A man should not be dependent on women for anything except that which women are uniquely equipped to provide: love and companionship, bearing his children, and nurturing them. Being self-sufficient is a man’s source of pride and the essence of independence. Anybody can cook. In fact, most women are delighted to find a man who can cook—modern women often don’t know their way around the kitchen. Teaching your son to cook is a vital step in raising him to be a man.
1. Cooking gives a boy adult responsibilities
Cooking is a connection with the real world. It gives a boy the chance to work alongside adults and make a contribution to the family. Contrast this with school work, in which the kid passively takes whatever the adults hand out, or leisure time activities which are mostly intended to keep him busy. Every kid is eager to be respected as a full-fledged human being.
A child can start to help in the kitchen at an early age. We let our son use a paring knife to cut apples at two years old. He is now up to getting the ingredients out of the cupboards, measuring and mixing, weighing ingredients, and feeding meat and vegetables into the food processor.
Taking him grocery shopping lets a boy have some impact on the menu. He will tell you if he would rather have oranges than apples, broccoli rather than spinach. It is also a chance to teach him about value. How much do the apples cost relative to the oranges? It gives him a chance to think about ingredients. Are there really evil chemicals in soft drinks, like everybody says? Is there anything special about bottled water that makes it worth a dollar per bottle? How much sugar is there in a candy bar? Besides which, carrying groceries—and even being allowed to buy some things on his own—makes him feel important.
2. Cooking is educational
Grocery shopping and cooking demand some mental math. If two pizza crusts take 2 ½ cups of flour, how much do you need for three? If olives are on sale, buy one can and get another for half price, how much of a discount is that? Working as we do with American recipes in a metric kitchen, there is a lot of opportunity for conversion. Yesterday’s fish required a hot oven—450°F. Quick, in your mind—how much is that in centigrade? That is not a question for a five-year-old, but a high schooler should be able to handle it.
Making our own sauerkraut, pickles and pizza dough offers lessons in biology and chemistry. Why does bread rise? What makes pickles sour? Why aren’t pancakes sour when you make them using vinegar and soda? Inquiring young minds want to know!
A real man should be the master of his world. He should be handy, and a good part of a father’s job is to teach a boy to be handy. Boys have a fascination with screwdrivers, hammers, saws and all kinds of machinery. A responsible father will ensure that his son has a chance to work with all of them. The advantage of starting such work in a kitchen is that the tools are generally easier to use. A kid can begin at a younger age. Also, mother is more likely both to work in the kitchen than the toolshed. The boy can learn from both parents.
3. Cooks pay attention to their health
A cook is aware of what he is putting into his body. He measures the sugar going into a pie or the cream going into a quiche. Men have a vague notion that the stuff they buy at Cinnabon or Chipotle are not good for them, but there is no graphic display equivalent to seeing the ingredients laid out on the kitchen table prior to cooking. In addition, people who publish recipes have different motivations than restaurateurs. They try to convince you that the recipe will be tasty and nutritious.
Restaurants encourage you to spend as much as possible. A cookbook will balance a meal among the three major food groups: meat and dairy, fruits and vegetables, and carbohydrates. A fast-food operation balances among three groups of seductive poisons: sugar, salt and fat. Teaching your kid to cook is a significant step toward keeping him healthy.
Cooking is a better way to occupy the child’s time than electronic amusements. In addition to giving him the satisfaction of creating something useful for to the family, it will keep him busy. Our five-year-old can spend half an hour at a time cracking walnuts or stringing popcorn for the Christmas tree. Every walnut presents a unique challenge. How should he position the nutcracker on this particular nut? How can he dig out the last piece of nutmeat? Even time spent on the computer is not wasted if he is doing something like researching mince pie recipes with daddy.
Cooking is exercise. Most of the work is done standing up, moving around the kitchen. It involves a lot of lifting, moving, chopping and scrubbing. While it will not replace a serious workout regimen, it certainly beats sitting on the couch and watching the boob tube.
4. Cooking is thrifty
A lot of young people do not learn the habit of thrift. They start life with a debt-slave mentality, accepting with resignation that they will be behind the eight ball all their lives, starting with their mountain of educational loans. They close their eyes the consequences, order what they want in a restaurant and let the credit card debt stack up.
Wrong! At a restaurant, the raw ingredients account for only about a third of the final bill. Cooking saves money—your kid can cook for himself and pocket the difference. The responsible person who prepares his own meals and watches his pennies will come out ahead of the game. He is in charge of his life. He will wind up with more money, and of course a better selection of the good things in life, such as marriage partners.
5. Cooks learn to clean up
You can’t work in a messy kitchen. A chef has to start with clean counters and know where to find his pots, pans and cooking utensils. An apprentice chef quickly learns that there is no substitute for cleanliness and order… working in a messy kitchen takes more time and results in more mistakes.
Cleaning up is guaranteed to bring praise from the adults. Kids can start by cleaning the table, then putting things away, then progress to cleaning dishes and on to pots and pans. There is work at every age level.
6. Cooking saves time
Even “fast food” is not that fast when you take into account the travel time to get to the restaurant. A man who learns to be efficient in the kitchen can wind up eating better, more cheaply, and even more quickly. A simple dinner such as hamburger or pork chops, frozen vegetables and rice takes about half an hour to cook. While it is cooking, a guy can take a moment or two to glance at his email.
The serious cook plans ahead. If he is tight on time, as most young people with serious jobs are, he can plan a week or so in advance. Make do with one major trip to the grocery store. Cook dishes that will serve for two or three meals. If it’s chicken, plan to eat a third of it now, leave another third in the refrigerator for tomorrow, and put the other third in the freezer, ready to microwave in a pinch.
7. Ladies love men who cook
Sometimes a young man has unexpected company. Perhaps a young woman. What better place to invite her than to his house? It is cheaper than a restaurant and closer to the sofa. He might have something in the freezer that he can microwave quickly, such as the above-mentioned chicken. He might have something a little fancier, perhaps a quiche that he cooked for himself—it is not hard to do. Imagine how impressed she will be just to find a guy with a homemade quiche in his refrigerator! Homemade borscht was instrumental in my getting married.
When a girl comes over, what you talk about? Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. It can sometimes be difficult to come up with a topic of conversation. However, most women are interested in cooking and if a guy can converse comfortably on the subject, it provides common ground. Even more promising, she may be interested in sharing the work in the kitchen. What an opportunity! “Dear, can you take the lid off this jar? It’s very tight.” “Dear, I am scared of that great big French knife, and I cry easily. Could you please chop the onions?”
As they are working together in a small kitchen they just accidentally brush up against each other every now and again. He might even have to put his arms around her to show her how to hold the paring knife. The opportunities are endless. It could even lead to grandchildren
8. Cooking is highly social
It is reasonable to expect that your son will live in a group house at some point. With the right bunch of people, he may be inspired to host a party. It may be in the apartment, the back yard, or even a picnic in the park or the beach. Expect people to bring guitars, boom boxes, and of course something to drink. There is lots of party food that is easy to cook. I favor steak—marinate it, grill it, and slice it thinly so that a person can take only what they want, and choose between rare and well done.
Potato salad ensures that nobody goes hungry. He can show off by fixing something exotic, such as dolmas or shrimp bread. Finding a woman is a numbers game. The more presentable women come by the house, the more likely he is to wind up with a good one. She might arrive on the arm of some other good-looking hunk, but conclude from the cuisine that your kid is a better marriage prospect and chat him up.
Throughout history the hearth has been a symbol of home life. Cooking is an elemental, and until very recently an essential aspect of family life. It is not coincidental that the demise of the American family has coincided with the rise of commercial food preparation.
Cooking is not trivial. Observe food stamp recipients’ tendency to buy junk food because they simply do not know their way around a kitchen. The young man who learns how to cook well will have mastered a valuable life skill. It doesn’t take much time or money—in the end it will save his family both.
Most important, knowing how to cook is a sign that a man is serious about family and is likely to be a good husband. If your objective as a parent is to raise successful sons who will give you grandchildren, teaching them to cook is an investment you must make.
Read More: 6 Reasons Why You Should Know How To Cook
RE: #3, maybe people who cook maybe are more healthy. But I know A LOT of overweight chefs. A LOT.
No shit. They seem to lead sedate lives outside of work (not that their job isn’t intense and stressful, but no way in Hell they burn enough calories commensurate to what they consume) and thus turn into behumelons.
Nothing that lifting dumb bells for half an hour three times a week doesn’t cure
I’d say the stress and work hours play a role in that, I mean a chef could be cooking 8 hours, but be working much longer than that. Also, if they’re having to taste lots of stuff for quality and whatnot (assuming that’s a thing), those calories can add up.
I too, have known a lot of fatties who like to cook because they love to eat. But the best cooks I’ve known are usually thin. They cook for the fun and challenge of cooking. Some also enjoy the social events and camaraderie that they cook for.
“Never trust a skinny chef”
Never trust a fat chef, I think. They already ate the best parts.
I cook because I love the things I like to eat. The thrill of creation, the zen of preparing the ingredients, all of this pales in comparison to savoring the exact flavors, textures, and portions I want.
If you cook the right things, you don’t get fat. It’s the bakers and the bread-lovers who tend to get the fattest, because they cook things that encourage over-indulgence.
If you cook paleo, you’ll never get fat. Like you said, the only ones getting fat are the bakers, because they’re stuffing refined flours and sugars into their mouths all day long. Me, I *lost* fat once I started cooking a lot. I found my four-pack at age forty, with no extra exercise.
I recommend cooking with pure lard. It gives a great mouthfeel and is 70% good monounsaturated fat.
Lard is an interesting fat. It’s the second highest concentration of oleic acid (olive oil) outside of olive oil itself. But it handles heat better than straight olive oil, too.
Butter, palm kernel oil, coconut oil, tallow, bacon grease, lard – these are the fats that keep you healthy and happy.
As to paleo, I don’t follow it deliberately myself, but I can appreciate it. With a few notable exceptions, the foods prohibited by the paleo diet are foods all the scientific data says you shouldn’t really indulge in. Without exception, the people I know who adhere to paleo are healthy and reasonably sized, and they seem pretty happy.
(I’m gluten-intolerant and try to keep my food on a lower glycemic index, so my diet is naturally pretty close to paleo. I just am not a paleo adherent.)
Except for daily toast and very occasional pasta, I’m gluten free too. It just doesn’t factor into good cooking. Most of the foods that the world loves and treasures, like fish and meat and cheese and olives, are high-density and zero-carb.
Re: fats, a good rule of thumb is avoid all seed oils and anything that says “hydrogenated”. Your list was pretty good. I’ve been learning a lot about fats from this book. I recommend it highly:
“If you cook paleo, you’ll never get fat.”
Some don’t see why the disparity.
I always tell them: “picture eating 8oz of pasta vs 8oz of steak.
It is not difficult to see which one would get satiating first.
Plus, pasta rarely comes alone, bringing to the party other high caloric friends like cheese and cream-based sauces, just to name two examples.
“I cook because I love the things I like to eat. The thrill of creation, the zen of preparing the ingredients, all of this pales in
comparison to savoring the exact flavors, textures, and portions I want.”
That’s a true cook!
“If you cook the right things, you don’t get fat. It’s the bakers and the bread-lovers who tend to get the fattest, because they cook things that encourage over-indulgence.”
Hormonal interactions and processes are very enlightening in this respect.
9. If a man never learns to cook, he’ll stay dependent upon his woman for his basic survival.
That’s pathetic. Don’t ever depend on a woman for your survival. Learn to cook.
One of my most beloved possessions is an older cookbook that (these days) I simply refer to for basic roasting/cooking times for various cuts of meat, but also has fantastic basic recipes for soup, meats, potatoes, etc.
Yes, I’ve learned to start with a chicken or beef bones and end up with soup (and usually enough stock for a second round of soup. My lack of regard for recipes beyond “learning how to do it the first time” also means nothing is ever the same way twice.
i had this recipe for baked Italian sausage and tortellini that i could not find when moving out of the house after i got divorced – i search everywhere for it. I tried last weekend to recreate it from as much as i could remember. It wasn’t the same exactly, but it was pretty darn close and pretty darn good. Cooking is really about what you like to eat, and just changing things up and/or improvising.
Soup is a great entry point for beginning cooks because it’s nearly impossible to screw up. There’s no measurements and nothing can be overcooked.
I’m way past soup, skills wise, but I keep coming back to it, in the winter. I’m waiting on a killer Icelandic lamb soup in the slow cooker right now.
“Soup is a great entry point for beginning cooks because it’s nearly impossible to screw up.”
True but you would be amazed at how soup can indeed be ruined by some.
“There’s no measurements and nothing can be overcooked.”
Measurements are not mandatory but careful with fish soups! Oveerdo them and they taste bitter.
Am I the only guy who finds cleaning the dishes therapeutic? We moved house recently and now don’t have a dishwasher, don’t think I’ll buy one again either. But cooking is an essential life skill I teach my son, along with washing and ironing his clothes, keeping his stuff tidy, and when he’s a bit older his rights as a citizen and how to handle his financial affairs. Schools are for learning to read and write, life skills are taught at home.
I like putting them away. Stowing things in an orderly manner is therapeutic.
“Am I the only guy who finds cleaning the dishes therapeutic?”
No – oddly enough for me as well – and I have no clue as to why.
I find working on the car or anything mechanical more therapeutic.
How the hell do you work on modern cars without manufacturer training? You can’t even change the air filter on my car without thirty minutes’ worth of removing parts.
That works for me too.
Use YouTube videos. You’ll learn how to real quick.
That’s laudable. My car, an ’04, might as well have the hood welded shut. I cant do shit in there.
Maybe you just need to have the right tools. Trying loosen or tightening nuts with a pair of pliers instead of a wrench will make the job a lot harder.
Edit: Not picking on you with this analogy, just using it as an example.
Great idea, been tearing up my teeth something fierce….
Snap. It’s almost like you can actually listen and think for a brief spell while doing a manual task that requires little thought? Satisfying getting something clean too. Weird.
I find it therapeutic. My dad finds it therapeutic. His dad finds it therapeutic.
I have trouble STARTING to wash dishes, but I love doing it once I’m going.
It’s like lifting weights. The thoughts awful but after you start the endorphin’s kick in and you are hooked! lol
Had to do all that when I went to college. Most of it I had to teach myself. Ironing BDUs on a towel on the dorm room table the night before ROTC events. Men must be independent.
The Military sure has a zero tolerance for anything else! lol
I can see how it would be. In my house, cleaning is her job. I cook because it allows me to eat exactly what I want without being a picky customer at a restaurant. I invite my lady to eat with me and cleaning is her contribution.
Fair enough. I cook because I like to eat good food and it save $$$ on eating out.
You don’t need to be an expert, just know how to cook 3 or 4 things.
Eat to live… don’t live to eat.
That can get boring after a while. I always like trying out new things. Hell I quit eating paleo because I wanted to try my hand at baking bread, which I’ve been having a lot of fun with.
I’m 90% paleo. Like you, the one carb I won’t give up is bread.
When the world ends, it will be the loss of bread that does me in.
Alternating between four different dishes on the regular seems to work well for many people, especially if they are your favourites.
There are lots of variations to try if you get bored.
The main reason a man needs to learn how to cook is because women can’t cook shit anymore.
or are unwilling.
And unwilling to learn as well.
I wonder if pop culture might be having an influence on that as well. Notice most of the “wives” on television are shitty cooks. Lethal Weapon has Murtaugh’s wife being a bad cook and throughout the 4 movies it’s a running joke. Everybody Loves Raymond has the ball busting bitch wife always being a horrible cook for her beta male cuck hubby. Married with Children.. poor Al…
Also women now look at cooking as evil, “so you want to keep me in the Kitchen?” stuff.
Indeed. I find it quite revealing when a woman will advertise the fact that she can’t (or doesn’t) cook. My mom saw this coming and made sure I could work a kitchen from an early age.
The inverted-value paradigm of our current year culture means a woman is more likely to boast about her lack of skill (or want) in the kitchen than she is to demonstrate those skills.
When I ask them if they enjoy eating, certain foods, etc. they gush on about this or that – total foodies!
But when it comes to actually creating something, i.e. cooking, they laugh about how they can’t or don’t – and some cascade of rationalization commences.
Women, especially younger women, have been conditioned to be nothing more than consumers. As creating life takes a back seat to the carousel, the worthless degrees, travel, conspicuous consumption, etc. so do the corresponding skills of nurturing. They can be acquired later, but just like reproduction itself, it’s just not meant to be delayed until the Wall is in the rear-view.
Sometimes I think if not for Instagram, cooking would already be a lost art.
Sourcing, creating, and preparing a meal is an incredibly intimate thing. It is one of the foundations of human connectivity. Preparing meals for one another, as well as together, is an opportunity to demonstrate a fundamental level of care, to form bonds; the cooperation, skill division, communication, and mutual satisfaction that comes out of cooking together can reveal much about character and values.
In the less affluent world, people spend half of their time sourcing and preparing food. Here we can get the raw ingredients for pretty much anything – from all over the world, in about 20 minutes. And yet, these birds still have “no time” to demonstrate their capacity and willingness to care for other people – or even themselves.
I’ve even known a few women who would prepare special food for their ancient diabetic cat from scratch but couldn’t be bothered to perform such a “chore” for another human they supposedly cared for.
I keep an eye out for the rare woman who understands the value of cooking. In the meantime, I continue to build my own skills. And in doing so, the unique ways in which a woman can improve my life with her presence continues to dwindle.
They say they want to be valued for more than their sexuality. Yet they refuse to become those other things and instead double-down on whoring themselves out through their various online validation devices.
The women I’ve dated have all been pleasantly disturbed by my kitchen prowess. Not only did it up my SMV, but it also made them doubt their own competence and feminity. In short; Best Dread Game I ever rolled. “Shit, he can cook, he can clean, he can dress himself! What do I have left to offer?”
Don’t forget to garnish with some self depreciation and humble-brag “If I had more time I would have made something nicer. I left it on a little too long. This came out better when I made it last week.”
Oh, and cooks learn real quick to keep their equipment clean, organized, and well maintained. A dirty disorganized kitchen is a lot harder to tolerate then a cluttered garage or dirty shop. But if you apply the same level of OCD to your other workspaces, your life will be much easier. Organization and cleanliness are learned skills. The kitchen makes for an excellent classroom.
“The kitchen makes for an excellent classroom.”
Indeed it does.
These are the reasons anyone should learn to cook
why wasn’t one of the 8 bitches cant cook anymore?
Disagree – kitchen is women’s domain. Boys should be out in the woods playing. My boys don’t cook, nor wash dishes – they get served. The only time me and my boys cook is around the campfire. lol
If later there is not a woman in man’s life to cook for him, man can always learn how to do it – it’s not rocket science.
Kids should not be served by anyone. They should do their share for the household.
They do but not in the kitchen unless something needs fixing there.
I cant abide kids who wont even take their shit to the kitchen after a meal. And I always appreciate a canned offer to ‘help with the dishes’, even though the women should decline it.
No, a man should be able to feed himself, and do it well. Those of us who are single or divorced have no other choice, unless you want take-out food every day.
Men who say the kitchen is “the woman’s place” are usually the ones who are too scared to try it, or who have been booted out of the kitchen by their wives.
Agree 100%.
If you live alone, you should know how to take care of yourself.
But…if you have a live-in GF or wife, and she can’t cook and clean, or is unwilling to do so…dump her on her lazy a**!
Wouldn’t make her a gf or wife in the first place.
They’re also usually eating shit meals every day—white trash dishes and casseroles made from canned green beans and cream of mushroom soup, like you’d find at a Wednesday night Baptist church potluck. No thanks…
If you’ve got no woman of course you’d cook but otherwise …
The point was learning to cook, not taking women’s place in the kitchen.
Need better pics. The first is a white woman with a whatever. The one under #7 is a white guy with a negress?.
Get rid of these SJW meme pics
First guy looks italian. Woman in 7 looks fine to me. Maybe latina
I could not agree more with this article. I was lucky to be taught how to cook from childhood. Saves time, highly rewarding, endless possibilities and brings a lot of points on the SMV scale. Like Charlie Sheen would say “Win here, win there, win everywhere”.
This is one of the best things I’ve read on ROK in a while. To borrow a word from the enemy, cooking is one of the most “empowering” things a man can do for himself.
What next..sewing for boys? how about how to make a female happy by acting gay? those can be the next articles?
Actually, sewing is a very useful skill. As a bachelor who doesn’t pay a hell of a lot of attention to his clothes, I get holes in my favorite shorts and socks. A few cents worth of thread and a few minutes of effort stretches the lifespan of my clothes tremendously.
In a similar vein, if you take care of your leather shoes with polish and conditioning, they can last the better part of a lifetime.
Those are useful skills but they do nothing to increase your SMV. I like my shirts perfectly ironed and sometimes I grab the iron to do it myself and my wife hates it seeing me doing it.
You can impress a girl by being knowledgeable about food and wine but you must let (or make) her do the cooking while you bring the wine. Better yet making your own wine, beer or spirits really impresses them, which is a bit like cooking.
Life skills are not, in my mind, about SMV. You should learn them because they have value to your life and your life alone. Of course, I could make the case that it indirectly increases my SMV because of the reduction in my budget, but I was doing these things before I ever heard of game.
As to cooking, ever gotten laid because you turned $5 of ingredients into delicious Yellow Jackets? Ever been sucked off while stirring a bechamel? Believe it or not, I have. There are more angles of game than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Pro tip: Ask a girl over to cook. Tell her to chop garlic, nice and small. When she’s done, throw it in the blender with all the other vegetables. Give her a cocky smirk.
What are “Yellow Jackets”???
I only know of the pesky wasps.
Are they some kind of Southern thing, like “hush puppies”?
I’ve been sucked off while stirring a hollandaise and a velouté, so I’ll need to add three more notches in the mother sauce category…
If I want to eat a certain dish while a woman is staying the night, I’ll damn well cook it myself because she can’t do it up to my standards, if at all. If that lowers my SMV in her eyes, I’ll boot her ass out and have another fuck buddy over within the hour
Yeah, it’s a Southern slang term for a pretty standard dish.
Potatoes, sliced into thin short strips (say, 1/4″ square by “1”)
Bacon or sausage (dealer’s choice – I like bacon, but a spicy breakfast sausage can be good), sliced small-ish
Butter (lots of it)
Seasoning (Lowry’s Season Salt works very well, or Tony’s)
1. Boil the potatoes until just soft
2. Cook the bacon in a large skillet
3. Fry potatoes in butter with bacon until golden (any further and they become a bit dry for my liking)
4. Scramble eggs, pour over the lot and cook until barely firm
5. Season and serve hot
A dollop of sour cream or a bit of cheddar cheese works well on the dish, but I usually eat it plain. Leftovers go well in breakfast tacos.
Butter (lots of it)
Makes any dish better.
Also excellent, for the man on his own:
Wow, you’re such a bad ass cook! LOL
Butter is a nice touch to many dishes, some unexpected.
Will try! Thanks for the recipe.
It just means that I do what I want to do, as everyone here should. Standard red pill wisdom that women come second and should never be in the driver’s seat. So a woman doesn’t necessarily belong in the kitchen. She belongs where you decide she belongs.
“if you take care of your leather shoes with polish and conditioning, they can last the better part of a lifetime.”
Ditto. Good leather pays for itself many times over.
But you be hopelessly out of fashion, and everyone will laugh at your old worn and repaired clothing.
The ability to cook a delicious meal is one of the most valuable skills a man can have. Think of all the pre-made frozen food and heart attack crap that people who didn’t bother to learn how to cook end up consuming because they read comments like yours. I for sure can whip up a healthy and tasty meal in a fraction of the time it takes to run out for fast food. Being able to not only cook for yourself, but for friends and family is fulfilling.
Knowing how to cook is masculine as fuck.
“Knowing how to cook is masculine as fuck.”
Yes, for yourself if you live alone.
But if you are supporting a female, it should be her job. Barbecuing outside is a man’s job. All else is a female’s job. Including doing the dishes when done.
If they are not willing to do their job, then a male is better living off alone, IMO.
Disagree completely. This whole “man cooks outside, woman cooks inside” dichotomy is a garbage rule followed only by men with no culinary skills.
Maybe you missed my point. Sure men should cook inside too…when they live alone.
But if supporting a female, it is her job to do this. If you are better than her, then teach her.
The chick in the fourth photo is holding the knife incorrectly…
No finger pointing!!!!
Yeah, when her index finger slips off the back of the blade, she’s going to slice the side of it right off down to the bone
One of my brothers is a professional chef in NYC. That little subculture is in no way effeminate. At all. They all think they’re rock stars and behave accordingly. Traditionally , women cook for the family and men cook professionally. But as most of you won’t marry due to the inherently evil nature of women, best learn to cook for yourselves.
Bro just cuz you cant cook doesnt mean those of us who can are faggots. Cooking isnt a gender-role activity. I’m a far better cook than any bitch I ever dated, and just as good as any of my family members, male or female.
The best chefs have always been men, you ignorant fuck
Does this guy look gay to you?
Marco Pierre White. Youngest chef to ever win 3 Michelin stars. He was a merciless prick but a brilliant innovator.
Marco Pierre White has always gotten laid like a rock star, and is still the best around. Any beta who wants to be alpha and learn how to maintain frame should watch every fucking video that Marco has ever done
Agreed. The guy’s a natural. The problem is that he’s TOO alpha, actually — he has no friends and has alienated almost everybody who’s ever worked for him. Most think he’s a sociopath.
His son, Marco Pierre White Jr, is a reality show cokehead train wreck. His dad finally cut him off this summer after he blew 200,000 British pounds on a three month drug binge in Ibiza.
Which is why it’s always a bad idea to let your child live on your money. Lil’ shit better roll up his sleeves and get a grip on life, because the only thing I’m ever going to give him it’s food and shelter until he’s of age and then he’s on his own.
The only thing he’s entitled to for a lifetime is my advice and that’s only if he doesn’t make a point of ignoring it until he’s dug himself his own grave.
Never give your children money when they are over 18. If you do they will hate you for not giving enough, and will never learn to make money for themselves.
Well, most well designed and well tailored suits are made by MEN.
Why, yes. I think a man should know how to sew as well. In fact, I think a man should master all those skills that can come in handy in daily life. Because that’s what a man is: a dude that doesn’t need anyone to wipe his ass. Whether he puts someone up to wipe it doesn’t mean he needs it. It is a very important difference.
Bang on. I’ve always been astounded by the total lack of basic domestic skills of most men. As if it’s a crime against humanity because one knows how to iron a shirt or cook a proper meal or sew on a button. And no it’s not “gay” to be able to do all that. It’s called having your shit together.
Why would I need to sew? There are shops to do that for you and new clothing doesn’t cost much.
You know, one of the coolest things in the world is being able to say, “I want X for dinner,” and then making it. With a little bit of basic technique and experience, you learn to sort of feel what you need for each dish, and you just sort of do it.
Alton Brown ran a show for over a decade called “Good Eats.” If you can find it and watch it with your sons, they will become home chefs of skill and sense. He’s engaging, intellectual, and heavily focused on principles over recipes. I was never hungry in college not because I had a large food budget (I really, really didn’t), but because the sorts of things he teaches gave me a way to make delicious, filling, complete meals on the cheap.
“7. Ladies love Men who cook”
Yeah I’m sure they do but don’t expect me to cook for your typical American slut. They wanna be lazy, they can order pizza or whatever is in McDonald’s $1 menu for all I care.
I will cook once a week or so no more. It is a good way to communicate what kind of food you like. But, I don’t want to be used
Sometimes you have to cook your own food and beat your dick in front of your girl to show her she can be replaced.
Yes. Order pizza but eat it at the pizza parlor, because most American sluts won’t even brush the crumbs back into the box when done.
Making Beef Goulash right now with boiled rice. So simple yet tasty. Cooking is easy once you get a hang of it.
Goulash it’s delicious. Have you tried it with chelow?
Never heard this word before
It’s a way of preparing rice, not difficult.
If you give it a go let me know how it goes.
Funny, I have it on good authority that robots will do all the household chores any day now, including food prep.
This transhumanist circle-jerking about household robots, sex robots, self-driving cars, virtual reality and guaranteed incomes after the robots will throw all of us out of work shows an implicit hostility towards teenage boys. In this version of transhumanist utopia, you’ll get a whole generation of adult male virgins who won’t know how to cook, how to talk to girls, how to drive or how to hold even an entry-level job.
I don’t understand why anyone would look upon this kind of diminished life for young men as a good thing. You don’t have to believe in leftist psycho-babble to see that “personal growth” requires that you have experiences in dealing with the real world and acquiring skills in the process.
9. Try finding an American female who (a) can cook at all, and (b) will be willing to cook (and clean!) for a male even if she can do it for herself.
#5. Wrong. I love to cook but I loathe cleaning up. So I do all the prep and cooking and my wife cleans up. 20 years and counting, so we must be doing something right.
Strong yes on #7. The chicks love a guy that can cook.
Stay away from the cooking jokes, though.
What’s the difference between a baby and an onion?
Sometimes I cry when chopping onions.
Dude… looooolll
Dead baby jokes. #fifthgrade
No, no, you got me all wrong, it’s a cooking joke! See? Onion! Very, um.. sophisticated.
Once they know how to read we teach all the kids how to cook. In theory it will eventually will take the load off the wife
That’s good. I once heard about a school which integrated cooking into its subject matters.
Definitely a good skill to learn.
I’m a professional chef, and cooking has gotten me laid more times than I can count, but the main benefits to me are saving money and always eating very well. Most Americans eat shit, regardless of whether they cook at home or go out to eat. Having a deep knowledge of food and the ability to always eat like a gourmand really adds another dimension to life. Can’t take a break from lifting the heavy iron though
$25 gets me laid, no need to cook!
Fire, blades, timing. I’ve never encountered a smooth woman operation in a kitchen. Trashing the place while trying to bake some bullshit yes. Throwing down like an octopus multitasking tornado’s NEVER. Good for asking ” how do you make honey mustard ” while your bloody preping a banquet for 1.5K. If a woman chef, the dumb bitch will try and get you to tenderize veil or have a cunt attack trying to make a off season menu or go into menopause cause the flower petal useless garnish wilts under a heat lamp.
Cooking is something I have found to become a pleasure once I had the time. I started cooking tex-mex as the country I live in does not have any decent restaurants that make it. So I asked the “chicas” I know for their personal recipes. Same for cocktails.. I ask the barteders how the make a particular drink I or the wife like, the specific ingredients and write it all down. Certain dishes I learned how to cook because I simply liked them.
Down side is when I talk about going out for dinner the wife (correctly) says, “why? You cook it better than any restaurant.”
“Cooking is something I have found to become a pleasure once I had the time.”
True, cooking when in a rush is no good.
“when I talk about going out for dinner the wife (correctly) says, “why? You cook it better than any restaurant.””
I think this article was intended for Huffington Post.
In some cultures if a woman comes over to your place alone for “dinner” she’s dessert! Just sayin..
Exhibit ‘A’.
If I’m getting involved with a woman and I learn that she even occasionally eats fast food, she is cut from my team. No exceptions.
I totally agree. My mother passed away from terminal cancer when I was a little boy. My dad had to pull double duty to ensure that my brother and I were taken care of while she slowly died(4.5 years for her to finally pass). I grew up watching my dad basically be a superhuman and hold down the entire house by himself while raising 2 sons. He learned how to cook very quickly and became quite good at it. It was something I really admired. When I was in my 20’s, I lived by myself for a total of 6 years (no room-mates, solely my own apartments). This presented a challenge because frankly, I love food. Dad had taught me a few basic recipes that he claimed would provide ground work for a lot of creativeness and inventive thinking for cooking, and I mastered it. By the end of my first year of living by myself, I was the best cook out of my entire social network. My friends all complemented me. One asked me to teach him how to make a few dishes so he could impress his girlfriend. I never was once criticized for being a man that knew how to cook. I also VERY QUICKLY learned that an almost sure fire way to get a new woman into bed was to invite her over for a cooking date. I dated a lot before I met my wife, and I ‘cooking dates’ were always fruitful. Women were extremely impressed by my skills in the kitchen, and honestly admired my ability to be completely self sufficient. It opened up the opportunity to get playfully cocky when they would ask “what do you need a woman for?” Im sure you can imagine the playful comebacks I would have for that line. Bottom line, every man should know how to be self sufficient, completely. This involves cooking. And a man can easily cook his way into a womans pants.
Agree that a man should know how to cook – and therefore must learn at some point. What this article does NOT say is that – he should also expect his wife/woman/girl friend to cook for him as a matter of routine – breakfast and dinner always, assuming he will be at work during lunch.
Women should plan to cook every meal, and then if their man offers to cook one of his signature dishes, it is regarded as a special treat…like when you give her flowers or other gifts. Don’t do it too often, or she will start asking you to cook, and get lazy.
My husband can make an excellent chicken soup from scratch, and he usually offers to make it when the kids and I are coming down with a cold. On occasional Sundays he will make delicious omelettes, which the kids get really excited about. And when the weather is good, he often barbecues meat to go with the side dishes that I made for dinner.
I wholeheartedly agree that cooking, and especially barbecuing, are important skills for boys to learn. Cooking has never been a solely feminine skill…it is just that men do not have as much time to devote to it, since they have to go out in the world and work each day.
Cooking is where science and art meet. It’s the beginning of civilization, and the foundation for family and relationships. Start smoking meats, or a BBQ see who shows up.
I would begin this with first teaching boys how to hunt, kill, butcher, grow and harvest the food they then learn to cook….
I can cook well (said by practically everyone around me), including complicated dishes, but i would NEVER want to date a woman who is not at least as good in cooking as I am.
I’d ad that most important thing about knowing to, not only cook but also wash and iron your clothes, basic sewing, etc., is actually claiming agency over things in your life. you’re not dependent on other people to provide you with essential services – food, clean clothes, etc. I find this very liberating.
You want love and companionship, but a dog …… women don’t give either.