4 Reasons Why Leftists Are Clinically Insane

Leftists are insane. You know that already. But what exact mechanisms are at play here? If you know what makes them tick, you are one step closer to prescribing them a dose of sanity… or at the very least not falling for these tricks yourself.

All quotes are taken from David Mamet’s book, The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture, unless otherwise noted.

1. Nazi salute syndrome

nazi salute

As we have seen, all under the sway of the Nazi regime had to greet each other with the Nazi Salute. Many found this, as it was an avowal of subjugation, intolerable. The id said, “I will not give this retched salute.” The Ego replied, “What does it mean? You don’t actually have to believe in the Nazis; it’s just a simple gesture, and performing it will save your life.”

But this interchange, unfortunately, caused the individual to enter into a painful negotiation scores of times a day. To wit: “I do it, but I don’t believe it.”

How can one eliminate the pain of the continual repetition of a distressing and seemingly insoluble negotiation?

Here comes the Superego with a brilliant solution: let the gesture be consigned to the realm of the unconscious – it turns the continual nature of the repetition from a reiterated pain to a selling point. “Look here,” says the Superego, “there is just not enough time in the day to worry about it – we will let the dialogue lapse from consciousness, and replace it with unthinking habit.

What was the effect… of the now unconscious habitual repetition of a gesture of subjugation? The individual became a Nazi. How could he not? Was he not now pledging, unthinkingly, his loyalty scores of times a day?

Leftists do the same thing through the repetition of herd-like speech and behavior. Patriarchy, cisgender, toxic masculinity, womanpower, you go girl. Their salutes are continuous and require the superego to bury the notion that these words are nonsense deep down into the depths of the psyche. Thus they become unthinking soldiers of a culturally destructive regime.

2. The confidence man

con man

(T)he individual is appealed to as one of noted repute and standing in the community, as someone who can be trusted with the confidence man’s improbable claim.

The mark is flattered. He understands why he has been chosen. He has been chosen because of his excellence. How could one (the confidence man) who was that perceptive then be other than honorable? The question does not arise.

…The Liberal is flattered that he, in contradistinction to his benighted countrymates, has been chosen to advance the policies and doctrines of liberalism. He, in endorsing them, is part of the Elite, one of those empowered to eradicate those historical evils entailed upon humanity because of the unfortunate delay of his advent. (“We are the people we have been waiting for,” Obama campaign, 2008.)

…His problem resides in this: that the doctrines, policies, and programs presented for his endorsement are senseless and destructive, and can be so-proved by any slight referral of them to the impartial verdicts of history.

What will the Superego do? It will ensure that the referral will never occur. How will it do this? By ensuring that the referral would occur only at the cost of relinquishing membership of the herd.

The Superego cannot increase the benefit of compliance… but will increase the cost of noncompliance. Questioning = excommunication.

The leftist, knowing he is wrong, creates a feedback loop that forces himself and others to remain in the herd at proverbial gunpoint. It explains why they scream racist, sexist, misogynist, needle-dick, neckbeard, etc. They know their ideas are nonsense. So it must be your fault for pointing it out.

You are destroying their carefully cultivated Stockholm Syndrome by making them uncomfortable. They can’t handle it. The programming is too strong. They’ll be kicked out of the herd if anything sinks too deep. You are literally threatening their existence, so you must be evil.

3. Creating a new culture

molotov cocktail

These idiots are so far gone that they need to create a new culture to house their madness. It’s the only way to protect the herd from outside ideological threats.

The Left has abandoned the country, come out against capitalism, exploitation of resources, the free market, and work, and announces its refusal to defend our borders. All this as a matter of principle.

…President Obama announces every day… that the West is finished: with capitalism, with Democracy, with self-defense, and anyone who wants it can have it.

…Deviations from the Law, which is to say the Constitution, to accommodate specifically alleged identity-group injustices will all inevitably be expanded, universalized, and exploited until there remains no law, but only constant petition of Government.

…It is not the absence of government, but the rejection of culture which leads to anarchy.

So the left’s new culture will be a government-controlled culture without any culture, just endless petitions by victim groups, no means of production, with everyone as poor as the other. The party line will be enforced by repeating nonsense, pushing all conscious doubts deep into the subconscious mind, not out an expectation of reward, but out of fear of rejection from the herd. And we will be at peace with it because there is no thinking going on, just adherence to The Party.

4. But wait, it gets weirder

Prison of the mind

In her new introduction to The Manipulated Man, Esther Vilar says:

The more sovereignty [men] are losing in their professional lives… the more that increasing unemployment forces them to adopt obsequious behavior towards customers and superiors – then the more they have to be afraid of a recognition of their predicament. And the more essential it becomes to maintain their illusion that it is not they who are the slaves, but those on whose behalf they subject themselves to such an existence.

As absurd as it may sound: today’s men need feminists more than their wives do. Feminists are the last ones who still describe men the way they like to see themselves: as egocentric, power-obsessed, ruthless, and without inhibitions when it comes to satisfying their animalistic instincts. Therefore… Women’s Libbers find themselves in the strange predicament of doing more to maintain the status quo than anyone else. Without their arrogant accusations the macho man would no longer exist, except perhaps in the movies. If the press didn’t stylize men as rapacious wolves, the actual sacrificial lambs of this ‘men’s society’, men themselves, would no longer flock to the factories so obediently.

Leftists, men especially, can’t question their predicament because to do so would be to recognize themselves as slaves, and risk being ejected from the herd. So they push their doubts into their subconscious minds, even as they salute the cause with gibberish, to avoid the pain of constant subjugation.

They see themselves as the salvation of mankind, ignoring the nonsense of an agenda that seeks to create a new culture of uniformity in the name of diversity. And feminists are stuck in the odd position of maintaining a veil of masculinity because there is no masculinity left.

I rest my case. Leftists are clinically insane.

Read More: Sweden’s Fall To Leftism Is A Cautionary Tale For The Western World

259 thoughts on “4 Reasons Why Leftists Are Clinically Insane”

  1. I didn’t realize my crazy racist uncle was writing for this website now, lol. I’m a “leftist” and this website has always cracked me up, because once in a while ROK makes some interesting counterpoints to the SJW/Jezebel/fake outrage narrative…. but this is like something you’d read on Fox News, or some crazy right-wing website.

      1. I didn’t say the article was racist, just that my crazy racist uncle would post something like this on his Facebook, lol. “Nazi Salute”? Ok grandpa go take your pills.

        1. Classic libtard.
          “Sounds like something a racist would say…”
          When you’re called out, you say you didn’t say it.
          You’re making ONE point, and when questioned on it, you backpedal- “I didn’t say that, I just implied it”
          This is the definition of trolling, man. You said one thing, and carefully designed your statement so that you’re not really “saying” anything.
          The height of intellectual cowardice

        2. The Nazi Salute bit wasn’t about the Nazis.
          It was about the underlying psychology. Can you read?
          The idea was, “I don’t know whether I agree or disagree, but I know that agreeing is rewarded and disagreeing is punished, so I might as well agree.”
          The idea is that many people espouse opinions merely because those opinions are popular.
          I’m just barely old enough to be a grandpa- 26.

        3. If that is the height of intellectual cowardice to you, you must not have much experience with intellectual things. I didn’t call it racist but it’s the type of thing that pops up in a racists Facebook feed. I stand by that comment, it’s not very controversial.

        4. It’s your feeble attempt at a dismissal.
          Even if a racist said it, it’d still be valid.
          Even if it dripped racism, it could still be valid.
          Perhaps intellectual laziness is more appropriate.
          Your writing lacks intellectual rigor.

        5. The guy calling people ‘libtard’ wants to lecture me on intellectual rigor, this article does not belong on this website.

        6. You are a libtard…
          You’ve self-identified as liberal. You can’t seem to understand what you read (you didn’t understand the point of the Nazi salute example). When you write, you make an admittedly irrelevant statement about your uncle. Liberal, tenuous grasp of language, libtard.
          There’s my intellectual rigor. Evidence, followed by conclusion.

        7. The nazi salute couldn’t be a more hollow point, because it’s something you could apply to nearly any group in some way, especially right-wingers.

        8. That doesn’t make the point any less valid.
          When we take on meaningful actions whose meaning we don’t fully embrace, we diminish the meaningfulness of all our actions. It’s a mental and spiritual disease, regardless of what ideology is served.
          It’s pathetic how desperate you are to dismiss this stuff. Makes it really obvious that this article is about you and it’s right.

    1. I didn’t realize cum gargling homosluts were commenting on this website now.
      This is like something a guy would say with two cocks up his ass at once.
      See? And I can’t be proven wrong because I just say you “seem like” a guy whose eyes are bugging out while he gets his rectum ruptured.

      1. frankly, even if snowy here is a troll, i like to not interpret statements any other way than they were written. it introduces a lot of vagueness.
        just because we are brought up to interpret doesn’t mean we should.
        e.g. once i started talking to a guy in the park and asked him why he was feeding the ducks. he told me “so that idiots leave me alone”. i curiously looked around and told him it’s good there aren’t any around.

        1. I’ll debate people all day long but if all you bring to the table is calling people gay, well.. that says more about you than me.
          I also didn’t call anyone racist, but I’m pretty sure that was too much nuance for you to understand, you have to willfully misinterpret what I said. Whatever makes you feel better.

        2. OH MY FUCKING GOD.
          Remember how you “weren’t calling the article racist?”
          I’m “not calling you gay”
          It’s all just easily deniable implication aimed at discrediting the other party

        3. i say we leave her alone. she is obviously just bored and out for pointless discussion.
          recently asked an older men about the difference between men and women. he said that men ask questions to get answers. women just like to talk.

        4. So what is the point you two retards were trying to make exactly? It’s still the type of thing my racist uncle would have in his Facebook feed. What changed? And Tom Arrow can you get off my dick, you fucking closet case, lol.

        5. Well the stuff you say is still the type of thing a faggot would say with a cock in his ass.

        6. “Well the stuff you say is still the type of thing a faggot would say with a cock in his ass.”
          How would you know that? Watching a lot of gay porn lately?

        7. Why pretend you aren’t the bottom? It’s pretty obvious, but it’s ok I support gay rights 🙂 I support you chowing down on all the massive weiners you want, you deserve it, it got better.

        8. The point we were making is that your assertion about your racist uncle is a non sequitur, and now it’s a non sequitur by your own admission. That’s really the end of the discussion.

        9. I’m vers, but when I bottom, I’m the power bottom.
          See? There’s an answer for everything when you’re not bound by reality.

        10. *shakes head* I never get into fights with people like you, usually SJW’s but wow. they really have some competition for biggest assholes. Yikes, never coming back to this shitehole.

        11. HAHA
          Well done.
          In defeat, claim the moral high ground.
          You showed up to say nothing. You’ve admitted as much.
          Fuck right off- that was the goal.

    2. there’s nothing remotely politically incorrect, offensive or triggering about the article except the challenge it presents to the SJW mind. That mind is under seige from reality, and as your comment demonstrates the only way you can defend yourselves is through absolute denialism.

      1. That’s the best part-
        That he even said the word “racist” means that he’s reeling, looking for any excuse to deny the truth being shoved in his face.
        We’ve got a posterchild here for what the article argues, and he’s in so deep he’ll never see.

        1. I’ve noticed many time, how the left’s self-appointed police force often attacks minor rather major infractions as way of maintaining leftist order

        2. That’s a pretty sharp observation. I think it ties in with #1 above.
          Leftism is the modern orthodoxy. Most people toe the line on a day to day basis just because it’s convenient. Makes it seem like the big issues aren’t complicated moral dilemmas, but common sense stuff like table manners.
          A big debate lends at least token legitimacy to both sides.
          A schoolmarmish reprimand uses emotional shaming to bypass critical thinking.
          You can say to someone, “That sounds racist” and they’ll shut up. The shutting up is the equivalent of “just give the salute.”

        3. as the article suggests its the fear of losing group respectability – the unimagined catastrophic consequences of committing an accidental thought crime. Just look Noble prize winner tim hunt – now every man saying anything about women in science will be thinking through their comments to ensure they say nothing that could possibly cause offence. Except they will still find offence, because there is nothing rational or reasonable behind it. Only a desire to control through fear

        1. That would be one solution. But would you really want someone saying you’d nailed an SJW. they might misunderstand

  2. It is the ones who believe in God, who preach peace and talk of love, who have created the human jungle. Our contaminated mind has created the notion of the psyche and evolution. Only technology progresses, while we as a race are moving closer to complete and total destruction of the world and ourselves. Everything in man’s consciousness is pushing the whole world, which nature has so laboriously created, toward destruction. There has been no qualitative change in man’s thinking; we feel about our neighbors just as the frightened caveman felt towards his. The only thing that has changed is our ability to destroy our neighbor and his property.

    1. “There has been no qualitative change in man’s thinking”
      Man’s nature does not change much over time. The two reocurring themes are that we take the path of least resistance and develop cyclical habits (routines).

  3. i have some unconscious responses like that, too. like smiling at people i don’t like. it’s disgusting. anyone a good idea about handling that?

    1. It’s the little hipocrisies wich we have to survive every day to live in society. The problem occurs when the hipocrisy is spread to the point of being inevitable.
      The only solution I can give you is to avoid this person.

      1. it’s not a specific person. more like people of minorities, e.g. asians, and elder people. when somebody acts like a weakling, i feel an urge to make them feel good about themselves by being nice.

    2. It’s called Redirected Activity: happens to all of us in one way or another. Mental bearing determines the frequency of this behavior.

  4. While I agree with the above, I’m not sure that any of this is clinical insanity. A better and more direct observation is that a large portion of them have been diagnosed with some mental illness and are taking medication to regulate it. But this brings me to an important question – why are we allowing mentally ill people to breed?

    1. Its a herd instinct that 90-95% of people are susceptible to join. They like to think they are pioneering free thinkers but in reality they are followers of today’s establishment permitted way of thinking.
      If they had lived in Nazi Germany they like to think they would have been the ones standing against the herd. The fact is that 99% of them would have followed the herd then just as they follow the herd now.
      In Egyptian times they would have been the greatest advocates and followers of the Pharaohs and their state religions. Once again happy to point out anyone who dared question the official religion and permitted way of thinking.
      In communist Russia and the USSR they would have been ardent followers of communism and eagerly informing on their neighbours and work colleagues when they witnessed or suspected they didn’t follow the ‘accepted line’.
      Most people at all times in history and in all places just follow what everyone else does and believes and then congratulate themselves and each other for their great intellect and insight compared with those that disagree and especially those who lived before them and had different values.
      If people didn’t act with herd mentality there would never have been any great religions and political movements in any part of the world at any time in history.
      The current religion and accepted establishment belief is Social Marxism and all its wings. The easiest way to live in the West today is to follow, pretend to follow or convince yourself to follow this current movement. This is the current herd. Your job, position in society and the well being of you and your family rely on it.
      The hardest thing to do is to argue against it. Because your are challenging the current orthodoxy. It wasn’t easy to be Darwin and challenge the creationists, Cecco d’Ascoli was burnt alive by the church in 1327 for saying the world was round, Copernicus victimised for saying the earth moved round the sun, Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for saying the same thing, Galileo was imprisoned and tortured…they were challenging the herd. They were probably mocked and laughed at by the average ‘free thinking self appointed intellectuals’ herd members of the time. They would not have been permitted to argue their points and the science, but they would have been ‘heretic’, ‘blasphemer’. ‘infidel’ and the argument closed down. Society uses the same methods but different words to do the same today.
      Every single age has its accepted beliefs and permitted thoughts and permitted thinking. It’s always there in the smallest tribe to the greatest nation. But it constantly changes and no orthodoxy remains in place forever. Just as things have changed before the current PC Social Marxist orthodoxy will be pushed aside and replaced. Their ideas and policies and victimisation of anyone with a different opinion will make many enemies, and this will be where the movement comes to push them aside.

      1. “If they had lived in Nazi Germany they like to think they would have
        been the ones standing against the herd. The fact is that 99% of them
        would have followed the herd then just as they follow the herd now.”
        Completely correct, but as you its difficult to demonstrate it to them. Theirs is the modern ‘authoritarian personality’, but ‘content’-wise they look very different to your hitler youth. They believe they are rebels, revolutionaries and / or progressives, rather than the identity group golems of consumer capital.

        1. The mistake people make is that because we live now in the post war period, we as a society believe that fascists and dictators will look like the ones we have recently defeated. Well, if they want to be successful, they can’t look like those that were previously defeated, the new generation of fascists and dictators will look very different from those of the recent past.
          They won’t wear uniforms and rows of medals and use Nazi style salutes. They will slip in un-noticed. And this is exactly what has happened in the West . Those that failed to get elected for year after year instead took over education, government and other bodies covertly. They network and now control who is allowed in and who must be forced out. Now even elected Politicians cannot really represent the true will of the people without worrying about the ‘unelected protectors of permitted beliefs and thoughts’.
          Another example which illustrates how things must always change and be unrecognisable is Colonialism. We are also in a post European Colonial period. But Colonialism and Empire will be built again, and rise again. But they won’t look like empires of the past otherwise they will be ‘called out’. They have to look and seem different…..The biggest wave of empire building that is currently going on is the Chinese in Africa. It’s not described as imperialism and colonialism, and because they are not white (like the last wave of great empires) and plant flags and make the empire formal it goes unnoticed and unchallenged.
          Even in more recent history the Empires of the USA and Russian Empire have never been grouped with the British/French/Spanish Empires, even though when you look closely they expanded in a very similar way – by conquering native peoples.
          Every new empire and movement will not look like the one before – otherwise it will be recognised and will then be challenged and it will not be a success.

        2. I do think you’re on to something, and your comment reflects what I’ve been feeling for a while. Power today is coverty and today’s true corporate governments – of whatever nature – understand that the most effective government is a cryptocracy, influencing behind the scenes. One of the things I’m interested in is how the advance of democracy based on the idea and appearance of consent (not necessarily the reality though) means that power has to work very differently to how it did in the good old days. The west in its infinite hypocrisy has mastered this art of concealing itself as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, talking about democracy and human rights. We all admire putin for being straight-forward in his bragadoccio but his honesty is dangerous in a fundamentally hypocritical world: even when the west interferes with and covertly de-stabilises the ukraine (just as it does the same in the middle east) it can portray russian actions as purely aggressive. Why because it did everything covertly. Power operates differently today. Movements like feminism are cleaning up precisely because social and political theory hasn’t caught up (indeed it won’t be allowed to catch up given that the universities have largely been captured by the gramscian march through the institutions etc

        3. So with this understanding… shouldn’t we realize that our main enemy isnt even feminism (puppet regime) but is the Power Elite? We would have to reform and join a conspiracy theory buff group opposed to the Illuminati or the like! Where do we draw the line and what actions can we take? There is def some navigational issues concerning MRA, MRM, and MGTOW! We need to get our goals straight!

        4. I think its important to focus only upon what is demonstrably the case, and evidenced. The world’s a complex place and for the most part all we can do is identity patterns of behaviour. To my mind the fact that ‘leftist’ and ‘progressive’ causes, including feminism are advancing inexorably at the same as the elite 1 percenters seem to be getting ever richer and more powerful within an increasingly globalised world shows how little these movements have to do with equality and how much they have to do with ideologies that have been co-opted by or even perhaps always effectively controlled by the elites. I don’t think approaching things at that level is always the best policy though. We need to fight every point, where necessary exposing and tracing back progressive movements to those sponsoring them in the dark, with a view where possible to making those movements liabilities for the funders, and those groups who are at the present only too ready to be associated with them because they’re fashionable. Personally I think terms like the illuminati aren’t necessarily helpful, because they could refer to any number of conspiracy theories from the absurd, to the racist, to freemasonry, aliens etc – all of which is incredibly easy to dismiss. All we know for sure is that the super-rich, banks and corporations, will support anything which increases their power particularly where this involves a more centralised, globalised world they can dominate

      2. “ὁ ἄνθρωπος φύσει πολιτικὸν ζῷον”, “Man by nature is a political [i.e. from polis meaning city/society/community] animal.”- Aristotle, Politics Book 1
        I liked that you used the term, “herd instinct” instead of “heard mentality.” Too many people use “mentality” to mean “mental” in the psychological sense (and as any philosopher knows psychology is bullshit.) Instead of the fact that man is a social creature and follows his fellows.

        1. In reality, our ancestors greatly increased their chances of survival and having children by being part of the herd. From the earliest times people try and identify with the herd. This is the source of fashion trends today and also explains why younger people adopt the accents of their peers instead of their parents. It’s important to be part of the herd.

      3. Very well said. Really, the crux of the matter is that Western societies (UK, AUS, US, Canada, etc) are some of the most conformist and standardized societies that has ever existed. The lack of thought outside of mainstream media and Hollywood or SJW cliches condemns citizens of these particular countries to the same mass ignorance.

      4. Family values, no crime, plenty of jobs, a high emphasis on education, technology and physical activity. 20 years from now we will all wish we could have spent our youth and prime in a place like Nazi Germany and not the shitholes our western nations are quickly deteriorating into.
        Oh I almost forgot, no diversity what so ever.

    2. leftists don’t breed much
      that’s why you never go MGTOW – dominate the equalist by occupying a larger piece of the genetic pie instead

      1. I agree, you fight feminism by pumping and dumping every sexually empowered snowflake on Earth. Use them up so they can be put forth as evidence against female promiscuity. Every thousand cock stare you see is a win for the patriarchy’s revival.

    3. “why are we allowing mentally ill people to breed?”
      Do you propose a eugenics program?

    4. I think their delusional ideas are signs of clinical disorders. I’ve lived all over America and I have yet to live in a place that was overrun with hypermasculine, misogynistic rapists. America is becoming the beta male capital of the world. So if an American woman devotes half the hours of her life into harping on that narrative, she is delusional and out of touch.
      Men kiss women’s feet everywhere you look and feminists feel oppressed. I dated one of these looney tunes in college. Opening a door for her is oppressive, paying for her dinner is sexist, calling her baby is demeaning. Paranoia is a symptom of many personality disorders.

  5. Science fiction is never really about the future.
    Remember Huxley’s Delta-minuses?
    Today’s underclass was bred by the elite to serve as human livestock.

      1. The Eloi remind me more of the beautiful but stupid kids wasting their lives in college, but same principle, yeah. The Delta-minuses by definition were chemically addled, so I see that more in the realm of FAS/crack babies, that kind of stuff.
        But yeah, you’re right. All our favorite sci-fi characters live in our cities and towns.

  6. Some sophisticated analysis, and good quotes from Mamet in particular whose book I will have to check out.
    I agree with the other commenter though that the title is wrong – this isn’t really about clinical insanity however psychotic the reality they live in may be. While I do think SJWs do indeed suffer the mental health consequences of living in a world they can never fully believe in, in a way that is genuinely psycho-pathogenic, there is a sense in which at least from the top down this is an induced psychosis, which is quite self-aware in its purpose. Mind-control, psy-ops, hypnosis, mesmerism, call it whatever you will all measure success by the degree they can persuade people that black is white, that when they are asked how many fingers are being held up, they respond with everything but the genuine number. To regard this state of affairs as simply the degeneration of the leftist cause – as though a descent into cultural psychosis would cause people to wake up – is to miss this purposefulness. When feminists speak of a war on women, what they are doing is disguising the fact they are waging a war on men; when they speak of the wage gap, they are disguising the fact that women are doing better than ever before, and are increasingly doing better than men etc. Calling black white and vice versa is absolutely essential then to the project which is a wider mass hyponosis.
    The quote from the manipulated man is a good one too, and does a great deal to explain the commitment of ‘progressive’ men to a feminism that is picking them apart piece by piece. Feminism works on the male ego, hyper-inflating it up in order to clip its wings and cripple it. The prospect of future castration is sufficiently deferred to enable the broken leftist male to believe that he really is the one in the control, rather than the puppet on the string, being raped up the arse by feninism’s new world order.
    One consequence of this though is that any attempt to puncture this reality risks destroying the defended male ego of the leftoid male. The red piil by itself offer only reality, rather than fantasistic power.

  7. I’m not a fan of “left vs right” thinking. The left / right paradigm assumes there are only 2 answers to a question and whichever side one subscribes to is always right and the other side is always wrong. Not only is this fallacious and specious thinking, but in this case it assumes there is a pro-feminism side in politics, and an anti-feminism, and there is not. This article reads like one long ad-hominem attack against an undefined and arbitrary “enemy” of masculinity.
    When I could bring myself to be involved with US politics, and prior to our current president, I tended to support the Democratic Party over the Republicans, primarily due to environmental protection, education, free trade, civil liberties, and war. Does that make me a leftist?
    I agree that the feminist movement is an insane idea that is destroying society itself, but when you use inflammatory words like “libtard” and equate leftism with Nazis, you lose a lot of your audience.
    It would be helpful if the author defined what he means by “The Left”. If we are referring to the political entity of the Democrats, keep in mind they constitute about one third of the voting public (Gallop polls show 25% Republican, 31% Democrat and 42% independent). Due to the lack of backlash FROM ANY OF THESE GROUPS against craziness like tranny popularity, slutwalks, and divorce rape, one could surmise that the support of feminism is pretty much universal in the political sphere.
    And if “leftists” are defined as insane and wrong, does this not imply that “rightists” are correct? Well, again, left and right are not defined but in America these are typically codewords for the two major parties. Does the Republican party oppose feminism? Absolutely not.
    Who on the right speaks out on trannys? On equality between the sexes? Against perverse sexuality? Against divorce? Who on the right does anything but pander and give lip service to things like “family values” while silently continuing the feminist agenda?
    This article wants to attack and divide through groupthink, one third of our country who may want environmental protection, workers rights, and civil liberties, many of whom want nothing to do with feminism, while simultaneously self congratulating those on the other side for doing absolutely nothing at all to fight feminism.
    Rule #1 is know your enemy. If you define your enemy as the American political left, you could hold them out of office for the next 50 years completely, and in the meantime, the feminists will have radically changed this country, because you never correctly identified the enemy.

    1. Intelligent comment. I read the article mainly as an attack on SJW & politically correct totalitarianism. I think the tendency to equate the former with leftism is slightly lazy but not indefensible – the left does tend to be associated with SJW ‘progressivism’, and the worse excesses of the phenomena you mention above. But you’re absolutely right about those problems transcending the left-right divide.
      That’s a difficult issue to discuss perhaps, because both the left and the right are often funded by the same groups, and are therefore beholden to the same corporate interests. So yes, a more sophisticated analysis is probably necessary.
      One thing that I think the manosphere’s self-identification with the right misses is that given the fact that feminism, gay rights and progressivism generally has become so wound up in corporatism, and can count your average angle-american billionaire as its friends there’s a danger of missing a trick. Namely if you identify as a rebel, dissident, or even a revolutionary, how come you’re in bed with george soros etc?
      I rant about leftists myself but I would be open to a politically more transcendental approach.

        1. I thought the mamet analysis was good. The comments are raising some interesting issues

        2. It seems so. There’s a link to the book in the text, which is about why he is no longer a brain-dead liberal

        3. Kind of par for the course. Roosh should be paying us, dammit!
          Even the posters here question the quality of the OPs but hot damn if we don’t have a bunch of clever guys posting shit in the comments.

        4. My impression is that Roosh wants to move away from “fuck bitches, be happy” and discuss some bigger issues about the human condition.

      1. Why would an alliance of convenience on the part of true believer radicals and selfish self-absorbed corporate types appear inconceivable to you? They don’t have to agree, to use one another in the short term, do they?
        And I’m sorry, but “social justice” is not simply a phenomenon of the Left, it IS the Left, body and soul.

        1. there’s definitely an element of ‘an alliance of convenience’ but I suspect it goes deeper than that. If you think of right-wing as favouring ‘minimal government’ then the left has little to do that but feminism for instance depends fundamentally upon statism, and potentially corporatism – which sells feminism to women as an ‘independent’ consumer group. Corporatism has moreover sold progressivism and identity politics to the left as an alternative to the kind of radical critique of economics that might otherwise arise and which you wouldn’t ordinarily get from the right. Equally since the right sees itself as pro-business progressivism has made considerable inroads in that direction too to the extent that progressivism / identity politics have been successfully monetised

    2. Isn’t the definition of the left as follows…..that if you could only control what everyone did, thought and said, and what they earned and how they earned it and how they spent it it you could solve all the problems of the world.
      But they then find themselves in a spiral because as they implement their control and restrictions and the result isn’t their version of utopia – they then feel the problem is that they didn’t control and restrict people enough.
      Repeat over and over.
      I honestly think it starts with good intentions. And on a logical basis their ideas would probably have been implemented successfully and naturally (with everyone in the group voluntarily co-operating) when people lived in family sized tribes and groups of up to 150 people.
      The trouble is despite it seeming like natural logic that it should work for all sizes of population – history shows it doesn’t.
      The right – is more pragmatic and believes in the individual and family unit more. Giving them the right and ability to make decisions about their lives. But you are right, the ‘right’ still believe in personal freedoms just as much as the ‘left’. Actually the right believes in personal freedoms completely, while the left thinks you should conform to the beliefs it tells you to have. The right believes in personal freedoms for everyone – including the whites, who the left now like to target. The right also understands that people are different and accept that people have different abilities and talents. The left don’t like this and think that if they tell everyone not to talk about these differences the differences will disappear in a cloud of magic dust.

      1. Again, the problem is “right” and “left” are nebulous groups, and I find rarely at opposition on most issues, but,
        if you could only control what everyone did, thought and said, and what they earned and how they earned it and how they spent it

        Don’t we as traditional males want to be the head of the household where we control the behaviors of our wives and families? Isn’t the underlying premise of many redpill beliefs that women really don’t know what’s best for themselves and their freedoms must to some degree be curtailed, because they end up making choices like focusing on their career and postponing motherhood that eventually leads them to unhappiness?
        Doesn’t the political right control spending by outlawing certain things (weed, Cuban cigars), control behaviors (ex. outlawing abortion), and forcing spending (Medicare Part D, military spending). Going to extremes, didn’t the Nazi party attempt to change society by violently controlling how people thought and behaved?
        These are hardly tenants restricted to leftism. That is why we must define the enemy, or we lose.
        “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
        ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

        1. The Nazis, like others on the Left, used government power to create their own vision ofheaven on earth. The point of conservativism (true conservatism, not what you see represented in our politics today), is to make what would otherwise be a violent chaos, into as manageable of an arrangement as possible. Perfection is for the next life, that is if you believe in such a thing (as I do).
          What separates Left from Right is not the amount of governmental action each would choose to use, but their respective views on the malleability of human nature, human equality, and the goodness/selfishness of human beings. It’s on those lines that the distinctions are drawn.

        2. I’m sorry but it’s more complicated than that. The nazis were clearly a right wing ideology that adopted some methods of communism to rally and indoctrinate the citizens. There is really nothing left about preserving the purity of the race, family values and worshipping the history and culture of your people. There is no peoples for leftists in the first place.
          Using schools for indoctrination, surveillance, harsh punishments for discent, censorship – these are totalitarian methods, available to any ideology if it chooses to go the totalitarian route. Islam for example uses all of these, as did the Nazis and commies.

        3. Allow me to elaborate my point.
          The Nazi vision of a holy pagan past, was not just unChristian (and therefore a break from tradition), it was wholly fictitious. It was an imagined past, used as a goal for an imagined utopian future, not the careful preservation of learned lessons and truths. There was no worshipping of the actual Christian history and culture of Europe. That was thought of as weak and self-destructive. (And still is, if you listen to some of the Nazi sympathizers around here.)
          Jonah Goldberg of National Review wrote an excellent book on the subject called “Liberal Fascism.” The thesis of which was that National Socialism (that is to say generally speaking, beginning with Mussolini in Italy) was a practical concession to the traditional habits of the peoples of Europe, who didn’t adopt “workers of the world unite” as readily as they had anticipated. So rather than fight it, they would use the appeal of the past to further their aims for a socialist utopian future on a national, rather than internationalist level. Remember Marx didn’t invent socialism; it was his choice application of the idea of socialism. But this didn’t sit well with Moscow. Goldberg notes that in 1928 Stalin had decided that any party that didn’t adhere to Moscow’s leadership, would henceforth no longer be known as “Socialist” but “Fascist,” and right-wing. In short, it was an intra-movement struggle, not an ideological clash. Yes, Hitler’s personal anti-Semitism added an extra wrinkle to the German version of it, but this was entirely absent in places elsewhere like Italy or Spain.
          But here’s simple distinction to consider.
          If you believe that you can create the perfect world on earth, whatever your perfect world may look like, you’re not a conservative, you’re a utopian and you’re on the Left. It’s the Humanist high view of humanity, that was at the root of the Left in the Enlightenment. Whatever your vision of what a perfect world is, if you believe you can achieve it by human means, then you accept the principles of Humanism’s conceit in human vanity.
          By contrast, the whole point of conservatism, is that you can’t create a perfect world on earth, because you can’t have a perfect world without perfect people and man is fallen. Moreover, that any attempt to create it is doomed to failure and can only be approached across a sea of blood.

        4. The Nazis were only right of the Commies but were fighting over the same support base. Racism is neither left nor right, it is just WRONG.
          But maybe you have bought into the bullshit that racism is right wing and the right wing are racists? There was the whole bullshit of the “right wing authoritarian” that some PhD came up with to convince people that only right wingers are authoritarian and acting authoritarian is only right wing.
          The latter bullshit simply illustrated the left’s circular logic and echo chamber mentality.

        5. it seems a bit much to argue that nazism and soviet communism were essentially the same. i think the key difference lies in the attitude toward private property. it was mostly respected in nazi germany, whereas the soviets saw destroying the concept of private property as one of their main goals.

        6. I think that distinction is a bit illusory.
          Sure, the Soviets didn’t believe in private property, while the Nazis allowed a sort of pro forma retention of private property. But I ask you, what really is the significant part of owning property; retaining title to the property, or effective control over that property? The Nazis might have allowed you to keep the title, but the state still retained effective carte blanche to do with it/tell you what to do with it, as it pleased. One was direct control, the other indirect control. I don’t see much of a distinction. If the state can’t be prevented from taking property from you (w/o compensation), or micromanaging your use of it, then can it really be said that it’s yours?

        7. It only took property away from the Jews. I see right wing x left wing more as a natural law x nurture. Look at every right wing website. There are the so called conservatives, libertarians and nazis because many of the principals unite all three. Even here on this website. Fascism is certainly right wing.

        8. If you care to, for an alternative, watch from minute 20:25 to 35:20.

        9. Its just liberal propaganda. Liberals, after the realization of fascist regimes try to distance themselves from them by making them look socialist by hand picking quotes. I can also handpick quotes.
          A liberal ideologue praising fascism (before it got the negative press)
          It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history.
          Fascism is always a reaction against leftism/socialism in the days of crisis. Since in the days of crisis the capitalist class can’t mobilize enough of the bourgeoisie and petit-bourgeoisie they have to reach for the working class with a working class rhetoric.
          Since the capitalist class can’t deliver higher wages, they will deliver conspiracy theories about jews taking over the world creating a world government, racism, religious fundamentalism conservatism and other methods to split the working class.
          When a fascist regime takes over, it uses authoritarianism and terrorism to destroy every working class organization like unions, mass arrests and executions of leftists.
          It also begins with mass privatizations which the speaker above tried to cover up.
          Sometimes there are even top liberal ideologues as advisers of economic policies like Milton Friedman in fascist Chile.

        10. Left vs Right are definitely fictitious constructs by the two primary factions themselves. The purpose is to pit all members of the country against each other, reducing the chance for solidarity against the government itself. All dissenting opinions/actions are classified as “hate” in order to keep the masses at each other’s throats.
          All the while, we ignore the increasing loss of individual rights as congress’s effectiveness is measured in its ability to pass more and more laws designed to “keep us safe” (read: restrict our freedoms).

        11. indoctrination, surveillance, harsh punishments for discent, censorship
          You must be Referring to the Obama Administration.
          Indoctrination: Children being exposed to Homosexual/Feminist/SJW agendas with Promotion from the Left wing WhiteHouse and Media, (not only children but adults every-time the TV is turned on the big leftist SJW message is Broadcast)
          Surveillance :Ever hear of Snowdon?
          Harsh Punishment For Descent: Christians Refusing to cater certain Business to homosexuals (cakes for Queer weddings) because of religious beliefs, receive Fines and Public Shame in left wing Media
          Censorship: Anyone who Goes against the Feminist/SJW/Homosexual agenda is shamed, not to Mention the Left wing Media that Covered up disasters Like Benghazi and Operation Fast and Furious and have remained Silent about other important issues.
          Totalitarian, Yes, under Obama, that’s how Liberalism is evolving.

        12. I disagree, all left wing parties were traditionally against immigration and were pro-family.
          One look at the Nazi party’s policies show it to be left and socialist to it’s very core, literally every single one of its financial and welfare policies was socialist in nature (generous welfare, full employment, anti free market, etc…).
          It was a left wing socialist party.

        13. i don’t claim to be an expert on this, but it seems to me that there’s not a lot of difference between how private property worked in nazi germany and how it works in the US today. i’ve never heard of the nazis collectivizing farming, for example, and i don’t think they used eminent domain much differently.

        14. The original meaning of racism was simply that it’s a belief that there are some differences between the races. No more, no less.
          Once again humans think they are seperate from nature and for some reason think they are not like every other animal on earth.
          There are obviously differences between the races, and we all know this either conciously and accept it, conciously and hide it or subconciously and deny it.
          Not believing in racial differences is like arguing there is no difference between different breeds of dogs – which in fact are much more similar to each other genetically than the different races of humans that inhabit the earth.

        15. Nazi Germany was a totalitarian regime. The US used not to be one. Totalitarian regimes don’t respect property rights. Any “rights” you have under them are illusory, and are held at their pleasure, not your right. Just because all property wasn’t physically seized, doesn’t mean that those who kept it, controlled it. Until relatively recently, we have had genuine property rights in the US, where the state can’t just come and take w/o compensation, or micromanage our use of it. Although that really isn’t the case anymore in our new America. Or are you really contending that a property owner in Germany in 1938 was just as secure in his ownership and use of his property as was one in the US?

        16. yes, i am. i’m not an expert, but i’ve read quite a bit on WW2, the USSR, and nazi germany. i happen to speak russian and german too, and i’ve lived in both parts of the world (former USSR, and former nazi germany, i.e. austria). i can’t think of any examples of the nazi regime confiscating private property as was commonplace in the USSR. can you provide examples?

        17. No, I can’t (not in the sense of mass confiscation (save by that against the Jews, although it’s ridiculous to suppose that Hitler, happy to kill people out of personal dislike, never seized property out to personal dislike), but I don’t really think that matters for the point I’m trying to make. If this is just a measure of confiscation by the acre, then sure, ok, the USSR was worse. But why should that matter? Surely what matters is the precarious and illusory nature of “property rights” in any totalitarian regime. Your “rights” to property and anything else, rest on the good will of the authorities. Just because the Nazi system worked better by running on the “fear” of state action, rather than by the state just coming and taking your dirt, doesn’t seem to me a point of distinction worth any concern. No “rights” existed in either place, but the USSR was more active in exercising its tyranny over the average person’s property.

        18. Nazi’s marketed themselves as left wing to get in power and afterwards swung far right. Yes, they called themselves national socialists, but that’s only really accurate a label for some of the party’s policies, in truth they were a mixed bunch but as time wore on the left wing element eroded.
          They’re today held up as one of the prime examples of what goes wrong when the far right get in power.
          Stalins Russia was far left and is now held up as one of the prime examples of what goes wrong when the far left get into power.
          Both are examples of extremely authoritarian governments.
          Really it wasn’t the left or right wing elements that made them the monstrous things they were, it was the totalitarian and murderous nature of the people in charge.
          They were left and right wing dictatorships. A truly democratic right winger cannot really be put on par with Hitler and nor can a democratic left winger be likened to Stalin.
          Soviet Russia was very different to Norway yet Norway is rather left wing. In fact the capitalistic socialism of the Scandinavias constantly demonstrate that fear of socialism is a misplaced fear.
          People should be scared of dictators and those come in left and right wing flavour. We should pay attention to how authoritarian they are, not how left or right they are

        19. You almost got it spot on, but its not the government. They are just puppets. Their masters are the globalists or NWO.

        20. Apart from banning unions, enforcing the role of women as breeding stock, inherent anti-semitism, the collaboration with the industrial Capitalist class, the veneration of bloodlines, the rampant militarism and overt religiosity.
          So, you know, the bad bits.

        21. The high ranking members of the Nazi Party were overwhelmingly practising Catholics and were not excommunicated.
          With the exception of course of Goebbels who made the unforgivable sin of marrying a Protestant.

        22. Of all those things you listed, only the banning of unions would be seen as anti-left wing…….seeing as Germany was at threat from communism at the time and that the communists had largely taken control of the unions – the ban made sense and had nothing to do with left vs. right politics….
          You are confusing left wing with progressive liberalism
          There is nothing left or right wing about anti-semitism, many left wing leaders over the years have been against what they see as Jewish control of the economy.
          There is nothing left wing about feminism, most left wing parties in the 20th century were traditionalist and family orientated.
          There is nothing left wing about pro-immigration, indeed in the 19th century the left wing was completely against the idea of immigration from other cultures.
          Similarly, there is nothing right wing about militarism. Look how much communist Russia embraced militarism. The country took over half of Europe and spent much of its GDP on the military – does that mean communist Russia was right wing? Incidentally, communist Russia also banned unions.
          Now go and look at Nazi Germany’s actual economic and welfare policies and their outlook on free trade and money creation. If any party in the US proposed such policies they would be seen as coming from the extreme left not right.
          Even in Europe, where left wing governments are more common, there are no examples of parties with left wing policies like those of the Nazi party – the clue is in the name (National Socialism)……

        23. I’m not confusing anything, and I’m well aware of the history. You want to have your cake and eat it by claiming that names matter, except when they contradict your prejudices.
          There has always been a strong internationalist tendency in European socialism and liberalism, particularly in self-described Communist and anti-imperialist parties. There has always been an anti-militarist streak, whether in neutrality in Scandinavia, or pacifism in the British Labour Party of the 1920s. There has always been the idea that the liberation of women was tied up with social reform, from Mary Wollenstonecraft to Beatrice Webb.
          By your logic Otto von Bismarck would be a “leftist”, what with all that social insurance and national unity stuff. Might come as a surprise to some.
          I have read extensively on the Nazi economy, particularly Adam Tooze’s work, and the collaboration with the bosses of German industry is clear to see. They feared the socialists, not the Nazis, unless they were Jewish. And I don’t believe the Nazis when calling themselves socialists, any more than I believe North Korea calling itself a democratic republic. Perhaps you give these people more credit than I do.
          Fascism is derived from socialism in the same way, and to the same extent, that cyanide is derived from peaches. Strip away all the sweetness, crush the core and refine it into poison.
          Left and right are meaningless terms in politics and can and should be consigned to history.

        24. I agree that left and right are meaningless these days……
          The type of trade unionist left wing groups that my grand father was involved in the UK in the 20th century were traditionalist in outlook, valued the traditional family unit, supported the Queen and the empire, were extremely anti-immigration, were socially conservative and were proud of their contribution to WW1 and WW2 and believed in national service (two years in the military for all young men).
          Anti-semitism was also fairly common in leftist circles back then, at least as common as in right wing circles, many many people believed the Jews were behind communism and had too much control of the media and finance in capitalist countries….
          I fail to see what was so evil about the Nazi economic system though, the German people adored Hitler, he took over money creation from the banking cabal (a truly incredible achievement), believed in full employment and introduced generous welfare policies which were practically unheard of in those days and which encouraged traditional family life and made it easy to buy homes.
          His policies were hugely successful, he brought Germany from an economic basket case to an economic power house in only a few years and genuinely cared about the welfare of the people.
          I think there is a clear distinction between the Nazi party economic model and its actions in WW2 – the two are not linked. There is nothing about the national socialism model that calls for war or ant-semitism just as there is nothing about the capitalist model that calls for the invasion of third world countries.

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        26. I’ve actually noticed the Left starting to rebrand th USSR & Stalinism as “The Right.” They were very successful doing so with rebranding Nazism as “The Right.”
          Neither actually was, but the Left can’t permit itself to own their evil.
          These trends fit with the theme of the Left as insane.

        27. Never seen that myself, however it’s not exactly any kind of lie to acknowledge that the Nazis were an example of a far-right party.
          The Nazi Party destroyed the political apparatus of the working class, broke the trade union movement, and handed the economy over to German capitalist monopolies.
          That’s not socialism.
          Ignore the name (national socialists, democratic peoples republic of north korea. What’s a name?), they were far-right.
          The “far-left” is not the same thing as the “left” and the “far-right” is not the same thing as the “right”.
          One could think of it as the prefix “far” denoting a system or set of ideals that epitomise the bad aspects of the ideological label that follows.
          I personally view it as the point at which the state tries to impose it’s views in an uncompromising way and goes full authoritarian, which I personally am not keen on.
          Libertarian values are good to me.
          If you want to understand the differences between what left and right wing actually means then look at this.
          Before you do though you need to discard the idea that tumblr somehow represents the “left” and that “liberty and freedom” are solely the province of the right.
          Think like you’re planning to discuss this with an intelligent professor of politics and not some 16 year old drama queen girl who knows nothing.
          As an aside, if you ever think the Nazis were a socialist party remember this poem
          “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
          Because I was not a Socialist.
          Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
          Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
          Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
          Because I was not a Jew.
          Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

        28. Deny all you want. It proves my point that the Left is insane and has indoctrinated to the point they get an escape clause on their murderous regimes. They have rehabbed the National Socialists into far-right and are in the process of doing the same with Communism.
          They have, in most cases, even rehabbed Islam where incidents like 1000 public sexual assaults in Cologne, Germany & throughout Europe are the faults of the women.
          They are insane enough that a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. is “not inclusive and must be expunged” from a college building.
          They are nuts enough that a white liberal rapper singing about how bad “white privilege” is has been instructed he cannot do that because of his white skin. They are insane, they are liars, they are deceiving you.
          You are not ready for the red pill…

        29. Nope. Left wingers have rehabbed the Nazis into far-right because they cannot own their murderous regime as they are pathologically insane. Deny all you want, the truth is the truth and your denial proves they have indoctrinated you completely.

        30. Nailed it. Thank you. The Left has a wonderful propaganda machine that insists to the point of psychopathy that all the bad things are right wing. Even to the point of rehabbing Nazis (and working on Communists) as being Right wing. Hell, they are even convincing people that they are feminists while blaming Islamic rape in Europe on the women victims.
          The Left is clinically insane, and dangerous.

        31. The most basic private property anyone has is their body. Nazis killed 6 million Jews, at least that many others, and you tell me they respected private property? Please. Quit. Meth.

        32. Most basic property a person has is their body. See my comment above. And as to the remainder of private property, the Nazis stripped that of all “undesirables” they encountered.
          You are correct, there is little distinction indeed.

        33. Germany had been until the Reich an overwhelmingly Catholic country. Correlation is causation. You might as well have said, ‘Well, that Goebbels fellow had a PhD, therefore all PhDs must must must be nazis.”
          The Reich viewed Hitler as a demigod, and were creating a religion of their own Aryan mythology.

        34. Oh they were definitely against private property for Jews. Just not for everyone like the commies.

        35. One of us hasn’t taken the “red pill” here … 😉
          To be perfectly honest I don’t think you even read what I said for some reason…
          You can attempt to claim the Nazi’s were not right wing as much as you want.
          Doesn’t make it true.
          Just go do some in depth research look up the nature of the Nazi party and the muddiness of it all.
          In the end they were right wing. Just accept it and move on.
          Take the red pill, if you prefer that terminology.
          I know enough on this to know that you’re wrong here.
          As for the rest, I don’t really care. Was never talking about it before and am not talking about it now because I really am not all that keen on hearing more of the same.

        36. So basically, you’re the typical Left wing denier who is happy to try to disown the Nazis. Bad for you is if you bother to research old documentation you find that I am correct & your side lied & rehabbed the Nazis to be right wingers.
          We’re done here. Feel free to maintain your insanity on your own dime.

        37. Just go do your homework and stop being foolish. Look at nazi policies and learn the difference between left and right wing policies.
          Stop being ignorant.
          For your information I’m centrist and a bit libertarian. Some left wing philosophies don’t ring as good ideas and some right wing ideas don’t ring as good ideas.
          I’m against governments excessively imposing their idea of what i can and can’t do and I’m a far cry from being “left wing”, but I get the impression you live in a black and white world there’s no such thing as a centrist.
          If so then it is ironic that you seem to think you accept the truth to things.

        38. I actually have read the original Nazi policy as delivered in 1920; in the original German. It is not right-wing. One union of their people, universal pensions, universal healthcare, taking of land without compensation to give to others, etc. etc.
          And you may get all kinds of impressions, but that is on you, and not representative of me. If you have impressions, I suggest it is you- backfilling what you think you know of me from a few mere posts.
          Centrism isn’t the be-all and end-all. Some things actually are black and white. If not, you would realize you cannot cast aspersions on another person because that is being black and white. Thus violating your professed centrism.
          In other words, y

        39. Well, they took the property of many besides Jews. The nazi platform of 1920 called for confiscation of land and businesses that would be given away to others. They enacted this as a Reich. “Redistribution of Wealth” was a familiar theme to them, but in the original German of course!

        40. how do you say “redistribution of wealth” in german? my german is ok, but not perfect. i watched “the triumph of the will” once (it’s on youtube) and while i remember a lot of talk about altruism, i don’t remember the specific phrase “redistribution of wealth” being used.
          you make an interesting point, but i still have never heard that the nazis ultimate goal was to abolish private property. that was the ultimate goal of soviet communism. throw me some links if you have evidence to the contrary.

        41. Well, I’d say google the nazi party platform of 1920, but that might sound snarky. It’s in there though. And popped throughout their policies, laws, Hitler’s autobiography it is in there. Just because they were to the right of Communists doesn’t mean they were far right.
          There is a thing I noticed with most Westerners (particularly of the Left); it is a complete inability to take evildoers at their own word. Read what they said about themselves, not the vomitings of a leftist professor born decades after the war who is trying like hell to spin them as anything but what they were.
          Have a nice day,

        42. Favouring political centrism does not mean adhering to some kind of philosophy of centrism. I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that it does.
          I can quite happily “cast aspersions”, as you put it, without violating my preference for political centrism.
          Seriously man, what the fuck?
          As for the Nazi’s. Refer to the very first line in my first post: Nazi’s marketed themselves as left wing to get in power and afterwards swung far right.
          You have only confirmed the first part of what I said in that very first sentence.
          Come on…
          Go the whole way or don’t even try.

        43. Ok. We’re done here. You have swallowed the propaganda the Left fed you hook line and sinker. You can do the hard work and look at what the nazis said about themselves and what was said by their contemporary critics, or you can be lazy and accept the lies on your own dime.
          Occam’s razor:
          1. They were Socialists.
          2. They lied and magically hid their true crypto-conservative tendencies and
          miraculously turned far right once in power while leaving a paper trail that pretended they were socialists, and there is an international conspiracy
          to make them seem like leftists that was revealed decades later by good socialist academics that weren’t even alive at the time.
          Good luck,

        44. You really should look up what happened to the socialists who were in the Nazi party for the sake of socialism.
          The ones who were on board with anything that broke “Jewish financial capitalism” for the sake of breaking the Jews were on Hitlers side.
          The ones who were on board with the breaking of capitalism full stop died.
          I believe it was the Strasserists or some such. They’re probably among the ones who are referred to among as socialists in the reference to the communists and socialists who were targeted by Nazis.
          There’s nothing magical about lying to people.
          Occams razor is simply that they had all sorts in their number and gradually shifted in attitude as time went on, and as people died.
          No fancy conspiracy necessary.

        45. Quotes by Hitler as time went on.
          “we are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system”
          [socialism] “has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism,”
          “Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not.”
          “Socialism! That is an unfortunate word altogether… What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism.”
          “I absolutely insist on protecting private property… we must encourage private initiative”
          “private initiative of German business will experience its greatest moment”
          “the further development of humanity through the promotion of private initiative, in which alone I see the precondition for all real progress.”
          For Hitler talk of socialism was populist speak. He didn’t really give a fuck about it.
          You’re being lazy by not looking past that which simply confirms your desire for this to be “lefties spinning a tale”.

        46. Perhaps the issue here is just that you don’t actually know what far-right means in terms of politics.
          I’ll admit I managed to lose sight of the distinction in my annoyance at your asinine “it’s all a leftie conspiracy” nonsense and switched to targeting your goalposts without thinking about what I was doing (my mistake).
          Stopping to think for a sec I believe your issue is that you’re arguing against the Nazi’s being right wing as opposed to arguing against them being far-right.
          Were they xenophobic?
          Did they hold to an idea of inequality whereby one group of people are considered superior to another?
          Were they nationalistic and of the opinion that their nation was intrinsically superior to others?
          Were they reactionary?
          Yes, yes, yes, yes
          They were far-right.

        47. Small words: Because. Nazis. Were. Just. To. Right. Of. Commies. Doesn’t. Mean. They. Were. Right. Wing.

        48. Far-right.
          As for being just to the right of Commies. lol. They were closer to modern Europes right wing style than they were to Commies. More akin to the pre-Blair labour party of England in terms of social policy in certain ways, only a shit ton more brutal, xenophobic and authoritarian.
          and labour were nowhere near being communist.

        49. Perhaps some examples are necessary.
          A white supremacist group is an example of a far-right group.
          A monarchy that believes in and violently enforces the idea of divinely endowed superiority in the royal family is an example of a far-right group.
          A nobility that believes in the inherent superiority of noble stock over peasant stock is a far-right group.
          A nationalist government that believes in the inherent superiority of one race over another is a far-right group.
          Do you get it now?
          The nazis were far-right.

      2. I agree, but to me it seems like the left wants its cake and to eat it too. Traditional conservatives understand the difficulty in survival, and the family is constructed as a team to help each other persist. If the family is the ultimate goal of life, then institutions like marriage, chastity, and giving your daughter away were drawn up to ensure healthy, stable marriages. Some fteedoms were taken away so that survival was made easier.
        Liberals want to be able to bypass the ideals of conservative family life but still get the benefits of it when they decide its time to settle down. They want to control biology and have children in their 30’s. They want to be given the freedom to do as they please, but have the government there to back them up if they fail. They want to get an art degree and demand that CEO’s give up their money to them and other poor people to even the playing field.

        1. The right says it’s pro-traditional family and Sarah Palin’s daughter and Britney Spears have babies out of wedlock and are pregnant before the age of 21. The left say it’s anti-war and Obama spent more on military and drones than G.W. Bush. You can find inconsistencies on both sides so why focus on it or even side with conservative or liberal? They are both hypocrites to a degree.

        2. Everyone has their bad apples. Most of us politically active conservatives wish the Palins would go away.

      3. Your conclusions are mistaken, and are the result of trying to squash centuries of disparate traditions and theories into a binary definition.
        Orwell was a committed socialist and opposed to totalitarianism. Friedman was a relentless supporter of free markets, and the Chilean dictatorship. Pope Francis argues for union rights, environmental protection and the traditional family.
        Are they of the left or the right?

      4. Originally it was a continuum. Now one side (the left) has made it absolutist so as
        to corral bad people from their side with the other side, and to shut down anyone that dares question them. Funny how people can see this with the SJWs but cannot see past the propaganda otherwise.

      5. About those differences…SJWs say:
        Women are the equals of men
        All men are pigs
        The dots represent an unspoken third line they secretly believe to be true. It is the key to their self-hatred. You can fill in the third line yourself.

    3. well no, both right and left are often wrong
      It’s just that left wing errors are more costly, while right wing beliefs tend to align better with reality
      besides, i don’t think feminism and identity equalism in general can be separated from the political left in america

      1. I don’t like delving too far into political history, because politicians have no allegiances and will flip positions immediately, but consider:
        The Republicans passed women’s suffrage (36-8) with some Democratic support (20-17) over the objections of President (D) Wilson. The Republican states led the movement, with the last Democratic state taking up to 60 years to ratify.
        Equal Rights Amendment supported by (R) Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford
        1970 – Republicans introduced the Senate’s first bill to legalize abortion
        Ronald Reagan (R) signed first no-fault divorce bill in California, which spread to the rest of the country
        Saying that the left is more feminist than the right may be true on some academic level, but it’s like saying the right is more warmongering than the left–yeah maybe some loonies like John McCain want to bomb Iran but it turns out hawks like Obama and Hillary will find plenty of wars of their own to start, wedding parties to murder, and new countries to invade. The difference between these two groups simply does not exist.
        Could you quantify the above damage and find 4 things Democrats did which were slightly worse? Maybe, but so what? While we are bickering over nonsense like this, the feminists are busy winning.

        1. The real right is Orthodox monarchy with rulers like Putin.
          “While we are bickering over nonsense like this, the feminists are busy winning.”
          Feminists aren’t winning in Russia. Why not? Because, you they’re returning to Orthodoxy to a foundation based on exactly what you’re afraid of below:
          “I’m not a fan of ‘left vs right’ thinking. The left / right paradigm assumes there are only 2 answers to a question and whichever side one subscribes to is always right and the other side is always wrong. Not only is this fallacious and specious thinking, but in this case it assumes there is a pro-feminism side in politics, and an anti-feminism, and there is not.”

          A culture needs to be able to automatically reject certain stupid suicidal ideas (like feminism) that have destroyed civilizations everywhere they were tried. Otherwise, there will an opportunity for someone like Saul Alinsky and his proteges (Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, etc) to apply their Rules for Radicals.
          “(4). There can be no conversation between the organizer and his opponents. The latter must be depicted as being evil.”
          If a society doesn’t have some foundation of absolute truth to say, “No we’re good. You’re evil and you must be punished for even suggesting/attempting such evil things” then society will just engage in endless debates and compromises until the Saul Alinsky types are in complete power and controlling the education of all children.
          Lets say a man in dress shows up at your house demanding you allow him to move inside with you, have sex with your wife and children, have access to all money your earn to spend for himself, and control what everyone else does and says. Do you stand there and debate him? Do you try to bargain with him? Well, you can move in, but you can’t sleep with my wife and children. “No, no, the world needs free love, I must have sex with them.” Well, ok, how about you can just have sex with my wife, the children aren’t old enough to consent. Etc, etc, etc. No! You start kicking his ass and throw him off your property. A nation is just a large extended family that needs protected in the same way.

        2. I’m not 100% with you on the Orthodox being the bedrock of anti-feminism. Comparatively, when Muslim fanatics are asked why they vested themselves in religion it’s because it was a bedrock they could anchor themselves to when everything else was out of whack. Meaning religion benefits from turbulent times rather than religion preventing turbulent times.
          What a lot of people miss is that feminism was a non-starter until the early 1970s. Sure there were bra-burners before then, but they were noise and not a serious movement. Instead, when the Western economies completely surrendered to banking interests in ’73-’74, wages went flat and then into decline. For households to maintain their standard of living women went to work. Thus in the West feminism became the justification for the “new normal” rather than the root. So long as Russia does not subvert its national interests for the interests of private capital feminism is a non-player. The second that changes, Russia will join the rest of Western world and be a society at odds with itself.

        3. Feminism succeeded in toppling the husband/father from his place in the family, stripping men of their privileges in society and the power to carry out their duties.
          It then succeeded in bringing women into the workplace and the universities.
          Then it succeeded in giving women the vote and political office.
          All of this set the stage for the final social/cultural/religious push in the 60s, that you complain aboutt. But it didn’t just come out of nowhere.

        4. You are on to something here. I recently made a thorough posting on the modern history of the American economy. Real wages are lower than they were in the 1960s. Every decade we have gone to some extreme hypodermic needle to inject money in an attempt to keep the party rolling.. credit cards, women in the workplace, mortgages, quantitative easing. I don’t know what’s next but I think they are running out of tricks.
          I like thinking about orthodox religion being a bedrock in turbulent times as opposed to preventing turbulence. Women in medieval times didn’t WANT to slut around because their options were so limited, and they knew that no decent man would ever value her if she gave up the pussy before marriage. Whereas today women know that there are white knights who will wait in line for the opportunity to just spend a meal with her, in the hopes of one day perhaps kissing her on the cheek, regardless of how many cocks shes taken.
          I think there is some truth here, although perhaps as humans who are barely around long enough on this planet to make much of an impact, we simply can’t see how religion would prevent turbulence. In the end, however, it doesn’t matter. People behave the way they do, and rationalizing it, or thinking they should be operating differently is a silly exercise, at least until AI takes over.

        5. My friend, you are confusing the effect for the cause. When your labor, by design, is valued less than your father’s, your value, as a man, diminishes. The woman then must use her labor, against maternal and domestic instincts, to supplement that lost value or concede to having a diminished standard of living. That is an economic and historical fact. It happened in the US beginning in 1974.
          How does she reconcile fighting against her “biological clock” and 1.4 million years of evolution? By ascribing to new ideals, which is blanketed by the term “feminism”.
          Succinctly, what stripped men and toppled the family was not crazed women shouting “rape” and “patriarchy”. It was that women, relying on men to bring home the bread alone, weren’t going to do as well as their mothers, and what woman would respect or want that?
          Feminism is an after-thought to this, and just exploited the void in the male’s loss of value.
          If you want to peer further over the fence concerning women in the workplace, voting, political office and education, ask yourself this important question: Why is it, despite having equality to males since 1919 and numerous female firsts, that the former Soviet Union and satellite countries are not a feminist paradise?

        6. Well, I’ll take the last point first. The revolution looks different in the former Soviet Union, than it does in the West, because there it was accomplished all at once by a violent revolution. In the West, it took the implementation of Gramsci’s “march through the institutions” to weaken the traditions and customs of society sufficiently, in order to allow for a silent revolution to take place. Which clearly it has. You didn’t need that kind of thing in Russia, because there they just threw priests into a frozen lake.
          Different path, different consequences, same goal.
          Also, bear in mind that Eastern Europe’s relative differences on this issue are still in great part owed to its relative poverty.
          I see the economic transition in a very different light. It wasn’t the desire of women to not have their position lessen from that of their mothers, quite the contrary. Rather, with the advances of the Industrial Revolution, women were for the first time able to live (apparently) separate existences from men, and still survive. They were no longer reliant on men directly, for mere survival. They could have all of the benefits of living in a society with men, but increasingly without having to be reciprocal in their duty to a single man.
          I think you ought to read some of the original source feminist material from the late 19th century, if you think this radicalism is new. I swear, you could take some of it verbatim, post it on Jezebel, and look in place.

        7. I find that I agree with much of your insight… The AI by the way is named Zorba and she’s been watching us for quite some time now! 😉

    4. In america most feminists / gays identify with the dem party now. Anybody who disagrees with them is misogynist or homophobic and guilty until proven innocent.

      1. From exit polls, 56% of white women voted for Romney. It was non-whites who gave Obama a second term. But yes, the gays overwhelmingly supported Obama.

    5. Feminism has led to sodom and gomorrah.
      They’ve legalised gay marriage – but this is to ditract us from societal collapse.
      We refuse to acknowledge God and what he wants – so we are left to wallow in the consequences of our unchecked desires, which is destroying us.
      Whilst our backs are turned and we are distracted, the people who are ‘leaders’ are mere puppets and slaves to evil – they’re making pacts to destroy us.
      Time to buckle up, because not everyone is going to make it off this ride.

      “I’m not a fan of “left vs right” thinking.”
      Probably because you’re a leftist who is afraid to admit it because you see how badly your side is fucking up.
      “The left / right paradigm assumes there are only 2 answers to a question and whichever side one subscribes to is always right and the other side is always wrong.”
      No, it simply is to show that two different points of view exist that are the main ones in society.
      “Not only is this fallacious and specious thinking, but in this case it assumes there is a pro-feminism side in politics, and an anti-feminism, and there is not.”
      My god, you are truly a leftist retard. YES, there is a pro-feminism side in politics IT’s THE FUCKING LEFT. It’s obvious, you moron. To be fair, the right (mainstream right) isn’t THAT anti-feminist, they still have their feminist nonesense, but not NEARLY as much as the left. Look at who’s pushing the “war on women” and all that trash, it’s ALL LEFTIES.
      “I tended to support the Democratic Party over the Republicans, primarily due to environmental protection, education, free trade, civil liberties, and war. Does that make me a leftist?”
      YES IT MAKES YOU A LEFTIST BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE. Also, Democrat party supports civil liberties? Yeah, but only those of women and minorities at THE EXPENSE of straight, white, men. So, it’s not really civil liberties, but more like privilege. If you support the Democratic party based on “civil liberties” then you’re basically supporting feminism, because those are the types of “civil liberties” they’re pursuing.
      “but when you use inflammatory words like “libtard” and equate leftism with Nazis, you lose a lot of your audience.”
      Obvious concern trolling.
      “one could surmise that the support of feminism is pretty much universal in the political sphere.”
      Yeah, because left-wing morality/views are universal. Even for a lot of “conservatives”.
      “Well, again, left and right are not defined”
      Yes they are. You just obfuscate the definition by concern trolling.
      “Does the Republican party oppose feminism? Absolutely not.”
      No, but that’s because they need votes, too. Left-wing morality is universal, so even Republicans must go along with it. Plus, the Rep feminism isn’t NEARLY as insane and hateful as Democrat feminism.
      “Who on the right speaks out on trannys? On equality between the sexes? Against perverse sexuality? Against divorce? Who on the right does anything but pander and give lip service to things like “family values” while silently continuing the feminist agenda?”
      Well, plenty of people, actually. But you wouldn’t know about that because you’re too busy watching The Daily Show or MSNBC because you’re a LEFTIST.
      “This article wants to attack and divide through groupthink”
      No, that’s what YOU are trying to do by concern trolling
      “one third of our country who may want environmental protection, workers rights, and civil liberties, many of whom want nothing to do with feminism”
      No, that 1/3 of society supports feminism tooth and nail, you idiot. Also, “environmental protection, workers rights, and civil liberties” stop trying to make the democrat party sound like it’s trying to do good, you concern trolling shithead. They’re fucking up the US worse than the Republicans (which is saying something).
      “while simultaneously self congratulating those on the other side for doing absolutely nothing at all to fight feminism.”
      It’s not congratulating either side. The Republicans aren’t allowed to actively speak against feminism because, again, left-wing morality is universal in the US. They have to go along with it if they want votes. However, at least they do occasionally speak out againt the more insane feminist garbage, which the other side (left) doesn’t, at all.
      “If you define your enemy as the American political left, you could hold them out of office for the next 50 years completely, and in the meantime, the feminists will have radically changed this country, because you never correctly identified the enemy.”
      THE POLITICAL LEFT AND FEMINISTS ARE THE SAME GROUP. Get it through your thick, commie skull. And no, the left will always be in office, no matter who identifies them as the enemy because, AGAIN, left-wing morality is universal, therefore they win very easily. If you remove the political left, you remove a lot of feminist trash (unless you get a spineless conservative, who is too afraid to do anything).
      Go eat shit and die, you crypto-commie pile of shit.

      1. To be fair, the right (mainstream right) isn’t THAT anti-feminist, they still have their feminist nonesense
        left-wing morality/views are universal. Even for a lot of “conservatives”.
        [The Republican party doesn’t oppose feminism] because they need votes, too. Left-wing morality is universal, so even Republicans must go along with it.
        The Republicans aren’t allowed to actively speak against feminism

        Thank you for sharing my concern.

    7. I think it is rather demonstrable that most issues can be broken down into left and right opinions, and most people will consistently fall to the left or the right. The Left-Right paradigm is useful but certainly does not tell the whole story.
      Most people don’t understand most issues and will go with their left-right bias. People who know their shit will piss off the zealots because they have a more nuanced understanding of what is in play and thus take a more centered approach in many cases.
      It is a myth that conservatives don’t want environmental protection or workers’ rights or most other canards that the left claims for its own.

    8. Right Wing sites like Drudge Report, Breitbart, the Blaze, will mock feminism and not support it, i’d be surprised if Left wing sites mock or ridicule feminism(most left wing media Empowers feminism).I don’t know my History on feminism to well, but I think it’s Roots of Origin is Left wing.

    9. No one has excused the Republicans if being very right wing in the past 30 years at least.
      For this purpose, leftist really means statist or totalitarian. We see a lot of this from both parties. Left wing theory embraces Keynesian economics and the nanny state. Right wing theory embraces Austrian economics and the sovereignty of the individual. The latter theory doesn’t fit in with politicians that seek to grow the leviathan state in their own interest.

      1. Well, the 2 dimensional matrix found in The World’s Smallest Political Quiz is a much more rational explanation, because both “liberal” and “conservative” groups can be either authoritarian or anarchist.
        What we have in America is mainly liberal statists and conservative statists, and nothing that is centrist or above the middle of the chart. And boy do I wish anyone on the “right” supported Austrian economics!

        1. I think you’ll find that this site is balls deep in Austrian economics. I agree that R/D in America is basically two sides of the same coin. Each politician has to be examined individually anyway. Voting for letters in front of names is a recipe for disaster.
          That’s the purpose of ROK though. Men are naturally logical animals, and individuals who can think critically without emotion are very difficult to control. Statist hate that, SJWs hate that, and feminazis hate that.

    10. The enemy is the NWO or the top .01%. They are the ones pulling the strings on pop culture in order to CREATE the divide and conquer paradigms. Black vs White, Straight vs. Gay, Feminist vs. Patriarchy, Tranny vs. whatever, blah blah blah. You are spot on in that we need to know thy enemy. If you are not in the top .01%, then the enemy IS the top .01%. With that in mind, almost every single human on this planet is on THE SAME SIDE vs. what amounts to be basically the billionaire class. Although, there is another subgroup just under the billionaires that essentially maintain the order. Lawyers, bankers, politicians, etc… So actually its about 95% vs. 5%. But still we have the numbers. We just need to wake up to the fact that we are being PLAYED hard vis-a-vis a divide and conquer strategy brought to us by the NWO.

      1. No, it’s not. Everything in the 4th edition has been supplanted by the 5th. Nice try, though.

        1. Says who? Amazing how that changes eh. I never cared what was in the DSM. It’s full of this like the people who rely on it.

    1. Your timing is unfortunate (for you). If you look below those red pillers are currently thrashing out some pretty substantial differences. Doesn’t happen much on the Huff post

      1. Your BTW not you’re
        And clearly you’ve never spent time reading huff posts forums.
        The point was more they have here too (for example the word red pill also “leftist”)

        1. That’s why I wrote ‘happy now’. I wrote a reply calling you pedantic on my phone but disqus wouldn’t post it. So no deceit. Incidentally do you check your every post?

        2. You actually troll this site looking for typos? Shouldn’t you be at xojane blogging about lip injections and bulimia?

        3. Re “the Truth” , removed by “Squid”:

          ◄ Revelation 12:12 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!
          But woe to the earth and the sea,
          because the devil has gone down to you!
          He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”
          ◄ John 10:10 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
          I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
          📖 John 14:6 ❤️
          New International Version (NIV)
          “6 Jesus answered,
          “I Am
          The Way and
          The Truth and
          The Life.
          No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

        4. Well the fact that you were removed for spamming there was your own fault. You were warned by a moderator multiple times.

        5. Why?
          📖 Revelation 20:4 📖
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge.
          And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
          because of their testimony about Jesus
          and because of the word of God.
          They had not worshiped the beast
          or its image
          and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands.
          They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
          ◄ 1 John 3 ►
          New International Version
          1See what great love the Father has lavished on us,
          that we should be called children of God!
          And that is what we are!
          The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
          2Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known.
          But we know that when Christ appears,
          we shall be like Him,
          for we shall see Him as He is.
          3All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as He is pure.”
          📖 Job 18:25-27 ❤️
          25I know that my Redeemer lives,
          and that in the end He will stand on the earth.
          26And after my skin has been destroyed,
          yet in my flesh I will see God;
          27I myself will see Him
          with my own eyes—I, and not another.
          How my heart yearns within me!”
          🌌 Matthew 10:28-31 🌋
          “28And fear not them which kill the body,
          but are not able to kill the soul:
          but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
          29Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
          and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
          30But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
          31Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”
          ◄ Revelation 12:12 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!
          But woe to the earth and the sea,
          because the devil has gone down to you!
          He is filled with fury,
          because he knows that his time is short.”
          ◄ Matthew 18:6 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “If anyone causes one of these little ones–
          those who believe in Me–to stumble,
          it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck
          and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
          ◄ Hebrews 10:31 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
          📖 John 15:18-25 ❤️
          The World Hates the Disciples
          18“If the world hates you,
          keep in mind that it hated Me first.
          19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.
          As it is, you do not belong to the world,
          but I have chosen you out of the world.
          That is why the world hates you.
          20Remember what I told you:
          ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’
          If they persecuted Me,
          they will persecute you also.
          If they obeyed My teaching,
          they will obey yours also.
          21They will treat you this way because of My name (ie, teaching and authority)
          for they do not know the One Who sent Me.
          22If I had not come and spoken to them,
          they would not be guilty of sin;
          but now they have no excuse for their sin.
          23Whoever hates Me hates My Father as well.
          24If I had not done among them the works no one else did,
          they would not be guilty of sin.
          As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both Me and My Father.
          25But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law:
          ‘They hated me without reason.’”
          📖 Psalm 69:4 📖
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Those who hate me without reason
          outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause,
          those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what I did not steal.”

        6. Because you were spamming the same crap over and over after you were told not to multiple times.

        7. An “evil” equal to
          if not greater than Nazism exists in our present time;
          Now that’s a crime against all of humanity,
          and deserves our utmost attention and discussion,
          but more so reaction and prayer;
          If not, we need be all ashamed and will face the horrific consequences;
          A nuclear Iran!
          May God through Jesus Christ, help us all!
          John 5:24-26
          New International Version (NIV)
          “24 “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears My Word📖 and believes Him Who sent Me has eternal life
          and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.
          25 Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead ( ie, spiritually dead )
          will hear the voice of the Son of God
          and those who hear will live.
          26 For as the Father has life in Himself,
          so He has granted the Son also to have life in Himself.”

        8. Re “who has the last ‘word’”:
          📖 John 12:48 📖
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “There is a judge for the one who rejects Me
          and does not accept My words;
          the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.”
          📖 Matthew 12:36 📖
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment
          for every empty word they have spoken.”
          📖 John 5:28-31 📖
          28“Do not be amazed at this, for a time
          Is coming
          when all who are in their graves
          will hear his voice
          29and come out—
          those who have done what is good will rise to live,
          and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.
          30By Myself I can do nothing;
          I judge only as I hear,
          and My judgment is just,
          for I seek not to please Myself but Him Who sent Me.
          Testimonies About Jesus
          31“If I testify about Myself, My testimony is not true.
          32There is another Who testifies in My favor,
          and I know that His testimony about Me is true.”
          📖 Revelation 22:12-17 ❤️
          Epilogue: Invitation and Warning
          12“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me,
          and I will give to each person according to what they have done.
          13I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,
          the Beginning and the End.
          14“Blessed are those who wash their robes,
          that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.
          15Outside are the dogs,
          those who practice magic arts,
          the sexually immoral,
          the murderers, the idolaters and
          everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
          16“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the churches.
          I Am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
          17The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”
          And let the one who hears say, “Come!”
          Let the one who is thirsty come;
          and let the one who wishes
          take the free gift of the water of life.”
          📖 Revelation 3:20 ❤️
          New International Version (NIV)
          “20 Here I Am!
          I stand at the door and knock.
          If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,
          I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me.” 🌈

        9. To quote yourself in another post:
          “You are free to believe what you wish”:
          FYI: just don’t express your views in public or on “Squid” ( ’cause you’ll be censored/deleted )
          “Squid’s”post: what do you ‘think’ on this issue?
          So much for that and an open discussion.
          Kim Jong Un would be proud.
          “Of course! How selfish of me.
          Let’s do ( or say ) all the things that you wanna do.” ( or say ). 🙁
          Ace Ventura:When Nature Calls
          “I’m Only A Man”

          ref Romans 7:14-25
          “14We know that the law is spiritual;
          but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.
          15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
          16And if I do what I do not want to do,
          I agree that the law is good.
          17As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it,
          but it is sin living in me.
          18For I know that good itself does not dwell in me,
          that is, in my sinful nature.
          For I have the desire to do what is good,
          but I cannot carry it out.
          19For I do not do the good I want to do,
          but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.
          20Now if I do what I do not want to do,
          it is no longer I who do it,
          but it is sin living in me that does it.
          21So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good,
          evil is right there with me.
          22For in my inner being I delight in God’s law;
          23but I see another law at work in me,
          waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.
          24What a wretched man I am!
          Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?
          25Thanks be to God,
          Who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!
          So then,
          I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law,
          but in my sinful natured a slave to the law of sin.”
          🌈 John 14:27 🌈
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Peace I leave with you;
          My peace I give you.
          I do not give to you as the world gives.
          Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
          📖 Deuteronomy 31:6 🌈
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Be strong and courageous.
          Do not be afraid or terrified because of them,
          for the LORD your God goes with you;
          He will never leave you nor forsake you.”
          📖 Hebrews 13:5 🌈
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Keep your lives free from the love of money
          and be content with what you have,
          because God has said,
          “Never will I leave you;
          never will I forsake you.”
          🍞 Matthew 4:4 📖
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Jesus answered,
          “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread 🍞 alone,
          but on every word 📖 that comes from the mouth of God.’”
          📖 John 5:39 ❤️
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “You study the Scriptures 📖diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life 🌌🌾.
          These are the very Scriptures that testify about Me,”📖➡️❤️
          📖 John 6:66-68 🌌
          66From that time many of his disciples went back,
          and walked no more with Him.
          67Then said Jesus unto the twelve,
          Will ye also go away?
          68Then Simon Peter answered Him,
          Lord, to whom shall we go?
          Thou hast the words of eternal life.”
          ref John 1:1-14

        10. TOP DEFINITION
          ti;dr means, Too ignorant, don’t reply. It was spawned when the number of illiterate fags proliferated on the internet. In other words, it is the anti tl;dr.
          OP : -insert valid point-
          Failure: tl;dr <— Omg illiteracy, so cool.
          OP: … ti;dr
          “There’s Gotta Be a Change”

          ◄ 2 Corinthians 5:17 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          if anyone is in Christ,
          the new creation has come:
          The old has gone,
          the new is here!”

          📖 John 12:32-33 ❤️
          32And I,
          if I be lifted up from the earth,
          will draw all men unto me.
          33This He said,
          signifying what death he should die.”

        11. Spoken like a “true man”:
          ❤️ Jeremiah 17:9-10 ❤️
          “9The heart is deceitful above all things
          and beyond cure.
          Who can understand it?
          10“I the Lord search the heart
          and examine the mind,
          to reward each person according to their conduct,
          according to what their deeds deserve.”
          :::For we’re only men::;

          📖 Matthew 11:27-28 ❤️
          27“All things have been committed to me by my Father.
          No one knows the Son except the Father,
          and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
          28“Come to Me,
          all you who are weary and burdened,
          and I will give you rest.
          29Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
          and you will find rest for your souls.
          30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
          📖➡️❤️➡️🌈➡️🌌 🌾
          Jesus Christ: God, the Word 📖 made flesh ❤️.
          ref Genesis 1:1, 26-27; John 1:1-14.

        12. 🌌 Psalm 203:7-19 🌎
          7He made known His ways to Moses,
          his deeds to the people of Israel:
          8The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
          slow to anger, abounding in love.
          9He will not always accuse,
          nor will He harbor his anger forever;
          10He does not treat us as our sins deserve
          or repay us according to our iniquities.
          11For as high as the
          heavens 🌌 are above the earth 🌎,
          so great is His love for those who fear Him;
          12as far as the east is from the west,
          so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
          13As a father has compassion on his children,
          so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him;
          14for He knows how we are formed,
          He remembers that we are dust.
          15The life of mortals is like grass,
          they flourish like a flower of the field;
          16the wind blows over it and it is gone,
          and its place remembers it no more.
          17But from everlasting to everlasting
          the Lord’s love is with those who fear Him,
          and His righteousness with their children’s children—
          18with those who keep His covenant
          and remember to obey his precepts.
          19The Lord has established His throne in heaven,
          and His kingdom rules over all.”🌈
          :::For this we should all be ‘Thankful’:::

          There’s still time to
          “Turn Around”:

          and “Fight For Your ( My ) Soul”:

        13. 📖 James 4:17 📖
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do
          and doesn’t do it,
          it is sin for them.”
          📖 John 8:31-32 📖
          New International Version (NIV)
          Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are
          “31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said,
          “If you hold to my teaching 📖,
          you are really my disciples.
          32 Then you will know the truth📖,
          and the truth 📖 will set you free.”
          ❤️ John 8:36 🌈
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “So if the Son sets you free,
          you will be free indeed.”🌈
          📖 1 John 5:12 🌾
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Whoever has the Son
          has life 🌾;
          whoever does not have the Son of God
          does not have life 🌾.”
          ◄ John 17:3 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Now this is eternal life 🌌🌾:
          that they know You,
          the only true God,
          and Jesus Christ,
          Whom you have sent.”
          📖➡️❤️➡️🌈➡️🌾🌌 ☝️

        14. Hahaha still waisting your time posting stuff I wont expand huh?
          You know I only catch like the first line then don’t even open it right?

        15. ❤️ John 6:44 🌈
          “No one can come to Me❤️
          unless the Father Who sent Me draws them,
          and I will raise them up at the last day.”🌾🌌
          ❤️ John 15:16 🌈
          “You did not choose Me,
          but I chose you
          and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit–
          fruit that will last–
          and so that whatever you ask
          in My Name
          ( ie, according to My Word 📖 )
          the Father will give you.”
          📖 Isaiah 55:11 🌌
          “So is My word 📖 that goes out
          from My mouth:
          It will not return to me empty,
          but will accomplish what I desire
          and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
          📖 John 6:63 ❤️
          “The Spirit gives life 🌾🌌;
          the flesh counts for nothing.
          The words 📖 I have spoken to you–
          they are full of the Spirit and life 🌾.”
          📖 John 6:68 ❤️
          “Simon Peter answered him,
          “Lord, to whom shall we go?
          You have the words of eternal life.” 🌌🌾
          📖➡️❤️➡️🌈➡️🌌🌾 ref John 1:1-14.
          📖 John 1:1-14 ❤️
          New King James Version (NKJV)
          The Eternal Word 📖
          “1 In the beginning was the Word📖, and the Word📖 was with God,
          and the Word📖was God.
          2 He 📖 was in the beginning with God.
          3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
          4 In Him was life🌾, and the life was the light of men.
          5 And the light shines in the darkness,
          and the darkness did not comprehend[a] it.
          John’s Witness: The True Light
          6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
          7 This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light,
          that all through him might believe.
          8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
          9 That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.[b]
          10 He was in the world,
          and the world was made through Him,
          and the world did not know Him.
          11 He came to His own,[c] and His own[d] did not receive Him.
          12 But as many as received Him,
          to them He gave the right to become children of God,
          to those who believe in His name: 📖
          13 who were born,
          not of blood,
          nor of the will of the flesh,
          nor of the will of man,
          but of God.”
          The Word Becomes Flesh
          14 And the Word📖 became flesh❤️
          and dwelt among us,
          and we beheld His glory,
          the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
          full of grace and truth.”
          John 1:5 Or overcome
          John 1:9 Or That was the true Light which, coming into the world, gives light to every man.
          John 1:11 That is, His own things or domain
          John 1:11 That is, His own people
          New King James Version (NKJV)
          🌾 John 3:3 🌌
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “Jesus replied,
          “Very truly I tell you,
          no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

        16. Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day our garlic bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the onion, and the bay leaves, forever and ever. R’Amen”

        17. 🙁

          ◄ Matthew 15:14 ►
          “Leave them;
          they are blind guides.
          If the blind lead the blind,
          both will fall into a pit.”
          ◄ John 9:41 ►
          “Jesus said,
          “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin;
          but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.
          📖 Luke 4:18 ❤️
          “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because he has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor.
          He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
          and recovery of sight for the blind,
          to set the oppressed free,..” 🌈
          📖 John 8:36 ❤️
          “So if the Son sets you free,
          you will be free indeed.” 🌈

          📖 1 Corinthians 13:13 ❤️
          “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
          But the greatest of these is love.”
          📖 1 John 4:8 ❤️
          “8 Whoever does not love does not know God,
          because God is love.”
          📖➡️❤️➡️🌈➡️🌌🌾 John 1:14
          📖 John 1:14 ❤️
          The Word 📖 became flesh ❤️ and made his dwelling among us.
          We have seen His glory,
          the glory of the one and only Son,
          Who came from the Father,
          full of grace and truth.”

        18. 📖 John 15:22 📖
          “If I had not come and spoken to them,
          they would not be guilty of sin;
          but now they have no excuse for their sin.”
          📖 Galatians 6:7-10 📖
          7Do not be deceived:
          God cannot be mocked.
          A man reaps what he sows.
          8Whoever sows to please their flesh,
          from the flesh will reap destruction;
          whoever sows to please the Spirit,
          from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
          9Let us not become weary in doing good,
          for at the proper time we will reap a harvest
          if we do not give up.
          as we have opportunity,
          let us do good to all people,
          especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

          📖 Mark 4:25 🌾
          “Whoever has will be given more;
          whoever does not have,
          even what they have
          will be taken from them.”
          📖 John 6:63 🌾
          “The Spirit gives life;
          the flesh counts for nothing.
          The words 📖 I have spoken to you–
          they are full of the Spirit and life.”🌾
          📖 Ephesians 6:12 ❤️
          “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood ❤️,
          but against principalities,
          against powers,
          against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
          against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
          📖 Luke 22:31-32 📖
          31“Simon, Simon,
          Satan HAS ASKED to sift all of you as wheat.
          I32But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.
          And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
          📖 John 10:10 🌾
          “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
          I have come that they may have life🌾,
          and have it to the full.”
          📖 1Peter 5:8 📖
          “Be sober, be vigilant;
          because your adversary the devil,
          as a roaring lion, walketh about,
          seeking whom he MAY devour:”
          ( ie, allowed to devour )
          🌌 Revelation 12:12 🌋
          “Therefore rejoice,
          you heavens 🌌 and you who dwell in them!
          But woe 🌋 to the earth 🌎 and the sea,
          because the devil has gone down to you!
          He is filled with fury,
          because he knows that his time is short.”
          🌾 Revelation 22:17 ❤️
          “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”
          And let the one who hears say, “Come!”
          Let the one who is thirsty come;
          and let the one who wishes
          take the free gift
          of the water of life.”🌾
          📖 Ephesians 2:8 🎁
          “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–
          and this is not from yourselves,
          it is the gift 🎁 of God–
          9not by works,
          so that no one can boast.
          10For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
          which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
          📖 John 4:24-26 ❤️
          “God is spirit
          and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth 📖.”
          25The woman said,
          “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming.
          When he comes, He will explain everything to us.”
          26Then Jesus declared,
          “I, the one speaking to you—
          I Am He.” 📖➡️❤️
          📖 Luke 24:32 ❤️
          “They asked each other,
          “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road
          and opened the Scriptures to us?”

          :::You can still run a “Red Light”!:::

          :::then everything’s gonna be Alright!::;

        19. “Arrr, to be a good follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, ye should drink much meade and surround yerself with as many buxom wenches as possible”

        20. 🙁

          “Once you were alienated from God
          and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.
          22But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you
          holy in his sight,
          without blemish and free from accusation—
          23if you continue in your faith,
          established and firm,
          and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel.
          This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven,
          and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.
          15The Son is the image of the invisible God,
          the firstborn over all creation.
          16For in Him all things were created:
          things in heaven and on earth,
          visible and invisible,
          whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
          all things have been created through him and for him.
          17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
          18And He is the head of the body, the church;
          He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead,
          so that in everything He might have the supremacy.
          19For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Him,
          20and through him to reconcile to Himself all things,
          whether things on earth or things in heaven,
          by making peace 🌈
          through his blood, shed on the cross.”

          “…And SUCH WERE some of you… 1Corinthians 6:9-11,
          🌋 Romans 3:23 🌋
          “for all have sinned
          and fall short of the glory of God”
          “…BUT GOD,
          Who is rich in mercy,
          for the great love wherewith He loved us…” 2 Ephesians 2:4-10
          ❤️ John 3:16-17 ❤️
          “For God so loved❤️
          the world 🌎
          that He gave his one and only Son,
          that whoever believes in Him shall not perish 🌋
          but have eternal life 🌌🌾.
          For God did not send his Son into the world 🌎
          to condemn the world 🌎,
          but to save the world 🌎
          through Him.” 🌈
          📖 John 5:24 🌋➡️🌌🌾
          King James Version (KJV)
          “24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word,
          and believeth on Him that sent Me,
          hath everlasting 🌌 life 🌾
          and shall not come into condemnation 🌋;
          but is passed from death 💀 unto life 🌾.”
          📖 Job 19:25-27 ❤️
          New International Version (NIV)
          25 I know that my redeemer[a] lives,
          and that in the end He will stand on the earth.[b]
          26 And after my skin has been destroyed,
          yet[c] in[d] my flesh I will see God;
          27 I myself will see Him
          with my own eyes—
          I, and not another.
          How my heart yearns within me!”
          ::: From Job, the oldest book in the Bible:::
          📖 John 1:1 ❤️
          “In the beginning was the Word,
          and the Word was with God,
          and the Word was God.”
          🌌 Genesis 1 🌎
          “1In the beginning God created the heavens 🌌 and the earth 🌎.
          2Now the earth was formless and empty,
          darkness was over the surface of the deep,
          and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
          3And God said,📖
          “Let there be light,”
          and there was light.
          4God saw that the light was good,
          and he separated the light from the darkness.
          5God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
          📖 John 1:14 ❤️
          “The Word 📖
          became flesh❤️
          and made His dwelling among us.
          We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son,
          Who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
          Job 19:25 Or vindicator
          Job 19:25 Or on my grave
          Job 19:26 Or And after I awake, / though this body has been destroyed, / then
          Job 19:26 Or destroyed, / apart from
          New International Version (NIV)

        21. 👼 Isaiah 6:3 👼
          “And they were calling to one another:
          “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
          the whole earth is full of his glory.”
          ◄ Revelation 4:8 ►
          “Each of the four living creatures had six wings
          and was covered with eyes all around,
          even under its wings.
          Day and night they never stop saying:
          “‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’
          who was, and is,
          and is to come.”
          👼 Isaiah 6:1-3 👼
          “1In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne;
          and the train of his robe filled the temple.
          2Above him were seraphim, each with six wings:
          With two wings they covered their faces,
          with two they covered their feet,
          and with two they were flying.
          3And they were calling to one another:
          “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
          the whole earth 🌎
          is full of his glory.”
          🌎 2 Peter 3:8-13 🌋
          “8But do not forget this one thing, dear friends:
          With the Lord a day is like a thousand years,
          and a thousand years are like a day.
          9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
          Instead he is patient with you,
          not wanting anyone to perish,
          but everyone to come to repentance.
          10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.
          The heavens 🌌 will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire 🌋,
          and the earth 🌎 and everything done in it will be laid bare.
          11Since everything will be destroyed in this way,
          what kind of people ought you to be?
          You ought to live holy and godly lives
          12as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.
          That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire🌋,
          and the elements will melt in the heat.
          13But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven 🌌 and a new earth 🌎,
          where righteousness dwells.” 🌈

        22. 📖 Romans 10:11-14 ❤️
          11As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”
          12For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,
          13for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
          14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
          And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
          And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
          15And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
          As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

          ◄ Matthew 18:12-14 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          12“What do you think?
          If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away,
          will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?
          13And if he finds it, truly I tell you,
          he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.
          14In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.”

        23. 📖Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 📖
          “13Now all has been heard;
          here is the conclusion of the matter:
          Fear God and keep his commandments,
          for this is the duty of all mankind.
          14For God will bring every deed into judgment,
          including every hidden thing,
          whether it is good or evil.”
          📖Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 📖
          “24A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil.
          This too, I see, is from the hand of God, 25for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?
          26To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness,
          but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God.
          This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”
          ◄ 2 Chronicles 32:31 ►
          Parallel Verses
          New International Version
          “But when envoys were sent by the rulers of Babylon to ask him about the miraculous sign that had occurred in the land,
          God left him ( King Hezekiah )
          to test him
          That he ( Hezekiah ) might know everything that was in his
          ( Hezekiah’s own ) heart.”

        24. Why do you hate God?
          How can you hate someone who doesn’t exist?
          God Is Not Dead!

          You can watch the entire movie on Netflix.
          📖 John 14:27 🌈
          “Peace I leave with you,
          My peace I give unto you:
          not as the world giveth,
          give I unto you.
          Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

        25. 📖 Ephesians 5:8-20 📖
          “8For you were once darkness,
          but now you are light in the Lord.
          Live as children of light
          9(for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)
          10and find out what pleases the Lord.
          11Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness,
          but rather expose them.
          12It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.
          13But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.
          14This is why it is said:
          “Wake up, sleeper,
          rise from the dead,
          and Christ will shine on you.”
          15Be very careful, then, how you live—
          not as unwise but as wise,
          16making the most of every opportunity,
          because the days are evil.
          17Therefore do not be foolish,
          but understand what the Lord’s will is.
          18Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery.
          Instead, be filled with the Spirit,
          19speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.
          Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,
          20always giving thanks to God the Father for everything,
          in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
          🌌 1 Thessalonians 5 🌋
          The Day of the Lord
          “1Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you,
          2for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
          3While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly,
          as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
          4But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.
          5You are all children of the light and children of the day.
          We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
          6So then, let us not be like others,
          who are asleep,
          but let us be awake and sober.
          7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night.
          8But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate,
          and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
          9For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath
          but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
          10He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep,
          we may live together with him.
          11Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
          just as in fact you are doing.”

  8. “Clinically Insane” is a misguided title. Not to hate but the commenters here make better points than the author of the article who seems to intertwine bashing with “reasons”. It has good points but kinda sound random: Nazis (psychobabble), confidence, new culture, men slaves. The title of the article would have been better if it contained the word ‘herd’ in it.

    1. I think sometimes the mistake is made that we respond to some of the things the feminists and cultural marxists do by publishing things that are just there to shock or offend.
      We shouldn’t give up the common sense ground and always argue using facts and logic.
      We shouldn’t become a mirror image of what we are arguing against.

      1. I agree but it’s almost unavoidable. In every group, there will always be someone who offends and insults the other side. We can only need to ensure those remain a minority within the group.

        1. Being shocked or offensive is fine, but it shouldn’t be the prime aim of an article. Sometimes I feel it is.

      2. Very good point. I find that I am guilty of this and have noticed it creeping into my debates online… time to draw back and cleanse my critical thinking skills a bit before they get too rusty!

  9. they also think equality is real
    Even very religious people can at least claim God may be floating around out there somewhere we just haven’t seen him – whereas equality is visibly false to all choose not to be emotionally committed to ignorance

    1. The whole equality idea goes back to a very particular tribe that has been using psych warfare not just to sell it (with themselves being the most equal, of course) but also to frustrate opponents in a debate by throwing out every logical fallacy known to man.

      1. Depends really. We have a bunch of nutbag politicians whose only selling point in elections is their “quota politics”. “Elect us and we bring in 5% quotas for muslims/christians/backward castes/women”.. etc… So even though these guys win a lot of the seats in their constituencies here, I think the ones campaigning for “equality” will slowly start to win, simply because of the numbers. So politically speaking, “equality” is a fairly nice tactic in systems like democracy etc… (lets ignore the idiots who claim “quotas”=”equality” for this point).
        But no clue since when every idiot became a politician and started representing/deciding what rights every other person is allowed to have or how equality even became some kind of “noble goal” to aspire to. Whenever someone says equality all I hear is “I am an entitled brat who wants to dictate how someone is with someone else”…

  10. And this leads to the next question: What is the final solution?

  11. When you put National Socialism in the same sentence as Nazism, you lose a lot of credibility.

  12. People need to realize that there is a false dichotomy in American politics. The GOP is Left, and the Democratic Party is Far Left. We haven’t seen a real Right in a long time.

    1. Lol no. The democratic party would be considered right wing pretty much anywhere. The republican party is even more right wing and the libertarians are even more right wing. JFK or FDR were leftists. Actually even Lincoln and Washington .

    2. Totally agree. Whenever yahoo or some other freakishly Marxist news outlet talks about how the GOP has moved extreme right, I’m left wondering what country they’ve been living in.
      I would love to see a reemergence of genuine right wing cultural values with a free market asserting itself in western societies.

  13. I would certainly agree with the statement Modern Liberalism is a mental disease. One need only look at the world around us Liberals have messed up. All their ‘Brilliant Ideas’ like Prohibition back in the Twenties and Obamacare today They never really think things through and leave Conservatives to clean up the mess afterwards. Thanks to pushing the ‘Living Wage’ people are now losing their jobs because it is now too expensive to employ people because of that and all the new mandates Healthcare and vacations and stuff that push businesses into the red rather than allow them to make enough to turn a profit. Their social policies to originally protect foolish women well that certainly has had the opposite effect. I mean with abortion legal and contraception freely available without the consequences to Mr. Wrong who needs Mr. Right? That
    plus all the subsides have had a devastating effect on modern family life today. Then there are their soft on crime policies, their opposition to the death penalty which is ironic with their support for abortion plus their support for Gun Control and total opposition to Stand Your Ground Laws in the states.
    Overall I agree with this article. In order to be a Liberal today you must be a total idiot or mentally ill. maybe both.

    1. I disagree. They’re not mentally ill, well, most of them aren’t.
      Let me put this way. People look around, and they see a broken world; good people suffer, bad people profit, horrible things happen, and there seems no end to it. People look around, see this, and they’re faced with how to reconcile this in their heads, with an inherent sense of justice and right, that at base we all feel in our bones. As far as I can tell, we come to one of three or so conclusions.
      1) the problems are beyond our control, what is, just is, and you just have to accept it and enjoy the here and now.
      2) the problems are beyond our control, what is, just is, but there’s a God(s), and he’ll sort it all out in the next world, so have faith in the here and now.
      3) the problems of life within our control to change, and if we make sufficient changes to society, then the problems will lessen, and will in time go away forever.
      Leftists (Humanists, Socialists, SJW, whatever) fall into this last category. They are convinced that the world doesn’t have to look the way it has and does and that the problems of life are not inexorably part of human nature, but rather that they’re external to us and are therefore within our power to change. So If we (they) make the right and sufficient changes in society, then the world will improve, and become a better, more just, more peaceful, generally happier place.
      They genuinely believe that.
      It’s not a mental illness, it’s a sort of religion of the Self. It’s the natural desire of human beings to make sense of the world, transformed into a belief in self-sanctification, where “you” or “we” act as our own Savior and Redeemer here on Earth, and cleanse the world of bad things.
      From the Christian perspective, it’s the oldest lie ever told. It’s what the Serpent whispered to Eve in the Garden……”you can be like God.”

      1. I believe Liberals come in Two Groups: The Naïve who are mostly kids who only ‘know’ what their parents, their teachers and the liberal news media tell them and have yet to discover how awfully much they have been lied to I speak from experience) and the adults who are idiots or delusional. Like I said they never think their ‘Bright Ideas’ through and we pay dearly every time.

  14. The ignorance on this site is astounding. Has anyone on this site taken Political Science 101? We do not know the difference between “Left Wing” and “Progressive”? This is embarrassing. The critique of ” Left wing” is as silly as the Cultural Studies fools claiming slavery is a “white man’s construct”. No one else can see this?

      1. Chris “Left Wing” politics allows the free speech that blossoms on this site. “Left Wing” politics allows us to take charge against the political sham that feminism is. Now, “Progressivism” needs people to think with their base desires in mind, so a “heaven on Earth”, “Utopia” can be created as a political body in the name of “service” to those base desires. Progressivism is a type of Left Wing thought. If we opt for something other than Left Wing politics we have a monarchy, oligarchy, or totalitarianism regime.

        1. Your “left wing” was hijacked a long time ago. The liberty crowd are the “right wing” these days.

        2. John,
          You are correct, the American Left Wing has been “hijacked” by irrational zealots. But, that still doesn’t permit us to be ignorant of the overall picture. Isn’t it “ignorance” driving the zealots of feminism?

        3. “Isn’t it “ignorance” driving the zealots of feminism?” I have to disagree. Maybe this was true of some 2nd wavers, but most 3rd wavers know the power they have and the lies they tell. I would say what drives them now is the sociopathy that is inherent in female biology. They have had a taste of the power they hold and they refuse to relinquish it.
          It is ironic that the people who claim to be on the left, now represent the antithesis of traditional liberalism. The modern left in many ways, is just the like what the religious right used to be, except the religious right had a better understanding of what it took to run a civilization.

        4. Steve,
          I agree with you on these crucial points. However, I still have to say that any political group that has a center based on material values can only consist of zealots. Taking power in the name of vaginas, dicks, white/brown skin color, rich or poor is doomed to fail.

        5. True, I think societies that take principles seriously, are the more just and decent ones. It’s the divisive catering to “special interest groups” based on race, sex etc that is causing all the problems in the US and the West at large.

        6. Yes, Exactly… I like this site because it affords reasonable minds to share their distaste with the “War on Men”, which doesn’t mean I am an ignorant ass like the side I am opposing.

    1. I don‘t give a damn about academic political science definitions, especially the ones coming from the anglo world. In the US, leftards are called “liberals”. wtf

  15. I suggest reading “psychologie des foules” from french psychologue Gustave lebon.
    He says that herds are governed by emotion not reason, and guess what ? exactly the leftist mentality.

    1. He was the first to study the psychology of the crowd I think. Not surprising given that he was French and modern France was founded on mob violence.

  16. The irony of the “The Left” is that although they preach freedom of speech etc. The condemn anybody that questions their ideology and/or their lifestyle choices. Personally I live by a ‘to each their own’ ‘live and let live ‘ mindset as long as people around me don’t affect me through their actions I couldn’t care less how they live.
    What I find startling about liberal progressives is how ardent they are in condemning the lifestyle choices and ideologies of traditional conservatives, they even have an affinity of using legal prosecution and/or the court of public opinion to indict their ‘enemies’. Liberal progressives have become the very thing that they hated in the 1st place-Right-wing fascists.

    1. Lefties misappropriated the words “liberal” and “progressive” to make themselves sound more mainstream.

    2. Well, here’s the thing. No man is an island; you can never fully comprehend the many ways your actions affect others. But many of them do have a measurable impact beyond your immediate self. Live and let live is an illusion that was used to tear down the old traditions and morality, in favor of a new one. It assumes that most people are pretty much good, and will function peacefully with others, if just left free to act as they will. However, it’s the conservatives point, that but for society’s many restraints, what you take for granted now, would fall apart very quickly, and we’d see just how selfish to the point of wickedness, humanity really is.

  17. Anyone who thinks Liberals are normal should spend time on the news sights of the internet, places like Yahoo and such. I have and I must admit I have encountered THOUSANDS Of Idiots many of them rude and nasty. Though I have encountered some women posting comments most are men and you would be shocked at what kind of Epsilon ‘Males’ they are. All they do is name calling. Many Homosexuals, a few women whom I suspect are lesbians, most are just run of the mill liberal idiots and I have flagged as offensive every hateful ignorant comment I have encountered they have posted, some post hateful comments all day maybe to feel good they can justify the welfare check they get from liberal government, it gives me great pleasure giving them the horrible feel that the Hunters are Now the Hunted, call me a ‘Teabagger’ well ‘screw you’ some I have followed around and flagged every hateful comment some just seconds after the Troll posts his ignorant ranting and I have not kept score on how many of them I have caused to be cancelled by sight censors though several have managed to get back on or have multiple accounts and I have flagged them until they get cancelled again. It brings me great pleasure giving these bullies some discomfort.
    I would advise anyone with spare time to do the same thing.

  18. if leftists and liberals and feminists think they are miserable now just wait until everything they hate is no longer there to hate…

  19. If the same feminist liberal society we have today existed 100 or 200 years ago, we would not have any of the modern conveniences or innovations today. All the inventions and innovations we have today were built on a patriarch society where men were the head of the households, established morality in the household, passed knowledge on to their offspring to build upon, and government was very minimal. Feminists and liberals actually believe that if the world was to be the way they dream it to be, that we would be living in some kind of utopia society far more advanced technologically and there would be world peace. Quite the opposite would be true.
    I think we all know darn well what the outcome would be if the United States was divided in half where liberals could live on one side and conservative minded people on the other side. The liberal side would become a 3rd world trash dump while the other side of the country would flourish, build an infrastructure, and become an advanced society.

  20. Ann Coulter basically says that liberalism should be considered its own religion, because it’s taught in schools way more than any other brainwashing religion is.

  21. Everyone who doesn’t agree with leftist political correct bs is a phobic of some sort.
    Honestly when SHtF , the first people to go will be the leftist , here are a few reasons why.
    1. They don’t own guns from which they can protect themselves.
    2. They are typically very pussyfied and weak manginas
    3. They have no sense of right or wrong and a therefore cannot judge situations and circumstances (maybe even the intentions of people?)

  22. I’d like to bring other healthy men TO this movement, not chase them away with fucking nonsense like this.
    No honorable man would ever speak thusly.

  23. Self-Hate; Most people are raised with it. Back in the Christ times that made you a martyr, now it makes you a Nazi. Leftists hate themselves so much they demand everyone else to hate themselves thinking the equality will rid them of their pain. Self-Hate turns to Out-Rage.

  24. Margaret Thatcher described them perfectly – “the problem with socialist’s is they eventually run out of other peoples money” – You can see how stupid most of them are by the causes they support 1/ Windfarms as alternative energy BUT they never answer what happens when the wind doesn’t blow, 2/ Global Warming they rent a ship to sail to the Antarctica to prove the ice is melting BUT get caught in ice that isn’t supposed to be there 3/ Multiculturalism believing the world is one big happy family BUT they cannot answer the great Multicultural failure known as Sweden. 4/ Wealth distribution apparently they think its a great idea to take the money off a smart hard worker and give to those who fail to take advantage of opportunities this way there will be no poverty BUT after how many years of this failed experiment poverty still exists all its done is made a few “lefties” very rich. 5/ Lefties favourite quote “teach a man how to fish and he can feed himself” BUT all that teaching is letting all the worlds radicals to build advanced weaponry to namely point at the west – Iran and ISIS are classical examples. Theres plenty more to point out but ROK readers probably know that.

  25. While I agree somewhat with the conclusion, I don’t agree with all the reasoning.

  26. Guess that means we should all be rightist and join the Skinheads, Ku Klux Klan, and Republican Party.

  27. Are you guys desperate for material to write about, or?? You preach the manosphere and men being masculine and putting their lifestyle first, etc. And yet, you then shoot down 50% of your target audience because they are atheist and/or liberal.

  28. #2 – – WOW how true! It’s amazing that you point that out. With myself I have found that many many times when speaking with a brainwashed leftist that I’ve known for years (and it could even be a family member or co worker), they suddenly blow up on you when you talk of forbidden truths. They have a fear of being kicked out of the lefty herd of thought politik for comitting REDSPEAK so they only drivel out the same boring kosher drivel. They become suddenly ANGRY when I mention a subject like how gay genre is ultimately population control or when I prod them on their take of secret societies for example. I never knew they had specific fears regarding discussion topics or a fear of some ‘herd’ that obviously has a grip on them and will do something negative to them if they are caught engaging in REDSPEAK. They unwittingly and defacto try to silence any anti herd ‘speak’.
    Conversely, when I speak red pill truth to them IN THE BEGINNING, that is when I first meet them, then they know what I’m about and then they either avoid me or don’t have a word to say the next time we meet revealing their herd influence, OR they open right up after digesting that I’m right and enlightened. The angry fearful people might disagree with the herd but if they’ve known you awhile then it comes as a shock to them when you suddenly question the herd. They may think you’re testing them like a russian spy from the herd. The herd always holds inquisition of its own dissenters over their heads and they all live in that particular fear of each other. Outsiders are actually freer but are still invited in and they’ll always try to recruit fresh meat.
    This is why establishment scientists get furious and want to call their psychiatric wing on someone who brings up a paranormal angle AND ALSO why feminist clique members go hamster riotous when you say something to them like ”but . but in nature . . isn’t it the wild bitch mother in the animal kingdom always the one who EATS HER YOUNG?” Or talking to a government worker about how their greater branch that they’re a cog in is involved in corruption makes them suddenly uninvite you from dinner and they try to have your car towed before you can run to it? OR telling someone who does the mangina walk just to get along and not be killed by fem neighbors in the apartment how rediculous and bent out of shape they appear or look makes them want to lodge bitch complaints with property management against you. . the examples are endless. The herd might as well also be a hive.
    You have to give people red pill within munites of first meeting them. You know the feeling otherwise, of being a bullshitter just to fit in. It’s easy to lie or to ‘yes man’ agree to a group, but they take your word and then you’re locked in. If you turn red on them later, they’ll talk a lot of shit about you but if they suddenly think you’ve been an infiltrator all along, then you’d better reveal it to them over the phone. In person behind closed doors is when they turn apeshit and homicidal. It is especially dangerous for household members who are kept like sheep and the head of house (mangina or female) is a pro government borg or fembitch lefty.
    Congrats Mr Outenphragen, you hit a home run against them bringing up their fear based feedback loop.

  29. Let’s not let the Men’s Right movement get hijacked by the
    media stereotype of “Left/Right” and forced to conform to the
    cartoony version of the right to avoid the cartoony version of the left.
    We’ve been growing up with this “PC” abomination that is an insult to
    any and all social progress the real left hard won, including the prosperity of
    the 50s.
    For a real “Leftist” or rather progressive, enlightened thinker,
    imagine someone like “Jiddu Krishnamurti” who came from a poor Indian
    family yet got the “Luck” to be picked by the Theosophical society
    and groomed as the upcoming “World Spiritual leader” yet realizing it
    was a false path and DISBANDING the society – essay “Truth is a pathless land” –
    yet continuing to teach for a long life.
    Or, how about lots of people who’s names aren’t known who
    formed unions back in the depression.
    You might have heard a one paragraph blurb about farmers burning their
    corn to keep warm while miners starved?
    Well in RL the farmers simply went to the mines with corn to trade for
    coal – and sometimes the thugs the mine owner hired shot them dead on the way
    there or back, fearing a ‘socialist rebellion’.
    We need to end this stupid stereotype of left/right – it’s
    just to “Divide and Conquer”, the controllers same old tactic.
    And, btw, I can hardly access this site anymore. There are so many scripts for advertisers
    that I can’t even type without a 4 second delay and the thing jumps up and
    down, probably hoping to get me to click a link. Really, just link to Hustler and other porn
    sites, the pay ones not the free ones, they tend to be clean these days not
    full of viruses.

  30. I wonder how many people here find the idea of a left wing libertarian to be an oxymoron

  31. Religion is the Opium of the people.
    Karl Marx.
    Marxism is the crack cocaine of the libturds.
    Groucho Marx.

  32. Left and right they are two wings of the same vulture. Be your own man and implement what is practical instead of getting bogged down in this political garbage.

  33. Left and right they are two wings of the same vulture. Be your own man and implement what is practical instead of getting bogged down in this political garbage.
    People would argue that Nazis were right wing. They rounded up gay people, outlawed abortion, and told German moms to stay home and make babies. I’m not saying Nazis are either left or right, I’m just saying it’s dumb to focus on this. Left and Right are a way to keep you distracted. Focus on bettering yourself instead.

  34. You realise a call for full employment and the abolition of the enforced cringing of men before the concentration of economic power which capitalism creates is the sine qua non of socialism right?
    And that Obama has presided over an economy with lower taxes and less government intervention than Ike Eisenhower, and criticised it less?
    That you have decreed late-stage American liberalism, which hasn’t fought an economic battle since 1994, to be the definition of the political left only implies that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  35. The insanity of leftism can be put far more succinctly:
    Sane people adjust their perceptions and beliefs to accommodate reality. Leftists do the opposite.

  36. Not so much “insane” as “deceptive”:
    Donald Trump running for President, case in point.
    ref :
    Reminds me of the “fake wrestling matches” I watched on TV as a kid.
    Trump is a liberal Democrat to the core, seeking political perks from the next Democratic President;
    ie, Mrs. Clinton.
    Scott Walker is a true Republican Candidate;
    no “smoke ‘n mirrors” with him.
    Remember Ross Perot costing Bush senior his reelection?
    We “Won’t Get Fooled Again”,
    Donald Trump!

  37. We must remove cultural marxists from our society, just as weeds must be removed from a garden. In life, you lose the things you fail to protect. We’re losing our civilisation. Adolf Hitler was right.

  38. I don’t date liberals or leftists. They are weak, stupid, beta males, who make the worst partners. Conservative all the way!

  39. Reading the comments here, I am convinced we will never defeat the elements poisoning men and our society. The Left is unified in defending their agenda uber alles. They have driven themselves mad making every bend of logic they can to fit the world to that agenda. Yet here we sit in the comments saying dumb things like the nazis were right wing because the Left’s propaganda machine has told us that.
    They are succeeding, they are insane, they will collapse everything.

  40. Let’s apply Occam’s razor to the Nazis, since they’ve come up:
    1. They were Socialists.
    2. They lied and magically hid their true crypto-conservative tendencies and miraculously turned far right once in power while leaving a paper trail that pretended they were socialists- not to mention contemporary critics that called them that at the time- and now there is an international conspiracy to make them seem like leftists that was revealed decades later by good socialist academics that weren’t even alive at the time. Hey, they hated commies after all and killed people and whatnot and believed strongly in nationalism so they must be right wingers because nobody on the left kills people that are different now nobody mention the USSR and Cuba for crying out loud.
    Got all that?
    Seems pretty clear.

  41. This is certainly true, the greatest governmental political philosophy in human history being destroyed by those with French Revolutionary ideas in the democratic party. Leftists are mentally disturbed.

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