5 Ways To Meet Women That Absolutely Do Not Work

I can be considered a game newbie, as I discovered Roosh and Bang a year ago. I used to think that creating attraction from scratch in any setting was something that couldn’t be done. The cold approach was not even on my radar, and the only times I thought you would “get” a girl would be in an environment where it was “expected” to, like at parties, concerts, and social events where alcohol and drugs were flowing.

We all go through periods of experimentation—especially when starting out. Roosh said in his book that he would try anything to get a good conversation going with women, even drawing stick figures on napkins. I too have tried many methods to get the bang. It’s incredibly fun. The ones that work, I analyze and elaborate on for future success. If what I try doesn’t work, then I reframe and try again. If it still fails, I totally scrap it.

Some would think that the following methods are too outrageous to work, but I have used other equally or more outrageous methods that have worked. These ones have failed. So without further ado, here are some of the most ineffective game techniques that will not work..

Retarded Game

I have to admit, this one was a little tedious, and I had to compose myself and practice in front of a mirror a few times before hitting the streets. At first I just looked like I normally did, with modifications to my appearance in the form of headgear or protective clothing coming later. I would put on the best act of autism that I could. Exaggerating yourself to act like a dope is pretty easy, and I gotta say, it did show promise at times. I want to share an anecdote that perfectly encapsulates my experience with this.

I went with a friend to shop for shoes with him posing as my guardian. I was pretending to look for shoes that would be easy for someone of my “mental capacity” to put on securely. This particular shoe store was stacked to the brim with hotties working there who were in their teens and early 20s.

I laid my trap. I went to a display shelf and knocked it over, all the while letting out a loud “DUH HUH” and sent it crashing to the floor. One of the employees came over and helped me up. It was on. She was very sympathetic, and after a few words to her, she knew I was a dummy. My guardian came over and explained the situation and she offered to help.

We searched for shoes, all the while keeping her talking to mostly me. She laughed at my jokes and dopey ticks as I tried to maintain the retard frame while steering the conversation to where I desired it to go. Touching her was not a problem, as she thought I was “cute” for being the kind of person the ancient Spartans would throw off a cliff. At the end of it all, I asked her for the number, and she responded with, “Awwww you’re the cutest thing! But I have a boyfriend. I would totally go out with you if I wasn’t taken!” She said this in the nicest voice ever.

I learned that this wouldn’t work because no girl would ever sleep with someone who they think is lower than them. And anyone who rides the short bus is pretty close to the bottom of the sexual food chain.

One more thing I tried after reframing was pretending to be a retard-wrangler who drove a short bus. Long story short, that didn’t work because nearly all the girls would get disgusted by me trying to use handicapped kids to get laid. C’est la vie I guess.

Funeral Game

p-p-p-please h-h-h-have s-s-s-sex w-w-w-with muh-muh-me?

Pretending that one of your family members died yesterday doesn’t give off good vibes. Conversation threads never escalated beyond initial pseudo-flirtatious banter, as my state of grief was too heavy to get her excited in any way. The girls were usually sympathetic, and that was the biggest problem. Sympathy is an attraction killer, and appearing vulnerable only makes her see you as a lost dog who needs to lick his wounds by himself—without her.

Homosexual Game

This guy might be able to pull it off (phrasing!)

This one is just pretending to be gay to make the girl feel comfortable being around you and then admitting you lied later on. No, I would never suck a cock to convince her of my act. All it took was a wardrobe adjustment, and a higher lispy voice. Breaking the touch barrier was easy-peasy, and she felt extremely comfortable talking about everything and anything—including sex.

This one is a bit of a time waster though, because you have to listen to the girl talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. No wonder why girls hate each other so much! After I thought I was in a good position, I either lied about being a fudge packer, or most commonly, said I was bisexual (side note: no such thing as bi. If you like cock, you’re a homosexual) and tried to get the bang from there. It never worked. They were either horrified at my level of manipulation and ran away, or they promptly refused and suggested we stay BFFs.

I would strongly advise against doing this though. It goes against everything about being masculine and alpha. As degenerate as the gays are, they do attract a lot of female friends.

Disease Game

“It’s not contagious!”

This one was a bit morbid I will admit, but it was worth a shot since pity-sex is a real thing. Remember the movie 50/50? In it, the protagonist gets cancer and manages to get laid because of it. This one required no extra adjustments other than a frame reset. There is a technique to all this, as you need to ease the conversation in the direction where she either picks up that you have cancer, or you can safely tell her without it sounding weird. You don’t just go “Hi, nice to meet you I HAVE CANCER AND GONNA DIE NEXT WEEK LET’S FUCK.”

To be honest, I thought this would at least get me a few bangs, but the girls weren’t having it. The emotions conveyed by a guy who is about to die are not conducive to the wetting of panties. I wouldn’t say this is completely off the table yet, but if anyone has found a way to make it work, let me know.

Dead Lover Game

Feels bad man

The fact of the matter is that this had the same effect as Disease Game did. Not only were the girls not interested in someone who just lost their soulmate, they we’re very off put by the prospect of being in the same house as someone who just recently died. There is no easy way to bring up death into the conversation. Worst case scenario, she suspects you had something to do with your “lover’s” death. Best case scenario, she smiles, gives you a hug, and gives you her best wishes for recovering.

On the contrary though, a girl who had someone close to her die is ripe for the picking and bedding.


This might sound all fake, but the truth is that I have tried many things to get her to the bedroom. When you no longer have that crippling primal fear that would stop you from approaching, the feeling of liberation unleashes a beast that cannot be contained.

Learn to have fun once in a while. See every girl as an object that can be goaded into sex, and you will have no qualms trying ridiculous shit. Learning game and turning on different switches is extremely fun. Even if this amount of fibbing is not your cup of tea, you will learn how to think on your feet and sharpen your wits. There are billions of girls out there, and it would be a crime to stick to only one way and not be creative once in a while.

Read More: 4 Strategies For Teaching Game To Autistic Men

363 thoughts on “5 Ways To Meet Women That Absolutely Do Not Work”

  1. I was just about to go out and try some retarded game! Glad you tried it first

  2. please try out retarded, homosexual, diseased, dead lover game at a funeral. report back ASAP

        1. Whew! A man would have to be one hélluva good actor to pull that off. I just don’t think I’m up to the task. Let us know how it works out for you. 😉

    1. I have yet to see a chick fat enough that she can’t get a guy. And I am talking some real heifers. That’s the problem now. So many beta simps that will settle, and the land whales know it.

      1. I really wish you were wrong. I really really do. But you aren’t.
        Freaking useless thirsty ass betas will shag anything that will spread its legs and douse itself in flour.

        1. true, until you combine fatness with age. Of course, when that happens, bitterness settles in.

        2. Thirsty men that get nothing have destroyed game in Greece! Today you have to treat your average slut as a princess and a virgin wife, even if she can bring only copulation in the relationship! The family further solidifies that by enforcing their daughter’s ego and by supporting her all the time no matter if she is wrong or not. This brings to the striking observation that even if Greek TV is abundant with cook-shows next to no girl knows how to cook!

        3. The ancient Greeks invented sex. The ancient Romans added women to it!

        4. It’s the same here in the States. Even in the South, where we used to have feminine Southern Belle who took pride in their domestic skills.

        5. They are the ones who caused this mess. I punish them as much as I can (usually by taking their women)

      2. The norm is to see good looking guys with girls that are in need of some… self improvement. It makes me angry at the guys. As for the girls, they waddle along next to men of a much higher quality, totally unsatisfied, with faces full of frown– and the poor dudes reek of desperation to please, eyes full of fear, dreading what she may say next. Nobody is happy in this fucking state of degradation.

        1. I’m starting to believe that fat/ugly women have such disdain for beta boyfriend because she knows how disgusting she is – therefore he is weak/pathetic?

        2. It is precisely due to the desperation of high quality simps that these women refuse to improve themselves. They can be anything fat/ugly/tattooed etc… and still get a relatively high value man.

        3. On some level, all women hate themselves– so if you skitter after her trying to convince her that she is lovable, prepare to get treated like a chump.

        4. He probably picked up The Waddler at some Random’s funeral, when he was trying out his Gay-Retarded-Grief-Stricken-Diseased Man-Game; not a lot of prime real-estate is going to be interested in that…

        5. My wife was like that once. With my guidance, she’s stepped her game up quite a bit. She’s still 2-3 notches under my smv; 1-1.5 when dolled up. And I’m fine with that.
          If you’ve ever read therationalemale.com, Rollo presents the argument that you should, at least, be a notch or two higher than your girl for stability.
          I’ve come to see the wisdom in this.
          Men find it easier to go below their smv level. Women are incapable of it.

        6. True. Though I think we’re starting to observe a sea-change with the culture war picking up momentum.
          I feel that 3rd wave feminism is collapsing under it’s own fat.

        7. You are 100% correct. Anyone who respects her when she doesnt respect herself will be viewed as lower value by definition.

      3. Its a bit like real estate. When the market is manipulated enough by the powers that be or demand far outstrips supply, people are forced to pay a premium, to fight and be grateful for overvalued trash.

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      4. The graph of the amount of effort needed to pick up a girl vs her weight is a decaying exponential curve.

      5. Being a beta simp and boning fat chicks are two separate and independent issues. As a pure bred man, you should be boning anything that comes within hands reach. The difference is the BS you are willing to put up with and the lengths you will go to bone. I will gladly fuck a fat chick, because in my eyes, all women have the same value to me, which is well below mine. I don’t treat women any different when I meet them, regardless of looks, weight, or skin color. They need to earn that extra indulgence of getting more of my time and effort.

      6. Where I work I see some totally normal looking blokes come in with absolute cows and I’m thinking “Should’ve read some RoK, brah”

        1. Haha! Seriously, they’d learn how to correct that situation if they did.

      7. its like one of those meditation question
        “is there a chick so fat that god can’t get a boner for her”

      8. You are quiet right. However, take into account that the male-female ration in the US and particularly in Europe is nearly as bad as it is in mainland China.
        In the age group of 18-40 there are more men than women. Add into to equation the large number of immigrant that also tend to be male between the age of 18 and 40 and you have the recipe for disaster. In that age group there at least 3 men to 1 women. You either have very solid game or the ability and finances to travel abroad . Men who have neither of these two, more likely will have to settle for any women they can get.

      9. Too many men and not enough women the demographic numbers are stacked against single men. When you have 2-3 men per woman that creates a problem.

        1. But there will be less and less of dimes for the alphas, as more chicks realize they don’t have to make any effort (in terms of looks and figure) to get decent boyfriends/husbands/providers. Both alphas and beta simps will be competing for mostly landwhales, and the rare dime will be worth her weight on gold and probably go with rich arabs or some such.

        2. Wrong, reread the article on normal distribution in sexual market posted in ROK a couple of months ago.

        3. Spot on. The quality of the dating market is exasperating. Celebrity culture, concentration of capital, online dating apps,…

        4. The quality has always been bad. You young guys think this is a new thing but it has always been thus.

        5. There’s only so many rich Arabs and trust me, not every chick wants one.

        6. I’m from NYC. Lived here all my life (26 years) and I’m noticing more fat women as of late. I don’t know if it’s just that the number of fat chicks are increasing or it’s simply that my standards shot up tenfold after swallowing the red pill. I think it’s more the latter.
          Even in my blue pill days, I never banged a fatty.

        7. I dunno. I seem to recall American chicks being vastly better in the 1980s.

        8. All through my adult life I’ve periodically spent a year or two living outside the US. Every time I come back people seem noticeably fatter.

        9. We often remember the past as being better than it was. If you doubt this, have a listen to Ice Cube’s song “I Ain’t Tha One” or Slick Rick “Treat Her Like a Prostitute” from the Eighties. Documentary evidence of how awful women have always been.

        10. They were certainly thinner and tattoos were a rarity. No bull rings in noses back then. Not sure what it’s like in the UK, but judging from social media, about 90% of American girls under 25 sport a nose piercing now, usually a bull ring.

        11. Yes but these were outliers back then, not the mainstream. Notice that they’re all thin too.

        12. Yeah I get that (about weight) but the majority of women I spoke to back then were out and out bitches. Hence those songs (listen to them man, the issues will sound very familiar). Women’s nature is univeral through time and space. It didn’t change suddenly with social media. If Ice Cube isn’t convincing to you, go back to Arthur Schopenhauer,
          William Shakespear, hell even the Book of Genesis. There is nothing new under the Sun.

        13. Just one thing about outliers. Punk fashion was mainstream in the 80s. Madonna and Cyndi Lauper were wearing it. I wouldn’t call it an “outlier”.

        14. But most of the kids werent. You didn’t see hordes of people who looked like tubby extras from a road warrior film walking around any major US city back then like you do now.

        15. I definitely remember women being nicer back in the 80s. At least we can agree on the weight thing.
          Maybe Belinda Carlisle’s short haircut was a predecessor to the standard SJW look.

        16. Memory is not subjective. Check the documentary record. Songs by rappers, works by philosophers, playwrights, etc. Same issues we face today.
          Belinda Carlisle. I definitely had a thing for her back in the day. She looked like a girl I took to the prom…

        17. To be fair, the average American doesn’t follow any particular fashion at all. In the UK this punk fashion was standard (although that picture was towards the extreme variant). Later it morphed into Goth and Rocker Billy fashion. I knew loads of people who dressed like that. I hated it.

        18. It was sad when she hacked her hair off. One of the first times I remember a very good-looking girl doing that.
          As far as pink fashion yeah, maybe it was bigger in the UK. We definitely had kids that dressed that way in the US but it was never anywhere near a majority. Nowadays it’s almost tough to find a young girl without colored hair, tattoos, a bull ring in her nose, etc.

      10. I have yet to see a chick fat enough that she can’t get a guy…but I have yet to see a fat chick ever get a MAN.

      11. I once read where a girl with Werners disease gave birth. That’s the disease which accelerates aging, so you’ll have a teenager in the body of an 80 year old. I thought to myself, unless artificial insemination was involved, there was a guy somewhere willing to have sex with a girl with Werners disease.
        I wonder how many males with that disease have any hope of getting laid in their lifetime? Virtually zero.

        1. This doesn’t surprise me. There are some very weird mofos out there.
          Guys that want to get it on with corpses, paraplegics, dwarves, and of course the “chubby chasers” who actually dig fatties.
          The mind boggles….

        2. Someone pointed out that some men are into BBW but you don’t see a female equivalent of BBM.

      12. Maybe nobody likes fat chicks, but the average fat chick may have more sex if she wants than most ‘average joes’.

      13. I remember seeing a documentary about this white, 600 lbs land-whale married to a fit and muscular black dude. Turns out that buddy had a fetish for mampy types. Not all men want runway-models. A few men…Alfas included, actually like to see “lots of meat on their plate”. The common terminology for those types is “Chubby-Chasers”. Yes Virginia; there actually are a small percentage of men who would pass over a Playboy Centerfold model for a morbidly obese land-whale.

      14. Out of curiosity, what do you think if it’s somebody who otherwise has a good personality, AND is currently working on losing weight? (Not just saying she is, but actually doing it) Should that girl be given a chance?

        1. Depends how overweight she is to begin with, and if she has potential to look pretty good afterward. I never said I wasn’t shallow.
          And if she’s a real hambeast, odds are pretty good she won’t be able to lose enough weight, or if she does, will “fall off the wagon” down the road.
          Otherwise.. a little overweight and sincerely trying to lose? Nice personality and pretty face? Of course she gets a chance.
          I take pretty good care of myself and look good for my age. Should I not expect the same out of chicks? Though I admit genetics factor in to some extent. I couldn’t be a fatty if I tried.

    2. See now I’ve trained my mind like a monk. My senses no longer detect fat chicks. It took years of training in Tibet with monks who could perform all sorts of miricles by harnessing the power of their mind. My sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste are all totally oblivious to fat chicks.
      While the training was intense and time consuming I am now totally unaware of the existence of fatties. They simply do not register in sense experience for me. They are a totally theoretical construct

      1. You have entered the “No fat chicks zone”…..well done…they are now resigned to the Ham planet….it was theorized it would reach maximum density around this age. It will soon collapse under its own gravity….

        1. Yes, my training was not unlike the cruel tutilege of pei mei
          Years of training, beatings and being forced to watch all fat chick porno. When I descended back to the world I was enlightened in my soul and the world was “light-ened” in that fat chicks could no longer ping on any of my 5 senses

        1. What is your obsession with blindness this morning? Heh.

      2. are you sure?
        perhaps you just see their personalities – like Shallow Hal

        1. Don’t be absurd, women don’t have personalities

      3. “My senses no longer detect fat chicks.”
        Same here. Also any woman older than 45. I sometimes walk into them because they are invisible to me.

        1. You need to bring your training to next level shit galt. You have got them out of your vision, smell and hearing but now you need to get them out of touch.
          Consider if you will the parable of Chef Ting from Chuang Tzu (if the knee man has ever felt any religious inclinations it is towards Chang Tzu’s Taoism)
          Cook Ting was cutting up an ox for Lord Wen-hui. As every touch of his hand, every heave of his shoulder, every move of his feet, every thrust of his knee — zip! zoop! He slithered the knife along with a zing, and all was in perfect rhythm, as though he were performing the dance of the Mulberry Grove or keeping time to the Ching-shou music.
          “Ah, this is marvelous!” said Lord Wen-hui. “Imagine skill reaching such heights!”
          Cook Ting laid down his knife and replied, “What I care about is the Way (Tao), which goes beyond skill. When I first began cutting up oxen, all I could see was the ox itself. After three years I no longer saw the whole ox. And now — now I go at it by spirit and don’t look with my eyes. Perception and understanding have come to a stop and spirit moves where it wants. I go along with the natural makeup, strike in the big hollows, guide the knife through the big openings, and following things as they are. So I never touch the smallest ligament or tendon, much less a main joint.
          “A good cook changes his knife once a year — because he cuts. A mediocre cook changes his knife once a month — because he hacks. I’ve had this knife of mine for nineteen years and I’ve cut up thousands of oxen with it, and yet the blade is as good as though it had just come from the grindstone. There are spaces between the joints, and the blade of the knife has really no thickness. If you insert what has no thickness into such spaces, then there’s plenty of room — more than enough for the blade to play about it. That’s why after nineteen years the blade of my knife is still as good as when it first came from the grindstone.
          “However, whenever I come to a complicated place, I size up the difficulties, tell myself to watch out and be careful, keep my eyes on what I’m doing, work very slowly, and move the knife with the greatest subtlety, until — flop! the whole thing comes apart like a clod of earth crumbling to the ground. I stand there holding the knife and look all around me, completely satisfied and reluctant to move on, and then I wipe off the knife and put it away.”
          “Excellent!” said Lord Wen-hui. “I have heard the words of Cook Ting and learned how to care for life!”
          In the way that Cook Ting uses his knife to butcher the oxen in such a way that it finds the spaces between the spaces and as such never grows dull even after 19 years of use so too I cannot walk into fat women as I have been trained in The Way and find the spaces within space.

        2. Learn from the wise Cook Ting my friend. If you insert that which has no thickness into the spaces between the joints the blade will never dull and you will never encounter the fat. (this started as a joke, but I am beginning to feel very seriously about it.)_

        3. I hate all the persecution of smorking going on in society. its really bullshit.

        4. “Into a soul absolutely free fromt thoughts and emotions,
          Even the tiger finds no room to insert its fierce claws”.

        5. (I am trying to play the supporting role as the neophyte.)
          Speaking of Cook Ting.
          My wife thinks “cooking” and “fucking” are two cities in China.

        6. And herro back to you… ya little slant-eyed, slope-headed, rice-propelled gook. 😉

      4. Let me test your senses, if you don’t mind.
        (No more fatty pics. Pinky promise.)

      5. “I am now totally unaware of the existence of fatties. They simply do not register in sense experience for me”
        You mean like this guy :

        1. No, like I said before women don’t have personalities. Basically I have just trained my senses to ignore them.

        2. i miss farrelly bros flicks. they would be lynched for making movies like that today.
          they were poking fun at:
          paranoid schizophrenics
          siamese twins
          mentally challenged
          morbidly obese
          havent made a really non PC movie in 10 years

        3. “i miss farrelly bros flicks. they would be lynched for making movies like that today”
          Yup, I hear ya. I’m surprised that perhaps the movie hasn’t been banned, but then again the story did end with the main character (played by Jack Black) running off with the bloated sack of shit – somewhat prosletyzing a common progressive narrative today.

        4. Yeah, that movie that tells men they are bad people for having physical standards of women.
          When is the movie about the shallow head cheerleader who refuses to date the guy with a heart of gold who has a crush on her, but has down syndrome coming to theaters?
          Would that be the 31st of June or 32nd of July?

        5. “When is the movie about the shallow head cheerleader who refuses to date the guy with a heart of gold who has a crush on her, but has down syndrome coming to theaters?”
          Exactly. Or the movie about the shallow headed cheerleader who refuses to date a guy who is really nice and sweet, but is NOT a coke dealer, rich and famous rock, or entertainment industry mogul.

      6. Once upon a time I was gonna fuck this fat chick. She had a cute face and everything, so I figured “why not”. Then the clothes came off and lo and behold she had rolls like the Michelin man and a fupa from hell. I hustled my ass outta there with the quickness. That was my only (almost) fat chick.. heh heh

        1. Ahhh fat chick with cute face. The bane of the man who is just the right amount of drunk

      7. Sometimes it requires a certain rigor and mastery in choosing the move to be unmoved…seeing how America’s “fat-positive” land-whales find validation in the faintest twitch of your eye (the involuntary act of blinking is enough), the overhead architecture suddenly becomes exquisitely interesting as your averted gaze finds better thing to ponder.
        I’m also implementing the “looking *through* you now” technique, as if trying to read a clock that’s about 100 yards behind her well-insulated head (and psyche).
        To be fair I recognize that someday I, too, may join the ranks of the “unseen” (in all it multivariate forms, both male and female) whether it be through accident, illness, misfortune aging or general decrepitude — but that day is not today.

    3. I actually know a guy that genuinely likes fat chicks. Like his head is wired wrong. He is a normal-sized guy — not fat or obese — but he doesn’t find thin women attractive. He legitimately gets sexually aroused by fat chicks. And I don’t mean thick or “curvy” chicks, I mean *fat* chicks.
      I have questioned him about this at length. It doesn’t seem to be some weird hang-up from his mom or a fucked-up childhood. The best way to explain it is that thin chicks don’t pass his personal boner test. There is a “too fat” limit that he doesn’t like, but from what I can tell, the chick basically has to be a fucking morbidly obese blimp to be too fat for him.
      He makes good money, is athletic and has his shit together. I’ve actually seen pretty hot chicks hit on him, and him turn them away. He gets TONS of pussy (both literally and figuratively). He can do literally anything he wants to these ham-beasts because they are just so happy to have a decent-looking (relatively) normal guy who actually enjoys fucking them. He can be dating one fatty and fuck all her friends without even trying to hide it. He can go back and bang just about any one of his ex-girlfriends any time he wants. Two or three at a time if he wants. And, let me tell you, all his bitches know about making sammiches. The man can literally order up pussy easier than I can order pizza, and usually, the fatty will *bring him a fucking pizza* with her when she comes over.
      The stories this guy can tell… and 9 times out of 10, the women will unabashedly confirm all of the awful, depraved shit he does to them as true. As soon as these fat bitches sense that he genuinely finds them arousing sexually, they fucking explode in the tingles. I’ve seen it happen. It’s a little like being in a rubber raft in the middle of a bunch of humpback whales in the ocean breaching and splashing everywhere… it’s fascinating and terrifying, and amazing in a startling way, and unpleasantly damp, and it really stinks more than you thought it would.
      He is the happiest fucking guy I know. He never spends any money on them — the opposite, in fact. He has zero game, but he doesn’t need it. He never puts up with any bullshit… if a chick so much as shit tests him, he’s got a dozen more waiting to take her place, and they all know it.
      I’ve thought long and hard, while heavily intoxicated, about whether I would want this strange power/curse. On the one hand, you get just unlimited easy pussy, non-stop, all the time, with almost no headaches. On the other hand, you have to fuck fat bitches. But then, you like fat bitches, so you don’t mind. But then again, all your friends know you fuck fat bitches all the time. But then again again, they know you like fat bitches, so you don’t really care…
      It’s a quandary, I tell you. Personally, I’m just thankful to know him, because on those times when he’s in town and we all go out looking for chicks… he doesn’t just take the grenade, he fucking *prefers* the grenade.

      1. What are you talking about? He has game. He has the abundance mentality. He doesn’t deal with any of their bullshit shit tests. Once he does the oneitis thing, the blimp is gone.

        1. No, he doesn’t have the “abundance mentality”, he actually *has* abundance (literally and figuratively). He doesn’t deal with their shit tests because 9/10 times they are too fucking happy to have his cock that they don’t even shit test him. And the 1 girl who does shit test him, there is usually another fatty sitting right there next to her that he can fuck instead. And he can fuck that girl in front of shit test girl, and shit test girl will apologize and patiently wait her turn to get fucked next. because she weighs 200 lbs and has 3 chins.

      2. I think we have scraped the bottom of the barrel with “zero game”

        1. Shit your pants game, for the geriatric “uncle creepy” in your wolfpack.

        2. what about double ups?
          shit your pants game + retard game = wiping sh*t all over everything and laughing like fu*k while doing it cause your a “retard”

      3. That is entirely the right frame and mindset, with entirely the wrong kind of women. If you can crank that same attitude and abudence with HB 7.5’s and higher, then your life becomes a golden song of erotic poetry.

    4. WAIT!
      …oh, hold on…
      No, you’re right.
      Sorry, as you were.

      1. Oh geez, dude, don’t tell me that you’re a chubby chaser.

    5. When the Temperature outside is minus 45 Celsius, then a fat chick in bed keep you warm ??

    6. That is an out right lie, I happen to know a lot of investors at Nestle and McDonald’s who love them.

  3. Funny ass article, loved it! heh

    I wouldn’t say this is completely off the table yet, but if anyone has found a way to make it work, let me know.

    “I’m so down in the dumps babe. Yeah, just got back from the doctor, and she diagnosed me with a megaphallus condition.” *sniff* “So here I am, stuck with this condition, at such an early part of life.” *sniff*
    Make sure you’re holding this book when you try this though.
    I dunno. Sounds legit. You should give it a try. Heh.

      1. Which begs the question; can one be illegally blind?

        1. Oh absolutely! When I was younger I was illegally blind on numerous occasions. It was chemically induced of course…

        2. Methanol is a hell of a drug, son.

        3. Yeah. Never went that far. But on a couple of occasions I would have had to have told the cop: “Whaddaya mean why wush I drivin’? Shít! I wush too dunk ta walk!” LOL!

  4. Gosh… I never would have guessed that playing a retard, faggot, or diseased wouldn’t slay chicks. Crazy world we live in.

  5. one of the most important lessons leaned from manosphere.
    I had a delusion that women had a Florence Nightingale syndrome — some may…
    but, they are attracted to strength, and have no time for weakness…
    combined with hypergamy, a smorgasbord of available men, and society wide promotion of sluttery..
    be strong – don’t be weak.
    bitter pill I’m swallowing right now

    1. Nightingale was spittin some serious truth about female nature over a century ago…

      1. i met a bunch of nurses about 30 years ago on first overseas trip.
        10 of them — bunch of sexy/cute horny fun party girls.
        But, they did care about their profession…
        Modern Strong and independent office women — I reckon they have mostly zero empathy.

    2. I think is funny how women will tell you that they are above looking at a guy for his physique. I took my wife’s word for that early on in our marriage, and let myself go somewhat. Previously, I had been throwing lumber in sawmills, then I got a desk job. Since learning the manosphere, I started working out, and the sex came roaring back.

      1. desk job is so bad for male physique – I did it for a while – took some time to get back in action…

        1. it isn’t terrible if you discipline yourself in your off hours. work out, active hobbies, no TV. Probably better in the long run with your joint health if you do it right.

      2. Yeah that whole “We aren’t shallow! We don’t care if you’re well built or not! In fact, most of us hate men who are built good” is such bullshit that you can practically see a girl begging you to bitch slap her for saying it when she does.
        Yeah sweety, y’all are just so deep. I’m sure that all of you rubbing your hands over my arms and shoulders and back unbidden are doing it to get a deeper appreciation of my intellect.

      3. My ex gf used to say the same thing, “looks don’t matter, just pesonality”, all the while being with someone she constantly called handsome (me). I thought it was funny. I never believed her, to me it always seemed like an obvious lie when she’d say it, amusing.

        1. It’s funny how all of the deep, in touch with their “whatever”, really kind souled men all seem to look like the 35 year old Brad Pitt, isn’t it? I’ve never seen a passably attractive (or higher) woman who tells this silly lie ever have some dorky looking introvert on her arm.

        2. I believed her enough that I didn’t my my physique a priority. Like watching the grass grow, the change in imperceptible, but you give it a decade, and you end up looking like Adam Sandler.

        3. Because they do actually care about how he looks, alot. There are 6 women in my office, and I constantly hear them gossip. It’s like being a fly on the wall. Whenever they talk about some guy they saw, the topic of looks comes up frequently “yeah he’s this and that, but I wouldn’t fuck him, too ugly”. And a lot of nasty stuff that your average beta wouldn’t believe in a million years, that these “nice princesses” would say about men. I already know so it doesn’t surprise me, but for a blue piller it would be a shock.

        4. Never believe it. It makes me wonder tho, how many other things she said that weren’t actually true. But generally I looked at actions instead of words, that’s where the truth is. I remember one time I showed her a video game that had some operators (like spec ops forces) and I asked her to pick one for me. She chose the better looking. I then said “yeah, but it’s their ability that matters more, not the looks”. She responded “I know, but I would still pick looks anyway”. Gave herself away without realizing

        5. Look at presidential elections. That is why GWB was picked over Lurch, or Kennedy over Nixon, Clinton over Bush Sr., or shall I say it? Trump over Hillary. Women vote with their clitorius’s

        6. Exactly. Heard some women talking about Rand Paul, saying specifically that they wouldn’t vote for him because “he’s too short”. Nothing about policy, nothing about platforms, or ideas, nope “he’s too short”.
          In what world did granting these people the franchise ever make sense?

      4. It’s not so much that you found you more sexually appealing, more so she knew you now be more sexually appealing to others. Thus, if she wanted you to turn down the extra attention she’d better start putting out. It’s never that simple with women.

        1. I’d wager that plays some part. But chicks also dig when guys are fit. My guess, a combo.

        2. Dread is probably a part of it as far as frequency. But there is an enthusiasm aspect that cannot be easily faked

    3. Funny thing about the Florence Nightingale syndrome:
      “Women have no sympathy…” — Florence Nightingale.

  6. Haha, for a second there I thought it was April first. To be honest though this is how most ‘Game’ articles read to me.

  7. Doing to “gay game” right can really get you laid. Go to a gay bar dance club and just hang out watching the cannon fodder do their thing. Chicks go to dance because they think that the men have no interest in them so won’t get “harassed” (read approached by beta males to which they have no interested). Really lowers the bitch shield. Start dancing with one then drop on her that you are interested sexually. “I’m not gay….just here with a few of my gay friends.” Boom. In like Flynn. No need to convert and get her back to your place either. Plenty of cock sucking going on in the bathroom already. The gays tend not to care if it is a girl doing the deed on your or a gay.

    1. Sorry, no way I would chance being confused with someone in that crowd.

        1. One of the benefits of living in small towns is you never are in such a situation. You may see a fag here and there, but they congregate in the cities.

        2. here a fag, there a fag, everywhere a fag-fag…you just ruined Old McDonald for me. hope youre happy

        3. I meant it you start hanging around in faeg bars. You’ll be outnumbered and my suspicion is they’ll put a whole new spin on “beating your ass”

        4. Every town will have a bar that the fags know to go to if they want to go for a drink. Still, 3 or 4 fags in a bar with 50 people is no big deal. They know they are liable to get beaten if they try anything funny with the wrong guys there.

    2. “I’m not gay….just here with a few of my gay friends.” Boom. In like Flynn”
      Have you actually tried this? I have heard the same suggestion many times in the past, yet not one field report from any dude going to one of these types of places and trying that out.
      I’d be inclined to think that regardless of whether or not one was able to get in good with a skank in that setting, I’d wager that her bitch shield would go up immediately once he told her he was straight.

      1. Odd that he should use “in like Flynn” as the worst kept Hollywood secret at the time is that Errol Flynn had many homosexual lovers.

    3. Or…and I’m just throwing it out there…why not have self respect instead? If you are going to such lengths to get a chick that you lose every last shred of dignity, you have fallen directly into the pussy beggar category.

      1. There are pussy beggars and pussy havers. Actively finding the pussy and doing so isn’t begging. What is begging is the beta husband who pleads with his wife to have sex with him once a year.

        1. If you have to literally act like a faggot in a venue filled with cock sucking, ass raping faggots to get a girl and you do so, then you are in fact shedding everything masculine in your soul.
          You can do better than that. We all can aspire to higher.

    4. I am about as much of a fucking faggot as a man can get while still being straight and unless we are talking about a 100% chance of banging every single one of your celebrity crushes in their prime in one massive bacchanal of an orgy and then sitting on a throne made of their limp, cum soaked, sweaty bodies while drinking wine from the skull of your enemy then there is no circumstance that warrants going into a fag bar.

      1. I think that’s the most eloquent thing I have ever seen you write. Bravo.

        1. Wait…saying he wouldn’t ever go into a fag bar means that he’s gay?

        2. You said “I am about as much of a fucking faggot as a man can get…” didn’t you?

  8. Retarded game?? Funeral game?? is this prick serious?? Who in the hell might think that those stupid approaches works??
    I have repeat it ad nauseam: this is not rocket science; just get your shit together, have confidence and the rest will follow.

        1. Could be…but to be honest I don’t know, they all look the same to me.

  9. Pretending to be gay is unacceptable under all circumstances. Doing the “gay voice” just to be funny. Not funny. I find it a little suspicious if you can imitate a flaming homo and sell it.

    1. On the other hand, calling another guy a fag when he does something stupid and then everybody laughs and throws back insults and good fun is had by all, is perfect form.

      1. When the history books are finally written the chapter on when calling a guy a fag for pretty much anything from tripping over a shoelace, to missing a ball to getting turned down by a woman becoming taboo will be understood as one of the most significant downgrades in society

        1. The day I cant call my friends – “you fat faggot”, despite being neither, is the day was have to pack it in, free-speech-wise…

    2. Watching the “Bi” guys get laid in college left and right made me give it a shot. I’m not proud of it, but I like to tell the girls I pull funny stories about that during our post-coital-cuddle

    1. Thanks man, a little ribbing now and then is fine. Doing it consistently makes you come across as some bully.

      1. You’re right. Even trolling needs variety and originality. Want me to delete those fatty pics?

        1. Please, that would be great. They are utterly NSFW.

    2. Like all of them except the thin crouched brunette, who looks like she’s a cutter and as if she’ll be strung out on meth within the next 2 years, tops. I means ok, WB and such, but she has nowhere near the appeal of the platinum blonde.

        1. See, all I see is “cutter”. Every cutter I’ve seen has that look. Something in the eyes, not sure what it is, but I can spot them a mile away now. Like I said, ok, wb, but I’d take all the girls above her in that photo before I’d take her.
          Looks like the pictures rearranged when I refreshed. I mean the thin brunette with the crazy eyes.

      1. that’s the old man “looking for a relationship” mindset….I get what you are saying, but still…….

        1. Nah, I just find cutters to be crazy crazy clown shoes crazy. Like the kind of girl who if you fall asleep next to her, you wake up missing one or more vital organs. I dig crazy sex type chicks, but there’s something about cutters that really freaks me out. I just don’t trust them, at all.

      2. You mean with dark eyes and freckles? She looks like she not only cuts but has reserves of craziness well beyond that. At first I thought you meant the other crouched one at first. Dark hair and blue eyes always gives me the creeps for some reason, no matter whether man or woman, my subconscious says: “danger! psycho!”.
        None of them are light enough to be platinum blonde, only one is even fully blonde-blonde, the one in pigtails – but she is something special. You can tell that bod is going to be slim and taut and she looks like she’s quite the enthusiastic type.

    3. all great. #1 and #4 are my taste all day and #4 borders on perfection.

      1. If you refresh the thread they change positions, so number referencing might not work out as intended. Something I didn’t realize until after I refreshed Disqus.

        1. haha…its like musical hotties! Yes the brunettes for me. If I could take the dark eyes of the one wearing pearls and put them on the girl with the diamond stud earrings she would be perfect.

      2. top one with the dark eyes was a teen star, I remember her from the remake of Get Carter. That pic is “10-plus years old”

        1. She looks a bit like Selena Gomez (the smiling brunette) if she’s the one you’re talking about. Selena Gomez being an actual hotty (or was at one time).

        2. they changed them around so you need to be more specific. I was talking about the brunettes. The blondes are hot, obviously, but look trashy to me.

        3. the one with the necklace. you dont wanna know what she looks like now

        4. I can only guess. You can see the specter of trailer trash in her even there at her best. Still WB but not shocked at all if she looks like the bottom of watery garbage now.

        1. all nice, the brunette with the shite lace shirt covering what I am sure are excellent shoulders probably wins this round for me.

        2. btw that blonde and the brunette with the really blue eyes both have a 114% chance of having sex with a minimum of 2 family members.

        3. Like Costanza, it is a gift….something that can’t be taught.

    4. I have no doubt that all of those chicks are naturally attractive, but the excessive amount of air-brushing used on those pics is ridiculous. The blonde almost looks unnatural.

      1. It is a given that any picture of a chick found on the internet will be heavily edited, but I don’t really care as long as they look good.

  10. admin – please – some sort of fat filter – gunna be sick…
    please – no more obese ugliness pic without a warning…

      1. hmmm trigger warning. I wonder what it would be called if we had some kind of warning that there was going to be pictures of black people.

  11. +5 More:
    1. Buffet Game (bring her a piece of ham with some gravy, maybe some cheese dip too)
    2. At Her Job Game (captive audiences who are required to be courteous are the best)
    3. All About Mom Game (talk about yours, talk about hers, talk about women who aren’t moms yet but you can’t wait until they are)
    4. Quiet in the Library Game (don’t say anything, actions speak so much louder than words)
    5. Can You Spot Me Game (you need money for the bus, maybe money for a drink, money in general and she’s got to front it)

        1. I think running Fatso game will yield fruit these days- fatties on both sides. Dom isnt even that fat compared to today’s standards

        2. one of the greatest lines of any movie ever
          “unfair to the payor but not to the payee but you’re gonna pay it…..or else”
          “or else what”
          “or else Pizza…..is gonna send out for you!”

        3. I would love to see a theater that would play the classics. Go to see Terminator, Top Gun, Spaceballs, Casablanca, or The good, bad and ugly would be a real treat.

        4. There is (or was?) a theater on OSU campus (or really near it) that used to play classics as their staple. It did really good. Every Saturday night they’d show Pink Floyd’s The Wall, where you could go and get second hand stoned just by sitting in the theater.

        5. Alamo Drafthouse shows old movies. you can also order pub grub and booze.

        6. Ah yes, the old contact high. You know, when they do a random urinalysis on you in the nuclear industry, they won’t buy that excuse, lol!

        7. Yeah, I know. I haven’t been there in over at least 30 years so I think most of what was in the air has probably passed through my system by now. I hope anyway.

        8. You’re good. Thirty days, unless they do a hair follicle test and most outfits won’t shell out the bucks for that.

        9. Oh I’m long done with the Homer career. Checked out of Hotel Nuclear back in ’99. Yeah, I know that the contact high is a myth. But I had a coworker that got caught by a random UA the Monday after a concert weekend. He tried to argue that, but they wouldn’t buy it. Even the union couldn’t save his job. Some things just aren’t worth the risk IMO.

    1. Don’t knock quiet in the library game. Also, this pic is so odd. She is either stupid hot or stupid ugly but nowhere in between and I can’t figure out which. She is like one of those stupid pictures that looks like a chalice if you look at it one way but looks like rita rudner blowing an donkey if you look at it in another.

      1. My thoughts exactly, so I labeled her as “intriguing” and hit post, but nearly all her pics are like that.
        (Sara H[ilton, I think], wickedweasel model).

      2. I actually saw Rita Rudner blow a donkey live, once. It cost more than a quarter though.

    2. What I am doing with my life?
      6. Whore game…..
      Bring the money of the price to get to the prize!
      100% guarantee!
      Which means if one is rejected he should stop thinking about copulation in general….

      1. one of the class barroom fun time trolls is when you are talking to a girl and getting on well and flirting and she is laughing and you ask her
        “hypothetically, if I gave you a brief case with 1 million dollars cash, no strings attached, no tricks, to have sex with me tonight–no one would ever find out, the million is yours, one night, would you do it?” If you get her to say yes you toss a quarter on the bar and say “will you blow me in the bathroom for a quarter? I mean, we have already established you are a whore and now we are just negotiating price”
        There is a bar near the rural area my maternal family is from, really little more than a road house, which is the only bar a person can get too without going 2 towns over. One of my cousins owns, operates and lives above it and most of the patrons are related to me by some degree of separation. One night there was a girl who came in the bar. This was like big. Like call the local paper big. Most the guys there were married, but just having a girl that wasn’t family in the bar was a big deal. As soon as my cousin heard me say the word “hypothetically” he put his face in his hand and knew they would never be coming back

        1. no, he knew the girls would never come back after I threw a quarter at her and asked if she would blow me in the bathroom.

    3. What about Buffett game? Get some phony ATM receipts printed up with million-dollar balances on them, write your phone number on one of them and give it to her.

  12. Gay game works bro! I know many people that said their gay and scored. Just make sure you don’t act gay and feminine!

      1. Seriously, I had male friends that went to gay bars to pick up women cause it was so much easier. I went twice a very long time ago (beta days) to get out of a dry spell and I have to admit, it’s fucking easy! Women are very open to communication cause they think your gay!
        The second time I said to myself… “What the fuck am I doing here…” and never went back!

        1. I went to sodoma and gomorra once. Never again. Those guy put a caligula party to shame

        2. Yeah man, Sodom was a weird place. I mean when the lord’s angels show up and meet lot and he invites them back to his house for a pedicure and some snacks a mob of men, young and old, surrounded the house and was like “hey, uhm, lot, uh, ya know those two sexy ass dudes you just brought into your house to give pedicures to? Can you please send them out so we can gang rape their assholes?”
          That this was even a somewhat normal thing to request just goes to show how wacky things got. And then Lot, the one virtuous man, is like “hey, uhm, so, yeah, you guys cannot gang rape these two guys I just met like 5 minutes ago……HOWEVER…..I have two virgin daughters….you can totally go to town on them….really,….just fukcing rip them up, triple input, as many of you as can fuck them, just rape them to fucking death….but these two dudes I just met…you can’t fuck them at all.”
          And this is Lot…Mr Virtue himself….

        3. yeah, but Lot’s daughters prob weren’t really virgins anyway. I mean two bitches who lived in downtown Sodom and who, as soon as cut off from other men, got their father drunk and fucked him were really, more than likely, well acquainted with most of the dicks in town. This doesn’t get the mob off the hook for wanting to gang rape the lord’s angels but I can see how most of the town was probably bored with their blown out jewish pussies

        4. yeah, I mentioned that below. I have long wanted to market a wine called Lot’s Alibi.

        5. you’re, not your. Small wonder why intelligent women want nothing to do with you – you’re an idiot.

      1. I love it how my English gets worst every year cause I don’t live in a shitty western country anymore! I’m 37, retire and fuck foreigner women everyday while traveling around to different Eastern countries every couple months. Who’s the loser now?!? 😀

  13. “My wife just died. She was a blogger, and an activist, and a psychologist, and a liberal Democrat, and dear god, I loved her so…sniffle.” (I’m thinkin’ this angle might work – the dead spouse routine. Never tried it, but hey – it has promise.)

    1. “I’m sooooo sorry to hear that! Let’s bang, okay?”
      Who cares if it works or not. Life’s about having fun and it’s fun to try crazy shit once in a while.

      1. “I don’t know if I can go on…all I do is think of her. I don’t even know if I can move forward. I can’t even think of dating. I’m just numb. Mostly. Well…weird…I thought my dick died with her, but…I feel a stirring…please…just keep sitting here with me…I’m soooooo lost.”

        1. you know, during one of the approaches, I couldn’t hold it together and kinda laughed cause I said “she died of a shitting disease *snicker*” and the chick left thinking I was some kind of psycho. She’s not wrong

    2. My brother ended up remarrying pretty soon after his wife died. Less baggage to deal with than a divorce.

    3. “My wife just died. She was getting mouthy with me and got her bitch game going. She stormed out of the room and accidentally fell down the stairs. Stupid bitch, yo”.

        1. Strong pimp hand potential murderer game, wets them panties, yo.

        2. “She got snuffed in a drive-by – sent the bitch to the sto’ to get me a deck of Kools…” I like where this is going.

      1. lol
        my wife accidently fell down the stairs 6 times and then shot herself 5 times in the back of the head

        1. “Well, you see, it was like she was choking to death at first, then she sort of screamed my name, shuddered for awhile and was gone…I don’t know what happened.”

        2. “My wife just died of heart attack. We were having rough sex and she just couldn’t handle it….”

    4. even though HIMYM is a terrible show you can always do the Ted Mosby. Walk up to a girl, pull out a wedding ring while crying and explain ” I got left at the altar” probably net you some sympathy sex

  14. Number three – the gay one – unfortunately is a thing now in San Francisco. Yes, guys faking they are gay to get social proof with a chick, then flipping the script later that evening as a bang attempt, is a thing. Occasionally it works. I really wish it were a joke, but this is how bad it’s gotten in San Fran: https://www.rooshvforum.com/thread-61298.html

  15. Pregnant Single Mom Game – attend single-mother lamaze classes, play the role of a birthing coach and tell your pregnant class partner to “Push, push!” While you are coaching her, thrust against her every time you say, “Push” (you must always wear skinny jeans, a “Not My President” T-shirt, and hipster glasses, of course)…throw in a “Push, bitch”, every now and again…and casually say to her, “Starbucks after class – I’m buying. Yeah. Who’s your daddy now, bitch.”

  16. This article belongs in modern omega magazine. Please leave the last remaining virgin in the west alone.
    They always look so happy. You ever notice that? I never seen one of them get pissed off and go psychotic. Why can’t god switch the happy brains around on these two?

    1. WB psycho.
      Would only bang the virgin because I like walking through untouched snow.

  17. This post reminds me of a Red-Pillish observation by Sigmund Freud:

    The behaviour of a human being in sexual matters is often a prototype for the whole of his other modes of reaction to life. A man who has shown determination in possessing himself of his love-object has our confidence in his success in regard to other aims as well. On the other hand, a man who abstains, for whatever reasons, from satisfying his strong sexual instinct, will also assume a conciliatory and resigned attitude in other paths of life, rather than a powerfully active one.

  18. Once when I was a kid I had been outfitted with a retainer and couldn’t speak properly when I wore it. Asked some lady at a bus stop about the schedule and sounded like a tard. She looked at me very concerned as if she wanted to take me home for some “nurturing”. So don’t knock tard game until you’ve tried it.

    1. Diseased game works too only if you reflect you genuinely want to kick disease’s ass.

  19. Not so sure man. Although for a straight man, most of these games will shoot you in the foot, for today’s young cuck who believes in gender equality, fag game works. Have seen too many of these younger guys use being bisexual or ‘gender fluid’ to get a lay. By no means is it easy because often they have to go through with the act, for a bunch of them this was just an excuse to be a modern day Caligula.
    Dead lover game and Funeral Game can work, only if you have something to draw from and are still masculine enough to show this was a chink in your armor. You don’t want to apply either because it is more fun to be a little more straight forward, but if you are younger All is fair in love and lays.

    1. Funeral game can work, if you’re Archer.
      Stumble up, clearly drunk, and hit on the hot widow “Let me be the *first* to welcome you back into the dating pool!”

      1. I can’t begin to tell you how many threesome requests suddenly came up when I was laying my grandfather to rest. I was almost annoyed I didn’t have time to jump on all of them due to funeral arrangements.

        1. Who are you telling? I couldn’t wrap my head around it but in 4 days must have had a chance with 8 ladies. I wish I was saying this for sarcasm and effect but nope.

        2. inconsolable game??
          the mind boggles at this one…I have no doubt youre telling the truth

  20. Never go full retard…
    I have to say these were pretty creative. I’ll bet some of you playas even pull it off.

  21. What about I’m married game? Put a wedding band on your finger. Pre-selection and it’s taboo.

    1. There truly is a demographic out there that’s into that. And strangely many of them actually seem to be fairly attractive. I guess they get bored with no-danger bland single guys and want to up the ante drama wise? Just speculating.

      1. Part of it is the fact you’re already with a woman. If your SO finds you desirable it seems they want to find out if they can turn you. Maybe you’ll find her more attractive than your partner, a big ego boost for her. It’s the ultimate form of female competition and attention whóring. I’ve seen more than one marriage wrecked this way.

        1. So really just a female form of cucking another girl.

        2. Yeah, from what I can tell that’s exactly what it is. I was the process engineer over an assembly area in a manufacturing plant. There were about 125 women and 10 – 12 men in the dept., including me. Let’s just say there was a lot of competition for my attention and affection on the shop floor. I couldn’t go out to the grocery store or a restaurant without some gal coming up in front of my wife, hugging me and telling her how wonderful I was. Not all of them were interested, but enough were that I could have picked who I wanted when I wanted. I swear I don’t think most men are that competitive! I also believe they knew I didn’t cheat, so it made me that much more of a challenge (kind of a legit form of “aloof game”). I had this one little strawberry blond (also married) that was so “forward” she’d come right out and tell me how good it would be, that I’d be sneaking over to see her every chance I could if I’d ever try it once. She got so bad, the older lady that worked next to her on the line asked “Why don’t you just throw her up here on this conveyor and get it over with!?” I had to just shake my head, laugh and walk away. If I’d been single, I would have probably ended up shot or in jail, lol!

    2. Something I can’t put into an article that I’ve tried but has worked is “married man game” for the cougars, “secret agent game” when I’m traveling (i have tons of fake ID’s from HS and college), and “plastic surgeon game,” based on the show Nip/Tuck (worked 4 out of 15 times).

      1. Pound for pound, that is one of the funniest websites on the entire interwebs.

  22. Am I the only one that thought this was going to be an article about how to meet “non-working” women? Oh how tricky the English langugue is.

  23. …Bet they’re still all far more successful than male-feminist-game.

  24. I always do my damnest to pick up chicks at wakes. Puts the FUN back in funeral.

  25. As for the a lover dying game, it actually worked for me. I actually did lose a girlfriend in a car accident, although, at the time, I weren’t really using it to find a piece of ass. I live in a small town so news spread fast about my loss, and about a thousand people poured onto my Facebook page, giving me condolence. Long story short, a girl I didn’t even know, but went to the same High School apparently knew me. I had been out of school about three years at the time and couldn’t remember her. She was a couple years behind me. Smoking little red head with a fat ass. She private messages me on Facebook telling me how sorry she was about my loss, asking if I wanted her to come over and talk. Of course I said yes. I was grieving, but I sensed wet panties and I couldn’t turn it down. She comes over, we talk, out of nowhere she starts giving me a massage. Next thing I know I’m pounding her clit off in my bed. Fucked her for about 2 months until I got tired of her.

  26. Reminds me of something funny I did once. I idioticly took a girl I had been dating to the beach with me for vacation. I immediately regretted it after hearing her spoiled mouth complain the entire time and seeing all the sexy women the beach had to offer. After being dragged to the tenth gift shop the cute cashier asked me if I was paying for my girlfriend’s items. I quickly replied, “Oh she’s not my girlfriend, shes just a mentally handicapped girl I’m being paid to take care of”. Then right in front of my date I got the cashiers phone number. She was so stunned she didn’t know what to say. I walked out of the shop and caught an ear full of bitching but upon reminding her she was a guest on my vacation and she was welcome to walk home she shut her mouth.

  27. Sir, your effort to getting laid and trying new things is adamant. Any man trying to get laid should try whatever comes to mind so that he truly knows that it doesn’t work. It can make you feel more comfortable and confident in doing it the right way.

  28. I can’t believe you didn’t state the “best friends game”. Tried over and over by 70% of the men out there. You cannot work yourself into a relationship by befriending some girl first.

  29. Each of these ploys is part of the overarching “empathy” or “poor me” game. It’s all about playing on a girl’s instinct for caring and nurturing. But I can also attest from experience this doesn’t work, coz nothing dries snatch faster than “poor little old me”. You see guys using it everywhere, especially effete blue pillers, and it’s usually the first kind of game they come up with, coz it’s the easiest and closest to their reality.
    Trust me, even if the girl does react positively, the only thing this game is getting you is a one-way ticket to the friendzone.. unless you really know your shit, or if she’s a slut or a complete loser. (Of course, guys who use poor-me game are also the least choosy, surprise surprise).

  30. “On the contrary though, a girl who had someone close to her die is ripe for the picking and bedding.”
    If you think about it, this is the opposite of Dead Lover Game or Funeral Game. (One caveat: if the person close to her was an alpha boyfriend, I suspect she wouldn’t be as up for you.)
    There’s a point here: if she is feeling vulnerable rather than you being vulnerable, there’s seduction potential.
    Which brings me to:
    “One more thing I tried after reframing was pretending to be a retard-wrangler who drove a short bus. Long story short, that didn’t work because nearly all the girls would get disgusted by me trying to use handicapped kids to get laid. C’est la vie I guess.”
    Short-bus driver is a job, though, and you have no emotional investment in it. What about posing as a guardian or family member of a single retard, like your friend did for you in the shoe store?

  31. My gf told me some guy this year came up to her and ask her if she wanted to do salsa with him. I had to laugh, what a indirect crappy ass way to pick up a woman.
    As far as I care, all indirect ways are crap.

  32. If this is real it might be the worst thing I’ve ever read on this site. Talk about acting like a complete idiot and proving you have absolutely zero dignity, self respect, or knowledge of neomasculinity. What a joke, how can any man who claimed to know game lower themselves to this nonsense. No one would ever think this would work. It’s not fun, it’s pathetic. Acting like a retard? A fag? A cancer patient? You think your true self is less appealing than those things? Good God man
    If this is satire it’s garbage tier, not funny whatsoever. Pretty shit material for the first submission. And yeah, everyone and their dog knows motorcycles attract women.

  33. ” I tried reframing pretending to be a retard-wrangler who drove a short bus. ”
    LOL!!! I actually am the driver of one of those short buses full of retard kids. As for whether that will score you chicks or not I couldn’t tell you. I’ve been happily married for 26 years and thus I’m off the market. I began my “retard-wrangling” career some time after marriage.

  34. Conclusion: the idea that women are naturally nurturing and empathetic is a crock. They only are when society puts them in their place.

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