The clarion call for would-be player and pick up artists is a familiar one— ‘approach, approach, approach!’ This is all very well in theory and it sounds good, but what about those situations that are particularly socially awkward? Say a girl is surrounded by other guys at the club. Or say you spot her on a busy subway carriage. Or maybe she is out shopping with her mother. In such situations even the most committed poon pirate is liable to take a step back, doubting his ability to stride forward confidently and do what needs to be done. So what factors should you consider when this happens and what are the best steps for you to take?
Firstly, it’s very important to calculate the solution to this very simple equation—to what factor does the girl’s hotness outweigh any potentially negative social consequences? If the girl is really hot, then yes of course you must go for it. If she’s somewhat homely, though, and the social conditions really do conspire against you, then you might decide that an approach is really not worth the effort.
I think this is fair. Apart from as practice on a ‘bootcamp’ or something like that, I wouldn’t expect anyone in their right mind to walk into a group of scowling motorcycle thugs at the bar just to have a shot at their less-than-stellar younger sister. Why would you bother?
That being said, you must also man up and be honest with yourself. If you are a little intimidated by the approach then your evaluation of the girl is likely to be somewhat coloured by this. ‘She’s not that hot really. Why approach her? There’s sure to be better in the next bar.’
If you follow this line of reasoning then all you will do is disqualify yourself. If she is bangable—that is, if she was sitting on your bed naked then you would have sex with her—then you should be true to yourself and make a move.
The other problem with evaluation is paradoxical in that the hotter she is, the less likely you may be inclined to approach her anyway, regardless of the social situation. So if you see a 9.5 blonde surrounded by buff guys in tuxedos at a swish celebrity party, even though you are extremely attracted to her you are likely to bottle it unless you have mentally prepared and fortified yourself first.
One way around this problem is evasion. By circumventing the problem you will still approach but you will wait until a more convenient moment, perhaps when the girl goes to the bathroom, leaves her friends, goes for a cigarette or whatever.
Again, the key here is really self-honesty. Only you will know if you are pussying out (which you shouldn’t be) or simply awaiting a more optimal window to deliver your game.
There’s no shame in waiting for a good moment. I’ve done it many times and it’s worked. There are drawbacks though. One is that you don’t know if that good moment will ever arise. Perhaps she will stand talking to her friends for an hour and then they’ll all leave together, in which case your opportunity will be gone for good. The other drawback is that the longer you wait to speak to her the bigger a deal you will make it in your mind until in the end you may find yourself to intimidated to actually do it anyway.
Go for it
The third option is simply to say to hell with the consequences and go for the approach anyway. While you should always use your common sense and weigh up risk versus potential reward, nevertheless, it behooves all of us to embrace the red pill mindset and go for what we want without apology. In order to do this, though, you’re going to have to get your mindset sorted first. To do that you will have to drill down into what it is specifically about approaching in front of others that really scares you and confront it head on.
The most important thing you must keep in mind, and which has really helped me get over my own approach anxiety, is simply that there is no such thing as consensus. Let’s face it, whenever you do anything in front of a group of people your greatest fear is rejection. Of course, this goes back to primordial concerns about the potentially life-threatening consequences of being pushed out by the tribe.
Realise this, though: ‘the tribe’ existed a long, long time ago in a much simpler era. These days there is no tribe, or, more accurately, there are a myriad of tribes, each with competing concerns, ideologies and desires. For that reason any group of people you come upon will be radically different to one another and will think different things from each other. So, when you approach that cute girl in front a bunch of guys, they will have a variety of very different reactions.
Some simply won’t care. Others, yes, may be white knights, simmering and incensed at your temerity. But others still will be would-be players who are secretly impressed. So the idea that really frightens you—that this whole mass of people will turn against you just for approaching, is inaccurate
The second thing to understand is that even if people do object in some way to your having approached, the likelihood of them doing anything or saying anything is exceptionally small. Most people have their own ‘approach anxiety’ and don’t like to draw attention to themselves by getting involved in any public situation they don’t have to.
That being the case, all you’re really going to get is perhaps few people joking under their breath. But the majority aren’t going to step in and mess up your interaction.
To further guard against this you should to create a bubble between you and the girl when you approach. The way you do this is actually pretty simple. When you walk up to her, imagine that you have tunnel vision so all that you can see if her, and it is only you and her in the vicinity, and in the whole universe. Ruthlessly shut out or disregard anything to the contrary. Outside distractions are irrelevant. All that’s important is you and her.
Be disciplined. Don’t let anything else interfere. Walk up to her and talk. You deserve your moment with her and you will have it if you reach out and take it. Trust me, the very fact that you have had the courage to approach like that will improve her perception of you exponentially.
If it doesn’t work, if she rejects you, what then? It really doesn’t matter. No one will say anything, you will move away and soon you will no longer be there at all, and those people who observed you will be nothing more than a memory. You will never know what they really thought and it won’t matter anyway, since you will never see them again. But you could be a reasonable amount of money that more than one them will have been secretly impressed by your chutzpah and courage.
Want to find out more about how to get great at game? Check out Troy’s book The 7 Laws of Seduction and follow him on Twitter.
Read More: The One Girl You Absolutely Must Approach Every Day
Meh. I’ll take Homer’s advice
I feel like they get too many compliments now. The hotter they are, the more I tease and neg them. 60% of the time it works every time
I like those odds.
I won’t compliment a girl at all unless I genuinely believe it. Needless to say, I rarely compliment women.
Same here. Although this weekend I was drunk and fucked up. Didn’t help.
agreed, all it does is fire up her hamster and get her thinking “what does he want?”
Women love compliments…they’re the easiest things to say, too…
“Well sweety I’ll say one thing, you have great taste in men.”
“Your face is so beautiful….after I cum on it…”
Heh. It’s bike night and I’m feeling goofy today.
“You’ve got a kind face…the kind I like to cum on.”
It’s a basic principle of game that you shouldn’t listen to what a woman says, you should listen to her actions, because her words are much less important in understanding the truth.
If you think through this, it tells you a lot about how women communicate and how they *receive* communication. In other words, they know (at least on an instinctual level) that their words aren’t always true and they pick up on other cues in communication to figure out the truth of what is being said.
So turn that around. If you are complementing a woman, she probably isn’t listening so much to what you are saying as she is judging what your actions are communicating to her. What message are you sending to her by complementing her? What is your body language and other cues telling her?
In other words, it may not be so much what you say, as how you say it, and what you are communicating to her.
You can walk up to a girl and tell her how beautiful she is. She may not hear a guy telling her she is beautiful. She might just see a guy shuffling along, looking at his feet, meekly mumbling something inane to her in order to try to get in her pants. You are trying to say something nice and generate some interest, but all you have done is communicated that you are a creep and that she should run away as fast as she can.
Dude, soften up. Be nice. Compliment her and she’ll bloom.
“Wow baby, you got some nice milkers!”
“Hey now, those lips are so purty they must have been made to suck on my cock!”
See, you can get far, being a gentleman can really pay off!
“Hey sweetheart… can you take a punch?”
I agree on body language.
One detail I notice every time. If the girl doesn’t turn her body toward mine while we’re talking, she is still a cold lead. So I make sure I ask her a question, then I look away or look past her while she’s talking. Sounds weird, but then she actually starts looking me in the eye (probably subconciously trying to win back my attention.)
Conveying “importance” is a fine art. Sometimes you can brag about your accolades directly. Sometimes you have to show it by chatting up the whole room in front of her, even other girls, and not letting her feel like you need her attention.
Edward Kemper killed young women around a college campus. He managed to continue to find victims even as the population was aware and police/campus administrators were issuing warnings and cautions.
FBI profilers asked him how he was able to get girls to get into his car even with all the publicity.
He would look at his watch after offering them a ride. Conveying he was more focused on getting somewhere than on them.
– according to John Douglas in Mindhunter
Well, you practice game your way, I’ll practice game, my way. I’d love to enter a contest of conquests over time and enjoy the comparison, but what’s the point? Some of my current buddies are skeptical over the face that I haven’t ever slept with a skank, but it’s true, I haven’t. What I’ve found is my own belief in beautiful woman syndrome, that beautiful women don’t realize that they’re beautiful, so I tell them, and then I bed them. It works for me, obviously, it doesn’t work for you. That’s really not my problem.
So, what about passing notes in math class?
Check one:
____ You like me.
____ You are stupid dumb whore who is going to end up being an ugly fat bitch just like your mom.
Option 2!
“Bitter Game™” I got to try that angle.
Hey, it is better than “stalker game”
Nothing beats serial killer game:
“Excuse me, but does this smell like chloroform to you?” Works everytime!
Hey, that’s tight frame control right there. I’m giving her only two options: she either picks me or she becomes everything she has always feared in the deepest, darkest recesses of her hamster.
Stalking has gone digital with Instagram and FB now. Chicks on some instinctual level, dig it.
I dropped out of the dating market prior to that. Probably a good thing, just another layer of confusion.
Won’t reveal this secret since likely it will be copied to kingdom come, but Stalker game, in person, got me amazing results. The secret is you have to be quick.
Right, quick before she can dial 911.
That’s the best speed rush ever. Have her rush to take you home after an insta-date instead of a call to Da Police.
stalker/geo-location game?
They’re always bitching about commitment – you can’t beat the commitment of a stalker!
Im intrigued.
Not quite. As I am lazy, all stalking is only to be done at most for 3 minutes and extend that to 5 minutes if the person is on the move. Anything more is a bit too extended and might land you in trouble more than be helpful with game.
This sounds like James Bond Game™. Where you tell a chick you have to break up because you have an important top secret mission overseas [even though you really work at KFC and just want to date new chicks].
I dabbled in that in high school.
I’ll give you three guesses how it turned out.
i dunno, like someone said above mooslim ‘Rape Game’ is pretty popular right now
Paper? Manual writing? Dude, download the app.
I’m a Luddite, I know.
I think psychopath game works better. Pass her an envelope that contains three pages of blank paper and then just stare at her unblinking until she reacts.
All work and no play makes Jim a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jim a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jim a dull boy
Ghost, you underestimate Muslim Rape Game™. Not only will they allow, it they will give you citizenship and welfare on top of it.
this is just an escalation on coke dealer game
I recommend Ghengis Khan Game™. You tell her to submit her loins, and if she refuses, you execute everyone within a 10 mile radius. It clearly worked because 1% of the world’s population is a descendant.
There’s no denying results.
I think GK Game is executing all the males within a 10-mile radius while raping all the women. That’s how you get true GK level results.
Superior to Hitler Game™ I must say. HG occurs when your about to commit suicide by taking cyanide, so you have the chick sit on your face one final time.
Also known as the Other Final Solution.
Too soon?
Hey, look, you’re either part of the solution, or you’re part of the precipitate.
A friend of mine once gave a girl a cube of soup bullion as an intro.
And got laid. Weirdo Game – a whole different category.
That’s fantastic, heh. I must learn his secret. Sign me up for his newsletter.
I got his newsletter. Total ripoff. “Find the fattest slut around. Give her food and she’ll let you fuck her.”
That’s the alternate method – in the absence of a zany gift.
Chicken or beef?
Well, shit, that depends on the girl, of course!
I can’t give out ALL his secrets….
this is what I was wondering….
Simply too much critical information missing. Too risky for the novice.
None of this was covered in the newsletter.
I’ll make some calls
Maybe there’s a podcast.
LOL I’ve done similar, entirely not expecting anything. Weirdo game is great when you’re bored.
Hindu Game – Sitting at home while the families pick your bride and arrange for your betrothal.
Freaking works…every….single….time.
Yeah, but then you have to marry a Hindu.
You can always leave them in India. They don’t travel far.
Man, you guys and your picky standards!
This girl is Hindu
She’s not awful at all. Clearly she’s from the upper caste.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of hindu broads look like this.
Muslim game – Avoid approaching altogether and just start raping your cousin.
So by cousin, you mean goat I’m assuming?
No, that’s not rape. Under Sharia law, all goats are asking for it.
Raping goats is only for alpha males
Once you go goat, nothing else floats your boat
Aloha Snackbar!
What do you need?
better known as “texting” these days…
Damn, I wish I had read this article yesterday. I was at a social event last night, and I locked eyes several times with a legit 9. She wasn’t just gorgeous, she had a very unique look to her hotness that just stuck with me.
She was sitting with a group of people, including with a guy that looked like her boyfriend. I was sitting next to them with a group of friends, including one of my plates, and there was a group of my business associates just behind her and her friends. Anything I did would have been literally been in front of a big audience, and I never got an opportunity to isolate.
I should have just gone for it. I think waiting to try to isolate was what ruined me, because I started thinking too much. I knew the chances of me getting anywhere in front of her boyfriend were slim and none, but I should have just sacked up and gone for it. Getting blown out by the girl, told off by the boyfriend and laughed at by my friends would have sucked, but it would be better than sitting here thinking about how much I wish I had at least made an attempt.
I’m more aggravated that I talked myself out of it than I am that I didn’t talk to the girl. As hot as she was, I know she’s just another girl, and AWALT, but I saw something I wanted, and instead of going for it, I backed down. I hate that feeling now.
That is the beauty of life, there are always MORE where those came from.
I date college age now, but the same rule applies.
I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m shameless in approaching women, and I won’t waste my time on a girl if I think she is with a guy. Been involved in a couple fights that came out of that situation too.
You know, on an instinctual level, I felt like she wanted me to approach her. I felt like she was giving me some covert IOIs. It didn’t feel like she was trying to draw me into a “compete for me” conflict with her boyfriend by openly signaling attraction. It seemed genuine.
Of course, by the time I had processed all of that mentally, the moment was gone and already I was too in-my-own-head to take advantage of it.
Of course she did. We live in a digital world. The majority of men are terrified to go say hi unless they’re drunk frat boys or thugs. She’ll appreciate a cool dude making conversation, even if she acts like a bitch the whole time.
The approach is the easiest part. It’s the only time where the outcome is 100% within your control. The convo, and the decision to go home with you is entirely up to her [unless you apply muslim Rape Game™, but that is discussion for another time].
Stop fapping immediately, and do heavy lifting focusing on dead lifts and hamstring exercises. The testosterone spike alone is enough to overcome the approach anxiety. I promise you.
Fapping is definitely one of the worst things a man can do. Saps all of your energy. I stopped fapping one and half months ago and I can already see some improvements. You know, the Chinese Tai Chi masters believe that to produce one drop of semen the body has to spend as much energy as it takes to produce eight drops of blood.
You lose a load [no pun intended] of Zinc, so you think less clearly. Not to mention the testosterone drop. Worst of all, you reward yourself after doing no work which leads to a lower desire for female interaction.
I always strive for complete 0 fap and rarely fall. Fapping is like siphoning the fuel of your car into a toilet bowl
or the ceiling
precisely! why give that ungrateful bitch your zinc!
Comment thread winner^
Side story, which I warn is pretty sick. A dude I hung out with in the Corps told me he laid on his back while fapping. It had been a while, and he squirted in the air and the load landed on his face.
sounds like my college roommate- luckily he had the window open- he probably hit a squirrel
The only time she gets my Zinc if is induced orally [pun 100% intended this time].
Agreed. I feel wildly aggressive since i’ve started lifting and stopped fapping. Feel like all that testosterone definitely gives you a “glow” or aura that women can feel on a subconscious level.
I laughed out loud on the bus when I read this XP
Can confirm.
No fap, lifting, and no weed makes me do things without giving a single fuck.
If I do get high with my friends I spend half the time asking myself “did I really say that out loud yesterday?”
Never thought of it like that, it is like bloodletting.
I need a Chinese Tai Chi master. Where can I get me one of them?
No tai chi! No! You no tai chi! Bad! You bad! Keep hands to self!
I just peed in my own coke.
Hell yes, aggression goes way up. Its a good and bad. I like to pick fights.
This!!! I like to smoke(I live in Colorado) but I definitely feel waaaaay more charged up when I keep it to a minimum
Have you stopped having sex too?
Hi, problem i had with no fap is being too agressive nearly berserker like.
And i couldn’t tolerate any bs. And worst is mixing no fap with alcool you just loose your mind.
Did you have the experience with no fap ?? Thx apreciate.
That reminds of the time a chick was fapping me and I came in her face.
Also i’ve allways lifted weights. But it seems that no fap gives too much energy
“No fap… without giving a single fuck” Pun?
Bitches dig zinc.
all men must become Indian givers when it comes to their zinc
yeah, that’s kinda the problem I have. It makes me feel like a savage barbarian. All I want to do is fuck or fight. Not sure if that’s healthy, but I’m working through it.
That level of aggressiveness is ideal for vacation spots like Vegas or Cancun where inhibitions are low and females are more open to one nighters.
Those “masters” also believed if you fuck enough virgins just the right way, you will become immortal.
“I have a bridge to sell you”.
Fapping to is one of the most refreshing and rejuvenating activities in my life.
That is frightening and a little depressing.
Why are you so scared of a little self-love?
I am not and I do recognize the necessity of cleaning the pipes. However, I prefer to clean the pipes with other people in the room, people of the female persuasion what with their bumpy sweaters and wet undercarriages.
If you want to know why I am generally against the fap it is because that cum that is in you is there to energize and motivate you. When it is removed the energy and motivation goes with it. Further, by fapping (especially to porn which I refuse to ever look at) you train your brain to expect ease in the process. My brain is wired to be a hunter because I know that when I am out on the hunt if I do things well I will bag my pray and be rewarded. Take that instinct away by just beating off and you will find yourself inexorably changed and weaker.
Horses for courses.
“cum that is in you is there to energize […] you”
so you slurp it out of the bitch’s ass like an energy drink or what?
Not as sick as you kissing a Cancun slut who haven’t washed her mouth after slurping some other dude’s baby-batter!
no, but like any other finite resource like money or time I spend in only where I see value and don’t just dump in in the toilet…or a sweat sock.
You need to move [money] to earn [money].
“Bitches are a finite resource, so oneitis is the answer”
Did I get that right?
no, actually you didn’t. Semen is a finite resource so spend it wisely….like with women rather than beating off to the glow of a computer screen like a freaking loser
if you say so. Enjoy finding meaning in life through chaturbate fapping. I wish you the best. I am sure I will be seeing you during your Nobel acceptance
The way to handle that one is not to “go for it”. But just talk with her like you would anyone else there.
You said you couldn’t isolate.
Was there not a bar?
Even if you couldnt isolate, just chit chatting with her would have givem you some opportunity.
There was an article about this. Men feel “failure to approach” remorse sometimes for years. Say something. Anything.
I never, ever compliment a girl. But I new I had to say something on saturday. After already having a good night, I walked all the way across the bar staring a chick down and said “There you are! I was hoping you didn’t leave yet. I’m …” That’s when the loser bartender cock blocked me. Eventually I said “well uh… I just had to tell you you’re beautiful and I’ll have something more clever to say next time.” She actually finally started laughing, but my friends grabbed me so i bailed.
I still feel triumphant for approaching!
Lines that have got me laid:
“Excuse me ladies, but is this club HIV friendly??” -The Bank club in Las Vegas
“Darling, I strictly date 10’s and tonight, you’re only a 9.8.” -InCahoots, Orange Co.
“Gorgeous, I think love is friendship that has caught fire. I know you felt it too.”-college
The female mind cares not what you say, but HOW you say. In each circumstance, I was surrounded by men with greater physique and deeper pockets. But I possessed the great equalizer: CONFIDENCE.
Stop fapping, start lifting, and you’ll be surprised how the testosterone buildup turns you into a modern Casanova.
“Hey baby girl, I’m GOJ, I didn’t catch your name when we weren’t introduced…?”
No fap and start lifting is the recipe to becoming a freaking sexual Tyrannosaurus Rex.
They conducted a study [probably government funded, of course] where females sniffed the soiled pits of t-shirts. Without knowing what the men looked like, females selected the t-shirts with higher Testosterone levels over the lower levels. Half the battle is having a good amount of testosterone.
I’ve gone out after having worked all day with a little bit of that man smell on me-sweat, cigs, and maybe gasoline. They need to bottle up that smell and sell it. works 60 percent of the time, all the time.
if it was a gov funding study, they woulda claimed women are attracted to other women
Pheromones speak louder than any words. Men have no idea the aura of power they emit by simply raising T.
Wait, you are saying they are not? Damn. 😉
Alpha approved;)
All you need is to rub your hands in a little bit of that ball grease and you’re good to go
Governments not needed for that one. Common knowledge dictates all women are inherently bi. Social programming determines each woman’s level
Dickcheese by Hugo Boss….
You might be thinking of the MHC dependent mate preference study. That guy was a Swiss biological researcher.
It didn’t have anything to do with testosterone, just histocompatibility via smell.
Another sweaty t-shirt study found that women preferred the t-shirt worn by the men who were the most physically symmetrical.
Hoppes #9
Chicks dig guys who know how to clean a gun. Oh yes they do.
“works 60 percent of the time, all the time.”
So if my cock bends to the right 90 degrees am I SOL?
Pretty much
TinyKurtRussell, You could easily be batting 100You could be sitting on a gold-mine; these pretend-mud jeans are selling for $450 a pair; add a TKR-Man-Sweat-with-Cigs T-shirt, at $200 a pop; Dab a little TKR-Gasoline=Aftershave (unless you want to attract Indian chicks…the smell of gasoline frightens them)
Those pants look like someone didn’t make it to the toilet in time.
Isn’t that one of the basic tenets of ROK– men are almost chemically defined by testosterone. It’s an important molecule that makes us who and what we are. Most guys need a huge dose of T in my opinion. Raising it makes pretty much everything better.
JESSE VENTURA FOR THE WIN! And i’d have to agree, started lifting weights about six months ago and gave up any and all fapping. Bitches can SMELL the testosterone. It makes no sense to me, but you kind of see that lightswitch flip on subconsciously
Oh I know brother, I know. Good for you, btw, it’s great to see men improving themselves and getting results.
That and its just a hell of a lot of fun, lifting. The whole process. It reminds me of learning how to play an instrument when I was a kid, but my body is now the instrument.
But..but…we need to focus on blaming the jews and feminism while eating Tendies and playing video games, tbh fam. Smdh.
(just your average 4chan timeline)
You forgot the fleshlight.
Ha, I think you logged into the wrong account to play that line melvin.
Nice Predator reference.
GOJ gears up for a night on the town:
Regardless of whatever I think of Jesse Ventura these days, his role and how he played it in that movie was freaking awesome. Kind of a role model to aspire to, if you’re a young guy, which turns out, I was when the movie came out.
I remember watching this movie when I was like….6-7 years old and just being in awe of Ventura, Schwarzenegger, and Carl Weathers. Smoking cigars, Jesse with a fat chaw in his lip, kicking major ass from start to finish. Holy shit man, if that’s not inspiration for a 7 year old boy I don’t know what is.
And just for good measure.
so you believe in chris kyles storyline?
No shit. And per your namesake, another great movie from that era was Big Trouble in Little China.
You know what old Jack Burton does at a time like this?
Jack Burton. Me!
oh man, easily my favorite Kurt Russell movie. wanna grow a sweet mullet and start driving a rig now….
Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with fapping if it leaves me energized and rejuvenated a mere 90 seconds later?
Just give no fap a try for 30 days. You’ll find that your aggressiveness will improve and you’ll be a virtual sexual dynamo that radiates “I’m a predator, you want to fuck me” to women.
Dude, I’ve done multiple 91-day ejaculations “fasts” when the time was right.
But today, I like to cum left and right and it only recharges/rejuvenates me.
Horses for courses.
Thanks for inspiring the following Motivational poster, highlighting the 4 stages of No Fap.
Now to wheel this out and distribute it amongst our young men….
Thanks for inspiring the following motivational poster, highlighting the 4 stages of No Fap.
Now to distribute it amongst our young men:
starting lifting weights about six months ago-wasn’t sure if it was helping my game out. Met up at the bar with a girl i’d been talking to. Was wearing the tightest white T I had in my closet-laundry day right?Started chatting and she looked kind of distracted, reached out and squeezed my bicep and said “I never knew you were so swole” with this deer in the headlights look. Took her straight to pound town later that night.One of the greatest moments of my short life.
Good on you, man. Keep at it!
“Was wearing the tightest white T i had-it was clean.”
hahaha laundry day am I right?
“Wash day tomorrow, nothing clean right?”
damn i love that man, in a completely non gay way.
Yep. Nothing gay about a little man-love.
If loving Arnold makes me gay, I don’t ever wanna be straight bro
Were you wearing your tight white jeans too?
That. Is. Gay.
Don’t be jelly bro!
Killing me smalls
Vin Diesels gay twin brother
The sea leopard has killed a woman.
Great article and comments, you guys. You know, like Troy kind of alluded to, it is even cooler than potentially banging the girl you approach that any fellas that see you cold approach are inspired and maybe undertake a self-improvement regime or improve their own mindset! Oh, and no homo.
Honestly man, this thread convo is the hardest I’ve laughed in a while. So many doom and gloom things going on in the world, it’s refreshing to have game articles come in to lighten up the mood.
Aww shucks.
I am burnt out on politics. Spent years stewing about what Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck said on the radio, watching the liberal news, stewing about votes, etc. To what end? Although I don’t pay as much attention, I still vote the same, I still work to influence my family and community. I still will contribute to a viable politician come election time. Stressing about stuff you can’t control is a waste of time, and a waste of health.
Amen. I’ve all but unplugged from Pop-Outrage and wouldn’t you know it?
I am happier!
Definitely lift. It’s good for you, raises T and blows up your confidence.
But fapping improves your lifting! Scientific fact 😉
Only if you’re using a Shake Weight.
Confidence – bingo. No need to over analyze this. The worst thing that can happen in this situation is the same as every other approach – you get completely blown out. BUT, you will look like you have balls the size of the Titanic to all observers. So this situation is a win no matter how it plays out.
After you’ve been blown out a couple of times you realize it isn’t a big deal. The world doesn’t end, you don’t get your car repossessed, the ceiling doesn’t fall, Hillary doesn’t become president….. life goes on. You stress far less the next time, and the next time after that and then you start achieving success because you aren’t just trying to be confident, you are confident from lessons learned on what didn’t work and that an approach is no big deal– and she senses that in you. She isn’t a big deal to you, you have been here before…
Another useful way…. surprised its not mentioned – is to begin conversation with one of the people around her…. start an indirect approach which also creates social validation – she has no way of knowing how well you know her friends… you may well get an introduction and if you then spend an hour chatting and buy her a drink and take her home… you pre disarmed the opposition before it had a chance…..
This is my secret weapon. Make buds with everybody next to her. The bartender, some dude watching the game, whatever. Laugh loud. Talk loud. Eventually she’ll be expecting someone to involve her in conversation.
And how much deeper are your pockets today than back in the days when you still had CONFIDENCE?
That InCahoots quote seems like an absolutely perfect neg.
Here’s a good one: “Words can’t describe how beautiful you are. But numbers can. You’re a two.”
I also like to position myself to screen her from the orbiting guys if possible. It works pretty well.
I have an old work acquaintance who is an easy 8 (but cray a/f so I don’t) and she has a hard time getting dates. No one approaches her. They WANT you to approach them. They NEED you to approach them because they are the scared ones.
Men like you conquered Rome, built the m-f Pyramids! You got this!
I was out with a buddy and three girls last weekend, all of us friends. We see a smokeshow, hard 9, a Brazilian. After some prelim chit-chat, my buddy asks her out, stone cold. She says no, I have a boyfriend (of course) — but she was still flattered.
Most interesting thing was that all three girls with us approved of his balls. They started talking about how tired they were of Tinder, how much they want men to approach them on the street, the way that he did to the girl.
BTW he asks out at least one girl a week, no excuses.
What kind of ask out? Like to a steak dinner with steamed vegetables?
Or netflix and chill?
I’ve spent so much money taking women on dates who never say thank you and then flake. I have much better luck inviting them to another bar with my group same night, or to a party. Something almost always happens.
Basically this is the money shot right here. Alpha doesn’t mean being a sneaky little weasel screwing the girls while the men are away at war (despite what some of the more oily PUA types think), it means instead going boldly and without fear and taking what you want in life.
To the brave goes victory, and to the defeated goes woe.
I’ve done some weaseling in my day. Married women, girls with bore-friends, cougars. I kinda have a fetish for it. I like that guilty look in a womans eyes.
It’s still oily and when you get shot, don’t expect any sympathy. No offense or anything, just saying that it’s better to be bold and direct than it is to sneak around screwing the neighbor’s wife. There are 3.5 billion women on the planet, there is absolutely no reason to screw some married broad when much better quality single broads are out there.
Here’s a different strategy.
Start fooling around with lesser girls but make sure she sees it. Then on your way out just slip your number in her pocket and tell her this with a smirk:
– You’re next! Call me.
If you show that you have high standards this will alienate women, because they know deep down that they are no different to all other women. If you have loved many women then any individual woman will feel as though you love her personally.
What in the hell did I just read…..?
It’s called Reverse Game Psychology. LOL
The How to Slum right guidelines
Man, I could never do that. I have a variation but it involves actual hot girls. I’ll make my rounds and flirt with every hot girl I know and then leave them standing with “I’ll be right back” and hit up on other girls, which drives them into competition mode. Flirting and hitting on ughs and normies would lower my perceived value I’d think.
problem is, most venues have only so many hb7’s or better. Hard to get an abundance mindset going when there are only 2, and they are best friends.
The country music bar I go to is packed from wall to wall with hotties on Friday and Saturday nights. It’s all about location.
It really does. Save the ughs for the shameless. If you have to approach a stranger, the least she can be is attractive. I find for average women it is far too easy to not care about them so although you can game them, you don’t really care about the results. At least I never seem to. With attractive women, regardless of the results, barring anything with violence, it is a win.
could be a big reason I got so sick of the nightclub scene in my small hometown. Very few decent girls and anyone decent looking had 4 or 5 orbiters hovering around them.
This place is tops. They’re almost all thin, pretty Midwestern girls/OSU girls out looking for their cowboy, so they’re dolled up, many times in dresses, and I think that the average age is around 25-ish or so? It’s a good 70% girl to 30% guy ratio on the weekends. Dude shows up who is in shape, dressed appropriately and sporting a cowboy hat and he can basically write his own check.
What’s it called, the Unicorn?
Tequila Cowboy. (yeah, dumb name, I know). They get broadcast advertisement on all the country stations, and bring in some top notch talent. Last Wednesday for example David Allen Coe held a concert. Packed.
Place is on fire on the weekends.
Sounds good. Please tell me you are not out there line dancing. Quickest way to show thirst.
I would never, not even at gun point, engage in any form of dancing, and certainly not line dancing, which is the most mindless, herd type thing on God’s green earth.
I enjoy swing dancing with my wife, but any group type stuff is a bad idea.
Even if I could dance, and I can’t, I wouldn’t. It doesn’t look natural for a tall jacked type guy to be gyrating around like a fool. It totally blows my image and isn’t congruent in the least with how I project myself.
Understandable. I have a smaller frame, a goofy attitude and move around quick. So it works well for me. That, and my wife talked me into a country swing class when we were engaged in college.
You don’t jump and jive?
Yeah, but if the girl wants to dance you can take her from the guy she’s with who doesn’t, even bigger more jacked guys. You look for the girl rocking/tapping their toes to the rhythm and looking from the dance floor to their guy.
Nah, no need. The world has survived this long without me dancing, I don’t see any reason to tempt fate at this point. You don’t want global destruction on your conscious, do you man?
No, but I do wail. Dancing is a 0% pickup type activity. Karaoke singing, on the other hand, and I don’t have to buy a drink for myself the entire night. I know which one I’m going with.
Sometimes the look they gave their boyfriend was just priceless. And it is an edge one can develop to counter a lack of height etc.
Same- but I start the first song and they pay me to stop and to remain quiet. My mother and her sisters, as well as both my daughters have excellent singing voices, a talent that skipped a generation in my family.
I go fairly regularly (like, once a month or so) and the DJ’s (or whatever you call them) have my list of songs plugged in and they just play them at random and call on me. If I add a new song to the rotation, they add it to their list too. It’s a really cool karaoke room, made exclusively for that and that alone, so it’s got really good equipment instead of cheap, beer smelling 1982 microphones that are stored in the back of car between gigs.
At 6’3″, lack of height is not something I need to develop a counter for. Heh.
I admire the folks who can sing, my daughters and a brother-in-law will get audience demands to get back on stage. I don’t mind getting on stage, but a man has got to know his limitations- singing is mine, similar to your relationship with dancing.
I actually don’t dance either. I can sing or play my guitar. I may move a little while I do either but I’m not up there gyrating like a wild heathen either
LOL been awhile since I heard that.
You don’t really have to dance, you don’t have to be good at it because– what you’re really doing is giving her the opportunity to dance (attention whore on the floor for some…) and have fun. Not just camp-out at a table.
I rocked out with a sousaphone once but I got my ass kicked…..
reading it made me too stupid to think of a funny response.
Haha, these two are burning in cognitive dissonance! Burn bitch, burn! LOL
Not really, no. I just have high standards that I won’t lower just to get some broad. Result, I don’t have to hit on normies and ughs and my SMV is seen as high and the 8+ want a piece of the action.
Showing a women you have options knocks her down a notch. Very powerful.
Options, yes, clearly. But high quality options, because any guy can pick up on an HB 5. If you got HB8’s and higher orbiting you, you’re golden.
Whatever happened to abundance mentality?
Getting old? LOL
An abundance of 8+ is what I’m talking about. Slumming with normies and ughs does nothing to increase my SMV, and honestly I can’t really lower myself to flirt with anything less than an 7.
Whoa! I grossly misread his original comment.
I was figuring you did by your original response.
Abundance mentality gone wrong.
Good thing you can be covered in shit and still stay CONFIDENT!
If we are talking oddball strategies, here is one:
I have a good friend who we made it a routine to double date every Friday night. We would agree on the time, place, and activity. Then, it was up to each of us to find a girl to bring along. I would day approach a girl, and just tell her about what we were doing. I had a 80% response with that tactic.
His was not an “oddball strategy”. It was pretty much the opposite of Game.
Thgir please.
Sounds feasible. He was slumming it, then passes a note to some cuter girl. 0% response with her, but still, he gets to nail the ugly chicks as a consolation prize. Better than becoming a “male feminist”
what’s a thgir?
Yes, but with a lisp.
Wait a minute… That actually sounds like a healthy exchange with the fairer gender.
it works well if you are going for the goody-goodies. They are more receptive if you have a venue in mind and know it is a traditional date. Saw lots of local museums and mini-golf type stuff.
The Mini Golf Museum is the best. 18 exhibits and then out the door, no fuss and no waiting.
Social dates are big in the midwest where girls are more traditional, I’ve noticed. It’s actually refreshing not having to be Machiavellian just to interact.
“Casual Honesty”…..
sounds like dangerous thinking to me….
That doesn’t even make any sense.
No, totally does dude. If you hit on enough low value women the one you’re really wanting will think that you’re totes hot, and not some desperate fool who can only approach ugly chicks. Totes.
Oh. Yeah. How could I have missed that hidden bit of genius?
That doesn’t even make any sense to me.
that tells her you’re a bottom-feeder.
Lobster is a bottom feeder. Women love lobster. Point Grab That One!
Q.E. fukkin D…..cant argue with logic.
That tells me you don’t know women.
Most here don’t actually – mostly voyeurs.
I know enough to realize that women generally don’t respond to displays of low self-respect.
I’m pretty sure hitting on these women…
will make these women…
wet their pants.
We need you.
Look what this fool posted
I’m on the case!
o bless you.
My eyes will send you a ham this Christmas.
The top one’s pussy drips honey… right?
I’m giving that a 90% chance of plausibility.
jumping jacks (if they can do them) will make them wet their pants
I don’t get what the three high-mileage beater pickup trucks have to do with it.
that is how they are hauled around
What nationality is the Aryan princess on the bottom? Let me know so I can claim refugee status and migrate there.
Although it may look like it, she is not her own island.
Is this how low you see yourself?
He likes to gross us out. He gets a kick out of it.
It’s a projection … always is.
Nah, he is just messing with us.
You are such a troll.
I have been waiting for an article like this!! So now I need help with a situation in which I constantly find myself.
Im 26. I am a waiter/bartender at a casual/fine dining restaurant in a small city (NC). It’s a college town. Private Christian university. Not too many 8s through 10s coming through but occasionally I will see one either at either my table/bar or some else’s table.
*Let me note before continuing one this is a bar within a restaurant, it’s not a bar or club. There is no “bar scene.”
**Let me also note that it is strictly and explicitly against policy to give out my number or ask for hers. It’s considered unprofessional. I’ve dont it before and have been warned about it.
Anyway, how do I go about these situations? How can I charm a girl at my table when say it’s a business meeting? What if her parents are at the table? Group of friends? I’ve always thought that I would charm them well enough that they would return to see me (“next time you come in, request me!”) but they never do, at least not to see me.
The best you can do in your situation is give her something to look forward to beyond the ordinary exchange. Considering it’s a presumably conservative small town, people will talk, so you don’t want it to be outwardly obvious what you’re doing. Simply say, “Hey, there’s a concert next week with ___, come with!” It is inherently neutral in her mind, and it gives you chance to be alone with her outside of work. If you’re ever caught giving out numbers, just say you knew each other before.
Do as you’re told by your superiors. There are plenty of opportunities outside your work place, I’m sure.
You woukd say that, troll.
Pretty easy actually. Get your serving tray, and a hot dog bun and a plate. Whip out your dick and put it in the bun, on the plate, then walk up and offer to serve her the meal. It’s like magic, bro.
Naw, actually, I wouldn’t stray into territory where my job was in jeopardy man.
Worked for Nick “the Dick.”
Jim just posted that. I completely forgot about that movie, but I suspect that my subconscious did not, lol.
You must have watched that flick Bachelor Party from the mid 80’s.
Dick in a box
Seems like a good opportunity to pick up women, isn’t it?
But in reality it isn’t.
That is your workplace, where you are getting paid to do your job.
Nothing else.
The people who go there expect you to provide them a service for the money they pay.
What they definitely do not want, is you, the employee, bothering them with your sexual desires or expressing your attraction towards them.
Grow up, kid, for fuck’s sake.
Collect your paycheck, then dress up, hit the town, and approach and pick up all the women you want, but be a fucking professional at your workplace, at your job!
Otherwise do not expect to keep it too long…
Everybody fucks at work. I’ve worked at 2 INC 500 companies. Happens everywhere.
Even my military friends, where you’d think it should matter.
There is no growing up. Especially during society’s decline.
Where men and women work together, it happens. But within the work collective. That is why no real man should be happy that his wife works, though.
If the guy asked, should I try to fuck my sexy colleagues, one of the fellow sexy waitresses, I would say yes.
But he specifically referred to the patrons. The correct answer to that is, NO.
Exception can happen, if a hot girl openly and shamelessly starts flirting with him and shows all signs of a come-on, but only then.
Fucking a customer is just good service!
Brief conversation about, something like- you folks headed somewhere after this? (also allows them to tell you to be prompt with the check if they’re on a tight schedule)
– Can leverage their answer to ask– oh, is that someplace you go a lot? How do you like it?
Done. No more questions.
Now- you have intel on a place away from work you might run into them. That’s about the best you can do without crossing your boss. And given it’s a ‘small city’, may work out without coming off as stalking if you do run into them there.
Bartender is a groupie job, such as rockstar, lifeguard, personal trainer, athlete etc.
Except better as you are top dog in a pick up place, while collecting cash.
Howvever this particular joint aint like that.
Take your resume to the regualr bar area…
Fuck the co-workers. I have a great career, but my service industry buddies always get new pussy anytime new servers are hired.
If there’s no hotties, go tell a waitress at another place you are having “industry night” and get a gang going out.
Easy. Find things about her that are particular, a woman’s favorite subject is herself. Then tease her about something. Tease her some more. Be funny, pithy and aloof. She will be looking to meet you outside of work. (Eg; She had a fender bender a few months back. You: “Yo Crash! good to see you back. What can I get you, besides the number of a good body shop? Alpha smirk.)
I used to be of the persuasion that you gotta swing your dick/ruffle your feathers in front of the woman for them to come to you.
But I like you approach of zeroing in on the woman and revealing yourself only when she inquires directly – or otherwise – a much better fit for me today.
Good advice. One change is the tunnel vision thing. Good place to start but you do have to improve your confidence in dealing with groups. You will be surprised how far you can go when a cuckblocker says something (eg; cuck: who told you to come over here? Me: She did, with her bored body language, you wanna have fun or stay here?Alpha smirk and extended hand). If you’re new, do whatever it takes but always be improving.
That is the precise moment when you know your game has arrived.
Your game has arrived when a bitch wants to have your babies.
Dealing with groups of more than two people is just ain’t my thing.
But I DO love approaching a couple and macking on the girl right in front of her “man”.
LULZ all around for everyone but the guy!
Get your heads right, boys.
For me, the worst time to approach a hot chick is when she is surrounded by ugly ass jelly bitches (jelly shaped and jelly personalities). Many times when I have approached girls in this situation the hot chick has been friendly but her ugly ass friends have been nasty and sabotaged the meeting.
I have even approached girls with their boyfriends but while all the guys do is glower at me impotently the “girlfriends” have gone out of their way to ruin things for the hot chick, swearing at me, calling me names or in one case the fat bitch drove off while I was talking to her friend.
I think jealousy is one of the biggest reasons for cockblocking. If the fat cow can’t have sex, no other girl should.
Yep. I once had a fat bitch tell me I had too much cologne on. I didn’t say it but I was thinking “my cologne will wash off but your fat won’t”.
“I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.”
Adjust for cologne & obesity
The OG Alpha for sure!
Amazing man, right there. Britain will not see his peer ever again.
And don’t forget the Tommy gun. Actually I had Churchill in mind when I made that comment. Like him or loathe him one thing you can’t take away from Churchill is that he was a real man. Snappy dresser too.
I met this super cute 23-year old Korean pop star at a company in Seoul and I was a bit starstruck and startled since she just showed up and looked exactly like in the videos on YouTube, but I dared to to say hello at least (I have a mixed personality with some shyness in the blend too) and she responded and smiled before she went to the bathroom.
As soon as she got out not long after she was surrounded by an entourage of women and after a while a guy came and hugged her and I didn’t have the chance to start a conversation. I think that if she would have been alone I would have approached.
I was chatting up a British pop star once. I waited until her friends left her and then walked with her back to her car. I pretended that I didn’t know who she was and was getting on fine. However, her jealous ass bitch-faced friends saw what was happening and came back yelling her full name and talking about who she was and what she did. At this point her demeanour changed and she became hard to talk to. I still asked her out but as I described below, her girlfriends fucked everything up for us.
Well done, bro. Cockblocking cunts are a disgrace to the Lord’s creation.
Special place in Hell brother…
Gay male friend are worst cockblockers, they get some satisfation from it, They even cockblock with girls that are not even their friends, fuck they even cockblock when the faggot is suppose to be from your circle of friends, fucking fags.
What is this having a fag in your circle of friends? Why?
LOL! Nice catch.
Well it was not invited by me.
Keep them outside the Circle of Trust bro.
Lessons learn, I´m not going if someone invite one of their faggot friends to the party.
“It” exactly. Freaking degenerates. As the old black preacher said, “If you gonna sin, sin right”
Funny all my fag acquaintances were from work. Worked in a hospital too many male nurse are homosexuals. At first I was open minded and shit, and befriend some fags, then I learn how sick and twisted their lifestyles are. They always like to talk about gay sex, they are promiscuous as fuck and all of them are alcoholics and/or drug addicts. They are obnoxious and narcissist, I began to hate them all.
I worked in an ER for 7 years and only had one fag coworker
Always a bad sign when there’s fags at the party. Red flag bro.
I worked in retail. It was fag city.
I bet
I´m from a third world shit country here male nurses are gays ratio 4 to 1 .
They are everywhere I can not turn the TV an not see one. There Something in the water or air it´s a fucking pandemic!
One is too many.
True but at least this one tried to act like he wasn’t. Even married a girl and had a kid by her. Still gay though
Several times a gay dude has hooked me up with one of his girlfriends. It’s gotten me laid at least 3 times in the last 5 years now that I think about it.
Unavoidable here in southern california
Robbie Williams?
Damn CB. LOL.
Next level thinking is why is she not making her way to you?
That is the thinking of either Rock Stars, Millionaires, or reclusive omegas. Otherwise, you need to go to them. Just a fact of life.
There is more to being a man of value than fame and cash.
agreed, but as far as the pickup scene, those run supreme.
It looks like nobody in the pick-up scene has either fame [recognizable outside of the scene] or enough cash to buy high-class girls without blinking twice.
yup, that is why they are the ones that have to be the ones doing the approaching.
Use the tunnel vision and fade the surroundings out may not be a wise choice. In social interactions you need to have surround vision to assess what’s coming through. Locking into a set , leaning against a wall, didn’t come from scratch. Also you changing her position early on in the interaction serves two purposes; one you test compliance and two, you well position yourself and her so you are well aware of what’s happening around you and she’s not. Basically you should b the only distraction in her eyesight.
The bystanders are always jealous. Most of them are happy for you. The only time it’s an issue for me is if they are black or latino guys with no game.
This brother tried to kill my game 3 times on saturday. He was the fucking bartender too. The third time he put his damn hand between me and the girl and said “This dude aint’t THAT pretty is he?”
“I”m a lot prettier than your ugly ass.”
“What did you say mother fucker? Shake my hand.”
“I’m not touching your dirty hand.”
He walked off after that.
I got one phone number and I’ll see her thursday. The other chicks didn’t work out. Whatev. After a couple drinks, I will follow a girl to her fucking car to get her number. I don’t give a shit.
Lol “shake my hand”…wtf says that during a would be altercation. Haha
Just treat “hot” woman like you would towards “ugly” woman or “average” woman.
Treat your game all same to all women. Their “hotness” should not be a factor of
why you should treat her better simply because she is notch of “8 or 9”.
You know how you teased your little sisters and made fun of them and stuff.
Do the same. Women are body of human and mind of a child. Just treat them accordingly.
If you treat a hot woman like you treat an ugly one, you need to see an eye-doctor ASAP!
Mentally. Get her off that pedestal. You’re the most interesting person she’s met in a while. Trust me.
The thing is, hotness [or anything else for that manner] never placed a woman on a pedestal for me. Not since reading Jack London as a kid – that’s for sure.
I do think many hot women have different superficial energetics that no amount of mental judo can address properly.
I ask myself these questions:
1) If I didn’t take a shot with the girl in question and I never saw her again, would it bug me that I did nothing?
2) If I knew I couldn’t fail with the girl in question, would I still genuinely want to make the first move?
3) If I take a shot with her right there and then, what’s the worst that could happen?
If the answer to 1 and 2 is yes, I quickly sum up #3. Generally, the worst that could happen is either a) Her stupid friends will laugh at me or act like bitches b) She’ll laugh at me or act like a bitch or c) One of the males will act like a tough guy and try to get in a physical altercation with me.
If a) happens, I’m going “Damn right I’m hitting on your friend- you think there’s something wrong with that then you’re the one with the problem- are you jealous or something?”
If b) happens then I’ll laugh and cut my losses. A beautiful bitch is still a bitch. Let some other guy pay dearly for putting up with her.
If c) happens (and it never has, even if one of the guys was her b/f) I back myself. I’ve done martial arts/ boxing training and any guy who tries to fight a complete stranger clearly isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed- and even spoiling for a fight makes him look like a tool in front of the girls.
Keep in mind that all of the above computes in less than 5 seconds. If the situation isn’t conducive to approaching her right then and there, I put her on what I call “Pray by” (‘Lord, if you give me a chance to go and chat to that girl I’ll step up to the plate, no backing down’)
You may laugh, but it’s funny how many times “Pray by” has worked in my favour…
As just one example, I was at a wedding a couple of years back and saw one of the bridesmaids at the ceremony- nearly 6ft tall, blonde, cutest smile I’d seen in a long time. As I stood there in the church, I silently put my Heavenly request in (as the MC, I had little free time throughout the afternoon, but plenty of chances to make the wedding guests laugh, show off my freestyle rapping skills and tell risqué jokes while suited up- all the things that make a girls’ panties wet).
Then, later that night, at the reception, she was the one who came over and invited me to dance!
Good play bro. Good equation too. But I think that much analyzing would kill my vibe and I’d clam up.
I’ve never been approached in my life by a non fatty.
It took a while to figure out why I felt especially compelled towards some girls but indifferent towards other, equally attractive ones. But once I worked it out and got used to this thinking, it became easier.
It’s like driving a manual- at first your movements are clunky and you’re constantly thinking “Ok clutch, change gear, ease the clutch out don’t make it jump, change gear again, ease the clutch- slow down, clutch in brake brake brake” etc. That was me when I first drove a manual at 16. But compared to now, it’s effortless- to the point where I’ve had people in my car who thought I was driving an auto because of how smoothly I drove…
Maybe too much thinking. I see a woman, my equation is do I want to bang her? Yes….say hello, no ….say hi and keep walking. Without Hello nothing else happens.
Pull their pants down and fuck them like animals…that was not hard…was it? To hell with moral social norms..
Another misplaced article by Troy.
Women get their egos stroked a thousand times a day by everyone they meet telling them they’re beautiful and special and if that’s not enough they are drowned in media and music promoting girl power and telling them they’re perfect in every single way. Their ego is so enormous that they mistreat any many who isn’t in the top ten percent of looks and status yet I’m constantly hearing we need to build women up because they have low self esteem. What a joke! It’s time to deflate these massive egos. Just because a woman might have a little self doubt doesn’t mean she has low selfesteem… It just means she’s experiences what every fucking person on earth does and she doesn’t deserve to be shielded from it. I’m launching an antiselfesteem campaign because there’s got to be some balance, folks.
This made me so angry. These women did nothing to gain those attentions!
women can smell confidence…….and they can smell fear……analyze the situation, then ACT…….you won’t win them all, but you won’t lose them all, either
Stop self observing. Look at the woman and bring up your desire. Then fake being confident. It still helps to be seen. There are times when faking it will produce a positive reality. Getting outside yourself allows you to observe objectively. Be nice to her ugly friend. No one is fooled. Be real to yourself. Beauty alone won’t do. A beautiful woman who is not on track with your value system is most likely a waste of time.
Know what your endgame is! Many guys are wishy-washy because they do not have an endgame. When you are older than 25 your apt/house needs to reflect that.
I tried honesty once, still working 30 years later. Recommend marriage to the greatest woman in the world. Not sure how the rest of mankind survives.
Great article, but it’s rife with errors.