More men should step up and claim their rightful throne as strong, fierce yet righteous beings. I personally took the red pill a long time ago. If not, I too would’ve pursued the road of conformity that has led so many men astray. At some point I figured out that if I had a team in my back I could do so much more—I could start winning more at life.
Man Hunt
Firstly, scout for men who are not corrupted by society. The problem is, within the vast array of men, there will only be a handful or less who have swallowed the red pill. They are certainly hard to find. What I did was wait for them to find me. I kept striving for improvement and success while I welcomed similar men to join my path. Whilst you head for defiance, like-minded men will start to follow your lead. This is a very convenient situation for you to build your crew in a slow, steady manner.
However, life is too short. Ideally you’d want your crew set up before you reach your early twenties. Perhaps you are older already, but you must realize that it’s never too late. As long as you have ambitions, with a team you will prosper. Therefore, I have made some simple techniques to help you find the right comrades at a faster rate.
1. Be clever
Drop red pill views discretely during conversations to sort out red pill men from blue pill men. This allows better control of who you should befriend. If the man you are talking to sounds like a “consumer” and not a “creator,” you should stop paying attention to him. Remember, blue pill men only consume that which is presented by society and religiously neglect the truth. In a sense, they do not create their own reality, it is created for them.
2. Look at their life situation
If they follow the typical, normative 9-5 lifestyle and waste a lot of time on social media or other time-consuming frills, assume that they are not suitable for your crew. In addition, you should take in consideration what their ambitions are. Do they want to serve society or themselves? If they serve society they are more or less blinded by it, thus decreasing their potential and worth. Remember, a man’s worth should be partly evaluated by his ambitions for the future, not where he stands in present time. So, think about whether he has such a drive for accomplishments, and make sure his soul is not a spark, but rather fully afire.
3. Analyze their surroundings
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
The saying has truth to it, as we choose our friends based on who we are ourselves. It would be wise to choose your crew members in the same manner. So, ask yourself whether they surround themselves with the right type of people. Who are they spending their time with?
I recommend having at least two members except yourself. This way you will be a golden trio that are practically unstoppable. I have always found a trio to be the best, as you will be few enough to work in a high quality manner, yet also having the ability to shift your perspective if needed. Let’s say two of you end up arguing, there will always be a third guy ready to intervene and save the day.
Deus Vulting
With feminists, leftists and a general corruption of the Western society, it is harder to grow as individuals. We have to connect with like-minded people to rise from the ashes. By now, you know how to find these people. But to embark on a journey with them is something entirely different. You would need a set of wisely thought out principles you can apply to your “crew mindset.”
1. Capability
There are no limits among a group of men who are red pilled. In fact, I am going out on a limb here and say; you’re capable of changing history. You can reach the highest of highs while working together with men that worship the same values. So let it be a rule of thumb that you are practically limitless.
2. Loyalty
Loyalty can make or break your journey as a crew. Out of all the principles that make for a long lasting team, loyalty always triumphs. It speaks for itself, since without loyal members there is no way in hell you can achieve anything worth mentioning.
3. Freedom
Understand that when your crew has let go of what most people believe to be reality, you accelerate your growth rate exponentially. From now on you are witnessing the “snowball effect” having its way. Generally speaking, when you overcome the initial limitations you may have, you are basically free to roll. Just like a snowball.
Beware Of Blue Pill Saboteurs
We exist in the midst of a culturally imposed world where most men are completely unaware of what is really going on. These people will drag you down with them (if you let them).
More importantly, do not try to change a blue pill man into taking the red pill. For a man to take the red pill, he must choose to find the truth himself, as it is the rage that manifests itself on his mind that leads to real revelation. For that reason, I highly recommend that you steer clear of blue pill men.
I believe the red pill is for men who are contemplative. They are the skeptics who see beyond the horizon. Therefore, it is only natural that ROK readers find themselves a crew so that they can snap out of society’s devious grip and create a society for their own. So go out there and seek hustlers to hustle with, and demand society to treat you with the respect you rightfully deserve as a masculine man.
Read More: You’ve Already Seen One Of The Greatest Red Pill Movies Ever Made
Good luck with that. Even if you do magically find five other red-pill men who live nearby, there’s no guarantee that any of them will see the need for YOUR friendship. This goes double if you’re out of college and **especially** if married w kids.
If I sound cynical, it’s my experience talking.
try to find 3 in california
you are right. In the end, if you make yourself a valuable commodity then others will want you. A group doesn’t need to be so close knit. I have connections in one industry, you have connections in another, a third guy in yet another so on and so forth and next thing you know you are at the Harvard Club on 44th street having a drink and you know who to call if you need xyz
BTW- thanks for the tip about the reverse sear method for cooking steaks.
did you try it out? freaking awesome right?
Absolutely. Got a nephew who is a professional chef and I sent him a blast about why the fuck he’d never told me about this magic…
…er…sounds interesting…
Yeah, its insane. My first time when the steak came out of the oven looking all gray and shit I was like oh fuck..then the magic. I really can’t eat a steak any other way at this point! Glad you tried it and liked it!
reverse sear on a steak…more than interesting….it is wizardry
Just wanted to let you know somebody took action on your tip. Daughter isn’t huge into steak, but I mostly grill them on the BBQ. She loved the reverse sear NY strip, she’s tiny and demolished a 1+ pound steak even though she wasn’t that hungry.
Are you searing it after roasting it?
OK Merlin.
How’s it done?
Thank you.
I’ll give it a go.
I’m cooking butterfly New Zealand steaks at present.
not sure it will work on a butterflied steak as the thickness of the steak is a factor. But google “reverse sear steak” for exact instructions. It really does come out perfectly every single time.
essentially you cook a steak at a very low temp…as low as your stove will go….for an hour or so depending on size of steak. Then you let it rest to room temp and then hit either side in a rocket hot cast iron skillet for a quick sear of the outside. It is basically the opposite of a normal sear where you sear and then finish in the oven.
yes sir. low low low temp in oven for about an hour then about 1 min sear in a rocket hot pan on each side.
very pleased! Also, glad it was a NY Strip. A fitting steak for a tip from the local ny douchebag
Whoops, for your above post.
Will do.
Thanks again.
‘..perfectly every single time.’
My four favorite words.
So basically a poor man’s oven sous vide?
And make sure your group doesn’t dress like the faggots in the top picture, with their neckties and suits…
That’s a given.
I’d bet good money all of those prancing ponies blew each other after that photo shoot.
It’s a process finding them but I have a few. It also depends on where you live. I’d imagine it’s much harder to find red pill friends in San Francisco than say Tennessee. Some of my red pill friends had potential to begin with so I helped convert them. Some were red pill to begin with and some were just so hopelessly beta that I dropped all contact with them. When you lead by example and ppl see how much better youre living life than they are then they will follow your lead. It’s good to have a crew but if you can even find one that’s a start and much better than being self defeated.
“When you lead by example and ppl see how much better youre living life than they are then they will follow your lead.”
In my experience, that leads to jealousy, and they never talk to you again.
Been there. Hopeless beta fags can’t stand to see others succeed.
and it is good riddance, think about it : the lifestyle helps one to separate good people from the bad ones. Without any specific effort directed to them. One rock, two birds..
Five others is a big number. I have one friend who is something like a brother and a bunch of other like-minded guys who I’m cool with.
But you only need one Wing-Man. As long as he isn’t a lil bitch you’re good.
That’s better than my position. I have all SJW friends. I even went out with 2 new buddies last week saying it was “bro night.” Found out they were both vegans, married to ugly ass alpha females, and talked about women being objectified in movies.
Hahaha… what rude fucking awakening!
LOL! Sounds like a productive night. You’ll know not to speak to them again.
True enough, but I’ve found four so far in a deep-blue state, in a college town.
We’re everywhere.
This is true. Found 3 others at the most SJW campus in the country.
A man who dresses well, has a good positioning on the body mass index (BMI), sports his natural hair color, has no tattoos or piercings, isn’t a whiny lil’ leftist white knight, reads non-marxist philosophy, and travels on the regular is a good sign of a red pill man worth talking to.
Such a man probably enjoys feminine women who ALSO dress well, has a good positioning on the body mass index, sports her natural hair color (and keeps it long), has no tattoos or piercings, isn’t a victimhood spewing lil’ feminazi bitch, reads anything beyond Buzzfeed, Jezebel, or Huffington Post related sites, and will travel and “find herself” only with her established male partner.
Good summary. That pretty much describes it.
…has a logical head to conclude that multiple cultures living closely cause friction and are generally a stupid idea.
Red pill men…lemme think…okay…Neo…Morpheus…Conan the Barbarian…um…
This article has the same message as one of my comments last week! Damn, it feels good to be right!
Batman…the Joker…um…
Don Corleone, Scarface, Bane…
{{{Hitler}}}…Peewee Herman…
LOL! Your comment got deleted for being Literally Hitler!
BTW, Ivan Drago, V, Darth Sidious…
Carlito Brigante!
(((Darth Sidious)))
He certainly knew how to play the game…
but not laling, he cane walk, he cane hump…hes wearing freakin die uh purz mang
Conan the Organizer…
Man, he’s a keeper. We gotta get organized…nice call.
To crush with your spreadsheets, to see them propagated before you, and to hear the lamentations of your underlings in the bureaucracy.
Conan from Accounting?
Conan the Librarian
“Don’t you know your Dewey decimal system”
I got to watch that movie again.
This is a “strike at the root” subject. Never forget what they did to Roosh’s meetings and the goal for meetups. The mainstream media and the entire cathedral put its credibility on the line to destroy the meetups, promising violence even.
Let that sink in. They were ready to resort to violence to keep normal heterosexual men from talking to each other.
Pro tip: Don’t just “have a crew”, have a crew that does something together. Remember those dumb corporate “trust building exercises”? Well it’s derived from something that works. That’s why it’s so dumb in the corporate world, being so fake.
What your crew based its existence on is not priority but it has to meet these requirements:
– some element of danger: SCUBA team, martial arts team – the kind of martial arts where you really hit each other and have to trust your partners not to knock your teeth out or break your collarbone, shooting team – more than just “stand and shoot” stuff please. Hunting club. Or even a business network where you all help each other out (that’ll strike fear in the hearts of a LOT of people when we start doing that and they will be calling the feds to look for every last little possible violation).
– elements of trust: the activity would be such that your life is in the hands of your crewman.
– MATURITY. I cannot stress this enough! I have theorized that the leftists and government will make a “movement” look bad not to discredit it outright, but make it look good to bad people, meaning that the adults end up having to babysit. For more information:
But I think the requirement for men to act like men could be enough.
– Usefulness: A crew that exists for the sake of being a crew and nobody has anything to really bring to the crew is pointless. It’s like living with a woman who is only good for having sex with, all she brings is a vagina. Each member of your crew has skills and resources. For example I have in my crew pilots, doctors, farmers, and even mercenaries.
– Hierarchy. Or as I like to say “respect where respect is due”. Look at it this way: the leftists, feminists especially, live in fear of the idea of younger fellows talking to older ones in any setting that encourages mentorship and respect. You see the young fellow is supposed to hate and have nothing to do with the 40 year old who has been through the divorce mill. He’s not supposed to listen to “that old man”. He’s supposed to think he is special and his situation is unique and special and go ahead and marry the fat slut. The “system” depends on that. What I mean, ultimately, by hierarchy, is the recognition of “elders” and their wisdom, credit towards men with more skills, and a sense of mentorship and ultimately: leadership. And leadership starts by caring about the men in your fellowship.
Hierarchy is in many ways, a manifestation of patriarchy.
Train me Senpai
Master the 1″ punch…
“They were ready to resort to violence to keep normal heterosexual men from talking to each other.”
I guess we need something like Grinder, but for red pill men, and without the butt-fucking.
Grinder and butt-fucking. How nasty is that?
I think that’s how they like it
That’s gay.
Awful example.
which gay dating site would you prefer we use as a template?
Which *faggot dating site. Newspeak, you know….
Mandatory training for you sir
So not like grinder at all?
one cannot compare amyl nitrate to glorious red pill Kratom
I know you meant that as a joke but I think this could be a viable idea. A tinder type app where you can match up with other red-pill men in your area. You could list the things you’re interested in doing with potential match: wingman for day game/night game, hunting/outdoorsy activities, sports, investing/business, survivalists, motorcycle/car enthusiasts, DIY builders, etc. Organizing an ROK meet-up on a large scale is futile at the moment, but small groups of guys assembling who share same mission. Thats a great start. We need to unite. That’s how we’re going to change things. Assemble the troops.
I did mean it as a joke, but who knows. It would kind of depend on how it was done. Since the comparisons so far are a) Grinder ( but without the gay) and b) Tinder (without the (slutty) sex) it would have some work to do to distinguish itself as legitimate. Maybe call it “Swipe Right and use the RooshV forum credential system
Yes that’d be an awesome start. It’d probably have to be a android based operating system as I doubt the cucklords of apple would approve. Maybe just call it “RedPill”. It wouldn’t be hard to make either. You could just copy the source code of tinder and re-orient it for our purposes. Indian software developers do it all the time. the hard part would be making sure actually red-pill men knew about it and used it.
Beyond my expertise, I’m afraid, but I’m sure something like it would be possible and beneficial. It’s time we started thinking – and innovating – out of the box
The main advantage I think would be that it is location-based (like tinder, grinder, etc.) so it’s easier to find people you could actually meet in real life.
Like you said, this wouldn’t be that difficult to implement.
The only issue is that it would make one more liable to be doxxed…
Well at present all we have are our own “virtue signalling” measures. Sure the SJWs do it but a tool is a tool. If someone tries to shoot you and you take the gun from them, do you toss it aside? No.
I like to call this virtue signalling “shitlording”. And it’s a thing really. How do I know?
Look at the latest symbols that the ADL and SPLC have tried to list as “white supremcist hat symbols”.
When I say the Cathedral (or in that case the Synagogue) is going “all out” to keep us apart, I mean it. They are watching everything, every last nook an cranny, and playing mind-control full spectrum dominance warfare on it.
Too bad we don’t care if someone calls us racists or whatever. Which is the true test of a shitlord and in fact makes the signalling even that much more easier. But what do you expect from people who don’t live outside of their leftoid circles and university think tanks?
yeah, just a matching system based on activities or locations, not pics..
It would be best to use it overseas to avoid doxxing. Here in Thailand doxxing is a non-issue so you could freely “swipe-right”
If you want I can build this site on the cheap and in about a fee days.
Just let me know if you guys want it up if so it shall be up by next week. Maybe we can have a donation to improve the site over time. Maybe create meet ups secretly disguised as some formal event need to know bases. Men only etc etc.
Yes! That would be awesome. I think it’s best to keep its descriptions very vague a lá Fight Club. Don’t want it to be taken down before it’s had a chance to germinate. Assume the people using the app already know what’s up.
We should have rules like Fight Club. No really we should.
What’s the first rule about Fight Club?
We need a good name. Something that speaks to the heart of masculinity but is easy to remember. Probably the Minister of Information (Quintus) can come up with something.
One of the few genuinely good ideas on ROK
“to keep normal heterosexual men from talking to each other”
Women fear that men talk with each other and hate men only spaces, because their husband doormats can see the other side of the fence there, But women can talk to each other and talk shit about men and put your wife against you with no problem. It´s not new that´s the reason women tried to band coffee because men change the bar for the cafe in 1674, ironic how is women who loves coffee now and loves their Starbucks, it´s only problematic when men do it of course.
Women just hate being left out. They are always little sisters who want to follow big brother around.
And then bitch about it when they can´t compete and demand for lowering the standard
then EVERYONE bitches when I fuk their sister….
Thank god I don’t have sisters
Change the word ‘cathedral’ for ‘synagogue’ and you’ll be closer to the truth.
[email protected] team building exercises. Nobody takes those seriously.
Catch me…..
I agree with the idea of a group, but of your points, I think adding danger is unnecessary and a waste of energy.
Being red pill is enough of a proof of purpose. What the group should focus on is being group-focused egoistical in mundane matters (money, social circumstances, etc).
Proving the capacity to do solve mathematical logical problems (a better version of I.Q. tests) would also help us get rid of idiots that happen to have become red pill, but are actually stupid.
Out of experience, without an activity that hat some risk to it, all you get are lazy people who won’t be there when needed.
You have to separate the men from the basement dwelling neckbeards.
Top notch comment. If the article hasn’t motivated me to find a group of RP men, this comment sure did.
“Don’t just “have a crew”, have a crew that does something together”
indeed. As the social psychology states, a group is created among shared common values AND a common project/purpose. That’s the difference between a group, which is an organization, and a crowd (which is temporary and emotionnal based). Skip the common project or goal and it’s almost sure that your “group” is going to dissolve by itself as time passes.
Ahh and concerning loyalty.. Don’t hesitate to keep at bay (or simply ditch) guys who are willing to game other group member’s girlfriend (even for “the joke”) . These are vile treators.
Worse. They are weak vile traitors. Too many so-called men are conditioned to think that if they DO NOT hit on any and all women they are “turning down pussy” and will automagically wake up gay the next day, and spend the rest of their lives sucking dicks against their own will and crying the whole time with God nearby saying “that’s the rules, you turn down any pussy no matter what the cost or how bad, you become a faggot”.
And “conditioned” men are a liability.
Men crave healthy male bonding, and have throughout history. Today while working out, a guy commented on my shirt (sorry, it was not ROK) and we struck up a conversation. I have weeded out most of my bluepill friends (that’s basically all of them) and am actively seeking masculine wingmen, buddies, etc. I walked out of the gym just as happy as if I’d gotten the number of a hot female. The meetups may not happen, but there has got to be a way for us to grow and bond. We’re not changing anything by being lone wolf alphas.
Freemasonry, brother. If you happen to live in Southern CA shout back. It’d be a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Being that a good crew stays small I’m sure you see dudes who want to join up but there isn’t room. This is a revolution, bro — send em my way.
Infiltration prevents effective organization…imagine 1 billion men doing their own thing for the cause…without any affiliation to any other groups of men…each man doing his own unique thing to bring down the matrix…man, that shit would be tough to infiltrate…and impossible to control. (And then I woke up. Because it was only a dream. So I showered, and went to the organization meeting. And then I voted. And sighed. And made shadow puppets with my hands in front of a mirror.)
Leaderless, headless resistance. Yep.
It’ll never happen though. You know why? “Plastics…”
Fluoride in the water!
Fluoride is good for us. If it wasn’t good for us, they wouldn’t put it in the water…
I know. I saw it on TV. And I learned about it as part of my edjumacation.
Leaderless Resistance is, in my opinion, just the first phase in a successful (and totally hypothetical…) armed revolt against (((our lords and masters))). Eventually there must be an organization with hierarchy, chain of command, etc.
I’m hoping my victims-er, test pilots- will double as a crew.
Soon I will be leaving hermiting behind…
I’ve thought about this a lot. All my friends are RP as fuck, they regularly smash box and are working on their goals, but now we are all spread out and I only have one in my near vicinity. Have tried to making male friends, I’ve actually approached a few chaps at the gym (lol), but nothing has come of it. I’ve said it before, it’s easier to get laid these days than to make a quality male friend.
its hard to meet people without coming off as a faeg, drug dealer, or jehovahs witness….
I hate when those asswipes show up at my door on Saturday morning……jehovahs witness’ not fags and and drug dealers….. I wouldn’t like if fags and drug dealers showed up too.
well if I ever show up, remember I am none of the above.
Yeah, it isn’t easy. Work hasn’t panned out either. I work in a rather prominent Silicon Valley company. The vast bulk of our ‘men’ are either Chinese or Indian dorks, or flabby effeminate left wingers. There was some charity drive the other day, and I noticed that a local left wing group that specialized in ‘anti white supremacist work’ received a ton of donations from our population of white men. (You could see LDAP-related photos on the donation page).
The young ones are just beyond me. We had a new team member join my team, and I had a chance to hang out with him for a while. 26 or so, very good looking in that classical hollywood ‘white leading man’ way, well dressed compared to average.
We talked a bit, and I was surprised to hear that he disagreed with the left wing culture at our company (particularly the anti-white-male stuff). However, he said that his strategy in life is just to keep his head down and avoid being noticed. He’s not willing to speak up or even verbalize his discontent anonymously.
Not a hint of aggression or ambition about the guy. My wife met him at a team event and said the same thing… looks like a man, but there isn’t anything masculine about his personality. Almost like something is missing inside.
It was teaching many university courses that woke me up to the fact that something is wrong with elementary, middle and high school education. We are turning out batches of ‘men’ who lack many of the traditional masculine qualities.
I think it’s stupid to exclude men because they work a 9-5. What an arbitrary measure.
Right? Seems that you’d want a guy on your team who actually has a good income.
yeah – to mooch drinks off of!
No problem, he can mooch some drinks, and I’ll be banging his broad du jour out in the parking lot. Win win.
Exactly. When I read that I thought, “Damn, now I’ve gotta quit my job so other red pill guys will chill with me.”
The key is what they do with their free time. That, and you need money to launch a red pill revolution.
peace is slaughter, slaughter is peace, death to all sub human scum
Someone should create tinder for red pillers
huh, yeah. but tinder is a little weird of a comparison.
Sure yeah… But it’s simple and effective. Tinder is good design. is decent. There are local rock climbing groups that have regular events that I will take part in. You sign up to a group, and some sponsor will send out an email whenever an activity is planned. No reason you couldn’t sponsor a red pill men’s group.
oh, thats a good one!
I’ve used here too. I have gone and played football in the park, done a whisky tasting and did a burpee challenge….all of them super fun.
OXFORD: Every 4th Tuesday of the month – Regular Monthly Evening Meetup
Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 5:30 PM
5 Gateway Women Went
Check out this Meetup →
Good idea! I’m gonna create one in for my area.
keep me posted on how it goes, I am interested.
Will do!
” From now on you are witnessing the “snowball effect”…. “Just like a snowball.”
Heh heh heh.
Organization is the real threat to the reign, since being organized is the essence of power. That being said, learning to spot the Judas Goats is a skill I’m still working on.
I also think it’s dumb not to red pill blue pilled men. I’m not saying scream at them about it but at least talk to them and examine their beliefs. Ask them questions and see if you can lead them into the conclusions that red pilled men draw. If they aren’t getting it then you can walk away but to not try at all is total nonsense. We should probably quit trying to convince people to vote for trump too. Same logic pretty much.
Shaming and mockery are the only avenues available to create converts.
Not so. Empathy too, with a bit of psychological manipulation. Dude gets busted in a divorce, you’re the ear there to hear his tale and offer a few…suggestions and observations.
Divorce sparks an epiphany in a lot of men. Even if not immediately, buddy initially hoped his ex would ‘come to her senses’ and want to get back together. Took a bit for him to realize– that was actually the last thing in the world he needed.
Even better; when with a group of friends(blue piller included) steer the conversation towards the red pill solution so that it becomes agreed consensus amongst peers. Red pilling and they won;t notice and if you’re fearful of blow-back rest assured that as long as you didn’t go full nazi no one will question common sense.
When I was a missionary, one of the things they taught us was to build on common beliefs. No belief in modern prophets? That’s fine…how about divine authority in the priesthood. No? Well, how about a basic belief in Jesus Christ…… In God?…Okay we can start from there. You expand on their concept of God, and bring in the need for a Savior and the continue to expand into priesthood, modern revelation, and the need of a modern prophet. It is a process.
Same thing with the red pill. Can’t start off by taking a dump on their liberal ideology. All that will do is shut them down. Build on common beliefs. Starting off with transvestites in the girl’s shower is not the smartest. Everyone wants a quality life, freedom, decent environment etc. Build on those.
Yeah I agree with this. Pretty much making them realize how dumb they sound.
I had a nasty run-in with a blue-pill saboteur once. I’ll repost the story since it’s been awhile. I’d been good buddies with this guy since Jr High. He’d just been through a big breakup and was working a dishwashing job at age 26. He was pretty much doing the polar opposite of what he should have been doing(hanging out with her “as friends”, etc) so I figured he needed some coaching. He seemed receptive to my lessons about women. Politics is where I lost him.
Islam and mass-migration came up. I was careful to phrase things to appeal to his liberalism. IE, what would life be like for LGBTIABBQ people if Muslims became the majority in the West? I told him I was fine with moderate numbers of people from compatible cultures entering but did touch down on the ethical dilemma posed by the “brain drain”. He seemed interested and agreeable so I thought I’d had a breakthrough with him.The next day I got bombarded with messages from mutual friends. “Hey Comte, Cuck said you told him you hated immigrants. Is that true?”
Trying to rescue blue-pill men is a higher-stakes cousin of white-knighting. It wastes time and most of these guys will shove a knife in your back to get a few ‘likes’ from purple-haired feminists on Facebook. It’s sort of like dealing with an alcoholic in that they can’t be helped until they’ve reached rock-bottom. My ex-friend, incidentally, is working at a call center at age 34 and dating a fat single mom.
In my experience people have to see it for themselves. Otherwise, you’re right, It’s nothing more than a high-stakes time waster being played to bolster your own ego. If they see it engage, if not, move on.
as the buddhism post said: “Wisdom cannot be imparted, only experienced!”
you cant save a drowning man and they can only tread water for so long…
It was good of you to try, and a good lesson learned. The lesson is this: invest your strength in those who can give strength back to you, when someday you need it.
I’ve had similar experiences when talking about feminism and modern women. It is simply a waste of time. These types of men have too much ego investment in the idea that they are ‘better’ and more ‘enlightened’ than most other men, so they won’t listen to reason.
Hahaha damn. I am formulating an idea that I think many men conclude as they age:
You can’t help nobody.
Even if I research charity in africa, asia etc, it seems to have only led to mass starvation and disease (aids, malaria, etc.)
It’s almost like the fittest were meant to survive… and the rest just die or suffer. The only choice the fit have is: will they let themselves suffer with the rest, or break free to experience freedom.
Fact: There are about 3 million Muslims in the U.S. right now. That’s <1% of the population, which is 322 million.
Of those 3 million, about half a million are native born Americans who converted from another faith. They are not immigrants.
It is projected that Muslims will make up about 2% of the U.S. population by 2040.
Muslims becoming the majority in the West? You have nothing to worry about.
He’s done. Cut that dead weight loose and waste no more time on that one.
Yeah I tried telling a married guy who fought with his wife some Red Pill shit and he said he heard of it and thinks its stupid. His loss.
To hell with the term “single mom” ! There are no ‘single” or “double” moms !! There can only be “divorced” or “widowed” or “separated” or “living in !!” moms. They are not hermaphrodites, damn it !!
We need a redpill Freemasonry but without the jewish leadership, fag sex, and Satan worship.
What a remarkably perceptive comment. Well done!
Exactly! But for that, we need a rich guy to be red pill. groups like that need rich leaders.
I could live with a cabal running things behind the scenes if they were actually doing a decent job and we had a strong middle class and a couple years of peace here and there. Come on, oligarchs. The bar isn’t that high.
That’s probably how the good kings pulled it off; they may have been tyrants but they knew how to keep order and keep the barbarians out.
Like them or hate them, the science behind Unionism; how collective bargaining can be achieved among previously powerless groups is undeniable. I’m not saying the MRM is the answer, but just as females now collectively bargain for their monopoly on sociocultural narratives in all ways, this can receive competition among men. The problem is, most men have been conditioned to think anything outside male competition is a sign of weakness or loss of masculinity. It’s very difficult for us to rid the “I got mine” mentality, where as women will swarm misogyny like a cloud of locusts as we’ve all seen. The strongest empires were formed when males banded together for a collective interest, and here we are waiting for Rome to build itself. I think it can start as little as demanding male respect. When you see a brother getting torn down by some larpies, might be a good idea to back him up. The big things always started with the little things.
In truth the choice of guys to associate with comes down to one simple question. Is this man a bitch?
Proceed from there.
a good question, but I disagree. A more important question you have to ask for every single person you allow into your life in any capacity is “what can I use this person for” or if you want to put it nicer “what good is this person” or “what can this person do for me.” If you spend time hanging out with a guy that can’t be of use to you in some real way then you are a nut…doesn’t matter if he is a bitch or not. I would much rather spend a night out drinking with a guy who is a total bitch but has connections that I can make use of than a guy who is a cool guy and is totally fucking useless to me.
On the other hand, I love drinking and I hate bitches – and drinking should never feel like work.
true. But in turn I would suggest to let the hate flow out of you. So much energy spent on such a useless emotion.
It’s not entirely useless. It’s good for my self-evaluations, keeps me clear from hypocrisy (some of the time), and aids in the maintenance of my integrity.
But, you’re right, and I exaggerate. At the end of the day, I think that “hate” is really aesthetic distaste plus impotence. I tend to focus on things that are more under my control. Like the top shelf of single malt.
Now that is a focus you and I share. I am a big fan of Islay single malts. I like the peaty taste.
By associate I meant “allow into your inner circle, to trust, to call friend”. I will keep no bitches this close to me, male or female.
What you are talking about I call networking. With networking contacts I couldn’t give two shits about their politics but then they are not my friends. I separate friends and business.
I have gotten jobs, connections, hook-ups,ect though the asking and answering of one simple question:
“so is bem a good guy or what?”
“yeah he’s a good guy”
As primitive as this sounds, any man can answer this about another fairly succinctly and mutually understands what it implies.
Indeed a more… civil version of my maxim. This is important. Do respectable men vouch for Bem? If the answer’s yes, then Bem is in.
‘zactly. And I’ve advanced it as well. My recommendations are respected and not bound by resume criteria.
I suppose it matters what you want a crew for.
PUAs: If you just want wing men to help pull tail at bars then you’re truly better on your own, and ultimately you’ll have more return on investment if you day-game solo anyway.
Brawlers and Gangs: If you want a crew to be able to feel safe in surrounding neighborhoods then you need to bring something to the table. You’ll find this type of crew at martial arts clubs, motorcycle gangs, boxing or MMA clubs. Maybe even shooting ranges. Looking and acting imposing helps. Loyalty in street fights means everything.
Operators and Units: If you want a crew to survive civil unrest or collapse then you need to run in the right circles. These men go to survival classes and tactical training courses. They tend to be cops, firemen, nurses, ,military and hunters. They have extra skills like mechanic, personal trainer, dog handler. They invest in themselves with cash and time for improvement, to be a benefit to their team or any team that might have them.
You need to know the category of red-piller you want to hang with, and bring value to that crew.
The military men are more than often very blue-pilled.
How so?
They white night and put pussy on a pedestal. Seen it.
Chicks should not be in the military.
I would tend to agree there. I guess it depends on age and specialty you’re serving in.
I don’t have a crew because I don’t have friends I have acquaintances. If I had my way about things I would probably be a hermit….except hermits don’t usually have anywhere to bathe so that rules hermitting out.
I think that all too common among married guys (me being one of them). When I go home, my family takes precedence. That is fine 90% of the time, but if that is the case 100% of the time, it does have negative consequences. The thing that sucks is when I do have free time to do whatever, all my local friends are busy with their own families.
Seems to be true-i’m not married but have some married friends. I rarely see them anymore, if at all. Trying to schedule something with them is impossible. They might occasionally get a free night and drop it on me last minute after I already made plans. Seems a shame that they tend to retreat into the married bubble and lose connections with everyone else.
There is a certain amount of years where there really isn’t much choice in the matter. Kids take up a whole mess of time, and additionally, you’re probably right around prime career advancement mode as well, so your free time is almost all spent not being, well, free. It passes though, once they hit teen years you get a lot of free time back.
well, even if a man doesn’t have free time, couldn’t he meet for an hour a week just to discuss developments with a red-pill group?
That would be a great catalyst for a patriarchal world.
I think that yes, he could. And that part is where blame lay with him, as lots of guys, even after they’ve had that “crucial date night” that week, still just default to sitting around with the wife even if it means staring at the walls, on the one or two hours a week he has free time. That’s totally on him.
I could do maybe an hour a month….seriously. I have six little kids and am in the middle of my career, and have my Scoutmaster responsibilities. I come home and play with the kids, eat, do errands, then do it again. I don’t know how guys manage to squeeze in time for television. That is unless he is neglecting something. I know lots of it is prioritization, but I need some relaxation time as well. Maybe in a year or two when the kids can babysit themselves.
That is very true-my one very good friend in particular has 2 toddlers right now (3 and 4) and that sucks up all their time. Any free time they have is spent resting and sleeping from what I heard.
The ones that pissed me off, when I was in the early years of marriage, are the dudes that got married and hadn’t had kids yet, who would just sit inside the house or only go out with wifey alone, who eschewed all social contact. There is no excuse for that bullshit, and was a prime indicator that he was well on the path to becoming a little bitch.
Yup, a good high school friend of mine pretty much disappeared. Correction, change “becoming” to “is”.
First one is due Dec. 21. Ready to go full dad mode. I at least waited until I am at spot in my career that is stable and just the standard 8 hour day. I have been attempting to cultivate hobbies and activities that toddlers and youngins can do as well.
What boring, needy, terrible woman wants their man around all the time anyhow? My wife tells me to take the dog and go out in the woods for a while. She likes her own time too.
You’re on the right path then. Planned parenthood shouldn’t be a baby murder clinic, rather, it should be a philosophy on how one should approach parenting. Always have a plan and always have a backup for when that fails and then cultivate the skill to adapt and improvise when all planning falls to shit. Heh.
Thanks. My wife and I have an agreement – she reminds me that children aren’t dogs to be trained, I remind her that children aren’t constantly in danger eggshells.
I don’t think that she really wants the guy around per se. but she’d prefer he didn’t have any outside support systems like male friends. It’s rather insidious if you ask me. I mean it’s borderline evil, because you know end of the day she’s tired of seeing his face 24/7.
my theory is jealousy. They think you have a rich social life in your cubicle, and they want to be a part of it.
You might want to cut ol’ Bob Pastelshirt some slack. There might be more to it than meets the eye.
If it was just one guy, sure. It seems to be somewhat of a trend when most guys get married though.
Have you tried any “dad groups” or social things like that to find men of similar situation? Our birthing center offers them.
A more direct option is to take up coaching for your kids sports. Lots of dads socialize by being a coach and “assistant” coach etc. Same with Scoutmaster
Not sure, but I think those are inundated with liberals. My “dad group is mostly through church.
I’m already crossing my fingers for the kid to not like football.
Football sucks. So does soccer. Lacrosse on the other hand is freaking amazing and baseball is a fun way to spend an afternoon.
I’m okay with wrestling and swimming too.
same here….I have no RL friends. I have a well honed network of connections, both work and personal, and waiters, bartenders and managers from bars and restaurants all around the city. I have a couple of people I chat with online and a few people I email and you guys. I have not one single person in real life though…this is by design. I have invented and perfected being a social hermit. I am always out, meeting people, doing things, every place I go into a dozen people know me, I have a million people I can call for a million different things and plenty of women to have sex with–yet still a hermit.
I had two friends show up at my Mom’s funeral that I hadn’t seen in decades. I had another call me out of the blue, was helping his folks clean-up a rental property in my state, he and they both live in another. He knew I’d have a pickup (‘cuz I always do..). Of course I’d go help him and do a couple trips to the dump while catching up….
ugh. I fucking hate people. A very large part of my business is favor brokering. After years of doing it I am in a very good position with a lot of people who know me as someone who a) can help them and b) is worth helping. To this day I can’t recall every doing something for nothing. You want a favor from me you better believe I am doing an ROI given everything I know about you before answering and if I do it you better believe I will be cashing in my chips at some point.
Someone wants help for free they should go to AA….
He’s a lifelong friend–since kindergarten– he truly would dispose of a body for me. I’d do the same for him, it was good to see him regardless of the circumstances. One of the few people in my life who will have my back when I need someone to be there.
this is something I admire in others but have never had the capacity for myself. I am with Rick…I stick my neck out for no man
I find Rick’s philosophy appealing. However, finding folks who’ll have your back is worthwhile. The guy I helped is the same guy who hadn’t seen me in a decade, but heard via some route about my divorce. (I’m not on social media) Called up and offered whatever I might need. Did I need a loan? Did I need to get away? Anything for my kids?Offered to let me stay with him and his family and look for work in his area or just clear my head…
One of the guys attending my Mom’s funeral was in the middle of a nasty divorce. But heard about her and showed up for me. This is the same guy who’s girlfriend back in college asked me out. Told her no, then mentioned it to him later. He laughed- she’d been pissed about him not wanting to go to a concert, she told him she’d ask me. He told her
“no way he’ll go out with you. Ever.”
“Why not, I’m not pretty enough for him?”
“Nope. He’s my friend, he wouldn’t do that to me.”
If you do find folks in your life you can trust, don’t shed them lightly.
Most men will have few true frends and if they do, they can count them on one hand.
“..he truly would dispose of a body for me.”
I was given a T-shirt a long time ago by mi mejor amigo. “Friends help you move. Good friends help you move bodies.”
Funny. But only because it’s true.
never EVER make it known that you have a pickup….
some day, and that day may never come, I will ask of you a favor….
One’s true friends can be counted on one hand. And that includes family.
“Friends help you move. Good friends help you move bodies.” – this is So True – absolutely the mark of a True Friend!!!
“Shovel Buddies”
Can you help me move a couch? I’m in san diego, thanks bro.
I have good friends, but very few of them. I’m more prone to create a cult of personality type of thing, where everybody wants to be nice to me and be my friend and offer me stuff. The place I live is crawling with people who know me on sight and by my biker name, whom I could not even begin to tell you the name of or what they do. Just something I seem to be naturally good at. Extroversion + intelligence or something like that.
If I ever snap and go full bore evil, I think I could easily make historical cult figures like Charles Manson or Jim Jones look like pikers. Pray that I never become evil. Heh.
I went to high school with a cat named Jim Jones,his nickname was….Killer.
I can learn from you. I’m the man people circle around to hear him impersonate the plattoon leader or Maréchal Pétain. I think if I managed to use my improvisation skills politically, I could do wonders.
voted most likely to become a Warlord.
I always gravitate more towards jester than king, in the scheme of things…
It’s in the genes I figure.
Lol! That’s funny.
In all reality it does help a lot to have some natural talents (I can sing quite well, am very strong, and can speak several languages, for example) that make you stand out. If you can get in front of a live audience of 1000-ish people and crank out a righteous tune while a live band plays behind you and get a huge ovation, you’re basically “famous” from that point forward. Or whatever else your particular talent may be.
Connections – that’s the way to go. I’ve adopted the same strategy over the years – mostly out of necessity, as “friends” come and go. It doesn’t take long to realize their intentions once you’ve helped them move, loaned them money, given them a job, and yes – even bailed them out of jail. I still have one good “true” friend that I’ve known since 7th grade. I also have a few “older guy” friends that I meet at car shows and at the race track – I like these guys because there’s no pretense, they’ve made their money and now they’re just enjoying life and always happy to tell interesting stories, but they eventually slow down and die off.
For me, at this point, it comes down to Reliability – My “Crew” consists of my family and my long-standing business relationships
Glad I’m not alone in this situation.
As of right now, I have no friends except my old man. The longest girlfriend I’ve had was 11 months, and that was 14 years ago. I am a fucking loner. Not sure how it happened.
I think at some point we’ll want deeper relationships when we’re older. That’s what people keep telling me.
People say that but I don’t know…some people are just diffeeent. I cap relationships at 8 weeks with very rare exceptions for special circumstances (one time in last few years)
I like it this way. People have been saying “when you are older” so me since I was in my mid 20’s. Now I’m in my mid 40’s and I’m very much pleased with how things are going
As Eazy-E would’ve said it:
I thought it was necessary to have “crew” too but then I realised it’s bullshit and that big egos roll alone anyway. I’m a lone wolf and need nobody else.
A one man wolf pack, don’t drink the jäger miester.
Vert tough to find like minded men these days-maybe decades back but not now. I’d say 90-95% of men are blue pill. I hear it all around me at work, among peers/friends, family, etc… Some good indicators of hopeless blue pill men are quotes like “happy wife, happy life!” or “have to check with the ‘boss'(wife)”. I hear those statements, shake my head and move on. Oh forgot about “I voted for Hillary!”
Of course it would be cool to find some like minded guys, but 1) that’s extremely hard. 2) you could get in a co-dependence mode. Which sucks.
So fuck it.
?? what sucks about being co-dependent with a cool red-pill guy?
co-dependence just means you can specialize and be more productive/effective as a group than the sum of all of you would have being.
Being dependent on something is basically always bad.
He could become beta again and drag you down, he could move to somewhere else and you would be puzzled and fucked. ….
Do you get the idea?
If you’re red pill though, you’d see that wouldn’t you, and just detach and let him go down the drain? I would.
Of course I would, I’m sure you would too. But let’s say we have a guy here who just took the red pill, who is on the start of the journey to become an Alpha Guy.
If his best “red pill” friend would turn back to baby blue, he would destroy everything that our guy just learned.
I’ve never quite grasped the concept of co-dependence. Seems to me that it’s a catch phrase meant to keep people from being good friends or from forming loving relationships with a spouse. At least as I’ve seen it used since the 1980’s forward.
“You do certain chores and he does certain chores? You work on behalf of the other’s interest? Codependent”.
“You wake up in the morning and give your man a blow job because it makes him happy? Whoa missy, you’re gonna get all co-dependent if you keep that up. Best to only act for yourself”.
Codependency is about immature emotional habits.
Well I really don’t know the actual real definition of it, so I’m just noting how I’ve seen it applied in a practical sense since I’ve been in my late teens. While it may be a valid concept theoretically, normally I’ve seen it used only as a bludgeon to keep people from forming close bonds with others.
Here’s one: ‘Codependency is a type of dysfunctional helping relationship where one person supports or enables another person’s drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction, poor mental health, immaturity, irresponsibility, or under-achievement.’
So, I guess it’s more like continuing to give a gambling addict financial loans to get by. Maybe cause it makes you feel good, maybe because you have some sense of guilt you’re trying to assuage. But it doesn’t help them deal with their actual problem of gambling.
So why a new term? Why not the standard “being an enabler”?
… as we used to say in the Navy, somebody needed a performance report bullet..? Create a new term and get patted on the head and published?
The way I understand the definition is an unhealthy, overly attached relationship. The type that believes in a soul mate waiting to complete their life, (my partner, child, whatever) is my whole world, I’m not worthy of my partner, etc… Pretty much blue pill mindset.
Agree with the basic precept but not with some of the reasoning. “Do they serve society or themselves?” What is called society is just an aggregate of consumers — but if by society one means a true community, led by men, then it’s a false dichotomy.
pretty much my thoughts
I was thinking the same thing. I do some volunteer work for my church and also try and help people out as best I can when I see a real need. I enjoy paying back, and paying forward. I think all men should. It gives a great sense of purpose to my day.
I’ve been through several groups of friends in my life. First group of note was the early high school guys. Well, high school you don’t know a damn thing, no one is loyal, bunch of assholes. I retained one friend from the HS days.
Next was early career guys. I worked construction and experienced some real comradery with the various trades and picked up a couple friendships there.
During this time, growing up around an airport in the late 70’s and early 80’s there was a stable group of guys that lasted a long time. However, the real solid group of guys came from a group of us that lived together for years. We all got together and rented big houses in some nice neighborhoods, some bad. We had five guys and we moved about every year and a half over four houses. That was a real Cogs Ladder type of thing. We reached esprit de corps and when a new guy came in or another went out we had to go back through all five steps but that was a very fun time. We had weekly G.I. parties to clean up and to do upkeep the house. We always respected each other and not one guy ever tried to cock-block another roommate. Any time one of us brought some whore home the others did everything they could to either stay out of the way or to prop the guy up. When someone needed a hand we were always there help. Quite often there were sluts who thought it was such a great hangout they wanted to be a part of it. Every guy there knew that meant inevitable drama and it never went on very long.
As life would have it, it eventually fell apart. We had one guy step over the edge with drugs, one lost his job–couldn’t get another and eventually defaulted on his bills, two got girlfriends and moved in with them. Seeing the writing on the wall, I moved in with two women I knew in high school in a nice townhouse. Of all those guys, two are dead and the rest moved to different states. In retrospect I think the bond was not only our friendships, but the house as a central point its self. I only keep in touch with one guy from those days.
As fate would have it, I wound up getting intimate with one of the girls I was living with. I’d known her since we were younger and she passed the hoefax report. We got married a few years later. We had kids on the way within the same year of getting married. I started a new career at the same time. During those first years, I got married, had kids, changed careers and bought a house. During that time I did very little outside of working and being a father. My new job was so competitive I didn’t make any friends. Most of the guys were dicks that didn’t care about anyone but themselves and being the new guy they treated me like shit. I must say, I had some real doubts for a couple years as to whether I’d made a mistake. Work sucked, homelife was rough, lots of strife at home and money was real tight. I didn’t hang out with guys outside of the idiot parents of the kids that hung out with my kids. The idiots from the school, the idiots that my wife’s friends had married. Things really started to look up when my son’s entered The Boyscouts of America. There I met some dads who were solid guys and we had some great times during the meetings and over the week long summer and winter camps.
Now I’m back in a group of pilots that couldn’t be more red-pill. We have an all male organization and it couldn’t be better. We fly great planes at airshows and I can’t believe I’ve been given the privilege to be a part of it.
It all boils down to this. If you live long enough you’ll find you have groups of guys come into your life and leave. You’ll always find another. I’ve met many guys who are blue pill simply because they haven’t had the nudge. I’ve found if you use the true Christian belief that if you just live your life infront of others, they will wake up. You don’t have to push the red-pill on many guys, you just have to live by example. The unknowing, willing participants will come around.
Looking back, I’m so glad I did it. My son’s and I have a lot of fun together. A very wise man once told me a man will have three lives. He’ll have his work life, his family life and a third life. It’s that third life where the other two aren’t really allowed. I feel sorry for the guys that don’t cultivate that other life.
Men of RoK, in light of this timely article, I’d like your advice on a dilemma I’m facing today. Please share your thoughts eh?
I think I’m going to be offered a job managing the coffee roasting operations for a small chain of very fine coffee shops.
On the one hand, this is a beautiful opportunity, as it allows me the chance to master a fine craft; maybe one day become the Jiro Ono of coffee, perhaps. This chain is well known locally as the highest quality around, and has been in the USA Today Top 10 in America twice in the last decade. The work is relatively solitary, excepting the management of a couple younger roasters. Both of them (currently) are men & both seem cool, but I don’t know shit about them yet, really.
On the other hand, it’s a constant college hipster hangout, and I can absolutely tell that the owner and probably all the rest of the staff are total bluepill progressives. Dyed hair, dreadlocks, piercings, badly placed tattoos, the whole 9 yards. The owner even hinted at some upcoming events that sounded like they’d be in support of the area’s illegal immigrant community. These are people that IRL I’d avoid like a rusty syringe full of HIV. I don’t imagine they’d take kindly to a full blown Trump-voting, shit-posting, feminism-bashing, cuck-smashing redpill acolyte in their midst.
So if you were in my shoes, what do you think you’d do? Take the job or pass? And if you do take the job, how would you play the role, behind enemy lines?
If they were paying me enough I would take it, keep my mouth shut until I could make contacts to move on up elsewhere. Their money is the same color as everyone else’s..
No need to discuss politics with a bunch of hipsters. You can be cordial, and state your opinion with friendships you develop, but most of the public doesn’t need to know. Most everyone wants the basics in life (happiness, freedom, etc.) Build on those and be an example, and if you do so respectfully, you will soften their opinion of the right.
Which is why I’m not a big fan anymore of last Friday’s word
Awesome. My thoughts too. Thanks for the feedback, now I’m deleting this thread just to be safe.
You can’t be cordial with hipsters. You have more freedom of speech with Iraqis and North Koreans than the average hipster in America or most Western countries.
In other words if they don’t like what you say you are their enemy.
could be, been too long since I been in college.
College campuses these days are sleep away camps for coddled snowflakes.
It sounds like it is a good career opportunity, so I am assuming it is a good monetary situation and a way for you to advance and perhaps move into a different, better situation somewhere else down the road. For those reasons, it sounds like something worth pursuing.
In my opinion, the important thing to evaluate would be who I would actually be working with on a day-to-day basis, and the extent to which I would be required to be present and personally support the SJW causes, etc.
If you will be in the back office, so to speak, dealing with other professional people, then that doesn’t seem so bad. If you will have to manage and interact with the SJW types and snowflakes, that is going to make your daily life pretty miserable. I think we are all aware of the minefield it can be working with the SJW types on a daily basis.
And if you are required to show up and support those SJW causes because the company is sponsoring them… that will definitely suck. You have to think about how much of that you can swallow.
Awesome. My thoughts too. Thanks for the feedback, now I’m deleting this thread just to be safe.
Here is a thought experiment for you: if we, the commenters of RoK, all lived in the same community, what would that place be like?
I await those visionaries with the Cahones to reply.
Probably like a wealthy community in the south. Which is to say, very nice.
Take about half of Manhattan Island and plunk it down right in the middle of a big swathe of wide open rolling range. No suburbs, just straight from hardcore city to open country.
Governed by a patriarchal system, obviously. Each man would be responsible for his house and his family. Generally libertarian in most senses, with a limited government.
More or less free market economy, to the extent that is possible. No public schools. No fast food places. A gym on every corner, because we’d need about 15 different types of gyms.
Very low crime. The highest crime rates would be in internet fraud and Ponzi schemes.
Pet stores. Pet stores everywhere.
No welfare, of course. Except perhaps Kratom. If you lose your job or something, you get free Kratom for like 60 days to help you get back on your feet.
… an armed and polite society.
What I’m looking for is a balance between competition and cooperation. Without getting that balance right, it will take approximately five minutes for the ladies to fuck us all up.
a Kratomocracy.
I really would like to create a tribe. I’m working on it. But first, there are only so few red pilled men out there. And most of them are scattered around the country. And most people nowadays are too lazy to maintain such a group existence.
You anywhere near Nice/Villefranche? Heading there in a couple weeks
Most of Eastern Europe is Redpill land. Ever seen some Eastern Euro guys? They rarely passive and feminine betas so common in the West.
I hope you dont mean Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. USSR was feminist and matriarchal and Russia continues it
I am talking about places like Poland and Hungary.
I will take the Animal House crew any day over the ambitious, self loving douchebags in the article above.
If any Red Pill men in Las Vegas or surrounding area are looking to join an awesome crew feel free to send me a private message.
I have zero red pilled friends here in SoCal. Last week I went out for a friend’s wife’s birthday. All the men were pussies. All of their wives were ugly, nasty, masculine hags. The men joked about getting 1 night off per month to be free. It was fucking sad. Meanwhile, they all asked me about what’s going on with me and the bday girl’s best friend. “Nothing. We’re just friends” I laughed to myself. We hook up when she’s in town. There are plenty of other “friends” like that. Yes, you pussies, it is possible to get laid without trading your dignity.
A red pill dude in california is like James Bond. I speak a language no one gets. I’ve been trying to recruit disciples, but to no avail. Every dude thinks he can stand out by… being like every other white night pussy.
The only escape I’ve found is hanging out with older military dudes at cigar and bourbon bars. Honestly though, they are so beat up from the hard knocks life, I have nothing to offer in conversation. Never served. Never sacrificed.
Get out of Cali David. You will never find peace now that you see clearly.
Thanks man, I’ve been working on it. Slowly changing careers to something I can do remotely. Going well.
Same. Get out of there. I have been around most of western civilization and sometimes eastern thanks to the military.
You know what? In other countries, the men are acting like men and with women are acting like women and they are not sitting around bothered by the fact that they are not Americans, let alone living in LA.
In fact my observation has always been that anybody who had a good life elsewhere but gave it all up to move to LA or some big American city had something wrong with them in their head. I have been to the places where people don’t leave, and suuuuuuuuuuure they can’t get a fuckiung burrito at 3AM. Suuuuuuuuuuure they can’t fill up a shopping cart with pure junk for 50 bucks. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure they don’t have walmarts.
They dont’ give a shit.
The only places that normal people leave are the ones that are truly jacked up. Like for example, Irish escaping famine. Scots finding British rule a bit too stifling. Italians escaping abject poverty. etc.
So there is no value in being in LA. It’s a trap. Get out. Get into the real America ASAP. Lest you end up looking back on your life and seeing you wasted it living in wastelands disguised as paradise.
Where in SoCal are you David? Exact same experience. I government contracted with Marine Corps for two years which was my first exposure to real men. Needless to say, they were cool with me but had zero respect for me, nor should they have.
David, you may want to consider leaving CA permanently – if possible. I was born and raised in SoCal (Orange County) and never thought that I would want to live elsewhere. That all changed in 2004 when my wife and I took a trip to visit her parents who had recently relocated to TX (DFW).
I was always vehemently against living in a “fly over” state, but I gotta tell ya man, it was a very pleasant surprise. We stayed for 4 days on that visit and I remember this like it was yesterday… We landed at John Wayne Airport and proceeded to get on the 405 Frwy – as we merged into the gridlock to begin our hour long journey to go 10 miles, we both looked at each other and said “fuck this.” – I was on the internet that night looking for a house in TX!
I left a high-paying position at a prominent mortgage company in late ’04 – We relocated to TX in late ’05 – I started a Construction Company here in January ’06 and never looked back – Best Decision of my life!
The growth here is tremendous, No state taxes, Very Pro-Business attitude and people stay the hell out of your business. We live in a rural country setting, but with good overall accessibility.
Do I miss the Canary Island Date Palms and the Fresh Produce? Sure, I do, but we have Sabal Palms and Windmill Palms here. And the fresh produce?… whatever I don’t find at the local market, I grow in my garden or greenhouse – problem solved.
You owe it to yourself – You can’t put a price tag on your piece of mind!
Wonderful article, except for the 9-5 part. Some of my closest and most loyal red pill warriors are 9-5ers. Why? Large corporations have the best benefits for a man that is actually interested in successfully leading a family and retiring. As a salesman at a bank, my grind and hustle to succeed has developed myself numerous social skills. Stay off twitter and facebook. Create a linkedin. Don’t sell yourself short. We all want to win the game that is life….and life is a game worth winning.
“Stay off twitter and facebook. Create a linkedin. Don’t sell yourself short.”
Gold. Young men take heed.
May I suggest, looking into the Masons.
Two requirements:
1) Be a Man!
2) Believe in God!
No Exceptions!
There is a mountain of BS out there about Masons. Some on here even refer to them as a diversity club. They are not.
There is a background check fee. You will be investigated. They are picky (they have standards). And if you don’t like what they are serving, don’t pay your dues and walk away, its that simple.
I have a cousin who is a mason. He says it is a great opportunity to get out of the house and away form the wife and kids, have a few beers and form connections with other local businessmen. Once a month they have some kind of outing he has made a lot of friends, had a bunch of good drunken nights away from the women and is pretty happy with the whole thing. As for all the notorious goings on…he reports a lot of pool and dart playing, a keg in the mason hall and golf in good weather along with discounts at a lot of the local stores owned by fellow masons.
I have actually been quietly entertaining this idea on and off.
Go out in the wilderness, whether it be forest, hills, swamps, desert, mountains, jungle, etc, and hunt with your group. Nothing cultivates the red blooded masculinity like the thrill of the hunt. Not with guns, but with snares, spears, bows, and knives. Get gritty.
When is the next meet up Roosh??
I got red pilled about 3 years ago and it totally changed my view of the world. I’ve lost a lot of friends and family members over it, but such is life. I am seeking to build a new red pilled friend group. I live in Ottawa Ontario Canada and had hoped to do this when the ROK meet ups were supposed to happen but we all know how that turned out. Anyway if your interested in making a new red pilled friend so am I. You can contact me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you.
The power of even small groups of men is demonstrated by biker gangs. Nobody dares to fuck with them.
If the men of Rok look anything like the hotties in the first pic- not only will I support your carousing about together- but will hold a feast in your honor as well. 🙂
Looking for Red Pills in Calgary Canada.
If you guys are serious about this it is best done locally face to face over beers. There are organizations like Freemasonry that are ready for the taking. My lodge has a mix of men from all walks of life, and many of them embody red pill ideas, while others do not.
Masonry’s structure is all about self-improvement, and the organization is not overwhelmingly large at the local level, so it’s very possible to effect real change through it.
I set up a social drinks night monthly at my lodge and it started magnetically attracting more people. Men are searching for camaraderie. It won’t be an echo chamber — some of the guys will violently disagree with you. But we exist in the world around us. Isn’t it better to fight to change the world as we change ourselves?
I think it’s a pretty sure bet being seen talking to some loser like you would hurt my chances.
The advantages of a good crew are limitless. Especially if one or more of you are bicurious. You can almost drop out of the game entirely and just help each other out.