Is Your Smartphone Cock Blocking You?

In today’s world smart phone’s are less of a necessity and just simply a reality. The once common flip cell phone is all but on the verge of extinction, and with $40-$50 a month no-contract policies available, even Obama phone users have access to smartphones. As awesome as they are in regards to the information overload you now have available a few inches away from your cock, is it really helping or hurting?

The Good

Thanks to smartphones, you know have a few added advantages to the dating/hookup scene.

1. Google Maps

You used to have to worry about knowing where you were going. Even if you decided to go to a local venue, if you hadn’t been there before, you may walk past it six times before noticing it. But now with phones you can simply yell the address and it tells you exactly where to go.

2. There’s an app for that

Can’t spell, there’s an app. Need to pay your bill so you have a place to bang, app for that. Need something to do while you shit, there’s an app for that. There are literally so many apps that you could argue pulling your kid out of school and having it learn from your iPhone.


3. Dating connectivity

While personally I avoid online dating, anyone wishing to venture into it now has the advantage of the dating app. The plus side is half of them just simply tell you who is nearby rather than making you set up a complicated profile. If anything it’s a decent blend of your picture looks decent, and if I can spot you at a bar and you look like the picture, you can talk, and then bang.

4. Access to venue reviews

Say you go downtown and the bar sucks, and you’re not from the area. Smartphones allow you to use Google to find a place that’s both nearby and find a review on it. This saves countless amounts of walking up and down a street to only end up in some dump crap venue where you’re going to leave five minutes later.

The Bad

But for the negative side, there’s some big downfalls to smartphones as well.

1. Social skill killer

For being only 25, I’m still  a fan of the old fashion call for a date. The problem is, no one else is. It’s not uncommon for me to call, only to have no answer, and then get an immediate text response of “hey whats up?” While this makes hookups easier when someone happens to be preoccupied, such as being at work, the flakiness is rarely due to an acceptable excuse. It’s just primarily due to the fact that people want to hide behind a screen. AIM back in the day did the same thing, only this is worse, because this is with people 24/7, 365.

2. Addiction

It’s now being proven that people are addicted to cell phones. They cannot look away from their phones for five minutes, which in turn means you do not get their attention for more than four minutes. This sadly isn’t a case of looking for the wrong women. The majority of people I have encountered are just simply addicted to technology. If you ever doubt it, go to a mall on a weekend and find a high school couple together. Nine times out of ten they will be walking together smiling, and texting someone else. I imagine the conversation goes “OMG I’m having so much fun with my bf at the mall.” Meanwhile, neither of them ever talk to each other.

3. There’s an app for that

Yes, this is a bit of a contradiction to the above, but a key point. Initially apps were useful. Now people are coming out with programs that are only hindering the intelligence of the human race. Becky’s use of an app to see what astrological signs match up with her for dating will not get you laid unless you happen to be the one sign the app says matches up. As dating apps gain popularity as well, you’re likely to see some blockage of cold approaches which will leave you stuck sending bait through an app. Game over.


He had such a great opener, from across the room, on his phone.

The only thing I can conclude from technology, primarily smart phones, is that they are the worst invention created in terms of game. Where they were once unique and useful, they’ve become common and pointless. The ability to assist has been shoved to the back of the room, while the primary focus is on ruining your intelligence and cockblocking you.

In the end, the only hope I can see for technology losing ground is if a trend is started going against  technology. In it’s current form though, you no longer have to worry about Ashley’s fat-ass friend cock blocking you. Now you have to worry about her damn iPhone.

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60 thoughts on “Is Your Smartphone Cock Blocking You?”

  1. In 3rd world countries most people can’t afford to keep up with tech, so one more reason to get to one.

      1. And in Argentina women will pay fuckloads more for the iPhone because of the status symbol it is. Though Samsung now is putting out a phone that is starting to rival iphone that is cheaper. I know a colleague who is a prominent businessman in Buenos Aires, and though he has too a smartphone, and his maid who works for peanuts has a better smartphone then he does. I have seen this too with young poor teenage argentine kids. It’s weird.

        1. Not all that much different from American ghetto kids who, for years, have been paying megabucks for Nike shoes and other high-end basketball gear, thinking they’re NBA pros.
          All about the status.

      2. I´ve lived in Peru for the last 4 years and have traveled extensively thoughout SA. The people you are talking about would only be about the top 10% of the population that actually have money. The average person in these coutries do not have them. Hell in Peru you have to go to Lima just to find these newer models. Even if they did get one somehow they wouldn´t be able to afford to put credit on the damn thing.

    1. yeah dude i was gonna say, if you have ever been to a third world country most people have smartphones. in africa every fucking person has a blackberry and in india everyone has an android phone. they are behind in that they pay by the minute still, there is no flat fee unlimited cell service. and the internet sucks.
      the only place where smartphones really havent caught on is, believe it or not, japan. the whole interface isnt well suited to texting in japanese.

      1. I take it you haven’t been to Japan then. Some urbanites in China and Korea use two phones simultaneously to text, I kid you not. The Chinese and Japanese use the same characters and many Chinese around the world text in Chinese characters.

    2. My long term girl in Kenya has an Android…I have never asked how she got
      it and I never will. I can only afford my GoPhone.

      1. Hmmm. At least she has an Android. To me, if the chick has an Android and knows how to grok it, she gets points in my book. If nothing else, she bucks the trend of Chicks + iPhones.

  2. And when this horrendous google glasses thing becomes popular and affordable you wont even have to take your phone out to get your tech fix. Its funny; if you had told me when i was a child that id see iphones and glasses that connect to the internet i would have been so excited.

    1. Not to mention, once we are perpetually connected to the internet via glasses or eventually contacts, the value of all that knowledge and life experience you have been spending years accumulating will diminish significantly.

      1. Somewhat related; while traveling abroad noticed how people would visit from the other side of the globe and never take their face out of the camera. At Angkor Wat for example, visitors never abandon their technology and simply contemplate the architecture. Some talking on their cell phone while snapping photos. If you stand there and listen you hear the sound of hundreds of snapshots going off at once.Then on return never even look at the photos. Should have just watched a travelogue on TV.
        When I ditched my camera had better travel experiences. You can buy postcards or get one of the natives to happily snap your photo in front of the Taj Majal. Also you don’t give customs the pleasure of snooping through your photos, which are available on your digital camera.

        1. This applies more to digital cameras, not to old-style cameras where you had to worry about angles, the film, conditions, etc. You had to rely on your memory more because of the limitations of technology.

    2. Oh, it’s going to get much, much worse than that.
      Soon enough we’ll be in a world like Ghost in the Shell, where people’s brains and bodies have been cyberized and no external devices will even be needed to connect to the net. You can literally be connected via your cyberbrain, 24/7. Can you begin to imagine the cockblocking and the sheer amount of dick offers girls are going to get?
      It’s going to happen. Mark my words. A situation like Google glasses was the first step.

      1. I would be fine with that if I can have realistic or semi-realistic virtual sex.

        1. Probably the thing to hope for is when fuck doll technology reaches a point where we won’t need women at all anymore.

      2. Sometimes I wish technology would just accelerate fast enough to be the matrix so i can just pretend life was back like it was in 1999

      3. One thing is for certain: Whatever road we are on we aint gettin off of it.

    3. Same here. I remember how cool it was to see the Net operate in a movie like “Johnny Mnemonic” — with those VR goggles and gloves.
      Now, I’d rather the Google Glasses not been invented. I predict it will be as bad as seeing people glued to their phones while walking, not paying attention to where they’re at.

  3. And when this horrendous google glasses thing becomes popular and affordable you wont even have to take your phone out to get your tech fix. Its funny; if you had told me when i was a child that id see iphones and glasses that connect to the internet i would have been so excited.

  4. I don’t think texting instead of calling is such a bad thing. I prefer to just set up a date and see the girl in person where I can take advantage of my body language, eye contact, etc. A girl can ignore a missed call or voicemail just as easily as a text. I do see how people prefer to hide behind a screen. If you’re confident it’s just a weakness on their part. Those who are comfortable with normal social contact will have the upper hand in person.

    1. “Those who are comfortable with normal social contact will have the upper hand in person.”
      This is true. The problem, however, is that there are more and more socially retarded people out there who prefer hiding behind screens than interacting in person. I’ve found this with both guys and dudes, with Retardation Center being North America.
      In EE, I didn’t see any of this, thankfully. Nor did I see it in places like France and Germany when I was there nearly four years ago.

  5. Another positive these days, Tinder. Easy way to fill your pipeline with dates and work on your text message game with almost zero investment.

    1. Tinder works if you’re 21 and handsome.
      But then you’d have lot of dates from regular sources anyways.

  6. I have a flip phone. I get opened all the time when chicks see it. “haha omg that thing is so0o0o0o old lolzlzlzlz. I bet you can only store like 50 numbers in there!”
    Common reply, “Great guess- Wanna be 1 of 50?”
    “Hehe llolzolzozlozl yes please 😉 “

    1. Good article. I liken the smartphone to holding a drink in your hand in front of you when you’re conversing — though the phone is the crutch to prevent you FROM conversing in the first place.
      Any other words of wisdom as to why women choose iPhones other than Android phones? I have the latter (but a cheaper version that can’t hold that many apps), and I know that two reasons why women prefer the iPhones is that (1) they’re pretty, and (2) it’s technology designed with the average clueless and indifferent female in mind.

      1. You can also add into the fact that they can view the device as a mindless status symbol and branding. boots. Men often pick androids because of phone specs. Its Ugg boots vs gear heads.

        1. Yep, phone specs is an obvious reason for Android phones. As an IT guy myself, this makes more sense. More customizable = more control I have over it. As most chicks couldn’t care less about how it works (or most machines), they go for whatever is easier and trendy.

  7. i dunno man, i got a smartphone, i was a couple years behind everyone else, never had problems with it. i dont check it ever, leave it at home regularly by accident i guess because its not constantly on my mind, and the battery dies every couple days at least a few hours before i realize it.
    just because its new and cool doesnt mean you have to overdo it. just use it like an old phone.
    but i can agree with one thing, its a common trope around these parts now, these bitches dont get off their fucking fones. and dudes too. i make it a point to call a dude a bitchboy (in an innocent guy humor way that gets them just self conscious enough to adjust their behavior) when i see him checking his phone compulsively.
    i find it gross. i dont see how it isnt mentally and emotionally suffocating. when i meet a woman and she check her phone more than once in a half hour i immediately write her off for anything other than sex. it isnt easy because we all want emotional connections with people, but it must be done if self development is a priority.

  8. Never had one, never will get one. A lot of times pen and paper actually works just fine to

  9. smart phones = global control of peoples and communications.
    It also means that in order to function meaningfully in the modern world, everyone needs to have one. For better or for worse. You may as well be married to the infernal thing.

  10. There are a lot more downsides for smartphones and cell phones in general: this article is incomplete.
    – They interact negatively with the electrical activity of our brains/bodies and can alter our thoughts/moods
    – They are a major factor of emasculation in the Western World. Feminism, satanism, stupidity and consumerism are disseminated via the mobile culture. Cell phone radiation reduce sperm count in males and is just another less known way to make the feminist dream of male obsolescence come true.
    – Who the f*ck needs to yap all day on a phone ? Who was wasting the most time talking useless shit on land line phones before mobile phones were introduced ? Our sweet little feminine angels, of course ! And not one of them is buying or selling stocks and options to justify being all day connected and staring like a stupid zombie at a small inconvenient screen with earphones listening to the latest feminist/satanist piece of shit music.
    – Cell phones/smartphones disorganize, disempower men and make them depend on the approval of other lazy, disorganized, mindless consumerist zombies. You don’t have to plan anything carefully nowadays because you have your phone so you tend to take less responsibility for your life and invent easy excuses to justify retarded behavior.
    – They are expensive, rarely worth the money since they are most of the time useless for the average guy. With that money you can buy a desktop and work serious shit on it. Running a business without a cell phone is also possible and recommended. This is not these laughable Hollywood movies with all kind of ridiculous actors talking “dangerous” business on the phone, this is f*cking reality. You should not talk important matters on the phone before signing serious contracts. Everything must be produced in written format, and think twice about what you ask and demand. Phone conversations can be recorded and used against you when you don’t have much experience and tend to talk lightly on the phone.
    – Cell phones and especially smartphones are tracking devices for facebook, google, NSA, Obama and other parasites that make money by selling your personal private information to other interested entities. The common mindless zombie will say “but if you have nothing to hide??”. Really ? You have nothing to hide ? But the Government ? Why doesn’t he disclose everything about history, politics, the real economy and what’s really happening ? Why do corporations use a veil to protect interests and business secrets ? So nobody has “nothing” to hide! In the information age every intelligent human being or entity HAS something to hide. Any true information is valuable and can be sold and used for a profit. But the average shitty women and emasculated morons cannot understand this because of their natural laziness and mediocrity.
    I can write another 200 pages on this but I think it’s enough for now.
    To HELL with cell phones, smartphones, ipods, ipads, google glasses, RFIDs, twitter, facebook, instagram, etc.

    1. Finally, someone said it. However there are moments in which cellphones are indeed useful, the world would be a better place without them. Especially since NO ONE is interested in regulating the frequencies of the cellphones so they don’t alter the delicate electromagnetic interactions of the human body and sperm production.

  11. Cell phones cause cancer, I am not making a joke. And not just brain cancer, by having it in your pocket you can still get cancer as a lot of your blood is made in your pelvic region. I have direct knowledge that the people that make cell phones are aware of this and suppress this information actively, and through direct intimidation. Do yourself a favor and only use cellphones sparingly.

    1. Dude relax, everything gives you cancer these days. The highest risk is getting a brain tumor from actually talking on the phone for hours on end excessively. Luckily I make a call maybe once a week.

    2. I’m no expert but if EMF’s from power substations can cause health problems for people who simply live nearby, one has to wonder just what goes on when you have a cell phone right next to your body. I would wager that the cell phone / health issue concern will evolve the same way the cigarette industry scandal did as you stated; that the evidence will be hidden behind closed doors, then publicly denied, then eventually proven.

    3. I’m no expert but if EMF’s from power substations can cause health problems for people who simply live nearby, one has to wonder just what goes on when you have a cell phone right next to your body. I would wager that the cell phone / health issue concern will evolve the same way the cigarette industry scandal did as you stated; that the evidence will be hidden behind closed doors, then publicly denied, then eventually proven.

      1. You are so correct about what you are saying that when it happens within the next 10-20 years you will be amazed. This will end up coming out during the discovery process in future litigation, and you feel like a fortune teller. Count on it.

  12. I’ll admit that I’m very addicted to my smart phone. But not just that, technology as a whole. And I’ll admit it’s quite sad. I usually buy a new smart phone every year. I’m a consumerist whore. I have to have the latest and greatest. I am slowly trying to break that addiction. I find it pathetic looking at people just staring at the Facebook application on their phones, liking anything and everything in site. What a complete waste of time. At least in social situations I can stray away from my phone for a few hours at a time.

  13. When I first heard of the smart phone concept, I figured it would be something for techi-types, in the same way calculator watches were popular for a certain computer going male demographic. Never would I have guessed that it would become a popular as a self validation too for women.

    1. As the woman says:
      “iPhone, iPhone on the wall, who’s the most self-absorbed of them all?”

  14. Had a couple of iphones in the past but never used them for what they were built for..
    Only bought them to take them with me and get a short cut in banging EE girls. They would look at it like if it was diamond necklace and would play with it before playing with me. A lazy way to get them on my pants, I must recognize.
    Nowadays the trick doesnt work anymore. Anyway, they always have the latest model/version, so i stick to my old phone.

  15. I Started to read this text cause I hopes you had a solution to my problem. The problem isnt her phone, the problem is mine. Im with my girlfriend and shes constatntly taking my phone, deleting messages from people and makig it a really fucking hard time for me meeting other women. SOmetimes i lock my phone and dont tell her the code etc but it always end up with her being a fucking mad bitch., wich makes me angry, and it always goes to a big fight and her starting crying and shit. I dont wanna break up with her cause she has some, eh, prviliges that I want, and she is also the owner of a model agency wityh strippers etc (she is a stripper her self) wich is also a reason why i dont wanna dump her cause I always get introduced to hot girls and they all wanna lick my ass for being her boss boyfriend. Also gives me som job opportities once in a while.
    Its also bad cuz when i get mad i get aggressive and im afraid that someday i will really hurt my girlfriend.

  16. To be honest, i’m ao addicted with a smartphones, especially Androids i love them 😀

  17. I don’t use a smart phone. Just a regular old-fashioned flip cell phone. After I get off work, I can’t stand emailing and texting. Just call me!!!

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