My Adventures From Working As A Cook

In response to the recent call to ROK readers to produce positive articles on self-improvement, there have been some excellent entries of late.

I had to cringe, however, at the sight of an article about cooking, which forced me to say aloud, “Why the hell didn’t I think of that?!” It was a good read, and I commend OMYG on a job well done.

Soon, however, I realized that he left open one area in which I actually have a unique experience, namely working as a cook in a professional kitchen. Taking a job in a kitchen has many benefits. Besides the skills and knowledge you attain in a culinary sense, you will meet people who may change your life.

The kitchen is one of the few places in which I have worked where cussing and inappropriate jokes are actually encouraged. It’s a great place for you to have the freedom to be yourself, to work under the tutelage of confident, skilled men, and to receive invitations to good parties.

The Dish Pit

I was 15 when I started out as a dishwasher in a retirement home. The labor was disgusting, grueling, degrading, and paid shit. Despite all of that, if I could go back in time, I would do it all over again.

When I wasn’t scraping pots or spraying silverware, I was spending time with the real chefs of the kitchen, who served as male mentors to me in my young age. One such man was a German chef who had catered for the Olympics and for some tragic, unknown reason found himself in this hell hole, forced to seek new ways to prepare grilled chicken for the rich, crabby geezers that lived on the property.

Whatever his story was, the man had talent. I used to watch in awe as he would crack four eggs at a time with his two hands in preparation for the omelette station. Even though his position is not something culinary artists would strive to attain, he performed his duties with refined skill and with dignity. When he said frog, I jumped. If he told me to clean the floor—the one task I hated more than anything—I scrubbed every last corner of that red-tiled kitchen.

Any man on the path towards alphadom must understand the importance of serving under a strong male leader. Scrubbing a kitchen floor may seem like beta chump slavery to you, but if done for the right instructor and for a purpose, it can change you permanently.

I paid my dues in that kitchen, and it earned me the credit I needed to open other doors in the industry.

Respect Is Earned

After the high school drudgery, I took another dishwashing job as a freshman in college, and this proved to be rewarding in a different way. Besides the opportunity to finally handle some of the food preparation, I was introduced to the fun dark side of the food-and-beverage industry culture.

My first day on the job, three of the employees—one of them being the executive chef—asked me to meet them in the walk-in freezer for some “job training.” We met in the cold space, a welcome break from the West Texas heat, and they passed me a lit pipe packed with a special herb, saying it was time for my “drug test.” I took a nice, long hit, and they were pleased to inform me that I passed the test.

Back in the dish pit, the chef and her girlfriend would take frequent breaks to make out and have lesbian sex in the bathroom next to me. Towards the end of each night, I always ended my shift with an exquisite plate of food and a couple of beers on the house.

Not exactly a tale of sexual conquest, but it was a great environment in which to learn culinary skills, and the women who worked there treated me with nothing but love, affection, and respect.

Skills You Never Lose

It made sense to drop out of college that year, and I had to turn down a hidden trove of pussy that I discovered at the end of the spring semester. It was my connection to the chef and her friends that opened up this new door of possibilities, but as fate would have it I was destined to return to Central Texas.

Back in the Hill Country, I worked in a handful of restaurants and even helped open a new one. I manned all parts of the establishment, from waiting tables to preparing food in the kitchen.

Without a doubt, the sixth sense I developed about food ingredients during that time was the greatest benefit that still persists today. To second what OMYG said in his article, you create an air of independence and intrigue when you cook for a female.

College became necessary again, so I re-enrolled, this time at a different school. I remember this girl I had met and made out with one night. She successfully resisted my advances that evening, despite me showing genuine concern for her interests and sharing my sensitive side (we all know how well that works).

One night shortly thereafter, I randomly ran into her at a bar. I walked up to her and said in her ear, “I’m having you over for dinner on my birthday. It’s in a few days, and we’re having steak.” She agreed immediately.

The morning of my birthday arrived. I woke up and had sex again with the girl I had taken salsa dancing the night before. She left, and I made preparations. The evening came, and I made bacon-wrapped filet mignon with creamy gold mashed potatoes and sautéed asparagus. All cooked to perfection. My date and I enjoyed a gourmet meal in my home, and I got laid on my birthday… twice. So I guess it helps to know how to salsa dance, too?

Learn A Trade, Hit The Road

At the end of that semester, I took a summer job as a cook for a camp site. It seemed like a great idea—I would get to travel, see the mountains, and perfect a skill. Little did I know, this company had signed me up to cook for a scout camp, Girl Scouts to be exact, hundreds of them at a time.

It was too late to back out so I went along, miserable at the prospect of having to slave away for the thrall of whiny little princesses whose parents thought it would be a good idea to expose them to the outdoors.

The company caravan took me to Southern California, in the mountains as I had expected, far from civilization as I had hoped, and far from any colleges or bars as I soon came to lament. But being the young, unwise chap that I was, I failed to foresee the fact that a camp full of female scouts would have to be run by a crew of adult female staff members.

Impossible to foresee, however, was the phenomenon known as “summer work exchange,” wherein young women from foreign countries visit the United States to work in our nation and practice their English language skills. At that particular camp, during that particular summer, there were women in their early twenties from Russia, Spain, Colombia, and one I shall always remember from Ukraine.

It was the summer of a lifetime.


If you have the liberty and free time to pick up work as a kitchen hand, I highly recommend it. Whether it’s a summer gig or long-term employment, it’s something you should try at least once in your life.

The Most Interesting Man in the World probably worked in a kitchen, and he’s not even real. Go work in a kitchen, and you’ll be more interesting than he is. Because… you’re real.

Read More: 6 Reasons Why You Should Know How To Cook 

43 thoughts on “My Adventures From Working As A Cook”

  1. The essence of this article, self improvement and doing your own thing, is something that every man can benefit from.
    There will be times that it can be scary to strike out on your own, and the comfort of “playing it safe” can be alluring. Dont do it. That is the road to servitude.

  2. This story is extremely plausible, women can’t help themselves around fry cooks. Panties fall right off.

    1. Pretty much what I hear from every guy that ever worked i a restaurant. It’s basically an all nigh, every night drunken slamfest. I know one guy who left a 6 figure sales job in SV to go back to waiting, due to the women and general party atmosphere. That particular guy may have been more addicted to certain accoutrements of the party scene than he let on, but he’s far from the only former waiter that seem to never get that time of their life out of their head.

  3. “Impossible to foresee, however, was the phenomenon known as “summer work exchange,” wherein young women from foreign countries visit the United States to work in our nation and practice their English language skills. At that particular camp, during that particular summer, there were women in their early twenties from Russia, Spain, Colombia, and one I shall always remember from Ukraine.”
    – Lol. Though I am not scoffing at the writer’s experiences.
    But at the real meaning and reason for mention, behind the content.
    It’s Russia and Ukraine again. Was that even necessary mentioning? (Seems to be influenced, from the general but unmistakable trend in recent articles which harp about Russian or Ukrainian women in some form or the other).
    Every second or third article seems to have a mention of Ukrainian or Russian women (predictability and covert but unintentional pedestalization mixed together). Russian and Ukrainian women reading these articles would probably be amused with impunity at the fascination we’re beginning to hold for them. .
    It seems like they’re the only “eligible” women left in the world, and have become a benchmark/role model of sorts on RoK, to use to compare American (or for that matter other) women with.
    True, American women are the worst scum on this planet. But, we might end up doing the same thing to Ukrainian/Russian women, what our forefathers did to American women earlier, i.e. putting them on pedestals and making them Goddesses.
    In the end, they are all women, and not to be put on pedestals – however good they may be.Let’s maintain frame control, keep the competition healthy among all women, to keep them on their toes as well.
    What happened to hot “traditional” Latinas, Polish or SE Asian women?
    No recent articles on them.

    1. Why
      Russian or Ukrainian? Answer is deep and complex but it all boils down to a
      very complex issue of natural selection, a world war, a purge and horrid alcoholism.
      I’m a good looking guy but by no means am I stunning or make millions and my
      fatal flaw is I look for answers and am prone to asking “Why” and “Why me?”
      years back I was dating this simply gorgeous redhead from Hungary, recent
      immigrant. The love making was amazing and her general passion for me was
      almost too much….she had a crush on me and I didn’t feel as if I deserved it.
      So one night I asked why? Her answer was rather amazing.
      A lack
      of viable men of good quality of self worth in her homeland……I was floored. She
      went on to say that almost every guy she had ever dated was a heavy drinker who
      were abusive and as she put it hallow…she was looking for a true Alpha. A man
      who was secure in himself, respected his body, honest, straight forward and above all else did not drink like a fish
      and passed out smelling of pickled herring and piss. And to add insult to
      injury all of her friends back home and resigned and given up and just accepted
      that the best they could do was marry these hallow men because there were so
      few single guys around and if they didn’t land one by the time they were 30
      that they would die alone!
      So the
      answer wasn’t why me, rather it was basic economic theory. She had come from a
      very thin market where her mate choices were at best subpar and the guys who
      were above par were very prized. And though she has moved to the US where the
      market was thicker she still carried the
      thin market value into our society.
      So why Russian
      or Ukrainian? Well you can say the same thing about Columbia or say Iran…due to
      the lack of viable men these women know what they want and what they want are
      men of good moral fiber and back bone who know how to treat them appropriately
      for they will treat you very appropriately.
      I hope
      that helps?

      1. Three
        years back I was dating this simply gorgeous redhead from Hungary
        And this is why he’s on some loser’s blog trying to learn how to pick up pussy lol Without the beer goggles that girl was a 3 kid and that’s assuming that you just didn’t make the whole thing up like 99.4% of the geeks on here.

  4. This post had so much potential it was building up beautifully, then, suddenly ended. What happen that summer at the girl scout camp? The girl from Ukraine? I hate to say it but its like you suddenly got bored or lazy and just said, ” Ill just end this post here”. We need a follow up, you can not just end a post like that.

  5. Unless you’re working as a gourmet chef in a very respected restaurant, being a cook is a shit job. Don’t fucking glorify mediocrity. Anyone can learn how to cook in a couple months. It’s not impressive.

    1. I dont know Biscut. I had a buddy in high school who could not do well in college so he opened a BBQ stand at the lake. He now owns the 3rd largest chain BBQ company in Texas and is a multimillionaire. While I know that is rare, it worked well for him.

    2. broBiscut
      The author was relating his experience from his teens to his twenties. I’m sure he would have accepted an internship at Apple instead; followed by partner at Morgan Stanley.
      I took a job as a dishwasher at the age of 13. Oh ya, when I wasn’t washing dishes, I emptied and cleaned the garbage cans. The point of the article is that despite the low social value place upon crappy jobs (as you have certainly confirmed their crappiness), one can learn from the experience.
      Funny thing, I graduated from one of the top universities in the world and run my own company. How mediocre.

      1. Which is why you waste your time on some loser boy blog lol
        At least I get paid to read this crap in my studies. And I’d peg your level of education at high school or the very most some crappy junior “college” aka as the 13th grade

    3. Your head you used to respond to the author with is definitely a penis. I suppose everyone should start out as CEO, otherwise how dare you share your life experiences. Masticate feces and expire.

  6. My wife was amazed and astonished at my ‘leet egg-cracking skills. (I can crack eggs one-handed. I know – whoopee. But when you don’t know how to do it, it’s magic.)

      1. Shoot, man, I’m not even in the game. Just ONE. But I can do it one-handed. What can I say, we were young, and the bar for impressing her was pretty low.

    1. Was going to suggest the same thing. Never seen the show, but Bourdain seems pretty alpha – raised with a silver spoon up his ass and pampered, but still alpha.
      Kudos to anyone who can work a kitchen and enjoy it. I’ve seen some of those cooking shows in the past and thought, who’d want to do such a shit occupation like this one?

      1. Bourdain related in one episode how , in his very first day of his first job in a kitchen, the head chef fucked the bride of a large wedding party. He seemed to have been pretty impressed by this….lol

  7. I take it the writer started at Tech and re-enrolled somewhere in Austin?
    The Austin bar scene was incredible a few years back before hipsters took over the town. It’s still pretty good compared to other cities, but it has declined since the end of last decade.

  8. Good read. It’s nice to see a different side to the same coin. This encourages me to improve and accomplish in this field. I must also add, what about the Ukranian girl!

  9. as a corollary to this-anybody in university or just looking for cash should get a job as a waiter. the hours will suck, and the pay will not be amazing at first, but cash tips, free food, good coworkers (mainly) and lots of pretty Polish waitresses make good environment. It also really brings someone out of their shell-having to banter with birthday girls, hen parties, cougars and every other stripe of women (and men) and being yelled at by phenomenally bad-tempered head chefs who threaten to shut you in the walk-in freezer will grow you a LOT. It’s not a bad industry if you have no career plan or didn’t want university debt, although the pay takes a while to improve and the hours generally don’t

  10. I had sex with Kim Kardashian yesterday. We were both on a yacht from a good looking rich slayer friend of mine. I was having my Long Island Ice Tea and she was constantly looking in my direction while she was chatting with some hot blonde slut that I’d had banged. She smiled and I gave her a smirk.
    Later on she walked nearby me and there were some people. So she purposedly rubbed her giant boobs on my shoulder while passing through.
    She had this silky brown dress that gave me a hardon instantly. I turned my head over my shoulder and asked her: “hey, what’s up with Kanye?”
    Then we chatted a bit. I could say she was already wet.
    Anyway long story short we ended up banging in the private room of the yacht. When we arrived in Sardinia we went to my 5 star Hotel room and fucked for 2 days straight. She paid the whole food service.
    We did cocaine, weed, mdma, phenibut and tried sex on each one of these drugs. I don’t know where I got all the sperm volume I shot on her from. We just kept fucking even when I came on her juicy tits and face. She just hopped again on the cock and rode it like it was the only thing she wanted in her life. I never got flaccid.
    Posting pics as soon as I can

  11. Looks like some little man can’t take the truth and erased my comment. Loser. Let’s see if you have the balls to put it back blanket boy.

  12. Betas and chumps talk about how the car is the pimp move or
    the boat or the shirt or the shoes or the watch…and ok maybe for a given type
    of woman that is what works. But the Alpha move what gets an intelligent sexual
    woman to melt in your hands and to wrap her legs around you time and time again
    isn’t material possessions. It’s the mastery of the helm. Be it in the office, at
    the party when leading the conversation or in his kitchen when preparing a
    dinner for two. For nothing states I am a man, a true provider of strong hunter
    like a man who knows how to wield a knife on a chicken breast to remove the
    beta gristle from the soft pink flesh.

  13. “Any man on the path towards alphadom must understand the importance of serving under a strong male leader.”
    So true. I always did my best in school under the most difficult professors. They were experts on their subjects and wouldn’t tolerate laziness or incompetence. They were all men, of course.
    Great article.

  14. врач”I was 15 when I started out as a dishwasher in a retirement home. The labor was disgusting, grueling, degrading, and paid shit. Despite all of that, if I could go back in time, I would do it all over again”
    Stupid! Washing dishes and mopping floors in some old age home. probably had to wipe the old farts butts too lol
    “and for some tragic, unknown reason found himself in this hell hole”
    Obviously the guy was some sort of pervert, drunk or criminal on probation. I don’t even trust these working class cook types at Le Cirque or the 21 Club.At some old age home? Erm, no thinks and I wouldn’t eat anything they made.
    “Any man on the path towards alphadom must understand the importance of serving under a strong male ”
    Yeah, I bet you were serving as an under for him and those were your balls he was cracking lol
    Only little poor and stupid Omega boys bother with self help books and articles, it’s a sign of a loser blanket blog boy.
    Alphas are born Alpha and then continue their education just by being in an Alpha environment. If you’re a genetic Omega (99% of negroes are) there isn’t 1 chance in a million that you will be anything else and that’s after recognising what you are before you reach 12 and getting out of your crappy family and trailor park.It is simply too difficult to overcome Omegatude and teach a boy everything he needs to know once he’s past puberty.
    “After the high school drudgery, I took another dishwashing job as a freshman in college”
    This dummy doesn’t learn and is still doing a menial omega kid job at 18 lol
    ” saying it was time for my “drug test.” ”
    It had to be a shitty place full of losers, ‘hood punks, and ex cons because no good place or even an ordinary place would permit drinking or drug taking.
    “I always ended my shift with an exquisite plate of food and a couple of beers on the house.”
    He got some leftovers and a beer and thought he was making out like a bandit haha
    “It made sense to drop out of college that year, and I had to turn down a hidden trove of pussy ”
    Yeah, made perfect sense to drop out so he could wash dishes and mop floors at some greasy spoon hash house lol A trove of pussy lol I nearly chocked when I read this kid’s fantasy.
    “Back in the Hill Country” Yes, just as I thought, a hillbilly shitkicker from Dirtwater, Texas.
    “She successfully resisted my advances that evening”
    He means that she took one look at him and ran away lol
    ““I’m having you over for dinner on my birthday. It’s in a few days, and we’re having steak.”
    But first, he had to steal the food from her refrigator lol
    “The morning of my birthday arrived. I woke up and had sex again with the girl I had taken salsa dancing the night before.”
    He was asleep having a wet dream about sex with some hot girl and imagining he was some fag Chicano Salsa dancer.
    “At the end of that semester, I took a summer job as a cook for a camp site”
    This guy must really like washing dishes lol It was a Boy Scout campsite on BrokeBack Mountain and he loved the boys and even took them out into the woods where he was Pivot man in the circle jerk. Hope he washed his hands before washing the dishes.
    “wherein young women from foreign countries visit the United States to work in our nation and practice their English language skills. At that particular camp, during that particular summer, there were women in their early twenties from Russia, Spain, Colombia, and one I shall always remember from Ukraine.”
    These are Uni girls and would never go to some dump in the US for Summer or would they go to Dirtwater, Texas where their English would only deteriorate since they learn correct English in their home country which is not contaminated by American hillbilly or lower class drawl. So unless the females are from the lower class pits of their countries and came to the US to do menial work, like working in a kitchen or serving, they’d want to go to NY or the sophisticated surburbs where they could meet upper class men, not dopey poor dishwashers.
    “The Most Interesting Man in the World probably worked in a kitchen”
    Yeah, sure blog boy. Now go make me a sandwich lol
    *My Pyjama blog boy thesis will be available in the Autumn .

    1. You are like reptilian cold blooded. Your level of arrogance and pride is disgusting. Whoever you are you can learn from experiences. Why waste time mocking his guy? Just don’t read the blog anymore- hater.

  15. How many entitled fat people did you have to deal with? Fat customers who demand everything be done for them are the worst.

  16. There’s a lot of ignorant hate in the comments. I’m 51 and if I could afford to work in a restaurant I would do so in a heartbeat. Sure the work is hard as shit, but the women all have questionable morals. What’s not to like about that. Everything the author says is true.

  17. Nice article, nice realism, happy ending. Good comments too, with the exception of a few self-cock obsessed tough guys who’d rather shiat all over the author. This is so apropos, I suppose, to avoid complacency because parasites are everywhere. (Even on a good site.) Author gets a pat on the back.

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