Tereza Burki is a London resident from the Netherlands with three children. She wants one more child. Commendably, that goes above the call of duty, though it’s getting pretty late for that. Since she’s divorced, she’s looking for another man to be the next father.
Although she’s 47 now, actually she’s aged pretty well. Perhaps she could find someone willing to wife up a single mom with three kids and wanting to try for another. Still, that part is a tougher sell. However, she had some pretty lofty income requirements, surely a greater sticking point. That makes a hell of a shopping list.
The quest for Prince Charming
As the Daily Mail states, in 2014, she sought out the services of the high-end matchmaking service Seventy Thirty.
‘[H]er ideal partner would be someone with multiple residences’.
The dating business, based close to Harrods in Knightsbridge, calls itself the ‘ultimate matchmaking service’ with an ‘international membership comprising of men and women of affluence and influence’.
In return clients get their own personal matchmaking specialist who can send them on dates with ‘entrepreneurs, senior businesspeople, hedge fund specialists’ and ‘those who come from wealthy and prestigious backgrounds.’
Holy hypergamy, Batman! She paid a membership fee of £12,600 (about US$16K). That’s no small chunk of change, of course. Still, that’s a great investment if it delivers Mr. Moneybags. However, it was not to be.
Its founder Susie Ambrose insists Ms Burki was offered six matches, all of them ‘plainly successful men in her preferred age bracket who were open to having children’. It is not clear if she ever met any of those men for dates.
So they presented six men who met her highly ambitious expectations, but that didn’t work. Did she meet with them and was dissatisfied, did they fail to see her good qualities, or did she not contact them? It’s unclear exactly what went wrong with the six Prince Charmings.
The lawsuit
The following year, she asked for her money back, but didn’t get a refund. She sued to recover the money.
The High Court heard Miss Burki was looking for a high-earning international jet-setter who was also open to having children with her.
She says she was shown profiles of men she liked and, based on that and the company’s claims over the number of suitable men it had on offer, she paid £12,600 to join in 2014.
But she became unhappy with the service when she was shown profiles she did not deem to match her criteria.
The big point of contention is that they didn’t have enough available men in their database, leading to basically a false advertisement claim. There’s much wrangling essentially about active versus inactive members, which would decide the outcome. Still, there’s a chance it would’ve worked out with one of the other rich dudes they did have, or would join later. Further, she stated that the men had free memberships.
Miss Burki, who lives in a street in Chelsea where flats go for over £3m, said she had paid thousands to join and did not want to be matched to men who had not paid a penny.
Men who didn’t pay were less likely to be committed to finding a partner and might not be as well-off as claimed, she told the court.
Dreadful, isn’t it? Furthermore:
She had expected an ‘in-depth analysis of characters, a whole scientific approach’ to finding her a soulmate, she added.
Well, OKCupid does that, and a free account is fully functional. They probably even have a few millionaires.
The company’s lawyer disputed the claims. For a few particulars:
‘Seventy Thirty maintains an extensive database of men and women who can reasonably be described as wealthy and/or successful,’ she continued.
‘Based on the preferences expressed by Miss Burki, the company identified 70 men in its database as possible matches for her.
‘All were Gold members who had paid for their membership. Each of these men could reasonably be described as ‘high net worth’.’
Meanwhile, the company counter-sued because Burki described them online as a scam.
The judgment
The Daily Mail had a follow-up with an evocative title, “Divorcée, 47, seeking romance on dating agency which promised the ‘crème de la crème of bachelors’ WINS £13,000 in court battle after it failed to provide a wealthy suitor (and £500 for her sadness)“. What it came down to was this:
Although the agency boasted of more than 7,000 members, the truth was that only about 100 of them were men actively looking for love, he said.
And the management consultant would never have paid her money and joined up had Mr Thomas not knowingly given her ‘a wholly false impression’.
Apparently with matchmaking sites for those seeking the wealthiest, there are far more interested women than men. Who would’ve guessed? It’s the opposite problem of conventional online dating, which is well known for being a sausage fest.
When she signed up with the agency in 2014, Mrs Burki’s requirements for the men she wanted to meet were ‘not modest’, the judge added.
Ya think? The ruling was essentially that she was entitled to the wide selection of Prince Charmings that she was promised. However, although she won that part of the case, she lost the counterclaim:
Speaking about the Google review that called the agency a ‘scam’, the judge ruled: ‘Ms Burki has not proved that Seventy Thirty lacked the means or intention to operate an effective match making service, let alone that it was engaged in a fraudulent scheme to extract money from its clients for the benefit of its founder.’
So the company was awarded £5,000 in damages. (Does that get deducted from her own £13,100 payout?) The company representative remarked:
‘Ms Burki was found to have libelled Seventy Thirty, as the judge said that we had sourced excellent matches for her.
‘Therefore, her remarks about us being a non-reputable and fraudulent company were deemed untrue and entirely without foundation.’
The company really did try to help her find what she wanted. Supply chain problems are understandable. Inventory is limited, and multimillionaires simply don’t stay stocked on the shelf long. For that matter, how many divorcées have thought they could trade up to a much pricier model, but instead discovered that they’ll be pretty lucky just to get the same overall quality of merchandise they had before?
It gets confusing:
- She successfully sued the company for scamming her; and
- The company successfully counter-sued because she wrongly said they scammed her.
Did the judge mean they’re 60% scam and 40% reputable or something? If I could figure it out, maybe they’d give me a powdered wig and let me be a British judge. Still, could I move to the UK, get a paid membership to an expensive dating agency, and then sue them because they don’t have supermodels beating down my door? Something tells me that wouldn’t work.
All matters of the law aside, what’s the deal with these elevated expectations? Wanting a man with steady income, reliable transportation, and his own place is reasonable. Expecting multiple residences and a jetsetter lifestyle goes a little too far with the Princess Complex. Someone with those demands needs to bring something exceptional to the table herself; Mr. Moneybags might have requirements too.
Read More: How To Meet Women Through Sugar Daddy Dating Sites
“Expecting multiple residences and a jetsetter lifestyle goes a little too far with the Princess Complex. Someone with those demands needs to bring something exceptional to the table herself; Mr. Moneybags might have requirements too.”
I have a TON of unreasonable expectations too, but TREALITY demands that those expectations will NEVER be met. So I settle to give up my expectations and choose instead to live in reality. a SIMPLE COMPROMISE WITH MYSELF. Ain’t living in reality grand?
It’s only going to get worse man. Especially among white males, as more and more of our braindead women are going “dark.” Mostly for negroes. The amount of this I see lately is quite stunning. Even when I don’t see the couples themselves, I see the white chicks with half-breed kids, and quite often see some older whites out and about with their half-black grandchild.
Normally people wouldn’t want to have anything to do with that, but this trend is being encouraged by massive propaganda efforts in the media. It’s a major goal of cultural Marxism. Why are they doing this? Well, gosh, I’m just a dumb rube from Flyover Country, I totally can’t figure this one out!
This started with the movie “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” a long time ago, but it’s become really aggressive lately. You even see advertisements encouraging this. Imagine that – ad agencies, whose purpose is to sell products, letting their SJWs employees piggyback sociopolitical propaganda into the message. Thirty years ago, the public would’ve seen that as extremely revolting.
As for the results, look in your local big box store for the land whale with four kids who don’t even look like her, and usually the father(s) aren’t present.
Think about this as welfare program insurance for them and nothing else.. Where and how will those spawn end up, really. Evolutionary dead ends happen everywhere… In time that will be recognized in headlines and obituaries… You cannot argue the crime stats and prison stats, both equally genetic dead ends, in fact and stats.
It’s not really a loss. So what if they go dark. A one way choice for them. If they were worthwhile they wouldn’t be going that way to start with. Mother Nature has it under control. Really. She is handling the gene pool as is needed.
The culture they buy into kills indiscriminately as reflected by the news and prison stats… Relax though, they are dead ends and often go away within a generation because the culture is so violent and toxic. Defend what you can but don’t feel bad or apologize for how it works out. It’s all their own fault for creating the culture of violence to start with.
Among the younger generation, it may be more common than you think. And it’s not just the dregs of white girls. You think on high school and college campuses, white girls aren’t willing to sleep with black athletes or black guys who resemble their favorite rapper?
Or Kylie Jenner, an idol to millions of young white women getting pregnant by a black rapper and displaying it publicly?
And not to mention the easy availability of porn and more specifically, interracial bm/wf porn.
Add to that the fact that most 15-35 year old women are extremely liberal anyway.
Based on my observations, women don’t date (and bang) black guys because of cultural brainwashing or something. They do it because it is in their biology. Women look for sexually dominant men, and black men deliver that in spades: they are more likely than not tall (TALL, dark and handsome), muscular, dark by definition (tall, DARK, and handsome), and rumor also has it they have big penises. Also, women only date the good looking blacks (tall, dark, and HANDSOME). What’s not to love about that as a woman. It’s the whole package, tall, dark, and handsome. Add to that the fact that they are inherently more violent, and yeah, it’s tingle paradise. The only thing better for a woman, from a biological perspective, is to date a Spaniard. Spaniards are still dark, but not too dark, which is even more handsome, as they’re in the sweet spot, and they’re taller than their South American offshoots and not as criminal and reckless as, and therefore more likely to survive than, blacks. This explains why many women I know chose to study languages, chose Spanish, of all things, and went to Spain to “study Spanish.” To my knowledge, I’ve never met a woman who went to Mexico to “study Spanish,” unless it’s Cancun, where they get gang banged with their other girlfriends on vacations away from their boyfriends and husbands. My observations with women have time and time again confirmed one thing: everything they do has to do with men and their tingles. They will often sell it as “studying languages,” “exploring different cultures,” and a number of other things, but the reason is always the same: to get closer to the kind of men that make them tingle. As it turns out, women also think with their head down there, not the one on their shoulders.
I know, right? South side of Chicago and DOC (Dept Of Corrections) is their next stop.
If no sane man wifes up (or even dates) these mudsharks (especially the ones with that type of spawn), the trend will change.
US debt just passed $21 trillion. In no time, we will have a “debt crisis” which will force austerity measures (deep welfare cuts). We will see mudsharking rates go down suddenly and quickly.
Women respond to incentives. As long as the “Safety net” to get preggo with dude who is in prison or in/out of jail regularly is there, it will continue. Once it is cut off, women will adjust.
Whoa! Looks like I got quite a few SJWs, NAPAs, and (((others))) downvoting me.
Better get used to my politically incorrect views, you mouthbreathers. I will be hurting your feelz in future comments, I assure you.
Stacie’s dad buys her Tyrone boyfriend a car. Keep in mind that this isn’t some drug addict or 400 pound hambeast. And I can only imagine that all of her female friends approve of her relationship. We know her dad does because he paid for the car.
White guilt is a powerful thing. Not many dads, save for the Greenwich Village or San Francisco-type cucks, will be happy to see their white daughter dating Tyrone. That is reality BUT they fear the accusation of “Racist” more then anything in the world. They are controlled by their fear. This is why parents NEVER ever say anything about their daughter’s “mate choices”. Remember this b!tch here:
The whole “Car gift” for Tyrone video you posted is a result of 50+ years of conditioning of white guilt in the Western world. Notice in that video, her shirt says “California”. That should tell you A LOT about why Dad bought Tyrone a car. California is white guilt central, it is Cuckistan, it is a 3rd world country of brainwashed SJW zombies. I wish CalExit would happen and be accepted by Congress, so that we could fence out California, because that place is a raging shithole we can do without.
But where I live, I never see Tyrone getting a free car happening here in south suburbs of Denver metro. Not even in Orlando do I see that happening that much. Maybe if I go to the shithole areas I will see that more often???? ❓
Ps. Americans do a terrible job with their daughters overall. That is why stuff like this happens as well. The fathers lack the courage (or even spousal support) to teach their daughters how to pick men. That is why our women actively seeks criminal “thug life” types.
You are wrong! The culture determines dating trends much more than you think. Back in the 1990’s “muscular guys” were all women wnated. Then suddently… skinny beta guys. Now starting to go back to muscle guys. What changed? Media trends. Women are COLLECTIVISTS, they are creatures of the Herd. That is why women are naturally-drawn to Socialism, a “enlightened despot”, who is a “neutral fair party” looks out for the whole Herd and takes care of the entire her equally.
Just look at SJW peaceful protests, it is mostly women there with signs. The signs often say “equality” and “justice”, which are codes for “special-group privileges” and “biased towards their favorite groups”.
Women in colleges are also conditioned to FEAR white males, which is the “[email protected] group” according to the leftist professors. It is a hysteria that is not founded on facts, it is all SJW crap. Check out CampusReform videos, you will see how many white upper-middle class women on campus saying they do not fear MS-13, they only fear being [email protected] by a white male. 🙄 They are TAUGHT what to like. I remember a high school teacher of mine years ago telling me when she was younger in California, her school had these “summer camps” where white girls were encouraged to date black and Mexican males. Indoctrination begins earlier now than ever in our failing schools.
Tall dark and handsome in my part of the country means:
Tall = taller than woman.
Dark = hair color/brunette
Handsome = at least a 7 male.
I know this because I have been described as TDH, but I am white male, blue eyes, yes, 1/2 Italian, but NORTHERN Italian. Maybe you live in Cali or NYC??
You also said women prefer Spaniards than Latino men because the Spaniards are “not as criminal and reckless”… and black guys are less criminal and less reckless?? 😆
Spanish language is MANDATORY in America today unless you can qualify for other foreign language and the school offers something other than Spanish. Also keep in mind ever since Reagan, we have had an open border (Reagan got duped in 1986 and Congress has always blocked any Border enforcement – see what is happening to Trump now, willing to close border but blocked by open border lobby in Congress). Further, the Globalists have always believed and promoted an “American Union”, where anyone from any country in continent can come and go as they please, like the EU. That is why Spanish is the language they teach everywhere. Spanish is the language of the 3rd world they want to continue to mass import into America.
As for Spain, I lived there 16 months when I was younger, and the Spanish men are THE MOST DESPERATE in all of the EU. The Spanish women are rude as hell, way over-rated (many ugly ones), and they are extremely feminist. The Españoles guys there spend a lot of their time in brothels and seek foreign women like crazy. When American girls land in Spain, the local dudes KNOW our women are total whores and flock to them for quick pump n dumps. Check out Vicky Christina Barcelona if you need a vivid example.
@Harold gets it…. the culture is what calls the shots here. Check out TV commercials, even when the main characters on the commercial are not a couple, it is always a black male and a white female. Bissell was doing a 30-minute infomercial, same deal, blonde white woman and black men showcasing product (they were product demo reps, not couple, but putting them together is key to socially re-engineer America). Look at TV shows, the hosts are always white female, black male. Do you think that is accidental!?! 🙄 It is subtle but if you pay attention, you will get it.
As Harold points out, women, due to their herd-mentality and collectivist nature, HARD-LEFT mentality, SJW educated…. when they see Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner with black dudes on TV 24/7 and on social media, they find this whole thing normal. Again, the media did not promote these people out of kindness of their heart OR as a result of an accident. This is pure social engineering at work.
I saw this type of social and cultural engineering by the George Soros types in Brazil at work. It is designed to destroy a country’s social and ethnic identity and once people lose their sense of religious, racial, and social identity, the country is just a bunch of people in it that hate each other more than ever (making iot easy for elites to dominate). Brazil is the testing ground for leftist and globalist policies, I kid you not. Our current child support nightmare was developed, tested, and implemented in Brazil and then brought to the USA soon after.
RoK did a special on this topic as well.
Question: How often do you ever see a commercial showing a criminal or someone stupid/weak/loser that is not white?
This whole thing is social engineers. Women FOLLOW whatever they see. They are easily persuaded by propaganda, advertisement, and any idea that is beneficial to the Herd, the group as a whole (i.e. Feminism and Marxism).
Tyrone? These little cucks…dude, Tyrone and Chad are not dating anyone, they fuck bitches and throw them away. These dudes are token pets for pathetic people. OH, and are you sure that this father actually bought this girls boyfriend a car….to me it looks set up, like most television.
You must live in a shithole because I never see any of that here in Chappaqua.
You are wrong! The culture determines dating trends much more than you think. Back in the 1990’s “muscular guys” were all women wanted. Then suddenly… skinny beta guys. Now starting to go back to muscle guys. What changed? Media trends, magazine pics of guys women should want, TV shows featuring certain type of guy, etc. Women are COLLECTIVISTS, they are creatures of the Herd. That is why women are naturally-drawn to Socialism, a “enlightened despot”, who is a “neutral fair party” looks out for the whole Herd and takes care of the entire her equally.
Just look at SJW peaceful protests, it is mostly women there with signs. The signs often say “equality” and “justice”, which are codes for “special-group privileges” and “biased towards their favorite groups”.
Women in colleges are also conditioned to FEAR white males, which is the “[email protected] group” according to the leftist professors. It is a hysteria that is not founded on facts, it is all SJW crap. Check out CampusReform videos, you will see how many white upper-middle class women on campus saying they do not fear MS-13, they only fear being [email protected] by a white male. 🙄 They are TAUGHT what to like. I remember a high school teacher of mine years ago telling me when she was younger in California, her school had these “summer camps” where white girls were encouraged to date black and Mexican males. Indoctrination begins earlier now than ever in our failing schools.
Tall dark and handsome in my part of the country means:
Tall = taller than woman.
Dark = hair color/brunette
Handsome = at least a 7 male.
I know this because I have been described as TDH, but I am white male, blue eyes, yes, 1/2 Italian, but NORTHERN Italian. Maybe you live in Cali or NYC??
You also said women prefer Spaniards than Latino men because the Spaniards are “not as criminal and reckless”… and black guys are less criminal and less reckless?? 😆
Spanish language is MANDATORY in America today unless you can qualify for other foreign language and the school offers something other than Spanish. Also keep in mind ever since Reagan, we have had an open border (Reagan got duped in 1986 and Congress has always blocked any Border enforcement – see what is happening to Trump now, willing to close border but blocked by open border lobby in Congress). Further, the Globalists have always believed and promoted an “American Union”, where anyone from any country in continent can come and go as they please, like the EU. That is why Spanish is the language they teach everywhere. Spanish is the language of the 3rd world they want to continue to mass import into America.
As for Spain, I lived there 16 months when I was younger, and the Spanish men are THE MOST DESPERATE in all of the EU. The Spanish women are rude as hell, way over-rated (many ugly ones), and they are extremely feminist. The Españoles guys there spend a lot of their time in brothels and seek foreign women like crazy. When American girls land in Spain, the local dudes KNOW our women are total whores and flock to them for quick pump n dumps. Check out Vicky Christina Barcelona if you need a vivid example.
@Harold gets it…. the culture is what calls the shots here. Check out TV commercials, even when the main characters on the commercial are not a couple, it is always a black male and a white female. Bissell was doing a 30-minute infomercial, same deal, blonde white woman and black men showcasing product (they were product demo reps, not couple, but putting them together is key to socially re-engineer America). Look at TV shows, the hosts are always white female, black male. Do you think that is accidental!?! 🙄 It is subtle but if you pay attention, you will get it.
As Harold points out, women, due to their herd-mentality and collectivist nature, HARD-LEFT mentality, SJW educated…. when they see Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner with black dudes on TV 24/7 and on social media, they find this whole thing normal. Again, the media did not promote these people out of kindness of their heart OR as a result of an accident. This is pure social engineering at work.
I saw this type of social and cultural engineering by the George Soros types in Brazil at work. It is designed to destroy a country’s social and ethnic identity and once people lose their sense of religious, racial, and social identity, the country is just a bunch of people in it that hate each other more than ever (making iot easy for elites to dominate). Brazil is the testing ground for leftist and globalist policies, I kid you not. Our current child support nightmare was developed, tested, and implemented in Brazil and then brought to the USA soon after.
RoK did a special on this topic as well.
Question: How often do you ever see a commercial showing a criminal or someone stupid/weak/loser that is not white?
This whole thing is social engineers. Women FOLLOW whatever they see. They are easily persuaded by propaganda, advertisement, and any idea that is beneficial to the Herd, the group as a whole (i.e. Feminism and Marxism).
There’s a lot in your post that you and I will disagree about. But first, just to make sure you didn’t misinterpret my post, I was referring to blacks, not Latinos, when I said that they are more violent and reckless, on average.
I appreciate your side of the argument, but I do not believe that women sleep with men just because they saw something on TV or in a commercial. Contrary to the popular belief and what we are led to believe by society, which tries to tell us that women are fickle, a mystery, unpredictable, women are very rational and very calculated, more so than the average male. In my experience, they do not hop in bed with some dude because they saw Kylie Jenner doing it. But if you really wanted to run with that line of reasoning, there are many influential celebrities (Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Ariana Grande, just to name a few) who are dating white guys. I’ll let you connect the dots from here.
Women, like all organisms, follow the dictates of their biological imperatives. Ideally, they’d want guys who are tall, very good looking, and dark, the same way that most white guys respond positively to cute, pretty blondes, with blue eyes and bodies to die for. That doesn’t mean that you may not have a preference for cute brunettes with slim bodies, but you probably also would not complain if a pretty blonde expressed interest in dating you. In the modern world, where the guy with money also works around the clock at the desk and doesn’t have the time to work on his six pack, the woman has to make some compromises, which is why rather than compromising early, she decides to postpone marriage in her 20s, try to land a guy with money and as good looks as possible in her 30s, and then again goes back to dating good looking losers in her 40s, 50s, and beyond, because at that point, she either has no kids and has nothing to lose because she will never have kids anymore, or if she does have kids, they’re already grown enough to fend for themselves and she can devote more time to making up what she placed on hold in her 30s, when she was trying to balance money with looks in guys.
I really don’t like to talk about women in the context of politics. If there is something to what you wrote, then I probably don’t see it and don’t understand it, so I can’t really comment on it in any way that would add anything to what you have already said.
The last point I want to address is the height thing. You stated that a woman wants a guy who is taller than her. I disagree. The height thing is not relative; it is absolute. No matter how short the girl is, she will want a guy who is 6 foot tall or taller. The sweet spot lies around 6’3. This is just like you don’t evaluate a woman’s tits in the context of her height. An A cup is an A cup, at the end of the day, and a D cup, a D cup. Granted, on some petite girls, a B cup can look endearing if the contrast between her tits and her slim body is such that it flatters her proportionally, but you still now that it is a B cap. No amount of optical illusion will change that.
@Myth…” but I do not believe that women sleep with men just because they saw something on TV or in a commercial. ” Uh, are you retarded or something? Most black men are beta as fuck, many are homosexuals, many are dumb as fuck, many don’t have money for shit, and many literally act like a children. To believe Black men in this country are some sort of Alpha is about the most laughable thing on this planet. Black men are literally the most undesirable people on any dating site, sugar daddy site, in pretty much every nation on earth…grow up. Mudsharking is all about getting back at the white patriarchy, making us white boys “jealous” (an attack on an ex-boyfriend or their daddy), getting attention by virtue signaling, and due to the fact that most white women these days are such trash most white guys give them no attention so they have no choice but to then go over to Tyrone who is drooling at the mouth for some white pussy because he is so desperate to get away from his women and show “white slave owners” how fucking badass and superior he is. Black people are the fattest, poorest, dumbest, and most pathetic people in this country, and there are many way to prove this with objective FACTS.
@Wes the Great
Women don’t care about intelligence and maturity. Among the black men, those that are intelligent and mature are also those that get laid the least. Those are aren’t particularly intelligent and mature, they do well, because women like men who do stupid, unpredictable, and irrational things. They find that entertaining.
@Big Shon
White guys will simply adjust. In South America and Philippines, for example, white males are HIGHLY sought after, especially with blue eyes and in decent physical shape. In Brazil, I would say 95% of the women or more would consider “blue eyes” as the favorite trait to have in a child. It is consider a sign of social status, like a BMW is in America.
In the end, supply and demand ar invisible forces that will control this trend, despite the media promoting this 24/7.
The white guys will simply adjust and deal with our women accordingly. They can become more physically active, follow the British pattern and become thuggish, which would even out the “bad boy” cravings our women have, or leave the country for girls.
I also would not worry too much because demographically, the % of population of each group is too skewed to simply create too much of a problem long term. The #1 issue we need to worry about is Immigration, that is the biggest threat to America today, no doubt about it. An amnesty of the 20 million illegals here today = at least 100 million new legal immigrants chain-migrated in 10-15 years. Would collapse the country with weight of welfare, low wages, and a permanent leftist voting block.
Also, I think guys over 30 (Generation X or older) also seem more surprised at how often we see girls mudsharking today is because it was so rare say 10-20 years ago (outside of California, of course). Might be our skewed perception too.
It is also a lack of social shame, the collapse of the family, media promoting this stuff, and poor parenting. Also, the collapse of the Christian church (moving slowly towards social justice and complimentarism) is also a big reason. The Christian women have declined in quality tremendously. I know this because these girls are often my target for approaches and they have declined in quality to frightening extents.
American dads need to step up and not be afraid to be called racist or xenophobes or whatever. They need to step-up and do a better job with their daughters.
No one wants to have any problems with their kids, so they treat kids = friends. That is why the Millennials are the worst generation we have ever had, hands down. Total disaster.
That’s a lot of words to say you can’t get a quality white woman so you have to settle for a poor Brown woman in a third world country. Why don’t you go after white women in Norway, Germany and Denmark? Is it because they can and do better than you when it comes to men? Is it you can only get a woman who is poor? Let me guess, big bad joos are the reason why mediocre and low quality white men can’t get a decent white woman.
-Big Shon
Sorry buddy! Baby dick and no game are a major issue amongst white guys. JUST GO TO THE SEX DOLL BROTHELS THAT ARE OPENING UP, THAT’S WHERE YOU WHITE CUCKS BELONG!
There are still plenty of quality white women who have not and will not go black but the problem is that you can not get those girls so you have to settle for the daughter of an Asian peasant farmer. Enjoy your sucky sucky time with your wife.
Men are thirsty because they ARE, not because they CHOOSE to be. If if were something as simple as a matter of choice, we wouldn’t have this situation, but reality is what it is, and it won’t change until the numbers are shifted in a way that there are far more women than men in the population. I know women in their late 40 who are less attractive than Tereza Burki, and these women are still killing it in the dating market. They can afford to date multiple guys at the same time, and it is almost unheard of for them to be single for more than a week or two. It is just that easy for them. I recently dated one in her 40s. Met her at work. This lady was on several dating websites prior to meeting me. When I once looked at her phone, she had over 100,000 email messages, by dudes from those websites, no doubt. Now, let that sink in. Late 40s, well over 100,000 messages. And if you think life is good for her now, she told me that back in her 30s, when she was in her best shape, she was dating men left and right. She broke up with me because I didn’t make her exclusive after only two months. Within less than a month, she already had a boyfriend. Now you try to replicate that as easy as she can!
Yeah but it’s the quality for her, not quantity. Let’s say that she met a 47 year old man that was at least 6 feet tall, handsome even considering his age, in shape, well experienced in bed, wealthy, owned lots of property and drove luxury and foreign cars.
A man like that, a man she would love to have, would not be thirsty. And he’d have his pick of younger women. Why would he want a 47 year old woman with 3 kids when he can get a 27 year old woman or even a 21 year old woman? Unless he’s been shamed and brow beaten into feeling like a pervert for not preferring women his “own age”.
The type of men throwing themselves at 40 something year old women are men who have no other options.
True. However, over 80% of men fall into the category of having limited options due to not being ridiculously wealthy, whereas only maybe 20% of women comprise the equivalent of the 80% of men with limited options. Further, not every woman is out to find a rich man. Many women I know, and have dated, are all about looks, and they have admitted this to me. For women who are all about looks, and are not after the small number of wealthy men, life simply could not be better. They get huge numbers to choose from and will never have to worry about prolonged dry spells and loneliness.
I beg to differ with your assertion that men are thirsty because they are as if they have no self-control over that biological urge. That’s pure nonsense. It is 100 percent a choice.
I beg to differ with “thirsty because they are”. It’s a choice to be thirsty desperate. Men can show restraint if they CHOOSE to. There is no biological absolutism the forces them to thirsty against their will. That is pure nonsense to suggest that they have no overt control over themselves.
Men are thirsty because the dating game is stacked against them. Take a look at this, for example, for a visual reminder of what life is like both in online dating and in real world dating for a majority of men.
Sure, men can choose to control their thirst, and still be alone and struggling with year-long, and sometimes decade-long, dry spells. Or they can choose to not suppress their thirst. Either way, the end outcome is roughly the same. You can choose to suppress thirst, but the thirst is there for a reason, not because men will it into existence.
As this article shows us, average 47-year old women are aiming for guys with multiple residences and a globe-trotting lifestyle. Basically, ultra rich dudes. If that is what the average 47-year old aspires to, do you think our chances are much better with women younger than her? She’s pursuing wealthy dudes because she knows, deep down, that she still does have a shot at it. It’s not highly likely to work, but it is not entirely impossible, or else, she wouldn’t be wasting her time. She probably went through a large number of men in her 20s and 30s and realized that she is attractive and that she has the goodies that men want (blond, blue-eyed, nice boobs, sexy legs, probably also a nice butt, well dressed, reasonably pleasant).
Sure, there are things men can do (dress better, get a nicer place, get a nicer car, get a nice place to live), but none of them will move the needle to a significant degree the way it does when an average woman puts on make-up, some sexy clothes, and a pair of nice heels—all at a cost of less than $500; a one time investment that will last her a year, at least. Until then, she’ll have snagged at least some decent guy, in a very predictable fashion. Not the same for guys. You can’t grow taller. You can’t go back in utero and be born into wealth. Clothes make almost no difference, as women are not only not visual in the way that men are, but they also know full well that clothes confer no genetic benefit. They like to say they like a well-dressed man, but in reality, if you observe their behavior, it is absolutely not true, unless they already like the man for other reasons, just like they say they like smart, caring, nice, educated guys, but then end up dating the first drug dealer, mass murderer, or unemployed surfer dude that they lay their eyes upon. Once they’re in their 30s, then they slow down with banging hot losers, and start aiming at guys with enough money to provide them a nice lifestyle and take care of their children, often from a previous relationship. And it often works, because women understand that their looks (or even the mere possession of a vagina) is intrinsically valuable to men, and that their looks and vagina have a certain intrinsic market value at which they can be exchanged for steady streams of income in the marriage market.
Men are thirsty because they fail to have SELF-AWARENESS. How many guys who have an 8+ appearance/value are on InstaGram worshipping some 9.5-10 babe they will never ever even speak to in person? How many 8+ men are on some website desperately seeking a 2-3 woman? Not many, probably zero.
The guys who are thirsty and desperate are the bottom feeders, guys rated 1-3, who are obese, who are Sheldon-Cooper types, who are socially and mentally dysfunctional.
While it is true the dating market is skewed against men, the imbalance of ratios between men and women’s SMV is just insanely skewed ONLINE. Online, a guy who is a 2 can “safely approach” a woman who is a 9 and the worst that can happen is no response or a rude response, which he deletes. His feelings are barely hurt. He can be a keyboard warrior and reply rudely too.
In real life, if you do what I do (multiple in-person approaches each week in malls/grocery store/street/businesses etc), I stick to 1-2 points above or below my SMV. I can “go slumming” sometimes and approach a 5 woman because I had a really bad week (it happens, this stuff is random and time-consuming), and my success rate is much higher, because the woman I approached is -3 points below my overall value.
A man who is an obese toothless 1-2 rating will never have the balls to approach a 9-10 woman, it will never happen. And if he does make the approach, she is gonna nuke-reject him so hard, he will be comatose for days from the radiation alone. 🙂 lol The guys who approach a 9 or 10 woman are guys who are 7+, OR guys who are crazy drunk and on a dare, ORr have Tourette Syndrome and just blurrs out stuff to random people… or maybe they enjoy the nastiest rejections ever.
But normally, such disproportionate SMV heterosexual humans will not interact at all in a social/sexual situation. I do an 80/20 system (80% in-person approach/20% online) and I can tell you, I rarely even bother to approach a 10 because it is a waste of my time and I can be approaching 7-9s with much higher rate of success.
As Neil said, “thirst” is a CHOICE. Desperation from a man is very real and I honestly feel bad for guys who truly lack on looks department (except for traits he can improve upon). If they ALSO lack cash, they WILL be desperate. I am not denying that reality. But also understand there are women who are ALSO desperate and there are MANY of them out there.
This 47-year old woman suffers from the Sex and The City syndrome, which is the insane belief a woman reaches her “desirability peak” after age 40 and she can still get 20 year old body building billionaires after 50 (according to that show) and get insanely expensive gifts from such men. 🙄 This is Feminism 101, women are entitled to everything, without any effort at all.
Think about it: if that 47-year old woman is “so hot” (in her own mind), why couldn’t she score a millionaire from her work or social circle? Why did she need a dating service? Why did she need to pay almost $20 grand for someone to find her a man? 🙄 She KNOWS she is well-past-prime and she wants someone else to hand her a dreamboat man. The dating service was trying to make money, that is all. The whole lawsuit is absurd and should have been dismissed by court upon filing.
Unless a woman was a 9.5-10 in her youth, by age 47 and 3 kids, she will be a wreck, overweight, depressed, and lonely as hell. There are SO many of these women around, you just need to learn how to run some in-person game and approach them. After a few times, you start to recognize the signs (well dressed, alone, serious expression, just an overall sadness… you can feel it, I cannot explain it. I wingmen for a friend here in the 40+ group a few times and you learn to spot the women I am talking about and they are very lonely and desperate many times). These women are NOT my normal target audience, but if you are into 40+ women, I can e-mail my buddy and he can send you some tips and maybe you guys could run some game together (this dude is chilled, very friendly guy, he likes wingmen, divorced, and targets these 40+ group in Denver metro area regularly and successfully and he is probably a 5 IMHO).
Personal note: my first mini-relationship after I became widowed was with a solid 7 with 2 kids from my old church (notice “old church”, I got burned badly for schtupping this girl and ended up changing churches due to me dumping her and her getting pissed off). You have no idea, this girl was actually very cute, decent, could cook, a very nice woman overall. You have NO IDEA just how lonely she was. She was not LTR material for me at the time due to her desire for marriage… and yet she “tricked me” into a mini-relationship with her because I was still in pain over my loss and she just want a man in her life. She never even asked me to watch her kids, never asked me for money, or anything…. she wanted to be loved, she wanted a man to lay with her and talk in bed after sex, she wanted someone to cook for, she wanted to watch movies together.
So many people in America today have NO friends in real life. 😮 Their “friends” online are simply a figment of Silicon Valley’s creative ways to make a quick buck by exploiting our societal dysfunction, reclusion, and tribalism. So many people live fake lives online, but when you talk to them 1-on-1 in person over coffee or drinks, and you build some trust with that person, they open up quickly and honestly. You would be amazed to meet some truly remarkable people who are very lonely. Their college days are gone and so are that group of friends. Her friends married and moved on, her co-workers do not interact afterwards, except for happy hour drinks. People are very alone in our world today…. make some approaches and you will see what I mean.
I agree with you on most of the points. I do know many women in their 40s who fit the profile you described. The problem with them is, they’re infertile for all practical intents and purposes, so while they may often look attractive and be decent people, any involvement with them would lead only to possibly amazing sex and amazing companionship, but you will never have a family with her. It can be fun to date who are 40 and up (I’m 39), but in terms of having a real family and building something from the relationship, it’s a deadens. Those women, if they have the looks part, at least have the advantage of having slept with many more guys than I have with women, so they feel fulfilled at least in one aspect of their sexual lives, and if they have kids, then they’ve pretty much reached their primary goals in life and can look at the second half of their life with some degree of satisfaction. For me, a typical guy (women would rate me a 7.5), life is way harder. Being a male 7–8 is way different and far worse than being a female 6 or 7. The two don’t even compare. You go through long dry spells in your teens, 20s, and even 30s, so you’re sexually frustrated for the majority of your best years. In your 30s, 40s, and 50s, maybe you get to date and have fun with post-wall hotties, but there’s no denying that you feel like you failed at this dating thing.
As you illustrated, even female 2s think they’re amazing just because they bring their vagina to the table. Women don’t feel this way because they made it up. They think this because at least to some degree, these beliefs are born out in reality. A female 7 can easily date a male 9 and 10. Again, sperm is cheap and eggs are expensive. Male 4’s, 5’s, 6’s, 7’s, and 8’s will get the female 1’s, 2’s, and 3’s, and maybe 4’s and 5’s, and that usually only if they have something other than looks (money, stability) to bring to offer.
I beg to differ with your assertion that men are thirsty because they are as if they have no self-control over that biological urge. That’s pure nonsense. It is 100 percent a choice.
@Neil Jensen
The problem in the Western world is that Feminism is the prevailing social and legal mindset, and that enables women to have delusional views about life. This is particularly worse in the AngloSphere, where the cultural Marxism (Feminism) is so prevalent, sometimes even worse than Scandinavia.
The “Sex and the City” mental derangement in Anglo women have caused waaaaay-post Wall women believe that they deserve a rich Mr. Big-type character. Women who are sub-par really, truly, and honestly believe that they are entitled to a rich guy, that it is their divinely-appointed destiny to have everything handed to them in a silver platter.
I knew such a character who was a 52-year old divorcee in our church (she was a new member who moved into the area a few months back). Since my late wife was in the “welcome committee” at church, we met her for lunch after Sunday service a few times. In conversation, she proudly stated that she divorced her husband for non-valid Biblical reasons (“he was not supportive”), which is bad enough as is, but when the Pastor had a Biblically-based Conservative sermon on divorce, she almost had a meltdown in church. That Sunday afternoon, she sought my late wife and I out, so she could talk to us about the sermon during lunch.
Turned out she fully expected to be coddled, to be spoon-fed Feminist “Christianity” where divorce is a “tool” to teach un-Godly men a lesson, to open her up to marrying a man who would “Sweep her off her feet” and “hopefully get her a new car as her si getting olders, and be this amazing man who will meet her her needs. He needed to be at least 6′ feet tall and be in good shape, not divorced, since she worries about that “!” and great manners and style.
To her great surprise, I asked “that sounds great. So what are YOU bringing to the table?” She looked literally surprised by my question and asked “what do you mean?”. I reiterated, “what do you have to offer this great guy”?
Baffled, she looked around the table. She then says “well, I am going to be in the relationship!”, as if that was all that it took. 🙄 Mind you, this lady is a 2/10 at best in my rating scale, overweight, short 1960s hair, terrible clothing style, 52 years old, glasses. 3 kids, but they are all grown up, while she lived in a crappy 2-bedroom “rent controlled” apartment.
Simply put, she will almost certainly going to die alone unless she drastically changes a lot about her life and lowers her standards considerably. And I mean, considerably. She thinks she can get a Tom Brady on an 8th round draft pick. 😆 Just not gonna happen because such men do not exist in her realm of possibility.
The moment men stop catering to this insanity, the quicker this mindset will wean off and end of its own. As the great economist Ben Stein correctly points out “when something cannot go further in life, it stops”. 🙂 This insanity will end as Feminist-controlled societies collapse, just as we saw with Communism and are seeing happen to Western Europe right now. The Fem-Utopia is un-sustainable and it will collapse of its own volition. Men just need to stop pushing it along.
A 47 year old sperm dumpster wants a man with “ideally multiple residents” and is now suing because they cannot do the impossible, please a woman. Other than a nasty pussy, what exactly does she bring to the table? Oh yeah 3 kids. No thanks.
If one can go Woody Allen with the daughter in a few years, it could still be a good business.
fucking kids is (((their))) hobby
She lives in a fantasy world. A man her age who is a multi millionaire or billionaire will have his pick of much younger women. Why would he want to be a sugar daddy (sugar brother I should say) of an “age appropriate” woman?
If I’m a billionaire in my 40s, any woman making those sort of demands, she has to be at least 20 years younger than me. She looks like she would have been very attractive 20-30 years ago and that would have been the time to find her billionaire.
She can’t compete against the late teens and 20 something year old women a rich man her age can choose from. Was Hugh Hefner choosing age appropriate women? Maybe when he himself was 25.
I agree. She may have missed the boat. There’s still a chance, albeit pretty small.
What I also find interesting in her case, based on what I was able to find on the Internet, is that it appears that she may have had three children with three different fathers. Although not pertinent to the main story, this is something I am curious to know more about. One of her three “loves” may have been a Pakistani, as, as someone else on here has mentioned, Burki is most likely not a Dutch name.
Burki NOT a Dutch name. My Dad is ethnic Dutch (Flanders) and that is not a Dutch name at all, I can tell you that.
If you understand even basic Statistics (and some real life/reality), you would know that her chance of landing a hot millionaire male is so remote, a meteor could land on her house and another fall in that exact spot the next day. It is not gonna happen.
Rich men, regardless of how fat, disgusting, and ugly bang hot young models in a regular basis, if he so desires. Remember Anna Nicole Smith? LOL 😉
No way a rich guy is gonna put up with a 47-year old diva. Just check her pics, dude, she so far past her prime, the only meat less prime than hers is the mystery meat in an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet! 😆
She may be past her prime fertility-wise, but she is still sexy, and very much so. At least for me, she passes the boner test with flying colors. But then again, I’m not a millionaire. If I were one, I’d look for women who are like her, but don’t have children. And if I wanted children, which I’m open to, I’d go for women who look like her, but are young enough.
But the point I’m trying to drive home is, again, she is still attractive, and she does have things to offer (her attractiveness). Is that enough to snag a millionaire? Highly unlikely.
Her turn to the dating agency is an act of desperation, but a calculated one. While still sexy and good looking, she’s approaching 50 and her rendezvous with her personal Wall, and she has three young mouths to feed and her lifestyle to support. She figured that spending around $15,000 is a reasonable investment if it helps her speed up the search and matching process, so she can get to the millionaire before the time runs out for her.
She would definitely be bangable, even with the 3 kids. But her desire for wealth and prestige just kills it for me. Just another greedy, entitled bitch.
Gotta add something here. I was thinking about the name “Burki” as it didn’t sound Dutch, or anything else European to me. Just looked up that surname. It is almost exclusively found in Pakistan. So this wench was previously married to a Paki I would assume. Now I’m retracting my previous statement. WNB. This chick is really damaged goods.
What money did she use to get that $3mill flat in the first place? What does she do, probably needs at least $20k/ month, so I’m curios, who pays for all that at the moment?
IIRC, she has a media job. She might have some other income sources too. (Alimony?) As for housing, it’s not clear if she’s renting or if she bought her place free and clear. She stated that the flats in her neighborhood go for three million pounds, but it’s possible she got a bargain. It’s all hard to say, without further information.
For that matter, housing prices are crazy high there, typical of old-town areas of many fashionable European cities. I’m not sure how anyone other than the ultimate upper crust actually lives there. I figure it’s worse than Manhattan, where you’ll be very lucky to rent a shoe box for $2K/month, and the rest of NYC ain’t cheap either unless you have rent controlled or government subsidized housing.
Alimony, plus child support. Probably three different daddies all contributing to the housing fund, while the men probably share a bedroom with a roommate.
If I was in the group of 0.02% of men that met her criteria, I’d be traveling the world in a 100ft yacht that has a garage for a Rolls, and throwing parties whenever I pull in to port. Certainly have better options than a 47yo with baggage.
@Sesame, note it says she *lives* in a street in Chelsea where flats go for over £3m. Doesn’t say she owns one. Sounds like she’s a $30K millionaire…
Another great article Beau. You’re killing it lately.
Always get the young 22-25 yr olds. I dont get people that age who’d settle for that old crap.
Maybe us older guys. Not everyone here is under 40 bro.
Never Harley and I’m 62!!
Life is too short for ugly hags.
I’d have to be well into my 60s before I consider a 47 year old woman
I’m 60, and I wouldn’t come near a 47 year old woman if you put a gun to my head.
Haha, for all of you thirsty idiots, here’s a REAL picture of the monster:
I’ve seen *alot* worse in her age group. I’ve still got 10 years on her. If your some young guy then you have a different perspective than us older (but more experienced) guys.
Yeah but other than a free lay , I wouldn’t go near that thing
Wow… I am SAD to see some guys here would even CONSIDER that monster.
I would have to be truly desperate to even consider THAT!! 😮 Or like in a wheelchair and broke and desperate.
That is an ogre.
Uugghh, threw up in my mouth…. Fucking barf.
the fuck is that gif getting thumbs down for? you fags all hate Family Guy or something?
Not from me, dude. That whole “all of em throwing up” scene was one of the funniest ever on Family Guy.
Actually, I think that is her best picture. I actually find her legs, complexion, dress, and overall appearance very sexy. I’d love to date her. The problem with her is that she wouldn’t be able to have children, so she’d be great for companionship and sex, but there would always be that “But…” with her that would make it hard to commit to her while I still hope to have children. If an equally sexy and younger interested woman came along, I would not be able to stay faithful to Tereza. That’s the problem with dating women over 35. The relationship is always on shaky ground, unless you decide you don’t want kids, in which case it’s a different story.
Those Lincoln Log legs with the cankles really turn you on, eh?
I think she has amazing legs. She also has a very nice, radiant complexion, and her legs have a lot of character.
I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot barge pole fucking hell men must me desperate as fuck to bang that, I doubt I could even get a erection on I would need Viagra for that.
Americans say that those who violate the law are evil monsters, but everything is illegal and everyone is a criminal now.
Withdrawing less than $10,000 from your own bank account is illegal. Would you feel like a monster if
you broke this law?
Why bother having laws anyway?
Those who were criminals yesterday can get pardons and then can say that they are innocent today.
Good men don’t need laws and bad men won’t obey laws.
What you’re referring to is withdrawing MORE than $10K via two separate transactions to avoid IRS reporting, a.k.a. “Structuring.”
Didnt read
But title reminds me of my favorite stories here:
As i said yesterday. Reality show. At least your own hodden cameras…
She’s still very sexy. Perfect, curvy legs with a lot of character, and a nice set of boobs. However, her kids (apparently from a relationship with a Pakistani on top of that) are simply a deal breaker. What sane man of means would go for that?
The kids are esp. a deal breaker since, if and when you have a fight at some point, she can do what I call Going Nuke and accuse you falsely of diddling the kids, a la some real-life Stepdad porn scenario. If that’s it, you’re toast.
And as for her “Curvy Legs,” respectfully have to disagree. They’re fat and she has thick ankles that look just like Hillary Clinton’s.
Just a thought.
I don’t see what’s wrong with that. If you check out the website Stilettogirl.com and the descriptions next to each girl’s picture, you’ll see that the women with thick legs and thick ankles (Lauryn, Nicola, and Tracy, for example) are the ones that the site members find sexiest.
This is one of their girls and her sister. Read the comments below the video if you want to see what men think of “think legs and ankles”
Here’s another great example. Again, read the comments about her legs.
Yeah, there’s fetishists for everything.
Enjoy the cankles.
What’s your stance on her FUPA?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with liking sexy women’s legs. Regarding FUPA’s, I don’t like them, but at the same time, I neither am to crazy about, nor expect women with size 0 and no extra body fat. Supermodels and beauty peasant queens don’t do it for me. I like women who have real curves and realistic bodies, which also comes with some “imperfections,” many of which I find highly attractive and much more attractive than what society wants us to believe are perfect looking women.
Even if she is, for how much longer? The type of man she wants could find a 17 year old or a 27 year old even a 37 year old with tits and ass.
I agree. She’s a very sexy woman, but she’s running out of time. Most women, even those whose good genes and looks carried them through their 40s, are likely to finally succumb to Father Time once they cross 50. She may be one of the lucky ones who continue to enjoy good looks well into the 50s (it is possible), but she can’t bank on that; the probability is just too small and the odds are against her. She is lucky that she has great legs and a very nice frame with thick bones and a full-looking, curvy figure, so she won’t look dried up anytime soon, but that will only work for her as long as her face doesn’t take a huge plunge and her weight remains somewhat within the current range.
I may be an exception, but I think that beyond the ability to have children, age is not an automatic marker of attractiveness. Just looking at her pictures, I would absolutely want to date her more so than many younger women. Unless a woman has an exceptional figure at an early age, I think that most women take a little time to reach their sexual peak, the point where their faces, through the slight onset of wrinkles, develop an expression of maturity, and their bodies accumulate enough fat to develop those sexy curves.
In my opinion, Tereza is in that sweet spot. A perfect 10 (if we disregard her children and her dating history, and only focus on her looks).
If she’s a 10, does that make Bo Derek a 20?
Bo Derek looks old, and is nowhere near a 10. She’s skinny and dried up looking, which only further accentuates her age. Figure wise, she’s got long, lanky legs, somewhat too big feet for my taste, and no real curves to speak of (no T&A). She does have an O.K. face and looks decent if she doesn’t dresses in a way that covers up and hides her lackluster figure, including her unattractive tan, which gives her skin a leathery look. Tereza, on the other hand, may be 47, but she still has nice T&A, perfect legs, a very nice complexion, and a youthful face. She’s clearly and objectively in a different league from Bo Derek.
Her Persian prince didn’t turn out so well apparently. Disney to be sued next because all the promised prince stories didn’t pan out too?
Great. No blacks will sue for not graduating, Asians will sue for having small peckers, trannues will sue for being undesirable, and illegals for being undocumented.
Mazel tov!
blacks graduate college plenty… as athletes who get fluff courses that even retards could get 4.0s in.
But I bet the athletes don’t get 4.0. They pass probably by the skin of their teeth. Dumb as rocks and worthless subhuman beings.
I thought the black athletes WERE the retards.
Down Syndrome Olympics… Don’t bust on the downies for have purity of heart and love for competition. More heart than the “pros” and more grateful than the thankless millionaire animals. https://www.specialolympics.org/about/intellectual-disabilities/down-syndrome
Most black affletes don’t graduate collitch. They leave as soon as their eligibility expires.
Maybe I can sue Hillary for being deplorable!!!
47 years old?…she should be dating men in their 80s and cleaning out their depends undergarments between bangs.
Where the the do these hags get the nerve to have such high opinions of their wrinkled, stretch marked, cellulite laden selves???
Haha so true.
I said similar to a female friend of mine – hitting 50s hard…
Nope- prince charming – any day now
Prince Charming? This hag will be lucky to get Shrek!
What a cowshit! To what extent & where all this nonsense will end up !? Its like somebody sueing Walmart/CVS/Walgreens for the Vitamin D supplement that did not worked for them !!
Can’t understand why MEN in the west are keeping quite & for how long !?
Out of context, but the Corporations, Hospital/Medical centers etc., are “blocking” ROK but not the pussybell !!
No one wants a old bag with kids
I’m in my early 50s and I wouldn’t piss on her if she were on fire. The 7-29 rule will remain in effect until I go broke.
7-29 rule?
Half age plus 7 is ok.
In thailand a 7 is 29 bucks for long time
7 or higher in looks.
29 and under in age.
Plenty of muzzies would piss and crap on her even if she weren’t on fire.
And they’d pay her to do it.
That’s a lot of Shitting on to afford her lifestyle… Yecchh or they pay her too much. Arab prices agai n… Disney lied to her.
Unfortunately my best friend does. He’s 40 , no kids, doesn’t want any and falls in love with 50 year old grandmas …. farm.boy from Kansas that’s an engineer and races cars. Yup he loves them single moms and grannies
Which fucking beta chump thumbs down my grandma post ? Fucking desperate douche .
Consider the amount of brainwashing that goes into it. A 40 year old man who preferred and could get college aged girls would be looked at as a pedophile by a lot of people. A “real man” would want a “real woman” i.e. a 50 year old. And believe it or not, social conditioning can influence our choice of mate.
I doubt it’s brainwashing. Sexy women come in all ages, except, of course 60+. No one is spared from the Wall past that point.
True, but only on paper and in theory. Women in the West are hot commodities today. That’s just the way things are. Supply and demand, plus intrinsic value, since sperm is cheap, and eggs are expensive. While no man dreams of dating someone who already has kids, the reality is, it doesn’t matter. In the real world, this woman is still very desirable. Her kids are a possible liability for men with money, which is a small percentage, but for everyone else, and that’s 95% of men out there, her attractiveness more than compensates for the kids.
I’m broke as hell, and you couldn’t PAY me to let her tickle my taint.
I find her extremely sexy (not necessarily pretty, but sexy—those are often two different things), but even if she didn’t have kids, she’d be a dead end due to her age and inability to have children.
Signing up to be a mudsharks beta bucks is intolerable on every level but I notice they keep pushing the envelope because the beta men run so deep it seems some of these guys have zero or even negative standards.
Now you guys understand how easy it is to scam young coeds on sugar baby sites by completely lying to them and they call us desperate !
“Hey babe — and what exactly is your dusty, litigious, used-up menopausal ass bringing to this amazing ‘collaboration of equals’ aside from some other dudes’ kids (not my gene pool), your debt load (soon to be my debt load), your shallow addiction to other peoples’ money and the bitter failures written in the creases of your ever-expanding crow’s feet?”
[end of conversation / to the curb]
*Emmanuel Macron does not approve of this message
Macro married his “mom”…. Almost.
YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A HUMAN ATM for today’s women out there. This article proves it. They are not even trying to hide it anymore. smh.
They are the disease, I am the cure – sylvester stallone , Cobra
There’s a useful lesson to be learned from the article. When people are willing to pay a lot of money to get something, they must really, really want it. What do many women want, according to this example? Men with a lot of money. I still don’t know whether what women want is really hot guys or guys with money, but according to this example, it points to the latter being what they really want.
…puss got dried up..?
Give this lady a break! All she wanted was a guy with “confidence.” How can you think all she wanted was money!
Roasties gonna roast
The male equivalent to this woman is an unattractive broke 50 year old man that expects 20 year old hotties. Delusional as all hell
Yes, except that she isn’t unattractive at all. I know some guys on here will disagree with my claim that she has amazing legs that are so good, it doesn’t get better, but let’s look at a few other things that are purely objective and can’t be dismissed to characterize her as “unattractive:”
1) She is blond (yes, dyed, but so are most American chicks, so the the fact it’s dyed is irrelevant in practice)
2) She has a cute face and pretty lips that look very attractive with lipgloss on
3) She has a nice set of tits
4) She dresses pretty well (look at her skirts and classy, black peep toe shoes in some of the pictures). In general, she takes care of her appearance and makes the most of what she has.
5) She may not be a supermodel (not that that means much anyway, in my book), but her face is cute, feminine, and appealing
6) On top of all that, she has a vagina (I know, not obvious why I’d say that, but being a woman and just having a vagina is an advantage. It’s like Roosh always says, it’s almost impossible for a woman to fail in the dating game, especially when, as is the case with this lady, she isn’t an utter monstrosity, and, in fact, is rather cute in many ways. It sucks, but the real-world rules for women are vastly different than the real-world rules for men.)
I could add more, but I think I’ve made my case. Now, on to the (possible) strikes against her.
1) She is close to 50 and can’t bear children (That’s a problem, but it is vastly compensated by her looks, which is the most important aspect).
2) She has there kids from what might be a marriage with a Pakistani (Yes, that’s a minus, too, but again, her looks can compensate for that. Guys are interested in banging her, not her children)
Overall, on paper, it looks like she shouldn’t have a chance with any reasonably attractive man, but in practice, the picture is way different. As someone once said, the dating game for men is a race to the bottom, and for women a race to the top. Based on my conversations with women, women really think that average looking guys with limited resources only deserve 70+ year old fatties. Given that this women is far from 70 and far from fat, and is actually still very attractive (I didn’t say pretty, but attractive), it is conceivable why she would be still aiming for the top. Heck, I know women in their 50s and 60s who have done the same and gone through a dating agency to find Mr. Rich. To women with some degree of attractiveness you do not even register on their radar as a human being, let alone dating material.
And just one more thing. A lot of people will say she is unattractive because she is close to 50. I think that is fallacious thinking. A better way to look at it is, she is very attractive FOR an almost-50 year old. In HER age bracket, she is very attractive. In fact, I (39) know many 20, 30, and 40-year olds that I do not find attractive, but would kill to date a woman like her. In her age bracket, she’s, to me, at least, a 10, and this explains why this supposedly “unattractive hag” still may have a shot at a man with means.
Fook’n’chook I reckon.
This marrying and divorcing men for their money by women ought to be illegal and punishable by death.
Here’s an interesting article on the topic to dissect. I can’t believe just how delusional the writer of the article must be to believe that Tereza was simply looking for “love.” She also appears to completely ignore the fact that there are thousands of men who would probably be willing to date Tereza and doesn’t seem to explain why Tereza should be looking only at men who own multiple residences and have “an interest in world travel” (translation: are independently wealthy). Nevermind the fact that Tereza has already had three children (apparently that “love” was found in Pakistan) and that, unlike the author is implying, no-one is “shaming” Tereza by reminding her that her clock is ticking (I suppose having three children is not enough evidence that Tereza has more than successfully won the race against the clock). Wow! I have no words for the hypocrisy and stupidity of the article, which flagrantly ignores all logic and reality. But enough of me ranting. Take a look for yourself.
Look we all want to marry early 90s shania Twain but it’s like the sopranos it’s over man the West is finished enjoy the decline kill as many ‘refugees” as invade your home
I’m white and in 1998, a white girl hit on me at my manufacturing job because some black guy kept bothering her to go out. But, that was 1998. My face then kinda looked like John Elway and I think he went to the Super Bowl that year.
I tried Matchmaking, signed up for 12 dates. Company claimed an 80% success rate within 24 dates. One of them ended up being a review session to figure out what was going wrong on the first 6 dates, how to approach differently than regular online and offline dating. Money wasn’t a factor and I liked the concept of the service compared to online dating. I was sold it as meeting women who are serious, who are actually in my league. Supposedly 70% of paying clients are women. Getting feedback directly from my dates seemed useful to hone my message on dates. I was never surprised on a date by a mental illness, lack of career, or an unattractive woman. I was surprised several times by women who shut down hearing that I lived 45 minutes away, or that I owned a house.
However, personalities ran the gamut and unfortunately, all women are like that. Zero second dates, though I was only legitimately interested in 3 of the 10 women I met. The most recent date was with a woman who said wonderful things, that I was intelligent and had engaging conversation, that we had plenty in common, even went to the same college, we’re both similarly attractive, she’s in her mid 30s as am I and we both want kids. Then three weeks after the matchmaker gives me her number and trying to get her to come out a second time, she apologizes and says she is in a relationship. I find her on OkCupid the next day (we have a 97% match!). And she admits she just wasn’t feeling the chemistry and was a coward. The entire point of Matchmaking, to get to know people deeper on more than a one to two hour stint, was lost on her.
I graduated top of my class, went to college free on scholarship, own my own home in the most expensive county in the country, have low six figure income. I’m a pretty damn good portrait artist, and exercise 4x a week. All of this disinterest can be really quite maddening.
I don’t recommend matchmaking as a guy unless you’re already successful in regular dating, at which point you probably don’t need it unless you have ridiculous standards.
Lessons I’ve learned from matchmaking: Don’t talk about matchmaking or mention what you’re looking for, some women are so embarrassed that they had to resort to matchmaking that they shut down. Don’t mention your living situation. If you have your own home, this works against you. Don’t mention where you live. It was pretty typical for me to have to drive 40 minutes for a date while my date walked a block from her apartment. The sheer difference in commitment for the first date comes across as neediness. If your date also paid for matchmaking, you better be a fucking charmer or else you’re screwed. She wants Mr. Soul Mate Perfection for that price tag she spent. If your date didn’t pay for matchmaking, you better be a fucking charmer. This date means nothing to her more than a free meal, and she gets two of these offers a week.
She should win her case. They are glad to take her money, but they knew full well that the men she was interested in would not be interested in a middle aged woman with kids. A good matchmaker would insist that she lower her requirements.
I suspect the libel aspect of the case was a bit of “rough justice” to penalize her for getting some of the time and resources of the service without paying. I don’t agree with that, they simply need to advise people about realistic explanations, and if they don’t they are a scam.
Entire article and no mention of the fact she’s 47, has two kids and is a hard 5? Wealthy men with multiple residences and a jet setting lifestyle aren’t looking for used up, they’re in for younger, hotter, tighter. Under 25, under a buck twenty five. No way a wealthy man has a child chain locked around his wrist over a 47 year old.
Another case of delusional princess syndrome. It’s a mental illness that effects most women ages 30-55. During which time the women affected: make outrageous demands, have a disproportionate sense of self worth, and are completely out of touch with reality. This is why I refuse to chase women over the age of 29. When and if I get too old to effectively bang the 18-29 year old cohort I’ll resort to just paying for sex using hookers and sugar babies. Simply put it’s not worth the effort to try to bang women who are 30 and up unless they open to you.
I wonder if the court decision is actually published online, in full. That would answer a number of questions.
While the assumption is that she divorce-raped her ex, took the kids and house, and now lives in a $4 million home and lives the high life. It says she’s a management consultant which suggests she has an education, is conventionally intelligent, and probably has a decent income in her own right. Either way, given some sort of six-figure income and several million in assets, how does a busy woman marry up from there? Maybe Match.com or eHarmony but realistically, how many of those guys are going to be multimillionaires? Apparently she won’t shit where she eats to hit on the CEOs of the corporations she consults to, and as a single mother her hobbies are probably limited and her social life likely sucks. What other option but to find a headhunter and pay well to get introductions.
Of course, the flip side is the question of how many men – if any, anywhere – meet her criteria and would actually want a serious relationship (and a baby) with her. From the pictures in the article, she is not a bad looking lady FOR A 47 YEAR OLD. I’m 51 and presumably in her age range and I wouldn’t want her, especially if I was a multimillionaire. The guys who might go for it would probably be in their 60s, previously married, and likely not very good looking.
Again, I would have to read the entire judgment but it looks like they highly exagerated the size of their database and that was the deciding factor for her to sign up. They didn’t deliver (a husband) and she sued. They did however have a hundred or so guys including a number that met her criteria so it wasn’t a “scam”. We don’t know what their previous track record was or who they tried to hitch her with, what actions she did or didn’t take, and what her potential matches thought of her.
A final thought is this: ROI and risk/return trade-off. Consider that $16,000 is something like a single month’s child support for a guy making about $200k a year. Not that she was going to immediately divorce the guy but she was looking for 18+ years of child support from a guy making multiples of that. So she figured she was entitled to more than a 200-to-1 payoff on her “investment”. . . with no risk, apparently.
I’d take that bet in Vegas rather than letting it ride and trying to win at the blackjack table 8 times in a row.
I just can’t believe people like this exist. What kind of rich man would want a worn out old bitch daisy chaining three children that aren’t his own?
Oh and her wanting another child with that suitor and getting married AND the multiple residences is so she could divorce rape him later taking 50% of his assets and all those residences along with the child support bonus.
Oh yeah and she did not age well for 47. Let that be known.