Don’t Tell A Man What Type Of Woman He Should Be Attracted To

This article was originally published on Roosh V

What would women think if we told them who they should find attractive? What if morbidly obese men in the USA declared that they are the male ideal, and then used multiple mainstream media outlets to shame women for not liking men with beer bellies, no muscle mass, low monthly incomes, and bad comb overs? What if this group of fat male writers would also announce that if women liked the opposite of what they deemed attractive, they were “shallow” and “stupid” with no understanding of what a “real” man is?

If this really did occur, women would rightly call the men insane and delusional, arguing that they are free to choose the type of men they want to be attracted to, a choice made either consciously from their current tastes or subconsciously due to genetics that tell them to land the most resourceful and fit men in order to pass on good genes to their offspring. The fat male writers would be shamed and ostracized.

This scenario has not actually happened because most men are not idiots—they know that women are attracted to status, money, bad boys, and good looks, but the same can not be said of women. Through a media effort that at times seems conspiratorial, they are trying to brow-beat men into liking unattractive women. Their agenda scolds men for not liking…

  • single moms (women who made the decision to keep spawn of a bad boy who wanted little or nothing to do with the child)
  • overweight women (women who are ugly, gluttonous, gelatinous, and lacking in all manner of self control)
  • strong women (women who are overbearing, masculine, annoying, irritable, and whiny)
  • women who have had dozens of prior sexual partners (women who don’t know the word “loyalty” unless it pertains to buying an Apple product)
  • older women (women who are less fertile and more likely to pass on genetic defects to your child)

Attraction is not a social construct that can be brainwashed into a man. While taste can be influenced socially, such as whether a man prefers a blonde girl versus a brunette, he still wants a beautiful blonde girl, where beauty is defined objectively through symmetry, facial structure, and those three numbers that compose her body shape. Even black men who like thick girls still want a proportional thick girl who has curves instead of being shaped like a milk jug.

If a white man is accidentally born in a Chinese village without a connection to the outside world, will he grow up to wife up an asymmetrical midget hippopotamus who already has spawn from multiple fathers and is well past her peak fertility? Put another way—would any man in any part of the world prefer such a woman if he could do better? Of course not, and this is why 99% of women would prefer to get inseminated by the genes of Brad Pitt than Danny Devito.

Since you’re a man, you have something called a logic module hardwired into your brain. If something you’re doing is not helping you accomplish a specific goal, you make adjustments to improve your chance of success. American women, who lack this module, instead say that the goal they want should become sentient and drawn to her just because. Her existing behaviors and habits should be enough to give her a lifetime of happiness, and if that happiness is not realized, a man or a culture of patriarchy is to blame.

In the past, women who think like the ones we have to endure today would have had to spend time in mental institutions, but there was a breakout in the asylum and now the crazies want big rewards for just existing while shaming and attacking you for the biological and natural desire for beauty and fertility. And with every ten pounds of weight they gain, their writing takes on a renewed sense of urgency, as if they want to trick just one man into loving them before it’s all too late.

The interesting fact of DNA is that it can’t be persuaded. No matter how many wildebeest and spinsters declare themselves to be worthy of the best men, those men will follow their biological desires. Trying to persuade men what to like will all be for naught, but at least we can point and laugh at the broken and ugly women who suggest it.

Read Next: There’s Only One Way To Know If She’s Attracted To You

282 thoughts on “Don’t Tell A Man What Type Of Woman He Should Be Attracted To”

  1. I’ve posted this elsewhere, but it’s worth repeating:
    SJWs forget (or don’t want to believe) that different areas of people’s lives are connected. Except in the very rare case of a genuine medical condition, obese people got obese because of an inability to defer gratification and control themselves, poor habits for coping with stress, depression and low self-esteem, etc. The outward symptom of obesity is the proverbial tip of the iceberg.
    The same thing goes with the other types of women on Roosh’s list. Single moms, sluts, and older women (who are single) have clearly made bad sexual and lifestyle decisions. Overbearing women usually have some deep-down insecurity issues.

    1. Oh the irony. You do realize you guys here are all social justice warriors? Fighting for men’s rights.
      Women can smell insecurity which is why you dateless wonders are stuck at home masturbating like monkeys, bitching about how women are this and that. Lol.

  2. Exactly!
    No amount of indoctrination is going change a man who is actually listening to his desires. And.. there’s nothing wrong with a man going for what he really wants.
    They are fighting a battle that can’t be won… so I’m not terribly worried except it is annoying and we have to spend some time ‘deprogramming’ some of these younger girls (I’m late 30s and my last dozen or so have been under 25).
    Captain Jack

    1. Stay in asia. I wish I was there. There are about 100 women in my gym, I’ve only seen 4 that are thin.

      1. Nah I think it’s mainly America where obesity is a major problem in the west.
        The gym I go to in the UK has a roughly 7/10 hot to not ratio.
        Slim, petite and smoking hot.
        Great motivation ^_^
        This isn’t to say that there’s not an obesity problem to a degree in the UK, but generally the big guys and gals are chunky cos they’re scared of exercise and cannot comprehend the idea that there’s such a thing as a restaurant selling food you shouldn’t eat.
        Most people are not that daft though.

        1. Gyms in america have come fat camps for women who haven’t done anything athletic in their entire lives, and obviously enjoying eating man-size portions. I checked out all the gyms in 10 mile radius, they’re all like that. Its not just my gym. Its the demographic profile. American women can’t be too heavy. There is no such thing as being too obese. 175 pound woman crushing the mattress gets a devastated look on her face, like how can you be so cruel, if you don’t accept her the way she is. All the societal expectation is on the part of the male to accept her for who she is.

        2. Yea I’ve heard how far things have gone the way of men not being allowed an opinion in America from a friend of mine who dated an American guy while she was working in the states.
          It’s fricking weird. Even the girl I’m talking of said she thought it was bollocks.
          Of course one shouldn’t be a cunt and rudely heckle strangers about their weight but that doesn’t mean one has to conform to another persons ideal of what constitutes as attractive.
          There is absolutely nothing wrong with not being sexually attracted to someone because their body shape is not for you, and there’s nothing wrong with pointing out that little bit of normalcy.

  3. Feminists are angry because men carry extra weight better than women. That’s because there’s a built in societal expectation that the male is bigger than the female. Also being an overweight female is associated with extra baby weight, which means she’s already off the market in social terms. The entire fat acceptance movement from feminists is trying undo 100,000 years of human history.

    1. Usually, bigger men are stronger. Stronger men are more alpha. It is simply a natural reproduction instinct. That’s why a man can be still attractive even if he is overweight. Bigger males are preferred by females in nearly every specie of mammal, and they are the ones who establish their dominance and have access to females. Short, skinny gays are gay for a reason. Women are not interested in those men.
      For women, it’s a completely different story. Being small is more feminine. That’s why we prefer slim women for the most part.

  4. don’t argue with fat feminist…ignore them. Let the weak men go after the fat women. Its what they deserve.

  5. I’ve read this gem of an article at a long time ago but it rings true even now. No infantile, brash and retarded RadFeminist can guilt trip me into falling heads over heels with a repugnant women when my taste in females are more like this

    1. I wonder if she’ll suspect it’s bullshit if you tell her “honey, I love you for your mind” LOL!

      1. I think she’ll know for a fact it’s bullshit if you tell her that, I would have told her “honey, I love you because you’re such a smart confident independent woman” LMAO!

      2. I make sure to make a show of looking well below the eyes whenever I tell a woman I like her mind.

    2. The best approach to these silly arguments from women is simply to ignore them. Once you start to entertain them you are dignifying the argument. Treat it as you would treat nonsense from a child. Ignore it or tell them to be quiet.

    3. When do you actually run into these twat’s? I’ve never had a woman down talk to me about who I’m attracted to. They best keep that sh!t in the kitchen.

    4. Yeah but what if she’s a single mom with multiple baby daddies and dozens of prior sexual partners and current multiple lovers? Is she still considered desirable?

  6. I’ve had female friends shame me about meeting girls online just to have sex with them, saying I “have a sex addiction” because I only bang them and don’t try to “get to know them or date them” and I shouldn’t always try to have sex with them so soon. What kind of hamster logic is that, to hold off having sex with a woman that is down to have sex so soon?
    It never occurred to them that while I would be hypothetically dating and getting to know the girl that she would be out fucking some other guy while I’m not.
    One of them suggested that I should date this indian girl in our social circle, since our “cultures are similar and we have so much in common”. This indian girl, however, is a huge slut and ends up getting banged after getting blacked out drunk. But shame on me for not dating her based on her sexual history.
    These female friends have also shamed me about liking younger girls, and have called me pedophile and child molester because of it.
    Needless to say, I’ve cut off all contact from these friends and from now on do not hang out with women unless I’m banging them. Never ever listen to what a woman tells you. Just ignore them. They will shame you not because you’re doing something wrong, but because out of jealousy, envy and rage because you’re doing it right.

        1. They all look the same when they are bent over the kitchen sink. And they can finish the dishes afterwards.

    1. I was going to say that your problem is you have female friends but it looks like you figured that out.
      Only in rare situations can a woman be a friend.

      1. If she is unattractive, has hot friends and/or makes a good wing(wo)man. I’ve got those friends and they’re cool.

      2. You can be friends with your gf’s friends. Can fuck them on the side too and know that more times than not they’re more scared of telling her than you are, so it’s all good.

    2. Women are crazy mate. And they are same throughout the world. I live in a non western country, and various of my female friends have told me the same. Pedophiles are people who are attracted to children who have NOT begun puberty. These children are called prepubescent, and are under eleven years old. Next time they call u a pedo, tell them to read on wikipedia or grab a dictionary to learn what a pedophile actually means. Healthy, normal, hetrosexual men are attracted to young, fertile females, who triggers their biological mating instincts. So if you are 30 or 100 and are attracted to curvy looking, healthy 16 years old females there is nothing wrong with you. Of course having sex with them is against the law and we as men understand this. Moreover we also have moral feeling about not doing anything that would traumatize them or something.But merely being attracted to them is not wrong. If women had broad minds to understand evolution and stuff they would get it, but they are very dumb when it comes to this or logic. At the core of these women who say that young 18 year olds are ‘children’, is jealousy. these women are past their prime and are jealous that they won’t get the attention that the got when they were young, and they know instinctively younger women are prettier, sexier and more fertile then them.

      1. You’ve about hit the nail on the head. It’s ultimately about jealousy. My grandparents were born in the early 1920s, and listening to their stories of the times, 16-18 year old girls were finding husbands, getting married, and having children by the time they were 20. In the western world the current round of age of consent laws is ever-strengthening and creeping up in age for the very reasons you’ve stated: the women in government seem to think that if they make women under 30 illegal to sleep with, they’ll have a better shot.

        1. The ‘progressive’ ideologies devouring the west are rapidly spreading to my land. Emphasis on ‘career’, among girls over families in big cities has been there for some ten years. While I’m not against women working or anything i’m witnessing exhausted 30 year something females who shame the men for marrying younger women, bitter about the fact that they can’t seem to land younger men successfully as their male counterparts do. These women graciously embrace the myths that 30 is the prime of their sexuality, or that mature 30 year old men will get boners for women of the same age they are, or that men are attracted to women with powerful careers, independent(annoying) attitudes, and argumentative (whining) nature. Laughably they believe that men will be attracted to their status, dominance, hat same things they find attractive in men. Never they do understand that the laws of attraction are asymmetrical, and the world is based on polarity. But I never bother speaking that in public, not for the fear accused of being ‘narrow minded’, but I know they will never understand the red pill. Instead I pass through the progressive, blue pill zombies with a smirk on my face knowing how misguided they are.

      1. Don’t need ANY bitches dictating terms to you! Even your own mother (which you can remove the “bitch” moniker from) is still an iffy one!

    3. You have done the right thing with these “friends”. I don’t have female friends, only women I am banging at the moment. When the banging stops so does the “friendship”.
      I have no interest in their opinions. When I was young I would argue with them. Now I am older I realize that nothing they say matters so I just ignore them. Now there is little they can say to annoy me.
      If a woman was to tell me I was a sex addict for traveling to bang girls I would simply shrug my shoulders. If she was hot I would then bang her too. That is, after all, what she wants.

    4. All true, but I personally wouldn’t cut them off. I derive quite a bit of pleasure from ignoring these types, doing what I please in spite of them, and watching them go apeshit.

    5. “…because I only bang them and don’t try to “get to know them or date them”…”
      Seems to me you already know everything you need to know.

      1. Which is what? How to be bitter? Guys who get laid don’t come to sites like these to brag about their alpha maleness and how women are awful etc. This is a collection of pipsqueaks making up stories watching porn in their mom’s basement.
        You guys seem so insecure it’s hilarious. Why do you guys find women so threatening? Makes you all sound weak and pathetic.

    6. Glad you walked away from those freaks. They are just upset that nobody wants to have sex with them. I never understand women who try to shame men into becoming male feminist beta pussies.

  7. Rofl ! Nailed it again. Older women get pissed off when I mention younger women or the fact I might be dating a woman in her 20’s. I get called picky all the time because I refuse to date overweight single moms over the age of 30 with weaves/wigs. Lol this is normal behavior. Who else in the right mind would want someone elses junk?

    1. Why are you talking to older women? Remember this important commandment: Thou shalt not talk to women thou are not shagging.

      1. As your profile pic said :
        “I normally don’t do anything with women unless I fornicate with them first”

        1. I feel sorry for the guy. I was in a hotel once he was there and I didnt know it. We leave(were drinking in the bar) and shortly thereafter two drunk dummies step to him and he proceeds to knock them the fuck out. I am pretty sure they sued HIM. Wish I coulda seen it. You cant even defend yourself anymore.
          My fave quote(after losing a bout): “I dunno what Im gonna do now, probably fade into Bolivian…”

        2. I learnt everything I know about life from Iron Mike. Proper Red Pill Legend.
          Which is why he is my avatar.

        3. Gotta love Iron Mike coming straight to the point. I bet that woman was gushing inside when he told her that.

        4. I bet you imagine you and mike are kindred spirits. How’s your Mike Tyson fantasy go anyway? Does it involve biting?

  8. “Even black men who like thick girls still want a proportional thick girl who has curves instead of being shaped like a milk jug”
    Damn skippy……

  9. After all ladies all of your tastes are simply a “social construct”. The only difference you find Brad Pitt and Ryan Gosling hot and find Gary Busey and Danny Devito ugly is because you’ve been tricked by your social conditioning. Normally you would fall head over heals for a man who’s 300 pound, poorly groomed, lardass with a gross pube beard, who dresses like a 12 year old, but it’s the damned patriarchy! Your choices are not your own of course! If only you guys wouldn’t be so blind you could have all the love you want from Johnny McFatass but no, you’re stuck wanting the best, jesus you guys just need to lower your standards.
    You see how absolutely absurd that all sounds feminists? That’s how it sounds to us. Now you understand. Well, probably not, you’re an idiot but maybe you can think about this 6-8 weeks and start to wrap your mind around it.

  10. Outta da bush come Muhumba Dick.
    Da only man with the corkscrew prick.
    Ten long years he had to hunt.
    To find the woman with the corkscrew cunt.
    When he find her, he fuck her DEAD.
    The goddamn bitch had LEFT HAND THREAD.

    1. Positive pressure is good for civilization. It’s called ‘negative feedback’ in the engineering sense. Negative pressure (called positive feedback in engineering) causes a system to oscillate out of control.
      pressuring men to stop catering to unhealthy women is not the same as pressuring them to do something self-destructive. Pressure is a tool, and can be used for good or ill. Just as eating can be used to keep yourself healthy or you can die from your eating choices in a variety of ways.
      You act like this is something you have never heard of before…

  11. Excellent choice of topic, masterfully written and superbly delivered.
    I only wish we can all stop comparing fatties with hippos because they are quite simply not even in the same category.
    Come on now folks, fatties = grossly disgusting while hippos = cute.

    1. Aww that’s adorable. Although you want to stay away from a bull hippo. They’ve been know to be quite hostile and aggressive.

    2. Not so cute when they rise up out of the water and bite your arm off at the shoulder before shitting in your face just to humiliate you.

    3. Comparing fat women to hippos would be an insult to the hippos.
      Hippos, whales, and elephants are big naturally while fat women are abominations of nature.

  12. They also are trying to force men to like white western women. Not that I have problem with white women, its the western part. Men are shamed for marrying even eastern european women who try to stay thin and please men. I remember dating a lithuanian girl who was madly in love for me. Albeit she was only a 6, a little on the heavy side- not fat but could stand to lose weight and actually tried (she use to go running, probably just had shitty genes). The other white women use to try to shame her and me, asking why she does all these nice stuff for me, when I hardly cared nor appreciated her. Try getting a white western girl to give you back rub ever day and massage, and washing your clothes and cooking your dinner after her and your work. Also she never used sex as a weapon and gave it up on demand and never talk back or argued.
    She wasn’t all that in looks but made up for it in every other way where a western female would act piggish.

    1. Why’d you get rid of her then? Your Lithuanian girl sounds pretty good to me. Was her looks that bad?

      1. Her looks weren’t that bad. She wasn’t hideous, wasn’t obese, was not even fat really, but as I said she was a 6 who could stand to lose some weight (I like a girl who is 10 pounds to thin to be honest) and she didn’t have the best genes.. Think a demi lovato type girl who even when she lost weight and was thin just still never looked all that great. Not ugly, not fat, just meh. At the end of the day, that wasn’t enough to motivate me to stay around her.
        I have an athletic build and am good looking. Its easy for me to get women and often 7’s in same social circle (school or work) walk into my hands with little effort.
        The other issue I had was I can get 8’s not consistently, but when I do encounter them, I do well enough. Even when a 6 does everything you want, it was just too hard to settle when the 8 walks by and is looking at you like she wants you to approach.
        I guess it came down to mating, I want to mate with the best girl I can maybe in terms of look. And that would basically be an 8 with her personality.

    2. I am black and I am absolutely disgusted by white women.
      I wouldn’t use one to hold up the low end of an old sofa.
      Betcha weren’t ready for that! LOL

      1. Can’t blame you. When I started travelling Asia, I felt the same way about white women. When I was balls deep in a flat nosed vietnamese girls tongue and lips, frankly, a white woman was invisible to me. Went on vietnam cupid and had about 4 messages a month from girls who WANTED TO FUCK ME. Imagine that, I could do nothing and sget women! Frankly, I don’t care who wants white women, I hope all the other races and groups keep going for the mythical blonde hair blue eyed beauty. I lived in scandinavia, those types are extremely rare as in less than 1% of the female population. And you stand very little chance to encounter one, as their dads drive them everywhere and they marry early too. The hottest ones their are brown haired and blue eyed. And they are ok, but they aren’t all that. Asian girls have nicer skin.

        1. Cool.
          My attraction to Asians is off and on. They’re built like 12 year old boys. I like full figured (not by today’s standards) women like they had pre-1960s (pre Twiggy). And I also have a preference for darker skin. So I mainly like Latinas because they have the best of all worlds plus the hot accent. Sorry, but I’d rather hear a Latina talk sexy than an Asian dropping silverware on me (clang ching clang chong ting). Latin women are legendary cunts though. Asian women are by far the most feminine. It’s a toss up (pun very much intended).

        2. What kind of latinas are we talking here, my problem with latinas is too many of them are fat. You find throughout the latin world just too many ffat girls, or girls who are just as ugly in the face as asians but lacking the feminine and thinness and being very low class.. And Asians language is quiet terrible, the worse one is vietnamese, ching chong chang isn’t too bad until you hear vietnamese byong tong clong in 9 different tones it sound like a frog crawled down her throat and died. It is the least sexy language a girl can speak on the planet.
          A soft tone viet cong girl speaking english will sound like a military general barking orders when speaking vietname. ROFL. What man wants to deal with latin drama. With an Asian girl, they can’t handle conflict so they just shut up and do as you say in general.

        3. Yeah, you’re right about some fat Latinas or even the ones with disproportionate asses which I do not like. I am mainly talking the ones more on the brown side like central and South American. Never Cuban, Argentinian or any of the light skinned ones. Yeah, some are ugly and fat but there’s more than a couple hotties with a nice full figure with tremendous tits. I rarely see Asians with decent tits. I am in toronto and we have a ton of Asians but very few Latinas. The rest are either petite or fat women. I haven’t seen a decent figure and a decent pair of a woman in 15 fucking years!
          “And Asians language is quiet terrible, the worse one is vietnamese, ching chong chang isn’t too bad until you hear vietnamese byong tong clong in 9 different tones it sound like a frog crawled down her throat and died. It is the least sexy language a girl can speak on the planet.”
          LLLLLLOOOOOOLLLLLLL I nearly choked reading this. Of course all women sound terrible when they’re bitching so it’s not a big deal but I can never understand a word an Asian says. That will be a problem. I don’t want to wind up in jail on false rape because I unzipped my pants when she asked me for the time.
          You’re right about Asians being more obedient but not if they’re Western. The western Asians are the biggest most irritating cunts of all. I’ll take a white woman before I have a western Asian. But they and also middle east women, which we have a lot of here too, are the most obedient. Some of these terror chicks are pretty hot. Too bad they’ll probably C4 you in bed for Allah. Lol.

        4. The other problem with latinas from the central is hairness. All in all I’d have to vote peru as the best place in general for the average man. Now if you can consistently get 9s or 8s where ever you go, then argentina moves up a bit.
          Asians don’t usually have good tits, but I much prefer a nice creamy pussy than good knockers, so its a matter of taste here.
          Lol, for whatever reason asian girls in markham are much better looking than toronto. Toronto asian girl are likely the low class and poor ones mostly with the missing black teeth and fat and overweight and all that. Having been to asia there is a big difference. Even their attitudes are off in toronto.
          In Hong Kong, you go up to a group of university students they are all crawling over each other to talk to you. In Toronto, same asian chicks think you don’t exist and will ask why is he talking to us.
          You won’t get much in the way of tits from asian girls, the best bet there would be japanese. Plus, how can you get a thin girl with big tits. The only time that happens is when the girl wass fat or prego and loses a bunch of weight (tit fat is the last to go). Asking for a thin girl and big tits, is little ridiculous in my book. Its like females who want a man with a 6 pack and 6 or 7 figure salary who has time to spend with her. It might exist but it is far removed from the norm.
          LOL. Westernized Asian chicks are useless. They serve no purpose. The only use they can be is for a fuck and chuck. Fuck em and chuck em and if they aren’t easy move on.

        5. Chinese can sound nice, and Northeast Asian accents turn me on. Japanese is by far more beautiful, but the way that Chinese is spoken by some women, probably refined women in Shanghai and Beijing, and some girls in Hunan is beautiful too. The Taiwanese English accent is also one of the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard.
          Southeast languages and accents don’t really turn me on. Tagalog probably sounds the worst to me, followed by Vietnamese. The latter works very well in period FPS games and Platoon, but it makes my cock shrivel.

        6. LOL thanks for that.
          I’ve only met one Japanese chick.
          She didn’t have an annoying accent.
          What helps is if the chick is soft spoken.

        7. “The western Asians are the biggest most irritating cunts of all.”
          What makes you say that?

  13. I read this article of yours on your site Rooshv, and it is fantastic. You have put into words the scattered thoughts of of most red pill men and any sane human being. This shit about brainwashing men into loving unattractive women with super shitty annoying personalities is ridiculous and laughable at best. It makes me wonder how stupid these women actually are? Are they so delusional that they actually believe what they preach? And if this is so, then keeping into consideration the sheer ever growing number of these women, it seems outright scary, most of the welfare money, then I think should go into building more mental asylums coz the society will be needing them shortly!

    1. – It makes me wonder how stupid these women actually are? Are they so delusional that they actually believe what they preach? –
      My 2 cents : women aren’t stupid at all but lots of men are stupidly gullible and hence women think it’s worth the shot to attempt to brainwash men.
      – Are they so delusional that they actually believe what they preach? –
      Don’t mistake cunning for delusion, women truly want men to actually believe whatever they are preaching and then act accordingly.
      If it’s up to them then they would have the New Testament rewritten so it would appear that Jesus exhorted men to wife-up fatties and hags.

      1. No. Some women are fuckin stupid. And guys saying that’s not true…is fuckin stupid . Oh the irony.

      2. And by the way, I’m not denying that men can be fuckin stupid about women, they sure as hell can and often are. Also I do acknowledge that some but he’s out there so good at being sneaky, crafty and manipulative to the pont of genius.

      1. Lol. Chose this name due to the contempt I possess for white knights, the degree of which is plain emphasized by the fact that I name and envision my self as someone who is an antidote to them. Help people (women and men both) when they really need it, but don’t jump to the rescue of a woman when she is wrong or being outright bitchy, or when (as in most cases in this age of equality) she can handle the situation she is in. Treat her as an equal as you would treat a man. Lets all be the exact opposites of white knights. Lets all be red knights, not in name (lest this comments section is flooded by posts from the same misogynist) but in deeds, and bring about an impact on the society.

        1. Well, I was originally the Black Knight, but then I found out that a rather prominent Return of Kings contributor already goes by that name. So I decided to paint my armor red with the blood of immoral unworthy women and any of their white knight lapdogs who get in my way.

        2. Yeah I know about black knight. A gallant I admire and respect for his thoughtful suggestions.

  14. “Attraction is not a social construct that can be brainwashed into a man.”
    Feminism consists on betting that everything is a social construct, and that both men and womens’ desires are susceptible to brainwashing. But for the most part they mistake appeasement for success.

  15. And these fatactivists keep telling everyone how society is dictating what is beautiful and coercing everyone to conform to that ideal. Which would make sense if not for the fact that “society” is nobody in particular. There is no social consensus about what constitutes beautiful or any established collective decision-making process to determine it. A “society’s beauty standards” are just the aggregate of the individual aesthetic preferences of its members. Preferences that are far from independent due to trends, but still individually, freely chosen at the end of the day.
    Thus, regardless of how they may delude themselves, facactivists aren’t fighting to free society from an imposed, coerced beauty standard. They are trying to impose their own on what is largely a free market of beauty.

  16. 18-25
    Dark Latin (central or south american)
    Non Western and has accent.
    Not taller than 5’5″
    1920s figure.
    Nothing less than C cup.
    Murderous rage against feminism.
    And I’m the boss.
    Nothing goes unless I say so.
    Any other bitch can fuck off.

        1. Nice English there Betty Boop.
          Maybe if you taped a dictionary to your headboard you’d have slightly better grammar than someone who learned English by piecing together used condom wrappers.

        2. This is the most male attention you’ve had in your life.
          And you love it.
          Why else would you comment on a male website, ness?

        3. You are proof that women (and don’t even try to say you aren’t one) feel that only their perception of what is attractive counts.
          Anything that defies it needs to be ridiculed. Are you that butt-hurt?

        4. Well, personally, I like to read different points of views to educate myself so I can always keep an objective mind. I really don’t even think about whatever reaction I’ll get from a little pissed off man who thinks I should keep my mouth shut because I’m a woman.
          As far as male attention? No, I actually got much more when I lived in Las Vegas, and was younger. Now I actually hate attention from men, unless it’s my boyfriend.

        5. We are just getting started, troll-girl. You should get your butt-hurtness looked at. Shaming works on little girls. It doesn’t work on guys, especially ones that love to poke at trolls.

        6. If you hate attention from men, then why are you coming to a thread that has mainly men participating with the flame-baiting comments?

        7. I didn’t read the article I just came by from the FP to mock GORF and the rest of y’all. Good times

        8. No. You said you “read” different points of view with the claim that you are educating yourself. Reading doesn’t involve much typing.
          You then say you don’t “even think of whatever reaction [you’ll] get”, but you react to GORF’s comments. Hence your second claim is also dubious. As far as claiming that GORF wishes that you keep your mouth shut “because you are a women’, that is not so. It is clear that he, like many others do not feel that flame-baiting is worthy. It has nothing to do with your sex.
          So… You did not answer that at all.

        9. Where’s the “mocking” of GORF. Mocking has to be some sort of apropos ridicule. Most of your responses are just “OK, you got me” types. That’s rather lame for “mocking”. Do you have much practice in trolling???

        10. I’ve spoken with GORF on many other occasions. He has said MANY times actually, that I’m an idiot because I’m a woman, stop talking, that I don’t have a brain of my own and much much more. I’d encourage you to read those comments before you try to come at me, honey bear.

        11. You forgot to sign in the other account.
          You weren’t raped.
          But you’re definitely mentally ill.

        12. Check my disqus. I reference fleshlights, masterbating monkeys, thinskinned people who think of themselves as alpha males, etc. Granted, you’re right they’re not that funny when I reread them but, no matter, your vitriolic responses make it fun.

        13. These are judged case-by-case like practically everything else. However, from what you said here, your contempt for others is apparent, and there is no doubt that respect for your words are affected by that attitude.
          Again, it does not have anything to do with your sex and to suggest so is merely trying to “rally the sisters”. It probably has something to do with your cyber-stalking though.
          Do you have anything on-topic to discuss or are you trying to harass a Disqus member because of a past altercation/slight/etc…?

        14. That’s rather standard cookie-cutter insults. You need to up your game if you want to get a rise out of anyone here. I don’t have much in the way of vitriolic responses to you. Rather, they are clearly an exposure of your need to ridicule what you cannot refute.

        15. I like how you think you’re some kind of puppet master. It reveals just how removed from reality you are.

        16. Dunno about that, GORF’s got you responding to practically his every post. That’s rather puppet mastery-ish, is it not?

        17. “I’m confused.”
          Is that what you said to the officer when he questioned you about the rapes?

        18. Don’t you wish you had a boyfriend?
          But alas, you’re here chasing me like every other little gash I’ve got following me around like little puppies.

        19. Its been fun. I’ll stop bullying you now GORF, your mates need no longer circle the wagons. Hockey game’s about to start. Cheers fellas.

        20. I am not the guest you were interacting with, but the reason I (female) read these sites is because I don’t ever want to forget how much I hate your type of male. I also very much enjoy the obvious depression, pathos, desperation, projection, and delusion that emanates from these discussions like molten lava.

        21. I also come to these sites when I am mad at my boyfriend, to reinforce that despite his flaws, it could always be worse.

        22. Yes, you are in fact shameless, but in most arenas in life, this is not something to boast about.

        23. No. You answer questions levied at others because it is likely you are using sock-puppets to harass those you cannot maturely debate.
          Trolls like you are childish to the point of being pathetic. Tell us, just what part of “women telling men what they should like” is legitimate (since you believe that no man should agree with this article lest they be harassed by bullies like yourself)?

        24. While you claim not to be funboy (who’s posts are now attributed to “guest” because funboy has deleted it from her history), that you appear on this branch of the thread coincidental to funboy’s exit is rather suspicious. You start by saying you are not “funboy” – The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.
          Right. You “hate” this “type of male”. Most people (let alone male) have little time for those who tell people who they should like (that is the topic of the thread in case you think “your hatred” is).
          The obvious depression, pathos, desperation, and self-loathing is what you project onto those you clearly cannot debate (regardless of whether to attempt to engage as “BlackHerring” or some sock puppet).
          You’re anger is hardly a legitimate point, but self-important people like you think that threads are for you to bash others because “you hate”.

        25. No, the contention was not that I was shameless, but that “funboy” was attempting to shame those she could not debate.
          That you are employing the usual straw man argument is a clue that you are very much like “funboy” in your attempt to attack people rather than argue the topic.
          Your apparent inability to address the point is not something you should be proud of.

        26. Black Herring?
          Is that what you douche with?
          Never forget.
          You don’t matter.
          And no one cares what you “think”.
          And it doesn’t matter whether you love or hate us, as long as you’re thinking about us.
          We got you.
          P. S. That whole female excuse if “I’m only here for entertainment/research” is played out and we’re not fooled.
          Women come here for attention. Women need to invade male spaces to stop the truth about their true nature from ever being told. However, the Internet poses a new problem for women. We cannot be stopped and in fact this info is spreading like wildfire worldwide. We now have complete control over relationships.

        27. Well, Funboy (who is now an empty “guest” link), you are just trying to deflect from the criticism on some minor detail. The point is that your implied boasting of winning is as vapid as Charlie Sheen’s was. That’ a rather weak attempt. Go back to troll school while you have run away. Come back when you actually have some game, loser.

        1. It’s all I need, bitch.
          I love stringing you little gashes along.
          Proves red pill theory.
          You have no integrity.
          You claimed you were done at least 3 times I can remember.
          Yet you come back for more.
          If the boyfriend is reading this I advise him to seriously reconsider marriage.
          She will cheat.
          Nevermind what she says, observe what she does.
          She spent all night thinking of ways to get back at a total stranger on the Internet.
          What do you think will happen when you get her really mad?
          Thats right.
          She said she was done with me.
          She came back 4 times.
          She said she was done with strange cock.
          What comes next?
          The cock that’s not yours inside her road worn vadge is what cums next!

        2. I’ve told you about 5 times – if you tell someone to “get raped” I will call you out on the vile, piece of shit, excuse for a human being that you are.

        3. Why not ignore?
          Oh that’s right, you can’t.
          Why did you say you were “done” if you intend on replying to my comments?
          This is why the world is in the state it’s in. We allowed such unthinking, irrational, marrow brained parasites like women out of the kitchen.

        4. I can’t ignore a vile piece of trash like you spewing your angry word vomit to wish horrible things on other people.

        5. Damn right you can’t.
          Women love abuse.
          Intelligent beings like men either fight back or leave the abuse.
          Women in the other hand get off on it!
          Women are backwards critters.
          You are no exception.
          So why don’t you go home and dream up some more sympathy grabbing “rape” stories!

        6. Hilarious considering you actually read that shit and troll sites like Jezebel. Big internet man. You hate women because you’re probably ugly (like your personality) and can’t get a date. So you rage like a lonely loser with likeminded lonely losers on the internet. Sissy

        7. LOL
          You wymyn don’t have an original thought in your heads.
          Don’t you wish you could live without my attention?
          Go back to your barn and finish 50 Shades of Hay.
          Your boyfriend’s done having the bit removed from his mouth.

        8. I’m just mocking you because it’s so easy and you apparently have nothing better to do but hang around men’s rights type websites

        9. And you follow me around exclusively which means you are someone I’ve already chatted with.
          I know who you are.
          And I’ll add you to the pile of disqus groupies I’ve collected so far.

        10. Is that why you replied?
          If you weren’t butt hurt you ignore us.
          Poor princess mad and on her flow because men are saying mean things about strong and independent© wymyn!

        11. Sounds like you are a butt-hurt, self-absorbed troll. Why are you here if these guys are so non-worthy?

        12. You’re the fish-girl in the barrel. To “shoot” fish you have to have ammunition. Most of your attempts at snappy replies are rather lame.
          Try harder tomorrow.

      1. Oh, any man can get sex at anytime for a few bucks.
        All women are whores.
        All women are prostitutes.
        All women exchange vaginal access for resources.
        Women only differ in price.
        So I can rent a skank anytime I please if I want sex. Not with women like you but attractive women.
        But my requirements still stand and will not be compromised. Why? Because we don’t need women in our lives. And even if I were to find this unicorn I still have to babysit her. After all she’s a woman and therefore an overgrown infant.
        So I dunno, maybe you wanna lose those love handles, love knobs and love shafts and do whatever is humanly possible about that face.

        1. Well, I do not see the logic in this. Why bother with expending the time to sit and fantasize about this mythical, ideal woman, only to respond to me that it doesn’t matter since you can pay for sex very easily? Why not cut out all that time you waste day dreaming and just cut to the chase and order an escort of the Internet?
          It is like discussing cars with a teenage boy who has a poster of a Ferrari on his wall who, when you point out that he most likely will never own that car, makes the “point” that he could just rent an old Ford Focus and be just as happy.
          I am glad, however, to read that you don’t need women.

        2. You’re a woman, you fail to see logic.
          It’s about not compromising and not settling for lesser creatures like your kind.
          If I meet one great, if I don’t even better. But I won’t settle for trash and neither should any man. There are no women like this because most women are trash.
          And who said anything about sitting around fantasizing?
          Project much?

        3. That must be a terribly depressing and angry way to live, discounting out of hand approximately 50% of the population.

        4. Actually I am quite enjoying myself.
          Women don’t matter.
          In fact they’re the ones who are so depressing and angry due to their self-obsessed and entitled nature.
          It is men who can find peace, happiness and fulfillment in simple things.

        5. Realizing that most women are not meeting or exceeding a threshold isn’t necessarily “depressing”. That would be like assuming that those who strive for excellence in say, sports, are “depressed” while pursuing that pinnacle.
          No. Realizing the reality of the situation, is being honest. At that point, a personal choice is made towards how much effort one goes towards reaching that goal. A champion sees that goal through all the blood, sweat and tears. A loser gets depressed.
          All the attempts at shaming a champion is just a malicious attempt to have others join you in your depression. Misery loves company, but no hero will come a-calling to your neck of the woods, troll.

        6. People can own and operate a basic car while looking for the perfect prancing horse product. The actions are not mutually exclusive (Oh, that darn “logic” escapes most of the self-appointed feminist SJW).
          By the way, purchasing a second hand Ferrari isn’t all that out of reach. It’s the maintenance that is the killer. Then again, only a few models are somewhat daily drivers. The 355 is probably the closest to that. Most people get an exotic as a week-end tourer. The Focus is a good commuter on the weekdays.
          I’m glad, but it doesn’t depend on what some other person “needs” as far as companionship.

        7. It is men who can find peace, happiness and fulfillment in simple things.

          I second that! Just making Internet trolls like BlackHerring look stupid (not like she needs that much help) gives me lots of peace, happiness and fulfilment. 🙂 (doing a happy dance right now!)

        8. True, but it just seems sad that there’s so much talk of fulfilling a biological imperative yet you’re forced to seek it with beings you see as sub-human.
          As to your other point, my boyfriend and I were talking about how few people must actually be able to drive super cars due to the maintenance although there was that car accident in Monte Carlo that involved 7 or 8 cars of that type.

        9. Yet people have said, in this conversation, that no women are worthwhile or can meet these standards. Wouldn’t a champion have the intelligence to realize when the battle is lost and move on to achievable goals, like lifelong celibacy or homosexuality?

        10. True, but it just seems sad that there’s so much talk of fulfilling a biological imperative yet you’re forced to seek it with beings you see as sub-human.

          The relative infrequency of encountering a worthy prospect is very much like most endeavors. Rarity is likely. It’s a long-tailed Gaussian distribution. Realizing that it is challenging is not saddening. If anything, attempting to emphasize the rareness is deliberately trying to discourage the contestant. As such, it is nothing more than attempting to penalize someone for not lowering their standards. That is exactly what this article is admonishing.
          Sub-human? The allusion is sub-par, but unlikely to be “sub-human”. That is a surreptitious attempt at misrepresenting what a “suitable mate” standard is all about in order to bash it. You’re applying yet another straw man argument.

          As to your other point, my boyfriend and I were talking about how few people must actually be able to drive super cars due to the maintenance although there was that car accident in Monte Carlo that involved 7 or 8 cars of that type.

          The one-percenters have their own “problems”. I’m sure that having to call for your driver to pick you up in the Bentley because you crumpled up your Aventador puts a wrinkle on your day. Somehow, they will get over it. As long as no limbs or lives are lost, there’s little that money can’t fix.

        11. Yet people have said, in this conversation, that no women are worthwhile or can meet these standards. Wouldn’t a champion have the intelligence to realize when the battle is lost and move on to achievable goals, like lifelong celibacy or homosexuality?

          You have to try harder than that if you want to troll here.
          Some people may have high standards so high that few women can meet or exceed the criteria. However, that doesn’t mean the standard can’t be lowered in some areas. Do not mistake that to mean lowering it to include clearly unattractive levels or traits (it certainly won’t be lowered to include what neo-feminists think that men should like).
          The environment is target-poor in, say, the Jezebel advocacy group, but there are suitable candidates around if you know where to look. While celibacy can be an option, it is an unlikely choice for most men. Again, you introduce homosexuality as if it is a negative thing. This betrays a certain level of intolerance and immaturity, and certainly a level which makes you unlikely to be considered as honestly seeking truth. Rather you are looking to harass and that is the flame-bait of a troll. The topic is talking about how WOMEN tell MEN what to find attractive in WOMEN. Hence it is, by that, pre-emptively exclusive of homosexual relationships.
          To suggest that men either be celibate or consider intimacy outside of women is to suggest that any high standard is tantamount to excluding ALL women. In effect you are surreptitiously attempting to say that not agreeing to include what women tell men to like (such as “fat acceptance”) should be penalized by not having ANY woman. That is the typical “ultimatum” stance that feminists love to put out there.
          Basically, “Men are not allowed to have standards beyond what feminists suggest. If they try to, then they should be allowed to have ANY woman”.
          That’s really based on the fallacy of a false dichotomy. Nice try, but logical it is not.

        1. Well, you are black and I am white and from what I hear, you think we all smell like hot dog water anyway, so I just can’t win.

  17. Didn’t you write this 3 years ago? Can’t really tell the difference in your work anymore. Don’t date a fat masculine chick. Yeah we got that already.

  18. Yep. I fully agree with this article! Fatties are not going to be attractive no matter what. Until a guy is some chubby chaser, maybe. Other than that, no.

      1. True, they do. But then again this is a fucked up world we live in. No benefits to being fat because it’s unattractive and unhealthy. Landwhale BBW or BUG (Big Ugly Girls) hate skinny girls because they want to be like them. They’re too worried the man they’re with will cheat on them. Accept it, no sane man wants to be with a woman that is fat, ugly, or old.

  19. What we’re attracted to is in large part ingrained in our DNA.
    They can write all the articles they want about why single moms rule, why 250 lb chicks are great, why tats are signs of super intelligence, and it’s all for nought; my DNA is illiterate.

    1. Agree completely, but the problem is that your DNA is attracted to a pool of diminishing resources because hamsterization now allows women to say, “yeah, why should I lose 10 pounds? In fact, why shouldn’t I gain 50 more, shave my head, pierce my face, and get a couple of tattoos? I am beautiful however I am.”. The problem is, this nonsense can’t change you, but it is changing the women you get to choose from.

      1. I hear what you’re saying. And I agree. And the following statement is not to blow you off or indicate any sort of snark to you, because it’s not.
        I don’t care. If I’m the last male on earth wandering around looking for healthy chicks who are in shape with long hair and nice personalities but don’t exist anymore, so be it.
        Realistically, though, there’s always escorts, and they need to be attractive to men, so they will always remain feminine. Feminists can write articles about being fat and shaving their heads, but if an escort wants to make money she needs to be in shape, long hair, and pleasant to be around.

        1. I agree with this. Philosophically, i would just prefer to try to reverse course rather than watch the world burn. But, I’m with you that it doesn’t affect my tastes either way.

      2. They’ll all die old, fat, lonely and miserable with this here mindset.
        And not a second too soon.

    2. I found a pic of your 250 lb, super-intelligent, womYn with tats checking herself for pinworms.
      Any beta who finds himself actually believing those womYn are great should use this pic to recalibrate his DNA.

  20. “men with beer bellies, no muscle mass, low monthly incomes, and bad comb overs”
    I’ve just been redpilled on game

  21. There is some plasticity in male sexuality, unless you are going to argue that its genetic that some men get turned on by high heel shoes. But I agree, once a guy knows what he likes, good luck changing it. There is even an argument that primates were always stimulated by womens butts , and that breasts are just meant to appear like butts, but on the other side. Its not surprising that ugly girls argue you should want ugly.

    1. But… but… but… let’s not forget that one self-proclaimed exception to a rule completely negates everything else. Besides, how that one person feelz is far more important than how practically every guy sees it.
      Feminist logic is so smrtz it hoitz.

  22. Indeed, and every time we list our preferences for young (of age) women, we should be labeled as pedophiles, or “nasty old creeps” either.

  23. Who says you have to date obese women? Who is it, just let us know, please? As far as I know, this whole “accept your body”-movement is just what it says: accepting your own body, celebrating it, not being ashamed of it. You don’t need access to all women, so you dont have to force them to lose weigh, right? Just look the other way, go to your thin girls, and let it be. Why do you feel so threatened? Please don’t say it is health-related, since there are way too many smokers, drug addicts and alcoholists out there, but you dont rant and rave about them, do you?
    No fat woman has tried to rape you, correct? You may not be the strongest or sturdiest guy on this planet, but you sure could chase fatty away if she’d dare to try something like that. So just.. Let it be, like the Beatles said.

    1. Who says you have to date obese women? Who is it, just let us know, please? As far as I know, this whole “accept your body”-movement is just what it says: accepting your own body, celebrating it, not being ashamed of it.

      WTF. Do you modern feminists / fat-acceptance advocates ever attempt to defend anything without using fallacies like straw man arguments? No one is saying men are being forced to date obese women. The underlying theme is that the fat-acceptance crowd tries to tell everyone that they are “beautiful” in their own way. It’s not about “personal acceptance”, it’s all about telling others to accept them as beautiful… and not just “accept” them. Look at the freaking term “BBW”. That’s telling everyone else they are “beautiful”. Stop denying that this thought policing isn’t happening.

      You don’t need access to all women, so you dont have to force them to lose weigh, right? Just look the other way, go to your thin girls, and let it be. Why do you feel so threatened? Please don’t say it is health-related, since there are way too many smokers, drug addicts and alcoholists out there, but you dont rant and rave about them, do you?

      Individually, there is no demand to force people to lose weight. However as a society, obesity is a financial and functional burden. Don’t even try to a lame “appeal to ignorance” argument here. It’s the fat-acceptance crowd that constantly tries to re-work the numbers. The research clearly shows that carrying lots of body fat is unhealthy and costs the medical system and the economy in general because of loss of productivity.
      That “there are other health issues” is another deflection. Those things are independent variables, and unless you can show that there is some relationship where all those things rise when people are not fat, you are just bullshitting.
      Do people rant and rave about other substance abuse? They sure do. There are lots of threads about those. What? If they aren’t talking about smoking here that means people are pretending it doesn’t exist? Where are you getting that idea from? You are not presenting a logical argument… not in the slightest.

      No fat woman has tried to rape you, correct? You may not be the strongest or sturdiest guy on this planet, but you sure could chase fatty away if she’d dare to try something like that. So just.. Let it be, like the Beatles said.

      Is sexual assault the only tort is ever perpetrated? It is a false dichotomy to insinuate that “no attempted rape” is equal to “no harm done”. That’s a great defense for all sorts of felonious acts. “Hey, judge I didn’t try to rape the bank, so robbing it is not a crime”. STFU.
      It is obvious that the typical shaming attack by the fat-acceptance crowd is their weapon of choice. You can’t even stay away from a thread that wasn’t “in your face”. Yeah, that’s right you had to go out of your way to come here and post. How are so special that you are allowed an opinion, but apparently no man on earth is allowed to have standards that don’t include every single freak on earth?
      Lol. You’re just a butt-hurt troll.

      1. Exactly. The fat acceptance crowd fudges the figures and tries to pretend like being fat isn’t a problem and that it’s not necessarily unhealthy to be overweight etc etc, but the facts are against them.
        Fat women are for men with no options and/or beta chumps. The rest of us have no use for them.

        1. “funboy”:
          No. You’d know where that was even if your just a lame-ass sock-puppet of some greasy fat chick trying to pull the tired old shaming routine.
          You’re rather pathetic. Maybe you should try becoming a mature individual.
          UPDATE: Feb 22, 2015
          ….and “funboy” goes ghost. This is typical of the feminist warrior trolls. You’re all brave until people expose your poor logic and childish ways.

    2. ” As far as I know, this whole “accept your body”-movement is just what
      it says: accepting your own body, celebrating it, not being ashamed of
      Your ignorance is shameful, even by the low standards of a female troll. What’s there to celebrate about being morbidly obese, might I ask? The inability to wash one’s body fully, leaving bacteria growing under folds of flesh? The inability to climb a flight of 10 steps without gasping for breath? The heart problems, the diabetes, the gout, the various cancers heavily associated with it? The statistical longer stays in hospital and shorter lifespan? Body positivity, being another name for “accept your body” as you term it, never includes health as part of the things to be positive about – because it’s mutually exclusive with obesity.
      “Please don’t say it is health-related, since there are way too many
      smokers, drug addicts and alcoholists out there, but you dont rant and
      rave about them, do you?”
      Actually we do. Just about every other article on physical improvement here points out it’s dumb as fuck to do any of those things while trying to get into optimal shape. And there’s an article on ROK pointing out that smoking, taking up drugs, and drinking heavily are pretty fucking stupid things to do to yourself as well:
      “Just look the other way, go to your thin girls, and let it be. Why do you feel so threatened?”
      The same question can be asked of fat acceptance advocates. If they’re supposedly body positive and healthy and empowered as women, why does it bother them what someone else says on the Internet? Explain to me the need for a fat acceptance movement, if you wish to pursue a live-and-let-live policy?

  24. I have plenty of “relationships” with strong women, fat women, single mothers, older women and slutty women. I just don’t want to fuck them, nor do I want to romance them, nor do I want to play house with them.
    This is more my speed.
    My present gf looks vaguely similar. I’m 48, she’s 26, and I get the double distain of dating someone younger and Chinese.

  25. Look asswipe, unlike you I don’t obsess over how many upvotes I accumulate. I comment then move on to the next article. If you don’t like my pics then stop spewing cow turd from your sewer orifice and don’t act like Mr.Smartass Son of a Cheap Skank.
    Get a life mate!

    1. Pull your thong out your ass crack and adjust your bra Nancy. It was just a joke, hence the smilie…

      1. Smiley? Appears to me like a small rectangle on my phone screen hence the misunderstanding. Anyway don’t get your wet panties all bunched up in knots.
        Peace 🙂

        1. The panties have been spun around my head like a helicopter and are now dry… but a lil crusty…

  26. Women actually do this? As soon as woman opens her mouth I don’t listen. In one ear, out the other. You just have to turn her on, take her to bed or alley or somewhere with lots of leg room, and go on about your business.

  27. And yet, these women persecute short men as unattractive all the time. Well guess what, fat can be fixed and is more often than not a goddamn choice, short isn’t! Most of these insane and delusional women with “emotional problems” brought them upon themselves and should never get a shred of sympathy from you. Your time is ALWAYS more valuable than their self-inflicted emotional problems you aren’t even a part of! These cunts all too often have nothing because they deserve NOTHING (freely remind them of that if need be, too)!
    Fuck what any other homo sapiens think about anything, ever. Seriously, if they aren’t a relative, part of your closest inner-circle, or have check-writing power over you they are as irrelevant as a Yugo. Live for yourself, answer to yourself, be the master of your own fate all day, everyday. Make yourself as much money as you can as many ways as you can (orthodox or not) build a body that is both sexy and menacing at the same time (again through orthodoxy or not) and put people in their place if they truly deserve it. Fuck, if I had enough money to where I didn’t need to work for somebody else and had ample funds to even pour gasoline on if I so desired I would get a tattoo of Lucifer’s sigil on my neck just to keep shallow and petty people away from me. It would be no loss!

  28. Why the hate on older woman? Surely some men on this site like milfs. Or had a friend with a hot mom…

  29. Hahaha. I was wondering where all the losers were on the Internets. I found you. It’s one big cry baby men’s rights/fleshlight enthusiast gathering. You guys are pathetic. Your feelings of persecution are psychosomatic.

    1. Wonder no longer. The loser is you and can be found in her sad little apartment thinking she is able to “shame” guys. You should get some professional help.

  30. Dont you guys do this all the time? Tell men who it is okay and not okay to be attracted to? I guess only betas are chubby chaser or into milfs?

    1. Yeah… LIke Hilarious Lad says, where is the fat-guy-acceptance website, or the must love losers in his momma’s basement whines?

      1. Yeah, like there’s a “fat guy acceptance movement” equivalent. Femnazi’s are great at making accusations, but rarely — as in “never” — back it up.

      2. Okay, I mean first off… this and a literal legion of other similar tumbles and blogs. Further proof that your vision of the world and the internet exists mainly in your mind.
        Second, this site is constantly suggesting what physical standards are acceptable and what standards are not. Such as this post. If “fat acceptance” is in fact “telling men what they must be attracted to,” then so is your “fat unacceptance” in the other direction, no? Or is logic banned here along with fags and bitches?
        Speaking of failures of logic, are you seriously arguing that since you haven’t seen any male fat acceptance sites, this means that no males are legitimately attracted to fat women? How is that an argument, or even related to anything whatsoever? We are talking about others dictating what individual men are supposed to be attracted to, not fat acceptance.
        This site states all the time that men are naturally attracted to tall leggy blondes, and that no one is attracted to overweight women. So for the men who are attracted to that body type, I am assuming you dismiss them as having t be betas because they are naturally attracted to something different than what Roosh says men are supposed to be attracted to?

        1. Okay, I mean first off…… this and a literal legion of other similar tumbles and blogs. Further proof that your vision of the world and the internet exists mainly in your mind.

          Really? You have all this time to come up with some evidence of a prevalent, popular and persistent campaign of “men telling women what women should like in the body shaping in men” and you come up with this Internet oddity?
          If you look for the strangest things online, the chances are you can eventually find it. However, just finding this rare case does not support your implication that this comes even remotely close to the frequency and magnitude in how women are always demanding that men find unattractive women “attractive”.
          The First clue of this is that after a many hours, all you could come up with is a single link to a blog (and not even some semi-professional article either, it’s a website looks like a personal crusade). This “legion of other similar tumbles” doesn’t even have any links.
          On the other hand, anyone seeing that “women are demanding men be attracted to what most men find unattractive” can easily point to how it has become so politically charged that popular culture has been activated. Check out the Dove ads, “All About the Bass”, every women’s oriented talk show, etc… the amount of passive aggressive shaming for not finding FAT attractive being pushed on society is inescapable.
          This is proof that it is you who is in DENIAL. As such you are actually aware that you are wrong, but cannot accept it, so you attempt this feeble defense. Really, it is a feeble defense.
          You have provided NO proof so far.

          Second, this site is constantly suggesting what physical standards are acceptable and what standards are not. Such as this post. If “fat acceptance” is in fact “telling men what they must be attracted to,” then so is your “fat unacceptance” in the other direction, no? Or is logic banned here along with fags and bitches?

          Firstly, this site does not suggest what physical standards are acceptable (or not). You are purposely misrepresenting the observations it makes as decrees. Essentially you are creating a false position to bash. Modern feminists and their sycophantic white knights always employ this logical fallacy of a straw man argument to promote their ideas.
          To reporting “the sun is relatively very hot” is not “suggesting that people accept this standard or that standard”. It is stating a clearly valid observation. This site might say things like, “It is rather obvious that most men find fatter women less attractive than those who are in the healthy range of body fat” (Oh… and don’t try the lame excuse of “lots of body fat is just as health” because it is not). That is not telling people what to like. It is stating something that is apparent.
          Unlike, saying shaming comments like, “Real men like women regardless of the woman’s amount of body fat”, saying that men like those that carry less (and not to the exaggerated point of Anorexia) is well supported.
          Secondly, to reject a false directive, “men, you should like women who are fat” is not the antithesis of “men should not like women who are fat”. The opposing stance is the rejection of the command. So much for you attempt at logic. LOL.
          Thirdly, nice try at another straw man there. Even if logical refutations were banned (and it evidentially is not), there is no indication that hostile women or demonstratively homosexual men are similarly not tolerated. You should really take some lesions in “logic” before you imply that you have an adequate handle of it (much less more than those who you attempt to assail).

          Speaking of failures of logic, are you seriously arguing that since you haven’t seen any male fat acceptance sites, this means that no males are legitimately attracted to fat women? How is that an argument, or even related to anything whatsoever? We are talking about others dictating what individual men are supposed to be attracted to, not fat acceptance.

          Your lack of logical foundation is stunning. However, that it seems that you actually think you possess this acumen makes it rather pathetic.
          If you think that there is a “fat man acceptance” movement anywhere near that of “fat woman acceptance”, you are clearly only seeing this in your own mind. The fact that shops that cater to larger men are call things like “Big and Tall”, while women’s shops are called all sorts of euphemisms like “Addition-Elle” is a strong clue as to distinct sensitivity difference by sex to being “large”.
          Just where is said, in no uncertain or deliberately hyperbolic terms, that “NO males are attracted to fat women”? You are applying the usual “exception to the rule” informal fallacy. It is understood that MOST men find fatter women less attractive. This neither means that stating this observation is a order, nor does it mean that exceptions are not recognized.
          You are trying to imply that the latter, that some men like fat women, is being rejected here: this is FALSE. In fact you are trying to surreptitious deflect from the coerced and FALSE message of “Fat women are found attractive by just as many men as those who find them not attractive (or in a similar order of magnitude)”. The truth is that these exceptions are rare and can be accurately described as a fetish since it is that very attribute being sought above other things.
          Men do not “dictate” what men should find attractive. To claim such a clearly unsupported notion is evidence of the amount of projection that people in denial (and particularly women) apply. It is women who are so slave to peer pressure that it is rare to find one that doesn’t often reject a man simply because of “how he would look to others”. Don’t even try to say that women have anywhere near the moral fibre that men have in this regard. The number of women that turn away a man simply because of his skin color or his height (even if she is several inches shorter than him) tells all of us that you are just ignoring the truth. Check it out. Women won’t date a man because he will not look like a prize to others. It has nothing to do with who he is directly.
          You still have no legitimate refutation.

          This site states all the time that men are naturally attracted to tall leggy blondes, and that no one is attracted to overweight women. So for the men who are attracted to that body type, I am assuming you dismiss them as having t be betas because they are naturally attracted to something different than what Roosh says men are supposed to be attracted to?

          If it does say that men are naturally attracted to tall leggy blondes, it still isn’t dictating what men should like.
          It doesn’t say “no one” is attracted to overweight women. However, it does OBSERVE (and correctly so) that most men find “the fatter the less attractive” when it comes to women. Those who are distinctly attracted to “fatter” women are few and far between. If you think that the number of men who have this fetish are as prevalent as those who find “tall leggy blondes”, you are welcome to supply some reasonable evidence (* No. Supplying a link to some atypical blog does NOT constitute “reasonable evidence”).
          The men with such a fetish are not dismissed at all. However, the existence of such a segment is put in perspective because if it’s rare and peculiar “fetish” nature. To suggest that they are seen as “Beta”, and as such because of RooshV’s alleged directive is another straw man argument.
          Your logic as flawed as the typical SJW. You really need to see your lack of objective thought processing before you come here thinking you can apply some condescending refutation, and instead make as big a fool of yourself as the usual angry feminist hate-bot.
          You can do better than this. Come on. Try again.

        2. Yeah. You said it. Those femmie SJW are all full of bullshit. They actually think they can fool people with their invented “logic”.

        3. Perfect. So much for the white-knight / fem-warrior *logic*. What a bunch of stupids.
          Thanks for blasting that moron’s logickz into smithereens. Fun to watch.

        4. Just google “male fat acceptance” and in between all the MRA whining you’ll find a good number of male fat acceptance. Seriously, male fat acceptance has been a thing for a while. Not to mention that male fat acceptance is often posted about in the female oriented blogs as well.
          Are there more instances of female fat acceptance? Yeah, definitely. Why? Well, is male fat shaming really a thing? During your lovely Fat Shaming Week, how many males do you people really target. But I’m sure that’s just your own SJW way of evening out some perceived injustice. You SJWs really are the worst.
          Role models in pop culture? There have been plenty of fat males who have occupied some sort of “role model” status. That Smash Mouth bro, Blues Traveler guy, Frank Black from the Pixies, Jackie Gleason, John Goodman (though he did have his Rosanne, who incidentally receives a fuck tonnage of weight-based hate while Goodman is simply widely considered a great actor regardless of weight), etc you get my point. On the female side of things? You have that broad from the Gossip who is considered completely outrageous simply because she is fat, and that shitty All About That Bass song – and somehow that constitutes as some devious conspiracy by feminists to oppress men. Interestingly, that Bass song revived a large feminist backlash for being weightist against skinny girls. The Fat blogs led the charge on that one.
          Women have traditionally been held to a rigid beauty standard, while young men are often told that “it’s okay for guys to be fat.” No, literally, that is word for word what my friends and I were taught while growing up. And its true, you’ll often see attractive women with fat men.
          Until very recently, seeing a fat woman with a low cut two piece bikini was unheard of at the beach or pool. On the other hand, I am sure we have all seen our fair share of husky fellas in speedos at the Jersey Shore (or whatever seaside tourist pit you’ve spent time in).
          Now, we all know that fat women should be jailed, right? I mean, obviously. Why not fat men though? Probably because fat men have traditionally been shamed and oppressed by our matriarchal overlords, right?
          Your argument seems to be that those fat old dykes post all the time about fat women but never about fat men, so obviously fat men are not accepted, or oppressed, or something.
          You write all the time about shaming fat women, how fat women are disgusting, how they should be jailed, and most frequently, you claim that normal males are not, under any circumstances, attracted to anything other than what Roosh V finds attractive. But you never actually post that may naturally be attracted to fat women, or suggest that being attracted to fat women is even acceptable.
          You also claim that since feminazis post about fat girls all the time, that they are literally telling men what they should be attracted to (nevermind the fact that the phrase “real men like curves” is frequently attacked as weightist by those very same females).
          Now, here at RoK you often post about how skinny is the only acceptable standard for women, and then you go a step further than those nasty dykes and attack the opposite standard (fat) as being abhorrent and unacceptable.
          Do I need to illustrate further or are you capable of playing connect the dots? If fat acceptance is truly telling men what they should be attracted to, you are easily doing the exact same thing, even stronger. There, I connected the dots for you. You’re welcome.

        5. So now lets talk about some evolutionary biology. You guys love this stuff, so its kind of confusing why you guys seem to understand it so poorly.
          Men are typically not attracted to fat? That’s wrong, completely. Do a little history, and you’ll quickly discover that western beauty standards change very frequently. obese females were for a time considered extremely desirable as a sign of social status and ability to rear children. Obviously, reproduction is the foundation for sexual attraction, and the sexually attractive aspects of female biology is fat. Women store more fat, for reproduction. The bits we are attracted to are the fat bits.
          Obviously, there is a line where fat becomes extraneous and detrimental to health and reproduction. However, being attracted to fat women is easily explained through evolutionary biology.

        6. Dhanvantari Nanni:

          Just google “male fat acceptance” and in between all the MRA whining you’ll find a good number of male fat acceptance. Seriously, male fat acceptance has been a thing for a while. Not to mention that male fat acceptance is often posted about in the female oriented blogs as well.

          It doesn’t work that way. No one is “doing your homework for you”. Either you provide the evidence that “male fat acceptance” is somewhat near the same order of magnitude of “female fat acceptance” or you are, by default, incorrect. The burden of proof lies with you since your contention is far from what the general consensus is. You may even be correct… but you have to prove it (not your opponent).
          However, let’s save you some time. There is nowhere near, not even remotely, the same amount of “fat acceptance” movement for men as there is for women. Everyone knows the Dove commercial. Can you point us all to a similar, “it’s OK to be fat” commercial for a men’s product (it doesn’t have to be soap or skin care)? You can’t… because there isn’t.
          = = =

          Are there more instances of female fat acceptance? Yeah, definitely. Why? Well, is male fat shaming really a thing? During your lovely Fat Shaming Week, how many males do you people really target. But I’m sure that’s just your own SJW way of evening out some perceived injustice. You SJWs really are the worst.

          Just as the sexes are different because of sexual dimorphism, so are the things that men and women are judged on. You don’t see “fat shaming” for men because, other than extreme obesity, it is not a big deal to the man.
          Fat Shaming Week: Oh yes, I forgot about that. Is it an annual thing now?
          Firstly, see the point above. Secondly, you’re using a circular argument there. Fat Shaming is about creating an antithesis of “fat acceptance”. Since “fat acceptance” is really about “fat woman acceptance”… (drum roll)… of course it will be targeting women. Thirdly, and most significantly, I’m not certain what you are trying to get at here. My assertion was that “fat shaming” was the push-back on “fat acceptance of women”. You agree. So?
          = = =

          Role models in pop culture? There have been plenty of fat males who have occupied some sort of “role model” status. That Smash Mouth bro, Blues Traveler guy, Frank Black from the Pixies, Jackie Gleason, John Goodman (though he did have his Rosanne, who incidentally receives a fuck tonnage of weight-based hate while Goodman is simply widely considered a great actor regardless of weight), etc you get my point.

          Did I or anyone say there were no fat male role models in pop culture? Seriously, man, do you even read what people say before you go off on the stereotypical feminist rant?
          But since you bring it up, let’s have a look at the situation. Gleason, Goodman, Belushi, Blart(?): What did all these guys represent in their sit-coms? Basically, they were somewhat buffoonish oafs (some more than others) who were married to wives who were usually slim (Barr being the exception which will be discussed in a moment), attractive and the brains of the pair. Gee… do you “think” that may be catering to women who want to identify with the character? “I’m a hottie, but my husband’s kind of let himself go. I’m the sensible one, and he’s the pie-in-the-sky schemer that creates the mess that I clean up”. Apparently, you present a great supporting argument that Hollywood caters to the “You go grrl” crowd… much like many have said. Marge has her Homey, and Janet has Peter. It continues.
          Anyways, the point is that these role models are seen as clowns, and, men don’t care. Women? They need to be seen as perfect humans lest we all face their wrath. Thanks for proving this.
          An Aside: Roseanne? She got a lot of hate because her character was a crass know-it-all, self-righteous, trash can of a person. Her body shape was an easy target, but not why she was targeted. Goodman is a brilliant actor so he gets accolades.
          = = =

          On the female side of things? You have that broad from the Gossip who is considered completely outrageous simply because she is fat, and that shitty All About That Bass song – and somehow that constitutes as some devious conspiracy by feminists to oppress men. Interestingly, that Bass song revived a large feminist backlash for being weightist against skinny girls. The Fat blogs led the charge on that one.

          Again, what are you trying to argue here? It was said that the “fat acceptance” crowd is way out of line about trying to sell “big is beautiful” and you are agreeing. Whereas product marketing needs a more “fat friendly” approach, motion pictures and television are all about fantasy and escape. Women will relate to characters that look more the idealized versions of themselves than the reality in the mirror. If people related to Rosanne (and some did), no one really wants to see what those fans really saw in the looking glass.
          As far as “All about the Bass”, it was a “beauty shaming” anthem as much as it was a “fat acceptance” one. Women are “all about the shaming” of each other. Don’t tell me, let me guess, you are trying to blame the Patriarchy for that too.
          Oh, and the hyperbolic “devious conspiracy by feminists” misrepresentation? Quit with the straw man arguments there. It only makes you look childish.
          = = =

          Women have traditionally been held to a rigid beauty standard, while young men are often told that “it’s okay for guys to be fat.” No, literally, that is word for word what my friends and I were taught while growing up. And its true, you’ll often see attractive women with fat men.

          Here you are confusing the pinnacle of beauty with what men expect in a “real life” relationship. This too is a common false foundation used by feminists. You are wrong on several levels here.
          Firstly, as mentioned, this “rigid standard” is for those who want to be considered as the leading edge of beauty. It is the face that launches a thousand ships. It is the beauty that is sculpted in marble. It is what people pay to see on the silver screen. This far beyond what most men would gladly see as datable. If anything, you are projecting how many a woman expects “perfect 10’s” while thinking she is worthy of them by distorting how personally attractive she is (sounds a lot like “fat acceptance” doesn’t it?)
          Secondly, that “every-man” standard, while consistent (so that can be construed as “rigid”), is not that difficult to achieve. It really is a standard of good maintenance of mental state, physical health and attitude. These are not huge asks. Don’t even try to apply the extreme conditions here. It is absolutely true that poor mental state, poor health and bad attitude are all great deterrents (even if a woman is superficially a “10”). Looks might get you in the door, but the rest will usher you out in short order.
          Speaking of “short order”, that brings us to the third aspect. You want to talk about rigidly irrational standards? It was already mentioned to you how most women feel that they cannot be seen with a man a certain amount below average height (sorry short guys, I have to bring this up). To women, it’s all about “how they look to their peers”. That need to conform is so influencing that many will not give a man who is, say 5 foot 3 even a second glance. He would literally have to compensate with relatively enormous scores in other areas to even get a slight chance (be it wealth, status, facial aesthetics, etc…). This prejudice is proven by many scientific studies have been done on it. It’s easy to see in the significant number of women who openly advertise that no man below this height or that height need apply. Some are even proud of it.
          So? Rigid standards? It’s not the rigidity, but the irrationality or inability to achieve the standard that is critical. Who have the irrational ones? Women. Who have the reasonable ones? Men. You are completely WRONG here.
          = = =

          Until very recently, seeing a fat woman with a low cut two piece bikini was unheard of at the beach or pool. On the other hand, I am sure we have all seen our fair share of husky fellas in speedos at the Jersey Shore (or whatever seaside tourist pit you’ve spent time in).

          That fat woman in a bikini (aren’t they all two-piece by virtue of the original Atoll reference?) is a product of “fat acceptance” (since anyone who even slightly disapproves is vilified as a misogynistic monster).
          I wouldn’t know about Europe, but Guido’s in Speedo’s isn’t something I’ve seen in real life. In the theatre or on television for laughs maybe… but not out in the real world. If you are talking about Europe, women have equally liberal standards there.
          The most critical thing here is that it is not the men observing that would disapprove (of the man in the Speedo or the woman in the bikini), it is the women. Men? If it’s not attractive, it would be invisible. I don’t know about you, but most guys would be looking at the hotties. So, you have not presented a legitimate case once again. Do you even have ANYTHING that actually supports your views?
          = = =

          Now, we all know that fat women should be jailed, right? I mean, obviously. Why not fat men though? Probably because fat men have traditionally been shamed and oppressed by our matriarchal overlords, right?

          Straw man arguments are bad enough, but ones that employ a hyperbolic misrepresentation are completely ridiculous. This is the ludicrous stance of someone who is clutching at… “straws”.
          You are starting to purposely forget who is arguing what here (and likely as a ploy to “be on the righteous side”). The position opposing you has been that there has been little in the way of “fat man acceptance” and that was because fat men are not shunned like “fat women” are. You are now applying the ridicule of a nonsensical rhetorical to make it seem like it was YOU that supports that view.
          Nice try.
          You OPPOSED the notion that “fat man acceptance” is relatively non-existent when compared to “fat women acceptance”. Your initial post is mockery based on this opposition. Now, you try to make it seem like you are the one claiming that “fat man acceptance” is relatively obscure? You are employing a rather DISHONEST tactic here (and expectedly so).
          = = =

          Now, your argument seems to be that those fat old dykes post all the time about fat women but never about fat men, so obviously fat men are not accepted, or oppressed, or something.

          That is a rather weak attempt there. You are basically employing a false dichotomy. Being that “fat old dykes” (and this was never said or implied by the way) promote “fat [woman] acceptance” to the point of exclusivity doesn’t only mean that “fat men” are oppressed. In reality a combination of things are entirely possible. This includes (but is not exclusive to): the promoters of “fat acceptance” not concerned about any plight of men (let alone “fat” ones); Men who are fat are not oppressed for being fat; Men are oppressed for other reasons, but are not in scope of “fat acceptance for women”.
          Seriously, your tactics are pedestrian. Don’t you think you’d be better off trying to actually understand what is going on instead of trying to rationalize poor behavior? Really, you need to get off that high white knight horse.
          = = =

          You guys write all the time about shaming fat women, how being a fat female is disgusting and obviously
          You guys write all the time about shaming fat women, how fat women are disgusting, how they should be jailed, and most frequently, you claim that normal males are not, under any circumstances, attracted to anything other than what Roosh V finds attractive. But you never actually post that may naturally be attracted to fat women, or suggest that being attracted to fat women is even acceptable.

          No. It is natural that Roosh V finds attractive what practically every other guy finds attractive. What would one expect? It has nothing to do with “Roosh V is telling you to think this way” (nor is he telling people how to think at all). The fact that men independently come to the same conclusions is what reinforces this article. Stop projecting the “must be like everyone else” criticism mantra of First World drama queens. This is a common problem with Feminist SJW’s. They think that everyone is a bad version of themselves.
          As far as I have seen, it is either written or implied that this attraction model is not preclusive of exceptions. There is no need to talk about rare cases of men actually being attracted to fat women over those in the healthy range (and don’t try to use the “healthy at any body fat ratio” mythology) other than those cases being rare.
          Are the cases “acceptable”? Guys do not care what fetishists like. Only women seem to think that what some other person likes has to be approved by their acting council. Please, your “female” is showing.
          = = =

          You also claim that since feminazis post about fat girls all the time, that they are literally telling men what they should be attracted to (nevermind the fact that the phrase “real men like curves” is frequently attacked as weightist by those very same females).

          It is not merely a claim. The facts are out there (don’t be demanding a “scientific study” here as Wikipedia is quite suitable to prove the prevalence of “fat acceptance” being about “fat women”):

          Men like curves as in the curves of a female in the healthy range. Feminists, “fat acceptance” advocates and the rest of the miscreants can attack or admire whatever terms they wish. Most of it is a perversion of the truth to suit their agenda of the moment. The point still is that “fat acceptance” is really “fat woman acceptance”. To that you have offered no reasonable or even supported refutation.
          = = =

          Now, here at RoK you often post about how skinny is the only acceptable standard for women, and then you go a step further than those nasty dykes and attack the opposite standard (fat) as being abhorrent and unacceptable.

          (By “you”, it is assumed you mean the collective base of protagonists.)
          There you go with the straw man arguments again. Namely, you are using the usual feminist’s misrepresentation of the fat antithesis of “skinny”. The accurate antithesis of “fat” within context is that of “in the healthy range of fat” (as opposed to being overly fat… or too thin for that matter). Not only are you wrong there, you are wrong in that there is no such judgment by ROK that “healthy range” is the acceptable standard. What is noted here is the observation that most men are not attracted to excessive fat (and not “not attracted to fat bits” LOL. Talk about purposely misleading). There is no coercion or “thought control” being exacted. ROK is not like the fat acceptance crowd, who attempt to shame people to their way of thinking.
          Being excessively fat is abhorrent and unacceptable to most men as far as attraction is concerned. It may not be palatable, but it is truthful. All the attempts to associate disgrace with that reaction is not going to change its power or prevalence.
          = = =

          Do I need to illustrate further or are you capable of playing connect the dots? If fat acceptance is truly telling men what they should be attracted to, you are easily doing the exact same thing, even stronger. There, I connected the dots for you. You’re welcome.

          Your smugness hides none of your fallacious foundation, Dhanvantari.
          It is far more effective to show how vacant your position is by how easily your dishonest attempts are exposed and torn to shreds than, say, merely posting unsolicited information. While you like to believe that you have the acumen to fool your opposition, as we have shown again, you are really only fooling yourself. It is doubtful that I am the only one that sees through your fraudulent arguments. By attempting a retort, you have inadvertently given your opposition much opportunity to build the case that you are nothing but smoke and mirrors.
          The “fat acceptance” movement is all about trying to shame men into saying that fat women are attractive. Calling it out for being nothing but subversive thought control disguised as altruistic humanitarianism is hardly “doing the same thing”.
          There, I have pointed out your fallaciously founded (and often dishonestly promoted) quasi-arguments. Let me know if there’s anything else you need explained.
          On an advisory note: Please stop trying to “win” the discussion. Your position is untenable and by resorting to dishonest tactics like straw man arguments or semantics, you not only make it excruciatingly obvious that you have no point. You also make yourself look rather petulant and petty. I don’t have any problem with discussing the topic and abhor having to repeatedly correct deliberate propaganda applied as if it has never been refuted in the past. But, that doesn’t mean I will spare you further embarrassment if you continue this charade.

        7. Dhanvantari Nanni:

          So now lets talk about some evolutionary biology. You guys love this stuff, so its kind of confusing why you guys seem to understand it so poorly.

          No. It is you that not only misunderstands evolutionary biology, what little you know, you pervert to suit your fantasy. We shall all see this here. Ready? Let’s us begin then.

          Men are typically not attracted to fat?

          As has been maintained here, you feminist defenders always have to resort to straw man arguments. The assertion by your opposition was:
          ‘that most men find “the fatter the less attractive” when it comes to women.’
          This is wholly different than, “men are typically not attracted to fat”. Basically, you are surreptitiously misrepresenting the opposing position in order to mount a refutation (and a feeble one at that). You need to do this since you don’t have a rebuttal to the actual point (and you know it). That is a dishonest tactic, and one that seriously erodes your credibility. So… You are WRONG.

          That’s wrong, completely. Do a little history, and you’ll quickly discover that western beauty standards change very frequently. obese females were for a time considered extremely desirable as a sign of social status and ability to rear children.

          Wow. Your level of naivety is remarkable (I’m not trying to be insulting. It really is… read on). You come to a discussion segment about the idiocy of “fat acceptance” and you try this tired old MYTHOLOGY? The Rubens paintings that every fat acceptance advocate thinks shows propensity for fatter women in Medieval Europe were hardly representative of the idealized shape of the era. Check out the contemporary paintings (Goya, Botticelli, Cranach, etc…) of beauties of the era, they were all slender. Fat wasn’t “in” and obesity was definitely not the epitome of attractiveness.
          Side note: The masters paid special attention to the particular details of hands and feet in both paintings and sculptures of the era. The features are deliberately delicate and graceful. There are no “sausage fingers”. Seriously, Dhanvantari, see the real truth. The Louvre has very few female figures that are “fat” (much less obese).
          Youthful slenderness has always been the standard. Do a little research instead of regurgitating the “fat acceptance” propaganda.

          Obviously, reproduction is the foundation for sexual attraction, and the sexually attractive aspects of female biology is fat. Women store more fat, for reproduction. The bits we are attracted to are the fat bits.

          Here, you are being purposely ignorant of how the idealized fat ratio is not that of excessively low body fat. The sexually attractive aspects may involve an element of fat, but that doesn’t translate to “fat is beautiful”. While women store more fat (than men), it is still storing more than the “right” amount that is unattractive.
          The “bits” we are attracted to contain fat, but it is still the ratio of body fat to lean tissue that is attractive. You are taking “fat” out of context and trying to create this false notion that “fat” in and of itself is the element of attraction. If you have to resort to semantic gymnastics like this, it is apparent that you really don’t have much of an argument.

          Obviously, there is a line where fat becomes extraneous and detrimental to health and reproduction. However, being attracted to fat women is easily explained through evolutionary biology.

          You have not referenced “evolutionary” biology in any way such that it supports your fantasy that excessively fat women (and this point of “excess” is really consistent throughout history) are considered attractive by anything more than a those with a fetish for it.
          As far as the biology goes, men are attracted to women who are in the range that medical science coincidentally finds is the healthy range. That range in no way includes the typical “fat acceptance” advocates.
          Seriously, Dhanvantari, it is become increasingly evident that you are in way over your head in this discussion. I understand that ego often gets in the way of better judgment, but that you use straw man arguments, resort to mythology, and then employ a semantic play to disingenuously make it seem like men like “fat women” betrays that you are wrong, but do not want to appear so.
          You have been afforded much opportunity to admit that you are only promoting the typical sycophantic support of a white knight, or at the very least, just walk away. That you need to come back with such an embarrassing attempt is your own folly.

  31. you should write about blondes vs brunettes
    i have a theory that blondes are so shamed and brunettes are idolized as “wife/relationship material” as part of feminism
    both hair colors are great buts it proven that blonde, lighter features are more feminine looking. blonde hair also equates younger age = fertility, more feminine. blonde hair also looks more angelic, innocent, helpless (again feminine), did a survey and most men chose blonde women when messaging them and they said this is the reason why- while brunettes are seen as more independent, sexy, smart, self sufficient (feminist ideal for women)
    brunettes look more stand offish, while blondes look like a deer in headlights (damsel in distress). who do feminists like more??? brunettes!
    most men prefer blondes. no one ever says “i met this girl, AND shes a bruentte!” no. they say AND SHES A BLONDE! lol
    so feminists (jealous ugly women) call blondes dumb slutty and not relatonship material or wife material
    just google this there is so much propaganda that blondes are for mistresses brunettes are for wifes
    anyway- i really think this again has to do with feminism and hating on more feminine desirable women (blondes!!)
    if you look at princesses/idols, all are blonde except belle and ariel. cinderella, sleeping beauty, barbie, rapunzell, list goes on
    sorry for spelling!! please make an article or video!!! comment if you agree!

    also- most women want a “tall dark and handsome” man meaning brunette/dark haired men. not blonde men. sorry blonde males!
    darker feautures are scientifically shown to as more masculine!

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