Dating advice for men is no longer in its infancy. Since 2005, when The Game by Neil Strauss came out and a lot of guys got into pickup, it has become mainstream. These days, awareness that there are techniques through which guys can increase their success rate with women is widespread, if not universally accepted.
But—perhaps as a result of shark oil merchants overselling the dream—some men have got the idea that by simply learning a few lines from the internet, a cavalcade of supermodels will march into their bedrooms. This is not the case and never has been. Game will always be about incremental improvements, not miracles.
This is exacerbated by the fact that men come into game at very different levels. Some already have their shit together. They look good, they’re in shape and they can hold a conversation with an actual human being. Others are less fortunate. Many are afraid to hold eye contact with anyone, let alone a beautiful girl. For this latter group, it’s clear that a steeper learning curve will apply, And the truth is that these guys may never sleep with an 8, 9, much less a 10.
The ability to handle rejection—lots of it—is a key indicator of how well any man is going to do in the field. If you’re a soy boy game denialist who half-heartedly tries a few sets and then goes back to his keyboard to rant about how only looks and money count, then clearly your results will not be stellar.
If you take a more pragmatic, masculine approach, and recognise that rejection is a key part of any growth process then you are more likely to stay the course. And in the end, there is no doubt that you will see better results than you did at first.
Going out, talking to actual, real-life girls, making a ton of mistakes, getting humiliated, and slowly getting better—this is the hard road that most students of game have to tread.
Yes, you can move to a country where your value might be deemed somewhat higher than at home. But you will still have to go through the process. And it is by approaching, taking feedback from a mentor, consuming game advice and tweaking your methods over time that you improve.
What Is The Point Of Game?
Another thing to consider is what ‘game’ actually is. At its core it’s about social skills. How do you open? Is it with confidence and strong eye contact? Is your presence commanding? What do you talk about? Are you quick-witted and confident, or do you just ask a bunch of interview questions?
These things are important. But they are only a part of the puzzle. For game is nothing if not an holistic process that, over time, requires an exhaustive upgrade of the player’s entire persona. He must work to improve his aesthetics, his wardrobe, his social standing and yes, his earning power. He must, in other words, get his shit together. But again, that happens bit by bit, over time. It is an incremental process rather than a transformation that happens at a weekend bootcamp in Vegas.
Which brings us to a key question: what, actually, is the point of game? If you are judging game by whether or not it makes it possible for ungainly and socially awkward men to score at a Taylor Swift aftershow party then of course it will fail. But if you are more rational, and judge it on whether it assists men in getting better girls than they might otherwise have got, and more choice in their dating lives, then it succeeds.
Miracles don’t happen outside of the Bible, and no one here is claiming that they do (and if you do see such claims from a dating advice company then you should immediately disregard them). The sexual marketplace exists, and it is often brutal. However, any company has the opportunity to perform better in its chosen marketplace, but only if it takes a strategic, long view, and puts its plans into carefully and consistently. So it is for the individual in the dating market.
Guys need to put aside Instagram-fuelled fantasies about picking up celebrities poolside in Miami and get real. Game has helped a huge number of ordinary men to make incremental improvements in themselves over time, and to take back control of their dating lives. This is something to be celebrated. It is after all fortunate that you don’t have to be Chad Thundercock (an imaginary, homoerotic fantasy figure for game denialists to masturbate over) in order to enjoy a rewarding and varied sex life.
Want to find out how jerks and bad boys get the hottest girls? Click on the link now to read Troy’s latest book How To Be An Asshole
Read More: The Rise Of Game Denialism Is Hurting A Lot Of Men
It’s only impossible for us to measure the rate at which a pulse of light falls back down to earth, not unlike a bullet, because that pulse of light would’ve traveled 23.6 times the thickness of earth in just one second. A bullet would’ve fallen 16 ft in that same amount of time.
By using the formula to calculate Escape Velocity and substituting M for earth’s mass, we can find the point “r” where it becomes impossible for light to escape. This value works out to 8.87 mm and implies that there’s a very tiny black hole of that radius that’s stable.
Yes, it is true that you can Stack a Deck of Cards in many more different ways than there are Atoms on Earth!!!
Please don’t blaspheme Jesus Christ by posting a picture of Him alongside your promiscuous “game” nonsense. Real men live godly lives.
Troy is a fucking sinner.
He wont stop being a crybaby about the people who bullied him.
Its like wants attention and contempt from everyone and keeps trying to proove his point with emotions like a bitch.
Troy is a fake ass cracka whigger who disrespects jesus.
You still Pastor all the all girls Summer Christian Camp?
Yeah, and his books won’t sell since he posted his pics.
Amen. Instead of useless articles like this, meant for over grown boys, maybe sometime we can see something more adult like how to get and keep a job for instance.
Running a business , a series on starting businesses , trends in careers and business types etc
@ Hammered shit, how about this? Don’t bother learning to find a job because you live in a post-consumer world (UN), what little work that will be available in the future will be dolled out to the scum sucking vermin who kept their mouths shut as they knowingly took part in the end of our civilisation (that is until they can be replaced by a robot/AI). Adapt to your current situation and accept it, enjoy your little entertainments until your number called and is up. There, I think that should sort it.
Even if AI rules the world you need techs to build code it and maintain it . Even AI breaks in cold weather
@ Hammered shit, that is not true about needing techs to build, run and maintain AI. It’s the [current year] and already deep learning is being widely used, and essentially all the techs need to do is tell the AI to do something and the AI takes it from there.
A good recent example is AI learning to play chess. They gave it the rules of the game and then left it to play with itself. After 4 hours of playing with itself the AI had mastered chess and beat the best [current year] AI, Stockfish.
So all you need is for an AI to progress to the point where it will tell itself to go and learn shit and it will do it. All a self contained cycle. And that also goes for learning how to maintain itself and build itself.
I don’t think most people understand what a monster they’re building.
Plenty of children cling to jobs and security and never do much interesting or challenging in life.
Real men don’t take Jesus seriously, and especially when Christians invoke his name to throw out empty threats.
Christians really have only one wad to shoot: Their claim that the historical Jesus rose from the dead, that he has terrifying supernatural powers, and that he’ll use these powers to punish us in the afterlife – like Pinhead in those stupid “Hellraiser” movies, I suppose.
If you don’t believe this fantasy about Jesus, then what does he have left?
Cultural Marxism has really done a number on you…
Real men don’t need “game” or other mind tricks either. Who and what they are speak for themselves.
Real men don´t need game, absolutely right we call them naturals, is not a game for them, they are like that all the time, for the betas and soyboys which both comprehend the 80% of men in the world they really really need game ASAP. Men don´t needed game because there was something called sexual market regulation, now in an unregulated sexual market where women are free to give free reign to their hypergamy tingles you will need game if you don´t want to end dating crazy women, divorces, old women, single mothers, chads leftovers and alpha widows. And end divorce raped and/or cucked.
I just think whatever Jesus did has been completely modified by organized religions who want you to be a beta and to have access to raping your children. Chateau Heartiste has a great article analyzing the game of Jesus…then you look at the bible and it contradicts the teachings of Jesus many ways.
“Real men live godly lives” LOL It’s always hilarious to see fat ignoramuses heap praise on themselves for “at least I go to church!” Church goers are fatter than other people, and have a lower IQ. But you are a “real man” right, while the evil infidels aren’t? Because you believe that the earth is flat and some Jew asked his tribal god to split a sea in two, that makes you a “real man”? By the way, the earth is round. That book composed by celibate monks lied to you. Also, the earth is not held up by seven pillars. And the sun, moon and stars are not attached to a dome over our heads. Those are just more of the many lies in the bibble. But you’ll still believe in it despite the many proven lies and contradictions, right? Because you’re a “real man” and the infidels aren’t. Never mind that the backwards Jewish tribal religion destroyed scientific progress in the Roman Empire, leaving Europe in darkness for centuries so that the Arabs and Turks could invade North Africa, Sicily, Spain, Portugal, Byzantine and the Balkans, and mix their blood with the people there. Your religion is still what “real men” believe in, right? What a track record. Only when the Black Death broke the priests’ grip on people’s minds, after the priests helped kill two thirds of Europe’s population by telling them they were evil sinners who must gather in church – where the plague spread rapidly – to ask “forgiveness” by obeying the priests even more, could people start making scientific progress again and usher in the Renaissance. But believing in the priests’ lies that held Europe back before the Black Death makes you “manly,” right?
You sound like an angry homosexual between the ages of 14 and 25….
Why would you put Jesus as a front picture for the “game” article?
Do you expect to be taken seriously after this?
Jesus. Don’t get so wigged out.
he stayed true to who he is never let anyone change him
Troy wuz Kangz n shieet!
Seriously since people criticized this little whigger wont shut up about this whole game denialist. Fucking crybaby.
The more you try to affirm something that people criticized you for. More they will bully you.
Ignore them lil crybaby whigger
Wigger?? I just went and watched a video of him. No sign of wigger. Seemed like an authentic guy.
I don’t know why his articles get so much hate in the last year. They used to get good feedback. He always gave level headed advice in my opinion. There’s nothing wrong with encouraging guys to improve their conditions. Yes, SL&M are important, but a little bit of those doesn’t do shit if you have zero skills. Social skills are value unto themselves.
Makes me wonder if a pod of commies decided to trash every ROK article they deem as “pickup”, due to sexism or somesuch commie shit. To prevent readers from scoring.
Troy Francis vs Troy Francis´s Ego the Musical:
Troy Francis: “Yooooo I am Troy Francis!!! I am the one and only!! You cant take that away from me”
Who let these people in?
“perhaps as a result of shark oil merchants overselling the dream” – that’s pretty much what you’ve been doing pal for the past 5 years. You forgot about the article where you happened to walk by Victoria’s Secret in Paris and locked eyes with a French girl and banged her 10 minutes later?
Troy, you are a fucking crybaby beta bitch. Stop using this forum as a way to validate your worthless existence. The game has passed you by my friend, it doesn’t exist. Come to Los Angeles and pick up some hot girls with “game”, they won’t even look at you. I understand 2005 was the good old days and they are starting to leave you, so just like any #metoo bullshit “victim” you are trying to stay relevant. However, times are different and we don’t fall for your bullshit. Game is dead. PERIOD. Clearly, your best days are behind you and you are trying to validate whatever value you think you have left and pushing nonsense on the readers that are truly searching for answers. A picture of Jesus? I think you are the one that needs saving, Troy. Let go of the delusions and accept that this is not 2005. If you have other ways to help your fellow man, please do.
@ Blackpiller, I second that. Here’s my comment, might as well tag it to yours as a reply:
Come on, Troy, I called you out on lack of charisma 2 articles back, and the next article was about charisma. In the comments section of that article I mentioned that considering you started game in 2005 you’ve not made much progress becoming an alpha… and guess what this article is about.
“Game” has its limitations. Pick Up Artists deceived us into believing that learning cold approach would help below average men date 9s and 10s. Truth is: the guys who hook up with the most attractive women leverage Looks, Money and Status, not game. If a man wants to improve his dating life the best thing he can do for himself is increase his LMS. An American man who’s low on SMV should go to Eastern Europe, South America and South East Asia. That’s where his status will be elevated to make up for his SMV deficiencies. Internet Marketers like Troy should stop withholding the truth, even though disclosing the realities of the dating market would harm his agenda of selling “game”. The Readers of this website aren’t as naive as the author would like them to be. We’ve seen how celebrities, club promoters, rich guys, male models are hooking up with the most desired women only to be told by “Pick Up gurus” that Game is the one thing that will determine a man’s ability to date attractive women.
Increase our “LMS” and “SMV”? Is there a blood test to measure those things like testosterone or thyroid or Vitamin D? What’s the supplement to boost them? Suckaz wanna know.
Troy, we can’t deny the social dynamic of “game” which is just dominant aloof behavior that makes woman “believe” you have high value. But don’t deny the unspoken biological truth of resources ($) and genetics (looks). The latter, especially in a daddy government. Oh, and Troy, if you’ve never met a “Chad” in person, watch the Netflix movie ‘Liberated.’ There you will see a chad pull and lay 3 girls on camera while his good guy game buddies watch. Kind of hard to game any girl that only gazes at your hotel roomy as you’ll see. All of “Chads” friends even admit that girls just drop panties for him. “Chad” even tells you what he tells the ladies; you seem cool, you seem fun to hang out with… when will you get it Troy, it never mattered, they were going to fuck him at hello. Game is good for the socially awkward. If you get laid without much challenge, game comes naturally as you exude that you get laid, because you do. Same applies when you have a girl and tolerate rejection because you know you’ve got something better on the dial of your phone. That is what you call the mind of “abundance” which you teach. But don’t deny resources and genetics because we will laugh at you.
Lots of defeatists here. I get outgamed frequently by shorter, less attractive guys who simply dance better, make more approaches, and take more risks. This pessimist attitude isnt helping anyone. Even if a dude wants to pick up a 6 or 7, he needs to have the balls to make an approach. Why put this ” you have no chance” perspective out there?
Feel free to write an article on how to improve smv or bang foreigners on vacation, but dont piss in the pool because you have no faith.
Our world is turning to shit and we’re getting distracted on bogus ways to ride the decline. It’s ok guys, just game, everything’s ok just gotta keep gaming. No, It’s placebo bullshit.
I really don’t understand the hostility shown towards Troy Francis on this site. For the most part he gives solid advice in his articles and the books he writes and publishes but for some reason gets met with outrage and condemnation by the very people who are subscribed here on ROK who usually jumps for joy when they are giving advice that might help them in the long run. What is it that Troy exhibits that makes people on here that causes guys hate him so much?
The reason is that he has flaws, just like any other human being. However the problem is that he wont admit it. His articles used to be good, but lately he has been exaggerating his stunts with women so much that people started to criticize him.
But Instead of him having some humility to listen to some negative feedback about himself and try to improve on his weaknesses he became this little crybaby that calls everyone in ROK a “game denialist”.
Goosh he is getting boring and becoming a fucking pain the ass everyweek he posts an article where he cries about “game denialists” bullying him and bashing his snake oil business.
Seriously what a fucking butthurt beta crybaby loser. This is getting boring. He needs to move on and write more adult stuff, like improving your SMV or getting your finances in order. But instead he opts to use Argumentum ad hominem on everyone who dont believe that his “pickup-artist tricks” are for real!
Second that Alberto. This is one of the writers that needs to grow up.
Look, I agree, the advice is pretty much always spot on. I have been a fan of Troy’s writing for a while. Then a few things started to not add up when combined.
Because the advice was first rate I assumed he’s killing it with the ladies as he knows all the tricks.
Then I see that these articles were just leading up to a book he’s now trying to sell. Made the advice, no less accurate, but when scrutinised, unoriginal, in the literal sense of the word. All the advice is cherry picked from different people. And that’s totally fine, we all cherry pick ideas from different authors.
Then I see him staring into a camera… he’s a used car salesman posing as an alpha to try to sell some books.
I am so fucking tired of so many fucking cunts in society faking it to make it. They’re not helping the PUA community’s reputation at all. Fuck em.
I, for one, never deny the effectiveness of game. I deny that it will do anything about our civilizational problems, but contribute to them. For the individual, it will assist his short-term hedonistic endeavors (a man’s gotta have some fun, right?), for the West, it is masturbatory at best.
How is it “masturbatory” to not have to settle for whatever woman deigns look at a man? It’s “masturbatory” for him to seek out more women until he finds one that will fit him better? All of society is telling men to settle, which they hide behind nonsense like “man up”. Churchians and other conservatives tell men to settle, feminists tell men to settle. Gee, I wonder why there are so many unhappy marriages with divorces following. How is it bad that men learn to shape up and learn to look around, until they find the best fit for them?
Yes it is. It wastes valuable time that could be spent in effective, collective pushes towards homeostasis. He then contributes to the ruination of the women he goes through (if just a little) leaving them worse off for his fellows, whom he should care about since it is with them (and not by himself) that he would affect these changes, thus contributing to the further degeneration of women. Also, the point of game is to play (it’s called “game” for heaven’s sake, games are for playing) and not to find an ideal mate for settling down. The objective of this ‘game’s is to go as long as you can acquiring notch counts; are the unwelcome guests playing games? I am not “churchian” and am totally against bad marriages, if you re-read my comment you’ll see that I promote overt domination of society by us men, for the benefit of the future, not a forcing of men to have shitty wives and be told what to do. My way would get things done much faster than individual dudes slowly playing while our civilization dies. Game works, but that is not the concern in my comments.
Agreed. Seems to me that game helped create the conditions that gave rise to the cock carousel. And we can all see the negative social consequences of that fair ride.
They contribute to it, yes, albeit not intentionally. The game player ignores society to focus on his own short-term pleasure (yes, that includes me too, I am human as well), this makes sure he spends his time playing and is not a threat to the status quo.
What a joke. Let it go already. ‘Game’ is the coping-mechanism of the relic. All you need is the Red Pill, which means understanding that women are lesser than men in intelligence, strength and ability – everything else you need to know is downstream from there….AND IT’S FREE. All this silly rote memorization of corny opening lines was embarrassing then and is embarrassing now. The fact that you think you need this beta placebo to converse with shit-tier women speaks volumes.
“All you need is the Red Pill, which means understanding that women are lesser than men in intelligence, strength and ability”
You sound like a very lonely old man.
And you think game is “rote memorization of corny opening lines”? What an idiot.
Good try.
I’m in my 20s and I currently have a former coworker begging me to have sex with her.
You sound like a hopeful virgin. Being overly positive isn’t attractive to women.
If you turned off your high-time preference enough you would see that what I said was sound advice. But instead you choose to live in escapism, fantasizing about a woman that relates to you in every way and is your equal…without realizing no matter how many times you fail that she doesn’t exist.
Good luck kiddo. Pay for another beta bootcamp and pretend you improved yourself.
I just find it fascinating that when a writer wants to discredit the idea that impossible “miracles” can happen in real life, he uses the stories about Jesus as his examples.
What does that say regarding what we really think about Jesus in our unguarded moments?
Game is dead.
About gaming women in 2018 Occident where egos of women are to full of compliments from online dating, tinder instagram Snapchat ? 😂
With stuff from 2005?
Rofl lmao laughing my ass off, try that shit in New York ☝🏽 one weekend.
Also have my phone number so you can call me from Rikers island 🤙🏽.
My friend TROY, we want to know how to increase smv and advices on keeping it together in this #metoo, Hollywood bs world.
If ou want women recipe is below: 👇🏽
Status, money, looks
in that order please Brothers.
And that’s the way it’s always been
Another Incel giving up hahahah.
See, you are a faggot and you are too weak and too scared to better yourself, because it is, actually hard work to get there. And that’s ok.
But Game is not dead. Game can never die. It is basic social skills which makes you more attractive and teaches you how to avoid the typical mistakes, that even the “natural” guys do.
If you do this, over and over, and don’t give up after the first rejection, you will get results.
But keep wanking in your moms basement and tell yourself that game is not real. Much easier than to realize that you are just a weak bitch. 😉
>screams like a little girl
>insult after insult
>calls someone weak bitch
Try harder, “alpha”
Straw man arguments for a con man .
$2 towels at Macy’s.
This post was about straw man arguments about game, and commenters react with more straw men. Let me explain.
1. He’s not saying that game is about pick-up lines and typical 2005 strategies. It’s rather a holistic approach linked to self-improvement and proper strategies: increasing confidence, being better having conversations, improve looks, using multiple game strategies, adapt, and doing multiple approaches. All of these aspects make sense, and hopefully lead to incremental steps in the right direction (although things are not linear in life, on can have a bad period).
2. He’s not said that he is that good-looking before he showed his face. He said that he was somewhere in the middle, which he is, in a previous article.
3. No one can really know if all of the examples and experiences are real, but if a guy is 40+ and spends a lot of his time focusing on game, chances are that he has banged a lot of girls between 6-8 at least. Perhaps a couple of 9s as well. Likely it was a couple of 9s that have made Troy confident to write this types of books and articles, even show his face.
4. The model pics are there for three reasons,: substitutes for real women, attract more readers, and to motivate men. If it’s “delusional”, it depends on how you look at it, but that’s something that most guys can figure out. Equivalent of click-baity headlines.
5. He has stressed that he is – at least in part – writing for a more mature crowd, guys over 40 who want to be better with women and perhaps date younger women. It’s up to you if you want to buy the books or not.
He’s offering pretty solid articles about game for free, which often make sense, so it seems like a lot of misguided and exaggerated reactions. The manosphere offers a whole plethora of subjects and perspectives, hence no one can like everything, far from it.
With that said, I think that most of us here have to figure out something new to write about, because so much has already been said and we’re running out of ideas. New and important insights are required.
Finally a sensible response to this article.
My God, what a bunch of butthurt little girly men posting comments here.
Why don’t some of you whiners write an article?
Excuses, right?
Ok Mr keyboard alpha
Stifle yourself, fat boi
Troy wrote a good article once on his trip to Ibiza I believe. A tall good looking stud who held a a lot of status was cleaning up in the club. He described the nice average good girl completely under his spell and observed an average man that tried to ‘game’ her and got completely obliterated by the alpha and rejected harshly by the girl.
It was a brilliant article actually and demonstrated what most of us ‘denialists’ already know. Unfortunately Troy came to different conclusions.
It was a good article, unfortunately, such “status” is worthless outside the club. What are those guys going to do to save the West? Wear stupid clothes and dance? That average man in that article was indigenous, and so the indigenous woman belongs to him, game or not. Getting pumped and dumped by somebody being silly is not going to beat back Moroccans I’m afraid. Party boys don’t take up the life of strife.
Everyone is a stud in their own mind . If one doesn’t provide evidence of his game then one shouldn’t criticize the straw men
I dont have a prob with this article. Its funny watching everyone get triggered.
All the constructive commenters from the past seem to have left ROK and have been replaced by people who think only complaints are permissable.
There was a time when commenters were sharing advice to encourage eachother.
All the old timers agree cold approaches don’t work 99 percent of the time and it’s a wasted effort . You have to develop attraction by meeting all the characteristics that the particular woman you have eyes on wants and needs. Nobody is putting down cold approaches and game and money . I think the key here is to get realistic. If I show you the hundreds of girls that approach me on sa you’d be amazed . Those same girls wouldn’t look at me otherwise . Now don’t say she’s fucking mr chad while after money . That may or may not be true . A few fof I’m sa I paid or scammed were either enjoying it or taking it . Either way it was the whole playboy experience that got them excited .There is no formula for meeting women . I’m guessing Troy has had some luck with EE women but I doubt to the extent he claims
When did RoK became this MGTOW-Religous-Incel Hell? I was inactive for some months, then disqus banned RoK and after that I only see beta cucks flaming on game articles.
Another unread article by this hyper-narcissist. Those who concentrate solely on sticking themselves inside a female’s reproductive tract, like Doosh, live in a small world. You really have to choose your guidance here wisely. These two guys are concerned with one thing only – them.
Read a useful article instead: “I’m addicted to dating apps – but I don’t want a date – I’m just in it for the ego boost”, found surprisingly on BBC3.
BBC 3 as in Big Black Cocks 3x
With game, you become Chad Thundercock for the viewers, so it is worth it.
Perhaps we should just call it “self-improvement”. The word ‘game’ has a nasty stain on it now as it’s associated with faking value and tricks. There’s also a mixture of advice from differing guys from different eras; and some of the advice (like negging) is either questionable or dangerous. Some advice (not being negative in a conversation, being proactive in general etc.) is probably very useful and applies to pretty much all humn relations.
The only thing that you can trust to give you permanents improvements in self-esteem and quality of life is self-improvement. A lot of the stuff written on game is just ingraining cynicism about women and life, not in a MGTOW style but cynical nonetheless.
I feel like the moment you know what to do (get motivated about turning yourself into a person you want to be and living the kind of life you like) you should detach from the manosphere more and more because what’s left is mostly a circle jerk of complaints, negative experiences about women and some wisdom too obviously.
Like Bruce Lee said, take what’s useful and reject the chaff; then go out.
As our society degenerates from traditional nuclear family standards women are reduced to concubines around one Chad/Alpha and the other males are simply shit out of luck.
Look at Africa or the ghetto.
The biggest, toughest, most pyschopathically ruthless man gets 8 or 10 women who fight over him and the rest of them have to go on the “downlow” or raping senior citizens in a nursing home.
“traditional nuclear family”… what?a family is either traditional or it is nuclear not both. The nuclear family is a sad invention of modernity that serves as a stepping stone to single-motherhood. There’s nothing traditional about it. Do you really think your ancestors were so retarded as to spend 18 years raising a child only to then kick him out of the house and see him twice a year afterwards for sentimental value?
No…but monogamous relationships and marriage evolved so that sex partners were evenly distributed as oppose to the sort of social disorder that Africa has always had from Alphas being surrounded by packs of concubines while the rest of the males are on the “down-low” or commit rape and less attractive females are left abandoned with a child after the male Alpha has shot his load and walked off.
The reasons for monogamy-not really a natural situation for males-is to create a social fabric and control that black societies don’t have where one male is not out fathering 40 kids with women he has no intention of supporting.
If you look at the ghetto, most eligible males will father 4-6 children while being able to support 1, at best. In white society this is frowned upon and the two-parent family has for thousands of years been a form of socio-economic stability.
Madman März, you nailed it, kudos.
“Showing Our Ages”
In the 1990’s it was abnormal to live at home when you were 20. There was something wrong with you if you did.
These days, it is normal for Gen Y to live at home until they are 35.
This is more or less a flux in economics and so on. Gen Y cannot get a job and move out. Plain and simple.
Also, this is the reason porn is now so popular. Dudes cannot exactly have swinger’s parties in their parents house even young women were attracted to males who lived at home with no income.
what afrca does that? in many african countries with exception to samll island african nations like madagasca the rest most people in the population are married to a point that if u hit 30 as a man with no wife your familly starts asking questions what is wrong with you. So that ‘fact’ of yours that only the baddest man gets woman in africa is out of place maybe there among the ‘african’american’.
This Marz character is a smart dumbass who has a perception molded by the certain parts of the media he chooses to pay attention to & the worst extremes. In his mind, the African-American middle class & African nations that are family-oriented don’t exist; only the ghettos which he has also never been to. Ignore most of his idiocy.
I’m from Greater Detroit.
So I know something about it.
I’ve VISITED Africa, but only briefly.
“Smart dumb ass?”
African-Americans are West African with some white blood.
And East Africa has so much Arab influence that we cannot make the same generalizations.
Finally, Madagascar is Indonesian. The Africans were not its first settlers; even though Indonesian is across the Indian ocean.
None of us have been to African countries really, so we base comments upon news articles mostly. However, my good African sir, it does apply to Africans in America, so perhaps we might incline towards assuming it is the same for Blacks the world over. I hope that clears things up.
I’ve visited Africa but only Kenya on holiday. And Eastern Africa has Arab and Indonesian influences.
African-Americans are West African.
Game work.. if you have value. Your value is deduced by women in general and your target in particular before you open your mouth.. are you handsome ? tall ? well builed ? the kind of clothes you wear, do you seem to have substantial resources (depending on the target, this could be a nice bike or a chic flat in Paris), are you surrounded with interesting people and beautiful girls.. if you pass that minimum attractivness level you can start you game, talk and cocky attitud.
it’s not the attitud that will make the girl open her legs. an average guy with game is highly annoying nowadays.. think about it : an average girl can have sex with the god tier guys out there just by installing Tinder (1 minute) and swipping right (5 minutes).. she can match with a blue eyes tall white male with all the freaking attributes of success.. “hey what’s up ?” “hey handsome, where do you live ?” – bang… so indeed, if you’re just average-normal, game will not help you.
The game material problem is this : it’s used primarily/in majority by guys who lack value and want to get pussy. They think that game is like gym, you have to practice a lot of time to get better and go up from a level to another (like a video game).. it’s far from the truth. In real life the women you get is direct reflect of your value, and you don’t need (that) much of courage to open them.
You are correct randomly, but only within a narrow context. Women cannot be allowed to determine who has value, because their criteria for what constitutes value are worthless. All of the things you mention above can get you laid, but will not reproduce, create families, defend one’s land, create brave men of action, etc. It produces hedonism and partying, which all one needs to do to beat us will be to do the opposite. We have becoming organ grinders monkeys, call it “alpha” if you wish, but it is what it is.
yes JJ I totally agree with you. I do not speak of “value” in the absolute, just what women perceive as value .. you and I agree that a young farmer who works hard to produce quality food brings more to this world as a stock trader. yet this guy is banging more girls.
Right on random guy, you could not be more correct. The useless guy gets more girls, but the tragedy is the worthwhile guy that feels he must emulate the useless guy in order to compete- thus rendering the worthwhile guy useless as well. That’s why open rejection, rebellion and restoration of patriarchy is necessary, much more so than game, which is a temporary feel-good fix. That guy is banging more girls because we allow it. We value their opinions, yet they don’t know what to like. In a proper order, such a guy would simply have the girls physically taken from him and kicked out of the club.
We live in a post-industrial world, not an agrarian one.
So sad to read these comments. Game is part of RoK, if you don’t like it go to your puahate or mgtow forums you ugly incels.
Oh and fuck your religions. Jesus was a huge beta faggot, just like 99% of you.
Jesus Christ was the Man you will never be. He is remembered and praised by billions of people all over the world since 2000 years of his death, so will it be the same for you? I don’t think so. Seems more like the only who will remember you will be the birds who will visit your grave to shit on it.
Just like you. No one will remember you either, but keep worshipping this faggot.
How retarded someone must be to deny evolution theory, and believe that this guy turned wine to water, walked on water. A book which says the earth is flat and snakes can speak.
You are a fool. Alpha is guy who is followed by others, men or women alike. None was and is more leader than Christ.
“The ability to handle rejection—lots of it—is a key indicator of how well any man is going to do in the field.”
The bigger question is *why*. Assuming a man is in all respects decent but perhaps not in the top 10%, why should it be necessary for him to approach many hundreds or even thousands of women to have a chance with one he finds attractive.
Stoicism is a virtue but that is insanity. Was this always the case? Have 90% of men always been forced to machine approach or settle for unattractive women, or have women simply become less attractive and far too selective.
It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad. But too many have drunk the Kool-Aid and accept the rigged game. They tolerate it like men tolerated feminism and other slippery slope isms decades ago and then delude themselves with idea’s of ‘game’ that they have somehow mastered adversary and everything will be ok.
But no, no, you’re not allowed to question it. Apparently slaves and ‘Alpha’s’ share the same mentality….
*Don’t complain
*work harder
*Don’t question authority
Troy I think your article is great. You are one of my favorite writes in ROK. Dont get discouraged because of all those negative comments. I´ve dealed with a lot of bullies in High School when I was a beta nerd. If they notice a chink in your armor they will use it to prey on you. The best way to deal with them is just to ignore or try to make a joke out of their criticism. This will show you have a strong frame and will most likely make them stop bullying you.
There is a lot of conservative religious men, who read ROK. I think what triggered them to bully you was the fact, that you used a picture of Jesus in your article. You better leave religious symbols out of your writing if you´re not gonna talk about religion specifically. It can trigger a lot of Right-Wing Conservatives. Especially in the age we live in today were people have poor reading interpretation skills. Most people can only understand the literal meaning of a sentence.
So keep doing your job man!!!
And please keep writing on ROK even if its full of “Chads” that think its cool to Bully people.
I´ve never bought any book of yours, since I´m a college student and my budget is very strict. But You changed my life! I´ve banged some 8-9s and lots of 7-6s in my college campus thanks to your articles! Whenever I graduate and have a good salary I hope I can support you in some way financially!
I wanna see more articles that you talk about the strategies that you use to game chicks!
You´re the best Troy!
I am no game denialist, but to disregard the truth of Chad Thundercocks is foolhardy. Especially when they exist and some are red pilled manosphere members.
Lol,too many losers in ROK comment section.No real badass man could ever be a game denialist.
“Game denialists”
JFL @ looks denialists. If you’re ugly and short, it’s over.
Field Report for Roosh.
I have two good friends who own the most upscale nightclub in my city. Last Saturday, the club which has a capacity of 170 had about 50 guys max. The women at this club had hit the “wall” meaning they were between 28 and 38. These women were on the hunt, they wanted baby makers and they wanted them yesterday. Where were the guys? I have theories but the bottom line is they were not in attendance. The owners said this new phenomenon started just before Xmas. The girls were not bad looking but they were drinking a bit too much, the dresses were showing a bit too much , their laughter was far from demure and they reeked of cats, mothballs, desperation and shame. Six of these women introduced themselves to me but they had zero game. I walked home by myself that night smiling and thinking the worm has turned, the world has changed and that’s just fine by me.
If you are beta and above in 2018 you don’t need game…the game needs you.
The problem with “LMS” is that it doesn’t explain why some of the most physically attractive women you’ll ever meet are previously or presently dating total fucking losers with no looks, money, or status, nor why for many years Elon Musk could not keep a girlfriend. One of the criticisms of Robert Greene’s classic “48 Laws of Power” by the uninitiated is that it is at times very contradictory. This is because every situation is different: what works in one scenario will totally backfire in another. The book only yields true dividends when combined with the street smarts to accurately assess each and every type of character and situation one is dealing with.
The problem with PUA (and why i don’t identify with it) is that it sells itself as an instant aphrodisiac for every woman you will meet. This is patently false, some women will never be attracted to you no matter what, and it’s important to know your target female audience before leveraging any type of game as like Greene’s book, it is mostly useless and even detrimental otherwise.
That said, game is tremendously helpful to closing and keeping women who are naturally receptive to you. This is not learned in a weekend seminar or by reading a book, it requires years of trial and error to gather empirical data on what works for you specifically, the types of women you attract, and above all knowing oneself.
As one personal example, when I am in town for business reasons or they write me online, I do not date women in Miami. This is a city where for me at least, game really does not work. For whatever reason stateside Latin women are generally not attracted to me and in Miami more than any other US city, the name of the game is cash, cars, coke and I simply refuse to do this dance. First, I don’t do that for any woman anywhere and secondly, the “prize” does not appeal to me which is to say, the most beautiful skank hos in the world are in Miami… but they’re still skank hos. I’ve done the boat parties and seen the dark side, thanks but no thanks, and nothing good comes to me from dating there. Knowing this, I direct my efforts elsewhere. Game, LMS, etc. are but singular screwdrivers in the overall dating toolbox and they will not fit every hexscrew! We all have limited resources and limited appeal and it’s important to leverage what we have in the smartest and most targeted way possible to maximize success.
What the fuck happened to ROK? Why are 70% of the comments from whiny MGTOW autists?