Several Hollywood stars raged on social media Sunday in response to reports that President Donald Trump has decided to formally end former President Barack Obama’s controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA amnesty for nearly 800,000 illegal immigrants.
Comedian and outspoken Trump critic Sarah Silverman fumed that the president’s “inhumanity is bottomless.”
Jesus H his inhumanity is bottomless @HouseGOP @SenateGOP HISTORY IS WATCHING YALL
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) September 4, 2017
ABC’s Modern Family writer-producer Danny Zuker said if Christians support Trump ending the program, their “Christianity is bull**it.”
“Dear Christians, if you support @realDonaldTrump’s decision to end DACA your Christianity is bull**it. But on the other hand f**k you,” Zuker tweeted.
Dear Christians, if you support @realdonaldtrump’s decision to end DACA your Christianity is bullshit. But on the other hand fuck you.
— Danny Zuker (@DannyZuker) September 4, 2017
Netflix’s House of Cards creator Beau Willimon urged his followers to march on Washington to “stop Trump’s racist agenda.”
Want to #SaveDACA?
Want to stop Trump’s racist agenda?
We need thousands in DC to meet the #Cville2DC marchers when they arrive Wednesday.— Beau Willimon (@BeauWillimon) September 4, 2017
While a majority of those benefiting from the DACA program are young adults age 18-25, actress Alyssa Milano said “Our country should protect children. Period.”
Our country should protect children. Period. This should not be even a discussion.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) September 4, 2017
The president will reportedly speak publicly about ending the program while urging Congress to pass a pro-American immigration reform bill over the next six months.
Below is a roundup of celebrity reaction to Trump’s DACA decision.
.@realDonaldTrump, I’d consider praying for your corrupt soul on #NationalDayOfPrayer if you hadn’t ended #DACA on the same day, you monster
— Beau Willimon (@BeauWillimon) September 4, 2017
Booting 800k law abiding & productive ppl out of USA by repealing DACA is cruel & stupid.
But “cruel & stupid” is the Trump family motto.— Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) September 4, 2017
The most cruel, disgusting, vile man to hold the office of the President in the modern era and possibly ever.
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) September 4, 2017
Trump has made it clear: in order for the nation to heel, he will continue to prey #DefendDACA #DayOfPrayer
— Joss Whedon (@joss) September 4, 2017
All I can think to say to Trump is “you are garbage” and then I realize he’s probably garbage bc his father told him “you are garbage”
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) September 4, 2017
What is happening to us?
— Andy Richter (@AndyRichter) September 4, 2017
They don’t have to be extraordinary to earn our compassion. Or valedictorians. Or anything but American, which is what they are. #SaveDACA
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) September 4, 2017
Trump’s plan to deport Dreamers in 6 mos. is cruel, divisive and politically motivated. Shame on him, and shame on us for electing him.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) September 4, 2017
Unfortunately there is no other way to say this: Donald J. Trump is a heartless prick.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) September 4, 2017
Read Next: Does The Hollywood Elite Use Rituals And Sexual Blackmail To Keep Its Stars In Line?
I’m so glad that a star from my childhood, Alyssa Milano, chimed in to share her political thoughts. I was really lost until she added her expertise on the matter. I can now say that I’m an informed citizen. If it wasn’t for these stars, I don’t know how I would be able to make sense of this complex world.
I wonder how many needy children Alyssa has adopted…
I think you mean aborted.
They are in better hands.
10 stars for this comment!
Lol. Thank you, sir.
Pottie training with Sarah.
So helpful!
Yes, it’s good to have her wisdom and guidance in confusing, complicated matters like these.
I feel better now too.
I am betting that Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy probably share similar thoughts. So if just Alyssa Milano’s wisdom was not enough to completely inform and correct you, the consensus of this 80’s triumvirate will do so.
Molly Ringwald. Had that once. Doc gave me cream and it cured it right up
Spit my coffeve all over. Up my nose!
Looking at her pictures from the 80’s I still can’t remember why I was so interested in her back then when I was a kid.
The entire Breakfast Club needs to have a televised round table discussion on this.
If memory serves correct she had nice tits…..
I think if there were more rightist celebrities like Joy Villa, Vince Vaughn, Stacy Dash, and Bruce Willis, we’d see constant news articles reminding us that entertainers aren’t policy experts.
Excellent point.
The challenge is that having right/libertarian/traditional beliefs doesn’t align with being a puppet on a string which is what most actors are.
The industry draws a certain kind of flawed, spiritually broken individual.
She lost her relevance for me after her youthful hotness passed her by after her Charmed days.
THE TEARS!! I bathe in the tears! Aaaaaaaah! Sooooo goooood!
If my doctor didn’t tell me so much salt was bad, I’d swear I was getting younger.
Man, celebrity salt coming from Donnie the Executioner always delights me
Remember when we thought celebrities were cool?
My bro&I were talking, we agreed: as a child any one you thought was “cool”, turned out to be pretty lame when you look back and see them with your grown up eyes.
I met a pretty big porn star years ago, and it was a total letdown to meet her in the flesh, no pun intended, she was just an average looking woman. I meet far more sexual and beautiful women in my small Hungarian city.
Funny you mention porn stars. I wasnt thinking about them when I made my comments, but those chicks fit the bill: millions lust after them, but they are nothing more than highly visible skanks!
75% of my childhood heroes are dead to me now. And I’m probably being conservative with those numbers.
In my hometown last month I took a girl on a date to a coffee shop, while I’m waiting for my Uber a double decker bus pulls up in front of us covered in advertising for some Tom Cruise film, The Mummy.
Immediately I began thinking about the beauty Rachel Weisz from the 90s version, and how my date looks a little like her, (but not bookish enough for my tastes,) when I’m interrupted with,
“Oh, I heard he broke his ankle while making that film” she said attempting worldly knowledge.
“Huh?” I said, my attention restored, “So fucking what?”
Rachel Weisz was gorgeous in that movie, right on down to her soft English accent (which has a West country vibe to it (ex Cheshire) rather than BBC standard). Plus her character was bookish and feisty but very feminine.
They are literally clowns, it’s a bigger problem when you have government officials saying similar things, we’d need to start using guillotines to efficiently carry out the sentences for all the traitors
The only thing more depressing than watching these “entertainers” is feeling the need to read their tweets. TV& movies are awful.
Liberal news stations are worse.
I Think “the news” is now worse than “liberal”; it is now “subversive”.
Had one coworker do the standard rant about Trump, then ask what DACA was. This is at a CIS office.
These folks are idiots.
They are more than “idiots” ! opportunistic, immoral, unethical and ungrateful !! Overall, yes, they are idiots !!!
That’s because shooting PC anecdotes out of their mouths without filtering them first with facts is more important these daze. Calling them idiots gently insults their SJW upbringing, but hey we can’t have everything.
Today being able to draw a gay rainbow is probably a far more useful skill than basic maths
I bet there are kids in school right now being brutally bullied because they didn’t know how to draw a gay rainbow in religious education class
Many of those who voted for Obama were to be the first black president of the United States.
And many of those who voted for Hillary was so that she could be the first woman president of the United States
Liberals do not need deep reasons to vote. Most of them will vote for someone if you tell them it’s cool to do it.
Reasoning is not their forte. Feelings yes.
Many years ago, I had a co-worker, a responsible mother of young children tell me she was voting for Bill Clinton because…”He’s better looking than that old guy Bush.”
Bill Clinton? that also explains why most gay men are Democrats?
Gays will always support anyone and anything the promotes and condones irresponsibility.
I’ve always believed that many, if not most, of Obama’s supporters voted for him not because they thought he was the best candidate, but because they were worried about being called racist if they didn’t.
If you vote for Republicans (even if the democrat candidate is white) they will tell you racist anyway.
What was her name???
This article made me feel so much better.
For the first time in their careers these clowns have found a way to entertain me. Frankly I don’t watch their garbage so their ranting doesn’t bother or impress me though I must admit looking at them so upset really is extremely entertaining. Maybe I am old fashion but could somebody give each of these buffoons a pie in the face.
“Pie in the face” is all they are worth…
Liberal tears bring me joy.
I bathe in them.
Their tears are the nectar of life.
“Liberal tears margaritas taste great with 6 million jew pizzas.”
I’ve heard it said before- entertainers are attractive people that we pay to entertain us, what they think is irrelevant.
Listening to most of them speak it’s obvious they have been educated beyond their intelligence.
There aren’t very many famous people that I would want to hang out with.
I remember one wit describing these arseholes as having to remember their lines and avoid the furniture…..and get paid whopping amounts of cash…..
Also sleep with the producer.
They think Obama was a hero and completely ignore what the “D” stands for. Let them grow up so it’s not kids being dropped in the hell hole of their fathers – it’s young adults instead. If they are so wonderful and productive they will add vibrant and dynamic economic activity to countries that desperately need it.
Liberal Logic: We shouldn’t punish these immigrants for their parents breaking the law 10 years ago
We should punish current white people for slavery that happened over 150 years ago.
When these douches bring up slavery I always tell them about the Barbary pirates and the 1.5 million white European men, women and children kidnapped and sold into slavery. Oh and guess (((who))) handled all the dirty lucre?
And if they’re black just tell them they never picked no cotton and you never owned no slaves.
the adl has an article saying the barbary slave trades was a fever dream fabricated white supremacists to deflect criticism lol
Yup….history is awkward for some…..
Is that how Barbary Streisand got her name?
Ya, but, muh feelz…
“Oh and guess (((who))) handled all the dirty lucre?”
The same (((who))) that are enslaving us today
I bet “past is past” doesn’t apply in this context ! especially when it comes to (ok, white !) MALES.
Dealing with illegals will seem like a small task, we’ll see how things go when they start dealing with the angry black population that feel they have the right to attack anyone and everyone, and that they should not be held responsible because you know… slavery.
Black on white crime…
Black on Asian crime…
Black on Hispanic crime…
Black on Black crime…
Notice a pattern? A pattern than has been enabled by your friendly (((neighbor)))
Wow, and now how the Democratic Party will get new voters?
In the contrary, the femocratic party will lose more votes/voters !
Lefties are always reinventing themselves.
I just wait what “unprotected” group that they never give a shit will be defending the next year.
I sincerely feel that majority of the common People are able to clearly distinguish what will happen to this Country if the leftists are “left lose” !! and their (leftists) “tactics & antics” will be a mere time pass and entertaining !
Most of them are Jews..surprise surprise.
There’s no business like Shoah business.
My jaw is still on the floor… not the jews… they’re angelic…pure…innocent….they’re….they’re the chosen ones…. surely God wouldn’t make such a mistake.
If white pussy in the U.S.A. bothered to have children/form families (not abortion/not careerism, not birth control/ not bad boy cock/non-lesbianism), then “we” would not need third world immigrants to fill the ranks.
If we ended “welfay”, “foo damps”, and shut down “da pa-jects”, there would be about 20 million or so people who would either take those jobs or face starvation. I am guessing they would take the jobs.
Every “dreamer” who gets to stay in the U.S. is taking a job or a seat in a university from an American citizen or someone who is here legally.
Unless of course, they are MS-13 type “dreamers”. Heh.
These idiots railing against the end of DACA could not give a fuck less about those Americans because they can’t virtue signal about it to their leftist idiot friends on Jewbook or Twatter.
I always thought that if a law was launched that obliges to people defending illegal immigration to have in their homes illegal immigrants, very few will continue to do so.
Look how a very famous actor changed his stance on the refugees when the affected one is him:
He is a kunt……
All those who demand much but do not contribute anything are the same as him. Hypocrites.
ANSWER: Hollywood nutcases can’t see the rest of the country over the walls of their Malibu estates.
ME: What is Irony, Alex?
TREBEK: Right you are!
I don’t think I’ve seen a decent movie coming out of Hollywood for the past 10 years. Everything is propaganda these days. Sometimes I fire up Popcorn time just to see if anything changed, and it has not. No way they are getting my money anymore. I bet all of them are bought and paid for by their puppet masters.
I’m watching the fuck out of that Death Wish remake.
Yeh that looks surprisingly good.
It’s being remade???
I have to look that up.
Checked it out. Looks good. Bruce Willis is a great choice. Surprising they didn’t go for SamYell Jackson or someone like that as the lead. Wonder if the mother daughter attack scene will be more graphic than the first movie…
Since it’s directed by Eli Roth I expect that scene to be transformed into 45 minutes of torture porn.
Can someone be so naive to base their political decisions on what celebrities say?
Many times when talking about politics with very young people, many of them can not avoid mentioning musicians, actors, comedians, television presenters, etc.
Do not let TV or the internet educate your children, please. They will end up believing that being liberal is edgy.
A small sample of what I say:
Just show them ‘Team America’ to wake them up…
To hell with these Pussywood actors ! Why didn’t they responded in the same way, when Five on-duty MALE Police Officers were killed ?
Let that “comedian” donate hefty amount to “feed” the illegals !
Let those “actresses” pay for the “free medicare” of illegals !
Let those “mangina directors” bear the “housing costs” of illegals !
What a disgrace. Instead of supporting the President, these assholes are trying to blame Him to get cheap publicity. Use your common sense assholes ! who will benefit from ending these kind of “stupid” programs !? The People of this Country, Economy of this Country and the future generations of this Country.
I think the losers are still unable to “digest” their defeat and the fact that a pussy couldn’t become President !! Accept it…you losers !!
To all the losers; DO NOT BLAME President Trump for natural calamities.
News: Harvey death toll rises to 60.
My Version: Thanks to President Trump. If it were the femocratic candidate, death toll would have been 10 times more
You know what, the BIGGEST disaster happened to this Country was: Barack HUSSEIN Obama
Many of those who voted for Obama were to be the first black president of the United States.
And many of those who voted for Hillary was so that she could be the first woman president of the United States
Liberals do not need deep reasons to vote. Most of them will vote for someone if you tell them it’s cool to do it.
“You know what, the BIGGEST disaster happened to this Country was: Barack HUSSEIN Obama”
He was the second biggest. After LBJ.
I know that Hollywood,the media,and leftist are losing their goddamn minds over the whole DACA situation which is very similar to how they reacted to the Travel Ban a couple months back. But the reality is the people who are outraged over this are the most phoniest motherfuckers on the face of the planet because they don’t give a fuck about those kids or any immigrants for that matter. These assholes use immigrants as a moral shield to virtue signal to others in order to make themselves feel better and to further push their bullshit political agenda. These pricks may have the rest of society fooled in thinking they are the “good guys” but I see them for the phony fucks they are.
Me personally (just like with the Travel Ban) I have no affiliation with those people at all. Their not my family,my friends,or even my goddamn associates so they are not my fucking problem. That may sound cold but at least I’m honest about where I stand on this issue unlike these phony,lying sacks of shit who acts like they care so much about these folks when they really don’t.
So when parents jeopardize their own children’s lives by breaking federal law and enter illegally….WE’RE the bad guys….got it! Wow.
Ruling by objective law is what has made this country what it is…not ruling by the emotional whims of a king.
You will find logic is never one of the libtards strong points…..
*Packing bags now*
Who’s coming, fellas?
The capacity of these celebrities to repeatedly grace upon us lowly prols, with limited capacity for political awareness, their God-given opinions mirroring perfection knows now bounds. How dare I produce an
original thought of my own without running it past these brilliant mental giants!
Especially Sister Sarah’s sermon from her PhD
(Piled Higher and Deeper) earned at Fembot Undergraduate Court of Knowledge-University.
Bunch of rich faggots
University of Miami offers 4 years of full scholarship, free tuition, room & board, meals, health insurance, to DACA aliens, along with lowered entry requirements.
Well… just change your name to Jesus Sanchez and tell them you are a dreamer, if they start questioning you, pull the Liberal Manual… you know call them racist, they’re not respecting your space, identity etc. You should be a shoe-in.
It works. Just ask Rachael Dolezal and Shaun King. You too can be trans-racial.
I know Trump is doing a great job the louder the (((tribe))) barks.
Interesting how these Jews love to use Christianity as a tool of shame, but if Christians use Judaism as a tool to shame jews it’s anti-semitism… damn parasites.
I believe every country has the right to exercise their sovereignty and autonomy, kicking people that arrived illegally is just that. Whether it be China, Turkey, Fiji, the U.N should not rob counties of their sovereignty…period!
It’s amazing to me just how many Christians still think they’re buddy-buddy with the Tribe. (These are the ones who like to toss around the term “Judeo-Christian”). Jewish litigation and entertainment broke the back of the Religious Right and most Jews are staunch Democrats, after all. The Ashkenazi are counterfeit Jews from Central Asia anyways. The descendants of your favorite Old Testament heroes are the Mizrahi Jewish communities across the Middle East.
And yeah, I just don’t get the appeal of some bureaucrats(whether EU or UN or whatever) being able to dictate your immigration policy to you.
“Interesting how these Jews love to use Christianity as a tool of shame, but if Christians use Judaism as a tool to shame jews it’s anti-semitism… damn parasites.”
You make a point that should be legitimate to make but then you go and use a phrase like “damn parasites”, which automatically removes legitimacy from your comment. The fact is when the presumably jewish Danny Zuker says “Dear Christians, if you support @realdonaldtrump’s decision to end DACA your Christianity is bullshit.” it is perfectly true that no christian or any non jew could say the same thing with regard to jews and get away with it without as you say being called an anti-semite. But instead of looking at how that kind of power – and that is what it is – works – you spunk it all down the pan by using lazy anti-semitic canards that incidentally do a great deal to keeps the likes of the SPLC in business. The moment someone uses a word like parasite my sympathy goes in the other direction
If I cared to win people over to the truth about jews, I’d end up in the same boat as many knowledgeable men.
Seeing how all of them have been crushed by the mighty parasite… I chose to stay on this side of the fence, the side where I won’t be crushed for calling a parasite…a parasite.
You believe what you like, I don’t waste my time trying to change minds. Sadly your opinion on this issue is not based on knowledge, but rather on how you feel about words used.
That mentally has gotten society to this point in time.
Two quick questions without Googling:
1- How many jews allegedly died in the holocaust? (I’m sure you know that one by heart… ever heard of Holodomor?)
2- How many Europeans died in WWII? (no Googling)
If you don’t know the answer to #2 you’ve been programmed…Good luck.
“Sadly your opinion on this issue is not based on knowledge, but rather on how you feel about words used.”
My comment was neither about facts, nor morality as such. It was about primarily about rhetoric.
I don’t need to agree with what you believe or disbelieve in order to recognise that a particular assert might be valid. By indulging yourself you have invalidated your own point and ironically played into the hands of those you are supposedly criticising.
Ordinary jews fear antisemitism. But there is a small section of their leadership that does not and almost seems to encourage it
“Ordinary jews fear anti-semitism” What is anti-semitism?…not liking Judaism ? disagreeing with the Jewish ideology? Not agree with Jewish ideology? Exposing their media control, political manipulations, social manipulations, historical manipulations, economical manipulations…I can go on forever… Physical actions towards Jewish people? Calling them well deserved derogatory names? Damage to synagogues, cemetery, Jewish sysmbols? Calling a jew a jew?…What is it, what exactly is anti-semitism?
Why would the ordinary jew fear anti-semitism … when was the last time a jew got assaulted for being a jew? (there’s an epidemic of whites that are being assaulted for being white) Or synagogues got threatened… or a Jewish cemetery got vandalized? Houses being targeted because they belong to jews (houses are being targeted becasue they belong to whites)… the last few times that happened was done by jews themselves (and they got lots of money out of it)… the whole world knows jews are untouchable.
They as a people, only fear retribution for all that they have done to society worldwide (present and past), and they are very aware of it. They will not be victims because they are followers of Judaism, they will be victims because everything they have done has been as Jews. People don’t hate Judaism, when have you heard anyone say Judaism is bad, and we need to abolish it? Being Jews is what has bounded them, and how they have managed to mess the whole world up. Even the most innocent Jew, is not as innocent as perceived.
Anti-semitism can be real (historically it has often been very real regardless of cause) and fear of anti-semitism likewise. What is equally clear is that as something that can be organised against and ‘managed’ it can also be exploited including to deflect legitimate criticism / scrutiny. The example given where a jewish man can publicly say something about christians that no christian could say about jews (in an equivalent fashion) is an example of an inequity between groups that should not be acceptable in a fair and equal society. I cannot see any reason why I should not point this out. I cannot see that it is antisemitic to say such a thing, or in any way discriminatory in the sense where discriminatory implies privileging one group over another. Indeed what I have said is explicitly anti-discriminatory in intent.
What you are saying is less clear. You are trying to make a point about jewish behaviour, intrigue, hypocrisy or whatever, and in doing so you cannot help but invoke certain (not always unjustified) protections against ideas that can be labelled anti-semitic not least because they seem to generalise to all jews. The question “why would the ordinary jew fear anti-semitism?” is an interesting one, but where is the need to ask it, if the issue in question to hand is about a simple inequity of speech privilege. You are over-reaching
“The fact is when the presumably jewish Danny Zuker says”
Presume no more:
Rich white liberals truly care about poor brown immigrants, so much that they live in secluded neighborhoods with heavy security that keep out people that do not look like them. Large numbers of Jews complaining about a cut in immigration, tell the Jews to fill their cities with Muslims from every Middle Eastern country, they will all shut the fuck up.
You forgot the word “illegal”
So if Joss Whedon is in support of DACA this can only mean that he’s diddling some of those immigrant children, just as he supported feminism only because it got him quality poon
The term “Dreamer” is an overt attempt at manipulation. (How could you want to deport a Dreamer, you heartless monsters?) I don’t know about you guys, but I really resent attempts to guilt trip me. Make a logical economic argument for letting younger illegal aliens stay.
I think in a properly-functioning Republic, all bills should have a number instead of a name to make it impossible to manipulate voters with emotive bill titles like the Dream Act, Patriot Act, etc.
upvoted, but not with regard to the numbers idea. People need to a description, even if not a manipulative one
“Marriage Equality”
I’m not seeing what the problem is here.
People affected by DACA are not citizens. Therefore, they cannot legally reside in the USA. Immigration Law is very, very clear on this. Why didn’t these people apply for their green cards on the path to citizenship earlier?
Their inability to start the citizenship process is not our problem, but their own failure to plan.
The problem is for the Democrats and Socialists who will lose part of their electorate. Poor and uneducated people.
That’s it in a nutshell. The Democrats will be losing 800,000 voters.
I think it’s interesting how none of them complained that Obama deported 3 million people, mostly latinos, during his time in the White House…
But when a black does it is not racism, right?
This is definitely true.
someone probably told him they were latin scholars
That makes me like him a little more to be honest.
Until you realize Obummer wanted to get rid of latinos to replace them with his muslim pals…
Only reason he deported so many was becasue too many illegals came in, way more than anyone expected, mostly through Mexico, which usually is the lowest form of immigrants.
Still doesn’t change the fact these Hollyweird weirdos didn’t complain about it. You think they would have, if they care so much about the poor illegals.
Hi everyone, you need to study up on immigration law. Go to the Cornell University law site and look up this section:
Then go to USCIS’ website and look up the 1952 Walter McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act
Then read up on Title 8 (Immigration and Nationality)
This is what you need to study in order to debate a libtard on immigration.
If you want more information, then go to uscis dot gov and look up the section on immigration laws. Pay attention to title 8 and The Walter-McCarran immigration act of 1952. You need to know that “admissibility” is the key concept to immigration. It is the determination that an “intending immigrant” can be welcomed into our society and obey our laws.
Hey Roosh, can you get an immigration lawyer to talk to us and explain what is going on with DACA? As far as I know, Obama gave out immigration benefits without any statutory justification!
Oh and Hollywood, go F yourselves. Holy Christendom does not bow to the pagan idol of tinseltown. Now matter how hard you try, you have lost your relevance.
Is anyone still watching the shows and movies and music videos these sacks of shit make?
Time is too valuable to be wasted like that.
LOL. Asshole Beaners, you’re going back to Mexico or whatever other shithole that you call your motherland.
Good immigrants.
If immigrants come from third world countries that they couldn’t improve, how are they going to better a first world country?
There’s a reason(s) why they’re fleeing from their heritage and countries of origin. Dysfunction, corruption, high crime and rampant poverty are all these people know, and they spread it wherever they run to.
Equality and “diversity is our strength” are the biggest ponzi schemes in history.
If the Hollywood jackasses care so much for brown suffering, they should should move to Bumfuckistan or Beanerville and spread their liberal love.
The logical inconsistencies of SJWs are off the charts on this one.
We are told all peoples, cultures and countries are equal, yet it would be cruel to send them back to theirs. It must be that living in a country with a white majority is way better than ones that are not. DACA defenders are the actual racists.
We are told is torture to live in a country one did not grow up in, yet this is exactly what their parents did voluntarily.
How can they tell it is cruel to send them back across the border because their life would be hell over there, and then tell us we don’t need a wall to protect us from hell? Was Trump correct when he labeled them as being lawless?
Brilliant comment.
This is so logical and reasonable. Unfortunately, SJWs are not that sane. Even though your comment is totally logical, it will be rejected by them in a hysterical fashion (as always). Though it could sway those ‘on the fence’ as it were.
Though to be fair I would add that SOME non-white cultures ie China and Japan have got their act together, however, we are not talking about those cultures here.
Bottom line: the countries they are running from are nowhere near as good as the USA thus the equalist ‘those countries are as good as our’s’ meme is crap.
It is not that they have no brains, it is that they have no souls.
To be at that level of power you have to become a chameleon, without morals, ethics, beliefs or anything resembling a soul, you become the glove of your masters, without them you have no purpose or life. You act the roles that are given to you, you play the part until you die, that is what they are, empty vessels.
Pity them, hell awaits.
>law abiding citizens
>illegal immigrants
Pick one
Illegal aliens…
Funny how that once mainstream term suddenly became taboo.
These general shitlib interest stories (like DACA) have been limelighting the news for a month now. MSM is trying to kick their way into web news and override red pill news. When you search the web, the clickbait leftist news pop-ups are constant. They all feature shitlib interest issues. The old fishwrap news and the globalist gatekeepers are trying to shit all over our right to access free truthseeking communications. So they go fishing for shitlib soapboxing that will go viral so they can then deem it to be headline news and so they can try to obscure real pertinant and red pill news. If they can keep the cattle “mooing” over meaningless gossip and tripe, then it shows how desparate they are to stave off the growing cultural awakening. Example: Cher’s tweets having whole major MSM news network articles devoted to them. Rediculous.
The globalist news and info shills ARE CRAPPING rediculous crap onto us. THEY’RE CRAPPING all over our news. But it is all just one big last BLOW FART of hot air before the dinasaur media is finally spent. It’s like an Arab shitting on your face. You just need to get out of the way and turn your head and know that they can only shit once and they’re done. It is the MSM’s last shit we are witnessing. THEIR LAST DINASAUR SHIT!! MEANWHILE WE have been continuously pissing on them on our free and uncensored web communication for the last decade and will continue to do so. WE CONTINUE punching the corrupt elite establishment in the gut. Their blow farting on our web narrative with their pesky pop-ups is a sign that the punching bag is ready to break so keep punching and ring in the death gurgle. KEEP PISSING and blasting them until their last shit stain residue disappears from the toilet bowl.
How does breaking into someone else’s property and mooching their tax money mean you are still law abiding?
I’ve so been enjoying the hollyweird rage over the past 2 days. We pissed em off good
Puts a smile on your face ey?
That it does. Just want him to follow through. No congressional DACA legislation. Deport, build a wall, and cut legal immigration.
Alyssa Milano.. George Takei.. Rob Reiner.. Michael Ian Black.. Andy Richter…. seriously, who are these people? Has anyone heard of them in the last 10 years for anything but their leftist virtue signalling?
I will say that Alyssa was a WB back in the late 80s early 90s…
Actors get paid millions to do nothing. Not a single one of these liberal chumps in Hollywood now can hold a candle to the great actors of the past.
The sad thing is so many of the old tough guys have gone soft with age e.g Hackman, Deniro etc.
Milano was never more than the fuckable girl next door. She was a mediocre actress.
DeNiro has been “gone” for a long time.
Ever seen what he had dated & married?
I’m mostly thinking of 70s and early 80s Deniro, but you are correct. He has been worthless for decades for a whole variety of reasons.
How “humane” of all these rich people to show “love” for these illegals…by forcing the rest of us who actually work for a living to pay higher taxes to support these deadbeats with our hard earned money – that the GOVT steals from us.
Deport, deport, DEPORT!!!
Let’s say the U.N came up with a crazy resolution. The USA would have a choice, to keep these DACA illegals (not accept any more) and send a bunch of thug violent black criminals back to Africa (where they would fit in, and no racism or slavery history). To make it fair, it would be two for one, keep one send two.
Would it be Yea or Ney?
Meanwhile George Takei is posing as a POTUS on his Facebook and his fans are drooling all over it.
Not surprising knowing who his “fans” must be…
his nambla collegues too.
No TV + Pirate Bay = Win
Well, celebrities just LOVE children. And pizza.
I bet George Takei is a big Pizza fan
Look at these privileged cry babies. Fucking hilarious ! I suggest they host refugees in their multi million dollars beverly hills mansions.
Nice tits! Well bot really. Err, I mean not really.
Could it be celebs make such statements to further their career? They don’t want to be blacklisted we’re they to come out of he closet.
Who cares about the opinions of a bunch of overpaid Obama cocksuckers? As usual, none will step up and offer to adopt any of them.
“It’s all for the children” is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
Well now that Trump sat down with Nancy
Pelosi, while he took away the cookies from the DACA kids, he is going to give them a fancy Lavender Cake in the form of legislation that will give them a path to becoming US citizens.
DACA won’t be rescinded for 6 months, Trump expects a plan from Congress to replace it. So you can expect the DREAM Act to take its place. So much for giving American kids a dream.
Trump is turning into a standard RINO.
I can understand why in the old days actors were held on the same social level as prostitutes.