Forty-three Democrats in the United States Senate decided to shut the government down last week. In doing so, they’ve made a choice that is open and clear for all to see: they prefer illegal immigrants over American citizens. They’re not hiding it anymore. Even ten years ago, this would have been inconceivable. Today, it’s reality.
Democrats and their leftist base prefer illegal immigrants to paying America’s soldiers. They prefer illegal immigrants to the jobs and 401ks of American citizens. They’d prefer to see a market selloff and for Americans to lose their wealth if it’s required to protect illegal immigrants.
They want to see illegal immigration continue rather than securing the borders, which means they’d also prefer to see drugs smuggled in to stopping them.
Democrats even put themselves in a terrible position because the Children’s Health Insurance Program they claim to love was in the continuing resolution, but they chose to shut the government down anyway.
The details of these things don’t matter. The story does. Nobody’s paying attention to the specific situation of the DACA recipients or what parts of the government will or won’t get funded in the shutdown. The story is that Democrats and their leftist base care more about illegal immigrants than Americans.
Any persuader worth his salt in opposition to the leftist peacocks should welcome this as a gift from heaven. It’s a golden opportunity heading into 2018’s midterms. Assuming the Republican Party has a grasp on any basics of persuasion (admittedly, this is always a dicey proposition), this should be used as a prime weapon to make the November elections a massacre.
The Priorities Of The Left
All the same, this is another step in the left’s Year Zero project. In openly and actively declaring themselves on the side of illegal immigrants over American citizens, they’ve also taken a giant step in committing themselves to overturning American society and replacing it with an artificial one built on nothing. Since they’ve now committed themselves to the priority of illegal immigrants over American citizens, we can expect this kind of commitment to continue and accelerate.
Another core principle of persuasion is that once you can get someone to agree, they’ll be more likely to continue agreeing. This shutdown might well be a short one, but since the Democratic Party and their insane base now agrees with it, they’ll be more likely to agree to even more brazen acts in the very near future.
We’re not far removed from a government that is openly acting not in the interests of the American people, but for illegal aliens and whatever other identity group the left sees fit to prioritize at any time. The shutdown and California’s recent revival of the nullification theory (again in favor of illegal immigrants) are indicative of this.
The left is very close to openly abandoning the theory of representative government. For a long time, this has been de facto the case, as both parties care more about their puppetmasters than the American people, but never has there been such an open and brazen display of it. Should they regain power any time soon, catastrophe awaits.
It isn’t entirely without merit to say that a post-Trump leftist government would look like a foreign occupation. Illegal foreigners are now clearly above the American people in terms of importance.
The Future Of America
It didn’t take long for my preview of 2018 to come to fruition. My outlook on the year was that it would be a dark and golden age. Despite the good news rolling in, leftists are still in such hysteria and denial that they simply won’t take part in the good times. They’ll refuse because their dogmatic view of the world tells them that society is tainted and they need to purify it.
Because of this, they’ll actively work against any good times struggling to emerge, and the sum total of their behaviors could create a dark age by a self-fulfilling prophecy. The shutdown is exhibit A and we’re only getting started. It probably won’t last long but the most important thing is that the first plank of its kind has been hammered into the ground. To avoid a dark age, the left must be prevented from taking power at all costs.
In the 1850s, America looked like two nations competing for the same space. In the 2010s, it’s looked more and more like that with each passing year. A government shutdown over such an issue as illegal immigration is unthinkable in a united country that, while disagreements exist, shares a more or less common interest and outlook. In one with different identity groups with no common interest, however, the story is different.
Instead of doing everything to counter the latter possibility, the Democratic Party and their leftist base welcomes it. They don’t care about America or its people, and that point has now been made unambiguously clear. Act accordingly.
Read More: How Elites Are Getting Rich From Moving Third-World Immigrants Into American Suburbs
(((They))) care about the creation of the mulatto race, like their comrades across the pond.
actually, mulato race is in usa
Gonad, you cannot accuse (((them))) because not all of (((them))) are the same. (((They))) are not all uniformly in favor of immigration anymore so than any other religious or ethnic group.
The liberals must love losing elections, Trump is a direct result of Obama era politics. Instead of changing their game plan they just doubled down on their social justice causes to appeal to their own voter base. It seems the more they lose the more they just throw gasoline on their dumpster fire as if that will help the cause. The fact that they want immunity for illegals is hilarious considering if I (a US citizen) decided to go to one of these shit hole countries they would not take me in as a citizen.
“The liberals must love losing elections”. First off, the only reason Trump won was because, like myself, were Obama environmentalists who didn’t and still don’t believe in libertarian anarchy (aka, arrogant, stupid, selfish, coward economics). Second, the Republicans are still the libertarian dumb asses they were when they lost to Obama, they are still obsessed with taxes even though 60% of the America population don’t even pay taxes, and even the rich are sitting on record amounts of cash. Meanwhile our infrastructure is falling apart. Republicans still have a hard-on for fossil fuels even though we waste like 3 times as much as we need, and Republicans are still giving into liberals when it comes to feminism (Muh precious daughter), and they still apparently don’t get what liberals are trying to do with our population replacement. So, right now Republicans are just merely delaying a liberal victory. White women are turning into even bigger whores, are still having less kids all over the world. Immigrants already here are breeding like rabbits, 100,000s of colored people are still pouring in and they vote 90% leftist, more and more of our rights and privacy are being taken away, all it would take is google going all out with censoring YouTube and the internet and they would have effectively destroyed conservative media, Republicans are looking stupider and stupider everyday when it comes to things like healthcare and the environment….Ya, don’t get so arrogant about “defeating the liberals” because that will actually involve bloodshed.
“Defeating the liberals”
Wes. Rednecks cannot afford the gas money to get to New York much less wage a war involving supply chains against this part of the US that determines the stupid policies. And although they do decide taxes it is the US interior states that need Fed Bailout money. No fairy, Jew, Guido, Mick or Cholo would give two shits if Missouri become a sovereign territory. They do not want to live in the US hinterlands anyhow.
Also, the reality is Democrats are less likely to face losing their jobs to Indians from the jungles of Southern Mexico. California Yuppies and NYC Jews do not care about losing a job digging ditches.
I don’t rate the Red State hicksters chances of winning wars in NYC or California where the actual policies are enacted. Especially since, for whatever reason, US interior states require Federal bailouts. NYC and San Francisco are not asking the Beltway to give them more money because their economy is shit. That’s people in Pence-country Indiana or other white rural cities and regions who cannot seem to generate the same kind of industry or economy as the gays, Jews, Hispanics on the coasts or in Miami.
Hunters and hicks from Missouri waging a supply chain war from the remote interior of the US where Democrat voters do not really want to live anyhow is unlikely. All the decisions are made in New York which is a storefront window for the Beltway and California really does not give a shit about the US interior either way.
However, you’ll probably argue that these folks would be cannibalizing one another in 4 days without the primary economies of the US interior.
the liberal bastions produce nothing tangible, its all amde up jobs that wont generate food when the lights and tech winks out permanently. may the blue areas starve as cannibals when it does, good riddance. blue zones mean jack shit when the modern convenience vanish, and its coming.
@ Wes
There was 8 years of Obama garbage politics flushed down the shitter on the American people. You are seeing something that you never saw in the Obama administration now, a “America first” view on things. Steps are being taken to reverse the biggest cluster fucks first. While I will say some Republicans are only conservative in name, and they have their own work to do, fixing issues like these is putting us more on the right direction. The majority will jump on the winning team once the public opinion starts to change. It isn’t just the US fighting back, you are seeing it in Europe as well, people are taking a conservative stance on issues. The liberal platform is crumbling down.
@maverick (and other right wing libertarians)…Ya, so? “america first”? Oh really, what America? The white America or the colored and socialist America? You do realize that all it will take is a liberal winning and all of Trumps accomplishments will be flushed down the gutter too?
Most of us didn’t think Obama was God when we voted for him, we just thought he was smarter than that DUMB-ASS Sarah Palin and that piece of shit McCain who most Republicans hate today anyways (hey, welcome to the party dumb-asses). Sarah Palin was the most pathetic thing that I think the Republican party could have ever done. Sarah Palin literally gave the liberals the ego that they have today. Sarah Palin made the entire Republican party look like RETARDS, which many of you still are. Sarah Palin was a desperate attempt by people who had no argument or facts, and it was a desperate attempt at playing identity politics with the liberals. It is like the Republicans today who are trying to DESPERATELY prove that they are not racist or sexist by giving into liberal politics, giving amnesty, repeating the pathetic line “muh just come in legally, we still love immigrants, blah blah blah”, and giving feminists more of what they want.
“You are seeing something that you never saw in the Obama administration now, a “America first” view on things”…Yep, and it is solely driven by WHITE MEN, it was only accomplished by WHITE MEN who decided to come out in force and elect TRUMP. Yet still, Hillary (even with illegal votes) probably won the POPULAR VOTE fair and square. Hell, even a Republican (Roy Moore) lost in ALABAMA!!!!
Republicans as they are is a dying party. Libertarianism is a dying philosophy, and even if you think it is growing it is not. Most libertarians are just Bernie Bros and other white trash who are just taking the slow and cowardly baby steps to Ethno-white tribalism / white nationalism (you know, ethno-nationalists like the founding fathers and everyone else who made this nation great). When being attacked a coward will always take the easy path with the typical “muh leave me alone, muh individualism” line instead of standing up and fighting. Give it time and it will happen, it is just the natural order of things, the pieces are already falling in place.
Republicans today are so fucking naive and fucking stupid it is unbelievable, the only reason I voted for Trump was because he seemed moderate on many issues like healthcare and the environment, he wasn’t a libertarian, and he was a nationalist. Now, with that being said lets see what he does. Trump is still a pathetic baby boomer who worships women (especially his daughters) and who is potentially going to give amnesty…but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he actually does. If he gives amnesty for only a wall he is an UTTERLY FAILED PRESIDENT, the end. If he gave amnesty in return for a wall, an end to chain migration, he cut legal immigration by 90%, and he ended birthright citizenship….well, I could accept that.
Bro, I have THREE STEM degrees, was raised in rural redneck Texas, own a ranch, love guns, love freedom, and I hate feminism…but I can tell you right now that a big reason the liberals are the way they are is because Republicans, and conservatives in general, are such stupid motherfuckers it sometimes makes me even question why I voted for Trump. Renewable energy WILL be the greatest thing to happen to our nation, the government is important, our taxes are NOT HIGH, “muh individualism” is just a cowards excuse to not stand for anything other than himself, libertarianism is a crock of shit, race matters, borders matter, demographics matter, and environmentalism is what smart people do. The END. If you want to go further into this argument than I will gladly make you look stupid. What I said was 100% correct and I can completely back it up.
Even the conservatives in Europe are going with the ..”muh, lets just destroy the white race with legal immigration, muh, lets defend women’s rights, Muh, race doesn’t matter, muh, tribalism BAD, muh, lets dig more coal, muh, lets privatize everything and give our nations to globalists”…same bullshit just a different continent…..pathetic and cowardly “conservatives” are only obsessed with their own short term benefits. THEY ARE WEAK AND PATHETIC FAGGOTS. Oh, and if it wasn’t for “radicals” (aka, historically normal men) like me and many other white men, than the Right wing would have NEVER won any election….let that sink in.
Republicans and conservative today are not winning….we are pretty much at the point where the West will only be saved through violence or at least a sincere threat of violence, and that will only happen when Conservative libertarian retards pull their heads out of their asses and stop fucking over the right wing. So far, their heads are firmly stuck in their asses. We are just literally repeating Reagan 101, conservative think that just because they won a couple of elections than that is it and it is all over….lol….they are totally wrong. Liberals are playing for the long term, they are winning, and they are winning so much that they have even pushed Conservatives to the point that conservatives think men and women are equal, that race doesn’t matter, that America was a nation of diversity….FUCKING PATHETIC.
Until you are winning demographically in a democracy you are losing and on the way out. Even now with an actual president western civilization is being spanked daily in the maternity wards and has little future.
I have probably been attacked twenty times by blacks nobody tries to catch them. thats life. No white male living near them has not had that happen to him anywhere in the world. They are the same in every country they go to so why let them immigrate? Whites are self-deluded letting them in at least Asians men see them for what they are and want nothing to do with them. They do not fit white societies one little bit.
if the Republicans are so bad, how come you havent moved to ANY of your liberal utopias better then the USA? bloodshed is coming you think? the street will be bleeding blue then…..if i have to choose between lesser of to evils i will always pick MORE APPARENT FREEDOM over socialist shithole policies….BTW , did you keep your doctor and affordable health insurance, or are you living on the subsidized shit plan Ocare while someone else carries you? im fuxking poor but i pay my own. nobody shovel free shit at me, got too much self respect to be a freeloading ass.
Because if you actually DID move, which I did, you’d discover that Australia and NZ and even Canada are not going to give you a passport simply because you don’t like the US.
Now somebody like you is probably 21 and lives at home so you don’t own a passport and do not have any idea about visas.
Silencing is more obvious on the left than anything ever on the right. We support the constitution. Your last president wanted to CHANGE it. Liberals are mainstream media. Think about that. Who wants to control who? Net-Neutrality was a big censorship act disguised as equality.
Trump may have ran as a Republican, but his base is NOT REPUBLICAN. He’s forcing Washington to act like the people that we elected.
White women are whores having no kids.
WTF? You realize the more people have sex, the better chance at having kids, right? Still, that comment is so bias. Your whole comment stinks of being a bully. We’re done trying to reason with you. No amount of facts are going to change your third world thinking. When it comes down to it, you just want to be the lazy American victim. You will fake outrage and claim everyone is some sort of “ist.” YOU ARE FAKE AND WE ALL KNOW IT. You know your policies don’t work, so you get people by conjuring up lies. The zero shame you have with the fisa memo release. Just admit it. You want to sit around all day and not work and have the hard American taxpayer pay for you to sit on the internet all day. You are the disease that needs to be eradicated.
at the end of the day, money talks, and bs walks. ppl see the jobs coming back, the economic recovery, lower taxes, and they will vote Trump again in 2020.
This is what comes of ‘giving everyone a voice’ & “empowering women’…like you said, dumpster fire. Mark and remember everyone.
You are actually correct, I fled the US nearly 20 years ago and have gotten by on work visas and the like. Try immigrating to Australia or even Canada. Good luck. Or any other country.
“Love it or leave it” would be good advice for those of us in the US who just want to GTFO of the place but it is hard to actually immigrate to a decent Anglo-Saxon country.
The biggest reason I live overseas is to get away from Cholos, Hoodrats, Beastie Boys, Guidos, trailer trash. This is wonderful because these people cannot really easily move to Dubai or London and I find them horrifying.
Ah, so the solution is to run. Ok Cuck. LOL, 20 years ago it wasn’t even that bad, you must be a real pussy. BTW, I thought you liked all that Big Black and Jewish cock Gen-X.
“20 Years Ago It Wasn’t Even That Bad”
The Clinton era was no great shakes but your statement reflects how fast the US went downhill.
“The Solution is to run”
Are your parents Native Americans? We have all left somewhere before.
Look at Detroit and Baltimore. Whites in the US do nothing BUT run and if Gen Y had the option of GTFO every hipster, fairy, nerd and liberal would move to Oz or Canada tomorrow.
“Real Pussy”
Yes, I go where the grass is greenest and is not my own birthplace.
Your a “real man” if you hang around some city that goes South and are stuck there because you cannot get a job because the economy is shit.
Luckily I got out. Don’t have to be around the Hoodrats, the Beans, the trailer trash.
Nor do I have to complain that Ron Jeremy in NYC is responsible for my shitty life.
Real men fight you stupid fuck. Real men don’t just stick their heads between their legs and run away, Cowards and pussies do. Nothing great would have ever happened in humanity if men were like you. The END and you have no argument but that stereotypical “muh individual” bullshit where you only try to say your own ass while pissing on the nation your ancestors built (if you are a white guy to begin with, because I have my doubts, you seem like a pathetic troll). Are you in Africa? Because it seems from all your other posts that you REALLY like big black cock.
“Muh Individual”
Yes, we are all individuals. I as an individual was glad to get the hell away from my own rust belt city and state.
I am white as snow. A Yankee.
Unless you’re native american indian, you’re here because your ancestors fled Europe. Your solution above was “bloodshed.”
Your comments don’t appear of sound mind if the choice you recommend is violence or cowardice.
no one should have to run away from their homeland to escape stupidity ( ala rapefugees and invaders to eurotrash zones). decent anglo saxon countries? is there any other than the USA? no, all over run immigrant sewers infested with communist in control is what they have become.
native born americans need to stand up and fight for their homes if it means jack to them, if it dont they should just suicide to prevent a waste of resources on their stupid cowardly asses. fuxking run away and criticise is exactly what all the illegals have done in the usa from their respective shitholes. everyone’s always whining and crying waiting for some mythical freaking calorie to come to fucking rescue their sorry asses rather than actually sacrifice anything in order to fix our situation in their own fucking shitholes.
It requires a great deal of adaptability and ingenuity to get off your ass and actually leave somewhere.
I doubt either of you could leave your specific regions.
I’m 43 and someday when you two are my you’ll be like all the white proles I knew in my young adulthood with their Green Day tattoos and their GED’s and their kid. You’ll be too old to leave a shit town or city and your property will be worth nothing.
im 50, with 2 young adult teens. i have a real investment in America because of them. sorry, but this joe ain’t runnin. I may end up sticking around and bleeding but it ain’t going to be because I stuck my tail between my legs and took an easy non character way out, that is non self risking, and non future building. Lacking attachment to virtue signaling type principles, my family is worth fighting for and their future, even if is this not likely to pan out I’d rather give my life for something I believe in then choosing to Extended preserve my own life I always constantly running away rather than trying to be a solution to the problem.
I knew people like you and Detroit. You cannot leave so you have to stick shit out. I would have too. But because I had nothing to lose at 25 I just blew the country and never looked back.
I could have spent my whole life raising my kids in that shitty city trying to scrape together the change to send them to private schools so they did not get bashed by Hoodrats in public schools.
Luckily, it did not happen.
I went overseas.
Today I write you from a pleasant house in the tropics.
The banksters on Wall Street don’t care if your city or state shrivels into a second world country where the roads look like India and the downtown is an abandoned graveyard of crackhouses and the only thriving business is a strip bar.
They don’t care if your state goes to shit because they have the second passport to NZ or France and they spend half the year in Malibu and the other half is spent in Nice, Southern France.
So it is all well and good to care about your state and region but if we use my city of Detroit as an example you cannot cock-block people breeding faster than you with no money who will eventually bankrupt a city and then the government has no taxes to do anything about it.
If you are trapped in the post-industrial graveyard or ghost town, nobody cares.
See I learned this young and since I had nothing to lose I left.
If I had stayed my kids would have been pummeled in public schools and my property would be worth shit.
I don’t give a bloody shit about the rustbelt state I was born in. Was glad to get out of there after college.
well good for you because I don’t give a bloody rat’s ass either about the state that I live in either. I only care about my family and their future so at some point I kind of do have to care about the locality and state that they live in that’s going to maximize their opportunities for their best future.
Well I am from Detroit so I know how that goes. You wake up and your city is a hellhole and your property is worth shit and your kids are getting pummeled in the public schools and one section 8 gets built in your neighborhood and the property values sink.
Luckily I was so destitute as a young man I had nothing to lose so I left.
…And here is the truth. It only got worse. In fact it got so much worse that Flint and Detroit are abandoned shitholes.
How long before everywhere between Manhattan and LA on the 1% axis is the same?
I am currently and have been for the last 8 1/2 years a US Border Patrol Agent assigned to the Southern Border here in Texas. The Obama years were brutal. We were handcuffed in multiple ways. Aliens would run from us, fight us and then at best claim “credible fear” (asylum) once we caught them and be granted it or at worst, claim we assaulted them after beating their ass for trying to fight us. This would subject us to weeks or months of investigation by the Office of Inspector General for assaulting the poor aliens. Assaults against Agents were not prosecuted on a federal level unless you were “seriously injured.” Stuff that would get a myriad of charges filed against an American citizen if they dared to do such things to a Sheriff’s Deputy or another Police Officer were dropped because they didn’t break your jaw or your face. False sexual assault claims by female aliens usually followed up by a lawsuit against the federal government resulting in the alien being allowed to stay in the United States until the court case went along it’s sometimes several years long process. Having to transport aliens based on the gender that they identified with and not the gender they were born with (it is agency policy to separate male and female aliens and to have female agents transport female aliens to mitigate false sexual assault claims if possible). Having to be subjected to a myriad of diversity, gender equality, sexual harassment training despite females making up approx. 7% of Border Patrol Agents (lowest percentage in the federal gov’t, including the military @ approx. 15%) and that most of the Patrol is made up of white and latino males. Having our Congressionally mandated numbers reduced by unrealistically raising hiring standards (took me nine months from start to finish to get hired before leaving for the academy, cherry Agents now say the average is two years), lowering pay and not providing incentives for potential Agents to move their families to shithole border towns that are more akin to Mexico than to the United States. I could go on here for several more paragraphs, but as I posted on ROK’s Trump’s election victory article, we now have hope. Assaults against Agent’s are being prosecuted on the federal level. No more asylum for alien’s that run or fight us. Mean Green is back in style, where if an alien assaults an Agent he pays and any complaint on his part is quickly dismissed as justified use of force. I haven’t had to sit through one diversity BS training instead of catching these parasites since the election. I am quietly hopeful the wall gets built, we get the Agents and equipment we need and the politicians let us do our fucking job for once. Thanks to ROK’s members and contributers for being awesome and exposing the Democrats in the Senate/House, Obama and his ilk for their anti-American, pro-open borders agenda.
Write a damn article on this for ROK about this. Just write it and submit it maybe even talk to Roosh about it. Trump needs another term. Hes the only decent balanced competent politician America has.
it shows how mad the nation is becoming that crying rape is becoming such a profitable thing with every illegal immigrant doing it. I wouldn’t legalize rape but the 4 male witness rule sounds a good one to bring in.
You sound like the sort of decent guy whose needed to catch these parasites. Make sure if you do the article you submit anonymously.
I’ll be honest, I never thought of doing that. I will definitely consider it. Thank you for your kind words and your advice concerning concealing my identity. I know all to well that it is written in our policy about how Agents are not supposed to talk to the media and that violating it can result in disciplinary action. Thus if I end up doing the article, I shall be careful. My main concern is keeping to the word limit and not coming off as an illiterate jackass.
Write a series of articles about this. This story needs to be told.
thank you for your service it’s much more meaningful than the service of the military, being im former army. you really did something to protect this country while I ran around and spent taxpayer dollars playing more games for corrupt president s.
Former Army myself from 2003-2007. Quite a lot of Marine and Army vets here at my station. I’d say 30% of the station served, give or take. They actively recruited our group during ACAP as I was getting ready to ETS. Anyways, our Agency wastes tons of tax payer money too. Their is a massive disconnect between line Agents and our managers (notice I did not say leaders). Long story short, the amount of sheer incompetence, laziness, complacency etc. you find from other Gov’t agencies and service providers is very much alive and well amongst the top levels of US Customs and Border Protection and Dept of Homeland Security.
You sound like the antidote to a wide spectrum of BS and your head’s on straight. If Trump is allowed to set the agenda unfettered, guys like you will be climbing the ranks and re-writing the Border Patrol code for the 21st century. Ever forward. In spotting the potential for a more in-depth ROK article topic, you’ve already begun…a sizable chunk of your opening post would draw the reader in w/o any hesitation.
Liberals would do well to read it to, and let reality sink in (FFS).
Thank you for shedding light on a situation we usually only hear about in the news. My sympathies for all the difficulties you have to deal with, especially the good guys who don’t abuse anyone. If guys could “keep it in their pants”, there wouldn’t have to be sexual harassment training, regardless of how many women work as border patrol officers. It only takes one woman to be present for some guys to act like unprofessional dicks.
The white knighting is sickening. If the female is attractive she is protected, taken out of the field and fast tracked to promotion. I don’t blame the females for this, but, as you said, I blame the unprofessional dicks that lose their sanity around a split tail. I would be interested to see the numbers of female line agents to female managers, as I would suspect the numbers would show that a disproportionate amount of females promote out of the field to sit in an office and “supervise.”
The left needs more votes. There are not enough dead people and voter fraud to win them elections anymore. Middle America has caught on to their game, and they are destroying themselves through identity politics. Thank god
Terrorists, illegal aliens, NAMBLA, Hollywood pedos, transgenders = Leftist voting block.
Low IQ populations, – blacks, latinos, arabs = Leftist voting block.
Enough said.
Why do they have more $?
California and NYC are not asking the Red States for bailout money.
Keep fighting the good fight out there. I wondered if the cost of the border wall could be justified with the costs it would save US taxpayers in the long run and I believe I just got a yes to that answer. Do you feel like since Trump has been in office there has been less illegal border crossings in general?
Most definitely yes. There has been less apprehensions/crossings across all Border Patrol Sectors along the southern border save for one. I think Trump’s mandatory sentencing proposal’s for illegal alien’s with and without criminal histories who re-enter the United States are a root cause. Seeing as how under Obama, an illegal alien who has re-entered the United States at most would face anywhere from 1 day to at most a month in jail the up to 2 years in jail is a huge deterrence.
Meant to mention these in my previous post. Look up “Kate’s Law” and the “No Sanctuary for Criminals Act,” for more info. Also, to clarify, the up to two year sentence is for non-criminal aliens who have re-entered the United States. Criminal Aliens convicted of certain crimes face much more time in jail.
fo694013 Good info. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear things are better down there.
and the whole world knows it now. this will hurt the Dims in the 2018 elections. Trump wins the show down. Trump 2020.
After the 2018 midterm election, Hillary’s book sequel would be titled “What THE FU€K Happened”.
or the” Devil wears jailhouse orange prada”….
Why are you even mentioning Hillary? She’s not in the White House and she has nothing to do with our discussion. Unless, maybe, you were so threatened by a woman almost being in the White House that you’re still talking about her, even over a year after the election?
I’m glad Trump has “clamped down” on illegal immigrants, improved rules/regulations regarding illegal border crossings, etc. but what we need is a president who does the right thing for Americans while at the same time not coming across as a mentally unstable individual. For example, if Trump gets us into a nuclear war with North Korea, we won’t have to worry about border patrol because there won’t be a border or anyone to patrol it (if we all get nuked!) Even a lot of people in the mental health field are worried about Trump being in the White House.
One of the reasons there may be less illegals crossing the border into the U.S. may be because a lot of people don’t want to live in a country with a nut-job in the White House. Trump has made the U.S. the laughing stock of the world. So many overseas leaders don’t respect Trump (including a lot of our allies) because he hasn’t earned their (or our) respect.
Lighten-up, Francis! There are many reasons to dislike Trump, but to call him a “nut-job” only makes you appear to be a foaming-at-the-mouth lunatic lefty. Who gives a flying rat’s ass about what overseas leaders think of Trump? I also wish you were right about the number people fleeing the country because he was elected president; perhaps you should join the ranks. You should thank God every single day that that corrupt skank, Hillary Clinton, wasn’t elected.
The scumbag mainstream media tried its hardest to not give Trump a fair hearing and misrepresent him in every way and ruined their own credibility at the same time thats why he isn’t popular abroad as it worked elsewhere. In the USA it just ruined the credibility of CNN and the channels.
Open your eyes, look to the east, and wait for February. Heads are going to roll!
Serious question, what do you guys think the main 10 differences are between the ‘Left’ and the ‘Right’ in the US today?
The left is against all freedom, and largely dysgenic ie trying to get the most stupid to breed, and oh boy does it hate white men. They don’t look rationally at outcomes eg welfare destroying families of the blacks.
The left is largely trying to get white men as a cucked group like Asian men in America so they can be on a level with men Thailand and Europe where their women are sucking off mostly other races of men.
Should blacks not have welfare then?
Socialism looks like it will help but it creates bad incentives and means that the next generation is created from the most stupid of this generation. I think people act according to benefits and fertility is choice so I’d cut any extra state payments or housing advantages beyond two children for all races.
I don’t blame blacks they just didn’t evolve to suit this society. They evolved for their tribal groups in Africa and cultural differences are the little differences but genetics is the main difference. Many lies of the left are pretending that culture is why Asia and Africa and their peoples are on different trajectories. The right at least admits the truth rather than living in a world of lies which is why leftists are often so miserable ( the truth sets you free ).
and i’d cut welfare if they weren’t married as this gives the children all sorts of problems, which feminists who hate the family don’t care about.
Among the populace, there is a significant difference between left and right. On the left (and I’ll include a large portion of the so-called center), there are, for the most part, the freaks, mentally-ill, intellectually lazy, plain lazy, and perpetually-aggrieved traitors. Those in the so-called center, the ones who fancy themselves as “independents” and “moderates” are the most dangerous. They are dangerous because many are articulate and can present what appears to be a reasoned argument to the uninformed, apathetic, and [mostly] indifferent. They are also the weakest because they will bend to the will of whatever is most popular. They have no spine or courage.
There are zero (none, nada, zip, squat) differences between the left and the right in politics at any level.
what about the wall?
People do not know what love is anymore. The dynamic displayed in this article is the same as a child/parent relationship. The child cares for the parent who cared for the child..
Everyone in America,
not one single person less
knows full well this is the
Schumer Shutdown
Dumbocrats are most assuredly
Sadly; that means they will migrate
to the GOP, which means it’s high time
to start a new pure party that stands for
Constitutional Carry and no Neo-Cons for Israel
I think that is injustice the shitycrats think they can win by letting in illegals fuck no I’m not voteing for shitycrats. I’m Mexican and believe that everyone that wants to come here should do it legally, like my father did which took years and now I’m a citizen of the greatest country in the world. Fuck Democrats and their cunts the feminazis. I will fight if it comes to that and defend the white people because I know they don’t judge me by my color of skin but of my character. God bless America and I pray to god that he stop this degeneracy
Here in South Texas, not every Hispanic wants the illegal hordes. Yet, there are plenty of Mexican Americans who want to make it a race issue sadly enough, but do not mention the racism of Mexico. It’s not like Mexico will let a few hundred thousand low IQ Muslim Somalis. I’m sorry their countries suck, but it is not our job as the USA to absorb these hordes.
The long-settled Mexican-Americans are “Castizos” or even pure Spanish Criollo who have no racial solidarity with a bunch of Indian primitives from a jungle in Oaxaca.
They are essentially Italian-Americans (Put your average 4th generation Chicano in New Jersey and he would pass for one).
Also, Cuban and Mexican whites know that what Latin America actually uses the US for is to export Indians from the bottom of its racial caste pyramid or Cholos (Mestizos).
Atound 85% of our apprehensions are Indians from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Ecuador at our station. Most speak little to no Spanish, but several different dialects of their local Indian language (Quecha, Ixcil etc.) The other 15% or so we catch are Mexicans with a negligible amount of exotics here and there (caught a Chinese couple once). Most of the Mexicans we catch are career human/drug smugglers and return to Mexico once they have delivered their loads. What concerns me with the Indians is we always ask them where they were headed prior to our apprehension. Used to be all southern border states, but now they all are headed to the interior. Nebraska, Arkansas, Florida, Michigan, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania are the most common. Most state they have family or friends already in their stated locations. These people generally cannot read or write and at best may know how to sign their name. They are incabable if any form of assimilation.
Former Embassy Employee here
Mexican whites like Vincente Fox or Charlie Sheen use the United States to solve their colonial White Man vs Red Man race problem by letting the Indians flow North into the United States and Mestizos created through their 400 years of concubinage.
The only exception is the odd Communist revolution like Cuba and then it will be the white elite fleeing North but these people have money anyhow and are not going to be seeking Section 8.
In any event there are loads of Cholos whose families have been in the US for generations longer than Donald Trump whose father was born in Germany.
They are still Cholos.
What compounds the matter is the worsening racial inequality of Mexico because the indigenous are stupid, downtrodden prehistoric gooks of a sort whose degenerate Andalusian/Basque Spanish overlords see the US as a safety valve.
Barring the odd Argentinian engineer of Italian descent Latinos capable of assimilating don’t want to come to the US.
If you are a Hacienda-owning white down in Mexico why would you want to come to Phoenix?
Kalergi + Alinsky + Stalin + Obama X (((Z))) Equals =
Talmudic-Masonic Dream of a Destroyed New World
That is all it is.
Infinite Money plus Pre-Designed Schemes plus Governmental Complicity Equals =
Satan’s Short Term Absolute Rule
A major deliberate step toward making native working people into serfs and invaders into an idle elite class.
Just look at the voting demographics.
Now you have a huge part of the answer.
here in Italy it’s the same, government (left) want more from illegals and don’t care about the italians.
We should start to think about a big whole world agenda here, ((they)) want a mulatto wold to rule upon, no country valours, no flag, nothing to care about so it would be easy for them to rule over the west.
George W Bush, a Republican, wanted to provide amnesty to illegals during his presidency. Obama, a Democrat, was the one who created the list of Middle Eastern countries ban that Trump carried over. Stop trying to make everything fit into a nice box of left and right/Democrat vs Republican. They are two wings of the same vulture.