The Guy Fawkes Mask Is The Perfect Symbol For The Millennial Generation

Ever since the Occupy Wall Street Movement of 2011 proliferated the world, the Guy Fawkes stylized mask has become synonymous with Anonymous “Hacktivists,” rioters, and disenchanted millennials. Everywhere from the streets of Brussels to Melbourne, from the streets of Dublin to those of Washington, Fawkes’ stylized representation has become emblematic for the post-modern protest movement.

But who was Guy Fawkes?

Guy Fawkes was the most famous (or perhaps infamous) member of the Gunpowder Plot of November 5th 1604, whose objective was to assassinate James I and re-establish a Catholic theocracy in England.

Starting with Elizabeth I English Catholics were subjected to harsh statutes which ranged from civil penalties to occasional criminal reprimand. When James I extended these statutes by ordering every Catholic priest to leave England it enraged the nation’s Catholics. A small, reactionary group led by Robert Catesby concocted a plot to kill James I and his government upon the opening of Parliament.

Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators managed to get a sufficient amount of gunpowder into the House of Lords to reduce the entire building to rubble. The plot, however, was foiled by an anonymous letter describing the plans. The majority of conspirators learned the plot had been discovered and fled England. Guy Fawkes (who was entrusted with the explosives) was found in the cellar and tortured until he confessed the names of his fellow conspirators.

Fawkes was later convicted of high treason and hanged, drawn and quartered.

An artist’s impression of the execution of Guy Fawkes

By next year Parliament had enacted the Observance of the 5th of November Act which made the tolling of church bells to mark the beginning of the day and burning effigies of the Pope and later, Fawkes, an annual feature of British life.

The mask in modern times

Perhaps the first instance of Millennials adopting the Guy Fawkes mask was in 2008 when Anonymous subjected the “Church of Scientology” to a denial of service attack, a plot that was able to successfully shut down the church’s networks intermittently for a week.

Simultaneously the “Hacktivists” flooded Scientology centres with prank calls and black faxes. Protesters clad in Fawkes masks gathered in 100 cities to protest that Youtube had pulled a video of Tom Cruise talking about “Xenu” and chanted phrases like “Religion is free.” I guess they had never heard of the church’s Peter’s Pence…

Similarly in November, last year pro-democracy protesters in Mong Kok, Hong Kong donned the Guy Fawkes mask and clashed with police in the city’s streets. The irony (to which they seem oblivious) was that the man behind the motif they adopted fought for and was killed for what is perhaps the ideological antithesis of their cause.

Ahh, irony.

How Fawkes, the member of a fringe and (what would essentially be considered) terrorist group, fighting for theocratic rule became the denotation for thoroughly post-Christian, Marxist leaning and soft millennials is somewhat incomprehensible.

This is in the same era where western Europe is still scarred by the ethno-religious fanaticism and bombings of the IRA. The same era where the world is traumatized by unceasing coverage of Al-Qaeda and ISIS being perpetuated by every major media outlet and the images of 9/11 still hover like a perpetual phantom in the western mind.

The parallels between the two aren’t difficult to see, and surely it would sit uncomfortably in the mind of any protest-inclined, Guy Fawkes mask-donning, historically literate millennial.

It’s important to remember, however, that this generation does possess the uncanny ability to blindly adopt, misappropriate, and re-contextualize seemingly anything to the point that all is rendered meaningless and trivial. It is in that respect that the Guy Fawkes mask is the ultimate symbol of millennialism.

Read More: The Mask You Live In: Feminists Take On The Failure Of Masculinity

172 thoughts on “The Guy Fawkes Mask Is The Perfect Symbol For The Millennial Generation”

  1. Perhaps the first instance of Millennials adopting the Guy Fawkes mask was in 2008.
    No reference to V for Vendetta (2006)?

    1. What shits me about that movie is the graphic novel was about anarchism but the movie was about how evil Neo Conservatives are. Conservatives in America (an most if the Anglosphere) have lost most of their power, but mainstream Hollywood still has concervatives as the great evil oppressors that represent fascism. Political correctness, progressives an liberals are actually are repressing people now under the guise of equality. America is vast becoming a faccist state but it’s not the conservatives making it.

        1. That’s correct the movie is actually representing the opposite to what it is happening in Western Countries. But since Hollywood follows PC thinking they have to represent conservative views as evil an oppressing.

        2. They don’t have to, but it’s good for the type of discourse the script writers and directors want to have throughout the western world. Progressivism is portrayed as the great good – in any case, great enough to destroy half of London for – and conservatism is portrayed as evil.
          Unfortunately, millennials are a bit more (instead of less) gullible than the generations that came before them. The core of what they see in films, video games, television shows and music (“drugs are good, sex is fun, don’t question other people’s behaviour, you are entitled to good things just for being born, the west is bad and those who want to destroy it are noble savages who are just misunderstood”), they take to be good without any critical thinking on their part.

        3. You’re right they don’t have too but as you said it suits their self interest an will gain them more positive publicity if they make movies vilifying red pill or conservative thinking an promoting liberalism an blue pill thinking.

        4. Look up the people who produced/directed the movies. Used to be “Brothers” – heh not any more. Conflict of interest possibly.

        5. Right. And we saw that both parties act pretty much in the same manner when we watched the actions of the GOP party (Bush leaving office) and the Democrats (Obama entering office). Many of the same policies remain in place (even today)…from bailouts, no changes in the banking regulations, etc….to foreign policy and defense.
          Sure, you could pick out the smallest detail (like one wears a blue tie and the other wears a red tie)…but that’s about it. It’s business as usual…your tax money being collected, mismanaged and wasted. They both do it.

      1. Alan Moore wrote the story because he was so angry after Maggie Thatcher became PM.
        Rather funny that 30 years after he wrote the book the Anglican Church is practically powerless and the theocratic creeps in the country are the ones establishing sharia only zones.

      2. Since the Charlie Hebdo attacks and similar other attacks, expect every movie from now on to have those kind of villains. We might never muslim terrorist again in movies, even if they commit 95% of the terrorism in the real world.

      3. What bothers me about that movie was how they depicted some “hyper conservative regime” rounding up gays when in fact the reality is the opposite. The SJW/GLBT crowd is already at a neo-Nazi stage of destroying the livelyhoods or businesses of people they don’t like, and that’s how the Nazis started. It ended in forced deportation/relocation at gunpoint. Yet we’re supposed to see that movie and now see the very people who would ruin our lives as the victims?

        1. Yep like I said in another post the movie is portraying the opposite to reality. I know it’s not real but it represents a way a lot of people view the world in terms of politics.

      4. Remember when Hollywood made a movie out of Tom Clancy’s ‘Sum of All Fears’? They changed the bad guys from Muslims to white supremacists. The bad guys in the movie Miami Vice? White supremacists. There was a cop show on the other week and the commercial had the (strong, independent, female) cop talking down a suicide bomber. And the bomber was…a middle aged white male. I guess the point I am making is that in movie land the bad guys are ALWAYS white men.

        1. White devil, white devil.
          I couldn’t resist, Clear….but you are absolutely correct on that one. We need the evil people to be the white man. Sometimes…you just have to fucking laugh about it all.

        2. Hollywood’s run by “the Tribe.” Is that even remotely surprising that they depict white non-“Tribe”smen that way?

        3. That’s why I can’t understand the affection so many red-pillers have for “Israel.” The real Israel was destroyed back in 70 AD by Titus. The “Israel” of today is a colony settled by Europeans who happen to be Jewish. And yet conservatives in the USA are all in for the place.

      5. Many (in the U.S.) need to realize that we only have one political party. The Democrats were very busy pointing at the Republicans (and others) while pulling the exact same thing. They all take money (from anyone and everyone) who needs something in the end. Plus, when any politician leaves the hill (after serving) they usually have a nice job waiting for them with any one of their big donors (i.e. wall street, energy industry, lobby groups, etc…). Watch all politicians (they’re no saints).
        Don’t be fooled into thinking we have a true Democracy here (we don’t)…it’s just supposed to appear that way.

        1. In get what you’re saying an agree overall they are both very similar but their social policies are very different.

    2. Fair point. It’s hardly like the average millennial even knows who Guy Fawkes was. Much more likely these activists just saw the film and thought “yeah, blowing up half of London for left-wing causes and tolerance sounds pretty good because it’s what I was taught in school”.

  2. I was ready to take offense to this article because a majority of persons who wear Guy Fawkes masks and and protest as “Anonymous” are irritating, obnoxious edgelords who don’t actually understand the way others think, but then I remembered exactly what my peers are known for and now I’m kind of disappointed.

  3. Millenials and the Guy Fawkes mask wearing douches symbolise the modern day freakshow. While I symphasise with millenials and how they got screwed over by the baby boomers, it still does not excuse their delusional and outrageous behaviour. From pointless protesting to having “impromptu parties”, these millenials are a disgrace and one of the reasons why I have have become a misanthropist.
    I am disgraced by the millenial generation for many reasons. For example, they have no dress sense whatsoever and if you were to tell them why it is important to have a suit and belt in their wardrobe, they will respond by saying something stupid like “man, I don’t need one since I don’t work in a office.” Or another example is that they “need” to move to a city like New York or London without even landing a job, and as a result, contribute heavily towards gentrification, pushing out the hard working poorer families from the neighbourhoods. Worse, they possess no real skills and cannot do the simplest tasks such as prepare and cook a real meal or change the oil in their cars.
    Now don’t get me wrong. Not all millenials are the same- some are very skilled, intelligent and fully aware of how life really works. But Jesus Christ, they epitomise everything wrong about our society and promote the cultural decline and these kids, are supposed to be our future? People need to understand that it is important to depart this world with the highest standards possible. It contributes towards our self respect as men and more importantly, helps to spread the message of dignity, high standards and morals.

    1. But the millennials are not a homogeneous group. They are a very numerous and diverse population that spans many ideologies. One one hand you have the useless SJW, but then you also have millions of millennial STEM majors, the Red Pill movement, MGTOW, Internet Libertarianism, HBD, and so on.
      By not wearing the suit they are rejecting conformity, and this can also include liberal conformity- the worst kind of conformity of all.

      1. As I have said:
        “Not all millenials are the same- some are very skilled, intelligent and fully aware of how life really works.”
        “By not wearing the suit they are rejecting conformity, and this can also include liberal conformity”
        You must never dismiss the true value of a suit. A suit symbolises the true value of masculinity. Did you know, that during the great depression, it was actually normal to see lines of men dress up formally in suits in the food bank queues?
        Suits are one of the last pieces of masculine value in this day and age, and as a man, you must own one because a suit is not only for work purposes, but it also can be used for social occassions and more importantly, just the acknowledgement of having one, can bring pride and self respect for a real man.

        1. Most of your big shot attorneys and business executives only wear suits on occasion anymore. Wearing a suit has become more of a passage of iniation anymore for young graduates.

        2. I don’t know man. Other people can dress however they like, I won’t judge, but I’d just feel like a pretentious prick if I put one on myself.

        3. Disagree. Unless your work requires one or you’re planning on a job interview (in which case you can purchase a suit beforehand), the suit will only come in handy for a funeral–and these days even funerals attendees aren’t that formal.

    2. As a millennial myself,, you are 100%. When I look at my peers and acquaintances of my generation, I truly cringe as to what image we will mold the world in 20-30 years.
      Here are the some of the characteristics that I have identified in the average blue pill millennial male
      -No honor/integrity
      -Constantly seeking for validation and instant gratification
      -Delusions of grandeur
      -Higher tendency to be a captain save a hoe/white knight towards women
      -Ridiculous ambitions based on no foundations whatsoever.
      -Traditional/family values completely abandoned in the name of cultural marxism
      – Worshipping celebrities as if they are demigods and discarding/ignoring the wisdom of their ancestors.
      – Camaraderie and notions of ‘brotherhood’ completely non existent. Backstabbing and gossiping is the norm.
      You think the baby boomers were bad? wait till the blue pill millennials come of age

      1. The so-called “White Knight” was what all Alpha males used to be, back when women acted like ladies and before the Feminists declared war on masculinity.
        Why do you think the gender casualties of the Titanic were so unbalanced?

        1. Small point: “Women and children first” didn’t originate on the Titanic. It originated with the wreck of the HMS Birkenhead in 1852, where the order was given for the troops to stand fast while the women and children were loaded into the (insufficient) lifeboats. And that was in the final minutes when the ship’s destruction was apparent to all as inevitable. Try and imagine a pack of women capable of that level of iron discipline, or even a pack of white knights in our current era.

        2. Reason numero uno not to run passenger lines. Boats fulla bozos. When you get to pick your own crew, you don’t have to worry about the dood next to you. All that’s done before leaving port.
          The college ‘men’ I see in modern university towns…. I think they’d mass-lurch for their Cozy Cabin upon hearing the first glub of water-in-the-tub. The women, having learned to waddle at some speed, would be trampling the FrightKnights down from behind. Could vid it and call it…. how about Knights of the Living Dead?

        3. LOL yeah, there will have to be a weight limit instated as well; can you imagine two or three people (regardless of sex) have to lose their seats because a tub-o’lard hag happened to beat them to the lifeboat?

        4. Yes, those BBW’s will kill you for the last seat and piece of pizza. It’s not their fault, it’s the current wheat crop. HA!!

        5. And then there was that European cruise ship a few years ago where the men were knocking down and stepping over women and babies to get to the life boats. Feminists should be overjoyed at such “equality”.

      2. I’ll add to that. When I went to school, in Europe in the 1990s, it was pretty bad. We were taught that multiculturalism was good, that everyone could coexist in peace and we were taught to react instinctively to ‘bad politicians’. We were taught all the blue-pill tropes: feminism was good, the movement of 1968 was good, Islam was once a really noble and tolerant religion, and more of that nonsense.
        But even compared to what my batch (the first half of millennials) went through, what’s happening in schools now is ridiculous. A friend of mine was a teacher for a while, and the things he told me made me cringe. Kids these days are bombarded with overt left-wing propaganda. They are taught as part of their history lessons that the European far-right wants to persecute the Muslim versions of Anne Frank. They hear not only that Islam is a good and tolerant religion, but that Christianity is an awful thing that needs to stop influencing everyone’s behaviour. They don’t just learn that feminism and the movement of 1968 were good, but that being shameless and slutty is something to aspire to and that girls aged twelve should be asking their parents or guardians to buy them birth control. They are taught that casual drug use is cool by their teachers. And by the time they come out of school, the ones with any interest in politics or history have joined the country’s Social Democratic, Social Liberal or Green party.

        1. I’m not too sure that any school will promote the use of drugs… Although back when I was at doing A levels in 2009-2011 we did have one teacher recommend magic mushrooms for a “eye opening” experience. I think his words were along the lines of “If you do try drugs, try something like magic mushrooms, it’ll really open your mind to new ideas”.

      3. Very true. But wait until generation z (born 2000 and later) has grown up. They will be REAL bad.

      4. Sounds about right.
        At least the Booms had enough groceries to produce some masculine art, esp. film and music. Afterwards? We got the Deconstruction Music of the punks, metals, glammers, rappers etc. Art-by-resentment. Can’t produce better works than the Sixties? OK well then I’ll just harsh down everything loudly and call that ‘art’. The first generation in U.S. history with tens of millions of boys w/o fathers. By no means an accident.
        The Booms were duped, and that’s not their fault, no shame in getting zoomed. After all the name of this world is Deceit. But STAYING duped… that was the big fail of the Booms. When they saw by the nineties that the Great Revolution was nothing but their own hubris, they should have dropped all their pretentious, totalitarian ideologies and cults. Instead they clung all the tighter. Because, you know, we are just too damn SPECIAL to be wrong. And life’s pretty easy, don’t rock the boat.

      5. God bless you Psquare. For a millenial you’ve got your head on straight and balls in tact.

      6. That you can see it that clearly is something you should take pride in. That wouldn’t be easy. I’m not a millenial but I saw this;
        “Backstabbing and gossip is the norm”
        I’ve done too much of that myself, I must admit at the outset. It’s probably my biggest social regret; that I got too verbal and judgmental of others. It got out of hand. It’s shit behavior and what’s worse is that it’s men simply voicing the principles of the Feminine Imperative straight through their own mouths. It’s guys sitting around and judging, assessing other men in the same exact critical way in which women bash men. Men are so trained to follow the F.I. that they sit around and gossip like females and tear other males down just like feminists do. Hypercritical of each other, way too emotive and chatty just like a bunch of bitches in a sewing circle. We’ve all seen it. I can’t believe I did that shit too. What a shame.

    3. They got fucked over by the so-called greatest generation as well. The generation that voted themselves fat pensions, Medicare, tax cuts, and more. Everyone forgets them and blames the boomers. I’m not afraid to say it: the greatest generation was the first group to screw over everything in America.
      The article does make a mistake about the mask. The millennials I’ve seen with the mask that couldn’t give a crap about the history of the mask: to them it is about anti-authority and anonymity. Some of that is from the movie V for Vendetta obviously. The fact the article writer misses this is, well, frankly amazing.
      Also, the article writer is fairly ignorant why the IRA persisted as long as it did. The British were ignorant, self-righteous, imperious assholes. They supported destroying familial lines, and some of the worst atrocities against Catholics by Protestant brigades. The Orange versus the Green got to the point where Irish were treated so bad it wasn’t funny.
      You know how it was solved? They started treating it like a police problem instead of a war. They started tossing the violent Orange brigade leaders in the pokey along with the violent Green commanders. When the atrocities of one side stopped being papered over a miraculous thing happened: violence lost its appeal.
      Of course a big part of the solution to the “Irish Problem” (and part of the requirement to get us into WWI was “solving” it, the U.S. had a lot of Irish and German immigrants) ended up being the ceding of most of the island back to the Irish.

      1. I’m not for guilt by association. Boomers, millennials, X,Y or otherwise – it’s linear thinking and sophomoric.
        The greatest generation is known for greatness because they were drawn into WWII on two fronts on separate continents. Starting from nothing they bestrode and then dominated the world in 3.5 years.
        Oh by the way, 420,000 Americans died in the process.
        The greatest’s legacy does not bind the corruption of later individuals to their respective generational contemporaries. Thinking to the contrary is arbitrary and plain stupid.

        1. The “Greatest Generation” was a bunch of self-important pricks. The fact they could’ve lost WWII is almost laughable. The Allies had huge advantages that generation likes to paper over to make the accomplishment seem all the greater. The Allies had three things on the Axis: expendable manpower, resources, and production capability that was difficult to damage. That’s not even including the military secrets they had held, like TEL, that gave them advantages the Axis were unable to touch.
          The legacy of that generation, just as in the UK, was the creation of the welfare state. Oh, and lets not forget the blind leading the blind on religious issues. The creation of the shithole of problems Israel, helping some of the more violence prone regimes in that area come to power, et al. In their blind lashing out against communism they instituted the worst examples of pointless religious stupidity (the dumbest being “under God” to a pledge written by a Christian socialist, and then requiring it) helping create a persecution complex by a bunch of whiny followers of an effeminate religion…
          The list goes on and on. They even sold themselves to corporatism (a lighter version of fascism) with what Eisenhower would call the military industrial complex. So venerate them all you like, because while they rode the postwar era to new heights of American power, they had already written themselves huge checks on the backs of others not born yet. They continued to do this for decades. Do you think boomers gave a shit about Medicare? Most of them couldn’t give fuck less being around twenty something.

        2. So did your hated of Israel, Christianity and capitalism blind you to my point. It takes a society to rise from Pearl Harbor and dominate the world in 45 months. It takes progressives and liberals two generations to create a complete welfare state. Still, slightly less than half to population was trying to stop the insanity. Therefore, viewing history as some monolithic generational series of cause and effects is equally insane.
          Fixing generational guilt on all individuals by association is a propagandist tool for the weak minded.
          Lastly, I just wish you were there all those centuries while the Ottoman Empire was collapsing. I can tell with your piercing intellect and statecraft the ME would now be overflowing today with love and rainbows.

        3. No, it’s reality that you have a problem with.
          The UN made state of Israel has been the cause behind so much bullshit in the Middle East and elsewhere it isn’t even laughable. I’m not blaming the Jewish people that live there for this, merely the fiat creation of a state by a bunch of shortsighted pricks. When they made that state, by fiat, they setup dominoes that (to this day) cost us billions (if not trillions worldwide) of dollars. Note: that’s not just the US government, but worldwide costs.
          Christianity, indeed all Abrahamic religions, are for effeminate men. They are run by effeminate men. Yes, even the ascetic versions.
          I have zero problem with capitalism. Why? It’s as good a system as any, and better than many others. I have a problem with what you think is capitalism. The corporatism we “enjoy” now is nothing more than political blackmail. Why do you think so many defense manufacturers employ (or purchase) items for their jeep, plane, or boat in as many districts as possible. To maximize the impact of killing a pointless contract. That’s why they are still building useless tanks to rust in the desert. That’s why they’re still building Littoral combat ships that have proven to miss their design goals. That is corporatism through the military industrial complex my friend, and it’s exactly what Ike warned of. Welfare, for corporations.
          The Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor was a blessing in disguise for many. It gave Americans an enemy to focus on. It allowed the reorganization of a society in a feminized manner to start. Finally, it allowed billions to flow with very little oversight to the politically connected. There was almost zero chance we would lose that war, far less than WWI. We had the manpower, materials, and (more importantly) safe transport. The Germans couldn’t match the industrial machine, much less the manpower, of the U.S. and USSR. The Japanese had nowhere near the manpower, much less the industrial capability to defeat the Allies. We could build more transport ships in a day than they could sink!
          When you measure the greatest generation, remember their legacy: winning a war that couldn’t be lost unless they were morons, a welfare state surpassed only by the UK and parts of Europe, corporatist welfare run amuck, and a blind need to inject an effeminate religion into everything just to spite the commies.

        4. I think we are missing some of the reasoning behind the title ‘greatest generation’.
          They lived through the Great Depression. When the Second World War happened there was a sense of coming together as a nation, of putting the good of the country before individual needs. Their experiences during the wartime years left them with an attitude of doing what needed to be done, and not having a lot of time for suffering fools.
          I believe the legacy of the Greatest Generation was not so much the winning of world war two, but rather the attitude that conflict created in the people that lived through it, and carried into the post-war years.

        5. Keep in mind that it was the USSR’s “greatest generation” that ripped the guts out of the Nazi Wehrmacht. By the time June 1944 rolled around, the German military was a shadow of what it was 3 years earlier, and Allied victory in Europe was virtually certain.

      2. “The article does make a mistake about the mask. The millennials I’ve
        seen with the mask that couldn’t give a crap about the history of the
        mask: to them it is about anti-authority and anonymity. Some of that is
        from the movie V for Vendetta obviously. The fact the article writer
        misses this is, well, frankly amazing.”
        Exactly what I was thinking…the author missed the obvious.

      3. “Some of that is from the movie V for Vendetta obviously.”
        I think that’s actually the largest part of it.
        Every symbol comes with context. The cross. The rebel flag. The enclosed A. The swastika.
        The Guy Fawkes mask is a symbol with a context so ridiculous it can be forgotten and treated just as a symbol of vague populist anger. It’s a surrogate symbol that means nothing besides “fuck authority”, for a people who are afraid of being discredited (by the authority) on account of standing for or against something (aside from opposing authority, which is a sufficiently populist message that authority can’t really do anything about it, though they gave it a try with gamergate).
        Which makes a degree of sense when you consider the environment they were raised in. To the millennial, living in the echo chamber media the boomers created, being categorized is something to be avoided. You can see that even in the way women are rejecting the feminist label.

      4. Its human nature to be short-sighted, let the next gen worry about it.
        my boomer parents and their friends were able to get decent jobs with job security, pensions, stock options, etc- no college degree necessary!
        They cant wrap their heads around the fact that “working harder” and “saving your money” is a fool’s errand these days. They think the younger gen is just lazy. They arent lazy, there just arent any jobs anymore. They see what they wanna see.

    4. I’m not for guilt by association. Boomers, millennials, X,Y or otherwise – it’s linear thinking and sophomoric.
      The greatest generation is known for their greatness because they (all) were drawn into WWII on two fronts on separate continents. Starting from nothing they bestrode and then dominated the world in 3.5 years. The greatest’s legacy does not bind the corruption of later individuals to their generational contemporaries.

    5. If the wearing of a suit is presented solely as a uniform for office dwellers, then you should hardly expect otherwise. The aesthetic and masculine reasons must be articulated. Then they will see there is a greater reason behind it, than mere conformity.
      And if you want to stem cultural decline, and contribute towards dignity, high standards and morals, blasphemy isn’t a good way to start.

      1. “If the wearing of a suit is presented solely as a uniform for office dwellers, then you should hardly expect otherwise”
        -This derives from the typical ignorance of the millenial and even gen x mindset.
        “The aesthetic and masculine reasons must be articulated. Then they will see there is a greater reason behind it, than mere conformity.”
        -Please refer to my above response as to why a suit is a symbol of masculinity.
        “And if you want to stem cultural decline, and contribute towards
        dignity, high standards and morals, blasphemy isn’t a good way to
        -True. Blasphemy may not be a good way to start, but is a better alternative to swearing, which mind you, I am trying my best to now cut down on.

    6. Stop blaming everything that has gone wrong on the millenials.
      The problems with western society have existed for at least several decades now. Do you think millenials were plotting the decline while still in the womb?
      A lot of millenials see the problems in the world just like you do but we’re powerless to stop it (actually, even more powerless than you; at least you older people have more money and influence).
      Get your head out of your ass.

      1. He’s not blaming what has gone wrong on the Millennials. Though we can all agree the baby boomers brought many of the important issues into existence, you’re dead wrong about one thing:
        We Millennials are NOT powerless. We have the power to make changes to how we live our lives based on the world around us.
        Just because we’re copping the shit from the actions of previous generations (and we’re victims in that regard) it doesn’t mean we don’t have the responsibility to ourselves to live differently.

      2. Dumbass, read my statement again before making your stupid comment.
        I said “While I symphasise with millenials and how they got screwed over by the baby boomers” and “Not all millenials are the same- some are very skilled, intelligent and fully aware of how life really works.”
        But that still does not change the fact that you millenials are a freakshow and promote cultural decline.
        -You are the ones who dress up like hipsters and metrosexuals.
        -You are the ones who consume your entire lives with social media like Facebook and Twitter.
        -You are the ones who love to consume the pop culture garbage like listening to EDM non stop and having an obsession with zombies.
        The list can go on and on. Whatever problems millenials may have economically and politically, that doe not give you an excuse to behave like utter douchebags, especially if you are male. Which is why it is important to have standards and morals, something that millenials cannot seem to understand.

        1. > -You are the ones who love to consume the pop culture garbage like
          listening to EDM non stop and having an obsession with zombies.
          I agree that this is bad but I’m not sure if we’re the ones to blame or the aggressive corporate media machine (run by baby boomers) that has engineered culture to be this way.
          > -You are the ones who dress up like hipsters and metrosexuals.
          I never dressed up like a hipster and neither do any of my friends. Older generations had hippies and flappers and beatniks. Are hipsters really much worse?
          > -You are the ones who consume your entire lives with social media like Facebook and Twitter.
          Correction: EVERYONE uses social media now. You seem to live in some kind of bubble where only everyone under 25 is on facebook.

        2. Just shut your damn mouth, listen to this older dude and learn something. That’s what you weenies don’t understand. Your arrogance makes you freaking hopeless. You guys achieve maximum self-esteem by age 15 and your brains begin to atrophy. Okay maybe that’s your POS Boomer mother’s fault but you are being given a chance to learn something here and you just go into millenial arrogance mode. That’s why everyone hates you ponces.

        3. I’m just tired of everything being blamed on millenials. It’s an objective fact – which you’d know if you did your research – that millenials have fewer job opportunities and less overall standard of living than both X’ers and boomers. Yet we get shit upon by these evil boomers who call us lazy and stupid when they are the ones who are lazy and stupid. My boss doesn’t know how to use Word and refuses to learn it. He instead prefers to have a leisurely golf every weekend. Am I the stupid one here? Fuck off.

        4. “I agree that this is bad but I’m not sure if we’re the ones to blame or the aggressive corporate media machine (run by baby boomers) that has engineered culture to be this way.”
          -The corporation only creates what is in demand. Hence, the market place which feeds on this crap are mostly comprised of millenials and gen z kids.
          “I never dressed up like a hipster and neither do any of my friends. Older generations had hippies and flappers and beatniks. Are hipsters really much worse?”
          -Thats good to know. But it still does not change the fact that most millenials are hipsters and metrosexuals who contribute further to the cultural decline of society. And yes, hipsters are worse, since they have no sense of purpose or objective, and more importantly, contribute towards gentrification.
          “Correction: EVERYONE uses social media now. You seem to live in some kind of bubble where only everyone under 25 is on facebook.”
          -Correction: NOT EVERYONE uses social media. Not everyone has social media accounts like myself because social media is a disease, which promotes the worst characteristics of human behaviour such as narcissism and jealousy.

        5. We’re not blaming you for ‘everything’. We’re just saying that most of you are assholes. Sorry I didn’t research the millenial job market before I noticed that you were typically arrogant. I’m comfortably employed in Asia, millenial job prospects in the US are not one of my driving passions in life. Your response is millenial point by point;
          -brainless, non-sequitirs everywhere
          -you judge people by their tech savvy and not their intelligence. As if you would even know what intelligence is. No wonder you all rate each other’s intelligence by internet connectivity. The faster a guy’s connection, the smarter he is to you all. I read that about your generation (did my research!) and thought it was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and here you are doing it, Johnny on the spot.
          -you talk of your boss in an entitled way, I’m sensing. You kinda deserve his position, don’t you? It just should be yours, right? After three months on the job. I might be reaching here but I’m guessing you’ve been on the job for less than a year and you already have your sights on his position just due to sheer entitlement on your part. You’re pissed that he golfs on the weekends?
          Yes, you are the stupid one here. Your arrogant post as a rebuttal to being called arrogant is pretty solid proof of that.

        6. Arguing civilly is the best way to weed out bullshit. There’s plenty of dipshits at every age, and believing someone with opposing opinions for the sole reason that he’s older than you is naive.
          While I agree with most of what truth has said, the “shut up and believe” mentality has no place in the manosphere.

        7. If I’d made that comment at the outset that would be one thing. Saying it after the punk showed his colors is quite another. Add to the fact that I had read ‘truth’s’ comment (as well as dozens of his other comments over time, all good ones) and I knew the kid had a chance to learn. You’re talking as if I swooped in on the situation without having read any of the comments and just dictated.

        8. Oh, for fuck’s sake, just get lost.
          You have a massive chip on your shoulder. I don’t know what millenials did to you (did we take your job?) to make you so pissed off.
          > you judge people by their tech savvy and not their intelligence.
          No, I judge people based on intelligence. My boss NEEDS to use word. It’s part of his WORK. If he learned it, it would save him TIME and MONEY. Lack of being able to learn something that saves you time and money signals low intelligence or laziness (or both).
          > You’re pissed that he golfs on the weekends?
          Not at all. But if we millenials did that everyone would be screaming about our laziness and demanding we take on extra work on the weekends instead. But a boomer does that and he ‘deserves it’. It’s bullshit.
          > you already have your sights on his position just due to sheer entitlement on your part.
          Oh fuck off.

        9. What was I saying again? “Millenials are arrogant…Millenials overestimate their intelligence…Millenials have supremacy complexes…” Things like that. Hmmm…Where did I ever get those impressions? Hmmm…

        10. This part is so revealing.
          “If a millenial takes time off, people scream that we’re lazy.
          If a boomer takes time off he ‘deserves’ it.”
          Look at how you equate yourself with a guy who has 30-40 years of experience on you. You deserve equal status with that guy, in your mind. Can you see it now? Get some self-awareness. Start right here.

        11. You got those impressions because you’re judging people based on what some millenial did to you (take your job? Fuck your wife? Come on, say it, it will be a weight off of your chest).
          “Experience” only means something when it results in wisdom and knowledge. Is a guy who worked McDonald’s for 40 years respectable just because he “has experience?” My last boss was an amazing guy who I learned a lot from. He was a genuinely wise person. He had my respect and admiration. And my current boss isn’t _that_ bad (he’s definitely better than you). At least he’s running a company, if poorly. If I thought he was a total idiot I’d quit.
          But all you boomer assholes demand respect and admiration solely for being old. Well, I’m sorry grandpa, but that’s not how the world works, or has ever worked. Throughout all of history the only people who’ve gotten respect were the ones who earned it.

        12. Once again, you feel entitled to the same rewards of people who have about 35 years more experience than you.
          This is what people mean when they say;
          “Millenials are bat-shit insane due to entitlement and unrealistic self-appraisals.”
          When you say, “but that’s not how the world works,” that’s exactly why people hate all you pajama boys. We don’t need half-gay, neck-bearded IDIOTS telling us how the world works. Get some humility before you enter the real world, Carson or Caleb or Jake or Cullen or Archer or Tanner or Tristan or Cash or Brooklyn or Jaden or Quinn or Mason or Cameron or Payton or whatever the fuck your hellish Millenial name is.

    7. I’m a Generation Y/Millennial/Generation ME/Peter Pan Generation and I can’t but help to not be able to think of a counter argument. I’m ashamed of most people in my generation, mostly for lacking any kind of ambition whatsoever. Possibly the worst generation out there but think what the next generation will be like. Probably even worse than mine.

        1. You’re older than millenials. You’re Gen-X. Millenials are 18-32 right now or something like that.

    8. the mask is merely a symbol of rebellion against the regime of the day, that is all…..
      there’s no doubt that the national socialist (aka. nazi) fascist system that is currently inplace, is coming apart (running out of money)….. the euro is collapsing whilst daft lawyers and politicians with no real life or real economic experience, play chess with the world economy and line their own pockets…..
      the political system is broken, the economic system is broken and anyone making some noise against it is a good thing….. the only problem we face is not to turn into into a witch hunt and blame the wrong people….. which will simply result in a nose dive into all out communism and dictatorship…..
      what we need is a real 21st century governance – by the people, for the people, where only intelligent, practical, proven and benevolent people are involved in making decisions to build a better world. none of our leaders have earned or deserve any respect whatsoever… they are merely money grubbing, power hungry mafia cartels, ruling by decree and ruining everything….
      the free markets destroyed communism, now they are destroying socialism……. the protests and general uprising should not aim to destroy capitalism and the free markets, since that is genuine force of nature that creates abundance….. we cannot allow left leaning, bluepill, metrosexual wimps, and cultural marxists to impose their will just because the system is broken…. that is more of the same…

    9. they should be wearing Moe, Larry, and Curly masks bc they are nothing but stooges for the money behind theseprotests…

        1. It’s still not a religion. Some individuals display religious or proselyte behaviours about anything.

        2. It is a pity the ones displaying religious or proselyte behaviours among the atheists are the most vocal. Gays, who I guess can be wonderful people, also have the same problem.

        3. My comment is not relevant to the above. The point however is that some atheists tend to act exercise their atheist proclivities with what could be described as a religious fervor.

        4. I’m pretty sure they don’t. Or these are just dumb “atheists” that have just traded a set of religious behaviours one for another. Or leftists, that convert the religious bigotism into political bigotism. Which is possible, since a lot of people will manifest religious-like behaviours about anything.
          There is no need for a faith in atheism, because it is essentially a disbelief. And there is no dogma either, no rules, since it is a term tha only should be used to designate the disbelief in a overruling deity.
          Atheism is as much a religion as “Turned off” is a tv channel.

  4. It is a cargo cult. They don’t know that it really is, just that it makes them important.

    1. You know, once upon a time, 4chan was alright. Now, any board other than fitness or weapons is full on autism.

  5. Except for the fact that Guy Fawkes never attempted to institute theocracy. He attempted to replace a Protestant monarchy with a Catholic monarchy. Not with less or more theocracy, just a change of state religion.

    1. He was still a Jesuit agent.
      Before you consider the two sides of that conflict equal, know that the Protestants NEVER instituted an inquisition, let alone one as brutal as the Vatican’s.

      1. Irrelevant. Both sides fought for supremacy, both persecuted the other while in power. What side would go to greater lengths to have its way doesn’t make the other’s cause righteous in any way.
        What’s more, after the failed Gunpowder Plot, the Protestant powers that be responded by enacting even harsher anti-Catholic measures than before. “Remember the Fifth of November!” was the slogan of Catholic persecution at the time.

  6. Interesting read I was wondering if someone would eventually talk about the ridiculous representatation of the Guy Fawkes mask.

  7. That was good. These X and M gen fakers with their Fawkes masks, the significance of which they don’t even vaguely understand.
    But observe! how edgy, how cool! The surface of the thing is its only meaning, as the Smirking Mask attests. Look. Look at me!
    These are lost people, clinging to falsities, and empty of actual developed character, which takes effort and time. These soul-voids are easily controlled en masse. No wonder they flock to zombie films. Even that is self-referential. Cheers.

    1. Agreed. I think that sums up my reflection. I would sum myself up as a crossover between Gen X and Y and retain elements of both. This generation is incredibly tech savvy leading to its ability to be extremely aware of almost everything within a rapid space of time; what they don’t understand is that no amount of tech saviness and rapidity and volume of incoming information can substitute for experience and the capacity to process and apply appropriately which only comes with said experience. While the volume of info they are aware of has increased exponentially, ones ability to process it can only increase so much.
      It’s like the difference between the guy with game who has done pick up 5,000 times before and the newbie. The former just IS, having fully internalised it all; the latter is still reading from a play sheet and doesn’t FEEL it inside.
      “X and M gen fakers with their Fawkes masks, the significance of which they don’t even vaguely understand. But observe! how edgy, how cool! The surface of the thing is its only meaning, as the Smirking Mask attests.”
      Agreed. I observed this during my MBA at a European University. But to cut them some slack, they are on the verge, the entry into their real life so its understandable the novelty and freshness of it all impacts them – “look at me, I am cool and sophisticated and knowing on world events!”. They are still searching for their identity relative to the world.
      I see this commonly on facebook news feeds when someone prominent dies or something catastrophic happens – the young un’s chime in knowingly with their thoughts attempting to add their ‘gravitas’.

      1. Yeah. It’s that void of identity that makes them, in reality, dangerous. Because of the mob-mind nature of this hour. Just as B.O. stated plainly that he is a cipher for collective energies.
        Doubtless they imagine themselves staunch individualists.

      1. I’m slightly drunk and just finished 30 minutes of suckling boobs. My next thought was to log on to ROK.

  8. I sometimes wonder; what if there were two identical Earths orbiting the Sun, and respectively, two identically shaped Americas.
    What would each of them be like if all Left-wingers were consolidated in one, and all the Right-wingers consolidated on the other?

    1. Wouldn’t work. The leftist impulse in within us all, it’s part of humanity. It will always be with us, until the end.

  9. These guys have completely watered down what this symbol actually stood for and have turned into a cheap joke and subject of ridicule. The only reason any of them know or care about it is because of V for Vendetta, in which a Fawkes-masked vigilante magically takes down an entire U.S.-inspired military industrial complex with absolutely no help whatsoever. Pure fantasy.
    What is supposed to be a symbol of standing up for and, if need be, dying for the freedom to believe what one wants is now a symbol of crybaby Millennials screaming “Kill The Capitalists” while doing (and knowing) absolutely nothing.

    Their protests are one giant masturbatory fantasy where they can be anonymous and escape any government retaliation while acting like their favorite comic book hero and thinking they’re changing the world. They’ve clearly missed the point: Guy Fawkes didn’t sit around with his partners singing Kumbaya and throwing up spirit fingers in Trafalgar Square to get shit done. He got 36 barrels of gunpowder and proceeded to go all Semper Fi on Parliament. As the author stated, he was then tortured, executed, drawn, and quartered. Unless Moses and Soliloquy are prepared to give up their loser hippie lifestyle and go to those lengths just to meet such an end for their troubles, they should stop playing revolutionary and get out while they’re still behind.

    1. The most amusing part being that in the graphic novel (which Alan Moore freely admits he now regards it as a juvenile piece of work) V is a deeply scarred inmate of a sort of concentration camp, who basically breaks Evie, his “muse”, psychologically – thus making her another “V”.

    2. this is how the socialist / fascist system is so clever… it takes what was a genuine protest and turns it into an impotent, left learning, socialist nonsense, that simply feeds back into the powers that be.
      it amazes me that people protest austerity….. when it’s government over spending and bureaucrats that caused the problem in the first place….. a lot of these people are protesting for more of the same, and supporting the very system they think they are protesting against……

    3. Capitalism betrayed the Millennials. Left them with weak job opportunities and hideous college debt. But at least they see the dialectic at work–the system that worked so well for their elders is dying of its own internal contradictions.

  10. “Remember, remember, the 5th of November, Gunpowder, Treason, and plot.
    I see no reason, why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.”
    Some “Millennials” who haven’t got their heads stuck up their own arses, often wonder if we need another Guy Fawkes to blow things up in Westminster and reboot the country, but the only people who seem to be able to openly talk about that sort of thing wear weird clothes and preach to a man named Alan.
    In some respects, the English are not entitely knowledgeable about Guy Fawkes background and mission, it is most commonly known that he was against parliament, not so much what his ideals may have been (religious or otherwise).
    For that reason alone, he has become a symbol for toppling government. Doesn’t matter if he was a Jew, Christian, or Buddhist.

  11. This generation is incredibly tech savvy leading to its ability to be extremely aware of almost everything within a rapid space of time; what they don’t understand is that no amount of tech saviness and rapidity and volume of incoming information can substitute for experience and the capacity to process and apply appropriately which only comes with said experience. While the volume of info they are aware of has increased exponentially, ones ability to process it can only increase so much.
    It’s like the difference between the guy with game who has done pick up 5,000 times before and the newbie. The former just IS, having fully internalised it all; the latter is still reading from a play sheet and doesn’t FEEL it inside.
    I observed this during my MBA at a European University. But to cut them some slack, they are on the verge, the entry into their real life so its understandable the novelty and freshness of it all impacts them – “look at me, I am cool and sophisticated and knowing on world events!”. They are still searching for their identity relative to the world.
    I see this commonly on facebook news feeds when someone prominent dies or something catastrophic happens – the young un’s chime in knowingly with their thoughts attempting to add their ‘gravitas’.

  12. These people just take whatever symbol is convenient for them. Fucking
    stupid. I wonder how many of them even knew what Guy Fawkes actually
    stood for. He destroyed the Old Bailey which was a symbol for upholding
    Common Law. This is essentially what the Roman Catholic order wanted,
    that is the destruction of Common Law and the replacement of it with the
    systems of law that are in place today. The laws in play are supposed
    to be Common Laws but it has been sometime since other kinds of law like
    Maritime law or the UCC are being used under the guise of Common Law.
    This was the ultimate objective towards which Guy Fawkes and his kind
    were working towards. It is quite an irony that this mask has been taken
    up by these groups who are ignorant about what it actually means.

    1. There’s more than a little difference between the adoption by the state houses of portions/all the UCC, and the forced hoisting of the civil law system of the Continent on England. Part of the reason England didn’t give up its traditional laws, was the reforms that had been enacted prior to that time, which acted as a firewall to the Roman civil law swiping away the traditional legal systems of other countries.

      1. Roman systems of law have swiped away the traditional and correct legal systems of most countries around the world. It seems especially true with all countries that were colonised, even colonies of the British Empire. I’m not sure though at what point the traditional systems were replaced in England, seems like they were properly replaced and spread to all the colonies of the Empire.

        1. Right, they weren’t wiped away in England; they were wiped away everywhere else. That’s what I was trying to say, however poorly.

  13. While it is a Guy Fawkes mask, it has nothing to do with Guy Fawkes or V for Vendetta. It was taken from the Epic Fail Guy Internet meme, which was started on 4Chan, which birthed Anonymous, which took to the Fail Guy mask, and spread out from there.
    The protest from the Historical Society on the mask’s usage is duly noted.

    1. Its been co-opted at this point by people (mostly millennials but also aging hipsters) protesting anything for any reason.

  14. Well, I can tell a Protestant wrote this
    Guy Fawkes is a symbol of the fight against religious persecution by a Monarchy, that also was the head of Church of England…..a theocracy.
    He certainly isn’t a symbol of trying to impose a theocracy .
    The irony of this generation using his image in their endeavors is that they vote for everything except religious freedoms.

    1. But he *was* trying to put Catholic theology back in control, which at the time still regarded the Pope as the supreme secular and spiritual power in the world, i.e. a king owed his allegiance to the Pope because a king’s divine right of rule came through Christ’s vicar on the Earth, i.e.e, the Pope. That is: a theocracy in name if not in effect.
      The Catholic Church was also not too hot on religious freedoms at this point in history, either. See: the Portugese, Spanish, Roman, and French Inquisitions, not to mention the campaigns against the Albigensians and the Cathars which had the formal imprimatur of crusades. Admittedly the Inquisition never came to England, but one wonders if that was a quirk of history attributable to Henry VIII.

  15. “That’s the problem with your generation. You guys sat around with your vintage t-shirts and your participation medals and never did anything” – Ivan Block in Runner Runner

  16. Most of the people that wear the mask have no idea who Guy Fawkes is. They just think it’s the cool mask from V for Vendetta

    1. So… most of the people that wear the swastika symbol have no idea it is a very sacred symbol from certain religions. They just think it’s the cool symbol from the Nazi regime.

  17. “ethno-religious fanaticism and bombings of the IRA.” I think your description although having some small merit is somewhat off the mark. The main reason for the formation of the IRA was to win Irish independence from the British. The fact that they were Catholic was just a coincidence, they could just as well have been black, or whatever ethnicity you like.
    800 or so years of oppression along with the Great Famine between the years 1845 to 1852 with a million dead due to starvation and disease and another million forced to emigrate brought about by British neglect of the populace would tend to bring about rebellion in different forms over time.
    The IRA was a symptom of this oppression and general neglect of the indigenous population.
    I don’t see any parallel between the IRA and a bunch of teenagers and twenty something’s donning masks and sitting by their computer tapping away with cheeto stained fingers.
    Oh and I thought V for Vendetta was an awful, awful movie. Glad I had a hottie with me that night in the cinema to keep me entertained….. did I mention the movie was shit?

  18. This mask does NOT represent the 5th of november 1604 at all.
    The millenials have no knowledge about such old tales.
    All they do know is the hollywood movie “V for Vendetta”
    THIS is the guy they try to mimic. THIS is the story, the only story, those guys around the globe (outside of GB) know.
    An allegory of oppression by government.

  19. Indoctrinated Leftists, which the Occupy movement mainly are, have a schizophrenic relationship with big government. They distrust it and fear it – yet they keep voting for it. Why is that?

    1. The left wants free stuff paid for by other people, they don’t care where it comes from. Young people are more likely to be lefties because they haven’t had time to accumulate assets. Boomers were lefties in their youth, who became centrist later in life.

  20. Man, one of the writers here sure has a hate-hard-on for Millenials.
    Just…please, allow the question.
    Who the fuck raised (or failed to raise) these Millenials that we supposedly have a problem with? Really.
    If Millenial music is shit, then who taught (or failed to teach) them what “good music” is?
    If Millenials have no morals, no values, and no honor, then who taught (or failed to teach) them?
    Perhaps the Millenials were taught by example. Taught by being shown the Woodstocks and the Studio 57s (or whatever the fuck it was called). Shown how the ‘Boomers romanticized their drug-fueled blur they referred to as life and living. Shown the romanticizing of breaking away from the foundations their parents before them had set. If it was good enough for you, why shouldn’t Millenials take things one, two, twenty steps further?
    Or do you just want to wash your hands of any responsibility for influencing the younger generation?
    No, they’re too smart and too advanced to be corrupted by walking in on mom and dad in bondage gear doing bong hits and speed rails. Yet they’re simultaneously too dumb to figure out what Eric Clapton is talking about when he’s singing about “Cocaine”?
    I mean, for all intents and purposes, it would seem the sentiment is “Yeah, we fucked up back then, but we’re not NEARLY as bad as these retards, and I’m not gonna touch this with a 50 foot clown pole.” GENIUS! Only ‘Boomers could think up a plan like Cause The Mess but Get Somebody Else to Fix It. And if the response is “It’s not my problem” then who the fuck was supposed to be raising these kids?
    You hear so much about how men aren’t ‘masculine’ these days, and it’s like we completely omit the knowledge that the Millenials are the first generation to grow up in the majority without fathers in their lives. How the fuck are you supposed to figure out how to be a man if you don’t have a man teaching you how to be a man? There’s your fucking problem…too many single mothers trying to teach boys how to be men.
    I’m not saying it’s all men’s fault on this, as I’m well aware of how some women are, and the court systems, and every other thing set in society to fuck guys over at the drop of a hat. Yes, absolutely; all that shit is there, and it’s a very real, very viable threat.
    Coming from such a broken household, this is what I saw.
    My father had no interest in teaching me how to be a man, as he was more concerned with “being a man” himself. So, you know, chasing ass, working his fingers bloody, then going out to chase more ass. It probably didn’t help that, due to the divorce, I only got to see him every other weekend. Not a whole lot of time for a man to really instill any values into a young, impressionable boy. Perhaps it doesn’t help either that my mother was disabled (blew her back out, disc fusions) and I was the only able bodied person in the house that could perform “Man Roles”.
    Even still, that’s a bit much for an 8 year old to take on.
    I don’t blame my dad, or hold any resentment against him, for how my childhood ended up. We actually have a very good, functioning, healthy relationship, and he’s at least attempted to “pick up where he left off”, and I’ve enjoyed the shit out of hunting and shit like that.
    I’m not saying the Millenials aren’t fucked up either, because they most certainly are. Not all of them; there are “diamonds in the rough” in every generation. Truth be told, we ALL fucked up somewhere along the line, and burying our heads in the sand and trying to “La La La Not LIstening La La La” it away is bullshit. It’s a cop out.
    So, yeah, if you absolutely must, bash the fuck out of the Millenials. Just make sure you’re aware of who fucked them up before you complain about them being so fucked up.
    That’s like the school yard bully beating your ass everyday for a year, then laughing and taunting you when he raises his arm up, and you flinch. “Why are you flinching, faggot?” Jee, I wonder why!

      1. I’m not saying it’s entirely theirs, as you always have to consider personal accountability. I honestly just think it’s strange to complain about how “fucked up” the Millenials are, or any generation is for that matter, when it’s kind of common knowledge as to the kinds of households and environments children from each era grew up in.

  21. I don’t like this stupid mask because it became popular because of the “V for Vandetta” movie, which is basically a gay propaganda movie where the hero kills “homophobes” and evil white people. So basically that mask just embodies everything that is wrong with the current social justice warrior movement. Basically when you see someone wearing that mask, that’s likely to be a leftist douche.

  22. I’m going to offer a different view point. Guy Fawkes was trying to kill the king for expelling the Catholics. The Catholic Church fits oh so well with these poeple, that church is a whore literally where do they stand on any thing, they change at every turn . The pope says he is Gods vicar on earth, but any child who reads his bible knows that is blasphemy. So they are wearing the mask of a agent of a huge wicked whore it fits this genration so well. All we do is watch tv and glorify whores Kim kardshain, snookie, who ever . We ask for freedom vote for Obama the biggest tyrant we’ve had yet . This is the sixth stage of the United states empire decadence everytime some thing happens the news shows a actor or something and it takes all the media coverage . Bread and circuses, any one who can’t see that is very blind.

  23. I see the author of this article is unfamiliar with the work that specific fawkes mask is taken from.
    The graphic novel “V for Vendetta” stars an insane mask wearing anarchist of barely explained background fighting against an oppressive often stupid evil English government who have slid into becoming a vicious police state obviously meant to be the bastard child of the Hollywood rendition of Nazi Germany and the Thatcher government.
    He murders a number of people involved in directly fucking over his life while also proceeding with his plans to destroy the government.
    At one point he kidnaps and tortures his love interest/sidekick to help them appreciate just how important freedom really is.
    I forget if he does it in the book but in the movie adaptation (which the author hated) he sends masks, cloaks and hats like the ones he wears to everyone in London urging them to stand outside parliament on the 5th of november swearing that they shall give the government a 5th of november that shall never ever be forgot.
    In the book we also have the tortured love interest/sidekick taking up the mask and assuming his identity after his death in order to finish what he started.
    All in all despite Moore being an unrepetant anarchist and the heavy hammery of it all. The book and movie are both worth a read. Especially if you’re going to write stuff like this since really barely any of those wearing the mask will know who or what guy fawkes was aside from his attempt to blow up parliament.

  24. The irony of all this is that most people would never have thought of researching who Guy Fawkes was without these guys wearing the mask.

  25. The Millennial donning the Guy Fawkes mask….A rebel without a clue as Mr. Tom Petty used to say.
    The world we’re inheriting as Millennials sucks. We know it was our parents’ generation who really fucked it up the worst and if the globe we’re about to get dealt is doomed…we’re gonna revolt. How, when or why….we don’t know. But we’re gonna wear a slick mask like that guy in V for Vendetta did. Yeah! That’ll show the world!!
    Please accept my apologies on behalf of the Millennial generation. As an elder member of that demographic, I wish I could provide a better excuse than it’s just kids acting out with no direction. But that’s what the Guy Fawkes mask represents. Confused & angry but no plan.
    If the Millennial generation had any direction they would pull down the pillars of society that have been built on their backs by the boomers’ reckless spending and govt. nanny rule laid down years in advance.
    Step 1: bring down the tax structure, which by the time we’re in our 40’s will be confiscatory. There won’t be Social Security, there won’t be Medicare/Medicaid/Obamacare, the infrastructure will be crumbling, but they’ll still be taking 60-65% of your gross income. STOP PAYING INTO IT.
    Step 2: Withdraw from higher education. It’s a feminist brainwashing concentration camp. Let the women take it over and let it implode under its own weight of useless degrees and sororities. Keep your $$.
    Step 3: Noncompliance with unconstitutional law. Resist the police state. If you’re brought before the court, jam pack it with every appeal, every continuance, every motion, every legal roadblock imaginable.
    Step 4: Abstain from marriage until Step 3 has rectified the horror being perpetrated in the family courts.
    Even if half of the Millennial generation marched behind this banner of revolution — this tyrannical government that has been foisted upon us by the “greatest generation” (our grandparents) and the “boomers” (our parents) will self-destruct. And who the hell cares? It isn’t set up to help the Millennial, it’s set up to fleece you!
    But no. We’re gonna wear Guy Fawkes masks and light fires on Oakland, CA streets with the occasional fist fight with a cop before being carted off to jail.
    A gaggle of unorganized narcissistic fools with nothing but angst and crushing debt to show for it.

  26. The mask was reappropriated but not by Millennials per se. The symbol was redefined by Alan Moore in his V for Vendetta comic as the ultimate protest against Margaret Thatcher’s England. Thus it became, weirdly enough, an anti-conservative, progressive symbol for the previous generation, and became cool again thanks to the 2005 movie. The movie made it an even more generic “anti-totalitarian” symbol and took aim at homophobes and other old-fashioned conservative stereotypes.
    Then the Anonymous hackers adopted it for questionable but vaguely progressive digital protests and we were off to the races.
    It’s really part of that eternal paradox, progressives defining their beliefs as cool and trendy and anti-establishment, even when they are the establishment.

    1. The world of V for Vendetta was not Margaret Thatcher’s England. Loosening the markets and social controls that the government imposed on the common Englishman is not what V was about.

    2. I agree with GOJ. The comic itself was not about Thatcher’s government, but rather with the inevitable fascism that would ensue in the future.

  27. It’s to stop generalising “millennials”. I’m a (European) millennial myself. A lot of people my age I know and value are absolutely averse to marxist/communist/socialist ideas.

  28. “It’s important to remember, however, that this generation does possess the uncanny ability to blindly adopt, misappropriate, and re-contextualize seemingly anything to the point that all is rendered meaningless and trivial. It is in that respect that the Guy Fawkes mask is the ultimate symbol of millennialism.”
    Indeed. While it is not necessarily the case that every millennial is a brainwashed instrument of progressive didacticism, they are more often than not the blunt instrument which the prog elites forcibly wield in order to try and hammer in new (and previously unpopular) styles of thought into the collective consciousness of a nation, especially the American one.
    Movies like V for Vendetta (which adopted a shameless “conservatives are oppressors” context which the author did not originally intend in his work) have also helped to perpetuate the conundrum you speak of, as they have made fashionable among the grass roots counterculturists (and increasingly iconoclastic) of today the symbol of a man who was for all intents and purposes, a religious fanatic.
    You have to at least appreciate the propaganda efforts of progressives…they always know how to concoct new and exciting recipes for BS using whatever ingredients the kitchen of history can provide.

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