On Wednesday I introduced Operation Medusa to fight back against efforts to censor my Saturday speech in Montreal. It was such a rapid success that we can move on to Revelation, as I write this from an undisclosed location in North America.
I have received credible tips from insiders that feminist protesters in Montreal on Saturday will attempt to find the alternate venue where my speech is being held by loudly stampeding through downtown Montreal with two objectives: (1) to challenge men to physical confrontations with the intention of falsely crying assault, and (2) to take photos of mens’ faces to upload online.
Operation Revelation is a defensive operation to infiltrate all feminist protests on Saturday afternoon, take video of the crowd under the guise of being a fellow protester, and then have videos analyzed to identify the key ringleaders of the protest who make statements or actions showing they intend to break Canadian law.
This operation is open to men and women. All Montreal residents who don’t agree with a small group of mentally ill freaks deciding what type of speech all of Canada can hear is encouraged to participate. Take part in this operation not just because you support me, but because you support legal speech in Canada without interference by extremists on the far left.
Step 1
Join or monitor the public Facebook group that is organizing the potentially illegal protest.
Date: Saturday, August 8, 2015
Time: 12pm
Location: Norman Bethune Square (Downtown)
Step 2
Attend the protest with a fully charged camera and an outfit that looks like a person who has nothing going on with his or her life. To fit in seamlessly if you’re a man, dress like a homosexual hipster (i.e. male feminist). If you’re a woman, gain 30 pounds, dye your hair red, get three cat tattoos, and wear ugly clothing (i.e. contract Lindy West disease).
Step 3
Pretend you’re a protester by sharing your hatred of patriarchy, “rape culture,” and masculinity while casually filming the proceedings with your phone. You have the legal right to film in public. Remember to film horizontally and not vertically.
Step 4
Upload your raw footage to Dropbox or WeTransfer and email it to [email protected]
Do not challenge the protesters because they are mentally unstable and in all likelihood ready to use violence. Fit in with them instead, gain their trust, and film the proceedings casually. Your raw footage will be edited and shared online to help identify potentially threatening individuals. Private investigators will likely be hired to help with the analysis.
A lot of supporters will be attending my lecture at that time, so this operation will need the support of moderate Montreal residents who strongly dislike the radical left and their censorship agenda. (If I’ve met you before, we can exchange numbers so that you can inform me of the protesters’ whereabouts throughout the day on Saturday.)
It’s clear that the media establishment which is supporting the SJW’s, particularly the state-owned CBC, have no game plan on what to do if their targets decide to fight back. We now control the narrative, and they must react to what we do instead of the other way around. The support I’m getting from Canada is tremendous, and has allowed me to be within striking distance of successfully holding an event that they have desperately tried to shut down for the past two weeks. With your support, we can pull it off. Follow further developments by staying on top of my Twitter and the forum.
Don’t Miss: The Canadian Establishment Is Working With Feminists To Shut Down Roosh’s Speeches
Right on, Roosh! Looking forward to seeing you expose these fools. I’m too far away to be there, but if you go, listen to what Roosh tells you – DO NOT ENGAGE these psychos. Get the intel and upload it for a coordinated response.
Indeed. It reminds me of 1984 or the old Soviet Union (no free speech, thought control, etc…). People there need to realize that it could be there group next if these crazies don’t believe in their subject, religion, etc….
It’s a matter of free speech at this point.
We all know what happens when these demonstrators get together…usually violence. They’ll play the victim role but they are the first ones to become violent any time they gather.
Damn, but this is getting EPIC!
I’m from Montreal, and I’d love to join this infiltration because it seems like tons of fun, and I’d be more than ready to punch a bunch of feminists in the throat if they tried to attack me.
Unfortunately I live in Japan, so I won’t get to help out this time.
Been following this site for 2 months now and I love it. Keep up the good work, brother.
‘they are mentally unstable’… huge understatement. be safe men!
This is a long one, but please do read it to the end:
Counter attack the SJW’s and feminists. They want to destroy your anonymity, by posting photos of yours online if you go to the lecture. I say, do as Rooshv says. Fit into the crowd, and film or take photos of every retard, who is trying to get physical or even protesting. In this way you have evidence against them. Post their photos to the internet (anonymously if you prefer), that shows them being violent on people, or just organizing to oppose a free speech event. If they do anything illegal, you can right away give their photos to the police. Don’t think it won’t have any effect? Imagine, if lets say, twenty men gave a photo to the police, of a particular feminazi getting violent, it would make a strong case against her. Take care that there faces are captured clearly. Break their anonymity mercilessly, and give them a taste of their own medicine, for once.
If you want to protect your privacy, and fear that these retards will click photos of yours, then by all means go masked. No, I’m not joking. This is kind of a protective measure in a war, and everything is fair is war. Ignore the SJW’s as much as you can. Most likely they want to get a reaction from you. However, if you want to reply to their idiocies, be verbal. Avoid physical confrontation with an SJW at all costs until he/she hits you first. If that happens, then by all means go forward and hit them. And hit them hard. Don’t care if it’s a man or a woman. You have every right to defend yourself. if possible go in pairs with other men, or pair up with another man when you reach the venue. This is to make sure, that if you do get into a physical and verbal confrontation with a SJW and/or a feminazi, the man whom you paired up with will know it and will be filming the encounter, to post it online afterwards, give it to the police, and use it as an evidence if you are accused of ‘harassing’ the protesters. If you find a fellow attendee of Rooshv’s lecture who has not paired up and is in a confrontation, or about to get into a confrontation with a retard, then immediately whip out your camera and start recording. The rule of thumb is, that everyone must have their cameras, mobile phones, with them. These devices must be fully charged, and you must be ready to record everything. Make sure to make it clear in the recording, that they were the perpetrator, not you.
Even if everything goes well, and there are no confrontations, still do record the faces of protesters. Why? you may ask. Protesting is a legal right, you may say. Yes it is, and so is free speech. Using one legal right of yours to sabotage another legal right of another person is bigoted, and you must break the anonymity of these bigots and expose them at any cost. Fight fire with a bigger fire. Bring a gun to a knife fight. When you enemies are even a little bit defeated, don’t have any mercy. Crush them down, hard, to destroy them fully. Kill their very souls. Remember, that this is war, and it is your chance to defend free speech. You may agree with Rooshv or not, but as a decent human being you must agree with the concept of free speech, and if you do, then it is your chance to prove it.
free speech is no longer a legal/protected right in canada.
It is if you agree with the feminist agenda lead by fucking tatted moonbats.
exactly. it is ‘selectively’ free. there was free speech in the ussr too as long as your speech was ‘i love you comrade stalin!’
If this is so, then we must not give up, but we must strive to bring a change. Sometimes change is not as difficult as it seems. All we need is a few other, handful of brilliant leaders like Rooshv, and devoted followers backing him. Sometimes it may seem that the night is at it’s darkest, but it may just be a few moments before the beginning of dawn.
It’s only free speech if you don’t hurt feelings.
hold on, that’s only partially true as well… it’s open-season on white-men, christians, people with traditional values and/or a moral-compass….
Sound advice. My friends have promised to infiltrate the counter protest but they’ve made it clear they won’t break any canadian laws and i’m cool with that. Some of them don’t even agree with Roosh but they think its bs that a far left fringe movement gets to decide for the rest of canada what they should or shouldn’t hear.
Everyone who is going should take this fellow’s advice and pair up so if you get involved in a confrontation you won’t be vilified easily because of selective videotaping by the fascists.
Very good, bro. Yes, don’t break any laws, unless of course self defense becomes necessary. These people whom you mentioned are investing in a good cause by defending free speech. Tell them, that this incident, is not defending Rooshv. It is defending free speech. Someday they, themselves may have to say that the majority may not agree with, and if they have would have defended free speech in the past and kept it alive, they can expect others, like me, who although may not agree with them, will defend their right to free speech unto death. That’s being decent human beings.
Feminists and other SJW’s, by opposing free speech, have only proven that we are right, that they are like children who can’t handle any opposing opinions. Truth is self evident, my friend. By their opposition to free speech they have given the proof that they are narcissist, and intolerant bigots.
Nice work on that facebook page, all. It was great to see the hamster in action (along with the white knights).
Infiltrate, divide, conquer, destroy from within. Hey Its worked for the F.B.I an the C.I.A for the last 50 years and seems to work for them. If you’re really good as an imposter catch them on tape on what the sjw’s plan on doing. Entrap and give the footage to the authorities. I think these two operations are brilliant at destroying the credibility and the future of these lunatics. This should go bigger than thought it would. Contact any media outlets that might not be taken over by the p.c marxists. Make alliances with some of the bigger media oulets(mens magazines,heartiste, infowars/Paul Joseph Watson etc.. and make this BIG.
To tell you truly, dude, if the media does not present our side of the story, we can still win. We will post the videos across the abundant manosphere blogs we have. And we can definitely post them on youtube. We can also share it throughout facebook. On internet this will spread like fire. Should these retarded, human wastes, with low IQ’s try to disrupt our free speech, they will pay with having their reputations ruined. Don’t be afraid. We will win, because we are right.
WE are the media now.
When the media is stripped of genuine journalism, and reduced to government owned, propaganda spitting machine, then it is good for others to play the role of media.
Infiltrating and destroying them from within is a great idea. I’ve often pretended to be a door mat male feminist and have gotten into their into their discussions only to amuse myself and laugh at them later on. Laughing is over I guess. Time for some serious action now.
To get in character you just have to punch yourself in the balls three or four times, hard.
There is a law against being masked in Montreal. You get arrested and fined.
No law against being in disguise though.
Certainly there are sources for hipster beards you can glue on. Surely the thrift store has some skinny jeans.
Seeing how the SJWs all dress and act the same, infiltrating them would be as easy as stealing a Stormtrooper outfit and rescuing a damsel in distress.
HAHA, that was a good one . I thoroughly caught the refernece. There, I see what you did. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9ca40a9eeb56bb420e0bcd6dc611658bd9a91e6a37b1f6cf0e439c9b7610475a.png
Wow! I’ve never heard of such a thing. How nutty! Are even those dust masks that people use who are paranoid about contracting the flu banned?
Well you can wear one, but not in protests. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-bans-wearing-masks-at-protests-1.1151581
Wear a burka, or a Niqab, they won’t dare mess with ya.
No worries. We can still disguise ourselves with makeup, wigs, a different hairstyle, a false beard, etc. If we think with an open mind, there are numerous ways to protect our identities if we desire to do so.
From the North there came a wailing
Of harpies scorned; their proxies’ complaining
White Knights astride their gelded ponies
Whipped to a furor, their convictions phony
Loudest shrieked political shills
There to traffic some shiny blue pills
Backed by other liars at triple their swill
They scented blood and awaited the kill
“Bar the gates!” the mob did screech,
“We have no love for freedom of speech
At least from those with different tone
We much prefer having only our own.”
But some who saw the danger there
Awoke from stupor and started to care,
“It’s his piece to say, so let him dare!”
A like-minded chorus filled the air
The crowd gave pause and more did gather
He spoke not hate but something else rather
The more they listened the more they heard
There was much truth within his words
This wasn’t at all what they had been told
Much like some pillar from grand tales of old
Like a warm breeze when the night has gone cold
This man was sincere; he was thoughtful, and bold
Yet of the mob all had gotten an eyeful
Champions they were of oppression and libel
Their efforts and planning had turned out for naught
Their very souls were seen dark with foul rot
The shills and the knights had scurried away
As soon as all saw they had quite lost the day
Provocateur remnants scribbled retaliations
Declaring great victory across the nation
Now though were known as highly unstable
Despite their scheming they were grossly unable
To keep their stolen place as head of the table
For the Kings had returned no longer a fable
-Get ‘em Roosh!
Looks like we have a bard.
Nicely stated. You have a talent for stating truth lyrically, friend.
The fucked up thing is that it actually *would* take multiple photos by multiple men just to convince the police to doubt the word of one of their special little flowers. Even then, don’t expect much action to be taken unless someone is seriously hurt. As most readers here already understand, SJWs can do no wrong in the eyes of the authorities.
You are correct, but we have multiple evidence against them. ON their fb pages,it is the SJW’s who have threatened violence, not us. Even here, we are saying that we will not be violent, but will defend ourselves, if someone gets violent. These pages themselves are proofs. Then there are articles, which include screenshots of these pages. And last of all, we will take as many photos, if something happens. They police will be forced to take action.
Even if it does not take action, we will post their photos and videos online, and shame them publicly. If nothing happens, we can at least create awareness. Have courage, friend. It’s a win-win situation.
I’m not sure that it’s wise to wear a mask. There’s a new law in Canada (passed in 2013) called bill C – 309 that allows police to pre-emptively arrest protesters if they wear facial coverings.
Does makeup and piercings apply to that new law?
Agree. Authorities need to realize what type of person they are dealing with (we used to call them crazy – back when).
The crazies are trying to take over the asylum…there needs to be push back.
It’s time to take the asylum back from the lunatics. They need to know who is the boss.
what exactly is the meaning of “occult”?
Not this dumb bitch. Means “hidden”, as in hidden or forbidden knowledge. She just found some hipster sucker mangina “photographer” to take pics of of as she smears pancake syrup mixed with red food coloring and corn syrup all over her (basic stage blood composition). She’s nothing.
You know, something spooky and mysterious.
It’s about killing black hens under a blue moon and smearing their blood on your face.
It’s for empowerment.
and does the position of the moon have to be perpendicular to the tangential plane of the sacrificing spot?
It’s about tediously provocative “shock art” à la Lady Gaga that we’ve seen a million times
Originality: 1/10
i remember that i tried to do the “profound” stuff, too, in my youth. i would see how people swoon over black and white renditions of homeless losers and other stories of failure. so i would try to come up with something depressing and very complex, abstract and hard to understand in order to replicate the effect. i am convinced that most artists do it the very same way.
What a fucking mental case. We should be petitioning to have this crazy whore institutionalised.
It’s “art” dontchaknow.
Pure insanity. Back in the day we’d give people like this electro shock therapy and fry their fucked up neurons.
actually, “back in the day” she would have likely been burned at a stake
A better outcome for all, to be sure.
The carpet doesn’t match the drapes.
Wow, what a mentally ill sociopath. Here is her blog:
She is in anguish when she is forced to interact with the real world. She uses headphones to block out real personal interactions when she leaves her apartment. Here’s what happened one day when she had to take her cat to the vet and couldn’t find her headphones after searching for 30 minutes:
I didn’t want to go about my business without them because I was very aware of the harassment I would get in street, harassment I usually could mostly ignore through blasting music into my ears.
At the first corner where I stopped, a man approached me. I felt his presence before he spoke, but without my headphones, I wasn’t able to ignore him, I had no other choice but to listen to whatever he had to say to me. I was incredibly annoyed that this had to happen right after I’d stepped out of my house, as if the world wanted to prove my worries right.
“I like your hair” He said.
Women have the right to be able to walk down the street and be left alone.
Women have the right to be on the internet without being harassed, insulted, threatened, sexually harassed, or followed in order to further these sorts of harassment.
Hypocrite much?
You see, the guy that complimented her hair was not George Clooney. If he were, she would’ve left the cat to die right there and then and made off with the guy.
It’s harassment if they guy is not good looking.
good point. i reckon that being hit on by doormats all the time can be frustrating. it may feel similarly to the way it feels for a man to walk through the street and see a bunch of unfit, stressed out business women.
It’s like that and the unfit, stressed out business women giving you IOIs and hitting on you. I see unfit, menopausal, raspy voice, lizard skin business women all over the place. Thank God it is still considered taboo for them to cold approach men. LOL!
i once started making out with a quite older woman in the park, quite in the dark. something about her mouth tasted very badly – like old and dead – and i imagined it would be like that in all her parts, due to her age. so i told her i can not go through with it.
later i recalled that she had smoked.
so disgusting.
You turned her down and she didn’t call you gay?
Nothing like making out with someone and an ash tray runs through your mind.
she was quite cool about it. she was actually a sexual therapist or something like that. she mocked me for not being a good kisser. i wonder if the ashtray had anything to do with it.
Ah, she was a “sexual ther-a-pist”…
Ever wonder what that bad taste in her mouth was from…hmmm? From client# 187?
LOL! Just teasing you. Don’t take it personally.
do not worry. i will not touch your momma again.
as little as i am trying to defend her, i do feel compassion. how disconnected from yourself must you be to hate sexual interactions?
Looks like someone’s dick got bitten off.
According to their own logic, she promotes murder and cannibalism because her photos show drinking blood.
This is exactly the way such a counter-incitement operation can, should, and must be done. Best wishes for its success and yours, Roosh.
Indeed. A leader like Rooshv is worth his being weighed in gold.
Hit this Facebook page hard with your comments.
Okay, I’m in! I recognize one of the posters. She was trolling the Roosh World Tour Canada/ Cities comments page. It’s some poor schlub named Sara Parker-Toulson. I’ve trolled her a few times on that site. She’s not very bright. You’ll realize this if she attempts an exchange with you. Be advised that you may end up feeling sorry for her only because nothing is sadder than encountering a human being who is completely disabled by utter stupidity and ignorance. Should you find yourself completely decimating her phony arguments, lies, and shaming tactics (which is likely as I have done this myself) remind yourself that you are doing this for her own good as well as that of humanity.
Step 2….must go out and get comfortable shoes, patulie oil stink, and face jewellery…. won’t be there but I wish you guys that do attend much luck….. may Roosh be with you…
Excellent plan Roosh. I myself have contacted a few ex military friends who live in canada for support. A few of them promised to go to this demonstration in full hipster camo so they can blend right in. I’ve even asked some of them to act like moronic leftists so the rest of the plants can catch it all on camera lol. This is going to be quite interesting 🙂
I love using saul alinksy’s tactics against these fascist radicals. The irony in itself is sheer ecstasy 😀
take charge of the movement, men. overtake it. become the leftist leaders. and when you reach the peak, expose yourself and tell them what fools they are.
The Enemy Within. I like it.
kinda like obama. pretend to be for the people, destroy the people.
yeah, i know he is your bro. sorry.
Don’t talk about my brother yo!
what will you do? vote against me?
There! See how you like that!
The problem with that is the old adage, power corrupts. The infiltrator leader may catch the same insanity as those he leads.
indeed. one would need a psychopath for such a task.
Hanging about in those circles may make them psychopaths.
no, psychopaths are biological.
I think you mean “psychopaths are genetic.” Not always. Psychopathy can be induced.
how? source. do you mean sociopathy?
Agents Provocateur? Cool…
If you have military friends going I would suggest they dress up as anarchists/black bloc goons. None of the hipsters at these events would have the physical stature of a military man so it might be strange to someone who is perceptive.
I never said what gender they were…did i? 😀
In that case go full feminazi. I woulden’t rule out the black bloc suggestion for your male friends though. No one tends to go near these guys which would give them the ability to record footage unhindered.
That’s a pro tip right there.
In the USA when there is a protest, the cops are ready to pounce on you just for looking at them the wrong way.
But then all of a sudden here comes Black Bloc to smash stuff and… NOTHING happens to them.
And ALL OF THEM are in shape. They are really soldiers from the nearest base. In Seattle they bring them in from JBLM.
Hipsters and manginas are not in shape, not uniformly especially. We call them man-boobs and goony-beards for a reason.
“Hipsters and manginas are not in shape, not uniformly especially”
Good point. I’ve noticed that even though I’m in my 40’s and always getting to the gym, and although I’m not a roidded out meat head, I’m still way more brawny, toned and masculine then the skinny douchie millenial fags. I’m convinced these guys are intentionally trying to minimize their muscles and masculine traits.
Nomad, hipsters are minimizing their muscles and masculine traits because they have been manipulated and brainwashed by the American public school systems to be like this from an early age. The Left has a stranglehold on the public schools, which really want young boys to act like young girls, hence the Emasculization of the Millennials.
Is this op being conducted in Toronto as well? Id be happy to help in whatever capacity I can.
HA this is all getting really juicy and fun! If I lived in that feminist stronghold I’d take the day off and come join in the festivities.
Rape them with discipline! They’ll never even know what hit em!
I’m going to lie down in the street and say Roosh raped me. I’m cutting at the moment so will need a few cushions to stuff under my triangular baggy jumper along with an unsightly tattoo right across the crack of my ass, and last nights jiz dripping out of it after another night riding the cock carousel.I should fit right in.You go girls!
Don’t worry if you film the wrong way (upside down). There is free software available online that can fix this. I have made the same mistake myself.
you can not correct filming perpendicularly, though. you will always have ugly borders.
No you can make the borders look really pretty by adding in cute colours, flowers and cuddly furry animals…
Thanks dude. I was reading this at work and the screen froze right on that picture. You’ll pay for that.
something tells me your boss will pay for it.
roosh, you got fans:
one girl on facebook wrote you look swole and give her the tingles. she so wants to rape you.
That Nix twat says on the Comments for that pic “There are multiple charges against him, please call the police and tell them where he is!”
Dying to know what the charges are.
verbal assault?
That is only a crime in North Korea.
“Intent to cause hurt feelings to the buttocks area” maybe?
Anybody who calls the police for no reason, or for bogus reasons, can face charges themselves. In fact, if Nix is lying about charges, which is entirely likely, she could face charges herself for incitement. On the other hand, if she has filed bogus charges, she can face charges for that too.
I have heard that his Yelp rating has gone done in the past few hours: http://www.yelp.ca/biz/l-artiste-affam%C3%A9-montr%C3%A9al-2?sort_by=date_desc
the internet is funny.
Looks like it’s all 5 stars
but…but….but… I thought the guys with badges said they wouldn’t let him in 🙁
wondering if this girl even *called* the border patrol, or just made up some badge numbers and a story to go along with it.
are you asking me a question?
no i just didn’t know that ‘dickbag’ is a thing people are saying. i use the word ‘people’ loosely of course (as they are loose-women). i’m disappointed by the rapidly dwindling vocabulary of the common person. no doubt the writer of that comment thinks she’s a supermodel and yet she has the writing abilities of a 4th grader.
did not see that the word was used in the picture i posted.
i do not mind a little slang.
nor i… but dickbag? yeesh.
It’s time to smash Marxism in all of its forms. Feminism first, followed by the other droll batallions of freaks and traitors.
This is a red letter day. I wish I could be a part of it.
Remember that it’s your children and your children’s children that you do this for. Do we want our descendants to live in the dystopic nightmare these harridans have planned for us?
I for one would honour my ancestors and my descendants in all of my actions.
Eh, a little late on that, they are.
Ahaha the FIRST thing Dicks, I mean Nix, says on her Instagram profile is “Cats”. How fucking telling!
We should all innocuously request to follow her so we can see her posts and attention-whoring as the chaos foments! She will surely reveal a lot of information on there to get the Likes and Comments she so craves!
How brave, how empowered. Summoning the orcs to a man trying to presumably have a quiet snack/drink…
Infiltrate them, and destroy them from within. Given their stupidity, they will never know what hit them.
I’m guessing this is how it will look when the SJW’s and Feminists charge the front door at the event…
Wrong comment thread
They’re be a lot easier to pick off since they’re so out of shape, obese, and have no actual experience with hand to hand combat.
Except replace all the brown people with feminists who waddle their fat asses up to the fronts lines just to stop 15 feet short so they can send their sniveling betas in to do the fighting.
It’s going to be more like betas riding femi-wargs. Kinda like this:
Roosh is like an anti-Feminist Sun Tzu! Time to strike back against the censoring manginas and their ugly backers
Female infiltrators can do it even simpler: just show up in shit clothes without makeup or conditioned hair. It’s the simplest feminist camo.
Male infiltrators, you have your work cut out for you if you’re in any way masculine. I wish you well (from the Southern US).
Jesus H. Christ – so I went to this girl’s apartment for the first time last night and check out her collection of antidepressants and anti-psychotics. They truly are all insane in The West!
I hope you pumped and dumped
“Pumped” with extreme caution – event felt underneath the pillows for hidden butcher knives, just in case!
Holy fuck! Get the fuck out of there!
I did, with all of my organs and dignity still intact!
Yeah after chasing tail in Europe for several years, the first thing I noticed on returning to the USA was that the “kind of women” you can have a ONS with were also the kind that make you wonder if you are going to wake up missing a kidney.
Oh and believe me, it takes a good handful of fuck sessions before I let any of them know where I live. Granted, I’ll never completely place all of my trust in any of them (and not a single one of us should, as well!) and always have them under surveillance when in my abode.
or your dick
You don’t want to be anywhere near around when she dies from an overdose. Get the hell out of here.
“You don’t want to be anywhere near around when she dies from an overdose. Get the hell out of here.”
Fuck no. You will get blamed for her O.D. even if you were not around.
Don’t touch ANYTHING
Indeed – that looks like the sort of place you might find rancid milk in the fridge and a moldy tampon jammed under the bedsheets.
Nothing out of the ordinary here, just your typical feminist coffee table.
Did she at least hook you up with some good vino or rotgut??
Is that an actual photo you took at the place of the femal in question? Jesus h. Christ, like Doktorjeep said… get outta there!
ever wanted to know what it feels like to be a feminist? here is your chance.
Boy, this show sure was prophetic, wasn’t it?
Back when Columbine happened, it was supposed to be America’s “turn in your guns now!” moment.
But the tactics that Roosh laid out here are what we used on the Million Mom March back in 2000 when they started their big marches demanding disarmament. We exposed them and their violent actions. There was no youtube back then, but we still managed.
These tactics work. We are dealing with a mentally ill minority. Speaking of mass shooting, we have nut jobs, usually on some meds or in the mental health system, getting a hold of a gun. But that’s the tip of the iceberg, those are the cases plastered all over the media (for their agenda of course).
The reality is, there are COUNTLESS cases of people out there, on psych drugs, who should not be in the general population. Once upon a time these people got help. When there’s a shooting, the calls for more laws tend to drown out those voices in the wilderness trying to bring light to the real problem of the poor handling and treatment of mental health issues.
So what we have are nutjobs here. Plain and simple. All those countless cases we don’t hear about.
They all dress, act, and look similar. You can spot them from a mile away. You can assume what they will do next and be correct, to predict their actions. You can also manipulate them just like you could a child. The only good thing about this is that if we ever get our western countries back under control by real men, these crazy people will be easy to round up and get into treatment facilities.
Overall I would say that Roush’s advice is sound, and I’m wondering if he is really Batman.
lol too funny, i was in my bed yesterday night and was thinking, damn roosh reminds me of batman
This is really creating history!
Wish I could make the trip to help out, but unfortunately I live to far away. Best of luck to everybody though.
I wonder if any of the protesters see the irony in assembling at Norman Bethune Square to protest the free speech of Roosh, and attempt to use the fascist police state powers of the Canadian gov’t to abort his planned talk, when Dr Norman Bethune was an avowed anti-fascist.
Nah, I don’t really.
The best explanation of feminists ever committed to video:
Can’t say I’ve ever identified 100% with the Roosh world but I gotta bow down to what I’m seeing here. Don’t ever mess with Roosh! Though I keep becoming more convinced that he’s part of or experienced with American or Russian psyops. If not, they probably have him on the radar as a future hire.
What Roosh says is being said by many now. He’s a conduit. The church or gov’t. wogs can try all they want to co opt, jack or subvert the ‘movement’ if they could, BUT THEY CAN’T. They can’t even put a handle on it. It’s all too organic and the gender line divides ALL of humanity. You cannot re assign gender or invent new genders. Unike the fake proxy and terrorist wars, you cannot create fake gender groups to war game against each other. GENDER IS REAL. Gender cuts across ALL lines, racial economic, cultural. The gender divide has the potential to fuel the ultimate conflict, the war to end all wars. BUT IT NEVER ends in war. NO the gender issue always ends the same. IT ENDS IN A BIG FUCK FEST. A great big reproductive frenzy. In response to every faux instigated war, the SPERM WARS commence and lay new groundwork.
ROOSH WILL SPEAK and it may end in a big fuck fest. The sexes cannot war. That’s silly. The sexes interact by FUCKING. ‘War’ between the sexes would be redundant. The dyke protesters flop around in their messy apartments as we speak, preparing for tomorrow like a bitch frenzy is all they have to live for. I propose that we chant ”DICK POWER” as they chant ”PUSSY POWER”. Chant on into the night and everyone will lighten up. Staring a protester eyeball to eyeball chanting back and forth . . . GEEEZ.
We all know how such a sight will end. LOTS OF FUCKING once the laughing subsides.
Although I won’t be able to be there in person but I’ll be watching on roosh twitter and the FB page. I feel this is like CIA operation 😀
I look forward to seeing Canadian feminists and SJW allies weep and gnash their teeth in despair.
You guys are so lame. So what if people don’t like your community? You guys think your some sort of heros and you yourself are becoming like sjw, the very thing you claim to hate. Just live your life
I don’t normally post comments but when I do, I post comments about how people who post comments are lame.
I don’t give a shit if people don’t like my community. I do give a shit when people try to get my community censored from public discourse. Heros shmeros, we just want the same rights as SJWs to hold public rallies and gatherings in so-called democratic societies. If the SJWs can have theirs but get ours outlawed, then freedom of speech and democracy is a fucking farce, and cultural marxism has won out.
Emm, shouldn’t you be having that conversation with the fascists who are trying to shut the event, instead of those who are minding their own business (ie us?)
Roosh is doing this for free, while Paul Elam swindled $25,000 out of donors for ‘security’ for his conference (he probably pocketed most of it himself).
Those who can, do.
Those who can’t get a bunch of tattoos, get fat, dye their hair purple, and start a change.org petition about how bad they’re screwed by the patriarchy because some guy said hi to an attractive girl on the street today.
Can anyone please pretend to be one of them while secretly video taping them so we can get their names etc and post it on Youtube with videos of them talking gibberish.
Canada can then finally see that what these feminists are doing is just a desperate cry for help due to their clinical mental illness.
My heart goes out to these lost women, may they find their way home 🙁
“The fat acceptance starter pack”
Hahaha. Love it.
Forget feminists, anyone who takes vertical film should be jailed.
As long as degenerates
destroy other degenerates, I’m a happy man!
just made the mistake of looking at the disgusting picture of Aurelie Nix. she should be contacting the police to see if they can find the deviant who assaulted her with a Sharpie. I bet her mother and father are really proud. Aurelie you are the perfect example of the disgusting decay of a once great province of Quebec. you are a walking babbling first class example for retroactive birth control!!
Roosh you are my hero. Save Canada from these lunatics!
Dress as a clown and give out stuffed Cecil lions to the femtards who look like the biggest trouble makers.These little stuffed animals will of course have tiny hidden cameras in them transmitting and we can spy on what they do at home and where they live. Then post pics of where they live and of that 12″ dildo they like to play with at home. Or homo girls licking each other’s buttholes.These crazy femtards need to be thoroughly degraded and embarrassed. You have to hit a female where it hurts most and that’s her vanity.It’s a lot more effective than breaking her kneecaps with a cricket bat.Anything that hurts their Ego like being seen naked if she’s a fat slob (most of them) or stuffing her fat face with tacos.Make them look ridiculous to the normal person, they have no idea what normal is and you can easily make them look silly. They can’t stand anything having to do with their looks or anything that makes them look retarded.Film their bullshit and edit it to include fart sounds.
Cool strategy because you can be assured that all the sjw retards in toronto are reading this article, and this could create paranoia amongst their ranks and several ending up accusing each other of being a spy.
A little unrelated but man… I think Trump is the only one who doesn’t give two shits about feminists and the PC culture.. Maybe there is hope.. Here’s what he said:
Trump’s CNN interview Friday evening instantly drew controversy and criticism after he said Kelly, one of the moderators of Thursday’s Republican presidential debate in Cleveland, “had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”
the guy is gold. watch this.
Honestly… I am not that crazy about him, but in the context of what men are facing these days, I think he’s our only shot right now.
this guy openly admits giving money to other candidates and eventually getting favors from them, like hillary clinton visiting his wedding.
by virtue of being a moneybag, he can hardly become corrupt. he is already in it as a business. i would like to see how it plays out if the country is run like a business.
Despite everything, he IS the man we need.
This is where I’ve got the quote from http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-disinvited-to-speak-at-redstate-event/ar-BBlvnvQ?ocid=spartanntp
If you go read the comments you might find hope because it’s msn, the flagship of the menstrual media..
This should go bigger than thought it would. Contact any media outlets that might not be taken over by the p.c marxists. Make alliances with some of the bigger media oulets.Casquette NY
As of August 9, there’s someone on Twitter
@KatieBNelson whose page has somewhat implied death threats for Roosh; I don’t belong to Twitter, nor do I have the technical know-how to copy these tweets, but it’s there if someone else wants to do it for the purpose of collecting evidence.
Feminism should be declared as a mental illness
What a leader!
There. Check the comments here.
You only want the female spies to gain 30 pounds? For those not using the Inferior System, that’s about 13 or 14kg. Gaining 14kg would take a woman from being a healthy weight to being a bit on the chubby side, but she wouldn’t fit in with all the landwhales she’s spying on unless she gains a minimum of 30kg.