Germany’s New Security White Paper: The Beginnings Of Change To Migration Policy?

Beyond the depressing headlines, there may—perhaps—be grounds for cautious optimism that the German establishment is waking up to the fact that they need to change their security doctrine. Angela Merkel’s recent white paper on Germany’s national security challenges seems to indicate that her government is slowly becoming aware that major changes need to be made to both security doctrine and implementation.

While it is still too soon to tell if actions will match the rhetoric, one can at least detect quiet shifts in German security doctrine from a careful reading of Berlin’s most recent security white paper.

ARCHIV - Rund 1000 Soldtaten nehmen am Dienstag (12.04.2011) in Amberg (Oberpfalz) an einem Appell teil. Die Männer und Frauen der 10. Panzerdivision der Bundeswehr waren zuvor von Einsätzen in Afghanistan und auf dem Balkan zurückgekehrt. Das Bundeskabinett will an diesem Mittwoch (18.05.2011) die Pläne für die Reform der Bundeswehr beschließen. Verteidigungsminister de Maizière stellt sie anschließend der Öffentlichkeit vor. Er plant eine deutliche Verkleinerung der Streitkräfte und eine Straffung der Strukturen. Foto: Armin Weigel dpa/lby +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

Europe in general and Germany in particular has been reeling in 2016 from multiple terrorist attacks. Chancellor Merkel, nothing daunted, has doubled-down on her pro-immigration position with the mantra of “We can do this.” Bavarians were less convinced. Horst Seehofer, the Bavarian premier, angrily attacked what looked to him like willful blindness coming out of Berlin.

“I cannot, with my best will, adopt this phrase [‘We can do this’] as my own,” Seehofer recently said. He went further in remarks to the news outlet Die Welt: “A ban on the full body veil—that is the niqab and the burka—is overdue. My impression is that we all underestimated a year ago what would come upon us with this big refugee and migration movement.”

While for political and statecraft reasons Merkel may continue to adhere to her line, her recent security white paper suggests subtle changes of mentality and direction. We will explore some of them here.

The purpose of the white paper is to discuss security policy and the future of the Bundeswehr. What one notices from the first is that this paper is at least free from the apologetic baggage that always seems to weigh down any German discussion of military affairs. This in itself may be a sign that we are finally starting to close the curtain on the post-Second World War era complexes of anti-nationalism and guilt.

In many ways the paper does not go far enough: most issues are couched in the framework of acting in conjunction with NATO allies, which may be seen as code that Germany continues to hesitate to act unilaterally. The following statement, for example, sends the message that the country continues (on paper, at least) to see the need to ask others for permission to defend itself:

Our interests remain closely interwoven with those of our allies and partners. Germany values reliability and loyalty to its allies. It is only in cooperation with others that Germany can protect its territory and open society, make effective use of its profound but limited resources, and unfold its innovative and productive potential. Pursuing German interests therefore always means taking into account the interests of our allies and those of other friendly nations.

NATO continues to be presented as the indestructible linchpin of security policy, at a time when many believe that the country should be looking to more of an independent course. How much of this is just rhetorical genuflection, and how much of this is actual policy, will remain to be seen.

But there are some good things here. We must look to the subtleties, and realize that the true meanings lie in the obliquities of what is said. There is an awareness that, as the years roll on, it will be increasingly difficult to separate internal from external security. This is a clear reference to the refugee problem, and points to a realization that unrestricted immigration can be tied to security threats. The following quote, regarding mass migration, would never have been made even five years ago:

In large numbers, uncontrolled and irregular migration can, however, entail risks both for the immediately affected region as well as for Europe and Germany. The ability to absorb and integrate migrants can be overstretched, which can lead to social instability. Refugee movements resulting from violent conflicts can also cause such conflicts to spread throughout a region.

We can also detect a willingness to move away from the traditional constitutional prohibitions on the military’s becoming involved in domestic affairs. The military will now assist the local governments to deal with threats, blurring the distinction between local and national security. The following statement is an important one:

It is no longer possible to draw a sharp distinction between internal and external security. Disruptions and threats can frequently be found in the grey area in between. The vulnerabilities of our open and globally interconnected society are deliberately targeted. These circumstances necessitate an effective whole-of-government approach to security. This includes protecting the sovereignty and integrity of German territory and German citizens and rescuing German nationals in emergency situations abroad.

This is a major step, quietly pursued out of the headlines; it is one that would not have happened without the wave of terrorist attacks that has hit Europe in 2016. Much the same changes are happening in Japan, which after much agonized soul-searching is moving beyond the post-World War II mentality to something new and different.


With the advent of cyber warfare, hybrid warfare, and other types of non-traditional conflict, it is clear that the old rules no longer have the same utility that they once had.

The German Federal Security Council, composed of the chancellor and select ministers, will now have a greater role than before. It also appears that the chancellor will have enhanced capabilities to deal with real-time threats. The emphasis now is on prevention rather than on dealing with problems after the fact.


That is, there will be more proactivity, and less reactivity. In conjunction with this, the size of the army will grow to 185,000, which represents a modest increase of 7,000 persons. One would have hoped for a larger increase, and for a much larger commitment  to defense spending.  There is also a clear understanding that increased participation in foreign military operations will be required by new conditions:

Germany must participate in the prevention and stabilisation of crises and conflicts as well as in post-crisis and post-conflict management, depending on the extent to which it is affected and its available options. A forward-looking, comprehensive and sustained approach is required for this purpose which also includes civil society and cultural factors. Prevention always takes precedence.

Long-term prevention and stabilisation will only succeed if local and regional actors are enabled to assume responsibility for themselves. Strengthening good governance and respect for human rights in such states is therefore of paramount importance. The early recognition of crises is essential for effective involvement at an early stage. We must combine national and international, state and non-state expertise to create a clear overall picture.

German policy in recent decades has tended to be slow, methodical, and cautious. so it would be unrealistic to expect any grand, sweeping changes at this point. But, if we read between the lines here, we can detect the beginnings of what may become significant changes in German security policy. As always, the real test will lie in how the system responds to future challenges.

Read More: It’s Time To Make Men Strong Again

170 thoughts on “Germany’s New Security White Paper: The Beginnings Of Change To Migration Policy?”

  1. “Change”
    Russians have a saying that roughly translates as “treating a corpse with band-aids”.
    The only thing that will bring actual, positive change to Germany is Merkel and her goons hanging from the Branderburg gate. Preferably next to Soros and other filth that helped create and perpetuate this crisis and now pretends to provide solutions to it.
    The last thing Germany needs now is “respect for human rights” and other PC drivel. It could, however, really use a new Freikorps to clean up over seven decades of globalist contamination. These revised security measures are nothing but a steam valve for the common citizen, meant to convince him that the government hell-bent on his destruction is actually doing the opposite.

    1. As (then Obama advisor) Rahm Emanuel said, “You never want to let a serious crisis go to waste.”
      After all, the US government has been doing the same thing since (at least) 2001. That’s how we got the Patriot Act, de-facto SOPA/PIPA (through a quietly-passed bill and the FCC), and the ability for the US to enforce its copyright laws in non-US territories.

      1. Crises don’t exist. They are fabricated. There are attacks, sure. But to go from these rare events to a “crisis” is a leap of the mind that only a politician would understand.

        1. A “crisis,” as near as I can tell, is anything which can be used to induce fear in the native populace. Like the “healthcare crisis,” which turned what was already a pretty good system of doctoring into a problem that required immediate action.

        2. Yup.
          A few years back, I read a study about the happiness of poor people in Europe and America. Basically, the result was that poor people in America were much happier. Not sure if that was in the paper, but a suggested reason for this is that a problem becomes only a real problem when you make it one in your head. When you start feeling like a victim and have super-entitled ideas.

        3. But, everything is labeled by the media as a crisis nowadays. There was some radio show I was listening to today and the reporter was describing the lack if special assistants in primary classrooms as a National crisis. This is such BS. It’s a problem that needs to be sorted, but it’s not a national crisis. I dislike overused and abused hysteric terms like this or the equally infamous “time-bomb” when used about something like the state of the rail system.

        4. Grandparents grew up in 1000 sq. ft. houses with a half-dozen siblings and no indoor plumbing. I’ve never heard them complain, not once.

        5. Heh. Man, I live such a “sucker” life right now. I am not in the least unhappy about it. Sure, I would like it if I were able to make some trips around the world. But I’m really just happy to have a roof over my head and enough money to eat.

        6. I wonder if that’s even necessary these days. I mean, who actually reads all those uberlong legislations that get passed? The congressmen, who are supposed to? Who are you kidding…

        7. And generally it’s the type of legislation where Joe ordinary ends up losing a finger and a toe, before, you know it the State has assigned a “respectable” outsider to act as a contact for your kid. This nearly happened in Scotland last week, which is fast becoming a PC/Nanny/Police State, but the British Supreme Court throw it out for the time being.

        8. I once had a discussion with a former friend. He said that the state should be able to take your child away from you if you don’t treat it “right”. Naturally, the state can decide what “right” is.
          I told him that if some social worker bitch came into MY fucking house, told me that she wants to take away MY kids, and if there was no government and police force backing her, I would kill her for the mere suggestion.

        9. That’s a deliberate policy. Make it long, difficult and convoluted and then you hide all the undemocratic stuff in the appendices on pages 112-244! which most normal people won’t read.

        10. What’s “undemocratic” anyway?
          Our whole democracy is a farce, if you ask me. Nobody actually gets to vote on anything of importance. Where’s the democracy? The democracy is to vote for one of the few “big dogs”, all of whom are equally shitty. Yeah, great. Gimme a dictator anytime, cause it won’t be any different.

        11. Then you write fifty pages of definitions and ensure that every passage references about fifty other bills and statues by name (and not by content). Obfuscate everything.
          See Oxford English Dictionary page 214 entry 18, and page 918 entry 9.*
          *”Fuck that”

        12. At least a dictator you can be angry at. As it is, you end up being angry at “your fellow man”, feeling helpless as you are led to believe that what is happening is happening because everyone else wants it, too.

        13. It’s extremely contentious especially when social services in countries like Ireland and Scotland have an abysmal record of looking after children in care.
          The litany of abuses that went on in special needs schools and orphanages run by both the State and religious orders in parts of Ireland was stain and a blight on a country that’s had a very poor record on this issue. It’s no wonder that in places like Scotland and Ireland, parents are very suspicious about the State’s competence in this area.

        14. It’s not even really about whether they treat them good, for me. It’s the simple fact that they are taking away my flesh and blood, breaking our bond and my family. The sheer arrogance of the act. It makes me mad with rage.

        15. You must be familiar with EU Directives, Regulations, Decisions, Reasoned Opinions!! The whole show is completely absurd, although in some areas, I’d say the intentions of the EU as an institution are actually better than the member countries.

        16. The only problem with dictators is that they start making even more absurd rules. Like you must join the army, you must work five days a week, you must join the local party branch, you must believe the dictator is always right…if not, it’s off to the freezer in Rio. Nah, democracy is imperfect, but, I’ll stick with it.

        17. I guess. Depends on the dictator, of course. A “good” dictator could do a lot of cool stuff that democracy would never achieve.

        18. Aristotle drew a distinction between a monarch (a single ruler who rules with the people’s interests in mind) and a tyrant (a single ruler who rules with his own interests in mind).

        19. The benign Dictator, perhaps like one of Rome’s good emperors. Hadrian perhaps?

        20. Probably still too simplistic, but as ideals, we can work with those concepts. One would be a servant of his people, a true selfless leader, as our government is supposed to be. People would follow not out of fear, but because they actually and consciously appreciate his skills in governing. The tyrant, would be more of a narcissistic Machiavellian who wants attention.

        21. Of course, that brings up the next question: If we assume the positive ideal here, what if, say, 49% of all people only oblige out of fear? Let it only be 20%. Would that leader have the guts to say: Okay, if 20% of all people hate me, I have failed. ?

        22. By my reading, it’s not so much about public approval but about the results.
          As a dumb example, a monarch might force everyone to spend two minutes per day at a seminar on national heritage and ideals. The people might not like it, but the result would theoretically be a population with ideals that are more closely aligned with one another (united by common ideals).
          At the same time, a dictator might force everyone to attend a two-minute hate every day. Perhaps the people would love it, but the result would be a people united in hatred.
          It’s a bit hard to distinguish between these, but I believe the former would be a net benefit while the latter might well be a net negative.

        23. Very true. On a smaller scale I always try to tell people that “emergency” doesn’t exist

        24. A better historical example springs to mind:
          150 years ago, a Japanese emperor gained some degree of public disapproval when he disbanded the samurai and allowed the West to trade with the formerly closed-off nation. The result is that they’re a technological powerhouse that remains largely united in national heritage and beliefs.
          A dictator might well have fought the perceived invaders (a policy that would please many of his powerful friends), only to have the country decimated. Should he retain power (which he wouldn’t have – we had cannons and rifles, they had swords), he might still be popular despite having acted in a self-serving way that harmed his people.

        25. I disagree. Maybe it’s just my general disdain for authority, but I just fucking hate to be told what to do – whether it is enjoyable or not.
          What I can accept are propositions: Do this and you will get this reward. You are free not to do it, but you will not get the reward if you don’t.

        26. “It’s a bit hard to distinguish between these”
          Should have stuck with tyrant contrasted against monarch, rather than introducing dictator.

          1. a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.
          2. (in ancient Rome) a person invested with supreme authority during a crisis, the regular magistracy being subordinated to him until the crisis was met.

    2. Hanging soros would be too quick. I would prefer to see him slow roasted over a fire by some African cannibalistic tribesman.

      1. Why don’t we just introduce that Socialism he loves so very much into his life? Take from him and his organizations, and give equally to everyone else in the country.

      2. I know of a fabulous dump about an hours ride west of Djibouti City that features ravenous goats and stone throwing locals with any kind of fuel you could want befitting of such a man.

    3. I don’t think there is a real crisis.
      I also don’t think that any form of security measure or form of govrenment can completely annihilate “terrorism”. It’s not realistic. You could barricade every major road in the country and there would still be millions of ways to get through, if you have sinister goals.

      1. “You could barricade every major road in the country and there would still be millions of ways to get through, if you have sinister goals” That’s true and you end up scarifying your liberty and freedom for a police State. Life has always had inherent risks from such elements, it’s just because people in the west over the last 50 years have taken the notion of perpetual peace for granted.
        When I was young, I often travel around Britain when there was IRA attacks going on. You simply got used to it and accepted it as a low probability risk that one might unfortunately be involved in if you were very unlucky.

        1. Exactly. That’s the only reasonable thing to do.
          Like, when you live in the jungle, you accept that, however improbable, you may run into a leopard or be eaten by an alligator. You don’t constantly try to “change the jungle” or talk of a “alligator crisis”.

        2. You’ve got it, besides is it desirable for human beings to aspire towards a form of society that has very few risks? Would the boredom and pure ennui not kill us. The Utopia where everyone is always happy, safe, and satisfied?

        3. Well, if that utopia were a realistic thing WITHOUT sacrificing too much for it, I’d probably say go for it. But I just don’t see how that can be a reality.
          I mean, has such a utopia ever existed in human existence? I think not. Did we survive anyway? We did.

        4. In the 1920s elements of it were floating around in the ether, but, a classic ancient film like Metropolis by Fritz Lang clearly demonstrated that it was only Utopia for the few. The only other type of Utopia that comes to mind is the Island “commune” type which is perhaps viable for a very small and self reliant community. Who knows, perhaps there is somewhere such a Utopia on some remote Island?

        5. Sure, but even that little tribe will have to suffer losses here and then.
          But let’s put it into proportion. How many did die in a year in Germany from terror and stuff? Let’s assume it were a 1000. With a population of 80 million. That makes 0.00125% net loss in lives.
          Let’s say this utopia community has 1000 members and has the same percentage of net loss in lives. That would make 0.0125 lives per year. In other words, they would lose one life, every 80 years.
          Quite acceptable, don’t you think?

        6. a small sacrifice on the alter of diversity and tolerance: Moloch is satisfied

        7. Acceptable until it’s your loved one. Personally I would fucking slaughter anyone who touched me and my family.
          Free candy van with the silence .50 cal ought to do it for anyone raping and pillaging in my area.

    4. “The only thing that will bring actual, positive change to Germany is Merkel and her goons hanging from the Branderburg gate. Preferably next to Soros and other filth that helped create and perpetuate this crisis and now pretends to provide solutions to it.”
      This man gets it. Unfortunately most Germans do not get it. Add in the german population known as the ‘Gutenmensch’ who uphold the current policies, the native german females mudsharking while at the same time hating on their native white german men, and essentially you have a nation willingly committing suicide. If one is a german man today, does he have any reason to get out of bed and fight for a culture hell bent on calling it quits?
      In fact all of this has nothing to do with the immigrants per se – but rather a culture that either has forgotten the importance of self preservation or no longer cares to live. It makes no sense to hang Merkel and her cohorts when the Deutsche populous is insistant to throw their heritage and history under the bus.
      Pegida is going to have a hard go at it if they want to save europe, and even then, at the end of the day, they might not succeed.

      1. I’ve written the exact same thing here on ROK some months ago. If Germans are throwing themselves onto the lake of fire, it certainly won’t be one of us to save them for poetic justice. My pity lies only with the few who are against this and unfortunately can’t fight it, like children, older people and some others.
        “the native german females mudsharking while at the same time hating on their native white german men” I’ve dated a few german girls, believe me, those little heads are beyond toxic. The constant PC-policing of your behaviour (like communist Komissars of old), the neverending bitching, sense of entitlement, selfish materialism…

        1. I’ve noticed a major decline in German females over the past 15 years. They really have become garbage.

    5. Nicely put, and I agree.
      I’d be a bit more specific in how ideally this would be done.
      Germany would close its borders and start a death spiral for the EU, leading to the same happening all over Europe. In Scandinavia they would hesitate but elsewhere it would probably be swiftly implemented. Soon national interest would start becoming an actual good, and repatriation measures would start, soon after this a return to national currencies is announced, and things start to stabilize.
      Very quickly new intra European trade deals would be struck, but not as they are now, but with national interests expressed.
      And things would slowly start returning to how they once were, and we’d have sensible freedom of movement but not uncontrollable streams of unchecked people.

  2. Quintus seems to think the German’s are moving in the right direction. I posit that this is still the same plan unfolding. Yes, there is a reaction to the terrorist attacks and large scale immigration. But why isn’t it to send the immigrants home? No. They keep bringing them in, and at the same time are using the situation created by the immigrants as the reason to increase the size of the army and give the army the ability to act domestically. I’m sure there are other powers being granted that will bring Germany closer to a police state.

    1. All I said was that there may be “signs” that they’re moving in the right direction.
      Time will tell. You have to remember that the German establishment is very slow and conservative (as in not wanting sudden change).
      I wish they would move faster, but this is the mentality that exists.

  3. I’d love to see the German military get its balls back. The world needs a reminder of why you don’t want to fuck with white people.

    1. Yea. In one of roosh’s q&a’s recently, he said, “When the white male wakes up, ita going to be ugly for a lot of people.” If the rest of my people ever wakes up that is

    2. Merkel has been using them in her cocktails over and over again maybe someone should should tell her they are for fucking and fighting.

    1. This is all the usual show and tell the same people will still be the elite in charge.

      1. “This is all the usual show and tell the same people will still be the elite in charge.”
        THIS. Unfortunately this.

      2. For sure. I don’t how banning burkas and adding a few more soldiers is going to prevent terrorism.
        This is just an exercise to increase State power at the expense of the people who will continue to be the actual victims of terrorism

        1. Ban Islam. It’s a cult.
          German (i.e. EU leadership) is using it as a foil against the people to instill fear, angst and pain so that the state can be the solution to –> the very problem it created. There is no “migrant crisis”. Less than 10% of these people are genuine refugees. It’s primarily military aged men being given license to rape, rob and assault. Then out roll the swat teams and tanks to restore order. Ahhh yes.
          E.g. : If I had the only fire hydrant on the block…why wouldn’t I start fires?
          You need water?
          Yeah…I need $50/gallon.

    2. Western Europe is like a middle aged prostitute lying on the street with her legs open, holding a sign that reads “fuck me over for free” to show how superior she is to her colleagues. And when she gets fucked by radical muslims a little too hard than she expected, she cries rape and blames her white pimp for being an asshole ra(c/p)ist, because he had told her to be careful when she sees radical muslims approaching. She gets support from the other sex workers and they are able to lock up their white pimp. In the end, so many sex workers get molested that they all decide to convert to islam while the new generation of prostitutes is left to follow the example the middle aged prostitute.
      Meanwhile their colleagues in Eastern Europe and Russia have listened to their white pimps and are still not wearing hijab.

    3. I’ll believe Germany is on the right track when they blow off the Nazi guilt and shrug their shoulders with a big “So What” stare when the SJW establishment accusses them of being big meanies in WW2.

      1. A fun thought experiment is to try to impose ideas of collective guilt on a non-White people. It really helps put the absurdity into perspective.
        If you went around saying that Idi Amin’s men should have ignored his orders even if it meant being fed to crocodiles or that everyone in Cambodia is tainted by Pol Pot’s actions, you’d get called a heartless asshole.

        1. Excuse me but what is a non white? Are there various colours of people? I was led to believe that race was a social construct and thus, all people are the same. Except for Jewish people. They’re like everybody but, way more awesome. Everyone in the media, education and politics says so.

      2. I’ll believe Germany is on the right track when they tell the American military to leave their country.

  4. Damage control. Germany is not a sovereign country and one would have to be a fool to believe that its “government” cares for the populace.

  5. Germany is going to mess up again. They are the seat of major heresy a la protestant reformation, arianism, lutheran. Catholic attendance is down 100,000’s. Muslims will fit in fine with the whole unitarian bullcrap in germany. The nazis had entire muslim divisions fighting for them. That is what they are going back to.
    After living 4 years in germany the modern german male is a passive aggressive cry baby. Their military is pathetic and they have no good equipment. They hide behind the rules and regulations while snickering at you.
    It would probably be better if the Russians cross the border and take over.

    1. You are right about Germany being the cradle of Protestantism, but Bavaria is highly Catholic and traditionalist. Is it enough to change Germany? I have serious doubts, but its better than the marxist idiocy of Frau Merkel.

    2. Agree with your 2nd paragraph (post above), but the young, cucked males I see everywhere in the west. They were trained from birth to be passive, but I think that could be revesed quickly under the right circumstances.

    3. The Catholic Church at the time of Luther had been fully Joo”d.
      That is really what the Reformation was about. Joo usury.
      The land owners were skinned alive by a the Church.
      Lastly Arian was also a joo. Not German.

  6. No change will come in the west til something really horrific happens.
    I’m talking dirty bomb, 9/11 on steroids, or entire towns raped and looted viking style.
    Politicians are more or less promoted on the basis of their contempt for native values, and anyway, live far away from the consequences of their reckless decisions.
    They won’t learn until their own hands are severely burned in the fire. And even then a good half of them will still deny the obvious consequences of their self destructive values.
    Nero fiddled as Rome burned. These fuckers won’t fiddle, they’ll actively fan the flames right to the point those flames lick up their own front door

    1. Politicians are more or less promoted on the basis of their contempt for native values, and anyway, live far away from the consequences of their reckless decisions.
      That seems to be the new “in thing” in the U.S. with apparent lean toward leftism from the masses. Been going that way for a while but, it seemed to get in high gear with the election of Big O who sat in church listening to “God damn America” reverend Wright.

  7. Its no surprise that is Horst Seehofer and the Bavarians that are pushing for this change. Bavaria is not only the richest state in Germany, but its also a stronghold of Roman Catholicism and traditionalism. There are simply no coincidences brothers.

    1. THIS. Europe = ROMAN Catholicism.
      Shame on protestants and anglo-saxons. They fucked up everything. They were/have been funding the arabs and the ottomans for centuries against Spain and Austria!

      1. However, they are culpable for their atrocities against the Byzantines which started this whole mess of Islamic incursion into Europe-at least in the Balkans; Spain was dealing with the Moors whom were obviously different from the Ottomans/Seljuks.

        1. Myth
          Catholics attempted to aid the Byzantines but the emperor was sold out by his son, and Joos opened the gates to the walls. The Catholic reinforcements arrived too late to do much of anything. Communication then wasn’t what is was today

      2. Yes, but there were exceptions to that rule. Catholic France supported the Ottomans against the Habsburgs and also declared war against Spain and Austria, during the 30 Years War.

  8. The European Civil War is coming. Deal with it, look forward to it, with war comes glory.

    1. War is hell. It is best to pray for peace rather than for war, for with war comes devastation.
      That said, war is already here. When a faction declares war and engages in hostilities, there is no honor in refusing to protect yourself and your people.

      1. The majority of wars (especially modern ones) were pointless exercises that have left even greater disunity and instability in their wake, not to mention the death tolls, both civilian and militarily on each side.
        The only war I’d fight will be when them greeny/grey little greasy dwarfs invade us for our H2o!

  9. 40000 Turks protesting in Cologne at the weekend. There are already 3 million of them in the country. I lived in a Turkish ghetto years ago. They do not want to integrate and are looking to slowly take over. This slow take over has now been speeded up with the non-existent immigration controls at the German borders.

    1. Contrast this sort of thing with how the Pennsylvanian Germans handled it:
      P: “We don’t want to go to war, and we want to live in small Amish communities based on our religion. If our children want to leave, they can (though we might shun them).”
      US: “Okay.”
      Or how my own ancestors acted:
      A: “We’re from Germany, and we speak German. We want to live amongst other German immigrants as best we can while we pass down our culture to our children. We’ll still send them to your schools, and in two generations they’ll be American as anyone else. Deal?”
      US: “Deal.”

      1. I just rode my bike past an 18 yo looking Amish girl walking her dogs today. She was cute as schnitz und knepp.

      2. That one of the reason why US was successful in integrating immigrants into American society. The unspoken rule that you can keep you cultural identity, but must accept American values and culture in the traditions of the Englishmen that settle this place. In two to three generation, you became part of the American society. Somewhere down the line, the left wreck this process with multicultural thinking and general hatred of Western World. Now we have low trust and low IQ people, fucking everything.

    2. Grosso modo, muslims self exclude themselves and then blame it on Western Culture. Funny…we are the ones that do not want to treat them well and yet, they all want to come to the West and not to some sharia shit hole. Funny shit.

    3. I grew up in a Turkish area in Munich. I pretty much agree. Most of them are on welfare, no interest in learning the language or mores, often getting into fights, acting like “gangsters”, etc.
      Not judging necessarily, but to me, it’s an undeniable fact.

  10. “Germany in particular has been reeling in 2016 from multiple terrorist attacks”
    God, please spare me this rhetoric. I can’t hear it anymore.
    It’s all just pushed in the media. Nobody really cares that much. I think. So a handful of people were killed. Oh well. How many die from medical diseases?

    1. Daily, Brown people commit crimes against the natives. These are the unofficial terror attack one never heard about

  11. Germany is fucked beyond salvation unless they start taking extreme actions such as removing Merkel and the pro-open borders politicians, deporting all the the third world migrants, etc

    1. When you don’t take the little actions every day, you get to the point where extreme actions are required.
      It’s just like failing to clean your dishes for a few months. The mold grows and spreads, and eventually you might reach a point where the only way to stop the spread is to raze the house and build again.

      1. Yes, the US is FAR further along in the invasion, you dupes just don’t see it.

  12. As stated above, times are a-changin’ in Japan.
    Japan’s Nippon Kaigi political and cultural party is a powerful but small group of business leaders and cultural powerhouses who want to reverse Japan’s post-WW2 societal makeup including the idea of female equality, plus ideas of “Japaneseness” and the denial of WW2 atrocities. Prime Minister Abe and his cabinet and the national diet are only recently dominated by Nippon Kaigi members.
    From wikipedia: “Following the 2014 reshuffle of Abe’s cabinet, 15 of the 18 cabinet members, including the Prime Minister himself, were members of Nippon Kaigi.” Furthermore Nippon Kaigi is intent on turning back sexual equality, restoring patriarchal values, and returning Japan to a pre-war constitution–“a Japan where women, children, and foreigners have no basic human rights.”
    I see the positives as follows: Japan rejecting anti-nationalism maintains and cultivates strong tribal mindset, which is healthy for communities to share common goals. They eschew the feminism which is in part driving their plummeting population numbers.
    I see the negatives as unchecked nationalism based on godlessness (as Shintoism) will recreate ideas of genetic supremacy, Monarchism, Nippon Kaigi’s present holocaust denialism, and furthering race hatred.
    Tom Clancy’s Debt of Honor book discusses this Japanese mindset well enough.
    The link:

      Obviously there are negatives but it’s great that they’re standing up against the bullshit.

    2. My only real issue with the policy is that I am a gaijin, and I might consider moving to Japan if some of these policies are set in place. It’d be nice to have some say after a few decades.
      Related: one of the big discussions right now is whether the current Emperor is allowed to step down from his largely ceremonial role. The old man’s argument is that it’s hard for an old man to do all he’s expected to do, while the people have never seen an emperor make such a proposal in 125 generations (IIRC).

      1. I think they will get more restrictive towards foreigners but I doubt they will change much for guys like me who are married to a Japanese girl also officially in Japan. I don’t expect to ever be able to vote etc, but I will be able to work and live there relatively unmolested I think.
        My wife doesn’t seem to preoccupied by the whole thing even after I explained that it seems to aim to restrict women’s rights.

    3. Whoa hold on there one second Japan! Foreigners get no basic human rights?
      Can’t we just agree that foreign women get no basic human rights?
      While foreign men get to beat them with sticks no thicker than Kim iLLs penis?

  13. Somewhat related, somewhat not. Either way, it is important: the globalist, illuminati, Zionist elite will cram the deplorable “diversity is strength” down our throats knowing it will cause us to tear ourselves asunder. Remember diversity is not strength, and in our past, great men and civilizations have always echoed this instead, rather UNITY is strength.

  14. Long ago there were two giants who lived on opposite sides of a valley, and each of them resided upon their own private mountain top. There were various tribes of little people who lived between them on the floor of the valley below, and part of them pledged their allegiance to the giant who lived to the east, while the other part pledged themselves to the giant who lived to the west. One day, the giants started pointing fingers at each other, and began yelling and screaming and accusing each other of various horrible crimes. The little people who lived between them on the valley floor, got angrier and angrier, the longer they listened, and they soon started pointing fingers at each other, too. Eventually, all of the little people, each of whom aligned themselves with one giant or the other, were busily fighting amongst themselves. And then, they went to war with each other. And then, they began to kill each other. After a while, once the body count had risen to significant numbers, the giants tromped off of their respective mountain tops, walked across the valley floor, and stomped every single one of the little people to death – regardless of their allegiance. And afterwards, the giants shook hands and laughed…

  15. They need to throw the brown bastards out. That’s the bottom line.
    There is no purpose for them to be in Germany other than to placate a bunch of cliptips and their lower than dog shit wives for cheap labor and ruining society.

  16. I’m surprised they allowed the document to be called the “White Paper”. You think that since they’re so progressive and politically correct that they’d remove the word “white” so it wouldn’t offend anyone, especially the poor refugees.
    “Color-Absent Paper” has a nice ring to it don’t you think?

    1. You must be some kind of genius to be able to out smart Germany’s top SJW’s scrubbing of distinctiveness movement.

  17. My dad always says that change doesn’t happen overnight.
    I agree 99% of the time.
    Then there are things like this. There are things like the Brexit. There are things like the ongoing protests.
    Paul Revere is here. He’s riding through Europe saying “THE MIGRANTS ARE COMING!” and finally, from the cold and lonely cobble streets below, we see bedroom lights turn on.

    1. Ironically (and by design), he was the one that made German nationalism go burst into the oblivion by over-inflating it.

  18. Too late: A bolus of 2 million young Muslim men has already entered the German body. The critical demographic has already been skewed. This is like closing the barn door after the horse has run away. Even if Germany closes the borders, there is zero chance it will remove those who have already entered the country. They are there for good.

    1. If it were two million jews and gypsies instead that migrated there, then you’d have the Weimar Republic again. Those groups blended in slightly better than the muzzies do now. The muzzies went straight to inner city ghettos if you will so they’re basically already concentrated and ready to be expunged. I’ve heard it said quite often that the immigrants are there to stay and there’s no way they can just be thrown out and that no one can even speak such a thing realistically or rationally. Only under a female stitlib administration is it impossible to imagine or speak such a thing. A mad and forciful administrator, which the Germanic tribes have many will likely again skirt parliamentary procedure and suspend by laws to get the administrative job done of purging the immigrants.
      I often wonder what Germany would be like today if the Weimar Republic never ended. With few non whites living in Germany during the 30’s-40’s it would have evolved into a big hollywood sjw culture with rampant homosexuality and gay bathouses everywhere.
      Germany should follow the example of North Korea with extreme nationalism and border control without the expansionist dispersion that the German state pursued in the mid 20th century. North Korea looks racially pure and cultural even with their massive number of female troops. The N.Korean armywomen marching with light auto weapons kind of looks like an Israeli fetishizing. The Ashkis did come from the orient. Some went left and others went right, or at least the creed seems to have made other nests elsewhere. Koreans strangely circumcise like hell for some reason too. And it does seem a bit ashkijew how both N.Korea and Israel have ziplock borders and how both are also so militarily bitch inclusive with their predominant or exclusively dominant tribe. With N.Korea, the US is their boogey man but that’s just sabre rattling. They won’t touch us unless we put a clone of Merkel in charge of the US. Then we’re easy pickings and we’re up for grabs, not just from N.Korea but from the South as well. We can never let that happen.

    1. Europe is a different beast; this continent endured two World Wars and various fascist/communist dictatorships during the Cold War, and if history is any indication, things can turn ugly VERY quickly.

        1. This, I think, is what we will find out within the next few years.
          I’m not so sure, it doesn’t take for that many to get pissed before things get ugly, and the masses will certainly pick sides if/when it happens.

      1. Endured?
        Europe thrived under Fascism. It’s simply nationalism and love for ones country. Economic miracles were performed.
        Hitler took the poorest nation in Europe and made it into the wealthiest in three years with no gold and only 10% military GDP. His sin was resisting Judaism

  19. Sounds a lot to me like the German govt getting what it always wanted…now that the threat is in the country, the only solution is for the govt to step into states’ rights. Totalitarianism, here we come.

  20. The Issue I see is the global Elites want one world government and will do what it takes to make it happen.
    Yet they also are defending individual nations within Nato protecting the rights of nations to exist as sovereign entities.
    They are causing chaos and saber rattling constantly knowing full on war means the end for humanity or at least a near total reset which lets face it feeds into their plans for a new world order.
    More likely they are already starting off world colonies and we are now just one big human experiment and talent pool.

    1. You mean these (((elites))) are trying to take over and enslave the world?
      That’s crazy conspiracy talk.
      Look, football!

  21. Sorry Quintus, but this slap-happy optimism in the first degree. I’ve been an expat in Germany for quite awhile. From my observations, and if I am incorrect I would invite other posters in country to correct me:
    The German political leadership is pathetic and weak (IMO has been since Kohl left). Seehofer does criticize Merkel, but he is still apart of her coalition (they belong to the “conservative CDU/CSU parties). Their opposition, Greens and the socialists (SPD), remain quiet as they have no answers and simply would bring in more rapeugees if they could. The AfD’s support has leveled off, but they still enjoy a slow rise in popularity.
    The german military went volunteer about 5 years ago and they have a a hard time finding recruits and miliatry spending has been historically low for the last 20 years. Most of the their field equipment is not fit for deployment. They would have a hard time having a single division combat ready (the days of having +150 divisions they once had for Operation Barbarosa are long over). Of those currently serving, 30% are muslims or russ-deutsch (German citizens with mixed Russian heritage) whose loyalty would be questionable pending the opponents. Besides, talk to any vet from Afhganistan– yes the Gemans sent troops, but they were never allowed to engage in any sort of combat (even when it was a few kilometers from their outpost). The deployed combat aircraft and never flew one sortie, but hey– they fulfilled their “obligation.”
    The news just annoucned they want to recruit more police officers, but I know from sources they are having a hard time finding quality candidates. It’s crap pay with shit hours and G-d forbid if you actually shoot anyone in the line of duty– you will be lucky just to lose your job let alone being locked up by the judge (who are all leftists– natch).
    When I walk through urban centers in Germany, all I see are old gray haired Germans and Mo and his string of brats that will make up the majority of the German public in one or two generations. The average age of an ethnic German is 44 as the last 2 generations of (empowered) German women simply stopped having kids, hence the socialist state loves to import more slaves, I mean taxpayers, to keep the whole house of cards propped up.
    This is being played out to some degree through most of western Europe just as the globalists planned.

    1. Well i think a lot of the talk about bad equipment was actually a way to get the public to not protest about increase in military spending

    2. I’m just across the border in NL, and here the situation is similar but less extreme. The army is semi functional but very small, and the population age split a bit less extreme I’d wager.
      You are right, it’s some degree of this in all Western European countries.

      1. Illiterate third worlders don’t make for a productive, and taxable, class of citizens. Case in point, this morning just a few towns over an old man was putting out his garbage early this morning and confronted two “unknown” men vandalizing his car. They proceeded to stab him to death. More of Merkel’s “boys” doing what they do.

        1. Of the Dax companies who were promising to hire the rapefugees I think only 3 did in the end, for a for a total of 50 or so, most as trainees or post sorters…
          Only a bit over a million to go lol.

  22. “The size of the army will increase by 7.000 personnel”.. I wonder how many of these will be Diversity Officers, Human Resources and other assorted oxygen thieves.

  23. Germans respond to guilt and shame in a peculiar way. They turn the tables over and push in the other direction, self destructively and against their best interests but with great force. Merkel is of the guilt ridden generation. She cannot serve the current state. I’d be screaming from the rooftops for the return of a fuhrer to save the place from ruin and I’m not even German. Can any German raise their voice at all? Can any German muster up the spite and contempt for the traitors? German citizens are disarmed. What are they supposed to do? Strangle the traitors with their bare hands?

  24. The only real way to solve this is to cut off all welfare. That will bring the rats out of the shadows and have them show their true colors.
    The best ones will find jobs or some way to support themselves. Thus becoming a productive part of society.
    Others will make their way back home on their own.
    The worst ones will riot and burn. Those are the ones that you clamp down on. Either by defending yourself with lethal means or ejecting them from the country and making sure that they never return.

    1. That’s exactly what I said Trump should do instead of building a wall. If a country offers illegal aliens free welfare, free housing, free food, free cell phones,etc of course they will flock to it.
      What’s the point of building a wall if you’re still going to provide for the illegals that will get past the wall?

      1. Trump has also said to ditch birthright citizenship, crack down on welfare to illegals, enforce e-verify.
        Building a wall is but one part of what he has laid out in his plan.

        1. I never understood how simply being born in the land could make someone a citizen. That should have been ditched a long time ago.

        2. It was never supposed to. It’s a misuse of an amendment put in place to give citizenship to the freed slaves. Everything else is outside the boundary of that amendment.
          It’s now a tool being used by the liberals and globalists who want to change the demographics of America.

      2. Add to this restricting or heavily taxing remittances and you have a total solution because Mexico will want to keep their skilled labor if they can’t get the money back into their pockets.
        Mexicos biggest export industry in GDP % is illegals etc sending remittances back, it’s bigger than oil and gas even.

    2. Exactly what I’ve also said before. They would not be coming if they didn’t get free shit.

  25. Angela Merkel’s recent white paper on Germany’s national security challenges seems to indicate that her government is slowly becoming aware that major changes need to be made to both security doctrine and implementation.
    Merkel is the reason Germany is being overrun. She will never be part of the solution.
    Merkel has sold out her people to further the globalist agenda of a world without countries and without borders.
    She should be executed for treason for what she has done.

  26. What I’m wondering is, how do German men feel about their country slowly turning into the Middle East? Turks on one side, and Arabs on the other. Remember, any act of cuckoldry is still an act of cuckoldry-whether it be a foreigner sticking a flag into your land, or a foreigner sticking his cock into your wife.

  27. As long as politicians are only willing to say ban the niqab or ban the burqa instead of having the balls to say ban Muslisms like they ought to, Europe’s demise will be inevitable.

  28. The whitepaper is still mostly poopytalk and it fails to admit and plan for the fact that these people will never assimilate into the German culture

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