Mainstream Media Calls Real News “Fake” Because Their Narrative Is Collapsing

There are those who think we should only get our news from “official” sources. You know, like the blonde telling you what to believe in between hocking a hockey game.

If there’s anything the 2016 election showed us, it’s that the American people are increasingly distrustful of and not listening to the commands laid out by the once mainstream media. They’re increasingly reticent to commit national and demographic suicide under the guise of “diversity” and other nebulous ideals. They’re desperate not only to “drain the swamp” but to restore some sense of national pride and stability to the declining USA.

In response, the controllers of the presstitutes (the people who really run the world) are already hard at work trying to find some way to create a false narrative about “fake news” sites in order to lay the ground work for censorship and control. The Internet has all but destroyed the corporate-government narrative, and there is a shit fit happening at the highest levels of the propaganda ministry (i.e. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, et. al.) because they have learned the American people know how full of shit they really are.

Sites like Return Of Kings are on the front lines of this war in support of free speech and it is vitally important we stay on top of our game to avoid a reversion to the managed propaganda the centralized control of mass media gave us over the last 50 years.

Hackers and leakers play right into the hands of the censorship narrative

Hackers and leakers play right into the hands of the censorship narrative

Make no mistake, one of the reasons leakers of misdeeds done by politicians and the elite they work for have been allowed to continue leaking dirty laundry is because it plays into the hands of those with designs on censorship and re-gaining control of the information the sheeple get to listen to. Having Julian Assange and Edward Snowden doing leaks of information and giving them extensive press coverage plays right into the hands of the censorship brigade because they can also play the protecting national security game when the time to silence dissent comes.

Fake news is only the first assault in what is sure to become a full scale war on free speech on the Internet. We can be thankful Trump won the election rather than The Bitch since his election will slow the process of censorship, but the aggressiveness of the “fake news” narrative shows us how determined some people are to shut us up and shut us down.

The New York Times is already on the front lines of this assault on free speech on the Internet. Only days after The Bitch lost the election, publisher Arthur Sulzberger published a Mea Culpa and promised to rededicate the newspaper to “honest” reporting.

We cannot deliver the independent, original journalism for which we are known without the loyalty of our subscribers… [The New York Times promises to] give the news impartially, without fear or favor… We also approach the incoming Trump administration without bias.

Don’t buy into it. This is what’s known in Public Relations as a diversion tactic. While we focus on our seeming victory, they’re already moving on to their next false narrative – so-called fake news. No sooner than the ink dried on the promise to give Trump a chance, The New York Times was moving to shut up the very people who made possible his rise to power – the alt-right and alternative news web sites.

While some fake news is produced purposefully by teenagers in the Balkans or entrepreneurs in the United States seeking to make money from advertising, false information can also arise from misinformed social media posts by regular people that are seized on and spread through a hyperpartisan blogosphere.

They did a spurious case study on how a “rumor” got started about protesters being bussed in to protest at Trump rallies. Never mind the mainstream media is a business that runs lock, stock and barrel on fake news. Almost every narrative they create is a false one. One need do no more than a Google search to discredit many, if not most of the mainstream media’s stories. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Pulling The Plug


Facebook censorship algorithms are nothing compared to the elite’s agenda of eliminating free speech online

Whether or not the “fake news” narrative gains traction, the next step will be for the elite to create a problem that affects millions of people online, then follow through with the Hegelian Dialectic with a pre-ordained “solution” to “make everyone safer online” and to “stop the spread of false information” while “protecting free speech” online by destroying it.

Look for no less than a figurative “Internet 9/11” if the elite become desperate enough.

They’ll pull the plug on the backbone of the Internet, shutting down e-commerce and communication online for a few days, blame it on a “fake news” story (just like Benghazi was blamed on a YouTube video) then spring in to save us from ourselves by passing all sorts of creative laws and restrictions aimed at nothing more than eliminating competition to the corporate-government narrative and gutting yet another of our Bill of Rights protections.

Make no mistake, Freedom of Speech is the most important of Amendments to the Constitution. Once that is taken away, it’s Game Over.

Obama has already floated the idea of silencing those of us who "cling to our guns and religion" and continues this narrative even after the election of Trump

Obama has already floated the idea of silencing those of us who “cling to our guns and religion” and continues this narrative even after the election of Trump

Obama has already been floating the idea of official news web sites. This is nothing more than proposing the creation of the American equivalent of Pravda in the Soviet Union, in which only the state-approved newspaper was considered the truth and everything else was considered lies. Obviously, the New World Order socialist narrative would be the only truth under a system such as this, and traditional and conservative views would be relentlessly silenced

Check out what The Messiah said in Berlin recently.

In an age where there’s so much active misinformation, and it’s packaged very well, and it looks the same when you see it on a Facebook page or you turn on your television, where some overzealousness on the part of a US official is equated with constant and severe repression elsewhere, if everything seems to be the same and no distinctions are made, then we won’t know what to protect. If we can’t discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems.

The fact he is saying these things should frighten you. It should also make you angry. This statement is a PC way of saying the goal of the power structure is to shut us the fuck up. They want us to listen to clueless “journalists” who encourage the idea of microchipping your children and later, yourselves so every aspect of your life can be controlled by the government.

We must fight back by discrediting the “fake news” narrative at every turn and informing those who will listen of the possibility of a fake “Internet 9/11” designed to give the government a reason to curb free expression on the very Libertarian Internet of today.

Read More: How Men Have Made The Internet A Great Equalizer

181 thoughts on “Mainstream Media Calls Real News “Fake” Because Their Narrative Is Collapsing”

  1. The mainstream news will always exist because the oligarchs need their billboards to spew their bs.
    I think enough people are privy to the questionable integrity of mainstream. The bigger concern is to what extent the government will censor the net and if underground channels need to be established / revitalized.

  2. I have a REAL news for you – the alternative media is fake too. For example, Inforwars and Alex Jones is the product of the CNN creator – Ted Turner. Isn’t that ironic?! Get this once and for all – they control the both sides of the argument.
    Considering the blind support for Trump, I am starting to have some serious doubts about Roosh’s own little media empire too. Hope I’m wrong.

    1. Alex jones is a huge shill, his wife is Jewish, so he never addresses israel or the fact that isis works for us

    2. in one sense it doesn’t matter whether alternative media are in fact psy-ops, or wholly or partly compromised. If the PTB can argue that those sites (which they are or aren’t paying for) encourage hate, extremism, misogyny, etc then they can use that to shut down all alternative news sites that diverge from the message

      1. But they need to have this type of media to cater for the angry normals, so they will never shut it down completely as the article suggests.
        In fact, I predict a rapid growth of the alt-media which eventually will make it mainstream and thus the wheel will keep turning.

        1. well lets hope so. I don’t like what I hear about the censorship on its way, but a debate might give it a little focus, and get rid of the deadwood

    3. So you’ve been to all of the alternative media sites then, have you? Alex Jones is pretty obviously compromised, but the rest you have no way to even begin to know or speculate about with even the slightest shred of authority. None. Zero.

  3. The Lugenpresse is delusional if it thinks its scattered readership is going to come running back because they slandered alternative media sites and got Cuckerberg on board with a censorship plan. That ship sailed years ago.
    It’s also really hard to tell the conspiratorial “fake news” from the MSM news sometimes. Like this thing where MSM commentators are talking about how Barron Trump could be autistic because he looked out of sorts at dad’s victory speech(kid’s 10 and it was 3 AM, for fuck’s sake).
    To say nothing about the blatant anti-white agenda. The murder of a Saudi exchange student in Wisconsin got nationwide coverage because because everyone thought it must have been a white supremacist. And predictably we saw a complete blackout outside of local outlets when it turned out black thugs were responsible.

    1. You got any links for the local news actually reporting the truth, can’t find anything online, not that I trust Google

      1. Well, if you’re curious about the Saudi exchange student in particular, Saudi Arabian papers are actually covering the story:
        Finding good news sources is difficult these days. City newspapers are being bought up by bigger publications and even sources that used to pride themselves on being neutral like the Christian Science Monitor are blatantly biased. (And then they complain when people migrate over to Breitbart or The Libertarian Republic).

    2. Over the years through trial by fire, those labeled kooks and
      conspiracy theorists have gotten very good at building their cases
      factually and logically. While neither wins an argument it’s diminished
      what can be argued in response to the social and emotional.
      As a result practically everyone on the left thinks they can use ridicule, insult, and social isolation to get their way. It’s the only tool they have these days apparently. The idea of course was to simply silence opposition to their plans. To eliminate the threat of honest debate. To overcome facts and logic. It’s largely worked and still has significant impact.
      Their big problem is that this tool has so taken them over they now believe their own bullshit. They really believe Trump and those who voted for him are racists for instance. Like a drug dealer should never use his product a political ideology that does what it takes to achieve victory should never start believing its own bullshit.

      1. “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

  4. Meanwhile Trump isn’t even in charge yet and already broke at least 2 promises.
    No, he won’t lock up HRC.
    No, he won’t build a wall but a fence.
    I think there was a third one but I can’t remember it.

    1. not a broken promise, but he’s formally disavowed the alt right, not that I’m a part of it

        1. the alt-right has served its purpose. It got turned into a vehicle for white nationalism, got taken over by a gay half-jewish guy (milo – lol) and now Trump has dumped it in the ocean. It was always an emotionally driven basket case without a clear vision beyond what it despised, which was mostly jews & blacks. It wasn’t even clear where it stood on feminism

        2. After this whole Richard Spencer debacle, I think it’s safe to say that the alt-right, if not thoroughly dead, has been severely wounded.

    2. alt-right was bad pub for him, if he did not disavow them it will reinforce the left. he did what he have to do.

      1. BLM supported Hillary and we’ve seen on the Left’s real news the riots and destruction of property and attacking police. We don’t go saying she is domestic terrorist.

  5. This is a dangerous time for the internet, im worried that eventually people will face charges for simply sharing their views online.facebook is about to kick into censorship overdrive.

    1. That’s part of the long-term plan…along with a form of Real I.D. that will “allow” a person to access the Internet, some of which might eventually include fingerprint-recognition software, or iris-scanning software.

  6. There are ways you can destroy the media quickly but not without making a martyr and a fool out of yourself. Their time for honoring themselves will be at an end, whether it’s soon or far away is still up in the air. Unplugging from the matrix will only do so much, they have created a society where we (city-folk) are dependent on artificiality, so they still have the upper hand if all hell broke loose in the urban areas.

  7. “Fake News” is only code for “News that comes from Conservatives”
    These liberals aren’t fooling anyone anymore. They destroyed the forth estate and everyone knows it.

    1. Wherever the Left managed to enter it destroyed that institution. Whatever the left touches it destroys and now this simply shows. They destroyed culture, the economy, cinema, literature, relationships, politics, government….
      You take the idea…

      1. 1 yr ago I finally resigned from my old job and that decision was a lifechanger for me… I started working at home, for this company I discovered over internet, for a few hours a day, and my income now is much bigger then it was on my old work… Last pay-check i got was for 9 thousand bucks… Superb thing about this is that i have more free time for my kids…

    2. On the contrary, the sad part is that they are fooling SOME people. They’re not fooling people who are “in the know” – many of which whom have higher IQs and more importantly who can think for themselves, and the ever growing population who get their media from alternative sources. But they are fooling many of the people who still listen to the mainstream media. For example, the low IQ and/or those prone to believing their tactics such as race baiting, and those who still actually watch the mainstream media simply because they’re too lazy or too used to watching TV to go on the internet and look for real news. I would say that they are fooling a lot of the more intelligent liberals as well.
      Think of how many people voted for HRC despite all the evidence of her scandals and corruption. How many do you think would vote for her if the MSM was fair and honest about her many scandals? I would be willing to bet a substantial amount less. The MSM is falling apart but it still has influence on the minds of many.

      1. You are overvaluing people with high IQ. Most academic leftards are highly intelligent, but they got corrupted by coward marxist values.

      2. The ‘some’ people that can’t critically think and who are fooled by the MSM, the people who slurp up the process pink slime news slop, the people who eat a diet of bullshit for news make dangerous neighbors for the rest of us folks who can think and analyze for ourselves. The idiots who gobble up lie after lie are so confused by the end of the day and they’re shaking like they’ve had too much caffeine are rendered into some kind of a panicked state to ‘see something and say something’ or else the sky will fall. They’re taught to report anything out of the ordinary when they’re so dumbfounded that they can’t even gague what is ordinary or normal anymore. These ‘broken compass’ people as neighbors are dangerous I tell you. They’ve become stupider than the stereotypical retarded guy with the thick glasses and ten pound key ring. The MSM zombies are the new stupid. The new speddy retards to make fun of on the bus.

        1. I agree with most of what you are saying. The problem with the people who are dumb enough to believe the MSM is that A) they vote, B) they repeat the lies and may influence others, and C) they can be influenced to do the bidding of the globalists; i.e. riots and race wars.

        2. They’re dangerous as neighbors and even more capable of damage if they live in your house. Take a typical couch potato wife that watches women’s channel, Ellen and Oprah. She’d be the first to bitchsqueal for the women’s advocates and a prime candidate to simply ‘forget’ who her spouse is, screw the lawn guy and then divorce rape the breadwinner. Alas another soverign tribal unit dismembered for the hegemony of the elites.
          Then there are countless stupid churchgoers who squeal to state authorities, ratting out their neighbor for code violations or suspected funny business (terrorism) because they’re too stupid to realize their big box warehouse church pastor is a Roman’s 13 preaching clergy response shill.
          The elites can strap a pretty tight belt of control on the populus by using the stupified non thinkers as their stooges and shills. They’re using the retards and women against us, our dear women that should be serving each and every patriarch as their own personal master. They use the dupified and stupified and especially the women they use against the soverign and against the patriarchs especially.
          The world elite is anti patriarchal at its core. Some say the elites are a caste of males, patriarchal in a sense, but they’re really in spirit nothing but blood eating scorned bitches from hell. Elites exhibit the worst personna that the flamingest cunt that just crawled out of the bowels of hell can barely hold a match to. Spiritually they’re like WITCH BITCHES governed by a matriarchal goddess BITCH FORCE and not by a patriarchal father figure.
          The ruling elites are therefore ultimately governed by an evil FEMALE FORCE. Not the loving, nurturing side of femininity, but the blood sucking baby eating VAMP. The negative side of femininity.

    3. I would say ‘from dissenters’. That’s not limited to just conservatives. There are dissenting liberals too, after all, who can criticize the power structure, and would also be censored.

  8. This is certainly an indication of censorship and censorious legislation to come, but it also represent opportunity.
    The whole fake news idea is gathering steam based on two areas. Firstly you have some genuinely dodgy sites that sprung up in the last year or so, which mimic the MSM corporate owned goliaths which are supposed to be telling us what to think. I read about a few of these that were traced to Albania or something, and could well reflect propaganda of some sort by foreign interests, e.g. Russia but could also represent american or western psy-ops (just compare the western propaganda outlets in foreign countries – the world is absolutely full of shills in both / or rather every direction). Such sites will probably get shut down, penalised or regulated in some form or other and will be attributed to the Russians whether the russians are to blame or not. RT and Sputnik could well be banned or otherwise regulated, because most people now trust them more than the NYP. All of this is serious but it’s not really surprising: propaganda wars will be fought any which way.
    Secondly and more serious I think is the effect any legislative or regulatory clampdown will have on the real alternative (rather than foreign) media, whatever that may be. You can debate whether Breitbart, infowars, etc is really independent or themselves psy-ops (Breitbart is obviously anti- soros but pro israeli for instance and was set up for that purpose…it isn’t a secret). Here you going to have an attempt to shut down ‘fake news’ that simply goes off message, encourages ‘hate’ or extremisms (i.e. enforcing tolerance and ensuring ideologically reliable news will become part of the same effort). So far nobody’s tried to regulate Breitbart (it probably won’t happen in any direct way) but some online ad agency is already refusing Breitbart’s business because it reckons they support ‘hate’ and extremism. In Germany today Merkel has been mouthing off about the same censorious inanity – – and in Europe the risk to free speech is exponentially higher than in the US, even though it is the US election that as preciptated Merkel breaking out into full stasi mode.
    The opportunity though arises with the occasion to debate the nature and role of the media. We must to the extent that they want to discuss (and legislate against) ‘fake’ i.e. non-ideologically approved news, insist upon discussing the corporate monopolies that permit 6 or so ideologically monolithic super-cartels to dominate the MSM. It is essential that to the extent that they talk about fake news we talk about media cartels that prevent the very possibility of democracy. it is essential that to the extent that they talk about legislation to combat fake news or extremism (which in some extreme cases could well be justified) we talk about legislation to break up the media cartels which allow a handful of billionaires to direct democracy in the direction of their ideological and indeed material, monetary, advantage. I am not merely talking about a counter-attack, but an absolutely balanced linkage of the attack against false news with an orchestrated attack on MSM corporate cartels. The reason for this is that beyond the fact that the elites are simply pissed that the false news isn’t to their liking everyone really should be against false news. Any kind of falsehood, any kind of un-evidenced assertions, etc will ultimately be exposed as such. The whole point of the alternative media is that it is supposed to hold the MSM accountable for itself delivering false, and ideologically specified misinformation. We must in other words insist on sacrificing mere partisanship if it means that we are reporting the kind of untruth that the alternative media was designed to rectify.
    It remains the case that the MSM is still generally far more sophisticated in its operation. The alternative media at its worst, whether it is real or itself manufactured, can often be crude and speculative. The comet ping pong Podesta case is a case in point. I believe there is genuinely something in this, but paedo-hysteria could well result in amateur journalists going too far, drawing conclusions that might be false, or ultimately unevidence-able. There is a lot of talk about witch-hunts etc. If we aren’t careful, if we allow speculation etc to substitute for hard fact and evidenced research they will have reason to regulate or even shut us down. We need to have better standards than the mainstream media and be able to demonstrate it

      apparently this quote is false. But the debunking article concludes:
      “After Colby left the Agency on January 28th, 1976, and was succeeded by George Bush, the CIA announced a new policy: “Effective immediately, the CIA will not enter into any paid or contractual relationship with any full‑time or part‑time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station”
      The CIA did have extensive paid and contractual relationships with journalists. But that policy ended 35 years ago. Even if the quote is correct, it’s not referring to the current state of affairs, as is implied by the sign. It’s mostly likely a corruption of Colby’s remarks to the press in 1973.”
      But more recently we find articles like this: “German journalist admits CIA paid him and other Western journalists to lie to public and publish pro-Western articles penned by CIA”
      Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (which is one of Germany’s largest newspapers), has decided to go public about the corruption of himself and the rest of the Western ‘news’ media, because he finds that this corruption is bringing Europe too close to a nuclear war against Russia, which he concludes the U.S. aristocracy that controls the CIA wants to bring about, or else to bring closer to the brink.
      Zero-hedge elaborates on the same claims:
      ““Non-official cover” occurs when a journalist is essentially working for the CIA, but it’s not in an official capacity. This allows both parties to reap the rewards of the partnership, while at the same time giving both sides plausible deniability. The CIA will find young journalists and mentor them. Suddenly doors will open up, rewards will be given, and before you know it, you owe your entire career to them. That’s essentially how it works. But don’t take it from me…””

      So basically the whole pressitutes for the intelligence services has gone under-cover.

  9. The “Real News” assured a landslide victory for their candidate.
    Yeah, I’ll stick with my “Fake News”

    The article is from last month, but note how Time attempts to link the usage of “Lugenpresse” to imply racism and/or neo-nazism by Trump supporters. The mainstream press has become totally obsessed with the alt-right ever since Hillary Clinton made her first speech attempting to call out the alt-right.
    The media is constantly attacking the alt-right because they are threatened by it. This is no major secret to anyone who can think for themselves. The real causality is the Americans not smart enough and are manipulated by their race-baiting nonsense. This is why I think Trump is taking a moderate tone upon winning the White House; to start to win political capital and to turn more opinions against the media.

  11. The only thing that makes me think the MSM may lose their stranglehold on the news is that they are no longer exclusive. Trump just sidelined them by releasing his plans on YouTube. Just a few years ago the only for someone to reach the people in such a way was to call a press conference or do an interview therefore it was almost a requirement to kiss the ass of the press. Those days are over. If a public figure chooses to he can bypass the press altogether and communicate with the people directly through social media etc, it’s now possible for regular people off the street to do an interview ” journalists” are heading to the endangered species list.

  12. Used to laugh at the local news filling up time by doing quick infomercial for big corporations. “McRib is back at participating locations.” FFS! It’s supposed to be news!

    1. They really aren’t that competent man. We’re talking about human beings here, who routinely mess up even the easiest things with ease throughout history.

      1. To know with certainty that they are not that competent, you would have to have some working knowledge – i.e., insider knowledge – of the NWO and/or the mob. You’ve mentioned having worked in military intelligence in the past, in at least one prior post of yours. Is that the mechanism which provides you with this insight. Just curious. Always glad to engage in healthy debate…I’m just looking for the truth, like everybody else here.

        1. I suppose I should address that to GOJ, but then logically he can only answer one way I suppose. Probably its more a question of colouring his outlook

        2. Not speaking for GoJ, though I am acquianted with a guy who is retired from an agency that shall not be named.
          The fuck ups were epic.

        3. My old man is high-level intelligence. But he only drops me snippets of info. Nothing really major, about the hierarchy or the inner workings. So I have no clue about “walking away for good” from the intelligence community, but I do know how it works in secret societies and the mob. Heh. In those two cases, nobody walks away.

        4. My old man is high-level U.S. intelligence. But he only drops me snippets of info. Nothing really major, about the hierarchy or the inner workings. So I have no clue about “walking away for good” from the intelligence community, but I do know how it works in secret societies and the mob. Heh. In those two cases, nobody walks away.

        5. There are lots of Keystone Kops cover-story events used to demonstrate the stumbling, bumbling fuck-ups of the police, the politicians and various authorities. This keeps the sheep thinking that the people at the top are incompetent. But at the higher levels, they don’t fuck up like that. Everything is deliberate. If it isn’t, you’re out – usually feet first.

        6. I would agree, with the caveat that it’s all mob – Mafia is Hollywood cover. Italians in Gucci, sipping Chianti. From Sicily. Real mobsters are from all walks of life, usually WASP (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant). Some Italians, sure, but Irish, Jewish, all kinds of nationalities. Religious affiliations are typically Catholic or Protestant (or Jewish). Not too many Muslims or Buddhists in the mob. Heh.

        7. That sounds very believable. I wonder to what extent it is the case in places like the UK where there is no real culture of ‘the mob’ or the mafia as such, beyond particular communities, and gangs. They exist but not in the same way – the triads adopt a low profile for example. I had a kung fu master once and made a faux paux by asking about it. Lesson, you do not talk about the london triads to outsiders if you are a member of the chinese community. As for companies – it doesn’t really matter what they are, they all have boards, who while are open to any one in theory with relevant experience, are often dominated by a select few, who will manage the money so to speak. Not necessarily mafia, but that may depend on the company and on how its really organised

        8. FYI, the mob owns everything and everybody of importance. In terms of the Hollywood cover (“The Godfather”, “Goodfellas”, etc.), they make it appear as if they buy off a few judges and politicians and cops. The reality is they run, and own, all of those people (including Hollywood). And the media, too (all major journalists). And the coroners, too (handy, for providing stories of how people “died”). Everything. Everybody. That’s the way of the world. Stranger than fiction.
          I’ve seen it up close. Either the people I hung out with were tremendous actors and the cops and coroners and politicians were actually in on the staged choreography regarding what I saw, or they were all on the same team. Heh. What I’m telling you is a fact. And it’s perfect, because nobody but an insider would believe it. That’s how you keep total power. Nobody knows but insiders.
          Here’s an interesting myth – the mob will whack you if you squeal. No they won’t. They don’t have to. They own everything and everybody. Who are you going to go to – the police? Bought and paid for. Politicians? Same. The press? Haha. Give me a fucking break. They sell that notion in books and movies to keep people scared, and in line. It’s also useful when they recruit low-level stooges. Those stooges will kill a “rat” for them, in the rare cases where it’s needed. But they don’t go around whacking people who run their mouths off, because…who is that person going to tell?

        9. That’s interesting and believable, but as I mentioned in the other reply I wonder whether it works exactly the same in every country. How does it interweave with the intelligence services? There’s one famous book I think that suggests that Kennedy was assassinated by the mob, in conjunction with intelligence and other parties (including foreign powers). The suggestion is that its all kind of seamlessly interwoven. But one could ask what makes it the mob, as opposed to other forms of organisation. As mentioned above how does the mob, if at all, connect to intelligence, military, politics, masonry, the women institute etc., etc – I wonder if there needs to be a single force in play

        10. That’s how you know the Triads work for the mob – they insist on silence from operatives. The mob could give a shit about silence, as previously mentioned. They run it all. They run everything in the U.K., too. It’s just a different layer of players (various actors, operatives). You have low-level operatives (Triads, et al). But up top, it’s mob.
          I’ll tell you a little story. I was once shaken down by this black thug who worked with the Crips. He saw me outside my hotel room, smoking a cigarette. Bummed one from me. Came back, asked for another. Next it was a whole pack. I saw his tats and knew he was a Crip. Finally, he made the mistake of waking me up at 3:00 a.m. by knocking on my door. I told him I wouldn’t give him another cigarette till he paid me back what he owed me. He couldn’t believe what I was saying. He told me he’d killed people for less. I said I totally understood, because I ran with the ___ family, about two hours north, and what with him being a Crip, he knew that they ran the whole fucking show. At that point his eyes got about six-inches wide and he avoided me for the remainder of my stay (except for one instance, where he came by and gave me a carton of cigarettes for the pack-and-a-half he had smoked). Heh. Big, tough Crip. There are gangsters, and then there are King Kong gangsters.

        11. Well who do you think runs/owns intelligence. Yep. Everything and everybody of major importance. Including standing armies.

        12. He was a field agent on the ground in more countries during his service than the USMC. Not dissing your old man, but most lof the agency is packed with analysts who think they are in the know.

        13. I’m not dissing your buddy. Everybody has their own perspective of the big picture. FYI, my old man had full military layouts of troop positions on the desk in his den during the first Gulf War. He knows who is going to be elected president, a long time before the votes are counted. I’m not trying to get into a dick-measuring contest with you here, just giving you some perspective.

        14. sorry, which family did you say ran with?
          No, seriously that’s interesting. I don’t think my sifu was an operative, he was just a chef, and presumably had to pay some kind of protection money. Like Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon except instead of kung fu fighting he just sensibly paid up (I imagine) and stayed out of trouble. Not sure he could have taken Chuck Norris anyhow

        15. Well Chuck is a badass. I wouldn’t fuck with Chuck. If you fuck with Chuck you’re probably a cuck, and you’ll be shit out of luck.

        16. I have an open mind but I’m not entirely convinced. I’m not sure I really understand the concept of ‘mob’. What makes it specifically mob? As opposed to some other organisation.

        17. he was good. Claimed ‘descent’ from Ip Man, but you got to know your limits. As you say you don’t fuck with chuck

        18. I use “mob” as a loose term, with which most people have some familiarity. You might substitute “the elite” for that one, same deal. Both are vague. The particulars will not be available to anybody, unless they are on the inside, or have access to people and info on the inside. That’s just how it works.
          Let’s say there’s a private party, and you hear rumors about what went on at the party. You don’t know for sure, you weren’t there. Well let’s say there’s a really, really private party, held by people you don’t even believe exist, let alone know…exactly how are you going to find out about what went on at the party? In the first place, you wouldn’t care, because in your mind those people don’t exist. In the second place, if somebody piqued your curiosity, and you investigated it, who would you talk to about it who would just up and give you answers to your questions? (Eh…nobody. And would you believe them if they did? No. Well, possibly. But it’s unverifiable. And people need verifiable sources of repute – you know, like CNN. Or Heh.)
          You can’t find out about this stuff in a book or a movie (who owns the major publishing houses and film companies, the actual “sources of credibility” – yep, the mob). That being said, I will spill my guts here regarding what I personally know…are you ready? it’s really Kayser Soje, from the movie, “The Usual Suspects”! He’s the Kingpin of All Kingpins! Actually, that film will give a guy a lot of clues about how it all works. It’s worth a hard look. And a very hard look at that.

        19. Kayser Soze was just the fall guy – he died on the boat. The real king pin was Keaton. He had his lovely lawyer girlfriend killed. Not for any reason, just because he didn’t think women should have careers….what a misogynist.
          Seriously though, its in the nature of power to both advertise itself (for it must rule psychologically) and disguise itself (it can be brought down if it cannot be named or understood). I tend to stick with elites, because it is a fairly catch all term – it’s pretty much tautologically true. Mob however conjures something in the mind, as I think you’ve mentioned previously it suggests mafia, but anyone who’s watched fargo, 2nd series, also sees it as something much closer to a business or form of administration. I don’t think you can really get to the bottom of it, because it is impossible ultimately to sort the wheat (the information) from the chaff (the misinformation) – all we can really hope for are glimpses, and even when we get such a glimpse, the glimpsed will act to project a different image.
          In many ways modern conspiracy theory (about power) reflects the debates about language and representation that took place last century: we still think in terms of something behind the word or concept, the real that is represented – in this case by mob, elite, lizards etc. That debate isn’t going to go away – for there may well be something real behind the representation, but it is in the nature of conspiracy that that thing is always infinitely deferred – out of reach. It is better perhaps to talk about what we can see and evidence. We can theorise about the mob or the elites only to the extent that we can see them. Perhaps they will walk into the light to be properly admired

        20. Oh they will walk into the light, if the NWO gets its way. Their egos are far too enormous to let that opportunity escape. Heh. I like your thoughts here. You know, you can indeed be an insider. You can know things others don’t know. But there’s a hell of a lot more to know. The rungs on the hierarchal ladder are infinite. Anybody who claims to know it all, is proving they don’t know shit. What I believe to be true today, well, I might just change my mind about it tomorrow. I try to leave it all undecided, open-ended. That way, when a curveball gets thrown at me, it’s less traumatic. I’ve been blindsided too many times, after saying “never” and “always”. Never and always are two words that never fail to always bite a person in the ass…never say never and you might see forever. Etc.

        21. This made me think of something. The notion of fighting for “respect”. The notion that it is worth dying for…this notion was fabricated by the elite. Why? Many reasons. First of all, it fills the private prisons they own, with the malleable. The state picks up the tab, they dump it into their pockets. They get the undesirables off the streets that way.
          Respect and 25 cents will buy you a pack of gum. Fighting for respect is the same thing as a little boy being upset because he was bullied on the playground. It’s a waste of energy, and infantile, upon closer examination. To be respected, is to be liked and admired. To be liked and admired, you have to live your life in the middle of the road, where everybody knows your comings and goings. And your energy gets sucked dry.
          I’d rather be thought of as being crazy – people leave you the hell alone. That’s a surefire recipe for storing energy, and diverting it towards worthwhile pursuits. Not that any pursuit is worthwhile, everything we create crumbles to dust. But…but…yeah okay I’m done there.

        22. yes, I suppose that’s kind of the point. At least it is to the extent that it is occult. For something to be hidden implies an unveiling, just as the concept of light / illumination requires a prior state of darkness / ‘ignorance’. Alice Bailey, whose legacy includes the Lucis Trust, of United Nations fame, spoke of (and wrote a whole book about) the externalisation of the hierarchy. She was referring I think to quasi-supernatural beings, ascended masters, but the point is about the unveiling; about the thing that has been worked upon in the shadows being brought into the light: for the revelation is kind of the point. There is always a sense in which it is not just about power and control: it is a show, a performance. Not sure your mob boss would see it that way, or for that matter Jacob Rothschild, or Jay Z or Il papa or whoever it is who’s at the top, or who thinks they’re at the top, but there is something compulsive about power held in secret: it yearns to burst out of the big gay cupboard and sing songs from the wizard of oz at the top of its voice. Power doesn’t really exist unless it can demonstrate itself. Which is the paradox of being the power behind the throne, or the puppet master; it isn’t entirely satisfying.
          The US election also pretty much illustrated just how hard it is to know whether one is truly an insider. After only the insider at the top can truly be the insider. Hillary and Soros thought they had everything in the bag, and were at the top of the tree, but it turns out there was another insider – for Trump of course is an insider – and that insider who seemed to be a mere pretender to the throne – pushed her aside precisely by playing his cards as an outsider. There may well be an inside and outside, but as you suggest perceiving one’s position in this regard may well be elusive. Even the bloodline families may not know. How many Rothschild scions have found themselves cast out, or sidelined. Its all zeros and ones

        23. Well said (er, written). I can add a bit of empirical evidence to your argument (hearsay, though it may be – but then, what isn’t hearsay). So this crime family with whom I’m familiar, there is tremendous infighting among the family members. In the movies, it’s always outsiders whacking the close-knit mob family, wrestling them for control. In reality, these people kill their own if they think their progeny will try to take over. Heh. So it’s like you say. Power is temporary. And it’s subjective. An illusion, basically. Everybody fighting for something that isn’t what it seems to be.

        24. Yeah but you’re different. You’re a cut above. Nihilists are just like that by default…

        25. Sometimes I love reading about the great families of yore. Brothers killing brothers, or even fathers, or father their sons. Mothers killing their sons or daughters, or being killed by the same. And of course these were the insiders, the people right at the very epicentre. Things are more subtle now, and there is more collective, and cartel-like behaviour with a view to avoiding the fratricidal (and homicidal) in-fighting, but it’s always only temporary as you say.

        26. Right. Italians in Gucci loafers who are executives in real estate development companies that build high rise buildings in New York and never involved in any of that stuff

        27. Yeah, it’s a tragicomedy. Two family members I know of (the patriarch, and the patriarch’s daughter) were whacked. The daughter’s brother was sick of waiting for his old man to pass. So he bumped off the old man. And then, once the son took over, he thought his sister was going to do the same thing to him because she started rising through the ranks in a new venue she had started. Heh. There is zero loyalty at that level. And if truth be told, after soberly looking at human nature for about six decades, I’ve come to the conclusion that this sort of thing happens in so-called, “small, normal families”, just as often. Most humans are predators. Plain and simple. And they have an infinite capacity for deception (especially self-deception), greed, jealousy, and ultimately, unbridled viciousness. But then…that’s just true human nature. Getting mad at it is like getting mad at the sun for coming up.

        28. Bob are you a Zappa fan? I just put ok Bongo Fury and totally forgot how freaking amazing that album is. God love captain beefheart

        29. Yeah I like the Zapster. I like to sweat to the oldies sometimes. Take too much acid, sweat, my eyes roll around…

        30. that’s kind of sad, but believable. I’ve actually been hearing that in Italy at least as the menfolk get whacked or imprisoned the younger women are stepping up to become capos! You’re right normal families have the same kind of power struggles, usually over money or control. Microcosm and macrocosm, the above and the below

        31. As above, so below. Greed is a bitch. I’ve never met a kazillionaire who didn’t want more, and was prepared to do everything and anything to get it. But as we noted, the same is true for the guy whose father wins the Powerball. Or the chick whose daddy is worth a couple hundred thousand. People will do things they never thought they would do in those situations. The predator comes out. Can’t we all just get along and go to a social justice rally?…

        32. Aha, so that’s how you know.
          I don’t know what intelligence agency GoJ used to work but he was either too low in the ranking or just got lucky to not get exposed to the real game. Third option he is just playing dumb here.
          Otherwise, he sounds down-to-earth so I wouldn’t mind sharing a bottle of fine whisky with him.

        33. It’s true. We all discover it eventually, and we never ever learn. I was never so free as when I lived in a studio and eked a hand to mouth existence. Doesn’t matter whether you shop at Hermes or Walmart material things own you and not the other way round.

        34. A Canuck woodchuck wouldn’t fuck with Chuck unless he ate roast duck…(“next”, add on please)

        35. I do not know. Have to see if he chimes in. I know one thing for sure. We’re all gonna fucking die unless we figure out a way to end-run death…which isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

        36. We have very similar views on this one. Identical, in fact. I could buy shit and hoard it but I have never been that way, as things owns us and not the other way around (as you pointed out). To each their own (or is that “they’re owned).

        37. House divided against itself cannot hope to prevail against outside forces. Or does the human condition use the above as some unpleasant mechanism for internal culling of the incompetent & the weak?

        38. Could be. A guy could argue both sides compellingly. We’re demented creatures. Machines. You can’t stop being a machine until you realize you are a machine. I borrowed that from Gurdjieff.

        39. I couldn’t have said it better-when the mobsters/criminals/elites own everyone and everything to try to talk is a waste of energy and futile because they know already you intend to and what it will entail; they might have even set things up for you to do so just to truly mess with your head and emphasise who is in control.

        40. That’s the ideal / theory. In practise I’m not as above it all as I’d like. It still owns me, but I’m working on that. Wouldn’t mind being wealthy, but first you kind of have to learn not to care I guess

        41. I’ve always been the kind of guy who takes down a big score, and then hides out in a cocoon of his own making, working on the things he enjoys doing, while remaining separate from the crowd. That is, until I burn through the nest egg, and then I just get another score. But that’s changing, and I’m starting to accumulate major cash and I’m enjoying it, which proves…I’m a demented asshole like everybody else. I’m not immune, I mean, who is. Hell, I could end up like everybody else who starts raking in large sums on a regular basis, but at this point, I sure as hell hope not. So far I am able to back off, go back to the cocoon, and do my thing. (Knock on wood. Wood? That’s too cheap. Knock on GOLD, blah-blah, etc.)

        42. A fuck up is a matter of perspective. Much of what people think were fuck ups are merely their perspective. Lots of government fuck ups have successfully grown government, made profits for the right people, and/or diminished our liberty.
          Plus a string of a 100 failures rarely sets government and “elite” control back. The one success advances it. That’s the game.
          Trump is a master of the fuck up. How many times did he fuck up a project? He usually walked away richer personally than he was at the start despite the fuck up.

        43. I like that strategy, but yes, I guess it can’t provide security. We all have the same attachments. To gold or other shiny things. I remember how disappointed I was when I saw the film treasure of the sierra madre, with humphrey bogart. I wanted a film about treasure, but it was a morality tale about what treasure does to you. So what’s the take-away, that the treasure is evil, or one’s orientation to it. Gold is a lovely yellow metal, and it has a certain limited utility. That’s all. I like it but I wish not to love it.

        44. lol – I have a doppelganger and he is a soft-core pornographer. Nice line of work if you can get it. I’m just stuck with the name

        45. I really like that film. I think it’s the orientation to the treasure that makes the difference. To what will you put it to use? Most people don’t think beyond a fine house and a fancy car and a trophy wife. So they wind up simply accumulating more of it, and they spend the rest of their lives trying to protect what they accumulate. That’s depressing to me. Oh well. With a few million you are much less depressed. Then you get lazy. And paunchy. Self-righteous. Entitled. Whee, so much to look forward to…just pile up the cash and it can all be yours. Heh.

        46. I should probably watch it again to discover if I’m any more mature than when I was when I first saw it – probably in my teens or twenties. I think self-sufficiency is the main thing. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the things of this world, or buying experiences or fun, but there’s a case for simplicity as well. I don’t know yet whether I could handle riches, I imagine I could, but I have an acquisitive side. Sometimes I’ve turned gold into base metal rather than the other way round. Magic works in both directions of course

        47. I’ll search for that. That’s why I love this place. Always the likelihood of someone dropping gold.

        48. It’s a large PDF file, but that quote I paraphrased came from the book, “In Search of the Miraculous” by P.D. Ouspensky, and it’s an excellent read (as well as a tad cumbersome); you can access the entire book, all 396 pages, right here; I would advise anyone who wants to read it, to save it to their desktop or favorite document folder –

        49. Disagree. The fuck ups I refer to usually leave people dead and lossed capital (monety, equipment, assets, etc..) with nothing to to show for it. Did some people capitalize on those faifailures– perhaps. Just not in the way some here believe there is some elite tribe of cool, calcuating Bond type villians sowing sorrow and reaping rewards. It’s a bit cartoonish. All the best laid plans will fall apart the moment you implement them as there are simply to many unknown variables.
          However do DC scum make money as they are privy to inside Information? Of course (DC staff were monitored making major shits to the IRAs and 401ks everytime an announcent was to be made public). BTW- Sentators and Representaives are not subject to Insider trading laws like the rest of peons. They do like to feather their nests. Plus they do not pay for Obamacare and the receive a lifetime pension even if the Rep only served 1 term (aka 2 years).
          The biggest reason government “wins” is that there is no accountability or independent over sight wth NO consequences. They should fear to tread outside of their homes.

        50. Almost all government fuck ups benefit the people who are making the fuck ups. One has to see it from their point of view. It doesn’t matter to them that thousands of men die in some foreign shit hole and victory is never achieved. What matters is that the american taxpayer was fleeced for billions. It doesn’t matter that all that military hardware becomes junk. That’s great for them. It has to be replaced. More fleecing.
          Obamacare is to enslave people to corporate employment. Of course they aren’t subject to it. Of course they aren’t subject to insider trading laws. That’s the game.
          They want people to think they are incompetent fuck ups because that gives them cover. They walk away with the treasure and while they are gathering it have more and more power.

        51. Insightful. It goes back to what I metnioned, there must be consequences of an unpleasant nature to change that type of behavior.

        52. Really good graphic novel series called 100 bullets about all this. Whole series is about the “mob”, illuminati, the nature of power and control, and the 1% of the 1% that run the world. It was one of the first things I read(a comic, ironically) that made me look more into who the puppet masters are.

      2. I’ve been contemplating that myself. IE, if Soros were really as much of a mastermind as many think wouldn’t the vote have been completely rigged in Hillary’s favor? Maybe he really is just an old rich guy trying to do penance for years of economy-ruining currency speculation by tossing money at Leftist causes.

      3. The model the photo implies is indeed wrong. What the so-called elite do is set the frame of thought. That’s why they took the schools first. Their ownership of media corporations allows them to do the same. There are no orders, it’s just social manipulation.
        Everyone knows what they must say and how they must act to get ahead in the world. Most everyone does.
        The idea is to get most everyone thinking the same way and then social pressure will silence the rest and get them to go along with it.
        This general plan has been messed up numerous times but it keeps on trucking. It’s decades behind but it’s still moving towards its goals. Even Trump himself doesn’t attack the basic principles upon which it operates. He doesn’t question the power of government to do things, he just thinks it should be used differently. That just slows some parts of the agenda a little. It doesn’t derail it. To derail it requires knocking government down many many pegs in power.

        1. Funny stuff-the only time where it is possible to be better Red than Dead is if you’re an Olympiakos supporter; otherwise, Commies and their ilk can fuck off and die.

        2. I’m expecting and demanding a good result of them against Young Boys and then against APOEL (in the ideal scenario APOEL would progress also).

  13. just had a look to see if the domain ‘’ was available but somebody’s already taken it

      1. is already taken (did you just buy it?) – the others aren’t worth anything.
        I reckon the CIA are buying up related names so we can’t ‘own’ the term the powers that be are trying to use against us

        1. should be interesting. I think it is possible to conceal ownership through a third party organisation though

        2. Might be time for them to do an upgrade on it. If that happens, well, we still don’t know for sure. Interesting though.

  14. I don’t see the MSM making a comeback. Not in their current form. They will all start to make twitter and facebook and blog accounts, and have their online pages, but eventually the powers that be will dissolve NBC and the likes and buy up infowars, breitbart etc… and make better copycats, etc…
    So the bad will rebirth itself like a Phoenix. It will take effort to discern the rotten from the ripe. But you will know them by the fruits of their labors.

  15. Mainstream news is more like “The Onion” nowadays. “The Onion” now has to step up their game due to the upcoming competition.

  16. Angela Merkel was talking about ‘gefälschte Nachrichten’ (=fake news) in her speech yesterday.
    So there is pizzagate – and then the NY Times, Obama and Merkel speek about fake news in a 48h span. And of course reddit bans the pizzagate-subreddit.
    I thought pizzagate was the one and only perfect opportunity to redpill the guys I share the appartment with.
    I told all of them individually.
    All the time the same reaction after I pointed out all the evidence (all the creepy instagram pictures and stuff).
    Guy #1: “Wow, you’re nuts man. Throw away your computer and relax. Here, grab a beer.”
    Guy #2: “You probably think that George Washington shot JFK.”
    Guy #3: “You are one of those guys shouting ‘Lügenpresse’, right?”
    Wow. Just Wow.
    I knew that under normal circumstances you can’t redpill a bluepilled guy (especially not germans who are besides sweds and canadians the HC-bluepilled).
    But pizzagate is ridiculously obvious. And still they would rather protect their MSM induced bluepilled narrative than trust the power of the internet, the first userbased medium.
    Incredible. Some people are just lost. On the one hand I feel pity for them, on the other hand I think they deserve to be crushed for being such spineless liberal femifaggots.

    1. Merkel and Obama…the last two standing. You can see them scrambling to cover their asses, making up any ol’ lie to keep the boat from capsizing.

    2. I just searched for pizzagate on google news and could only find about two or three articles covering it, all condemning the amateur researchers for harassing innocents, the most prominent being the NYT and the Washington Post. In all cases there was absolutely no investigation of the evidence.
      I find that puzzling because there is certainly a great deal of strange references and more that has been thrown up. It’s possible that there is nothing to this. The FBI must have investigated this (even if they are in the power elites pocket) and one wonders if they know it is a dead end.
      The madelaine mccann connection makes it even more bizarre. The connection depends entirely on information provided by a supposed anonymous FBI agent and apparently the Suffolk police (I can’t confirm this). We could well be being led down the garden path
      I would add that, scepticism is in order: some of the pics – like the girl with the sticky tape tied hands – appear to be of James Alefantis’ actual kids

  17. The media’s assault on the Alt-Right has been amusing – they believe that if they vilify something, then it disappears.
    It’s the same strategy they employed during the election. They believed that if they ridiculed Trump and his supporters then…poof! They disappear.
    I see that they’ve learned nothing.

    1. Double down….it is all they know as it has worked for them for a long time. The narrative is decomposing like paper on water, so they repeat. They never question their own dogma. Strange that, but unsurprising.

  18. I can imagine a future where we will all have to build our own private servers so as to keep ourselves separated from the censored mainstream. A decentralized distributed network.

    1. I can imagine a future where having a private server will not be legal, and only companies operating in the public interest (read: government interest) will be licensed to provide news.
      Check that – this is already true in China. No wonder it’s so easy to imagine.

    2. Back in the late nineties I did have my own server. The trick is to have your own inter net.

    3. This, as well as folks passing along ideas/information on thumb drives and on good ol fashioned printed media

  19. Just today in my email Inbox:
    – “fake news” article from LinkedIn
    – “fake news” article from software community site
    CNN has been faking news since the Gulf War

    1. Although I am not a fan of Hilary at all, I agree with you. The use of words exposes an extreme bias.

      1. But a red pill loyal tit feeding mother woman who opposes fetucide can call her a bitch and it’s cutsie. I think it’s positive to normalize calling certain women bitches. They’ve earned the title.

    1. He got banned for being a good boy i.e. for not being an asshole pardon an alpha enough for this site.

      1. Hmm. Well maybe he will return. Banning is a slippery slope. Pretty soon you’re banning tie-dyed shirts, and hair styles. I wouldn’t want to run a forum, because I’d be banning people left and right. Heh.

        1. I have problems governing myself. I’ll let the professionals fuck it up at industrial-strength levels…

  20. BREAKING FAKE NEWS: While on the campaign trail, Trump said Common Core was a “disaster,” and now he appoints pro-Common Core Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary.
    I promise you Trump will turn out to be a bigger disaster than Obama and Bush put together and that’s a hard one to beat.

    1. Check out Reagan’s Education 2000 initiative, anybody who hasn’t already. That was the beginning of what we are seeing now. All part of the scripted plan…

        1. Every time I look at Trump I think of that movie “The Manchurian Candidate”. (The most recent one.)

    2. Even though I supported Trump in the election (not American so no voting), I maintained healthy skeptical non biased stance, which is totally opposite from most ROK readers or alt right who glorify him as some kind of messiah or god.
      That kind of attitude prevalent is a sure way to disappoint yourself if your candidate starts to behave unlike during the elections.
      Keep in mind that world is ruled by 4 establishments, not a one establishment. Are we really naive that Trump escaped the clutches of three establishments?
      Wise man once said to me: “they never rig the elections anywhere, because the candidates are bought from the beginning”.

  21. “fake news” seems to be the new “conspiracy theory”. It’s just a label to short out debate and block out thoughts not compatible with INGSOC. It’s great way to enable attack the source.

  22. “I know you are but what am I ?” Said the snotty little tattle tale bitch in grade school. Never before have we seen so many children adult-aged.

  23. Speaking of an internet 9/11, is ROK under attack or something? I haven’t been able to load it most of the evening.

  24. I still don’t fully understand what they’re talking about when they say “fake news” do they seriously mean the click bait at the bottom of articles?

  25. Quote:
    Mainstream Media Calls Real News “Fake” Because Their Narrative Is Collapsing…
    Because they are shit scare to be retrenched & being out of a job… Living in their car or being a bag lady ?? That will be the future for the POS !!

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