The Patriarchy Conspiracy Theory

It’s odd to me that the conservative right always gets tarred as a bunch of conspiracy theorists. That’s the picture in the popular imagination at least. A conspiracy theorist is a disaffected red-stater in a tinfoil hat. Now I don’t think that stereotype is odd because it’s inaccurate. Like most stereotypes, it’s there for a reason.

(I’m a thoroughgoing Southern traditionalist myself, and I ascribe to quite a few conspiracy theories. Buy me a glass of bourbon, and I’ll gladly share them with you. Right after I comb the bar for bugs and verify that you’re not with the NSA.)

My problem with that stereotype is not that it’s inaccurate but that it’s incomplete. The right has no monopoly on conspiracy theories whatsoever. Your average leftist—be he a dorm room Marxist or an LGBTQ social justice crusader—is chock full of conspiracy theories. Head to toe. And almost every major tenet of the blue-pill worldview, in fact, rests on theories so obscure, so elaborate, and so prima facie preposterous that they would make an anti-NWO militiaman blush at the outlandishness of it all.

Take, for instance, the feminist.

Patriarchy as Fact

Okay, patriarchy is a historical fact. No two ways about that. Men, with vanishingly few exceptions at any point in history at any spot on the globe, have been the primary political movers in human societies. Men have always held the majority of positions of political authority and large-scale social influence. Men have always had the power.

But here’s the thing: patriarchy evolved in almost every society in human history for a reason. Reason being that men are better suited to be leaders and everybody benefits when they lead. There are perfectly legitimate explanations for why men are so disposed. A lot of them are basic biological facts.

It’s not a secret that men are more aggressive than women and more prone to taking risks, and it’s not a mystery why those traits allow them to excel in inherently high-stakes environments like statecraft. Men are also better at systematizing than women, as recent neurological studies bear out. We’re big picture thinkers, given to the sort of theoretical abstractions like “rule of law” that allow  societies to function smoothly.

That tendency towards the big picture spills over into masculine social networks as well, which are typically wider and shallower than the narrow and deep social networks that females prefer. The former resemble the sort of coalitional networks essential to running a tribe or a state or a nation. The latter not so much. Moreover, there’s strong evidence that men are overrepresented at the genius-level tail of the IQ bell curve, by maybe as much as a 2:1 ratio. That means there’s a larger pool of exceptionally talented men to begin with, compared to the pool of similarly talented women. More raw material for the great movers and shakers of tomorrow. Hell, there’s even evidence that testosterone predisposes individuals to fairer and more honest bargaining. Not a bad trait in a political leader.

I don’t want to drone, but this list could go on and on and on.

Some of the reasons men have always run the politics game are so obvious that it’s almost insulting when you sit down and think about it. Imagine you’re in a pre-modern society where your physical capacity to wage war is crucial to your position as a leader. Those androgens get real important, don’t they? Another thought experiment: imagine you don’t have access to state-of-the-art medical facilities or contraception. You’ve got high rates of pregnancy and of maternal mortality at childbirth. Does it make good sense to install women in positions of critical importance to the continued functioning of your tribe? Why? So she can kick the bucket nine months from now?

In other words, patriarchy is not only a historical fact but also a beneficial adaptation that allowed human societies to thrive in the first place, to flourish all over the world. Like I said, men are better suited to politics and leadership and so everyone—man, woman, child, and beast—is better off with them installed in those positions. Looking back over the historical record, of course men are going to be politically dominant in the successful societies.

Patriarchy as Conspiracy

But in come the feminists, inveterate conspiracy theorists that they are. To them, patriarchy is not universal because it’s beneficial. No! Patriarchy is universal because the whole thing is one, giant, several-hundred-thousand-year-long conspiracy to keep bitches in the kitchen. Since time immemorial, men have been rigging the game. We put the Illuminati to shame. You, sad dupe to the whole scheme that you are, might think that patriarchy is just a feature of human social organization (like burial of the dead or bodily adornment), but no! Wrong again! It’s all misogyny. Men hold leadership positions just to spite women. Men hold them out of hatred and loathing and fear. Why do men hate women? Who knows? Men throughout history have just been a bunch of hateful haters who hatingly hated their whole hatey lives.

You’ll excuse my skepticism, ranting tinfoil hat lady.

You see this feminist psychosis in action all the time. Soon the feminist starts hallucinating a hostile patriarchy everywhere. Everywhere. Its tentacles creep into every human endeavor. Marketing does not use pretty women because even women prefer to see pretty clothes on pretty models. Actually marketing is an arm of the patriarchy that browbeats average-looking women into a life of obedient servitude! The WNBA doesn’t rake in less cash than the NBA because it’s a demonstrably inferior athletic spectacle. Actually sports broadcasting is an arm of the patriarchy that marginalizes female athletes out of sheer distaste for their gender.

When the feminist’s breakfast cereal tastes funny, she suspects that patriarchy spoiled the milk.

Occam’s Razor applies here. You don’t have to multiply entities to understand these social dynamics. You don’t need a concept like “misogyny” or “sexism” to accurately describe relationships between men and women either historical or present. (You don’t need a concept like “misandry” either, you goddamn MRAs.) Those concepts add  zero explanatory power. All you need is a basic familiarity with human psychology, behavior, and physiology. With patterns of social development through time. All you need is a basic familiarity with reality. The rest of this shit can be extrapolated from there.

A Couple Closing Suggestions

So put the wildly implausible conspiracy theories down, ladies. And go ahead and pick up your Ben & Jerry’s while you’re at it. It’s going to take a pint or two to gorge away the psychic pain of realizing that you’re a miserable social pariah because that’s what you are, not because a patriarchy that inexplicably despises you made you into one.

And as for the rest of you folks: I say feel free to keep trafficking in the stereotype that the right is a bunch of gun-toting, government-fearing nutjobs. Not too far off the mark, really. At least where I come from. Just don’t forget that we don’t have a monopoly on crazy. The left has some even wilder-ass conspiracy theories all its own.

Read More: Why We Need To Fight For The Patriarchy

98 thoughts on “The Patriarchy Conspiracy Theory”

  1. great article.. you brought up a real interesting point – feminist psychosis… i’ve come across this in women, especially married women… from my mother to girlfriends, other guys wives, even secretaries and staff… it’s even in the Mad Men TV show where Peggy gets all mad because Don won the award for the add she contributed to… he brutally rebuffs her….
    typical stay home mom : she’s jealous of her husbands career – not just that – she acts up and deliberately goes out of her way to spite him because of it… it’s her release mechanism. he’s her punching bag.
    she has to get up in the morning and take the kids to school, it’s not exciting enough for her, or she feels her husband has the better deal….. what you think 60 minutes of scramble to get your own biological kids fed and ready and drop them at a school 10 minutes from the house and then adjourn to Starbucks for 2.5 hours… browse the super market, buy some tasty organic prepackaged dinner, get a hair cut and then buy a new top… before returning to collect the kids….
    is a raw deal compared with an hours commute, followed by a morning of shuffling papers, managerial meetings and phone calls, after which you get to gobble lunch in a hurry, grovel to your boss, kill time all afternoon and spend an hour driving back… all so you can hand 30% of your earnings to taxes 65% to maintaining your wife and kids leaving you with $1.99 for that Twinkie as a treat on Friday afternoon… great stuff honey… yeah…clearly you got the bad deal of the two….
    and you are totally justified in brutally cutting down any fun, joy, happiness, Independence or aspirations your man has, until you hate him so badly that any minimum wage manual labor is more attractive…. love your work ladies…

    1. The real conspiracy is the conspiracy of the Betty Drapers. They get a life of leisure and are pampered by their high earning hubbies. The Don Drapers, on the other hand, kills themselves with stressful, useless, mind-numbing work. Most of them die young and unhappy. The Bettys strew the propaganda that they sacrifice by not working.
      Even our law perpetrates this fraud: if Don and Betty get divorced, Don must pay her alimony because, the theory goes, she sacrificed by not working (pursuing her biological needs).

      1. Lol are you really taking real life lessons from a Hollywood TV show? No wonder liberals vote full retard.
        Didn’t Daddy tell yeah it’s called show business for a reason?
        It takes two a mother and a father to raise a successful product or child. Broken and dysfunctional households create criminals and emotionally stunted brutes and cowards.

        1. Liberals? Liberalism has been the most successful political and economic policy in the history of the world. And it’s working blokes like you who’ve benefited most from it.

        2. Nope it’s private sector driven Laissez-faire capitalism. Name one thing Keynesian government policies haven’t bankrupted and messed up?
          Post office, Medicare/Medicaid, Education, Defense, and now Banking.
          Working blokes? Is that something to be ashamed you socialist swine?
          You must be a careerist tankgirl to hate working. Couldn’t snag an Alpha to pay your bills eh?

        3. At what backwoods community college where you educated?
          We tried free market capitalism post Civil War. It failed miserably. Beginning with FDR and through Carter, we instituted Big Government liberalism and it worked marvelously.
          ” Is that something to be ashamed you socialist swine?”
          I’m a liberal, not a socialist. There’s a difference. And if you don’t know the difference, you have no business discussing politics. And no — it’s not shameful to be a worker. We need street sweepers and sewer cleaners. Keep up the good work.
          “Couldn’t snag an Alpha to pay your bills eh?”
          It’s always cute when working, clock-punching blokes like you adopt a Mitt Romney economic philosophy.
          “You must be a careerist tankgirl to hate working”
          I’m a business owner.

        4. Private all through my life. Nice stereotyping.
          Milton Friedman’s policy has been working in Chile and Lativa. Both very strong economies. China, Hongkong and Singapore is kicking ass too.
          Extreme form of liberalism = Socialism NEWB
          Mitty Romney can buy and sell your ass 7 times over. Jelly brah?
          Business owner? Oh really? Which F500? Must be getting government handouts to still be surviving with a incompetent emotional “CEO” bitch like you.

        5. Chili has a GDP of state of Indiana. China is a centrally managed economy that mixes communism and capitalism. Go back to work and leave the big questions for the big boys.
          “Mitty Romney can buy and sell your ass 7 times over. ”
          Even if he can, it’s still cute when a clock-punishing bloke like you (probably dominated by a woman too) tries to assert what’s left of his manhood by adopting a Mitt Romney economic philosophy — the kind of economic philosophy that has throughout history brought economic collapse.
          “Business owner?”

        6. Thanks to Milton Friedman’s policies. Chile compared to other Latin countries has..
          May 2010 Chile became the first South American country to join the OECD.[17] In 2006, Chile became the country with the highest nominal GDP per capita in Latin America.[18]Chile has an inequality-adjusted human development index of 0.652, compared to 0.654, 0.641 and 0.519 for neighbouring Uruguay,
          According to the CIA World Factbook, Chile’s “sound economic policies,” maintained consistently since the 1980s, “have contributed to steady economic growth in Chile and have more than halved poverty rates.”[22][23] The 1973-90 military government sold many state-owned companies, and the three democratic governments since 1990 have implemented export promotion policies.
          Boom thanks for proving private sector and free market capitalism works best.
          Getting handouts from the government and surviving makes you a weak and incompetent business owner. Typical Liberal.. without handouts you’ll perish.

        7. Chile is a backward nation with little protection of freedom and rights. Florida has a larger population and Maryland has a larger GDP. Chile is ranked 46 for GDP per capita – being cleanly beaten by the socialist nations of Europe. A woman socialist (Michelle Bachelet) was president of Chile from 2006 to 2010. Please stop. It’s becoming a joke.
          “Getting handouts from the government and surviving makes you a weak and incompetent business owner. Typical Liberal.. without handouts you’ll perish.”
          Again, it’s always funny when a clock-punching bloke tries to salvage what’s left of his manliness by singing the virtues of the free market.

  2. Brilliant article!
    It is amazing how the corporate media can discredit valid and researched information by manipulating language and labeling it a “conspiracy theory”, while at the same time pushing bat-shit crazy theories like “gender is a social construct” or “they hate us for our freedoms” etc..

    1. But gender is something the Patriarchy imposes on me! I identify as neither he or she or he/she but as a beautiful butterfly that can’t get a job. I mean I don’t apply myself to anything but that’s just proof that heterosexual cisgendered men have forced their way on me because its not my responsibility to better myself, it’s society’s! You assholes need to be ashamed of yourselves and accept that it is your responsibility to lay down your jobs and livelihoods and lives at large so that twisted fucks like me can have a chance to lead – because It shouldn’t be about who is “best” or “capable” or “competent” or “sane” or “useful,” it needs to be about not making me cry and building me up to things that I cannot and will not ever acheive on my own. You think you seriously are entitled to a higher place in the corporate world simply because you work harder, take fewer vacations, call in sick less, are 50% more productive on average, and didn’t tell your boss you were taking 18 months off to “find yourself” in Australia while collecting welfare? Think again!
      It’s my turn! But don’t you even fucking think for one second that you won’t be responsible for whatever bad choices I make while I’m at the top.

      1. Haha, love it. Mind you, I think that some people would benefit from a sarcasm font on the computer.

      2. It reminds me of Stuart Smallies famous line, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and dog gone it, people like me!”

  3. The NWO is real and the evidence is everywhere. Feminism is just a means to destabilize society in order to achieve the end of the breakdown of society.

    1. @ Mr. Mack
      Agreed. The primary objective of feminism is economic redistribution in order to remove a woman’s dependence on her husband and replace it with dependence on the state, which as you noted, destabilizes society.
      @ Mr. Glanton
      Excellent article.

  4. When you rebel against divine natural law there are dire consequences.
    “The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth.
    The Lord will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed. The Lord will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart. And you shall grope at noonday, as a blind man gropes in darkness; you shall not prosper in your ways; you shall be only oppressed and plundered continually, and no one shall save you.
    You shall betroth a wife, but another man shall lie with her; you shall build a house, but you shall not dwell in it; you shall plant a vineyard, but shall not gather its grapes.
    Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people, and your eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all day long; and there shall be no strength in your hand.
    The Lord will bring you and the king whom you set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you shall serve other gods—wood and stone. And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive you.
    The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.
    Moreover all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you. And they shall be upon you for a sign and a wonder, and on your descendants forever.
    You shall eat the fruit of your own body, the flesh of your sons and your daughters whom the Lord your God has given you, in the siege and desperate straits in which your enemy shall distress you.
    The tender and delicate woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground because of her delicateness and sensitivity, will refuse[a] to the husband of her bosom, and to her son and her daughter, her placenta which comes out from between her feet and her children whom she bears; for she will eat them secretly for lack of everything in the siege and desperate straits in which your enemy shall distress you at all your gates.
    Moreover He will bring back on you all the diseases of Egypt, of which you were afraid, and they shall cling to you. Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed. You shall be left few in number, whereas you were as the stars of heaven in multitude, because you would not obey the voice of the Lord your God. And it shall be, that just as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good and multiply you, so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you and bring you to nothing; and you shall be plucked from off the land which you go to possess.
    Your life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life. In the morning you shall say, ‘Oh, that it were evening!’ And at evening you shall say, ‘Oh, that it were morning!’ because of the fear which terrifies your heart, and because of the sight which your eyes see.
    And the Lord will take you back to Egypt in ships, by the way of which I said to you, ‘You shall never see it again.’ And there you shall be offered for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.” Deut. 28
    Tl;dr: God’s biometrics works, don’t fuck with it or God will destroy you completely in the worst ways possible.
    “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson

    1. Women perpetuate patriarchy. Not men. We simply accept it, and do our best to do what;s worked.

  5. Men didn’t “invent” patriarchy. Patriarchy “invented” men, and women, because it works to keep the human species in business in a harsh and dangerous world. Interestingly enough we see this in The Walking Dead, where the blue collar guys, farmers, rednecks and their practical, docile womenfolk have the skills to survive and keep the tribe together, while we see the uselessness of the feminists’ skills like those of the civil rights attorney character Andrea. What can Andrea do? Threaten to sue the walkers for assault?

    1. You could be even more accurate and say that God invented the patriarchy, since biblical Men tend to be badass alphas who only get undone whenever they listen to their nagging rebellious wives.

  6. Words have meanings.
    Patriarchy, the word, just means that dad gets to raise the kids with mom.
    You will find anyone against “patriarchy” is against this, ultimately against the right for dad to raise his kids, or for kids to have their father.
    No coincidence that kids with fathers tend to do well, and that society also does well when men are dads.

    1. People are so obsessed with winning arguments…or feeling like they caused more damage than their opponent…that they NEVER take the time to dig into the ROOTS of the words they are using…causing all kinds of unintended results. Akin to using a nuclear warhead when all you meant to do was go to war with your head. Idiots…all of them.

  7. To the author:
    Don’t try to show mainstream credibility by slamming It is easily detected by those of us who have taken the “total” red pill. The members of the “establishment right” do this to show they are not part of the unwashed masses. The establishment right is no different than the left.
    an unapologetic “ militiaman”

    1. I did not slam the infowars militiaman.
      I used him as an example because he is a widely recognized and popularly accepted example of a conspiracy theorist. I could use his cultural cache to suggest that the average leftist conspiracy theorist was ridiculous by comparison.
      I thought the article was quite explicit in showing that I generally identify with the right-wing conspiracy crowd.

      1. Maybe I misread it. Even after re-reading it the “feminism conspiracy theory is so off the wall” even a type would blush line rubs me the wrong way. Implying those “infowars types” are tame compared to those idiots.
        I’m probably being too sensitive about this but I get so sick of establishment right types trying to put a stink on infowars. I’m not saying the author is establishment just that it comes across that way.
        BTW, this author has talent and I enjoyed the article.

        1. I think he was using infowars as an example of what people commonly think as a “conspiracy theory” website, and making the case that feminist patriarchy theory should appear even to blinkered blue-pillers as far crazier.

  8. Ah the patriarchy conspiracy. The reasoning ripcord of fembots everywhere. So many holes in fembot reasoning are relieved by ‘it’s the evil patriarchy’. About time this was addressed. Although I think more could be written on the subject.

  9. I’d argue that the patriarchy that you describe is actually a matriarchy.
    Look at mens’ motives for what they do. Inventing and building stuff to make life easier for their wives and family. They slog at a ballbusting job to feed, house, and clothe their family. And it’s unarguable that women control the household.
    For eons men have been the protectors of their families – their women and children – despite the much-ballyhooed and trite feminist mantra “If women were in power there wouldn’t be wars.”
    Mens’ motives, with some notable exceptions, have been largely altruistic and to the benefit of society as a whole. Women would just prefer to take without thought from whom they are taking, rather than build.

    1. The authority is given men to serve for the benefit of all. That is the acme of leadership.
      However in regards to women. In cases of matriarchies such as the musuo when they are given authority they do not serve or serve poorly.
      Hence patriarchy is the dominant social system of this planet.

    2. Most American men toil their lives away through soul-crushing work and other drudgery in order to support their women who have the choice of not working. These men are typically unhappy, stressed, unfree, and they die young,
      That’s not a patriarchy. That’s a gynocracy.

        1. It’s empirically true — although it’s often painful to acknowledge this unsavory truth.

          “The Empiricist Fallacy”
          THE EMPIRICIST THESIS is demonstrably false and that empiricism, or its modern version, logical positivism, should still be taught as gospel in our universities is truly scandalous.
          Tl:dr: You are not a special snowflake. The blind man denies the existence of Red because he can’t see it.

        3. The genetic fallacy: the futile attempt to prove or disprove an argument by alluding to its origin. Even if my argument did originate in a modern secular university, I would still be right.

          “You are not a special snowflake.”
          I know I’m not. But I’m not the one claiming to know things about which we cannot know.
          I’m thankful for our secular Constitution which prevents guys like you from imposing your peasant religious morality on me.

        4. The reason the constitution is “secular” is to protect religious freedom via church and state. Many founders were protestants and didn’t want the Catholic Church using government to persecute them.
          No one can deny that many of the founding fathers of the United States of America were men of deep religious convictions based in the Bible and their Christian faith in Jesus Christ. Of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, nearly half (24) held seminary or Bible school degrees.
          “Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law Book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God … What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be.” John Adams
          “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever; That a revolution of the wheel of fortune, a change of situation, is among possible events; that it may become probable by Supernatural influence! The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in that event.” Thomas Jefferson
          “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. … Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” John Hancock
          Typical liberal. You benefit from all the ideals and institution founded upon Christianity/Capitalism and have the audacity to criticize it.
          You’re no different from a stupid feminist that attacks what is enabling your hedonistic entitlement.

        5. “The reason the constitution is ‘secular’ is to protect religious freedom via church and state. “
          You don’t know that. As with the afterlife, you’re guessing. The constitution is secular to protect the nation from religious nuts who would otherwise attempt to impose their peasant, simpleton, ridiculous morality on others. It’s also secular because it’s based upon the ideas of atheist philosophers like John Locke and Thomas Hobbes and upon the ideas of Greek and Roman pagans. There is nothing in the Bible about rights, natural rights (the word nature isn’t in the Bible), separation of powers, federated governments, consent of the governed, searches and seizures, legislative and executive powers, judicial powers, etc. You are insane.
          “Many founders were protestants and didn’t want the Catholic Church using government to persecute them.”
          The most prominent group of founders were secular, intellectual lawyers. You should read them. I can tell you haven’t. Pick up the Federalist Papers. Read their pagan, atheist ideas.
          “No one can deny that many of the founding fathers of the United States of America were men of deep religious convictions based in the Bible and their Christian faith in Jesus Christ.”
          “But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” – Jefferson
          “Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear.” – Jefferson
          “I concur with you strictly in your opinion of the comparative merits of atheism and demonism, and really see nothing but the latter in the being worshipped by many who think themselves Christians.” – Jefferson
          “They [the clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. But this is all they have to fear from me: and enough, too, in their opinion.” – Jefferson
          “The whole history of these books [the Gospels] is so defective and doubtful that it seems vain to attempt minute enquiry into it: and such tricks have been played with their text, and with the texts of other books relating to them, that we have a right, from that cause, to entertain much doubt what parts of them are genuine. In the New Testament there is internal evidence that parts of it have proceeded from an extraordinary man; and that other parts are of the fabric of very inferior minds. It is as easy to separate those parts, as to pick out diamonds from dunghills.” – Jefferson

        6. As a pre-op transvestite or a tank girl femcunt who trolls for attention, you really aren’t in a position of calling anyone “crazy” when you wouldn’t know what normal and natural is if it hit you in the face.
          Nice misquoting and leaving out that Jefferson was a Freemasonic deist.
          Most Founders were Protestant and Freemason. The first requirement of becoming a Freemason is a belief in a God. So obviously Jefferson believed in it you imbecile. No Atheists or agnostic is ever permitted entry.
          Anybody who took US history knows that one of the major purpose of the constitution is to separate church and state, establish checks and balances to prevent those institution from infringing on each other. As well as enforcing private contracts to promote Laissez-faire capitalism.
          Everything you spew is emotionally charged illogical garbage. I’m done wasting my time trying to convince a weirdo like you. You keep believing whatever BS loser philosophy you believe in to help you sleep at night.

        7. “As a pre-op transvestite or a tank girl femcunt who trolls”
          You’re a cowardly little boy. You encounter a man (me) who’s more educated and knowledgeable than you and so you call him names like a little boy in the sand box.
          “Nice misquoting and leaving out that Jefferson was a Freemasonic deist.”
          I quoted Jefferson word for word. And yes – Jefferson was a deist. And deists are not Christians.
          “So obviously Jefferson believed in it you imbecile.”
          Go back and read the quotes from Jefferson, you uneducated, unread, toothless redneck.
          “Anybody who took US history knows that one of the major purpose of the constitution is to separate church and state,”
          The purposes of the Constitution are in the preamble. Read it.

        8. HAHAHAHA you’re the one throwing a hissy fit like an pregnant slut.
          More educated? Perhaps, but definitely stupid. So tragic to see educated failures like yourself.
          There are many denominations in Christianity and some form of Protestantism were compatible with Freemasonry. The fact remains he believed in a God.
          But what about my quotes from Jefferson? Hmmm?
          If you’re a “man” you must be taking estrogen pills to be this backwards in logic. That’s why you’re a pre-op tranny.

        9. Wrong again.
          Christian deism
          Christian deism, in the philosophy of religion, is a standpoint that branches from deism. It refers to a deist who believes in the moral teachings—but not divinity—of Jesus. Corbett and Corbett (1999) cite John Adams and Thomas Jefferson as exemplars.The earliest-found usage of the term Christian deism in print in English is in 1738 in a book by Thomas Morgan,appearing about ten times by 1800.[3] The term Christian deist is found as early as 1722,[4][5] in Christianity vindicated against infidelity by Daniel Waterland (he calls it a misuse of language), and adopted later by Matthew Tindal in his 1730 work, Christianity as Old as the Creation.
          Christian deism is influenced by Christianity, as well as both main forms of deism: classical and modern. In 1698 English writer Matthew Tindal (1653–1733) published a pamphlet “The Liberty of the Press” as a “Christian” deist. He believed that the state should control the Church in matters of public communication.

        10. Even if I were a pregnant slut taking estrogen pills, I would still be right and you would still be wrong (and a cheater who rips things from a website and passes it off as his own).
          “The fact remains he believed in a God.”
          So did Aristotle and Spinoza.

        11. I agree with you. I disagree, however, that deists are Christians. If you want to define Christian as including deists, I can live with that.
          “In 1698 English writer Matthew Tindal (1653–1733) published a pamphlet “The Liberty of the Press” as a “Christian” deist.”
          One thing is certain — he didn’t get his idea of liberty of the press from the Bible. None of the foundational principles of the US Constitution come from the Bible. There is nothing in the Bible about rights, natural rights, separation of powers, freedom of the press, unreasonable searches and seizures, free speech, federated governments, consent of the governed, etc.

        12. Why are you so angry?
          If you want to believe deists are Christians, I will still sleep well tonight.

  10. Remember: the only people who can afford to whine about “patriarchy” are women who are getting subsidised by men (dad, the taxpayer, boyfriend/husband, etc).
    It thus follows that complaining about “patriarchy” is a form of ungratefulness.

  11. I cannot tell you how refreshing it is read articles like this. I was writing about this stuff 10 years ago in my own little blog. For a while there, I had a fairly good following in my geographic area.
    I was just mystified by all the feminist nonsense I saw. The patriarchy conspiracy nonsense. “Patriarchal control and oppression” – their favorite term. The Violence Against Women Act, based on feminist ideology of patriarchal “control and oppression” being the source of domestic violence, along with made up statistics (to hide the reality of mutual violence). Mandatory arrest, loss of due process. Fathers getting shafted in family courts. The term “gender” (e.g., society assigned norms) as opposed to simply sex – e.g., the male and female sexes. The media. Etc. etc.
    After a while, I just gave up. I thought it was hopeless.
    But then I found the manosphere. Now I see a new generation of men doing a much better job than I ever did of pointing these things out. I have hope now. The future is not lost. The tide will be turned. And, in the meantime, we can all benefit from feminism having turned a large number of women into sluts, so lots of easy sex.
    Carry on. The manosphere is winning. It’s something the feminist tribe of histrionics never anticipated. And they can’t stop it.

  12. There is no such thing as a “patriarchy” or “patriarchal society”.
    Pretend you are in a “society” made up of 10 men and 10 women. And one man gets off his butt and invents the internet, or builds an airplane, or composes an opera like Mozart, or answers one of the Universes most important questions…..
    Is that society “patriarchal”????
    Its just a society where men make the initiative to DO something like inventing the internet, or making money in the free market, or breaking records previously set by other men.
    There’s no such thing as a patriarchy.
    It’s called —>>> the Real World.
    It turns out in this “Real World”, men happened to actually DO something. We are the only ones who show up to rebuild after disasters, make decisions, and take the initiative to make everything – even sex with women – happen. Call it whatever you want, but what it’s actually called is: the truth.
    Women don’t make the same initiative. Just look at the way they sit back with their arms and legs folded waiting for some guy to want to bang her. The guy’s gotta do every thing there too. Including PAYING for sh*t. And and a girl will EXPECT men to.
    She’s got no business calling it a “patriarchy” either.
    If we waited around for WOMEN to do something of real significance…. we would still be waiting. Here is 21 century proof of that.
    Women don’t live in a “patriarchy”.
    They live in a LAZY-archy.

  13. ‘Moreover, there’s strong evidence that men are overrepresented at the
    genius-level tail of the IQ bell curve, by maybe as much as a 2:1 ratio’
    Where did you get the 2:1 ratio? It’s evidently more like 200:1 or even 2000:1.

  14. As America’s engineered economic implosion accelerates, the parallels
    with how the Roman empire fell are staggering. It is now abundantly
    clear that the ruling class is preparing for a planned economic
    implosion after which they will declare themselves the saviors.
    A recent Reuters report highlighting how the Federal Reserve has been
    telling major banks in the U.S. to prepare for a “worst case scenario”
    financial collapse and that these banks would not be able to rely on
    government support underscores once again how the elite are positioning
    themselves to exploit the next leg of the orchestrated financial
    Just as happened in the aftermath of 2008, the ruling class is
    getting ready to offer the solution of more centralized control and more
    financial serfdom as the solution to the problem they created in the
    first place.
    By making the public and industry beg for QE3, the Federal Reserve
    will once again try to manipulate the crisis to portray itself as the
    guardian of a fragile system and accumulate yet more power.
    America is now ruled by a gaggle of completely corrupt financial
    terrorists who will stop at nothing to hollow out the country in pursuit
    of their own maniacal and selfish gain.
    This precisely parallels Rome’s rapacious ruling Emperors and
    Senators of the fifth century who were so obsessed with seizing wealth
    and control that they ended up destroying their own culture, their own
    country and its empire in the process.
    Just as in Rome, while the ruling elite got filthy rich, the people struggled and starved.
    More than 100 million Americans are now on government welfare, a
    third of the entire country, and that figure doesn’t even include Social
    Security or Medicare.
    22.3 million households and 46.5 million Americans have now entered technical poverty and live off food stamps.
    Just as in Rome, where the need to constantly generate revenue to
    satisfy the cost of defense and a sprawling bureaucracy ultimately led
    to the country becoming bankrupt as Nero and subsequently emperors hiked
    up taxes and debased the currency, America is hurtling towards a
    similar fate.
    Entitlement spending, military defense and a bloated federal
    bureaucracy has left the United States over $17 trillion dollars in
    debt, and the prospect of QE3 threatens to sink the dollar as the world
    reserve currency for good.
    Just as Romans found their currency becoming increasingly worthless,
    the U.S. dollar has lost almost 100 per cent of its value since 1900.
    Just like Rome, America was once a Republic that has been hijacked
    and turned into an empire. Just as the Roman Empire crumbled under its
    rulers’ inability to afford its maintenance, America’s overseas presence
    (the U.S. has troops in a staggering 130 countries), is bankrupting the
    Like America, Rome once had an influential middle class whose wealth
    allowed them to have a political stake in their country. Merchants and
    traders were able to prosper because taxes were modest and economic
    regulation was relaxed. However, beginning in the third century B.C.,
    the Roman economy became more regimented and taxes were raised. This
    eviscerated and disenfranchised the middle class, just as has unfolded
    in America, where middle class neighborhoods are disappearing and income
    is polarized between a struggling downtrodden mass of people and a tiny
    rich elite.
    When the economic collapse arrives, it could be more brutal than anything America has experienced in its history as a nation.
    Aside from economic factors, cultural and societal parallels can also be drawn between Rome and 21st century America.
    Rome’s increasing use of illegal immigrants to do agricultural work
    its host population refused to undertake mirrors America today. As Peter
    Heather writes in “The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome
    and Barbarians”, “The Roman government allowed uncontrolled hostile
    immigration to dissolve the fabric of their civilization. Illegal and
    legal Immigrants grew more powerful while exercising their own character
    of their cultures. They did not adopt Roman ways. Second, vast blocks
    of once Roman lands became foreign held and even the Roman population,
    once outnumbered, was no match for hostile immigrants.”
    “Factors that destroyed Rome now manifest in accelerating numbers in
    America. Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, New York City,
    San Francisco, Raleigh and all large cities suffer millions of illegal
    immigrants. Uncounted millions of them cannot and do not speak English.
    Millions work under the table without paying taxes. Millions use our
    hospitals without paying. They immigrate but do not assimilate. They
    colonize in ethnic enclaves separated from Americans. They fracture our
    country,” writes Frosty Wooldridge.
    Just as Roman rulers created bread and circuses to distract their
    population from the fact that the country was collapsing, Americans are
    also enraptured by entertainment and sports, which in turn encourages
    them to lead superficial, meaningless lives.
    As Roman poet Juvenal (circa 100 A.D.) wrote, “Already long ago, from
    when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties;
    for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high
    civil office, legions–everything, now restrains itself and anxiously
    hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.”
    This loss of interest in civic duty and its replacement with an
    obsession for entertainment and folly is routinely cited by scholars as
    one of the primary reasons behind the collapse of Rome.
    As Kyle Trottier writes, “In many modern books written about Ancient
    Rome and her people, the ancient Romans are often portrayed as people
    who enjoyed violence and thought it amusing to see people being injured
    and killed to the point of obsession. It is now common knowledge that,
    in Ancient Rome, people often attended (and enjoyed) gladiatorial fights
    to the death, wild beast hunts, naval battles and chariot racing. Some
    public thinkers today have suggested that “entertainment” today, as it
    was in ancient times of Rome, reflects the decline of culture, into a
    plethora of lust, greed, violence, selfish individualism and bad
    behavior. Some Scholars suggest that history is repeating itself and we
    are now in a reoccurring cycle of moral decay and social breakdown. From
    the excessive amount of glorified violence in Hollywood movies, video
    games, music and on the internet, one can easily see the downward spiral
    of decency.”
    The moral decay of the Roman culture is also being aped almost
    precisely in America. While fertility and birth rates of the host
    population continue to plummet, sexual promiscuity and infidelity is
    lauded. As Dr. Carle Zimmerman’s 1947 book Family and Civilization
    documented, America shares the pattern of its moral decline with Rome.
    Zimmerman identified a number of behavior traits that signaled the
    decline of a civilization. These included “the breakdown of marriage and
    rise of divorce,” “acceleration of juvenile delinquency, promiscuity
    and rebellion,” “refusal of people with traditional marriages to accept
    their family responsibilities,” “a growing desire for and acceptance of
    adultery” and “increasing interest in and spread of sexual perversions
    and sex-related crimes.”
    All of these traits have come to shape American society in the 21st century.
    It does not take a crystal ball to see where all this is heading, and
    the planned economic implosion is going to be the trigger. Europe has
    already been rocked by riots over the past two years and federal
    authorities are already preparing for similar scenes in America only on a
    far bigger scale.
    As Ron Paul has warned, the coming engineered financial breakdown is
    leading directly to domestic unrest which will inevitably lead to a
    state of martial law.
    Riots prompted by food shortages, inflation, inequality and political
    corruption are inevitable should the ruling class continue to
    deliberately implode the economy – as is the brutal police state
    response that will come as a result.
    Just as Rome burned when it was sacked in 455 AD, the historical
    point which marked the formal end of the Roman Empire, America faces the
    same fate.
    The only way to prevent or try to lessen the kind of collapse that
    could make the dissolution of Rome look like a cakewalk is to use the
    tools that ordinary Romans never had – the power of the modern
    alternative media.
    Only by relentlessly emphasizing that the collapse is being
    deliberately engineered by those who seek to exploit it for their own
    gain can we hope to deflate the myth that the ruling class are our only
    saviors in the coming time of peril.

  15. The patriarchy is even worse – we’re causing wymyn to get fat – it’s no accident that “Ben & Jerry” are MEN!

  16. “hich are typically wider and shallower than the narrow and deep social networks that females prefer”
    When you have no problem talking in the back of your closest friends just after complimenting them when they were there, deep is not the word I would use.
    But apart from that Glanton, your article is so great I’ll keep the link to piss off feminists I might encounter.

  17. “Men have always had the power.”
    This is only partially true. It is true that a men have always and still do dominate business, politics, science, the arts, law, and medicine. Washington DC is dominated by men as are most corporations and businesses. But these are the few true alphas who do so. America is a “patriarchy” in this sense. However, for the rest of the men, it’s a gynocracy where most men are dominated by their women.
    This is the truth feminists don’t get. They think that, because .01% of men rule in nearly all aspects of society, therefore all men rule. They fail to see that 99.9% of American men are submissive drones who work their lives away to support women and children and are dominated completely by their women.

    1. You know what’s funny is that women want it like this, they want men to take on the blunt of the responsibilities, and all they want now is to reap the benefits. It’s the way we live today. Women don’t even have to acknowledge – let alone, appreciate – all the hard work that men do to keep roads clear and clean, to keep the streets safe, to keep power coming to their homes. YES, women have the ability to do these things and they should have the right to. BUT, let’s not ignore the fact that women aren’t doing these things. Why can’t society appreciate men more? Because, women don’t want to feel guilty about reaping the benefits of our labor, they don’t want to give men any excuse to impose any responsibility on them.
      They want fathers to be responsible, on their terms, the way they want, when they want it. BUT, if a man says to his wife, “I want you to do this, this, and this” before he goes off to work his deadly and dangerous to put food on the table… because she doesn’t want to… HE IS a misogynistic, patriarchal control freak or some shit.

  18. No, patriarchy is not historical fact.
    Before 1900, the vast majority of people lived in small towns and villages, and in those small towns and villages, women ruled the community with an iron fist. Men were figureheads, except in times of danger, when women would shove a weapon into men’s hands and scream: “FIGHT!!!”
    Sure, most “governments” were run by men, but that’s irrelevant. Before 1900 governments were insignificantly tiny by our standards. Before railroads and telegraph, things moved so slowly, the average person living on a farm might be affected by a government only 1 or 2 times a year. At most.
    Starvation, disease, and danger were a continuous battle. Half of children would die in the first few years. Everyone could expect to face at least one famine in their lives, where they could starve to death. Governments (whether they were matriarchies or patriarchies) were far, far, far away and almost no difference to anybody. Fighting was local and brutal…if you could conquer the people in the next village over, you could enslave them and have a bit more food for yourself.
    Women in those times cared about one and only one thing: to have a husband who could hunt successfully and defend her successfully. Everything else, including “government” was utterly and laughably inconsequential compared to those basic survival items.
    Take a few radical Feminists and transport them back 200 years. They would get laughed out of town…by all the other women.

    1. “Before 1900, the vast majority of people lived in small towns and villages, and in those small towns and villages, women ruled the community with an iron fist.”
      “Women in those times cared about one and only one thing: to have a husband who could hunt successfully and defend her successfully.”
      This is still true today. Women rule most households with an iron fist. And women today care about one thing and one thing only: enslaving a husband who will work himself to the bone in order to support her, her biology, and her lifestyle. Why else do women evaluate a potential mate based upon his wealth and earning potential? A man can be fat, bald, and old — but if he has lots of money, he can score like a rock star.

      1. Personally, I have never been in a household wherein the woman ruled “with an iron fist.” I had a functional, traditional father and grandfathers on both sides about whom the same could be said. You’re extrapolating personal experiences and extremely recent developments in family law into some sort of all-encompassing historical argument.
        And ultimately your characterization of women is just as fevered and hysterical as the average feminist’s characterization of men.
        In fact, just switch the terms of your argument, and you’ll end up with a classical feminist formulation:
        “Men only conceive of women as personal property and mindless chattel. Why else do men evaluate potential mates based upon her looks and perceived fertility? A woman can be vapid, selfish, and dumb–but if she has a stunning body, she can score like a rock star.”
        Personally, I think it’s insulting to the memories of my forefathers to think they’re some sort of long line of henpecked, harried dupes that proceeded uninterrupted from deepest antiquity.
        I come from stronger stock than that.

        1. Our personal experiences are irrelevant. Anecdotal evidence does not disprove anything. My point was made long ago by HL Mencken in his In Defense of Women.
          “And ultimately your characterization of women is just as fevered and hysterical as the average feminist’s characterization of men.”
          The question is not whether my argument is hysterical, fevered, or resembles other arguments. The only question is whether my argument is rationally and empirically true.
          “Personally, I think it’s insulting to the memories of my forefathers to think they’re some sort of long line of henpecked, harried dupes that proceeded uninterrupted from deepest history.”
          That’s irrelevant. Even if I did insult memories, I’m still right.
          “I come from stronger stock than that.”
          They strength of your stock is probative of nothing in this debate. I too hail from an old Southern family. But that makes me neither right nor wrong. If the Queen of England says 2 + 2 = 5, she’s still wrong.

        2. lol
          You used the “argument” Pickett used to “refute” evolution in The Killer Angels.

    2. I’ll answer this criticism because it’s cropped up a couple of times in the comments, and I think it’s significant.
      It would certainly please the MRA and the ideological MGTOW crowd if history could be given a “gynocentric” or a “matriarchal” reading that would paint the vast majority of men as hapless pawns in the hands of their dominant wives, but that’s not the case at all.
      In point of fact, though, that’s a reductive interpretation along the same lines as the “evil patriarchy” line toed by the feminist collective. It’s essentially Marxist as well, which is the ideological heart of both feminism and the MRA. It looks to delineate large scale “classes” of people and then hash out who is oppressing whom, where lies the dominance, etc. etc. Just another conspiracy theory.
      Understanding history and the social organization of various societies throughout time is a complex undertaking, and it can’t be subsumed under facile formulas, be they “men have always openly dominated women” or “women have always secretly dominated men.”
      Men have traditionally dominated in the political and public sphere, which actually has been a matter of tremendous influence on and significance for its citizenry. Women have traditionally dominated in the sphere of nurturing and raising children and have had considerable say in the affairs of the household, which are obviously significant and influential as well.
      The roles developed over time for reasons other than “those oppressive men wanted to keep the women down” or “those shrewish women wanted to dominate the private lives of men.”

      1. Of course it’s much more nuanced than my original comment. I didn’t get into all the nuance because I wanted to push back against the Patriarchy claim.
        Yes, men and women dominate in different spheres. If you look at traditional tribal culture for example, there are “women’s society” and “mens society” and they are completely different structures, that interfaced in certain ways. In hunter-gatherer societies women actually gathered more food (in calorie count) but men got the all-important meat.
        The point I was making was, before the rapid industrialization about 1900, all societies were agrarian and local, heavily women-controlled on the “inside” and men-controlled on the “outside”. It was a 50/50 power structure on average between men and women that maintained for hundreds of thousands of years. Angry, ugly women who could not get husbands were shunned by other women.
        After 1900 the “male controlled” world of technology exploded. Suddenly we had instant communication, massive war machines, nuclear weapons, and multi-national corporations structured on male heirarchy rules. Suddenly men *really* ruled the world, not just as figureheads but in actuality. Women’s power structures suddenly became irrelevant.
        Don’t underestimate how huge a shift this was. Faced by WWII and nuclear weapons, women literally were facing the loss of their entire social structure. It’s no wonder that Feminism became increasingly radical, as technology relentlessly empowered men above women.
        The future is going to be very weird.

        1. “before the rapid industrialization about 1900, all societies were agrarian and local, heavily women-controlled on the ‘inside’ and men-controlled on the ‘outside’”
          I understand the broad-strokes sort of argument you’re making about the effect of industrialization on Western societies, but generalizations like the one above simply do not stand.
          Not all societies were agrarian. Not all societies had the level of decentralization that could properly be called “local.” Not all homes in any society at any point in history were ruled by women. These are the sorts of totalizing generalizations that do not match up to many particulars at all, even though they point towards certain aspects of overall trends.
          But we’re really moving outside the purview of my original argument, which was simply to assert that men have held political power in human societies since forever and that everyone would be best served if they continued to do so. It doesn’t seem like we’re in disagreement about that.

    3. r/K selection theory at Anonymous Conservative explains a lot of things. The Patriarchy is a manifestation of leadership made up of K selected type individuals and the Matriarchy is a manifestation of leadership made of r selected type. Given resource surplus/excess as created by Ks hard work and drive, the numbers of r individuals will always begin to outstrip the numbers of Ks (see, current US society.) However when surplus/excess begins to fade (usually by the rs using their power to redistribute the resources of the Ks and thereby remove all motivation on the Ks part to continue to produce) the Ks rise again by virtue of their competitiveness, aggressiveness. You could interpret K type behavior as “masculinity” and their leadership as “patriarchy”. Some women may develop K tendencies but the matriarchy in general will be made up solely of r type individuals who despise competition, aggression and therefore masculinity and all it stands for. Their biggest targets of course will be any physical, tangible representation of masculinity such as (today) “the manosphere” (witness last week), and pro2A supporters.

  19. Wow, this was really thought provoking. I’ve always had the feeling that this patriarchy conspiracy crap was all paranoid delusions, but I never took the time to really ponder it and provide an argument for it.
    Additionally, “Hell, there’s even evidence that testosterone predisposes individuals to fairer and more honest bargaining.”
    I knew it!

  20. We have been males and females living in groups FAR longer than we have been human beings. That feminists can argue that millions (not thousands) of years of evolution have left no imprint in human behaviour is insanity.

    1. Once again, the concept of “sexism” provides essentially no explanatory power as a proposed motivator behind human social organization, whether you think that women are the primary victims of it or men. Sexism becomes a necessary concept, in fact, only after one has accepted the demonstrably incorrect proposition that the sexes are equal or the philosophically incoherent proposition that they ought to be treated as if they were.
      Better explanations exist for the roles that society creates for its men and women, for their expectations for and treatment of both sexes. The “problem” with these explanations is that they are not simple, drawing from the complexities of historical accident, tradition, biology, political philosophy, religion, etc. They don’t boil down to simple formulae like “the men oppress the women!” or “the women manipulate and dominate the men behind the scenes!” Thus they don’t serve to get impressionable feminists or MRA types all riled up.
      A second problem that’s particular to males shouting “sexism! misandry!” is that it’s, well, fucking gay. You’re playing the victim Olympics. You’re petitioning society to solve your problems. It’s degraded and undignified. We can put up, to a certain extent, with a woman becoming hysterical and wanting other people to stop being so mean to her. It’s understandable at least. When a male does it, it’s grotesque.
      Note your user name and your comment. Both are snarky, passive-aggressive, a little faggy. I can imagine you rolling your eyes as you comment.
      Sexism is a concept invented by the feminists that doesn’t correspond to reality no matter who you apply it to. But the act of bitching about sexism is inherently and radically feminine. Cowboy up.

  21. Your whole argument boils down to ‘that’s the way it’s always been, therefore that’s the way it should stay’. Great logic. I can guess at what point on the bell curve you fall.

  22. Patriarchy was formed with the advent of agriculture and so did the concept of private property. Hunter-gatherer societies are naturally egalitarian but as soon as a field is plowed there is an economic incentive to: 1.-Protect the field (thus private property rights and their defense). 2.-Get laborers to work bigger fields (Fertile wife & kids). Please dont misread this as some Marxist diatribe, im just saying that farming creates natural incentives for traditional marriage and private property not seen in pre-agrarian societies.

  23. Women who do find themselves in leadership positions tend to be very miserable and sad people. They can’t handle the pressure, don’t want it, and experience their success as a terrible burden. Women are designed for support roles. Whether by evolution or by divine will, that is just the way it is.

  24. I would submit to you it is not a patriarchy when there is 1 or a handful of people in charge that all happen to be men and everybody else has to spend 85% of their waking hours feeding and protecting their family.
    Throughout history the primary driver of any special male privilege has been so that they could fulfill their obligations (both legal and moral) to their wife and children. For example, in most middle eastern countries men get job preference, but a man is obligated to provide for his family, whereas any money a woman earns is hers exclusively.
    I doubt there has ever been a patriarchy in the way feminist envision. The idea of an enslaved housewife is factually idiotic The Industrial Revolution finally created enough middle class wealth that common men could provide for all his families needs to the point the wife did not have to labor outside the home. It was a sign of status that a wife did not work, because since time immemorial women have been engaged in the hunting/gathering/shelter process..
    The industrial revolution was the greatest pedestal crafted for women ever. Because as soon as the middle class men managed to provide all the resources a family needed they set to the task of making the processing of those resources as painless as possible for the wife with the invention of sinks, refrigerators vacuums, washing machines, microwaves, dishwashers, etc so that what once actually took a serious amount of time and effort became trivial and thus apparently less rewarding.
    And rather than enjoy the free ride, women decided to blow up society.

  25. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  26. women rejecting the patriarchy are exhibiting a mass, massive shit-test on males in general. too bad many of them (outside this sphere of influence) tend to fail. all women respond to the patriarchy – their continued complaints about it prove that what they really want/need is for someone near and dear to them to just pass the damn shit test already.

  27. I have worked in an environment where I was the only male out of 50 women.
    These are my conclusions:
    Without the “patriarchy”, I could say that the world would be an intolerable mess where nothing moved forward, but that would imply that we would still be where we are without it. The truth is that, without the patriarchy, we’d be, maybe, thousands of years behind in our cultural and technological evolution.
    When women are minorities, they can adapt and often fit in functionally or even exceptionally in a work environment.
    When women are the majority, their social instincts reign. These instincts prevent most of them from making fast autonomous decisions, from expressing the individualism that has historically been at the root of most of our great leaps forward, and, finally, they have a “kill” instinct that ruthlessly singles out members for destruction. This kill instinct can be triggered by very minor events and, to complicate the matter, the vast majority of women lack any real ability to resolve conflicts. i.e: they can’t apologize and let things go, even when organizational health is on the line. Once an enemy (remember how little it takes) always an enemy. This inability to possess professional level conflict resolution instincts is de-fact self-destructive to any team or organization. So, no, no matriarchy please, women. Enjoy the relatively smooth flow and innovative productivity of the patriarchy. It’s what has given you the safety to even have the luxury of being able to voice your distaste for the patriarchy, ironically enough.

  28. I think before the industrial age, before technology (created by men)
    made life so easy and carefree for women, men and women were forced to
    work together just to survive. I think men, being natural aggressors
    just scared women into submission, without intending to. I think women
    were so scared, so naturally nesting, they were scared of change,
    challenges, etc. They were the ones holding themselves back from
    achieving what men took unto themselves, using their own natural
    masculine drive and aggression… to win, compete, conquer our enemies,
    etc. That attitude scares women… and basically they would scurry away
    from the light like cockroaches. But, every once in a while, there was
    woman who was not afraid of the light. She was not afraid of change. She
    was indulged. And yes, some women throughout did great things, because
    they just stopped being so damn scared.
    Now, these feminists have all these doors open for them. They act like men are holding them back, by not pushing them out the door, when they have the legs and ability to walk through that door themselves… right??
    No, I think they want it this way. Hell, it’s perfect.
    From the beginning of time, men were the ones always trying to make life
    easier for the clan and their own families. Men invented the wheel, and
    the horse and carriage, so that women and men didn’t have to carry heavy
    shit, all the time. Men invented the washer and dryer, because they
    want women to have the freedom and option to not do everything by
    hand… which was a real pain.
    Women invented the alphabet blocks. That’s something.
    But, women want to stand on men’s shoulders, so they don’t actually have to
    work to achieve everything that men EARNED by doing so many hundreds of
    years ago. Without the strength of women to lift us up, men have
    single-handedly changed the world and conquered nature, for the
    prosperity of our wives and children. We reached up and grabbed that
    goal, without any help. Now that women realized that they can’t
    physically attain that goal by themselves, they want to force to help
    them up there. However, they don’t want us to feel the pride and joy of
    being their respected husband and respected father of their children.
    Once again, they want to reap all the benefits.
    HOWEVER, hopefully, they are realizing that it wasn’t a privilege to work our
    asses off to keep food on the table and a roof over the heads of our
    families. It wasn’t. The privilege was to be able to come home to a wife
    and children that loved us and respected us, for all that we do, and a
    house that we could be proud of. That whole “Fetch me my slippers” BS is
    right out of Hollywood. I mean, my grandpa was proud to help my grandma
    in the garden… and my grandma secretly hated my grandpa. Not because
    he was abusive or anything. He wasn’t. He was very giving and nurturing
    for a WW2 vet. No, she hated him, because he wasn’t this dreamboat that
    she was in love with in high school… who died. That was it.
    We men are at our best when women are behind us or beside us… not in
    front of us, with their fists drawn, full of rage, trying to compete
    with us. I mean, they have literally been provoking men to do treat them
    horribly for years now. And now, with the VAWA, they’re even more
    dependent and in love with the government that gave them their rights in
    the first place. Now, they can feel entitled to provoke us and reap the benefits, whether or not we do something.
    So, modern women are warped and sick between the ears, if they would rather
    be hopelessly dependent on a government and refuse to treat their
    husbands (men are supposed to know them better than ANYONE) like total
    dogshit. I mean, this constant need for empowerment sounds to me like
    women are naturally very insecure… maybe to the point of psychotic.

  29. You don’t really give links or even any fucking allusions as to where you get your so called ‘facts’. I think you’re blah blah blahhing hot air from whence comes your smelly bum breath dear sir, and I challenge the notions you shit out.

  30. It’s potentially a great topic, but it got spoiled by the author’s writing style. Too much beating around the bush at the start and overuse of irony and sarcasm – sometimes it gets ambiguous.
    Perhaps you could have explored more the biological aspect too – I was expecting to be lecture on some aspects, but all I read was a lame theory.
    Nevertheless I agree on the main topic that Patriarchy was an important aspect of evolution.

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