How Donald Trump’s Business Advice Can Change Your Life

Having worked in state government for three years, I am a political junkie. I have become addicted to talk radio, podcasts, and follow the news constantly. With that said, I didn’t vote in the 2012 Presidential Election or in my 2014 State Governor Election because I was so disenfranchised with the candidates, the corrupt state of our so-called “Government,” and the political parties. So, it was a pleasant surprise that while browsing the news channels this summer I stumbled unto Donald J. Trump’s Presidential Announcement Speech and was blown away by his sheer balls and charisma.

I don’t do it for the money. I’ve got enough, much more than I’ll ever need. I do it to do it. Deals are my art form other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably bid deals. That’s how I get my kicks.

Most people are surprised by the way I work. I play it very loose. I don’t carry a briefcase. I try not to schedule too many meetings. I leave my door open. You can’t be imaginative or entrepreneurial if you’ve got too much structure. I prefer to come to work each day and just see what develops.

Watching his rise in the polls and the negative Mainstream Media spin, I became curious of the man and wanted to see if I could get a peek into his character, from his very own words. Donald Trump famously said that the single greatest book every written (besides the Bible) was his own The Art of the Deal and that everyone should read it. I figured, why the hell not?

Background of the Trump Family

Donald Trump Poses with Family

Fun fact: Trump’s Grandfather Friedrich Drumpf, a German Immigrant, started a couple of ‘decadent’ restaurants (aka brothels) during the Gold Rush Era on the West Coast

Donald Trump was born in 1946 to Fred and Mary Trump in Queens, New York City. Donald’s father Fred had an interest in construction and at the ripe age of sixteen he started building garages for people in his neighborhood. In his early 20’s he decided to go full time into real estate construction and development, founding “Elizabeth Trump & Son Co.” which later was renamed to Trump Organization LLC.

Donald was a pretty rebellious kid growing up, so his father Fred decided to send him to the New York Military Academy where he graduated from as a “captain of the cadets.” He later applied to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania,  where he ended up graduating with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Economics. He immediately became involved with his father’s realty business and after several successful deals with his father, he decided to move to Manhattan and make his millions.

He was clearly successful but what character traits lead to his success? Surprisingly, his book reads like a game manual, which many similar concepts used to make the deals.

When I look back at the deals I’ve made—and the ones I’ve lost or let pass—I see certain common elements. But unlike the real estate evangelists you see all over television these days, I can’t promise you that by following the precepts I’m about to offer you’ll become a millionaire overnight. Unfortunately, life rarely works that way, and most people who try to get rich quick end up going broke instead.

Think Big


To me it’s very simple: if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big. Most people think small because most people are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning. And that gives people like me a great advantage.

How often, have you passed on a job opportunity because you where afraid of the unknowns?

How often, have you passed on talking to the 9/10 hottie at the bar and settled for the 7/10 because you were damn right intimidated by the perfectly sculpted body?

You may respond, “those two little words, ‘Think Big’ are easy to say and much different to put into action” and I would agree with you. However, the more you practice and the more you put explicit effort into raising your standards in all aspects of your life—the easier and more natural it will come to you.

Protect The Downside And The Upside Will Take Care Of Itself

meltdown featured image

It’s been said that I believe in the power of positive thinking. In fact, I believe in the power of negative thinking. If you plan for the worst—if you can live with the worst—the good will always take care of itself.

In terms of game, what are the worst things that can happen? She will reject you. In terms of relationships what is the worst thing that happen? You decide to get married and she divorces you.

Roosh wrote about the “Elephant in the Room” and the article struck a chord with me. If you decide to settle down, you must wrestle with the hazards of a long term relationship and know what to do in case of a divorce.

Know Your Market


Some people have a sense of the market and some people don’t. I like to think I have that instinct. That’s why I don’t hire a lot of number-crunchers, and I don’t trust fancy marketing surveys…The other people I don’t take too seriously are the critics—except when they stand in the way of my projects. What very few of them have is any feeling for what the public wants. Which is why, if these critics ever tried to become developers, they’d be terrible failures.

This why websites like these are so invaluable for waking up men and feeding them the red pill. From our birth, men have been lied to about the real “dating market” and we’ve been stumbling around trying to buy goods that are essentially damaged and ‘deregulated’.

Enhance Your Location

Couple Holding Hands At Outdoor Restaurant Table

She’s touching my hand, that means I’ll get some tonight!

Perhaps the most misunderstood concept in all of real estate is that the key to success is location, location, location. Usually, that’s said by people who don’t know what they’re talking about. First of all, you don’t necessarily need the best location. What you need is the best deal. Just as you can create leverage, you can enhance a location, through promotion and through psychology.

My point is that real money isn’t made in real estate by spending the top dollar to buy the best location. You can get killed doing that, just as you can get killed buying a bad location, even for a low price. What you should never do is pay too much, even if that means walking away from a very good site. Which is all a more sophisticated way of looking at location.

On chat rooms and Facebook, you constantly hear complaints from men who just can’t understand why they wine and dine their women for months at high end restaurants and still can’t get laid. They shell out hundreds of dollars for meals, dates, etc…and get absolutely no return on investment.

Learn to maximize the best ways you can excite a woman (and land her at your bedside manor) by introducing her to different events, venues, and restaurants while minimizing your expense—but also know that if you have the best girl and she likes you, it doesn’t matter where you take her on a date.

Get The Word Out


One thing I’ve learned about the press is that they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better. It’s in the nature of the job, and I understand that. The point is that if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you. I’ve always done things a little differently, I don’t mind controversy, and my deals tend to be somewhat ambitious.

There’s a reason why the “jerkboy” mentality scores with the ladies, they love a man who is different from the mold.

The other thing I do when I talk with reporters is to be straight. I try not to deceive them or to be defensive, because those are precisely the ways most people get themselves into trouble with the press. Instead, when a reporter asks me a tough question, I try to frame a positive answer, even if that means shifting the ground.

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.

One cannot have bravado if one isn’t confident in himself, Andrian Red wrote a great article on “5 Proven Ways to Become More Assertive.”

Fight Back

Much as it pays to emphasize the positive, there are times when the only choice is confrontation….One of the problems when you become successful is that jealousy and envy inevitably follow. There are people—I categorize them as life’s losers—who get their sense of accomplishment and achievement from trying to stop others.

A man’s character and reputation is gained by what he does, and it can just as easily be slandered if you don’t stand up for yourself and fight back.

Deliver The Goods

playboy featured damaged goods

You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.

One of life’s little ironies are people who claim that they are an “expert” at something and then when it comes time for them to deliver, they fail monumentally. The reason is because a majority of people are frauds who hide behind a layer of ego.

Have Fun

I don’t kid myself. Life is very fragile, and success doesn’t change that. If anything, success makes it more fragile. Anything can change, without warning, and that’s why I try not to take any of what’s happened too seriously. Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what I should have done differently, or what’s going to happen next.

Men are for the most part logical and calculating—when we learn something new, we put that knowledge into action very seriously—almost robotically—and forget to have fun. What’s the point of living, if we don’t have fun and enjoy ourselves once in awhile?


The Art of the Deal was a fun book to read and very educational. As the political season heats up in 2016 Donald Trump may very well end up becoming the Republican nominee. If he does, he did so because he understands game.

Read More: Donald Trump and the Tyranny of Feelings

101 thoughts on “How Donald Trump’s Business Advice Can Change Your Life”

  1. I read Art of the Deal years ago. Having read this, I will read the book again soon.
    “When I look back at the deals I’ve made—and the ones I’ve lost or let pass—I see certain common elements. But unlike the real estate evangelists you see all over television these days, I can’t promise you that by following the precepts I’m about to offer you’ll become a millionaire overnight. Unfortunately, life rarely works that way, and most people who try to get rich quick end up going broke instead.”
    And where he states he thinks of successes and failures, what went right and what went wrong, and sees common elements in each of them…That’s the best way I know of to learn anything.
    Basically, if Donald Trump wins the nomination, I’ll register to vote (again) and vote for him.
    Great article.

  2. This section describes his presidential run in a nutshell:
    “One thing I’ve learned about the press is that they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better. It’s in the nature of the job, and I understand that. The point is that if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you. I’ve always done things a little differently, I don’t mind controversy, and my deals tend to be somewhat ambitious.”

    1. lots of these ‘rules’ have been applied equally to his political tactics in the last 6 months
      I have noticed he also follows the rule that the anti sjw book follows…never apologise, never resign, and hit back hard

  3. I’ve read The Art of the Deal 20 years ago. It is indeed an excellent book. I highly recommend it. It describes in details his early business deals in Manhattan. It also peaks into the man’s mind.
    As a foot note, I kind of looked down on Trump when he got involved with his reality shows. In the end it doesn’t really matter. Trump as a man is the real deal. The guy is as tough as they come. Yes, he has a big mouth but if you look closely, he does deliver the goods.

    1. Hes been unique in that hes been suceeding in politics I suspect because he knows what the audience wants to hear, whereas most business men are used to giving orders.

  4. I’d be damn pleased to pull 7s. There are no 9s to be found in real life around me except on TV or internet.

    1. That’s exactly why it’s even more difficult to approach them when we do see them. Albeit, in today’s America, more and more, a ‘9’ is just considered a Woman who has a proper BMI

      1. Considering the state of american women these days I’d say any woman in america with normal BMI is automatic 6, just because she’s not a fat pig, provided she doesn’t disqualify herself with feminist bitch face, neon hair, chest tats. Any plain jane can get 10 matches a day on tinder just by showing up. I honestly haven’t seen any 9s in real life in years.

  5. Blah Blah Blah, born to privilege and used that privilege to garner more privilege, YAWN !! A very rich man (Kerry Packer) once said, the secret to success is being born into the right family. The rich just sell suckers how to guides knowing 99.99 % will just tread water there whole life. Such is life. Oh well, lets go eat ice cream shall we.

    1. You are ignorant, because you haven’t even read the article. A quote from Trump: “I can’t promise you that by following the precepts I’m about to offer you’ll become a millionaire overnight. Unfortunately, life rarely works that way, and most people who try to get rich quick end up going broke instead.”
      He admits that you will probably never gonna get rich, but sometimes it’s worth a try. Most millionaires today are self made. I heared that only 6% of people were born in to wealth(in the States), and the rest did it all by themselves.

      1. You’re the sucker I was referring too. And baloney!! This is what all the ultra rich want you to believe, that you too can do it, their whole revenue stream is based on selling you a pipe dream dickhead.The more you believe in the pipe dream, the more money they make, but hey, Thanks for playing, but the house always wins.You want to spend your life being conned by some dickhead, go right ahead, me I am going to eat some ice cream, because hey, who gives a fuck right.

        1. How about you focus on improving yourself instead of hating those who have. Your rabid jealousy of people you have never met is more characteristic of a modern people magazine reading single mom than a man.

        2. Wow, seriously? You just made yourself look like an idiot. I guess you are also someone who thinks that girls that are 9s can only be gamed by rich people.

        3. Do you even hear yourself talk. I don’t even care for game when I can go to the whorehouse and get me a piece of any number I want. All women are whores, everyone pays for the pussy, everyone !!!!! As for looking like an idiot, like I give a fuck, only an idiot would care about looking like one.

        4. Self improvement, the last bastion of the desperate and dateless. You’re a human being full of puss and snot and shit, deal with it.

        5. Fatalism is the bastion of those who are too lazy to improve their lives, and then try to sell the fiction that the world is the reason they are miserable. Have fun being a loser, the world will forget you ever existed.

        6. The world will forget everyone existed, I am not surprised you think you are different. But I guess you are too full of self improvement to see how irrelevant you really are. Being a loser rocks ! Woohoo !!!

        7. Wrong. My legacy will pass through my children, and I will be remembered as long as humanity endures through their legacy. You, however, will have nothing; your line will die with you.
          I have a policy against debating incels so I will not be responding further.

        8. Geez, you really do have a stick shoved far up your sphincter don’t you. Aren’t you all Mister Important, I will live on for eternity through my sperm. Good for you dickhead, you’re the only cunt on this planet who thinks you matter. Whatever helps you sleep at night I say.

        9. People who accept themselves feel no need to improve muppet. Only those who feel deficient is some way feel the need to improve. Sometimes I think this whole cockosphere has done a number on some men’s brains. All this talk of game and Chad Thundercock and modeling themselves on billionaire fucktards like Trump. You poor saps, I have no idea how you morons get through a day.

        10. Logic is not really your strength, is it? There’s this thing called boolean logic where things can be either yes or no. True or false. You said improvement is for losers, then I said if you think that way, then regression must be the way to go.
          You then introduced a third variable in that discussion — accepting yourself and now you’re trying to tie the 3 together. That’s not how shit works.
          Now, from what I’ve seen from you so far you are a loser, and you cover that with “things are great for me just the way they are, and so I’m good”. And while you think that, you miss something universal… competition. You are not alone in this world, and guys with better game and more money than you, will simply take a leak on your boots and then laugh at your ass.
          Do whatever the fuck you want, but don’t come here and tell us moving ahead in life is a loser’s game. Capisci?
          And btw, deep shit… Even staying at one level requires work (the society advances) so in essence, you still have to improve yourself (if not physically or financially, then at least mentally) weather you like it or not.

        11. Don’t try and bamboozle me with your wikipedia understanding of logic moron. And what you fail to realise when you call me a loser, it means nothing, NADA, zip zero. What you would deem an insult is meaningless to me. For all you know I might place a high value as being perceived a loser in the same way zen philosophy might consider the useless knotted knurled tree that outlives the other trees that can be chopped and used for timber. See the mistake you make is thinking I give a fuck about game, or money or if Chad Thundercock is fucking my last conquest. And you say do whatever the fuck I want and then proceed to issue some type of ultimatum. The cockosphere has fucked your head boy, it sound’s like it might be time for you to go for a long walk, smell the roses and forget all this talk about game and self improvement. Live life NOW and stop trying to create some bullshit life that will never be reality. Only people who feel in some way incomplete need all this nonsense and formulas and guidelines on how to be a man. You want to be a man, just get out in the world and swing your cock around, their is no strategy guide for it as if you were playing WOW online. That’s the beauty of being a man, you can do whatever the fuck you well please and fuck anybody who doesn’t like it, including your Mum (Say hi to her for me by the way)

        12. Oh No, what ever will I do if I can’t get motivated to improve my life. Oh my, is this all there is. And yes, you can have plenty of fun being a loser, look at Donald Trump, he’s having the time of his life and even convinced himself he is a winner to boot and got a bunch of cellar dwelling closet homos thinking he is all that. I am sure the world won’t even REMEMBER you even existed.

        13. It simply shows you’ve got some mental issues. That’s all. Just made an observation. No ad hominem.

        14. Oh I see, you’re the resident psychiatrist I take it. I guess this forum is a hot bed of mental health, a bunch of beta fags who can;t get laid and secretly lust after the cock. Can’t even admit to being a hypocrite I see.

        15. You simply hanging off so many guy’s posts here is all one needs to know that we’re dealing with a mentally unstable individual.

        16. Real Men don’t give a fuck, something you cocksuckers won’t ever learn here reading your bullshit PU guides. If I even thought for a moment anyone here was on my level I would know I am doing something wrong. See, this is the thing Men are independent, they don’t form collectives like some Mothers group whining about women.

        17. dude quit being a whinny bitch and live life. Not everyone can be rich, but hey it is worth trying. Most people don’t want to be rich anyway most of them want to be self-employed with passive income. I’ve many successful self made millionaires that came from poor families.
          Success is earn not handed to you.

        18. I see the incel remark hit close to home. Remember that admitting it is the first step.

        19. Then why are you even on this site if you don’t agree with anything it teaches or stands for? It sounds to me like you’re just wasting your time and your energy. Go live in your hut with your vegetables and bucket of water and leave the rest of us in peace.

        20. I see you couldn’t help yourself, replying to me when you said you no longer would because I was an incel.. That means I am either not an incel or renting space in your pea brain. Both are true by the way. But thanks for playing.

        21. Most advice books are bullshit. Guys who sell you books on how to day trade make a killing in real estate or any other get rich quick scheme do so because book revenues are more stable than whatever “system” they came up with that happened to make them money. If their system actually worked they would be using it rather than writing a book about it.
          That being said, Trump didn’t write the book for the money anymore than he is running for president for the money. He had a leg up given that his father was reasonably successful in real estate already. Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg etc were all born with silver spoons in their mouths. But so what?
          Making a million today is not as easy as it was in the past. Yesteryear you could get a decent job and set aside 10% of your income to invest and you could retire a millionaire. Now, wages have flatlined, interest rates are basically zero, the stock market collapses every few years and you need two incomes just to afford a shitty little house in the suburbs. Unless you are a public school teacher in Canada, you probably won’t have a million bucks stashed away for retirement.
          Entrepreneurship is probably the best way to make a significant income, but it is also the best way to go bankrupt, which happens to many businessmen the first few times out.
          I haven’t read Art of the Deal, but the excerpts reveal some fascinating tid bids of advice.

        22. “Self improvement, the last bastion of the desperate and dateless.”
          Personally I figured that was either porn or ice cream.

        23. Ya know….some other guys have had a point, but the way you’re writing you just come across as mentally ill.

        24. Completely wrong.Humans strive to be much greater than their current state.Better clothing, better housing,betterment is fundamental to human development.

        25. I recommend people quit replying to Max Gold. He’s not crazy, he’s just an asshole and one of these “difficult” people listed in a recent article. He clearly likes to bring everyone else down because he’s not happy with his life. Quit replying to the guy and he’ll write less and less often. He’s already made it clear no one is going to convince him that life can be better than it is.

    2. He turned a couple million into a couple billion. How many lottery winners squander their fortune in a year? The idea that wealth always perpetuates itself regardless of its handler is merely a rationalization for themselves that people try to imprint on the world.

      1. Rush Limbaugh once said. If you put 100 people on an island and you equally distribute 1 million dollars among them, after some time several of them will have most of the 1 mil back and the rest will end up poor again.

        1. That happens every year when the IRS redistributes thousands of dollars for Child tax credit and Earned Income Credit.
          I know people who get $7000 tax returns and it is all blown in a month. Then usually they wind up pawning or selling the stuff they bought for next to nothing.

        2. I would argue further that the same people would end up with it again, give or take.

      2. honestly if i won the lottery i would invest it and multiply it. Most lottery winners go broke because of lack of financial education. Also they go into emotional state over logic.

        1. Exactly. You can put the money into tax free bonds and it is legally required to provide a certain return. Mine double every ten years or so. These people lacked the drive to get advice or educate themselves when information is freer than ever.

        2. i would invest it on forex (currency exchange), mutual funds, buy gold, properties, and businesses. Or spend it on my own business ideas.

        3. We already have plenty of bullion. We deal in the stuff at wholesale from the local cash for gold places and then sell it to foundries.

        4. You are getting 7% on your tax-free bonds? Whose bonds are paying anything like 7% today? I call BS.

        5. 6.9% actually. The extra money in the calculation is opportunity cost from not being taxed, money which you can compound again.

      3. Ugh. There is so much wrong with this statement it hurts my brain. There are so many studies about the social effects of being a lottery winner, and about the culture which perpetuates wealth. You are not just comparing apples and oranges here, you’re comparing apples and fighter jets.

    3. No, that would be what the marxists want you to believe, to help you justify bending over and embracing the welfare state.. You see the more of the 99% who simply give up and buy into their propaganda, the more control these left leaning politicians have over you and your life. When a government has a monopoly on every facet of your life, you are not going to vote against them no matter how economically or socially damaging they may be.
      Fact, of todays billionaires the vast majority are self made.
      Fact, some of these billionaires did not even complete a formal education.
      Contrary to popular leftist belief, rich men don’t benefit from keeping individuals like yourself “poor”. We want you to spend money and we want you to consume, to do that you must have disposable income.. What we tend to understand however is that stratification is natural, it’s necessary. You see the only way we are ever going to be equal, is if we are all equally poor and miserable (a leftists wet dream)..
      Of course none of this matters, because you have already settled for your pathetic existence, you have accepted that reality. That said I want you to remember something. Every time you feel the urge to play the victim, remember that you bare sole responsibility for your lack of success, accountability always stops with you and your decisions..

      1. Most male billionaires are self made. Most female billionaires inherited or married into money. Important distinction.

      2. You’re talking to the wrong man, you can’t escape the leftist loonies, they will bring the world to it’s knees with their fucking stupid pipe dreams, all hell will break lose, chaos will follow, most will perish and the survivors will rally around going what the fuck was that and finally sit around singing kumbaya around the camp fire. But seriously, I want to see the world burn, and I have no doubt it will, it is just a matter of time. I for one refuse to spend my life chasing money when all I need is a bed, a bucket of vegetables and some water to get by. People who spend their lives chasing money miss the whole point of existence. i feel sorry for those bastards, I mean who in their right fucking mind would want to b like any of these blood sucking psychopathic billionaires, I mean look at Trump for fuck sake, the man is a colossal douchebag of epic proportions and all the money in the world can’t change that.

        1. You only “want to see the world burn” because you’ve got no experience with what it’s like.
          Just spend a week. One WEEK in somewhere like Ghana, or Kenya, or Kurdistan.
          I’m betting you won’t even last that long once you see what “let it burn” actually looks like.
          Here’s a few tips: you WONT have the internet. you WONT have whorehouses. There will be no A/C, no video games, none of the stuff that you take for granted. In fact you won’t even have water that you can drink without explosive, painful diarrhea.
          But yes, go try it. I’ve done it for years, so trust me when I say that you don’t want things to collapse.

        2. Am kenyan, i have internet, i have been an esport player for SC2. We also have boreholes that provide good water.

        3. Am Ugandan as well but I think you’re missing his point. What percentage of Kenyans have access to internet? I bet its less than 10% , what percentage of Kenyans have access to clean water? The average Kenyan is not living the desired life that you are having….

      3. But we are so so free, we have a voice in smoking weed and gay marriage! No say in immigration or warfare, but so what! LOL Roosh illustrated in his recent article how the Unabomber thought of this system via simply reading/keeping sharp in a dump of a cabin. You have no pull on the real strings of power, but gladly partake in the little shows of democracy.

    4. With as much as you talk about cocks , self acceptance , and going out to eat ice cream you must be a homosexual

      1. HHmmmmm Cocks, HHmmmmm Ice Cream, HHmmmm Homosexuals, HHmmm Self Acceptance , love me some of them. No Homo of course. 🙂

      2. I doubt it. He’s a troll, mentally ill, or more likely both. He needs help that we can’t give him.
        I’m just curious what happened to him to make him this way.

    5. You’re one of those people that Trump mentions, the ones that get their sense of pride and accomplishment from bringing down people who are actually successful and accomplished.

      1. Amusing when people use this on Trump, but fail to see the other political candidates through the same lens. Look at what Trump has produced and paid in taxes, then look at the professional politicians he is up against who have groomed themselves to fleece the public. Just the fact Trump is able to be this successful at running for pres shows us the quality of the candidates in the field these days.

      2. Yeah, Trump was right, I wanna be just like Trump one day, if I just hug his nut tight enough I just might make it. Mr Trump, you’re my hero. And thanks to you Mr Trump I just told of one of those losers you were talking about. I love you Trump.

    6. “There are people—I categorize them as life’s losers—who get their sense
      of accomplishment and achievement from trying to stop others.”

      1. I love me sum life’s losers, considering they make up the majority of the population. You guys really have something against losers don’t you? There is nothing more liberating than being a loser.

        1. Do you need help? Do you need someone to talk to? And don’t take this the wrong way,but seriously do you need help?

  6. Best advice i ever got was to swallow your failures and swallow them hard. Don’t make excuses or blame this or that
    The route to outcome independence.

    1. Sounds like bad advice, but that’s alright, good advice doesn’t come cheap. All successful people never take responsibility for their failures, that’s always some other poor saps fault. Only the imbeciles and moralists take responsibility, neither of whom ever make any money Responsibility is over-rated. When endeavours fail, blame some other bastard and relieve yourself of the burden. You only ever accept responsibility if their is profit to be made from it and there is no longer any profit from not taking responsibility.Like lance Armstrong for example. Turn it into a win win. Dude was forced to come clean and still raking in the cash.

  7. He keeps his “doors opened”, but has dozen of appointments and at least 50 phone calls. Haha

    1. It’s like that for ANY person who is involved in running businesses. Even junior level brokers, private wealth management, real estate dealers, investment bankers, management consultants, etc. will typically be making dozens of phone calls a day.

  8. i’ve actually started reading Art of the Deal recently.
    I like him more than the other candidates and he’s very good at persuading but i’m still wondering if he’s in it for himself, or he’s in it for America. Hoping some of his past books give me a better idea.

    1. I am pulling for Ted Cruz as I think Trump is a clown… very enteraining, but as he dismantles the topics I am still unaware what he stands for. I can only surmize for himself.
      As the democrat ticket seems likely it will be Clinton or Sanders, it actually it will be Biden/Warren. Trump will probably win if he is stil there, but he will be a disappointing president. All huff and puff, but will not deliver anything close to what was expectied of him. So it goes.

      1. “All Huff and Puff” didn’t make him 10 Billion dollars in the most hostile liberal city in the nation.
        Albeit Cruz or Trump would be far better than Rubio or Crispy Cream (I mean Chris Christy)

      2. Cruz lied about huge loans from zionist banks, think your confused about who is all huff and puff

    2. From my short experience working in state politics I can honestly say that every single person who runs for public office “does it for himself” they all have tremendous “egos”–and you have to, in order to survive the media and public scrutiny.
      However, what traits will determine if they will do a good job?
      Are they accomplished in their private life? What kind of jobs have they held? How does their family treat them? Do their Kids respect them? Have they shown altruistic behavior and did something just to do it?
      I’m not here to defend Donald Trump (maybe ill save that for another article) yes he has a big Ego (just like everyone else) but he has never smoked, drank, did drugs of any kind and his Children respect the shit out of him and have never been arrested for anything….
      I read Art of the Deal with the intention of seeing his values and reading in between the pages for what they stand for. I’ll let you come to your own conclusions. After all the “art of the deal” is described early in the book, the rest is about his deals and character.

  9. I honestly do not understand the hate for Trump. The man is paying for his own campaign. THE MAN IS PAYING FOR HIS OWN CAMPAIGN!!! He is the embodiment of everything the US has screamed for but when it happens the elites start to shit themselves. No super PAC backing, no donations, he owes nothing to anyone and can do as he damn well pleases. I guess if I was part of the GOP or Dem elite I would want him gone too.

    1. I remember in the 2012 Campaign one of Republicans biggest gripes was, “Why do Republicans apologize all the time? Why is Romney saying he is sorry? He told the truth!”
      Now that you finally have a candidate, who doesn’t apologize for speaking the truth and lays out common sense proposals (securing the border and kicking out illegals), Republicans are complaining and saying, “Trump is too brash, he should apologize for the thousands of people he offended….”
      Even when you are winning you are losing with these people.

      1. He can offend thousands, even millions, as long as about 65 million or so Americans punch his name in November.

      2. I really think his numbers are much higher than they are being reported as people do not want to say they would vote for him when they will.

        1. I think in the General Election you are absolutely correct, however, in the Republican primaries I think the Numbers are fairly accurate. I hope that you are correct though and that the primaries are a complete landslide in his favour. Two more weeks!

    2. you described the reason people hate him yourself. He’s not beholden to the “donor class”.

      1. I agree but I find it odd hard working people like myself are not enthused by this. Instead they are scared. Being in the military the only real criticism I have heard about him is if he wins we can expect another war. A much shorter engagement but we will most likely deploy in force. The fact the man said we will have the Nations who request our help pay us back is a bonus in my book. After reading War is a Racket by General Smedley Butler I truly question our so called motives for not allowing the spoils of war since WWI, instead we fight and die for ribbons and a pension the politicians continually rape.

  10. A couple of reasons I like Trump-
    The press/democrats/other republicans have used every trick in the book to get rid of him but, by the time they get in gear Trump is already in the next county.
    Every time someone (the press) gets offended and starts calling for his head saying, he doesn’t represent “Main Stream America, he just says “yeah I said it so what?” I have been tired of republicans kissing the boots of the press for years ,it’s nice to see someone who can make them chase their own tails.

  11. This guy is awesome, love how he pisses off all the SJW’s… but the only question I have is, IS DT with the elite? His fortune is his own, so he doesn’t owe these bank snobs anything. Is he in with their sinister plans for the one world government? I honestly don’t think he is, and they’re just having trouble figuring out a way to get rid of him without fucking a lot of things up, considering that his hand is involved in a lot of businesses essential to their plans.

  12. I’m in the real estate game. Specifically in buying, selling and keeping motels, hotels and apartment buildings. What I can say from my experience is that there is an element of timing and “luck” to this game to be successful. What I mean by luck is being able to see opportunities presented before you and acting on them. For these opportunities to appear however you have to put yourself out there. I can’t stress how important that is. People are so reluctant to travel and talk to people and just make inquiries. Having confidence and charisma when talking to people opens up many doors.
    People who are “unlucky” simply were placed in circumstances that didn’t allow them to spot the opportunity, act on it or they never had sufficient capital, knowledge, willingness, the right mentality etc. to make it work. Every opportunity is unique and there are so many pitfalls but if you get it right you can make a lot of money.
    These circumstances can depend on how you were brought up and raised. Having parents who impart the right values in you from the start helps greatly plus starting capital. Not falling in the trap of instant gratification, consumerism etc. Trump is an outlier who has all of these things. So what actually seems like “luck” is just the right combination of actions undertaken. These actions result from your perspective, education, values, intelligence, goals. This is all very deterministic.

  13. “Enhance Your Location” part of the article reminded me of sport betting. Losing bettors ask “will this team win?”. Successful bettors ask “what odds are offered by the bookies?”. They look for profitable deals, and this pays off in the long run.

  14. The book is almost 30 years old and Trump looks so fucking young on the cover, I think it is hilarious.

  15. The biggest thing I get out of Trump from Art of the Deal and when I watch him is how much of a super positive Win-Win guy he is. He is constantly saying who he finds classy, who he thinks is smart and who how he likes people. (This makes it more impactful when he calls the occasional person stupid.)
    When he talks about his deal he spells out not only the great deal that he gets out of it but what the other guy gets as well.
    It might be surprising to people to see how empathetic Trump is, but you have to understand what the other guy wants in negotiating and to give it to him in order to make the deal.
    As a side note, the Art of the Deal was written almost 30 years ago and he was talking then about how he has a lot of great women working for his companies and how he respects and loves the Vetrans, the same thing he is talking about now.

  16. Its easy to understand Trumps popularity with younger women. Here is a hint, in the eyes of female instinct, he is a real Alpha Male, when compared to the other Betas trying to run for office. In a way, Bush I and Bush II were also Alphas, when judged by female instinct, Jeb Bush however, is not and it shows.
    Also, minorities are for most part still tapped into their primal instincts and teach their kids the same. While most Anglo’s, on the other hand, try to deny instincts and teach their boys to become Manginas that answer directly to feminine desire.
    Trump is none of these things, hence the current wave of female adoration, which in reality, is a type of physical attraction that none of these women know how to articulate when surveyed.
    I also really don’t quite understand why some people think Donald Trump is a worse choice than “Clinton part II” or “Bush part III”, even Sanders is better choice than “Clinton part II” for that matter.
    Trump is running a Presidential Campaign and a company with 22,000+ employees, mostly AMERICAN citizen, that has billions of dollars in real estate holdings to maintain. People need to start giving the guy some friggin credit. In contrast, what other organization, WITH EMPLOYED STAFF, was Obama “running” during his initial Presidential campaign? NONE, just his Presidential campaign, with some skeleton crew staffers left behind, to autopilot his Senate duties, same goes for “Bush part II” (just replace “Senator” with “Governor”).
    Although Trump did grow up rich, inheriting money and property from his fathers businesses, the Trump Family is self-made for the most part and do not seem to be directly connected with NWO & Old-Money types (all the Trumps are Tax Dodgers BTW). Trumps grandfather did not process properly through Ellis Island, in the late 1800’s and had left behind many unpaid debt in Europe by the time he came to America and started his new businesses. However, hat regular people don’t seem to understand is that folks like Donald Trump and Ross Perot are considered “trash” by the standards of the Romney and Bush clans types, with family members having held political offices, in the Untied States, as far back as the 1850’s. Note, Reagan, Clinton, and Obama also had no direct family ties to the Old-Money types, however, they were not nearly as wealthy, nor as independently bold, as Trump or Perot and eventually all of them did “toe the line”, following the orders of the NWO & Old-Money types.
    The reality is that Trump will NEVER be accepted as part of the true “Owners of Capital” club because he is the decedent of regular working class immigrants from Germany, that came to the USA via Ellis Island. Whether voters believe it or not, people like Donald Trump and Ross Perot before him, are truly, the best chance, regular people have to being represented by someone in office who’s family is not beholden to or part of the NWO & Old-Money types. Although I have not thoroughly checked, it does not appear that Donald Trump, nor Ross Perot, were ever invited to or attended the Bilderberg Conference. That’s a GOOD sign, not a bad one (Clinton has however).
    There are some other things to consider, if Trump has a REAL chance at winning the republican nomination or somehow gets huge backing as an Independent, the “Owners of Capital” will simply do what they did to Ross Perot and once that process unfolds he will eventually decide to “willingly withdraw” from the race.
    Do people really believe, that if someone like Donald Trump wins the election, that he will be able to do what he wants, as apposed to, what the “Military Industrial Complex” wants him to do?
    Anyone who becomes President of the United States has to “cow tow” to the “Military Industrial Complex” and even Donald Trump is not immune to a guaranteed “CIA visit” once in office.
    Be assured they will pay him a visit, if he ever wins, and like Ross Perot, Jessie Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger and even Obama, he too will be told to “toe the line” and “play ball”, as they dictate.
    For example, why in the world did Arnold Schwarzenegger need to do ANYTHING along party lines? His fame and popularity COMPLETELY transcended political parties, yet somehow he was still “answering” to politicians who “in theory” should have had no affect on his personal life, political career or personal fortune, all of which existed prior to being elected and was held COMPLETELY outside of the confines or influence of the “Military Industrial Complex”.
    Also consider this angle, there is a huge assets difference between someone like Mitt Romney, who has a $250 million net worth and Ross Perot with a $5 billion net worth (Donald Trump has a net worth of $4 Billion). Yet, someone like Romney was a shoe in for party nominations. As I alluded to above, its NOT the money, nor the popular vote that matters, people like Mitt and Jeb Bush are government insiders and both come from families that always have been government insiders. That was not the case at all with Perot and the same goes for Trump, hence neither of them can be elected regardless of the popular vote or the public’s desires or how much money they spend.
    Ross Perot dropping out of the 1992 election was not happenstance either, nor simply about his daughters wedding:
    Trump and Sanders, in my opinion, are the least likely, currently “visible candidates”, to be heavily affiliated with NWO & Old-Money types. Trump and Sanders weren’t “born into” the “right kind” of political families, in fact their ancestors were immigrants from the lower classes of Europe. Its actually really too bad they can’t be on the same independent ticket, running as Independents, with Sanders and Trump as either President and VP, with people like Ralph Nader, Jessie Ventura and Ron Paul filling the various cabinet positions (pooling campaign resources, with the intention of actually trying to win, as a team and not solo).
    But if they tried to pull a “hat trick” like that, I’m sure quite a few of them would QUICKLY find themselves at risk of being in a “plane crash” or on the wrong end of a “car accident”.
    In hindsight, I truly believe that Ross Perot would have done a much better job than ANY of the “good ol’ boys” that we’ve gotten as Presidents since then. Trump is the nations second chance to get that type of leadership. Again, Perot dropping out of the 1992 election was not happenstance, nor was it simply about his daughters wedding. He was likely threatened in some way, that none of us can imagine. Why has he been so quiet, for the last 20+ years? Donald Trump will be no different, but, if he decides to run for President and he somehow wins, best case scenario, it will be Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronald Reagan all over again.

    1. This is VERY true. I remember a certain radical feminist who would always diss men at every opportunity. However, she said that although she almost always votes Democrat, she’s planning on voting for Donald Trump, because she finds him something along the lines of “assertive, passionate, manly, etc.”.

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