I’m Coming Back To Washington DC

Last week I was thrown a big curve ball. I hate to be vague, but one of my family members is having a problem that I want to help him or her with. Things could stabilize in one month, or it could go on for much longer, meaning that I’ve mentally prepared myself to move back to Washington DC. I’m already back in the United States as you read this.

In the beginning of Roosh Live #11, I describe coming back (there is a sound problem until 1:03)…

I expect two changes. The first is fewer YouTube live streams, at least for the next few weeks until I figure out a new setup. The second is more meetups. I plan to hold at least one happy hour in Washington DC. If my stay in the States is long-term, I may do them in other parts of the country.

Until the family situation stabilizes, I will try to maintain two residences, one in the DC area and one in Europe. If that’s not possible, I will close the chapter on my European adventures, which started in 2011, and begin a new one back in America.

Lastly, since I no longer have to conceal where I am, I plan on updating my Instagram more often with local happenings. You can follow me at kingroosh.

Read Next: Washington DC Has Bottomed Out

55 thoughts on “I’m Coming Back To Washington DC”

  1. Roosh, I doubt you will see this comment but I just wanted to thank you for your massive contribution to the manosphere. Growing up in hollywood, the mecca of all degeneracy, I needed red pill validation that I wasn’t crazy. This was many years ago when you just started ROK. I have been an avid reader since. Life here is horrible here, I want to help contribute to the manosphere. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.

    1. Just lately I find The Man in Black’s ‘Man in Black’ particularly poignant to our cause.

      1. Johnny Cash, a real RED PILL man.
        He had plenty of things to fight for. We have none.

    1. It’s not easy to get permanent residency these days unless you want to become extremely wealthy to buy a passport from a tax haven country.

    2. What the fvck is with these Forbidden and Access denied bullshit while feminists have their hatred against men and slander posted with no complaints? Wasn’t there a few feminists who managed to pass the filters to post hate speech against men?!

  2. Ok, so you have to come back to handle some family business. Understandable.
    It’s going to be very interesting to see where this goes.
    whatever you do, DO NOT COME TO ALABAMA.
    This is a fatty alert.
    Not like you would, but really, your eyes would quite possibly explode.
    Best regards.

    1. The south gets negative attention, but I think there are just as many fatties in other parts of the country too. I’ve seen plenty of gorgeous southern girls, who would make good wives, and aren’t borderline prostitutes.
      I’ve also seen some big fat fatties in California, where most people associate beauty. Just gotta know where to look 😉

  3. Roosh
    I hope you are able to help your family member with his or her problem. And I hope you enjoy your stay in America.

  4. When are you going to do World Tours in Montreal and Toronto? I’m coming to Canada with my Confederate flag and if I can get away with it, my handy literature from Germany via David Duke.

  5. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine and came to the states over 28 years ago. I go back and visit but I cannot understand why everyone thinks its so great. The country has extreme levels of poverty and corruption, and the people there are all extremely angry. I can’t imagine how an American can get a job there without speaking the language, especially one that pays a decent salary. Sure it is a beautiful country with amazing landmarks and a plethora of beautiful women. However, all these women have sponsors from around the world via Instagram and they are all known to be money hungry whores. I say this because I go back every few years to visit family. Roosh, I will head the Los Angeles and California Chapter for you, this is a state and city that is declining into a biblical like apocalypse, we have moved past degeneracy a long time ago. We need to stick together and if we have discipline to stick to our agenda and our movement we can create something great. The dominos are all lined up, someone just has to push one. (Que the scene from V for Vendetta). Let us rise up from the ashes of society and feminism and reclaim what is ours- the return of the kings is upon us!

    1. Young men in America, Canada and UK can’t find jobs, but they still have to suffer feminists and increasing cost of living which makes it impossible to leave the matrix or even have spare change.
      Vladimir Putin probably offers more to young Western men than what the West can offer to men in those feminist infested cesspools of SJWs and gays.

    2. Ukrainians are angry because that kay-why-kay-e (K.I.K.E.) Victoria Nudelman funded a civil war in Crimea. The most destructive element on earth is not rumours of Russia sending atomic missiles into American gay-feminist cities, but they are J3w3ss-feminists like Victoria Nudelman who support bloodshed to spread American aggression and feminist policy. How would America and Canada like it if Putin paid minorities to annex part of Canada?

    3. @blackpill
      You do a disservice to this site by acting like a 19 year old who wants the ‘end of the world’ scenario to happen.

      1. @Johndoe,
        please explain how you have ascertained that I act like a 19 year old with the end of the world scenario? I simply want to help my fellow man anyway I can. You are doing a disservice to society by existing and consuming. Do you produce anything? Do you do anything for your fellow man? Please, enlighten me.

    4. Women are SUPPOSED to be money hungry whores, that is their nature. They are also supposed to want children and this is where Ukraine has gone wrong. The natural order of things is the Philippines, where the women get pregant early and often and then support themselves and their children by their natural money-hungry whoring tendencies. Eventually the Ukrainian whores will find their way back to the natural order of things and instead of sterile consumption of fashion items designed by French and Italian faggots, will use their sponsor money to raise a family, including a new generation of beautiful whores. Can’t wait to visit my whore in Kiev this summer. So beautiful, so refined and bargain price too!

      1. It is not normal for women to be solely as money hungry whores. The reason this exists is not exactly due to social conditioning as people think, but because most of the female sex alive today is compromised of Reptilian women and Reptilian Human Hybrid females. I would say about 99% of the world’s population of Women are Reptilians, which is why they function like cockroaches (obsessed with security and resourcefulness above all) and reciprocating nothing. Women and Cockroaches both have no agency for what they do.
        Ukrainian Women!? Why would they be any different, they are just a more clever breed of Gold Diggers, nothing new under the sun. They may appear more traditional and yes they will cook and clean for a Man, but that’s about it. They are over-rated and boring. I’ve found all Slavic women to have very boring and also oppressive mentalities that are actually very unattractive once you really get to know and understand these types of women. They are cold as a fish in the bedroom. Only exception are Ukrainian and Russian prostitutes lol.

  6. Black pillar,
    It’s reassuring to hear someone using the phrase ‘stick together.’ But let’s be realistic.
    I’d estimate conservatively, there are probably less than 250,000 men in America red pilled. And a whole lot of people are going to die when the bottom falls out.
    I think the fruitcake environments were right when they said “think globally, act locally.

    1. If the 250000 men were real men who were determined to fight for a common cause there should be some hope.
      Why do you think 500 sheep are afraid of a single wolf?

    2. From estimates I’ve read there are at least 30 million Altrighters in the states based on polls, internet activity, and voting patterns.
      Whether or not you think Altrighters are truly “red pilled” is another issue, but I do think it is higher than 250,000 in a country of 300+ million.

      1. The Alt right in Toronto is led by Dimitri the Lover. Toronto is one dumpy place. My friends are moaning in agony because they migrated to Toronto over a year, and they still can’t find jobs, not even a general labor contract work, and these men are lifting weights and going to the gym. Is Toronto that retarded to give preference to a fat refugee from Iran a labor job because she is a woman?

        1. I have two masters degrees and I’m struggling to find a proper job. Been looking for three months now.
          I’m getting by on freelance work but it’s not enough to build a real life.
          Toronto truly sucks. I’m just happy I have money saved from years of work when I was younger. I’d be truly discouraged if I just moved here now.
          I’m always on the lookout to meet more red pilled men in the city so if you’re here don’t be shy to get in touch. I respond to emails.

        2. @ Clark Kent, I hope you will get a job soon in that feminist backwards city. If you’re forced on welfare by the time the new Ontario government is elected, or if Trudeau is booted out, a tradthot in a suit will start gutting welfare and healthcare to balance the books of the province. It’s not a great experience living on the streets of Toronto in -40F weather. At least here in the States, we don’t die homeless in snow and frost in the Southern part of the USof America.

        3. Unfortunately on the Facebook group that I’m a member with, many MGTOW from Toronto complain how they are discriminated in the career hiring process by HR feminists. Some MRAs also complain how Toronto has a culture where if a teacher is feminist or gay, those teachers are allowed to wear revealing clothing and show some skin because of their sexual orientation. One ex is a gay teacher arriving to class wearing a tank top and see through spandex. If the school board complains or receive a complaint from a parent, the gay or feminist teacher can sue for sexism and gender discrimination in the Social Justice Tribunals in Ontario.

        4. @ Clark Kent, use a burner email and I will share it to my Canadian pals on the Facebook group Men’s Rights Australia and MGTOW Canada. I hope you get a job soon. I’ve heard many men who migrated to Canada with everything they owned in their home countries, and within a year POOF! All that is gone!!!! If you can’t find a job in Toronto you might as well live in Thailand for a year because rent is very cheap there. One MRA stated in his video that it’s only US$100-$150 month to rent a condo in Bangkok if you can woo a local female to apply for the rental in her name! White men are treated like Kings in Thailand and it’s a refuge for Canadian men. Lots of men who were under court orders because of a feminist liar or ex-wife eventually flee to Thailand!

      2. From that number just remove the thirsty alt-righters who jack off on lauren southern videos.

  7. Welcome back to the states – here’s hoping things go well for your family member.
    Remember that despite Bob Cuckhorn, Tampa isn’t exactly a bad place to hold an ROK Happy Hour either

  8. New Orleans area is full of fatties, ghetto black chicks, and trashy tatted up broads. Even 5’s here act like they are high 9’s Don’t waste your time here Roosh.

  9. Be careful. I’m sure you’re on lists like the ones they have in Canada and the UK. Please don’t underestimate the political nature of some of the message you broadcast is absolutely hated by those in power here in the US. They have the power to Seth Rich you, if you know what I mean. Avoid nail guns and weight rooms. ‘Accidents’ happen.
    I hope I’m just typing with an over abundance of caution, but recent events give me pause.
    Good luck. Be vigilant. Post often.

    1. I remember on the forums at the time of the outrage how several men took selfies with Roosh in Canada, and the men were targeted as far as Brazil and an overseas territory of France. One of the men complained how he was hounded online, his selfie printed out and stapled at nearly every bulletin board and lamppost in Montreal.
      Aurelie Nix sent her mangina friends to harass the man’s online friends and spreading lies about him and his purported association with Roosh.
      Canadian feminists vented their anger at Roosh attendees and men who look Muslim like Roosh.
      I also saw a video of a South African man being surrounded by feminists and manh8rs Shauna Hunt and Cheri Di Novo at a protest in Toronto.
      If the feminists are unable to directly get Roosh, they will go after his fanbase to harass their friends and families!

    2. I saw a video on YouTube where a man was accused of meeting up with Roosh in Montreal (during the World Tour outrage as if Roosh can travel across the world in a night). The police only watched while the poor man was being chased down by Antifa members who were armed with sticks, a broken glass bottle and what appears to be a pocket knife.

    3. Indeed. Roosh should be very careful, cautious & calculative. Hopefully He is surrounded by Body Guards.
      Roosh, you are NOT alone. Rest assured the femicunts will literally “piss” in their pants to even approach you !!; for they are well aware of the Support & Following you Command.
      Wishing you the very best,
      fellow ROKer.

  10. One poster above mentioned that Hollywood was the Mecca of degeneracy, but I’m telling you that DC is running neck and neck. I went to grad school in DC and after 2 years I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there. It attracts the very people you’d expect, rapacious, grasping, arrogant yet willing to sell themselves. The amount of homosexuality is also insane. I don’t envy anyone that has to move to that city.

    1. You are right brah.
      The fucking “women” are hideous and have no ethics. The dudes are pussies or worse, soibois.

  11. I will be there for the meetup(s). Hope it’s on a weekend (optimal time) but a weekday will be fine, I’ll work it in.
    I’m down to meet some of my local fellow ROKers as well.

  12. I like Roosh, but don’t understand why he doesn’t marry a beautiful woman of faith in Iran. Why waste time in the busted west when im the countries whites dismiss as shitholes a man can live freely in a patriarchal, theocratic homogenous society?

    1. @So What…
      Things are not as always easy and clear as they seem. I do believe it’s taken some time for Roosh to mature and come down from his pedestal on some things including to admit the reality of female nature instead of denying it. I think he’s beginning to see that women more or less are the same no matter where they live, and he recognizes that women see men as a disposable utility and are only out for our resources.
      That being said, Iran is no different. Why would it be all that different!? Iranian girls more than ever celebrate sexual liberation and are extremely difficult and career-oriented (moving in the direction of the West), and yet people think that it has not become that way.
      Roosh also is psychologically detached from his Native culture which could be due to not speaking the native tongue and possibly being regarded as an outsider by his own people. Many racial groups in America are also treated this way, especially if you come from a culture that has a very collectivist mentality that is rooted in either failure or obsolete ideas / values. To have a unique opinion or worldview is highly rejected.

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