The Ideology That Can Soundly Defeat Liberalism Is Patriarchal Nationalism

Patriarchal nationalism is a political and social framework based on red-pill wisdom, articulated by ROK’s own Roosh Valizadeh and Michael Sebastian. This framework is an antidote to the poison that has corrupted virtually every facet of Western civilization, now drawing ever closer to systemic collapse. If you haven’t already, you should read the article on patriarchal nationalism now.

The Foundations For Practicing Patriarchal Nationalism

Philosophy (big)

The various positions contained within patriarchal nationalism are evident to anyone who has taken the red pill, to anyone who can look and see what made societies healthy in the past and what is making them unhealthy now. Unfortunately, many in the West have indulged in the luxury of setting aside reality in favor of an alternative, one that begins as pleasant-sounding ideology, then sinks into wishful thinking, and finally collapses into delusion.

There is a natural tendency for people to synchronize their outward actions and their ideological understanding of the world, so that the practical and the ideal can reinforce each other in harmony. If people lack an ideology behind a practice, that practice becomes demoted to merely a habit or custom. If a practice and an ideology are out of harmony with each other, one or the other must change to restore balance.

In times past, pressure on this practice-ideology system came primarily from necessity and hard reality. With reality as the final arbiter, practices were continuously shaped to the necessities of the world as it is, and people adjusted their ideologies accordingly. In the safety and prosperity of the modern West, pressure on the practice-ideology system has come primarily from desires and feelings. With fancy as the final arbiter, ideology has been shaped to a vision of the world as it ought to be, and people have adjusted their practices accordingly.

For patriarchal nationalism to be implemented, its rational basis must be articulated in ideological terms that justify, guide, and refine its practice. Furthermore, if patriarchal nationalism is to supplant the current system of social and political practices, it must have a corresponding ideology that can supplant the current ideology of liberalism. The first step toward this is to identify the myopia of liberalism, its fatal flaw, and to articulate a fuller understanding of human nature.

The Myopia Of Liberalism


Liberalism in the most general sense is an ideology of individualism, in which the individual is paramount. For classical liberals, a man’s active self is sacred, such that individual labor, opinions, speech, liberty, equality under the law, and safety from others are valued by society, which serves as a policeman. For modern liberals, a man’s passive self is sacred, such that individual needs, desires, feelings, equality of outcome, and safety (including from natural consequences) are valued by society, which serves as a nanny.

Liberalism is an ideology in which society exists to serve individuals; how adult or childish those individuals are expected to be is merely a secondary consideration. The first sin of liberalism is its myopia, its doctrine that individuals are the only fundamental, essential units of the human species.

The second sin of liberalism is its idealization of individual morality and reason as the foundation of society, the faith that the individual as an institution is strong enough of mind and character to hold as the center around which all other facets of society revolve. Such an idealization grossly underestimates how much people can value taking over contributing, being over doing, feeling over thinking, and wishing over seeing. Sufficiently degenerated, men will beat their plowshares into televisions; they will forgo the sowing season to glut upon seeds.

The Three Fundamental Units Of The Human Species

Through the myopia of liberalism, individuals are seen as the fundamental units of the human species, while all larger units are merely groups in which individuals participate in order to achieve useful results. Families are formed in order to secure companionship and to share burdens. Tribes and nations arise in order to facilitate trade and collective security. For the liberal, the larger units are only utilitarian arrangements for individuals.

The benefits of larger social units are obvious. However, a more careful analysis reveals that these larger units, the family and the tribe, are not just useful, but are essential to the survival and thriving of both human individuals and the human species.

The Individual


The individual is the most obvious unit of the human species. Without individuals, the species would cease to exist. Furthermore, an individual can be a wellspring of benefits to the rest of society. A man’s good ideas, his productive labor, and his virtuous character enrich those around him. In general, when individuals flourish, families and tribes flourish as well.

The Family Or Clan


The family is also essential for the human species. A man comes into this world helpless and ignorant, without the ability to defend or provide for himself. Without a family to protect and feed him, he will perish. Furthermore, a man’s uncultivated instincts and potentials serve him little. He requires a family to teach him language and skills, to teach him over the course of many years how to survive. An extended family (clan) is able to provide even more guidance and support.

Even when children’s material needs are met by other means (usually the welfare state as surrogate father), those children experience worse life outcomes. Traditional families are still the best system for producing healthy and successful people. In general, when families flourish, individuals and tribes also flourish.

The Tribe Or Nation

Signing Declaration

A tribe is made up of many families or clans, and a nation is more or less a vast tribe. Although an individual requires a family to survive into competent adulthood, after that he may not require a family or tribe to survive. Similarly, a family may be able to survive on its own with the effort of its members, without being a part of a tribe. However, this tribe-less survival can only occur for a limited time, and it is biologically unsustainable.

If the human species were only a single man, the species would die out in a few decades because a man cannot reproduce alone. If the human species were only a single family or clan, the species would die out in a few generations. This is because a man may be able to reproduce with a member of his family, but incestuous reproduction in the long term leads to biological degeneration and extinction.

The tribe is the smallest unit necessary for the long-term survival of the human species. Furthermore, the tribe provides a myriad of benefits to its constituent individuals and families. The collectivization of security, the specialization of knowledge and labor, and cooperation all benefit members of the tribe enormously. In general, when tribes flourish, individuals and families flourish too.

Beyond Liberalism

New Dawn

Patriarchal nationalism rests on an understanding of the tri-part nature of the human species, that the individual, the family, and tribe are all essential. These three units are so fundamental that they existed even before the evolution of modern humans. The family and the tribe are not products of humanity; they are its prerequisites. A fitting name for this ideology is Human Trinitarianism.

Liberalism has a single focus, recognizing a single valued component of the human species which must be prioritized above all else. In contrast, Human Trinitarianism has three foci, recognizing three valued components of the human species which must negotiate with one another. The interests of each part sometimes overlap, and sometimes are at odds with one another, but their relationship with each other is synergistic. In conflict, they degenerate. When each is healthy and they act in harmony, they all flourish.

Just as physical reality is the highest arbiter of practice, objective truth is the highest arbiter of ideology. To survive, the West must realign its practices and ideologies according to an objective understanding of nature and an unclouded assessment of which practices actually work. Part of this task means developing a clearer understanding of how a healthy society negotiates the congruent and the conflicting interests of the individual, the family, and the tribe. However, the details of such negations are for another time.

Ultimately, the ideas presented here are not a conclusion, but a beginning. I offer them as a small contribution toward the development of patriarchal nationalism. As I continue my own work developing these ideas, I look forward to your comments and your ideas as well.

Read More: Patriarchal Nationalism: The Only Societal System That Can Save The West

456 thoughts on “The Ideology That Can Soundly Defeat Liberalism Is Patriarchal Nationalism”

  1. Liberalism today is now a soft corporate communism. It thrives off the chaos it creates. Only a patriarchal society can allow individualism to improve one’s life through the fruits of labor and brotherhood amongst men.

        1. Top-notch comment to an excellent comment to a great comment.

        2. Now that wasn’t an admirable comment to give a top-notch comment to an excellent comment to a great comment.

        3. He’s like the village idiot who goes around shouting “you guys are so stupid: you can’t see how smart I am”

        4. I know. Don’t mind me. And don’t mind chirho either. He’s a little bitter right now.

        5. My asshole is currently a bit itchy because it’s been a long sweaty day and I didn’t wipe well enough this morning (i was in a hurry) after I grew a tail……could you simply lick that fucker for me you ass wipe?

        6. How did you wrongly gather such an assumption? You can do better I hope.

        7. LOL you tell me, when we’ve never interacted, to lick your asshole, and you insist that you’re NOT bitter? Yeah, ok, dumbass.

        8. I suspect a lying manipulator trying to make his enemies position appear foolish and create division and doubt amongst its ranks.

  2. This shows why the more clannish, traditional, long-settled tribes in the United States, for example, the Appalachian Scots-Irish, have become such strong supporters of Donald Trump. He projects the image of the kind of dominant patriarchal-nationalist leader that they recognize and respect.
    It doesn’t follow that Trump can deliver, however. I do find it interesting how his rapid rise has unsettled patriarchal nationalism’s (((liberal-cosmopolitan enemies))).

  3. What is the answer for implementing this in America? Should my tribe be the Scots-Irish who emigrated here? My local state? My religion? America is far too large to have a uniting tribal force. It’s the equivalent of the European Union. And it is a mix of various religions, creeds, races, and colors.

    1. America’s foundation was that of a libertrarian Nothern European nation.
      Now it’s a nation of mindless consumer drones.

    2. The blacks, Latinos, and Asians in the U.S. already do the tribal thing. Whites are the last ones to get around to it but we’re seeing it this election cycle as the “white American” tribe starts to gel in hearts and minds across the country

    3. The answer then would be representative tribalism. Genghis Khan had many tribes in his army, but managed to coordinate them as an effective whole without destroying their identities. You belong to each of those tribes, and each has a say in how the country is run with respect to their interests. Laws should be made with respect to the tribes that compose the society.

  4. When leftist authoritarianism becomes as metastasized as it is now in Western Culture the only way to remove it is organized force. Ideology can rebuild Western Culture, but it will not defeat the disease of leftism.

    1. It would help if we drew up a list of the people we need to round up and send to the soccer stadium. I’d put (((George Soros))) at the top. He has worn out his welcome in this country when he sends gangs of diversity trash to harass Trump supporters.

      1. George Soros is literally everything bad about jews combined into one person.
        The other people like this are the Weinstein brothers who were producers for Tarantino’s anti-white movies.
        They literally look like caricatures.
        and Al Goldstein who was a jewish pornographer.

        An anti-Trump jew from a recent libertrarian convention comes close as some other jews I can’t think off right now.

        The jews are a very unpleasant race.

  5. Honestly, I don’t think any large scale system of government is a solution. Humans simply aren’t evolved for it. We’re evolved for tribal life, and the problems we face today come from the incurable impracticality of applying small scale community-focused psychological mechanisms to a community of millions, most of who aren’t even relevant to our lives.
    The true solution is, thus, not patriarchal nationalism but patriarchal anarchy… or maybe you’d call it “patriarchal tribalism” free from all centralized government, whatever. It’s difficult to implement, though, because it’s so far rightwards from the socialism the West is at now.

    1. I agree that large-scale governments can have problems when they become too involved and demand too much from people. Basically, people seem to thrive when the most immediate group they are apart of (like a family) demands the most from them, while the most remote group (like a large nation-state) demands relatively little. In a very large system, the widest-scale ties are naturally the weakest. Before (and during) the American Civil war, many people thought of themselves as belonging to their home state first and foremost
      However, I would note that the ideal of a more tribal lifestyle is only feasible in environments that allow them. Modern, industrialized nations are superior in their ability to gather, utilize, and deploy resources. Basically, a loose collection of libertarian tribes will lose against more centralized nations. An example of this is Germany during World War II.The Germans were only stopped because pretty much the rest of the world got together and gang-banged them. An anarchical libertarian society would stand no chance against the Third Reich.

      1. Excellent comment.
        I like the Third Reich, but I also like small government libertrarian ideals.
        As long as a government is pro-white, I don’t care if it is big or small. Or at least not that much, those issues are secondary.

    2. Such a society cannot last, however well it matches with our psychological mechanisms. See the anarchic communes in the Spanish Civil War for example. The people were happy and productive, yet they were crushed by the State.
      A successful society must be both cohesive and powerful. If the US didn’t have hundreds of millions of people and an enormous budget, they never would have become the world’s dominant military power. So while we need to reaffirm the importance of families and tribes, we still need countries for collective security. The tribe is to small a unit to provide this now, when weapons are as advanced and expensive as they are.

      1. And that’s humanity’s conundrum. We need larger communities, but we’re not equipped to manage them. I suppose we’ll have to evolve again.
        Patriarchal anarchy works well on an individual scale, though. I practice it. I’m head of my house, I home-school my kids, and as far as we’re concerned anybody who imposes policy and law on us is an enemy we strive to avoid. We’ve been dismissed as a cult, though. LOL

        1. This is evolution. A socio-political system develops an advantage, and another co-opts the idea and twists it into a disfigured version of that advantage. But evolution isn’t a pleasant process, since many die for every one that lives.
          I respect your way of life, though I wonder if your children get a complete education. Are you skilled in all the academic fields you wish them to become proficient in? Though I completely understand your desire to avoid the indoctrination of modern Western education.

        2. I’m more skilled than the childless feminist sluts filling primary and high schools, that’s for certain. Government schools are deplorable. Children are making it through years of education now without learning basic common sense skills such as the ability to distinguish a male from a female. You don’t realize how stupid this is?
          Here’s one way of putting it: If I send my daughters to a government school then should I expect they’d become anything other than an average graduate, and would I be pleased if my daughters were average by NZ standards? Hell, no. Average girls are childless sluts, emotional wrecks, and reproductive failures. Yeah, I can do better. Hell, I wouldn’t have to teach them anything at all to do better than that (but I will).
          Schools as they are are also an unhealthy environment for adolescent girls. Think about it – all the potential mate options in their primary social environment are the exact same age as the girls (and boys aged that age make terrible fathers, obviously). Does that sound natural to you? No. It’s an artificial reproductive environment that works specifically to the detriment of girls (who naturally prefer the older males they’re being artificially deprived of). Pairing girls with inadequate mates at such an important stage in their lives goes a long way to explaining the rise of promiscuity in the West and the collapse of the population and effective breeding.
          Government schools are literally detrimental to young girls.
          Yes. I can do better.

        3. I don’t know the particulars of your situation, but of course I wouldn’t want your daughters to be exposed to the outright lunacy of public education. I know some great men who are teachers and don’t buy into such rubbish, but I’ll acknowledge that they aren’t common.
          My question was more about logistics. Say you are great at teaching history, literature, economics, and biology, but not so much chemistry. Do you have other people you trust to teach that? Or are you proficient in each subject you want your daughters to learn?

        4. Chemistry?! That isn’t even a subject where I’m from. I never did it in high school. Home-schooled kids can still go to university and they’d learn chosen specialized subjects there.
          High school education is very basic, anyway. The only potentially necessary subject I struggle with is math. I might hire a private tutor for that if I need to.
          Yet I’ve only got DAUGHTERS. Honestly, they’ll probably be pregnant by the time they’re 15 and “home economics” will become the only relevant subject unless they show an interest in literature or such (novel writing can be done from home and is a good subject for women, things like that). Girls who have extensive educations usually experience reproductive failure, anyway (they don’t have kids), and they become sluts with a history of failed relationships. No good father would want that for his girls.
          Why do you care, anyway? And you do realize that throughout human history home-schooling has been the norm, right? Government-schooling is a new concept and it’s conspicuously accompanied by a massive rise in degeneracy.

  6. Just to be clear, there is no need to get rid of the 1st Amendment in order to have a stable society.
    America in 1791 was doing just fine with its limited government because it was also patriarchal (e.g., women couldn’t vote) and nationalistic (e.g., only whites could). There is no inherent conflict between patriarchal nationalism and America as it was founded.
    All of you neoreactionaries who think we need to go back to the 15th fucking century in order to have a stable society are ignorant and stupid as hell.
    And some of you, the Catholics, are just mad that you can’t murder non-Catholics anymore.

    1. “–the Catholics, are just mad that you can’t murder non-Catholics anymore.”
      Planned Parenthood does a better job of it than we ever could.

      1. You guys (many of you anyway) still want to do it. The fact that others currently engage in murder and get away with it doesn’t somehow get you off the hook, idiot.

        1. I’m the bigot, when I support religious freedom and you guys want to be able to murder non-Catholics with the sanction of the state?
          Un-fucking-real. You have it all turned around. How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?

        2. I can’t even figure out what he’s talking about he’s so fucking stupid.

        3. That’s where you’re wrong. If you go to the article written by Friar Moner (a few articles down), the Catholics there want an end to freedom of religion and a return to the medieval status quo (which included, as your dumbass is probably unaware, burning non-Catholics at the stake).

        4. I’m not the one making senseless off-topic arguments on random net sites…

        5. It wouldn’t surprise me if 1 idiot said that, but that’s not what this article is about and most RoK members would be opposed to it.

        6. “(which included, as your dumbass is probably unaware, burning non-Catholics at the stake).”
          Completely untrue.
          You’re just showing the fact that you’re not very educated about Middle ages, and thus making a fool of yourself.

        7. It was far more than one, and those are the ones I’m addressing. I never said it was the ROK community as a whole. Nice try.

        8. The Catholic Church didn’t burn non-Catholics at the stake in the Middle Ages? You’re seriously saying that?
          *Puts his head in his hands*
          You’re beyond reasoning with. Our discussion ends here.

        9. I never heard of him and I would bet most catholics haven’t either. Let me guess, you are from somewhere down south yes? If you are concerned about violent religious fanatics, there is another group— in fact they are in the news almost daily.

        10. Calling Moner a representative of mainstream Catholic thought is like calling Jeb Bush a representative of conservatism. Most Catholics up to the Vatican are fine with freedom of religion.
          And no, nobody was “burning non-Catholics at the stake” in the middle ages, fuck off back to reddit.

        11. There are more than a few people in this very community who want an end to religious freedom. They are here and they are vocal, whether you like it or not. And don’t worry, I criticize Islam too.

        12. I never said Moner represented most Catholics. Instead I said that there were multiple Catholics in this community (him included, obviously) who want to do away with religious freedom.
          Nice straw man.
          And the Catholic Church most definitely did burn non-Catholics at the stake in the Middle Ages. If you think otherwise, then there’s nothing I can say to you.

        13. I will be sure to pay attention in mass when the priest starts advocating ending religious freedom.
          If you fear is forcing you to post such asinine comments, I would even suggest that you attend a catholic mass to dispel your concern. But we both know you won’t.

        14. You’re going to ‘pay attention’? Uh, his article is on the first page of ROK. You can easily go read it right now.
          And it’s not fear, that’s what he and others were saying. My (offhand) comment was directed at them, not all Catholics everywhere.

        15. “Burning non-Catholics at the stake”as burning people for just being non-Catholics, as you presented it, is a lie.
          If it’s not, then would you explain to me why Joinville’s life of Saint Louis written in the 13th century mentionned the “knights that are brave but do not believe”?
          Yep, that’s right, disbelievers existed and were not burned.
          If you were thinking about the witch burnings that’s actually a Renaissance phenomenom and mostly done by seculars.
          Also, atheists actually burned people in churches in France during the Revolution, and shove gun powder into women’s vagina, if you want to play the victim game.
          The first massive systematic state sponsored genocide of Europe was actually done in the name of religious freedom.

        16. Yes, he’s seriously saying that. You’re historically illiterate, get over it.

        17. I have been to Paris and used to read the historical placards of the “revolutionaries” shoving catholic believers into the church and setting it on fire.
          Reoccurring theme with those espousing “freedom” is hating religion and any organization they do not control.

        18. Solzhenitsyn made the analogy between that ethnic cleansing and the Stalinian purges.

        19. no, just a young kid who thinks he is smarter than he is

        20. you again? I thought I told you to go fuck your mother.

        21. really though, he is a mental midget. Not worth wasting time with.

        22. so funny you said that. I am sketching the plot for a detective story (short story, just for fun) based around the exploits of Dunning & Krueger PI

        23. LOL pure projection. You guys keep validating each other. I know it’s comforting to you.

        24. now now now lets not get hasty. I am sure no one here is going to murder anyone….but I think a lot of us are contemplating it.

        25. Now Lolknee its not polite to make fun of the mentally handicapped.

        26. I did not know that about the knights who do not believe, thank you for enlightening me. I agree with you that people think the middle ages were a lot less tolerant than they actually were. As long as you paid your tithe and showed up to church (not even necessary in a lot of cases) people left you alone. Burning at the stake was extremely rare and when it did happen I believe it was mostly the secular authorities who did it. When the Church did it, it was for particularly dangerous heretics, at least that is my impression of how things happened I don’t have the greatest working knowledge base about such things.

      2. Planned Parenthood is feminism’s self-genocide. Brilliant! Who needs to be Hitler when you’ve got a self-exterminating enemy like feminism!

    2. I despise PZ Myers, but he said something funny that I agree with: A “New Atheist” is just an Old Atheist that the Catholic Church no longer has the authority to set on fire.

  7. Psalm 127:1
    Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.
    Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
    Leviticus 26
    Only through the Reverence and Fear of the Christian God , the one true God. Can the west and America be saved.

    1. There’s probably some truth to that. Religion, whether it’s true or not, can be useful for giving individuals an incentive to help build a successful society.

    2. I tend to agree with you. But then I remembered that :
      – the current Pope is pro-invasion
      – all dumb ass Christian hardliners in US voted Ted Cruz
      – that the church has accommodated to feminism
      – US churches are brainwashing people into worshiping Israel and Jews
      – Almost no churches these days oppose miscegenation, in fact churches in the West will tell you that racism is a sin, and Hitler is the worst thing to ever exist
      – Churches are the first to help refugees, out of “christian obligation”
      The only denomination I still respect is the Eastern Orthodox. All other denominations are worse than heretics at this point.
      Unless you are Orthodox get the hell out of here. Protestant and Catholics are bigger cucks than average liberals.
      At least liberals don’t believe it’s GOD telling that they must be for open borders and against racism.

      1. There are Vatican 2 “Catholics” and trad Catholic. SSPX is growing in numbers in France.
        Don’t generalize too much.
        Eddit : with all due respect.

        1. I heard about Catholics who try to reverse the Second Vatican Convention from the 60’s if I am not wrong. I see the value of radical traditional Catholics, but unless they grow in popularity Catholicism will remain cucked.
          Plus, at this point in time things have degenerated so badly that we need an openly pro-white ideology and I am not sure we can find that in Christianity.
          Christians are facing an ideological block. Should they put their race or religion first ? To be honest I have more in common with white atheists than african and Indian Christians as I have recently discovered after I went to a church in Denmark and saw that 80% of attendees were African and Indian. It was some weird protestant church, popular with immigrants. If that is the future of Christianity I am not sure what to think.
          I would rather live in a world of White atheists than a world of black/indian/mullato/mestizo Christians. I’m not sure most Christians share my view.
          Unless Christians solve this dilemma they are stuck.
          Jews don’t have this issue because their religion is racial. They do not have to face this dichotomy. And as a result stay strong despite some of them being secular.
          White Christians on the other hand …

        2. Keep in mind religions come & go. There are literally 1000’s of now defunct creeds, faiths, etc, that once flourished even before recorded history. Zoroastrism is a good example. Race on the other hand, well let’s put it this way, extinction is forever.

        3. question about vat 2. How do you reconcile traditional papal infallibility with arguments that vat 2 is wrong? Not trolling this time, really asking.

        4. Talk to Joseph Campbell about that..maybe it turns out there aren’t religions that come and go but only ones spoken of in different languages.

        5. That is true. The White Race will continue to exist even if Christianity dies.
          So what will the Christians rather have happen ? Will they rather have the White race die off but the world remain Christian ? Or would they rather have Christianity die off and the White race go on ?
          They should think about their priorities really well.

        6. All religions are embodiment of human experience and thus share simmilarities. They have rituals dealing with birth, death, marriage, night, day, seasons, crops, war, etc. The ancient gods were representations of these facets.
          There are a few popular types of religions. The most popular type of religion is the solar religion, with the Sun-diety being in the center of the universe.
          Christianity shares a lot of aspects with solar religions, with Jesus being the representation of the solar energy.

        7. How does one reconcile papal infallibility with the current faggot pope is another good one which makes me scratch my head.

        8. I really mean it. You have to, I would think. Either the pope is infallible or this pope is dead wrong — on matters of spirituality. I honestly don’t know enough about Catholic dogma to know if there is an angle around this and am curious.

        9. There is the sedevacantist position that, since this is heresy the popes of Vat 2 are not popes anymore.
          There is the Lefebvrist situation,( the one of the SSPX), which basically is that the Vat2 was deliberately kept vague by its proponents in order to allow the consequenting heresies ; that the pope is mistaken, but in that case not on dogmatic matters, therefore he’s still the pope, and the role of the SSPX would be to bring him back on the right path regarding the tradition.
          It’s a tough question.
          It’s like if your king start believing in the ideas that are going to get him beheaded, do you revolt against him and thus risking the end of the entire monarchy, or do you keep following him no matters what he says, ’cause he’s the king.

        10. The Catholics here will try make an end run around that question by saying “Oh, the Pope isn’t infallible per se, he’s only infallible when speaking ‘ex cathedra’ (i.e., from the chair of St. Peter).
          To really pin them down, you need to ask these faggots what their reaction will be if the Pope were to speak ex cathedra that women should be ordained, or something along those lines.
          Their response to you would be interesting.

        11. Of course, the answer is that the Pope is not infallible (doesn’t matter if he’s speaking from St. Peter’s chair or from his fucking toilet seat) because he’s just a man.
          And that doctrine was made up anyway. Much of what you Catholics believe was never taught by Christ and therefore doesn’t qualify as Christianity.

        12. From my point of view sedevacantism is the only logical position. Heretics cannot be popes and part of the Church. That’s why no real catholic must listen to what Bergoglio or the conciliar ” popes” before him said.

        13. Yep. The whole “infallibility of kings” issue was laid to rest in Europe by 1800. Catholic Church apparently never got that memo.

        14. Actually, it was ‘divine right of kings’, but you’re in the same ballpark.
          Incidentally, that phrase comes from Romans, where Paul says that anyone in power is there because God placed him there. The Church and medieval kings then used those passages to then justify their own position and discourage the peasants and lords from revolting.
          It’s bullshit all the way down.

        15. You shouldn’t listen to any of them. Have some self-respect and be your own man.

        16. The Pope is no more pope if he’s heretical about the dogma. He can be wrong about of lot of things but not about the dogma, therefore if he goes against the dogma, he’s no Pope.

        17. Actually, Papal Infallibility was not declared a dogma until the late 19th century. Lord Acton, a prominent Classical Liberal and devout Catholic opposed it. Passed anyway.

        18. You’re right. Perhaps, the one unifying facet of virtually all religions, since the genesis of human consciousness, has been sun worship.

        19. It’s really not complicated. A dogma is only a declaration of something that has always been taught at the time of Christ and The Apostles (Inspired by The Holy Ghost aka God), after the death of the last Apostle there were no further “new” Dogmas. Everything was already Divinely Revealed. Therefore if any “Pope” spoke Ex-Cathedra saying women should be ordained, he would actually NOT be The Pope and is automatically excommunicated (ipso-facto or by that very fact alone) for heresy. Thus he should not be followed.

        20. It’s growing in France, I can tell you that.
          The excommunication has been lifted, but I guarantee you though that the second it gets too close from the Vatican I’m out.

          We pray for our nation in our church, which is always full on sundays, the spirit of the Enlightenment is openly attacked by the priest.
          As for the race, I myself don’t give a flying Fuck about my biological race without its traditional background.
          If all cathedrals, castles, were burned to the ground, and replaced by dance clubs, supermarkets, eiffel tower-like phallic symbols, modern art and shitpiles of concrete, I would not want to live with the remaining white people. Fuck them. Let them die.
          I believe in Aristotle’s word though ; that the absence of ethnic communauty is one the prime causes of civil war.
          And most educated Catholics do too.
          Here’s what the Catholic doctrine used to teach about immigration, from St Thomas of Aquinas, who also worked around Aristotle a lot :


        21. In other words, if he spoke ex cathedra that women should be ordained, then what what he said is not infallible, thereby contradicting the dogma to begin with.
          As you said: not complicated.
          And it’s not like it matters: that doctrine was not taught by Christ and is therefore not a part of Christianity.

        22. And just out of curiosity because the only thing I’ve actually heard from this pope was a speech on how milenials are being turned into morons by social medial (in which he was totally infallible). I’m really curious because the RC church is something I’ve always been facinated by and not just because they kept all the dicks clement xiii had lobbed off the statues

        23. That is my feeling too. But, for example, Charles Martel made war against Chilperic II, and then after defeating him confirmed him as King of the Franks : my point is, the man we should oppose but the title we should keep in mind : we cannot act like with a secular leader, make a revolution and then place another one on the chair, and when he fucks up do the same thing and start all over again… by doing this the title of Pope itself would be endangered.

        24. No, it doesn’t contradict the Dogma because he is no longer Pope if he were to say that (thus the Papal/Pope title is null and void.) If you want to get completely technical about it if anyone is a heretic even in thought, they are automatically excommunicated, thus he would cease to be Pope by that thought and belief alone, thus if he were to proclaim it he would do so as a heretic and not a Pope.

        25. I would answer you that it is not very shocking that he looked through his life on Earth to embody all these aspects of the natural world, because he created them.

        26. A bunch of hamstering and rationalizations.
          Anyway, it’s all irrelevant, as I said before, because papal infallibility when speaking ex cathedra was never taught by Christ and therefore is not part of Christianity.

        27. Sorry if you don’t agree but that’s the reality of it. Christ protects His Church (the ONLY one He established) from heresy (the Gates of Hell) and these Dogmas exist to do so, to go against a Dogma is going against Christ Himself. There’s no particular straight up verse in The Holy Bible that says “the Pope is infallible” if that is what you were looking for but Christ established an infallible teaching Church when he gave the keys to Peter (The first Pope as his Vicar on earth.) The Holy Bible is not everything that Christ and His Apostles taught, there is also Tradition.

        28. “Christ established an infallible teaching Church when he gave the keys to Peter (The first Pope as his Vicar on earth.)”
          Jesus never said anything about an infallible Church in the passage in question. Again, you guys made it up.
          “The Holy Bible is not everything that Christ and His Apostles taught, there is also Tradition.”
          Bullshit. What documents are a part of ‘tradition’ that contain Jesus’ sayings? Cite them.

        29. I think the situation is vastly different. The situation is more similar to the events of the Arian heresy where vast swaths of the Church took the side of Arius. Besides Charles Martel, didn’t fight a war against Chilperic II because the latter was an open heretic hellbent on destroying the Church and the nations under its guidance.

        30. With regards to Vatican 2 the idea with us isn’t that the Church became cucked, it is that Vatican 2 established a new religion which most of the clergy and laity defected to. The Catholic Church remains the same as it always has albeit in vastly smaller numbers.

        31. Its a terrible crisis to be sure. I come down on the side of the sedevacantists because I believe the point of the Papacy is to prevent us from falling into error in which case the “Popes” are at least complicit. Vii was started by and administered over by 2 popes and all succeeding popes have supported it so I think there can be no doubt that those “popes” are heretics. However I understand where the SSPX comes from because it is so difficult to face the enormity of such a defection of ones very life. But with regards to The resist And recognise movement Sspx supports resisting a Pope is not a Catholic position, if the Pope is a Pope we must follow him, if he is a heretic we must not follow him, it’s that simple. With the popes before Francis they at least tried to hide their heresy somewhat so you might be able to stretch it and say hey well he is not a heretic because XYZ. However Francis is so obviously a heretic that it makes the sedevacantism a clear choice IMHO.
          Francis all but says he is a heretic here:

        32. Again, Sacred Scripture is not the only Truth. There were also the oral Sacred Traditions. Here are some passages saying this…
          Q. My Protestant friends say that their church goes by the Bible Alone, but that the Catholic Church has added a lot of man-made traditions to the Word of God…Is that true?
          A. No, it is not true. Protestants have as their sole rule of faith the written Word of God, which we find in Sacred Scripture. The Catholic Church has as its sole rule of faith, the entire Word of God, as it is found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.All of the Word of God was at one time passed on orally…Sacred Tradition. Eventually, some of
          Sacred Tradition was written down…this became Sacred Scripture, which is written tradition. However, Scripture itself tells us that not all of the things that Jesus said and did were written down. And listen to what Paul says about “tradition”:
          2 Thes 2:15, “So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.” Traditions! Traditions taught by word of mouth, in other words, oral tradition, and traditions taught by letter. Traditions which they are being told to “stand firm and hold to”. Sacred Scripture and
          1 Cor 11:2, “I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I have delivered them to you.” The Corinthians are being commended by Paul because they maintain the traditions that he passed on to them. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
          2 Tim 2:2: “and what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” What we have here in 2 Timothy is an instance, in Scripture, of Paul commanding the passing on of oral tradition.
          1 Thes 2:13, “And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the Word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the Word of God, which is at work in you believers.” So, they received as the Word of God that which they heard, not simply that which they read in Scripture.
          In other words, the Bible clearly supports the Catholic Church’s teaching that the Word of God is contained in both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

        1. Because Jesus believed in building hyoooge walls. Because Jesus told massive lies every single day of his life. Because Jesus was twice divorced. Because Jesus was a malignant narcissist who sexualized his own daughter.
          Just makin sure I got that right.

        2. Because if David can serve a Philistine so can I.
          Because wisdom dictates you vote for the lesser evil. Because my horse isn’t so high that I can’t see past a mans faults through to his virtues.
          Because loyalty to ones country is a virtue.
          Because if all the forces of hell feel compelled to stop Trump…he can’t be that bad.
          Because the next time a saint is running I’ll vote for them.
          Because Trump has the sins of a man, lust and greed, and Hilary the sins of the devil, pride and murder.
          Because, c’mon, you really want Hilary to win because we pitched a fit?

        3. right you are sir….I can’t fathom any of these #neverTrumpcucks voting for Hillaree . For the SCOTUS alone….

        4. Everything we know of ‘Jesus’ was written 300 years after his death. For all we know he was married to a prostitute and had her children.

        5. And it brings a smile to your face when your rabbi boasts of Jesus boiling in excrement according to the Jewish Talmud.

        6. I know, only the old testament can be considered valid right. Professor of ancient history Dr Silverstein said so.

      2. Some of the churches have indeed faltered , homosexual priesthood acceptance , women leading sermons etc etc.
        Jesus warns of people who claim to come in his name , but their hearts are far from him. Anything that strays from the bible, the word of God, is not of God.

      3. Church busses driven by preachers are literally shuttling refugees to missionaries homes and setting them up to nest in discrete locations. That’s practically all the large church cooncils are about these days. Ever wonder why no government or money trail can trace the source of all the ref clusters popping up everywhere? THE CHURCHES are doing it under the radar.

        1. The treason of the clerics. What they will do to build a following. As more Americans leave the churches, the church leadership will recruit – wherever and whenever.

      4. Church busses driven by preachers are literally shuttling refugees to missionaries homes and setting them up to nest in discreet locations. That’s practically all that the large church councils are about these days. Ever wonder why no government or money trail can trace the source of all the ref clusters popping up everywhere? THE CHURCHES are doing it under the radar.

        1. Right…churches need $$ cash like any bidness.
          “saps for the pews and money for the till”

        2. Many many churches are involved in the network

          This is proof that we need to start talking about taking our churches back and making our churches great again. Our churches have become cultural ghettos where only the abscence of tribal awareness is allowed. The churches are hands on advancing multicult agenda while the state enforces and polices it. Churches are easier to enter than state buildings and it’s much easier to proselytize a church with red pill than a state organization. When a church disallows red pill discussion and advocacy, we need to JUMP ON IT. Churches respond well to pressure when you reach their grass roots members. As churches align with the patriarchal resurgence, church buildings will be transformed into tribal assembly buildings where tribesmen from the neighborhood and community will congregate. The bell tower will still go ”ding ding” and the men will shout . .

        3. Thank the Clintons for the Somalis in Minnesota. They dumped them into literally the whitest place in America at the time.

        4. “This is proof that we need to start talking about taking our churches back and making our churches great again”
          this is simply not talked about enough. people love to say go to church because God….fine God wants in church so we can worship together….I get that….but what is not talked about often enough is the sorry state churches are in and how churches have but abandoned their scriptures. and if you bring this up then fuck you let’s excommunicate and cast out your heathen ass all the while ignoring the fact that literally every single story about every single prophet is a story of a man that was an outsider telling people to straighten up. yet people sit in their churches, listening to sermons, thinking they are so much better than those “dumb jews” in the bible.
          these modern churches think if God showed me the plagues of Egypt I wouldn’t rebel….if I was in Jesus’s time I wouldnt kill Him….yet that is exactly what happens every time….the church rejects the prophets and goes astray.
          we need to make our churches great again. they’ve been allowed to go to hell for far too long.

      5. There are plenty of countries in Europe you can move to and enjoy your glorious white paradise. Or move to Montana.

        1. Of course,
          Montana is the Home of Ben Garrison
          AKA The One Man Holocaust
          AKA “Kill the Yids, Even Kids” Garrison
          AKA “Mulatto Murdering Machine” Garrison
          AKA “Perforating Pakis in my beige Montana khakis ” Garrison

          The problem is there will be very little white enclaves to flee to if things continue to go on the way they do now.
          Mass migration must be stopped this instance !

        2. He shouldn’t have to move anywhere. The U.S. was 90% white until the 60’s. That should never have changed.

        3. Yes, you can. But I can’t change what happened in 1492. But our grandparents could have kept America 90% white in 1965. They didn’t, and that was a colossal fuckup.

        4. And look how well it turned out for the natives, with unbridled immigration.
          America has the power to protect itself where the Indians didn’t…. yet we roll over on our backs and welcome the modern day versions of the ‘white invaders.’

        5. That’s the real issue in my opinion.
          The world will always have multicultural centres (Constantinople and other marketplaces for example), but what we’re seeing now is the simultaneous invasion of nearly all Western nations.
          Even before the refugee crisis Europe was in the midst of dealing with its own economic and demographic (i.e, low birth rate) recession. Western governments have for some insane reason opened its doors during a time of real vulnerability and are somehow shocked that right-wing attitudes are bubbling to the surface.
          The real issue is that pretty soon no Western man will have a home to retreat to. Asians can go back to Asia, blacks can go back to Africa, Latinos can go back to South America. If Europe becomes a Starbucks slushy of mixed-race people with no clear identity, you’ve just pushed European men around the world into a corner with nowhere to go.
          What happens when you corner someone with no way to escape with their dignity? It’s not rocket science.

        6. You’re correct, yet people scoff when you suggest this is basically the act of genocide. The European man, slowly but surely is being wiped out.
          The next question is who is orchestrating this mess and what is it they wish to gain. What other people could bear a long historical grudge and distinguished history of exploiting other groups that wields great power in modern times, has shown evidence and action of genocidal plans towards Europeans and holds religious and moral fantasies of controlling the world with the mixed races of lower intelligence beneath them.

        7. The question I’ve been asking is what is necessary to communicate this in a way that can make an impact?
          Internet forums serve a theoretical purpose, but are ultimately not a call to action for the average person.
          Men will not respond vigorously to a complaining voice.
          I think Black Pigeon Speaks is a good example of effective communication.

        8. You make a valid point Clark. But does that mean you’ve given up on your plans to expatriate to China?
          Not trolling you. Unlike SRF, Steve and Advanced Atheist you actually contribute to the conversation respectfully and intelligently. But are you starting to embrace their “race-mixing is degenerate” drivel?

        9. Still working on becoming location independent. I’ve got about another year until I’ve tied up loose ends in my hometown. This doesn’t bother me as Toronto has become one of the world’s fastest evolving examples of progressive liberalism and is pretty intriguing to observe at times.
          And yes I am beginning to embrace right-wing views regarding race-mixing in Europe. I don’t have a problem with race-mixing in general, but what is happening in Europe appears to be government enforced race-mixing.
          The hypocrisy that Europeans and European countries must give up their ethnic heritage while other nations are exempt from this kind of bureaucratic force I think has the potential to go far enough to justify war.
          We can pretend for a while longer that people don’t care about their underlying genetic constitution, but this is the make-belief world of Disney Entertainment and liberal pipe-dreams. There will be those who are proud of what they are, and who wish to be self-determining in what they become. Leftists don’t care because for them anything is an upgrade from their confused existence. For people who don’t need the permission of governments and authorities to live proud lives full of family and community, government enforced racial mixing and extinction is a fate worse than courageous death.
          I don’t have enough information to take a hard-stance on any of this yet. What are the actual demographic and economic numbers of all these regions and migrations? I can’t tell you. But I certainly don’t think rapid civilizational change is impossible (just look at the drastic economic decline in Venezuela).
          To clarify, my position is not of European-supremacy, but of European-sympathy. I think they have the right to determine the future of their own existence, and I feel this way about other nations as well. In this way I admire countries like Japan and Russia for while they have a litany of other problems, they have nonetheless chosen to continue to exist.

        10. I respect your comment. I agree that Europe has the right to retain its heritage, and as a mixed individual myself I do not believe that the government should be forcing people to breed. Any interbreeding should occur naturally, not forcibly. The thing is that (western) Europeans have willingly decided to genocide themselves. Guys like SRF and Advanced Atheist love to go on about Jewish subversion in western countries, but the point is that white men allowed them in, allowed them to attain positions of power, and willingly bought into ideas such as feminism and multiculturalism. I am not saying that Europeans do not have the right to fight back against this, but most WNs seem to think that blaming/eradicating the other is all that it will take to turn things around.

        11. And I get why that sounds insane.
          I don’t agree with everything SRF or AA says, but the more things continue along this path, the easier it becomes to justify those kinds of positions.
          I’ve been defensive about the European immigrant crisis since I first heard about it because I myself would rather set up a home with a European woman amongst neighbours of a similar ethnicity and culture.
          Most people around the world want the same, and consider this common sense.
          My stance is that ignorant liberal politicians are setting up a giant time-bomb in Europe, and I think they need to pull their heads out of their asses before shit gets real.
          Race mixing is fine and normal, and even necessary to avoid the problems of inbreeding. Japan has closed borders but still has inter-racial marriages and couples. Same thing with pretty much every nation on Earth. Roosh is chilling in Poland banging Polish chicks for God’s sakes, and it’s no big deal despite their tight borders.
          What Europe is doing is creating a threat to the racial identity of their own native peoples from ivory towers while they eat their expensive steaks and live in their rich neighbourhoods… and this could very well lead to war or revolution… and it would be justified…
          Anyways I’m done ranting about this but you asked me a serious question and I wanted to give a serious answer. Take care man.

      6. I agree with everything you said except with
        This caveat that all your examples are not of real Christians and that real Catholicism is nothing like this.
        But yeah you’re very much right.
        Simply put I think they’ve all sold out.

      7. ” all dumb ass Christian hardliners in US voted Ted Cruz”
        Don;t lump real Christians with those idiots; they don’t know jack about real Christianity, much less practicing it.

      8. all dumb ass Christian hardliners in US voted Ted Cruz

        Thankfully, as Trump pointed out, “Evangelicals” started flocking to him as they learned the truth about Lyin’ Ted for, as he put it, they don’t like liars.

      9. Seriously, why the fuck are you here? What exactly are you doing to further your cause? Are you looking for your white virgin unicorn? Are you having your ten white children and training them to shoot the coloreds on sight?
        Or are you just bitching on the internet?

    3. My general thoughts on this topic align with those of late William Luther Pierce, God Bless Him. He saw the rot of the Christian church earlier than most.

      The Christian church is not likely to be our salvation, unless it embraces outright masculinity and nationalism.

      1. Get outta here with that WN shit. I know of Pierce, have read the Turner Diaries — his ideas are a prescription for domestic terrorism.
        Plenty of WN websites to contribute these ideas to. Roosh isn’t a fan of that crap either.

        1. No. White nationalism (and nationalism generally) is the future. That’s what the leftists don’t get. They’re not on the Right Side of History, we nationalists are.
          You need to let go of multiculturalism and diversity. They never worked and never will.

        2. Roosh doesn’t want that shit here, and I agree with him. Post WN propaganda elsewhere. Plenty of other manosphere sites where that’s welcome.
          And read my comments elsewhere here about nationalism.

        3. Roosh doesn’t want that shit here? And I’m supposed to care?
          Quit acting like a house nigger and have some self-respect.
          And I’m not going to go looking for your oh-so-enlightening comments about nationalism. If I see them I see them.

        4. You’ll care when you get banned. I legitimately don’t believe in what you’re pushing — I’ve travelled too much and had too many black, Latin, and Asian friends — so just drop the ad hominem and we’ll agree to disagree.

        5. I’ll care when I get banned? Are you sure? Because I really don’t care if I do. How interesting that you’re so confident in what I care about.
          And you don’t think I believe in WN? LOL this is too much. Again, what makes you think you know what I believe? Do you have ESP? Are you a mind-reader? Clearly not, because if you were you would know I’m the genuine article.

        6. My argument was about Christianity and the dangers it can present and how it can be manipulated to be used against a host society. The church was started to be subverted by communists in the 50’s and it was a big issue.
          William Luther Pierce happened to be correct on this issue, even if you disagree with his other opinions.

      1. Hard to argue with that:
        “Love your enemies. Do good to those who mistreat you.”
        No thanks.

        1. Basiclly he is promoting the Nietzschean and Evolian position that Christianity promotes meekness.
          “The meek shall inherit the Earth ” – The Bible
          “The meek inherit jack shit ” – Nietzsche
          Of course that requires a particular interpretation of Christianity that is popular with liberals rather the more patriarchical Christianity like that of the Crusaders or the Orthodox church

        2. When you read the Sermon on the Mount in its entirety, the message is clear: passivity is the way to go.
          And it’s simply not.

        3. That explains it.
          Like the nice guys who get the girl in the end. When she is a used-up whore that sucked a hundred strange dicks that is.

      2. It is in your best interest to repent and ask God for forgiveness, and believe that his son is Jesus Christ.

        1. It’s in your best interest to sacrifice a ram to Zeus becuase, i there are gods, the mightiest will prevail.
          Zeus with his lighting bolts
          Thor with his hamm
          A faggot jew with his loaves and fishes.
          Wonder who’ll prevail… between the first 2. The jew will be the victor’s sucks boy.

        2. The Christian God has already prevailed. Christianity is the worlds #1 religion, nobody worships the pagan Gods you mention.

        3. You’re assuming that the Christian God caused Christianity to be number one. You have no way of knowing that.

        4. Witnessed this myself when I visited a protestant church in Denmark recently. 90% blacks and Indians.
          Mind you, I grew up as Orthodox in Eastern Europe, so I was not prepared for something like that.
          Catholicism now has more non-white followers than white ones. The pope is promoting mass migrations and is for open borders.
          Now what ?

        5. You’re right on! Left the Catholic Church after it started turning into a multicultural clusterfuck. Hell, there’s even a local parish that has a multicultural Mass on Sunday. As an ethnic German, I’ve decided to return to my Volkisch Pagan roots. Now that’s tradition!

      3. Must be fab being perfect. Giving people another chance when they earnestly seek forgiveness and an opportunity to redeem themselves is a something I find positive. We are human and therefore fallible.
        After the mob left what did Jesus say to the whore? “Now go and sin no more.” Being forgiven obliges you to desist from sin. People tend to misinterprut that passage.

        1. Why not appease your God be cutting the still beating heart out of your enemies chest, eating his flesh and wearing his skin? I’d prefer that to “love thy enemy as thy self”.
          Every God through out history has been more masculine than jew boy.

        2. The Sermon on the Mount is the most self-abnegating, passive and weak pile of bullshit ever preached.
          “Love your enemies”? “Do good to those who mistreat you”?
          Fuck. That.

  8. Liberalism isn’t individualism. It’s collectivism. Anyway, those are just -isms. As Sonny said, your country ain’t your family.

    1. Like many other things, the original term has been usurped by modern day leftists. Original liberals were indeed all about individuals. From what I’ve gathered, the original liberals and modern day libertarians and conservatives would get along pretty well.

    2. You ever bang cocktail waitresses two at a time? Or was that strictly Fredo?

    3. May I suggest a friendly amendment – the term “Corporate Liberalism”. Liberals now believe lives should be run through a troika of corporate bodes – Educationist, Finanancail, and Business. The elites at the top make the decisions for the collective. Collective economic planning has been refuted, so a market system is retained. No need to nationalize the economy when you can socialize the people. I’d used the term Classic Fascism but the ‘F’ word has been stripped of all technical economic and political semantic value – it’s just a pejorative now.

  9. I think you are on to something valuable here….
    “In the safety and prosperity of the modern West, pressure on the practice-ideology system has come primarily from desires and feelings.”
    Feelings are merely a guide, or a point of reference of the balance and health of one’s environment. Feelings are not a basis of truth or ideology. There must be a foundation to build on which individuals can flourish together.
    Keep writing on this subject and flesh it out more

      1. The Non-Aggression Principle is a joke. Even most libertrarians don’t embrace it anymore.
        The NAP is ridiculous and non-practical.

        1. Actually, the NAP works quite nicely. I don’t fuck with you and yours, and you don’t fuck with me and mine.
          Simply asserting that it’s wrong won’t do. Why won’t it work?

        2. Because it maintains that I cannot initiate violence unless my property is being attacked.
          What if my culture is attacked ? The homos prancing in gay parades don’t attack me per se, so going by the NAP, doing anything against them would be wrong. If the roads were the private property of some SJW, as long as they have his permission to prance on them that would be ok.
          Do you see the problem with this ?

        3. Ok. Here is another one :
          A communist subverter creates a network of news and entertainment channels. Due to ethnic nepotism he now has a natural monopoly.
          He controls popular culture. Now he uses it to brainwash masses. The brainwashed masses now agree with him. They vote cucked officials who bring rapefugees and whatnot. The rapefugees setlle all around your house, thus lowering the value of your property. To add cherry on top of that the brainwash your children to disobey you. You daughter is brainwashed into feminism and does porn. Your son is convinced to experiment with his sexuality and take dick in his ass.
          To save your nation you must remove the subverters and take away the influence from their hands. You must also deport the rapefugees.
          But you can’t do that without force, since all they did was TECHNICALLY legal.
          What now ? Do you abuse the NAP and kick out the foreign subverters, or do you let your nation die in the name of NAP ?

        4. You don’t need to kick him out. Just mount a countersource in the media to argue with his message. In a fair and free debate, the truth will beat him.

        5. He CONTROLS all major sources of media. He decides who gets to talk. He will never let anyone who can prove him wrong talk.

        6. That’s why I said start another media platform (that’s what I meant, anyway).

        7. As if that is an easy thing to do.
          Monopolies are hard to destroy.
          Plus, the population of your nation might be so demoralized that they won’t care anymore.

        8. It’s not, but the whole issue here is that you’re arguing that the NAP has no answers for the situation you’re describe, and that’s obviously not true.

        9. Sure it exists in theory.
          But what matters is practice.
          In theory communism is the best system ever. In practice not so much.

        10. And the notion of individual freedom has worked quite well in our nation’s history. All we need is a country that is 90-100% white like it was before the 60’s and we’ll be just fine.

  10. It’s important to distinguish classical liberalism from modern day liberalism. Two completely different schools of thought.

    1. Don’t bother telling that to the neoreactionaries. They refuse to see the difference. It’s either King and Pope or anarchy in their minds.

      1. Classical liberalism just promotes the damaging ideas of the Enlightenment at an earlier stage in their development.

        1. LOL. America became the reigning superpower after being started based on those ideas. They clearly work.

  11. Sociologists say we only have room for about 150 people in our lives.
    If you’re going to go atavistic, don’t stop at nationalism. That’s like Diet Globalism. Retreat all the way to brute-force tribalism. Take care of only those you know and chuck a spear through anybody who sets foot in the mouth of your cave.
    Comparison: Nationalism is like a strip club. Paying for sexual titillation is pathetic. Just go all the way and pay a whore and fuck her senseless.
    tl;dr If you’re going to be bad, don’t go halfway.

    1. Except nationalism works quite nicely. The early U.S. was nationalistic, and it worked quite nicely. In fact, it worked relatively well until we started letting in tens of millions of Third World peasants.
      If America were still 90% white, our country would be doing just fine.

    1. Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government?
      Do polar bears shit standing on their hands ?

      1. Miguel is right, and instead of debating his bad think assertion you make a joke. Do you disagree with him, and if so on what grounds, other than virtue signaling that you oppose the bad man and his thought crimes.

        1. You’re the stupid fuctard that can’t fucking read, and SRF is the stupid fucktard who can’t write.
          The question he asked: Did women’s sufferage change the size and scope of government
          The answer to this joke: “Do polar bears shit standing on their hands?” is of course no.
          If you read what he actually wrote he said no women’s suffrage did not change the size and scope of the government”, so no he did not agree. None of us are professional writers so I don’t usually attack anyone for a poorly written comment, but that was the complete opposite of what he intended to say.

        2. I have no problem with women’s suffarage. My wife earned 102k last year and paid taxes accordingly. She is also a Korean immigrant who (begrudgingly ) supports Trump. Who are you to question her right to vote? How much did you pay in taxes?
          I have a problem with parasite sufferage. I believe that those who do not pay should not get to vote.

        3. You can rationalize it all you want, but I correctly understood SRF’s point and you didn’t, as SRF himself just attested.
          You’re a fucking dipshit, and all of these attempts at explaining yourself are a waste of effort on your part.

        4. Women as a group vote for less freedom and more government (specifically, lots more government spending). The Founders did it right by not letting them vote.
          I mean, did that graph not sink in at all for you?

        5. I’m not rationalizing, dumbass. I’m fucking reading, something you seem incapable of, and then you over-react by attacking me, like it’s any of your fucking business. Stick your nose back up your own ass, and let your bitch fight his own battles. See we can all be nasty as hell, but where does slinging insults at electrons get us?

        6. Uhh, you’re rationalizing.
          As I said, I interpreted his statement correctly and you didn’t. Nothing you say will change that. Enjoy know that, you bitch.

        7. I do not believe that your statement is true. I believe scum whose next meal is coming from the gov’ment vote… How do spic and nogs vote? I’d say they exhibit more masculine traits than the average white man.

        8. I mean, don’t get me wrong: I don’t want spics and nogs voting either. We should do it like we did in 1789: only white males that own property should vote.

        9. Eh, my bad. Typos happen. You still got it wrong and I still got it right.

        10. As compared to whom? Like I said my wife vote for Trump in the WA primaries because she hate taxes and 3rd world imigration.
          Should a white cuck, who paid taxes on 35K get to vote? What about faggots? How wold you prevent them from voting leftist?

        11. Women as a group vote emotionally. Again: did you see that graph? Do you not understand that women as a group vote for bigger government?
          The only demographic that should vote are white property owning males. That’s how it was in 1789 and if it were like that today leftism would be dead.

        12. We are talking aggregate data Better. Your wife is an anecdote, nothing more.

        13. You’ll notice in the chart that government tax revenue (i.e., taxes) went up with spending. The end result remains – a bigger, more coercive, nanny government.
          Taking away a woman’s right to vote isn’t happening in our lifetime so I’d much rather focus on more pragmatic solutions. The first step IMO is simple knowledge and awareness. The study I linked (and there are others like it – mostly from the 90’s as it’s too politically taboo now in academia to research such things) would be reacted to with a sense of disbelief from most lazy thinkers. We can work to change that.

        14. Hell, I’m a former army officer,2 years guard, 10 years active 2 tours– one of those tours I was platoon leader conducting combat operations. I’m now a part time fire fighter who earns about 20 per yer. I also receive 21k per year because of my 80% VA disability rating TAX FREE. Shouldd I get to vote?
          I’m perfectly able to work full time. I turned down a 72k job with Boeing and a 115K * job as an associate professor of military science at U. WA.
          I’ve also contacted several lawyers in order to get my disability rating to 100% so that I’ll get 40k per year.
          * I was making 96k as a Captain with 12 years. Had I taken the ROTC job, I’d would have been promoted to Major within a year and would be earning the above.

        15. Under the 1789 system, I’m sure some good guys like you would get left out. Hell, I’m in the Army right now, and I don’t own land so I’d be disenfranchised too. It’s not perfect but it’s extremely effective.
          And besides, if you have all that money, I’m sure you could buy some cheap plot of land and therefore be eligible to vote.

        16. I truly hate the feral nigger beast, I believe that they are not even human based on findings that show euro and asians have 4% neanderthal DNA while nogs and abo Australians do not but I cannot, I good concense, prevent a nigger, who earns more than they take from voting.
          Would you bar a conservative, high earning Japanese doctor from voting?

        17. Bingo! “Compassion” trumps all else – including justice – for women as a whole. And that leads to a very, very subjective and slippery slope.

        18. Of course. Policy can’t be decided on the exception, but upon the rule.

        19. So what size plot of land allows me to vote? If I buy 10 sg ft plot the Alaskan tundra can I vote?
          Can my cunt cousin, who owns a 1.5 million dollar house in Brooklyn vote?
          What about the nigger loving white man who buy the 10 soft plot next to mine?

        20. The answer to your questions is yes.
          You need to understand: those white males are in the minority. If you look at the exit polling for white males (property owning or not) in recent elections, they go for the GOP over the Dems and also favor smaller government.
          You need to stop focusing on all the exceptions and look at the aggregate.

        21. Now you’re just trolling. I’ve answered these sorts of questions again and again. You know my position. If you disagree, then point out where I’m wrong.

        22. You’re wrong in the fact that you’d bar the vote from women and minority man who contribute, while allowing worthless white man the vote.
          So does that welfare queen cattle rancher Clive Bundy get to vote? The (white) nigger boy believes that he is entitled to government land without paying for it.
          I believe that niggers are subhuman. It doesn’t get more racist than that. With that being said, I believe that everyone who pays more in taxes than they receive deserves to vote.
          Also, I’m a land owning white male. I recieve more in government money,via my VA disability rating, than i pay in taxes because i choose to barely work; I declined multiple full time employment opertunities.
          Keep in mind, I saved about 250k from my decade in the army. While I have a mortgage, I own about 60k worth of my land.
          So, I get to smoke weed while working part time while my Korean wife, who paid taxes on her $102 earnings does not vote? Like imsaid, she voted fore Trump in the open WA primaries.

        23. White male property owners are the single most valuable demographic. It seems you want to be able to pick and choose which individuals nationwide should be able to vote, and that is completely implausible. Only letting white property-owning men vote is not only plausible, it’s been done, and to great success.

        24. What are you talking about, of course I do. And if Jews could vote in 1789, then that’s one thing I would change from the old system.

        25. They’ve shown that they look out for themselves first and actively undermine the white community.

        26. Jews are more valuable then white men. Your logic just went out the window. Your arguments are pointless unless Jews get to vote.
          “White male property owners are the single most valuable demographic.” No, Jews are.

        27. “They show they look out for themselves first”
          That’s exactly what you’ve been pushing for. Whites looking after themselves- Good
          Jews looking after themselves- Bad
          “Actively undermine the White community”
          You’re undermining every other non-white community.
          Whites Undermine community- Good
          Jews Undermine community- Bad
          ( I don’t think either happen )
          Orthodox Jews have the same values as you.
          Non-Orthodox ( Jews in Name only ). Don’t. You’re mixing the two.
          “But the majority are non-orthodox” No way to prove that.

        28. White men are the ones who built this country, invented most of the important First World technology, and fought its wars. For you to say that Jews are more important than them is asinine in the extreme.
          I mean, truly, you are a fucking idiot.

        29. I’m not interested in the distinction at this stage of the game. They should all be sent to Israel just to be safe.

        30. Are you kidding me?
          Jews didn’t fight in any wars?
          Jews didn’t invent anything?
          Jews didn’t help build this country.
          You’re a dumbass

        31. All white men should be sent to Europe. I can’t tell the difference between progressives and conservatives. I’m not interested in the distinction

        32. Not at nearly the rate white men did. So, yes, white men are the more valuable demographic.
          The fact that I’m having this argument right now is absolutely surreal.

        33. You understand theres 50 times the amount of white men as jewish men.
          And when i ment valuable I’m talking about net worth, because i thought that’s what you were talking about

        34. Your arguments are ill-informed. To say that Jews aren’t as valuable as white men to America is utterly moronic. Hell, where would America be without Capitalism?
          Jewish men are 1% of the American population while White men are 25%. Jews represent 37% of Americas Noble Prize Winners.
          “Not valuable”

        35. You really are fucking stupid. Holy fucking shit. Just quit the Internet for a while and go outside and play or something.

        36. In the scope of American history (including the present) white men have contributed far more to America than Jews have. If you disagree with that, then you’re as ignorant and stupid as hell, and there’s really nothing to be said to you. Have a nice night.

        37. Jewish men are as valuable as White men to America.The only argument you have is there are more white men, therefore they are more valuable. Why are Jews so over represented in inventions compared to white men? Jews are more valuable Per Jew then White man per White man. Thats statistical fact

        38. I’m not talking per capita. I’m talking the group as a whole, you fucking idiot. And even per capita your argument is questionable.
          Bottom line: you’re fucking delusional and stupid as hell. America did just fine when only white men with property could vote and it would do just fine today under that system. Far better than how we’re currently doing.

        39. No, we shouldn’t, because white men are the ones who founded this country and built it up to what it is today. We don’t need to go anywhere. This is our country. You Jews came along later.

        40. Aren’t most Jews white? Or at the least white with distant Arabic roots?

        41. So you just want the majority have a right to an opinion. ONLY THE MAJORITY can have rights.
          Bottom Line: Jews had the Right to vote in 1789, you want to change that.

        42. I believe so, but he doesn’t, thats why I’m adressing it this way

        43. No fucking shit, Sherlock. I already said I wanted to change that. You Jews should go to your home: Israel.

        44. Jews didn’t come to this country in significant numbers until later. Bottom line: white men founded this country, and it was nearly all white men that built this country. Those pesky facts.
          I’m over this argument. It’s obvious that you’re beyond reasoning. You can have the last word, fuckstick.

        45. Hey moron, my families been here since 1746.
          one of my fore-fathers died at Kings Mountain fighting for independence.
          3 of my ancestors fought for the CSA and 2 for the USA in the civil war.
          2 fought in WW1
          6 fought in WW 2
          Korea Nam’ Gulf wars Afgahnistan ALL of them
          But your right, this isn’t my home though

        46. Hey don’t use any of those Jewish inventions while you’re at, since we are worthless

        47. I have no rights to be here. Yea, but none of my family helped build america. It’s funny, because everyone of our fore-fathers would agree with me. Jews have a right to live in America just as White men

        48. It’d depend upon the rules of the state, since they were, and are supposed to be, the power that decides who can vote.

        49. The reality is that the majority of women, working or not, will always choose security over freedom. I have surveyed the women in my social circle, and this is indeed the case. These women also tend to be center-right.

        50. Anyone with skin in the game(and male) should be able to vote, and by that I mean tax payers, not tax takers.

        51. As a whole, women will always vote for security over freedom. It’s just a fact, female nature.

        52. Then go back to your home shill and stop playing your bullshit online warfare manipulation here.

        53. Agreed, although, barring any feelings of insecurity, they will always vote for “COMPASSION” even if its totally coercive. There’s a reason why so few libertarians are women. 😛

        54. I really can’t stand people like you. You people are the biggest hypocrites.
          “Fucking Jews! Niggers! Spics! Stay away from our white women! 1488! Hitler was right!
          “Oh, would you like to come to my house for dinner? My Asian wife is one hell of a cook. What? Not white? Oh, don’t be ridiculous!”

        55. Most of Asia is a sewer. Korea and Japan are not. Its not abot skin color its about civilization. If Mexico raises itself to the level of Japan or Germany, than I will treat them as I treat Japs.
          Nigger spics and most of Asians are feral apes. The Jew is a cancer who has been driven out of every country that they have infested.

        56. Still need a mental test. The few smart ones being ruled by the many average ones is better than being ruled by the dumb ones, but still not good enough. The more likely you are to be right, the bigger your say should be.

        57. The Quakers alone invented more than the Jews, and there are more Jews in the US today than all the Quakers in history.
          The problem is twofold: the net good they have produced is minimal or nonexistent after deducting the costs, and their propensity to redefine good to suit their interest has debauched their host nations.
          Our interests diverge, and we owe you nothing.

        58. So why almost no contributions of note before the 19th century? Why is the porn industry run by Jews? Movies, music TV, publishing, the Fed? Why are most of the “white” slots at the top colleges taken by Jews, leaving the founding stock of this nation the most underrepresented group, and Jews the most over-represented?
          It’s because the Jews as a group have different motivations than real Americans and consider fraud and duplicity a virtue when used against gentiles. It’s like Philo Farnsworth, inventor of TV, as Charlie Brown and David Sarnoff of RCA as Lucy with the football over and over. You may have heaps of our stuff you ripped off but that doesn’t make you valuable to us. Quite the reverse.
          It’s simple – you work for us and do what we tell you or you get kicked out of our country. You do not rule us. You owe us, we don’t owe you. You have chosen to keep your separate identity as a group so you don’t get to be part of ours, and even if you assimilate you are still not our kin. Jews history of false conversions and entryism means we can’t afford to let you assimilate anyway.

        59. The races are not equal. Asian women are better than Black men.Groups exist, and so do individuals, we have to reason about the former to handle the big world, but we deal with the latter in personal interactions so have the opportunity to clarify and make exceptions that aren’t feasible when dealing with millions of people. It’s not a contradiction in our thinking, it’s a contradiction in your cartoonish imagination of our thinking.

        60. Your hypocrisy lies in your constant “preserve muh white race” diatribes yet you seem to be eager to mate with Asian women, who are every bit as non-white as blacks.

        61. But you’re still holding yourselves out as a separate group from Americans, so we’re just taking you at your word. Not just a separate group but one chosen by God, according to Rabbinic law innately infinitely superior to all other groups and deserving and destined by God to rule all non-Jews as slaves.
          And you pretend that you can’t understand why the rest of us have a problem with that.
          You lie and claim that that’s not what the Talmud says, in fact claim whatever you think will work in any given argument.
          So you can’t be reasoned with, you can’t be trusted, and you can’t be tolerated.

        62. It’s usually not to be preferred over a white-white pairing (unless the Asian is way better than any available white), but it is to be preferred over the other possibilities. Everything is not black and white, there are shades of yellow. A certain amount of Asian disappears into the white gene pool without bad consequences, as seen among the Russian Tatars. Too much and you get Mongolia. Breeding humans requires the same objectivity and aesthetic taste as does breeding dogs. Outbreeding and inbreeding both have their place, but it very much depends on the specifics and what you’re breeding for.

        63. I’m sure that if I were to bring up mating with blacks, for example, you would bring up regression to the mean. Regression does not refer to the racial mean, it refers to the familial mean. High IQ blacks from relatively high IQ gene pools will produce high IQ offspring. This is not something limited to whites or Asians.

          In the end, it comes down to the individual and the stock from which he/she comes.

        64. True, but while IQ is the most important thing, it isn’t the only important thing. B-W mixes have much worse health across the board than any pure race, and are generally ugly. W-A mixes have much fewer health problems. W-A mixes produce beautiful girls and Elliott Rodger-type incel boys, and the hybrids don’t breed true – the second generation is often unattractive and a bit worse than either pure race. Further generations get better, but it is questionable whether it is worth it except perhaps when trying to get specific traits of a line within another race that aren’t available in one’s own race.
          Soon genetic engineering by selection of existing genes from many sources to a given embryo will make the old breeding methods seem quaint. Some of those sources will be from various races, but on the order of tenths or hundredths of a percent.

        65. “B-W mixes have much worse health across the board than any pure race.”
          “[A]nd are generally ugly.”
          According to whom? At the moment all this sounds like is anti-black/anti-mulatto racism. And just because SJWs overuse the word does not mean real racism doesn’t exist.
          “W-A mixes produce beautiful girls and Elliott Rodger-type incel boys, and the hybrids don’t breed true – the second generation is often unattractive and a bit worse than either pure race.”
          Again, sources? You people always bring up Elliott Rodgers as a reason why race-mixing is bad, but there are plenty of pure white/Asian individuals who have done the exact same thing. For every Elliott Rodgers there are plenty of hapa boys who have learned game and are slaying it. Elliott Rodgers had a number of psychological problems that may or may not have manifested themselves whether he was pure or not. There’s no way of knowing for sure.

        66. Can’t find the link, I was just looking at it yesterday. It showed odds ratios for mixed-race vs. pure race adolescents for chronic illness, feeling unwell in various ways, energy level, sexual activity and so forth. Odds ratios were about 1.2 – 2 for bad/immoral things, 0.9 and lower for good things.
          As a consolation prize see for excellent compilations of related research. See for more on the beauty thing. Google “Heartiste beauty” and “race”, “black women”, or “obvective” for more.

        67. Seems like Disqus ate my reply. See for related stuff, Google “Heartiste beauty objective science”. Black women are considered the least attractive of the races by people all over the world, Asians the most. Some African guys may prefer Blacks, but they’re stupid degenerates with bad taste even according to most other Africans, so who cares what they think? Black men may be the most attractive to women, but what fool would breed Black men? And women’s opinions are to suppressed, not indulged.

        68. Oh, BTW, Asians and Whites are much more closely related than either is with Blacks; your binary thinking is limited, don’t project it on me.

        69. I will not deny that on AVERAGE, black women are generally the least attractive. However, you seem to have ignored that that study shows that black men were regarded as the most attractive of all men. It’s amazing how much Heartiste’s blog has changed in such a relatively short amount off time. Today, if he had read that study, undoubtedly he would mention that Jewish propaganda has made women think that black men are more attractive. That same study also says that Asian women are considered the most attractive of all women. Whites fall somewhere in the middle.

        70. You will be seeing my comment referring to your previous comment. And now you’re going from intelligent discourse to exactly what you accuse me of. “Everyone who disagrees with me is a degenerate.”

        71. Such a well-though out and intelligent response. Way to go Mr. Superior White Man!

        72. Black Africans are as low in taste and morals as they are in intelligence. Your strawmanning and projection aren’t a substitute for any of these.

        73. Women’s taste for strange flesh is not to be catered to, or civilization will fall. Men so weak that they would truckle to such cucking are repulsive to women. The supposed female preference for Black men is partly a shit-test, partly that physical looks are unimportant to women compared to Black guys reliably failing to marry or pay child support, mudsharks being socially ostracized, the kids being so much lower quality, etc.
          Anyway, the response rates in online dating tell a different story. Women don’t respond to Black guys nearly as much as to White guys. Even Asian men do better than Black men.

        74. “the kids being so much lower quality”
          Same thing applies to white trailer trash. Why isn’t Appalachia doing so well despite all those superior white genes? And as for the online dating response rates, as Heartiste himself said on that article, the quality of girls on dating sites generally leave something to be desired.
          Anyway, I think both you and I are getting a bit tired of this back and forth.
          I will leave the link for Jayman’s site. I think you should read it.

          The race-realism which you use to denigrate blacks and mulattoes applies to you as much as anyone else. Take care.

        75. Strawman: “Everyone who disagrees with me is a degenerate.”
          I said nothing remotely like that.
          Projecting: “now you’re going from intelligent discourse to exactly what you accuse me of”
          You falsely accused me of various things*, I didn’t accuse you of anything other than projecting “your cartoonish imagination of our thinking.”
          *Hypocrisy, yellow fever, not understanding regression to the mean, being about to bring up regression to the mean (also strawman), anti- mulatto racism. Well, the last one may be a fair cop, but is it really racism if they really are genetically inferior? If reality is racist, is mentioning it also racist?

        76. Again, you have shown nothing that proves mulattoes are inherently inferior. You have done nothing but show to me a hatred of blacks and mulattoes (which is itself an inheritable trait). Once again, HBD applies to you as well. Differences in races do not mean that one is inferior to another.

        77. On average mulattoes fall in between Blacks and Whites in intelligence. The breeders equation h^2*S, with h is narrow-sense heritability (0.5 to 0.7 for school-age children to young adults depending on age), S is difference from the population mean (e.g. White parents with IQs of 110 and 130 would have S= +20) tells you the expected score of the offspring. For populations with the grandparents scores equal to the population means, as will be the case with random samples, this is all we need. The Black mean is 85, the White mean 100, B-W crosses have an expected mean of 92.5. If both parents were 92.5 (the White at -0.5 s.d., the Black at +0.5 s.d., S=0, again the expected offspring IQ is 92.5. Which is lower than Whites, so yes, generally mulattoes are inferior to Whites in in intelligence due to heritable factors, thus “inherently inferior”. This is confirmed by the correlation of darker skin color with lower IQ in mulattoes. Of course this does not mean that all whites are smarter than all Blacks or mulattoes.
          Mixed-race in general also has worse health than any pure race, see:
          Health and Behavior Risks of Adolescents with Mixed-Race Identity table 2. Perhaps “vigor” or vitality” might be a better word than health; this is a perfect example of “outbreeding depression”, the opposite of “hybrid vigor”, which for some reason is often advanced as a benefit of race-mixing. For reasons that have nothing to do with regression to the mean, even in the cases where mixing two pure strains results in hybrid vigor (and this is generally not the case with human races), crossing the hybrids with each other results in various low-quality mutts that don’t breed true. To produce valuable and consistent hybrids, only pure strains as parents will do.

        78. Again, you’re speaking of averages. And if those mulattoes average lower iq than whites, odds are they would average higher physical ability than whites. It’s a trade-off. And as I’ve said again, it depends on the parents and the stock from which they come. If the stereotype that only the dumbest whites and blacks breed with one another, which may be true to an extent, their children would have been “low-quality” even if they had bred with pure-blooded specimens of their own race, assuming assortive mating holds true.

      2. Women’s Suffrage, The Federal Income Tax, the Federal Reserve, The League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles all happened at roughly the same time.
        It was the perfect storm.

      3. Womens suffrage was never there. Rather, everyone suffered. Feminists seems to believe that all men were just roaming around universities smoking cigars and discussing quantum psychics (when there was neither).
        I can’t find words for their stupidity.

        1. Women pretty much delivered folks like Kennedy, Clinton, Obama and Trudeau into office. While there are some outliers, like our fellow’s Korean wife, women’s track record as a whole is not exactly sterling.
          I’m still quite curious as to whether we’ll see Gurl Powuh!!!! this coming election, or whether they’ll side with Trump and his machismo.
          It really seems like Warren is angling to be the Democratic Veep.

      1. Just look at the Austrian election. Women stopped the nationalist candidate from getting elected, and by the slimmest of margins. If it wasnt for the fact that more women than men vote, he could have won even without the women vote.

      2. Suffrage was born from the initial progressive/communist push by Wilson and later pushed harder by FDR, and after that what we now call feminism is simply another root of that initial communist push.
        All these were simply a multi prong attack against white male culture which led the world in innovation rather than whine and cry like all the rest do.

        1. Until women feel danger for their children and themselves, they will keep voting in more immigration. “Compassion” will continue to trump all else until self interest hits them over the head with a special delivery by a jihadi..

        2. Nope.
          Females crave danger, and they care little for children because their self interest compels them to chase the most brutish thug there is as history has repeatedly shown.
          Females have not evolved past the paleolithic, and never will. They are R selection only, while the Europeans who pulled the world from the stone age into the digital age chose K selection.

        3. People do not understand that the reason that women did not have the right to vote, was that they had no “skin in the game,” They usually did not own any property, so were not taxed. They were not, and still to this day, forced into a war by a draft or even forced to register for the draft. Again they had no reason to vote responsibly. However they voted there was no consequences for war. Then once that the government under the great socialist president FDR enacted income redistribution (income tax) women usually did not work and again dodged the bullet of suffrage, and only gained, because they usually did not work outside of the home. Now we all know that they only GET what they can vote from a man.

        4. Suffrage and “Women’s Suffrage” are two different things, related I grant you. Which are you referring to?

      3. Not necessarily. I would normally agree with you but click into the study and read Section V on causation as well as the Conclusion.
        Excerpt: “The Senate results imply that while giving women the right to vote shifted the political spectrum, at least part of the change (about a third) may have been due to other pre-existing tendencies in a state and not women’s voting per se.”

    2. Actually you can look further. To the establishment of democracy. The problems were well noted by Plato.

  12. How does this guy get individualism from liberalism? he should use common definitions of terms as currently understood. This cutesy smart guy stuff does nothing to inspire.

    1. Actually, liberalism was started as an individualist movement. It’s only in the last 70 years that it’s become conflated with leftist authoritarianism.

    1. Or you could just be rich here and now and live your life as you see fit.
      And when all the super-religious squares from this comment thread get butthurt about it and scream that you’re on your way to hell, you can laugh your ass off at them.

      1. Well if “being rich” was as simple as making a choice but yea I pretty much do as I please within the confines of the law. Not because I care about the law but I enjoy not getting ass raped by prison niggers.

        1. Lol, SJW are easiest to lay, but they are nasty as shit in US.
          European SJW chicks CAN be hot sometimes.

        2. EU chick’s are breathtaking by US standards. I’m in spain right now. These girls are thin, feminine dressed, long haired and tattoos are rare. Sure some have piercings… on their flat stomachs
          I’m a 34 y/of married man but i truly wish that I had “studied a brood”.

        3. if you cleaned that thing up she would be a hard 8.

        4. Also, I would be that she as a) said someone raped her when all they did was try to kiss her after a date b) let someone piss on her face while she played with herself and c) has absolutely no awareness of the cognitive dissonance.

        5. ha, the time it would take to clean her up her hair would grow 4 inches. It will take a pit team level effort. But yes, longer hair.

        6. my tolerance of pussy hair at this point is nil. If I see even the littlest bit that bitch is using her mouth.

        7. I don’t know, I just don’t think they realized there was an option. I was in my early 20’s the first time I encountered a girl who was hairless. I swear I almost found religion. I was doing back flips and singing. No frame at all. I literally looked like this:

        8. My last 2 girlfriends were Spanish. Nice gals.
          But there are plenty loud-mouthed Spanish whores I noticed.
          I am in a international college so I had opportunity to observe.
          French girls are the biggest whores by far. They also drink and smoke most.

        9. Did you get play from being American because you’re “exotic”?
          I fucked 11 Korean girls from 2008 to 2010. I’ve never had that fuck ratio at any other point I need my life. You can see my profile, while I consider myself above average in physique and looks I certainly could not fuck 11 US girls in 2 years.

        10. 11 in 2 yrs? That’s pretty good, I thought based on what people tell me plus my own experience that Koreans are stingy with pussy… What’s your trick or strategy?
          Japanese a Chinese for sure are not hehe, but I only ever tried to do one Korean and failed after a long ass yes/no/yes/no bullshit round of a few months. Good thing I had other pussy at the same time, would have been majorly frustated if not.
          Chinese seem by far the easiest in average, with japanese it depends on the girl… If you find em in a bar by default they are DTF but otherwise it’s a crap shoot.

        11. This was 2008 to 2010. I meet most of them on Myspace. If you remember the website, you’ll remember that you could enter the age location and race and hit searce. I assumed that any girl with an English profile want GI cock. I had a message saved to the hard drive that i would slightly modify based on the girls profile. Id occasionally get drunk, set the search parameters and send 20 or so messages.
          I meet every type of girl from the wannabe house wife, to the professional who just wanted same huge by comparision cock. The VP of sales for Kia motors West Africa messaged me. She was extremely wealthy and from a very influential family. She attended Seoul National University which has a lower exptance rate than Harvard. Her father bought her a house in the richest part of Seoul for graduation. Think “Gangnum Style”. She refused to be seen in public with a white man so she’d come over my house and fuck — i lived off post. I once told her to bring food, booze and a movie so she brought some type of Korean gourmet dinner, a bottle of Jonny Walker (which is about 200 dollars because of tariffs and VAT) and a half dozen brand new dvds which she left. She was also pretty good looking– small tits and a hairy puss but I’d rate her a solid 7. I fucked that chick every way possible including her ass (had to stop becuase it hurt). She did everything I asked and loved to by spanked. She loved to be bent over my knees and have her bare ass slapped until it was red. I used to try to think of wierd shit just to see if shed do it. Lick my asshole? “Sure but take a shower first.” Eat pussy while I watch? “Sure find a non Korean girl”. (Which I failed to do). I bet she’s married to the emperor by now. Do you think he knows that his well breed, ruling class wife swallowed a white man’s cum?

        12. Loled at the small tits and hairy puss, that’s like… Every Asian girl out there without implants.
          Close to what I did though, I know myspace but used a different site myself.
          One thing I would warn against is mainland Chinese girls, they look great (many have had surgery in Korea) and they seem sweet at first, but they have the personality of a fucking cheese grater after a month or two, all thanks to the one child policy.

      1. Agreed. I can remember 1966 liked it happened yesterday but I can’t remember what happened yesterday. The bad part about getting old is getting old!

  13. The problem is government. They will always find a way to make men redundant and democracy will always let women vote for socialist policy to continually undercut our value as a provider. Nobody will elect a nationalist party in the Anglosphere unless it collapses first and I know this will only happen at the tail end of my life.

    1. Living in a dying empire, knowing you may not see its collapse in your lifetime. An interesting experience, isn’t it ?

      1. As a younger man, I studied a lot of history. One of the circumstances that struck my interest was the concept of being an observer during the terminal decline of great civilizations. Rome, Babylon, Assyria, Aztecs, etc. I always thought it odd that no one could see the decline and prevent such an obvious disaster. Just never made sense.
        Now I begin to understand that although many may see such a decline coming, there is often nothing to be done to prevent it. Tragedy written as history.

  14. What’s up with this thread?
    Did everyone forget to take their Kratom this morning?

      1. Yes you’ve done great work derailing the topic along with a few others posing as your enemy creating doubts and division in their ranks with your deliberate stupidity.

  15. This is why immigration is THE issue. It’s the The National Question ? Immigration and diversity , if excessive (at it’s practiced now ) can be NATION KILLING.

    1. Exactly. The nation / tribe has a duty to protect itself and to do what is in the best interest of the whole. (This doesn’t mean the self-destruction of individuals and families to the machine of the state, because when the individuals and families of the nation flourish, the nation is enriched).

      1. Immigration and diversity are not only Nation-, but Society-killing, as well….and mostly because the misguided policies of “progressive” liberalism PREVENT integration and assimilation of the migrants, while hypocritically claiming to “promote” it, at the same time. “Death for apostates in Islam” is not adressed at all…and host-language-proficiency and host-culture acceptancy is not required in the least.
        Thus the initial parasite, instead of evolving into commensal, or even, symbiont – threatens to kill off the host with multiple “encapsulated foreign-body-cysts”, that can never be resolved, absorbed, or extruded.
        Some people here frown at miscegenation, but it would pose no problem, if the leading culture would be truly assimilative.
        Ask Borg.

  16. There’s already a great discussion going, and this is a good time for me to add some thoughts to help clarify things.
    Firstly, liberalism is a political doctrine in which political systems serve individuals. Classical liberals value liberty (from government coercion) and equality (under the law). “Progressive” liberals value liberty (from bad things in life) and equality (of outcome). Both believe that political systems are means, and individual benefit (however they define it) are ends.
    Secondly, the ideology of liberalism has manifested itself in law / politics, but also in the cultural ethos. If you say things like “you should pursue your own interests,” or, more commonly, “do what you feel,” then don’t be surprised when people destroy and neglect their families, or live as parasites feeding off of society, all for their own gain and satisfaction. They are living in accordance with the ideal that has been drilled into them, and they are abetted by a legal system which has been shaped by it.
    Lastly, there is a great challenge in negotiating the congruent and conflicting interests of individuals, families, and tribes. To start sorting things out, look for patterns of parasitism and patterns of symbiosis. If a man is unable to provide for himself, then providing his needs for him creates a burden to other individuals, families, and the providing tribe. If the man is of no value to the tribe as a whole, then the man would be a parasite to the tribe. However, maybe the man has some value to his family, and so they provide for him willingly. Or, consider taxes. If the government take large amounts of people’s money to pay for useless projects, it burdens individuals and families. However, if the government taking only a small amount of money to pay for something very useful like law enforcement, it provides a great benefit for both individuals and families.

    1. Liberalism / Unrestrained capitalism – Individuals are everything. Ignore family, tribe, religion and just pursue hedonism
      Communism – You are a nobody, it is the group / state that matters. Sacrifice your existence for others and receive no reward.
      National Socialism – We believe that a man is part of a nation and must sacrifice something for the gain of the group (Nationalism) for that the state must reward and care for him (Socialism)

      1. Yea, Hitler, Great guy!
        National Socialism is great if it would work

        1. National Socialism absolutely worked. Nothing has come close in comparison.
          He reduced unemployment by 5 million in just a few years.
          He created a new currency not controlled by international banks, that maintained it’s value without inflating up to the end of the war.
          By comparison US currency is controlled by a small clique outside of government’s control, a private institution. It’s value has plummeted for the last hundred years.
          Not to mention German economy was autarchical while US prosperity is based on the volatile Petrodollar and the fact it has convinced the rest of the world to use US dollars as reserve currency, which can change quickly and bring US to hyper-inflation like in Zimbabwe or Weimar Germany.

        2. that and committed mass genocide and destroyed freedom. totally awesome system.

        3. Oy vey. Don’t forget the 6 gorillion !
          Good goy.
          As for freedom. German people had insanely more freedom than they have under Merkel now.

        4. there level of freedom is debateable….but at least mass genocide isnt being used regularly.

        5. The Holocaust was a lie. There were plenty of picture forgeries or outright lies, like taking the body of soldiers and pretending they were jews. Here are a few things even the OFFICIAL narrative does support :
          1) no Jewish lampskin or soap ever existed. It was a hoax
          2) All evidence of so called “extermination facilities” come from the Soviet side. No American liberated facilities were claimed to be used for “mass extermination”
          Here is the reality. No jews were gassed. Most jews died of typhus and hunger at the end of war due to allies cutting off supply roots.
          1) There are no way to dispose so many bodies. Auschwitz supposedly has killed 1,2 million jews. Yet it only had 6 ovens. That means they cremated 100 bodies per oven per day at the very least. The ovens could fit max 2 people. Modern ovens take 4 hours to cremate 1 body, the ones in the 40’s took 8
          2) The so called gassing rooms had wooden doors and windows. How does that work for a room that needs to be hermetically sealed ?
          3) The concentration camps had pools, brothels and their own currency. Why so much effort when the goal is to kill jews. Why such an inefficient way ?
          The mainstream narrative is a lie. Time to face the truth.

        6. so without watching that yet….heres my problem and feel free to enlighten me or argue or call me crazy whatever.
          but the “holocaust deniers” camp, often praise Hitler as a great man. even if the holocaust isnt true, the man was still a tyrant. Nazi germany is not a great thing. yet holocaust deniers almost always come in with what you say….”here are the facts” fair enough…but it almost always leads to pro-nazisim.
          anyone that is pro nazi, i immediately dismiss their bullshit argument. it is like arguing with Satan…sure maybe Satan tells the truth sometimes, but is that really where i want to get my information?
          so having said….perhaps the video answers this but I ask this:
          1. if there is no holocaust…then explain the Jewish victims?
          2. were Jewish and religious oppression a complete lie?
          3. whats the motivation and purpose to lie about this?
          4. are all holocaust survivors in on this lie? is there some sort of secret blood oath to keep this lie going? surely one of these 90 year old “survivors” and “war veterans” would have blown the whistle?
          “like taking the body of soldiers and pretending they were jews.”
          if true…whats the point behind this? illuminati? secret oaths with Satan? something else? Aliens? these arent sarcastic questions so don’t take it as me being a snarky little twat. Im not being snarky. Im sincerely asking.

        7. ” 1. if there is no holocaust…then explain the Jewish victims? ”
          The pictures of dead jews come from the end of the war when the Allies bombed the supply roots, leaving people in camps without food and medicine. As a result people started dying from starvation and typhus. Some jewish victims are straight made up. There was a case recently were a jew searched his name in an archive and it turned out he was listed as dead when he was not.
          ” 2. were Jewish and religious oppression a complete lie? ”
          No. Jews were persecuted just like Japanese in the US during WW2 were closed in concentration camps. The jews were discriminated based on race in the fact that some were not allowed to serve in the army. Others were not allowed to marry German citizen. When it came to part-jews rules were complicated. For the most part, honest Jews pre-war did not suffer. It was mostly bankers and brothel owners who did. During the war, yes, lots of Jews were sent to concentration camps
          ” 3. whats the motivation and purpose to lie about this? ”
          Many reasons. 1 ) Money. The Holocaust is an industry. There was even a book called the Holocaust Industry. Movies, tickets to Auschwitz, reparations to Israel (paid by Germany). Very profitable
          2) Victim shield. Jews make themselves beyond reproach. As soon as you criticize Israel or Jews, they scream “Holocaust”, “Nazi”. It’s called Godwin’s law
          3) War propaganda. During the initial period there was no future planning. Allies wanted to make Germans bad so they let rumors run wild. There were even crazy stories, later disproven, of jews being forced to fight with animals or horrific human experiments, etc. which of course turned to be lies.
          4) Narrative. It fits the leftist narrative of “evil straight white male”. It is a perfect argument against nationalism and masculinity. Dropping such a useful narrative is going to be opposed.
          ” 4. are all holocaust survivors in on this lie? is there some sort of
          secret blood oath to keep this lie going? surely one of these 90 year
          old “survivors” and “war veterans” would have blown the whistle? ”
          The Holocaust survivors believe their own bullshit to a degree. Here is how this works :
          – The people who are “survivors” never were inside the gas chambers (duh). But they heard that someone did. Again, war rumors. Individual stories are again hard to disprove. If a woman says she was raped 10 times a day in secret by nazis and no one else saw her, how do you prove her wrong ? Some stories are outright fake, made up to sell books for example :
          ” surely one of these 90 year
          old “survivors” and “war veterans” would have blown the whistle? ”
          Again the veterans are saying : ” I have not been gassed, but someone did, so I heard”. Again, they were never inside gas chambers, otherwise they would not be alive, would they ? They just assume the war propaganda is correct. In fact on one show a female Holocaust survivor was attacking a Jewish revisionist who was claiming there have never been jewish soap bars and lampshades. A doctor of history had to tell the female survivor that that indeed was a lie. Again a case of this.
          2. All of the war veterans who claimed they have found extermination facilities were on the SOVIET side. There are few of them left, if any. They would not be able to whistle because they are dead or they would be thought of as cray.
          3. Research into a supposed Jewish mass grave proved there was nothing there. The jews refused to dig the bodies out, but a dude came with an ultrasonar and scanned the ground. No signs of mass graves were found in Poland
          4. There are “hate speech” laws. People go to jail for this. Who would want to come out ? David Cole was a JEWISH revisionist and he was attacked by fellow Jews to the point he had to go hiding for 15 years. The people who come out against it are closed to jail. There were German camp workers who have denied. They closed them to jail. There are people who lived nearby who denied. They also are sent to jail.
          ” if true…whats the point behind this? ”
          As I said Jews make victim-bux, are above reproach because of victim status. Liberals get to claim that nationalism always leads to mass genocide, therefore muliticulturalism is right.
          The same reason pointing out IQ differences is almost a hate crime. It disproves the liberal narratives of equality and white villainy and race opression. Should the Holocaust be disproved, Germans will not be seen as villains of WW2, but rather just another side in the conflict. It would destigmatize nationalism and take away the jewish victim card-blanche.
          There you have it. That’s the point behind this. To promote their narrative.

        8. well to be frank…I havent really heard all of that in such detail, though some of it does make some sense….though come to think of it, someone else did try and tell me about this jew conspiracy. though I have no way to get back in contact with him as he got banned from that forum….funny too, i remember thinking i need to get your email address
          that said…I’ll have to watch that video…it is rather I’ll have to sit down and really get in the mood for a mind blowing mind fuck.
          which at this point…all I can really say is…why the fuck not? seems like everything else has been a lie, why not this too. honestly not even sure what to believe anymore these days. not sure why i didnt watch all the links he sent me…for some reason just have a hard time digesting this lie, though i suspect that is the mormon-christian in me. yes i realize jews arent our friends, they killed God. but they are still the infamous covenant people that need to be gathered somehow at some point, which i think is why they are in that protected status.
          thing is…and this is me half way venting….but supposing i end up buying into this, i’d be even more of an outside odd duck than I already am. the life of the outside odd duck is lonely you know. and my family? hahaha….friends? oh yes LOL fucking-LOL.
          yeah no one would understand this…..they barely comprehend the random red pill wisdom i try and splash in now and then.

    2. The true trouble with liberalism is that “equality under the law” is abused through implementation of “equality whatsoever”, or “sameness”. I admire Your erudite way of presenting Your opinions, but disagree on “intrinsic and obligatory impulse of majority of humans” to (quote) “destroy and neglect their families, or live as parasites feeding off of society, all for their own gain and satisfaction” (end quote). Solidarity IS ingrained in all primates, and the same, or greater number of people may chose creative and productive pursuits, instead of destructive, parasitical, or egotistical ones, if left on their own.
      Also, don`t underestimate the power of the parasites/symbionts/commensals to accelerate and/or benefit Evolution….both societal, as well as evolution of an individual . It is not unheard of in Nature. Some parasites even benefit their hosts…and their detrimental effect is greatly superseded by the value of the boon that they bring.
      (e.g. … as well as:
      Being a man, I feel flattered by the proposed ideas, but only a weak man should yield to flattery. More work on the idea is needed – and the work should be interdisciplinary.

  17. Destroying the family, the nation, and the church and the synagogue both, leaving the individual not empowered but powerless and destitute, and leaving a few very rich men (they are almost all men) free to do what they damn well cared to do, immune from any human law—that wasn’t a flaw of liberalism. That was the whole point of liberalism.
    Go back and read your Bible. Biblical Judaism is a patriarchal nationalist faith. The Jewish strategy is patriarchal nationalism. That’s why the Jews have survived. That’s why Israel stands a better chance than even of making it to 2100 with its society and culture more or less intact. And that’s why the liberals hate Jews and hate Israel.

    1. Progressive Jews hate Orthodox Jews because Orthodox Jews are conservatives. So the progressives want to kill us

      1. There are no progressive Jews. Orthodox Jews who know the Law and follow it to the letter are Jews.
        The progressives who style themselves “Jews” are not Jews. They are Epicureans, with no god but their own unholy desires. They hate Israel and hate her Lord. Traitors every one, to Israel and anything resembling civilization.

      2. I find it strange that we have permission to mock Orthodox Jews when they refuse to sit next to women on airliners, but we can’t criticize other Jews when they do really harmful things to white societies with no accountability.

    2. Contemporary Jews bear little resemblence to Israelites of Biblical times. Modern married Jewish men are uber beta domestically and are shorter and smaller than their women and they wholesale slaughter their son’s dicks at birth by removing the foreskin.
      Chopped down at birth, the whacked man grows up to be a whipped man, never the master of his own house, but rather the other way around. A sword with a broken tip is a severe handicap. You control your women with your FULL ROD OF POWER amen. Modern Jewish women have big mouths and tend to lead their husband socially. Circumcised Islamic men too are power compromised. They are little bitches to their Imams and to their theocratic state. Jewish men raise their daughters as princesses but no king can come forth from a bunch of chopped down men. Egyptian captivity required the Jewish men to be half castrated (circumcised) where the men would remain bitch whips of their women but could still reproduce and provide fresh generations of mule labor under captivity. They broke from Egypt at last but their women would never have it any other way BUT CHOPPED. YOU BEEN CHOPPED! It is up to the Jewish men to break and rescind the ‘covenant’ of circumcision.

      1. You just rambled. What does height have to do with anything?
        Jews are ” Bitches “?
        Where do you live? Theres a bit of a difference between the Jews in Name Only and the Orthodox Jews!

        1. Orthodox are by and far hard core conservative compared to reform and Caiphas which are close to the Pharisees who were statist and bureaucratic. The Judean Jews are the impostors whereas the Israelites are the true tribes of Israel, the real Hebrews. The House of Israel and the House of Judah are separate.

          The point I’m making is that Israelites, Christians and Muslims alike need to stop chopping their son’s dicks at birth Goddammit. The Patriarchy will never make it off the runway without FULL DICK BLAST FORCE amen. LET THY SCHLONG HANG LONG!

      1. “…cuts it of financially.”
        If only we did that with all parasites sucking off a government check, eh?

        1. Since when do you need a lawyer to see the VA? Weren’t you just bragging about “lawyering up” to steal some more money? Fucking officers are worthless.

        2. Officers are worthless? Maybe some but as a former CO of a recruiting company I can tell you that nearly all enlistees are the scum of the earth. Niggers recking of Taco Bell grease, trailer trash hicks, spics anchor babies, 19 year old mothers. “Thank you for your service, scum”
          I was offered a 72k job with boeing and a position as an APMS with ROTC which would be paying 115 becuase I was in the zone to be promoted to major. I prefer to work part time and smoke weed so fuck em both. How do you make?

      2. Sure it will. Uncle Sugar’s military aid is a red herring. It doesn’t cover the interest on the debt Israel has racked up paying for the wherewithal to fight wars, and win them.
        It’s the bloodsuckers in DC who would be swinging from lampposts in six months after Wall Street cut them off, and their pet savages on container ships back to the cesspits they came from. No American soldier in his right mind will care to be the last to die for Hillary Clinton.
        Israel will not die. She will live, and her children will recount the deeds of her Lord. And when Americans water their soil with the blood of godless tyrants, they will rejoice as loudly as anyone.

      3. Israel treats the United States as an overseas colony it can exploit for resources, it deploys the U.S. military as its foreign legion, and it sends over colonial administrators openly now, like the Israeli banker Stanley Fischer who runs the U.S. Federal Reserve.
        How did we get into this absurd situation, and what can we do about it?

  18. Remember that patriarchy spontaneously arose around the world despite lack of contact between them. Each helping society to function at a higher level and leading to the rise of civilization.
    It is not necessarily an ideology so much as an organic phenomenon when men are strong and women are feminine.

    1. Yeah, why didn’t something like modern liberal feminism arise somewhere around the world in the past, even by an accident or mistake?

      1. Perhaps it did at some point. Evidently it must have been an evolutionary failure as it either self destructed or became conquered by a Patriarchal rival.

      2. Probably because it required the abstract concept of egalitarianism to finally give it existence. Although the potential was there due to the Greeks who also invented democracy.

      3. “…by an accident or mistake.”
        Isn’t that actually the sole means of something coming into existence? Blind, pittiless in difference?

  19. Patriarchal nationalism…
    That implies some kind of autocracy or patriarchy (NOT representative government) coupled with nationalism, however you choose to define this.
    One problem with the former is that there are many of us who ARE both competent and intelligent. We are as competent and capable as any other person or group of persons and, therefor, would not dream of submitting ourselves to any other human or group of humans. That’s why it won’t work, at least not with people like myself. Of course, people like me could be the patriarchs. However, since I have no desire to control others that I have no meaningful relationships with, such a “patriarchy” would not last long. It would die due to benign indifference on our part.
    There are many flavors of nationalism. One form would be to simply end most immigration, perhaps allowing immigration only from countries of like-minded people (e.g. The U.S. allowing immigrants only from the rest of the Anglo-sphere, etc.). This could be coupled with a certain amount of import restrictions, most likely in the form of an import tariff. Contrary to the Nazis and other groups, nationalism usually means national self-determination, which implies a NON-interventionist foreign policy. One does not have to be a “nationalist” (I’m not) to see the folly of our interventionist foreign policy.
    It does not seem that there are any other potential policies that could be pursued in the U.S. that would be defined as nationalism.
    In short, it appears that “patriarchal nationalism” is a rather empty gesture to me.

    1. “That implies some kind of autocracy or patriarchy” We don’t mean patriarchy as in one man ruling, we are using it the way SJW’s use the term: talking about men.

        1. He means that Patriarchy is used in the sense of “men” ruling. not in the sense of a monarchy. Patriarchy as an ideology, not as a government solution as it were.

    2. Hmm I would propose an alternative interpretation of this.
      I am for the intents and purposes if feminist labels a misogynistic patriarch, I’m married and my wife is a home maker. As such, and being the leader of my own family I have a very high stake in how society functions, because it affects not only me but my wife and children and their children potentially.
      So, no benign indifference from me. The stakes are too high.
      The thing is I have lived most of my life as a guest in countries I don’t have the nationality of, but I still would call myself a nationalist in that I think it is the duty of every nations government to protect and favour indiscriminately their own citizens above all others. Interventionist foreign policies cannot be nationalistic unless they are directly about access to a specific resource.
      If the country I live in would prefer for me to leave, I would without much complaining. It’s their right to determine that, and I have places where I cannot be kicked out to go to. I don’t think they would because I generate a lot of jobs and pay a lot of taxes.

    3. Right, the point of this movement, I think, is that we need to work on strengthening interpersonal relationships. As such, while we need to pursue nationalism as opposed to internationalism, we really need to focus on ‘Theism,’ or loyalty to peoples and groups. We need the ability to form groups to oppose the government, but sacrificing our own identities will not work since that will only result the formation of a larger government.
      tl;dr, Our ideology must be about individual strength and interpersonal alliances, not atomistic ‘independence’ without power.

    1. I’d really be shocked if anyone on this site hasn’t seen it by now.

        1. I don’t get it. Are you calling me an idiot for posting a video? Because that would be pretty idiotic.

  20. As much as You might wish for it…humans are NOT eusocial animals. Family and tribe will never exist as a part of a “hive” (which is matriarchal, BTW). The terms “matriarchal, patriarchal” themselves are an evidence of immaturity of society…implying the puppy-like need for “father-“, or “motherlike” figures…the same way as dogs act like wolf pups all their lives. Evolution is ALWAYS an individual feature – its viability inevitably proven by Nature. We evolve, or we die…one by one…and as soon as we figure it out, as soon we can dismiss infantillistic power-fantasies of “mommy/daddy/nation” that will save and/or elevate us.

    1. Naaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
      You don’t actually espouse any points there do you ??? You call patriarchy a “puppy like need for father or mother like figure” which really just shows a personal bias. You use hyperbole to get across an emotional opinion.
      With out the hyperbole tell me why patriarchy is bad,be specific ??? No bullshit talk abut wolves or mother figures. In practical terms explain how it doesnt work and how individual evolution is “always the way” .
      And tell me an alternative too ???

      1. Ooh…a nerve was touched, wasn’t it? 🙂 Your accusations of “personal bias” and “emotional opinion” rather seem to be a projection of Your own. Hyperbole is a valid instrument in a debate (good enough for Christ, anyway..), and I used less affectation, screams and superfluous interpunction than You. Patriarchy is not bad, per se…only backward, as is matriarchy, by the way. I find societal emphasis on PERSONAL accountability paramount for facilitating individual evolution of everybody. Father-State, or (S)Mother-State equally opress and hinder it. In biology, it is always about single, incremental changes of an individual…spreading (or not) to the population. A strict meritocracy respecting and accepting biological differences is an alternative…and Man or Woman, no matter who, must first prove their greater Wisdom to me, before I let myself be led by them. Fool is the one who allows otherwise.

        1. You forgot to add your usual ))) to your nonsensical rant…, your grip is slipping man.

        2. This time, nothing to laugh about here. Go back to Your bottle, “Captain”.

        3. Which one? I have several bottles here…
          But I wonder if you really think you are making sense in your posts?
          You conflate meritocracy with proving their wisdom to you personally which I think should elicit at least a chuckle if not outright mocking laughter from most more seasoned thinkers.
          Anyway, sidestepping the atrocious way you express yourself, you say patriarchy is backward… Considering it is scientifically proven to be the requirement of any human society’s progress I have to say that I doubt your competence on these subjects.

        4. – my comment to this drivel has been deleted by the Administrator, and I shan’t dignify neither him, nor the rube commenting above, by repeating myself. Editing people’s opinions out is the teller of weak ideologies. –

        5. Just admit you’re a j ew and while nationalism is good for Israel, it’s bad for all others i.e. Goyim/ cattle

        6. I don’t have to “admit” shit to you. Humans, in general, tend to be cattle – Jews are no exception to that…as any other “tribe” on Earth. (..yeah…thinking that the Supreme Entity , The First One, tut-tut-tuts and frowns over dietary customs and silly fashion of talking apes of Earth is really guffaw-inspiring… 😀 )
          However, if you insist on “teaching” me, worm…know that Jews call (their) God also: “Adonai Kol Goyim”…”The Lord Over ALL People/Nations”…where Hebrews included themselves, as well.
          If you now, for the purpose of fulfilling your puny agenda, want to respond by bothering me with some of their later rabbinical nonsense, which is, furthermore, quoted out of context…don’t. It is silly.
          My opinion on UNASSIMILABLE immigration I’ve already expressed. I oppose it. Everywhere.

        7. hahahaha get over yourself,you didnt touch any nerves ya fucking clown.
          I wasnt in the least bit emotional talking to you other than to be exasperated by yet another fucking idiot online. and talking like yoda clever it doesnt make you !!!
          Anyway ive had my fill of your run of the mill pseudo intellectual comments. You said the same shite as the first time just used more words and compared yourself to christ. have a nice day friend :)))))

        8. I don’t need insults to feel superior (like you). I am superior.
          Concerning clowns…may the spirit of John Wayne Gacy be with you, my son.
          Have a nice day, too. 🙂

        9. No, he’s right. You are a tool who confuses verbal diarrhea with intellectual discourse.

        10. Heh, the condescending way you converse. One of those guys who thinks he’s the smartest in the room because he’s the most socially retarded. Meanwhile, for those of us who are smart and still managed to have friends and kiss girls…

        11. “Discourse”? With you??? 😀
          And the likes of you??))))
          Oooh…should I fight…” ‘telectually”? ( it is such a difficult word, you know?) “Defend” myself??))
          Have a nice day, 🙂

        12. Actually as someone who’s pissed off the administrators here, they don’t just delete your comments, they both nick and IP ban you.
          So your story doesn’t hold up.
          Anyway, what you so nicely defined as drivel is actually probably alien to you, it’s called rational logic. For you to make up the story of deleted comments I can only put down to you lacking actual arguments.
          So have fun in your bubble of thinking you’re the best 😉

        13. Well, a lenghty comment of mine just “disappeared”. You must not take my word for it, but this is what happened.
          If I owned I site with a clear agenda, I certainly would not rely on just one single way to push it and edit out the dissenters.)
          …And the only bubbles I currently enjoy are those of Jouet-Perrier..
          I never said I am “the best”…but it is nice of you to imply it. 😉

  21. Someone pointed out that concurrently with trying to staff our governments with women and diversity hires over the past couple of generations, everyone notices and complains that government performance has gotten worse and worse.

    1. Interesting clip, WB the Asian girl lol. She looks like a screamer and maybe squirter hehe, fun fun.
      I’m all for a radical change. I could get behind a strong and righteous monarchy, but I would sooner die and sacrifice my family than ever support a democracy.

  22. I enjoyed this article, clear, concise and well presented. I’m a firm belief that society needs to be reorganised along the lines of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I’d say that reality aligns well with patriarchal nationalism.

  23. Rather than make your readers consult another article it would be helpful if you define Patriarchal Nationalism again at the top of your article. Many of us are busy.
    That said, you can forget nationalism. It died in the Forties and it is not coming back. The genie is out of the bottle and few people are interested in becoming part of a socialistic state.

  24. Liberals and libertarians are too autistic to recognize the value of both the micro and the macro when it comes to managing and maintaining civilization. For instance, on a micro level, most everyone wants the ability to choose their career, their spouse, and where they live. But they freak out when one suggests that choices such as these should either be encouraged or discouraged on the macro level cuz muh constitution or cuz muh human rights.

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