As utterly insane as it sounds, it seems possible that the US Government is preparing to try to convince the world that there is an alien invasion about to happen, in the largest “false flag” since 9/11.
You’re probably bursting out laughing now and asking yourself, “Why would Roosh allow such a crackpot to write an article?” and I’d like to preemptively respond by (a) asking you to give me the benefit of the doubt for the course of these 1,000 words, (b) noting that this is just a hypothesis that we will see proven or disproven over the next months, and (c) making clear: I don’t believe in UFOs or alien lifeforms but I do believe that the media puts on large-scale coordinated shows in conjunction with the government.
Here are five reasons why I think the show—which I’ll call the “Aliens (Bio)attack!” Show—is likely to happen over the next months.
1. The US government is suddenly talking about UFOs
First, in December, the NY Times had an expose which argued that (a) the Department of Defense has videos taken by Air Force pilots of what it believes are UFOs (the video is included in the article at that link); (b) the DoD has some of the materials collected from these UFOs secretly that they are studying; (c) the DoD has a secret department dedicated to tracking UFOs; and (d) many high-level people within the DoD, who have access to classified intelligence that we don’t have access to, believe in UFOs.
This leads me to one of only two conclusions: either aliens exist or the US Government wants us to think that aliens exist. I’m going to make an assumption—that may or may not be true but it’s just a belief I have—that either aliens don’t exist or if they do they’re not in contact with the US government.
I’m a bit too scientific, not to mention too skeptical of what the government tells us, to believe in extraterrestrial intelligence. If you believe the US government is in contact with aliens, then click away—the rest of this article isn’t for you. This leaves me with only one conclusion: for some reason, the DoD wants us to think aliens exist. Why would they want to do that?
2. The media is excited to spread UFO theories
Second, this article is part of a deluge from the mass media of alien articles over the last months. And we know that the US federal government has deep ties to the press. Just days before the NY Times expose, Newsweek published “Alien Life: Europa Plate Tectonics could be Feeding Life on Icy Jupiter Moon” (Dec 5th 2017) and “Do Aliens Exist?” (Dec 8th 2017), presciently predicting the trend of the month. Google Trends shows how it’s suddenly being spoken about online non-stop out of the blue.
Incredibly, the CIA’s official Twitter account is now tweeting with instructions on how to take photos of UFOs. In October, NASA claimed that a cylindrical asteroid-like object that they can’t identify is flying 100,000 mph in our solar system, but it is from another solar system, the first time ever an object is in our solar system that originated in a different one. It has apparently been named Oumuamua, which doubly-presciently means “messenger” in Hawaiian.
All the articles before the expose and the official CIA tweets about it make it harder to argue that it’s just a cool topic for the media to talk about since the expose; it must be deeper than that.
3. Aliens make for a great external threat that can get citizens to rally behind the government
Third, it makes sense for the government to do this, from their eyes. It’s a way to unite the entire country (or world) against a common enemy, while also an excuse for a power grab. And an easy way to steal more money—oh, we need vaccines against alien viruses, my friend’s company happens to make them and it will cost $10 billion—but we need it!
Plus, if the deep state is in a war against the President, as seems to be the case, then the deep state probably needs to activate some pretty extreme contingency backup plans it had been planning for a long time. Break glass in case of emergency.
4. Alien-obsessed Blink 182 singer is deeply connected to the CIA/NSA apparatus
Fourth, there’s a weird connection with Tom DeLonge, the singer of Blink 182. He just created a UFO-seeking company whose board and advisors are all the first rate CIA/NSA operatives. And he goes on Joe Rogan’s podcast and has a bizarre interview in which he seems to know nothing about UFOs or his new company.
The best synthesis of DeLonge’s weird behavior—creating this UFO company, somehow getting all these top CIA/NSA operatives as his advisors, yet knowing nothing about any of it—is that he’s a front man, trying to use his huge following to bring more widespread acceptance to his “belief” in aliens.
5. The “aliens attack” plan was long ago revealed through code name Project Blue Beam
Fifth, there have been conspiracy theories in which people have been whispering about this for decades. Just Google “Project Blue Beam” or “Serge Monast” and many articles, from decades ago, will discuss these multi-decade plans. A good starting point is a speech Monast gave summarizing Project Blue Beam 20 years ago, shortly before his mysterious death.
Another good starting point is RationalWiki’s page about it, which—although it argues this is a fake conspiracy theory and doesn’t exist—is an excellent summary of the idea. Plus reading and considering both sides of any debate with an open mind is essential to intellectual honesty.
How will it play out? I have no idea. But I’m willing to put forth a testable hypothesis: over 2018, we’re going to see more and more media about aliens, including more top scientists (“Stephen Hawking”—name in quotes on purpose) and Hollywood celebrities believing in UFOs and that they’re coming. This is testable using Google Trends to track what’s being discussed online. All this chatter led by the Mainstream Media will build up to some sort of attack, likely a bioattack, that may or may not happen in 2018.
Lets see how this plays out, but regardless of whether it happens or not… we live in interesting times.
Much more about conspiracy theories and protecting your privacy.
Read More: How the Deep State Operates
Are people stupid enough to believe dned near anything? This shocking expose filled with half-truths, idle speculation, and logical fallacies will make you believe!
Look, the idea is completely plausible. And the mass media and Hollywood are more than happy to be complicit with any global agenda to scare the planet’s population into complete submission to the guberments of the world, for the sake of protection from the invading Aliens. Look at what a little ‘ol radio broadcast in 1938 did to the public in day of slow-news. Imagine what 24×7 real-time global broadcasts of convincing CGI video of Aliens invading New Zealand, replete with confirmation by puppet gubmernet leaders would do the Twitter/Instagram generation.
The zombie apocalypse is too far-fetched, pandemics petered out, and global terrorism is just too disbursed to cause a global panic. Aliens, however, portrayed with the most scary of technological devices of terror will frighted even the most educated, level-headed people.
Too bad Mythbusters is cancelled. Maybe the new crew can test the myth of mass global hysteria. I stamp this conspiracy theory as, PLAUSIBLE.
The TV Series Colony is a potentially good example of such scenario, whole world gets revved up over Alien Invasion, cities blockaded, martial law, complete with collaborators, yet the actual “Aliens” are nowhere to be seen, until much later.
So the NYT, mouthpiece of the establishment, after years of dimissal, runs with a Pentagon approved piece of propaganda and you call BS on somebody who wants to question it? I have no idea if there is alien life out there, or if they are flying around our earth but if the government is trying to sell me on the idea of it Id fucking question it.
This is all because the stinking toids amongst us have been revealed and found out. [“toids” is derogatory slang for ‘reptoids’] We normal humans can see them for what they are more clearly every day – and they’re desparate – they’re nervous and they’re sh¡tt¡ng bricks. Sure the toids have power and can shape shift. But G0ddamm¡t they’ve been cheating their way into positions of power and influence and enough is enough.
The TOIDS are the ones behind the degeneracy and defiling the beautiful human form. They are the ones who promote the fetishes with anything ugly and scaly, with Satanism and piss ugly dragons and demons from he|| that look like butt ugly pieces of sh¡t. They’re behind fat acceptance and unsightly obese wart covered lesbians who abort and eat beautiful human babies. They want our most prime breeder women to become as wretched and unsightly as possible so the real toids can secretly blend in better.
The toids are behind the sick youth fads of mutilating and scarring the face, even the face and nipples of your chick so she never resembles a proper tittie feeding breeding white mother. Instead she looks like a fucked up punk rock reject, skrillex bald on the side with a tuft of colored hair on top and a face that looks like it got stuck in a baling wire machine in some farm accident.
But you notice that no matter how hard the toids try to get good humans to mutilate and destroy themselves, THEY CANNOT MAKE us have ugly nasty green scales like them. WE’VE GOT SKIN, not scales and that will never change. YOU TOID FU|‹ER§ CANNOT make our people have scales if you tried. FACE IT you’re butt ugly and we see you. QUIT DEFILING our graceful human form.
In times past we humans had complete cohesion of community, tribe and culture and YOU TOIDS could never have gotten away with your sh|†. You never would have risen above being a spectacle in a circus freak show. We exiled you, threw your kind into rivers in bags weighted with rocks or you were burned at the stake.
BUT NOW you toids roam freely as you can only do in a sickened decadent society that has lost its immune defenses. A tight knit community always saw you for what you were and hastily expelled you. This is because a tight knit community senses when some member isn’t quite right – and thus you toids had trouble ever gaining prominence or authority over a tribe or clan of real and good humans.
With big global government the cat has gotten out of the bag. Half of you toids get in through the back door without ever being ferreted out and without any checks. But if any of you toids were ever to sit at one of our family tables or clan pow wow, WE WOULD ALL smell you in the room and you would be quickly called out. You can only work in the shadows and unfortunately that is the environment for most of government, clergy and politics nowadays. You toids know that in the past, THEY BURNED you sumb¡tches at the stake along with your harlot disciples. Colonial era witch burners may or may not have been able to see you with 20/20 vision as more and more awakened humans see you now, but we could sense your foul presence fully and you were as good as revealed.
You sneaky [email protected] are everywhere in government and Hollywood. Hillary is one of you and always has been. If she were over for dinner at our house, she wouldn’t hold water for one second at the table. For any toids out there listening, when good real human folks get up close to one of you toids, we are very well aware of your foulness in our presence. You reveal yourselves with your spiritual darkness and stench. Your reptoid shape shifting eyes, your bad mojo, we’re done with you fr¡gg¡n toids and you know it.
If you believe that’s insane, here’s something more insane:
The american government
Look up MKUltra if you still believe those people are rational and your friends
It makes sense, but I think it’s a little bit too early
The tech is here to make this happen.
“Aliens” are just inter-dimensional entities.
However, conducting a chemical warfare to eradicate half of the global population and then blaming it on aliens sounds like something elite can do
Not chemical, biological.
or making some social engineering like this :
aliens come in peace : leftists will say : “if we can accept aliens, why wouldn’t we accept other humans in first place ? so racism is now and forever useless, open the frontiers wide !!”
and if aliens come for war, leftists will say : “humanity has now an common enemy, so we have no reasons for humans not accepting other humans. racism is now and forever useless, open the frontiers wide !”
2 differents cases, same outcome.
The film Bright is a pretty good application of that theory but with respect to prejudice against Orcs
You could counter the first argument by saying “the aliens are bringing these cool spaceships and teleporters to the table, which is more than any ethnic has ever or will ever contribute”
NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Chemical weapons kill people en masse only when the people are concentrated in a small enough area. When chemicals disperse they are no longer lethal. If you want to kill half the world’s population the only means we have for that is global nuclear warfare.Nukes can be designed to produce large amounts of fallout which kills even when it’s dispersed as it rains down and gets im the food supply.
And NOBODY is gonna believe Aliens did it!
ha knew those blink 182 bumboys are dodgy
as for an alien invasion…
Aliens? You mean women? They are already here
I doubt anybody could be convinced. Aliens is pretty 1950s. These days it’s Zombies. Zombie colonization speaks to the deep psychological fears that ordinary people have and is probably figuratively about mass immigration. Look at Game of Thrones and the Army of the Dead breaking through Trump’s Wall and into Westeros, and then compare the refugee march through South Eastern Europe. The only way you could get people scared of green aliens is if they were made to say “I come in peace, Allahu Akbar” which is what happened in Mars Attacks if I remember correctly
“I don’t believe in UFOs or alien lifeforms”
So out of the quadrillion+ star systems out there you don’t think there is another with intelligent life or even any life?!
I bet some of them are reading this and laughing their ass(if they have one) off.
Probably there is intelligent life out there, what is not probably is that we will be able to make contact. The distant between galaxies and start is so vast probably there is life in the universe but it is also probably that no one is meting each other planets, unless they are in the same solar system no chance, the dream of a star trek federation is that, just a dream.
if the supposed intelligent life from outer space would see our feminists, leftists soyboys and people of fat acceptance mouvment, they will go back immediatly to outer space.
and finally we could tell we have found ONE good reason to tolerate those human freaks ..
What are they waiting for? Lets party…there be traitors to be dealt with….and plenty of other societal scum that needs reforming.
Ted, an excellent article!
I once did some work (mechanical) for a high ranking intel officer of the US army, he asked me how much money I wanted for the job and I told him just the answer to one question, he smiled and said ok. I asked is there UFOs and aliens visiting earth. I expected him to laugh in my face, but he suddenly stopped smiling, thought for a long time as if to measure his response and replied ‘Id be more concerned about government than aliens’
Read “Behold, a Pale Horse” by William Cooper. He gives some insight into this very topic.
I highly respect this site for publishing this article. I absolutely think this is going to happen, maybe not as soon as stated here, but soon. Even TV watching bokmers like my Uncle have been convinced this shit is real. To the point of doubting their own religion–convinced. I think this is the great deception. Heard about it from Rob Skiba. Say what you will.
Just one point on Hawking, you do realise that cabbage they remote control around is a fucking puppet? The real Hawking is long gone, or if he managed to survive his disease his brain long since turned to mush. Id like to know exactly who controls that voice box of his, or who writes that anti human shite he gets published.
Hollyweird is already on the bandwagon – they dusted off “The X Files” and are hyping alien UFO crap. Watch for a few ‘alien invasion’ movies coming out soon to help set the theory of “it could happen” and to fear aliens in the public’s minds.
No need to shout out ‘Hollyweird’ speak it as it is ‘Hollywood’ just like your Holly and Ivy, just like Harry Potter’s magic wand, made from the holly tree, or that wreath you hang over your door at Christmas, its movie majic. Dont you see how you are being played?
Ancient Aliens, New X files, New Independence day movie, what is next, WoMen in Black?
The “History Channel” shoves this alien crap down our throats. They seem to be pushing an agenda very hard. How does far-out alien speculation fit under the umbrella of history? Above, “History Channel” is in quotes.
women in black ? please don’t give them such ideas please.
Yeah, a fake alien invasion is definitely possible, they’ve been leaking hints via the military and certain speakers for a while now. Though I’m more inclined it will be a religious rapture: the muslims will see Allah, the Christians will see Jesus, the Jews will see Satan, the Mormons will see Joseph Smith, etc.
Love is real, Buckaroos!
ah no please no, not the aliens. stop.
I’m already fed up with refugees and leftists scumbags who praise them against my own culture and people, i can’t even imagine those same leftists scumbags who will praise alien newcomers culture and harassing me for being xenophobe !
At least the aliens will be bringing cool shit with them.
perhaps. Just praise there are no sjw aliens nor supremacists aliens. Otherwise chances are they ‘ll use their “cool shit” on us.
That’s exactly what they’re setting us up for. I hope you all are realizing that’s exactly what’s happening.
Check out Niel Da Grass’ response to this bit of news!
Please, post your bad science fiction somewhere else. I want people to take this site seriously.
Whose bad science? The NYT? ha ha
As a sidenote NDG is a regular on Joe Rogan’s podcastn Rogan and Roosh shared a spot on the wacko gallery until Rogan was taken off as he now doesn’t question anything… Getting paid tough guy!
In the 1970’s, a magazine “Analog:science fiction, science fact” was published and in one of the issues, the editors published an opinion piece about the REAL physics which make space travel between celestial places damn near impossible.
The math and physics are way above most people’s training, BUT the important element is that celestial distances change from SECOND TO SECOND, and are so vast, that space navigation IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
Even the poor quality video of the “Moon Landing” demonstrates that the government already lies about space travel to the general public. I mean, they are working on it. But the challenges are simply greater than our knowledge or technology.
So WILL the government lie about invading aliens? Who knows.
But is the government the type of entity that exists solely to manipulate its population for its own agenda?
You betcha!
What you describe is exactly why I suspect that these beings (if they exist at all) are inter-dimensional; not extra-terrestrial.
Do aliens exists? Well, probably since the universe is so large. But are they here and colluding, abducting etc.? Methinks – no fucking way. So the universe is big, so fucking big that to travel from habitable planet to habitable planet, shit from any planet to planet, takes way too fucking long. Light speed, Einstein says it’s impossible, but, if it is then even still travel is impractical. I could believe in worm holes and inner dimensional travel, but…
I’m glad this article was published…I see the same false flag agenda in the making. Question is how stupid have we become?
What you describe is exactly why I suspect that these beings (if they exist at all) are inter-dimensional; not extra-terrestrial.
The Anunnaki are back and are pissed that (((people))) have plagiarized the Sumerian’s creation myths and attributed specialness to themselves. Prepare for Great Flood 2.
This talk is reminiscent of faggy star wars talk. Men focus on the real invasions. Muslums and illegals. Protect yourselves against them before they take what’s yours while you’re looking up at the stars.
Sure, life may exist elsewhere, but who’s to say that it isn’t low-life? Look at that ‘object.’ It’s an intergalactic equivalent of a 1987 Ford Taurus making it’s way into an affluent zip code. Maybe Mars Needs a shave and a hot meal.
Well, the bit about the interstellar asteroid ‘Oumuamua was interesting.
1, The pilots even said they were drones.
2, Disney just released a new Star Wars movie.
3, The Secret State will never share classified information with a musician! This is so retarded it invites sudden-onset Autism!
4, Even if you don’t have ET Tech, it’s always to your benefit if other nations think you do!
Alien invasion is the BEST time to take it over.
Nobody’s gonna believe that shit.
And the ones who do, will not even
value their own survival. Alien Invasion
would be the BIGGEST WIN
Following comment will not deal so much with this article but with the things related to it.
Are we alone? It would be stupid to assume that ours is the only civilization in the universe. But I think the important question is what aliens are. I see people nowadays, especially those from religious background tend to equate aliens with demons from Bible or similar, fallen angels and stuff. So there is a line of thought here about aliens being non physical beings, i.e. not made of physical matter.
I would agree with the fact that there are beings of this sort, like there are beings of flesh and blood, or maybe even silicon based lifeforms.
But I would not necessarily equate them with demons. You see, I firmly believe humans from the beginning of time made contact with “aliens” through the states of altered consciousness and not literally meeting them eye to eye like the Ancient Aliens show purports. Regarding time period and culture in question, these non physical entities were comprehended, described and named differently. We can assume that old gods were these sort, that Ayahuasca godess is such a being, beings during usage of DMT and other psychedelic stuff.
What McKenna called machine elves could be easily referred to as fairy in 17th century Ireland. Anyways I believe that humans are constantly in contact with these intelligence which sometimes guides but in other times harasses.
There is also physical and non physical component here. Those saucer shaped and aircraft looking ones are part of secret space program which sprung shortly after the end of WWII using the Nazi work. So called Nazi International had great deal in setting up this post war shop for advanced tech. Nothing alien here. False flag UFO invasion in my opinion could be done with these aircraft, of which some are piloted but a lot of them seem to be drones.
Non physical component draws direct parallel to work of Terence McKenna. McKenna has a good youtube video on the subject where he describes UFOs as being representation of collective consciousness of humanity, a omen of some sort.
Alien mythology
There is undeniable psy ops here in question where they put more and more alien related stuff in public through films, TV series and news. I am not sure why. Perhaps really for the upcoming false flag, but maybe also because they want you to have inner conflict of information.
War averted
Just like with women, everything the media and government tells you is not for sharing information, but to get a certain reaction/outcome.
Modern civilization is a giant open air slave camp, where the parasitical rulers try to find new ways of extracting value from you and giving you nothing in return. You are not being sold a product or a functional plan, you are being sold into a lifestyle that sees you spending all your life and energy to keep others from having to provide real value. They take your work, and give you emotions/ideas and more invisible chains in return.
Because we were all born into it most never understand. As long as the TV runs and the food keeps coming than its all good. But parasites are bad at the long term – eventually they get too big and too numerous and kill the host. The rich control massive amounts of the economy. The government has exploded in size and scope of power. Nobody can provide for themselves or has anything of real intrinsic value anymore.
You are being sold an illusion and your mind thinks it is real because it “feels” real. It cannot last. When the shoe finally drops there are going to be be many starving, poor, disillusioned people with no survival skills.
Shits going to go lord of the flies on a large scale if its not fixed. I for one welcome it. The parasites and bottom 25% of the genepool need to be burned away before it destroys the people and systems that are healthy.
1). No legit astrophysicist believes aliens will ever reach/attack earth. The limitations of mass over distance/time and energy production/consumption make the traveling of a “advanced” species to our little planet too incredible. “Advanced” in technical terms means far older which by definition means a life sustaining planet much much farther from galactic/universal center.
2). This is an old conspiracy played out numerous times in TV and film. The belief that regardless of whether aliens exist/arrive, the government colluded with media to either hide them from the masses, pretend to hide them when they don’t exist, or convince us they (or some other thing) does exist as cover for the thing that’s actually real and worse. Pick up a copy of Not Alone by Craig Falconer for the most recent take on this dead unicorn of a story.
3). Finally, the notion a deep state would attempt such an incredible plan is predicated on two things. A) The masses are that naive and B) it was the best cover for their nefarious plans. I believe in A, and that’s precisely why I cannot believe in B.
Does anybody really believe a deep state would need to go to such lengths to accomplish their plan? C’mon. It would be sooo muuuch easier to just blow an EMP over some city or just FAKE a nuclear meltdown (let alone cause one) and blame the opposition du jour, than attempt to fake an alien invasion. There are literally thousands if not 10s of thousands of amateur astronomers pointing very powerful home telescopes at the night sky all night, every night. Many are networked to online laptops recording and even live streaming their views. There’s just too many voices with live evidence to silence in an attempt to make a claim like this legit.
I’m all for ROK publishing anything Men of the West might find interesting, but this is just silly.
You aren’t wrong, but consider the target of such a psy-op. We deal with a generation (more than one at this point) that believes in style over substance and feeling over fact. You and I might view this critically, but if the target audience is your average dumbass millennial there might be traction.
The USA has been experiencing an alien invasion for several decades, notably Muslims and Spanish Speakers. Faking an extra-terrestrial invasion would do what? How long could such fakery be sustained? Once exposed, the government would lose what little legitimacy it still has. Talk about a stupid idea…
Talking about Stephen Hawking the real Hawking is long dead he died many years ago. If you can find any early pictures of the true Hawking you can see he has a long elongated face also he had all his bottom teeth ground down to the gumline. The new fake Hawking has 4 horrible large protruding teeth sticking out above his upper lip. If you are a multi millionaire why would you pay a dentist for that. Also I have noticed a lot of people on the net are noticing the different Hawking its just a CIA/Deep Government project here is my prediction for 2018.
They will announce the death of the fake Hawking sometime this year to many people are now smelling a rat this is how they end projects.
Most of Hollywood and their actors and actresses are now nothing more than propaganda projects have you noticed every actor supports Homosexuality, Gay rights, Climate change (While riding around in private jets) and all the other crap coming out. In return they get Fame & Fortune vast amount of money they are all sell outs.
So is there some type of early April Fools satire thing going on here? Because everybody in the comment seems to be on board with this. I hope Roosh isn’t planning on attracting more readers….because of somebody with half a brain stumbles on this article they are going to assume RoK is full of tinfoil hat idiots.
RoK jumping the shark……
Pardon typos.
Rendezvous with Rama + X-Files
I saw an Unidentified Flying Object once. But no one believes me. Which I concluded was likely an alien craft from another world. Though it could have just been some weird lights. But I doubt it. Because of the white spotlight that drew my attention to the two other ones. If you like, I could give a more detailed account.
As far as I’m concerned, Oswald acted alone. Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert Kennedy. And 9/11 was not an inside job. Though Bush did take advantage of it in a senseless way, that seemed to have somewhat worked, which Obama threw away.
I also concluded aliens have not contacted our government. Because I’m not big on Red Flag conspiracies. Because online is where I feel I’m in the matrix the most. Which is a bottomless rabbit hole, red pillers. Which I guess I just contributed to.
Besides, if you were from another world, and believed our government is really that corrupt, would you contact it? I wouldn’t.
The elites already have fake A.I. ventriloquism. They “have cloud-based learning” and “are atheists”. Yeah, whatever.
Good article. This is actually very true. Like the war with north korea starting before April this year.
Genesis chapter 6. Return of the Nephilim. The great deception of the Antichrist. The beast system. Cmon man. There’s something deeper happening here. It’s conditioning for the masses to trick them in to believing the Antichrist is a supreme alien being. Get real man. This isn’t a hoax. There are dimensional entities that have been visiting earth for a long time. And they ain’t aliens. Hello. Book of Enoch. The watchers, fallen angels. Nephilim giants. Don’t be fooled by any of this. Lucifer disguises himself as an angel of light. Cern is opening up portals to another dimension. Bringing dark matter in to our world. Wake up people.
“You’re probably bursting out laughing now ” yes I am.
There is a much simpler explanation for points a through d then the government wanting us to believe aliens exist. They probably considered the possibility that the UFOs they know of are some kind of surveillance device or experimental aircraft from a hostile Nation. I believe in UFOs having seen one myself. I don’t believe it was an alien spacecraft. I think it was a meteorological or astronomical phenomenon. I can dismiss unexplained things in the sky and go about my day. The Department of Defense does not have that luxury. They have to investigate even if it makes them a laughing stock on the off-chance that there’s something more to it then lights in the sky.
I absolutely believe in extraterrestrial life AND I also believe we have/are being visited. The Walter Haut memo was the moment I lost all doubt the subject was real. Stanton Friedman’s MJ-12 Do you believe in maJic is also a very good book on the matter. As far a project BLUEBEAM goes I’m certain the idea has been considered and may very well be implemented, however 2018 isn’t going to be the year it happens. Too much $$$ being made right now.
Most people have turned alien anyways over a period of ten years from the gmo and chemtrails. I remember 15 years ago people wanting to converse, hang out, and find out more about you. Today, its like that scene in 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers or people have just turned callous and cold. Some people still appear as the former humans that most once were. There are strange cults of people together now. To me, this is a very dark place!
3. Aliens make for a great external threat that can get citizens to rally behind the government
There are nonhuman intelligences at work on this planet as we speak. How can I be so sure? Because I have encountered them.
But would – could the US Government stage a fake alien invasion? – You bet your arses they could. They have all the technology to be able to do it. Easily.
So the fact that they haven’t is perhaps even more worrying than if such an event were already taking place. I would in fact be worried as hell about it.
I suspect, though I have no concrete proof of this, that the US Government has made some very dodgy deals with ET’s. In exchange for technology, they will keep the alien presence secret. Until both parties are ready to ‘go public’. And what we will get is an edited version of the truth. Just like we get now from mainstream media.
So the government wants me to believe in intellugent life out there? I don’t see much evidence of it down here
Correction. Intelligent.
Truthers and pastors have been saying this for years. And I have known this too. There will be a disclosure and indeed it will be one of the following: 1) project Blue beam; scare populace to beg for one world govt 2) extradimensionals do actually come (notice how I wrote extradimensionals not extraterrestrials; Ephesians 6:12) and we are to herald them as the new age gods, the fifth age of Aquarius of aeon of Horus from Crowley.
Either scenario invovles the deep state/secret global govt aka Illuminati and their end goals being drive us away from the Messiah Yeshua:Christ . Do not be deceived!!!
‘If you believe the US government is in contact with aliens, then click away—the rest of this article isn’t for you.’
You ask your readers to indulge you, to use their imanaginations, Mr Deever; but then you write that.
It doesn’t make sense.
Why don’t you use your imagination.
Someone, somewhere, might read your article who knows something that you do not.
It’s possible.