Rugby league player Curtis Sironen is not someone whose name means that much to me. But he has become embroiled in a bitter controversy, apparently having been found in bed with a woman who wasn’t his girlfriend. His Twitter account was commandeered and a photo of what looks to be Sironen and his blonde conquest, naked from behind, was published there. Other changes were made to the profile, including a description reading “Professional cheater living the life.”
The most telling suggestion that Sironen’s now ex-girlfriend, Patricia Hadjia, is responsible for the revenge porn act against the blonde is this tweet written by someone from his account:
Across various Facebook pages, including the one for Sydney’s Daily Telegraph, most commenters are expressing merriment or feelings of schadenfreude against Sironen. Others have questioned why he was stupid enough to tattoo his girlfriend’s name on himself. Although I agree Sironen’s choice of ink was a catatonic one, few have turned the tables and suggested that the person sharing the photo, most likely Hadjia, has broken the law.
One of those who has, thankfully, is Herald-Sun columnist Wendy Tuohy. She makes the terribly cogent point that as the perennial do-gooders pillory Sironen for being a bad role model, many less people will emphasize the criminal act of whoever plastered the photo across the internet, aided by the hundreds or thousands of zealous anti-cheating warriors sharing it.
Australian men have been prosecuted and jailed for sharing sexual photos without consent

Footballer BJ Leilua was charged by police and found guilty for a revenge porn-themed text message… to two people. What will Hadjia face if she is the instigator of this most recent revenge porn picture?
Sydneysider Ravshan Usmanov was jailed for six months in 2012 for sharing nude photos of his ex-girlfriend online. Interestingly, he was charged under general criminal provisions related to using a carriage service (telecommunications devices and the internet) to offend, harass, or menace.
If Hadjia did indeed disseminate the naked photo of her boyfriend’s sexual partner, she should be facing a comparable, if not higher penalty. Unlike in the Usmanov case, the person circulating the photo of the blonde has punished a participant who isn’t one half of the couple. It may not be nice to sleep with someone else’s partner, but the unknown woman has a) no obligation of fidelity owed to Hadjia and b) we do not even know if she knew Sironen was in a relationship.
In the sport of rugby league, the issue of so-called revenge porn is not a new one. BJ Leilua, admittedly not the most intelligent person to play the game, was spared a formal conviction but found himself vigorously prosecuted for sending a naked photo of his ex-girlfriend to her brother and best friend.
Leilua’s act, irrespective of the embarrassment to the girl, was not a public advertisement for all to see. On the other hand, Hadjia or someone else took that much larger step of “let’s let the whole world see.”
What if Curtis Sironen had been naked?

Patricia Hadjia and Curtis Sironen when a couple.
If a woman purportedly posting revenge porn of her boyfriend’s mistress isn’t enough to warrant mass condemnation, as happens when a male shares similar photos of a female, the prospects of any measurable sympathy for a man finding his nude pictures published are beyond grim. Maybe Wendy Tuohy of the Herald-Sun would have been uninterested in the story if the person photographed naked had been the male footballer and not the blonde.
Such counterfactuals are by no means outlandish in a world where study after study demonstrates that female offenders get less severe sentences for the same crime and are less likely to be arrested, charged, prosecuted, and found guilty in the first place.
Modern feminist rhetoric, from university dorm “rape culture” to “cyber violence” summits sponsored by the UN, cannot cope with the idea that women should be regularly held to account for their over-the-top reactions. Yet feminists demand that men should always be excoriated (often over allegations that cannot be proven). The same goes for victimhood, which requires a steady stream of offended females, separated by a very occasional legitimate male victim (only for the purposes of declaring how equality-minded they are).
Patricia Hadjia, if she’s the one behind the photo, will probably only find that her Instagram account is more popular and that she can make more money by parading herself both there and elsewhere.
Scorned or just angry women will always have excuses made for them

Ravshan Usmanov was jailed for posting nude pictures of his ex-girlfriend online. Will Hadjia be prosecuted, let alone imprisoned, if she’s behind the naked blonde photograph?
The excuses are so rampant nowadays that virtual silence is the response to many an allegation of appalling female behavior. People may be talking about the photograph but it’s not for any reason you would find if a man were holding the camera. From glassing men who text other girls to the staggering number of instances of female domestic violence, women who lose control are simply presumed to have been wronged to such an extent that what they do is either completely justified or mitigated spectacularly by the circumstances.
So don’t be shocked if Patricia Hadjia or whoever else did this walk away from the situation with zero negative consequences and a lot of positive ones.
Read More: Why Feminism Is To Blame For Revenge Porn
Just checked out her Instagram. Attention seeker.
Well, that’s a given. That’s why she has an Instagram account in the first place.
“We are equal, but we must be protected. We are strong but we are too delicate to do those “grody” and “hard”, uncool things. We are independent, see?, we all have dyed hair and strange piercings, what more proof do you need?
We are mature, but we have tantrums like children where we hit people and break things with no regard for others, the law, or propriety and our inability to cope on an adult-level absolves us of any wrongdoing. Our lives are exceptionally special but life we pick and choose to say is not, is of course, sooo not, and anyone who impedes us in any way is subject to our wrath. It’s our body, our choice, and the body we might cast into the gutter, it belongs to us too.
We make the rules and if you don’t allow us to, we will intimidate, pass legislation, and physically assault you, your reputation, and the people and things you most care about. After all, the world owes us everything and that goes triple for men, who we don’t need anyway.
Other minorities are “cool” so long as they aid us and remember their place as secondary to ours, after all, they are just minorities and sort of “eew” when you think about it. Nice people, but I wouldn’t want them living in my neighborhood, you know? Hey, do you think this ink and bandanna make me look “gangsta”? Look, look at me, give me more attention and shiny stuff.”
– Summary of Modern Feminism
Well put. Take a bow.
Feminist: A strong, independent woman until she encounters an small inconvenience.
I once knew a girl who proclaimed how strong and independent she was, then proceeded to struggle with unfolding a box for a good five minutes.
The box had directions printed on the side.
I had a friend, Who was unsurprisingly doing a BA, who was always proclaiming how feminist she was. She was always in your face about it as if she was the avant grade or something. One night after driving back from a holiday with a large group of friends I was rostered to be her passenger in her car.
The tyre got a flat and she insisted on changing the tyre. So I stepped back and watched her girls can do anything act. I would have humbly taught her. She failed miserably. Didn’t know that you have to crack the nuts before you jack. As she tried for 5 minutes with the iron the wheel spinning away. She burst into tears. I was too kind to her that night.
Two boys would have cooperated and acted team like. Most Boys would have inquired from someone years before getting a licence or have read the manual years ago out of natural masculine curiosity.
My observation is that many temporary lesbians and feminists have a poor relationship with their father.
Obviously that box was made by a sexist man.
Did she ask you for help in the end?
She was too embarrassed. It took me an effort not to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all.
I swear, since Douglas Adams died things have been getting silly.
” Didn’t know that you have to crack the nuts before you jack.”
duh.. dumb bitch.
I have a funny one. This girl once told me she didn’t need a man. I said “well if there were no men women would starve because there would be no one to open jars and reach things down from high shelves”. She retorted “we’d be fine!”
Not five minutes later she asked me to reach something down for her. I laughed and said “what were we just talking about?”
Even she had to laugh at that one.
Then I banged her.
Black and hispanic culture and people are so cool! leaves outside the hispanic and black areas for fear of safety. goes to atm and finds 2 spanish men waiting fears for her life because these men have dark hair and are not very friendly. that’s what iv’e seen of them they fear they will get mugged at a indoor atm with cameras because his hair is darker then other men.
Soon they will fear ALL men with this delusional rape hysteria.
European football right? I’m more of a full contact kind of guy! …Going Sane, I’m going my own way and your comment was so densely laden with humorous truth,that I had to read it twice. Great job,I’ve scarcely seen better.
Going Sane for Prime Minister!
What I want to know is, who took the photo?
Yeah thats an amazing angle.
Maybe it was the second mistr–wait, since when was a girlfriend allowed to take on ‘wife position’ in this case?
Shes just a girlfriend!
(i.e. female in a relationship probationary period)
Will women be held responsible on par with men for anything?
Because they are oppressed.
That is an easy answer, because women have no agency. No matter how many cases come up, or how many detrimental ways women have destroyed the lives of those around her, a woman has and always will be a second hand citizen. Whether this is true or not is of no consequence. It has benefited women when they seek a new partner or new life. It benefits women when a murder need take place or some uppity male forgets his place. The only time this is called into question is when too many heads get together to say, Hey, maybe this female is fully capable of all the vile things she’s done. Then you’ll hear everything. “I was on my period.” “He never loved me.” ” I had nowhere left to go.” “I was abused.” Some day science may allow us to question women by checking with her friends, her mom, and her d.n.a. to prove her guilt. No anomalies in her genome? Throw her in the clink.
For every area that benefits a coward, women are naturally weaker messages will come up. When weakness must be leveraged, there is feminism.
True. No agency and a protected species makes for bad results.
Holy shit is that funny 🙂
The question that is always on my mind is this… Do women HAVE agency or not? They seem to claim it when it helps them, then give it up when they are about to be held responsible. It sure seems that lots of dudes (manginas, leftists, male feminists) like to cut them slack when they’re about to be held accountable for their actions, but sing a different tune when the women wanted to be treated as “independent”
So which is it?
They want both. Can’t you see it? Reality demonstrates this can’t happen. Ever see some dumb bitch crying her eyes out that her life is so fucked up?
Yes. I get that they want both. For society to function, though, it has to be one or the other.
There you go again thinking like a man does by using logic and reasoning.
In their delusional, solipsistic world, both should be possible. Reality states the contrary. What’s frightening is that they are making policies that one day is A, then when her mood changes, it’s Z. This is why women return shit back to the store so often. The cost of restocking returned merchandise is already built into the retail price.
Are you new here? Let me be the first to welcome you to the earth. Ha ha, j/k. Women can oscillate between the drama of victim tingles and the rush of victor arrogance several times in the span of a few minutes.
I have a story;
My niece and I used to play a game of penalty kicks in the hallway, bookended by two doorways. She was five and she made the rules;
1. If she scored a goal, she got a point.
2. If I scored a goal, she got a point
3. If I blocked her kick, she got a point
4. If she blocked my kick, she got a point.
Whatever happened, she got a point, right? That’s feminism. They get to think and feel however they want with an almost hateful disregard for logic and reality. You have to distance yourself from it and quietly withdraw your funding of it.
The answer is that they have precisely as much agency as men allow them.
My question is, who took the picture!?
Good question. My question is why is the dude wearing pajama bottoms if they just finished bumping uglies? Something seems fishy.
>it’s the current year
>not just pulling your dick through the piss-flap in front of your shorts
>I mean come on :^)
My question is why he would ever make excuses that she left him? Maybe he already dumped her, moved on, and she just hadn’t accepted it yet.
This seems like the most logical answer. Either that or a threesome gone wrong.
Everyday in Australian media there are at least 2 articles about how evil men are,
said about any other group it would be hate speech and incitement to violence.
They talk about culling us, stabbing us, burning us, how stupid we are, how useless, every fucking day.
Everyday they are spitting in our face, ridiculing us, shaming us, and asking for more money from big daddy to crush men.
For 15 years I got on a train to start work at 7am, 95% men on that train, not a feminist in sight.
There is no woman more spoilt, vulgar or
rich in the west, still never happy and always bitching.
Party, party, selfie, party, I’m oppressed, party, party, party, oh dead animal, sad face, party, selfie, party, picture of dead kid make me sad, white men evil, party, selfie, party, I am a feminist, literally the stupidest group of people in the last 10000 years.
They won’t last much longer. Nature has a way of dealing with weakness; survival of the fittest.
>it’s the current year
>not just pulling your dick through the piss-flap in front of your shorts
>I mean come on
That’s rough mate. It truly is a nightmare of a world that we live in. These cunts really think they own the world.
I can’t wait until the shit hits the fan.
It’s where it’s at and yeah, in novel/fantasy/writing world,
I see a story where the main characters use the fat ugly feminist as human shields, and the pretty ones are strapped with explosives (once their cuntishness has been established via what they said on Facebook etc ) then sent into enemy territory, to be detonated just as she is about to experience diversity.
I see the young rebel boys in the crew manning squadrons of drones covering everything in pigs blood before a full on hellstorm attack.
I see trucks with speakers that are so loud and the bass that fat, that the call to prayer is drowned out forever.
I see a lot of things, It’s just an imaginary story.
When Hillary becomes President?
I actually do have a morbid hope of seeing her get elected. The house is old and falling apart, there’s no point fixing it; just let that woman destroy it and get it over with. We can always start again from scratch.
Well said. I’ll add duck face to the mix.
It’s sad that the people who have given the most to society are treated like dogs.
And there you have the nature of women. They do NOT appreciate what men do for them.
I’m an Aussie and this is so true. Mainstream media hires feminist stooges for regular “opinion pieces” that always bash men and blow smoke up women’s asses. They can do no wrong. They are never, ever wrong. I have realised this and never read their articles. But you are right, it creates an appalling attitude of entitlement in our women, who are masculine, narcissistic and gross. Our women are bad and getting worse every year!
On the contrary, any man who criticises a woman about ANYTHING, no matter how valid, is immediately vilified and shamed as a misogynist.
never read their articles.
I’ve stopped reading also. The articles are just click bait that generate revenue for the hosts.
That’s okay. Just time to take a page from their book and change the definition of a word.
Rape used to mean
unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.
Now it means to to be within a 1 mile radius of anything with a vagina.
Time to change the definition of Misogynist.
A man who thinks women are rational, intelligent human beings and expects them to act that way.
Ken is a misogynist. He expects Barbie to pay for her half of dinner.
I read every single one of them, just to keep up.
Today had
5 male bashing articles. And it was arch whiner clementine fords day off.
1 all Aussies are racist against Muslims and the daddy should educate and give us money to educate them.
Plus we want tougher laws to protects us even though our sons are running meth into every fucking town.
1 14 yr old girl abducted, sexually assaulted in Melbourne,
Ethnicity of perps left out, which always says it all really.
At least they had some sketches, bingo!
Still it’s not as bad as what they are doing to Europe or what just happened to Canada, reading that was one of the most profound experiences in my life, 50% women in cabinet positions, none with actual experience in the cabinet! and no real world experience at anything other than talking shite.
Don’t know which one is worse.
Two questions:
1. Where can I find the uncensored photo?
2. Who cares about those celebrities? (Note to those who accuse me of being a troll: Yes, I understand that the article just uses it to make a case.)
Hm. Looked better with the black bar.
Indeed, maybe it’s the way she lying down, but that blubber right below her ass doesn’t inspire thoughts of cheating.
I lacked the eloquence to express it so precisely.
Always happy to oblige.
Where’s the tattoo?
The left arm.
As a celeb why would you commit to one woman in the first place?
More like why would they commit to any woman?
I’ve always wondered that too.
If a man isn’t married, or a member of the clergy, its really a non-story. All he has to do is get the tat covered over with a different tat, and then post the pic to the net mocking his ex girlfriend bitch.
I’m really quite confused at all the hubbub about him cheating with his girlfriend. Were they even living together? If they were married, it’d be a different story, but this guy had no formal obligations to this broad. Still kinda shitty that he cheated on her, but get over it and move on. You’re not getting part of the house in the breakup chicky-doo.
Spurned sports groupie gets knocked off her pedestal. Now she has to get a real job, maybe even date a beta, that must be humbling for her.
She is mad because she got a reality check….her vagina isn’t all that magical (as she thought it was in the first place). So many women are delusional and this one seems extra special. They believe that no other woman could ever take their place and when it does happen it’s a big smack from reality saying “Here I am”. I’m sure this girl will be able to land a beta who will pay for everything so she’ll be ok.
Most adults would just move on with life, though. Most of these “women” never mature past 16.
This society is against men because our system has reversed the roles of the strong/wise man, with the weak/ non masculine man.
You give power to a pariah, and he will attempt to castrate other men, he will try to emulate real men, And how ? using women. He will turn women into prostitutes, men into slaves, he will emasculate boys, because these men are not masculine anyway.
You can see that the laws were created by men who have no true merit in this life.
The system protects the weak, he will talk in public as if he was important, because he is protected, but he is just a coward.
You can see this in the concept of equality, discrimination, sexism, gays, etc
Basically all attention is focused in the weak, the less dominant, the complainer
Movies make it so the weak somehow survives, it makes movies surprising, or it did
The politician makes it so women are always victims so he is a hero/protector.
Women are women. I’m not impressed, they act opportunistically.
The state is quite similar to a woman.
You know why society is biased against men, because men are naturally paternal. Subconsciously we assume men are responsible of everything, at the same time the state steals power, authority, dominance and everything from men. And men let it, because we are paternal. Guilt works with men much better than with women. And so many men think that women should be protected, including her reputation.
Well said. There is no moving past our instincts and evolution; even as Western Society has inexorably turned sharply away from the healthy gender/role equilibrium of our past.
Our instinct to protect women remains. The sick and twisted result? She can do no wrong by any societal measure. And he can do no right.
Aye. I get lambasted all the time on conservative and supposedly anti-feminist sites by men when I dare to suggest that women should be held to the same legal standards as men. These are men who on another thread gnash their teeth about feminists and feminism, but suggesting that women be held to account is just “a step too far”. Fucking white knights, the lot of them.
While I understand we need evidence of any consensual sexual encounters today in this toxic environment to protect ourselves from false rape charges, keep those images and videos private out of reach from others. Posting them on social media or sending them to anyone is foolish! Do not brag about your conquests. Let the women gossip amongst themselves to help promote your image instead. If asked by a woman, reveal nothing and deny nothing.
A gentleman never kisses and tells.
And betas get kisses and never tail.
Well played sir.
The problem is that there truly are no groups (mainstream) in Western society on the side of men. Most of the ‘Conservatives’ and Christians (speaking strictly in the US) just want to implement their own version of feminism (consisting of their version of ‘chivalry’, which still pedestalizes women without giving them moral agency).
To paraphrase Ellsworth Toohey from ‘The Fountainhead’, men in the West are offered poison as food (the Left) and poison as antidote (the ‘Conservatives’).
Yes. And a lot of guys who will say things like “Freedom ain’t free” and sing along to the country tunes “Where at least I know I’m free” etc. will be the very first to let you know how you should be living your own life. They are way more collective-minded than they could ever realize.
I have a friend who was subjected to “revenge porn”. HIs girlfriend took a picture of her sodomizing him with his tooth brush (bristle end first) while he was passed out. She then broke up with him the next day and posted it online. He called the cops and they could have cared less that he had been a victim of sexual assault. Apparently the cop said the angle of the photo didn’t show any penetration. (Even if that were so they still had probable cause to arrest her and conduct follow up investigations).
You know the mangina cops were laughing about that after the guy left. I respect cops but there can be a lot of mangina/m’uh lady types who are drawn to that job.
The title of this article is a piece of shit. I didn’t even bother reading the article because the title sounds like something a whiny little girl would write.
This is what women do. Whine about something being unfair, unjust or claim inequality to get themselves something they want or out of something they don’t.
We are not here to spread equality. Not at all. We are here to bring awareness about the inherent differences between men and women and give them each their power back. Stop with this bullshit about he said she said. If we want to get through this we need to do it together and not pitted against one another.
totally agree. Adultery and infidelity should absolutely be criminal.
I’m against the whole concept of revenge porn being illegal… if you don’t want a pic out there don’t take one, but if they’re going to prosecute men for it then they need to prosecute women for it.
Hell has no furry like a women scorned…
Equal is equal.
Fuck Feminism – Right in the ASS.
How do celebrities always manage to have sex or get naked in front of a camera? One would think they secretly welcome the exposure. Maybe I’m missing something, it just always seemed odd.
What says a lot about female behavior and society’s coddling of them is how they abuse each other. It’s nothing for girls to post humiliating sexual photos of each other on the internet. But you never hear of that getting into the news or being punished. It’s just society going after men who do it. Even if it’s unintentional.
One of the first cases in America tried in court was against a woman .. It was almost this exact situation so yes women get prosecuted too