingly fervent; then it dies down and fades away, just as everything fades away. All that remains is resentment and disgust, sickness and the anticipation of death.
          -Michel Houellebecq, Whatever.
          You’re clearly obtuse on the matter, so this is more for the benefit of onlookers.

        3. “I think, and ever shall think, that it cannot be wrong to defend one’s opinions with arguments, founded upon reason, without employing force or authority.”
          — Machiavelli
          “There is nothing more important than appearing to be religious.”
          — Machiavelli
          Calling me obtuse is not a refutation. Even if I were obtuse, what I say would still be true. I’m not obtuse. I merely disagree with you.

        4. I agree there’s nothing wrong with “objectifyng” women. In fact, I think “objectification” is a theory feminists invented to push their morality.
          “In caring too much about what feminists say about men and sex, you have rationalized yourself into sex-pos land.”
          This is turning into: “I know you are but what am I” or “know how I know you’re gay?”

        5. Never said or implied sex is inherently dirty, yet you keep latching on to that. If nothing else, you’re a committed liar.

        6. The problem with your statement, is that it’s true. That’s actually true, as some of us have seen. I’ve personally seen women get on the carousel and become hard and lifeless as this guy has noted. In fact, after they’ve been on, I can detect something repugnant about them
          The problem is that the writer you quoted, who is probably the best writer alive, told the truth. Because of that, he’s a misogynist and a racist, etc. Just like people said about Herman Wouk, Pulitzer Prize winner for the Caine Mutiny, when he wrote Marjorie Morningstar
          When people tell the truth in art, and don’t tow the 1960’s party line, it’s a very bad thing. But when reporters criticized him for his book and how it portrayed career women, he responded simply, “It’s true.”
          The ability for us to observe truth, to see it with a satirical lens and point out its absurdity, is important. I trust that here on the ROK there’s many of us who can do that
          +Subbed, I usually read the MGTOW forums, but lately the articles here have been on fire. Good post

        7. Yes, a sex starved religious nut.Love is just a delusion and you’ll notice that a man can be in love with many women simultaneously. Tell me something. Imagine a man who had unlimited access to the top females. Do you believe he’d be falling in love with any of them, or that he’d find that they were all pretty much the same and he didn’t really have much in common with them and preferred to be alone when he wasn’t shagging one. That feeling of being in love is really just the result of a shortage of females and a desire to keep one in your possession. If you had all the money that you could ever spend and could just buy anything you wanted and would never run out of money would you value money as much?
          As far as too much sex (or money) what happens is that you become sensitised to it, sort of what happens when you take certain drugs, so while a girl who has had a number of men may become sensitised a virgin may also eventually end up the same way just at a much slower rate.Sort of like someone who only takes a drug once a week.
          The solution is to just have a succession of virgins

        8. It’s the impression that people got. The internet is full of fundies and religious nuts so I’m glad to hear you refute it.

        9. The notion of a slut implies the bullshit religious notion that sex is dirty and the bullshit feminist belief that sex is something dirty a man does to a woman.

        10. The notion of a slut implies the bullshit religious notion that sex is dirty and the bullshit feminist belief that sex is something dirty a man does to a woman.

        11. The notion of a slut implies the bullshit religious notion that sex is dirty and the bullshit feminist belief that sex is something dirty a man does to a woman.

        12. The notion of a slut implies the bullshit religious notion that sex is dirty and the bullshit feminist belief that sex is something dirty a man does to a woman.

        13. The notion of a slut implies the bullshit religious notion that sex is dirty and the bullshit feminist belief that sex is something dirty a man does to a woman.

        14. The notion of a slut implies the bullshit religious notion that sex is dirty and the bullshit feminist belief that sex is something dirty a man does to a woman.

      2. I think that like all sex starved boys that you’re overestimating the number of sluts around and also the number of men the average female has sex with during her life.

      3. To profane or sanctify requires magic,. And magic does not exist.
        “If a candidate for a job had a record of flitting from one employer to another, from one week to the. . . ”
        Your analogy applies only to prostitutes. You get sex for free, right?
        “A woman who has sex with men she deigns to never see again shortly thereafter is spiritually dead.”
        Now you’re pretending to know what is spiritual. You don’t know what is spiritual because you don’t have access to that world.
        “Mr. Logos Brah opts for feminist retard logic”
        Now you’re thumping your chest and calling me names. There is no such thing as “feminist logic.” You’re irritated that I would have the courage to disagree with me, so you all me a girl.

    3. Yes, a penis ennobles a female. He is a bit wacky but it’s hard to say if it’s from some religious delusion or just the fact that he’s sex starved.

  4. QUOTE: “…. But with a woman who’s got several sexual partners in her past, and dozens of suitors lining up in the present, you’re not remotely in her reality until you fuck her. … … . We live in a Slut Culture where sex means nothing, an amicable date even less. Every time you see a woman, you cannot be certain you will see her again… imagine every night with her is your last.”
    This is sad but so true. The interactions between the sexes has evolved into nothing more than worthless hook-up culture. This clip had been posted on another rok article, and sadly enough, long gone are these days:

    1. I remember those days. Great, mostly — though girls were routinely called “uptight” for no first date sex and “easy” if they did so.

  5. Yeah agreed with the article. around 40-50% of my lays have come from stealing girls and fuck them behind their beta boyfriend’s back. Amazing how slutty girls are. I would say it is about 80-90 of women in America are sluts.
    These bitches flirt and throw me IOIs in front of their Boyfriends…ridiculous…the state of western women has suck to a new low…atleast I get sex out of it. If I wasn’t so broke I’d move to EE or SEA.

      1. I assume there are 10% of American women who are so fat/old/masculine/ugly that they can’t get enough men to be slutty, haha.

        1. I like to add that there is always 0.00001% in any situation that is attractive and not a slut and there is always 5% who are attractive and not a slut because there daddies or brothers fuck em and monopolized their cunt from childhood till one of them was dead or caught and arrested.

    1. Just move to SEA. You’ll find a job. I did it 20 years ago with $50k in debt and $1,000 in the bank. Paid it all off in 3 years and have a nice retirement fund piled up. Lost count of the number of girls I’ve shagged more than a decade ago. Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Indo, Malay, Indian, Aussies, Brits, Kiwis, – but not one American! LOL

      1. wait…how do you find Aussie and Brits and kiwis in SEA ? I mean is tourism really that good there ? Like that sounds way too good.

        1. Vacation-wise, SEA is to Aussies and Kiwis as Mexico is to Americans and Canadians.
          And yes, SEA is that good. Gorgeous beaches, feminine women, and can be much easier on the wallet than vacationing in many EU countries.

        2. See thing is, I’m not much attracted to Asian women unless they are mixed in with European or dressed like a glam girl like here in the US ( the only Asians I’ve banged are glam Asians or euroasians).

    2. I am a Ukrainian and I would say that around 50% of my lays in Ukraine were with married/engaged/dating women also.
      The difference is that that you are not open about that as american girls,who practically brag about the number of dicks.
      All women are like that.Once you are committed to them-you are done.
      In her mind your commitment is the green light to fuck other man.If you have proposed or agreed to be her boyfriend-you are not a man in a woman’s eyes anymore.

      1. Agreed, is it the cold, hard truth that I had to swallow, but it makes more sense when you look back in history and realize the marriage was a social construct to make the beta male and omega male work harder and maintain society.
        Then again, women are just fucked up for only going for the top 20% of males, but it is what it is, I’ll just enjoy the sex out of it.
        Been more than 8 years since I had a relationship…never again.

  6. life is a series of experiences…
    a woman should be your tour guide, when the tour is over you tip them and go to the next tour like a tourist…

    1. A female tour guide? Most of them can’t even find their clit without a man helping them lol

  7. Another awesome article from RoK. And again, very depressing. Thats why I dont even bother. The maximum effort I will expend in pursuing a female is to look at her and say “hi”. If she doesnt engage me in a conversation after that then its done. American females are simply no longer worth the bother. This article sums up exactly why.

    1. yeah sex is not ‘special’ anymore… so the old idea of getting your leg over meaning you have some leverage is long out of the window… i wrote an article with a solution… Roosh might publish it soon….

        1. Actually, this was what “guest” was implying – that he thinks women should fall for him when he says hi. Not exactly realistic of him.

        2. Actually, I think he’s saying he’s putting the minimum effort forward so it’s virtually never a loss and only those already interested enough to strike up a convo with him are he’ll bother gaming because half the work’s already done. .
          Lazy, but effective prescreening.

    2. Guest is right, its just not worth the heavy investment in time and rsources. Think how better your life would be if you spend the hours it takes to get american women on doing something productive. When I go to Norway or Sweden I can find girl who have the mentality of a man, if they like you they fuck you, the way it should be. You want a wife, go to a country like Egypt or Lebaon or Arabia or Asia. You want to get sex use america to make money and go overseas and enjoy your social life. If enough men look abroad american women sexual value decline because there will be less thristy men ruining the market.
      Eventually the poosy market will reach an equilibrium where one doesn’t have to say 100 right things and pass a series of endless shit test to bang girl like in normal nations. Some men don’t understand shit test don’t exist in other nations. American poosy like American cars aren’t worth it.

        1. We actually like our women mouthy, as long as the mouth is wrapped around our cocks.

      1. I love how the solution many men put forth to all problems is simply to go overseas for women…which will “punish” American women in the process. I think those who still believe all foreign women are the submissive little bed-slaves whose sole joy and purpose in life is to cook, clean and stroke their husbands cocks and egos will be in for a reality check soon.

        1. Going overseas is the solution…. American women are just inferior compared to their foreign counterparts. It really isn’t even about punishing american women for their bad behaviour,(although they deserve to be punished) it is about living in peace and being happy without hardcore feminist bullshit and double standards and anti male views. American woman are never wrong, its always the man’s fault. If a woman cheats on a man its his fault some way. Either he didn’t fuck her enough… fucker her too much, didn’t show her enough affection… or showed too much affection, etc. If a man cheats, its because well men are dogs.
          Some cultures just treat genders crappy. In China or India they shit on women… and in America they shit on men. Th€is is why chinese women are so open to dating any foreign man. And why American men are so open to dating foreign women.
          Not ALL foreign women are that way but many are. If your feminist, shouldn’t those foreign women have the right to behave that way? How is it fair that American men are one of the hardest working on the planet but have fat wife but when you go to brazil construction work has hot thin wife?

        2. That’s funny, many Indian men would argue that there is a very deep seated misandrist culture there, but that’s beside the point.
          A popular misconception is that foreign women, especially those from 3rd world countries are open to dating any and all American men. This is a blatant falsehood perpetuated by god knows who. East Asian, Russian, etc women are looking for wealthy or upper middle class WHITE MEN, they’re not looking to date Joe the Plumber from Chicago.
          “How is it fair that American men are one of the hardest working on the planet but have fat wife but when you go to brazil construction work has hot thin wife?”
          Where does this happen? You talk about ‘fairness’ as if men are assigned wives and forced into marriage with obese women. Why do men act as if life happens to them and they’ve no control over it?
          If that Brazilian construction worker has a “hot wife” 9/10 he’s a good looking guy himself. Men seem to want submissive perfect 10s yet want to put in as little work for them as possible. Many would apparently like to remain pudgy, lazy and lacking all culture, personality or even remotely interesting qualities yet expect the perfect mate.
          They have now gone so far as deluding themselves into thinking foreign women will not only “appreciate” but worship them for it. What they really mean is they think non-English speaking women are stupid, submissive and/or so willing to do anything for citizenship that they’ll overlook the shortcomings of these American men regardless.

        3. Well maybe Indian culture just hates everyone equally, LOL, the feminist claim that India is anti woman.
          Not being Non-white I can’t say from personal direct experience what other americans like latinos and blacks and asians will experience in Russia and East Asia, but odds are if they have decent game, dress well they’ll do just fine from what I’ve seen. I’ve heard latinos and blacks doin well in FSU states. Mainly Poland for Latinos and SE Europe for blacks. But again lots of other things factor in. A good looking white man will do better than an ugly white man. And a good looking latino will do better than a ugly latino.
          On the otherhand I know plumbers making more than most people wearing suits, so I wouldn’t be quick to smash talk a plumber.
          On the question of fairness you throw out a red hearing. I asked a question about fairness, you didn’t answer the question but sidestepped it and answered the question with a marginally related question. I don’t believe I said men act like they have no control in their life, in fact I encourage men to travel to other countries.
          The irony is that anyone who has travelled or knows aything about the manosphere knows very few people advocate importing a wife for citizenship. Because she will be corrupted by american culture, so its just not worth it.
          What they really mean is foreign women are different. American women just can’t accept there are better woman out their than them.

        4. You know what I mean by plumber though. Pick any blue collar, less than revered profession if you will. And I didn’t actually side step the question of fairness, the way you posed it didn’t really invite an more of “answer” more than what I gave. Fairness implies no choice in the matter. That’s like asking how is it fair that some men drive Ferraris and others drive Hondas. It’s not about “fairness”. If you’re not lucky enough to be simply born into luxury (or good looks) you either work for the car you feel you deserve or you settle for less. It’s that simple. Life isn’t fucking fair.
          My issue is that some men don’t seem to understand the realities of overseas dating. It’s not all beautiful thin, Asian, Spanish, etc women giving constant blowjobs and attention to portly, balding paupers as some would have you think. Many men seem have a sort of mythic belief that once they set foot on foreign shores, everything is easy and effortless.
          I’ve heard too many stories of suckers getting robbed blind, tricked by lady-boys, beaten up due to racial tensions, etc. It gets ugly. I have NO problem accepting that there are better women than I out there ANYWHERE for whatever reasons. I still care about American men whether they’re trying to wife ME personally or not and I don’t like the hyperbolic nature of the “go overseas crowd” because they speak in fantasy and gloss over harsh realities, like marriage for citizenship fraud, anchor babies, etc. It’s like people think foreign women live in a bubble with no knowledge of Western culture.

        5. Some men don’t understand the realities and that is probably why they are on the website doing research and learning before they go. Lots of men have common sense and just go first and then come here when they have issues they need to resolve.
          America and the anglosphere are amongst the worst places on the planet to date and meet women. Its not perfect abroad but it is a giant improvement.
          Again you seem to be imposing your views of what the “go overseas crowd is” rather than accepting that it was long ago established that if you don’t want an american feminist you must leave america or at least keep your girl out of america.
          Who said anything about marrying foreign women? There is no point in marrying a foreign woman to bring her back to america unless you bring her into an ethnic enclave and only foreign tv and keep her away from american cutlure because she will be ruined by american women. It would simply be best for the man to split his time between america and russia or whatever 3rd world country than to try to bring the girl here.
          Anchor babies… really…. is that the best argument you have now?
          Saying “It’s like people think foreign women live in a bubble with no knowledge of Western culture.” Is as stupid as saying
          It’s like people think Western women live in a bubble with no knowledge of foreign culture. By that logic american women should be acting like foreign women. Its a ridiculous statement.

        6. For the record, I AM NOT against marrying/dating/bedding/whatever foreign women, that’s your prerogative. I’m not even sure how we’ve both gone on such tangents now but in my original statement I was frankly venting frustration with the lala land some of these people seem to be living in.
          And if we’re being honest here, half that crowd isn’t so much about getting away from psycho feminists – because lets face it, there are a lot of regular ass women out there currently not goosestepping for “the cause” – but more about being able to be their slovenly, underachieving, unmotivated selves while having a fantasy wife who will worship the ground they walk on. It’s this attitude of entitlement (by BOTH genders) that disgusts me. Wanting maximum return for minimum effort. In this case, a hot Russian wife in exchange for you simply being American with a penis and maybe some cash.
          “Anchor babies… really…. is that the best argument you have now?”
          I’m not sure what you meant by this???

        7. “Saying ‘It’s like people think foreign women live in a bubble with no knowledge of Western culture.’ Is as stupid as saying
          It’s like people think Western women live in a bubble with no knowledge of foreign culture. By that logic american women should be acting like foreign women. Its a ridiculous statement.”
          Also, I’m sorry but this makes zero sense. Western women are hardly exposed to foreign culture at the rate foreign women are becoming westernized. What dominates international television and cinema? Western culture. Asian women are getting their eyes widened, chasing after rich white men for sport for fuck’s sake…and don’t get me started on the Russian Natashas.
          Western women have few (see: NO) examples of a docile, wholesome, submissive wife in modern culture while Eastern and other women damn sure have plenty of examples of the domineering know-it-all bitch with the oafish husband. THAT is what I meant by bubble.

        8. The amount of eligible women is very low in the usa. Because of the high rate of female overweight and obesity (over 60-70% higher for urbanites) if your a single man in his 20, 30s or 40s it will be hard for you to find a partner because the ratio doesn’t favour you, There are underachieving lazy etc men but those aren’t the ones who are going on a plane to find a hotter women because they are too lazy and probably are fine dating the fatties around them.
          Most american men are rich by world standards, as long as they hold a job even a regular job, there money will go far in foreig lands. I think your angry that an average man in america can get a hot wife in a foreign nation.
          your anchor babies argument was ridiculous, no one is going to pakistan to find girls.

        9. It does make sense. All America culture is to go around the world and steal other cultures, Katy Perry even dresses up like a geisha.
          It is true that American action films are the top selling films world wide, but don’t be mistaken into thinking the whole world wants to live like American women. There are alot of people with ancient cultures and pride in those cultures, they are not all running head over heal to act like you all. These are people with real values and I can understand why its difficult for you to understand that.
          It is true there are Russian gold diggers but that has nothing to do with western culture, it has to do with Russia being an unstable country and Russian women recognizing their best bet of getting out of a bad situation is to marry a man with decent financial resources. Lots of Russian men don’t work and sit around and drink bear all day, much more so than is prevalent in the usa. Throw on all the wars and russia also has a shortage of men. The demographics in russia favour men over women, so an employed american man can get a better women in russian than america.
          The point of the matter is, if your an american man with a college degree or even associates degree and your making decent money, enough that you can travel to europe or asia or latin america and if you make some effort into improving yourself, the quality of woman you can achieve outside the united states is far higher than what you can get in it. I don’t see why that should be a problem because American woman don’t want these men anyways because if they did, website like this wouldn’t exist.
          Look at the site creator Roosh V, he is middle eastern, average looking guy, he is not a millionaire nor is he rich. And you claimed only rich white men could do well overseas. It seems like you just want to stop average men who could have a good time overseas from doing so. Why? Why do you even care what average american men do or underachieving american men as you call it do?

        10. All the time, very common to see good looking tall men with fat ugly women. Even in the media ( Pearce Brosnan, Hugh Jackman, Denzel Washinton). but you hardly see it the other way around unless the guy is loaded like Hugh Hefner…but you know he is rich and has fame so it makes up for his looks, but what about the fat ugly wives of these famous actors…perhaps , unlike women, they are not superficial…and yet hot women will for these guys.

        11. “women care ALOT about looks and are ultra superficial”
          I am not denying that women care about their looks, most do, as well as most men care about their own looks. Do we blame women for being “superficial” when we create them to be so? We sit here with our vision of women not only reflected but enforced by the media, we sexualize women daily, we make them objects. Can you shame a child for swearing if he is surrounded by negative influences? No. How do you teach a person that beauty and perfection are necessary to get anywhere in the world, and then expect them to overcome the high walls that you built around them? When they cannot overcome the challenge, or figure ways around it, they are shamed, there is no way to win in the eyes of men, women are sluts or prudes, 50/50, no way around it. You think that is fair?
          Honestly people, you see a handsome man with a “fat” woman because she is beautiful, in his eyes, but society cannot see through the haze of hatred that permeates the air. The qualities people possess outshine any physical appearance, and it is rude and disrespectful to insult someone flaws, think about your worst flaw, do you want someone attacking it? Ripping it open for you to bleed out happiness, and filling your body instead with sorrow.
          Everyone has their own flaws, some flaws are just more visible than others.

        12. Yet women say stuff like ” you go girl” when they see a fat women with a good looking man.
          I’m just pointing out a double standard that can be eliminated if men stepped up and put women in their place. It will only even things out.

        13. As a military brat, I grew up overseas all my life before coming to back to the usa. I realized I never really had a sense of one single culture. I had to learn 8 languages, and learned to assimilate to whatever culture in which I was living. My life wasnt restricted to the bases. I’ve been told that I don’t “act black” I “act white” or even asian. Sure I lived in Korea for a long time, but I’m not korean. different cultures make different women. women in the usa can be just as good as the ones from italy, or korea, or brazil. I’m technically an american citizen yet I act like a foreign woman (according to other people). Being a black female, in the usa, we are the ones considered the least attractive race of females (statistically speaking), highly independent and quite the opposite of docile (stereotypically). Yet I wasnt raised that way. I’m engaged to a korean man and am living with him, so apparently men from other cultures want american women, so its fine if you would prefer a foreigner as well. But i do agree that people other than americans seem a bit better, I love all men, but especially the ones outside of the states. so if men find women overseas its fine, we’ll find men overseas as well.

        14. It is till the five year waiting period for citizenship is up, but that is fine because I get sick of them long before that. I’m on my fourth Russian bride. April 2015 she will dump me and I’ll go get another. Great bodies, will get waxed if you ask them, and are submissive till their time runs out. Perfect for me.

        15. Yeah, you are wrong. They are trying to escape countries where the work for $200 or less per month. They come here, give you whatever you want for five years, get their citizenship, and the divorce you. Works great. She gets a new life and I go get a newer model.

        16. I know lots of men who have Filipino wives that are loyal, cook, and clean. They aren’t all crazy and full of fake hormones from taking birth control pills since age 12, and you don’t have to worry about them suddenly dying from a heart attack, blood clot, or stroke overnight due to whatever pills they’re on. These women are more beautiful than even the best American women, and they don’t even try. They don’t even have to put on make-up, or brush their hair. They can go out in sweats and a t-shirt and look more stunning than you or your girlfriends would if you spent hours putting on make-up, straightening your hair, and dressing in tight skimpy clothes. My stepmother is one of those women, and I take it personally when I hear you jealous Western women calling them “mail order brides” and such. For your information, there are a lot of classy, sophisticated American men with thousands of dollars in their pockets. These men tend to be nice, hard-working, and family oriented. When they can’t find a decent woman around here, they buy a plane ticket, and travel. Some even meet these women when they’re not even looking for love, just wanting to see the world. These are the kind of alpha men you and your friends dream of marrying, and having a family with. But you will never get to. You American women poisoned your bodies with birth control pills so you could lead promiscuous lives, killed your unborn children, had half retarded children because of all the poison you put in your body, and us tax paying men paid for it all. Also, most of these “mail order brides” are more educated than you and most other Americans, they tend to land jobs as nurses, teachers, doctors, etc. Out of the dozen or so I know, I only know one who doesn’t have a college degree and extremely high paying job, and that’s because she’s just lazy and doesn’t want to work. They’re also not submissive, that’s something you Western women make up so you can deem them inferior in order to rationalize your own flaws and shortcomings. Again, I say, you and your Ameriskank friends will never get an upper-middle class man because they can get better than you. So settle for the bottom of the barrel thugs and drug dealers, because even middle-class men are choosing to opt out now. When it takes a lifetime to pay off a house, you can’t really afford to lose it because some whore got bored, and chose to screw the mailman.

        17. Are you dyslexic ?
          He was saying women are superficial about the way the men they want to DATE look.

        18. I like how so many American women think that a submissive, genuinely feminine woman who is virtuous, loving, sweet and gentle, and wants to be a homemaker and mother, for example, are something less than narcissistic feminist bitches with careers, and how love amounts to stroking our egos as if men were as shallow as American women, as if we were as incapable of love as they, wouldn’t cherish and protect such a treasure.
          This is just the kind of attitude that we men have had enough of out of cowardly, Ameican women who hide behind their vaginas. I’ve come to blows with men for less than that. That’s how fucked up and vicious American women are. They blather the most insulting filth, as casually as dog licks it genitals, incessantly attacking the natural inclinations of masculinity.
          I want a women in my bed, a kitten, a feminine woman. I’m sick of these barracudas. I’m a man, for crying out loud! What the fuck is wrong with American women? Man up! Only insecure men want that kind of woman. Translation: she won’t do a fucking for you if it smacks domestic. Oppression.
          This attitude!
          The ultimate point of a women’s cunt is her womb. I can get face down, butt up and get the hell out at the drop of a hat. I got money, looks and the build. American women are a dime dozen, cheap tricks that don’t even want children anymore, and I’m not taking any dried up whore for wife. American women think the thing to do is slut it up in this disgusting hook up culture and then get married. Fuck that. These bitches can’t bond or remain faithful after that. They’re used up baggage. Emotinally fucked up, their hearts and sexuality strewn all over the place. Is she fucking me or some fantasy in her trian of cocks.
          I’m the kind a man that’s his whole heart to his woman. I deserve a woman who gives her whole heart back.
          Women are stupid. They have no idea what they’re doing to themselves. There IS a difference between men and women in that regard. Generally, men can more readily separate their emotions from sex, not most women. It fucks them up.
          What I can’t get is love and give love with American hyenas, which is the only thing I’ve ever wanted as life is too short to waste on meaningless sex. There’s a switch for you.
          A genuinely loving woman is priceless! Clearly, the only place one can be found anywhere in American anymore are in churches, Christian women.
          But then I’m not a Christian. Maybe I should convert as anything less would be unfair to her. And since I’m not an American woman, but a man, I wouldn’t do that to another heart, i.e., pretend to be something I’m not and use her into a marriage under false pretenses, most especially a sweetling like that.
          I got all these bitches sniffing around, I can’t bring myself to touch them anymore. I’m actually ashamed of myself that I once did, especially ashamed of lowering myself to their standards in order to make an emotional connection. Right. Like that could ever work. Oh, well, I was only 22 at that time. Live and learn. American women are succubi, a drain on a man’s resources and time; they’re fucking exhausting and unfaithful monkeys, always on the look out for another branch to latch onto when they get bored no matter well you sling it, and I can.
          But their always thinking about greener pastures once they’ve been turned for casual sex, got that mindset fucked into them.
          Once casually sexualized the pretty women, especially, are fucking cheats in America, easily bored and emotioally shallow. Is it all women or just Ameican women?
          Fuck. I had one bitch revenge cheat on me, when I never cheated on her in the frist place. Hell, I don’t cheat. If it ain’t working, I’ll end it. I’m not going drag another’s heart into another bed withour her knowledge. Her fucking friend wanted her to hook up with “this great guy” because I didn’t reward fucked up behavior. In short, he had money but was a mangina.
          Then flaunts it in my face. Pay back! Only she made mistake of revealing it while girlfriend there. Naturally, I had it out of her in short order that was lying.
          “Oh, Michael, I’m so sorry. I still love you.”
          Bitch, pack your shit.
          Revenge cheating?
          I swear to God, American women are sexual sociopaths.
          I want a virgin who’s saving it for marriage becasue she’s saving it out of her love and respect for her man, her mate. I don’t want another man’s leavings for a wife anyway. Why the hell would I want a serially jizzed, gangbanged mouth in my marriage bed like I was a cuckold sissy faggot?
          These whorish American women cheat as much as men and are projected to be the biggest cheaters in 5 to 10 years! That’s historically unprecedented.
          That’s how women treat men today, handing out bjs like handshakes and then at thirty or so, jaded, emotionally dried up fish, give their husands, who should be their first and only, the most important man in the world to them, indeed, the most important person in the world to them, their sloopy, God knows how many, worn out vaginas.
          Only manginas with no ego at all worth talking about (pussy whipped, white knights who have no respect for the dignity of their own masculinity) take barracudas for anything more than, once again, face down, butt up and get the hell out.
          Actually, I’m done with mouthy, trailer trash skanks, but I did have a blast with one about a month ago. For my own protection against American whores as that is how bad things have gotten, my living room is monitored by a cam at the flip of a switch, dated and time stamped. I told her to get sexy naked for me while I got the drinks, then told her to get dressed and get her slut ass out after she did. I told her I was just shit testing her. I told her I was shocked that she actually did it for me.
          “Really? You’re as useless as that, that low of a human being, a cum rag at the drop of a hat?”
          And the tears?
          And why was I so cruel. I picked her up at own bachelorette party, the bride to be. I couldn’t resist it. I had to know just how far she would really go past the kiss she gave after me handing me her panties. I later found out it’s all about some dare game.
          Fucking American women. Utterly worthless.
          That’s how easy and boring American women are.
          I considered sending a copy of the video to her groom. Even went so far as to get the pertinent info from the club at which her slut party was held. But then decided, what the hell, if this mangina is pussy enough to take a bride who would attend such a party in the first place, maybe he deserved what he got , , , well, maybe. The bitch probably lied to him about the nature of the party or told him nothing about it all. But how does a man not know that he asked a whore to marry him?
          But why should I bring THAT drama into my life?

        19. “The irony is that anyone who has travelled or knows aything about the manosphere knows very few people advocate importing a wife for citizenship. Because she will be corrupted by american culture, so its just not worth it.”
          Bingo! That’s the essence of the problem. I’ve researched this and spoken to several men who went this route. The number of favorable outcomes weren’t encouraging, but I suspect the real problem goes to the time that one can invest in getting to really know the girl/women while abroad. Look. Either the woman is solid or she’s not in terms of her character. That takes time to determine. If she knows you’re there to shop she can be whatever she thinks you want her to be for a short period of time only for you to discover what she really is when you get her home.
          Nah. The risks are too great. The only way I see that working is for an American man who is working abroad on an extended basis who doesn’t have to be on the make, as it were, for anything else but career as he learns of the women that he meets.

        20. The only way importing a wife could work, is if you live in a place like toronto, vancouver (or the surrounding suburbs of either) where there are literally so many signs in chinese in Richmond, BC. that it is becoming a political issue.
          Ie. would work well with an Asian wife as she would not feel alienated from home. If you can live in a major metro or suburb that has a huge diaspora of whatever your wife culture is then it might work. Because she won’t feel completely alone and isolated and can still feel connected to home and not become westernized.
          For instance, the Markham suburb of Toronto, is so heavily asianized that importing an asian wife would work well there are half the signs are in chinese and they celebrate lunar new year etc. The problems come when you import your chinese wife to nebraska or small town michigan or louisana where she has no one to socialize with. That is when they start acting up.

        21. another feminist. Do you see me going on feminist sites and ranting? Hopp Off you white trash feminist whore. We’re on different spectrums of reality here in the dating world. As a woman you’ll never see the male perspective as it really is and what most men deal with regularly. To get anywhere today with any women you have to treat them like little skanky/flaky little dog sluts that they are and as much respect as I used to have for them and treated them with respect, I got nowhere. Women’s behaviour today in the Western countries deserves the “dog” treatment and zero validation/treatment given. That’s the ugly reality that gets results. Don’t get me wrong but my 6/2′ chivalry gentleman approach and respectful care with genuine affection never worked once for me until I became a sociopath who mistreats these little skanky whores. This makes me really sad for most females out there and the world in general.

        22. (Replying as anonymous because RoK banned me for this thread =/.)
          Actually no, I’m not a feminist. In fact, I run a fairly popular ANTI-FEMINIST blog and am decidedly egalitarian in the truest sense of the word.
          At any rate, the anger in your comments is palatable though unnecessary. Reread everything I (urbanrocker) wrote and tell me exactly what you disagree with. The only thing I took issue with was the common misconception that “Eastern Women” were somehow the Holy Grail of the female sex.

        23. You can’t say it often enough. Once you go foreign you never go back. Dating an American woman is like pulling tooth compared to dating foreign women, which seems like getting a manicure. I am serious.
          My gf is a foreign woman and no stress. I will be marrying her in March 2016.

        24. Honey, you don’t like it because you’re in the category of dateless, desperate and worthless to us…carry on.

        25. Fellow carbon life form, Im from india …and i just want to tell you that 99.99% of indian women hate indian men …Yes most of the indian girls think that all mens in foreign countries are superior to indian mens in terms of sexual preformance… Hence if any men from other country wants to date indian girl it will only take him to say the word “Hi” …and the girl will be all over him….

        26. but foreign women ARE better and MORE feminist. Only girls to fucking PAY for dates and put me in the position of the woman you stupid bitch. Also WAY smarter

      2. I just ask them if they wanna fuck. I usually get dirty looks or an occasional attempted slap but it works sometimes.

      3. What part of occupied Palestine (now known as “israel”) is your tribe from ?

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow RoK readers. Have a wonderful, joyous, safe and fun holiday. To all feminists, cunty bitches, manginas – hope you all get in deadly car crashes this holiday season. And fuck you and the horses you rode in on as well.

  9. I agree with “assuming the sale” and being bold and clear about wanting sex. Give them a a little time to warm to your charm first but no need to hide “that gleam in a man’s eye.” She went out with a man, didn’t she?
    A couple of my great relationships started with my aggressive moves on first date, seriously rebuffed. But both girls gladly welcomed a second date, even with my pro forma gentlemanly apologies, and were clear on their eagerness to get it on at the re-match.
    My typical first date involves a good dose of social alcohol, some kino, then a bold, quick sexual move in public – a deliberate breast fondle or an upper thigh grab. The women are usually delighted by the attention and get the message that they’re wanted as women.
    A side issue discussed here in the comments is amateurs vs. professionals. My experience with pros is limited but I find that nothing beats a lover who serious craves your dick and sperm out of her own physical self-interest. There are usually other issues and costs with amateurs, of course, that reduce to just cash vs time vs risk for the pros.
    Personally, I don’t bother with a value judgment of good girl vs slut. If she’s showing me a good time, is clean and healthy, and publicly presentable, I happy she is sharing herself intimately with me.

  10. You say “act as if every girl is a slut” but that dodges the issue a bit.
    The fact is, every girl IS a slut. Or to put it more precisely, the “average” girl, in western society, is a slut. Let’s say, 90% of them.
    Not just a slut, but a hateful slut.
    The average western girl is a hateful slut because she’s been raised and trained with a philosophy of Modern Feminism, which is a twisted, evil (yes, I mean, evil) philosophy invented about 50 years ago, by twisted, evil, hateful, slutty, neurotic, rage-filled Modern Feminists.
    Modern Feminism teaches girls to believe in self-destrucitve hate-filled lies, and to live their lives on a set of self-destructive hate-filled lies. When you are raised on self-destructive lies, you cannot help but put those lies into action every day, and inevitably your life twists and distorts in awful ways. Thus we see women starving themselves, mutilating themselves, degrading themselves sexually (in rather repellent ways) and every other type of self-degradation.
    Eventually society will have to rip Feminism hatred out, like a cancer. After WW2 the allies had to engage in a long process of De-Nazification, in which they slowly and painfully removed the Nazi brainwashing that had infected the German public. The North Koreans are still living in a horror of a twisted, evil type of Communist self-hating lying brainwashing, which has relentlessly destroyed their society. In the same way, western society eventually will have to face the need to rip Feminist hatred and lies our of our culture (or our culture collapses and is conquered by the Muslims, who will then proceed to rip out Feminism for us).
    Hateful lies are not uncommon. Societies are often full of them. But when hateful lies are as self-destructive as Feminism, the end results are especially bad.

    1. Totally agree about feminism as a self-destructive ideology,
      Note that the process of de-communist-ification is in East German is still going on.

    2. The state of national and international affairs (domestically, run by transnationals; internationally, a tool of Israel) can be traced directly back to feminism. Our national decline began in the 1970s, accelerated in the 1980s, and took full stride in the 1990s. What else was happening then? Feminism became intrenched in our culture along with its ally, political correctness. When I was a kid, it was a laughable conversation-stopper to say something like, “you might as well give the country back to the Indians!” Now, such sentiments are actually being discussed, seriously. For the past 40 years or so, American boys have had their balls figuratively cut off and handed to girls. Now, men (betas) are thinking and acting like women, while women (feminists) are trying to think and act like men. You can see this by the recent (past 15 years or so) increasing trend of sluts wearing fedoras and fake mustaches at parties. It’s stomach-turning.

      1. The state of international affairs–a tool of Israel–can be traced directly back to feminism? Do you have any information to support such claims? How exactly is Israel tied into propagating feminism internationally?
        Maybe you never heard anyone saying that we should give the U.S. back to the Indians when you were a kid, but such a sentiment is not new.
        Wendell Phillips in 1869: “All hail and farewell to the Pacific Railroad. The
        telegraph tells us that the Indians have begun to tear up the rails, to
        shoot passengers and conductors on this road. We see great good in this.
        At last the poor victim has found the vulnerable spot in his tyrant. . . . For
        seventy years and more the Indian has begged this great nation to
        attend to his wrongs. His cries have been unheard. Ruthless and
        unheeding we have trampled him down. To-day the worm turns and stings
        us. . . .”

        1. Allowing ourselves as a nation to become feminized to the point where we have become a tool of Israel is a result of feminism in the US. It has nothing to do with whether Israel propagates feminism. Get it?

      2. Wow. just wow. Is the internet unaware of the fact that Israel is one of the most chauvinist countries in the world? Just because their women don’t wear burkas doesn’t mean that they aren’t considered subservient to men in every way. For instance, in some sects of orthodoxy, couples are forced to have sex with a sheet between them lest the woman’s “slutiness” “corrupt” the man’s “virtue”. If anything Israel should be one of the countries that the escapist “third world women are far superior” guy above you should be saying is awesome. After all, women there are only considered second-class baby-makers, want to escape to the West, and are subservient in every way to men lest they get thrown out of society.
        Also, gotta point something else out. There are just as many man-whores wearing fake mustaches and fedoras at parties. If you knew anything about anything, you’d also know that the fedora was originally a woman’s hat. It was only coopted by men relatively recently. So who is stealing gender identity from whom?

        1. Have fun reveling in your ignorance, I’m sure it’ll get you laid by so many interesting, intelligent women! Kisses!

        2. My point is that the fedora is just a hat, also that you should fact check before the internet tears your point of view apart. Women are just women and men are just men. People are egocentric. We’re going to want to think that their gender is better than the other because we are small, insignificant nobodies in the great scheme of things. Women and men trying to win the battle of the sexes is nothing new, and you’re incredibly narcissistic if you think that our generation has it worse of than any other. Note that I’m saying that both groups are equally at fault: feminists and men’s rights advocates. We’re also suckers for nostalgia. Even if the world was probably just as unequal fifty years ago as it is now, we’re going to automatically think that its better because the people tend to only chose to remember the good things that happened to them. We all suck equally, regardless of our gender and anyone that tries to say that they are the ones being wronged are doing so because they are socially incapable of interacting with someone of the opposite sex.

        3. Wow, that is utterly fukktarded. Never heard of Golda Meir, did you? She RAN Israel 45 years ago. Now clean up the dribble and stop posting drivel.

    3. The sad thing about all this is, it wasn’t necessary for feminism to take this ugly turn. The early feminists were doing a perfectly fine job of equalizing women’s participation in the workforce, etc, but still maintaining their traditional power as moral guardians, family builders, and child raisers. Then the radicals took over in the 60s, and changed it to a movement run by lesbians and neurotic losers.

      1. You are misinformed. Feminism has been destructive for at least a century – probably for the entirety of its existence. Treating two things as equal only makes sense when they are in fact the same. Feminism is the doctrinal delusion that men and women are identical.

        1. Exactly, feminism (1st, 2nd, 3rd waves) has always being wrong. Read what 1st waves feminists like Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902), Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) and Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) were saying about “equality”… they were talking about women-run societies and parthenogenesis, and in their private letters they were saying that when women would’ve achieved “economic equality” with men, they would’ve become “dictators in the social realm”. They also frequently talked about the “superiority of the female sex”. If they wanted “equality”, they would’v called their ideology “equalism”, not “feminism”.
          So there’s no “modern feminism gone wrong”. In reality, 2nd wave feminism was “softer” than 1st wave feminism. The real radicals were the 1st wave feminists, the 2nd wavers just learned from them.

        2. It depends on the type of equality being considered. There is the notion of legal equality and individual rights in the enlightenment/classical liberal sense–an understanding of negative liberty which does not mandate that all identifiable groups in society be identical. Than there is the cultural marxist notion of state mandated equality of outcome. Most feminists subscribe to the latter.

        3. The manosphere is equally self-destructive by promoting conduct that runs counter to the tenets of the Bible.

        4. There are some suggestions that it all started with George IV – an unpopular King – and the celebration of his dirty and slutty betrothed. She was cheered on because of anger against the King, but it wound up setting a bad example for women in general – leading to the Tender Years doctrine, increasing divorce rates, and eventually women’s suffrage.
          Though we can’t ignore the French Revolution’s push for universal male franchise, either.
          People of Walmart… they vote. :/

        5. No, early so-called feminists did not, in fact tout the nonsense that men and women are completely equal. Early feminists, say, suffragettes, beleived that there were indeed certain rights and privileges denied to women on the basis that women were not merely unequal, but INFERIOR and that it wasn’t okay. A woman couldn’t get her tubes tied without her husband’s consent a half century or so ago, and before the passage of the 19th amendment women couldn’t vote. How the hell is that fair?
          Early feminists merely believed that women were not property and that the culture of shuffling women from their father’s house to that of their husbands’ was intolerable. Laws of primogeniture and the like were completely ridiculous.
          Upon his death, a man couldn’t leave property to his wife and daughters not too long ago. Many men would certainly have favored the feminists ideals that women weren’t stupid ninnies unable to manage anything as opposed to seeing their life’s work, wealth and property left to the nearest male relative, who just might have been a distant cousin or nephew they neither knew nor liked.
          No, women and men are not equal, hell, biology made sure of that before man grew into this level of consciousness but that doesn’t change the fact that feminism DID have its place and purpose but how bastardized it has become now is good for no one.

        6. No, just for the weak and resentful, pace Nietzsche.
          As for the response to Femnism, men are simply going on strike, increasingly rejecting marriage, and discarding the conventions of the Gentlemen. A sad but necessary defense.

        7. They shouldn’t have the vote and they shouldn’t have the right to own property if they have a living father, brother, husband, or son. The males in the family should have legal title to all of her property

      2. Why is equalising female workforce participation a good thing? The early feminists (ie. from the Progressive era of a century ago) were mostly opposed to female workforce participation anyway (it was the second-wavers of the 1960s who started that crap, because they saw the fun-looking corner-office jobs in skyscrapers with lots of alpha males on tap and figured they wanted a slice of it).

        1. If women are working, you can do less shit. I like the idea of a woman working. They need to stop mooching on the “patriarchy” and just fucking feed themselves. Female participation is good because it means less mooching and less entitlement.

        2. I do too. Today there is no excuse for a woman to be broke and reliant on her male friends and/or family. She can go out and work like everyone else. I think some are opposed to (any) female presence in the work force because less need to mooch means less need to be excessively submissive and grin and bear whatever gets thrown at her because she’s financially dependent on a male.

        3. I enjoy Karen’s videos very much to a degree however, I don’t see how it explains the outright rage some men show towards working women. Ex: working women are what caused the decline of society, and other rhetoric they spew. I genuinely do not believe this is where much of the anger stems from. It has very little to do with having “male safe spaces” as, despite feminists efforts, there are still fields traditionally populated by men (oil rigs, mines, construction, armed forces, etc) as I believe they *should* be.
          Since I was a teenager I’ve been uncomfortable accepting money or even gifts from men. Not because of some staunch feminist ideology, but simply because the first and last man who’s RESPONSIBILITY it *was* to take care of me was my father. A guy doesn’t need to spend his hard earned cash trying to court me or even date me. Times are tough enough.
          I will not live with OR off a man. I will not take his money, for ANY reason, I won’t even borrow small sums to cover immediate bills because they are MY responsibility. In the past this has made some men angry. For this, I am a bitch, not feminine enough, I’m too independent which makes me masculine and unattractive, I’ll die alone, etc..I’ve been told and called all sorts of things. The bottom line is, I am less easy to control or manipulate.
          If I am with someone I am with them for THEM, not material things because they aren’t providing any. As a result of this, my boyfriend is not going to knock me into a wall for “talking back” while I’m forced to sit there because I can’t afford to leave. A guy is not about to be a fat lazy slob who sits on the couch summoning me for blowjobs and providing zero intellectual stimulation in between while I merely have to accept this as the norm because he “pays the bills”.

        4. They should work, but their pay should be under the control of the nearest male relative.

      3. Why should women have to maintain being ‘family builders’ or ‘child raisers’?
        I’m honestly curious

        1. why should having children limit their lives to being ‘family builders’ or ‘child raisers’
          why cant men do those things

        2. Because men do everything else worthwhile in life.Nature ordained that females do the jobs that required little thinking and brains, like babysitting kids. Putting them into competition with men only causes disruption and problems because every interaction between females and men is a sexual one.Men and females have nothing in common except reproduction (sex)

        3. how is it that men do everything worthwhile
          nature didnt ordain females to do anything, thats societal influence – if it was nature every group of humans and every species of animals would leave it to females and that isnt how it is.
          also i dont know how exactly you think caring for kids works, but its actually considered one of the most difficult things.

        4. lol. Fighting a war is difficult. Roofing in extreme heat is difficult. Building the space shuttle was difficult. Caring for young children is very, very important… but it’s not difficult, especially when the guys doing the aforementioned difficult jobs are paying for you.
          Here, a woman wrote this; maybe it will dislodge the idiotic feminist trope that has been incessantly drilled into your brain over the years:

        5. except women fight in wars, do roofing, and work for nasa so youre really not proving much of a point here
          also not being a misogynist pig doesnt make me a feminist

        6. in what world do you live in that they dont
          my father owned an extremely successful construction buisiness and had two women that worked for him -doing roofing, framing, siding, and everything else that the men did- from the day he started it until the day he died
          i know atleast 3 female war veterans have commented on these articles, and my brother fought in afganistan and told me about women that were on the front lines with him, and told me how strong they are.
          as of 2011 there were 24 women working for nasa just as astronauts, more as ‘behind the scenes’ work -they had only been allowed into the field in the ’70s

        7. You have NOT read the link I provided. You want statistics? Read it, and realize just how much you and every other woman alive depends on men.
          Problem is, you don’t want statistics. You want to be validated for your idiocy, and you would be almost everywhere else but here.
          In other words, you’re lying – to yourself and us – when claiming “honest curiosity”.
          Find someone else to be your ego’s soundboard. Stop wasting our time.

        8. and every man alive depends on women as well.
          a link titled ‘judgybitch’ is not worth reading. i dont bother with useless ‘resources’.
          i just gave you flat out unbiased statistics, inventions by women, and yet you continue with misogyny.
          how am i lying, exactly
          i dont have an ego, you seem confused. i never claimed to be better than anyone else here, youre the ones claiming women cannot think and are stupid and weak. im not keeping you here. if having your own misogyny torn down is wasting your time then log off. go into the real world, where you wouldnt actually have the nerve to act like you do on here

        9. Seems like Master’s Girl (and most women for that matter) want acknowledgement for any participation they can have, no matter how miniscule or insignificant. If the female presence is only 1%, then dammit, women contributed on the same level as men did. It’s like saying the kicker of the football team contributed with his 4 PATs, even though the final score was 28 to 10.

        10. You can say that with a straight face? Then you don’t know what the real world is like.It doesn’t take any brains to care for kids, you watch them and feed them(with a man’s or Uncle Sam’s money) There are retarded females who take care of kids.Try being a retard in the real world where you have to earn money, you couldn’t even work at MickyD’s.

        11. yes, all money in the world comes from a man or from the government. all money ever. women cannot earn any of their own money
          when was the last time you actually cared for children
          and yes, ableist slurrs make your point very well.

        12. Like most females you don’t know or understand what a generalisation is.Females exist in a protected environment created by men. Sure, under dire conditions like WWII where everyone was needed some Russian females did do some soldiers jobs;perhaps even a 200lb burley dyke may do roofing;and a female may be able to fly a shuttle built and designed by men but these are the exceptions.
          And btw, that shuttle with Christa MaCauliff blew up

        13. how is it a ‘protected environment’
          if it was under dire conditions why are there about 200,000 female active duty military members right now, plus 69 active duty female generals/admirals. right now. in america. where the war is ending.
          thats actually not how women who work in construction look at all. i could do construction on my house if it was needed when i was 15 and 100 pounds, and i did a damn good job because it still holds up.
          except women design and built shuttles too
          just because one shuttle blew up doesnt actually mean anything. shuttles men were flying blew up as well. lots of them

        14. You’re misinformed. Men invent things worthwhile and of use, are stronger , faster and have the ability to think logically rather than with emotions for creating solutions and being creative and intelligent …because sperm is worth less than an egg so a man makes up for it + woman want a man better than them..every women your ancestors and everyone’s ancestors have selected foe men better than them…hence why you are here wondering why men are better than women, but now you know why.
          See a woman , by evolution does not need to do all that, and if she does, it only make her more of a man, and hence lowers her value as a female.
          A woman’s job it to nuture young, produce young using half the DNA of the most alpha man she can get and give him sex and support, and in return he protects and provides and maintain her attractive ness by staying slim and keeping her hair long.
          This is a very easy job for any woman..too easy infact.
          This is why women are 10 times more superficial than man, because their own biology makes them only select from the top 10%-20% of men while men fuck 80% of women( because we are just not that selective, our biology determines that we spread our seed far and wide).
          Now here is how it is related to sluttiness from women. See slutty women have higher standards than normal women, they literally select from the top 10% of men to have sex with. They do not bang any males lesser than that. This in turn will lead to very unhappy women one they hit the wall because their expectation will still be very high…and then slutty women wonder why this woman who is married has a slightly unattractive man or why she can’t find a good man.

        15. NO they do not, women have been siphoned out of frontline roles which can get them killed and are forced into support roles. Women do not do roofer…I have already looked for a female will not find one unless she is a transgender trying to be a man.

        16. And guess what those women were the exception to the rule. Most women, if they have the choice, would not do that whereas men literally have passion for doing those roles.
          if you have 1% of women doing the same jobs as men, it does not mean women contributed on the same level as men since very few women made the choice to.

        17. You neglected to mention the females in the first Gulf War. Many got pregnant just to get out of fighting and then when they were homefree had abortions.
          The service is like a form of welfare for loser females (and some men) where they get 3 hots and a cot, spending money, healthcare, school money when they get out etc It’s better than being a Walmart Greeter.
          No female soldiers were killed in WWII, Korea or Vietnam. A few nurses who were in the wrong place at the wrong time were killed.15 females were killed in the Gulf War , 88 in Iraq out of 5k US soldiers dead.
          And btw, that female that they made a big hero of never fired a shot and was hiding under a vehicle.Of course, you start shooting and people will fire back lol

        18. at what point did i ever say men cant invent things worthwhile
          men are not as a gender, stronger, faster, or better.
          i dont think you actually know how nature works. if its a womans job by nature then why do so many species and societies show men being the one to rear the children. if a womans natural duty is to have children, why are there infertile women
          saying its a womans job to stay thin and have long hair is ridiculous.
          there is nothing saying men are ‘programmed to spread their seed far and wide’.

        19. I was a babysitter for three kids for my relatives when they went of leave for 5 weeks. apart from sleepless night, taking care of three kids, cleaning the house making food and still hitting the gym and inviting friends over to the house…trust me, not that hard.two of the kids were even teething..still managed to get it to eat and I was 18 at the time…not that hard. Why do you think there are so many stay at home dads nowadays…because women are earning good cash and dads know it is easy to take care of kids. Hell I found it easy.
          Also do an experiment, go out and look for a job in a male dominated field…there will be no obstacles to getting it except for working hard which is what all males go through anyways.
          Woman can easily earn their own money…but as most clever know, why earn my own money when I can just be attractive and get it from a man or a sugar daddy.
          Also remember, women can vote…and they voted for that very government that gives women more monetary benefits.

        20. Looks like we have a Boobette here. Go talk to the fat mangina freak, kid.
          And I never said that females weren’t capable of many things but on the whole a man is simply going to be better for a number of reasons which you would be too stupid to understand.

        21. because i wasnt speaking about former soldiers. hence the words ‘active duty’
          i dont think you understand what welfare is or does

        22. taking care of other peoples kids for a month =/= raising kids
          i actually have been trying to get into a male dominated field since a graduated high school with honors when i was 16. about 75 percent of people in the field or in the schools are men. i applied for the school and got told ‘get an associates degree first’ though it wasnt mentioned in their prereq. then i got told to have a years internship first – the wont count the 1.5 years i spent in the field because it was ‘paid’-. finished my internship and got told ‘now go complete these classes’. yet the year i applied they let in the two -male- twins who i worked with -for only 9 months since they werent there as long as me- and graduated with. hmmmm

        23. I was referring to societies of bigger nations like USA/UK/Aus/India/china/Russia/Europe.. which societies were you referring to?
          All I ma saying is truth, a woman with short hair is far far more unattractive unless they already had ultra feminine features, in which case they could just be even more attractive by keeping their hair long. IT is almost as bad as a woman getting fat, which most western women do too much of.
          Men are more looser in their standards with women and want to fuck , it is the male need to have sex that allowed civilization to thrive today…they too the initiative to approach women and try and bed them.

        24. its true for many societies in asia, africa, and native american tribes.
          just because you arent attracted to bigger women or women with short hair does not make them all around unattractive. thats like saying because im not attracted to white men theyre all around unattractive
          not all men have loose standards or want to fuck. men dont -need- sex, and sex isnt needed for society to thrive. science is thriving and body fluids are portable, you know

        25. giving facts that derail your argument is ignorant and whiney
          man, i cant keep up with what you kids these days are doing with definitions of words

        26. Perhaps they were smarter and more talented…I know of male co-workers who get shafted because the company wanted to hire younger or more talented people over experience.
          I never said male fields are easy.
          The only solution is to work harder.

        27. they werent smarter, they both graduated a year late from c track classes -essentially the easiest classes you can have. i graduated 2 years early from honors/ap-which is the highest level and usually taught at a college level.
          the school said you needed atleast a years internship, which neither of those boys had.

        28. We can count those on our fingers. And only in science fiction (e.g. the Halo series) does a woman make the kind of sacrifices that men do in battle. Women aren’t even on the frontlines, for God’s sake.

        29. Men do NOT do EVERYTHING worthwhile. These guys above are talking about things done outside the house. What women do is definitely worthwhile.
          Agreed, caring for kids is not easy. But you could try doing men’s jobs and then compare the results. Which one’s longer, harder and more unpleasant? Which makes you more grimy, sweaty and weary? Running after children makes you sweaty, but not grimy, and at least it’s fun.

        30. Men do NOT do EVERYTHING worthwhile. These guys above are talking about things done outside the house. What women do is definitely worthwhile.
          Agreed, caring for kids is not easy. But you could try doing men’s jobs and then compare the results. Which one’s longer, harder and more unpleasant? Which makes you more grimy, sweaty and weary? Running after children makes you sweaty, but not grimy, and at least it’s fun.

        31. Why can’t women take over all our jobs and do them better than we do, according to the grrlpower and feminist slogans? They seem really afraid to actually take on the work even after screaming, ‘Boys are stupid!’ Or ‘Women can do everything a man can, and a lot more!’ Proof: Zero.

        32. Why can’t women take over all our jobs and do them better than we do, according to the grrlpower and feminist slogans? They seem really afraid to actually take on the work even after screaming, ‘Boys are stupid!’ Or ‘Women can do everything a man can, and a lot more!’ Proof: Zero.

        33. If you think running after children is fun why dont you do it. because most women i know think kids suck, someone who thinks its fun might as well do it
          but child rearing isnt just running after children -its incredibly painful pregnancy -which squishes and rearranges internal organs-, birthing -which is said to be on the same tier of pain as being burned alive-, its breast feeding, its figuring out the little bastards cries
          women have been trying for many, many years to get into male dominated fields -but theyre held back by those same men. then men say ‘but women have all those clean easy jobs’ well yeah…beacause youre trying so hard to keep them out of any other jobs

        34. I’ve done it. I was – and am – the one running after my sister when my parents are off at work, so I do have some idea of dealing with kids.
          ‘Most women I know think kids suck’ – This is the reason why men should probably take over as caretakers. Thanks for admitting that most women can do NOTHING to build the world, not even bother with kids.
          And yes, I forgot to mention the pain of childbirth and menstruation – I don’t trivialize that. That has it’s significance and needs to be dealt with and understood, but saying ‘kids suck’ or childbirth and periods suck’ is not the solution. Breast feeding can be a problem too, no doubt, though you could always use a bottle.
          ‘figuring out the little bastards cries’ – well, my dad could figure out most of mine (eventually, when my mum was at a loss). And my sister’s. I’m sure if all of us tried hard enough, we’d know. If not, experiment.
          ‘women have been trying for many, many years to get into male dominated fields’ – yes, I know, because it looks nice and easy and there’s a fat paycheque. When it comes to working, plenty of women admit they can’t take the strain. Only those PEOPLE – men or women – who can take it should be in those positions. Men who have persisted to get to the top stay there, as do the women who are at the top. Makes sense? It’s not a free meal ticket, and it’s no privilege.
          ‘then men say ‘but women have all those clean easy jobs well yeah…beacause youre trying so hard to keep them out of any other jobs’ – Yes, you women do have (and choose) easy, clean, A/C-room jobs. Which is purely your choice. Receptionist, office cleaner, desk worker, and so on – a lot of women seem happy with them. This point has been beaten to death, but I’ll say it – only the men AND women who persist and fight their way to the top get there. Plenty fail or give up, and it’s their own choice. You may want to talk to women who actually fought their way to the top, or read their biographies. Sadly, women like you and Sheryl Sandberg seem to think that since there’s a ‘disproportionate number of men and women at the top’ (without looking at the big picture), women should automatically be picked up, caressed and told that they’ll do well no matter what their qualifications are, and placed in those office thrones as reverently as possible. Would you respect a man who cheated his way to the top? Or someone who uses nepotism and connections to get there? No.

        35. OK, Master’s girl. You are right. Women do just as much as men do and they have to do even more. For example, I appreciate that women have to give good blow jobs or they can’t keep a man.
          Go have some comfort food. You’ll feel better.

        36. Do you mind telling us your list of “majors” in college and what “Men’s job” you are trying to compete?
          Do you know that Colleges aren’t getting grants and funding for hard science topics like Chemistry. As there are no funds, colleges are cutting down their departments…
          Can you believe that topic like chemistry is not important? What’s next Physics? Mathematics? Biology?
          You know without advances of REAL Sciences you won’t get or discover important things that might help as we are pretty much crowding this little planet.
          and Guess what new topics are being studied? Mostly Women studies… because women find these hard science topics to be hard. BTW, Women studies or Pop psychology out there is not science at all…

        37. I don’t know of many men saying that their lives depend on women, directly or indirectly. Women seem perfectly happy to spit out drivel that they don’t need a man, however.
          ‘a link titled ‘judgybitch’ is not worth reading. i dont bother with useless “resources”.’ – Too afraid to have your opinions mashed? Good.
          ‘i just gave you flat out unbiased statistics, inventions by women, and yet you continue with misogyny.’ – Didn’t see a single percentage sign or the words ‘per cent’ in your comments.
          ‘and yet you continue with misogyny.’ = ‘Facts which counter what poor li’l wimmin FEEL is so nasty and misogynistic.’
          ‘ youre the ones claiming women cannot think and are stupid and weak’ – Where did the above commenter(s) say that? They pointed out there are FEWER women who fight and compete for high positions. Are those women ‘stupid and weak’ according to you? You seem to be spewing the misogyny here.

        38. You probably meant to reply to Chilangringo. I didn’t ask if you have sex, and I don’t wanna know.

        39. you literally just said men have to give good blow jobs too and thats kind of funny considering the rampant homophobia on this site.
          i dont know why you think people have issues keeping a man
          i feel great, thanks, no comfort food needed.

        40. women dont need a man, and men dont need a woman. relationships arent nessicary to life. my boyfriend could break up with me and id be sad but id live.
          however i literally do not understand how a man would be alive without a woman. thats kind of how biology works. no woman would be alive without a man either.
          no, but biased links do nothing whatsoever.
          statistics are not always percentages.
          except there were no facts
          things such as ‘females do the jobs that require little brains and thinking’

        41. Relationships aren’t necessary to life until you’re old, lonely and broken and looking for some companionship. If you or I end up that way … we oughta know better than to complain. And if you are sure you can live without one, no one can prevent that.
          ‘however i literally do not understand how a man would be alive without a woman. thats kind of how biology works. no woman would be alive without a man either.’ – Yes, I think that’s the point I was making in some of my comments.
          JudgyBitch’s links and articles contain all the statistics and percentages you were wanting to see.
          ‘things such as “females do the jobs that require little brains and thinking”‘ – I don’t know what you’re talking about. Plumbing, maybe? Or construction work?

        42. There are many things about being a man one cannot simply opt out of.
          My HR likes to hire waifish girls for labor positions…and then ask the men to help them with their job. No one is trying to keep them out, even when they should.
          By the way, if you think something will be hardest thing ever in your life, then it will be, and that holds true for anything.

        43. Watched the video. The guy concentrates mostly on male manual labor and fails to acknowledge that most upper and upper-middle class men ignore this all-important labor.

        44. “men don’t need sex”
          “sex isnt needed for society” are you fucking retarded
          big women = less attractive
          short hair = less attractive
          Marilyn Monroe was not an accident or a fluke
          chubby chasers are really fat acceptors in disguise

        45. It’s “easy” but repetitive drudgery, which is why most men shun it. They want to perform more interesting work. Changing diapers and wiping snot isn’t enough of a challenge for most guys. Which is why they don’t have much respect for those who are content to do so.

        46. Why don’t you post a photo of your dildo collection and your feminist lesbian girlfriend then? I am sure they look very cool sister.
          You guys shouldn’t be arguing about anything with this cunt.
          Women who do not understand the importance of their roles as mothers, wives and nurturers do not deserve respect from real men.

        47. You truly don’t know men do you. Us men are telling you what we find attractive, but the women decides she knows what men find attractive.
          Listen, long hair is one huge factor to a man’s attractiveness, slim and long hair can help out even ugly girls look good.Ask any guy on here, just because you don’t think it makes a difference because your a female, does not mean you know what men find attractive.

        48. And what line of work did you pick ? There are some stem fields where the work is tedious to the point where they will not hire based on mental intense and draining the job is.

        49. The point is, women are only saturating upper class jobs and not doing lower class jobs like men, hence men as a whole will get more respect because they do all the jobs that upper middle class need to live their lifestyle.
          When you have a 1:1 ratio of women doing all the manual labour jobs, then women will get credit for maintaining society.
          but for now, women do not get this credit. See I don’t need to be an lawyer to maintain society, I don’t need to be a beautician to maintain society.
          but you need factory workers, and miners and steel workers or else you won’t have the computers and electricity that allows you to post the comments..or internet for that matter. Many things you will not have if there are no manual labour jobs.
          Copper and coal, two very important resources that literally makes every piece of technology go around…and you are ignorant to that and so much more. it is standard of most females, but I don’t blame you, society has not thought you. only the manosphere will because we care about the truth and we are naturally politically incorrect.

        50. I come from a family of farmers, ship builders, machinists, building contractors, and grain silo and chemical plant operators, as well as white-collar professionals. My dad died of mesothelioma he contracted from asbestos that inundated the aircraft factory he worked in. You don’t need to sell the labor class to me. Your “female” jibe is weak. Try a better insult.

        51. Men are most attracted to slender, curvy, long-haired women. Women are most attracted to tall, wide-shouldered, lean men. This is reproduction-driven human biology, not sexism.

        52. Well if you know all this then why make a big deal about how the video was concentrating on male manual labour…do you not believe that females must also do dangerous manual labour ? You know about the labour trades to begin with…and yet you take it as an insult when I say women should get into labour. Explain yourself.
          And what insults were you referring to ? I was not insulting, but stating facts.
          I’m not here to have a flame war, I’m here to debate things out.

        53. Well if you know all this then why make a big deal about how the video was concentrating on male manual labour…do you not believe that females must also do dangerous manual labour ?
          You know about the labour trades to begin with…and yet you take it as an insult when I say women should get into labour. Explain yourself.
          And what insults were you referring to ? I was not insulting, but stating facts.
          The videos would have said thing you should agree about…or maybe you cannot face this truth.

        54. The video concentrates on male manual labor and excludes male white collar labor — which is also a huge contribution to mankind. I stated that most middle and upper-middle class men take other men’s manual labor for granted — which they do, as do women. Absolutely women should do more manual labor for which they are qualified; I did not suggest otherwise. Your insult was your assumption of my ignorance in your last paragraph.

        55. Because cupcake that is what women are best at – they don’t make good engineers, scientists, politicians, or pretty much anything else. You excel at taking care of family while men are gifted to do other things besides this.
          Why should a fish limit itself to the ocean when there are so many other places it could go??? Gee… I wonder…

        56. They are held back because they suck at male dominated fields. You can’t make women’s basketball interesting because it sucks compared to the male version. Welcome to Earth. If you don’t like it go bitch to GOD but don’t pretend that gluing feathers on yourself makes you a bird.
          You hate caring for kids? Okay – too bad that is what you are good for and you admittedly suck at it for lack of interest. Maybe you should go scrub toilets or be a prostitute if you’re younger. Just get your tubes tied now so as to spare Earth of another failed woman, we need mothers and wives not more bitchy harridans with their hands out standing on the shoulders of giants claiming to be tall.

        57. Nah it is by choice, plenty of house husbands…because when the wife is raking in the cash, why would you not chill out at home taking care of the kids.

        58. OMG, not only are you stupid, but the more I read the more I realize you are a certified Dumb Ass!
          Please for the love of all things good, stop commenting and making all women look retarded.

        59. “A woman’s job it to nuture [sic] young, produce young using half the DNA of the most alpha man she can get and give him sex and support, and in return he protects and provides” (Your earlier post.)
          Which is it?

        60. “A woman’s job it to nuture [sic] young, produce young using half the DNA of the most alpha man she can get and give him sex and support, and in return he protects and provides” (Your earlier post.)
          Which is it?

        61. “A woman’s job it to nuture [sic] young, produce young using half the DNA of the most alpha man she can get and give him sex and support, and in return he protects and provides” (Your earlier post.)
          Which is it?

        62. “A woman’s job it to nuture [sic] young, produce young using half the DNA of the most alpha man she can get and give him sex and support, and in return he protects and provides” (Your earlier post.)
          Which is it?

        63. “A woman’s job it to nuture [sic] young, produce young using half the DNA of the most alpha man she can get and give him sex and support, and in return he protects and provides” (Your earlier post.)
          Which is it?

        64. “A woman’s job it to nuture [sic] young, produce young using half the DNA of the most alpha man she can get and give him sex and support, and in return he protects and provides” (Your earlier post.)
          Which is it?

        65. Nah, don’t ban her. Every argument she makes buttresses our positions rather than her own.

        66. the biological role…even career women have been noted to find their house husbands unattractive. A relationship works better when the man is the provider + protector and the woman is the nurturer + supporter.

        67. Curious. I read that link, it’s very interesting. As a woman living in a male-dominated industry a few things about this conversation intrigued me. I feel like there are a lot of good points here, but nonetheless I don’t understand why there is such opposition to females working in fields that are normally saturated by men. Truck driving, mechanics, hard labor, if a woman can do it as adequately as a man, why not? There’s no arguement most women have to work twice as hard at it, women and men were constructed differently. Men are naturally stronger, thats just a fact. Feminism irritates me, I think that they give women a very bad name. However I do not think that a womens place is at home, cleaning the house and taking care of the children. We as females live in a lucky time where if we want to go out and bust our ass and achieve the same goals as men, then we are welcome to try. And a lot of women both try and are successful. I see nothing wrong with that.

        68. “because most women i know think kids suck, someone who thinks its fun might as well do it”
          XD The man jaw is strong in this one.
          Not my girlfriend, babe; a picture of my mom’s dog’s whelps is enough to send her into an night of silliness and extreme lust for me.

        69. Men can, and do, in a pinch. But women are generally best suited for the task of being the glue that holds families together.
          What your suggesting, for both professional as well as personal life, is that society be re-calibrated to suit what’s best for a minority of the population.
          It makes as much sense as demanding that everything be changed to suit what’s best for left-handed people

        70. Would someone give this virgin slut the old in-out in-out. Why do you think she’s hanging out around here. She’s trying to get lucky

        71. There are many problems caused by female labour market participation,
          1. The biggest by far: the kids suffer. A working woman is a woman not at home raising her own children. Thus, the children stand a much greater chance of delinquency. Or she doesn’t have children at all, leading to plunging birthrates for 1st world gene pools. Western women don’t care about this.
          2. She takes a job away from a man. Civilized countries incentivize male participation in the workforce in concert with marriage so that a well-adjusted citizenry is produced and maintained. When men compete against women for jobs, far more men end up unemployed, and far more women find those resultant men who are “beneath” them to be unmarriageable. Western women don’t care about this either.
          3. It causes massive workplace interference and inefficiency. Apart from the fact that women don’t work as hard as men, don’t show up for work as often as men, and get pregnant whilst demanding to be paid for it, there is another factor: the presence of a woman severely disrupts male focus and team unity. This is most obviously true in high-pressure situations like those encountered by police and military, but it’s also true in the most benign of workplaces as well (just google Adria Richards for one small example). Western women can’t possibly understand this, and certainly don’t care to admit that the problem exists.
          4. Wage slavery. Introducing women into the workforce has essentially doubled the workforce, meaning labour’s value is cut drastically – sometimes in half or more. You can have an economic argument about the validity of this point, but one thing is for sure: big government loves the female workforce due to increased tax revenue. Western women don’t care, so long as they can pay for their iMeMe device, collect their new government benefits, and afford their Starbucks latte.
          5. Male and female happiness and fulfillment. Let’s face it: the number of women who are truly happy working like a man – burning the midnight oil to complete that big project, leading a team of oilmen in extreme physical conditions, dealing with the 24/7 demands of employees and shareholders, etc. – are *minuscule*. Most women who have chosen career over family are deeply unhappy, as are the unemployed men they’ve displaced. If you doubt this, just spend some time talking to them about which medications they’re on, or how hard a time they’re having landing a man at 35.
          I don’t think anybody here has a problem with the small number of female careerists who want to dedicate their lives, as men do, to their work. Nor do they have a problem with women working part-time jobs while putting their family first. The problem is that women are being pushed to *become men* by government, media, and education, with no thought to the negative consequences for both themselves and society at large.
          No one is telling women that they’ll end up alone on anti-depressants with cats, or that their neglected children will grow to despise them, or that IT’S O.K. to want to be a loving, dedicated housewife who is cherished by her husband. Except us, of course.

        72. If women were so great – so productive, inventive, strong and adept…then pray tell..why did we need all this bullshit legislation, affirmative action, diversity councils, and college sexual harassment centers set up for them? Because females, like nig nogs, always like to be the victim. Everyone likes something for nothing right? Kinda like when girls use guys for drinks, and free dinners, like getting food stamps and WIC vouchers. When scum like you speak about “having a boyfriend” I am so glad I am single.

        73. ^^^Yep the gals getting pregnant in the military is/was a huge scandal during the Afghan/Iraq wars. It got so bad that some MALE general laid down the law and said “Do not get pregnant or else ” ( legal actions e.g article 15 ,DD’s etc). Like in the civilian world these ladies get pregnant ON PURPOSE because of instant access to welfare…

        74. Some women can do these things, but the proper place for a woman is on her knees, giving me head.

      1. “Wow, not a sentence of that was true, but I’m not going to bother rebutting what was said.”

  11. Fuck her down aggressivly and try to last 20 minutes at least. This means up stroking even when she is on top. I have had ons’s and hookups call me for multiple repeat encounters because of above par sex and physical attractiveness. Hit the gym hard so your stamina and physical appearance outdo her current fuck partner and you will keep her around. Even if she relies on the guy for finances or shelter she will still let you hit.

  12. Why is everyone whining about sluts? Don’t hate them just use them for your own ends. I could give two shits about a women’s “purity”. Sluts are the reasons we still aren’t virgins. LOL!!

    1. indeed. You want the freedom to screw around. In order to have that freedom, women have to have it as well (so that they are available – duh).

  13. If you don’t escalate as quickly as possible, then you’ve wasted your time. If you’re not aggressive and willing to take risks, then you don’t have a shot in hell. At least, that’s from my experience.

  14. “…you’re not remotely in her reality until you fuck her.”
    And that’s been the most shocking thing that I’ve learned about Game. I tried to explain this to a blue pill guy once and he thought I was being arrogant. “Oh, you’re that good huh?” was his reply. I couldn’t come up with a way to explain it to him so it would sink in.
    But the question I really wonder is, have they always been that way?

    1. It’s precisely the opposite of arrogance – it’s humility. You’re saying to yourself ‘I mean nothing to her until she has agreed to sex with me.’ And maybe not even then.

    2. In a patriarchal society, women are expected to be chaste and to avoid men until the wedding night.
      Negotiations for marriage were as much with the bride’s family as the bride herself.
      So, yeah, they’ve always been this way. It’s somewhat depressing the degree to which sex will keep a woman in a relationship in which she’s otherwise extremely unhappy.

  15. “We live in a Slut Culture where sex means nothing, ”
    So true. Thanks feminazis.
    Before I took the Red Pill
    I was a late bloomer so sex for me did not start till 25. Met a “great girl” looked like the sexy girl next door type. Slept together on the first date and I would see her once or twice a week. Thought we had something special–ha ha. So about 5-6 weeks later after we had just had sex we started talking about relationships, etc. She casually mentioned to me that even though we were dating I could still “hook up” with other girls–after all she was still sleeping with other men. I got up, left, and never saw this slut again. Sex to her was nothing more than a recreational hobby. Go out with friends, get lunch, go to a bar, have a random dick inserted into her for an hour or so, do her hair/nails, go shopping for shoes, have another random dick. This was just part of her life.
    So yes–always assume the girl is a slut–after all she is sleeping with you:)

    1. You got out in time. Six weeks is hardly a relationship, though. And nothing’s wrong with recreational sex.

    2. Wouldn’t have left entirely, I would have treated her as a fuck buddy (no dates), always good to have a spare wheel.

  16. i don’t know… i feel like canadian girls aren’t as bad as american girls. canadian girls are fun and nice and passionate and it seems like american girls are cold and manipulative and distant from your descriptions. maybe its how society there is structured. it sucks thats what you guys have to live with. maybe you should move!

    1. My time spent in Quebec taught me that there really isn’t any creature sluttier than 18 year old Montreal girls.
      And I was 18 at the time and my game was not very solid.

  17. Excellent advice.
    From the ages of 20-25 you are not ready for a serious relationship (rare exceptions: if you got into a skilled trade, have a substantial income, and live in the right part of the country, and are exceptionally aware as a man – less than 5% of guys in my estimation). If you meet a good girl during these years you’re liable to screw it up, and even if you don’t, you’re liable to wind up resenting her for preventing you from spreading your wild oats.
    This strategy – when you’re new at it – will result in scaring off a good girl, on the off chance that you meet one (unlikely, but possible). But you’re too young to make it work, so no harm, no foul.
    By the time you get to your late twenties or thirties, this strategy will enable you to *recognize* the good girls. There’s still a few of them out there. And honestly, even good girls want to be pursued by a real man, not romanced by a milque-toast. Once you get good at this strategy you’ll be able to do it without coming across as too aggressive, and scaring her away.
    Too aggressive with the sluts? Not possible. They’re there for one reason, and one reason only.
    Happy hunting, my brothers.

  18. The main problem with American females is that they don’t have any religion which is why they behave as they do and their misandry. If they became more religious they’d be OK. No, not those silly mid east cults like Judaism, Christian, Muslims etc but that real old time religion like phallic worship.Females need to worship and respect the power of the cock and then they will worship men.

  19. I couldn’t even read the whole article. When I hear guys calling girls sluts I think its ultra pussy. If a girl cheats on you or has multiple partners and doesn’t pay you mind, yes she may be a slut, but ultimatly it is always the mans fault. Men have larger brains and can rationalize, if you have a girl running game on you its because you are not a man you are a bitch, and if you go gossiping about it and call a girl a slut then you just validated your bitchness. Stop giving the word slut a negative connotation, fuck mad bitches and just wife one of the 10% of legitimate girls in the US.
    End the curse of male bitchness. Sometimes I can’t even blame girls going lez.
    -dead breed.

    this is a recording of my experiences as a child and young adult. My brother stanley also shot me when I was at 71 the corse crimmond. They are junkie scumbags and they and me were involved in the child sex and drugs trades, i was a slave drugged up and by the Anglican church and state institutions, i took no active part in their vile occupations other than as a victim.. these people should be put in hostels and tagged

  21. I can tell you right now I have had success with this, I have found vulnerable ones who will go to extreme lengths to please you. Currently I’m seeing one just like this, blonde tall very thin and a complete slut. She always asks me when I’m free and she knows I have a girlfriend and she has a boyfriend. she’s fucking other guys too which is awesome. she comes of snobby but she’s a slut, I find that girls who don’t have a real career choice the best ones for this. If a girl has a career minded personality you won’t get anything from them, its the ones who went to “beauty school” and think that its contributing to society, they are looking for easy way out of working and would rather spend their day in bed fucking. Its when you get them thinking about you and you make it very tempting to have them talk to you. sadly you won’t meet these girls in clubs or on the streets, you have to know them, through friends or work, social events ect. Retail is the best place to meet them, most are impressed with a cool manager such as myself 😛 they find the older man idea so tempting and once you befriend them you’re almost in.
    the best was through friends I saw her sister behind her back she was 18, one night i was online and she face booked me to ask if I knew any good lesbian porn?
    good times was had by all.

  22. It’s a right shame this website dissolved into a forum for angry losers who can’t get a woman to fuck . It’s like this is the place where all the high-school angry virgins have met up to be emotional. All women are sluts and I hate them haha what a bag of twats

  23. Bottom line: all women are animals who only want sex, have no complex desires or emotions, and should be shamed accordingly (even though men who act this way are heroes and should be celebrated ). Also, to the writer: perhaps you should consider the possibility that you are either wildly unattractive, or not emotionally stimulating.

    1. Wome have complex desires and emotions centered around mating with a man with high quality genes.

  24. But of course, if you decline a woman because you yourself are waiting for that ‘special someone’ who is not just a fuck buddy, you will be accused of ‘indirect slut shaming.’

  25. Brother, you’re the man! Thats the exact strategy i always go by, and the strategy that yields the best results. Fortune favors the bold is exactly fucking right!
    Don’t let these feminists get you down. They’ve ruined tradition but we’ll bring it back.

  26. I fundamentally disagree with this. This man clearly does not understand the way women think. The majority of woman who say that they are happy just having one night stands are actually lying (shock horror) they will either be on the rebound, pathetically trying to make themselves seem more attractive to men or appear “ladish” or, and most likely, just trying to make themselves feel better.
    Treating a women like a slut will only make her feel worthless. Try treating her like a lady and she will return the complement with favours so much better then what you receive by downgrading her.
    Have some respect, since you claim to be the return of the Kings where ‘men should be masculine’ why don’t you try acting acting like a true gentleman- you’ll certainly go further with the ladies.
    Besides the true secret behind getting a women is to fulfil her fancy (look it up)… And I highly doubt any girl dreams of being treating like a slut.

    1. To treat those who behave like a slut the same as those who choose not to is WRONG on several levels.
      1. For Others:
      That’s not rewarding those who choose to be ladies
      2. For the Sluts:
      That’s rewarding sluts as if they are not sluts (and therefore reinforcing their actions). If she really doesn’t want to be one, then this is counter productive.
      Have some respect?
      A true gentleman respects ladies. He also calls out things for what they are. That includes “white knighting”.

  27. Do any of the guys on this website actually have girlfriends…? Because I don’t understand how any girl could be with a guy who ACTUALLY thinks or acts like this…shm.

    1. Do any of your troll posts actually have anything on topic, or is it all just ad hominem? Because it is getting clear that you have nothing valid to say against things here and resort to insulting the people that contribute… get a life.

  28. Emmanuel Goldstein sounds like a real brain trust … way to tell it like it is buddy. Not to sound sexist against my own gender, but you sound like a total girl! “Consistency” and “commitment” both imply a new habit. If the ladies aren’t sticking around for the consistent sex-only relationship then maybe …. just maybe (sit down for this) it reflects on your inability to keep them interested. No need to worry for the world though … odds are its just you and not a radical change in an entire nation / generation of women. I bet you never thought about that. Cute.

  29. I have an active sex life with women because I respect them and they can tell. You hate women and think you need “game” because you have a small dick and feel inadequate.

  30. i don’t have enough time to explain how flawed this article, site, and basic, i don’t know….”followers” i guess i’ll call you, are. you are the reason we live in a rape culture society. you are the prime example of an stunted mentality, and you are a dying breed that will soon be left in the dust. learn to view all beings as equal or sit there and spread your ignorance over a tasteless website for ignorant, hurt children projecting deep, buried pain onto others. if spreading this bullshit hate, instead of contributing towards building a future where respect and reciprocity blossums, is as fulfilling as your life gets, i feel truly sorry for you. what a poor excuse of an existence.

    1. I’ve never heard a cute girl use the phrase ‘rape culture’ so you probably don’t have to worry about us pursuing you.

  31. its ‘fortune favors the brave’ and why must you try to get with these basic ass bitches? Oh and when a girl thinks u try too hard with every girl she no longer sees you as a person but a sex driven chauvanist sociopath, its not that she thinks shes not being a slut at that point, its that she no longer feels the need to treat you like a good man worth waiting for so she allows you to buy her drinks and dinner and if she feels like it she’ll let it happen.. In most cases, I personally use em for the dinner and delete their number when I get home lol.

    1. I think theres wayyy too much of an assumption that women even see themselves in terms of slut or non slut. its incredibly subjective. There are no such titles that actually apply anymore. Everyone has sex equally, men and women, its pretty chill, Women are more cautious so are likely less active than men. I mean is there some implied negative implication about women who have sex outside of marriage? does it say they are cheaters? Does it say as a whole they live a careless imoral lifestyle?Does it say that they are free samples at a mall food court? Does it say that they cannot be the virgin-conquest that satisfies the male ego? I realize this post is specifically on advice for men on how to easily manipulate women into having sex with them.. I believe that that has far more negative implications about those taking part in this suggested behaviour than women who ate comfortable having sex with people they arent dating

  32. It looks like you don’t have very many repeat customers. If the sex was “mind-blowing”, she’d be back. Maybe work on your skills a bit.

  33. I admit that I don’t comprehend this playboy or playgirl mentality. It just seems sleazy, at least past college age. Even living overseas where it is really easy to get a girlfriend, I found that I didn’t want to sleep with every hot woman I met. Maybe I am just too busy.

  34. I don’t masturbate and I’m a good lover, from my girlfriends of the past, so why am I not getting pussy? I”m getting respect from men, and the women who know me, but I live at home with my parents at age 31 in a messy room, while studying full time (accounting) and working full time (at a factory)- so does this have any bearing? but even before, I was on a dry spell? It doesn’t make sense because I haven’t masturbated in ages and I’m full of energy. I’m looking for the next principle, my next weakest link- my eureka! What the fuck! Seeing you are actually getting some is hard to believe. the community is contradictory- they say be yourself and disregard what women want or don’t want, and be yourself and direct. You say don’t be too aggressive. But how can a man who works and doesn’t masturbate and has pride not get sex once in a while? less and less I”m denying my desire, more and more I”m doing what I damn well please, and if I can’t, I’m seeking to gain power in the environment I exist in, so I can do so, but it’s a damn slow process. Women are just a fucking waste of time. Even in sex they want to be in the center of attention. If it continues like this, I’ll just keep gaining power (hopefully, and if I fail at this my life is sad and lonely and pathetic) and with that power I will not bestow unearned gifts on women (they earn it by their sexual openness and availability for me) because such bestowing is a cause of loss of power. I don’t need to be hero in their eyes. this is good actually but like you say all good things without sex are meaningless. They are extras but extras alone are worse than nothing because it gives you an illusion of actually having something, and steers you away from your actual oasis. Screw that. But whatever happens, whatever I get, whatever is allocated to me or not, I will not masturbate or drool and lust after pornographic images because I prefer real human connection and things which are real, and not vicarious living. What.. the fuck? Si vis pacem para bellum

  35. what a fuckin slut. I can see this depressed slut. My mom’s a slut too- she just doen’t have any opportunity. the winds do not blow her way, into port. Sie hat keine gelegenheit- nothing is laid out for her to try. What fucking slut in the picture. It all comes down to bond issuance- why we are slaves or freemen- whether we issue bonds and debt instruments, bonds with other people, with debt covenants that we must adhere to, or not. I want to be bonded with masters who give me nice covenants, or buy the debt of others, while I write the covenants. That’s why economic freedom and independence leads to sexual and behavioral freedom and freedom from the need for approval. that’s why arbeit macht frei. What a fucking slut. I”m free to say and feel that now, at the computer- my juices are flowing into my loins and male parts. Can this also be the case- sober, in the relevant public setting? It need be or I’ll never get my birthright and just dues.

  36. Most of the women I know are selfcentered sluts. Most of the men I know are selfcentered sluts. The only thing I take issue with is when a slut misleads a good person with the intension of ego boosting conquest. Men and women are equally capable of being better people. But, most men and women can’t see anything past their own reflection.

  37. Personal Anecdote:
    I wish to remain anonymous, but for 30 years I was a virgin and omega male. I treated women like saints and made/bought/created amazing gifts for them. I was friend-zoned (more like the disposal waste zone) RUTHLESSLY, which exposed that the woman had been carefully playing me the whole time (many years).
    I got curious about the dating scene in this country (how could I be failing so badly when I was doing everything I was told) and started studying Feminism. Over the course of about 2 years, I realized that the entire field of women’s studies was a giant matrix of lies and propaganda with disastrous affects on the psyches of women.
    Over the course of that 2 year period, I gained a lot of formal and experiential knowledge about the “mind of woman”. Right now, I am frighteningly good at predicting things about women, and I have completed adjusted my entire frame of reference to be an alpha male.
    To say that the results have been mind-blowing is an understatement of epic proportions. In the last 4 months, I have been physically intimate (oral sex or sex) with at least 80 different women (and sometimes multiple women in the same day or night), usually with repeat visits/interactions. There have been times when I have literally not answered the door or phone for an entire day because of having sex 30-40 times in a week without a break.
    Here’s the amazing part — I have never once lied to these women about my intentions or desires. In 90% of the cases, these women initially claimed they would never come over to a “stranger’s house or apartment” without meeting in public first. At least 75% of the time, they not only come over that very night — they are on their knees in less than 20 minutes.
    It isn’t a geographic phenomenon either. In the last 4 months, it has worked in Dallas, New Orleans, Miami, Chicago, Baltimore, Charlotte, Seattle, Los Angeles, Miami, Charleston, Austin, Phoenix, and Atlanta.
    I think there are a lot of lessons from my anecdote as I am average-looking (average face, average build, average fashion sense, etc.). Be courageous!

  38. “Act” as if? No need to act. Women think about two things – clothes and getting a hot beef injection.

  39. You can spend over $100 taking some bitch out, wining, dining, and get not even a kiss on the cheek. Or you can spend $100 and get ridden and then a supreme BJ and the bitch leaves when you are done. They are both whores, but the second one admits it and delivers.

  40. This article is right on point. The majority of American girls are skanks. Don’t trust any girl; the second you do, you’re an idiot and will end up getting hurt. On the plus side: more sluts, more sex.

  41. Women are fucking whores. They only fuck for cash and never for love. I read that love for poor people and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I live in a Negro ghetto and these black bitches hate MEN. And their only concern is money. FUCK EVERY BITCH IN THIS HELLHOLE WORLD.

  42. Why do men insist on ‘innocence’ in women?
    1. To flatter their vanity.
    2. To give themselves the best chance of escaping venereal disease,
    propagating their noble selves.
    3. To maintain power over their slaves by their possession of Knowledge.
    4. To keep them docile as long as possible by drawing out the debauching
    of their innocence. A sexually pleased woman is the best of willing
    helpers; one who is disappointed or disillusioned a very psychical
    5. In primitive communities, to serve as a guard against surprise and
    6. To cover their secret shame in the matter of sex. Hence the pretence
    that a woman is ‘pure’, modest, delicate, aesthetically beautiful and
    morally exalted, ethereal and unfleshly, though in fact they know her to
    be lascivious, shameless, coarse, ill-shapen, unscrupulous,
    nauseatingly bestial both physically and mentally.(Aleister Crowley)

  43. You people are sick. Every girl is a slut? So all of your mom’s are sluts and your daughters will be? You guys are such losers I find myself almost hoping Islam spreads throughout the west. If this is what we have become we deserve it. I am Damn near about to puke right now. This site is like a cult group for bitter losers incapable of keeping a woman. CHANGE YOUR SICK MINDS. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR SAD LIFE.

    1. “You people are sick.”
      Being considered sick in a society that exhaults degeneracy and limitless debauchery as supreme virtues is a compliment.
      “Every girl is a slut? So all of your mom’s are sluts and your daughters will be?”
      Probably, I wasn’t around when my mother was young and attractive. Daughters? Of course they’re sluts.
      “You guys are such losers I find myself almost hoping Islam spreads throughout the west. If this is what we have become we deserve it. I am Damn near about to puke right now. This site is like a cult group for bitter losers incapable of keeping a woman. CHANGE YOUR SICK MINDS. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR SAD LIFE.”
      Can’t unswallow the red pill, ratchet ass hoe.

  44. No need to act. If there’s hair on her cunt it’s pretty much a guarantee she’s a cumguzzler. As long as they guzzle my cum all is good.

  45. The problem that women face and don’t understand is that if you want to sleep around and act like the men that do, then you should not be offended when being called sluts and whores, men that sleep around are not offended so why are women. If you want to be equal, then that’s equality, so deal with it. Tell the sluts that the next time they think those words are bad….

    1. This certainly explains why the divorce rate is so out of control today since most of the women are the cause of it.

  46. Here is a guide to understanding women based upon cost to of the relationship
    Slut <$100
    Whore $100 – $1000
    Call Girl $1000 – $10000
    Girlfriend $10000 – $100000
    Wife $100000 – $1000000
    Soul Mate Your soul

  47. Women always run back 2 there x cocks. Esp Americans. Our rich keep woman groveling for money and popularity and it’s getting worse. Now with all the apps there all chasing the same cocks. Smart people know these apps are fucking us all. Encourages super slutation

  48. To guys who complain that women lose interest after a single sexual experience” Could it be that she’s just too polite to tell you to your face that you’re lousy in bed?

  49. (ALL) women should be sold like cattle. Then the Man or new owner can then brand her butt so everyone know who owns her.

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