6 Ways The Globalist Establishment Has Achieved Worldwide Supremacy

No one reaches power by chance. When men were pater familias, thus having power and responsibility at home, they could only reach this position after having grown beyond the boyish, parents-dependent position. Just as small children develop the ability—or power—to walk by wavering on feet, boys of before learned to be men, before a rite of passage made them so.

Those who occupy positions of power manage to keep these because they satisfy particular and, more often than not, untold conditions. Some of these may seem obvious: the strong man who can lift a lot and brawl without being at immediate risk of serious injury can also put himself in a variety of situations that scrawnier individuals will rather avoid. Other times the domination is subtler, as in the case of women toying with male desire, managing to keep men unsure but still hoping and willing to pursue them. Likewise, a particularly wealthy individual may seem obviously “powerful” when he buys what you can’t, yet an opaque administration that hides who decides to pay for what and how much is far more dangerous.

This piece is about how the current elite manages to dominate us and maintain its position. A variety of factors is involved, which makes any simplistic explanation deceptive and illusory. Nonetheless, and even if they have to be smart, they are not that smart. Behind the smokescreen of “it’s too complex for you” and other showbiz society deception are stuff you can find in mainstream history or personal improvement books.

1. A shrewd mindset

The globalists may be genuinely convinced they will make the world better, enjoy views of people eating other people, or both. It doesn’t matter as much as one may think. What matters first and foremost is being shrewd, knowledgeable about an array of fields that matter in human life—say, money, seduction, procedures, how to build this or that—and the ability to perceive opportunities to act and seize them.

How do you become shrewd? Here we see a combination of factors: having shrewd parents or family who teach by example and being free from mental blocks that prevent realistic observation or the identification of possibility matters. Experience matters as well, but having the proper concepts and rules of thumb to make sense out of it is important, too…

I gained shrewdness by reading Robert Greene’s (in?)famous 48 Laws of Power, picking up girls and looking at people less innocent than my younger self. Some become shrewd through navigating the political swamp or office politics. The most important example, though, can be found in one of the most powerful communities of our times: the Jews.

Historically, Jews were first and foremost merchants. When the Roman Empire crumbled, they already had centuries of experience in buying low, selling high, taking risks, spotting potential employees and everything else. Many rabbis have also been experts in bookkeeping. At the dawn of modernity, Jewish merchants were shrewd enough to introduce propaganda in a world where it was perceived as encroaching on your neighbour’s subsistence. They could also sell used or cheaper goods for better margins, living like paupers from very low margins to sell at the cheapest price and outcompete everyone else. Then, as soon as the ghetto barriers were raised, they took over the economy, making it more abstract and global in the process.

What matters here is that Jews took over because they had spotted the opportunity to do so. They have waited for centuries, and when the Western civilization started shaking, their sly mindset allowed them to appropriate it eagerly. Today, many Jews carefully hone their semantics-and-banking edge: I remember of a banker who claimed to study the Talmud every morning for at least two hours before going to work, and the former International Monetary Fund director Dominique Strauss-Kahn—yes, the alleged maid rapist—is said to have taught his sons to pilpul while taking their breakfast.

2. Capital

Since at least the end of the eighteenth century, modernity went hand in hand with the commodification of everything. That is, everything is part of a market, has a market value, and can be traded. Political favours, deputy votes, prestige or reputation, exclusive access to opportunities, up to public attention have become transactional, any type of capital being more or less convertible into another type. Girls who manage their looks, Tinder options and career opportunities are administering their non-financial capital.

Not incidentally, the rise of “capitalism” in this extended sense went along with an escalation of crookedness. The economy has been made opaque and complicated so that we let it to unknown, shadowy bureaucrats. Money has been reduced to currency paper, coinages have been debased, major market actors often gauged the economy by either hoarding a resource or flooding everyone with it in order to increase or decrease its price.

Once again, “capitalism” is a mindset: a true capitalist can have much of his wealth confiscated and still manage to dissimulate it or get it back. Jews often did so, by entrusting Christian front men to guard it when they were under fire, or occupying particular niches or spotting opportunities to recover if they had really lost it.

The ability to manage capital supersedes it. Inert raw materials, fleeting reputations, abilities without the appropriate context, are not much per se, and will quickly flee from whoever fails to use them. Africa will never be autonomous, because it has always needed and will always need non-Africans to set its value off—Arabs trading “ebony wood”, whites developing pretty much everything agricultural and industrial, and now the Chinese doing the same.

Perhaps mastering the Jewish mentality has become a necessary condition for succeeding today. Of course, mastering it does not equate with being converted into or limiting oneself to it, but rather with riding capital better than the original capitalists themselves.

3. Networks

When you are shrewd enough to spot opportunities and have something to put on the table, who will you visit? Do you know people who are “interesting” and share good values? Notice that multiculturalism, Leftist witch-hunts, and likely an individualism gone wild—too many individuals trying to take advantage from the closest neighbour—have driven trust to a historical low. Instead of showing a united front to others, whites have historically rebuffed each other more than anyone else on Earth, from the two World Wars to ideological rows. As we got alienated from a murky, rash and seemingly hopeless world, fleeing in MGTOWism was tempting… and when it meant not networking, it meant isolation, weakness, and dependence from Big State and Big Corp instead of family and friends.

The networking imperative may seem a trite. It isn’t: when sensitive information, precise know-how or expensive goods are concerned, people rely on people they know and can trust. Communities succeed over individuals, whether in warfare or free markets. The most interesting investments are debated and shared among reputed individuals far from the stock exchanges, which imply the existence of a network and/or a world where reputation matters. Likewise, say you want to invest in a skyscraper under construction: the minimum investment threshold is probably beyond your wealth—yet if there were five of you knowing how to create the appropriate structure, you could pool your money and invest without getting screwed by a remote mutual funds manager.

The current elite wants us to be lonely, atomized, deprived of autonomy, forced to trade with and depend from assholes, and following fads instead of making proper choices. It is up to us to be more like the globalists and less like the globalists want us to be.

4. Institutional power

The university, media, schools, political parties, Fortune 500 corporations and many other structures are institutions as they all determine social organization, what succeeds, what fails and who is accepted or not. Heading institutions means power over society, wielding advantages and rents, promoting some while discriminating others. Far-left Jewish activists did just that: charismatic patriarchs Boas and Freud paved the way for thousands of “little grey men of the world” to erode the foundations of society and take it over by whatever power leverage they could grab.

The “long march through the institutions” is not an end in itself. The endgame of whoever takes the institutions is to mold them according to his own character or ethos. The commodification of the world, the rise of finance and “capitalism” in the wide sense, emanate from the Jews’—whether “truly Jewish” or “Jewified” through Protestantism—peculiar way of being. People with a different character tend to complain about how so many ignore honour today, or how generosity and disinterested actions get systematically exploited. Different elites relied on different institutions. But even then, remember than one elite replaces another by “swallowing” it and its needs—Jewish merchants were efficient, grand scale army suppliers and money lenders to European kings before the 1789 revolution could happen.

5. Psychological conditioning

This one has been well-researched during the twentieth century. Pavlovian associations, strategic use of symbols, subtle propaganda through “culture”, infomercials, fashions and media spins rather than overt advertisements, steering norms and deciding what is acceptable or not or what are the appropriate framings and unsaid premises. As the naive progressives were discovering new medicine or perfecting architecture, more cunning ones were working on the dark arts of psychology. This is how we got the blue pill conditioning, as well as the always-criticize-the-right, save-a-ho or holiness-lies-in-leftism outlooks.

Why is being conservative a taboo? Why is it “normal” to use negative stereotypes about conservatism? Why do women and liberals have a right to put people into a hierarchy as they want while still yelling about “equality”? None of these is logical or obvious. All of these are a product of the conditioning we had under the guise of education or (post-60s) normality.

Of course, freeing ourselves from leftist, anti-white, anti-male, anti-Western conditionings does not mean rejecting all conditionings: the majority will always need some Brahmans to give them values and a proper outlook. Autonomy is a path for the few who can assume the responsibilities going along with it. Thus, even if we manage to grasp the world beyond semantic frames and smokescreens, ideals like neomasculinity, sovereignty, a complete and truthful anthropology, or a strong middle class should provide new premises and landmarks.

6. Peculiar stuff

All the above are, I think, the fundamental and necessary trunk of how to take over—as they did it and as we could do. Here are some shorter-lived points that they pushed forward according to their particular character and interests. I do not see us replicating these. Rather, the following should be undone, yet they still appear as clear power moves once we got used to look at these like that:

  • Distorting people’s desires: replacing the quest for virtue, masculinity, holiness… with lust and material desires
  • Replacing rooted identities with notions of class or abstract individual identities
  • Emphasizing fashions, cultural volatility, thus giving themselves more opportunities to reshape culture
  • Displacing people into cities, either by the lure of a “better life” or by altering agriculture, so that they lose touch with nature, become dependent from international trade and live in a world of artificial constructions and appearances
  • Turning the political power and private companies into managed Big State and Big Corp, that in turn start meddling more and more with personal life, to the point of destroying families
  • Splitting society into antagonistic groups—Marx was doing it rudimentarily, today “minority”-makers are doing the same much more efficiently
  • Limiting official debates through a dialectic between controlled viewpoints, so that any actual third way fades away from public discussion

And how do they undo themselves?

Of course, they are not exempt from defects, and the more they lose control, the more their shortcomings become apparent. In a nutshell, I would say an elite is at risk of undoing itself when it lets itself go to arrogance, hubris and greed.

Arrogance blinds them to reality, thus undoing what shrewdness had realized and unveiling a haughtiness that everyone resents. The still powerful has shown a lot of it lately: in the US, and now in France, they absolutely insist to impose their favourite puppet candidate at the expense of other less favorite but better equipped sellouts, and their media feverishly run idle. Likewise, SJWs keep doubling down and lecturing us even when they are caught red-handed into lying or manipulating, which makes them quite irritating even to the average blue pilled.

Their power plays also tend to turn against them, as those whom they promoted become their enemies—from the Muslim brotherhood to anti-white activists, or Trump, the seeming buffoon who managed to outsmart the whole establishment.

Expose them, discredit them, make yourself independent and crafty, and if we manage to do it well, their oversized Babel towers and “All-Seeing Eye” will burn in Agni’s rekindled fires.

Read Next: Does The Hollywood Elite Use Rituals And Sexual Blackmail To Keep Its Stars In Line?

284 thoughts on “6 Ways The Globalist Establishment Has Achieved Worldwide Supremacy”

  1. “I gained shrewdness by reading Robert Greene’s (in?)famous 48 Laws of Power, […] Some become shrewd through navigating the political swamp or office politics. The most important example, though, can be found in one of the most powerful communities of our times: the Jews.”
    Robert Greene is a jew himself, just cohencidence of course!

  2. I would answer with one word: Will.
    They know what they want and are working with will, determination and effort towards that end since centuries ago. They don’t care about the obstacles, they don’t care about little defeats, they don’t care about the weather, they continue working day and night.
    We can hate them, but they are motherfuckers with Will. We could learn a thing or two about that.

    1. It’s more than just sheer will. If you’ve read some of Kevin MacDonald’s stuff, (((they))) are seemingly genetically programmed to behave in the ways that they do. After being hated and kicked out of numerous other (mostly European) countries/societies, they developed a group evolutionary strategy that’s evolved over hundreds of years now. Everything from the superior linguistic skills, to their doing all they can in white Christian countries to keep society turned upside down. Keep us confused, propagandized, fighting amongst ourselves, and on the defensive… thus keeping the attention off themselves while they accumulate money and power.

      1. If memory serves, the medieval Church forbade Christians from various unsavory professions like money-collecting, lending, etc. I strongly suspect educated jews saw the opening, took it and stuck with it for generations. However, this does not excuse or explain their tendency toward culturally-destructive behavior. Usury and the earning of money without labor or service should -still- be illegal.

        1. Why is there always talk as if the Jewry has usurped the British monarchy? Was it not clear in the Balfour Declaration that the Rothschild were seeking permission and help from the Crown? What has changed since then?

        2. The Jews essentially took complete control of the British empire during the Napoleonic wars. Of course many centuries before kings became seduced and entrapped by their usury.
          When the Jews took and pillaged Palestine they conducted terrorist attacks on British buildings in Jerusalem until they left completely without a whimper.
          Those same successful Jewish terrorists later took their talents to South Africa with Mandela as their front man led the communist party to victory.

        3. I do run my own business and I make a point of not charging interest unless I am pursuing a cert. of judgment for unpaid fees, then I add statutory rate. I really don’t give a shit about making $37 in interest. I can find that in my couch. I also don’t give a shit about boomer day traders who beat the “hard work ™” dead horse. “Buy low sell high” is fine to make a few quick bucks here and there, but as an industry and work ethic, it is a parasite. Biz loans are fun- try it out, but first prepare your asshole.

        4. Fascinating reading up about the taking of Palestine from the British. How the British could just let the Jewish terrorists hang two of their soldiers from a tree is beyond me. And not only that, the body was booby-trapped so that when they cut them down, the mines beneath the bodies exploded, disintegrating the body along with injuring another by-standing British soldier.

        5. I get that the interest business is corrupt, possible even corrupt enough to justify its elimination. But Interest on capital is a fundamental fact, and if not expressed in finance, it will be expressed in the profitability of businesses. Especially if you have a substantial sum of money.

      2. And when the British adopted the same tactic, it was only a matter of time before the jews beat them at their own game.

    2. Will derived from envy, hatred, contempt and an insatiable thirst for power and dominance.

    1. I think almost all of this is tin foil nonsense but Cohencidence, my friend, is freaking brilliant as far as terminology is concerned. well done.

  3. Maybe the white people of european descent will turn into a little scattered tribe while the jews have their own ethnostate Israel.
    Maybe then the nepotism of whites will grow again.
    I know only one jew and he moved to Israel for 3 years and he hated it. He moved back to germany but I can’t figure out what could be so bad about Israel. I mean, in the german town where he is located in, there are at least 20% muslims. But maybe it’s the german jew nepotism and the close brotherhood that comes with being a minority that he requires for happiness.

    1. I don’t think the Zionists will have any compassion to allow any white survival. Only a complete extermination will suffice and they will be the new ‘white man 2.0’ to rule over the mongrelized goyim slaves.
      Its seemingly a hatred or having a great enemy that binds them, I wonder what methods they will use to indoctrinate/motivate their future kin to propagate this mentality when they have fulfilled their Talmud prophecy and completely conquered the world.

  4. Now we’re talking.
    Individual development is only half of the equation. Development of proper group organization, held together by foundational principles that align with the souls of it’s constituents is the other half.
    The Jews deserve eternal credit for their perseverance and craftiness, even if it has come at the expense of physical and cultural beauty.
    Without the New Testament, what is the true message of the Torah? I take it as a long recount of patrilineal lineage and ethnic struggle. Christianity is universalist, where Judaism is absolutely centered on the plights and victories of the Jews. This is a foundational justification for their nepotism and refusal to assimilate. This fascistic mentality is certainly not only their dominion, as the majority of races and ethnic groups have a sense of themselves, and have clashed head to head with the Warriors of their worthy neighbours. The Jews chose money and poison over sword and shield, and after thousands of years their hard work has payed off.
    As Joseph Curwen pointed out, what is now required of Western Europeans is a resurgence of Will, particularly of the Men. The Will to seek out fellow Europeans and commit to a Brotherhood of mutual benefit.
    The first step is to stop being such a fucking faggot. Carve yourself into a proper stick. A stick strong enough to walk with, and one that does not snap at the knee. Once you have done this, find other men and join an unbreakable Fascista.
    The first part is completely within the control of the individual. Making alliances with other similar thinking and determined men in the modern world will be the true test of one’s patience and Will.

        1. The A-Team is a team you can believe in…even later A-Team members such as demolitions expert Frankie “Dishpan” Santana

    1. “Christianity is universalist, where Judaism is absolutely cantered on the plights and victories of the Jews.”
      That is true I think, but insofar as jews see themselves as ‘the chosen people’ it may be in a universalist if not exactly ‘equal’ sense. As the chosen people they are also supposed to be the light unto the nations i.e. the thought leaders, the intelligentsia, the “spiritual” (or not so spiritual) leadership. There is almost certainly a connection here between the jewish interest in ideology: jewish thought leaders have been enormously influential in generating progressive ideas (for better or worse) and while this may sometimes amount to indoctrination etc there are many I think who see this as relating to a universalist morality. It’s an enormously interesting issue actually, as Christian universalism tends to be fairly ego-less and altruistic whereas jewish universalism never quite loses sight of the ego that is willing the change in question

      Stop Being Such A Fucking Faggot

        1. we’re talking about people’s beliefs though. Ancestry doesn’t necessarily come into that

        2. Don’t listen to what they see, see what they do. If they have an interest they will tell you they are Martians.

        3. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

      1. A lot of Jews today put the Talmud over the Old Testament and it stresses more of the superiority of Jews over goys instead of being a light to the nations like you mentioned.

        1. I can’t really comment on that, but my point was really about the messianic element in modern judaism which probably isn’t primarily talmud based. If you consider also messianic expectations with respect to Israel, even if the ‘light unto the nations isn’t universally significant it is part of the repertoire of core ideas that jews can drawn upon
          Consider this for example:
          “Outside Israel, a Jew is like a candle shining its light upon the individuals of other nations. However, if each candle would unite in Israel, the Jewish people could transform themselves from scattered individual candles into a bonfire, not only illuminating the individuals of the nations of the world but the nations as a whole.”
          read more: http://www.haaretz.com/only-in-israel-are-we-a-light-unto-the-nations-1.316555

        2. I agree with that, most church sermons I watch are messianic Jews because I believe Christians should take more of a messianic Jewish stance on how to live.

        3. I’m not sure I’m with you on that. The schofield bible particularly seems to seek to skew christians towards a zionist – centric idea of jews as central to the messianic times, and there are a lot of questions about the origins of that development. Whether messianism is good or bad, my feeling is that it has been hugely influential, including with regard to the way jews who feel that they as ‘the chosen people’ need to lead the gentiles towards a world that meshes with jewish prophecy or tikkun olam, or the rebuilding of the temple or whatever. It’s highly likely that a great deal of progressive ideology, including perhaps hard-left socialism even communism may have been influenced by such religious idea once secularised, as well as zionism etc. The point is to understand that a messianic motivation may be very different from the kind of cynical motivations that are often attributed to jews who try to move the world in one or other direction. All messianic or millenial ideas, whether they are christian, jewish, muslim or otherwise may pose a danger to the rest of society insofar as they seek to shape the world around religious ideas. I say that without regard to the truth or cohesion of the ideas concerned, and without any necessary hostility in principle. Moreover in the case of jewish messianism, insofar as it involves jews as a chosen people leading the nations, there are additional concerns about whether such agendas can be pursued without detriment to the people they impact on.

        4. If the Jews are to be the light to the world and God himself gave them directions on how to live right in his eyes then why wouldn’t Christians live the same way? The covenants were made to the Hebrews and gentiles are grafted in. Nowhere in the Bible does it say for gentiles to act however they want because they have grace while the Jews should act another way. The problem with not sticking to the Torah and God’s laws is us having over 30,000 denominations when we should be one body of Christ.

        5. The operative word here is indeed ‘if’. I’d also point out that there are a great deal of jews who no longer even believe in God yet have not yet abandoned the sense of their being ‘chosen’ for a historical task. In which case what then is the nature of the contract?
          The christian and jewish understanding of these natters is far from identical.

        6. Depends on them at that point. The messianic Jews I know believe we should be one unified church with the same traditions and holidays since they are given by God. As far as atheist Jews who still believe they are chosen for something I’m not sure what that could be since it doesn’t really make sense to me. Some Jews believe in God and believe it is their right to rule. Everybody is going to have their opinions. I just believe Christians and messianic Jews should all be on the same page rather than so many denominations.

        7. (((They))) broke the Covenant thousands of years ago. God will punish them.
          The Children of Satan will LOSE.

        8. “The messianic Jews I know believe we should be one unified church with the same traditions and holidays since they are given by God.”
          That does sound a bit like them believing Christians should do it the jewish way. Perhaps they should, but there’s a bit of a history jewish thought influencing christian arguably to the advantage of israel / zionism rather than christianity itself: at least that’s the charge levelled at the scofield bibles patrons, including some truly dodgy people like untermeyer.
          There’s also the issue of whether jews and christians are necessarily talking about the same thing; indeed whether they necessarily have the same understanding of God c.f. are we talking about the God of Abraham or the less personal God of the kabbalah, which seems to involve a more distant less engaged God? So if Christians and messianic Jews should all be on the same page the question arises are they and can they be? There are different kinds of christianity and there are different kinds of judaism. Maybe that’s how it should be for the time being.

        9. The messianic Jews I know are just sticking to the Bible, no Kabbalah or Talmud. All Christian holidays in America are either pagan in origin or have something pagan attached and when I ask Christians why not just celebrate the actual biblical holidays they always say “well those were given to the Jews” which is true but they are God’s festivals and if we are going to celebrate holidays why not God’s rather than made up ones? As far as the Zionism part that’s probably always going to be a part of it, I know Christians who don’t care for anything Jewish that are Zionist simply because Christ won’t return until the Temple is rebuilt and certain things happen so for any Christian wanting the return to happen needs to be part Zionist in some sense. Christians are told to live as Jesus did and he followed the Torah the way it was meant to, if everybody did that it would settle any need for denominations.

        10. “The messianic Jews I know are just sticking to the Bible, no Kabbalah or Talmud”
          You might be surprised. Messianic judaism has a complex history, that includes Sabbateanism amongst other things. Zionism / the return to Israel in particular is complex, and for some orthodox jews isn’t supposed to occur until the messianic age, i.e. the jewish messiah’s return. The jewish messiah moreover isn’t normally the christian messiah unless otherwise agreed. I’m not saying there is no compatibility or no points of correspondence, merely suggesting that you read and check the small print
          I’m not that heavily into end-time theology myself – out of interest why is Christ waiting for the temple to be rebuilt? I always thought that was a jewish thing

        11. The Jewish messiah is different because they believe Jesus hasn’t come yet. I’m speaking from the messianic view that Jesus is the messiah and they read the New Testament as Christians do. As far as end time theology in the book of Revelation the antichrist will stop the sacrifices in the temple and claim he is God and take over but since there isn’t a third temple that can’t happen until it’s built, and with muslims still controlling the Temple Mount certain people want them gone so they can build it. Most Christians believe in a pretribulation rapture as well but that’s not biblical from what I can find.

        12. “The Jewish messiah is different because they believe Jesus hasn’t come yet” I wasn’t aware that the jews thought their messiah would be called jesus. Usually there’s reference to a joseph & a david, who may or may not be the same person, and who will only turn up when jews are completely righteous (or very naughty). There’s also an alternative version which makes the jewish people their own messiah thus obviating the problem that the jewish people cannot return and the temple be rebuilt until the messiah turns up. Or something like that.
          With respect to your reference to the anti-christ stopping the sacrifices etc I am really not into all that tribulation end times stuff. The worry here is that there are people, be they christians or jews (or even muslims despite themselves) who may be trying to bring it all about rather than passively waiting and being disappointed. This a dangerous narrative and I see nothing in it that is necessary to living the good life for either christian or jew

        13. I just use Jesus cause most people don’t know yeshua which is his name and basically means “yah’s salvation”. The problem modern Jews have with waiting on their messiah still is that the Bible itself says he would come before the destruction of the second temple which happened in 70AD. Also with the destruction of the temple and their written records they have no proof of any family lines so if someone did come forward claiming to be the messiah, he couldn’t actually prove he was from the line of David like their bible teaches. I agree that end time knowledge isn’t important for a righteous lifestyle but some people want it to happen sooner rather than later and that drives their actions as far as Zionism and whatnot.

        14. It sounds like you or your jewish friends are taking the ‘jews for jesus’ line, which I imagine, if that’s correct, would be a fairly obscure one amongst jews as a whole. At least the argument you advance here seem to be those advanced by ‘jews for jesus’. The thing about judaism is it’s kind of all about interpretation isn’t it, so the question is whether that reading of the conditions for the messiah’s arrival is a necessary interpretation such that christians and jews can agree on. Clearly there are those who don’t believe the second temple must be the last, and who don’t believe that the messiah must have come before it’s destruction. You mentioned talmudism in an early comment. Clearly for many jews, the talmud is effectively more authoritative than even the torah, although I presume you and your ‘messianic’ jewish friends would disagree with that.
          So we have a situation where the messianism of the messianic jews you are talking about must necessarily refer to a pre-second temple messiah – either the christian jesus or maybe the other one that jews sometimes refer to – the earlier messiah ben joseph?. The problem with this seems to be that it appears to be a minority view, and one which if accepted would in a sense condemn the jews forever to exile, to galut. If you like to be the perennial wandering jew of christian lore.
          The above though is not the jewish experience we encounter today for the most part, which does not obviously bind itself to any prophecies hidden in the book of Daniel, but which has occasionally (post sabbatai tzvi) even turned the exile itself into a foundational and almost revelatory event (c.f. gershom scholem), and with it willed the return to zion under the impetus of the jewish people themselves.
          The above is a complex mish-mash of course, but the point here is that if we return to the issue we were discussing any kind of attempt to synthesise a union between jewish and christian theology is unlikely to satisfy many people, and indeed the takeaway must surely be that those christians hoping for the temple to be rebuilt in israel or whatever would probably be doing so on a very different basis from any orthodox and / or messianic jews wishing for the same

        15. I haven’t met any messianic Jews that followed somebody other than who we know as Jesus/yeshua but there might be some. A lot of Jews do look at the Talmud as haven taken authority over the Old Testament but that’s always been a problem biblically speaking. Jesus himself constantly condemned the Pharisees for twisting scripture and following traditions of man rather than God and many Christians do the same thing today. Since Daniel does mention him coming before the destruction of the second temple is why a lot are atheist now cause it shows an error in the word in their eyes but I’m not sure about that. The Talmud also paints Jesus in a very negative image so for the average non messianic jew growing up he’s going to hear bad things about him and then for him to have someone preach to them he’s the messiah is probably extremely hard to comprehend. I agree about the third temple being built based on different motives as well.

        16. Much of that makes sense, but I would say there is something of a terminological issue in play here with respect the word ‘messianic’. For a ‘messianic jew’ in the sense you’ve described, which I am assuming is something like the ‘jews for jesus’ line (?) then it might make sense to consider that the christian and jewish understanding of messianic conincides. The point is that I don’t believe this is a majority position for jews hence any christians assuming that christian and jewish messianism is the same thing need to check the detail carefully lest they be misled. There is a little book by a jewish author called fifty jewish messiah’s which describes the copius numbers of jewish messiahs since christ, including people like the military leader Bar Kohkba, shabbatai tzvi. The point is not whether these false or genuine messiahs, but that messianic thinking and messianic fervour amongst jews does not necessarily care about what the book of Daniel says. This matters because the kind of messianic fervour that resulted in latter day zionism and the creation of isreal was not primarily of the kind you describe, except in the minds of zionist christians, many of whom may have been led to believe what they believe by the subtle alterations made in the scofield bible for instance. Thus it seems to me that messianic judaism typically means something quite different depending on whether you are jew or a christian

    2. If you’ve got a problem and no one else can help… and if you can find them… maybe you can hire…..
      The A Team…

      1. God did I love this show. Such great family entertainment. And now we have “Hot Girls Wanted” on Netflix. Yup… that’s progressive “progress” for you. Let’s get rid of all those violent boys and guns and explosions… and replace them with nubile teenage girls discussing schlongs and orgies.

        1. They were great. Growing up, my friends and I would get all excited watching action movies and shows. Then we’d go outside run around playing guns. Those days are slowly coming to an end.

      1. Deus Vult Brother.
        People are still hesitant but I believe there are many who feel similar even if they don’t realize it yet.
        I just got home from breakfast with a good friend, and he just opened up to me that he’s been thinking more about this stuff. I spoke with him about the alt-right a couple times over the last few months and he straight up laughed at me for sounding ridiculous. All it really took for him to reconsider was to be with himself and actually think about what the future would be like if the entire Western world is overrun by Chinese and Muslims, and barely held together by squirmy shekel-counting Jewish lawyers.
        I’ve found the Youtube channel Murdoch Murdoch to be an effective way of introducing these ideas to people.
        But yeah thanks for the post I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking this way.

      1. Well they actually stopped it quite effectively and tainted Roosh and his neo masculinity movement to the masses whose minds we must unshackle.
        Don’t get me wrong your positivity and conviction is admirable, but we are dealing with a powerful, corrupt system that holds all the aces. We cannot afford to be complacent and simply expect victory.

  5. I think it all just happens by accident. There is no grandiose design. It’s just a bunch of guys who got lucky and in no way, shape or form, used their power and money to plot, and scheme, and fuck the rest of us over. I also think my vote matters. And NAWALT. And all men are created equal. And they tell the truth in the news. Etc.

      1. (Sarcasm alert.) I’ll try to remember to preface it in such a manner, next time I throw a curveball like this one.

        1. You scared me too, brah… having always had the impression you knew the score.

        2. Hey, my bad too. Sometimes good old-fashioned sarcasm goes right over my head. I ain’t exactly the smartest guy around. 😉

        3. I’m naive as fuck sometimes…”Really?” I’ll believe wild shit that friends tell me. Then they’ll say, “Nah, you are so gullible…” Heh. We’re all fuckin’ fools. We’re trying to quit – but it’s hard.

    1. Awesome Bob! Not quite as good as the original War of the Worlds broadcast, but damned close! Put a goodly portion of the ROK regulars into a panic. Yeah, the problem with the written word is it can be bloody difficult to convey sarcasm. But the results can be hilarious. Keep up the good work!

  6. I like money.
    And bar whores…
    Heading back to stay “mostly” permanently in NYC. The countyside is boring- the women congregate in Big cities…
    If you cant beat ’em, have a joint with ’em…

    1. always beat ’em Sir Lee. Let me know if you every come uptown and want to grab a drink.

        1. Ill be central park Saturday/Sunday.
          Bar opening monday night.
          Lets get pabst?and meet

        2. sounds like a plan. I too will be in the park both sat and sunday weather permitting.

      1. Lolknee, I think you should be an urban hunting guide. No rifles, no RealTree, but wear the likes of Armani and Hugo Boss. Your customers will hunt head.

        1. I would love to, but to be honest there are better candidates out there. I have no “game” per se. I am just successful, confident, charming, keep myself in good physical shape and am somewhat brash. My only advice for people looking to hunt head in an urban area is to be me.

    2. That’s cool man, out here in flyover we’re quite content to let y’all think that there’s nothing out here either culture or chick or entertainment wise. Keeps ya’ away from us, you see. Heh.

      1. As much as NYC is nasty, the concentration of world women is peerless…
        Worth it for short periods…
        When i find a young fertile respectful women(s) ill retire to countryside…lol

        1. Nah, no thanks. A NY guy moved here that I know, and he is adamant that the chicks in this area are supreme. I’m going to take that as an endorsement. College towns, especially for the largest university in the States, rule chick wise.

        2. Problem is most city women dont wanna live in the countryside (Green Acres Theory)

        3. As city women are, in general, far more broken than rural and suburban women, that suits me just fine. They can stay there.

        4. No doubt about that. Young women, all of them in their prime, congregating in one small area. There’s a higher density of hotness in college towns. To find an increased density, you go to Spring Break – anywhere, pretty much.

        5. Some of the girls in fly-over country, albeit not many of them, are much more beautiful than the celebrities that are hyped 24/7 to the public. I lived in LA for 4 years, and that city definitely does NOT have the prettiest girls in the world.

        6. Yep. When football fires up, you can hit an OSU football game in early autumn and be surrounded by more hot women on a “hot woman per acre” basis than you’ll find anywhere else in the world. Shoulder to shoulder almost of young, thin, tight attractive broads who are 18-23. I like the way that the deck is stacked. But most people simply have no clue about it and assume it’s all just big cities where the pretty ones are.
          I’m quite happy to let them retain their delusions. Heh.

        7. Right. I’ve been across the united States almost entirely, except for Alaska and Hawaii and, I think, Oregon and Washington (state). It’s really hard to beat college towns, and there are some breathtaking native beauties out here that most city folk think are mythical. Which, as noted earlier, I’m content to allow them to believe.

        8. Yep
          Is a quandry . Best to be the guy at bar, than the man at home. If they cant stop bar-hoping

        9. Me too, brah. I go back to the college town where I grew up now and again, just to fuck college girls who congregate in taverns and bars there. It’s like shooting really pretty fish in a huge fucking barrel…

        10. Yep. Pretty, naive, generally good natured and happy, no cynical nastiness that you’ll get from urban types, and just all around pleasant to be around. And lots of them still play under the old rules, so you don’t have to act like some trained monkey or Machiavellian sociopath to get one for a night of fun.

        11. It’s refreshing for sure. I went back about a year ago and despite being older than dirt, I had several hotties to choose from over my weekend stay. It’s great, for all of the reasons you said, and then some…I find they get really wide-eyed over a guy of means who does things that are unconventional, and on his own terms. Probably because they rarely see that sort of thing, being cloistered off among academicians and students. It flips their “I wanna do something independent” switch. Be that as it may, the women in Midwestern college towns are special. (And I don’t mean special snowflakes…)

        12. I learned during my time in NYC that city men are, in general, also far more broken than their rural and suburban counterparts. So they each mate with their kind and it all works out.

        13. Hey, you’re always welcome to come back for a home game man. I buy season tickets, and I don’t even like football. The wife bails on like half the games so I can usually have an extra ticket on hand.

        14. Funny you mention that…. girls are going to the motherland and I, like a protical son, will return to Ohio in late July. You around?

        15. Indiddly do sir, I am around in July. Email is in my profile.
          (((Protical son))), eh? Heh.

        16. Why the hell do they insist on being THE Ohio State University? Sure, the sports are good, but aren’t the academics just kind of meh, being an open-enrollment school?

        17. Your buddy LOLknee disagrees with you.
          Jew York City is the best in the world!

      2. Isn’t it lovely? The women, blacks, muslims and jews always congregate in the cities while the white men love the countryside. It’s like that in France, in Germany, in the United States – just everywhere.

  7. What’s this? Fee-fee-fi, fo-fo-fo-fo…
    Winner gets a set of steak knives. Anybody?

  8. Oregon Man Fined for Talking About Traffic Lights Sues
    PORTLAND, Ore. (CN) – An Oregon resident trained in engineering in Sweden says he’s developed a safer method for timing traffic lights, and the state engineering board fined him for talking about it. Mats Jarlstrom says Oregon laws make it illegal for anyone who isn’t a licensed engineer to criticize the state’s methods for timing traffic lights. Jarlstrom calls that an unconstitutional prohibition on free speech. On April 25, Jarlstrom filed a new federal lawsuit. This time, he says the board not only regulates professional engineers, it also “restricts and punishes ordinary people for their most basic acts of civic engagement and political speech.”

    1. I actually think this is a positive thing. If I could give a 20 dollar fine to every stoned moron who told me he had a better solution to traffic I could retire tomorrow.

        1. do they though? Really, I am pretty sure the following logic works
          Everyone who has smoked enough pot to be insufferable has a theory on how to better traffic.
          Everyone in Oregon has smoked enough pot to be insufferable.
          Can you really blame them?

        2. The guy in this case is an engineer. I don’t know if he smokes pot. But the government acts as if it’s smoking something even more powerful – all the time.

        3. I will need to see some blood tests before I make a judgment call on the engineer. My general assumption is that if he lives in Oregon he is stoned beyond the point of being worthy of listening to.

        4. “An Oregon resident trained in engineering in Sweden says he’s developed a safer method for timing traffic lights…”
          Now this is kinda coincidental. Yesterday I was taking a cab to Hooters for my 7 pm hook-up, and we had to stop at this light that is known for being so fucked-up, it’s basically insane. Traffic backs up on the east side of this intersection beginning at about 1 pm, and I mean it’s backed up for blocks. Road rage, accidents, all of the usual shit ensues.
          Now I’m no engineer, but a 5th-grader with the IQ of a gerbil could time the lights there better than the “engineer” who calls the shots at that intersection. I’m pretty sure that sort of thing happens nationwide…

        5. ok I understand in general…however, people who smoke pot too often do not have the IQ of a gerbil. If this was a state other than Oregon or Washington I would probably have let it go, but until I see THC content of blood I need to take the side of the council

        6. Due to where you live, I can see your point. But man you gotta get out of that fish bowl now and again! Speaking of which, aren’t you about due for that uh, what was it, Caribbean trip. Or did you already take it…

        7. Already done….and are you suggesting that Washington State and Oregon is not infested with hippie stoners?
          As for leaving the fishbowl, no thank you. There is nothing in American I want to see that isn’t in NYC, LA, MIA or LV and the last three seem more trouble than they are worth

        8. Pretty sure I read a story that in NYC they’ve admitted to adjusting traffic signals to maximize the pain- so that fewer people will drive cars. Engineers are good; social engineers, not so much.

        9. That’s evident to me in pretty much any city I visit. It doesn’t happen by accident. Nobody is that retarded – in every freaking city, no less. Maximum pain, maximum fines, maximum accidents, etc. It can be inferred, for sure.

        10. Mayor of NYC wants to make an area in manhattan(flat iron district) 5 MPH zone….

        11. So he wants to increase the speed of traffic there then?

        12. ha! its only a few blocks, but like bob says, nobody is this stupid, they want less cars in the city

        13. “Infested”…uh…depends on your definition. I know that 11.2 million people live in those states (as of 2015). I lived there for 13 years. I heard people bitching about traffic light configuration incessantly, in both states. Most of the people who bitched weren’t stoners.
          I’d estimate maybe 2 or 3 million stoners, max, live there. That leaves 8 or 9 million non-stoners. And the vast majority of them would criticize traffic light engineers in a heartbeat. So…
          Where did you go on your trip. I can’t remember the place you like to visit, but somebody in Phoenix mentioned it to me a while back and I got interested…just can’t remember the name.

        14. I was on the islands of St Martin and St Barth a few days each. When I go to the Caribbean I stick to islands that were civilized (er…colonized) by the french

        15. You ought to see the Golden Glades interchange in Miami. Every time I am dumbfounded, thinking, some asshole got PAID to design this clusterfuck.

        16. No, it’s not the world. It just happens to be the most important business center of the world as well as my favorite place.

        17. Gonna listen to this album today. Haven’t thought of it in ages

        18. Highest infestation of Satan’s Children in the US, in order: JYC, LA, Miami, LV.
          Just a cohencidence, of course. Keep CHUGGING that KoolAde.

        19. Yeah ok. So you are a mixture of ignorant and arrogant. Thank god you actually have no power, brains or influence.
          Peace out dude

    2. That shit needs an immediate fast track to SCOTUS. How dare those fuckers.

      1. Oregon is really far left. Some farmer dug a pond-sized hole to retain water on his own land. The state came down on him like thunder. He got fined and did jail time for catching rainwater on his own freaking land…heh. Insanity.

        1. I’ve heard about that in some states. The temerity of government to declare God’s gifts of nature the property of the state. Fuck them.

        2. They really want control of all the water. We’re going to see more of this as time goes on. And I agree with you – they jumped the freaking shark on this one.

        1. Thank goodness. Finally. Force these fucking leftist states to obey the Constitution.

    3. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise”:
      That would be the Oregon state engineering board

  9. Basically, smoke-and-mirrors.
    Know what you want
    Build a good team of like-minded individuals
    Create rituals and doctrine to bind them together as one
    Have a plan to achieve your objective
    Keep your ultimate aim secret always
    Do anything and everything it takes to win
    Kill if you must
    Lie and deceive and cover up anything that harms how you are perceived
    And remember, according to the sage of war, Sun Tzu, “All warfare is based on deception.”
    I like the article. Terrific!

    1. Without preconceived bias and MSM slant, study a bit about the early motorcycle clubs in the U.S. The points you mention are the cornerstones of these tight-knit men’s organizations. Study the early Hell’s Angels formation. Forget the bad apple drug stuff from the 80’s and 90’s and focus on the real deal in the 60’s and 70’s. Yes, and Hunter Thompson deserved to get his ass kicked.

  10. “They could also sell used or cheaper goods for better margins, living like paupers from very low margins to sell at the cheapest price and outcompete everyone else. Then, as soon as the ghetto barriers were raised, they took over the economy, making it more abstract and global in the process.
    What matters here is that Jews took over because they had spotted the opportunity to do so.”
    This is an interesting and forthright article on – as one other commenter put it – “a touchy subject”. When dealing with touchy subjects the meaning of every word is potentially amplified, not least because it is more likely to be disputed. This isn’t just about whether to pussyfoot or not to pussyfoot but also about exactly what one is asserting. I would say the phrase “took over” is slightly sloppy, and doesn’t necessarily accord with the rest of the article, which is notably quite complimentary about the shrewd and effective practices of jewish business practice. ‘Took over’ is a poorly measured term. What are we talking about, the hostile takeover of a company, or the domination of an industry or a ZOG? Language is everything in these things. I was looking at a picture of Trump the other day surrounded by what seemed likely mostly jewish advisers. When I counted them it was probably about half at most. So is that a question of ‘took over’ or just very considerable influence. The danger lies in overstating the claim, and perhaps in doing so being unjust. That’s a concern about accuracy and evidence not an attempt to minimise the influence of the jewish members of Trumps cabinet. Maybe it was just a single photo, or maybe they (the jewish offiicial) were disagreeing with each other rather than pulling together. The point is the moment you say “take over” you’re vulnerable to the charge of going beyond what you can see, and evidence, and therefore verify and with that you risk entering an area that can potentially be dismissed as conspiracy theory. So eschew phrases like ‘take over’ in favour of simply pointing out, as should be everybody’s right in a free and democratic society the fact that there communities, not just the jews, but particularly the jews that seem to have an outsize influence in the realm of X, Y, Z and that may not be fully compatible with living in a democracy (or a democracy like republic) where power in office is supposed to be at least to some extent representative. The obvious point of criticism here is the (mis)use of money to influence politics – Trump himself pointed this out and given that he did so in a particularly crude was (the yellow star!) he effectively introduced the issue only to automatically have it labelled as anti-semitic. It is not anti-semitic or anti-anything to point out that a democracy that is bought by big money is not genuinely democratic.
    Re. learning from the strengths of groups who through will and determination have succeeded (on whatever basis) – this is probably a good idea insofar as one is identifying genuine virtues (and there are a great many to be emulated in the jewish community, including competitiveness, mutual support, the promotion of education and study etc etc) but one should also consider the degree to which a great many younger jews (and gentile progressives) believe that the greater cohesiveness of this world where power is centralised is for the better. It’s worth understanding the messianic character that one may find alongside of if not necessarily underlying the broader will to power – it is often the case that progressives – jews or gentiles – have been at their least democratic when they were most determined, and possessed of a sense of historical mission. It would be interesting to consider if that too could or should be emulated. Self-belief, whether it’s personal or communal, goes along way

    1. Insighttful post. Emmulating the values that made people successful is something that is logical, but not popular. It requires effort and self refection which seems scarce these days.
      The zeal to force changes on others takes a power on its own and deteriates rapidly as to what the original intents were aiming for.

      1. thanks.
        “The zeal to force changes on others takes a power on its own and deteriates rapidly as to what the original intents were aiming for.”
        That’s very true, and is probably the key criticism of the progressive movement as a whole. The idealistic part – which always speaks of the better more equal world to come – always, seemingly without exception – disguises a hidden, often unconscious desire for power or glory or some such. I think there is also the psychological fact in order to best a third party you also have to best them morally so to speak.

        1. Persuasion by being the example is what I would consider the best way. The left always sacrifices individual freedom for a hurried utopia on earth and they leading the way (natch). This is when they begin “the ends (murder) justifies the means” quips you recognize they are lost (and irredeamable IMHO).

        2. Aye. It’s why I no longer even have the desire to debate them on anything. I’ll register a “You’re a total fucking loon” comment and be done. They don’t care, they don’t have any logical arguments, and their entire rhetoric is crafted around evasion and lying and distorting language. They are 100% dishonest brokers in any exchange of ideas. But I do register the “fuck you” comment to them regularly, just so that they know that they have actual opposition to them out here who does not buy their cheap word games and psychopathic delusions of a bloody nasty utopia.

        3. Sometimes I wonder if the plethora of zombie films and TV shows are examples of the Hollywood elite making fun of leftists…

        4. I agree with that. Persuasion by example is also the strategy of the church when it came to the ‘heroic virtue’ of saints. There will always be some kind of elite, leaders or vanguards, and if they ‘argue their case they may be proved right’ so to speak, but equally if you have a core ideology that says you should be the one doing the leading, then that might beg certain questions. In a sense it’s analogous to the situation where as men we may consider there is an expectation (not least amongst women) that we should lead but we also have to contend with the fact that feminism rejects that. Sometimes there have also been jewish thinkers who argued that the ends justified the means or method because everybody would realise it was all for the best at the end of the day – well if a particular ideology triumphs that’s not inconceivable but generally that’s not how it works and shouldn’t be how it works.

        5. making fun of the people they’ve played a big part in programming to be useful idiots maybe

        6. Could be…elitists have a twisted sense of humor. (Which I find to be pretty fucking hilarious…meaning, their sense of humor.)

      1. The TL;DR is that any group exercising excessive influence within society, e.g. funding political campaigns on both side of the spectrum etc. may represent a challenge for democracy.

  11. ” Trump, the seeming buffoon who managed to outsmart the whole establishment”
    …Trump, that seeming buffoon is now working for the Deep State, unfortunately.

    1. Trump didn’t outsmart the establishment, he only managed to fool the same morons who thought George W Bush was folksy because he wore a cowboy hat and cleared some brush.

      1. but if he was absolutely cynical from the beginning in exploiting the gullible masses wouldn’t that also suggest that the media – in part if not necessarily in whole – were as well; that they were colluding with him by demonising him in the knowledge that people are contra-suggestible?

        1. what the media was up to I won’t even venture a guess….I do know that a huckster and salesman who has been conning people for 3 decades convinced a large swath of Americans that a billionaire real estate developer from NYC who is also a reality tv show star and has a massive insecurity issue which has lead to him being an attention whore since the 80’s cared about heartland American values and was fighting for the common man….lol…..he might as well have wrote MAGA on actual bottles of snake oil….

        2. well he’s still better than Hillary. I think the issue is less about being deceived – we have very very low expectations about politican’s – it’s the velocity of the reversal of most of his campaign promises. There’s a protocol to betrayal.
          Also, the (controlled?) media must have been in on it in part even if some / much of it (including the rancour) was real

        3. I don’t know if he is better or worse than Hillary. I do know that the annoying smugness of feminists would have bothered me slightly more than the annoying smugness of hicks and so I don’t mind it much…
          As for the media, I am seriously doubtful that anyone has taken the media seriously in at least 10 years.

        4. “As for the media, I am seriously doubtful that anyone has taken the media seriously in at least 10 years.” True, but there’s the issue of why they aren’t taken seriously. Regardless of the detail, it’s difficult to conceive of latter day journalists as independent because we know that they nearly always aren’t. The media abandoned integrity, and with the ability to investigate power, and hence it’s a dead duck.
          But re. Trump, c’mon nuclear spring-time notwithstanding he’s got to be better than Hillary

        5. What did you call me?….
          Seriously though I voted for him and would again but, I have never believed he(or any other politician) was the great savior.
          They all have to be full of BS to get elected anyway.

        6. Well Kneeman, I said from the very beginning that you don’t build shit in NYC without dealing with the mob…errr…I meant unions (oh, yeah, that’s redundant). And you sure as hell don’t pay a mob boss twice what a piece of ground in Atlantic City is worth to build a casino without being in tight and “doin’ somebody a fava.” Where I come from “New York businessman” is a pejorative term having the same meaning as crook. I do approve of his supreme court justice nominee like GOJ. So if he doesn’t do anything else of merit, that alone is better than what Billary would have foisted upon us. But so far, that’s about it.

        7. Hey wait a minute! I’m a new York business man who builds buildings!!!!!

        8. Ohhhh…so you’re the exception then? Okay, everybody but you then, lol! I was up in Queens a few years back on a field service trip. I got to chatting up the broad at the hotel desk and told her how surprisingly nice everyone I’d met in NYC was. I explained that most of the New Yorkers I knew that had moved to Virginia (my birthplace) were real jerks. She laughed and said “That’s ’cause we send all da assholes down South.” I thanked her and told her how nice that was. 😉

        9. I’m not the exception–not by a long shot.
          As for the legendary rudeness of New Yorkers the woman at your hotel was right.

        10. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
          I am the Great and Powerful OZ!

        11. On a totally unrelated note Kneeman, I go to pick up my 2007 ZX-14R on Monday. She’s a beautiful black with just the right amount of carbon fibre and chrome to not stand out, but still be tastefully custom. Only 8K miles and looks showroom new. I expect if I keep her in her present condition, she will take a ribbon at this year’s car & bike show that our union sponsors. I am pretty stoked, to say the least! 😀

        12. Hey man that’s awesome and I know exactly what you mean about the subtle carbon that’s the best look. Drive safe and enjoy brother!! Congratulations

        13. Thanks Kneeman. I will post pics after I get her home. Nothing like a new GF that’s fast, has all the right curves, doesn’t bitch or make you sleep in the wet spot, lol!

        14. The media is not capable of that level of coordination. Especially since Trump has his own twitter account, and the media relies solely on memes at this point.

        15. You have to admit though, selling out won’t convince the leftists to not kill him. And if the Right agrees to that, the entire Trump family will be extinguished within a generation.
          Trump would not put himself in that position without a good reason.

        16. The academic members of my extended family follow the mainstream news religiously. As far as they are concerned it is gospel.
          It could be snowing in summer but if (((Huffington post))) said it was the hottest summer on record along with its usual obligatory emissions jargon it would simply be an unchallengeable fact.

        17. the media is overwhelmingly owned by a handful of companies, and there’s reason to think editorial lines very often come down from top, and sometimes even from the intelligence community (we know this has been the case in the past in the US and we know this is still the case amongst some broadcasters in Germany at least). If you consider that together with the predisposition of the journalists on the ground to be overwhelmingly left wing and progressive I would say it would have been pretty easy to coordinate. They just had to promote the voices that took the bait while suppressing the story lines that were more sceptical or restrained.
          On the other coordinated doesn’t mean monolithic. Personally I’m pretty sure Murdoch at least was behind Trump all along, while his media was only behind him when Murdoch needed it to be (that’s speculative, but that’s my impression). CNN / Viacom might have been generally against Trump for all I know

        18. yeah, that was an exaggeration. The MSM still has enormous influence. I do think though that more and more people are questioning it, and noticing the routine bias, and that is a change in the zeitgeist. I think if your politics meshes with the messages you are receiving from the telly (etc) then you’re far less likely to be sceptical. So if you hate Trump you’re not going to be open to the idea that it is the MSM that peddles false news but if you’re situated on the middle ground you might well be

        19. That may be, but the media is still controlled by certain patterns of behavior. Did they lie about Trump’s chances because they secretly wanted him to win, because they wanted him to lose, or most likely because they couldn’t do anything but demonize him.
          In the context of shock culture, there was nothing they could do BUT attack him. Anything else wouldn’t have seemed newsworthy. And since Fox news also attacked Trump, it doesn’t make sense to judge this as a conflict between Fox and CNN.

        20. I’ll pass on the Fox / CNN question – I’m outside the US and I don’t have either service, although the secondary reporting on the US coverage in UK etc. was pretty extensive throughout the campaign. I do think Murdoch carefully managed his media in relation to the Trump campaign but that doesn’t mean Fox had to be pro-Trump the whole time. It was more a question of how everything was timed and coordinated, including in relation to say publishing evidence that Comey’s wife was compromised at a particular time etc. so that he was forced to take the positions he did
          I’m not going to go out on a limb here and say it was definitely all coordinated, and the whole mass media was just playing a game. I suspect it was more subtle than that, but there was something ridiculously amplified about the way the press uniformly attacked Trump in a way that persuaded people that he really was anti-establishment, rather than merely anti democratic establishment. Big media corporations are capable of directing the editorial lines the media they own pursue, and I would love for there to be a deeper investigation how editorial policy in the MSM was made during the campaigns

        21. Again, you’re attributing coordination where none was needed. You’re forgetting that Trump went radically against all political protocols, and opened his campaign with moves that would have ended another man’s.
          He really went against the media standards, and that was what earned him attention. People like Ron Paul could get ignored to death because, however radical their ideas were, they would still stick to traditional political standards.
          America isn’t as well organized as you Europeans seem to think it must be. Murdoch might think he has the power to influence the election, but in reality the same laws of memetics control who and what the media reports on. And don’t even get started on the idea of an investigation, it wouldn’t accomplish anything.

        22. well I wasn’t going to suggest an investigation, but it’s not a bad idea, even if a whitewash would be a forgone conclusion I imagine.
          You’re right to say – occam’s razor wise – that coordination should not be assumed if there are simpler explanations. I don’t really buy the idea though that Trump was essentially playing them like a fiddle the whole time. Sure he breached protocols, not least by saying publicly many of the things that were hitherto only stated on Breitbart or Alex Jones etc., but what we saw was media machine that reacted almost as a single organism. Where were the editors in chief, or proprietors saying ‘hey, steady on, we need to be showing some restraint here, we need to be at least making a show of impartiality’? There was virtually no deviation from universal condemnation. It was ‘as if’ there was a single script, a single guiding policy. Given what we know about how western governments / intelligence services influence countries like germany, and given how we know that media control in the US etc. is concentrated in the hands of just a few companies, isn’t it reasonable to ask whether there wasn’t at least a a degree of coordination in the whole sorry spectacle? And if so, even if it was just a degree – and I suspect it was much more than that – could we really still say that the fourth estate was doing its job?

        23. Make no mistake, there was a single script. The problem is that the bosses didn’t control that script, and moreover they couldn’t if they wanted to.
          The Networks survive on ratings, to one extent or another. When faced with Donald Trump, they had only one option, all out attack. Leftists like their outrage, and that’s what the networks needed to give them. If they even tried to be impartial, the attention would have gone online, making the media even less relevant.
          Had they really wanted to coordinate, they would have ignored Trump. Like they ignored Ron Paul. The reason they threw so much hate at Trump had nothing to do with his ideology, but with his demeanor and the way it triggered people.
          The Script was written, not by intelligence agencies nor by media bosses, but by the very laws of memetics.

        24. I don’t really buy the idea that a failure to completely lose all perspective on Trump would have been some kind of commercial suicide on the part of the media. The social justice warriors are a major market sure, but so are conservatives and right wingers – the people who were by implication – and specifically in Hillary’s case – dismissed as ‘deplorables’, racists, etc. No, Trumps entire credibility as an alternative to the establishment, to the swamp that populism was reacting to depended entirely on him being ridiculously demonised by the press. We’re not just talking about the ‘tabloids’ here, but by broadsheets like the WaPo and the NYT who were leading the insanity. Even the serious newspapers completely abandoned anything like perspective, and why would that happen amongst “serious” journalists if they weren’t following an editorial line.
          The fact is these days there is no serious journalism, no real investigative journalism that challenges actual power, including by challenging official narratives. I was just reading bloomberg this morning about UK property and the journo was just repeating the official government line that house price rises were caused by a housing supply shortage. Everybody knows that a massive factor in house price rises over the last few years has had to do with QE and cheap loans, which create the competition for a limited number of properties, but no, this “journalist” just stuck with the official line propaganda which directs attention away from what the central banks are doing
          That’s just a random example. The whole edifice may not be controlled in any direct way from above, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t controlled, and that any journo who stepped out of line from those unofficial but very much in place approved editorial positions wouldn’t be quickly slapped down or booted out. Intelligence services ops are embedded in the German media, and they used to be buried in the US media (by official admission). I find it highly unlikely that that situation hasn’t changed, but even if it has the idea that “the money”, and the chain of command flowing down from it, doesn’t make the overall police on what line to take just doesn’t wash. It doesn’t have to be crude: instructions, guidelines can be subtle. It starts with deciding on the kind of people to hire, and then the kind of people to promote. The ones who play ball and stay on message by acting on the cues from above will always have their careers progressed. When it came down to the Trump campaign we got to see just how truly corrupt and absurd that situation really is. I mean the guys a good liberal democrat, with , jewish family and pro gay policies, yet the press couldn’t see through all the posturing? It’s all pure elite theatre

        25. Your assessment is somewhat accurate. I would agree that the media is ‘controlled,’ but I doubt that it would be accurate to say that it is ‘coordinated.’
          The Media is run by a cult of leftists. However, this cult is made up of many people with different goals, and that means that certain shibboleths are more important than actual goals.
          The first priority is that all deference is paid to the establishment, even if you go against leftism every now and then. Because Ron Paul paid deference to the mainstream, he could be safely ignored. Paul was polite after all, even if he wanted to tear the government up by the roots. So Paul could be ignored.
          Trump was a different matter. Even if he were a leftist, like Sanders, he utterly attacked the establishment from day one. His crudeness didn’t matter, what mattered was the way he shattered leftist shibboleths. Had the Media not viciously attacked him, the cult would have fallen apart. Leftists operate on the principle that you promote leftism, and they wouldn’t have known what to do if you were allowed to say that leftism was wrong, and even undermine it.
          The same ideas are held by leftists, which is the meme of an evil Trump spread so far. These people live by signalling their leftism, so of course they would have attacked trump on their own. So the Media had to do it first to stay relevant.
          It really doesn’t matter if Trump has Jewish family, or tolerates gays. Ideology doesn’t matter, power matters. And if Trump succeeds, the establishment will be broken for no other reason than that it will be discredited among its own members.

        26. You make an interesting and sometimes persuasive argument with regard to the psychology and motivations of the leftist media establishment but I still don’t buy the fact that these are the people who really in control. At least they have the day to day control but they’re mostly attack dogs. They are people who have been trained to perform a particular function, to bark at the first sight of an intruder,or to go for the throat in the case of any one trying to break in and steal, or in this case to fail to defer to the holy cows, shibboleths and political correctness of leftism whereby we are governed these days. I am not entirely sure I get the distinction between ‘controlled’ and ‘coordinated’ though in the sense that you describe it. I am not suggesting that particularly jouranlists, the Andersons, the Maddows etc got any specific instructions to do what they did if that’s what you mean i.e. I’m not suggesting that for the most part or necessarily at all (since there is no evidence that I know of) there was any kind of equivalent to Ezra Klein’s journolist at work (if you remember that caused a pre-gamer gate scandal). On the other hand we’ve already seen how coordinated the media can be –
          even across the globe – with regard to the messages they put out something like Roosh and the ROK meetups – and if it seems certain they coordinated on a matter like that what’s the likely that the response to Trump was entirely self-organising?
          The fact remains that the media in the US and across most of the western world lies in the hands of very few corporations or individuals, and at that level of power nothing that really matters is going to be left to chance. Journos can lose their jobs, or be demoted for minor infractions of PC codes yet we’re supposed to believe that the attack dogs we see on our screens or writing columns and opinion pieces in online media can do whatever they want? I’ve no doubt that Anderson and Maddow can choose pretty much how they are going to handle an issue or story-line, but that’s because they’ve already proven themselves obedient
          I do however agree that Trump did know just how to play the kinds of leftist media types you are talking about. Trump violated speech codes. The media reacted to reinforce them. Some of that was genuine, but a lot of it came across as theatre to me. Those reactions were ridiculously exaggerated. It resembled nothing so much as pantomime

        27. First of all, if you think anyone is in control of anything, you’re gravely mistaken. American institutions are too perverse for that kind of order, even the media.
          Now, the Trump election was not the ROK meetup. The meetup was coordinated, but it was a very simple op. The media was all on the same side, and the journalists certainly talked to each other, but it was a very small conspiracy between small newspapers and local governments. They were all on the same side, after all. They just needed to figure out what set of lies to tell.
          With the Trump election, it is completely different. To suggest that the media was capable of coordinating not simply a set of lies, but a leCarre style triple cross is ridiculous. The media feeds off of rage, its own as much as that of the general populace. They are the kind of hypocrites who believe their own lies. It takes a cynic to attack someone to ensure that they win, and people like them cannot work up the rage needed to attack someone if they don’t actually hate him.
          Besides, the Media already had a credibility problem. Knowing that, it would have been impossible for them to attack Trump, knowing that they would lose face in the process of losing.
          In summary, you’re right to be suspicious of their motives, but you have to understand that a conspiracy requires a mechanism of action. The media might have benefited from electing trump, but they had no way of coordinating what you think they coordinated. Their ideas spread in the same way pepe came to dominance, through memetic communication. They saw and copied, nothing much more. They might have coordinated attacks against trump, but they are not organized enough to pull off that kind of deception.

        28. “With the Trump election, it is completely different. To suggest that the media was capable of coordinating not simply a set of lies, but a leCarre style triple cross is ridiculous. ”
          People scoff at the idea of conspiracies because of what the idea evokes in the minds eye. When you say ‘the media’ isn’t capable of co-ordinating a simple set of lies let alone a leCarre style triple cross you are no doubt right, but then how could a whole industry function in that way even if it wanted to? A better comparison would be a flock of birds. All it takes is for a leader to change direction for the flock to follow suit. You only need a few individuals, in well placed positions, such that small actions can be leveraged to create mass effects. When you consider also the small number of corporations involved and the possibility (I would consider likelihood but I appreciate you might disagree) that the media is highly infiltrated by those with intelligence connections (if they are not necessarily directly intelligence operatives) I cannot see any reason why a herd of media terms couldn’t be directed towards such an end.
          Of course there is such a thing as self-organisation as well, together with if you like self-governmentality – something which is most likely to occur where shared values (e.g. PC) is grounded in group-think, so maybe it isn’t as crude as what you call a conspiracy or more specifically some kind of ‘triple-cross’. I would say the safest thing would be to say we don’t have the evidence to say anything very certain at all. All I’m saying is that for myself the kind of herd behaviour, or if you prefer flock like behaviour looked like it might have been somewhat more than self-organising. I think at least in parts it was led by people who knew exactly what they were doing, and even if that is short of any kind of actual conspiracy it could still reflect something like a mass deception. For the masses to be deceived, the whole media did not have to be involved. At the moment it remains more of a sense that the whole thing whiffed of orchestration, so I’m not really asserting it – it’s just the fifth sense tingling, that’s all.
          On the other hand that a great many people knew full well that Trump was a rent a populist rather than the real thing, with solid liberal credentials in the main, yet were still prepared to push the line that he was ‘worse than Hitler’ seems to me pretty certain. That’s where the theatre really comes into it.
          But if we need evidence of how the media obeys it’s ‘political’ leaders, we don’t even need to go as far back as the Trump Campaign: just look at what is going on with the Trump/Russia and Trump/Comey circus. Look how every media outlet pushes those themes while ignoring the potentially apocalyptic implications of the allegations about the Seth Rich emails and wikileak contact. Do you really think a media which uniformly ignores such an explosive story could in any way not be controlled? Where are the investigative journalists trying at least to seriously evaluated those allegations? There are none, because they know their job is not to investigate anything only to attack when the order is given.

        29. As I said, the media is coordinated, but not controlled. And remember that this conversation is about whether or not Trump is controlled opposition.
          The reason there is no journalistic dissent is because all journalists fall into the neocon/globalist framework. Their bosses wouldn’t have hired them if they didn’t. This is probably because the media is controlled by jews. And because they fit in this framework, they ignore stories like Seth Rich in favor of attacking Trump, who they really consider to be the enemy.
          Even if Trump is a ‘leftist’ (which would be accurate, given his ideological positions), he is still against the neocon/globalist framework, so he’s not really a leftist. After all, the ideological positions of libertarians and National-socialists are exactly opposite, and yet they are both considered ‘right-wing’ because they are outside the leftist paradigm. So it doesn’t matter what ideology Trump has, it just matters that he is against the establishment.
          Now, even IF the media is smart enough to pull off this deception where they attack Trump to support him, why are they pushing for impeachment? Do they want Pence that badly? Was it all a scheme to get him into office, this entire election fiasco that has cost the media the last shreds of its credibility? They should be demonizing him, not trying to destroy him. Even bringing the word ‘impeachment’ up throws too much chance into the mix.
          But as you said, the media is focusing on the Trump/Comey/Russia side of things. And no matter how conspiratorially focused you are, you have to admit that once the media makes everyone expect impeachment, there is a high chance of impeachment. So no, Trump is not controlled opposition. It is too late for little games like that. Trump will not push the globalist agenda, and he will probably hurt globalism. Anything coming out of the administration right now is probably due to the massive infighting as the permanent government resists Trump. It will rpobably take the rest of the year to settle down.

        30. Well, the conversation was originally about whether Trump was working for the Deep State rather than standing up against the Establishment as both the Trump media and the MSM seemed to agree (albeit from opposite sides). I don’t think I used the phrase ‘controlled opposition’ which is more obviously ‘conspiratorial’. My suggestion was that the MSM might have been colluding with Trump “in part if not necessarily in whole” i.e. that some if not all of that MSM actually wanted Trump to win, even though it was going through the motions of opposing and demonising him. I am not asserting this – I don’t think there is any kind of overwhelming evidence – but my gut feeling remains that there was substantial amount of theatre involved, even if most of it was sincere (I certainly don’t think the NYP / WaPo are secretly Pro Trump).
          You say the media is controlled by jews. Well they are no doubt influential and there are no doubt a great many jewish businessmen with a commanding position in the news and media but I think it was Rupert Murdoch that I mentioned previously ( who is not jewish). It was just a hunch but I couldn’t help notice the way that Murdoch’s media managed to paint Comey into a corner over his wife – the timing was brilliant – but that’s just an interpretation. I am also not entirely sure about the neo-con / Israel position in all of this. Trump was always pro-Israel. Breitbart was founded on a pro-Israel basis. Kushner is absolutely pro-Israel, yet we’re supposed to believe that Trump was literally Hitler to neo-cons like Bill Kristol? I appreciate neo-con isn’t synonymous with pro-Israel but Israel is right at the centre of the neo-con strategic agenda. I think the proof will be in the pudding. Trump has already shown that he can go neo-con in Syria but hasn’t as yet shown himself to be completely in bed with them.
          So I don’t necessarily believe Trump is in their pocket, or that he is controlled opposition in the conspiratorial sense, but that doesn’t mean he’s antithetical to their interests either. Personally I think Bill K. was full of crap – I’m not saying it’s a massive scam, but that Trump’s danger to the them, the neo-con establishment – was deliberately exaggerated. If Bill K had come out and said Trump, he’ll be great for Israel, he would have alienated those who saw neo-cons as a major part of the Swamp. That doesn’t mean they are aligned, just that they are not necessarily unaligned.
          Which brings us to the remaining issues, such as the nature of Trumps real relationship to the ‘establishment’ and the business of the impeachment. The reason I don’t like phrases like controlled opposition is they are totalising. You say the media is not controlled but coordinated. Well at this point I’m probably inclined to agree that vis a vis Trump the “controlled media” is not monolithic, but I would say that that is largely because while there has been a great deal of theatre (i.e. Trump is pretty liberal, is pretty establishment, is nothing at all like Hitler etc.) there is an actual conflict going on within the establishment he is a part of. We will get a better picture of the true nature of things as things unfold. The upshot of the last few weeks though – i.e. since we started debating – seems to be that the democrats are genuinely afraid of the Seth Rich scandal getting out of hand, and that the impeachment talk relates to that. That is not theatre: the democratic establishment and parts of the republican establishment seem genuinely threatened by the Seth Rich business. Whether any of this is really a threat to the highest level of the establishment is another thing. I agree that there is a lot of in-fighting. But infighting is not civil war. More interesting is how Trump gets on with Russia and what he does with regard to Syria, Iran etc

      2. Right after his re-election in 04′ he promptly rolled over. It was my awakening and I dropped my GOP membership.

    2. He seems to be Bernie to me now.
      From “Weekend at Bernies”
      Propped up by Ivanka and Hubbie

      1. “He seems to be Bernie to me now.
        From “Weekend at Bernies”
        Propped up by Ivanka and Hubbie”

      1. Trump is working with the military. This isn’t Turkey, our deep state is in the bureaucracy.
        If Trump sided with neocons, it was only to buy time.

    3. If you didn’t think he was working for the establishment, then I would be worried.
      If Trump managed to get anything done in the first 100 days, the entire establishment would have to be on his side. The fact that he’s facing so much opposition is a sign that he’s on the right track. Another Bush would have done something in this time.

  12. I found it! I have the one! I know! You will receive enlightenment by having unprotected anal sex with thousands of filthy disgusting human toilet whores. Its fucking amazing!

  13. Off-topic but this bugs the fuck out of me so I’m letting it rip here. Notice how most people speak using broad-brush terms that have zero meaning? “Russia did it”, for example. This means absolutely nothing. Tell me who – specifically – in Russia, did it. Name names. Because not all the people in Russia had something to do with it. And yet, that’s how most people are trained to think – “It’s the Jews” (not all of them, which ones?), “It’s the North Koreans” (same thing, which ones?). “All Americans are evil idiots.” Etc. People spend hours talking this way, pointing fingers at people in countries who are pretty much in the same boat as they are. How fucking stupid is that. Can the level of stupidity be quantified. Do I care. Not really, just pointing it out.

    1. It’s how feminists talk about “patriarchy”.
      “Men ruled women and beat them and gave them no rights and they were basically forced labor slaves!”
      Um, no sweet cheeks, that was a few men in the 0.01% top of the pyramid. The average man back in “those days” was as oppressed if not even more oppressed (because he was normally the one crawling through the iron mines, not her).

      1. Exactly…same thing with racism. Okay, 0.01% of landowners (or whatever) back in the day had slaves. But I wasn’t one of them. And yet, I’m white, so it’s my fault. These people who stir up shit like this, they gave their minds away. And they don’t realize it. They are being used as cannon fodder, pawns in a vast game they can’t comprehend. Can’t wait till they’ve all been sacrificed, to be honest…

        1. Conventional history books tend to ignore the fact that only one out of fifteen Confederate soldiers actually owned slaves. Most were yeoman farmers directly competing with slave based big agriculture of the day. No one seems concerned that ambitious and successful freed blacks of the day owned slaves as well. Few realize the Confederate army was integrated and the Union army was segregated. There were more abolition societies in the South prior to Nat Turner’s raid than in the North. We’ve been lied to on so many fronts it never ceases to amaze me. But the bottom line is no one in this generation has practised institutionalized slavery in the U.S. and I resent the hell out of being held “accountable” for the actions of the long dead. I’m no saint. So feel free to hold me accountable for my own transgressions if you can catch me. But don’t try to blame shit on me I didn’t do and try to collect a pay-check from it.

        2. Mine were, and I still get the privileges accorded to blacks. At least, I get them for as long at it takes someone to ask why I never associate with blacks.

    2. No, it is not stupid. There’s always more than a grain of truth in generalization. It’s about a type of quality which certain groups tend to share.
      Like Jewishness (femininity) is most prominent among the Jews, although it’s a quality now shared by more and more people as it’s the one being promoted.

      1. Exactly. The jewish tactic is to (among other things) give their sisters and wives to the enemy, then claim the sons of the ‘conquerors’ as their own. How many times did they actually do this? 5 or so. But those 5 times profoundly altered their psychology, just as the Black Death gave europe the idea of the living skeleton.

        1. Kind of a miserable and cucked strategy, but nonetheless effective.
          The only thing holding them together through this scenario is money and victim mentality.

    3. I don’t know who, but I know how. In every economic optimization of efficiency exercise, you decide who benefits, who doesn’t, what matters, and what doesn’t. Nationally, the USA is in trouble because we give a shit about other countries when we should not unless they both give a shit back, and can help. The correct response, to the rest, is good luck and fuck off. Racially, the reasons Jews and Asians succeed is they work hard, and they take care of their own, and only their own. There’s a fundamental problem with Jews saying “fuck the non-Jews” and that being OK, and Christians saying “fuck the Jews” and that’s considered racist. Every single demographic looks out for its own, and that’s ok, except for anything in the “majority” in the USA; when those groups do it, it’s bigoted. These groups are: whites, heterosexuals, males, and Christians.

    4. Absolutely right. I want to see times, dates, names and places. Government, big corporations, secret societies are all made up of people. So your point is spot on. Who the hell are the individual players and what exactly is it that they did or are doing? Once you expose the deeds of evil men to the light of truth, you may be able to get something done about it. But as long everyone keeps beating around the bush in generalities, the real culprits will continue with business as usual.

    5. The difference is that it is extremely easy to point to jews. Not all jews, but dis-proportionally many. It’s a historical fact that Hollywood, the center of american culture for better or worse, was established by jews. I associate with jews regularly, and that thought sends shivers down my spine.

  14. This a bit esoteric for this site but let’s see ..
    The current elite wins because they are weak and feminine. Their force is centrifugal and has an expansive tendency.
    They move in curved trajectories which require a second vector or direction. Being straight and honest gets you nowhere these days.
    More concerned with absorbing than with radiating. This is because “cooler bodies in space” tend to absorb heat, while hotter ones tend to radiate their heat. Think parasites.

  15. Individually speaking, they did it the same way everyone moves up in the world: networking and nepotism.

    1. Agreed. And I have no problem with that strategy. Where the real problem lies, in my view, is that white people have become so stupidly altruistic that we’re horrified at the thought of working those same exact strategies, which prior to the 1980’s, we’d used for thousands of years. There’s no need to go out and become KKK racists burning crosses on lawns, but we really need to get over this phobia of hiring and networking with our own. It’s just plain self destructive in the long run.

      1. There you go making too much sense again. You need to stop that. You won’t get invited to hang out with pop stars and actors, dude…

        1. Hey, I will with the ones that matter. Kid Rock, he’s on our team. Heh.

      2. I had a former coworker, who may in fact have been Jewish himself, albeit he was the secular type, but he taught me an important lesson long ago about problem solving that I have taken into other aspects of my life.
        “You need a solution for a problem? Ask how they did it.”
        The idea that we must reinvent the wheel will destroy us in the end. Civilization as we know it was not built overnight.

      3. Actually, there now IS a need to, not go burning crosses, but to DESTROY the Eternal Enemy of God.

  16. I see a lot commentators actually admire the tactics of the elite. What you admire here are feminine tactics and feminine thinking.

    1. I think you have a good point, but personally, what I “admire” (more “grudgingly respect”) about the elite, more specifically speaking, the Jewish people, is their cohesiveness (‘cohensiveness’?) as a tribe, their ability to network and support each other, and their shrewdness at seeing potential opportunities to gain power and influence. I don’t admire or respect the means of how specifically the elites have gained and maintained power, the “feminine tactics and feminine thinking” you mention, but rather the characteristics I mentioned that have helped to drive them to gain power and influence.

      1. Cohesiveness/herding is most feminine. Masculinity reveals itself in rigged individuality.

        1. Fair point, and I agree, but I would argue that individuality can only get you so far. The best generals in history had their men. Kings have/had their advisors, and their generals and soldiers below them enforcing their will in the form of orders, laws, etc. Individuality is masculine, and to me it’s a key characteristic of someone who holds power and influence (at least historically, these days not so much). But one can’t rule the world without a dedicated and cohesive group to support them.

        2. Men have alway formed gangs to increase their influence. Teamwork is not a blight on masculinity.

      2. Strangely enough, Whites USED to be like that, too, and DOMINATED THE FUCKING WORLD.
        Somehow, we have been brainwashed into thinking that is bad.

  17. I desecrate, predisposed to always re-engage
    I deprecate, charing my words with bitterness and comdemn
    I’ll never let your insignificance, your substandard ego
    Subverting my resolve and dedication
    I’ll never take on your indecision and have no backbone
    I forever choose destruction and bliss
    I’m disinclined to ever salute a defeat
    To surrender or adopt a desolated stance, I’ll prevail
    I’ll never let your insignificance, your substandard ego
    Subverting my resolve and dedication
    I’ll never take on your indecision and have no backbone
    I forever choose destruction and bliss
    Why should I submit to your taste for mediocrity when I crave for the most exquisite form of transcendence?
    Why should I give up on my needs of brutality when I yearn for an existence freed from all restricting bounds?
    I refuse to spend my precious time here trying to abide
    I’ll never let your insignificance, your substandard ego
    Subverting my resolve and dedication
    I’ll never take on your indecision and have no backbone
    I forever choose destruction and bliss

  18. Can you ever surpass anyone by imitating their success or do you have to be different and original?

    1. you can’t be original by emulating another, so you can’t innovate, but a great deal of success involves modelling or adapting techniques created and perfected by others. It’s correct to ask the question though. The answer on the other hand will depend on both the aims in question and the degree to which such models are transferable

      1. The Wright brothers were told they were idiots, heavier than air flight was impossible.
        Lord Kelvin, the President of the Royal Society of England made a forceful declaration. “Heavier than air flying machines are impossible,” said this very powerful man of science….Rumor has it Lord Kelvin was slightly in error.

  19. How many of the wealthy frequent commenters here have thrown a donation to Roosh? How many of the established older guys on here have rolled a grand to Roosh to help fund ROK or expand it?
    The Jews put their money behind their causes.
    And by the by, the most assistance I ever received during my time in academia was from Jews. I got zero support from Gentiles or Asians. Zero. I got more support from Jewish academics who advised on projects or helped write grant proposals. The Gentile professors were fucking lazy, couldn’t write well, and didn’t help me one bit. So much for loyalty, huh?

    1. The success story of Jews is their corporatism. They *are* something. I recently traveled to Israel, and I felt envious that that piece of land is THEIR land. You would never find something similar in Europe. Our identities have been destroyed by subversion and hedonism. I have mixed feelings about jews. On the one hand, they are very involved on what it is destroying us. On the other hand, they are people to learn about.

      1. I’ve been thinking the same thing for a long time. There is definitely a lot to learn from how Jews have gone about gaining influence. They are an interesting people. The commitment and loyalty to “the tribe” in becoming so influential around the world, is…something. I don’t like the effects it has had, but I have to give it some grudging respect.
        Tying into what you said about “their land,” I do envy their unflinching commitment to a homeland specifically for their people. Especially living in a border state where I’m in the minority as a white man.

        1. Yeah, you should respect the Children of Satan. They are so much schmarter than you.

      2. You have my hope my European brother. The remaining educated of our kind will hopefully go on.

  20. I’m still not convinced Jewish guys have it that good. I knew some very smart nerdy Jewish guys in the academic world. Very, very smart nerds. They didn’t have any girls. OR if they did, they were bottom tier Asian girls.
    You won’t find all-Jew research groups on campus but you will find many, many all-Chinese or all-Korean research groups where the adviser and students usually come from the same Chinese alma mater eg Peking or Tsinghua

      1. It’s two different tactics.
        Jews subvert (not to deride their focus on education).
        Chinese just straight compete and outnumber.
        They both have group mentalities though.

        1. The Antpeople are not trying to take over the world. Except as they are pushed into by the Children of Satan.

        2. Why do you think that?
          The Chinese have everything to gain by buying up wealthy parts of other countries. Do you actually think they’re conspiring/allying with (((them)))?

    1. Most Jewish girls are spoiled, narcissistic, carousel-riding whores. You all probably know or have a Jewish doctor in a sexless marriage whose wife only gave him one kid. Shitty payoff for being a well-educated good Jewish boy…

      1. I do think it’s time for red-pilled jewish men to rebel against their jewish mothers. They are revolutionaries against everything else on the planet but never with regard to their domineering mothers

        1. All Jews are cowards. They get stupid christians to fight their wars for them.

        2. I doubt most members of the IDF are cowards, however the number of christians who believe israel’s interests are their interests does suggest the latter are easily led by the nose

    2. They don’t really… And they have all kinds of neurotic and physical ailments I find as well.
      It’s just that their influence on society hurts us all.

    3. I think most people who are skeptical of the ((())) conspiracy are basing it off either anectodal experience or an uninformed base. When one says Jews, think zionists. When one thinks zionists – think khazars, synagogue of Satan (rev. 3:9). World bankers, industrialists, those who control those who control others. Not your typical conservative or non practicing Jew. I am friends with many Jews. But I know the difference between those you know and the ones you don’t.

  21. I can’t tell if this website is saying the globalists will win or that they will lose. It always seems to be flip flopping. Sure there is this “red pill awareness” but does that really threaten their rule?

    1. whether the globalists do so or not, it’s not always necessary to think of such things in terms of a zero sum game. Fair question though.

  22. Jews are not benign corrosives, they’re the biggest mass murderers in human history. Inside every jew is a NKVD Cheka. Every one of their holidays celebrates one of their genocides of Whites. Jews have been lethally envy-stalking Whites for 4,000 years. Anything Whites build, jews come a long to foul or destroy. The jewish bolsheviks murdered over 100 million Whites. Missy Ivanka never bothered to visit one of those memorials.

  23. Interesting to see even the idiot Millenials are starting to wake up to the Children of Satan and their tricks.

  24. 48 laws of power? This book is a joke and about as autistic as you can get. For ‘writing the book’ he sure didn’t come to much power – did he?
    That being said, I won’t be too critical of this article, anyone calling out YKW is on the right track.

  25. Why 6 items? This can all be summarized as ‘destroying traditions caused chaos.’

  26. When you talk about the guy who.is.going to win he is often the guy who wants it more and who is willing to sacrifice more. You develop a culture around that and you have to be willing to torture and sacrifice your own children to maintain that greatness. All successful secret societies have these practices(and worse). Of course they have their own liabilities too just look at all the genetic diseases the jews have. Then every so often the world wakes up and kills the psycho rulers. Rinse repeat.

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