Never Follow A Girl’s Lead

This week I’m going to make a brief departure from my usual format of sharing articles from around the web, and invite you to share with us the things you’ve learned or re-learned in the Manosphere in 2012.

The Manosphere has changed significantly since I started reading back in 2008. There’s been a shift in many game blogs toward more of a lifestyle theme, and I’ve seen several of my favorite bloggers close up shop only to be replaced by some of my new favorite bloggers.

Though I’ve made my transition in and out of the ‘Sphere over the years as both a reader and a guest contributor, and though sometimes the information seems repetitive to the point where I’m a little curious as to why it takes some writers 8,000 words to say “don’t be a wuss,” I still glean information.

I think sometimes we underestimate the need to be reminded of things we already know. Well, at least I’m guilty of that to a certain extent. But now that I’m contributing again, I spend a little more time reading than I normally would, and I’ve learned that being reminded over and over of the same central theme keeps me sharp.

I read a post by Roosh several months ago talking about location and game from a logistical standpoint. I’m moving on January 12th to a newer, nicer place right in the heart of the downtown entertainment district as a direct result of that article. Just by mentioning it around work, I already have two girls who are excited to “know someone in the district” so they can crash after a night of drinking. This is going to get stupid – and I mean that in the best way possible. And no, the extra $350.00 per month is not only so I can get the poosy; it’s closer to work, closer to higher-end organic grocery stores, it has a fantastic gym and a resort-style pool, and there are literally dozens of restaurants and bars within three blocks of my soon-to-be new front door.

NexxtLevelUp had a guest post about online dating. I fired up my long-defunct profile and retooled it. I didn’t copy and paste the writer’s recommended profile, but I made it my own and kept the spirit of the intent. I’m already seeing more activity and interest than I ever have in online dating, and it’s only been a week. No, its not a miracle cure, and no, women aren’t standing in line outside my front door – but it’s a noticeable improvement.

There’s a post on the forum about OKCupid’s “Best face app.” I opened an OKC account just long enough to use the app (it took a few days to get my report) and then I shut it down since I prefer Match. I now know my best pictures and what type of online girl is in to me (late 20’s/early 30’s, liberal, heavily skewed vegetarian for some reason – pretty much the opposite of everything I find attractive in a woman). But at least I know what I’m dealing with. The report showed a photo of the other guys who beat me out of the contest when my photo wasn’t chosen, so I have a good idea what my competition physically looks like.

I chat on the phone or text with Bronan the Barbarian and Nate at least once per week, and they keep me motivated in the fitness arena.

And who could live without this brilliant reminder of what the red pill truly is…

I already knew that living closer to the action would bring me more action. I already knew I needed to refresh my account. I already know that putting down the fork and hitting the gym will keep me in shape.  I know these things, and I’ve known them for years.

But I appreciate the reminder, and I always try to take things personally. The examples listed above are just a few things I took action on recently. There’s several more from earlier in the year, but you get the idea.

What about you? Did you take anything personally this year? Is there anything you can point to from the Manosphere in 2012 that motivated you to action? Was there any new concept that opened your eyes – or an existing concept that you’re glad you were reminded of?

56 thoughts on “Never Follow A Girl’s Lead”

  1. Troubadours I (= PUA and Game promoters). The troubadours’ job was to spread the word about the virtues of chivalric love through music, song, poetry and storytelling. Aristocracy and commoner alike enjoyed hearing tales about bravery, and ladies were swept away with epic love poems as the troubadours practiced the rituals of chivalric love. Just like PUAs or Gamers today who write and speak in praise of pussy, troubadours too were composers and promoters of the ‘arts of love’ aimed at securing sexual fulfilment.
    Like those troubadours, Roosh and Roissy (etc.) continue the tradition of prose-writing to illustrate the many ways to flatter women in order to get into their pants. Game is a very apt word for this 800 yr old tradition, with its proscription for rehearsed lines and lack of personal authenticity. It is a scripted game of women-worship aimed at a narrow goal. In essence this Casanova routine amounts to a feigning of chivalric love for the purposes of manipulation, usually to gain sex. When modern women call these men ‘players’ they may be very close to the mark. While Roosh outwardly claim to reject chivalry, they nevertheless embrace its tenets like consummate thespians.
    Read more: The birth of chivalric love

        1. They’re a bunch of easily triggered snowflakes who think they’re masculine men.
          Oh if irony were strawberries.

    1. “More important than the content of your conversation is maintaining the lead.”
      I was always taught men don’t speak much, seems this writer wants us to behave like little bitches. It’s not for me.

      1. John, leading the conversation doesn’t mean you will be the one speaking the most. You just lead the direction of it while the biatch blabbers away

        1. @Chris – ››› re: “You just lead the direction while she blabbers away” ›››
          That sounds kind of like a symphony conductor who stands and waves his stick no pun intended. It would be cool to just unfurl your dick in her face like a conductor, waving it in tempo and have her staccato chattering respond uuuup – and then down like “fa-la-la-lãããh – – – fa-la-la-LOOOOW”.
          I’ve never played in a symphony so I never understood the significance of the conductor and how he gets all the credit. All he does is wave a stick and he’s the highest paid guy in there. I would think the players would know when to play their notes by ear without watching some guy randomly waving a stick. Maybe it’s because in a large amphitheater, it takes sound a half second to travel from one side to the other so visual centering keeps the notes from going out of time, I don’t know. But for the conductor for the most part, It looks like HE’s dancing to the beat of the players and not the other way around, like when you play air guitar while listening to Peter Frampton.
          Honestly how hard can the ‘lead’ conductor’s job be? It seems any guy can walk in there, wave a stick and lead. I like the way Bugs Bunny demonstrates this point:

    2. Game was the job of the white knight, and now they try to use that term as if are against it because of their inward feeling of purposelessness and the lack of masculity in this shameful activity.

  2. I remember on my last date with my ex before she broke up with me. I wanted to take her to this park where you were rewarded with a nice hike by relaxing on this great beach. She was very anxiety prone and never ever made a plan, did anything nice for me, reciprocated, drove anywhere, etc. So when I picked her up, I gave her two options. I had a clear preference, the beach, but I joked that I was going to make her make a decision. She chose the beach, but after the breakup, she acted like it was her idea to go and that she just wanted me to take the lead. Six months of taking the lead on dates, coming up with city trips, great restaurants, relaxing nights in, and I was finally bit in the ass for trying to get her to do some simple reciprocation. Never ask a woman make a decision.

    1. @Johnny – “she was anxiety prone” means damaged. She would pull the panic alarms and derail you whenever her fried brain clicked. You can deal with a woman, any woman so long as she’s not armed with enablers and hotlines and a panic button. Women, especially the damaged crazies live in a panic button culture. That’s what our infrastructure especially in places like Toronto have become. Panic buttons are everywhere like cross walk signs. The place is over socialized. The ‘sex police’ lurk in corners like copperheads do in the hills of the Carolinas. You’re a dead man if you’re connected to an anxiety prone woman in any community that encourages and enforces women’s unrestricted modus of hypergamy.
      It used to be that the proprietor of an establishment or bar comes over and says “Is this guy giving you a problem?”. Now it’s vigilante sex police citizens with neon hair who are deputized as citizen activist/enforcers and they take it on themselves to intermediate or insinuate themselves and disrupt any cis or hetero interaction they see. They want to make their surroundings a little more atomized, gay and dysfunctional wherever they go.

    2. They always seek validation for the most insignificant of shit, deny them and they suck up like never before.
      Give it to them and be prepared to get rogered…

  3. Should not the city of Toronto collapse because it’s a feminist hell ruled by women and feminist cuck Turdeau jr?

      1. The guy whose daughter put his picture in drag on Instagram? The guy on the all beef only beef diet?

  4. Dear Jesus,
    I come to you today,
    asking for supernatural intervention!
    I am a Christian,
    I am yours!
    My enemies, the feminists who reside in Toronto, (which are your enemies) are plotting evil against me, because they know I belong to you.
    Lies, cheating, manipulating, wickedness against men is how they operate.
    Please send Russian soldiers to cut off their lying tongues, decapitate their heads and destroy their evil plots against me and men!
    Deliver me please, and let me also proclaim: “He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.

      1. Put your computer away, please, or you don’t come have talking here anymore.

  5. I’ve done my own case study I’m not that great looking but I’ve found women always become more interested when you ignore them and treat them like garbage

  6. Wow, after reading this excerpt from Roosh…I need his book. I want to cultivate the simplicity to rub their faces in the disrespect the women show, and make them grovel because of it. I agree, GRAB and keep the frame, and make her act like you want her too or make her give up and go away in frustration that she didn’t get what she wanted. I just notice the phone thing women do, after reading this article. The blatant “in your face” disrespect they show…..Man, I respect Roosh sharing his perspective that way. It ignites something in my mind about watching people and psychology..again its about having and sharing perspective of his observations, and then I think to myself..”DAMN I SEE this all the time and didn’t grasp why it bothered me so much.”

  7. I need to buy a copy of this book as this article (excerpt) opened my eyes to something that has been bugging me lately. Roosh’s perspective on keeping the frame in the interaction highlighted something I noticed in the blatant disrespect women show towards me with their phones, and they DO IT ALL THE TIME. I am intrigued now by his perspective ( from his point of view on womens behavior).

  8. Some heavy moderation must be in effect..long delay on my comments posting where before it used to be pretty fast.

    1. @Neal – I get that delay too when I type the whole comment into the comment box. Instead I use a clipboard to type the whole comment privately, then I dump it all at once into the comment box using the ‘paste’ and then I post it immediately. If you’re on the site for awhile and then try to post something, it holds up and doesn’t post immediately. You have to go off the page and reload twice or so until it doesn’t show ‘bad gateway’. You want a good gateway and then get right on and paste the comment quickly. The system doesn’t have time to dick with your comment when you ram the gate quickly. Also I turn off data, turn on airplane mode, turn back off and data back on to stop browser and get chrome to quit felching the techopoly’s anus for a second before final page refresh and post. I’d swear the shadow government was trying to steer the threads on here.

    1. “What we do in life echoes in eternity”
      Some (((echoes))) are much louder than others, innit? Hopefully eternity will bring karma for those deserving of it.

      1. Never hope for understanding in the future. A person can understand. People never will. And women….. it’s a stretch to even call them people.

  9. So Roosh, are you Muslim or Christian? I’m honestly confused. One minute you’re demanding that Western women respect your Islam, and the next minute you’re hating Muslim “rapefugees.” Or at least your site promotes a hatred of them.
    I met another Muslim man who was kind of like you. He dumped the Islam like a load of smelly laundry and became an evangelical! Boy, that was a switcheroo. I’ll bet there’s a story behind that.
    So, if you’re still a Muslim, I’ll wish you a happy Eid, and if you’re a Christian, I’ll wish you a Merry Christmas. But first I have to figure out which one you are.

    1. If I were a woman I would type a bunch a smug arbitrary self-righteous nonsense so I could feel better about my own worthless existence.

  10. I’m not sure I can agree with the premise that you should always lead the conversation. Women in general tend to talk a lot more than men, and with some of them leading the conversation will be difficult considering she is blabbing so much!

    1. Roosh seems very lenient on the matter giving several warnings, I hint once and if she doesn’t get it or resumes bad behaviour I inquire as to her make of phone, turn it off, put it into my shirt pocket and carry on the interaction as if nothing happened. I go to take a piss I hand it back to her and then return it to its rightful place when I sit down.
      As to your problem; dominate the interaction.
      If you don’t like the topic change it to one that suits you, for example, if you’ve found your mission in life talk about that. You should be able to talk about it in detail all day, with her lizard brain she doesn’t know her mission only that it involves Travel! but she doesn’t know where. If she’s a scatty hoe call her out on changing the topic like Roosh advises.

  11. The whole ”make decisions” thing I agree with. Also I’d walk out on a woman that wouldn’t get off her phone. The only thing I’m not sure of is the lead the convo thing. I dont talk very much, and it takes me a while to open up to people. Hell I hate, HATE, small talk. I can cold approach people, but I dont like the idea of trying to shoehorn somthing I’m not just to find a wife.

  12. Guys,
    We cannot choose whether to follow girls’ lead or not. Sam Harris says we have no free will.

    1. Annie. You’ll never be male. You can’t logic on your own. You need a man to help you. Do try to find one.

  13. Damn I needed this thinking 20 years ago. Make Thirst makes you put up with women who are “messers”. Wisdom comes when you recognize the warning signs and without emotion tell a woman, “Listen, you’re a Messer. You can be and do what you want but I don’t put up with that. Probably we should just leave this.” Social media and Internet dating have facilitated huge attention whoring and ego boosting bold childish behaviour by young women.
    The tragedy is that thirsty male responses to female attention whoring effects have completely undone the central good idea that Game knowledge gave to guys – punish bad behaviour, don’t put women on a pedestal, be prepared to walk away.

  14. If you want to know game, watch Sam Elliot’s character at any moment in the movie Gettysburg. He is a Brigadier General of the cavalry. Throughout he always looks like he is a slow burn. Even though he is talking completely to men in this movie, both superiors and subordinates kind of stand back in awe and let him talk.
    For that matter, watch any of Sam Elliot’s movies.

  15. Really? Sorry, bro, you ain’t getting laid acting like that. You’re not that good looking or that rich.

    1. Weak. Have some standards turkey. Your “bros” may tell you laying a 2 is better than nothing but c’mon. You know you don’t talk that kind of shit in person.

  16. you guys have problems…. lets me appreciate myself realizing i have none of the issues you seem to have.

    1. I note how you fail to mention the laundry list of problems you most certainly do have. I hate to contradict your mother but you’re not special or perfect and you don’t know shit.

      1. IMHO, I appreciate the comments sections, despite the trolls and spammers and morons, the insightful posts that people can see have some thought behind them, actually are beneficial. Just as I had said before regarding the other topic about the Dating Chapter excerpt of your book, seeing things through the eyes and perspective of another person is always enlightening, even if they struggle to turn that experience into a readable text comment. the rest of the ash and trash sorts itself out pretty easily and passed over. Besides , I would rather have half a clue about sentiments both pro and con from the comments that are posted, than guessing as to what the general posting community thinks.

  17. Here’s how I handle them. I took a woman out and not only was she being a frosty bitch to me, she was being super nice to the waiter, then back on her phone. I excused myself, went to the waiter and told him to make the food to-go. I waited till they had boxed it up before going back to the table. I simply said dates over, we’re leaving. She was pissed so she blasted my radio all the way back to her apartment playing RAP so loud, the speakers were distorting. I didn’t even flinch. When we got there, I left the engine running and said “get out”. She did the “push-ha, fine” and left, slamming my car door. Then after taking a half step, realized that she had left the to-go container in my car. She turned to open my door, but unfortunately I was already peeling out.
    Note to self: A woman with the last name of Moody, is a red flag.

  18. Lol, this is too funny. I remember years back while traveling to Canada being surprised at how much of a bitch this one woman was for no apparent reason, it was Vancouver though. Is it similar to Toronto, lol?

  19. You people won’t be satisfied until a woman sells herself to a brothel for your sakes. How is having a woman choose what to eat bad? Why do you want to domineering out of fear that every inconsequential thing will make her loose attraction? Jesus, just picking a restaurant should be fun not a stupid power struggle.

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