It is no great secret that Roosh is a man of unfashionable opinions. However, whatever your stance on his views is, you have to admit that any honest and unbiased reading of his work would render the notion that he is a “pro-rape advocate” as a ridiculous overreach of reason.
It is simply an establishment fabrication that Roosh and the men on this website are advocating rape, designed to silence and malign us in the eyes of the public and discredit the real talking points we have to make about the kind of drunk society we live in.
However, as ridiculous and histrionic as this media attack is, we should in a sense feel a sort of congratulatory smugness. We have, after all, rustled the ideologies of the globalist elite in such a way that they are now feeling nervous and insecure, which is precisely why they have set out to shut our movement down by inciting worldwide hatred and furor through the one weapon that is completely in their control: the “free” press.
It seems that the “perfect” narrative provided by Roosh and friends has been one that is simply too irresistible not to misconstrue. Here you have an “obscure corner” of the Internet, populated by mostly white men, fiercely voicing out their concerns against loose women, feminism, and cultural dilapidation, a situation far too easy to characterize as misogyny and RAPE CULTURE rather than address the real concerns that Western men and women are facing.
And so in one of the most ironic episodes of 2016, the media has rushed to paint game practitioners and cultural traditionalists with the one broad stroke of a “rape mob,” while deftly ignoring the real rape mob that they were personally responsible of orchestrating in European cities this past New Year’s Eve. If this is not one of the press’s most intellectually dishonest moments in history, I don’t know what is.
1. The mob is alive and well
If there ever was a recent time when one could become disillusioned with the current intellectual state of humans, it would be now. Even given the false headlines, the fabricated labels of “pro-rape” and “rape legalization,” and the ignorant and uninformed opinions of journalists and even government officials, all this should serve to a hypothetically-enlightened citizen of the “Age of Reason” is to exercise his skeptical muscle and verify if those claims are really true based on their sheer outlandishness.
What have the people done instead? They’ve gotten on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even government-petitioning platforms in order to “fight rape” and have even gone to the lengths of organizing rallies and real-life protests against these so-called rapists. They’ve expended finite portions of their life for a false cause when in fact if they had bothered to do more than ten minutes of research they could have saved themselves all of this effort, energy, and outrage.
They have doxed Roosh’s family, have made gruesome death and, hypocritically, vicious rape threats towards the man and his followers, and have terrorized the comments section of many of his articles, pictures, and videos.
There is no mistaking it: in the technological 21st century, education, critical-thinking and the free flow of information has not gotten rid of the mob, it has merely made it bigger, more efficient, and even more vicious.
2. Women don’t care about freedom of speech
One interesting component of this outrage episode is who the people standing up for free speech are. Why are women not mounting rational arguments against his satirical article? Where are the widespread intellectual pieces by women proposing more thought experiments on the subject of rape, or discussing what extent of personal responsibility should society demand from its women?
I am not seeing them. I am not seeing women engaging in the use of free speech to dismiss views that they consider to be “outrageous,” for that would at least be a respectable and admirable use of their time. What I am seeing, however, is the complete opposite.
I am seeing more and more women demanding the expansion and intrusion of government into the policing of speech, ideas, and free thoughts. I am seeing more and more women dismissing any and all arguments against their preconceived notions of radical feminism based solely on their ability to call any and all opposition out as misogynists, rapists, and male chauvinists.
Women have petitioned governments to either deny Roosh entry into their country or prohibit his meetings. They are effectively saying “This man disagrees with our views, so instead of respecting diversity and tolerance and engaging him in a civil discussion, we will sulkily demand someone else to take him out of our country because he offends our delicate views and sensibilities.”.
If this sort of reasoning continues to gain ground with politicians, media agents, and members of our society, we will soon live in a place where any disagreement with a female figure will lead to government prosecution.
And such a statement is incredibly telling, it serves to tell the world that these women are in fact so privileged, so indulged, and so full of themselves that they believe that they should not face scrutiny, opposing opinions, or any sense of personal accountability, because in their mind the blame rests on someone else and it’s not on them to challenge themselves.
3. Journalists are dishonest, biased, and incompetent
Perhaps the most important takeaway from this incident is the fact that journalists have proven themselves to be incompetent, mediocre crackpots. As shown by the man himself, the majority of articles published on Roosh all made the same false claims, all made biased, personal judgements of character, and almost all served to launch the journalist’s vitriol at the object of interest and to highlight the journalist’s own sense of moral superiority to the reader.
It is at this point that one has to stop and wonder what has become of journalists.
I hope I am not the only one to find this deplorable. And it is precisely why I thoroughly enjoyed Roosh’s press conference, in which he took them to account for their lies and misgivings, and later memorably blurted out at a dishonest journalist: “Do you lift?”
Once you watch this conference, it becomes obviously clear that the press knows almost nothing factual about Roosh and they do not care to do so, because they are not interested in reporting truth, just marketable outrage.
I highly recommend it, as it is both entertaining and informative, and will prove to the readership of this site and to any other honest person to be one of the most visceral instances of—to use the press’s very own terminology—“rape” to be caught on film.
Read More: Why The Media Manufactured Outrage Against Our Meet Up
If Sanders or Hillary wins, expect the white hetero Christian male to be pushed to the point of complete surrender or live under constant attack.
The left so badly wants us to fight back, and are using every vile tactic to rub our noses in the fact our society is being taken away.
Then, when the dust settles and we begin the rebuilding, the left will still be there, waiting in the wings to repeat their leeching.
That’s why we never hear about black rapists, but will never stop hearing about a white boy in college who supposedly raped some drunk girl.It is madness.
Just remember more blacks kill blacks every year. More blacks kill whites every year than the reverse. You will not hear these stats, though.
I took a black guy up my bum once. He told me that he’d fucked Roosh once, but I refused to believe it because I know that I’ll be the first one to paint Roosh’s love tunnel with my seed.
US media self censors. The public knows the truth. It has been a running joke for decades (unidentified male = black guy).
Or a possible Muslim terrorist.
Wow, it is worst than I thought. I thought Ireland was above this nonsense.
“The left so badly wants us to fight back, and are using every vile tactic to rub our noses in the fact our society is being taken away.”
On the contrary. They continued their nonsense because good guys failed to fight back.
It’s never too late. What did it for me was seeing how the EU media intentionally covered up Cologne, and the US media ignored what happened to Zemir Begic and Channon Christian (and recently, the marine attacked by BLM at a DC McDonalds) because it doesn’t fit the “structural racism” / “white privilege” narrative.
Confession: I voted for Obama. I even contributed $5 to his campaign. What a SCHMUCK I was. This guy cares nothing about America – his spiritual mentor screamed GOD D&MN AMERICA from the pulpit weekly. He appears to just be a “community organizer” wealth distributor and apologist in disguise.
Now I’m reformed. I’m on the manosphere when I’m not rebuilding my own wealth, health, and masculine identity. I’m pushing hard for TRUMP 2016. If he loses, I will leave the U.S. to live as an expat.
Oh, and we can never mention the reason so few African-Americans become CEOs or college professors is because their average SAT & GRE scores are 300 points lower than whites (and IQs 17% lower). I actually enjoy seeing minorities succeed – if it’s WITHOUT the help of cheating. Equal opportunity is the bedrock of America’s success. And btw, Shanghai kids in America do as well as Shanghai kids in China on all those stupid tests that supposedly evidence America’s educational decline. Same for Finnish Americans versus Finns in Finland, etc. (i.e., it’s not the educational system – it’s the KIDS taking the test that matters). The decline can all be explained by higher birth rates for non-Whites and non-Asians and immigration from Mexico! All of it, literally. But it’s TABOO to discuss these truths.
A good solution for that is to execute them by a firing squad or my personal
favorite drawn to execution by horse to be burned at the stake.
Media and journal are on huge debt with low renenues for thei activity, why???? because people are tired of their bulshit and nobody is interested about paying for their propaganda. Media is far away from reality and much further from profits.
In a not to distant future the only revenue flow MSM will see. Will come from globalist donors and governments and many of those so called journalists will be permanently out of work.
Or they will go non profit to stay in business.
Women want to be conquered, they want to be inferior, but they need to test to see if you’re ‘worthy’ of submission. They do this via shit tests. Women are biologically designed to consistently push boundaries to test your current fitness. Feminism and other female SJW endeavors are societal shit tests. If you fail, they’ll push the boundary again, and again, and again.
However, the female imperative was never supposed to be 100% successful. Eventually, some man some where is supposed to not put up with her shit and puts her in her place. The kind of man a woman attempts to create via shit test, is not the type of man she’s attracted to. When man leads, everyone his happy. When women lead (strong indypyndyt wimminz), they aren’t competent and no body is happy because that is not the biological way of humans. Women don’t want to lead.
One thing people need to know is that The Matrix is real. Dark triad alphas in business and government aid in this feminization of men that women attempt to do naturally. The government and elite love beta drones with no spine. The powerful strip children from the family with the mandatory 12 year Prussian school system so the state gets the majority of the exposure. They destroy the family unit with corrupt family courts. They bombard people with blue pill bullshit, breads & circuses on MSM. They indoctrinate you further in college. They condition negative emotions towards masculinity into you so you don’t fight back. Women are simply vehicles that the powerful use to make men submit. Women are useful idiots as we’re seeing in Europe.
Europes problem is outlined above, plus one more thing ==> women have no in-group loyalties. They want to be conquered, but they don’t care who. Whether it’s Daddy Government, her father, a boyfriend, Chad Thundercock, Violent criminals, or a horde or Rapefugees, doesn’t matter. With the feminization of men complete, women (weaponized by the state and elite) are left disgusted, wondering, “Where have all the good men gone.” They’ve now artificially increased their station, not knowing with each step in the socio-economic hierarchy, their acceptable dating pool decreases. They’ve legally restrained a man’s ability to discipline and properly set the very boundaries that they instinctively seek. They’ve indoctrinated man into believing blue pill sexual strategy that they despise. Now women are seeking another tribe.
That new tribe so happens to be the biggest group in history to never reform itself to western society: Muslims (over a bilion of them). They give absolutely zero fucks about Western Civilization and their inhabitants. They never back down. This is attractive to women. Women LOVE criminals, it’s the ultimate sign of IDGAF. Women love their conviction. It’s extremely arousing to them. The fact that it’s backed by ridiculous ideology (Islam), doesn’t matter. They are violent, they don’t break frame, and they are becoming powerful, that’s seen as masculine. Most western men doesn’t stand a chance. They look like meek faggots in comparison. Women are jumping ship and hopping on the invaders’ cocks. They would rather be raped by invaders than settle with skinny beta manginas protesting at slut walks and minoring in gender studies. There are even instances where the European girls forgave their rapists in the name of mulitculturalism and fighting Islamophobia. But that’s bullshit. The rapist gave her tingles, she’s just rationalizing it.
Men need to sack the fuck up, or it’s all over for them in Europe. The only thing saving the U.S. from being Cologne is that there’s two oceans separating us from Africa and the Middle East. But Obama seeks to change that with importing thousands of Syrians into small traditional family towns (he even publicized it on Twitter). The colleges here are getting brainwashed to the max with ‘diversity’ (anti-white), it’s one of the reasons I left.
Women only do what men allow them to do, and betas allow them to do anything. You don’t need to be an uber alpha machiavellian plate spinner to do this, just ignore their nonsense or learn simply say no. If you can’t do that, you’re pathetic.
“Most western men doesn’t stand a chance. They look like meek faggots in comparison. Women are jumping ship and hopping on the invaders’ cocks. They would rather be raped by invaders than settle with beta manginas. Their are even instances where the European girls forgave their rapists in the name of mulitculturalism and fighting Islamophobia. But that’s bullshit. The rapist gave her tingles, she’s just rationalizing it.”
Pretty brutal shit there, but I suspect you are correct. In the final analysis, it’s a war we need.
It’s because the majority of men are already beta faggots. That’s the reason the governments are importing sand savages in Europe, to fix what they have done.
Yeah, because 70 IQ homosexual pedophiles are the answer.
Making more Tesla’s isn’t the goal…. Getting the next generation of Newton’s, or Plato’s is what they fear most.
Tremendous post brother.
“That new tribe so happens to be the biggest group in history to never reform itself to western society: Muslims (over a bilion of them). They give absolutely zero fucks about Western Civilization and their inhabitants. They never back down. This is attractive to women. ”
This is particularly important. I have seen documentaries or debates about western converted women, and they are docile and submissive as hindu cows and also very violent towards non muslim women. Western anglo saxonic men have to man the fuck up! Why do i say this? Easy. I have family living in London for 22 years now, and i have a cousin living there that is almost like a brother to me. He fucked a muslim women that worked with him and its simple to explain why: he is strong in his believes and behavior. Its up to the tribe being invaded to fight back!
Very powerful post, fam. You’ve essentially summed up in a masterful way what it means to “take the red pill”.
With everything that is going on world, it’s becoming more and more tempting to go full fascist (and this is coming from a Constitutional/Libertarian/Conservative type guy). I can’t believe how much I’ve learned over the last 2 years about the nature of women, the anti-White agenda, and how women have literally been exploited to work against the interests of majority-White nations. It is absolutely mind-boggling; not to mention learning about the propaganda of WW2 and how that has been used against us to kill both Nationalism and Natalism within White populations.
At this point, I think the time has come to really start focusing more of our efforts in forming tribes (or “groups” if you will) OFF OF THE INTERNET. Many of the meetups did occur, but I’d really like to work on bringing it to the next level. Not to sound too extreme here, but the sun is beginning to set on Western Civilization, and I think all men who care about this really need to buckle down and start planning/strategizing a come-back.
I shoved a red pill up my weiner hole once then pushed it out like I was giving birth. It was so fucking hot.
youre not very good at this
At what? If you’re referring to the dick pill shoving, I’ll have you know I did it very well.
I too am a pretty big libertarian/constitutionalist, but after seeing what’s become of Europe through cultural enrichment, and the rise of useful idiots in academia pedaling socialism, I’m seriously considering voting Trump, despite his latest anti-liberty stance on Apple. You can’t combat irrationality with rationale; socialism/the “second caliphate” doesn’t give two fucks about liberty, and would rather see the ethnic cleansing of the white race and destruction of Western ideology.
The war already is on, and the losses are heavy in Europe. It seems to be underway in Canada now, given the Cuck-In-Chief there. I’ll be damned to see all that blood, sweat, and tears our ancestors shed to establish their ideals of a better, free society (Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, etc.) be washed away because some entitled, morally-arrogant, and morbidly-theological fucks decided we need to change “for the better.”
> I’m seriously considering voting Trump, despite his latest anti-liberty stance on Apple.
A quick note if you’re constitutionalist: The constitution DOES say that someone’s rights can be suspended via due process. Otherwise it would be unconstitutional to jail a person at all, ever.
So unencrypting the shooter’s phone isn’t necessarily a privacy issue. Through extreme anti-social behavior, their rights are being suspended via due process.
Liberty is not a suicide pact. When the shooters violated the rights of all their victims, they forfeited their right to privacy. This is okay, and should not be resisted. When the government tries to take it to the next level and violate the rights of the innocent is what the fight should be reserved for.
If you are a constitutionalist you can’t vote for Rubio or Cruz anyway. Neither are Natural Born Citizens, and both should be disqualified from the electoral process.
False. Cruz meets the criteria, but the rumor isn’t going to die for awhile. When Obama is dead, I am sure we will finally get to the bottom of his birth certificate.
I know and agree with what you’re saying; my point was the slippery-slope argument when it comes to allowing three-letter bureaucracies to hold more power to invading the privacy of citizens. In this particular case, with the terrorists’ cell phone, it should be unlocked by Apple under due process, but to make a decryption program that the FBI (or any other agency, for that matter) can use on any iPhone (without due process) sets a dangerous precedent. If Trump believes only Apple should be made to unlock the phone, and that such means aren’t given to the government (without due process), then I agree with him.
Then again, implying that Apple, and the companies that came to its defense actually give two shits about personal security/liberty, given most (if not all) of them are already in cahoots with government spying programs. Likely, they’re withholding assisting the government because the criminals in question were members of a particular religion of peace.
Neither of the two give a damn about following the Constitution anyway, despite what they may claim. Rubio is the epitome of neo-con and Cruz is another RINO.
With respect, it isn’t false. Please watch the following 12 minute video and let me know your thoughts.
Rubio was born in Miami
I’m a traditionalist / libertarian and despite some of the things I have a huge problem with (building a Berlin Wall on our southern border, Apple issue, etc.) Trump is the only decent choice available. But I don’t know if he can change anything.. as you say the sun is setting in the west.
Citizenship is based on the culture and background of the parents, not the geographic location at which you exited the womb. If I’m abroad in Venice when my wife gives birth, it doesn’t mean my son is no longer Murican. You can’t change your citizenship that easily just by walking a few feet lol.
If you are born in the us it makes you American.
That is correct, but it is not the only way you are American. Most Americans are American due to lineage from their parents, regardless of their birth location. Also, most nations do not confer citizenship status based on geography.
The US constitution has a distinction for “natural born” Americans versus those who apply for citizenship (basically immigrant vs non-immigrant). Those who were not citizens at birth, but apply for citizenship through a “naturalization process” –quite an odd word to use– are not eligible to be president, but those who were born as Americans, are. So someone like Craig Killborne who was born as a European can’t be president, though he later became a US citizen.
It has not to do with geography, unless you are an “anchor baby” type where you are born in the political boundaries of USA to foreign parents, which is one of the most rare cases of the possibilities discussed above and AFAIK has never been an issue in a presidential election. All of the current candidates were born as Americans, and did not ever apply to immigrate.
I am talking about citizenship for the purposes of being president. Rubio is eligible.
In that case, anyone who never applied to immigrate, but was a citizen from birth, is eligible, including all the current candidates. Someone like Elon Musk, who applied for and was granted US citizenship in 2002, is not. It’s really that simple. Did you apply to immigrate to America? Can’t be a citizen.
Right. All I really wanted to say was that Rubio is clearly eligible.
Not to Citizens. He’s a naturalized citizen, not a Natural Born Citizen. The video I posted explains the difference.
No it doesn’t.
Ok, let’s face some facts. (1) The coordinated media and governmental vicious over-kill of an attack on Roosh simply illustrates how deeply entrenched and powerful the enemies of Western Civilization are. (2) Western females are the “useful idiots” of the enemies of Western Civilization. (3) Attempts to stop a tyranny by working within the systems of the tyranny is a fools errand. (4) Tyrannies, historically, will ruthlessly crush any organized resistance to their tyranny by making an example of one and thereby cowing the others. (5) The only way to stop a tyranny is by force and not only is armed revolt foolish, it is doomed to failure. (6) Historically, weaker forces can defeat superior forces but only by engagement upon the weaker forces terms. How did the North Vietnamese defeat America? They destroyed the political will of America to win. (6) How do we destroy the enemies of Western Civilization? We destroy the political will of their fifth column useful idiot female allies to win. (7) How do we convince Western females to waive the white flag? We deny them resources of any kind. No money, no dates, no marriages, no attention of any type. We give them the “equality” they asked for. (8) How do we implement such a strategy? It already exist. It is called MGTOW. (9) MGTOW taken to its logical extremes in sufficient numbers spells the death of Western Civilization. I believe the Western females will one day wake up and have no choice but to negotiate with the then MGTOW male majority or accept the ruthless ultimate patriarchy of Islam. We MGTOW are willing to let the whole thing burn because it is the only way to win the long term fight. We are willing to sacrifice that which we love in order to save it. Ladies, give us something worth saving and we will save it. Otherwise, you are on your own. The date is fast approaching. I predict no later than 2030. Just one man’s opinion. Am I wrong? Coffee smells really good.
European not white
Yes. We must act. And as what to do; a good start may be this article:
I agree but I’m sick of words
don’t use the word “fascist” it means nothing now. You are masculine!
Congrats. You seem to have the cassandra curse.
“They (muslims) never back down.”
Yes they do. I have seen it personally on a few occasions. Heh.
Yummy. Maybe we can take turns dominating each other.
“Men are like women.” oh yes men demonstrate by dressing up like women! Man up men!
Mass immigration from 3rd world countries are a problem due to the WELFARE system. In fact if it were removed most of them would leave willingly
I have to disagree with this. Yeah some women like being submissive, but some like being dominant or vice versa depending on the guy. And no women is turned on by rape.
You’ll be surprised at the number of women who have “rape fantasies”. But you should already know this being a man.
Fantasy and role play sure but I’d be very surprised to meet a girl who was actually raped say it turned her on.
Women will never admit it for obvious reasons. Like when they subconsciously lie about most things it’s in their biological interests. But that doesn’t mean it’s not true.
Wow! How insightful. This sounds like some great world building and character building for the mindset of the society in your next dystopian novel. May I ask what you are titling it? I can’t wait to read it! I mean, I could never imagine people in real life having beliefs as stupid as this, so it will be interesting to see how you can fit it into your new world
Great comment. Drop me an email so we can adapt it to an article.
Out-fucking -STANDING
@Michael_Augustus, great last reply.
Modern Humans have been on earth for approximately 200,000 years, civilization has existed for 6,000 years and the “society” that we live in today, which has rules that we are FORCED to follow, is a little over 200 years old. What this means, is that MANY of the people whom we THINK are Alphas today, may in fact, NOT be Alphas at all. Simply put, the last 200+ years has given LEGAL advantages to crafty, backstabbing, two-faced, Betas, whom gain undeserved Alpha status, due to LEGAL protection from PHYSICAL retaliation, whereas in the previous 199,800 years of “mans existence”, these guys would have been the “follower” or quickly dispatched through physical retaliation.
If you have any doubts, just think of people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. Could either of these schmucks have lead men and convinced them to give their lives for a mere “personal conviction”? Like say, ALEXANDER THE GREAT or HANNIBAL? Of course not, BUT, people like these guys are given a type of “Alpha Status” today because they are allowed act TOUGH, without any real threat of losing their heads or getting Tarred & Feathered by disgruntled peasants.
I’ll clarify further, “Appointed Pseudo Alphas”, are winning in America because the “unspoken rules” and “legal system” have been designed to prevent “aggressive retaliation” by disgruntled underlings. Think back to the early Teamsters tactics that were used against stubborn business owners and how you don’t see similar tactics being applied any longer. Once you recognize the overt influence of “undue physical & legal protection” by government, it becomes easy to understand why “Appointed Pseudo Alphas” rule today. Note, its not because of superior leadership, nor because of any amount of endowed masculinity. It is because these “Appointed Pseudo Alphas” are receiving undue legal protection, that keeps the hordes of frustrated Betas from ripping these “leaders”, limb from limb. The current batch of successful business leaders, that we see today, would have been beaten within an inch of their lives during the times of the Teamsters or Tarred & Feathered, right in front of their factories, in earlier times.
In Tribal and Chieftain level societies, the males that accumulated the most wealth and children were neither the “most fierce” nor the “most “timid”. “Successful leaders” in those times tended to fall somewhere in the middle, the main reason being that the “most fierce” warriors typically died in the hunt or battle because they could not temper when to be “bold” versus “when to hold back”. Also, on the flip side, it should be obvious why the “most timid” didn’t accumulate any wealth or children in a world based on hand-to-hand battles and hunts.
In today’s world we have set up a legal system that solely rewards the “most fierce” warriors (whom are not always true Alphas according to nature) and it is contributing to our eventual downfall. In the past, when mortality rates were high, due to living in a dangerous environment, these were the LAST people that a tribe wanted running ANYTHING. Today, these types of people get to go to the front of the line for leadership roles. Remember, just because they are “bold” and “fierce”, in a safe, OFFICE setting, doesn’t make them a real ALPHA, in the world of nature.
If you need a modern example, look no further than the post-war years, after WWII. Who do you think returned back to the USA, alive, after the war? Was it the foolhardy? Was it the yellow bellies? OR the ones whom could properly weigh the situation and take PROPER action? The answer should be obvious because not coincidentally, that was a period of stable employment and high wages for EVERYONE. With that said, it should safe to assume that it was the most “balanced people” returning alive from the war that became “captains of industry” in the post-war years. The “foolhardy” and “yellow bellies” likley died on the battlefield or returned home too physically and/or mentally damaged to function in civilian leadership roles.
Culturally we have had a big shift in the USA, where those given “appointed authority” seems to be trumping those that have “natural authority” more often than not. Make no mistake, the “winners” that we are seeing and hearing about day-to-day, are “Appointed Pseudo Alphas” at best. Since the early 2000’s I see MORE and MORE spineless Beta types easily surpassing people with stronger personalities and leadership ability, both in personal life and professional life. However, at one time, in the not so distant past, people displaying “natural authority and leadership” would have EASILY been the first choice of BOTH women and corporations and put in charge of most things, due to simply having REAL leadership qualities.
What exactly do I mean and how did we get here?
Well, it starts in K-12 education, where certain kids are publicly punished for being natural leaders and Beta Types are rewarded with leadership positions for being “yes men” and “yes women”. Other kids see this and then begin to develop an indoctrinated aversion to kids that have natural leadership, for fear of getting in trouble, by simply being around or associated with them. This mindset then gets extended into the workplace where “appointed authority” is the rule, with no exceptions being made for “natural authority” to usurp the direction of poorly run projects, useless conversations or bad policies. Once people get past a certain age, their “profiles” and “resume” begin to carry much more weight than their actual “endowed masculinity”. Sure, women don’t pine over Manginas when they meet them in the flesh, but they will pine over a “hidden mangina” with a perfectly crafted okcupid or Tinder profile.
Do real Alpha types still clean up? Of course they do, but a LOT of “hidden betas” are getting FAR more than their share, of both “first looks” and “last looks”, than they would have received in the previous 50 years (heck, even the last 6,000 years of civilizations existence for than matter). These days, this situation applies to both the career track and the surface preferences of females.
Note, its not specifically that women standards have risen (we all know they have not), its that women keep on adding to the list of “non essential” traits that their potential partners and hook-ups must have, at minimum. So while going over that “non essential” list of traits, women unknowing eliminate what they ACTUALLY want and end up with something that they are ultimately dissatisfied with, an “Appointed Pseudo Alphas”. This exact same scenario goes for employers as well.
I always use the old comedy film “Revenge of the Nerds”, from 1984, as an example of where we are as a society today.
When the JOCKS were in charge of the “Greek Council”, parties raged, un-PC behavior was tolerated and everyone was having a really good time, with few harsh consequences for bad behavior (hence the term, “boys will be boys”). As we all know now, in hindsight, when the JOCKS were in charge, people earned good wages, nobody was micromanaged (use your best judgement was a common phrase), people didn’t get fired on a whim and life in general was good.
Then one day the NERDS gained control of the “Greek Council” and parties started sucking, people had to kowtow to PC behavior (so as not to offend anyone), EVERYONE became micromanaged (i.e. Lean) and people started having less fun in EVERY aspect of life, while consequences for uncouth behaviors were jacked up to the highest degree (i.e. zero tolerance).
So I ask, was “life” better for EVERYONE, under the rule of the JOCKS or better today under the rule of the NERDS, whom are nothing more than “Pseudo Alphas” with “appointed authority”?
Long live the “Betas of Nature” wielding “Appointed Authority”, I guess, to our own civilizations demise, I might add.
This message is turd approved! Brilliant and to the point. Thank you.
Delete cable, delete social media, particularly Jewbook and Twatter… the internet for ALT news and opinions….if the cabal censors the internet, let revolution ensue….kill the SJWs first….with extreme prejudice……it’s inevitable!
Can’t express your feelings and emotions on certain topics involving men’s rights?
Welcome to the real world. We live in a very nasty reality, where society has utterly crumbled to the point where it has now become very problematic to live a normal life. The world in which we live in, is abrnormal and on the verge of collapse. Men not finding work, women becoming the breadwinners, bankers getting bailed out, jobs disappearing everyday, feminism entrenching every aspect of society such as employment and the media, all of it is coming together to form the perfect storm.
Yes indeed, it is a very horrendous world that we live in and the downfall and decline of our society has accelerated to the point where it is now impossible to even have an open minded conversation with your own male peers, let alone having a chat with your wife or girlfiend. Everytime you open your mouth and engage to converse with someone, at all times you must now be alert as to what topic you are talking about because of accusations of misogyny, sexism, racism and every other ism from the political correctness handbook.
All of the greatest men throughout our history from Arthur Schopenhauer to Nikola Tesla have warned about the impending collapse of society in which a large proportion of the catastrophe stems directly from women who have been granted too many unfair privelages and entitlements to which no man has any right to complain of, such as being offered employment opportunities not based on meritocracy, but simply on their gender. Or when a man is falsely accused of rape, he is then by default, presumed to be guilty until proven innocent thanks to the outrageous claims made by a female.
It is indeed, sad times in which we live in where the cultural decline is increasing on a regular basis. Men behaving like women (dressing up inappropriately, taking pictures of themselves with smartphones, turning into stay at home dads while relying on a woman to support him) and women behaving like men (women becoming the breadwinners, behaving aggressive and displaying atrocious personalites.) So when it comes to wanting to disuss these observations, the outrage is released like a venom where lies are concocted and spread like wildfire in order to falsely shame people and to continue the cycle of degeneracy.
One can only continue to watch this decline but not allow it to stunt his growth and ability of trying to live a good life. Tough times are indeed, ahead of us financially, politically and socially. But try to keep building a positive life for yourself, even in these dark times for you only have one chance in this world.
It is at this point that one has to stop and wonder what has become of ‘journalists’.
I think the thing that shocked me the most was that none of the ‘journalists’ at the press conference had even bothered to read Roosh’s article.
It would be one thing to read the article and then continue on with ‘the party line’. Instead, it seems like they didn’t want to suffer any cognitive dissonance with what they were expected to write by the readers and employers, so they, en masse, refused to read it.
I used to be a journalist. There is a tremendous amount of lazyness and incompetence in the industry. Many guys just rewrite stuff they read on other websites without bothering to check the original sources. It was like that back in the 90s and has only gotten worse. My old paper published a rooshv article without trying to get a statement from him, parroting the pro-rape crap. I was quite dissapointed.
Care to share any stories about your stint as a journalist? I bet it would make for a compelling article.
Nothing really interesting. I was relatively free. On the anniversary of 9/11 I asked the main editor (this is a huge organisation with media all around the world) about writing an article on conspiracy theories, a large percentage of americans believe in them so whether they are true or not it’s news worthy.
She casually dismissed it. She’d never even looked into it. Such a lack of curiosity displayed by someone in that position was the beginning of the end for me and journalism.
While it’s the right move to call out the SJW’S who do these things, I blame the rest of society just as much.
Most of society could take the time to learn about these issues, or at least learn to ignore SJWs, but either because of apathy or fear of being called names, they’ve chosen not to.
I agree with those of us who stress self improvement first, and I even would be willing to help out those who DO wanna join us. Other than that, I’ll be enjoying the decline and I will not raise a helping hand when the chickens come home to roost.
I’d rather make money, lift, read books, watch certain sports, and listen to good music. All of those are more important than trying to proselytize. Let those who are truly willing come to us, that alone would show they’re serious.
I am becoming more open about my stances on topics. I am testing boundaries now. I really wanted more meetups because I can vent this stuff to somebody else that will understand.
One thing is for sure, I have never seen anybody here actually support rape. Not even the trolls. I would not be here if the comments were filled with animals.
We practice valid reasoning here.
There will be an influx of shills in the days to come, bet on it.
Great, well written article!
My views on the three main points of the article:
1) Mobs.
The aim of all SJW’s is to prevent us meeting because they simply can’t handle rational and locial arguments from men in a public forum. Thus they form mobs of fat pig skanks, homosexuals and BETA fags who don’t know how to be real men to stop us.
Politcans simply benefit from and thus encourage it. Our points of view are the antithises of your average cuck politican and thus they must stop us.
2) Women and free speech.
Puffed up by endless mass and social media bs most women think they’re simply beautiful awesone righteous creatures that can’t be wrong. Women also get too emotional during arguments and are unable to focus and think logically. Thus, when faced with logical arguments from men they can do little but try and shut us down enteirley. Free speech is a threat to feminsts and their bogus shit like “rape culture.” Thus they desperately troll ROK trying to argue with us about how they “feel” and want to definitely stop the logical banter here.
3) The media are dishonest.
These days everyone can call themselves a journalist and go online and post trash wihtout any proper fact checking or post outright libel as we’ve seen about Rosh.
I think the nature of media these days, lightening fast, usually free, totally fragmented and politiczed has left it more a propaganda tool of elites or government that bank roll and thus control it rather than the matter of fact reporting device it could be in the past.
The “comments closed” on many article in online newspapers show that the public isn’t buying a lot of the state sponsered media BS like “Syrian Refugess Welcome in Canada” and thus has to be slienced.
This “deplatforming” and depriving citizens of “Freedom of Assembly” seem to be twined threats to freedom of speech in the West these days.
The biggest mistake is assume people are rational. They are not. Humans are easily swayed by emotion.
One does not fight against machine guns with sticks. Unless cultural traditionalism replaces rationalism with emotionalism the value of traditionalism will be realized too late.
That’s when women were granted the right to vote before then you had to make an actual argument.(Prior to the progressive era)
One reason I never got into the journalism game; I have a degree, but there’s way too much politics and PC speak involved to actually publish anything of substance.
“It is at this point that one has to stop and wonder what has become of journalists.”
The come from the lower end of the IQ chain and tend to be indoctrinated in the leftist meme during college and taught to protect the leftist narrative. Truth is irrelevant. Shaping a better (socialist)world is paramount.
They are essentially propagandists and not very good ones at that.
The pay is also shit unless you’re a network anchor or producer. Reporters with traditional papers start out making under 30k, and bloggers are typically 1099 hacks who make less than that and get no benefits/insurance.
I personally knew a co-anchor of CNN at one of their European branches. The pay is shit and they have high turnover for a reason.
If we follow this line of reasoning, isn’t quite possible that women see leftists as “alpha”?
They’ve got the government on their side, and they’re becoming more and more able to censor and dox any dissenting views? Pretty sure chicks dig Big Brother, regardless of how much of a spineless weasel he is.
the press isn’t out there to get your story across. it’s there to muddle your argument and mess up your public image. the end result is that you, or anyone going against the press, must completely refine their message to a point when they, and no other usefull idiot out there can muddle your argument. In a way they’re stress testing your argument and presentation. It doesn’t matter than the normal people understand it. What matters is that NO ON gets it wrong, and the media is breaking what you’ve put out.
when you look at it this way it makes a lot more sense.
The whole idea that someone could be “pro-rape” is simply insane. That is like saying “robbing a bank is just fine by me”. That is how stupid SJWs have become when it is to public discourse. Let’s just calling socialists “pro-robbery” to demonstrate how stupid they have become.
Socialism is robbery. They simply use an intermediary (aka. the state) to take from you according to what they deem “fair”. That word is subjective. Failure to comply is met with enforcment (police) via threats of seizure of assets and imprisonment.
Yes if you are a socialist you are “pro-robbery”. Using the state as cover is no excuse just as using “I was too drunk” is no excuse either.
Shit.. I’m finding myself watching and agreeing with stuff from this Limey nutburger. Now I know the world has turned on its head.
“I am seeing more and more women demanding the expansion and intrusion of government into the policing of speech, ideas, and free thoughts.”
Men prefer Freedom, women prefer security. Give me Dangerous Freedom, over secure Slavery.
Elfrit Frisa. You look like the actor in the TV show….
“James at 15”
from tehe 70’s.,
Thank you Poetry, I had been putting off watching that video but realize now that it was an important video to watch.
Everyone here needs to watch that video and link it all over the net.
If you haven’t watched the video that picture milo yiannopolis (spelling?) is from, you should. He is ganged up on by the entire feminist occult and probably given only 45 seconds of speaking without being forcefully interrupted. It’s very telling of the tactics of feminists; shouting him down, interrupting, insults, and flat out lies.
On a more optimistic note did you see his debate with a feminist at the University of Bristol? Great points and at times pretty hilarious, recommend you see it.
Skinny guy v Ham planet…..
You wouldn’t know the title?
what’s interesting is that according to ROK policies Milo is strongly discouraged from posting here
I watched it, and you’re right. One of the feminists accused him of tweeting a call to have someone killed.
Ridiculous! Naturally, it was completely false.
An excellent example of the madness we are dealing with nowadays.
Apparently the bozo who made that ridiculous accusation had to write a public recantation but even then it didn’t address the mendacity of the claim among other things. Milo may be a sodomite but he’s fighting for the side of right and good so I’ll forgive that on his part.
I’m surprised to hear that she did. I would assume it was a half-hearted, weak “apology” as usually happens (as opposed to accepting personal responsibility).
I agree with what you said.
I have learned that it’s so rare to have the “ideal” person on your side so sometimes you have to accept/overlook a few things about those who are fighting for a cause you believe in.
Indeed it was a limpwristed and half baked apology which was evasive as could be. Typical self serving leftist tripe when they get caught in a lie (as they customarily do) and in such an instance their mental gymnastics can only go so far.
It is also rare to have comrades in arms whom are ‘ideal’ but one cannot be choosy in battle provided that are on the side of right.
haha look at their gay signs in that first picture. only the old guy even made an effort.
Sad, the dude in the green looks like he lifts. Men that have got shit going for them usually don’t fall into this category. What a sad world
No kidding; if you’re a 100-pound fuck boy, it’s understandable, but no man with a spine/backbone who takes care of himself falls into that category.
The only thing he lifts is that clown-haired chick next to him.
There was an objective piece about the meetup fracas on, though I don’t have the link on me. It was written by a chick too, iirc, and while she obviously disagreed with some of the manosphere’s views, she also correctly pointed out the reasons why everyone should be alarmed at a group of men being rendered unable to hold a peaceful public gathering.
I just saw today that Kesha got her false rape charge shot down in court. It was a small victory for the Manosphere today.
And Sony music…..
Pictured: 3 generations of pussyfied beta males, and the token flabby clown-haired chick. I bet she’s promised to blow all three of them.
One man appears to be wearing Capri pants. Says all I need to know.
Edit: The mangina holding it up could become an instant alpha by lifting it up as she took a swing at it and the bat flew out of her hands and hit another feminist square in the head.
Is it too late for me to choose the blue pill?
Whatever happened with the journalist from Martha Stewart?
I don’t think the issue is that they mischaracterise Roosh as a pro-rape advocate, it is that they mischaracterise game as rape. Even for unapologetic sophists like them, it would be really hard to put forth the case that Roosh advocates the use of violence to coerce women into having sex. It’s much easier to redifine rape as any sexual contact not initiated entirely by a woman, which is really what they are saying. They hate the fact that game is contingent upon the woman’s consent, like they have been asking for, so now they have raised their standard for no other reason than to slander Roosh and our community.
Also, I really like the part where you talk about women and free speech. It’s absolutely true that you never see anything but emotionnal overreactions and calls for censorship when it comes to debating women. The show Milo Yiannopoulos was is a great example of that. They were talking about online harassment and their are studies that show men recieve much more of it so he prefaced a statement by saying “it’s not that men hate women on the Internet, it’s that women hate everyone”. Of course, he wasn’t allowed to explain his position because Ms. Proof-that-women-aren’t-funny, Kate Smurthwait (can’t be bothered to look up her name) and Ms. Pathological-liar-slanderer Connie St-Louis were demanding that the camera moved away from Milo and that he’d be prevented from speaking. And that is just before Connie St-Louis claimed he called for the assassination of someone on Twitter, without evidence of course, as is her habit.
Perhaps women are not willing to have a conversation with all of because talking to an individual whose level of compassion and intelligence rivals that of a grain of sand is the most draining pastime in the world. Perhaps it is because if they even attempt to have a civil discussion with you, you will immediately and swiftly label them a ‘slut’ or a ‘cat hoarder’ or whatever somewhat demeaning word you could think of. Perhaps these women turn straight to outbursts of yelling because they are sick and tired of being mistreated by ‘gentlemen’ like you. Perhaps they know that if they speak to you in a ‘civil’ manor, you will soon suppress their voice with your mangled beliefs, so they yell and shout for that is the only way they are heard. Or, perhaps, they are smarter than myself and know that you people are pretentious, foolish beings searching for attention-who thrive off of arguments and havingedgy, far winged belief
(Sorry, I accidentally pressed send. Getting used to this knew phone!) having edgy, far winged beliefs. You love to feel hated-it makes you feel powerful. I’ve met so many people like you-young kids even. I know you must feel empty and are searching for some new power play, and for that I pity you- but still, you are all far too disgusting for any intelligent girl or boy to want to speak to you in a ‘civil’way.
You are a programmed robot and a feminist drone. You are a weak minded fool who, to obtain any self worth, must recite the same script time and time again. Every single point you make is not in fact your own but you are surly unaware of that fact. You speak of “Mistreatment” but you do not specify. Why do you not specify? Because you do not think my friend. You only act. You have long since lost the power of thought. Perhaps this could be a life changing opportunity for you. There is an excellent article that I believe may have been written just for you.
I’m not going to bother looking up facts to formulate the perfect argument because A. You are not worth my time. I have better things to do than waste away on this pathetic website trying to breathe sense into those who refuse to listen and B. You could waste away years and years searching for hundreds of thousands of facts and trying so desperately to create the most eloquent of speeches yet my belief in equality would still prevail because it is one of empathy and is thus justified by what keeps this world humane. Besides, the only ‘facts’ you have to show are measley quotes from scientists and philosophers from hundreds of years ago who were guided only by their ambitions of justifying their misplaced prejudice. I can show you a bounty of relevant facts that prove that the suppression of a single gender or race or any type of person has detrimental effects on society.
You think that all thought and argument is based on quoting others. Your basis of criticism is who we quote and who you quote. Like I said you have no power of thought.
We do not suppress anyone. We want men and women and families to thrive. You want to treat the natural, functional familial patriarchy as a disease to be cured. Just like you tried to “cure” homosexual men only decades ago. Now you are trying to “cure” normal!
How about you leave our site alone. Go and get a divorce and have abortions and force women to behave as if they were men when they are not men. That’s what you do, right.
It’s late now in my country so I am going to sleep. Good night.
I wasn’t even alive decades ago so I don’t know what you mean about how I tried to cure homosexual men, and frankly, I don’t think you could just assume things about my past. My opinions are my own. My beliefs are my own. I never quote other feminist writers or whatever you think I do. I go by my beliefs and trust the resources of others about specific events. My beliefs are my own and by saying they belong to a preordained group simply proves that you try relentlessly to condemn and belittle others. So, goodnight to you.
“I have better things to do than waste away on this pathetic website trying to breathe sense into those who refuse to listen…”
SJWs always lie. No, you do infact not have better things to do. If you had, you would be doing those things instead of writing your retarded ramblings – each the length of War and Peace – here.
We don’t give a shit about your feeble virtue signaling, so fuck off and take your pathetic slave morality somewhere else.
Your post implies that those opposing us (and Roosh) are capable of having a rational discussion and are reasonable. Both of which are CLEARLY false, and this demonstrated repeatedly to anyone giving the subject a comprehensive look.
Thereby you’ve rendered your whole comment invalid.
Those who lie, support a lie, and irrationally call for violence and hate against others based on said lie, all while refusing to understand the truth are not people you can sit down to tea with. A bit naive to think otherwise.
They shout because they want to be noticed. By an alpha of course. Even though they are ugly and overweight. Does not matter. They are entitled to alpha dick and will not accept anything less.
Given the chance they would force roosh to fuck them until they are fully satisfied. Then, and only then would they shut the fuck up. Until they need another meat injection. This is the nature of these low SMV women.
I don’t think you understand how humans work.
Hey, I call dibs on Roosh!
It is apparent that your hubris is nothing more than a thin veneer to hide the inability to support the SJW position on anything.
I challenge you to debate even a single position without resorting to the usual fallacies and deflective tactics which are trademarks of the misguided religion called “feminism”.
There is doubt that you will take on this challenge as the record shows that you are all cowards, liars and nothing but entitled children trying to play victim. It is time that the world rises up to crush the cancer that you represent. No society should tolerate your bullying and deceitful ways.
I actually don’t like SJWs because most of them are extremist bullies who do mistreat people. However, they are far better than the trash that writes this website
+++++I actually don’t like SJWs because most of them are extremist bullies who do mistreat people. However, they are far better than the trash that writes this website+++++
Whether you personally like SJW’s, and for whatever conjured reason, is irrelevant. The critical thing here is that you resort to unfounded denigration of ROK and it’s supporters.
As it was put forward, you have been challenged to debate at least a single position against ROK. Tossing out yet another unsupported insult is more proof of your incapability to justify your hostility (save, you just being an arrogant and self-righteous child).
If you wrote your opinion on a pile of dung, you’d devalue the dung.
Want me to justify my hostility? Alright, give me something to debate with then. What would you like me to argue for you, sir?
Also, a self righteous child? Yeah, I’m actually not an adult. You’re website is accessible to all and can be deemed petty by those younger than yourself.
+++++Want me to justify my hostility? Alright, give me something to debate with then. What would you like me to argue for you, sir?+++++
Oh please, kid. You justify your hostility via the same old false reasons that all feminist haters use. Give you something to argue? You’ve had much opportunity to debate the points of this article. Stop with the excuses. The truth is that you fully realize that you have no legitimate position. You hate what you cannot debate. It is obvious. If you actually thought you had a real position, you would have presented it already. You don’t and all the righteous indignation in the world doesn’t hide that.
+++++Also, a self righteous child? Yeah, I’m actually not an adult.+++++
It is interesting that while you agree with not being an adult (and definitely not behaving with any maturity), you avoid how you are “self righteous”. None of you social justice warriors have anything more than self-righteousness. You can’t hold your positions because they are all based on fallacy and false pretence. You resort to trolling because of this. Entitled children like you are a large part of why more and more people are making a stand against the diseased society we have created via catering to liberal political agendas. Your victim-mentality infection needs to be eradicated.
+++++You’re website is accessible to all+++++
While the website and forum is initially accessible to all, posting on the latter is a privilege. Continue trolling and you will find out, like all that have tried in the past, that it is not a right, and will be taken away.
+++++…and can be deemed petty by those younger than yourself.+++++
The opinion of irrelevant and petty individuals is of little value to anyone of reason. NO ONE cares about the opinion of angry little children like yourself. You want something to argue? Try to present a single reason why anyone should listen to you.
“Try to present a single reason why anyone should listen to you”… This is exactly why it is impossible to have
a rational discussion with any of the individuals on this website. The hateful beliefs they perpetuate are backed by their incessant need for superiority. Arguments I have heard on this website range from “speaking to women is like speaking to a dog” “young boys should look up to ghenghis khan” “women shouldn’t be allowed to vote” “women want autistic children.” All of these arguments simply cannot be backed by any form of logic or evidence, and are said simply because an individual wants to feel powerful by diverging from the general opinion. Basically, the majority of the writers have the same logic of one of those quirky middle schoolers who tries to seem dark and morbid just to feel a sense of superiority. The men on this website attempt to belittle women in anyway possible- resorting to calling them terms such as ‘slut’ or ‘bitch’ or ‘cat hoarder’ whenever women attempt to debate because the writers on this website simply cannot debate using rationale and logic, thus they feed off of an individual’s tendency to go silent after insulted. Also, you and I are merely talking about each other’s ability to express opinions, yet neither of us are giving each other the platform to express our beliefs and debate. You say I do not actually have solid beliefs because I haven’t expressed them yet? I have a lot of solid beliefs and principles, and do not know which one you would want me to express. But frankly, even if I did express any of my beliefs, you wouldn’t listen because you are so thick brained in your own ignorance. But also, I don’t think anything you could say would ever change my beliefs either. So, it seems we are at a stalemate. The purpose of debating is to learn from one another but I believe that our distinct hatred for one another and extremely varying beliefs would make that impossible. So, goodbye. Have fun wallowing in your own prejudices and pretentious beliefs as you continue to make harsh judgements and rash assumptions for the rest of eternity.
I said:
“Try to present a single reason why anyone should listen to you”
To which you reply:
+++++This is exactly why it is impossible to have a rational discussion with any of the individuals on this website. The hateful beliefs they perpetuate are backed by their incessant need for superiority.+++++
Asking you to supply a single reason why anyone should entertain your thoughts is NOT an impediment to rational discussion, nor, is it an attempt to attest “superiority” for noting that you have demonstrated no desire to be civil.
This is precisely why you are questioned in the first place. Your approach is one of hostility and prejudice typical of self-righteous feminists. Because Return-of-King specifically does not elevate women to that of perfect beings that do no wrong (yet, are perpetually “wronged” by society), you automatically assume that it is to be vilified and deserving of whatever contempt you can muster.
You’re a bigot and like most bigots simply refuse to examine your narrow and ignorant points of view.
+++++Arguments I have heard on this website range from “speaking to women is like speaking to a dog” “young boys should look up to [Genghis] khan” “women shouldn’t be allowed to vote” “women want autistic children.” All of these arguments simply cannot be backed by any form of logic or evidence, and are said simply because an individual wants to feel powerful by diverging from the general opinion.+++++
Without context, you are essentially being dishonest in how you are presenting these points of view. However, even stand-alone, they are easily defended.
“Speaking to women is like speaking to a dog”….. In the sense that dogs often cannot fathom what one is describing, and have a very primitive and superficial understanding of things, the parallel is quite poignant. Look at how you approach this discussion. You ASSUME that anyone who supports notions found here are AUTOMATICALLY wrong. You clearly demonstrate how you will not (to the point that “cannot” is very likely) contemplate anything thoughts that are uncomforting to you. You bark and understand nothing but primal “feelings”. That is very much like a canine.
“Young boys should look up to Genghis Khan”….. Why not? Genghis Khan conquered a nation, and filled the council with a mosaic of representatives to reasonably prevent biased governance. His achievements were done through cultivating loyalty through personal achievement. How is that a bad thing? Compare it to how “fat acceptance” tells women that “men should be attracted to you regardless of what men are actually attracted to”. Sorry, child. Modern feminism is the false religion.
“Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote”…… One of the biggest flaws of democracy is in its ridiculous assumption that each voter has a mature and clear understanding of the issues at hand. The truth is that most voters are poorly informed, biased towards whatever they perceive as personal gain, and are basically unqualified to be making important decisions. What do we see in Western “democratic states”? We see this idiocy of anyone the right to vote based on nothing more than being of medically sound mind, un-incarcerated and of legal age. That many of today’s younger women behave like spoiled narcissistic children is a clue as to why the “right” to vote should be, like the handling of any powerful device, an earned privilege. Most women are far more slave to their primitive emotions than men are. There is good reason why many of those who exhibit solipsistic attitudes should not have the right to influence societal regulation.
“Women want autistic children”…. Well, you’re going to have to elaborate on that one. I do not have a clue what you are talking about. However, it should be said that many younger women in the West are ill prepared to be parents. Their lack of empathy and the inability to see anything beyond their selfish vision is a recipe for creating progeny destined to be the next wave of criminals and general liabilities on society (much like their worthless mothers).
Return of Kings does not showcase these concepts because “they want to feel powerful”. You are merely projecting the agenda of millennial feminists that rage on about their victim-hood as a way to justify their elevated hostility towards others.
Return of Kings talks about these things because they are important foundational issues. Are they a variance from the “general view”? No. That is a myth promoted by modern feminists. They are definitely “politically incorrect” in that they defy the narrative of the “women strong but oppressed” lie that millennial feminists promote. However, the sentiments are accurate and supported by many. Witness the popularity of Donald Trump. While critics attempt to sully his character by portraying his concepts as close-minded bigotry, they are just deflecting from how it really echoes the feelings of many: That people are tired of the mollycoddling of special interest groups that feel no cost on anyone else is too great as long as their own feelings are satisfied.
People are tired of your entitlement, child. You are the bigots.
+++++Basically, the majority of the writers have the same logic of one of those quirky middle schoolers who tries to seem dark and morbid just to feel a sense of superiority.+++++
That’s a lie based on a false assertion. Few of the writers here appear dark. Nor, is there any evidence that their intentions are to be so bleak. If anyone is negative, it is the usual self-righteous feminists that come here to scream and shout pejoratives as if that were a legitimate response.
+++++The men on this website attempt to belittle women in anyway possible- resorting to calling them terms such as ‘slut’ or ‘bitch’ or ‘cat hoarder’ whenever women attempt to debate because the writers on this website simply cannot debate using rationale and logic, thus they feed off of an individual’s tendency to go silent after insulted.+++++
This is typical of the disingenuous nature of the millennial feminists. Basically, you ignore how most “women” coming here, come here blasting out insult after insult and rarely bring in a civilized refutation (let alone a refutation at all). The insults and name-calling is so ubiquitous that people have become numb to them. Tell us, when haven’t women come here to call people “virgins living in their mommy’s basement”, “small-wiener losers”, “can’t get laid”, etc… Do you really think that people are not going to respond to that kind of hostility with equal and opposing force?
Sorry, child. Unlike the biased society that protects women’s feelings and physical being though they attack others, you get no such privilege here.
The writers and advocates of this site are skilled at civilized debate. It is you lot that refuses to engage at that level of maturity. Don’t try to blame men here for merely defending themselves. Sure, you aren’t used not having your way. However, you don’t have “special” rights here. It is shocking. Yes. But you have to form a legitimate defence instead of relying on the state to grant your way just because you are a woman.
You all go silent because after you get your hostility out, you realise that you really don’t have an argument and have to retreat rather than face the uncomforting cognitive dissonance.
+++++Also, you and I are merely talking about each other’s ability to express opinions, yet neither of us are giving each other the platform to express our beliefs and debate.+++++
You are merely rationalizing your inability to present even a rudimentary INFORMED opinion. To camouflage that inability you attempt to equate my informed opinion to be the same as your unfounded one.
As far as a platform, your privilege to post here is very the platform that anyone else is afforded. Do you feel you need some special accommodation for your esteemed thoughts? This kind of hubris is a thin disguise. You have no legitimate presentation and you know it. Stop trying to blame others with this false notion that they are not permitting you to have your say.
+++++You say I do not actually have solid beliefs because I haven’t expressed them yet? I have a lot of solid beliefs and principles, and do not know which one you would want me to express. But frankly, even if I did express any of my beliefs, you wouldn’t listen because you are so thick brained in your own ignorance.+++++
LOL. This type of insulting comment is exactly the false reasoning that millennial feminists use all the time. Because people don’t silently agree with you, they are somehow “thick brained” and “ignorant”. NOTHING is further from the truth. It is you that simply refuses to entertain anything that rocks your faulty foundations.
You certainly have beliefs and principles, but they are flawed and you are so aware of their flaws that you refuse to examine them.
+++++But also, I don’t think anything you could say would ever change my beliefs either.+++++
Your fundamentalism was never in doubt. However, you seem to make the same mistake that all fundamentalists do. Exposing your lies while presenting truths that oppose them is not about changing YOUR mind. Zealots are resolute in their “beliefs”. However, the reasonable (and especially the reasonable neophyte) are effectively swayed when we show how illogical and pugnacious fundamentals are.
It is no different than exposing the hysterics and hostility of modern feminists. When hate-groups like modern feminists call for people to do physical harm to those they do not agree with, it shows that they are the violent and selfish bigots. Showing that you are wrong does a similar service. Be as stubborn as you like. Convincing you is not a requirement in the propagation of truth.
+++++So, it seems we are at a stalemate.+++++
No. There is no stalemate. I only need to convince the reasonable at large. I’ve done so. You can remain as antagonistic as you like. Your foolishness is your own problem.
+++++The purpose of debating is to learn from one another but I believe that our distinct hatred for one another and extremely varying beliefs would make that impossible.+++++
The purpose of earnest debate is to dispel myth and create some clarity and comprehension on the truth. Whether you learn something or not is actually irrelevant. YOU are not that important to the truth.
Hatred? Don’t flatter yourself. I have no respect for arrogant and ignorant people like you, but I do not “hate” them. Pity maybe, but you have to earn a lot more esteem in order to be reviled. As far as “extreme” beliefs, you have not delivered any credible argument or even tangible argument that the views of Return-of-Kings are extreme. You are merely self-aggrandizing.
+++++So, goodbye. Have fun wallowing in your own prejudices and pretentious beliefs as you continue to make harsh judgements and rash assumptions for the rest of eternity.+++++
Wallowing? No. I’m quite elated that it was so easy to demonstrate that you are nothing but a self-righteous bigot. Prejudice? I support my position with logic and reason. You, in contrast, editorialize and offer no transparency. It’s “You guys suck and that’s that!” with you.
The rest of eternity? Spare us the dramatics, little child. You cannot refute most of what is said here and you know it. That’s why it bothers you. It’s not because it is wrong. It is because it is right, and means that your false notions are therefore incorrect.
Trolls like you never make good on the “good bye” anyways. You just go on to say the same false “opinions” over and over again. You should be banned from not just Return-of-Kings, but from any forum where people debate with logic instead of “emotions”. Try growing up.
The fact that it took you several days to compile this longwinded essay shows that you are wayyyyyyy too invested in trying to prove some kid on the internet wrong. You are obsessive and compulsive and it is extremely worrying. Why do you want to prove me wrong so badly? You say it “elates” you? Why is that so? it’s extremely unsettling.
After everything you have said, I still do not know your beliefs and where you stand on anything stated on ROK. Also, you do not know any of my beliefs. You are merely obsessed with proving that whatever I say is incorrect and you are somehow inherently superior because you spend days formulating the perfect argument to explain that your ideas (which you have yet to share) are better. This is not an actual debate; it is simply you trying to prove to me that you are eloquent.
Calm down. Find another hobby. Work on your coding skills. I’m not going to respond to you any more because I know that whining on and on brings you pleasure.
+++++The fact that it took you several days to compile this longwinded essay shows that you are wayyyyyyy too invested in trying to prove some kid on the internet wrong.+++++
Wrong. Firstly, you assume that the “clock is ticking” the moment you commit your post (quite the solipsistic view typical feminists). I didn’t see this till yesterday, and only spent whatever was required to refute your error-filled attempt at admonishment.
Secondly, I didn’t just “try”, I PROVED you wrong. You like to talk big until you get challenged. When that happens you try to dismiss it as “just the Internet so it’s not important”. If it was important enough to you to post in the first place, it was important enough to you that I responded.
+++++You are obsessive and compulsive and it is extremely worrying. Why do you want to prove me wrong so badly?+++++
This is the usual “catch-all” rationalization of trolls like you. If people don’t respond, you smugly think you were correct. If people respond, you accuse them of being “obsessive” Prove YOU wrong. Like I said, it isn’t about “YOU”. All I am doing is showing how bigoted the people who troll Return-of-Kings are. You seem to have a problem with that (and that is far more “worrying”).
+++++You say it “elates” you? Why is that so? it’s extremely unsettling.+++++
Why shouldn’t it elate one to counter a bully like yourself? What you find “unsettling” is that some is willing to challenge you on your foundation. You clearly don’t have one and are here to try to bully and shame people into silence. That’s the usual routine of modern feminists. You are wrong, but you try to play victim.
+++++After everything you have said, I still do not know your beliefs and where you stand on anything stated on ROK.+++++
I’ve been quite succinct and to the point about where I stand on a lot of issues here. Your inability to comprehend is not my problem.
+++++Also, you do not know any of my beliefs. You are merely obsessed with proving that whatever I say is incorrect and you are somehow inherently superior because you spend days formulating the perfect argument to explain that your ideas (which you have yet to share) are better.+++++
You can attempt to create an aura of mystique around your “vaunted” beliefs, but I’ve already demonstrated that you basically state your opinions and refuse to supply any reasoning to support them.
Basically, by showing that you have been incorrect in what little you did put forward, it can be shown that you are dishonest and really have no real argument. I didn’t spend “days” on formulating a rebuttal so stop trying to flatter yourself. You’re nowhere near as logically sound as you like to think you are. I’ve asked you to present even a SINGLE issue that you thought was incorrect. I’ve covered the vague ones you tried. You got refuted. Get over it. Get over yourself.
+++++This is not an actual debate; it is simply you trying to prove to me that you are eloquent.+++++
Yet it is a debate in that I provided a solid argument that you are not here to offer any insight or reasoned counter-argument. You are a troll, and you have not been able to refute that.
Eloquence? You’re just trying to dismiss the fact that your argument was refuted.
+++++Calm down. Find another hobby. Work on your coding skills. I’m not going to respond to you any more because I know that whining on and on brings you pleasure.+++++
Retreating to a being patronizing now are we? Yes. This is how it usually goes. You came here with this arrogant attitude that you are above everyone that agrees with Return-of-Kings. However, I’ve exposed your thin disguise, so it’s now “I’m not playing anymore”. Sorry, troll, but if you are going to be so overconfident with your abilities, you’ll be challenged (and summarily defeated).
Go and find some other forum to harass. Try Jezebel. They will agree with all your man-bashing concepts.
Throughout this stream of comments, you keep inferring that I am apart of some bigger social justice group or something and that whatever I say reflects them as a whole. I did not comment on this article in order to prove that all SJW’s are completely eloquent speakers and did not attempt to justify the actions of some extremist SJWs who this article lashes out against. I have already said that I do not associate myself with SJW’s yet you are unable to comprehend that a person who disagrees with you is not necessarily apart of some larger group that you can just naturally assume their entire mindset.
Also, you say you are happy by disagreeing with a “bully” on the internet? I’m sorry, but I do not think I’ve displayed the qualities of being a bully, and quite frankly, you are more likely to be a bully. You are a full grown adult who derives pleasure from constantly insulting a kid on the internet in this patronizing, “self righteous” tone.
By the way, you never even refuted any of my arguments so please, stop “flattering” yourself. If I recall, my argument was that individuals on this website seek to suppress opposing voices through belittlement. It seems that you have not done a very good job at refuting this.
Hit the road, troll. You are full of shit. You go around saying stuff like,
“talking to an individual whose level of compassion and intelligence rivals that of a grain of sand is the most draining pastime in the world”
….and you think your “not” being an arrogant asswipe?
Personally, I can’t wait to see Gary E. tear into your latest bullshit response.
+++++Throughout this stream of comments, you keep inferring that I am apart of some bigger social justice group or something and that whatever I say reflects them as a whole. I did not comment on this article in order to prove that all SJW’s are completely eloquent speakers and did not attempt to justify the actions of some extremist SJWs who this article lashes out against.+++++
One of the standard logical fallacies used by SJW’s is the “No true Scotsman” informal fallacy. This is a variation of it. While you vicariously support the unfounded view of SJW’s by attacking those that disagree with them, you claim, that because you declare “no affiliation” that you are not promoting their agenda.
The truth is that you ARE promoting the very same intolerant attitudes, and do so with the similar approach of unfounded disparagement of their critics. In fact (yes, FACT) your comment that I responded to (#comment-2526458489) is basically nothing but pejoratives. These include comments like “level of compassion and intelligence rivals that of a grain of sand”, “your mangled beliefs”, “pretentious, foolish beings”. As was said, NONE of this is substantiated and you continue to AVOID substantiation with feigned indignation. You’re a FRAUD like most SJW’s are.
+++++I have already said that I do not associate myself with SJW’s yet you are unable to comprehend that a person who disagrees with you is not necessarily apart of some larger group that you can just naturally assume their entire mindset.+++++
Nice try. Most people, including myself, fully recognize AND comprehend that your “declaration of independence” from SJW-dom does not mean you do not actually do the same, or similar, thing. Not being a card-carrying member doesn’t mean you that don’t have the same intolerant, biased and self-righteous attitude. You clearly do, but are just trying to find some “fault” in your opposition’s comment. You’ve failed again.
+++++Also, you say you are happy by disagreeing with a “bully” on the internet?+++++
Another fallacy ubiquitously employed by SJW’s is that of the straw man argument. Just WHERE did I say I was “happy by disagreeing with a bully on the Internet”? I said,
…“Wallowing? No. I’m quite elated that it was so easy to demonstrate that you are nothing but a self-righteous bigot.”…
…in context to dispel your false accusation of “wallowing”. Furthermore, I wasn’t happy because I disagreed with a bully. I was “happy” that bullies could be so easily exposed. There’s a big difference in those two statements. Either you have poor reading comprehension, or you are speciously altering the meaning so you have something to bash (aka the straw man argument).
+++++I’m sorry, but I do not think I’ve displayed the qualities of being a bully, and quite frankly, you are more likely to be a bully. You are a full grown adult who derives pleasure from constantly insulting a kid on the internet in this patronizing, “self righteous” tone.+++++
Oh, don’t try to play the VICTIM CARD now. This is typical of bullies who get into an altercation that was more than they bargained for. If you try the “big boy” bravado, retreating to “I’m just a kid” is about as cowardly as it gets. You started it but you lost. Grow up.
Again, “your” declaration that you are “not” a bully is meaningless. You behave every bit the bully so that is what you are. You’re the one with the patronizing self-righteous tone ((#comment-2526458489). You are not fooling anyone (not even yourself). Parroting attacks like this are typical of cornered Internet trolls.
+++++By the way, you never even refuted any of my arguments so please, stop “flattering” yourself.+++++
That’s not even a “nice try”, that is an absolute LIE.
You have offered few specific arguments to refute (which is part of my initial criticism of your participation here). The few semi-identifiable arguments where CLEARLY REFUTED one of my first response to you (#comment-2548485738). Search for the phrase, “In the sense that dogs often cannot fathom what one is describing”. There is a whole section on directly refuting your feeble notions.
You’re a LIAR (and that is typical of SJW’s)
+++++If I recall, my argument was that individuals on this website seek to suppress opposing voices through belittlement.+++++
That speciously ignores what those “opposing voices” say and act.
Practically every single one of you who “oppose” offer NOTHING but childish insults (“you must have a small wiener”, “you must be some fat guy living in your mommy’s basement”, etc) and a complete lack of logical refutation. For that, you pretend that people must stoically accept this verbal abuse or they are “belittling” their attackers.
You are a FRAUD.
++++It seems that you have not done a very good job at refuting this.+++++
That is the usual DISHONEST argument of an SJW. If you were HONEST, you would recall that I already alluded to how you excuse the hostility and lack of logical framework of “those who oppose” in my first response to you (#comment-2533550713).
It seems that you have NOT done a very good job at being honest.
You are a FRAUD, a LIAR and nothing but a hostile entitled child. You were given a chance to present a real and earnest argument. You squandered that opportunity, and instead resort to the usual deflection and immature ranting of someone who KNOWS they are wrong, but cannot accept it.
If you really are a “kid”, then SHUT UP and listen to those who know a lot more than you.
“fiercely voicing out their concerns against loose women”
That is what I don’t get about this web site and neo-masculinity. Supposedly it is bad that so many women are so slutty. But then you teach game to get slutty women into bed. Doesn’t game just take advantage of how slutty women are today?
Seems like this movement should split into guy interested in restoring the patriarchy and those interested in gaming slutty women.
I think I speak for the others when I say that we believe familial patriarchy can’t be removed or restored but is biological. So always present in our species.
Not sure about the loose women comment. But it’s not really the main point of the article. We were lied about and many violent threats were made and may yet be carried out. That is wrong. That’s the point of the article.
Actually I believe we’re a ‘swing species’. When man stands down, matriarchy gains its clutches, not by default, but only when man falls under attack, and a period of vetting and culling begins to re balance the stronger directing male forces. Everything orderly is blown away like the wind under matriarchy. Under matriarchy mankind falls below the food chain and loses his ccntrol over the forces of mother nature. Under matriarchy we become like dumb animals without souls. The blood lust and baby eating is born in matriarchy. It is the wild bitch mother in nature who eats her young.
BUT ALAS PATRIARCHY to the rescue. Under patriarchy the wild she beast is yoked and the great bitch mother MOTHER EARTH is strapped by the Patriarch, THE COWBOY who lassoes her ass, dams and caps her flowing fountains, steers her forces to the construction of towering civilizations and RIDES HER BIG ASS THROUGHOUT MAGNIFICENT SPACE. Under patriarchy THE ORDER OF MAN is our cement. . But . . under matriarchy we fall to become like the chirping, grunting, barking beasts trapped beneath the bitch forces of this orb. With matriarchy we live and die like animals, like the lowly grub worm, like the fuana of the soil.
But with patriarchy – WE LIVE period.
Hail the patriarchy!!
Well, that explains it. Thanks!
And Satan, too!
Ha ha. Love it. There is a Darwinian argument in your piece that the survival probability of the species is higher with familial patriarchal behavior. So, over time, it has become hardwired.
I like the way your thinking is more poetic than mine. I’m a bit of a scientist. It’s interesting that religions, through poetry and stories, put great importance on patriarchy as “good” and correct moral behavior. For example the book of Genesis, the very beginning of the sacred texts of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, speaks of familial patriarchy poetically. God says to Eve that her husband will “will rule over you”. Then, on virtually every page of the bible you will find a succession of patriarchal families lead by the prophets and in the new testament Paul says “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord”. I hear that Buddhist also teach of a familial hierarchy with the farther as leader.
I think that these religions have survived thousands of years because they all contain a truth about our species. But today, with secularism so popular, it’s not enough to quote a religion to illustrate a deep truth about our own nature like this. This is fine because the science is just a plain. Patriarchy in our species has been a survival advantage and is now hardwired.
So familial patriarchy exists as a hardwired trait in men, women and children. As men we must now lead a resistance so that all people can live freely according to their true nature. This is the only path to a sense of happiness and fulfillment for all.
Well said. I was imprinted and ingrained by my peers and the public school system the idea that women must get a career and be equal to men because I was a part of the ‘equality generation’ or something along those lines. I completely believed it for a long time. But then, I grew older and graduated high school only to figure out, my real desire in life was to be barefoot and pregnant really. I tried to fight against it, thinking t was a bad thing and society ruined me.
But now I realize, it is just my hardwired instinct to want many babies and to be looked after and subservient to a dominant husband. I want to cook, clean and build a home to pass down for generations. However, the economy makes it difficult to have kids on only one income. I would be the happiest woman in the world if I could have as many sons and daughters to raise and teach as I could manage. I am only 18, but just dreaming of having many happy children and babies could make me cry tears of joy. The more I thought about it, the more I realized creating a family is the most important career for me to have, rather than some office or engineering job that people keep pushing onto many women.
I just wish so many people didn’t make me feel so ashamed and wrong for wanting to be the barefoot and pregnant stereotype more than anything else in the world. I think many women have been pushed away and detached from what is their nature, and they don’t even realize what they are missing. Patriarchy worked for thousands of years, and suddenly people are trying to break free from it. I just do not understand why people would purposely make themselves unhappy for some sense of “equality” that is against nature. It just saddens me to see this many people unhappy and not realizing the reason why, I was the same way until I connected with my natural instincts.
You are way ahead of a lot of people in understanding this. Don’t worry I was influenced by the education system and the media growing up the same way you were and I eventually worked it out for myself and became much happier.
It’s funny how different people find the truth in different way. I have a scientific training and I sort of used reason to confirm what I knew inside. It sounds like you are very in touch with you own instincts and discovered it that way. Some other people learn through experience dating and with relationships and others from religion.
I’m also hoping to have a life one day where every night the family sits down to dinner and I sit at the head of the table. sound corny but I think little symbols of authority like that I think create a ordered and peaceful life.
So it sounds like we are looking for each other. I didn’t know this was a dating site.
Billboards and pamphlets from colleges, trade schools and the military are everywhere. These are propaganda ads which depict young fertile women all smiling in uniform or with textbooks. Never a sad or disappointed face in the ads. It’s a big lie like the cigarette ads which show people kayaking down rapids with captions like ”Salem’s cool” or brave fighter pilots smiling with captions like ”Winston, America’s best”. If these ads were honest they would show a smoker wearing a soiled wife beater watching a flickering TV with pieces of hard pizza in a box, empty perscription bottles for every chronic ass ache condition under the sun, and a trash can full of snot rags mixed with cigarette butts of some poor chain smoker. Or they’d show some lady with air tubes in her nose and her daughter wheeling behind with her oxygen cannister.
The college ads would show some miserable post wall lady in debt wearing a pink ribbon tee shirt for all the women that never emptied out their milkers and the mammary glands become tumorous and hard when they fester, loaded with a 20 year old piece of cheese cake comprised of hydrogenated oils and chemically preserved trans fatty acids that should have been drank when the milk was fresh. ”USE ‘EM OR LOSE ‘EM LADIES. Don’t listen to the propaganda. The propaganda is everywhere.
Exactly. I just didn’t realize it when I was young, and I don’t think many children, teens or adults really know how much propaganda affects their lives. Hell, it took me almost two years to come to terms with the fact that I really wanted to have a homemaking career instead of a workforce one. I was just so brainwashed into thinking that it was wrong to want that. I think that a very high number of young women have been in, or is currently the same situation I had previously and did not realize that motherhood is a job option.
I found out through my career choice that I wanted in high school. The reason I am currently in college is to be a school teacher or for very young children or to have a daycare center until I have children of my own. After my children are all grown and have their lives ahead of them, I think I would return to the workforce then. My mother did that, except she did it as a nurse. She has recently returned to the workforce and often tells me how much she misses being a stay at home mom when myself and my siblings were young.
email me, Kat: [email protected]
Sounds good but don’t waste all your time with other peoples children. As a job it’s fine, as long as you remember they are not yours. Your own children are more important than the children of other people. Do it for money and to pass the time, as an occupation and an interest. That’s it.
Your mother sounds like a great woman.
Hun you dont get it. We are MEN. We have the ability to care for others. Not just us. Others beeing women in this case. Slutty women are great for us alpha males. We LOVE it.
However slutty women are bad for womanhood. They hurt themselfs. We can see it. The so called “sexual empowerment” of women is not so great for the vast majority of your gender. Sex and the city and happy ever after is a big fucking lie.
So out of the goodness of our alpha hearts and the fact there is only so much pussy a man can handle we work as a beacon of light in these dark times to bring some hope for your lost sisters. Ahha now you have it. The truth and nothing but the truth. Too bad you wont be able to get it. So sad.
So after you bed many slutty women, do you have a discussion with them about changing their ways? That they should have made it much harder to get their pussy.
But then if they regret being so slutty and sleeping with you so quickly, maybe they accuse you of rape. After all regret is now considered rape.
There’s a reason women don’t care about free speech – THEY HAVE NOTHING VALUABLE TO SAY.
These women should have been out in force, to protest the degredation of nurses and doctors, of the NHS, from pay slashing and unworable hours, or innocent people with disabilities thrown out of gov housing for gentrification.
Disgusts me. My best friend suffers in the NHS, his health as well as his masculine pride and this pack of irrideemables flaunt their misandry.
I’d like to give Roosh a hard truth of mine.
Milo Yiannopoulous is gay. Fight Club’s author is gay. interesting…
Feminism is the real unfashionable opinion. The reason it predominates is the absolute excess of white knights who are incapable of standing for themselves that we have in this (and other western) countries.
The MSM, Politicians and Social Media are the three biggest problems in our modern world. The first two need to be put back in their place as servants and not overlords, and the third just needs to have its fucking plug pulled.
Put me in coach …