My boss is a superwoman: forty-something, single, thin, tanned, and short-haired. No children, of course. She hits the gym three times a week, she drives a BMW, and she has climbed the corporate ladder to a position where she deserves respect.
You can see on her face she has fought to be an independent woman. She has pursued the dream our society has imposed on her. And in her pursue, she has become completely masculine… and miserable. But don’t be fooled by her masculine traits: she is a hardcore feminist who talks non-stop about how the patriarchy is preventing her and other women from ruling the world, and she is waiting for any excuse to crush your soul and your career.
These are the guidelines I’ve followed for four years now that have let me survive in the corporate world with a high degree of success.
1. OBS (Only Business Stuff)
Don’t try to befriend her. Never compliment her. Never stop by her office just to chat. No joking. No fake smiles. You won’t get any respect acting like that. More likely, you’ll lose it.
2. Understand That Every Interaction With Her Will Be Emotional Instead Of Logical
One time, my boss called me to yell at me. Apparently, I had done something wrong and it was a matter of life and death. I wasn’t at the office and clearly, it wasn’t my fault. The next day, she was really angry, but only because of the way I talked to her over the phone, just because I didn’t kiss her ass. Now, that was the important problem, not the one she had phoned me about.
Dealing with a woman’s emotions is never easy for men. That’s why you should reduce your interactions with her to the minimum. Understand that every discussion with her, especially in stressful situations, is going to get emotional, no matter how logically you behave. Try to keep calm and talk slowly.
3. Never Talk About Her Behind Her Back
Don’t ask your co-workers questions about her. Don’t trash her (she will eventually hear it). Don’t gossip. You have a life and she should be on your mind as little as possible.
4. ACYA (Always Cover Your Ass)
Every interaction with her should be be writing. Your oral interactions with her must be reduced to a minimum. Written words convey fewer emotions and leave a track record that you can always use in your favor, and you can think twice before falling into the trap of saying something you shouldn’t. Write short sentences with short words. Never leave anything up to interpretation.
Also, always be polite. Nothing conveys more authority than a man who can write properly and can state his ideas crystal clear. If you want to be a pro of the written word, read Writing That Works by Roman and Raphaelson. I’ve read it three times.
5. Don’t Be Defensive And Never Play The Victim
If you make a mistake, don’t try to explain yourself. Never blame others. Agree with the error, but don’t make it more important than it is. If she wants to make a big deal out of it, chances are she will do it to show you her authority. Make a simple comment with your best poker face: “everybody makes mistakes.” A man takes responsibility for his actions, while women tend to not to.
But don’t take more than what is yours either. Your boundaries are strong and she will know where they are. Remember that your ACYA record is your ally in these situations.
6. Practice These Body Language Tricks
This is the part I like the most. I can tell you I’ve killed it with these simple tricks.
1. When you have to talk to her, use your best poker face. Don’t over-smile. Just wear your most neutral mask.
2. Never nod your head. If you are going to learn only one thing from this post, it should be this one. Do not nod your head when she is speaking. Furthermore, don’t say “hu-hu” or “hm-hm.” She will use more words than she should. She will over-explain whatever she is saying. This is like magic.
Take good notice of this the next time you use this trick. The psychological reasoning behind this behavior is that you are not looking for rapport. So you are being the authority in the interaction. Make eye contact during the whole conversation (the trick is staring only at one eye) and an external viewer will wonder who is the boss of whom.
7. Make More Money Than Her
How can I make more money than my boss? Well, if you haven’t got the memo, I’ll tell you now: corporate jobs are going away. You need an exit plan. You should work on a second income stream while your full-time job pays the bills. This will give you peace of mind and will prevent you making mistakes out of fear of being fired.
8. Don’t Call Her “Boss”
By not calling her your boss, you are not complying with the subconscious frame of master/slave. Don’t do it in your conversations with her and don’t do it in your conversations with your co-workers. “Nobody-is-my-boss” should be your mindset at any time.
The corporate world has become an anti-male environment. While you’ll be able to manage the situation for some time by following this advice, you shouldn’t forget your final goal: walk free from it.
Read More: Don’t Work For A Female Boss
Good stuff
I have experience in this area as well with female bosses. Great tips! This author is spot on with female boss game. This is how it’s done.
Why would any man put up with this shit?
When they made a (lesbian) woman my boss, I quit.
John Dodds — Good for you. You showed more sense than most by doing so. No need to waste your time and risking your reputation by working for someone who is a psychopath.
Hard to keep a straight face when all you want to do is laugh, girls are so silly.
Before the customary naysayers weigh in to nit-pick, I’d like to tell the writer that he’s made some excellent and valid points. Good to read a common sense and real world article for a change. IMHO, it goes without saying, men should avoid working for women owned companies (been there, done that, ugghhh!!), women bosses, and with women in general. This coming from a man of 60 who’s experienced first hand years in the trenches, and seen just how toxic and unharmonius women make a workplace. White knight mangina managers lock arm and arm with these wenches, and allow them to behave like feral animals. I know, I’ve seen it far too often, especially in the last 20-25 years. The writer makes an excellent point about having a bug out plan, or exit plan. I currently am working on such a plan. Teaching at a CC part-time as an adjunct in the evenings for 5 years now (love it), and working a dead end full-time day job, also for 5 years. Hopefully, it will fly, sooner than later, and I can put the day gig turd factory in my rear view mirror.
Who are those 3 as* holes down-voted !!?? Shame on those weak, inferior, pathetic & ungrateful pussies.
” IMHO, it goes without saying, men should avoid working for women owned companies (been there, done that, ugghhh!!), women bosses, and with women in general.”
Only if you want to limit yourself to some of job opportunities (and money) – otherwise stop complaining & learn yourself how to use such people – women bosses and women in general are easy & useful to have if you know how to behave and use them.
She can’t be anyone’s boss if she can’t cone to work. My suggestion, remove her. Nobody would even notice. The men will get the work finished regardless.
Women should be in the home
Great article!
A superwoman like that requires a super dick up her ass.
I actually think her not having kids is a good thing, this way no one has to pretend being sad about her going to hell one day.
This is a great article, the kinda stuff that should be on RoK. Keep it up.
Working under a female boss is the worst professional circumstance to be in for a man (and for most women too). But if you must:
1. I really, really hate this one, but if a woman is your boss avoid the impression of “mansplaining” at all times. If she tells you to do something and you know it won’t work, try to (or at least lie and say you did) do it her way. Then EMAIL her (don’t tell her in person or over the phone) something like “I tried to procure the supplies using the Ageis system using the method you described, but that particular sourcing company only will take orders from the other system if you are paying with a purchase order from a cross-company account.” Don’t make her sound like an idiot (even though she is) just state I did this, it failed, this is the manner in which the task must be completed.
2. Women have more of a long tongue then men. Realize they will talk, talk, talk. If your female boss is talking in a meeting give her slack. If it even looks like you interrupt her too much you are going to get shit.
3. Never mention anything about her appearance good or bad to anyone. To you she is a genderless blob is a gray formless smock.
4. Avoid any person to person interactions. Keep chit-chat to a minimum. Never ask her about “the kids” (if she has any), “the husband” (if she could keep one) or anything that could be even remotely perceived as gender based.
5. EMAIL EVERYTHING! If you were in a meeting email your female boss and give her a brief recap of the meeting along with what you are going to do about the action items. Think a call would be more productive? Forget it. Email her. Even if it takes you twice as long.
6. Avoid business travel with a female boss at all costs. Pass on it and send someone else. If you must go to the same conference try to book different transportation, hotel, etc. Keep outside of work social interactions to a minimum. Don’t split cabs if possible. Seriously, with this whole #metoo movement you are just creating personal liability every moment you spend with her not conducting pure business.
7. Establish personal boundaries early. Women think they can communicate with anyone at anytime that that person should respond immediately. This gets worse when your female boss has “authority” under you. If she asks for you personal cell number, decline at first. It is your damn personal number. Keep it that way. If pressured give it to her in an email and put the disclaimer I DON’T CONDUCT WORK ON MY PERSONAL PHONE PLEASE USE THIS FOR EMERGENCY ONLY. If your boss is texting you and calling you after work hours despite this at least request a company phone along with a reminder that you do not feel comfortable taking business calls/texts on your personal phone especially after hours. Now you have to balance this with the whole looking like a team player thing, but if you don’t establish boundaries early expect early morning and late night calls/texts to be the norm.
Fucking Gold right there! Methinks you’ve spilt some “blood in the mud”.
Didn’t even bother reading the article. There’s only one way – quit there and then!
Exactly. I’m no longer in the corporate world, but when I was (healthcare), it was a goddamned nightmare. I oscillated between female and betacuck bosses, during my nearly 20 years in that world. Learned many lessons the hard way – don’t befriend females, especially the boss; don’t date female coworkers; don’t tell anyone anything about yourself; don’t go to happy hour; do the fucking job and go home (personal and work lives are separate).
That should apply to any job.
Don’t have sex with your boss.
Don’t grab a blowjob at work from her.
It is not worth it, fellows.
When things go wrong, the same female boss who blows you will be willing to blow her superior to get rid of you.
Sex with a boss turns into a power struggle fast.
It is not worth the 5 minutes of fun it takes to get blown.
What happened to the option of simply quitting and never ever working for a woman and, instead, finding work elsewhere where you can keep your dignity and peace of mind? If there is any reduction or loss of income as a result, it would be worth every cent.
It’s becoming almost impossible to avoid the female bosses nowadays as women’s work emancipation only means better jobs and better money for women. They don’t want the dirty and risky jobs. How many women miners do you know? Same for jewish miners (the shortest joke in the world, btw).
But … having said that, men must BOYCOTT the traditional jobs and all strive to become their own bosses and employ mostly men. Never work for a female boss. Do not think that your strategies will last for ever. Sooner rather than later she’ll get you as women are men’s weakness and we lose control when they are around.
Once the work force of all big corporations consist of mostly female, the whole economic system will crush under its own weight of incompetence. And then and only the, we men could reclaim our world!
‘men must boycott’
Man, 99 fucking % of so called ‘men’ are effeminate pussies. No honor, no dignity, zero masculine values. There will be no fucking unity of men in any action against today’s feminized jewed world. This stupid civilization must collapse completely first and then maybe something new will emerge. There is no hope for the world we know.
So what do you do for work?
Her: I’m in ‘insert corporate management role’ said with an arrogant smugness.
What a red pill man takes from that;
*Is high maintenance and overvalues herself
*Erroneously believes her career makes her sexy to the opposite sex
*Completely oblivious that even high value men would rather fuck a slim attractive down to earth dishwasher than some entitled corporate shill
*Believes she is the female equivalent of Chad and acts accordingly
*Becomes upset with men when her chadlike attitude repels men
*Rejects or has no respect for men that aren’t in a higher earning or educated calibre than herself yet puts her complete failure with men down to the fact that men must just be intimidated by her ‘awesomeness’ and ‘success’
* Will have a slut blowout on the foreign cock carousel at some point
*Will mostly likely become a bitter barren cat lady
*Her life will amount to a career no one gave a fuck about that made little difference to anything important.
She will do all her life what the fuck she pleases instead of the pathetic ho you will pump and dump without an orgasm, or worse, wife up and leave a boring, meaningless exiszence serving your tired useless ass.
In the end, all women age. At least she had all the fun she wanted, while your wife spent her life washing your socks and cooking you dinner every day. Yawn!
You have nothing to offer that a career woman cannot offer herself. This is why you and losers like you hate them.
You got that right, he is not a cat breeder.
She will spend the second half of her life cold, alone, bitter and used up.
A humble woman with a healthy family dynamic however will have her struggles but will otherwise be filled with joy and contentment she raised a beautiful family with a strong loving husband.
Pity them. They seem so empty and unhappy.
I don’t hate them, they are a great source of amusement. I fully respect my wife for cooking, cleaning, making my tea and giving me my nuptials on demand. In return I keep a roof over her head and allow her to go off at that special time each month, course Im down the pub when she does.
Women should never lead men. Rabbit cannot lead a wolf. And mouse cannot lead a cat
Ahhhh….psychology at its BEST!!!
Master your subconscious control and dominance first and you will defuse and overcome her overt conscious and deliberate “sado master” mentality without being at all overtly disrespectful enough to allow her to make an HR action stick.
One more item:
Relate with your boss in emotion instead of logical terms.
WRONG: You have been sending me a lot of texts after work on my personal phone. I do not like conducting business on my own cell and it costs me additional money every month to do so. Please stop this practice or have corporate assign me a company phone.
RIGHT: I know work doesn’t end at 5 these days. But, I just feel uncomfortable about mixing work/personal on my own cell. I’m sure you understand. I mean what if something at work were to happen and it was demanded I produce all my texts on my personal phone. I’m sure my teenage daughter would be embarrassed if she knew the company lawyer were reading our private exchanges. Anyway, I think I have a solution to this problem that fixes it for all concerned. Can you just get me a company phone or if not how about we agree to keep after hours exchanges to company email and I will try to get back to you when I can. Sound good?
or you just dont pick up. no need for an asskissing excuse or demand
Good advice. A good rule of thumb though… Don’t ever call anyone your boss, male or female. That’s not to say don’t work for someone, just never refer to anyone as your boss. I provide a service and you pay me for that service, that’s as far as this relationship goes. Oh, and go get that F*ck you money young man!
I thought I was the only one. I have no boss. I have a manager, who I provide service to in exchange for money. I am my own enterprise.
That’s an important state of mind. And managers and coworkers respect you more because they sense your dignity.
Ni e writeup! Good info.
These tips can also be used if your stuck with a mangina/soy boy/Beta dunce of a manager. They can be worse than working for an actual woman.
Now there’s the next article for RoK!!
I’m surprised your boss never spoke to you about the teaching gig, most woman-run businesses also have a sophisticated snitch network. Someone sees you out with a smoking hot girl or multiple girls around town spreads fast hopefully you stay in a big enough city to lessen this happening.
It’s not just basic snitching now. It’s I over heard a conversation and “I felt THREATENED”. This just happened to me. A casual conversation got to the Manager’s office. I called the Manager on it and of course the lesbian HR snatch had to be suddenly involved. I told the Manager that in no uncertain terms that she was creating a toxic work environment when she welcomed petty “muh feelins” complaints into the office. The HR lesbo went berserk and I got and left the meeting. I lasted three months before resigning because I was well aware that I was working in Vaginastan.
You think business is bad? Try working in healthcare.
I just recently was released from the hospital for complications to my surgery.
I have to tell you, I was surrounded by lots of attractive young women. It was like winning the lottery or something.
If I had not been deathly ill, i probably could have enjoyed myself s lot.
Not did I see much in the way of feminism
Can confirm. Hospital staffs are nothing more than covens. Entitlement taken all the way to 11. Nurses who adopt the “God calls me God” attitude because they work with doctors and hallucinate that their competence and authority are somehow transferred to them.
Don’t copy her in your emails to clients. She will publicly undermine you.
If it starts to go South and even before, make sure all emails are tagged and sent to your home email. I won a lawsuit based on me recording everything and keeping all emails. NEVER talk to these people, ALWAYS carry a recording device with you. FUCK the law!! Being able to recount what a person said and dates and times is absolutely vital.
if its w/in your means to do it, quit.
also, if u can help it, dont be anyones coporate monkey, whether man or woman.
Amen, amen and amen.
Starting my own business was one of the best things I ever did. I would be a he-whore, sell drugs, rob graves, etc. before going back into the corporate world again.
I’m getting a popsicle headache as I type the words “corporate world”. That environment truly kills your soul.
Great advice. No 7. is Gold.
I meant no. 6.
A little practical rulebook for the first day.
1. Talk about how she looks. If she has a great ass: say it. If her ass looks flat: spell it out. If her ass looks flabby: hint about it, quite explicitly. Same about the face and boobs.
2. Ask her, in front of everyone in the (((team))) how many cucks she has sucked in the last decade. Don’t be judgmental; just ask.
3. At the coffee machine, ask her if she likes anal and/or quirky roleplay.
4. Emphasize that gay and trans people are kind of disgusting and that you hope that no staff member is a minority member.
5. Tell her to meet you in your office ASAP and wack off while she enters the room.
6. Be Tom Brady when you do these things.
Ask her if she is a tranny.
Another stellar RoK article in dealing with the lipstick Taliban while surviving in Vaginastan. Number 6 is a real learning experience for me. I thought nodding my head would placate the yapper, but now I realize it makes them talk more.
If you think it’s tough being a man in a gynocentric asylum, just try being a woman who doesn’t go along with this crap.
If your boss is female.
Your #1 priority should be a new job.
At the very least it’s better for your health and stress.
I am an RN, I love what I do. I am unfortunately surrounded by women. Women co-workers, women bosses, women managers, etc… I find being quiet, not talking anymore than I have to, and then only work related stuff. I would never date anyone I work with.
My boss is a woman, and let me tell you, the stream of nonsense that comes out of her mouth, with new “procedures” that she doesn’t even understand and couldn’t implement if she were working the floor. The threats disguised as “helpful advice”, I could go on and on.
Fortunately, there are male dominated areas in a hospital, the ICU for example or the ED. Both places are always busy so there is no time for gossip, so no time to scheme.
If you are going to get into a female dominated industry, like nursing or teaching, be very aware of the games and politics that go along with those professions and plan accordingly.
Story time…
I was working for a large company a few years ago, part of a small team of contractors which had minimal oversight from management, etc. We were all adults, proficient at our jobs, and between us had about 80+ years of experience in our respective field. Somebody higher up thought it would be a good idea to bring in someone in to “manage” our team. One of the guys in our group got ahold of the woman’s name who was going to be hired to “lead” us and he did a little bit of googling.
What he found was pretty standard, a LinkedIn page with the most obviously padded resume we had ever seen, but through further internet detective work we found another gem, her “swimsuit model demo reel” on Youtube… the trainwreck headed our way couldn’t be more apparent. The first meeting we had with this woman was a complete joke, and within the first 5 minutes it was obvious she had no idea what she was talking about in regards to our line of work. Her language came straight out of a marketing course because all the hip corporate buzzwords were gratuitously dropped during the frequently mundane meetings, or “pow wows” she would call with us every other day. We often spotted her wandering the halls glued to her iPhone, or reclining in one of the meeting rooms with her feet up on the table, boisterously chatting full volume with someone on an obvious personal phone call.
After about 8 weeks of this shit show, one of the guys on the team takes it upon himself to try and get her fired, because she was clearly incompetent and relying on the old “fake it til you make it” mantra. His plan backfired spectacularly, and she ended up getting HIM fired in return. Subsequently, meetings were called by her with every single person in our group. During my meeting, she made a veiled threat to the tune of “do you have a problem with my management style? Because if you do, you can join the guy who just got fired for trying to take me on.” I said, nope, no problem, just trying to do my job quietly.
Fast forward another 2 months or so, she gets canned by upper management and is seen sobbing to a white knight beta coworker in the hallway about how she “gave it her all” and didn’t understand the decision for her abrupt departure.
This is my most recent experience with a female “manager”, and yeah, great article. I agree with pretty much everything said here.
Avoid women in the workplace at all costs, your mental health depends on it.
I can confirm from long experience that most female bosses are a neurotic nightmare.
Disengaged civility is the best way to play it.
That’s exactly the same recommendation for dealing with psychopaths in general, a true fact.
“My boss is a superwoman: forty-something…”
Don’t need to read anything past that.
If she is “forty-something” she is an old bag.
A useless, un-bangable, old bag.
Very rare the single female over 30 has any worth.
Maybe Asian females can hag on till 35 or so.
The only way I can see any worth in being loyal to a female over 30 is if she gave herself to you,mind, body and soul, when she was 20, at the height of her youth and beauty. And she is 100% loyal, faithful, and dutiful going forward.
Single Women over 40 are good for use as cooks, housekeepers, and babysitters (if you are unfortunate enough to be a single father). As for sex? Maybe they are OK as a sex partner for an 85 year old man in a nursing home wearing depends undergarments. But I hope I never have to test that theory.
Are you under the impression that the headline is “8 Tips To Bang A Female Boss” (which it isn’t)? (rolls eyes)
(9) Get another Job!!!
No reason to work for a female. So many jobs out there where you will not have to deal with female leads.
I am in IT. The American IB I consult for has almost no female managers, and certainly none in my department.
Stick to STEM and the female “bosses” will be few and far between. I imagine the trades are the same. There are still jobs out that that are a man’s realm. Stay out of HR, Teaching, Nursing, Airplane Waitressing, Social Work, and the Gub’mnt and your options for avoiding female bosses will be just fine.
I’m glad for you. But soon IT will be dominated by women. Unfortunately it happens. Also women dont want to code. They want to rule. Microsoft Russia was led by a woman. Russian IT security company founded by a woman. New Yandex (Russian local Google)boss is a woman. Most of all financial companies are dominated by women. My head of IT department is a woman
In Russia we’ve a lot of female engineers in STEM since USSR
John Dodds — Good for you. You showed more sense than most by doing so. No need to waste your time and risking your reputation by working for someone who is a psychopath.
Brian Dustin — More or less spot on. I have never actually had a female boss, although I did deal with a female general manager when I was an independent subcontractor (that is not a legal term, I really was independent). She reminded me of a petulant child. When things were not serious, I screwed with her. When things were serious, I was more professional at 21 and 22 years of age than she was in her mid 40s.
Note – You made an excellent recommendation with that book, “Writing That Works”. Seriously, I thank you. Despite having tested at reading at a post-graduate level in high school, and learning to verbally communicate with customers better than anyone in several large companies that I worked with, I was still somewhat weak when communicating with the written word.
psychopathic menopause is not spelled superwoman. just thought id point that out.
How about this for a REAL bitch move..
#Meetoo with males who were sexually harassed by WOMEN in their workplaces and otherwise. Turn the tables, ruin the women the same way they are ruining us, especially the harassment and discrimination by the feminist HR bitches and bosses.
Right now the #meetoo is being used weaponized against men in lieu of WITCH HUNTs and lynchings of men’s lives by women. Turn this bitch a$$ movement around and give em back what they dish out.
Trump said it best: “fire your boss and get a new job”.
If you have a female boss, quit.
Every guy should watch this movie, everyone in the scene works together, before reading what I’m about to tell you, most people would think the guy smoking and talking is the boss at work, he’s not – the boss is the lady with the short black hair and red lipstick – you don’t have to avoid HR and women and your boss at work to be a ‘boss’ and an alpha – learn some social skills, learn how to talk, don’t be like the other two cucked beta boys in this scene getting cheap laughs – realize your own value – whether or not you agree with everything the main guy is talking about in this clip he has an air of authority to him and credibility, regardless of if his facts are right or not, he believes what he’s saying – now, don’t try to emulate and copy this guy cuse you’ll just come off like a smug dumbass, but if you believe what YOU yourself are saying and can justify it with some logic then you have an automatic air of authority to you – this is high level PUA shit – guys getitn ginto the game ten years ago will know about this movie – most chumps nowadays think RSD is what ‘game’ is.
If you are in I.T. – see if you can work remotely – this solved my femboss problem permanently until I retired.