Revisiting Lorena Bobbitt: Why Would A Woman Cut Off A Man’s Penis?

Outside the operating room of a sex-change doctor, a tray of penises

There is no blood. This is not Vietnam, Chile or Buchenwald. They were surgically removed under anesthetic. They lie there neatly, each with a small space around it.

The anaesthetic is wearing off now. The chopped-off sexes lie on the silver tray.

One says: I am a weapon thrown down. Let there be no more violence. . .

Sharon Olds, The Gold Cell

On a balmy Virginia evening in the summer of 1993, Manassas law enforcement received a bizarre call from a young woman named Lorena Bobbitt. She told authorities she had used an eight-inch carving knife to sever her husband’s penis and had flung it from her car window into an open field in the countryside.

The police responded immediately, arresting Lorena and commencing an intensive search search for the lost penis, which they would eventually find. Bobbitt was questioned and asked why she had committed such a heinous act, stating:

He always have orgasm, I never have orgasm. He’s selfish. I don’t think it’s fair, so I pulled back the sheets and did it.

Was this an open and shut case of sexual frustration resulting in the cleaving of an allegedly selfish penis? No.


Lorena Bobbitt, an Ecuadorian immigrant, met her husband, a marine named John Bobbitt, at a military ball. Their whirlwind romance culminated in their marriage in June 1989. The relationship was known to be incredibly stormy and fraught with jealousy and sexual rancor. John was an irascible alcoholic who alleged put her down constantly and, as per Lorena, was emotionally and physically abusive. Lorena, herself, was known to be a highly jealous woman, famously remarking she would chop his penis off if he ever left her. Neighbors noted the couple frequently engaged in lurid, heated arguments.

On the night of the gender-based genital mutilation, it is undisputed that John had gone out and had drank heavily with friends. What was disputed was what exactly happened once John came home. Lorena claimed he came into the bedroom and forced himself on her. John claimed that he had told her that he wanted a divorce. As with any ugly, tempestuous relationship, frequent threats of abandoning the other spouse was common for the Bobbitt’s. It was with this backdrop that this story made international headlines.


After Lorena claimed he raped her, John was arrested on marital rapes charges. His trial was a quiet affair that resulted in his acquittal. When the same female prosecutor brought charges against Lorena for malicious wounding was when the feminist carnival of rage and ignorance commenced.

The sleepy town of Manassas was swarmed by masses of reporters and supporters of Lorena, covering the trial with great aplomb. At the opening of the trial, the prosecutors argued that Lorena did what she because of vengeful anger. Her female defense counselor had a different take:

[My] client was “a battered woman in the classic sense” who acted in self-defense out of an “irresistible impulse” in response to years of physical and mental abuse at the hands of her husband.   [I] would describe the Bobbitt’s marital relationship as a “reign of terror” punctuated by ongoing violence perpetrated by the husband upon the wife, who was suffering from depression and a legitimate mental disorder caused by the trauma of the ongoing abuse.

Feminists were quick to draw universal conclusions from Lorena’s situation. The NYTimes characterized Americans has having “A Million Lorena Bobbitts,” alleging rape and domestic abuse was commonplace and institutionalized in American society. Prominent feminists like Ellen Goodman opined that, as per usual, society was erecting straw feminists to attack Lorena Bobbitt. A woman penned this note to the NYTimes:

Prof. Catharine MacKinnon of the University of Michigan and the writer Andrea Dworkin long ago pointed to the institution of marriage as a legal cover for the act of rape and the permanent humiliation of women. Lorena Bobbitt’s life has been a poignant instance of that nightmare, which elicited a bold and courageous act of feminist self-defense. As one who recently returned from a conference of feminist activists in Europe, I can assure readers that the Lorena Bobbitt case has galvanized the women’s movement worldwide in a way the Anita Hill case never did. No feminist is advocating emasculation as the weapon of first choice. And some women question the political prudence of ‘sociosexual vigilantism.’ But whatever the judgment of America’s patriarchal legal system, Lorena Bobbitt is for most feminists no criminal. She is instead a symbol of innovative resistance against gender oppression everywhere.

The jury for the trial had seven women and five men. It concluded after a couple months, with the jury acquitting Lorena, citing her years of abuse that caused the irresistible impulse that lead her to mutilate her husband’s genitals. After the trial, Lorena tried to keep a low profile, even though she was arrested for attacking her mother a couple years later. John tried to cash in on his infamy by filming a couple pornographic films and tried to start a band. Years later, Lorena started a non-profit aimed at helping abused women via family and community means.

clarence thomas anita hill

As was seen with Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, only when incensed passions cool off can we truly understand and contextualize a sex-based issue in America. It is undisputed that this wasn’t a clear cut case of some sugar-and-spice attractive young woman a victim at the hands of a hateful male, but a relationship born of mutual tension, anger and abuse. Neither party was innocent in any sense of the word. Lorena’s defense counsel successfully tried to peddle Lorena as some shrinking violet in the face of brutal male entitlement.

Sure, it is easy to convince a jury of injurious conduct visited upon your client when you blatantly ignore the bad acts and possessive jealousy of your client. It is easy to paint a portrait of marital violence and rape when the oils of that portrait are the alleged and subjective declarations of one party. It is easy to lie when the political winds are at your back.

Lorena, for herself, simply benefited from the hysterical nature of relations between American women towards men at the time. Her life and trial was simply swept up in the greater narrative of male misbehavior as championed by feminists. Her defense counsel’s ability to manipulate the jury into only seeing Lorena purely as a victim—instead of a woman in a mutually antagonistic relationship—was just a product of the times.

It could be speculated that Lorena slipped away from the spotlight in the aftermath of the trial because she truly was a victim in the vein her lawyer spun. However, what is most likely is a woman who was so dispossessed because she wasn’t held accountable for her actions. She was the one to call the police, not her husband. It wasn’t patriarchy, sexism or rape that possessed her to phone the police after she disposed of her husband’s penis—it was guilt. She knew what she did was horribly wrong and utterly disproportionate to what her husband did to her. Just because people seek to inure themselves from punishment for their guilty acts doesn’t mean they want to live in a world where the guilty walk free.

As for John, he seemed to be some sort interminable drunk who could barely hold down a blue-collar job. He most certainly was acquitted of raping Lorena, but it is more than clear he was one half of a mutually abusive relationship. The tumultuous nature of their relationship was balanced on one hand by his drinking and mostly likely balanced on her end by her green-eyed jealousy. A match made in Hell, indeed.

The aftermath of the media frenzy had feminists licking the gendered blood off their rapiers for years afterwards. While some outlets ran some opinion pieces with some semblance of rationality, the needlessly hysterical nature of the proceedings not only clouded the ability of the public to understand the individual relations between the Bobbitt’s but also the relevancy of that relationship to wider society.


As we have seen with the reckless social commentary on Elliot Rodger, American society still cannot understand individual’s impulses to violence, much less the social weight to appropriate to said acts. We either get narratives of male oppression to justify female violence or narratives of male privilege to condemn male violence.

Generally, the politicization of what necessarily is an individual’s reaction to the perceived or real inequities in their life is atrocious for social analysis or policy. We get outlets regarding male violence an extension of male privilege, but what about female violence?  Is female violence simply an individual woman’s decision or a reaction to social conditioning?

The critical lack of truly considering the nature and being of female violence is simply part and parcel of how America works. There is little money in truly analyzing female violence, much less truly understanding why women violate men. However, there is money in ratcheting up the sex war between men and women—all the while promising the salve of reconciliation—and deliberately inflaming political passions to advance narratives—narratives that will necessarily favor women as they are providing the click-through’s.

That being said, America has a long road to hoe if we ever hope to transcend the muck and sophistry surrounding the violence individuals chose to engage in. I am holding my breath on that ever happening, as the way modern media is constructed 100% militates against that. Rage is too profitable to ever go away as the drumbeat of media coverage. The truth of reality—much less respecting the dignity of the people covered—doesn’t sell papers or get incensed viewers clicking a provocative headline.

Presently, Lorena is married with children, working as a hairdresser; John is still some sort of anti-social poser. Their terribly sexually charged relationship that erupted in Lorena trying to divest him of what she saw as the source of his power became a national obsession, much to the glee of feminists. As I noted above, the penis exists as an obsession for feminists as a symbol for male power. One woman’s desperate attempt to keep her man in her life became feminist’s rallying cry for female oppression at men’s hands. It mostly certainly didn’t involve that at all, but it shows how little feminists and America understand why individuals resort to such extreme violence to maintain their identity.

America’s utter fascination with violence will not go away any time soon, so long as we remain so fixated with those who choose to indulge their rage. After all, if you are reading it, it is for you.

Read More: The Rape Of Fatty Arbuckle

167 thoughts on “Revisiting Lorena Bobbitt: Why Would A Woman Cut Off A Man’s Penis?”

  1. And the hag’s that find it amusing. Is it possible that watching the VIEW drove this woman to commit this crime?

    1. We are living in a ‘castration culture’.
      Consider a book by Jeanette Winterson – a darling of the left – where the heroine accidentally castrates a a man with her teeth. Here is an extract from a review
      “I recall chuckling at a passage where she bites off a man’s penis (in her ignorance of how fellatio should be performed), because she thinks that they grow back like lizard’s tails.”
      This from one of UK’s major authors. Its presented as a joke, but actually its about power. A very large woman doesn’t understand how anything that insignificant couldn’t grow back. The male character has no other purpose but be castrated.
      Castration culture at play and this is going back to the 80s

      1. The Eunuch ran the Chinese and Byzantine admins.
        The Harem was guarded by castrated black bouncers.
        Women in Italy liked to listen to Castrato singers.
        They are cruel creatures.

        1. very true, and the reason they were charged with that task in the main was because only eunuchs could be trusted with the harem. There is an analogy with the modern day in this. That is the men at the top have their liberated harem’s and only symbolically or otherwise neutered men can be trusted to interact with them.

        2. In European populations it seems that men have a high degree of self discipline. Eunuchs seems to be Southern European or Asia Minor.
          It’s nothing that happened in Sweden for example.

        3. its curious. It might have to polygamy versus monogamy, the former being perhaps a kind of hypergamy

        4. Correct, some troll with a kin sense of humour and irony must have done that for click baiting, as well as a means to show the hypocrisy of the femme.

      2. Never let a fat bitch suck your dick. Because fat people get hungry. While it may be funny to say that fat women are more grateful for the human contact, there is nothing that says she won’t think your dick is a corn dog and ake a bite. No fat chicks. Ever.

        1. (I’ve heard pickled relish can really heighten pleasure).
          Don’t forget to ALWAYS wear a condiment.

    2. Wait, so the video clip is about a woman cutting a guy’s dick off? And the subtitles have it backwards?

      1. Correct, some troll with a kin sense of humour and irony must have done that for click baiting, as well as a means to show the hypocrisy of the femme…

    3. These women are definately sadistic and even our societies are. When a man is injured by a woman, its a joke and they make fun of the man, weave jokes. But when a woman is injured by a man, its a very serious criminal issue and they all condemn it. Gender equality that these feminists claim to stand for? My foot! To hell with this twisted and selective form of gender equality! To hell with feminists.

      1. We should question the entire bogus concept of equality. After all aren’t some animals more equal than others?
        There exists no biological equality. Only equality under the law that ensures that all men and great and small are not exempt from justice.

        1. Equality is a social construct. It does not exist in nature, thus survival of the fittest. As mentioned, equality is a creation of man to enable a beta society to thrive by providing an equal playing field.
          Communists took this as a literal concept. We are all equal, period. Equality in every way! We cannot all be equal, we cannot all run like Bolt. It’s a fallacy. These fools believe that bringing everyone to the lowest common denominator will make life better.

      2. By the way, I’m feminist and I completely agree that women should be punished if they hurt someone (man or woman, doesn’t matter.) For example, if a woman catches her husband cheating on her (situation doesn’t matter) and hits him, she should get charged for assault. (and vice versa for guys in that situation.) Legally, that is what would happen in the US and it’s completely fair.
        You’re making a straw man argument that all feminists think women injuring men is okay. That’s an argument that only radical feminazis would make (and I hate those bishes too.)
        Feminism is a wide spectrum so don’t be a total ass and group all of us with the radical feminists with their noses stuck up their ass.
        Thanks for reading & have a nice day

        1. You cannot be a feminist and an equalist. Feminism is not a wide spectrum because they all believe the same things. While equality under law (ie property rights or incarceration rights, not voting or governmental rights) is common human belief, feminism is dogmatic and has a specific guideline for its adherents to follow.

        2. iawaityourhatemail. (pre emptively assuming that you will receive hate mail?) What you are talking about is equality under the law. The truth is the movement you claim to support, actively seeks to promote female criminals as victims. If you look at US statistics you will find the rate of parole varies widely amongst men and women for the same crime category. (for example assault, theft, etc)
          Many prominent celebrities respond they are humanitarian as opposed to feminists when asked.

        3. Feminism is a hate movement period. Radical or not radical, the ultimate goal is just the same – hatred of men, demeaning of men, enslavement of men and calling this gender equality.

    4. 1. This isn’t the View.
      2. This episode is a couple of years old.
      Thinking helps.

      1. As old as it may be (less than a decade), this show goes on to this day. No repercussions came to the hags in the view for what would have been classified as hate speech should the victim been a womyn.

  2. “a battered woman in the classic sense” who acted in self-defense out of an “irresistible impulse” in response to years of physical and mental abuse at the hands of her husband. [I] would describe the Bobbitt’s marital relationship as a “reign of terror”
    This is obvious BS. Cutting of a penis is a premeditated act. Such an act isn’t born out of “irrestistible impulse”; in that case stabbings in obvious areas (arms, chest) not cutting off of body parts would be expected. Taking his manhood away was a way of dethroning her – soon to be ex – husband i.e. if I can have it nobody can.

    1. I used to be much more white-knight style when women would tell me about their “abusive psycho ex boyfriends”.
      But after meeting enough of these guys and seeing how much shit these women expected their guys to put up with its no wonder they were frustrated.. “abusive” I’m not so sure… that is a loaded term.
      It wasn’t until I was labelled the “psycho abusive ex boyfriend” that I realized that all that shit she said about her previous bfs was a load of bullshit… and if I’m so dangerous why was she clambering to get back with me?
      I’ve only recently re-emerged into the dating scene and I feel it is a different place than just 5 years ago. Nowadays feminists throw words around like “creepy” and “misogynistic” like they’re nothing… In the past these words might have actually meant something but when you label even good-meaning young men as rapists… I don’t think that is gonna work out so well…
      The whole situation is fucked basically… All you can really do is game… I wonder how long it’ll take until it collapses under its own shit.

        1. Women like to brag about their abuse like it is some sort of badge of honor. WTF Fucked up.

        2. They’re also telling you that’s what they want and are going to drag you into that cesspool.

        3. That’s another tipoff. Neurotic people in general tend to speak ill of their parents. I’m not denying that some people’s parents are in fact worthless as persons, but to the extent someone overcomes that they say less about it.

        4. Yeah.. my parents were fucked up when I was growing up but I don’t hate them for it…
          I think how a girl treats her dad is gonna be an indication of how she is going to treat you… if she disrespects him and talks shit about him a lot.. don’t be surprised if she does the same to you.
          I think some girls who’ve had their fathers destroyed by hypergamy and divorce court end up thinking that that is the natural way of things. That dads are kinda just meant to be destroyed… so its ok to destroy aspiring young men.
          Which obviously isn’t going to work out very well in the long run.

        5. Most of those girls will never understand what really happened. They’ll just continue to blame their personal failures on men, their fathers included, and sink into impotent rage as the years pass.

      1. A couple of years ago, I decided to try plenty of fish. I quickly saw it as a waste of time, and left, but what you said brings back the memory of a particular girl I saw on there. She was in her early 20’s, had a kid, and was very demanding in what she wanted from men. I remember she said that she had to have a “country boy” (I live in Kentucky), which pretty much means she wants a shit-bird, dressed like a cowboy. But that’s beside the point.
        Among her pictures, was one of her proudly showing off a black eye someone had given her. This, and experiences like it, have taught me two things. First, women like those are toxic, there is literally some busted wiring in there somewhere. Good men are not that hard to find, and if she really wanted one, she wouldn’t limit herself to choosing the very type of man who would be likely to beat her ass. Secondly, women like that crave the feeling of being a victim. Even if you treat her like a queen, she will eventually think up some horrible shit, that you DIDN’T do, to accuse you of. All in the hopes that someone will feel sorry for her,
        It really is that fucked up out there. Be choosy, be careful, and be alert. Because I can promise you, bitches don’t come with warning labels.

      2. Have you asked them if they know of the tale of the boy who cried wolf?
        “I wonder how long it’ll take until it collapses under its own shit.”
        2015-2017, links?

    2. Yes! Not to mention, as the author already did; abuse itself doesn’t lead to violence, it’s the loss or threat to identity that does.

  3. Is it possible that they both engaged in sadimasochism and whatnot? Would the trial have ruled such games as inadmissible? Are there comparable cases? She quite clearly got a kick out of it.

  4. “Why Would A Woman Cut Off A Man’s Penis?”
    Classic case of penis envy – which is what the entire feminist movement is founded on.

    1. Freud helpfully defined the situation as he saw it and the whole of feminism since that point works as a denial of his assertions.

    2. I guess the truth is out and it’s time to come clean.
      I can vouch for what Skoll said. I’ve always envied guys for having manjunk, since I was about 10 years old, which is why I started hating men and joined the feminist movement (codenamed the Girl Scouts.) That’s why eating girl scout cookies makes your penis shrink. They’re loaded with destructive hormones.
      Well, the secret is out now, and we can’t cover up our penis envy any longer. What Skoll said is completely true.

  5. At root feminists have never got over the idea that all men rape as a function of the penis. The following is quite bizarre and most feminists probably wouldn’t go this far, but the mindset and analysis is present in all feminist analysis of heterosexual relations as an unequal act: (note the attempt to describe coitus as unnatural)
    Again, allowing for the fact that it is rare for such attitudes to be explicitly stated, the whole of feminism has pretty much been a meditation on the biological unacceptability of the act of coitus. The whole of feminism has sought to displace sexual intercourse (the method whereby babies are made, in case you weren’t aware or only have experience with turkey basters) as the main sexual act, or even part of the proceedings.
    One way they have done this is by elevating any kind of clitoral stimulation over the vaginal, typically by seeking (with some success) to evidence that the orgasms women enjoy are clitoral, and therefore nothing to do with penetration.
    In feminist porn, supposedly pro-sex feminists, minimise the (male centric) focus on penetration in favour of any other alternative
    Books like ‘Cunt’ meanwhile (Cunt: A Declaration of Independence 1580050751) are trying to do for the vagina what nature did for the penis: engorge it with the blood and gristle of a dominant culture.
    whatever the reality on the ground the whole of feminist idea of rape culture is infected with this idea that the penis as a symbol of potency, must be made culturally flaccid or otherwise, chemical, culturally or literally cut-off.
    Some feminists celebrate this platform – namely those who have no further investment in male / female relations beyond establishing female domination. Most on the other hand agonize and hand-wring over this issue. This is probably Freud’s fault, amongst others. It was Freud who humiliated female sexuality, flagged up its inferiority, and turned a natural act between a man and women into a hierarchy of superior and inferior. Now the very fact that a man is heavier, and more obviously active rather passive, more easily described as dominant rather than submissive cause women whose minds have been warped by the rad fems (such as FI) to wonder whether the mere fact they have sex with a man isn’t an act equivalent to rape.
    That is the true rape culture. The rape culture that feminists have implanted in every woman’s mind. The culture that represents an absurd metaphysical rebellion against the most fundamental act in nature and biology.
    Ultimately this position isn’t the hatred of men. It is the hatred of women themselves, all that they have been and all that they will be. A woman who exiles herself from sex and her own biology is at war with herself.
    This the context where this and more recent mutilations occur. Feminists want the phallus as though this were a relay and it could simply be handed over.
    Its time they were disabused of their psychosis. The empress is wearing no clothes and a very silly strap-on

    1. Ironic considering the femininity is at its strongest when in subjection to the masculine.

        1. Is it? I’m not laughing about it.That’s the difference between me and a woman. I don’t think it’s funny at all. I realize its totally sick but I don’t withdraw it under the circumstances.

        2. OK, but the point is were objecting to violence, specifically a form of violence that can be seen as being encourage by the likes of jeanette winterson, loose women etc, and which ridicules possibly the worst trauma that can happen to a man. I’d recommend letting the likes of Lorena Bobbit face karma, however angry it may make you feel. Focus fire on the culture that enabled the act of mutilation she engaged in

        3. I did focus on it very closely. In fact, the moment I saw that Sharon Osborne VIEW show where 100% of women could be seen shrieking with laughter and sick and creamy smiles on their faces, I called up Time Warner and cancelled my service. Deleted every cunt on Facebook who thought it was funny and will never speak to them again. Wrote to CBS and at least 7 advertisers playing an active role in giving Sharon Osborne the boot. But good. The dick is mightier than the pen.

        4. now that is constructive! that’s the sort of action that will end this shit

        5. Just your average post-feminism man who will defeat marxist feminism on all of its fronts.

        6. Bravo. We need to also start boycotting any products that carry TV or Media ads portraying men as silly buffoons juxtaposed with the “smart and witty female”.
          Saw one on TV at the gym yesterday. Forgot what company it was but its time to start sending the message to men – and these companies – by voting with our wallets.
          Fuck all those companies, the feminists, Lorena Bobbitt, the View, Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne and all the horses they rode in on.

        7. I have to say – personally – I don’t really mind that. I LIKE it that women think Im stupid automatically – simply because I am male. This is their hubris. I use this to my advantage constantly and would recommend that all men do.
          Gooldigger? Bring her on! She will spread her legs the moment I say “hello Im a doctor” and she sees my car. And because she thinks Im stupid, I get to pull the rug out from under her and she has no idea it’s coming.
          Nobody is easier to manipulate than a manipulator. So let women think we’re stupid. I fucking LOVE that.
          Realize the reason women think their husbands and boyfriends are stupid, is because you would HAVE to be stupid to sign a marriage contract in the first place. He would have to have such a low opinion of himself to work a year of his life to save 2-3 months of after-tax savings just for the opportunity to KNEEL DOWN and ask her for “permission” to love her until death?? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. She should be buying HIM a ring for that.
          But when it gets violent, that’s when I refuse to buy “Smart Water” because Chinnifer Maniston endorses that product by kicking some dude in the crotch. And all he did was say “Jennifer Aniston I’ve been in love with you forever”. Then he gets hoofed in the nads and falls to the ground in pain because that sack of shit bitches like that thinks it’s hilarious. Ever see a beer commercial where a woman is kicked in the tits? No and you never will.
          Because men have more class.

        8. We need an ongoing article so we can all post the names of products that belittle men in their advertising as we spot them.
          I will immediately cease ever purchasing any of their products.

        9. Do you have all week?
          SMART WATER (man gets hoofed in the nads and all men in it portrayed as social misfits)
          DORRITOS (man gets slapped by a kid for looking at his mom)
          DODGE CHARGER (Men looking pathetic -“Buy a charger – man’s last stand”)
          SWIFFER SWEEPER (one armed man made to do housework)
          JC PENNY (beware of the dog house)
          Christ, I could go on. There is a 20+ part series on youtube called “misandry in the media” (check it out) which is chock-full of one after the other demonstrating a simple reversal of the sexes would cause such an uproar it would be unspeakable to even suggest it. They don’t even like you talking about it. Don’t forget the advertisers who endorse shows like THE VIEW, THE TALK, WENDY WILLIAMS et. al. it’s sickening.

        10. its worth some organisation. Those companies need to know they are being boycotted and why.

  6. “….Presently, Lorena is married with children”…
    And that is why this happens….Who is this mega-beta mangina that married this monster?
    Feminists are not our enemies….These Mangina enablers are the real enemies of Men….

    1. Who marries a woman that chopped off her husbands penis??? Are you serious???

    2. The fact that mangina white knights are our enemies, does not signify that feminists are NOT our enemies. The existence of one does not nullify the existence of other. Both can and and do exist. Both of them are our enemies.

      1. You sound fairly retarded. How can you have “enemies” when you have no arms and no intention to spill blood?
        Furthermore, I think it is useful to view women as cattle instead of enemies. Expecting them to show principled, moral character is very optimistic indeed.
        I mean, it’s not like I don’t hate femcunts. But it does help recognizing were the real problem lies.

        1. I have noticed that you deliberately troll people. A lot of people have been trolled by you, haven’t they?
          Just because white knights are our enemies does not mean feminists are NOT our enemies, you retarded imbecile.
          Stop trying to defend feminists troll. It won’t work.
          Mouth breathing numbskulls like you amaze me.If you still don’t get it, ask an adult to help you out.

        2. Lol yeah ‘gu’ is a professional troll on Rok. He is kinda like the special-ed kid. Always abuses and pesters people for no reason. And the fuckwit does not realize the irony is that on one hand he is saying that white knights are real enemies and at the same time he is white knighting for feminists himself! LMAOO. Just ignore the fool

      2. No its the wanker “alpha” i.e identified with domination of women that are the enemies of the rest of the men and of women.
        You have yourselves sorted into alpha and beta and have other men seeing themselves in this way but im onto you, and the bulshit of all those like you. My brand of feminism will get the stereotypes created about men who support women, and it will stop you from doing what you are doing to other men. Masculinity is a social construct, and its a lie that stepping away from that construct makes one a “pussy” , its also a lie that alpha males exist who are more man than all the others, they are no different biologically than any other man. The bullshit mens rights movement which is really an anti feminist movement which wants to use other men as foot soldiers to reinstate the old sex role system will be exposed and destroyed.
        Unless men like that can turn each other into aggressive, emotionally hardened patriarchal foot soldiers they will call each other feminine, and convince them they are. This is how the patriarchal sex role scripts operate. My mission their destruction.

      1. She should have been executed for this.She murdered her husband (but he was just lucky and didn’t die from bleeding to death). It was a miracle that he happened to be young and healthy and that a very skilled surgeon just happened to be available to reattach his penis. Most of the time this cannot be done. And do you really believe that just because he got it reattached that it was ever the same?I’m a doctor and it’s ridiculous what the general public believes from their only source of information in the media. Do they really believe that his dick was just sewn back on and he’s as good as new? And imagine this guy’s mental health from post traumatic disorder and anxiety.He’ll never be the same.Mayhem used to be a capital crime punishable by death. It originally meant like cutting off like an arm so the person was incapable of fighting but also means ‘willful and permanent crippling, mutilation, or disfigurement of any part of the body’
        This mestizo cunt should have been put to death.I can assure you that it would have a chilling effect on all females who would even think of maiming and trying to murder a man.
        And btw, it is absurd to even think that a man could rape his wife or gf. When she said “I do” she gave up certain rights (as did the man). I include gf because in today’s world that has the same meaning as wife from previous times.Your behaviour towards a wife(gf) is not the same as towards a complete stranger.You’ve had sex with her perhaps a 1000 times so how can the 1001st be rape? Even in the case of some rare brutal man at most it would legally be assault, Not rape.

        1. “And btw, it is absurd to even think that a man could rape his wife or gf.”
          Just shut the fuck up. You’re embarrassing yourself. “Doctor,” my sweaty nutsack.

        2. Nah, Dr. Scholls, I meant nutsack. Ask your wife to confirm; she’s well acquainted with it.

    3. Feminists are not our enemies….These Mangina enablers are the real enemies of Men…
      That’s right on.
      Feminism is nothing but a label attached to otherwise typical female behavior — trying to get status, power and possessions that are neither earned nor deserved. Since the beginning of time, Eve thought a bite from the forbidden fruit would put her on equal footing with God. It’s been downhill every since!
      It just that in our feminist incubator here in America, white knight manginas ARE the problem by shielding and defending these deviants rather than putting them in there place. They destroy the society by letting destructive females run rampant.
      You can’t serve justice on a Lorena Bobbitt because of these manginas. I guarantee you a justice system run by true men would have punished her for her evil deed. However, manginas cockblock real men, allowing feminists a free pass — even when it comes to butchering a man’s manhood.
      Not that it’s my religion, but I really doubt a female would make it more than 24 hours in a a devout Muslim country after committing such an atrocity. For such behavior, there is no “day in court.” There’s only eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth, and pussy for penis. It’s hard-core old-school justice.

  7. Women are all fascists who would vote for Hitler. Don’t believe me? Let’s leave the constant threat of castration out of it for the moment. That makes it a slam dunk in my book, but that’s fine. Women are just “joking” whenever they play fascism card #1.
    How about oppressive dictatorship by force or threat of violence? Woman is unbearable to live with, he wants to divorce her, and she maims him. That’s assault and that’s oppression. That’s enforcing through the threat of violence. If you don’t like something and talk to her about it, prepare to receive the threat of withheld friendship — or even sex whether it’s applicable or not! There was another man who pulled the same kind of shit. Yep, Hitler. And 20 million good men had to fight and die to defeat that son of a bitch. Who’s gonna defeat 100% of women who think it’s hilarious to cut your dick off when they don’t like something?
    By an intrinsic party affiliation — fascist — all women would check the box marked “Kill Or Savagely Beat Anyone Who Doesn’t Agree With Me”. That fact has always held women back more than any mythical glass ceiling.

    1. I always wondered what percentage of women voters in Germany voted for Hitler. Did more women or men vote for Hitler?

      1. Everybody “voted” for Hitler but it wasn’t really “voting”. Today you can freely criticize and oppose a politician but you couldn’t in 1935 Germany. Even the kids who were asked to “volunteer” to join the Hitler youth all put up their hands. My Grandmother told me this herself. Not “volunteering” was unthinkable.

        1. But it was not presented that way. And that’s my point.
          Just like living with a woman you can’t stand anymore, they think it’s “mandatory” too. Else you get your dick cut off. Germans were led to THINK they had a say in the matter – when it was unspoken and understood they did not. The Nazis had a VERY slippery M.O. just like the modern female. She will let you THINK you’re in a 50/50 relationship… but you are expected to 100% of what SHE wants or she will throw a screaming fit, and may even cut of your dick because what YOU want is totally irrelevant to her.

        2. Yes it’s been proven through history that women vote for (and prefer) socialist governments. They are not individuals and even THINK according to the herd. Female values like “commitment is more important than individuality” are a giveaway of their socialist mentalities. Believing “single” and “special” is a bad thing…. they push for “equality”. If they are not “part of the group” it’s devastating – regardless of the values of (and no matter how corrupt) the group.

        3. The German’s very nearly inherited the earth. The only thing that stopped them was the gross GDP of the rest of the world directed at wiping them out.
          The Nazis kept their women out the workforce out of politics and out of the way. By no means the Taliban and by no means Feminists.
          Don’t swallow GOP talking points and Rush Limbaugh guff. The Republicans are selling you out just as quickly as the democrats.

        4. I am well aware that the way women behave and publicly carry on was UNSPEAKABLE back then. It just wasn’t done. Looking forward , nobody could have even predicted the social nightmare we are currently forced to navigate. I only draw parallels to their sick mentalities. The idea that woman would attack a man’s genitals or beat him into submission with a bouquet before she tries being a lovely person to coerce him into it — is the problem here. You have women on female talk shows (endorsed by advertisers ) conspiring to trap their own husbands into fatherhood. One doesn’t need Rush Limbaugh, OR a republican OR a democrat to see what’s sick and wrong about that. They pump it into your own home as perfectly acceptable!

        5. A lot of these kids killed soldiers before surrendering and in Berlin, one child even managed to destroy 2 red army tanks.
          Just as in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Iraq, watch out for the kids.
          No no, they aren´t just manipulated or forced to do it by bad adults, they do it quiet willingly.
          They would slit a POWs throat with a smile, Russian or yankee makes little difference.

        6. Not at all, they weren’t somewhat manipulated into thinking they were free while they where not, wrong era, that is where today´s west is rapidly headed. Did Hitler prea
          The majority of the population rapidly came to sincerely support Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP by late March 1936. Active supporters, not passive ones. When Austria was annexed, the great majority of Austrians supported that and Where all those Austrians forced and intimidated into cheering for Hitler? Of course not.

          There was a great deal of propaganda involvced of course but this propaganda was only believed because that system worked, very well and Germany recovered quickly after Adolf took power.
          Turning a 100 000 strong militia army into an army of millions isn´t possible with a gutter economy and society as Germany had in 1932 or even 1926.
          A German woman cutting off her husband’s penis would have been promptly sterilized and/or locked up until a very long time and majority of German women would have found that self-evident.
          Today´s society, is most men against it? No they aren’t. There is substantial resentment but true opposition is only a minority 4 now.

      2. Hitler put the women back in the Kitchen. Making Kinder.
        Don’t swallow the allied propaganda without a pinch of salt.
        The Nazis are far from optimal but the Gynocracy? No. That’s a load of horseshit. Gynocracy is the opposite of a well run fascist state.

        1. As a matter of fact, Hitler offered them “the mother cross” (MutterKreutz) which was awarded to the women based on how many children they had. My grandmother has one. 8 children was the highest honor…. ( I think 8 kids and it was made of GOLD) of course, to encourage the breeding and creation of more Nazi soldiers.
          I don’t pretend the current order is “well run” or “well maintained” by any stretch of the imagination…. but the similarities in MENTALITY are frightening. It is the widely accepted mentality that women as a whole embrace in spirit which is all anyone needs to understand, really.

    2. Hi. I have no desire to cut off your penis and I don’t have violent urges to emasculate guys. I also wouldn’t vote for Hitler.
      Don’t worry Tom, the radical feminist Nazi fascist hordes won’t descend on your home at night to cut off your manstick. Gnight, I hope you can sleep peacefully now.

  8. Because she knows she won’t be punished by the law and will be praised by feminists and media.

    1. Am sure John Bobbit would’ve charged with attempted murder instead, had he chopped off her breasts, or nipples, or her clitoris, or even cut open her vagina.
      This is the hypocrisy of America.
      The Pussy has more value than the Penis, thanks to American feminism.
      ‘The pussy makes the rules’ I think the Bobbit case and American courts spawned that slogan.

  9. “Why Would A Woman Cut Off A Man’s Penis?”
    Well that’s easy. The majority of western women resent men. Why do you think it is women kicking men’s asses and humiliating men in most TV shows, ads and movies nowadays?
    Western women view men as their opponents, not mates. They are actively competing with men and trying to outdo men in every single field.
    Why do you think feminism exists? Our modern women are not the ‘ladies’ of yesteryear, they resemble the ‘cunts’ much more

    1. This is the stuff women are attracted to and hence is created to sell one’s products.When I saw it the first time, I could not believe it was real –

      Misandry in germany 3 –

    2. Well said! The problem is technology and scientific advancement. A few centuries ago, this would be impossible because technology was not as advanced and most jobs were physical and women would not be able to do them. They needed men then. Now, technology has made women equally capable of doing jobs. So they want to trash men now. Again the threats from nature has diminished. Had there been massive earthquakes, volcanoes etc, the focus would be totally different.

      1. @disqus_fxhC2vtTYa:disqus
        Just as technology can give women advantages. It can also give men advantages. Since technology is not going away anything soon. We must learn to play the field to our advantage regardless. There is no other way.

        1. If by “most” you mean men, then yes, i agree. if you mean women, feel free to go fuck yourself with a hedgetrimmer.
          Women have never contributed anything of value to the world, and never will.

    3. Why do some societies practice female genital mutilation?
      Well that’s easy. The majority of African men resent women.

    4. “They are actively competing with men and trying to outdo men in every single field.”
      Hahhahaha! No they dont, what they seek is preferential treatment.

      1. You’re the user named ‘Hammerstrike’ aren’t you? You are subtly trying to manipulate people into embracing denial and absolving women of blame. It won’t work troll. Get lost.

        1. Aka someone who sees weakness itself as a sin.
          Hence, women being clearly the most weak-minded and dependent logically makes them the most sinfull, not absolves them of sin.
          In fact, that one Group or person is to blame never automatically means some else is void of guilt.
          The delusion that it does is your view, not mine… it feels very comfortable, doesn´t it?

        2. Moron, living in grandiose delusions only exacerbates the situation. Calling them weak is not untrue, but nor is denial helpful. Women have extreme resentment towards women and are trying to outdo men in every domain. For instance, nearly 60% of graduates are women. Shove your denial up your ass and wake up to reality.
          There is 90% probability that you are a straw man and are doing this intentionally in an attempt to throw us off track. You don’t want us to fight back do you? I’ll keep an eye out for your types from now on.

  10. American women are the most evil women on this planet.
    They are the scum of the female species.
    Next come the other Anglo women.
    Lorena Bobbit was americanized. American culture only produces selfish, untrustworthy, evil, cruel, sadistic, devious sluts and whores of women.
    Put a ‘good’ woman among American women to corrupt her without hope.
    That’s what American women are only good for: PUMP AND DUMP.
    Among all the women on this planet, American women are the ones least worthy of respect and what their obsession is, i.e. love.

  11. Women believe what they want. Period. As children they liked to pretend they were having a tea party with their dolls, as adults they like to pretend they’re smart by parroting what they hear without doing any research. Hell, today they even pretend they’re not an eyesore.
    How best to combat the average feminists? There are 2 things I try to remember:
    #1 When I completely ignore them I get treated to watching them go crazy to the point of hysteria
    #2 Women are more easily embarrassed than men, but if I practice #1 I won’t have to use #2.
    “Take this brother, may it serve you well.” (Beatles White Album)

  12. I think we need to realise that Lorena Bobbitt did not commit her crime because of a misandrist society any more than Elliott Rodger committed his crime because of a misogynist society. They did what they did because of mental health issues. Normal people don’t do such things.

      1. Yeah? And I can say that a woman-hating society allowed John Bobbitt to get away with his continuous beatings and rapes (remember, BOTH the defense and prosecution conceded that he did in fact beat and rape the broad throughout their marriage).
        So what’s your fucking point again?

        1. do you have a link for that? That John confessed to raping and beating? you must confuse things

  13. George Carlin put it best:
    “Lorena Bobbitt only did what men do to each other all the time. She showed an asshole she meant business.”
    Lol, what are y’all gonna do now? Call Carlin a white knight, mangina, or beta?

    1. Completely agree, bro. The motherfucker had been beating and raping her for years, which BOTH the prosecution and the defense conceded. He also CONTINUED to beat other women after they divorced, namely his two wives after Lorena. His abuse of her throughout their marriage was well documented. Yeah, the broad showed him she meant fucking business, by cutting off the main weapon he was using on her, did she not? So what’s the problem, exactly? I’m a male and I don’t feel one fucking tiny iota of sympathy for Bobbit or his dick.
      Fuck John Bobbitt, and fuck all these pussies here who want to shed tears of sympathy for this piece of shit.

  14. “The jury for the trial had seven women and five men. It concluded after a
    couple months, with the jury acquitting Lorena, citing her years of
    abuse that caused the irresistible impulse that lead her to mutilate her
    husband’s genitals”
    It’s not Lorena’s fault she made the decision to cut off a man’s penis…it was the years of abuse that caused her to slice it off!!
    BS! I guess some individuals are no longer responsible for the choices they make anymore…it’s always someone or something else’s fault.

    1. Fuck you bitch. You’re a cunt trolling as a man.
      If Lorena had problems with her husband, she should’ve sought a divorce.
      Instead, she goes ballistic on his genitalia.
      The irony is that she threatened to do the same to him, if he cheated on her.
      Who wants to marry a psycho bitch like her?

      1. If you don’t see that Mr. Mitchell was being sarcastic, then you are too stupid to live. Kill yourself.

  15. I heard John ended up doing a couple of pornos and that his penis, while reattached and functioning, looks pretty fucked up as a result of what happened. So if anyone is bored there’s something to Google.
    This was definitely one of your best articles 2Wycked, keep up the good work.

  16. Appallingly, women CHEERED when Bobbit was acquitted, the same way blacks cheered when O’J. Simpson got away with murder. It’s a war against men. Never forget that.

    1. How the fuck is it a war against men, when blacks cheered for O. J.’s acquittal, moron? Last time I checked, O.J. is a male is he not? So he whacked a broad and got off scot-free…..and this is a war against men how exactly?
      Did you mean that it’s a war against WHITE MEN, is that what you meant to say, bunky? Problem is, Nicole Simpson wasn’t a white man.
      Try harder, idiot.

      1. Hahahahahahaaaa. Nice one, Eddy.
        The awkward, uneasy moment when a ROK’er has to decide if his hate for women or for blacks is the stronger of the two.
        The hamster is spinning!!!

      2. Jesus Christ, man. He was comparing the herd mentality of two distinct groups reactions to two different legal situations. The guy didn’t say that the OJ verdict was part of “a war against men.”

        1. I thought that was patently obvious. But not to the 14 “guest” voters…who are, in totality, probably the commenter with his 14 email accounts.

        1. Oh ok glad we got the truth out!! So now it isn’t a war against men, and it isn’t a a war against white men specifically. It’s a war against WHITES, which includes Bobbitt and Brown-Simpson. Haahahahaaaaa. Yo this website is such a joke, y’all don’t even know who to hate & blame anymore. What a bunch of stupid hamster-monkeys.

  17. After reading the comments here, all I can say is that any man who supports Lorena Bobbit’s actions and her type, is not a man. But a woman who is posing as a man.
    A sane man will never talk like that, of emasculating another man, just because he ‘raped’ his own wife (even if he did). As the article shows, Lorena herself talked about doing that to him if he cheated on her.
    She had the Strange psycho bitch rhetoric as that of modern American women often have today:
    “you will fuck with whom I want i.e. ONLY ME, and that too WHEN I want!”
    Her husband, being a marine, I’m sure had a robust sex drive. She didn’t want him to fuck around (as by her threats of mutilating him), neither did she allow him to channelize his sexual need enough (hence the possible rapes).
    I think marital rapes usually occur in marriages where the husband is more disposed to loyalty to his wife. Because he seeks only her to have sex with, and not anyone else.
    A man who has a mistress on the side or who fucks around, or is polygamist won’t bother his wife repeatedly for sex, or not rape her. But then women whine that their men are pigs for fucking about, or that there is no passion in the relationship: “My husband won’t fuck me enough”.
    This is the hypocrisy of modern women. They want to control a man’s sexuality, to control him.
    To be true, men should avoid dating or hooking up with women who talk violently (even if it is humor like Sharon Osbourne) about men’s genitalia. These women are psychologically damaged, and have latent violent mentality which they ‘playfully’ express through ‘humor’. Most of these women are often slutty, and have masculine traits too.
    Or you’d find these women too be the neurotic, “Fatal Attraction”, ultra-possessive types. That is also a huge red flag.
    Avoid these women like the plague, no matter how good the sex may be, or how ‘beautiful’ they might be. AVOID.

  18. This is Lorena Bobbit (Gallo) now
    I think turning blonde has made her cool down.
    She says she runs an institution for ‘abused’ women.
    Possibly involves handing them knives to attack their abusers.

    1. “Possibly involves handing them knives to attack their abusers.”
      Don’t be stupid.

  19. Its stuff like this that makes me afraid to sleep next to certain women.

    1. It’s stuff like what John Bobbitt did to her that makes me afraid to sleep next to certain men.

      1. John should have said she cut my penis off as a defense at his murder trial

        1. Why the hell should he have shot and killed her? Actually, the broad should have shot and killed HIM after one too many rapes and beatings, shit. Instead, she sliced off his his cock and now he has a fucked up Frankenpenis. What’s the fuckin problem?
          He actually got off (no pun intended) pretty easy. Motherfucker cashed in on his wretched disfigurement with porn flicks and a band, and by his own admission slept with over 70 women cause these dumb-ass broads wanted to say they fucked John “Where’d My Dick Go?” Bobbitt, conveniently forgetting that this piece of shit is an abuser and rapist. He himself admitted that the incident brought him fame like he never would have had if it hadn’t happened. Dick or no dick, Bobbitt is and was a fucking loser and a nobody. Oh and if he by chance feels “trauma” over it, good. Fuck him. I’m sure Lorena’s mental trauma is and was way worse.
          I’m done commenting on this moronic article; frankly, I don’t even know why the fuck it was written in the first place. Feeling sorry for John Bobbitt. LMFAO. What the fuck. Only on ROK. Jesus.

        2. he still should have shot her for sexual mutilation. PS was it ok for chris brown to beat the hell out of Rihanna after she attacked him with high heels. Based on your logic yes.

        3. “I don’t even know why the fuck it was written in the first place.”
          You could try reading it.

      2. is there even the slightest proof that he raped her?
        Of course, marital “rape” with your wife is much worse then cutting a penis off
        Who here agrees that it is ok that wivews can, at any moment in their relationship, cry rape, with no proof?
        Should they not first declare the relationship broken and that sex is over?
        How can a man sleep with a wife if she can claim rape at any time?

  20. See, the problem here is that it should have been a case of Ms. Bobbitt practicing medicine without a license, and cut and dry felony. Then Mr. Bobbitt could have sued and won in a civil case for medical malpractice by botching an obvious sex change operation.
    It was obviously an penile amputation by the defendant who, seeing that the patient was asleep, albeit not under anesthesia, was ready for to transform her husband into a pussy-whipped pussy, sans penis.

  21. To be honest I think John Wayne is a bit of an idiot.
    After the penis cutting scandal, he said he was still in love with her and wrote Lorena love letters on valentines day. Sorry but if my penis was severed I wouldve definitely seeked revenge. Writing love letters and claiming to “still be in love” with Lorena makes him look like a BDSM freak. Almost as if he would let her do it again…

    1. “A bit of an idiot” is an understatement. The dude is a certified moron who has trouble stringing two sentences together.

        1. Have you never heard him speak? He sounds brain dead. Go look up an interview with him on YouTube. Stuttering, bumbling fool.

  22. There was a news story a couple of years ago about a man who was “dismembered” by his Asian wife after she drugged her husband and tied him down. Unlike Lorena Bobbitt, she threw his member down a garbage disposal. He name is Catherine Kieu. The police who arrived at the scene couldn’t determine a motive, but the husband filed for divorce a month earlier. Despite divorcing her, he made the mistake to keep living with her until the divorce finalized.
    Lorena Bobbit’s motive against John had a similar motive according to what the article says:
    “What was disputed was what exactly happened once John came home. Lorena
    claimed he came into the bedroom and forced himself on her. John claimed
    that he had told her that he wanted a divorce. As with any ugly,
    tempestuous relationship, frequent threats of abandoning the other
    spouse was common for the Bobbitt’s.”
    The lesson for every man here, is that if you are about to dump your woman, make sure you can make a clean getaway. In both cases, the woman had a lower value than the man they were with, especially since the men initiated the dumping.
    That’s the lesson to walk away with here.

  23. That sort of story usually serves as a casual reminder that a poor choice of a non-white woman can oftentimes be as bad as choosing a dyed in the wool american girl.

  24. This is actually a very even handed, fair article which approaches the situation objectively and dispassionately. Well done.
    For those who were not around or old enough to remember at the time, there was a huge “thing” with women where they’d laugh and giggle about this exact case. One got to hear “He deserved it!” a lot, but if you brought up “Ok, so a man can cut the tits off of a cheating, abusive wife”, boy howdy, would the indignant anger fly.

  25. Lorena Bobbit forgives her husband :  The woman that mutilated her husband,  cut off her husband’s dick and threw it out of the car window, forgave her husband, after the husband expressed remorse and asked for forgiveness .  And poor Lorena stressed how much her husband had hurt her.  No remorse. Yes. You are reading right! The mutilator did not ask for forgiveness, she demanded and got an excuse
    Man cut off wife’s breast and super-glued her vagina.

  26. Lorena Bobbitt’s problem is obvious. She is an Ecuadorian, absolutely the worst women in Latin America, if you leave out -gulp! – Hondurans. Ecuadorian women, especially those from Quito, can be incredibly nasty, badly educated, hostile and ugly. They have a strange, Indian mindset and generally hate foreigners. Of course, this is the complete opposite of next door Colombia, which has some of the finest women in the world. I would not touch an Ecuadorian woman with a barge pole. Apologies to those few upper class, educated Ecuadorian women who do not fit this mold. There are some, believe it or not.

  27. They are providing the click-through’s … what? Apostrophes are for possession and contraction, not plural nouns.

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