We all want to be more efficient in our daily lives, don’t we? Some people are undoubtedly better at managing their time then others, but unless you are in fact The Clock King, you could probably make yourself at least somewhat more efficient. This article will discuss methods of time management, but before we get to that, we have to discuss the interesting story of a guy who used military precision to commit crimes—a sterling example of “rogue learning,” lessons learned from bad people.
A Brief Bio of Herman Lamm
As I like to say, you can learn just as much from a bad person as you can from a good person, in one way or another. And Herman Lamm (the man in the above image) certainly proves that to be the case.
Originally a Prussian military officer, Lamm immigrated to the USA in the early 20th century, and quickly established himself as a bank robber—and an exemplary one—by using his military training to develop contingency plans for if the plan went wrong, and all in all “taking the guesswork” out of crime. Developing techniques such as casing out the bank, timing the operation (always pulling out within 5 minutes, regardless of the amount of money looted), and designating roles for each member of the gang, Lamm is to this day known as the father of modern robbery.
Although I have no interest in crime, I can see how military efficiency and “Deutscheprezision” can be useful for a man on the right side of the law in addition to the wrong one.
So if you feel that you don’t have time for anything other than eating, sleeping, and fapping, perhaps you ought to take a long look at your life and see if it can’t be made more efficient, and thus apply the “Lamm” technique to your own life.
And with that, I feel we can devise some general tips on efficiency. Some of them may seem obvious to you, or may already be something you use, but I’ve always felt that there are no things so obvious that at least one dumbass out there didn’t get it the first time.
1. Realize that most of what you do in the day is unimportant.
Without any exaggeration I can say that most of what you think is important…is not. So if you want to be more efficient, cut out the hours of Twitter or Netflix or anything else. If you MUST have some sort of background noise, put on a podcast and move on. Simple!
2. Prioritize!
People occasionally ask me how I could possibly write two articles, make a video, and work a day job each and every week, in addition to the various long term projects I do. There’s a few factors, but the first one is that I have learned how to prioritize what has to be done immediately. Those tasks are always the ones I complete first. Think about what has to be done today, or within the week, and get that stuff done first.
It works best if, at the start of your week, you think and objectively write down what tasks are the most important to be done, and which can be put off until after the priorities are done. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and all that.
3. Timers
So you’ve written out a daily schedule. Good for you! Any musician will tell you that the easiest way to learn a song is to subdivide it into easily digestible chunks, and you can do that by timing your daily tasks to avoid wasting dead time and thus stay as efficient as possible.
An example of this: I do timed shadow boxing as a cardio workout, in five minute intervals, but when the bell goes off for each interval, I will of course be tired and occasionally I’ll waste time by recuperating, changing my music/podcast, etc.
But I figured out a way to maximize my time: I do timed rest intervals with productive non-strenuous activity in between. In other words, after each round of shadowboxing, I will do a timed two minute interval of body hardening, sandblasting, or stretching. Thus I get a complete martial arts workout in less than one hour.
4. “Work While At Work”
And now, my dirty little secret for maximizing profitability—I make the pointless make-work of modern life productive by doing other labors during the 9-5. While as a personal trainer my day to day job is probably more productive than your average cubicle jockey, the majority of my time is not, in fact, training people.
As I explain in this article, the majority of the time a personal trainer is engaged in long periods of being a glorified janitor, a glorified file clerk, or doing nothing at all (yeah yeah, it’s supposed to be “mingling with the attendees”, but like hell I want to talk about sportsball with some normie with a dadbod).
Thus, I find myself packing a little pocket notebook in my back pocket to jot down ideas for articles. Depending on your situation and interests, you can bring a sketchpad, or a blueprint for some project, or a paperback. Or, even if you’ve just got your phone, download the Kindle App and read a book instead of blowing 10 minutes on Facebook.
When you get productive things done at work, that leaves you more time to relax at home. Just make sure that your boss doesn’t see you, which is why I recommend something that fits in your pocket.
While my life on paper doesn’t seem much like that of Herr Lamm, in meticulously planning things out, I find that, like him, I can become more efficient at what I endeavor.
Read More: Why Your Father Is Helpless At Teaching You How To Succeed In The Modern World
Looks like ROK bans commenters who are far more knowledgeable than their authors on these topics.This is ridiculous.
You should articulate what happened. ??
I didn’t request that anyone be banned. What are you referring to?
We are waiting for your response ! lol
Here you go.
Point us at your blog or Amazon links to the books you’ve written then, instead of bitching about the buggy comment system.
Give us your KNOWLEDGE.
5. Embrace Delayed Gratification.
Growing up in a classically German family we were taught to savor long periods of “no reward” on the way to some hard-won delayed gratification. Be patient…teach the children about working toward a goal meticulously and methodically, without the need for instant gratification or short cuts. This attitude also makes it easier to swallow your failures and setbacks. Sometimes I get frustrated in “the waiting” (Tom Petty was right, it’s the *hardest* part)…but the payoff can be so satisfying. Eventually, it locks in to second nature, and becomes easy. I live in America and we really need more of this, and less “trophy for everyone, and right now” BS.
That gets hard when the only thing you are working towards is paying taxes for the colonization of your country with third world trash, and women who are used up narcissistic sluts. There is no reason to work your ass off for nothing in the end…working hard just to maybe be the old rich asshole who fucks escorts is getting to the point where it is not even worth it. I waited patiently as a good guy for most of my 20s, and guess what, I got nothing but three STEM degrees while the assholes who took shortcuts made connections, did drugs, fucked tons of bitches, had a great time, and now most of them are married to beautiful women and are rich.
Look, you have to have a culture that promotes certain activities and behaviors. If you have no honor culture that promotes and rewards those who work harder and are more civilized, than there is no point to being patient and civilized. If you grow up in a whore nation, is it wise to be celibate? What are you patiently waiting for? A used up single mother, a used up whore? What?
That was one reason that Dahmer, grandchild of Germans, was such a successful serial killer in Milwaukee.
Same with Ed Gein, son of Hamburg emigrants.
Their sex crimes were awful and both were sex maniacs but they were able to get away with it for a long time.
NEITHER of those two were actual Germans.
OCEAN Interesting Point
Milwaukee proved to be the setting for horrendous serial crimes because despite being sex maniacs, Dahmer and Gein had the capacity to plan and wait and delay their intense perverted sexual needs.
I’m a chronically patient waiter. When I have something to show for this, I’ll let you know.
I’ll change my answer, so as not to be negative.
Patience isn’t a virtue, because it’s only extreme passivity. Endurance is a virtue. Patience is an excuse people use to seem like a virtue, because it’s sitting and waiting for an outcome when you don’t see an outcome, which is easy. Endurance is working toward an outcome when you haven’t seen it and don’t know if you will any time soon. It can be equated to faith.
Endurance is all of the least pleasurable elements of Patience and Agency, which is why people usually only choose one or the other and call themselves “good”.
Thanks for the great advice you really made my day with this advice and needed it I’ll print this article and keep it in mind to do my time in a better fashion.
There’s several good points here. The one thing I try to embed in youthful minds is that you will develop into a person based upon your successes and failures, heroes and enemies, great relationships and disasters. Wisdom may- but not always comes from experience and reflection. But always trying to emulate positive people in your life. Both from personal knowledge and literally examples. While I applaud RoK on nearly even level, a lot has to do with successful conquests. Which is fine. But it doesn’t focus enough on sound development of The Man. Constant encouragement and guidance from and early age, so we make less mistakes, influence others and create better communities. This was one of the basic tenets of the Masonic Order. A son once asked his father how he might find the perfect woman. His father replied that he should not concentrate on finding the perfect woman- but becoming the perfect man. And that all else will follow suit accordingly. Excellence is not a goal- but a habit.
“Constant encouragement and guidance from and early age, so we make less mistakes, influence others and create better communities. This was one of the basic tenets of the Masonic Order.”
“A son once asked his father how he might find the perfect woman. His father replied that he should not concentrate on finding the perfect woman- but becoming the perfect man. And that all else will follow suit accordingly.”
” Excellence is not a goal- but a habit.”
3 of the best comments most TRUE yet.
We do not live in anything close to a meritocracy and being that perfect man striving for excellence guarantees you absolutely nothing. I’m not advocating nihilism, all men should strive to do better. Just know that your virtue may be your only satisfaction. Not nearly enough people, and that goes double for women, will notice let alone care about your efforts.
nobody cares…but if you have a single iota of self respect and determination for success, you should do it for YOURSELF.
Isn’t funny that black men think about none of these things but get all the pussy.
No need for anal self-improvement, their Alpha stud status is imbued in every step of their long panther-like gait.
He lacks the abstract capacity for self-change but his sheer masculinity ensures white women will produce with him.
Except…….when you have no standard and no standards measurement goal bars to reach, you trip over the success line accidentally….so who cares who they screw aside from contributing from the 95% of humanity that is useless breeders bleeders and breathers anyway. Its the 5%s business to make sure they develop ways to make the other 95% useful in some form, even if they never rate above dirt level importance or relevance. Why be apologetic at all for those who strive for nothing but to draw the next breath, eat the dropped crumbs and open their genitals to anything that will fall into them of into another diseased hole?
I mean so what, look what communities not only abort many of their babies, but then later kill them like dogs in the street after they barely attain adult hood…Mother Nature is tending her flocks, but her most adaptable and survivable just need to figure it out how to rise above the chaff to go. There is no shame in that, no moral problem to be fixed. Life is never in need of an excuse.
The part everybody misses is that the BANKS themselves created all this gangster intrigue so they can WITHHOLD YOUR MONEY. Go to a bank today you are treated like one of these FAKE Lamm/Dillinger/Capone type criminals with a dose of terrorist on top. You need to show ID and prove your status to the FRAUDULENT bank organization called the IRS just to cash the $20 your Aunt gave you for Christmas. You literally feel “nervous” with all the PRETEND security, like at the airport. Sure, in 2018 you can mess around with crypto-coins but you cannot CASH OUT of the system effectively. NOT using a bank is considered “suspect” even though THEY are the crooks. Larsen writes one paragraph about the MYTHICAL Lamm then switches into an Oprah magazine “how to solve your miserable life by making lists” article?? Wtf?
If Lamm were Hispanic, we would be citing him as undesirable immigrant like Tony Montana.
And yes, the Germans did not care if their hustlers on the make (Trump’s Dad), Nazi war criminals, anarchists, petty burglars (Lindberg case) or alcoholic wasters (Serial killer Ed Gein’s father) just floated away.
In Trump’s fathers case, he was CONCEIVED in Germany in the hopes of being an anchor baby (Isn’t that ironic) but the German government would not allow Trump’s grandfather back in.
So in a sense, the president comes from undesirables Germany wanted to get rid of.
Lamm, just like Dahmer and Gein, was one of those that PRETEND to be German, but do lie and are not.
A man who knows what he wants does not need lists.
What’s the list?
I will be a Beta today.
I will jerk off to internet porn.
I will go home and smoke a bowl to forget my anonymity and relative poverty.
I will go to Ladies Night at the club 100 times and get sex twice.
I will blame it on ZOG.
I agree,
You cannot blame Rothchilds and Rockefellers for your own retarded choices
Agree – but the one who knows also knows his Zun Tzu – Know thy enemy.
“They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.” Barbara Lerner Spectre
Farewell Gentlemen, censorship is backwards here.
Shekel for the good mod.
worth 18 minutes+++thank you…solid TED insights. Did this also echo some of the things you felt you already knew? It reinforced a lot of things I hadn’t been able to put into words yet. Old/existing modes summed up well, and then he breaks new ground.
Concerning prioritizing things here’s a good one :
Create a 2×2 entries matrix with one side urgent/not urgent and on the other side important/not important.
Then mark your activities in one of these 4 created cases.
Then prioritize like this :
Do important AND urgent things first
Then urgent AND not important
Then important AND not urgent
And at the end not important AND not urgent.
That grid is too simple for my programme. Make an hour-wise schedule, instead.
Yeah the purpose is to help sorting and prioritizing stuff, not fine scheduling. But i agree a time based is usefull too
„Free time“ is a non-sense vulgar slang popularized by your typical American TV commercial that smiley commands its victims to do that or go there (ex. videogames, amusement parks) when, supposedly has it.
There is no such thing as „free time“ for a dude who is not, maybe, an Amish or a genuine off-grid survivor. That’s because every moment you don’t rule your time you fall under someone else’s planned purposes.
Women and the relationships with them has got to be one if the biggest time waster of them all. In a previous article Roosh wrote, they are “Time Vampires”.