3 Annoying Types Of Females That Most Men Encounter

ROK is wrongly understood by its opponents as misogynistic. The truth is that we want nothing but the best for everyone, women in particular. Although we may sometimes enjoy the cultural decline and the YOLO slut behavior which leads to easier casual sex, many are looking for a cultural renaissance that will be beneficial for both sexes.

In the meantime, the encounters with the opposite sex are limited to a small number of friends, acquintances, family, relatives, co-workers, girlfriends, and the brief encounters that come along with casual sex. Masculine men prefer to associate wither other males, or perhaps rather stay alone, and there are good reasons for that.

Although there are a significant number of females with pleasant personalities, many of us have encountered some really toxic such along the way that can tell us what is wrong about the current culture. It is like they represent a certain negative tendency in our society.

1. The female friend who can’t stop calling and think that men and women are equally talkative

When you were younger, it could be beneficial to have female friends and acquaintances. You used social circles to meet other girls.  When some of those drop off you usually replace them with more males. However, one girl that I only had made out with and was not the slightest interested in just couldn’t stop calling me.

She called me pretty much every single night and wanted to talk about her relationship problems and the dullest of the dullest of things in her petty everyday life. A phone call doesn’t have to be that tiresome if it is brief, but this one didn’t know anything of that. Nor did she take notice of me hinting about studying, going to the gym, or cooking afterwards.

At some point I just had to say no, so I stopped answering her damn phone calls. Not surprisingly that made her desperate to reach me, and she started calling three times more. Eventually we talked and I concisely explained that I didn’t want to talk to her anymore. Our “mutual” relationship didn’t give me anything. She became upset, of course, and said she was going to unfriend me on Facebook (oh no!). Funny thing is that I met her in Stockholm several years later and she wanted to add me back again.

2. The backpacker bitch who cannot take a joke and gets mad over nothing

You go to places like the Philippines to have an easy lay, not to talk to fat-tatted Western girls. Especially those who have loud mouths or completely lack humor.

Somewhere on Cebu I and some other travelers were playing a typical drinking game, and for some reason I made a joke about the vagina of an Aussie girl, a six or seven with a super-bitchy attitude. It wasn’t even personal against her, just random wittiness, but still she had to make nasty comments about me for the rest of the play round.

Then in the middle of a karaoke session I just went when she was supposed to start singing, and the look in her eyes was that of pure ire. I thought she was going to stab me.

3. The spoiled one who doesn’t understand that men and women are different

Sometimes I write about the same topics on social media that I do here, and it has happened that I have uploaded girl pics and party photos on my social media accounts (often erasing most of them after being in a LTR).

One Swedish girl, an acquintance of mine who is a spoiled young girl, just couldn’t take it. She said that she wanted to vomit because of my lifestyle and how I talked about Swedish girls, and after a conversation on Facebook Messenger, she unfriended me and stressed that three other girls that we both know were about to do the same. After another trip to East Asia I made a point of stating that Orientals have a better demeanor than Western girls, on average. She then unfriended me.

Perhaps it would help her if she noticed that men and women are different. A guy who sleeps around a bit are not hurting himself, while a girl does. Overall just complete cry-baby behavior for nothing.

Three worthy mentions

4. The 40-year-old former colleague, whom you always were nice and helpful to, but have heard about your player lifestyle and now hates you.

5. The young social justice warrior who wants to get you fired for writing that it’s easier to get laid in Tokyo with thin girls.

6. The stalker girl whom you slept with once and now tries to contact you by calling, Messenger, Viber, Whatsapp, e-mail and whatnot.


Although normal men are imperfect, we should not have to deal with borderline crazy girls and women for no reason. There are enough of real bad man to put the blame on. The best advice is to be very selective with the females you associate with and remove yourself from them as fast as possible if bad signs occur.

For more of William Adams’ material, check out his website Syncretic Politics.

Read More: I Was Attacked By An Elderly Swedish Woman For Putting My Girlfriend In Her Place

66 thoughts on “3 Annoying Types Of Females That Most Men Encounter”

  1. The three types of females I always encounter are self-righteous women, fatties, and flakes. Which pretty much covers all western women. So if I removed myself from all females that demonstrated bad signs, I would never interact with another western female again.

    1. Pretty much the same for me. I did that, married an Asian girl instead and the slobs of the west no longer even cross my thought radar.

      1. How’d you do it, Slasher? Did you meet her state-side? I’ve been trying to hear from men who made that work.

  2. This was so funny.
    I once dated this white man who was pretty much the male version of the over-communicative woman. He would text and call non-stop, and when I didn’t answer, felt no shame in leaving me 5+ miscalls on my phone. I used to think that women who called men “needy” for expressing their interest were ungrateful, and then I dated a needy man, and it was so draining. Like, I want to be PART of your life, NOT your life. Now, I have a great appreciation for men who are busy.
    I honestly only put up with him because he provided, but when he began to verbally disrespect me, that pretty much ended the relationship for me.

        1. It’s actually DURKA, you illiterate and ignorant fuck, he’s referencing Team America, which savages your BURKA wearing ass.

      1. I am a white Arab, but thank you, we sure are sexy and swarthy.
        Where I come from, you’re not a slut because you expect your man to provide for you.

        1. Did you ever think of actually telling the guy he was texting too much? Are you capable of providing for yourself and (gasp) possibly going the other direction and picking up the tab occasionally?
          Like.. who’s needy?
          Unfortunately there are far too many thirsty men out there, you’ll do just fine.

        2. No, I never mentioned. And he clearly didn’t get the hint when I would pretend to need to go to the bathroom and would never call back, lol.
          I don’t pay men’s bills. It takes away from my femininity and makes me feel bad.

        3. Only the US census believes that Arabs are white. They are not. Persians maybe, but not Arabs.

        4. jbwilson24,
          when I say “I’m a white Arab”, I am referring to my skin color, not my race. Even though technically almost all Arabs, especially from the Levant region, are part white. And if you are a pale Arab, you better believe you are a great percent European. But, I am not referring to myself as European. I am referring to my skin color.
          Also, if by Persian you mean Iranians, Iranians and Middle Easterners have mixed such a great deal that you cannot even tell us apart. We are from the same region, the Middle East. They look a whole great deal Arab to me.

    1. If you dont want to be my life then you arent worthy. Most women I met put up a false front of wanting to be your life, but just like you only want to be taken care of. And please the borderline girls leave 20 calls and messages. Women lie if they dont love it when they got a guy all twisted messaging them all the time.

      1. Wallah I don’t love it. You’re annoying. I want to dance, I want to listen to music, I want to read, I want to online shop. I do not, however, want to talk to you all day on the phone. Why can’t we save the talk for when you’re going to take me out on a date? We’ll both have something to look forward to.
        I want to be taken care of, yes, why else would I want a man? You think I enjoy the idea of sex too much? Or that I want to stare at your beautiful face? I want a man that can make my life better, and buy me nice things, in addition to being a polite gentleman that I can enjoy the company of. What’s wrong with that?

        1. A lot of these men here replying to you are trying very hard to act alpha, but in truth you can totally feel the immense butthurt flowing through their psyches. This whole of the redpill community is being overran with the butthurt, it seems.

        2. No, it’s really funny when they are all like, “Yes, traditional women!” but when you act traditional with them, they’re response is, “Provide for yourself!”, “You want me to take care of you? You slut!”
          Lol, apparently, they thought being traditional was just one sided. The women has to be virginal and sweet, but he can still act like a modern day gutter trash who bums off his woman.

        3. Unfortunately too many women branch swing. Because of that, many men have lost the desire to “take care of” a woman. I don’t think you realize how bad relations are between men and women right now. What you desire is very feminine and the very essence of what men love about women. They just don’t trust women today.

    2. An ungrateful parasite. Using a man for provision but resenting him, because he cared for you too much. How pathetic can you be?
      One hopes you are barren and never reproduce. More evidence that women are incapable of love and only use men for resources.
      No wonder why arabs tend to rape so many women, in many ways they deserve it.

      1. “No wonder why Arab men tend to rape so many women, in many ways they deserve it”
        LMAO. You remind me of the short story “Blue Hotel”, where a European comes in the West of America and is paranoid because he watched cowboy films and books all his life about the West and believes he’s in a dangerous place and everyone is trying to kill him.

  3. Beware this one – you who might LTR….
    The one who is constantly with you and you think things are going great, sex is frequent and fantastic, although she worries she should be into it more, and she has no other side boys. HB 7. Then every few months she says she doesn’t feel it – it lasts 5 minutes you think WTF – then she’s back in action again another 3 months.
    You hear that stay ZFG and cultivate plates even though life is great. Look for the exit and pull back the dopamine. I was a dumf**k and stayed invested.

    1. This was my last relationship! Banged this chick on the second date and she later called to say she was in love with me. She was sweet and affectionate and I liked her too so we started dating. Things were great for a few months (plenty of sex and affection on her part), then I noticed out of the blue she would get inexplicably moody and distant. Turns out she had gotten out of a relationship with an asshole ex before we started dating. Our relationship soon became a repeating cycle of her being affectionate and invested in the relationship one month, followed by a month of moodiness and coldness. She dumped me a day after we hit the one year mark and I never contacted her again. Putting together the pieces, I can only surmise that I was just a rebound for her and she was using our relationship to get over her ex. It’s kind of shitty though how a girl will say she loves you for a whole year and then dumps you over the phone in a businesslike way and you never hear from her again.

        1. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s had experience with a girl like that. In the beginning, I found that asshole and aloof game did not attract this girl but showing her affection and vulnerability did. At least for a few months anyway. Things were going well last month and then she called me out of the blue to break it up cause “the attraction was dying,” yet she had been acting affectionate and very sexual around me only two days before. It was fucking weird and hurt so much. Did your ex randomly get moody and cold over insignificant things or for no reason at all?

      1. Women have no soul anymore. I’m saying they’ll tell any lie, anything whatsoever, frequently, from the start, so you’ll suspect very little for the duration. Nothing is ever “OK” with modern woman. In fact, the second everything seems good, you’d batter have already put on her drama-tension-release roller coaster, or she’ll do it for herself… typically in the form of another cock(s).
        When it’s time to get off their roller coaster, just dump ’em. When they ask why you dumped them, give a few main reasons and then ghost them. They knew they were front-loading the whole “relationship” with fabricated bullshit, telling you exactly what they suspected you wanted to hear from the start, don’t fool yourself to believe otherwise.
        Probably the best self-taught lesson I’ve learned since the first woman I slept with, was if their emotions don’t logically match the reasons for he emotion, it’s already over. I’m not talking ROTM shit tests here either. I’ve been dating more than a few girls in the past when WHAM, outta blue some random emotionally charged left-field blind-siding b.s. emotional tirade starts over a stimulus I didn’t cause, all a fabrication of their self-serving mechanism. Know the motives of the other side well.
        Again, do the emotions make sense for the reason given to be emotional? If not, GTFO quickly, then laugh at her about it and bang her best friend.

      2. Women have no soul anymore. I’m saying they’ll tell any lie, anything whatsoever, frequently, from the start, so you’ll suspect very little for the duration. Nothing is ever “OK” with modern woman. In fact, the second everything seems good, you’d better have already initiated her drama-tension-release roller coaster ride for her, or she’ll do it for herself… typically in the form of another cock(s).
        When it’s time to get off their roller coaster, just dump ’em. When they ask why you dumped them, give a few main reasons and then ghost them. They knew they were front-loading the whole “relationship” with fabricated bullshit, telling you exactly what they suspected you wanted to hear from the start, don’t fool yourself to believe otherwise.
        Probably the best self-taught lesson I’ve learned since the first woman I slept with, was if their emotions don’t logically match the reasons for he emotion, it’s already over. I’m not talking ROTM shit tests here either. I’ve been dating more than a few girls in the past when WHAM, outta blue some random emotionally charged left-field blind-siding b.s. emotional tirade starts over a stimulus I didn’t cause, all a fabrication of their self-serving mechanism. Know the motives of the other side well.
        Again, do the emotions make sense for the reason given to be emotional? If not, GTFO quickly, then laugh at her about it and bang her best friend.

  4. If you were to write a book which focused on the modern woman, you’d need an infinite amount of pages to describe all their different personality types… not to mention quirks.

    1. Modern woman = Narcissistic lying, cheating, thieving whore.
      I described them all in one line!

  5. I expect Neomasculinity to grow exponentially in Australia, the most feminised nation on Earth, as men increasingly realise that they’re not simply going to be allowed to go their own way:
    ‘Leaving Perth behind because of sky-high rental prices, he settled on Menzies, population 250, two years ago for its affordability.
    “I was getting nowhere renting in Perth … I couldn’t find a place where I could afford,” Mr Gopel said.
    “I ended up moving five times within one year in Perth and I’d had a gutful of moving around.”
    He paid $4,500 a few years ago for the quarter-acre block on Suiter Street.

    Shire CEO Rhonda Evans said there was an incorrect belief within some sections of the community that people who pay their rates can do what they want with their property.
    She declined to comment further because the matter is still before the courts.
    On August 1, Mr Gopel was fined $1,000 plus court costs of $1,745.50, while the Shire began seeking a $50 daily penalty.
    The fine has grown to $4,750 in the three months since his last court appearance.

    Mr Gopel described the legal action taken by the council as “government overreach”.
    “There’s no mortgage, I pay my rates but I have no services,” he said.’

  6. Although I don’t think the writer chose the best of examples, the problem remains the same and by and large, females will more often than not fall into easily shapeable, easily discernable patterns. See women play games yes but these games don’t differ much from one to another. Meaning an experienced man can eventually tell a flake. Best example happened toe just yesterday. I had scheduled this semi-casual date with this 6-7 rich asian chick. About noon I get this feeling that I’ll get a something from her with an excuse for a put off. What do you know about an hour later she send me this half ass sms in which she says her business was attacked by a hacker and she needed to tend to it, but was open for a raincheck next time I was free. Bitch please, I’ve seen snowflakes in July, nothing surprises me no more.

  7. “She called me pretty much every single night and wanted to talk about her relationship problems and the dullest of the dullest of things in her petty everyday life” What in the actual fuck. I have female acquaintances but I couldn’t dream of sitting through even one phone call of her calling just to talk.

    1. Sometimes I wonder if some of these articles are written by teenage boys. Like who the fuck spends hours on the phone with nothing to show for it at the end? I admit having gone through that period for about a year. But it was when I was 14 and no I didn’t get anything to show for it. Guys please listen here: the phone or more commonly nowadays, text messages, these things are just at your convenience to setup dates and/or smash sessions. The shorter the interaction with the female through a third party, the better. Through text or phone, she wins. Through face to face interactions, you win.

      1. You exaggerate. I’ve never spent but more than an hour on the phone, but my nicer side definitely made me talk longer than I often wanted. Therefore I reacted accordingly. I had two more or elss annoying girlfriends for about 8-10 years ago and then I got rid of them, in one case more drastically and the other more gradually. My idea was that I liked them a bit, or at least one of them, and that it is beneficial to keep some girlfriends since you can meet other girls through them, which is kind of true. This has nothing to do with being 14 or not. For the same reason I had many female acquitances at university.
        As for your other comment, this post does of course not cover all of the annoying – especially not the worst possible – females that one can meet. Just some of them. I think that since I mainly stick to myself and my friends, spend very little time with females (with a few exceptions) and have only brief encounters with must of them in a casual sex context, then I have avoided the worst such over the last ten years.

        1. I didn’t want to exaggerate since I don’t know you but I’m sure we’ve been through the same phase as young men in their teens. Truth be told I didn’t get any action due to that very behavior. I had plenty of chances with a particular christian Lebanese hottie, as close to as making out in my shower in our underwear.. but then again back then I was too much of a wuss and ended up wanting more to talk to her on the phone and try “phone sex”. Ah those were the pre redpill times. Don’t miss em’ much.

  8. Consider this :: most women, and I mean an enormous percentage, maybe 97% or more, are throwing a long drawn out hissy fit, that you’re the victim of, based on the “relationship,” or whatever they want to call their interactions with men, that “harmed” them the worst. Dating the divorcee? Dating the girl who just got out of a “bad LTR?” Who did the divorcing, who broke up with who, and why? << You’ll never ever get the real story unless she’s entwined in your social circle. Did HE divorce, break up with her? If so, she’s punishing you whether you know it or not. Punishment comes in the form of a redundant cycle of doing to YOU what she felt the “asshole” that dumped her did to HER. Thus, those girls that completely blindside guys they’ve been dating for a 8 months, a year or more, aren’t only doing it to “level-up” to “better options,” but rather to make you feel the pain, in the same way, they felt it from the guy that dumped them. To add injury to insult, you’ll often find when the real story emerges, the guy that dumped her was completely in the right, and should have dumped her, because she’s a dysfunctional bitch in ANY intimate relationship with ANY man anyways. So, she is really the core of any and all problems that surround her. The redundant cycle is what I leave relationships for as soon as I spot it. Just prepare for that 1 left-field fight that has no logical premise. It’s already over at that moment, even though 97% of men will hold on, with the damage getting exponentially worse. The cycle is rooted in 2 things: Shallowness & Selfishness. I question if westernized women even have it in their capacity to be truly “intimate,” but rather are “intimately” perfecting acting skills.

    1. I would agree – and its a major RedPill lesson that these women spend copious time, seem loyal-ish and connected, and spread their legs for you significantly.
      Yet behind this ?facade all the shit you speak of is the core truth.
      What’s a guy to do?
      Keep the Frame of no commitment, ZFG, plating (at least 2 in the kitty, and flirt), and know the oil well will dry out some day with every sexual relationship.

    2. Always remember this. The woman is 4 times more likely to end the relationship. Assume she quit him, always.

  9. another archetypal girl :
    the one who ride/rode the carroussel in order to fix a still deep rooted self esteem issue..

  10. There is NO REASON for a woman to do anything that is NOT a form of whoring. The annoyance factor is only a WARNING SIGN that you are in the presence of a bitch. RUN for the exit.

  11. The one archetype I hate is “one issue girl”. It is that girl who will only talk about one issue and will only talk about it from one side (99% of the time the liberal side). If you bring up anything that runs contrary to her beliefs she will immediately say “this is not up for debate” or “OMG I can’t believe how fucking stupid you are for thinking XYZ” all while going down her “resume” of qualifications that of course makes their position unimpeachable.
    These girls are most fun at cocktail and dinner parties when the lefties start bringing up politics and try to rope you into the conversation even though you are actively avoiding it. Tried and true lasso attempts include:
    “OMG you think a man has the right to tell me what to do with my body!”
    “You have to believe in global warming….just about every “peer reviewed scientist” does….”
    “Guns are dangerous and no one but the police and military should own them. I would never go out with a man who owned a gun.”
    “As a white person (assuming the target is) you must understand….(berating begins).

  12. “ROK is wrongly understood by its opponents as misogynistic. The truth is that we want nothing but the best for everyone, women in particular.”¨
    You want the best for women? ahahahahahaha!!! do ROK you guys actually believe your own bullshit? what you want is a place vent out your frustration and anger. 99% of the articles here are just whining about the same types of women you don’t or society. There are hardly anything constructive. I think everyone gets it, western women have bad attitudes, why not just leave them alone and be done with it? there’s no need to post countless articles repeating the same paradigms over and over.
    The cases you mention in this article does not say much about womens supposed toxicity, but instead reflects how poorly you treat your fellow human beings. Just take a look at the examples;
    “However, one girl that I only had made out with and was not the slightest interested in just couldn’t stop calling me.
    She called me pretty much every single night and wanted to talk about her relationship problems and the dullest of the dullest of things in her petty everyday life. A phone call doesn’t have to be that tiresome if it is brief, but this one didn’t know anything of that. ”
    Here you complain about women who can’t stop calling or talking. The reason that the woman in this particular example keeps calling you is because you led her on. To spell it out for you, when you kiss people they assume that you’re interested in them. To lead someone you have no feelings for on is a shitty thing to do and it’s quite ironic you use this an example of womens poor behavior.
    “Somewhere on Cebu I and some other travelers were playing a typical drinking game, and for some reason I made a joke about the vagina of an Aussie girl, a six or seven with a super-bitchy attitude. It wasn’t even personal against her, just random wittiness, but still she had to make nasty comments about me for the rest of the play round.”
    If you are honestly suprised that a woman would find a joke about a vagina crass, I don’t think you are very socially skilled. Really, if you want you interactions with women to go well, save the crude jokes for your guy friends.
    “One Swedish girl, an acquintance of mine who is a spoiled young girl, just couldn’t take it. She said that she wanted to vomit because of my lifestyle and how I talked about Swedish girls, and after a conversation on Facebook Messenger, she unfriended me and stressed that three other girls that we both know were about to do the same. After another trip to East Asia I made a point of stating that Orientals have a better demeanor than Western girls, on average. She then unfriended me.”
    Again, if you had any social skills at all, it should not come as a suprise for you that women(and people in general) will react negatively when you stereotype and demean them on the basis of their nationality.
    A very important point you and other ROK writers forget is this; the only common denominator in all you failed relationships is you. If you repeatedly experience negative interactions with many different women, it may be time to take a critical look at your own behavior instead of just dismissing them all as “crazy”. In order to have successful relations with people, you need to show them some level of empathy and consideration.

    1. No, you are wrong. Read my 50 articles – they predominantly concern politics, economics, and various aspects of self-improvement. While I agree that this is nothing new under the sun, it still says something about the current culture and the true knowledge of inter-sexual (platonic) relationships. I don’t have that many negative experiences, partly because I have made proper decisions in that regard. Some of the best encounters I have had with females are short flings in Europe and Asia.

    2. I disagree. This is a platform where things can be said that are generally not allowed in most other venues without being labeled as a misogynist. We live in a society where there is a content push to make men women and women into men. A cis-gender male in today’s society is seen as a negative. It’s nice to have a place where men can be MEN and voice their views without being labeled.

    3. You bash men and here at ROK men can bash women. You are suffering what is know as the “Haman effect”. It is personified by having everyone agree with you except one person but being driven to madness over it. There are several sites that really give men forum yet thousands upon thousands that think like you. Forget us and heal your mind;)

      1. Where in my comment do I bash men?
        I criticize the guys at ROK and I criticize the author of this article. This is not the same as bashing men in general. You ROK guys do not represent all men, nor does all men agree with you. You represent a small demographic of whiny, angry and mainly white men.

        1. You are wrong again. There are multiple good tips. For both sexes: stay fit and healthy. Increase female immigration to Western countries. Develop proper ethics. Keep frame (men). Optimize lifestyle. Have a balanced outlook on women – neither put them on a pedestal, not despise them.

      2. “…and here at ROK men can bash women. ”
        Exactly! this was precisely my point in my previous comment when I said that the aren’t many constructive articles at this site.
        And I agree that men and women are different, which cause a lot of misunderstandings and frustrations. Women are generally not burdened by horniness the way many men are and are often more selective when it comes to whom they have sex with. I imagine that this can lead to a lot of frustration (and possiby anger) for men, esp. those who are not good at meeting woman and find their need for sex and female companionship unfulfilled.
        The thing is, bashing and sterotyping women will not improve the communication and relations between the sexes. It may give you a cheap sense of “justice”, but it is not constructive nor helpful to anyone.

  13. Can we stop with this nonsense promoting male promiscuity? It’s nothing short of fornication and it’s destroying Western Civilization.
    For every man that sleeps around there must be one woman who sleeps around. If men sleep around, women sleep around.
    People ought to be married at eighteen and stay married for life. End of story.

  14. How “un-PC” can you get?!?!? Any death threats yet? Although this article may appear to be tongue in cheek, its content is real and countless men can relate. I’ve been married for 43 years now and there are still times that I have to remind my wife that I am not her girlfriend. Men and women are DIFFERENT and no matter how hard the liberals try to make us the same, it’s not gonna happen. That’s not to say that sadly, some men have given in and made their gonads into “snap on” tools that they have conveniently handed them over to their female counterparts.

    1. Married 24 years and had to do this while out with several couples last week. She pulled the “We’re best friends” nonsense. I stopped her and said “we are not best friends”. I then informed everyone I am her husband, her lover and her master. That “I cannot be her best friend because I am not a woman”. Then I said, “One week from today, a group of anti-Trumpers are going to gather across America. They’re calling it ‘Assemble And Shout Helplessly At The Sky’. The acronym is roughly ‘AssHats’. Discuss”. Just like that I set things straight and moved things forward so my wife wouldn’t feel the rebuke for too long.

      1. Never got the hang of going out in couples, wife is left at home while I go out with my Mates. Sometimes hookers are involved, never wives.

  15. The piece of shit Aussie woman you mention is typical of 99% of Australian women.Just thank your lucky stars that you don`t live here and have to put up with the worthless cunts on a daily basis.

    1. There are far more number of sites for “personality disorder females with whorish & slutty issues”; go and bark over there !!

  16. William,
    This article is not worthy of you. It comes off as opinion based in a drunken stream of consciousness better saved for a therapy session. Please do not mail one in like this again. You are better than this.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I think it is a bit amusing and stimulating to occasionally write about annoying girls. Even though this is trivial it says something about the culture. Girls in the Philippines, Japan and Colombia do not behave like this for a variety of reasons (culture, feminism and partly economic development). I don’t have any problems with Western in general and I think that some of descriptions are very unnuanced, but still I have had problems for being outspken – making jokes, identifying patterns of behavior, and speaking the truth of female differences.

    1. Go on… ungrateful bitch !! weak and pathetic creatures cry on the Victory of MEN !! keep crying !

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