How To Meet Girls When You Have Practically No Time To Run Standard Game

One of the drawbacks of getting deep into game and studying all its subtleties and nuances is that there’s a danger you’ll stop seeing the wood for the trees. After all, in the end, what is the point of game? It’s to meet and connect with attractive women.

Yes, there are certain mindsets, and multiple techniques and approaches you can employ. But the basic actions required to approach a girl and get her contact details are supremely straightforward. If time or other constraints prevent you from entering into a long, elaborate ‘routine’ then you’d be foolish not to at least try ‘cut-to-the-chase game’.

What do I mean by ‘cut-to-the-chase game’? Essentially, when you approach a women you are looking to do a minimum of three things—introduce yourself, indicate that you are attracted to her, and take her contact details.

In a more sophisticated model you are also aiming to spike attraction, to realise the benefits of push-pull, to tease, and to position yourself as the alpha male she cannot afford to pass up. You can do these things in stripped-down ‘cut to the chase game’ too. But the core of what you will be doing is simply, well, cutting to the chase.


I’ll give you an example. One of the hottest girls I ever met, Anna, I pulled through cut-to-the-chase game. She was blonde, with long, slender legs visible through the slit in her black dress. She was wearing heels in the day time, unheard of in London.

She was coming out of a chemist’s store. I saw her, and I had that false, innate feeling of ‘she’s out of my league’ that even experienced players get when they spy a particularly attractive woman. It was also clear that she was in a hurry. She was walking quickly towards the ticket barriers of the London underground.

My mind performed its rapid, involuntary calculations. Taking into account her speed and the proximity of the gate, there was no way I’d be able to deliver my usual day game spiel—or it was unlikely, anyway. I had a choice. Either I let her walk out of my life forever, or I attempt some ‘cut-to-the-chase’ game.

I chose the latter.

‘Hey,’ I said. Anna stopped, and fixed me with her crystal-clear blue eyes. ‘I just saw you shopping. I’m going back to work now, but I think you’re cute. I’d love to take you for a drink sometime.’

Momentarily she was confused, blindsided by my directness. Then she spoke.

‘OK,’ she said.

‘Here, put your number in my phone,’ I said, handing it to her. She tapped at it with her beautifully-manicured fingers then passed it back to me.

‘I have to go now,’ she said. ‘I’m on my way to the airport.’

And then she disappeared into the crowd.

I didn’t expect anything. But a while later I sent my customary follow-up message.

‘Nice meeting you before. Are you always so friendly to strangers? ;)’

I heard nothing, but to my surprise I received a reply the next day.

‘Hey, I am sorry for this late reply. Now I am in Moscow.’

It turned out that Anna was a student who’d just graduated. She was going home to spend a little time with her parents before returning to London where she was to take up a job in the aeronautical industry.

We pinged increasingly flirtatious messages to one another for the remainder of the week. Then, when she was back, we met for cocktails.

The rest of that summer was a lot of fun.

There are two key lessons that I took from this experience which I hope will be useful for you too. Firstly, as long as you have your shit together—that is, you look good, you are confident, you have strong body language and so on—then that plus the approach itself can be enough to spark attraction.

Secondly, assuming all of these things are in place, if you take action, even if it means not running ‘perfect game’, then there is a chance you will enjoy a favourable outcome.

Yes, it’s sometimes easy to stop seeing the wood for the trees. But think about what the essence of a pickup is, what it is you’re trying to achieve. By all means put into practice the more elaborate strategies you have at your disposal. But if all else fails, don’t be afraid to keep things simple and do the minimum required to achieve your goals.

Want to learn how jer

42 thoughts on “How To Meet Girls When You Have Practically No Time To Run Standard Game”

  1. This definitely causes a large spike in her emotions, since it’s so bold. My experience with fast closes though is that they are less likely to follow through. I find there is a correlation between how long the meet was and how likely she will show up on a date.

    1. I agree. Sometimes it works beautifully and other times it’s a dud. But, i must say, theres nothing like the rush you feel when you do get a yes and she’s typing her number in your phone. The unknown is always exciting. And if all else fails, well, you just go do it all over again. Right? 😉

      1. Not sure on the differences between us, but more times than not I can get a girl’s number so I don’t get much of a rush from that at all. That’s just the start to gaming Americunts.

        1. I used to be very exciting too about number closes. Happened in very hard situations… in shopping malls, airport waiting rooms- where we almost forget to enter the plane because deep emerged in the conversation, public transport and so on.
          But the high flaking rate makes it really hard to maintain that excitement.

  2. Ah, another beautiful “career woman” working outside her country…bet it didn’t take long for her to get hired. What a waste. Hope she builds super awesome airplanes for the Muslim hordes.

    1. I actually thought “working for the aeronautical industry” was just a witty way to say working as a stewardess. I’m a sexist pig like that, assuming things.

  3. I do this often. It’s my SOP.
    not great/interested at clown game/long conversations, and I’m now an old bastard.
    Met a Unicorn over summer in a very busy dynamic situation. 30 years younger, with 10 friends — I had serious doubts. But, said fuck it— see what happens.
    She had what I call “plate” eyes over me (when they are very interested). Apparently, I reminded her of a celebrity – because of reasons other than my looks/profession…
    Instead of saying nah – she wouldn’t be interested…I asked for number.
    I checked – she put it in.
    and I left – fast…
    later I wanted to attach a note – about group/location. And her number was gone…
    fuck fuck fuck — searched everywhere:

    I must have swiped it off before saving….
    old bastard mistake.

    1. No big deal SL. I make plenty of old bastard mistakes too. And I will most likely make one (or more) tomorrow with the 19 yo. I met on Monday…
      As long as they are “good mistakes”, who gives a damn???

        1. I must have jinxed it by talking about it.
          She flaked. Happens quite a bit in my “circle”. A shame. She was great. Ah well, at least I got her on Monday. I’ll go with plan B and hit one of the Asian joints instead.

    1. I’ll be running with it until I am dead.
      “Running with it” means something a little different for me than it does for Troy, but still, I only want the young stuff…by any means necessary!

  4. This is basic. Done the 15 second number many times, but when i have 1hr of free time per week (sometimes), I’d rather hit the gym than go on a date. This post’s title is misleading.
    Furthermore, OP should post stäts of his fast approaches to justify his claims. One observation does not yield inferences for the population.

    1. It is basic but it is your only choice if you are like the average American male who works too many hours and has little tome to devote to shit like this. Granted, the success rate for this isn’t very high. But what it does accomplish is giving you brass balls because you skip past game and just go straight for the kill with full knowledge you may not accomplish anything.

      1. People that are very busy typically constantly put themselves in states of discomfort. Thus, the <1 min number close is in-line with the DGAF attitude that attracts women anyways. Women with high quality options want men with at least the “ability” to generate high quality options, whether they have hoards of whore they’re already banging or not. More often than not, top tier women can sniff out a player. Staying somewhere below the line of outright player, but always having the potential to be one, is extremely attractive to top tier broads.
        I posted before Disqus change over about approaching an A-List actress at a closed private invite-only event. No one had any clue she would be there, and in fact, it took me 10 minutes into our 15 minute convo before it really crossed my mind. Brass balls I walked straight up to her and had her belly laughing within 6-7 minutes, enough to gain the notice of her multi-millionaire date who intervened at the 15 minute mark, which ended the interaction. Naturally, I wouldn’t have pulled her or even got a # – a true case of ultimately being out of my league – but besides the $$ and the fame, everything else was hitting on all cylinders towards the pre-curser activity required to pull one of the hottest women on the planet.

        1. Case in point, there’s less competition at the top quite often, just much stronger opponents, and well crafted women that literally write the game other women follow.

  5. Guys, of course the flake rate is high on this. But you do this not because you expect great success but because it still beats Tinder and sitting at home wishing you could find a woman.
    Note: it may not beat tinder if your photo snap skills are excellent. If you have killer pics and are over 6’0, you can land the best of the best.

    1. “…of course, the flake rate is high in this.”
      If you have a high flake rate using this method, then you aren’t being bold enough.
      I straightforwardly tell every woman I approach that I want to sleep with her. When I do this, it forces her to give me “yes” or “no” answer. When a woman knows that you aren’t shy about demanding sex, she already knows she can’t use you as a male orbiter/beta provider. Upon realizing this, she won’t even give you her number because she has nothing to gain from doing so.
      Flaking never occurs because uninterested women won’t even give you the ability to set up a date in the first place.
      This is an “all or nothing” type of approach. You only get numbers from women who genuinely want to sleep with you. To put things into perspective, my notch count is in the single digits….but I’ve never had to go on a date or perform like clown to get laid.

      1. You need to make this into a post and not a reply. It is too gold to just sit here alone by itself.
        I like your method. Will use myself.

      2. So you just straight up tell women you just met “I want to sleep with you”?
        I’m curious how does the whole conversation go

        1. 90% give me a polite rejection such as “No thank you” and go about their day. A few of them even thank me for being straightforward about what I wanted.
          5% get offended, call me “disgusting”, and walk away.
          The last 5% is where I get my lays. An interested girl will either giggle uncontrollably or stare deep into your eyes to gauge if you’re actually serious…and to see if you flinch (DON’T flinch).

  6. I call bullshit on this unless we can assume that Troy Francis is a tall 6’0+ White attractive man with a fit build. Approaches like these have a high probable chance of NOT WORKING. This kind of approach is built on “physical attraction” rather than building attraction via the Mystery Method approach. This is akin to going into a loud nightclub and trying to a game a girl. Most guys who have a higher success rate in clubs are tall White fit males. I can guarantee you that.

      1. Being North African in the US means nothing. Hell even though the US is degenerate, White women still prefer White boys unless they are hideous and they can’t ever get with White boys.

        1. Hmm havent seen it here in my city. Black guys do well here. Theres good lookin white guys here but they date down though.
          I look at ethnic guys they shoot higher then themselves.
          White males seem happy just to have any girl tbh…well in my area anyeays

    1. Um, I’m 6’1″, fit, white (at least that is what I consider myself to be, but as a very tan complexioned Southern European, I am sure there are Nordics who would disagree) and also am in at least the 93rd percentile for income/net worth, and I can tell you that females have NEVER shown me so much as a milligram of attraction or attention. Which tells me your assumptions regarding the attributes necessary to attract and attain females are not quite correct. With all due respect, of course.

    2. Why white? They are the ones with low sperm count, cucked and take it up the ass being ridiculed and demonized by the media and entertainment. Thats why so many euro women go for turks and immigrants. White is not attractive, it just means money in poor countries. Also plenty of short guys ive known get plenty of pussy.

  7. This article is essentially promoting “Mode One”. Alan Roger Currie developed it for guys who value their time first and foremost, but still want to get laid every now and then. You get to the point within the first 30 seconds of the interaction.
    I can attest that it works, but the planets have to align. Telling a girl you just met that you want to come over for sex/dinner is a hell of a compliance test. You’ll get rejected a lot, but you’ll feel like a God when it actually works.

  8. I didn’t understand how this could actually work….until I realized the girl wasn’t American.

  9. I find it hard to believe there are NORMAL women who’d accept to give their digits to a man who straightforwardly asked for sex only. Perhaps they are the tattooed, mentally diseaded single mothers-type. Thanks but no thanks, I’d rather go on dates and run some game to end up sleeping with the woman i really wanna sleep with rather than be upfront (and unnatural) about it and end up humping the cesspool of cumrags.

  10. I never used to see comments, because my browser didn’t get along well with Discus. Now that I can see them, I have to note that the comments here, except for Roosh’s and a couple old coots’, are angsty AF.
    Has ROK become puahate?

    1. Well, not really. There’s a lot more discussion, a lot more contributors, and a shitload more readers.

  11. This totally works. You need bulletproof confidence, and to convince her in 30-60 sec that you are a high value dominant male, by whatever means you choose. Age, income, race is irrelevant. If a woman believes her life will be more exciting if she goes out with you, she WILL. It’s as simple as that. Never underestimate the power of social media and always be patient. Depending on the girl, skip the phone and add her on FB or IG, the latter being more hip. the hottest women often take their time as most have been stalked. They want to make sure first and foremost that you are not a butthurt beta manchild. I’ve had numerous women I met this way and “incubated” on social media ms me back in 2-6mo who are suddenly DTF. with others you move quick, or lose out. The pro accurately assesses each situation individually. Btw, I only date 8-10, under 30 and super kinky. I’m 49.

    1. No fucking way for real. Do some in fields please.
      Usually social media like facebook gets you friendzoned

      1. Not if you are very muscular, it depends on the person, but if the woman checks your profile and sees a hot guy with a very muscular build with clothing that fits, she will definitely not friendzone you, especially if she is down to fuck. There is a reason why women watch movies with strong muscular guys, it’s because they find it very attractive, they might say otherwise, but please know that they are lying. What a woman says is not the same as to what a woman does. She will say she does not find big muscular guys attractive, then she will get fucked by a big muscular guy the next day. For more information about what I am talking about, visit this link:

  12. Only worked because she was Russian.
    An English woman would have blanked you, or called the police.

  13. Would be interested in seeing how you kept up interest through texting for so long. That would be a good follow up post to this.
    Your impression must have been incredibly done though.

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