College Poster Suggests That Only Men Are Ever Guilty Of Rape By Intoxication

This year an “old” anti-sexual assault poster from Coastal Carolina University made the rounds online. It features two hypothetical students, Jake and Josie, who were both drunk and “hooked up.” The poster then tells readers that Josie could not consent and Jake was charged with “rape” (the college-adjudicated style).

Men are then warned that a woman who is intoxicated (a sip of alcohol, a drink, two drinks, what?) cannot consent and that “proceeding” is a crime (again, college rules or actual legal rules evaluated in a courtroom?).

Coastal Carolina University was confronted about the poster and admitted it was theirs, adding the caveat that it was “old” (implying that somehow anti-male rape culture hysteria on campus has gotten better, which is blatantly false). Talking about how the poster is seven years old and somehow outdated is just a excuse.

Because affirmative consent, which sinks male due process rights to a depth lower than the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, is even more euphemistic than the US missile dubbed “The Peacemaker,” the removal of an explicit poster about exclusive male responsibility and criminalization only of their behavior does not negate how this concept is still used to falsely label men as rapists.

A public airing of what feminist college “rape courts” have been doing for years

Some may be saying, “Hold up, David! This is ONE university amongst hundreds upon hundreds across the US! Can you really be saying this based on one poster?” Look around you, though. If your college is not saturated with speculation about which drunk woman (drunkenness usually being assessed by her, not objectively) was taken advantage of by which man (almost guaranteed to have been drunk, too), I don’t think you’ve spent enough time on campus.

In a now infamous Occidental College fiasco, an inebriated male student was expelled for having had sex with a more or less equally intoxicated female. Although Slate is usually profoundly skilled at presenting a one-sided diatribe that straw mans any non-leftist position, this piece by Amanda Hess is the one of the better ones you will read from that publication.

Despite the injection of some feel-good segues that try to distract readers, the article is a fairly damning indictment of the parlous, gender biased state of college prosecutions.

It’s not surprising that Occidental is Obama’s original alma mater

Remember when many SJWs and politicians suddenly stopped using this “statistic”? I wonder why.

The girl in question at Occidental, “Jane Doe,” was checked on by multiple people, all of whom did not believe she was ever being sexually assaulted. One student, schooled in so-called sexual assault responsiveness (“sensitivity” training which is usually administered by the same people watering down campus due process), walked in on the couple having sex. The act, as he later recounted, struck him as looking like no more than two people engaged in consensual coitus.

The Coastal Carolina University poster is simply an explicit rendering of what is practiced every day on the majority of American campuses. Of course, SJWs are unable to get their gender studies-driven overlords to prosecute every man having intercourse with a tipsy or intoxicated (but not incapacitated) woman.

The epic collapse of “sign, sealed and delivered” witch hunts like the Duke lacrosse pogrom or the uncovered lies of those suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome, such as Emma Sulkowicz and Jackie Coakley, indicate an overextension of SJW antics that even ringleaders can’t control. Having observed other falsely convicted students, or those convicted without any evidence, resort to legal options, many other men are now doing the same.

Occidental is really one of countless colleges adopting such classically illiberal standards for ruining the lives of young men without evidence, yet it is befitting that Barack Obama, a strident advocate of affirmative consent, is an alumnus of Occidental.

Keep your eyes and ears alert, then exploit

We were supposed to believe the UVA fraternity “gang rape” hoax, so why should anyone believe that a girl was raped through intoxication when both she and the male were drunk?

Posters like Coastal Carolina University’s, regardless of how old they are, are a veritable goldmine for exposing again the twisted, bigoted ideology of SJWs. By all means we must continue to honor the need for positive evidence to establish crimes in courtrooms, not “rape tribunals” based on perverse feminist social science theories. Nonetheless, frequently enough, SJWs come forward with blunders that would make The Three Stooges look like very polished operators.

If anything, the moronic dissemination of the poster demonstrates how SJWs believe they are a world unto themselves. The hate is so ingrained into their mindsets that euphemisms like affirmative consent are not ones that they can forever use without slipping up. Eventually, the simmering prejudice boils up in a volcano of anti-male rage.

Oh, and doesn’t anyone else find it strange that Jake is drinking in the photo and Josie isn’t? I guess she’s the rapist now.

Read More: One College’s Bizarre Approach To Sexual Assault

182 thoughts on “College Poster Suggests That Only Men Are Ever Guilty Of Rape By Intoxication”

  1. It seems third wave feminism agrees completely with mein neger Arthur Schopenhauer. From his work “On Women”:
    The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important. It is by virtue of man’s reasoning powers that he does not live in the present only, like the brute, but observes and ponders over the past and future; and from this spring discretion, care, and that anxiety which we so frequently notice in people. The advantages, as well as the disadvantages, that this entails, make woman, in consequence of her weaker reasoning powers, less of a partaker in them. Moreover, she is intellectually short-sighted, for although her intuitive understanding quickly perceives what is near to her, on the other hand her circle of vision is limited and does not embrace anything that is remote; hence everything that is absent or past, or in the future, affects women in a less degree than men. This is why they have greater inclination for extravagance, which sometimes borders on madness. Women in their hearts think that men are intended to earn money so that they may spend it, if possible during their husband’s lifetime, but at any rate after his death.”
    Women remain as children all their lives, never truly capable of being fully responsible for anything of importance. According not only to misogynists, red pillers and Arthur Schopenhauer but also the vast majority of feminists.

    1. The writing has always been on the wall, H.L Mencken, Charles Bukowski, Nietzsche,Shopenhauer and the Holy Scriptures essentially say the same thing in different ways when it comes to the nature of females/ M-F dynamics
      e.g. In the Bible, all one needs to read is the book of Genesis, specifically the tale of Adam and Eve.
      -Remember there’s a reason Lucifer chose to influence Eve into eating the Forbidden Fruit, implying that women are more vulnerable to suggestion and insinuation.
      -Lucifer is the epitome of Evil but Eve still chose to obey him, rebelling against God and his mate.(attraction to bad boys)
      -Eve tells Adam to eat the Forbidden Fruit( disobeying God in the name of a woman)/ (Adam being a beta mate)
      -Upon getting caught after eating the Forbidden Fruit, Adam shifts the blame to Eve(beta), Eve is quick to shift the blame to the serpent(lucifer)- “The serpent tricked me. That’s why I ate the fruit.” ( inability to be accountable)
      The Men who fail to keep their bitches in check are indirectly rebelling against God,because a woman can only know God and fear God through a man. Male dominance is not only an obligation but a divine right.

      1. “The Men who fail to keep their bitches in check are indirectly rebelling against God..”
        There’s something a little off about this statement…I can’t quite put my finger on it…any yet…and yet…

        1. Let me elaborate
          God made women FOR men. Which means a woman is a MAN’s responsibility so by proxy a woman is literally incapable of being responsible for her actions, this is why many historic men and even some of my fellow commenters here compare women to children.
          Blaming a woman for her actions is about as useful as blaming a kangaroo for hopping. Women are a reflection of their environments and the men that they fuck….show me a bitchy cunt and I’ll show you a girl who has a history of dating weak, effeminate men

        2. I don’t disagree with your overall point. However, the overtones of disrespect are very evident.
          Gen 1:27; 5:2 – females are still God’s creation. As such, they are still to be respected. That is the point that I was trying to make.

        3. This statement is on like Donkey Kong Mike. Control your bitch so that another man doesn’t have to do it for you.

        4. Ok. Maybe it’s not just overtones. Many many comments on this website propagate blatant disrespect for women. While I do agree with a good portion of the articles posted (and as such I am not ignoring the facts!!), I cannot stand for that amount of disrespect.

        5. Wrong. If you want to bring the Bible in (maybe you don’t, but you’re defending Psquare’s comments), I’ll give you a hand.
          Read Eph 5. As a matter of fact, read any passage in the Bible speaking of husband-wife relationships.
          A common phrase: “Husbands, love your wives.” Included with that is respecting them.
          The responsibility for a wife submitting to a husband is always put on the wife. The husband is never told to “control your bitch”.
          If you want to use the Bible, use it properly.

        6. Very true. I’ve had to have a couple conversations with my wife. If someone pisses her off in public, like a jackass driver in a parking lot, she’ll yell out something like “learn to drive jackass.” At that point I immediately told her to shut the fuck up. She asked why and I told her, if that guy gets out of his car and starts coming over here, I’M going to be the one who has to handle it. I’m not going to get my ass kicked or killed just because you can’t keep your damn mouth shut.
          Admittedly, that was a few years ago and she’s gotten better.

        7. Absolutely. Nowhere in Proverbs does it say that a good husband controls his bitch. Again, the responsibility is on the woman to be submissive.

        8. If you want to argue from the Bible, which the articles on ROK and the comments underneath often do, then recognize that God does hold women responsible for their actions. There are specific commands given to women to be submissive, caring, etc. So yes, women do have their own minds and can be held responsible for their own actions.
          Of course, we hit a very interesting point here, because as the poster at the top shows, modern culture don’t even hold women accountable for their actions.
          If you don’t want to argue from the Bible, then don’t. Simple as that.

        9. I don’t think you’re referring to me arguing from the Bible. I typically don’t at all. Were you directing that to the previous poster?

        10. Agree. It’s the man’s duty to keep her in check and remind her to keep her god damn mouth shut before she gets her ass kicked (by him, me or both).

        11. I hear you but personally I would let the women fight their own battles. Frankly, the only women you should defend are the ones in your family and even them only if they deserve it.

      2. What you said about women and suggestion… Very true and can be a positive thing. If you know what you’re doing women will generally do whatever you tell them… for good or for bad. Women actually want to do this. It is part of their submissive nature. It makes them feel confident to be around a man who can give them an answer to their questions and guide them in a rational manner.
        Resistance to a man’s right direction usually only follows when the man himself lacks confidence. This is one of many reasons why a man should marry a woman significantly younger than himself. A woman your own age rarely respects your opinion and secretly resents you for not being older.

    2. “Women remain as children all their lives, never truly capable of being fully responsible for anything of importance.”
      This is the type of comment that spurs the movement of modern feminism, and pushes women towards it.
      Be careful what you say.

      1. Schopenhauer said it, not Jason Fregmen. Second, how is it incorrect? The law this article is covering is written specifically around this premise, and the Left wholeheartedly agrees with the law, ergo by association they agree with this premise.
        THAT is how you turn this around on them. So quoting Schopenhauer in this kind of discussion MUST be done at all times, just to draw the opponent into proper range for your fatal strike of logic.

        1. “The law this article is covering is written specifically around this premise, and the Left wholeheartedly agrees with the law, ergo by association they agree with this premise.”
          political idealism and the recognition of cognitive dissonance are mutually exclusive.
          Here, Ill draw the Venn Diagram that shows the intersection point of all political idealists (from all sides) and people who are capable of comprehending political dissonance:
          O O

        2. Schopenhauer pretty much encapsulated women. Its actually what I think and I’ve never read his work. Brilliant philosopher but a terrible writer.
          I understand that his view as women like children actually dates back to Ancient Greece.

        3. I understand your point. However, my point still stands. While there are many inconsistencies in the logic used by feminists (and proponents of other ideologies), certain comments will only push more women into feminism, which is exactly the opposite of what alpha males should be doing. Alpha males should not propagate feminism.
          It seems none of the current “alpha” males remember traditional attitudes of men – such as chivalry, gallantry, and dash. While you can argue that chivalry is dead because of feminism, that by no means is a reason to give up on it. Doing so will only further the feminist cause.

        4. I think you’re not taking this in the same context that I am. I’m not stating that we should walk around spouting this phrase to any passing woman on the street. Rather I’m suggesting that when you get into “that kind” of debate with your resident blue clown hair, hairy armpit, tatted up feminist then by all means make use of the line at some point in the argument. Once she seethes and gets full bonkers emotional and screaming at your “misogyny”, then point out to her that she actually agrees with Schopenhauer by supporting such a nonsensical law.

        1. I’m lucky I realized the error of my ‘nice guy’ ways without incurring a whole lot of damage on myself. Some guys only find out when they’re 45, divorced and paying alimony the rest of their lives.

        2. Agree. And respect is earned, not given. Many women, today, have been brainwashed into believing that respect is automatically given out to them (especially because they are a woman).
          Respect is earned, not given (to everyone…that includes women).

  2. The reason feminazi’s perceive men as rapists is that they secretly WISH more men were rapists. Anyone who’s done a basic human sexuality course will confirm that the fantasy of most women is a rape fantasy. Dominance is attractive to women, and rape is the highest form of dominance in sexuality.
    I do not condone rape in any shape or form. It’s just that I think the whole paranoia of rapists in fem-circles. Is due to the unconscious sexual desire. There’s a reason why they are making (proving) consent harder, it actually INCREASES rape stats/convictions, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy and allows the same feminazi’s to PROPOSE more subjugating anti-male laws. Give ’em an inch and they take a mile as the old saying goes.
    “Will you give the reins to their(women) intractable nature, and then expect
    that themselves should set bounds to their licentiousness, and without
    your interference? This is the smallest of the injunctions laid on them
    by usage or the laws, all which women bear with impatience: they long
    for either liberty—nay, to speak the truth, not for liberty, but for
    unbounded freedom in every particular; for what will they not attempt if
    they now come off victorious? Recollect all the institutions respecting
    the sex, by which our forefathers restrained their profligacy and
    subjected them to their husbands; and yet, even with the help of all
    these restrictions, they can scarcely be kept within bounds. If, then,
    you suffer them to throw these off one by one, to tear them all asunder,
    and, at last, to be set on an equal footing with yourselves, can you
    imagine that they will be any longer tolerable? Suffer them once to
    arrive at an equality with you, and they will from that moment become
    your superiors.”
    Cato the Elder( 234BC – 149 BC)

    1. From above : “Dominance is attractive to women, and rape is the highest form of dominance in sexuality.”
      It’s the Alpha Male paradigm…the feminists that write long literary papers on how much they hate John Norman’s “Gor” Novels have read every single one, cover to cover…repeatedly.

    2. Its classic projection. They are full of lesbians, and lesbians, beat, rape their significant others as much or more as men do. Its like the antihomo senator who gets caught in the airport bathroom with another dude. Or Jared who had a childrens foundation, which was just how he grooms children, for his special sandwich.

  3. While I understand that the reason is “vagina” I still can’t wrap my mind around the legal and moral contortions necessary to say that two people in the same state of being, drunk, have absolutely different levels of culpability and consent. Why isn’t *she* guilty of raping *him* if they are both equally drunk? Why is *he* capable of making a legal choice to “rape” but she is incapable of making that same “choice”? How does she lose her agency but he doesn’t, being in the same drunken state? If she were to go out and drive and wreck the car or kill somebody would she be able to say “I wasn’t able to make the choice to drive, being drunk, so I’m innocent”?
    Seriously, some lawyers/lawmakers had to sit down and purposefully say “Why yes, the man is always the aggressor when he is as drunk as the woman. Under no circumstances is she guilty of sexual assault or rape when she comes onto him, but he is when he does so to her”. That’s beyond Orwellian.
    And like I said, I know the reason is simply “vagina”. It just boggles the mind.

    1. I agree with you GoJ given the realities of the world. I will say, however, if we changed everything, across the board, to favor women as a weaker sex that needed protecting with everything that goes along with it, ie., total revocation of all legal status outside the protective custody of her man (either father or, after that, husband) i would be fine with this.

    2. This is why I’ve always said that feminazi’s are walking contradictions, they preach about female agency and freedom of choice but are quick to retract their views in unjustified cases like inebriation. Every drunk girl knows what she was doing when SHE was drinking to get DRUNK.

    3. I’ve spoken point blank to a lawyer about this topic and they know full well how skewed things are.
      Feminism only exists because we’re all enabling it.

      1. Did he make attempts to defend the “logic” or did he simply agree with a “Well, what can ya’ do”?

        1. The latter. They just grinded for years and went into debt to get their JD. No airy-fairy bs like “justice” is gonna get in the way of getting their return.

        2. Just another reason why education shouldn’t be financed. It creates too many lawyers, and too many of those lawyers are deeply in debt. Thus it’s all about making $.

        3. Talk point blank to this 20 year lawyer. What would you have me (or we lawyers) do? The existing laws and the even more draconian ones to come limit your options if you find yourself in the crosshairs of these laws. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the point but I don’t know what any of this has to do with lawyers in debt. Yes, if you have the funds you can litigate against “injustice” to some extent but you still might lose. Are you asking lawyers to work for free? Even I myself am caught up in these laws. I’ve spent close to $100k in legal fees dealing with a psycho bitch who almost ruined my life (a blue pill-red pill lesson for another time) and am now broke. And I didn’t “win” the fight by any means. (I’m a corporate not a family lawyer and so needed to hire someone to represent me.)

        4. I mentioned debt (meaning the debt burden of acquiring a JD) because it puts lawyers in a position where they are more concerned with getting a monetary return from their investment than caring about the negative effects of their practice.
          The lawyer I spoke to was a family lawyer who admitted to me that men are being butchered in court, but he doesn’t care. I doubt he actually has no empathy… It’s just that if he cares about justice, he’ll be an unsuccessful lawyer and lose his livelihood.
          I’m not cutting up lawyers per se… I understand they’re just trying to make it as well. My point is that the people involved with these institutions are well aware of how biased things are against men.
          I’m sorry to hear you caught up in that mess.

        5. Thanks for the clarification, Clark. Many family lawyers are likely aware that the system is biased against men. My own lawyer was certainly aware because I forced the discussion many times and he more or less agreed. But for most lawyers (mine included) there isn’t much they can do — in their role as a lawyer on a specific case — aside from advocating zealously for you, often unsuccessfully. And then there are a sizeable number of lawyers who don’t give systematic bias a second (or first) thought and are just happy to take your money whatever the results, and onto the next case (fee).

      2. I think a global, one day holiday where no men go to work(ideally this would happen during a blizzard or hurricane) might snap women back into reality…

    4. It is a conflict in the mind which ultimately leads back to the fundamental principle of democracy. That is, we are all equal. This causes cognitive dissonance in the male mind when trying to make rational decisions. So we have a natural instinct to protect the female but at the same time we are trying to do this in the context of “equality”. It cannot be done but essentially nature wins. It is in our nature to protect the females since they are the key to the survival of the species. It makes more sense to sacrifice a male rather than a female.
      With this in mind, obviously we are not all equal. And so, it is incumbent upon us to return women to the protection of their husbands, brothers and fathers rather than the State. When this occurs, rape will largely disappear since men will not allow women to place themselves in the position where they can have sex outside of marriage.
      If this makes you feel bad, don’t worry because…

        1. And the princess grew bitter that the prince lived happily, so she manipulates the knights of the round table to destroy the prince by giving them false hopes of access to her poon. Hence we have white knights.

        2. And the White knights and Father of the Princess made public announcements to the Prince to “Man UP”, but the Prince aware of how the Princess had been riding the CC, knew better…

    5. Beyond this, when did rampant drunkenness become so mainstream and acceptable? We used to rightfully denounce and shame drunks for being that.

      1. Destruction of the community and the church.
        The drunkard used to be the village idiot. Now, everyone’s the village idiot.

    6. I believe Bill Burr said something along the lines of “If we didn’t want to have sex with women we wouldn’t want anything to do with them.”

      1. Bill Burr is an excellent choice.
        Young men need to watch Bill, often, for training or to ‘reprogram’ themselves. Some of the gold is this video is about a woman telling a man to sleep the couch.
        Personally, the only time I’ve slept on the couch is right after I eat Thanksgiving dinner, I’m watching the game and I nod off. It’s hilarious when I think about men sleeping on the couch (in their own house) or having to retreat to their “man caves”. What kind of bullshit is that? I own the whole house…I send kids to their rooms (or outside) and I tell the wife where to go or what to do (not the other way around). It’s ridiculous to hear and see this kind of shit happening, today:

        1. Because of Bill Burr, Patrice O’Neal (required viewing), and Roosh I became Red Pill.
          Everyone should watch Bill and Patrice.

    7. Spot on. The whole things comes full circle when the argument gets down to “well, he’s stronger than her”.
      But I thought we were all equal?
      It’s too funny (and sad) when you can see the hamster, out in the open, spinning nonstop in the woman’s mind.

    1. By law, the driver of said car would still be charged though. Even if it is evident that it was the drunk person’s fault.

      1. NOT if the driver was also a woman and also drunk. She loses agency to make choices when drunk, so she didn’t choose to drive, she simply ended up behind the wheel driving through no fault of her own.
        It gets complex when she hits another woman of course, especially if the other woman is herself drunk. Who to blame then? My gut instinct says to blame the men who created the road, or built the car, to be consistent with current man hating laws.
        It’s rather like how to ensure that the woman gets all of the property and money in a divorce between lesbians.

        1. I worry about them. Not as much as I do with the women putters and women irons, but still, I do worry.

        2. i really didn’t want to find this funny, but couldn’t help myself. well done.

        3. It appears that I’m about to go on a roll today, being Friday and such.

        4. “Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him.”
          I know the old colloquial, but I still couldn’t repress a chuckle.

        5. By including of the final circled item, there are no good wives.
          I’ve yet to see a women that knows her place.

        6. Actually, cars and booze are products of the patriarchy, as are roads. Both women are innocent.

        7. It would probably be fair then to simply go ahead and arrest random men, as payback.

        8. Actually, that pamphlet wasn’t satire, but VERY real, and ironically, was created by WOMEN.
          In the 1950’s, the main women of America still held on to Godly morals.

        9. Was actually looking for an article like that from the 1950s (back when women were, well, women). Totally worthy of being framed.

        10. I agree with you about values. About the article, snopes seems to think it was a modern email invention

          Of course, they could be wrong, but that is the information I was working on. Snopes, politically, is pretty stupid but their research on what is fact and what is internet meme is pretty good usually.
          That said, I have no problem believing these values are not hyperbolic, but dead on. I will tell you why. I have a Pakistani girl who works for me. She has been with me over 10 years. She is always telling me I need to settle down with a nice paki girl to take care of me. I sent her this and asked her how the pakistani girls would find these rules. She said that more or less, with the exception of staying out all night and not calling being fine, that that was fairly typical for a paki marriage.

        11. Myron, below, seems to think it is legit. Snopes says that it is modern. I honestly don’t know. Snopes makes a compelling case, but I am hoping myron offers some evidence to the contrary. In the meantime you need look no further than the song Wives and Lovers by Jack Johnson….a song that reveals a better world, or, older still though verified as real deal, this perfect gem

        12. The Chinese have some golden ones that I will have to find. Sure, they had the one child policy but they still want good wives for husbands. The whole “Sheng Nu” thing about girls who do not marry before they are 28 drove the government crazy..

        13. With all the mess going around in the typical woman’s head, and how hard it is to reason rationality out of them, there’s a need to force that page onto them. For Christ’s sake, shut up, fix dinner, and stop manipulating and shit testing me!

        14. The sad thing is that they don’t see it. Having a strong husband who is their king and serving him is actually selfish. Firstly, it will keep the husband happy who in turn will have a genuine desire to see the wife happy. Secondly, it is what they are made for, it is their nature. Yes Hun, that feeling is called fulfillment, it’s what comes from doing the things you were made to do

        15. Say what you want about radical Islam, their attitudes towards women are unimpeachable

        16. I would accept both….happy …and ….her being naked in bed with another hott woman waiting for me.

      2. Maybe jurisdictions vary but my understanding is that if someone jumps out you won’t be charged criminally, and if you were exercising reasonable care and maybe looking for drunken jumpers, you won’t be held civilly liable.

  4. This poster screams the inferiority of women– and that they should be ‘privileged’ for that inferiority.
    Only the male can be accountable. Not the female. But having no responsibility for what you do, how you get there, and what the outcome is means you are NOT independent and competent agent. So others must NOT treat you like one, and you should not expect others to subsidize you to be made to appear as one.
    This poster is truly obscene in its contempt for men, hypocrisy and making women free to do what they want with others taking the blame. Its Stalinesque in its doublethink.

  5. Under this line of thinking, the majority of sex is now relabeled rape. The vast majority of first time sex incidents occurs with alcohol. You thought the “one in five” line was ridiculous? The incidence of ‘rape’ just skyrocketed.

    1. According to feminist theory, all heterosexual sex is in fact rape, even in the context of marriage. So yeah, basically this is the stepping stone to see that we get from theory to practice in the shortest possible amount of time.

      1. I’ve heard this, and before discovering this site thought it was a fringe view not shared by any real group, like how some claim that slave reparations is a serious political issue or how environmentalists want us to live like cavemen. However, if they succeed in redefining most sex as rape through this alcohol / consent nonsense, that’s the biggest logical leap. From there, it’s easy to move on to “all sex is rape”.
        The tagline of this ad could have easily been used in the 1950s “It only takes a single day to ruin your life”–of course targeted at the women spreading her legs and becoming pregnant for one night of fun. But now responsibility has switched 180 degrees.
        Why should us men be held accountable if we are so “incompetent” ? I’d like to see this used as a defense: “Your honor, I didn’t know what to do, this powerful woman with her PhD kept telling me this is what she wanted, and I just figured she knew best. I’m just a dumb guy, I figured it would be best to do as she said, am I wrong?”

        1. If the judge is a woman, then you’re fucked! If the judge is a male, it’s a gamble. If the judge is a real man, you’ll be ok.

        2. Also, make sure you bring a picture of her (as evidence to submit) of her in her ‘regular clothing’ (the whore outfit). We don’t want the court thinking she is a nice, professional woman in her little outfit that she hand picks for court.
          Show the court the whore you banged last night…and be proud that you banged that whore (kind of like showing the photo of you holding up that big bass you just caught at the lake).

      2. “to see that we get from theory to practice in the shortest possible amount of time”
        I suspect that would be money in the end.

    2. From Casino Royal (book, Ian Flemming). Bond’s perspective of Vesper
      “….and now he knew that she was profoundly, excitingly sensual, but that the conquest of her body, because of the central privacy in her, would each time have the sweet tang of rape.”
      Boy, bet Sir Ian didn’t see it all panning out this way.

      1. I need to read those books, before one of Bradbury’s “fireman” disposes of them

        1. I made it a project to read them all this summer. Most of them read pretty quickly. I have 3 more left. I’ve been keeping quotes in my evernote that are pertinent red pill wisdom and will give a shot to writing an article.
          I have to admit, being twenty someodd books in, i am starting to get bored a little. They are all great, but reading them back to back they do tend to get a little repetitive.

  6. Jake was hungry. Josie was hungry.
    Jake and Josie went to dinner. But only Jake was made to pay-otherwise Josie would not go out to dinner. (She would just starve)
    Jake could not consent to the theft of his resources.
    The next day Josie was charged with THEFT.
    Any man who is hungry and wants to go to dinner with a woman Cannot consent to theft.
    So ladies, KNOW YOUR LIMITS. And please, be more responsible. Only a parasite would steal from another human being. There will be consequences.

      1. I wish that I had Josie’s whore! I wish that I had Josie’s whore! Where can I find a whore like that? Like Josie’s whore!

        1. Yeah, it did take a couple of times reading it over to get it. I was saying to myself this sounds awfully familiar.

        2. Yes, but you’re probably old, like me.
          I’m starting to have conversations with Millenials where they don’t know who Sean Connery is, they don’t even recognize the name Kurt Cobain sometimes. Seriously.
          One chick, in the last semester of college before she graduates (with a degree in marketing..of course) had no idea what the word “shepherd” meant. Not a clue. I wish I was kidding.

        3. I love sirius radio, pandora, etc…exposed me to tons of artists. How can you not know Cobain? These kids are so impatient they must always be hitting the skip button. Nothing but shitty rap/pop country/pop pop music…its sad…I am currently diggin old doo wop.

        4. Don’t know how old you are but I’m 30. Part of it is just the newer generations not keeping up with older gen’s but part of it is sheer stupidity. My old church had a screen where the music lyrics would pop up and MULTIPLE times we’ve had the song “Hark the Harold, angels sing” go across….I nearly bit my lip off trying not to yell out “Hey Harold! Are you listening?!” Your shepherd statement reminded me of it….

        5. It strikes me as odd is all. While I can kind of understand not “keeping up” with us old fogeys and our old timey entertainers, I distinctly remember knowing who Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Elvis Presley and The Doors were, despite the fact that they had their heyday (most of them, except Elvis, who was familiar to me at the time of his death as the weird dressing fat guy with the strange hair) before I was born. Shit, home fries, I even knew who Abbot and Costello were despite the fact that they performed in the 1940’s and ’50’s and I was a teenager in the 1980’s.
          And I always knew what shepherd meant. That still boggles my mind.

        6. Its stupidity that’s considered socially acceptable now.
          The ‘olden days’ ??? Mozart, Bach, Faraday, Newton, Aristotle, Julius Ceasar, Pythagorus, Luther. Aquinas. Washington, …
          These are not old things, they are the basis of the civilization you rest upon, whether you know it or not.
          WE ignore and lose this at our peril, and their peril.

        7. I’m big into Bluegrass these days, at least listening to it via iTunes. Not sure of the artists names still (they all sound nearly the same to me, more or less), but the music is amazing.

        8. I guess she never heard of the fable, “The boy who cried wolf!”. It may help put an end to false rape accusations.

        9. I’m afraid to ask her, out of fear that she’s unfamiliar with the term “wolf”. There’s only so much a man can be expected to take.

        10. For you under 30 guys: “Abbott and Costello join the French Foreign Legion” is the Citizen Kane of A&B movies.
          Cant imagine there are any 10 yr olds today who know the greatest comedy bit of all time “Who’s on First?”

        11. It takes a few seconds to warm up but once they get going it is absolute genius.

        12. You know what? I’m going to get my little boy Aesop’s fables and read it to him. Teach him about human nature. He may not understand it now, but later on, it will.

        13. I had her do a Google on him, thinking that perhaps she knew the face/actor but not his name. Nope. Never saw him before.

        14. She was a foreign exchange student from N. Korea, right? That is the only justification I could think of, no?

        15. Nope. Home grown Ohio midwest farm girl. Can’t be older than 22. In her defense…kind of….Connery hasn’t been in a movie, that I know of, since 2003 the “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” I believe.

        16. No pussy pass being given out today. Not a valid excuse even if Connery hasn’t starred in a movie lately.

        17. “No pussy pass being given out today. Not a valid excuse even if Connery hasn’t starred in a movie lately.”
          You guys sound like women affronted by a younger woman not knowing who Oprah is or something.
          Everyone seems to know who the leader of the Free World is. Which is pretty damn important when it comes to things of international importance, such as who to trust in the US created Syrian civil war and resulting refugee crisis that is straining one of the foundation stones of the EU (open borders).

          They tend not to focus too closely, but this is the subliminal nature of advertising. By this metric, “Putin” is way ahead of Coca-Cola, Apple, and McDonalds.
          Especially popular are referenda. When the “Putin” brand stands behind it, approval rates tend to hit 90%.

          Inspires curiosity, respect, and loyalty

        18. The degree is probably in self marketing. We are talking about a woman, here…..that’s why she doesn’t know anything (except herself).
          I really don’t have any interesting conversations with younger women (it’s rare). Even the ones who are “all colleged up” are about as exciting as watching paint dry.

  7. It just does to show all the talk about “equality” is a front for toxic femininity.
    If feminists wanted to be equals, then they should be treated like men, and their feelings and irrelevant concerns disregarded.

      1. Women have always been hysterical. Difference would be they would not be in a position where date rape situations could occur.

    1. No, if the colleges and courts follow the rule of law and practice due process, as they should, and heavily prosecute the false rape accusers, as they should, then it will largely disappear.

    2. Woman dresses like a whore, acts like a whore in public, etc…and is outraged by cat calling, rape increasing, etc…
      Why didn’t we have more of it “back when”? Because every other woman didn’t run around dressed like a whore 24/7.
      The ugly truth…but still the truth.

      1. “Woman dresses like a whore, acts like a whore in public, etc…and is outraged by cat calling, rape increasing, etc…”
        Here is the kicker. You ignore them when they dress like whores, they say you’re gay or something. Then they dress trashier and act sluttier to get you to notice them, to entice you to hit on them because that’s what they want you to do, but yet at the same time, don’t want you to do.
        What to do? Give some attention to the cute ones that don’t dress like a whore and ignore the ones that do. So what if they think you’re gay.

        1. Right. I don’t care either way. Sometimes I’ll give them a little attention (If I feel like it), other times I’ll disregard them. You have to treat them like children and spoon out the attention little by little.

  8. So what feminism says it that two people with the same amount of alcohol, one is a sentient being able to consent the other is not. Ergo, the latter is some kind of lesser being???
    That is the message of feminism.

  9. Has it gotten to the point where women aren’t charged with DUI? Or manslaughter if they run a person over while drunk?
    If so I’ll gladly continue to live under my rock.

  10. This is the new paradigm…if a woman has even ONE SIP of red wine and then jumps on the nearest erect penis, she can then decide, even six months later, that she is suffering from PTSD from having been ‘raped’ and send the campus feminist inquisition to summon the male involved to a kangaroo court where he will be branded a sex offender and expelled.
    To this end, it’s clear what must be done (logically) to save these ‘precious snowflakes’ (by their own logic)
    1) Male only colleges (and conversely, female only colleges) shall be established — Since according to feminists men are all rapists it is best to segregate the sexes any ways. In this way each gender can study away from the distractions of the other…men can discuss ‘Brave New World’ in Literary Studies without needing to give ‘trigger warnings’; women can build themselves an entire course of study based on Sylvia Plath.
    2) Alcohol consumption shall be banned at college — Since exposure to even ONE DROP will prevent a woman from being able to have proper judgement (according to feminists) there must be a ban on the consumption of alcohol on and near campuses…leave that stuff to private parties (such as fraternity houses)
    3) Young ladies must be accompanied by a chaperone at social events. Since feminists insist college is a patriarchal rape culture, young women shall be strictly chaperoned when they go to social events, and shall be strictly required to return to their dorms at a reasonable hour.
    4) Hooking up shall be banned from college culture, it is clearly patriarchal anyways. Young men and women shall observe monogamous relationships based on proper dating and courtship, and encouraged to practice abstinence until marriage. College isn’t for wild hedonistic sex anyways, its for studying.
    5) And finally, if a young lady, married, claims she was the victim of marital rape, that shall be investigated by the police and courts, where all those alien and un-PC concepts (right to face your accuser, rules of evidence, penalties against perjury, innocent until proven guilty) kick in. Colleges have no place investigating rape accusation between a husband and wife, just like police don’t grade your math test.
    Does this sound strict and reactionary? like right out of the 50’s? So be it. Feminists have demanded the ‘right’ to binge drink and engage in hedonistic sex as ’empowerment’, but then claim they are victims when they wake up with a hangover the next morning next to “Mr. Wrong” — well you can’t have it both ways…if women want the right to make choices they must bear the responsibility for making the wrong ones….or else freedom isn’t freedom.
    Until such a time the only way men can protect themselves is to act like its the 1950’s…feminists can pat themselves on the back for how ’empowered’ women are when young ladies are rushing back to the women’s dorm at 10:30 pm after soda’s at the sock hop.

    1. #1 wouldn’t work. Having all male and all female colleges would anger feminists because the male colleges would exceed due to merit. Female colleges would have poorer performance. Feminists then blames patriarchy and demands women be allowed in the all male colleges. (Like what they’re doing to West Point and the military, police, firefighters, etc.)
      Wherever there is just men only places, women want to be included. But female only places, women do not want men included. The funny thing is that men don’t want to be included in all female places. That’s the difference.

      1. while this may be true, Feminists have (with our Justice Department) pushed the false narrative that young women have a 20% chance of being sexually assaulted on college campuses…using their own logic, women associating with men will lead to rape, thus, segregate the sexes.

        1. They don’t use logic. They want to move forward yet at the same time move backwards. They scream it’s about equality but they demand an advantage. It’s complete chaos. It’s no wonder they clinically insane.

  11. Actually this type of shit means no woman should hold down any serious job or political office. No woman should ever be governor of a State because if she has a martini with lunch is she going to be competent enough to do her job? Stupid.

  12. Feminism is the belief that women never progress mentally beyond that of children.
    Children cannot legally consent.
    Children cannot be held fully responsible for anything they do.
    Only an adult can.
    Those adults are men.
    Keep that in mind and it all starts making sense.

    1. All “isms”are founded in the notion that only non-government employed white men are adults and therefore have to pay for the lack of agency of the rest of the world. Although, admiringly there are a few responsible non-white men and women of all colors who choose to bear the burden of us white men and act like adults as well. You will recognize them easily as they are the ones everyone not -working calls sellouts,uncle-toms,and traditional ladies. I like to call them Bad*ss Based MotherF’kers though. .

    2. Feminism is just an extension of leftism. These people expect the state to tell them when and how to shit, they refuse to accept any responsibility for themselves.

  13. So Josie was a dumb slut who acted in a slutty manner and got fucked. So far this is exactly what happens in the every day life of most sluts. But she is an innocent victim and the man is a rapist? LOL! What a joke.

    1. No, No, don’t you understand. Men have no agency at all, we’re just dumb beasts and therefore we can neither consent or not consent. BY default we consent and women being the super being possessing agency get to choose, but when our beastly selves procreate we just consume and therefore always RAPE!

  14. Feminists say women are equal to Men, but Feminists also say women are not capable of being responsible to engage in adult activities. How can the genders be equal when Men have to make decisions that are responsible for both himself and the woman? It makes women appear childlike when Men are held responsible for a woman’s decisions.

    1. Right. That example, alone, shows how we’re not all equal. Women want selective equality (they only call on equality when it benefits them).

  15. Its just as bad as the law in Sweden. If a man pays for sex, he is charged while she isn’t. I heard in Sweden if the comdon breaks and you cum, you will charged with rape.
    Westernised society is so fucked today. It’s why I lefted and I’m 100% more happy being around normal and specially the normal women. Women in the west are so dangerously broken!

  16. “If your college is not saturated with speculation about which drunk woman (drunkenness usually being assessed by her, not objectively) was taken advantage of by which man (almost guaranteed to have been drunk, too), I don’t think you’ve spent enough time on campus.”
    Never went to college, but both my middle and high school health classes saw to it that us males understood that ONLY WE would be charged with a crime.
    *Sigh* So much for “equality.”

  17. Guys, this illustrates why women must be the last thing you want to achieve in life, if at all. You go to college to master your chosen craft. Get a really good job to support yourself. Women are nothing but TROUBLE. The deck is stacked against us in ways that has history reeling now. Stop looking for a girlfriend or significant other. Just stop. You want sex, hire a sex worker. You pay them to leave, not to stay !!! Keep your focus on your studies and building a business or enterprise later in life. Sure, socialize but make it in your mind that you are not going to waste your time or money on some cheap ho who cant manage her alcohol intake, or will end getting married to you taking half of everything you work so hard for. If you knock her up, you have to pay child support which is draconian in most all places in the USA. You want a kid, save your money hire a surrogate, and get an egg donor. Then the kid is yours to do with and raise as you see fit. Overall women are just not worth it. Any kind of short term happiness they may give you will turn stale or sour in due time. Stay clear they are nothing more than large potholes in the highway of your life. Only when you are successful and have banked considerable resources should you consider wasting time getting domestic with some very carefully chosen and vetted woman….and even then…. manage your legal affairs with a pre-nup etc…Because if marriage and relationships are really only about “LOVE” then why do they need access to your bank account and future earnings ?

  18. I was “Raped” a bunch of times. I had a girl in my dorm who I referred to as 102 because I never say her before 10 pm or 10 beers because she was mildly fat.
    Oh noz I gots raped!

  19. This has basically become a trope, both used by feminists and used by the manosphere for obviously different reasons. JFC, when will logic win out? Feminists come up with all these power structures and shit to justify two people – a man and woman – in otherwise identical circumstances (drunk off their face) and yet one will be a culprit and the other a victim?
    It becomes worse when you consider the standard for someone to “not be in control”. An actual rapist – (fuck, do I have to cite Whoppi fucking Goldberg) who commits “rape rape” has to be an automaton, so out of it that something in the deep and dark recesses of his brain take over and he has no free will. Being in the bag and not being able to control yourself is not enough.
    For women it seems like of they have two coolers, feel tipsey, and forgot to say “no”, or maybe said “yes” but was thinking about you taking her to Maui next week, then that is enough.
    Just to backtrack, a man who drinks enough and loses control and fucks a woman when she says “no” is subject to prosecution. And if a man fucks a woman who drinks enough and loses control and says “yes” (or just goes along for the ride, so to speak) then the man is subject to prosecution.

  20. I suppose it makes a certain superficial sense if you don’t consider sex to be a two-way thing, but an act done by the man on the woman, with him being the active subject and her being the passive object in the course of events.
    That’s practical feminism for you, speak of gender-neutrality but use differences, alleged or real, whenever it suits them.

  21. My college room mate was a med student, and looked like Steve Martin but more handsome. And he played it: Always sacking babes. But these girls would get drunk as shit and be on the phone or at the door all around the clock throwing sex at him. 2am, 4am any day of the week banging on the door to fuck. And calling and slobbering to me on the phone. They were only fucking him thinking they’d catch a doctor. That was it. But in point of this article, getting drunk and fucking was the norm. Girls see it as college life, and to later come back and say it was rape because she was drunk is fucking imbecilic.
    False rape accusations happen all the time when her friends don’t like the guy she fucked, so she says he raped her. Or when she get’s “buyer’s remorse” and decides she didn’t like the guy after all. And to let them say alcohol was a factor just gives them an added excuse and diminishes the guys defense.

  22. This reminds me of one time I decided to go clubbing to Juarez, Mexico to a club mostly populated by Americans for the first time. Before that I went to clubs where the Mexican prepped, or dreads, hung out. It was fun, good ambience, people didn’t get overtly drunk, and everyone, not just chicks, dressed to the nines. With Americans, it was different. It was mostly frats and coeds from UTEP with a few Soldiers from Fort Bliss. Too loud and boisterous, with puke and piss everywhere, with people dressed like they just got out of bed. Then the drunk girl hit on me. She was a dirty blonde with flip flops, and a white dress that had seen better days. She tried to rub herself over me while slurring how hot I was, or at least that was what I thought she said. For all I know, if she had been sober, she might have found me hideous. But yeah, I finally found a way to just move on and let the next dumb bastard deal with her. Next thing you know, she gets kicked out for climbing on a table and throwing bottles of Corona. After that I never really gave a thought to that until recently, with this going on, especially with the Lena Dunham fiasco. Even if it was another country, makes me think what would have happened if I had laid a finger on her. Also, bear in mind dear readers, I was 17 at the time. Would me being underage have neutralized the drunk rape? Instead of me going to jail, would she had gotten into trouble for statutory rape, making her potentially a child molester? Fortunately, I never touched her, although she wouldn’t remember anyways. Also this was Mexico. Say what you will about Mexicans, but at least they haven’t gotten the false rape virus like Americans have.

    1. I am from Mexico. I can confirm you would not have gotten in trouble (Unless someone had some serious connections). Mexico is a horrible country with many severe problems, but the law has not been corrupted by feminism as it has been in the U.S. and Canada.
      If you nailed her and she accused you of rape another, the situation would have gone like this;
      “I was raped”
      “Ok, what happened exactly?”
      “Well, I was at a club, wearing almost nothing, I got drunk and rubbed myself against a man, we went to a room and then I took off my clothes, then he raped me”
      “… did he beat you?”
      “Did he threaten you with a gun?”
      “Get the fuck out of here, we have real crimes to investigate”
      (Woman gets hysterical and is thrown out of precinct)
      That is how it would have played out 99% of the time… the other 1% of the time is if she has connetions, in which case you’re fucked. etc etc.

      1. So true. Most likely she would have ended up with her tail, among other things, between her legs, back in the States, like those thug wannabes who come back broke, beaten, and some, robbed. And of course, they ruined the Juarez Strip club scene, forcing the fresas to flee to the PRONAF area.

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