An alarming new strain of the Zika virus is spreading through the Western hemisphere, yet the US government has not announced quarantines or travel bans. What’s behind the recent lackadaisical approach to combating infectious disease?
Background to current Zika outbreak
The Zika virus is not new. It was first isolated in 1947 during an outbreak in the Zika Forest of Uganda. It is spread primarily by daytime mosquitos A. aegypti and A. albopictus, but it can also be passed through contact with blood and through sex.
The virus spread across the Pacific in 2013. Since then it has spread to Central America, the Caribbean, and South America, where it has reached pandemic levels.
In the past, the Zika virus has not been much of a concern because it usually causes only mild symptoms. At its worst, it resembles Dengue fever which results in a high fever, vomiting, and aches and pains. But the outbreak in Central and South America is showing a monstrous and heartbreaking side effect: the Zika virus appears to be causing microcephaly and brain damage in infants of infected mothers.
The situation is so bad that some Central and South American governments have recommended that women avoid getting pregnant until more is known about the risks that are involved. For instance, does the Zika virus only affect the infants of women who become infected while they are pregnant, or does the the virus persist and pose a danger to infants even later in life?
What the US is doing to stop the spread of Zika
Even though the Zika virus could potentially affect millions of American women who are planning to have children, the US is doing very little to address the threat. The CDC has issued an advisory to pregnant women traveling to Zika infested countries and provided them with this extremely helpful genius advice:
Don’t let mosquitoes bite you.
No vaccine currently exists. The National Institutes of Health hopes to have an experimental vaccine by the end of this year, but it would need to be tested before it could be given to the populace as a whole. In other words, we could be years away from a safe, generally available vaccine.
Some localities are taking steps to curb the mosquito population. Over the next three years, New York City will deploy additional mosquito traps and make a better effort to prevent sitting water from serving as incubators for Zika-bearing mosquitos.
One big thing that the US has not done is put any travel restrictions or quarantines into place to prevent the disease from becoming an epidemic in the US. So far, there have been 358 cases of Zika virus in the US. All of these cases have been the result of travel to the US from a Zika infested region. The Centers for Disease Control proudly point to this number to show that the virus is not rampant in the US—at least not yet.
The CDC is also warning us to avoid getting bitten by mosquitos this summer. The underlying assumption is that at some point, American mosquitos will eventually bite a Zika-infected individual who traveled from Central or South America. Once that happens, it is possible that Zika will become a pandemic in North America just like it is in South America.
How the US dealt with infectious disease in the past

1930 photo of immigrant with a communicable disease who was quarantined prior to being allowed into the US.
The US did not always have such a relaxed approach to infectious disease that threatened the health of Americans.
— In 1808, Boston imposed a mandatory three-day quarantine on all ships arriving from the Caribbean and Mediterranean to prevent the spread of tropical disease in the US.
— After a cholera epidemic in Britain killed 30,000 people in 1832, New York passed a law that prevented ships from approaching within 300 feet of the shore when the captain knew or suspected that cholera was aboard.
— In 1866, a ship arriving from into New York from Liverpool was found to have passengers who were infected with cholera. The ship was immediately placed under strict quarantine.
— An Asiatic cholera epidemic in 1892 caused President Benjamin Harrison to place a mandatory 20-day quarantine on any vessel that was carrying immigrants.
— The bubonic plague death of the Chinese owner of lumberyard in 1900 led to the City of San Francisco rope off 15 blocks of Chinatown that led to the closure of many businesses.
— A polio outbreak in 1916 caused New York to take children away from their parents and place them in quarantine.
— During World War I, the US incarcerated 30,000 prostitutes to prevent the spread of venereal disease.
— During the 1980s, Ronald Reagan banned people with HIV/AIDS from immigrating into the US. The ban remained in place until it was removed by President Obama.
In retrospect, some of these measures appear to be overkill but at the time they were prudent given the known facts. For example, when President Reagan banned immigrants with AIDS, scientists didn’t know exactly how the disease was communicated. Since HIV was detected in saliva, there were fears that casual contact, such as kissing, could spread the disease. Later, it became clear that HIV is mostly spread through sex and the sharing of needles.
On the other hand, there is no question that some of these quarantines saved lives. This is especially the case with the cholera epidemics. The point is that when it came to saving the lives of Americans, the government used to act in favor of saving lives even when it meant seriously inconveniencing a smaller group.
Is political correctness preventing the US from taking adequate measures?
From recent epidemics, it has become clear that the US government is now taking a different approach.
Starting in 2013, West Africa saw the largest outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus on record. The outbreak started in Guinea and quickly spread to neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia. The World Health Organization stated:
The Ebola epidemic ravaging parts of West Africa is the most severe acute public health emergency seen in modern times. Never before in recorded history has a biosafety level 4 pathogen infected so many people so quickly, over such a broad geographical area, for so long.
In response, the governments of several African nations banned all travel from the infected countries. After all, epidemic was still limited to those three countries and was still containable through travel bans. Yet the US government steadfastly refused to take any measures to prevent Ebola from entering the US.
When CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden was asked why the US did not impose a travel ban, he said that a travel ban would have prevented the infected areas from receiving medical help. But surely the government could have exempted medical personal from the ban. Several other health experts hinted that the real reason for refusing to impose a travel ban was political correctness: it would have made the people of those West African nations feel bad.
In hindsight, Frieden’s gamble paid off. Although some infected Ebola patients did make their way to the US, the disease never spread beyond a handful of people. But it could have just as easily have gone the other way. One has to wonder if it was worth endangering thousands of Americans just so that the people of Sierra Leone could have higher self-esteem.
If you have any doubts that the US is letting political expediency dictate our policy when it comes to dealing with infectious disease, check out Jonathan Katz’s article on the Haiti cholera outbreak, which has killed almost 10,000 people. Katz alleges that the CDC knew all along that the source of the cholera came from a UN peacekeeping force from Nepal that was defecating in Haiti’s main river, but that they covered it up because it cast the United Nations in a bad light.
In the end, it may not just be political correctness that is driving US policy. It may be that our ruling elite are so committed to the agenda of creating “diversity” in the US and Europe that not even the prospect of a pandemic will be allowed to slow it down. In fact, the elite may even welcome a pandemic as lowering the earth’s carbon footprint—as long as it does not include them, of course.
Read More: Ebola Volunteers Nancy Writebol And Ken Brantly Are Cowards
Zika virus is a blessing for our depopulation agenda masters:
Ebola didn’t make it over to the USA even though they tried half-heartedly, but they’ll make sure Zika makes it because it’s so effective at scaring the entire population from reproducing.
Ohh yeah everybody else wants to depopulate white countries.
Zika is also in South America, does the elite want to depopulate South America?
Yes. They want to reduce the global population to about 500 million.
“Yes. They want to reduce the global population to about 500 million”
Exactly. The program called Agenda 21.
Don’t forget, we have idiots as the elites in the world today that believe in the danger of overpopulation that can only be resolve by using Malthusian methods.
I think the other big mistake being made by the Elites/Oligarchs/Jews/NWO is that they seem to think they’ll be able to defang Islam as easily as they did Christianity.
Islam needs the hard hand of a dictatorship to thrive, the globalist elites hope to be that (global) dictatorship in the near future.
Go fuck yourself, troll.
I see you found your way here from the Chateau Heartiste forums.
Eat a bag of cocks faggot.
He’s been pretty much kicked out of there and now wants to come over here to poison the well.. what a fag!
Faggot Within Rape..
Another tactic used to control you through fear. It’s probably been around for thousands of years and we just discovered it back in the 1940’s. Now it’s brought to the spotlight and is an epidemic.
Obesity (metabolic syndrome) is a more serious health problem than this Zika virus.
spot on.
Obesity is the single most important health problem in the world today and because we have to pussy foot around fat shaming we can’t address it.
I’m not fat! I’m big-boned!
Didn’t you know that the Dad Bod is the new cool fad to have?
fucking brilliant dude.
“Didn’t you know that the Dad Bod is the new cool fad to have”
I saw that video and I agree with the dude’s remarks. When a scag says she seeks out a guy with Dad bod what she is really saying is that she is seeking out a pathetic loser whom she can control. It is Not, repeat NOT a good thing for any man to have Dad bod.
A female generally either has two types of men in her life, or views men in these two types of classes: The first guy is the useful idiot whom she uses and does not fuck i.e. the Dad bod. The second guy is the guy that she does fuck. I’m wagering that the guy she fucks goes to the gym.
Absolutely hilarious!
You pussy foot around fat shaming? I sure as hell don’t. Heh.
no, the CDC, society and the general public making it impossible to address obesity
Right. That’s why we should all make a special effort to cover for their deficiency in addressing this.
Let’s just say “Much like someone with gigantism, you are exceeding the optimal parameters for the human body”.
agreed 100%.
The problem is that it is a double edged sword. Obeisity is 20% more than ideal body weight. For 6 foot tall 140-177 is the healthy weight. 184-213 is overweight and 214 and up is obese. Ok, so the margins are a little bit choppy for someone who works out a lot. Obviously, Arnold who was, I am pretty sure 6’3 and 260 pounds would have fallen deep into obese territory if we don’t consider his 5% body fat statistic. Right now I would be on the low end of overweight because of muscle, but once I am done with rehab and back and my normal weight, even with my added muscle, I go 175-180 at 6 foot so I straddle overweight.
However, when I was a boxer and my workouts were 75% endurance and cardio, I weighed 160-165.
Here is the double edges. If we classify people who are 20% higher than their ideal weight (making some exceptions for people with excess muscle etc) as obese then they are sick. But this is a problem because then, in our absurd nanny state, they would all qualify for all sorts of disability that my healthy ass would be paying for at the expense of my retirement.
What needs to happen is that people who reach a certain level of unhealthy weight need to forfeit their rights as a citizen until they become healthy. While that will never happen it is essentially the only way to make a sensible change.
6’3″, 222 pounds (as of this morning). You’re right of course. The BMI standard they use is mostly foolish unless they’re using a water displacement measure. The chart with height/weight that they use as a guide is useless.
Arnold who was, I am pretty sure 6’3
Actually he was, in his youth, 6’2″. I’ve stood next to him a couple of times in person and can tell you for a fact that he’s shrunk from that lofty height considerably. I wouldn’t put him over 6′ on a good day now. He is pretty old, people do shrink in height in old age.
I’m 6′ even and hover around 215. I carry it well, but want to get rid of the gut where most of it hangs around. BMI says I’m very overweight, but if you look at me, you wouldn’t guess I was. I stopped using the BMI ages ago.
I’ve been cycling Longjack (100:1 extract). My body fat is *plummeting* rapidly. It’s amazing shit (got it from in powder form, and a bag of Double “00” vcaps because you don’t want to taste this shit, ever). I’m at the point in just a couple of weeks where I may need to go buy some more pants, and I didn’t start out with much belly/fat.
5 day on, 2 day off cycle, btw. Two capsules a day.
I’ll have to look into it. Thanks.
It’s cheap, so if it doesn’t show you results you won’t be out much money. I’ve changed nothing else, not even diet or exercise routine (which is eating clean, and working out HIT 3-4 days a week, and admittedly drinking some beer and Scotch, yeah I know, so sue me), so I can’t really pin this on anything else.
6’2. Amazing. I am right about the 260 though. I remember when I followed his diet I had to figure out the calories to fit the macros retrofitted for someone who was 175 pounds. He was the fucking man.
That is a lot of shrink. I guess he is an old fart. Still pretty awesome though. Just the other day I saw a video of him in a gym giving pointers to young body builders. At one point he called someone an asshole and said their reps were bullshit because they weren’t locking out. Then he randomly yelled “get them to the chopper”
Arnold also was nowhere near 260. His highest comp weight was 235. And he’s won the olympia with less mass than that.
I really don’t know what his weight was or is, that’s lolknee’s claim.
The serving size says 80mg…do they have a little scoop to measure this out? Otherwise I have no idea how I’ll keep from overdosing.
During my college classes I didn’t go as far as banning citizenship, but I proposed that just as smokers are charged an additional percentage, than so should fat fucks until they lose the weight.
This exists in Japan
Makes sense to me. I think the percentage of overweight people who are that way because of a legitimate medical reason and simply cannot change that fact is probably about 1% of the overweight people.
Being a fat ass is a choice, just like smoking, and should be heavily taxed and heavily shamed.
I remember when I was young there was like that one fat kid. That kid would be average or even healthy compared to the little shits I see running around today.
Good points plus an awesome Yankee Bostonish accent. Brilliant.
So Leo DiCaprio is a bit out of shape. Not acceptable, but then, the man does work a lot. Eventually, attrition will wear you out. Yet DiCaprio does have the capability to get back in shape. That, plus personal trainers. Yet most owners of Dad Bods have lost all motivation.
“6’3″, 222 pounds (as of this morning)”
The serving size is wrong. If you read the reviews the reviewers will state as much as well. Fill a Double 00 vcap normally and that’s where you want the serving size. Twice a day.
Gotcha. Is this really a test booster or are people just confusing increased energy with increased test?
What’s funny about that clip is that he appears to have my exact build “in normal clothes”. Obviously he was likely in much better shape if you stood us on a competition platform. But still, it’s kind of flattering.
Indeed. The HAES movement is losing steam and they know it, which is why they’ve been going full steam on their propaganda lately. Many try to jump on the genetics band wagon but refuse to even acknowledge that weight is a high percentage of their diet. Serving sizes and ingredients alone is enough to manage one’s weight even without a dietician. Just reading the ingredients on anything in the grocery store that is not in the fresh produce or meat sections is enough to become paranoid about what’s in the food today.
What? No kratom?
It liberates already produced bound testosterone, it doesn’t cause you to produce more “new” testosterone. The net effect is exactly the same though, as bound testosterone is useless testosterone with no benefits. This is actually good because it won’t cause you to stop producing testosterone, which is a danger when people do things like inject “real” test.
It may be the love child of Kratom and Electrolytes.
Ah makes sense…Ok I think I’m going to buy the 25 gram pack and see how it works. Would love to have something that works the way you stated.
Same here. If Longjack would do that for me, that would be amazing to add to my supplements
You are imputing women with mens motivations. They are not the same. Quicker you realize this, happier you’ll be.
“would all qualify for all sorts of disability that my healthy ass would be paying for at the expense of my retirement. ” Not necessarily, that is hypothetical.
I have an order on the way. Check back with me in a week and I’ll let you know.
The good stuff isn’t cheap. Only the older roots have much of the active ingredient, and those are only found in the wild, and it has been hunted virtually to extinction. Much of what is on the market is fake, and the rest is from young, cultivated trees.
Sure, bitch. Sure….
There are two countries where it’s grown. In one of the two, what you say is true. In the other, it’s not.
Comparatively cheap I should have said. It’s not HGH expensive, being my point.
Japan was an admirable country with a splendid culture of collectivism and hierarchy, but they underwent the same pussification that ravaged Germany as a result of losing World War II. Instead embarking on manly pursuits or joining the army, Japanese men had every atom of their strength squeezed out of them by state-affiliated corporate masters, while their privileged wives stayed comfortably at home enjoying lives of convenience while often controlling the entire income of the household. No surprise that today, the majority of young Japanese “men” are herbivores who lock themselves in their rooms jacking off to cartoon porn depicting prepubescent children while women openly embrace a stylish (compared to Western standards) life of slutdom.
It’s terrible to say it but the only hope for Japan is to have several 9.0 earthquakes, get nuked by China, and then the 10% or so who survive will be united under a badass latter-day samurai lord. Hopefully with mechs.
This is probably the secret hope of Japanese artists anyway, since they are always depicting the destruction of Tokyo by various means.
lol it’s true.
The only thing the Japanese have that we don’t is that they don’t just let anybody into their country. They are and will stay Japan, even if they become a bunch of spergs in the process.
I saw a documentary recently about Japanese career women who go to clubs to party with men who are paid to give them attention. Basically a hooker but the other way around. Instead of sex, the women just wanted drama, a man to pretend to be interested in them, and a place to pretend they are princesses.
It’s no wonder those guys are the world leaders in fapping technology.
Did the Longjack work? I lost track of time and realized a month passed…
I’d say it worked moderately well. Wasn’t a miracle worker but I did notice my energy levels did even out somewhat. No afternoon crashes. It’s cheap enough to give it a shot without dropping some serious cash.
Awesome. Thank you, I will give it a try.
And it’s mainly in Brazil just in time for the Olympic Games so people from all over the world will go down there for the games and potentially get the virus and then take it back to their home country
“Zika virus is a blessing for our depopulation agenda masters:”
Was thinking the exact same thing as I was reading the article. Scaring people from reproducing, and a plague to kill off major chunks of the population. The elites will have the cure without telling anyone.
I must say I agree with you a lot on this Roosh. Like the Global warming Hoax our current epsilon political elite knows only Fear Mongering and Intimidation to communicate with the discontented masses. However speaking of Population we have a TROLL problem one Hastur who has for the past SEVEN Days been bothering me herein ‘Why isn’t anyone in the establishment talking about Jewish and Asian privilage’ I have for seven days been flagging his obscene language and hateful comments plus twice I have informed you since you are the moderator. Of course I have been hitting back at the clown which you might find amusing but still Time to pull hasturd’s plug
I am not so sure about the Zika virus panic:
Seems rather likely that microencephaly is caused by toxic vaccines, pesticides and toxic food. Plenty of studies linked at the site of Jon Rappoport. Connection between the Zika virus and microencephaly has not even been proven yet. The CDC is famous for blasting out a topic and then nothing happening after the wake of a grand zombie-apocalypse announcement.
Interesting article
Ebola didn’t spread because you have to come into contact with body fluids. The outbreak in Africa showed just how far behind medicine is in those countries. We would have it quarantined within the first three cases, which is what happened.
Not to mention, Ebola is a TROPICAL DISEASE and the US is Temperate.
“Not to mention, Ebola is a TROPICAL DISEASE and the US is Temperate.”
Until it isn’t. You bring Ebola patients into temperate countries and that vastly increases the chances of Ebola recombining with a virus that could grant it resistance to the local climate.
That would require very large fundamental changes in the Ebola viral mechanism, to the point where it basically wouldn’t be the same disease. In addition, the main problem isn’t that the virus dies in a non tropical climate (cold doesn’t kill virus’s), it’s that it doesn’t spread as fast/easily (and Ebola already spreads pretty slowly).
Right now ROOSH I would like to bring up a troll problem named Hastur who has been posting hateful comments and other harassing actions on RETURN OF KINGS article WHY ISN’T ANYONE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT TALKING AOUBT JEWISH AND ASIAN PRIVILAGE as Moderator in control of this sight you need to police it. Time to ban this troll
I’m not convinced on the global depopulation agenda. The destruction of homogenous racial/cultural groups yes, especially the Europoid.
I would presume large diverse multiracial masses would be easy for the elites to play each other off against, keep uneducated of the system that works against them and cheapen the value of labour and life to serve their masters machine.
Wouldn’t smaller populations be more capable to resist this?
For example; A Chinese or Indian slave worker has no hope of changing anything when he is simply replaced with an unending supply of servant willing to fill quotas and fight for the master for his survival. Even 10 000 wouldn’t make a dent being promptly dispersed or exiled.
Lets say 10 000 Icelanders decide to reject the system. This would be a significant threat to the order in a small populated nation.
Not when they are overwhelmed by superior numbers.
History has proven that even these populations have started violent and bloody uprisings in the past, despite their programming and their culture that is geared to almost absolute subservience. Besides those hindus, Chinese and Americans will get really angry when they are replaced, even in menial labor, by robots…What you seem to miss is that we are on the brink of a cataclysmic change in economics and culture and the elites have outthought most of the people and foreseen the consequences down the line. Everything in the west culture is geared towards population reduction (Feminism, contracepction, chemical abortion, abortion, feminism, etc.etc).
“Everything in the west culture is geared towards population reduction (Feminism, contracepction, chemical abortion, abortion, feminism, etc.etc).”
Yes I agree, but that is all aimed at a specific people, white people. Who are actually the minority of this world.
I mean no offense, but it’s obvious you haven’t been abroad. Currently feminism and the rest of the things I mentioned are in Latin America and the birthrates are sinking faster than the Titanic after it hit the iceberg, Brazil birthrate is less than 2 children per woman, as well as Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. Mexico now is just above the replacement rate and in the rest of the region birthrates are on the wane. In Asia I have heard the situation is similar, even in the middle East. The only places where birthrates are still up is in certain parts of Africa and Israel (the latter due to its Orthodox and religious population. And if Gates has his way, African birthrates will go down too as well (of course after a large portion of its population is decimated by war and starvation).
Europe along with japan have the lowest fertility rates in the world. Japan can recover or is merely adjusting its population as it is a firmly homogenous nation.
Where as Europeans are on the fast track express to extinction as its global elite introduce huge swathes of competing racial groups that outbreed and intermix with them.
“Yes I agree, but that is all aimed at a specific people, white people. Who are actually the minority of this world.”
The target is primarily Christianity, thus we saw Obama overthrow moderate regimes with groups like ISIS that genocide Christians, cover up that it happening, and refuse to admit Christian refugees.
Same thing happens anywhere in the world, any color of skin, so black Christians enslaved, raped, or murdered gets nothing but yawns.
People who think this is primarily about race only serve the agenda. For instance, the Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine who work for Jewish billionaires to fought Russians ethnics to ensure the country stays within the EU/NATO sphere of influence and not align with Russia (the last true free/white/Christian country).
“Where as Europeans are on the fast track express to extinction as its global elite introduce huge swathes of competing racial groups that outbreed and intermix with them.”
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion said they were going to do as much, but as means to the ends, not the ends in themselves.
I don’t know why you people keep thinking of Japan as an example of successfull homogeneity and purity and wave off its current crisis as just an adjustment. Barring a miracle, Japan will be Chinese by 2100 or a cluster of radioactive debris floating on the Pacific.
It’s demographic crisis is a symptom of their dead spirituality and lack of will to live. Europe is still on time to live if it can muster the will to do so on time…
You people? Just call me goy.
Economic doom and gloom merchants have been preaching Japanese economic collapse since the 80’s yet it remains as strong as ever even after suffering numerous great adversities. A resilient people that I’m sure will continue to thrive if they can resist the globalist pressure of multicultism and western poison.
Sorry, but no I am not a Jew. You people=WNs a phenomenon unique to America since in Europe everyone that still has brains knows that Europe is a group of nations whose population is bound by tradition, history and to a certain extent blood, not by race.
Second, it’s obvious that you haven’t examined the situation of Japan. Japan has been doing what the Fed is now doing (Quantitative Easing) for almost 20 years and its efforts have resulted in abject failure. Japanese economy cannot print borrowers, entrepreneurs and investors…The only good thing is that Japanese work ethic and export driven economy has spared its populace of greater misery however its women are as feminist as many in the west sans the chip on the shoulder-inspired-aggressiveness and its men have been utterly emasculated (herbivores anyone). Add to this the threat of a resurgent China who has never forgotten Nanking and its period of colonial vassalage to Japan, with a surplus of guys who will never find a Chinese wife due to their governments idiotic anti-natalist policies and I think you get my drift.
If that’s the future you aspire to the peoples of European descent, be my guest as Americans say.
Or we can try this
The massive acquisition of private land being secretly conducted – off budget – via the USFWS also fits in with this.
( Ive researched this topic extensively and have begun the process of starting a blog to expose it).
Its a concerted effort to herd us like cattle into smaller and smaller spaces where we can be controlled, monitored, made sick and if necessary dispatched.
Its utterly satanic.
why is there little being done? or said?
what people are permitted to say: zika virus outside the usa is primarily spread by mosquitoes. there is no vaccine. it exhibits mild symptoms. give more money to academics. etc.
the last part offers is the clue for why it’s even being said in the first place. advertising by journal and news, scares to get more political pork, etc.
of course, like other research driving ads, zika-grant seekers need to tread carefully. what’s not permitted to say, is that in the usa (and other non-tropical advent infection countries), transmission has had significant sexual elements, spreading tightly within social network boundaries, and not by local standing bodies of water. further, the source networks have largely been the poor, the haitians, and the african americans. and the source spread documented so far has been principally from a few poor, hatian, black men migrants to a rather high number of females. the zika virus is transmitted by mosquito, but a glaring expansion of infection has occurred outside of mosquito vector.
it will take a decade, or more, for this to be acknowledged. as before with other ‘sensitive populations’, the research demonstrating sex transmission and primary expansion along social deviance networks is already in.
it will also take a decade, or more, for medical schools to add zika to course bodies. zika hasn’t been relevant enough to require medical providers regurgitate it to pass licensing.
tl;dr: people are doing little to halt this, because (1) no sane income-un-resilant man wants to be anywhere near the politically incorrect realities of this, (2) the reality goes stupidly further past mosquitoes, (3) it represents excellent grant opportunity if it rises in importance in the usa (more money spent on migrants/welfare, unfortunately), (4) the mild presentation and obscurity has left instruction out of test requirements.
That picture made me laugh my tits off. Reminded me of the legendary comedian Bernard Manning.
CDC is government institution that competence varies in accordance to which administration is running under. Obama administration is purposely neglectful it duties of running a country instead they focus its attention on issues that their the political masters wants to get. Zika has specific vector in the mosquitoes, which in many regions of the US is under control heavily to prevent the spread of mosquitoes based virus already in the US. The problem with Zika is its danger to pregnant women and newborns. Which is not immediate concern with those in charge. They only focus on the moment and not the longterm consequence of their actions.
ZIKA DOESN’T POSE A DANGER! It’s the same bullshit we have every year. Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika, etc. none of it really poses a threat.
“ZIKA DOESN’T POSE A DANGER! It’s the same bullshit we have every year. Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika, etc. none of it really poses a threat.”
Better to error on the side of caution. By the side of caution I mean those countries that cut off air travel and tourism until the situation is clearly in hand. That’s the exact of opposite of say the USA under Obama where the dangers are hyped (and vaccines pushed upon the public) but the borders are left wide open.
Zika gives mild flu like symptoms for 5 days (at most) in less than 20% of the population who contracts the disease. There are Thousands if not millions of virus strains that do this same thing. Why would we fear this one Zika virus? At the very most, it will have MODERATE increases in microcephaly cases, and I use that pretty liberally.
As far as I have read, there has been no cases related to Zika virus that has led to microcephaly in the United States although the fact the virus is not native to the U.S. could explain why no such damage has been seen. (There simply has not been enough cases.)
There are some who wonder if the virus is related to a chemical that Brazil’s government is putting in the water. In efforts to eradicate a mosquito problem, Brazil’s government contracted Monsanto for the usage of a pesticide. That pesticide has been in their water since 2014, I believe. The majority of these birth defects are noted to happen in Brazil. There are some wondering if the pesticide itself is to blame, with Zika being used as a cover up. Others wonder if the pesticide perhaps spurred a mutation in mosquitos, subsequently leading to a mutation in Zika, turning it into a more deadly form.
It is rather uncanny that Zika, which has existed for a long time, is only just now being reported for causing birth defects.
(Edit: that chemical is “pyriproxyfen”, some of Brazil’s southern-most states have already halted using the pesticide in water.)
“leading to a mutation in Zika, turning it into a more deadly form.” Why would that be? We haven’t seen any more serous symptoms usual.
“It is rather uncanny that Zika, which has existed for a long time, is only just now being reported for causing birth defects.” Oh, well no one told you but… There isn’t a connection. Not one paper has shown that there is a connection and have actually shown to the contrary.
It’s not deadly to adults. Microcephaly is deadly, those children will not survive.
It is fairly common disease in tropical countries. There has not been cases of microcephaly attributed to the virus until this past year.
There are a lot of things wrong with this statement. For one, Microcephaly can be treated, and in many cases, it’s fixed before the brain gets damaged. Second, if it does cause microcephaly, it only marginally increases the rates, it will not give every single baby microcephaly, the vast majority of babies will still be healthy. Second, it still hasn’t been proven their is a link, sure the CDC said they did, but they are full of shit. They haven’t given out the statistics or methodology they used, and they are infamous for over hyping bullshit (Ebola, Swine Flu, or Bird Flu ring a bell?). And anyways, the CDC isn’t even in the authority to decide if their is a connection between the two or not, that is a job for the WHO.
“There has not been cases of microcephaly attributed to the virus until this past year.” Actually, their hasn’t been any. Because it hasn’t been proven that the two are related, their is no test to see what the cause is.
My question is: would you really trust a vaccine from these people when its fairly obvious they already don’t have your best interests at heart?
I understand that this virus is a real problem and I will give it it’s due credit. But I found this on the net and I had to share it with you guys.
Oy Vey! Our plan to use this Zika virus as a smoke screen didn’t work!
One word will solve all your mosquito problems:
DDT practically eradicated aboreal disease, then environmentalists had to fuck it up cause it was thinning the egg shells of birds. Millions dead for the sake of fucking birds.
Not really. Malaria is treatable and it’s not like it’s rampant in the US. Zika isn’t either, and Zika doesn’t have serous symptoms.
I was talking about the third world, there’s still about half a million deaths per year, though it is dropping.
Well the Ban on DDT is complete irrelevant than, because that is a US thing and the third world isn’t the US. It’s actually still used in Africa.
How about us on the Alt right start making it again?
We’re trying to oppose their rules, right?
My neighbor has a piece of shit house with a dilapidated old pool that has become nothing more than a breeding pit for mosquitoes. I’ve often thought of getting on the roof of my house and tossing some mosquito dunks over the fence into his pool….
Had the exact same problem a few years ago. Hopped the fence and slashed the shit out of it
The pool lining is already shredded to ribbons. There’s just enough to have about 6-7 inches of standing water at the bottom.
Pellet gun!
Not quite sure what that would solve. I’m a pretty decent shot, but shooting the mosquitoes might be a bit above my skill level. Shooting the neighbor would also either get me arrested or shot with a real gun.
Pellet guns are a mandatory accessory if you live close to other people in a neighborhood. You can still nail the rabbits in your yard, silently, and you can take care of any “stray pets” that are destroying your lawn or garden, silently. Plus, yeah, shooting mosquito breeding grounds on their property, silently. I love our .177/20 cal pellet rifle (interchangeable barrels).
Go to the dollar store and buy a shopping cart full of these:
Now THAT would be fun.
Just take the usual precautions. We aren’t a third world country in the US. Historically pandemics never started in the US. There can be no epidemic in countries with toilets and good hygiene.
Hey, Vermont is still clean! Probably because nobody goes there.
The United States may become infected with a crippling disease, but at least we won’t be called “racist” or banning certain countries!
Little do people realize race has nothing to do with countries.
Little do people realize race has nothing to do with countries.
In the modern West, you’re right. They’re doing everything possible to ensure that “we” are exterminated and replaced by third world cavemen. But in the past, countries had everything in the world to do with race. Borders exist because of the rational Us-Them mindset people held (and still do, but we’re not supposed to acknowledge that these days).
I don’t mean to nitpick, Jeff, but “race” tends to be defined by physical characteristics, which are affected by region.
For example: Brits and Frogs might live in different places, but if one spoke the language of the other you probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, even hundreds of years ago. That would be more like xenophobia /xenophilia. The modern west is a bunch of xenophiliacs.
However an Arab could never be confused for your typical bog-standard Brit until the the ancestral genes have diffused through several generations.
Brits and Frogs are the same people for all intents and purposes, a mixture of Germanic and Celtic people. I don’t attribute race to language and culture. Genetics on the other hand shows very distinct markers for the major groups on the planet, there’s just no getting around that.
The point I was making wasn’t some racist screed, I was simply noting that nations and borders were instituted because people recognized differences, usually racial but sometimes cultural (hence Europe being one or three genetically distinct strains of white people, with lots of different languages, and thus borders).
I see your point. The problem is people won’t admit that some cultures are just better at expansionism/absorption than others.
Although I have a sneaking suspicion the Japanese might outlast most of us if they can manage a Hein period revival to fix their herbivore population.
You know what I really enjoy about ROK? Men here can disagree or see things differently, yet discuss topics without it devolving into typical internet hatred. I’ll tell an obvious Leftist to fuck himself, but among the actual men here who are on my side we can all be civil and normally are. It’s quite refreshing.
Go fuck yourself, gramps! Get along now. Go drive home on your scooter.
We are like the Shangri-la of the internet. The book version, of course.
Have bantz we do. Take things personally, we do not.
If the life and luck I’m having the last few years is the result of being a gramps on a scooter, I’ll take it any day of the week! heh
Indeed. I’ve had quite a few heated exchanges with others here and by the next article, it’s all over and we chat about the new topic. It’s a refreshing change from the normal internet bullshit.
“Although I have a sneaking suspicion the Japanese might outlast most of us if they can manage a Hein period revival to fix their herbivore population.”
Top Official: Over 60 million Japanese irradiated by Fukushima — Nuclear Expert: 50,000 sq. miles of Japan highly contaminated… Many millions need to be evacuated… Gov’t has decided to sacrifice them, it’s a serious crime — TV: More than 70% of country contaminated by radiation (VIDEOS):
If comic books taught me one thing, radioactive things give super powers. lol.
Seriously though. It might be the Darwinist event required to lower the herbivore population.
Even so, it takes at least about approx 11.4 μSv/h to have an increased
cancer risk (calculated from 100,000 μSv per year, you can do the
math to get it to μSv/h ). About 5.4 μSv/h is the maximum recommended radiation exposure.
Here is a map of Japan:
It was much hotter in 2011.
Heh, the author’s name is almost Japanese for “newspaper”. (Apologies for the big pictures)
Japan is contaminated, but nowhere near levels that will cause widespread effects. In order to have an increased risk of cancer, you need to be exposed to 11.41μSv/hr, based off of the minimum dose required per year to increase the risk of cancer (100,000μSv per year /8766 hours in a year gets approx 11.41μSv/hr).
And things aren’t as hot now (or at least the most recent data I can find):
“The United States may become infected with a crippling disease” What? We have or have come close to to eradicating Small Pox, Polio, Chicken Pox, Cholera, Syphilis, Diphtheria, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, holy shit, the list is pretty long!
You realize this is about the Zika virus, right? Mutates babies so they have very small brains and resemble neanderthals.
As with all those diseases, they were quite a problem until they developed a vaccine. A lot can happen in the minimum 1 year wait for the Zika Virus vaccine.
Oh, I didn’t see that you said “infected with A crippling disease” and misread it as “infected with crippling disease”. Anyways Zika doesn’t have any decisive link between it and micocephaly. No studies have shown a definitive connection and the CDC is basically just being sensationalist (as they were with Bird Flu, Swine Flu and Ebola).
Oh, good. Then go ahead and get infected with the Zika virus. I’ll wait here.
Well I would, but the symptoms are so close to getting a cold that I wouldn’t even know if I got it, and testing is too much effort.
Glad to know you put so much effort in your health.
Looks like my plan to move to Wyoming soon is the right choice in yet another way.
We have the means to deal with this internally. I feel absolutely no compulsion to rally for even more of my stolen paycheque to be spent solving the problem for a hate filled, uncaring world of third world savages.
I might be right on your heels if Nashville keeps going the way it is.
By the way, how was your shindig last night? Nursing a hangover?
Absolutely fantastic. I try to moderate my drinking when I’m riding, there’s no profit in being stone drunk and then trying to ride home, and I do NOT leave my bike in parking lots overnight. BUT, had a great time, and the event had a large number of hot fillies. One chick showed up straight from what appeared to be the weight room, in her white yoga pants (didn’t know they came in pure white), her legs and ass perfectly sculpted, with what seemed to be high end C cup perfect breasts, and long feminine dark hair. Fucking hot as hell. I complimented her on her “concern with physical fitness” and that was all it took to have a puppy dog following me around all night. Instant social proof having her trailing along beside me being flirty, heh. She came with a group of us to the country joint (for karaoke). Hot as a tin roof in summer. So yeah, great night.
Sounds like a blast. I was at Target the other day and there was one girl in yoga pants that might as well have been painted on. I made it a point to need at least a few items on the aisles she was on. Woof!
Yep. And is it just me, or are younger women starting to eschew tats more and more? This girl didn’t have a spot of ink on her. The ink covered broads all seem to be the ones who got into the trend 2 to 5 years ago, I’m seeing more and more “no ink” young girls. Might be a regional thing, but I do hope it’s a harbinger of a larger trend.
Chick could sing too. Fuck, she was really gorgeous. Heh.
One could only hope. I’m thinking it’s a regional thing though. Still plenty of fat/trashy/tatted broads down here. The girl at Target was a diamond in the rough; the only one in the store that looked good.
Right, I know that they’re everywhere, I mean the younger ones who haven’t had ink yet don’t seem to be in a rush to get it. Yeah, maybe it’s regional. Hope we’re the trendsetters on this. I do long for the return of slim, hot, uninked young ladies.
Me too.
Oh yoga pants. I don’t remember exactly when it happened, but I am so happy that come the weekend the official uniform in NYC includes yoga pants.
On pretty girls they are a blessing that at least gives us some consolation in this age of “otherwise weird”.
I have a good friend who had an unfortunate illness and moved back in with his family in Knoxville. He doesn’t go out often, but when he does it is usually to the doctor or to wally world. From his reports it is just fucking frightening as hell.
On fat, ugly girls we just wail, gnash our teeth and plead to God why we are being cursed like this. For the last time, my name is not Job!
I don’t go to Wal-Mart anymore….ever.
It could be that the younger ones are coming of age and seeing their parents having tattoos. Teens usually will avoid doing anything the parents are into, so it might be trend.
This is more than likely the case. The kids with tattoos, for the most part, got them because they were rebelling which means their kids, likely, will avoid tattoos. Everyone’s parents are lame.
Might be. The youngest of the Millenials come from GenX parents, and unfortunately we (GenX) were the ones who started this ink madness.
I notice ink is cultural. I see almost no ink when I am getting a fresh veggie juice, jogging in the park or doing otherwise active hobbies. I notice a shit ton of tattoos with girls who are pretty much just getting drunk and high like it was their job.
“But honey, don’t you wanna be ‘cool’ like your mother?”
What the young girls don’t realize is that you look cute with or without tattoos. Once you permanently scar yourself like that and the years go by, your tattoo now makes you look pathetic.
Let’s just get rid of tattoo’s all together. If people want to spend 100-2000 dollars on art, they can go get some real art and hang it on a wall.
Sorry, but Zika poses no threat. 20% of people get symptoms. Of those 20%, very few even get symptoms as bad as the flu, and it lasts a maximum of 5 days. As for the pinhead bullshit, there have been ZERO papers connecting them. The connection is purely hypothetical, and in fact, studies have actually shown the link to probably be nonexistent.
It is another Scarecrow to control people.
Lets not kill all the cats because we think they’re carrying the plague (yes this really happened). Most infectious diseases spread not because of people per se but because of poor hygiene and food/water contamination. These diseases usually kill because of malnutrition (leading to weak immune systems) and poor medical treatment. This is why these diseases spread and kill so rapidly in the Third World. If you doubt this, ask yourself why these epidemics never start in the West.
So rather than panicking and demanding that walls be built, people be quarantined and anyone sneaking over the fence be shot, lets practice some calm rational thought.
This is not the Walking Dead and we don’t need to shoot the infected.
Great post. If you have a good hygiene system and sanitation in place the chances of this crap spreading like wildfire are nearly 0.0%. This is all scare tactics. Of course people traveling down there might get it, but when they bring it back here there’s real little chance of it catching on fire here.
This is not the Walking Dead and we don’t need to shoot the infected.
Damnit Bob, you’re such a wet blanket.
Well of course, we don’t NEED to shoot the infected, but where’s the fun in that? Gunners need love too.
I know, a real party pooper.
“Most infectious diseases spread not because of people per se but because of poor hygiene and food/water contamination. These diseases usually kill because of malnutrition (leading to weak immune systems) and poor medical treatment.”
Couldn’t have said it any better. Mainly a poor immune system is due to nutrient deficiency, not caloric deficiency. Large corporations promote cheap grains that lack nutrients as healthy…thus making you ill all for profit. Then big pharma scares yoy with this and promote a pill to mask these problems. It’s a perfect business model. Get the government agencies to promote it too and you get the perfect storm.
My older brother/housemate eats very little fruits and veggies and lots of grain-based pre-made food, and naturally has to take multivitamins and is nearly twice my weight. His justification is he’d rather be “fat and happy” (sometimes he sounds horribly like “body positive” feminist), but he isn’t happy. Poor bastard.
But his red-pill conversion is slowly progressing. In the meantime more fruits and veggies for me.
It’s not just fruits and veggies, but the key is to keep your insulin level low. Fats and proteins are best. Veggies provide dense nutrients. You can survive biologically without any fruits. Fruits are just a treat here and there.
When I think about my diet I consider how my grandfather ate and try to emulate that (getting recipes and ideas from my grandmother helps). And the only reason he gained weight was because when he stopped being a dairy farmer he worked 12-hour shifts at IBM, eating 5 meals a day. When he retired and ate 3 meals a day he didn’t gain weight, but never really lost it. Only major health problems he had were a result of him smoking when he was younger.
Ive been doing a ketogenic diet the last 4 months which is basically what you are describing. Lots of high fats, lots of vegetables, moderate protein, and no carbs or fruit. Im down 20 lbs, and my strength gains have been crazy.
Insulin sensitivity increases, thyroid sensitivity increases…i feel like a new man.
Good job! Did you go through that withdrawal phase the first few weeks?
what if I totally agree with you but want the infected to be shot anyway? Not for any rational reason, just to shoot them.
Basically my position in a nutshell.
And anybody with clown hair.
Just because.
yeah, I don’t think we should shoot people who are infected and sneaking into the country in order to stop the spread of disease. That doesn’t mean I am not a fan of them being shot nonetheless.
As it turns out, I am a big fan of most people being shot.
We need something moving to shoot at, if for no other reason to practice…
And no, metal plates aren’t a good enough substitute.
You remind me of Dogbert, on a meta level. heh
Still waiting for the zombie apocalypse…as long as it’s the slow, dumb zombies. If it’s the fast ones, we’re fucked.
Fast ones would be cool because it would really do a good Darwinian job on living humans. The remaining human beings would be absolute badasses. I plan on being in this group.
“Cardio…Poor fat bastards…”
Cardio is overrated…unless it for the zombies:
I was quoting Zombieland.
And I wasn’t. I just needed an excuse to post this pic…cracks me up.
Had to refresh to see the graphic, lol!
I propose that instead of a wall we set up a DMZ zone about 3 miles wide and put tons of free meth out. We also make shooting and killing anyone crossing the boarder legal. You and GOJ can set up a perch and have fun shooting at all the methed out, disease infested third worlders you like. But if they get passed you they are given the choice to join the military for 5 years and at the end get full citizenship.
Sounds like a plan. Make it so.
And if they refuse that offer?
That’s where I come in, again!
The answer is Soylent Green for the Third World
Should we let the women pass through? They do so well cleaning our hotels.
Only the ones who are of the rank of Sofia Vergara or higher. They are welcome in, for domestic servant services and…miscellaneous duties.
I’ve been thinking the same, if we get the slow ones we’ll all die of old age before they get enough of the SJWs to make a difference…
That would be anticlimactic as hell, live to see zombies, get Alzheimer’s before able to enjoy its fruits…
they get shot
I endorse this message!
Nah, the SJW’s are pretty out of shape as a whole. They’ll be among the first to get eaten.
So…about 1 in a 1000.
Hahahaha didn’t think of that one.
They’ve been taught to “shelter in place” their entire lives, so basically they’re nothing but living buffets waiting to be eaten by any passing zombie.
I really don’t know why the idea of living in such a world fascinates me so much, it’s hard not to think that it would be a blast. The television shows/movies all seem to forget that food would be mega plentiful for us, that ammo would be unlimited, and that we’d have access to tanks, helicopters, flame throwers and full auto assault weapons and silencers. Walking Dead finally has them using full auto and silencers, so there is that, but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen it thus far. The fantasy of “we’re just barely scraping by” is ludicrous in a world where there are like 100 real people left on a planet that produced canned food that will last 30 to 50 years for a population of 6.5 billion people.
My Abrams tank will be mighty and fearsome, I tells ya.
Yup. Some of the deaths I’ve seen on the Walking Dead are just plain silly. I remember when the older man died in like season 2 or something. He walked up on a half eaten cow that was still alive and bleating. He stood there fixated on the cow while a zombie snuck up right behind him. Situational awareness, fellas!
My plan of action should this happen.
1. Wait and bug in, inside the house. If I have advance warning, hit my farm house out where I have some acreage and then bug in there.
2. Let the majority of the carnage that eliminates the majority of the human race happen without my participation.
3. Stop by a farm vehicle dealership (we have those here) and pick up a massive livestock trailer.
4. Head to the National Guard armory and go tank shopping.
5. With trailer in tow on the tank, go supply shopping (ammo, more guns of the exotic variety, canned foods and meats, chicks stranded over at the Tilted Kilt who I find particularly worthy of helping me repopulate the planet, large window sized steel plates, solar panels, etc).
6. Win
I have a slightly different approach:
1. Find the nearest Kratom supply depot.
2. ???
3. Profit.
I thought that zombies ate brains. If so, then SJW are obviously immune.
Ah damn, you’re right…
I understand. There’s nothing more satisfying than shooting a zombie in the head with a shotgun. It makes a pleasing splatter.
They killed cats because in the Middle Ages people had no idea how the plague was spread. Had they instead targeted rats, the plague would have been much less deadly. The “kill all rats” mentality is actually VERY effective at preventing or limiting the effects of any pandemic, as long as the proper vectors are identified. Which we can do now.
But they never killed all the rats and yet we are not all dying of plague… How to resolve this conundrum I wonder…
You’re kidding right? The death toll was something like two thirds of Europe, with recurring but smaller events every couple decades. And now we do kill all the rats we find in homes and businesses, which has almost wiped out the Black Plague in civilized areas.
Two thirds is not all. How long have we been killing rats in homes and businesses? And do we do it because we’re afraid of plague?
Not to mention, Zika doens’t really have that bad of symptoms. I am sure this will also all go away by next winter.
Yeah so you have a small head. Shit… its better than having a small penis…
It doesn’t give you a small it. It MAY result in an increased chance being born with a small head, but the connection is pretty iffy.
Dont ruin my shtf fantasies.
What they are not telling you is that the ground zero in Brazil for the Zika virus is in an area where petrochemicals are heavily used.
Is there a place where petrochemicals are not heavily used, in any country that has an infrastructure and crops?
Officially, the answer is that the USA hasn’t done anything to stop Zika because the Republicans in congress refuse to create a two billion dollar slush fund.
But that doesn’t need to be done. Just legalize the use of DDT and institute immigration controls.
The Olympic Games are this year in Brazil, a country which is a giant mosquito breeding ground. It makes no sense that USA not protecting its athletes and rich Olympic sponsors.
Cut 2 billion out of food stamps and unemployment. Problem solved.
These are private citizens who are voluntarily making their own choices to go. They are not being forced to do so. It is their responsibility to self guard, not mine. We are not supposed to be a collectivist socialist country. They want to take the risk, they’re free to do so…on their own dime.
exactly right.
The IOC decided where the Olympics will be.
The athletes, their trainers and retinues didn’t just decide, but competed at the absolute top level just to be there. The spectators are paying top dollar to go.
Me? I don’t give a fuck about the Olympics. I may watch a couple of events if I am bored and am just as likely not to watch any of it.
So what? I am supposed to contribute to making it a safer place for the people who are not just going because they want to, but putting every effort possible in being there. Fuck that.
You ever see the license plates from Washington DC?
No. I have avoided that cesspool for a decade and a half now, and people from D.C. think Ohio only exists in imaginary terms, so I haven’t seen a license plate from there in a long, long time.
I agree with your principle here. However, despite being a cesspool DC really nails it with license plates and their mottos
Holy fuck, seriously??!? That’s for real???
Well, I’ll chalk whomever did this up with a point for honesty.
yeah, that’s for real. That is what plates say in DC. It may be a cesspool, but credit where it is due.
if we were all so honest the New York plates would say, instead of The Empire State, “The 9-11 Related Tourism State”
DC is the Real Empire State, eh?
If not acting to stop the spread, they must want it to spread. Real question becomes why they want it to spread.
Or they don’t care because not one paper has shown a connection between pinhead and zika virus.
Yet the CDC is trying to link the two. Why? I don’t think it is because they are bad scientists.
I think they basically are. They haven’t produced anything that has actually explain any “link” or even proven the link. I am not saying the link is impossible, but correlation is not causation.
The way that the administration and the CDC handled Ebola was criminal, at best. Not only did we not implement a travel ban, but we invited several of the infected (Rick Sacra and Kent Brantly) in for treatment. I might suggest a better course of action would have been to spare no expense treating them in place. By bringing them here, sure, we risk an outbreak. But much worse, we risk establishing a domestic reservoir for the disease. That sets the stage for repeated outbreaks, forever.
Then, where the one instance (that I recall) of quarantine was attempted, Kaci Hickox decided her feelings got hurt and she intentionally violated it.
I suspect they expressly wanted them in to have access to them, not so much for treatment as other purposes running concurrently with treatment.
It makes sense actually, even if the CDC was being honest, to have direct access to a patient is a treasure trove of data about the effects of the disease but also the relative speed of recovery of different tissues while it is happening.
It was incredibly stupid. Dude goes to the hospital in texas and is sent home with Tylenol. Ends up throwing up ebola all over the street.
Think of al the immigrants just walking from the Middle East and Africa into Europe. No screening until they fall ill in the host country, mostly Germany/Sweden. Then once they fall ill and are diagnosed their care is on the German/ Swedish health system. You can be sure these immigrants will be looked after before German nationals.
Canada, the Uk and soon Ireland from the looks of things are relaxing their ban on homosexuals donating blood. I wasn’t aware of a cure to HIV. The governments of these countries are willing to poison the blood supply of these countries in the name of “inclusiveness”. Maybe humanity deserves to die due to its own suicidal tendencies. Leaders have abandoned their people. The level of stupidity at the top is increasing by the day…..
Well damn. At least with AIDS all I have to do is not be gay or promiscuous, now I can get deformed kids just from mosquitoes.
Time to solve this with the numbers game. I’ll have ten kids and at least a couple will be normal. The others can make money through welfare.
Or join a freak show…….
“now I can get deformed kids just from mosquitoes.
Time to solve this with the numbers game. I’ll have ten kids and at least a couple will be normal. The others can make money through welfare.”
Not true, not one scientific paper has shown a link between Zika and congenital birth defects. It’s 100% hypothetical and has a weak connection at best.
Superficial article.
Take a good look at this picture:×444.jpg
– Who Owns the Zika Virus?
When you have a patent on DNA it doesn’t mean you made it or own that organism, it means you can get royalties from other people’s work on that piece of DNA. I think it’s still bad, but that doesn’t mean it’s some sensationalist bollocks.
Zika is soread by misquotes, who, incidentally, don’t give a shit about either your racism or your conspiracy theories.
And incidentally, there are 0 papers connecting Zika to pinhead.
If we are going to have a test model ready at the end of the year, I can guarantee you that means we are putting everything we have into it. The only way we can stop viruses is vaccines; antivirals take years to develop. And no, this can’t go faster; speedy science = disaster. Remember thalidomide?
Any policy that might give brown or black people the feelbadz must be stopped.
Right now every major lab company in the U.S. has a Zika screening test ready to launch. None have been approved by the government – and you can only be tested by sending the samples to the CDC for a big fee.
Government doesn’t want the competition, so they aren’t allowing it.
This article is completely blowing up the issue and making it bigger than it is.
“At its worst, it resembles Dengue fever which results in a high fever, vomiting, and aches and pains.” Actually at worst it resembles a mild flu, and only 20% of people ever even get sick from it. The virus mostly just does nothing to you.
“the Zika virus appears to be causing microcephaly and brain damage in infants of infected mothers.” By that, we mean their has been a slight increase in number of microcephaly cases, but their hasn’t been ONE PAPER to show a connection between the two. The evidence for a connection is weak at best and complete bollocks at worst.
“One big thing that the US has not done is put any travel restrictions or quarantines into place to prevent the disease from becoming an epidemic in the US.” Why would they? As I have shown, the Disease doesn’t have any serious side effects, just a bogus connection to Pinhead.
“For instance, does the Zika virus only affect the infants of women who become infected while they are pregnant, or does the the virus persist and pose a danger to infants even later in life?” Neither, no connection has actually been proven.
“Even though the Zika virus could potentially affect millions of American women who are planning to have children, the US is doing very little to address the threat.” Even at the very worst, the effects are only marginal. It will not effect millions, maybe thousands.
“— In 1808, Boston imposed a mandatory three-day quarantine on all ships arriving from the Caribbean and Mediterranean to prevent the spread of tropical disease in the US.
— After a cholera epidemic in Britain killed 30,000 people in 1832, New York passed a law that prevented ships from approaching within 300 feet of the shore when the captain knew or suspected that cholera was aboard.
— In 1866, a ship arriving from into New York from Liverpool was found to have passengers who were infected with cholera. The ship was immediately placed under strict quarantine.
— An Asiatic cholera epidemic in 1892 caused President Benjamin Harrison to place a mandatory 20-day quarantine on any vessel that was carrying immigrants.
— The bubonic plague death of the Chinese owner of lumberyard in 1900 led to the City of San Francisco rope off 15 blocks of Chinatown that led to the closure of many businesses.
— A polio outbreak in 1916 caused New York to take children away from their parents and place them in quarantine.
— During World War I, the US incarcerated 30,000 prostitutes to prevent the spread of venereal disease.
— During the 1980s, Ronald Reagan banned people with HIV/AIDS from immigrating into the US. The ban remained in place until it was removed by President Obama.” Almost all of those are for virus’s significantly more dangerous that Zika and were at times when the diseases were unknown. Cholera has killed Millions. Zika hasn’t killed one person as of 2016.
>their hasn’t been ONE PAPER to show a connection between the two.
Correction. There has been one paper.
1) that isn’t a paper/study, it’s a press release and doesn’t give a single statistic or leak to any studies. 2) The CDC is notoriously bad for being sensationalist over stupid shit. 3) “The report notes that no single piece of evidence provides conclusive proof that Zika virus infection is a cause of microcephaly and other fetal brain defects. Rather, increasing evidence from a number of recently published studies and a careful evaluation using established scientific criteria supports the authors’ conclusions.” But they don’t cite any of this “body of research”, so their is not reason to believe this ” growing body of research” even exists in the first place.
It’s not enough to quarantine, you also have to drain all standing bodies of water and use as much DDT as necessary to exterminate the mosquito population.
This article is extremely bad researched and just a example of the classic “we blame the government” but “do not even move our own ass to help”
See, if ZIKA was was first isolated in 1947 during an outbreak in the Zika Forest of Uganda and the It is spread across the Pacific in 2013.
How can it be in Central America, the Caribbean, and South America, if it crossed the fucking PACIFIC OCEAN????????
OK. here’s what I found concerning this virus. Please confirm if you see this comment.
… er. What am I looking at?
I’m living down here in the thick of it. I can confirm that there’s not much being done in the way of prevention. It’s business as usual down here.
The zika virus is a hoax. The latest medi hype with political agenda.
“The situation is so bad that some Central and South American governments
have recommended that women avoid getting pregnant until more is known
about the risks that are involved”
This would be brasilia. Brasilia who happen to have a socialist goverment for many years. Just recently this goverment had to endure a few …scratches in his image so to speak. The president is facing impeachment, the long-time expresident has good chances to spend the rest of his day in prision and the list goes on.
It seems this leftist goverment was a tiny bit corrupt, criminal, manipulative and used every legal and not-so-legal trick to stay in power for as long as they could. This “sudden and unexpected outbreak of this (almost) deadly zika virus” – is maybe their last move to scare their own people and stay in power a few more months.
Socialists all over the world realy are equal. They are all the same. Worthless.
The Zika virus causes babies to be born with small brains. They are building a Liberal army, one baby at a time.
Remember that only the female mosquito bites, being therefore the bloodsucking-disease-and-death-spreading entity that it is. Connect the dots (not only in relationship to this Zika madness, try to expand…) and draw your own conclusions.
…oh well.
Abnormally small, defective and insufficient brains mean more Democrat voters.
If the US is uninterested in stopping the spread of TB or any of the other diseases that were pretty much eradicated here but are currently being imported by masses of illegals (and legal immigrants in the case of HIV/AIDS, why should they care about ZIKA?