American Female Dies After Falling Out Of A Party Bus While Drunk

Via Fox News:

The blood alcohol level of a 20-year-old student from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte was more than double the legal limit when she was killed earlier this month after falling out of a party bus, toxicology results revealed Tuesday.

Polly Rogers had alcohol in her system that amounted to 0.19, more than double the legal limit for driving in North Carolina, WSOC-TV reported, citing toxicology results by the North Carolina’s medical examiner office. She was not driving the party bus at the time.

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Rogers was on the party bus, rented out by UNCC fraternity Kappa Sigma, on May 1 heading to a bar when she fell out of the emergency exit window on North Tryon Street in northeast Charlotte. She was hit by multiple cars, ultimately killing her, police said.

Juan Vasquez, who witnessed the incident, told WSOC-TV there was chaos moments after Rogers fell onto the road.

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“Out of nowhere I just come out of nowhere and started yelling, ‘Yo, stop, stop, stop, slow down, slow down, call 911, call 911. Call an ambulance! Everybody kept driving and driving and driving,” Vasquez recalled.

It’s still unclear how Rogers managed to fall off the vehicle. The police report stated several people on the bus were consuming alcohol at the time.

Victor Rabb, owner of Charlotte Party Charters, was cited in the incident. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department said the party bus was uninsured and had a fake license plate, FOX 46 reported.

Read the entire article

Don’t Miss: Man Charged With Murder After Girl Who Attacked Him Climbs Off His Balcony And Dies

91 thoughts on “American Female Dies After Falling Out Of A Party Bus While Drunk”

  1. Looking at her photos… nahh, does not look like somebody I would cry for HHAHAHAHHAhhah

    1. Dude, you didn’t need to look at her photos to come to that conclusion, she was British.

    2. Don’t see any reason to be unsympathetic.
      She may have been a nice girl.

      1. Sympathetic???
        Excessive abuse of alcohol is always a red flag men or women.

      2. So many of the posts here demonstrate a rather juvenile yet dark side of the manosphere. My guess is there’s a lot more 20-something butthurt incels than I thought. Seriously, is the sexual frustration that bad that you feel you should mock a person’s brutal death? Having troubles breaking out of the anger phase? Where did all the adults go, Roosh?

        1. Yep, we all are sexual frustrated, loser, nazis and potential rapists.
          No problem 🙂

    3. an instagram whore taken down. No compassion for that kind of people. Good riddance.

  2. Darwinism in action. Too bad nature isn’t the cold bitch she used to be

      1. You and Heebie Noodleman are the slimiest semites here. Always commenting on old articles to get the last word in because you’re too chickenshit to face rebuttals. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope (((Antifa))) wipes you losers out.

  3. Polly dear, please take care, don’t let the boys trick you into doing something you don’t want, they’ll try to take advantage of you, be strong!
    Daddy, stop treating me like a little girl, I know how to take care of myself, I am strong & independent now.
    A few months later

    1. This all could’ve been prevented had white males between the ages of 18-35 just ‘manned up’ (whatever that means), as our LARPing ‘wise elder’ trad-cucks instruct us lazy whippersnappers.
      We just gotta be nicer and court these Aryan princesses because that’s how it worked in 1975.
      Maybe we should just cut out the middleman, bottle our European sperm and mail it to our WN elders since they seem to want it so badly because of a silly ‘make white babies’ meme that has no practicality?
      All veterans who fought to defend freedom (what they were told), must immediately capitulate those freedoms to any white woman like this or else.
      More white male disposability will prevent this!

    2. This could have been prevented had every white male between 18-35 just ‘manned up’ (whatever that means), as our LARPing ‘wise elder’ trad-cucks instruct us lazy whippersnappers to do ad infinitum.
      We just gotta be even nicer and even more respectful when we court these [email protected] princesses because that’s how it worked in 1975 (it didn’t).
      Maybe we should just cut out the middleman, bottle our European DNA and mail it to our LARPy WN elders since they seem to have such a fetish for it with their ‘make white babies’ meme that has ZERO practicality.
      ‘Gosh, Sally… You look really pretty. Wanna have my children and save the white race?’ Good conversation starter.
      All veterans who fought to defend freedom (in their minds) must return home and capitulate their personal freedoms in marriage to the nearest white woman who behaves like this dead chick or else….because more male disposability will prevent tragedies like this!

      1. Sure, of course it was preventable.
        It was a horrific accident. JUs (Bronfman et al) own the liquor companies, they advertize the use of it, they profit from the use of it. They gloat when whites die.

        1. Ok dude…congrats. You have done what nobody else has been able do since I became interested in the Third Reich back in 2007 when I was a schoolboy…make me want nothing to do with white nationalism.
          It’s amazing. A year ago during one of the many times I corresponded with Andrew Anglin, he had tasked me to write an article for the Daily Stormer, which took me 3 straight days to write, but was never published… I immediately drove to Charlottesville, two months before the infamous battle, which with the Alt-Right won in a Pyrrhic victory, but months later, turned out to lose the war and collapse entirely. It is officially over. They are all clowns now. You exemplify that.
          You LITERALLY cannot handle white women being criticized because you have three daughters, whom you see in every young woman. You are possessed.
          Seriously, people. Go and check old articles. This guy stalks all of my biting criticisms of the ‘modern woman’ weeks later because he LITERALLY cannot handle it. He internalizes any and all criticisms of any young white woman as a potshot at his daughters, whom he sees as angelic and infallible. I’m sorry, but they are not.
          You cretins have proven how illogical, disloyal and bloodthirsty you are.
          From now on I am just a Machiavellian, I guess.
          I could do the typical thing and defect to the virtue-signaling Golem called (((Antifa))), but no thanks. They will just finish off what’s left of this incarnation of White Nationalism with ease thanks to the likes of these goofballs who have resorted to digging up the manufactures of alcohol to find the (((real culprit))) behind this drunken harlot’s death as a pathetic coping-mechanism. It’s a mental illness. Look at his comments.
          I can’t take it anymore. You people cannot be serious. The old conspiracy theorist in my would say this has Cass Sunstein written all over it. But I think you are really just that retarded. But your retardation has finally worked on me. I’m done with it. Have fun circling the drain. You people don’t represent me anymore.

        2. Ive seen that movie, The believer. Not only is it more nazee, J victim propaganda but I believe it is more aimed at radicalizing J’s to the cause.
          It has some very powerful subliminal messaging. Off the top of my head I remember a few scenes of note.
          Goslings character abusing a weak impotent powerless young J male – eliciting a deep sense of anger and longing for vengeance against the white male nazee’s.
          A scene that makes a fool of a Torah following J that has spiritual self reflection instead of addressing the real problem, The white male nazee’s.
          The same scene, Gosling retorts at the end after being asked what is the solution by a J “Make sure you kill all your enemies” – Now this wasn’t for the brow beaten white audience. This message was for the J.
          At the end of the movie Gosling character implores the ‘racists’ to be friends with the J, to deceive them. – This message was to insure the J viewer never trusts the goy, they are always plotting, are all secret nazee’s or could be at any moment. take no prisoners.

  4. As far as I can tell the only purpose of this submission was to mock the dead.
    A life was lost and many others changed forever by extension.
    Young people make bad decisions; if it was not for luck being on our side, a lot of us would be dead.

    1. U care about the young cunt who would have never cared about u? Do u realize that if u were dead and somebody wrote an article on it and that cunt stumbled upon the article she would be quick to close it as some kind of spam?

      1. Trollstein: Just because mommy and daddy didn’t love you doesn’t mean you’re worthless or unwanted, nor anybody else that you project your apathy on. I suggest seeing somebody about that.

        1. Hahhaa ur pretty idealistic for a person frequenting a site dedicated to incels and socially awkward men. I guess ur relationship with ur girlfriend/wife is pretty real and is going on very good since u write here.

        1. Cuz I respect WYMEN and every aspect of their culture and identity! How dare u question my gender encompassing style of writing… bigot.

    2. I think the ulterior motive here is if this was a 20-year-old guy who was studying something in the hope of curing cancer, this wouldn’t even make the news in all likelihood.
      A reasonably attractive 20-year-old female whose “life work” is nothing more than being an Instagram whore/narcissist is more valuable to the news cycle and public sympathy than a virtuous young man.

      1. No, don’t you see? It was (((them))) who did this. Not an empowered white feminist with a Gen-X father, who never told her NO in her entire life (because she is just so gosh darn pretty) and undoubtedly funded her entire tuition, automobile and even wheeled her belongings to the campus…because there is no way ‘my whittle gurl’ would ever ride the cock carousel or lay down with…uh…’basketball players’ because we went to a good church and I love my wife!
        Of course older Gen-X trad-cucks will find some way to blame millennial men for this. If only we all just embrace white knight chivalry, like these lightweight paternalists who failed to do their fatherly duty because they are too chickenshit to discipline their daughters.
        We just need to keep quoting Kevin MacDonald and everything will be ok again…instead of taking actual power away from women (although taking away their agency for culpability).
        Congrats, ‘World’s Greatest Dads.’

        1. This is a sign of our times.
          This is our society, On J EWs, like it or not.
          You refuse to confront the obvious because you are Sayan.
          I dont see humor in this, in any male or female binge drinking to death, or an accident befallen them, if they fall off a moving vehicle.
          Men must take charge of their lives, and their women. And take the printing presses away from the G Damn J EWs

        2. I’m glad you internalized my post because it was addressed to clowns like you. You are like an unending gimmick the way you misuse the merchant meme like some fresh, buck wild convert from Christ-cuck dispensationalism.
          The ironic part is that somebody like you probably agrees with me 90 percent on everything else. You’re just like the holy rollers at public events always taking their rage out on me far worse than an LGBT leftist because they are there to preach to the unwashed, not somebody they agree with on most things.
          They take issue because I am ‘imbibing’ and ‘womanizing’ instead of going to church and surrendering my liberties to some post-wall, homely THOT. No matter how much I explain to them that I DO NOT WANT TO BE OUT HERE DOING THIS…but I have to because that is the era I was born in…they just say ‘man up’ as their solution…and I just laugh and walk away and proceed to make out with 5, 6, 7 more skanks that night.
          You people are useless. You’re the drunk uncle at the wedding ranting about politics, frightening all the women.

        3. I suspected you for a while but your true colors have really come out of late.

        4. Good I’m glad you ‘suspect me of being part of the cabal.’ Very original conclusion. I officially distance myself from the Alt-Right. There. It is an embarrassing joke now like what the Tea Party. In the grand scheme we are in this alone, so I will take all of you LARPers and blacks on. You’re too autistic to not call everyone a conspirator the moment you disagree on ANYTHING. Good. Bravo. Thumbs down me like the butthurt dad above. What a joke you people are. Congrats for sinking this movement. I will continue to call things like I see it and not LARP like some permavirgin InCel worshipping women who mock them.

        5. Weimer
          I have a feeling that writing in an incel site makes u affiliated with alt-right 😛

        6. I’m not on your side either, you piss-poor, cock-hungry feminist.

        7. To the Yiddish Weimar who gloats over a college age female with 4.5 drinks dying…

        8. Gen X in 1998 were just no prepared for how badly the US would skid out of control for their kids-the economy, the Election of Bush, terrorism, globalism…
          It was a prosperous decade when Gen X were following their dreams.
          Those that had kids were not prepared for how the world would be for them.

        9. For 4-Chan…
          Why do the hicks on here and SJW baiters like RW pretending to be hicks believe that if Jws did not have a great deal of influence that life would be better?
          Compare the average Podunk town in the Protestant interior to NYC or the West Coast.
          Protestant Evangelicals despite their control of the primary economies have near-Second World backwater towns that look like complete shit.

      2. Conversely this site would never report the death of a 20 year old man in a defematory manner even though most accidents resulting from irreponsibility befall men.
        As far as the proposed motive about a male genius’ death not making the news is concerned, I don’t know what to think. In any case we don’t know all the facts about this woman and it is not really our business either. Some people take time to mature anyway and competence is gained with age. Judging someone post-mortem when they die at the age of 80 is not as unfair as judging someone who met their maker at 20; the latter never had the chance to demonstrate their potential.
        One thing we know is the internet culture has not matured a lot in 20 years; even in its infancy it managed to get the worst out of people. Dead young people are mocked and in extreme cases it can even lead to disturbed individuals harassing the grieving relatives with material pertaining to the death. It’s definitely a step above from this article but we should try to steer clear of any association with that kind of abuse.

        1. Oh, it’s so touching man…. I almost feel your depression. Maybe you should dedicate a poem to the innocent and unfortunate creature.

      3. Feminism is a pussy-cult as they basically behave like 50+ women don’t exist or are not female enough. That’s a reason enough to hate them.

    3. Amen.
      Ive used at least 5 lives.
      Had a gun pulled on me, fell on a diving ladder 4stories high showing off, been peppered while pheasant hunting, had a pistol discharge-luckily no riccochet etc
      It is Mens jobs to restore sanity to this world. A world under assault by feminism via Jewry.

  5. IM sure some freak lawyer will represent the family and sue anyone/everyone for a payday….like it was someone elses fault she got herself liquored up falling down stupid.

  6. “upscale party bus”???? Is that a thing? Since when is it “upscale” to drive around and get drunk as a BUSINESS? Catering to peoples most base behavior. a rolling public shame wagon. Maybe it was hint that falling of the bus/wagon means you should probably change something about your life, but that is lost on todays underage drinking crowd….if anyone noticed she was 20, legal drinking age is 21 in 99% of the USA.

    1. Responsible drinking entails no driving, Busses for barhopping cater to this.
      Its not upscale but its not for the poor either. Men and women are on such busses, usually most are responsible, in the times Ive been on such busses, bikes and trolley cars that take you to visit 5-10 bars. I drink responsibly and limit myslef to 4 in such a time frame. Im older than 40 though. A young girl in her early 20s, very sad regardless. JUs celebrate though.

      1. JU’S don’t care you silly SJW-funded Leftist troll.
        You’re a female British protestant anyhow so you would not know what they wanted and 5 or 6 years ago when you were 20 you behaved the same way during your trips to Spain.
        Because you are badly socialized and not very attractive you cannot latch onto a man and you have nothing better to do than convince yourself you are part of a “movement” by trolling this site in attempt to compensate for belonging to nothing-no career, no job, no direction in life, no ambition, no talent.
        Anyhow JU’S don’t give a shit about drunken middle-class Goyim who are troubled down in the Podunk states of the South far from the economies that generate money and power for He-Blews on the East Coast.
        They neither celebrate nor mourn at the Oxy OD’s and did not care about the meth epidemic before that or the post-industrial decline of the US interior.
        Because the J is cruising through Sacramento snorting coke off a silver spoon fed by the hot blonde wannabe actress squeezing their dick in the Audi they cruise down on the Pacific he does not give a shit about the hick who is trying to get his car to Wal Mart on a potholed road.

      2. I see, so binge drinking is also “upscale” and somehow metropolitan and just fine. I mean, really, there is nothing more attractive than binge drinking, the puking and passed out male and female beauty in these worthless drunks, falling off of buses bus stop benches and other places that cater to debauchery…..and that is somehow “responsible drinking”….Well at least we see the obvious sickness of your mental illness coming out. It happens a lot with you SJWs and their apologists. Its no wonder America is circling the bottom of the toilet these days, courtesy of the Progressive movements that have destroyed decency and self respect and installed narcissism and self entitlement instead. Your just a bit part actor of the cancer that is killing all of society.

  7. What would Roadrunner say? BEEP BEEP ZIP—-THUMPA THUMPA THUMPA…….Whoops!

    1. oh, wait it would be …BEEP BEEP ZIP THOT THOT THOT……..squish.
      AS a parent with kids that age and below, You can tell them over and over and over again what is the right choices and smart things to do, but it is meaningless until it has personal impact for them and even then they may not get it.

        1. There is nothing that can take away agency for kids. THEY WILL ALWAYS be making decisions, especially ones they really SHOULD NOT BE MAKINIG because they fail to heed GOOD advice from parents that care, and are below the legal age to make them, but it in no way changes the grief we will feel as parents when they do fatally f*** up.
          Experience is its own best teacher (no matter the efforts of parents to do their best to raise their kids “right” and save them from so much unneeded pain and suffering) PROVIDED they survive their mistakes and trials.
          Mother Nature and chance takes over when they do not listen, but parents must (and always fail to accept) you cannot raise them in a padded box because reality is not a padded box, and parents cannot make for them all the “right” decisions. They have agency enough to make them themselves, and sometimes tragically they choose wrongly.

      1. Deplorable Neal Jensen
        Most kids are spoiled now a days because their parents behave like friends instead of being parents. Parents shouldn’t cater to every demand of their kids. There should be always consequences for the kids if they don’t listen or they misbehave.

        1. I don’t disagree with your assertion I’m just saying your kids are not puppets you can’t pull all the strings and make them do anything. in the end no matter how fearful or respectful they are towards their parents they will always rebel and do their own thing, making choices, often choices that they’re not ready for and often the wrong direction, with bad outcomes. parents that are tyrants , trying to live vicariously through their kids, their kids best friends or helicopter parents cannot change the circumstances or the results when their kids fuck up and failed to heed good advice with their decisions and actions.

        1. Her friends don’t care, all relationshits are superficial anymore, all based in the entertainment value a person has until they become to bothersome, or expensive or non productive to their own self satisfaction…No, they don’t give a good goddamn at all.

  8. And this is why college girls back in the 1930s or 40s were required to have a curfew and be chaperoned…

    1. Yep, but dont worry, there always be moral guys and white paladins to defend her!

      1. I don’t wish death on anyone, but I really wish more scrapes and bruises so that personal responsibility is learned. What next? If you consensually sleep with a man with a few drinks in you, you can claim rape afterwards?

  9. “I look over my patient list at the end of the shift and if it wasn’t for alcohol, I’d have no patients,” said an ER doctor.
    Posted by Global Winnipeg on Thursday, May 31, 2018

  10. A gentleman takes a woman out on a date to an extravagant restaurant.
    Pulls out her chair for her, and sits only once she is seated.
    “My sweet little pumpkin pie daisy, order whatever you want, the bill is on me of course.”
    After a magnificent dinner the two go back to his place.
    Passionately making out on his bed the woman excuses herself to the bathroom to ready herself. But she trips flat on her face. The gentleman immediately jumps to her rescue.
    “Oh no, my sweetie darling little angel, are you alright?”
    But she is fine.
    She returns from the bathroom is the hottest lingerie and gives him the most mind-blowing sex he has ever had. Balls drained and exhausted he lays on the bed. The woman gets off him and excuses herself to the bathroom to clean herself up.
    But she trips flat on her face once again. The man looks over:
    “Ya dumb clumsy bitch.”

  11. The legacy of the 60s “revolutions” is a pile of dead young women left in their wake.

    1. Gold and platinum right there . I just broke up with a used up slut who’s dad and mom have Woodstock pics everywhere in their house and the dad has aids . My st have been a butt pirate

  12. She was partying on a Tuesday night , drinking . She wasn’t at the library looking for a nice guy or at church . Foock the whore .. looks like you won’t get a chance to fock alpha omega frat boy chad thundercachk

      Little Kathleen was a cocaine addict by 11 in the 5th grade. She was fortunate enough to be 15 in 1989 when crack was at its zenith. One night a bunch of blacks fucked her and then got her so high on crack that she was foaming at the mouth so they dumped in the road half naked with 15 year old vagina on plain view.
      Dana was a crack whore who was gang-raped by blacks.

  13. J.J.
    This generation Z are the children of Yuppies born in the mid-to-late sixties.
    They are victims of the prosperous 90’s when Gen X was actually burned out from the Cold War and enjoying the decadence of a prosperous era and the easy laidback Clinton years.

  14. So many walk down the street, around corners, and across the street while looking at their iPhones.
    While waiting at an intersection. One walked directly in front of an oncoming car – car screeched to halt and honked she looked up scrunched her face – said “fuck you”… Dude standing behind me yells at her “I wish you got run over then”.
    she double takes “what? fuck you”.
    walks on looking at her phone…
    I agree with this guy now – I want to see them get run down….
    But Darwin is dead.

    1. These are the very things that cause good people to lose ANY sympathy and empathy for others. The sheer weight and disdain for anyone who can act so self absorbed, so selfish, so Unaware that they can nearly be killed, and they barely recognize that fact and then curse those might have cared to minimally attempt to protect and prevent harm to come to them…..and instead are so disrespected for their kindness caution, to flip and wish them the worse.
      I’m with you bro. The so self absorbed, so selfish, so entitled, so narcissistic and so unaware as to have no clue…..yeah, the world is a better place with them as bloody greasy spots on pavement. They are useless air stealers.

    2. @Captain + Neal
      Quite true…I’ve been outwardly (verbally) fighting back some of the biggest idiots of this ilk, out in the open…and of course they consider *you* the main problem if you get in their way or call them to account b/c it’s all about the new “virtue of selfishness.” How dare you break my e-bubble, how dare you tell me I might get run over by 4000 lbs of moving metal.

      Like many men, I occasionally get a natural instinct to rescue unfortunate people who suddenly/randomly come into being in mortal danger in my presence (a couple drowning saves, pulling a slow/old guy out of the path of an oncoming truck, catch a kid before he ambles off a ledge, etc.), but I’ve been re-thinking lending any aid to the fools you just described. Let them get mowed down, tell them to dial the ambulance if their hands still work. Fuck it.

      Not *enough* Darwin catalysts in the world these days; too much safety for the weak allows them to over-breed. We have to cull the weak before a phalanx of these insipid rats overrun the city. Damn, too late, they already have…enjoy the decline, fellas.

      I think it partially draws back to what Millennial and Gen Z consider “cool” whilst being willfully-yet-helplessly trapped in the manufacture of desire (the iPhone, social media, FoMO, etc.). When the iPhone lemmings squawk “fuck you,” they are maintaining the cool at any cost. It amounts to the creation of a calm psychic mask to hide inner disturbance. The acrid stench of dissonance fills the air. They KNOW they are in the wrong, coupled with a hyper-acute awareness of the moral superiority in other people.

  15. Unfortunately, this type of behavior will be protected by the legal system, i.e., there will be a big wrongful death lawsuit with a large cash recovery.

  16. Next time yell Fire to get people to respond. Most ppl don’t respond well to Ebonics

  17. The short, wide faceshape (primarily among the obese) is seen among 65% or more of Americans because feminists go after lower quality, lower IQ men that was not approved by the Dad.
    The Dolph Lundgren (or Patrick Swayze look in US) or Nordic faceshape was seen much more often 25-30 years ago or more because women picked better quality men before 1970.
    That’s partly why the West is suffering. Any western civilization was not built around a bunch of Alpine or Pugfaced looking people.

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