Is Hillary Clinton’s Entourage Involved In A Satanic Pedophile Ring?

The latest batch of the Podesta emails shared by Wikileaks add a darker dimension (if it was even possible) to the sordid culture of corruption, lies and depravity that surrounds Hillary Clinton, explaining why the FBI has been calling her for quite some time now, the “Antichrist personified”.

It is a possibility that Hellary’s clique attends and organizes Satanic rituals, involving mock-up scenes of cannibalism and sexual abuse involving children.

One of the emails directed at Tony Podesta (John Podesta’s brother) contains the following sentence:



“I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place.

Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”

This really does not sounds like much until you discover the author of this invitation.

She, who walks in the footsteps of the Beast

This is the woman who sent the email, Marina Abramovic.

Holding the skinned head of a dead goat, a clear reference to the occult character Baphomet

Dressed in red and holding the skinned head of a dead goat, a clear reference to the occult character Baphomet

There is proof that the Clinton Foundation directly transferred Abramovic ten thousand dollars in at least one instance for her “services.”

Abramovic carving a pentagram in her flesh with a blade to show her artistic side

Abramovic carving a pentagram in the flesh of her stomach with a blade to show her artistic side

A self-proclaimed artist, Abramovic hails from Serbia and regularly organizes “performances” and events using what she calls “Spirit Cooking”.

This “spirit cooking” includes mixing semen, breast milk, urine or fresh blood before consuming it or splattering it over various things such as life-sized representations of young children, like shown below:

This performance included spelling with the body fluids, the following stanza:

With a sharp

knife cut deeply into the

middle finger of your

left hand

eat the pain.

Other examples of her “art” (nowadays any revolting expression of bad taste if sporting the correct pair of problem glasses) include public dinners, where politicians, Hollywood stars, singers and decision makers gather to eat cakes that depict a naked human corpse or feast on the fake (I hope by all that is sacred) blood contained in a coffin where swims another human body.

Celebrities that use heavy occult symbols in their persona such as Lady Gaga rush to participate to Abramovic's events

Celebrities that use demonic symbols in their persona such as Lady Gaga rush to participate to Abramovic’s events

Another heavy user of the symbols of the occult, Jay-Z, is a big fan of Marina

Another heavy user of the occult symbols, Jay-Z, is a big fan of Marina

These codes are all directly copied from rituals such as black masses or Sabat night reunions and popularized by figures such as Aleister Crowley from whom Abramovic draws direct inspiration.

It is part of this growing phenomenon where the elites and celebrities close to power get caught, intentionally or not, showing symbols celebrating the ancient Babylonian rites or the worship of the Devil.

Clinton chose Jay-Z in a last bid to draw crowds to her empty rallies. Coincidence?

On November the 4th, Clinton chose Jay-Z in a last bid to draw crowds to her empty rallies. Coincidence?

Innocent children involved in that mess


There is hard evidence that Bill Clinton traveled at least 26 times (sometimes without his bodyguards, it is all in the pilot logs) to billionaire and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Island on board his plane, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” as it is in this plane that the guests could allegedly have sex with minors.

With this in mind, it is disturbing to notice that other Podesta emails refer to children as being the “entertainment” at pool parties almost entirely attended by middle-aged men involved in politics.


Other emails involve strange references to food such as “pizza”, “cheese”, $65,000 worth of “hot dogs” for a party that attendees “dream of” and “recipes” that many sources suggest are code words for orgies involving minors and extremely young children. You can read more about it here.
The Whole Clinton Bag of Crooks reeks of unnatural sexual behaviour and reproachable acts and we will certainly know much more in the days to come, as Hillary Clinton is still under FBI investigation as we speak. This follows the scandal surrounding Huma Abedin (Clinton’s right hand and confidant) and her estranged husband, sex offender and champion one-handed texter, Anthony Weiner.
It will take some time before they go through Weiner’s 650,000 emails and decide of a course of action regarding these dark revelations and other atrocities of the Clinton crime family.

 La plus belle ruse du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas


Drawing by Ben Garrison

These heavy accusations of Satanism remind us of the sexual blackmail practices said to take place among the popular hip-hop and Hollywood communities, as Roosh described in his related article, or other rumours linked to suspicious reunions involving the secret ceremonies of the elite such as the ones of the Bohemian Grove or the Rothschilds’ parties of the 70s.

If those recent speculations turn out to be true, it could have the effect of a bomb and mean a revolution.

Observe the symbols of cannibalism, eerily similar in the three following pictures. Those are respectively: a scene of the Rothschild’s “surrealistic bal,” a painting hanging in John Podesta’s office and one of Abramovic’s dinners:



I will let you be the own judge of the conclusions inspired by those images. My father is a very Cartesian fellow and a saying of his comes to mind:

Just like Saint Thomas,

I only believe in what I see.

And what I see unsettles me.

Read More: Rigged: FBI Reveals It Has Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke Law, But Will Not Prosecute

545 thoughts on “Is Hillary Clinton’s Entourage Involved In A Satanic Pedophile Ring?”

  1. I bet Hillary can turn her head all the way around while speaking in a demon voice…….oh wait,first comment. Did I win some Kratom?
    I’m going to need some to put in my ears so I can’t hear LOLknee saying”I told you so!”, if the spawn of Satan wins.

  2. What happens if Hillary, Obama, and all these so-called “leaders” of our country are found out to be pedo’s? Will the FBI or Justice Department do anything or merely look the other way? I believe they already know and have known for eons. If you look at the decisions Obama has made during his presidency in the realm of satanism you’ll connect the dots. One of the worst things Obama did was give Iran billions of dollars knowing they would fund terrorists with it. You see, Satan and God are real. They are forces that cause people to do good or evil. Disagree all you want but someday there won’t be any atheists.

    1. Let’s not forget that this is all stuff that is more or less plausibly deniable. If the FBI decides not to dig deeper, it may be hard to convince the public they should have.

    2. The sort of violence that can be brought to bear is something old Cummy is well aware of and will not risk.

    1. *EDIT* The post refers only to Marina Abramovic.
      For this sole case you are mistaken, she is just a gentile witch, Abramovic is skypy only for Ukrainians, Russians and Bellorussians, for Serbo-Croats doesn’t mean anything. She is though dauther to commie parents and is located, by emigration to New York. All these say a lot.
      Do not ask me why but Serbs had a very radical left which makes most of their culture movies quite horrific, their idea was that the Russkies with their conservative values regarding society and sex destroyed true communism there is a movie called: “W.R. mysteries of the Organism” it glorifies some pseudoscience about sex the aforementioned idea was also put to that film.
      I need to also add that Serbs are a very religious, conservative and Christian nation, how they provide some of these deplorably sick in the mind humans is beyond me.

      1. Of course I did my research, and there is no tangible evidence of her jewish origins but:
        1. Lastname: If your lastname is Rothschild, there are probabilities of 99% that you are not basque. Besides, commie partisan parents?
        2. Physiognomy: jewish nose? check. bended back? check. Just look at this photo:
        3. Actions: this is the most important indicator in this case; involved near the circles of powers but somehow behind the scene? check. Decadent art? check. Aberrant practices? check. Aberrant practices linked with occult doctrines? check.
        I know the Tribe, this is one of them, believe me.

        1. More info:

          Marina Abramović
          Marina Abramović (born November 30, 1946) is a Serbian performance artist based in New York.
          United States of America
          Low influence
          Marina Abramović on Wikipedia
          Official Website…
          MAI Website
          to Wikileaks, John Podesta has received an invitation involving his
          brother Tony Podesta and Marina Abramovic. This is what Abramovic wrote
          to Tony Podesta: “Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the Spirit
          Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know
          if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina”. The recipe is
          supposedly “mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm, drink on earthquake
          Source • Backup • Screenshot • Archive
          Wikileaks released emails involving Abramovic’s apparently satanic
          rituals (which she calls “performance art”) her Wikipedia article was
          edited. The segment “She herself is of Jewish ethnicity.” was changed to
          “She herself is of Serbian ethnicity.”
          Source • Backup • Screenshot • Archive
          YouTube video shows Abramović painting with a congealed mixture of
          menstrual blood, breast milk and semen. With it, she paints the phrases:
          “Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm,” “Fresh morning urine,
          sprinkle over nightmare dreams,” and “‘With a sharp knife cut deeply
          into your middle finger, eat the pain.” She finishes by pouring blood
          over a small human-shaped doll. [Video URL:

          Source • Backup • Screenshot • Archive
          John Podesta (Business)

        2. I am descended from king David and am a psychic….but this lifestyle they live with this satanic shit disgusts me the spiritual realm is not to be toyed with.

      2. I have always wondered about the Serbian radical left. It seems to contradict the very conservative religious tendencies. My thinking is that Serbs just tend to be very radical and extreme in all things. I have never met a Serb that wouldn’t pretty much murder you with his bare hands over every thing he believed, not matter how big or small, no matter what side of the spectrum it is on.
        “Did you just say that Pljeskavica is originally from Bosnia??????? I will kill your children” –Serbian (probably at some point)

        1. I believe that this is essence of the Balkans Bulgars also had and I think still have a thing with heresies and cults of that type.
          Still for the Serbs I believe you are right, but it still baffles me, there are radical leftists that do not move to these places for Serbia to create so many is weird, probably it had or has a base for such at a place in it (like Thessaloniki makes liberals, or New York etc.)

  3. Being red-pilled I still found this hard to believe that such spiritualistic hog-wash was still really believed today. It is possible so that the Frankism (a Deist cult) might (what we say is probably just an influence of it, or and some common practices which could be found also in some medieval heresies) be well alive today (they were behind the Jacobins in the French revolution, they were known also as Robespierre’s cult) the cult recruited members and had them participate in a variety of unknown rituals one of them looked akin to spirit cooking, although this horrific liquid was consumed. For sexual practices pedophilia was ceremonial.
    In truth though, if a member wanted to leave the cult the other members would expose their wrongdoings, having evidence for them, condemning them and protecting themselves. Needless to say Evola’s occult war is now proven to be a correct term, so what we truly face are satanic powers on an unprecedented scale. I suggest reading some theology and specifically some daemonology, This has religious roots in the end as it is pretty close to complete proof. Also for the modern left a good writer is Eric Voegelin, a man who traced it’s roots to some medieval gnostic cults.

    1. Demons are real I have encountered one as a child.
      Look at the Ramayana Raid on Lanka and you see them. Also the Vanara tribes (bigfoots) I’ve seen one of them too they look just like the Vanara and are stunning literally and figuratively.
      God might have a plan but it sure is fucked up

  4. This is the rabit hole I’m refusing to believe in.. since more then 10 years. Despite all the evidence.
    I guess it’s hard to accept that we are so blind, so deceived, that we live in such a false reality. And that our leaders are Satan’s children.
    What if all those conspiracy theorists we labeled batshit crazy, were right?

        1. And 2002 was when the US terrorist state claimed the fields.
          Thanks for sharing.

      1. My grandfather was a Knight Templar. People think the Templars disappeared a long time ago – not true. They worship Baphomet, up top. Ancient Egyptian “mythology” factors heavily into their beliefs and practices. So what is on that website to which you linked, resonates with me.
        You might be interested in the articles at this next link, which highlight the Marc Dutroux case. After a person absorbs most of that material, it’s pretty close to impossible for them to think ritual murder and pedophilia aren’t practiced at the highest rungs of the societal ladder –

        1. Bill Schnoebelen on youtube gives a really good summary of the historical progression of the globalist pedophiles, going way back to the Knights Templars.

        2. Once they started demanding tribute in the form of shrubberies they went downhill fast.

        3. Uh, that depends on who you ask. For example, some of their girlfriends said they sucked in bed…

        4. Indeed that brings new light to what I knew. I distantly discovered it through television. I will look into it.

        5. and cut down the largest tree in the forest………with a herring

        6. I’ve read McGowan’s work on that subject, and I suggest others do the same…good info there and he’s a very solid scribe. Dave died the same day as President Kennedy, last November. Rapid-onset cancer. Wink-wink…

        7. They sacked Jerusalem and made a powerful (((enemy))), despised and hated much like Catholicism.
          Some would argue Catholicism has been corrupted and no longer represents what it was.

  5. This is some pretty far out shit. I will say that even though Bill Clinton isn’t on the ROK roster of most loveable guys, we really ought to be careful when we launch charges of sex tourism. I know that a lot of things point that way but I think when we make charges like “rape” or “sex tourism” or “underage girls” blah blah blah that we have a responsibility to be damn sure or we tread on very hypocritical grounds. I think there is plenty of other shit we can call Bill out on without having to resort to the sensationalism of sex charges.
    The other thing: Bohemian Garden and Skull and Bones’s Deer Island retreats are things which really are blown way out of proportion I think.

      1. There are quite a few ifs and maybes and looks likes and seems to bes and mights here. It isn’t about being libelous. I just feel that if people want to be taken seriously and not as conspiracy nut jobs they should have a lot more evidence than the incredibly shaky stuff there these things are based on. I am not even saying it isn’t true. But if you are going to call someone a child fucking satan worshiper you ought to be better than the MSM…you ought to have some real proof.

        1. You have refuted nothing of the sources i have presented in my link, and instead referred to them as ‘shaky’. The child erotica alone is stomach churning. I love ya man but you sound like your gonna start linking me snopes ‘reports’

        2. No. I am not even saying that you are wrong. Hell, you are probably right. But I think here especially……..when we start lobbing charges painting someone as a rapist…..we should have a very high standard for burden of proof. Further, there is plenty of evidence to show that these people are absolute criminals. Why latch on to things that involve a lot of conjecture when there is proof positive stuff out there that is just as bad.

        3. Meh. This is better researched than a lot of ROK articles which are based on anecdotes and MSM news, like the one about the girl in the catacombes.

        4. It just seems that you can very easily point at Hillary and say there is an actual body train as well as pretty brazen corruption. That should be enough. When vaguely supported claims based on conclusions drawn about satanic ceremonies and baby raping come out that is exactly the kind of stuff that makes it easy for people to Roll their eyes and ignore you. Even if it is true, you have to think….what is the goal here? Because if the goal is to give people who already hate Hillary dick spanking material….well, mission accomplished. But if the goal is to get undecided or even Hillary supporters to really think long and hard about what a terrible cunt this woman is….well stuff like this is a big fail because they will look at it, write it off as stupid lunacy and tin foil hat garbage and most sensible people will agree

        5. It is. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t truth to be found in articles like this but sometimes you just have to let some things go in order to better achieve and overarching goal.

        6. You keep saying that and I don’t agree. I don’t know what that makes me. An idealist? Probably that’s too flattery. Impulsive may be a good word, heh.

        7. If I had to draw up a list of adjectives I don’t think Idealist would be on it for you. So impulsive may be right. I think this article was fun and funny but I don’t have a horse in the election race. If I had a serious desire to see one or another candidate get elected I would advise mentioning all the devil worship. I really think it comes off batty.

        8. you are right. I hope I am wrong.. Though you know there is a big difference between internet comments and real life face to face talk. Personally, I believe the Cult of Molech is killing, trafficking kids and has infilitrated the highest levels of the US government.

        9. If those satanic stuff is true, it have to go public! I agree with you that we should not rush on conclusion and make precipted charges, but if something like this comes to be true we have to show to the public how depraved those people are.
          If there is proof, people will not have choice but to accept the thruth, no matter how absurd it may be.
          Your skepticism about all these cult stuff is understandable, but don’t underestimate the possibility.

        10. I agree 100% and I am not underestimating the possibility at all. I just feel there is a time and place for this stuff and when it gets out there in the most sensational way possible and the evidence requires a lot of mental gymnastics it probably does more harm than good. Stuff like this will serve to make people numb to the charges so if you wind up one day with real hard evidence of this stuff it will just get lumped together with all the conjecture and blown off by most people.

        1. Ehm … the FBI that checked 650.000 emails in 9 days and cleared her of charges? I wouldn’t rely on them, tbh. Our crime thriller movies have likely painted an overly positive image of those agencies to us.

        2. I was being sarcastic lol and I know criticism should be welcomed, especially in the company of men who even read this website. I just implore you to please read what has been collected. The only advantage we have on the elites is numbers. that being said, the more people that know about this , the better. I apologize for any disrespect on my part.

        3. Oh, I didn’t realize you were being sarcastic. No problem.
          I read through at least half of the emails from some collection, so I know some of the sources.
          And I didn’t mean to say that this shouldn’t be publicized. I meant to say exactly what I wrote, nothing more. To curb too much optimism about our impact here. Hell, even if something comes of it, it will likely take years or decades.

        4. it will take lives. I agree. I hope i am wrong and to put it another way I would much prefer to have a weakness of character that leads to believing in crackpot theories than to have even a modicum of what I have seen to be true.

        5. It’s a fucked up world. If Hillary ain’t doing it, others for sure are.
          Is that link an article by you? Reading it right now, kinda interesting.

        6. nah not me just some person who tried to put some of the wide ranging information into a more readable format

        7. I’m guesing most agents are too busy or not interested in looking at the evidence shaky though it may be or are prepared to ignore it for the almighty dollar.
          I for one would leave my shit on Old Cummies desk and leave a note telling him to take his nuts out of Hillaries purse and go down with some dignity.

    1. Did ya see the video Alex Jones shot of what they get up to at Bohemian Grove?
      That’s some far out whacky shit, ceremonially burning the effigy of a child at the giant stone owl…

      1. yeah. But rich and powerful people who go to a 3000 acre retreat once a year to act like assholes away from the public eye after day in day out of dealings at pretty much the highest stress level imaginable don’t surprise me. Dancing around and burning effigies. Whatver. It sounds like the kind of fun that wealthy old guys would have. As for collusion. Of course there is collusion. Especially with the skull and bones guys. People who think that that is some crazy kind of cult always make me laugh. Yes, young men from affluent families who excel social, academically and athletically at Yale University tend to do very well in business and government or whatever they decide to apply themselves to and when they look for people to work with they look to their own in group, like everyone in the world, and people they have known since they were teenagers.

        1. the ultimate networking party. I heard the waiting list for membership is something like 10 years. Membership fees like $25k/yr

        2. Doesn’t surprise me that they do it, but what does surprise me is normal people voting for them.
          I can’t imagine some average joe Christian guy condoning and wanting to support someone engaging in that kind of activity regardless of what they believe of it’s meaning or if it’s taken seriously.
          I also don’t really think those geezers are excelling or were in much of anything other than being monumental assholes. Might be that the average IQ of the members is a slight bit above the wider average but it’s nowhere close to excellent, I mean dubya is a member!

        3. Some are smarter some are just lucky but they all seem to have one major trait and that is that they do well under very high stress and high pressure situations. Even Dubya. That those people have wacky ways of unwinding seems normal. As for average Joe voting for some billionaire sociopath yeah I never got it either

        4. Yes but it is so odd that the very wealthy want to have a party amongst themselves? It just strikes me as perfectly natural. I imagine the 25k number is low. We have elite gyms here in NY that cost more than that

        5. Could be low, but then, its only 2 weeks. prorate that membership, its $600k/yr

        6. Policies have been made at bohemian grove jus as much as it was so at bildeberg meetings. That’s the difference between them and rich asshole elites like Alice Cooper (who’s a born again Christian btw) back in the day doing “satanic rituals”

        7. Of course policies are made. You put a bunch of policy makers in a camp with booze and policies get made. That is like saying you went to a cake baking retreat and cakes were baked. These are the people who make policies. They will be making them with or without having a little time off to get silly. Also, if we are going to start saying that Alice Cooper is an elite then we may have gone too far.

        8. Several years ago I saw a Behind The Music episode on VH1Classics about Alice Cooper, I was surprised how he seemed like such a laid back everyday fellow instead of the goofball freak I had assumed he would be.

        9. One of the centrepieces appears to be the cremation of care ceremony. Consider the passage below. We are supposed to believe these people are nervous types who cremating their ‘worries’ rather than any kind of conscience or compassion. Problem is most of them are known for acting like complete sociopaths. Perhaps it really is care as conscience and compassion than they are cremating and in doing so they are enabling themselves to author mayhem rather than simply get through the pressures of being the nations leaders. If you have to make tough decisions on an everyday basis it helps not to give a monkeys about the consequences. Should we necessarily give them the benefit of the doubt? Alternatively maybe both meanings are available and attendees can choose which they prefer
          “The ceremony involves the poling across a lake of a small boat containing an effigy of Care (called “Dull Care”). Dark, hooded figures receive from the ferryman the effigy which is placed on an altar, and, at the end of the ceremony, set on fire. This “cremation” symbolizes that members are banishing the “dull cares” of conscience.[14] At the time the script was developed, the primary meaning of the word ‘care’ (< O.E. cearu, “anxiety, anguish”) was synonymous with ‘worry’, having more negative connotations than in modern times when it tends to be associated more positively with compassion”

        1. I thought eyes wide shut was just bizarre..but no thats the kind of shit that really goes on. The wikileaks emails are confirming this twisted little world that we thought were the rantings of fevered Christians.

      1. Actually it was after the final screening of EWS. He was also in his 70s. I don’t think there is any real credible suspicion that his death was anything other than an old man dying.

        1. I don’t know man. He was 79 years old and by the look of him he was one McGriddle away from exploding anyway. I had a lot of respect for him as a jurist and as an academic as well as a public speaker — but he was one fat fuck. You just don’t see a lot of fat asses in their 80s. There is a reason for that.

        2. Possible, but more likely they are abducted and taken to the north pole where they join the army of santa clauses that are tasked with bringing gifts to people.

        3. There were a bunch of emails about it and a feverish effort by shills to downvote and hide it on redditt and 4 chan.

        4. the whole time santa claus was giving those gifts away as a loss leader. Now we’re all hooked

      2. He died while he was working on AI: Artificial Intelligence (Spielberg assumed the responsibilities). It was supposed to be a thinly-veined attack at the pedos in Hollywood

        1. That film was a hoot (Eyes Wide Shut). He was lifting the elite’s skirt, and letting the public have a peek…

    2. Good point. Unfounded accusations are the stuff of ‘rape hoaxes” called out elsewhere on our humble site here.
      Stil…………..I am disturbed by both candidates connection to this Epstien character.

      1. It is disturbing for sure. That the wealthy and powerful tends towards extreme perversions is a truth as hold as wealth and power itself. A culture that can point a finger and yell rape with no tangible proof is part of the glue that binds a lot of people to this site……..we shouldn’t be engaging in behavior like that.

        1. Extreme power brings extreme corruption, even in the body. That’s why they feed on kids blood. Just a glance at Soros face is worth a thousand words.

    3. You know what’s more powerful than the spirit of the Devil? A 9mm hollow point to the head.
      The world if full of sick shit and perverted souls with depraved minds who commit heinous crimes against other humans. It may be more prevalent among the rich and powerful simply because they have the means to afford more than bud light, football and pizza for entertainment. It’s been that way since the dawn of mankind and will be that way until we are extinct on this earth. So what are you going to do about it?
      The solution seems so simple. Yet, for all the screaming about the occult practices among the rich, powerful and famous, I don’t see a corresponding number of assassinations, or at least earnest attempts to rid the earth of these scum. Are people waiting on the wrath of the Almighty to send some wasting plague or violent death upon such people? If so, why hasn’t it happened? Why does this violence against children continue? What kind of God is that? Maybe it’s all just mystic nonsense.
      I read about this kind of bizarre perverted lucifarian crap constantly on forums like GLP. Now it’s come to RoK! Between bread making tips and the bleeding-butt buggered boys of the Bohemian Grove I’m at a loss as to what RoK has become. I’m not sure I’m using my time wisely coming here and reading these articles any longer.
      Sure, pedophiles running with the Clinton crowd may be reason number 179 as to why she’s unfit to be considered a human being, much less be President. But if all the other glaring reasons with their prima facie evidence supporting criminal indictment and conviction aren’t enough for 49% of Americans to vote for Gary Johnson (if they can’t stand trump) then what’s the point? Does this knowledge change anyone’s mind on Hellary, Billy Bob, or anyone who’s in power?
      The short answer is no. If these are the types of people that are getting voted into offices of power and influence, then maybe the problem is more about the sheeple who ignore such stories, and the masses who refuse to do anything about people such as these.

      1. I think we “agreeish” That is to say, we are of the same thinking up and to a point. I think that at the end of the day there is a lot of “don’t rock the boat” going on. In the end I see a Hilary election blow out today leading to 2 things. 1) Some internet grumbling and 2) business as usual. Is this the worst thing in the world? I don’t know. I am not poised to be made happier or my life made better than a revolution. Business as usual suits me just fine.

      2. These people have access to technology we can only dream of and some well trained people to do the dirty work with toys developed to defend America.
        On top of that if you so much as fuck with these people they can have things done easily whereas getting at them is intentionally difficult.

      3. its because your average christian has become a pussy. they value turn the other cheek over everything else.
        they ignore moses and david the warriors and leaders in favor of turn the other cheek. they ignore Paul and his chronic warnings and his badass attitude in favor of turn the other cheek.
        if they ever read their damn bible theyd know mr meek moses was far from a pacifist dude. they’ve defined meek as pussy and cowardly instead of its true biblical definition.
        when the bible says christians should be casting out devils and healing the sick and fighting against spiritual wickedness in high places it gets ignored because turn the other cheek man.
        I don’t pretend to know why Jesus said that, and why it got left in the bible. but fucking hell….at the risk of sounding like a blaspheming asshole….i wish that phrase never made it into the scriptures as it has pussified every last christian and has made them ignore every single other part of the bible.

    4. Yeah, I can understand the desperation of wanting to beat Hillary at all costs, but going after Bill for doing a rather mediocre job of chasing women (he refused to have intercourse with his 20 yr old intern and wouldn’t even let her blow him for weeks, for chrissake) smacks not only of weakness and jealousy, but rather extreme hypocracy coming from this bunch.

    5. I’m absolutely sure none of us have EVER had sex with a 17 year old when we were 18 or over…
      Not really the same thing as 11, 9, and almost 7….

      1. no not the same. I really am not looking to defend the Clinton’s here. Only to say that there is concrete proof of like 500 other things that you can attack bill on. I feel it is bad form for us to go after him on the chance that maybe he is a pedophile. That is the kind of stuff the left and feminists smear us with. There is plenty of concrete stuff that you can hold his feet to the fire with.

      1. I have no issue with that. But there are about 5 billion things we can call him a scumbag for. People, at ROK especially, should demand a very high level of proof before we start throwing around rape. Especially when the murders are actually pretty easy to prove anyway

      1. I don’t know if that girl is over or under 18. I don’t know that Bill Clinton Boned her. I don’t just throw rape (statutory or otherwise) charges around. People doing shit like that is one of the reasons I came to ROK. To find a group of people who understand that we have got to a point where absolute concrete proof is necessary for rape charges because of how the word rape has been destroyed by feminists. (side note 8.5/10 WB)

        1. Still who knows where HE’s been?
          Agreed about minimum skills/conditioning. Never understood the fascination with “virgins”

        2. I don’t mind it Bem. I’ll take bills sloppy seconds as they as they are hot and have been cleaned up.

        3. Realistic take on things. Might make a good song: “everybody’s somebody’s sloppy seconds sometime…da da di…”
          Say, did you get that last email I sent?

        4. If you don’t like allegations maybe you should sit out this article.
          Goofy hat, big head, awkward posture, small tits. I’d read her as quite young.
          Her being on the Lolita Express would argue for her being underage. You would bone, Epstein no doubt did, BC I would imagine so.

        5. Maybe, maybe not. I tend to be sensitive where sexual allegations are concerned as, I would imagine, should all people here at ROK. We no longer live in a world where any charge of rape (violent or stat) can be taken seriously and without a very big grain of salt. There is plenty implicating Clinton to corruption, to murder, to money laundering… is all pretty clear that he is a bad guy…so why bring this other stuff in. As for the girl…I don’t know, 15, 18. Can’t tell. Unless you have proof that she is under 18 and proof that BC fucked her while she was under 18 then saying he “probably” did just adds to an anti male culture where people scream rape because they have nothing else to say. Fortunately (or not) in the case of BC there is plenty of other things to hold him accountable for….stuff that can actually be proven.

        6. I did put ‘probably’ but amended to ‘I’d imagine so’ within seconds. The would-be First Gentleman is known to be a real horndog, the latest story discusses his love for massages and footrubs from interns at his presidential library and plans for nude pool parties on the roof.
          This article is discussing high level pedophilia. BC’s link to a billionaire pedophile and visits to his private island are right on topic. I would bet he wasn’t there to eat conch.
          The raid on Epstein’s Palm Beach home found hidden video cameras and recordings. Anonymous has claimed there is a video of BC having sex with a 13 year old. (They claimed it would be released imminently, but it’s a little late now.) Interestingly, Epstein is Jewish and has ties to Zionists, his ex-girlfriend and alleged procurer Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of an alleged Mossad spy, the whole thing could very well be an entrapment scheme to control VIPs.

        7. I read the NY Post review of the Klein book. It comes off as smarmy sensationalistic lies intended to sell books. I really don’t buy it. As for Epstein he is a real creeper for sure. If there is video of BC having sex with a 13 year old girl then he should be held to account for it. What we have no is that someone anonymously claims that there is a video of BC having sex with a 13 year old girl. There is a very big gulf between a video of this and an anon claim that said video exists with no proof. We are still working on innocent until proven guilty right? Bill Clinton was president of the united states for 8 years. He has links to everyone. I have yet to see any compelling evidence here. Just conjecture. I don’t like the guy but at the same time I am not going to jump in on the lets crucify him for sexual dalliances that may or may not have happened based on a lot of assumptions, hearsay and anon claims. There is stuff you can crucify him for with proof.

        8. Well, presumably this is _the_ Anonymous, although when they wear a mask, etc. who knows. Wikileaks claimed they would absolutely squash HRC before the election. Anonymous and Wikileaks lost a lot of credibility.

    6. Or they are relics of a bygone era and this stuff is the new hotness in it’s current “evolved” form.

    1. When you take this obvious pattern and you look at say the Denver Airports artwork it becomes clear these fucks have space ships (seen them myself).
      Take the image from the pizza place with the ping pong table and a gray alien/ little human kid playing ping pong.
      Wtf is that about.

      1. I wish I could take credit for the video, but I found it through the Donald Trump subreddit.

  6. Did you miss it, bro? The FBI cleared her of charges. After they took 1,5 years to go through the 50 thousand something emails they had, they somehow managed to go through the 650,000 new emails within like 10 days.

    1. I think it was eight days. That’s 81,250 emails per day. That’s 3385.417 emails per hour. That’s 56.43 per minute.
      Nothing to see here. Move along…

      1. Well, let’s say they had a 100 person team working 12 hours a day. Then they’d have 50 seconds for each single email. Sounds doable.
        But 1. some of these emails are darned long and contain attachments that take hours to read. And 2. Even if you could skim through all the emails in that time, you would not be able to dig deeper and would miss most stuff.
        So I call bullshit.

        1. Oh and one more … I can’t believe it is a coincidence they cleared her so shortly before the election.
          So I find it impossible to believe that (assuming they actually read those mails), they were not given a very strict deadline. Which I think is not what you should be doing in an investigation where quality work is necessary.

        2. They’re all on the same team…but it’s Trump for the win. No worries. It’s all gonna be daffodils and rainbows from here on out…

        3. I hate to say it, but I think Hillary will win. If she loses, that would mean that the reporting media is FAR more rigged than I ever assumed.
          It would also mean that thousands of comments on the internet are not made by real people. And I saw at least 10 real people on Facebook (friends of friends) who support her. One of them is in my own friend list. He’s incredible, man. He thinks this election is about “love vs hate” and Hillary is “love”. And he’s totally serious!

        4. Trump for the Ronnie Reagan miracle upset. Carter was up, what 11% in the polls, on Election Day, in 1980? Something like that. The media and government (one and the same entity there) will have zero credibility left if Hillary “wins”. Thus, Trump will pull it off. The people will settle down and celebrate. Revolution aborted, mission accomplished. “Our vote matters” is back in place. With a Hillary win, people will realize it’s all rigged, even the non-conspiracy types (if they voted for Trump, which probably 2/3 of the people will be doing today), and they will seek retribution in one form or another. And we can’t have that – Trump for the win.

        5. 15% of the political chatter on Twitter comes from bots- bots! people are arguing with AI

        6. Hmmm … I am not really active on Twitter, but although the supporters often seem dumb, they do react to what I say better than any AI I personally ever talked to.

        7. Yeah that’s the only reason I could imagine him winning. To throw a bone to the people and make them think they have a “choice”. Like you give a baby a pacifier so it stops crying.

        8. You gotta tranquilize the angry hordes at some point…otherwise they might come lookin’ for you.

        9. Frankly, the Hillary supporters appear to be the much meaner and angrier crowd … BUT THEN, we kinda know those are not “real” people, heh.

        10. It’s not their fault. They are susceptible to programming, most of them being women and all. Which proves women shouldn’t vote. We fucked up when we let ’em off the leash.

        11. Witch reminds me…

          Generations in the making: America’s waited too long for a moment like this.
          Posted by Upworthy on Saturday, November 5, 2016

          Perfect example of why women shouldn’t vote.

        12. Jesus, bitch, lower the dosage…women are emotional, irrational wrecks. That video says it all.

        13. First thing I see on the news “so glad I am voting for the first female president! ” Retardation takes many forms.

      2. Did they count nigerian scammers emails ? that’s probably half of it. “Dear sir, I am the wife of late general Ackbar ….”

        1. I think they recruited the guys who wrote the Nigerian scam emails, to “investigate” those emails for the FBI…

    2. That was such a scam. It was meant to “soothe” on the fence voters to vote for Hillary.
      This isn’t even half assed propaganda, it’s so amateurish that it’s laughable.

        1. There are pretty strong and consistent rumors here that the rank and file FBI is nearly in revolt over Comey and how he’s been bought off and apparently is working for Clinton and Obama. They staked a lot on their reputation for impartiality, and Comey has utterly torpedoed that. There have been a lot of resignations and early retirements in protest, and the ones who remain are livid. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing some real, real nasty “leaks” soon that do more than hint at normal illegal activities. I mean leaks like “Hey, look, Hillary ordered the murder of…”. I hope that this pans out, in any event.

        2. If they want that retirement and check they better cozy up to that nipple too for some pizza sauce courtesy of the Fed.

        3. It’s pretty clear many of the rank and file in the deep state loathe HRC.
          It is my opinion everything from wikileaks and other sources has come out of the deep state. No Russians or hackers required. It’s the government’s own spying mechanisms that really got up to scale on Bill’s watch biting Hillary in the ass.
          With all enforcement being selective it’s likely Wiener, being the easily lured dufus he is, was used to have an excuse to release more emails.

  7. So I was thinking about the spirit cooking and I feel that where the invite went wrong is that there really is three distinct groups of culinary perversion here. I assume anyone on any poltician’s staff would be totally down for some blood, sperm or breast milk. Most of them would probably be down for two of the three. But even if you do find one who’d be into all three they’d probably not want them at the same meal. That is some British aristocracy level extravagance there.

    1. Never mix your body fluids…that’s like drinking rum, scotch and gin at the same time.

        1. Ha. Two cannibals are eating a clown. One of them stops, looks at his buddy and says, “Does this taste funny to you?”

        2. I’m kinda scared of clowns, just the other day one tried to lure me into the woods with a twizzler.

        3. That’s some scary shit, dude…I heard that clowns are deathly afraid of lapel flowers that squirt water. I would take a few of those along with me, if I were you, next time I went hiking in the woods. I mean, just to be safe.

        4. Those clowns are some creepy ass mofos but, mimes are worse. I had one living next door so I played a blank cd at full volume, it drove him nuts.

        5. You ever see the movie “Shakes the Clown”? The clowns go down to the park to beat the shit out of the mimes

        6. I wouldn’t let him get away with that shit, dude. Next time he’ll take your oversized house slippers and all of your Stephen King DVDs…

        7. you seen killer klowns from outer space
          A group of politicians turn up from space and take over a small american town and start eating people. It’s just like real life!

        8. oh man….best movie ever.
          i remember it well….me and friend saw it in the 3 dollar junk bin DVD pile….had to buy it….woke up his parents laughing hysterically at 4 AM watching this.
          glorious movie….simply glorious

      1. Forget alcohol, in the future if Hillary gets in they’ll be pulling people over at Christmas time for driving while being drunk on blood and cum.

        1. I mean, I have worked for an event company that did stuff for some corporations and companies in the…. let’s say lower-to-mid-budget sector. The cost for these was between 5.000 and 50.000 at max. And although they didn’t exactly have some 6-star chef there, they certainly didn’t serve hot-dogs. And those were nothing like billionaires. Those were like … you know, “team building” events.

    2. If you can’t run with the big dogs stay on the porch. No point in being Rich and connected if you can’t have extravagance.

      1. I was really only reminded of the:
        “It’s quiet, yea too quiet”…scene
        Because it is. Yesterday were cops in full battle rattle chest rigs, AMOGing me Starbucks…
        today so quiet…
        But the glue sniffing tops it off. 6 months of glue sniffing media

    1. It’s not whether ROK believes it or not, rather it is outlining what the Elite *are* doing and the reasons behind their rituals.
      Get off the Atheist Sneer Boat dude. This was an informative article, nothing more.

      1. The atheist sneer boat. Now that is some funny expression but tbh both sides of the belief divide use sneer all the time e.g. this article itself “La plus belle ruse du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas”. (Satan’s greatest ruse is to make you believe he doesn’t exist)

        1. Argumentum tu quoque.
          Whether Satan exists or not to *you* is irrelevant, apparently he’s real to these Elitists. Whether you believe in Satan or not, what he represents is murder, mayhem, evil, pedophilia, rape (the real kind) and death and destruction. That the Elite worship these principles should concern anybody, whether “atheist” or not. Yet you go for the typical atheist “I’m so enlightened and you aren’t” sneer instead of looking at the larger picture. Take the name “Satan” out of it entirely and replace it with the concepts I just noted that he stands for, and now assign it to the Elitists. Now are you concerned?

        2. 90% of the time when I hear atheists chime in on a topic that even vaguely relates to religion, all I hear is “I’m so special and am way smarter than you stupid stupidy stoopidheads!” instead of actually looking at the actual topic being discussed. Most of them are supremely insecure in their “belief” and need to constantly crow it into the wind so that everybody hears them 24/7.

        3. joke: A Crossfitter, an atheist, and a vegan walk into a bar- how did I know that? bc they immediately told everyone in the bar they were a Crossfitter, and atheist, and a vegan

        4. “Now are you concerned?”
          Honestly no. The left always uses debate stoppers like “Racist! Sexist! Misogynist! Hater!” etc as they have no leg to stand on when it comes to defend stupid ideas like feminism.
          Maybe as a form of “have a taste of your own dough” I can see the irony but other than that we don’t need to resort to such tactics.

        5. We don’t need to resort to the tactics of pointing out that these people worship murder, death, rape and chaos?

      1. If that’s not a sneer then I don’t know what is. Seems like religion is the only one thing on ROK that triggers feefees. I’ll be intellectually honest: it goes both ways apparently.

  8. Regardless who is involved in that sort of thing but, that’s some fucked up repugnant shit right there.
    I find it hard to believe that someone who wants votes would actually be involved in that however, stranger things have happened.
    I always wondered why fucktard leftists were always admiring sick art. It came to me though that they like it because normal people ( Christians and regular joes) are horrified by it and those elitist leftist can then be sure they are much more enlightened than all those backward hillbillys in flyover country.

    1. It’s what they’re used to. Cultural “taste” is more a measure of popularity than of intrinsic value, in times when “money” passes for ethics (or its lack).
      As with other things, the moment you accept someone to value you/your possessions for their criteria, game over, you lost. A bird drawn by Picasso $1 million. A better drawn bird by your nephew, $0,10. The signature IS the art/value. Who says the signature has value, has power. This is the “system”, as enormous, as fragile it would be if more of us understood how it works.

      1. At this point I’m beginning to believe the system is beyond my humble understanding.

        1. Not that difficult. All they want (the “narrative) is to have the monopoly of “value”. So, concepts like nation, race, family, religion, even objective merit, are deemed worthless. “unfit”, as they call Trump. First, Donald is “unfit” for presidency. Then, your local schoolteacher is “unfit” (he said something against feminism, for example). Then, one day, the question is put directly to you: Obey and be fit. Disobey, and be “unfit”, “deplorable”.
          It’s tyranny, and people are buying it.

        2. Perception versus reality. They indoctrinate the masses to accept the perception they are selling. The reality is totally different. Well-hidden, and kept behind the curtain.

        3. As a thought experiment try to think of it for a moment from my pov. There is perception but no reality. Just perception. The idea of a “reality” behind the perception is just more perception.

        4. But do you know that for certain? Sure, it’s a possibility, but how to tell if not by looking deep enough until there is no deeper layeR?

        5. You are what you think, and you think what you are. Thought is gravity. We gravitate towards that which we think about, as that which we think about gravitates towards us.

        6. certain? of course not. No one knows anything like this for certain. That is part of the issue. Certainty itself is uncertain even at the best of times and smoke and mirrors at others. Yes it is a possibility. There is also a possibility that that is incorrect. That said, of all the different possibilities this is the one I am most convinced of.

        7. I’ve used the motorcycle analogy more than once. When you want to “steer” a motorcycle you don’t just go and turn the handlebars. You look at where you want to go. In the very act of looking there you will start to move in that direction. It is really kind of cool and a great analogy for life in general.

        8. Yup. Ever notice when you are walking through a parking lot, and a car approaches, the driver will look at you, and then look for a spot to park in, close to where you are…same kind of deal. The eyes are the beckoners of intent.

        9. Kind of like camoflage, but hiding something in plain sight. Put something interesting over here to get their attention and they don’t even notice the 800 lb gorilla over there.

        10. Its curtains for you!!!
          Time for a bad joke:
          Q: how do you make a girl scream AFTER you cum?
          A: wipe your dik on the curtains!

      2. Tastes are highly manipulated by marketing, but there is nothing inherently wrong with people paying whatever t hey want for a piece of art or a brand name.

    2. I am not all that surprised. The very wealthy and very powerful have been getting up to freaky shit for pretty much forever. Nero did some wild shit. He used to dress up like a burglar and go into the streets of Rome and rob people. Also he would have big parties where people dressed up and played out the parts of animals while he went person to person fucking them.
      Some of this stuff is tame when compared to the wacky shit that the brittish royal family has been up to over the centuries. It is pretty fucked up repugnant shit for sure, but not particularly surprising.

      1. You do realize that what you know about what they are doing may just be what they want you to “know”? Or do you have personal sources that you trust?

        1. I trust no one and I have no sources. I am sure you are correct. Information is slowfed and narratives are created. No doubt about it.

        2. Excellent sentiment and equal to my own. Trust only what your own eyes see. And even then question it because the el-ites have technology that can fool even the most astute of eyes.

      1. these dipshits are running out of ideas. The crass art thing has been done already many years ago. I guess elites are dumbed down at a faster rate. Must be the gmos in their fruit loops.

    3. “It came to me though that they like it because normal people ( Christians and regular joes) are horrified by it”
      The Churchians like Erick Erickson and the Redstate fools think it’s one big joke.
      May they know what is to fall into the hands of the living God.

    4. You must be joking, man. All these higher ups are into that sick shit. It’s comes with the territory. You see, they make the laws so they are the ones who know how to flaunt the law best. They own the law, they don’t have to abide by it. That’s just us plebs.

    5. To make matters worse the top of the line evildoers have sophisticated meta stealthed space ships.
      Gee wonder how thousands of kiddies go missing every year with all the cameras and sophisticated systems of control.
      The new drone networks won’t stop them either I reckon thats for the peasants.

    6. Satan exists, and he works through the elites. Seriously, guys, we’re waking up to a lot of shit that the Bible warned us about.

      1. I was never a religious man, but in light of recent events I’ve picked up a King James Bible and intend to read it cover to cover.

    1. I read about his “art collection”.
      I think dipsticks like that get a woody over how bad normal people get freaked out over that kind of stuff.

  9. SCENE I. A cavern. In the middle, a boiling cauldron.
    Thunder. Enter the three Witches
    First Witch
    Thrice the brinded cat hath mew’d.
    Second Witch
    Thrice and once the hedge-pig whined.
    Third Witch
    Harpier cries ‘Tis time, ’tis time.
    First Witch
    Round about the cauldron go;
    In the poison’d entrails throw.
    Toad, that under cold stone
    Days and nights has thirty-one
    Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
    Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot.
    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
    Second Witch
    Fillet of a fenny snake,
    In the cauldron boil and bake;
    Eye of newt and toe of frog,
    Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
    Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
    Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,
    For a charm of powerful trouble,
    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
    Third Witch
    Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
    Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf
    Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark,
    Root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark,
    Liver of blaspheming Jew,
    Gall of goat, and slips of yew
    Silver’d in the moon’s eclipse,
    Nose of Turk and Tartar’s lips,
    Finger of birth-strangled babe
    Ditch-deliver’d by a drab,
    Make the gruel thick and slab:
    Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron,
    For the ingredients of our cauldron.
    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
    Second Witch
    Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
    Then the charm is firm and good.
    Enter HECATE to the other three Witches
    O well done! I commend your pains;
    And every one shall share i’ the gains;
    And now about the cauldron sing,
    Live elves and fairies in a ring,
    Enchanting all that you put in.
    HECATE retires

        1. Something tells me that she’s been giving head since about the age of seven…elite family get-togethers, and such.

        2. Jesus Christ!!! WTF?
          Is that really her offspring? I can see the resemblance but….crikey.

  10. Remember Marc Dutroux, the Beast of Belgium (or whatever they called him). Busted for pedophilia, child abduction, murder, etc. In Belgium, when all of that was coming down, the Belgian people were ready to storm the gates of the halls of power and start lynching people. Because they found out that Dutroux was directly tied to the Belgian elite; it was common knowledge among the people that the elite were involved, and Dutroux was supplying the royals and other high muckety-mucks with little kids. So the elite finally gave up Dutroux and his henchman (forget the guy’s name), but saved their own asses. This type of thing is commonplace, I’m afraid. Once you have researched it in depth, you’ll figure that out. And if you don’t…well…it’s uncomfortable stuff to say the least, and I wouldn’t blame anybody for turning a blind eye to it. Won’t change anything, even if you research it. But this kind of stuff has been going on for a long, long time.

      1. thats why they are pensioned off early. before the job damages them too much and they become the monsters they formerly put away.

    1. It’s alleged they had organized ‘pink ballets’ for royals and VIPs to molest female kids. Police attended too, ‘just to keep an eye on things’.
      People got so fed up at the revelations they dressed up in white and marched in millions in protest all over Belgium. Nothing changed though.
      In the UK after the demise of Jimmy Savile much has come out about organized pedophilia, however again little has been done. The current head of state Teresa May was in charge of the child abuse inquiry (coverup) for a while.
      If Trump wins, if these stories come out, ‘draining the swamp’ will be difficult and pit the US against UK and EU ‘pedophocracy’.

    2. It’s funny you should mention Dutroux & Belgium . The first time I read about Hilary being a literal high ranking witch priestess was in an article on Dutroux and an evil place called “The Mother of Darkness” castle in Belgium . Supposedly there’s an inner cathedral there where child abuse & sacrifice was carried out . Apparently one of the defining characteristics of the room is that it is illuminated by 1000 small lights, and George Bush Snr actually made a veiled reference to it in a speech when he referred to “a thousand points of light” . The rabbit hole goes deep ..

  11. one of the Queen’s artists buddies, Rolf Harris, was stripped of his knight-hood (CBE?)
    due to kiddy stuff. the guy was royal children’s entertainer…Make’s you wonder, but then with lyrics like “I’m Jake the peg diddle diddle diddle, with the extra leg… diddle, diddle, diddle…”
    I wonder whether lesbo/femisit teachers are pedo-like? Or just controlling with anti-male propaganda? My daughter has some…who glare at me…

    1. I really am of the strong belief that there is no such thing as a lesbian. There is just a girl who isn’t getting dicked right. If you had the stomach to lay pipe to even the most dykey lesbian and dick her deep and right she would scream out gods name

      1. funny you mention it. I presntly have this peculiar fantasy. (but not fat — not possible)
        a PE teacher has the short dyed hair, but she has the tight body. I’ve
        begun the “campaign”…

      2. this^^^^
        they are only lez till they get “the stud cock”. they soon switch back. Most lez’s only use it as an excuse to dissuade betas and cucks from trying it on.

  12. When I was a kid, I went with my brother to check some cattle that were in a pasture a few miles from where we lived. In the field, there was this burned out bonfire with four cut up yearlings. There were all of these weird symbols carved into the hides, and the blood was sprinkled out in this pattern. It was very creepy to look at. We called the police and they took pictures, but nobody was caught.

      1. well, those aliens were certainly illegal……..There are a bunch of Satanists in Northern Idaho, Boise, and elsewhere nearby. No doubt some were in the area.

        1. I suppose it could have been some loser meth addicted Satanist wannabes, but the markings looked too precise to be sand people….this could only have been done by Imperial Storm Troopers.

    1. It was probably the local elitist cabal doing the animal sacrifices. The public school superintendent, the prosecutors, the magistrate and the assorted elitist eccentrics in the community who live reclucively in their lavish getaways in flyover areas where the jobs and economy is shit.
      Everyone says “ooh it’s just teenagers”. No it’s likely the local mayor and his backers in suits with hoods, the machine elites crouching in the corn fields eating blood in the areas where there isn’t a convenient temple around. Also the bug eyed Igor sidekick butt-buddies to the elites show up. Elites have kept slave servants and snitch workers in their communities. The real uncle tom house niggaz are the schlubs of any race who lick the elites’ anuses. And the community snakes who are on the ‘inside’ with the local corrupt prosecutors office too. They’re all there in the corn fields. BUNCH OF SICK elite tripe from hell. None of the satanic clowns are patriarchal. They’re bitch goddess (Eastern Star) worshippers. And circumcised foreskin-bloodsucking dickchoppers. It must end.
      THE DICK is master. PUSSY is no man’s master. The oozing hot flashing flaming scorned hole from hell that doesn’t produce must STFU and ‘zip it’. Pussy must be contained and regulated by patriarchal DICKDADDY. The patriarchal hammer will come down soon on the bitch beast. And the spiritual bitch force eminating from all the wild yapping flapping ‘loosed’ pussies upon our great green orb will evaporate. The evil satanic baby-eating bitch forces in the world will be blown into space. The forces will be blown off our Earthly turf but our women will be kept here with us, loyal and allegiant to DADDY DICK.
      Hail the patriarchy.
      Spiritual bitch forces will be blown away much like the reeking odor of a douche pail is blown away when KING DICKDADDY aims a leaf blower at it, blowing all the contents, tampon wrappers and all along with the permasmell, and they all go flying OUT THE BATHROOM WINDOW. Amen. Chhaupadi yes. Trump too.

      1. just say the fucking word mate, ffs! “elitist cabal”. It’s not hard…J….E…W…S! You are already on trial for being an evul white anti Yo Semite-y Sam Goyboy, may as well play for the crowd man!

        1. Maybe the reason you get the axe here is because you have one and only one topic that you spam over and over.
          I’m not a mod so I’m just guessing, but it seems to be your pattern. Or maybe I’m wrong, I dunno.

        2. Nope. This is the first time I’ve made references to jews on here.
          And would you know it, I’m still posting! Whereas every post I made in the past that was non jew related, got me the axe, as you rightly put it.

        3. What topics were you hitting? Or did you insult a mod personally or something? I honestly have no idea of your posting history.

      2. Missing 411 and thousands of kids missing over the years is spooky. Though when it comes to the woods and parks I have seen bigfoot so I could buy that some missing are from that.

  13. When someone has total power and wealth, and therefore access to whatever they want, it’s not surprising that they become bored with the regular stuff that excites, entertains, and pleases regular Joe’s like us. They then seek out more extreme things. The elites have always been depraved and degenerate.

    1. This is true. Even on a much smaller scale….I like variety in women because I am in a place where there are so many readily available women of all kinds and sex is an incredibly casual affair. I don’t particularly find Asian of Black women attractive. That doesn’t mean I won’t bone one on occasion just for the lulz. If I also had a few billion dollars and total protection from the law I would be really, really fucking bad.

    2. Why can’t they just buy themselves a race car or go mountain climbing or on a safari or something? 😉

        1. Poor drunks don’t find love
          Poor drunks have very few teeth
          Poor drunks freeze to death outdoors

        2. It is so sad to me that that they remade this movie. I really wish they would have left this one be.

        3. They ruined it when those Hollywood commies turned Hobson into a woman much less that fag that starred in it.

        4. ugh I know. I mean just everything about that movie was terrible. THe sad thing is that they actually could have made it over and done a decent job–well they could have done a decent job with casting at least. Martin Freeman and Michael Caine would have been ideal. Still, this movie was one of the ones that really didn’t need updating. Parody on the other hand….Parody can be done well

      1. These people have access to things called meta stealth space ships and underground bases and shit. They have all the fun they need with their strange club activities. I’m just glad I ain’t in it.
        If I was I would likely kill as many of them as possible in sophisticated ways. (the satanic fuckers anyways)

    3. Yeah, goes into that whole thing we know about extreme porn addiction – you need more and more extreme things to satisfy you.
      It’s also a sort of “ritual” that fosters belonging to the group.

    4. I am a bit of a dirt bag and yet I am like a highly evolved space chimp compared to these dung beetles.

    1. Just got back from the polls.
      1. Huge amount of white males there when I walked in. Uncharacteristically huge amount. Like we owned the polling station. My wife went a few hours earlier than me and reported the same thing.
      2. For POTUS, the machine had Hillary at the tipy top of the list and Donald at the very bottom, behind every third party candidate and only above “Write In”. Yeah, I’m sure that’s accidental.
      3. Funny observation about where I live – Of the 13 races outside of POTUS, only two had Democrat challengers (for House of Reps and Senate). Every other office, at the state and local level, had no Democrat on the ballot. When people say Ohio can “swing Democrat” I can’t help but laugh at how stupid that is when I hear it. Yeah, sure. Cleveland maybe. Heh.

      1. Good to know, my friend. I figured it was going Trump’s way. However…they are talking shit on CNN about Cuyahoga County and how it’s leaning hard to the Democratic side. If they steal Ohio again, it’s gonna get ugly. And fast. Which is why it’s gonna be Trump for the win! (They have to make it look really, really, really close though…)

        1. Cuyahoga County = Cleveland = Already known for actual real life rigged elections from 2012.
          They better rethink that shit if they think that they’re going to give us “100% Hillary!” counties like they did with Obama, which were demonstrated to be utter lies.
          This just reinforces my idea of neutering the big cities at the national level.

        2. I don’t think they have the balls to steal this one. They have too much to lose (as in control of the populace). People know where the super-rich live. They know where they work. And they are tired of this bullshit. If people find out their vote doesn’t matter this time, it will be obvious that the vote was rigged. Then they’ll have nothing to lose. Thus…Trump for the 11th hour win. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

        3. True, but I think this is a different scenario. The media has shoved Hillary in everybody’s faces and made her out to be the only person worth voting for, while they simultaneously excoriated Trump. The Comey affair makes it look like Hillary is dirty, but the FBI gave her a free pass. And that’s far too over the top for people who think they live in “The Land of the Free”. An idiot can only stand so much corruption and torment. And this will mean blatant corruption, on all levels, in-your-face type, neener-neener-neener type, if Hillary wins. This will mean the vote is obviously rigged and the elite are merely taunting the public. So it’s Trump for the win. Instant belief in the system again. Egg on the faces of the insane media and the smug pollsters and pundits. A Brexit-type victory.

        4. It’ll take us running out of things like food and toilet paper, or clean drinking water, before we get to the point of no return. There’s obvious examples of blatant corruption and rot in the system, yet people aren’t to the point where that’ll matter. Not even close, really.
          I lived in a place where their vote was fixed. The people came out and protested, and the government cranked down. The people went away, and it was all done with. Why? Because none of those people were starving.

        5. I called this months ago with my captain obvious post saying there would be fraud and other shenanigans but we all knew a little now we know alot about the fucked uppedness of Hilldog and company.

      2. Seems to be some scattered problems here in the big town- scanners broken, names missing from voter logs…Im sure its nothing though 😉

        1. Apparently they’re not acquainted with my stomping grounds.

      3. I remember Brexit polling day. Not only was my polling station busier than I’d ever seen it, it was also full of people who’d clearly been at work in manual jobs (trades, builders still in their clobber etc)

      4. I even watched an Al jazeera (Yeah I know!) doc last night on jobs as an election issue with a segment on Ohio and even from a “liberal” channel it’s a no brainer….Trump hands down in the Buckeye state..
        Ohio part starts at 2:30 in.
        Actually some objective points..

      1. This brings up an important question. How does superman wipe his super ass clean of super doodie? I mean, bullets have no effect. I would imagine that even the better toilet papers would be useless against his super dingleberries

        1. I’d suspect an asshole region of some Teflon-like material, to which even the most super dookie will not stick.

        2. Been there done that trying to make homemade wine from shit bread yeast hehe don’t ever try that by the way unless making cider which actually can turn out pretty drinkable.

    1. I read about the whole pizza (young boy) and cheese (young girl) code thing on reddit – someone here linked to it. My worry here is that while its certainly quite possible than podesta and others are engaged in something like this, it doesn’t really amount to proof in itself. There could indeed be a code, but without further corroboration it could relate to something else. Add to that people are now trying to suggest Podesta and his brother kidnapped Madeleine McCann (seriously!) based on an e-fit photo, there is a serious danger that we stop focusing on the abuses and corruption revealed by the emails, or for that matter the fact that podesta may well be engaged in quasi-satanic but probably legal sex magic ceremonies that suggest a secret identity at odds with his public and political profile (an integrity issue) and instead lurch into hysteria going on a wild goose chase. There is nothing like a paedophilia hunt to whip people into a frenzy, and that’s why these things often get ahead of the actual evidence.
      Having said that I think we can safely say that Hillary is witch queen and a satanic murderous who would drink the blood of new born babes if they were to hand

    1. unfortunately the odds favour that outcome. Lets hope it turns out otherwise and Trump wins

    1. Manson is a lot more palatable than the current crop of psychos running for office and in it.

  14. While everyone is watching the election I would like to remind everyone that there is some very important news out there. The Avocado shortage seems to finally be at an end so you can expect a drop in the price of avocados which were really getting out of hand. Also, it looks like this is tropical season in Spain so keep your eyes peeled for mangos from there. They should be much tastier than the Ecuadorian varietals that usually are flooding the markets right now. So far I believe that the Puerto Rican green mango is the best, though it is out of season now. The brand I like is Pango (and not just because Pango Mango sounds like an effeminate Hannah Barbara bear). I am excited to try the onces from Spain though. Seems like a lot of good reviews out there.

    1. I don’t particularly care for mangoes or avocados however there are plenty of Georgia grown boiled peanuts available so all is well.

      1. I can understand not liking avocado. I need to either salt and pepper or cover with hot sauce. However, not enjoying fresh mongo I think it is sign of a serious illness. I would have that checked out immediately.

  15. I remember when Julia Roberts was a young Portuguese girl who worked at a Pizza restaurant. None of these shenanigans would have happened then.

      1. I picked the wrong day to quit.
        You don’t remember when Julia Roberts was a young Portuguese girl working in a Connecticut pizzeria?

        1. No but I remember when she was a black chic cruising for johns at the truck stop in Valdosta Georgia.

        2. the only scene I liked her in was when she drove off the cliff with Susan Sarandan, Sadly, I found out it was just a stunt double.

        3. She really was a terrible actress. That said, I have crushed on her since the 80’s.

        4. I had a significant woody for her since “The Fly”
          but now I’m older and she looks really older!

          maybe it was just the leather and stockings and all….I was a weird kid.

        5. Never thought she was good looking, but she did have a better looking counterpart (Geena Davis) that I thought was hot.

        6. yeah, Julia Roberts is a particular taste. She isn’t one of those chicks who is hot for everyone. But to me….oh man, she was just fucking dynamite.

        7. Whatever floats your boat……I guess I just couldn’t stomach her after she played those feminist roles. Even the best looking girls can turn your stomach if they have some chip on their shoulder.

        8. yeah, I can see that. I am lucky in that I never actually think about what a woman, famous or otherwise, thinks, cares about or otherwise is interested in. I only need women to be beautiful, fun and polite. After that they can do whatever they want as long as it isn’t in my viewing.

        9. i dislike both Julia Roberts, and Bo Derek.
          Pretty Woman? “10”? —not on my watch…
          Jessica Alba, Jennifer Anisson, Mila Kunis — my type…
          Anyway enough typing for one day…
          Off to Washington Square Park to find a young, confused Hillary Voter to reprimand

        10. I can live with that. I am more old-fashioned, relationships and all that. I suppose their politics isn’t important if you aren’t spending more than an evening with her.

        11. yeah. I totally get it with the relationship mentality…it becomes important than. But I have a 4-6 week turn over for most girls the only think I care about being in their head is my dick

        12. Yes, yes I do. I enjoy that movie immensely. A better time, 3 sexy young porta-ghee girls…I just dont understand why you posted it

        13. killer smile, crazy hair. White chicks- not all of you need to straighten your hair…crazy 80s hair a la tawny kitaen is totally fine with most of us men

        14. After 13 years of marriage, I can say you can get her to think more along your lines with time (although in a hamster-wheel fashion), but you do need a similar starting point.

        15. Her mouth is unnaturally big and long, it stretches almost from ear to ear. And not in the “good” way, but more the “Is she an actual alien from outer space” way. I never could get into her. Shit, her 19 year old self could walk up and offer me no string sex, anything goes, anything I want to do with her, and I’d probably check my watch and head off to the barbershop.

        16. I believe it. I have seen some successful marriages. Takes work though.

        17. yes 100 times. Anne Hathoway in love and other drugs …… close on perfect.

        18. Oh, I know it’s a matter of taste. A lot of people like how she looks. I never got it, and I get that I’m in the minority here. I did have a chick hitting on me a bajillion years ago that was almost a ringer for Roberts, and I politely declined. Everybody thought I was insane. It always came back to that Alien Maw for me.

        19. the gold standard for me was Charlise Theron and Ashley Judd in their prime

        20. The young (not the now older) Charlise Theron was a smoke show, no question. Jessica Alba, specifically when she had long blonde hair (I know it wasn’t really blonde) was also fucking amazing. I can watch her in Sin City over and over again and never once get bored when she comes out and does that dance in the cowgirl outfit. Perfection.

        21. Was that the flick where she is a bored spoiled surburban kid who starts banging a guy in the hood?
          Tawny for prez:

        22. no she plays the cancer girl wild curly hair and perfect tits (this is before her no nudity clause)

        23. yup. Olivia, Julia….Giada DiLaurentis….I love that look. Ms. Cockburn (tehe) is still numero uno

        24. Right. Taste plays a very big role once you get rid of things like fat and just downright ugly there is a lot of wiggle room. our friend literally hitler doesn’t like blondes which, to you, probably means he needs to be put on a list somewhere in Quantico and followed because when the trigger words are spoken he will be activated and probably set off a nuclear device.

        25. “takes work though” A common misrepresented phrase. What it takes is play, not work. My wife has her chores, I have mine. But, beyond that should be fun time. Take her out dancing, shooting, or boating or whatever, have a game of dominoes. I see so many couples that waste their time in front of the TV, and grow apart without knowing it until the day that their mid-life crisis hits and they seek that fun somewhere else, when it was the TV that sucked their play time, not their spouse.

        26. That is a really interesting perspective….thank you. I think the part that would be impossible for me is the solitude. When I get home and close my door I cease to exist in the world and am closed off. Cohabitating is really difficult for me. I like the isolation that comes with being a lone. That said, I think what you say about time at play makes perfect sense for marriage minded people. well done.

        27. My wife is fond of telling people that the key to a successful marriage is to “never stop dating”
          Boy was I in trouble when I realized she meant each other…..

        28. With that mouth I’m not suprised that she swallowed her way to the top.

        29. I’m not a grave robber, geriatriosexual nor am I a grandma wrangler but have you heard of Mamie Van Doren? She starred way back with Jayne Mansfield. She’s still alive at 80 1/2 and she’s known as the sole ‘sex siren’ survivor in the octagenarian camp. Others have withered like prunes, rotted from the inside out and then rotted back into their holes or into sickbeds somewhere. But not Mamie. She’s maintained the highest peanut butter ratio (spreadability/remaining shelf life). Here she is in the 1940’s
          From:’Untamed Youth’

          Old cigarette ads we’re full of beauties like her but she luckily never went down that butt-sucking skank road. Her peanut butter number remains relatively high as a result.

          She looks about like Madonna does now but Madonna is still young enough to be her daughter.

        30. Good grief. I always look incredible so if I had a fraction of that manipulation at my disposal I would cause panty tsunamis the world over.

    1. what’s noticeable about that Baphomet statue is that it does not have breasts. If you research the Baphomet it is supposed to have a shapely bosom. Not double DD necessarily but bigger than any kind of man-boob, precisely because the figure is suppose to denote the hermaphroditic principle, the principle of balancing the genders. There is an article on the BBC news website that interviews one of the sponsors of the statue, from the Satanic temple and he claims that they left out the breasts because it would distract from the positive message they were trying to give, or something like that. In fact I would be willing to bet that in fact they denuded the torso of its feminine bosom precisely because it reveals the centrality of the hermaphroditic principle at precisely the time when the elites are pushing a) homosexuality and b) even more relevantly the new doctrine of transexualism, and sexual fluidity.
      People still don’t understand why masculinity and heterosexuality are being targeted by the elites, many of whom are heavily into these doctrines. One must dissolve our current form in order to remake it – SOLVE ET COAGULA.
      That’s why when Podesta and Abramovic attend their spirit cooking dinner, while at the same time supporting feminism and ‘gender equality’ it is profoundly significant. It is at the root of everything that is going on

  16. We have to look on the bright side, after January we won’t have to listen to that purple lip condescending asshole as often.

  17. The Podesta email of greatest significance in my view is the one from his brother Tony which simply asks:
    “are you in NYC Thursday July 9. Marina wants you to come to dinner”.
    In the context of the spirit cooking email (which as far as I’m aware is what is being referred to) the casual way in which his brother Tony ask him whether he wants to attend strongly implies that they are all good friends (with Marina Abramovic the performance artist / spirit cooker) and that despite the fact she is serving blood and cum there is no need to even explain this: all of them are simply comfortable with the kind of dinner where all of them eat each others body fluids and each others ‘pain’.
    It’s only an interpretation on the basis of limited evidence, but it strongly suggests that for Podesta, Clintons main man, this is normal, these people doing these things, are who he is comfortable with

    1. that really is what he looks like. I am laughing my ass off. Reminds me of the Woody Allen joke. “I was expelled from NYU for cheating. During the final exam in my philosophy class I glanced into the soul of the kid sitting next to me”

        1. I call BS on that. Woody got railroaded by a bunch of unbalanced feminists and gold digger. WE can do that argument another day but I find nothing untoward with any of Woody’s actions

      1. Its the same with Polish women. Fit as fuck til they hit 30 and the spread starts.

        1. Yes.. pretty much the whole eastern block. You know, all those countries that I still call Russia because I don’t have the patience for 500 little shithole villages being nationalized thanks to the fall of the USSR.
          “I am a from whatevestan”
          “yeah, whatever dude. You are Russian”

      2. nothing like an experienced babushka to please a man. She cook, she lay down, you happy man !

      3. Melania doesn’t look bad at all for her age. She ain’t no babushka. I don’t know how old she is (I assume older). Or are you suggesting that the Slavic Wall is going to be whacking her upside the head here soon?

        1. quick google…born 1970, 46……yeah compared to my wife, she has the Russian Syndrome. Could it be the alcohol over the years?

        2. I feel you can see some babushka in her. Without the miracles of modern aesthetic surgery and medicines I assume she would already be full babushka. I suspect that she will stay attractive enough until she over does it with surgery. Take away the money though and she would be at the couldron

        3. Eh, dunno. Maybe. She keeps fit too, and that always helps, regardless of surgery. End of the day it really doesn’t matter to me. She looks 1800% better than The Witch, no matter what.

        4. oh well…yeah…of course. This was more a comment about Russian broads in general. I don’t think she will become ugly until she goes too far with the surgery which she eventually will because AWALT

        5. and the cocaine and fake tanning. The botox will keep her together but there is a cumulative effect from her pre trump life as a prostitute

        6. nah, I am using a bit of hyperbole. But if she was in the modeling scene at that time she definitely was putting hard miles down….even if it was just for fun. I am not criticizing it. She was a young and beautiful model in NYC surrounded by a culture that glamorized sex and drugs and was probably having a really fantastic time. That said….living that life takes its toll on the body.

        7. Regarding the NYC culture, I would defer to you for the assessment. Trump is from Queens, is he not?

        8. I am not sure where he is from. I know that the scene that she would have been in in the early 90’s in NYC was pretty intense. I know because I was part of it. Loads of wealthy yuppies doing massive amounts of cocaine and really just everyone fucking each other. It was great. Like I said, she was young. No fault for her. But she has seen more cocks than a fowl butcher…i’d bet my life on it.

        1. Went over this earlier. For the sake of convienience I don’t acknowledge the fall of the Soviet Union and just all all of those little countries that produce vodka and models “Russia”

        2. Pretty much. I have a very small world view. I don’t have time for 100 small EE countries. I just call the all Russia.

        3. Yes. If a person speaks Spanish and isn’t from Spain they are Mexican. If they speak Spanish and are from Spain they are French

    2. Or, he’s checking how she’s voting to ensure that she’s not going off script. He strikes me as the kind of guy who would keep her in line. End of the day, there’s really no way to know.

        1. I would but they keep blocking my IP and I really want to comment on here as this forum shares similar ideals to mine. I hate all the same stuff ROK hates and yet they keep banning my IP every time I make one comment, Despite massively agreeing with all their articles, lol. so I’m striking whilst the iron is luke warm.

  18. i’ve long since suspected clinton has been having regular meetings with Satan himself. her eyes are just so damn soulless and evil.
    that said….even if this is true….the american people flat out do not give a shit. christian pastors can’t cast out satan and do not even try anymore. we rape our infants when they are born(aka circumcision), we brain wash our children in schools, we accept LBGT, we accept feminism, we accept liberalism(aka communism), we kill unborn children(aka abortion), and have no value for marriage and family anymore.
    so really….does america give an honest shit about electing satans right hand man? i doubt it….i really do.

  19. Stephanie Germanotta (aka Lady GooGoo) presented herself to the world in a music video in which young teenagers were laying around indulging in every hedonistic activity.
    And as for JayZ, other than being a former drug dealer, he likely rose to fame with strong backing by (((certain))) producers. Hiphop is long past its cultural benefit stage and now part of the globalist commercialistic dumbing down of the masses.

    1. the strategy is very clear, take the talentless scum of the earth and promote them until the plebs buys it. Then have a good laugh while enjoying pizza in a bath tub, Podesta style.

  20. Huge turnout in my area.. Long lines.
    Only problem is this area is deep blue. Big turnouts here have coincided with big blue turnouts in other areas. This doesn’t bode well for Trump. I hope I am wrong about this..

  21. I believe the Luzzatto e-mail is from a grandma talking about her grandkids and she is proud of them, not pimping them out.

  22. Fox News just broke an eye-opener – record early turnout today in North Carolina, fueled by a massive surge of independent voters (meaning, Trump voters). Trump will take N.C…

    1. I sure hope you are right. It is depressing in my neck of the woods with the high turnout of people who won’t vote Trump.

      1. NJ has a lot of union guys. Word out is that a lot of white blue collar union types are *pissed* at the Dems and are going to defect to Trump. That’s true at least in the coal belt. Hopefully it pans out in NJ as well.

        1. My area could best be described as ‘hipsters mixed with poor minorities’. I knew Romney was toast when I passed guys looking like gang members chanting “Vote Blue! Vote Blue!” as they left the voting booth. Normally those guys never show up to vote.
          During the 2010 midterms, so few people showed up that the poll workers were napping out of boredom. Republicans did good that year.

        2. Get their pics and see if they’re headed to another voting precinct with a pocketful of voter registration cards. There’s tons of that shit going down.

        3. The pro-Trump dialogue is starting to gain momentum even as we speak, in the lamestream media, about how independent voter turnout is massive, and it appears as if all of the independent voters are breaking for Trump, and “shockingly”, this is happening in Wisconsin, of all places (as well as in North Carolina, as previously mentioned).

        4. Worth putting a bet on a Trump victory Uncle Bob? I’m confident but a very reluctant gambler.

        5. I decided not to bet on the election. I’m confident, but not that confident. I’ll have a better wager for you this weekend…I’ll let you know the day of the game. It’s an NFL game. Don’t hesitate to remind me, lest I forget…

        6. I’ll be sure to-albeit I am not one to bet on the NFL being I don’t understand the intricacies as I am in Australia. That and I refuse to support a sport infested by SJW types 😛

        7. NJ union guys like boston union guys will always vote overwhelmingly dem. It has been beaten into them.

    2. Fraudulent machines switching votes for Clinton reported in PA. How deep will the margin of fraud will be is the big hurdle.

      1. They are reporting this in the MSM, too. So that means if Hillary wins, nearly everybody in the country will know it’s rigged. And Trump’s been talking consistently about how the election is rigged against him. And the media has been saying he’s crazy for spouting that opinion. And that’s been all over the news, too. I could be wrong, that’s for sure. But those particular tea leaves say it’s Trump for the win.

        1. tic tock bob. We are down to the last moments in the fourth quarter.

        2. Trump is the NWO’s wet dream. I’m thinkin’ landslide, Reaganesque victory. It’s perfect. Nobody will see it coming…heh. And Vegas will rake HARD on it. Massively. Ch-ching. (We’ll see though…)

        3. we shall see. I am predicting almost exactly the opposite. 300+ EC votes going to the Witch in a total thrashing. That said, at least one of us will be totally fucking wrong come the ‘morrow. That makes it a little interesting.

        4. Yes, it does at that. I backed off on betting on it. So that tells you where my head is at…but the tea leaves are all saying “Trump wins”. It will be an interesting little theatrical event, for sure…I backed off on betting on it because I’m emotionally invested in the election. When I bet sports, there’s no emotion involved (except elation after I score big, and total ennui when I lose). Can’t be as clear-headed if you’re emotional…

        5. I don’t know. I think that is in bad faith. I think trump is just enough of an unlikeable douchebag to lose florida outright. It will be as it always is with cities like Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Meyers, Orlando, Hollywood etc going for the Dem with the rural areas going for the republican while the suburban blacks vote Hillary because trump is raycissssssss I really can’t see him winning florida.

        6. I edited my previous post and took out the comment about Florida…but Florida is roughly 67% white, 16% black, and 17% hispanic. The Panhandle is hardcore Republican all the way. Over 17% of Florida residents are over the age of 65 (I don’t think a lot of seniors will be voting for Hillary, what with the cost of living going up so fast, especially Obamacare premiums – heh). The state boasts over 1.5 million veterans. American servicemen and veterans favor Trump by over a 3-1 margin. I’m confident if you do the math there, you’ll see that the only way Hillary “wins” Florida, is via voter fraud…

        7. I don’t think so bob really. A lot of those 65 or over people are New York retirees which will vote the same way they voted in New York before they retired…which is D. You are right about the military and the handle, but the cities will all go left. I can see florida being close but I totally don’t see a win or fraud situation here.

        8. That’s okay with me. It takes myriad views to make the world go round…
          Here’s an interesting interaction I had last night which I know you, of all people, will appreciate. So this Hooters waitress I have had my eye on, told me last night that she heard I was a dynamo at gambling. She asked if I had money on the Monday Night game last night. I told her I did, a whopping $160 and I didn’t give a fuck if I won or lost, because I always win over the long haul, and that’s what it’s all about. When Buffalo covered and I won the spread side by a half a point, she was amazed (she shouldn’t have been, it was only one bet, but I didn’t say anything to deter her amazement).
          So then she starts babbling her brains out. She’s turning 21 later this month and wants to go to Las Vegas in the worst way, but doesn’t have the money to get there (hint, hint). I told her we might be able to work something out…she smiled so big I thought her orange hot pants were going to flood with her pussy juices. Heh.
          She makes Fauxlivia look like Mila Kunis. Women go nuts over the making-money-betting-on-sports angle. Absolutely fucking insane, in fact. I could suddenly sprout a hump on my back and sand crabs could crawl out of my forehead, and they’d still go nuts when they find out my sideline. They’re all about instant gratification and greed. It’s perfect…

        9. They are the ultimate in bang-’em, never-see-’em-again whores. Money-hungry sluts who put out for the biggest wallet in the room. I love ’em, too…dear god, I do love them so. Sigh. When I go in that place, the bartenders and waitresses jump. (Because I’m a notoriously huge tipper.)
          I banged a 19-year-old Argentinian who worked there last summer, and I cannot even describe how hot this girl was. I took her into my favorite bar after she closed up at Hooters, and you should have seen the faces of the young guys I know over there, when I walked in the door with her. Heh. “Where did you find her? What the hell, old man, what’s the story?” Etc. ($$$$$$$ – that’s the story…)

        10. I know that face. I know it well. It is pure and unbridled jealousy and confusion. I love that look almost as much as the young little hard bodies

        11. Money hungry sluts who put out for the biggest wallet in the room are generally the most honest women you will meet.
          I’d never be a sugar daddy paying a rent or even lending some money. But I don’t mind if there is an arrangement. She is supposed to look stupid hot, dress nice, drain my balls and try to be fun. I take her to places she can’t usually afford and pay and make her feel special.
          It’s a fair agreement

        12. Bob, as a betting man, I saw you sharing the stakes of the election a few days back. How is that working out?

        13. Hillary back up to -$575 to win $100. Vegas stands to make a killing on this one…far more than five Super Bowls put together…will they pass up the chance? I don’t think so. Trump for the win.

        14. All right. Anyone that wins in a bet for Hill’s victory won’t enjoying that much as they’ll have to chip in for the newly arrived Syrians. Do you have a link where I can consult the odds live?

  23. Can we start a religious order, get them trained to special forces standard and go sort these people out?

      1. Who are now occultists, and in there previous incarnation were condemned for worshipping the Baphomet as pictured above


  25. I wonder why they don’t handle voting this way, especially in the Internet age. You get your ballot online. You download it and print it out. You check a box next to all of your selections. Then you sign your ballot. Then you take a photograph of it with your phone. Then you set up a password-protected account and upload it and post it at a central database, online, or you can do this at a polling station. And it’s uploaded to a website featuring the results from all fifty states. Broken down by each city. And each town. And all the votes are made public, and they can be viewed by anybody who wants to look at them. And then all the votes can be tallied up by anybody who wants to do it, so that the results can be verified by all of the voters…oh wait, if they do things that way, they can’t rig elections. Never mind.

    1. I can smell AIDS in that picture. Et je ne sais pas s’ils aiment l’enfant, but they’re definitely a bunch of sodomites.

      1. lol. This is good but not as good as when his campaign slogan was CHANGE and my buddy looked at it and said “CHANGE? What’s that stand for? Come Help A Nigga Get Elected”
        To this day I don’t know if he came up with it on the spot, thought of it before hand or read it or heard it somewhere else, but I didn’t stop laughing for a good long while.

        1. Funny stuff. Never heard that one before. “Make America grate again.” (Bet the elitists are lovin’ that one…Evian water; Naive spelled backwards – high fluoride content. Heh.)

        2. Evian is an old one. I think Carlin was the first place I heard that. The CHANGE one was so fucking on point and my buddy is this little eye-talian guy who has the really thick Brooklyn eye-talian accent so when he said it it was so fucking lit.

  26. Nothing is shocking about these people any more. Trump was the last shot we had, but sadly it looks like too many whites will be pulling the lever for the cunt today. Sad.

  27. And none of it matters. Once a person is convinced (thru non stop suggestion) that they are a victim or a liberal, nothing these people do will change their minds about them. They are their saviors, fighting evil that oppresses them. For them to lower their guard and accept the truth would collapse their entire psychological belief system. Something nearly all will not be able to bear. Leftists College students are essentially engaged in Stockholm syndrome. You could show them video of these people eating live babies and they would dismiss it.

  28. Holy shit.
    I don’t know what’s more terrifying: the fact that this treasonous woman is a devil-worshipper and/or a devil-worshipper-affiliate; or that this doesn’t surprise me.
    This has become a problem of God. We need to all come together on this.
    There is no fucking way a devil-worshipper should be representing the people of America. Because to me this implies that all liberals who support Hillary support the devil.
    Of course, we all already knew that, didn’t we?

  29. So you want some good news, Trump followers? Your old Uncle Bob has it for you…
    You can read the whole article, from which I plucked the snippets below, right here –
    Early voting returns are coming in. Trump has a sizable lead over Clinton in the three small towns that are showing early voting results in New Hampshire (wink-wink).
    Trump has a 0.2% edge in Florida, according to the latest aggregate of some big-time polls, taken about an hour ago.
    Here’s the latest Real Clear Politics aggregate poll (notice that Hillary allegedly has minuscule leads in three of the polls, but Trump has larger leads of a statistically significant nature in the other two – wink-wink) –
    Trump has a 0.8% edge in Nevada (same polls).
    Trump has a 1.0% edge in North Carolina (same polls).
    Trump has a 3.0% lead in Iowa (ditto).
    Trump has a 5.0% lead in Georgia (ditto).
    Trump has a 4.0% lead in Ohio (ditto).
    Trump has a 4.0% lead in Arizona (ditto).
    I am off to the bar to quaff a few cold ones and watch the returns, while sniffing some skirt.
    Good luck everybody (not that we’ll need it)…

  30. Quote:
    Is Hillary Clinton’s Entourage Involved In A Satanic Paedophile Ring???
    Question : Do bears crap in the forest ??

  31. Don’t shoot down your own credibility. Human sacrifce cakes and such as disturbing enough. No need to jump the gun and claim that you know that reference to children swimming in a pool at an apparent family visit is code for pedophillia. And, given only the text of the email, I think the real scandal is that they spend $65k of tax dollars flying in pizza and hot dogs.

  32. Let us assume that these emails have codewords for pedophilia, are these people so stupid that they would send emails like these knowing that everything online is monitored?I think good ole snail mail would be alot more effective, you know burn the evidence.

  33. Old news, several decades old. You’ve not read any David Icke? He’s been exposing the British Royal Family and global elites like Freemason US presidents and their black magic, satanic worshiping, alien reptile shape shifting for decades already. Supposedly you don’t get anywhere without being inducted into that cult. That includes all high ranking celebs and super rich people, like Trump. And ALL US presidents. This is Conspiracy Theory 101 material, man.

    1. the question then becomes why was the elite so against trump?
      i’ve certainly heard the footage all about trump is friends with the clinton and a democrat in the past….so is this still true? or did trump take his money and run and threaten to expose the whole damn thing?
      it seems if he was part of the program he would have intentionally lost to get clinton into office.

      1. “the question then becomes why was the elite so against trump?”
        They’re not. Its all a drama for fools like you. You don’t get that rich and that famous and on top of it Prez of US WITHOUT being one of them.

  34. You ain’t seen whats happening on the Chans.
    They’ve embraced an egyptian frog god of chaos and trickery to meme Trump into office.
    Pepe has taken a rather bizarre mantle of divinity.
    We live in strange times.

  35. Is Hillary Clinton’s Entourage Involved In A Satanic Pedophile Ring?
    Probably not but it’s great propaganda.
    The left routinely engages in libel and slander.
    Well what’s good for the goose……
    You know what ROK really needs is an article about how all the people that are out to expose Hillary on one thing or another seem to conveniently die before they can do it.

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