For many years what’s called “träningshets” have been a subject of debate in Sweden. It literally translates to something like “exercise incitement,” meaning that some people feel pushed by societal norms to exercise a lot and get fit bodies. This is a bad thing, in their mind.
Now the issue of fat shaming has reached this little Nordic country. Fighting obesity in the age of the SJW means you hate fat people. To make sure no one’s feelings get hurt, bath facilities are throwing out their weighing scales.
Lawless fatness
“Fettskam” (fat shame), “fettförakt” (fat contempt) and “fettfobi” (fat phobia) are three new terms that can be added to the Swedish dictionary. People not only want acceptance for not working out and not having well-trimmed bodies, they want obesity to be accepted too.
This has been expressed in a number of articles lately. Let’s read what three women (since men rarely complain about this) have to say about it.
Thina Grotmark calls fat shaming a “civil rights issue.” She is the editor of Fett Magazine, a web site that promotes fat acceptance. To give you an idea of what the site is about, it’s enough to quote its comment policy.
This is a fat safe zone – We will not allow any fat phobic/racist/homophobic and or misogynistic content! Further more – Be kind to each other, any offensive or mean comments will be deleted. We also want to deter you from writing anything about diets, weight loss and or ‘helpful’ tips about health. We are not interested!
Thina Grotmark says she is the victim of oppression and discrimination for being fat. According to her, fat people can’t find jobs, and are refused medical treatment. This is all proven by one reference—to another feminist web site.
The problem is that we have to approach the fat haters without fighting back since you can be our potential bosses, doctors, colleagues or even members of our family and since we according to the law don’t have any rights.
Tired of “fat contempt”
Another woman who says that everybody has to accept her obesity is My, 21 years old. She used to hate being overweight, but that changed when she discovered the fat acceptance movement. Now she refuses to feel ashamed.
It should be a fact that I’m fat, just like you are thin, and just like I have brown hair.
The reporter asks her about the correlation between obesity and health issues.
It’s a complicated issue. Lifestyle has to do with more than weight. If you’re living on candy you’re unhealthy no matter how much you weigh, but honestly it is also a personal choice.
Ellinor Löfgren is not fat, but has had enough of society’s “fat contempt”.
I don’t want to hear it anymore. I don’t want to hear about your quickest ways to lose weight. I don’t want to hear about ‘healthier options’ to all of my meals and I don’t want to hear about how you will ride your bicycle home from work instead of taking the buss.
Healthiness is no longer just a trend, she says, but a norm that she feels forced to comply to. Eating food you don’t actually like only because it’s healthy, and being afraid to gain weight, is unsound.
Isn’t it healthier to be a free human being, unfettered by body fixation?
Fat shaming scales
Bath houses in Stockholm are now removing the weighing scales from their locker rooms. This as a result of public outrage that began with a Facebook post by a woman who didn’t want children to compare and comment on their weights.
The outrage in social media has caused many municipalities to consider making their bath facilities scale free. One director of a bath house in the town of Huddinge says that people had complained about the scales before, but that the Facebook post was the last straw.
We want our guests to focus on how they are feeling, not on how much they weigh.
The director says that reactions have been mostly positive, but some have been more critical.
I’ve gotten ironic comments saying that we should remove all mirrors while we’re at it.
Choices have consequences
Sweden has long been a country of slender, beautiful people. But that is about to change as radical feminists like Thina Grotmark brands everyone who doesn’t adore her big body “fat phobic” and misogynistic.
The claim that obese people “don’t have any rights” is an obviously false statement. But you can have good reasons to choose a slim person over a fat one for a job position. Being fat is a sign that you’re probably lazy and careless, someone who can’t even be relied on to care for your own body. Furthermore, some jobs require a person to be in good shape and able to handle physical stress.
21-year-old My thinks that being fat should be no different than having brown hair, i.e., something you were born with. Just moments later, though, she admits that being fat is “also a personal choice.”
When you discriminate against people for their weight, you’re judging them based on their life choices, not on how they were born. Losing and gaining weight is optional.
Infuriating idiocy
Hearing the lamentations of these fatties is enough to make an otherwise calm and collected person pissed off. Like all SJW’s, these people are clearly not looking for equality, and they would never make an effort to improve themselves. Instead, they want everything to be handed to them for free—entitlements only granted to them, the oppressed ones.
They want jobs they don’t deserve, money they haven’t earned, health care they haven’t paid for, and compliments and love while being fat, ugly and stupid. All of this for doing nothing more than merely existing.
While calling men that criticize them and try to give them helpful advice “hateful,” they have no trouble causing outrage about harmless things like weighing scales. This time they won, and scales are being banished all throughout the country.
But will they stop at that, now that they know that things which upset them will be made forbidden? Fat chance.
Read More: How Female-Dominated Publishing Houses Are Censoring Male Authors
Well it could be worse. At least we are not being forced to date them…yet
It doesn’t matter. My dick hits the ground on fat sighting. I don’t know what they’re gonna do about that. It’s not my fault!!!!
They’ll force you Viagra and show you a beach body ready ad and force you do the deed.
LOL. I would not be surprised.. Viagara? Maybe IV Viagara..
There was this movie with a politician forced to fuck a pig, for real… Broken Mirror I think it was called?…
I can’t find that picture with a small dude pinned under this land whale on the bed.
An oldie but goodie:
Banning mirrors will follow, mark my word.
Ask any of these orca whales to name one obese male they find attractive. Just one.
what a bunch of holy heffer fat asses.
Just wait until fatshaming becomes a crime.
Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae is a play dating from 391 BC.
The play concerns a group of women, the leader of which is Praxagora. She has decided that the women must convince the men to give them control of Athens, because they could rule it better than the men have been. The women, in the guise of men, sneak into the assembly and vote the measure, convincing some of the men to vote for it because it is the only thing they have not tried.
The women then institute a communist-like government in which the state feeds, houses, and generally takes care of every Athenian. They enforce an idea of equality by allowing each man to sleep with any woman, provided that he sleeps with every woman in Athens who is uglier first.
Private property is abolished and all money and property are to go into a common fund. All expenses and purchases by each individual are to come out of the common fund. Any individual with personal property is considered to have stolen from the community.
It clearly shows you that feminism is female nature and not a result of mass media brainwashing or similar. It shows you that women are not fixable and that giving women the vote was the biggest mistake ever.
WTF!!! The fat dude is NOT Black??? That’s why that wasn’t on CNN.
I would say giving anyone a vote is a bigger mistake but I take your point.
Yes, socialism is essentially a female philosophy but it is expected when women need to rely on men for resources and protection. Essentially what has happened over the past 200 odd years is that weak men (first) and women (later) have voted resources away from strong men. This process is continuing and accelerating. As such, we have reached the point where areas that were the exclusive reserve of men (such as education, security, income) have now become the reserve of the State. As such, for women, men have now become expendable.
Concepts like anti-fat shaming are the inevitable consequence of guilt drawing from in part, the reduced guidance that men historically provided for women and in fact that women provided for their daughters, in order to mold them into a shape where they could provide (emotional support, home-keeping etc.) for a future husband and their children.
Bob, this is correct but 200 odd years isn’t even the tip of it. try 2000. Weak men voting resources away from strong men is the very definition of Christianity.
If you want to pinpoint a moment when this ball started rolling, look no further than the first Christians.
The tree that gave birth to the philosophies, doctrines and attitudes that allowed for masculinity and strength to atrophy and die is firmly rooted into the earth by christian “values”
I was referring to modern democracy of course.
I’m not sure about Christianity. I see Christianity as also laying the groundwork for free markets and the man as head of the family.
Can you give an example of where Christianity promotes transfer of resources? From what I understand it is very much a free-market religion. Here’s a great example:
2 Thessalonians 3:10
10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
I would argue anything pro civilization is pro weak men and women, because these are the ones most likely to need the protection and specialization it provides.
Religion is one of the earliest forms of social contract.
If you break away from civilization, you will need to learn to survive on your own, so yes it would make you strong, if you survive. Civilization gave us the advantage of pooling together resources so we as a species can thrive, not just barely survive.
which christian?
they say the man is the head
but for them it means the man takes the lead in running the home, looking after the kids
and supporting the wife’s career
christian wives now tweet on how amazing their husband is for cooking dinner, washing dishes and doing all night child care
and christian men now tweet on how successful their wife is at work or when she has become an MP etc…
Sorry who is they?
I am talking traditional Christian doctrine, not some modern perversion. Any woman who says that she is happy with her husband being a housewife is lying to herself and everyone else.
this is from the conservative southern baptists
the author supports women ruling over men
he gets up early in the morning to look after the kids and make breakfast extra while wife sleeps in
wife does not work
he works all day
at my church
they believe in ale headship
which means men work all day
come home and run the home and do all night duty
women do not really support their husband
instead boldly proclaim how domestic they are
the wife of the author of the second article keeps tweeting to everyone on how he gets up early in the morning all the time… to the point where he gets sick
while she basicALLY DOES FUCK all
this is Christianity…
This is why we need independence. The weak will rail against this because they like the soft comfort of government. And thus they will band together and try to take us down.
Basically a perversion of what it used to be. They sound like a bunch of chumps!
well they claim to be christian though…
…unless she is getting the random bag of cocks while he’s busy doing chores at home.
I would appreciate some punctuation but those articles, especially the first one, is pretty scary. The stay-at-home dad believing that is a good role model and opportunity to teach his son manhood? Yeah, no.
this is pretty much all Christianity now days
if you look at the twitter feeds of christian wives
always praising their husband for
their cooking
looking after the kids
doing night duty
aka men who do the job of the wife = Godly
men who do the job of men, like men of the bible = selfish misogynist pigs…
Lol maybe true but don’t generalize. There are many Christians who appreciate traditional gender roles, especially within the Catholic and Orthodox churches and away from America.
And goddammit man you’re not writing poems but comments. Commas and periods man, commas and periods.
You should have watched Duck Dynasty.
You would think the heart attacks/strokes and joint replacements would
be enough to sway people but I guess being slothful and lazy is too
important to live a life free from physical pain.
They think that would never happen to me. Until it does, then it’s too late. Just like smoking or doing drugs.
Does smoking drugs count?
Lol, oh Sweden… What’s next?
SJW is a too flattering acronym. I’d like to do a “find/replace” on the internet and change all SJW references from SJW to SJB. They are bullies, not warriors. They are an insult to actual warriors.
SJT – Social Justice Terrorist
It’s only a matter of time before they start using violence to push their agenda anyway.
They already have. They have the police on their side.
I think someone already did change it to SJF – Social Justice Faggots.
I think the “Warrior” part is meant to be ironic, as in “Keyboard Warrior”.
Very acurate. I mean, this guy is a Knight. Lance-A-Lot jokes aside, he is a knight.
He looks like a middle-aged woman.
yeah, “looks like”
My X-GF’s mom looked like Elton. Granted, my ex was hott but you look to the mom to see her future looks. Do I need to explain why she is my X?
Social Justice Wankers.
Norms are there for a reason. They are what NORMAL people do. As such she admits to being a deviant. And what do we do with deviants?
Let them run the joint, apparently.
“It’s a complicated issue. Lifestyle has to do with more than weight. If you’re living on candy you’re unhealthy no matter how much you weigh, but honestly it is also a personal choice.”
Studies do show that overweight people who exercise and eat “well” are more healthy, at least metabolically speaking, than underweight people who don’t. Metabolically in this case would be better insulin sensitivity, better blood lipid levels, lower blood pressure, etc.
But here’s the kicker – people who aren’t obese and exercise/eat well still beat them both. Even if you have a “healthy” lifestyle, there is still a correlation between obesity and incidence of multiple diseases, inflammation and metabolic syndrome. It’s like saying a chronic smoker is healthy because he eats his vegetables every day.
Saying it has to do more with lifestyle than weight is moot. The vast majority of obese people DO NOT lead a healthy lifestyle. You don’t just gain a 100 pounds overnight eating nothing but veggies and chicken and exercising regularly. You just don’t.
“The vast majority of obese people DO NOT lead a healthy lifestyle.”
Too much truth in that statement, alone. These fat women all talk as if they are eating well balanced meal and exercise on a regular basis but the weight just won’t go away. Many of them are snacking all hours of the day and night, eating enough food for a family at one sitting. You’re right…the weight just doesn’t show up from eating healthy (and exercising).
These women are mental and they need to be taken to the nut house.
“These women are mental and they need to be taken to the nut house.”
Problem is they want to take US to the nut house as being the ones mental for not accepting fat.
And just showing up at the gym taking selfies to post on Fakebook and chatting does not constitute as being active. You actually have to work out.
HaHa. Was at my pool with my boy yesterday. Two chicks came in and sit across the pool. You could just feel the desperation of these sluts. They had on thong bikinis and one had big ass tatas. But the shit that made me crack up was that the one with big boobs had her hair did, makeup did, etc. All she did the entire 1.5 hours she was at the pool was sit in the chair taking selfies. We were cracking up at this loser.
Fat people lie to others about what they really eat because they lie to themselves. I know the mentality well because I used to suffer from it. In addition, when you are a heavy eater your idea of ‘excess’ changes. Excess in this case can mean having that extra chocolate or ice cream etc.
Most people that are seriously overweight are overweight because of poor eating and sedentary lifestyles. They are not victims of bad genes or medication. They are just lazy cunts.
I put on a ton of weight back in the late 90’s when I was on antidepressant medication–which does actually cause weight gain–but when I got off it I still kept eating like a monster. One day towards the end of 2001 I looked in the mirror and said ‘you are fat as fuck, stop making excuses’ and joined a gym the next day.
Fat people need to be more honest with themselves, because in this day and age nobody else will. Even doctors have become more reluctant to tell their fat patients to lose weight.
“Even doctors have become more reluctant to tell their fat patients to lose weight.”
It’s like everything else, today. If there is money to be made, then go along with it to make that money. It’s the reason why corporations pander to women’s ridiculous requests and complaints…..the money. Ever tell a woman “no”. Do it sometime and watch the look on her face.
Fat people are becoming the same way. People and corporations are pandering to them for their money. It’s why shaming is needed.
Candy on every desk, in every office I’ve ever visited or worked in, which are frequented by the herds of fat chicks. Sometimes they’ll eat a “salad” at lunch and claim that they don’t know why they can’t lose weight. Maybe it’s the 25 Tootsie Rolls and 10 candy bars a day, Ms. Piggy, maybe it’s that.
Yep. It’s all of that damn snacking 25 times a day to that one salad.
They are delusional.
Start the day off with that cinnamon bun with frosting and 500+ calorie venti coffee drink at Starbucks. Cake on a stick looks good to eat too as you wait at the cashier line. That’s before getting into the office.
Then show everyone in the office that you’re only having toast for breakfast so they don’t think you’re a pig. Then a mid morning yogurt (sugar), candy from the candy bowl…it’s just like a mint.
All this before the salad lunch.
everything on a stick looks good.
also, that “salad” which is some form of green covered in crispy (read breaded and fried) chicken, a half pound of cheese and some form of salad dressing that is about 300 calories a tea spoon….healthy life style
Yeh and the problem is that fat people don’t consider those morning treats bad for them necessarily, it’s just part of their daily routine. They tend to focus on the real obviously fattening food they might eat occasionally instead like pizza when discussing their toxic eating habits, not the sugary drinks, donuts, scones and muffins they eat on a daily basis. They are just light snacks, things to eat between meals.
It is precisely that kind of mentality that keeps them fat.
Right, precisely.
When I make a salad it’s nearly all vegetables (depends on how you classify tomatoes, I guess) with a bit of oil and vinegar, old school, and a bit of cheese on top. I get comments on “How can that be filling?” from the more lardy-esque and have to wonder “In what universe must I pursue “being filled” all the time?” They appear filled 24/7 yet it only makes them eat more and grow their waistlines more.
actually, the stream of energy you will get from a bowl of vegetables and low fat proteins will keep you satiated far longer than, say, the metric ton greasy, high carb, high sugar, pleasure center stimulating calorie fest they are having.
I go to the gym twice a day and work an 8-10 hour day. I eat a total of 2600 calories (again, that is with 2 hours of weight lifting and an hour of cardio). Some of these land cows put that away in a breakfast. As disgusting as that is, the best part is that now they will shame you for not doing the same.
I know a fat girl that insists she can’t get her weight down despite “walking 3-5 miles per day!”
I can’t get her to understand that she’s talking about only 300-500 calories at most. It’s far too easy to still be consuming well over that in calories. That’s less than one frappe.
These fat women all talk as if they are eating well balanced meal and
exercise on a regular basis but the weight just won’t go away. Nailed it.
I saw the following comment on another article some months ago. I have to
agree with it, because it perfectly describes what I’ve seen
I knew someone who was obese like these ladies. She would tell me she
only drinks water and exercises 2 hours a day but still can not lose
weight. So were out having lunch and she ordered pizza and a coke, I
asked her about only drinking water and she said she does drink coke
when she has pizza or a burger, they don’t taste good with just water.
Also she doesn’t drink water in the morning because she wants something
sweet. She also doesn’t drink water when she goes out to eat, which is 4
or 5 times a week. She also has starbucks each day, but that doesn’t
count because its not with a meal. After all her “exceptions” it turns
out she drinks water maybe 4 or 5 times each week. But if you ask her
she will tell you she only drinks water. Also turns out her working out 2
hours each day means she walks for about 30 minutes each week. People
need to stop lying to themselves and others and just take a hard look at
their lifestyles and makes the changes to get healthier.
I was recently in Europe and was shocked to see how unattractive most Swedish women are. There clearly wasn’t a genetic problem – but with most of them looking like tattooed burritos, and with numerous ugly piercings and ridiculous “hipster” clothes and haircuts that made them look like homeless ladies, the only conclusion I could draw was that Swedish women deliberately try and make themselves look as unattractive as possible!
It’s not like my standards are particularly high. I am not a fashionista and I come from Australia, so it’s not like I am from a place that is known for having feminine and well-dressed women – but even I was appalled.
If any girl is reading this, please don’t vandalise your looks. You don’t have to be neurotic, but appearance does matter to us guys. And honestly, no woman has ever improved her looks with a bull ring nose ring or a butterfly tattoo. It just makes you look like you are at best insecure, or more likely, mentally ill.
Never forget that the demonization of feminine beauty has its origins in fat, ugly feminists who couldn’t get a man and were jealous of women who could. They set out on a war to destroy beauty and femininity, and sadly, they have been very successful. But if you are a reasonably attractive woman, why would you lower yourself to the level of feminists? You should be better than that!
Having visited Oz, you have a huge influence of thin, fit Asian women. I think I read it was 1/6 of the population (or perhaps that was just the area I was visiting), but sadly American women mutilate and destroy their good looks as well. Especially those in their early 20s or younger.
That might be the case in certain areas. However, if you aren’t really into Asian chicks (no hate!) where does that leave you? Basically, in Australia, unless you get very lucky, with only two options: 1) “Empowered Career Gals” – inspired by the sluts on Sex and the City and relentless “Girl Power” propaganda in schools and the media. cock carousel riders who are selfish and will never put you, kids or family before themselves; unfeminine, foul attitudes, stressed, – ie poor relationship material, or bad for pretty much anything other than pump and dump, or 2) The “Couldn’t Care Less” crowd – feminists/self-improvement rejecters – typically fat, and/or covered in tats/stupid piercings, bad haircuts (eg blue hair), sloppily dressed, unfeminine… also more often than not a cock carousel afficionado
That’s why Aussie guys are looking overseas or chasing Asian chicks, even if they aren’t really into them!
Agree. Asian Australian women that were born here tend to be heavily into careers and proving themselves to whitey, unless you are willing to hook up with ones from the other side of town, but that often comes with its own problems.
If you see a fat Asian woman under the age of 40 in Australian, you can almost guarantee that she is a local.
It leaves you leaving Australia.
Go to Budapest. I saw about three fat chicks and they were all American.
Budapest is great….and they’re about the only country standing up to the tide of fake refugees at the moment too
The only downside… some of the women there seem to be right miserable bitches.
maybe you did something to make them like that…
Loved them and left them? Yeah I can see how that would affect their demeanor…
Jokes aside, the women who weren’t from there were much friendlier. English, French, Ukrainian and what are fast becoming my new favourite, German.
German women are not the prettiest but they are very very cool to deal with. IMO.
I always remember the girls in Hungary not being as good looking as many other Eastern European countries….and I must admit on the occasions I have been in Berlin the girls look great..
We have got to be careful not just to idolise Eastern European girls. There are some great girls from every country, sometimes it’s just working out who they are and where they are and you’re ok.
Still waiting for your article by the way…sure you have something along the lines of Troy Francis to offer us…
Troy is way ahead of me in game but I do have some old war stories. I’ll see what I can rustle up…
There were some hot ones. Actually the darker ones seemed to be very pleasant. It was the blondes who were quite nasty.
I agree about EE girls. One of my friends got with a Ukrainian. She was not attractive, loud and had a bad attitude. Nothing to idolize there.
I dunno about that, some of em are absolute killers. something about the blonde and the language. gets me every time.
I only saw handful of blondes and they were nasty thundercunts. The Asian looking Hungarians were actually quite pleasant.
If those fat, ugly feminists would hit the gym and live more healthy, they won’t be fat, ugly and miserable. The fact that they want to destroy beauty and femininity as you said, is purely because they are too lazy to change themselves for the better. And deep down they know that they are lazy and feel guilty about it so they want to change society’s norms and values in order not to feel guilty anymore (as was the case with this My character from the article).
Their mantra “beauty is on the inside” doesn’t make sense because being fat indicates a lack of self control. Yes, there might be some very rare genetic disorders that makes them naturally fat. And yes, if they grew up with fat parents encouraging an unhealthy lifestyle, it is very hard to change their ways. But even in those rare cases, it’s rarely an excuse to be fat. I know a girl who is gluten intolerant and has to follow a very strict diet, otherwise she will feel very ill. But she doesn’t complain about it and doesn’t look down on girls who were not born with this problem.
If every landwhale used ‘feeling bad’ as the fuel to improve themselves, there wouldn’t be fat acceptance anymore.
They seem to use “feeling bad” as the fuel to eat Ben & Jerry ice cream.
I think we are looking at this the wrong way. We should use their failure as a way to benefit ourselves. We should buy stock in Ice Cream.
Great idea!
Thats the problem with low self-esteem, it warps the mind and destroys rational thought (assuming that women are even capable of logical thinking). I find it ridiculous how offended women are at being called fat, like its a permanent condition. Companies have taken advantage of millions of fat people by convincing them that losing weight is so hard and difficult so they can sell them fad diets and supplements. Stop eating carbs, its really that simple.
The lefties despise hard work and personal responsibility so being fat is caused by genetics or being big boned, not eating Taco Bell 5 times a week.
But, but carbs are everywhere. You can’t eat out and not have carbs. These are excuses you’ll hear often.
How about buying whole foods and cook?
Women don’t understand how destructive tattoos are, no matter how small. This chick I’m seeing just got one. She asked me what I thought of it and I made it clear I wasn’t happy. She was crushed but what can you do? I couldn’t lie about it.
Is it yin/yang or is Sweden the designated outlet to let off the feminist steam of the world like letting a colony of plague virus cook itself out in one spot geographically and run its course? Sweden has become like a boil or like a big zit pressurized with dead cells of those fighting the pathogen amongst the liquified remains of the disease itself. It will pop soon and Sweden will be all beautiful again.
Its the perfect place to test their feminist invention, a labaratory so to speak. Its isolated, 98% caucasian, and well educated.
I thought the percentage of non whites in Sweden was higher than 2%. An actual 2% is low, but still if the visiting 2% are billed as being rock stars from abroad and given licence to rape native women at will, then they can do significant damage. The damaging effect is compounded when there’s no fair contest in regard to fair sperm wars where the native Swede men are shamed by state institutions and discouraged from breeding with their own tribe (race).
Honestly, I couldn’t fathom how any man from a strict patriarchal culture would want to be a gentleman in any way to a femicunt. The less austere and more bass of the patriarchal ‘visitors’ would give the cunts no polite mind and rape them like dogs. Of course they would. As clear as a neon flashing billboard, this is the express purpose of injecting mudbrigades into ‘Suedan’.
I can’t see there being any 4th wave of feminism. It ends at 3. The new order of patriarchy that arises when Swedish men topple the ruling chair ladies will incorporate lessons learned from the current wave of excess and abuse. The new order of patriarchy that arises will have a degree of disciplinarianism that is in proportion to the degree of excess femicuntery being practiced now.
Today the females reign free in Sweden. They dictate national affairs to the limit, to the very fringes of the unrestrained female mind and id. Their reign will end soon like clockwork, with the gurgling sound of a bathtub drain when it finally empties. Be still and listen and you can hear it getting ever louder by the moment. When the native Swede men rise up, the crack order of patriarchy that results will be a blend of the old Viking traditions resurrected in addition to a few lessons learned from haplessly letting their bitches run rogue and also lessons learned by example from witnessing the ways of the ‘visitors’ who have been hammering back the moustaches on their women for over a thousand years and counting.
Dude it’s because of rape spike
Advice noted. Thanks! 🙂
I like to go to work and do nothing, but my bosses always fire me. Really they need to accept me for who I am and learn to work around my abilities.
It’s too funny when they feel they are discriminated at work for a position. Well, if the position does require you to be on your feet and move (even just a little) then yes, you’re too fat for the job. Square peg, round hole…..too fat.
Using their idiotic logic, then the employer must then lower the standards/requirements for the position so they can qualify. It’s no different than having women in the military, police, or being a firefighter.
Indeed and the race to the lowest common denominator has begun.
Yes I have work phobia as well. We need to make sure this gets included in the DSM.
There’s enough crazy bollocks in there for that to be a reasonable expectation.
Firing somebody with an unfair dismissal claim haunting you has already become the new norm.
I like to call it motivationally challenged.
Just right for Swedish women.. The diversity love fat women.. A fat women can take better a big black doodah than a skinny woman…
Now see? Here’s the problem. Men have high sexual drive, unlike women. Is it my fault I was born this way? No. Therefore I want pussy on demand as there is no way I can control myself.
The double standard is mind bending. Bending? Did I say bend?
Let’s say that an aircraft has a particular weight limit for passengers and over the weight limit has dangerous consequences, would they ban weighing each passenger for the flight. Perhaps an amusement ride? A boat? A chair?
For God sakes, so what if the scales are in the bath houses. Just don’t stand on it if you don’t want to know your weight. Now no one can enjoy it.
Airlines will have to reduce passenger capacity to carry fat lard asses around. Maybe the C-5 Galaxy will be used by commercial airlines.
Orca Airways. Every seat is business class size.
Cattle class.
Ironically, you have to pay extra if your luggage is 1 Kg over whatever limit but a morbidly obese individual can be 100 Kg over a normal person’s weight without paying any extra.
I get what you mean. They should give a paying passenger a weight limit (body weight + all baggage).
A morbidly obese person would occupy 2 adjacent seats in the economy class and some airlines do charge them 2 tickets.
Eating “healthy” but she can’t seem to shed the weight.
I wouldn’t let that thing even blow me. I would rather hump the fridge.
You’d do what this veterinarian did to this walrus?
Would you let her do a salty walrus?
Well lets not get carried away.
I’m not. I’m serious.
Fridge abuse can only be solved by more immigration.What would Jebus do?
This early death is sponsored by high fructose corn syrup.
Not Kratom?
Chairs are the real victims here.
rofl you win today bro
Looks about as big as the pic of the pope I saw boarding the plane
It’s the wheat dontchaknow. Also she has PCOS and can’t lose weight. Her metabolism is slow and her psych meds cause her to retain water and weight. But she has a cute face.
If you told her to haul ass, she’d have to make two trips.
It’s not what’s on the outside, it’s what’on the inside. Dig through that blubber and inside you will find a skinny woman screaming to get out.
Wow –
Great. Now I have to bath my eyes in holy water.
I bet “Someone” has some Holy Water right from His “tap” for you, doll.
A golden eye shower. “Forgive me Father, for I am not thin. It has been one week since my last KFC double down.”
Now you’ve done it.
Ouch. Now that’s just nasty, kid. I wonder how much dough the Church is raking in over that disgusting miracle?
Say no more.
Where’s the 10,000 upvote button? 🙂
Even better.
I’ll drink to that – Here’s looking at you:
Drink it then sit on it. Cheers!
LOL – “Bottoms Up!”
Hey Cindee, since you seem to be into religious polemics, check this out:
Adam got punished for eating the forbidden fruit. Adam blaming her afterwards was actually true – before eating the fruit, they were naked yet unashamed (in other words, innocent). She had one up on him, after eating the forbidden fruit (of knowledge) first. Let’s not forget, the “Snake” got her to eat it (and as is well known, “eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge” was an Ancient Near East euphemism for getting plungered; so yes, the “Snake” drilled her).
That’s why women suffer in childbirth instead of men howling in pain every time they get an erection.
At least that’s how an ex-Reverend Doctor of Theology (magna cum laude), now working as a janitor at a high-end metropolitan night establishment explained it to me while I was waiting in line for the lavatory whilst some skirt was finishing applying mouth-to-genital resuscitation to the eleven guys ahead of me (I was the 12th, of course, so the learned janitor had plenty of time to expound).
In case you were wondering, based upon the above, what exactly Eve got Adam to eat, I couldn’t say, but the janitor supposes she got Adam to eat the “creampie”.
Well, I’m flattered because I am definitely not a scholar, however, I am a self taught know-it-all who believes everyone is entitled to my opinion.
I believe that the apple represented sex and the snake was the devil. One bite (prick) and it’s gone. God was testing A&E and they failed like Bristol Palin at a purity pledge meeting. Both of those original sinners couldn’t keep their fig leafs on. Women have pain in childbirth because it’s like a watermelon coming out your nose.
As for how you came about your info, talk about sloppy seconds!
God wasn’t testing them, He was sending them out of the nest, ready for real life where the bigger the effort, the greater the reward; to appreciate the difference between getting handouts and earning something.
Regarding childbirth, it’s more like a cantaloupe through an eye-socket. I had to deliver all of my sons (5) – there is such a thing as pain-free childbirth, without drugs. Or maybe my wife was exempt from the pain, ’cause God knows, she would never cuckold me with a snake 😅
You have your opinion and I have my and that’s totally cool. Congrats on being fruitful and multiplying and even bigger kudos to your wife. I am sure she is way to busy to cuckhold you and certainly, I hope, your #12 creampie days are long behind you.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Just trying to be informative.
The #12 creampie? I was waiting in line to pee, not for the BJ queen.
Happy TG to you too.
Driver!!!!!!! You could’ve given a warning, AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH my eyes have been raped!!!!!!!!
Great article.
People have an innate knowledge of the beauty of form. It comes from God and nature. Social engineers want to override this programming which allows us to appreciate beauty, intelligence, strength and truth.
Academics want us to believe that GMO’s are real food, an anus is a vagina, and unhealthy fat is the equivalent of a strong slender body.
But standing up for the natural order is, amazingly, becoming offensive to SJW’s.
The trolls are taking notice, which is good. Because it shows our numbers are growing and they are getting pissed. It is less pleasant to post with SJW trolls, but that is the price to pay for our growing strength.
Freaks don’t like it when others point out that they are freaks. They want us to celebrate their deviancy.
“But standing up for the natural order is, amazingly, becoming offensive to SJW’s.”
It is amazing, and a shocking logical fallacy at the least. They do not believe in religious precepts such as avoiding gluttony and sloth, and they also apparently do not believe in evolutionary theory (which argues that men are most attracted to a 70% waist to hips ratio, firm breasts, healthy teeth and skin, and an overall healthy looking body).
They don’t truly believe in God. Nor do they truly believe in evolutionary theory. What the hell do these people believe in? Perhaps it is THEMSELVES that they worship. Quite disturbing.
Anybody remember Tony Perkins from the movie Heavyweights?
Ain’t nothing like a little mother nature, father time, and your dear old uncle tony >;)
Pretty soon they are just going to force us at gun point to fuck these fatties. That’s basically where this is all leading to…
yep… looks like it.
Don’t forget buy them a house in suburbia.
Very well written. This fat pride is getting out of hand it’s time to step up are fat shaming.
More self deluded fatties.
Eat those Twinkies, bitches….eat those Twinkies. I’m fatness.
this should be illegal and have a jail sentence of 10 years minimum
Ok.Enough is enough. I’m getting tired of ROK being flooded all the time by all these John Hydenius articles about Sweden. Nobody here gives a fuck about Sweden.
While we may not care about Sweden, we must realize that what happens there is a good prediction of where we are headed as far as our society goes. They clearly show us what happens when you let SJWs take over. Let what happens to them be a warning to us.
Wrong. We should be taking notice of when and where feminists, SJWs, and false rape accusers strike, no matter in what country that it happens.
Only a fool waits until his enemy is on his doorstep before taking action against him.
Awhile back, Sweden was brought to light as being one of the most feminized places on earth. Sweden’s downfall was rapid. They even tried to pass a ‘man tax’ on males there to recoup female losses due to male priviledge. I’m sure the problem Sweden has is nearly close to being deconstructed on this site. If we can armchair throw a wrench in the pussification plan for a distant country like Sweden, then we have found the key to crack the bitch plan and we can stave off the feminist scourge when it pops up under our nose.
So don’t click on them and read them. Those of us interested thus get to read and respond to them, and those of us who are not interested don’t have to. Seems like a pretty simple solution to the problem, don’t you think?
Exactly. If these fat feminist don’t like what the scales read when they stand on it, then don’t stand on it. Better yet, don’t go to the bath houses.
So simple, just so simple.
That’s me, simple Jack.
LOL! Still waiting for a Simple Jack movie
Stop fucking them then. Problem solved. SERIOUSLY. They can get all the acceptance they want, but when they take their clothes off, I hurl and my dick doesn’t get hard for a week who’s really violating who?
You’d dramamine to avoid motion sickness riding a fat chick.
Oh so fat acceptance increases profit for pharmaceuticals, such as viagra, anti-depressents, blood pressure meds, etc etc. Good point. It would take enough viagra to get an elephant hard in order to bang one of these trolls.
I don’t hate on girls for not being ridiculously skinny or looking like a supermodel, because not everybody can look like that. I also like big tits and a big ass (provided it is attached to a reasonably slim waist), and would take that over a skinny girl with no tits or ass any day of the week.
However, I do hate on them for being so fat and out of shape that they are clearly making ZERO effort to be fit and healthy – especially when they insist that this is something to be PROUD of! A beer gut on a chick for example is just gross. If you get regular exercise (not necessarily marathons) and make an effort to eat a healthy diet, you will be in reasonable shape. Fatties need to stop making excuses and get off their (oversized) asses.
Those women you mentioned who said Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney plain and uninteresting reminds me of the “Fox and the Grapes” from Aesop’s Fables. They know they could never land a high SMV man like either of these 3 so they say those men aren’t that good.
Yup. They are master manipulators. Almost like the Jedi mind trick. We can see right through their bullshit.
Edit: And men should not give a shit what they think.
Bring on the sexbots.
they are getting very close
i dont know what year will be when i see a sex bot and want one.
i think 2020 is too soon.. but pobably 2025, if it becomes a huge trillion $ industry than it would happen very fast
5 billion men in the world, who all want good quality sexbots, it aint gonna take long folks! 5 billion x 5000$ = 25 trillion ! $
we will be building the perfect companions in 2030’s
most men will want to live forever at this point and fall in love with their sex-bots, so they will finally go to work on longevity technologies,
We will look back at having to date these human freaks as a primitive and outrageous time of tyranny
I once saw a movie where some omega doofus fag rode around on a moped with an inflatable ‘girlfriend’ bungee tied onto the rear rack. It was funny at the time. Who would ever think this kind of fetish would be normalized? Fucking a machine must surely be as low as fucking an animal. Think WWLD, ‘what would the lord do’ if he saw guys down on Earth fucking anything non human? Fucking a toaster is to fucking a robot what fucking a sheep is to fucking yourself. Man has a monopoly on having a ‘big head’. A woman’s ‘big head’ is equivalent to a man’s ‘little head’. A man’s ‘big head’ is the head over both HIS woman and HIS little head. Like ‘rock-paper-scissors’, the man’s ‘big head’ is the sledge hammer that wins out over them all. Sometimes the woman’s ‘big head’ wins over the man’s ‘little’. Sometimes his balls leave graffiti on her forehead, but like a sledge hammer, the man’s ‘big head’ trumps all. The man with the mature mind of a patriarch is like a great golden sledge hammer with wings. Whenever confounded with the question of WHO or WHAT to fuck, just consult the BIG HEAD of the patriarch man.
I’ll leave the toasters and sheep for you then.
My wife is slim and beautiful and even if she gained a few pounds I would not love her any less as long as she kept making the effort to stay attractive. It’s a sign she takes pride in herself and respects me.
What I really find unattractive about these fatties is their arrogant whining. They want to sit on their lardy asses stuffing their faces with crap then demand the world find them attractive and be complicit in their pathologies. They are acting like spoilt brats.
I’d take a sexbot over that any day.
The real fatties are big boned to begin with which translates to wide hips and they historically survive childbirth better. The big boned’s thus tend to be dominant. Their problem is discipline. A big bone fattie is a high metabolizer/water retainer and can survive on a handful of rasins daily. I’ve known high energy productive people, usually workaholic types who never eat. They eat nothing and race around the workplace. These are the ones who learned to control their intake to their natural and proper ‘bird diet’. The walruses should never have eaten a pizza or burger in their life. The disciplined ones fill out nicely in the tits and that’s it. The rest is muscle and sufficiently wide baby factory hips. During times of limited resources, these high metabolizers carried our DNA chain while the low metabolizing bean poles died out. It’s how they’re raised. An adult whale can’t be saved but a young one can be trained to not eat anything but the essentials and can become a very productive and economical low maintenance partner. I’ve seen a few slender chicks with the rockin’est monster natural tits and they really blew up when they got off their modeling diet and ate what would be ‘normal’ to the rest of us. They were high metabolizers all along.
Most people have no idea what true hunger really is. The worst advice we ever received is the six small meals a day horse shit. Most people have no concept of the word “small” in reference to food. A little gut rumble and the pie hole gets stuffed because god forbid you might feel hungry.
Compulsive snacker fat chicks will pull fire alarms and push innocent little kids out of the way awhen they get the tummy rumbles. Get the fire hoses men. They’re going to put up a fight.
fat is not an inactive tissue as previously thought, it acts more like an endocrine organ damaging the organs around it, and while doing this, inflaming the body, If you are fat according to nature you are taking too many resources, so it decides to cause illness and disease to thin the herd so that there are enough resources left for the tribe to survive
As the saying goes, there are lots of really old people, but not lots of really old fat people.
toxins from the environment and diet are strored in fat particularly deep organ fat where it is the most dangerous, it also converts testosterone to estrogen
speeding the aging process big time, keeping a low bodyfat and strong body year round is the best way to anti-aging
Fat cells damage your body and especially the brain, they do not just “take up extra room in your skin” that is wishful thinking
One of the most informative and truthful comment ever on RoK. Yes, fat is its own metabolic organism. This is what these fat acceptance idiots don’t get. Just walk around a seniors’ centre and see how many octogenarians are lardos. Better yet, talk to them and ask them about their eating and lifestyle habits. Three meals, no snacking and no junk. You will also find that most have maintained the same weight over their lifetime.
Fat use to be needed to maintain us during seasonal cycles and times when food was scarce. Obesity is just eating too much, not the bullshit of eating times, gluten, lactose, insulin resistance, ……..
What about what your guests want?
I know…. I can’t even…
I never experience anything like this in real life, so when I read about these people I have a hard time believing it’s true. I guess that’s because I don’t associate with liberals, feminists, or fatties.
Where do you live? The 1950s??
Take me with you – I want to live there too.
“I don’t want to hear it anymore. I don’t want to hear about your quickest ways to lose weight…”
Me neither. Don’t eat more calories than you burn or don’t get offended when I ignore and avoid you.
Will they provide a fit safe zone for those of us who are fit and don’t want to abuse our eyesight?
An excellent article. I honestly wish there wasn’t a need for it, but there is. Very depressing stuff, but I am glad you brought it to light.
You know, I want to fight the fat shaming as well. From now on, all future bath houses should ban anybody who is outside of the healthy range of BMI. This will result in a marked decrease in fat shaming within those bath houses, as there will be nobody there porcine enough to throw shaming language at. And thus are oiled the wheels of polite society.
This sounds like a plan with a real chance at working! Let’s get cracking!
Or perhaps a secluded area to watch them slip and fall on the wet floors? I laugh at them behind their backs, I’d be happy to have a laugh in public. Lord knows public humiliation worked on my last girlfriend!
They’ll say that banning them from bath houses is fat shaming.
Yeah, but they’re tubs of lard, nobody cares about their opinions. Heh.
Come to think of it now, women have always used this divide and conquer tactic. Notice how when you first start a relationship with a new girl and one of the first thing they do is to separate you from your friends. She does not want you guys to share notes and mess up her plans. She gets angry when you go out with the guys. She hates places where men gather and talk guy shit. If you do go, she wants to come along and infiltrate into everything you do.
Once she alienates you from your friends, she slowly wears you down using the pussy Jedi mind control. She’ll tell you that you don’t need to work out, have this piece of cake, skip exercising this time, so you get fat and out of shape. Destroy your self esteem and confidence so no other women can steal you away from her. This parasite has full control of her host.
When a better host ($$$) comes along, she’ll jump on that one and repeat the process.
Understand this and you’ll be way ahead of the game.
A Kia? Sorry to hear that.
I really want a Lada.
Dude…some trigger warnings would be in order for those pics! Almost lost my lunch!
The second picture is what happens when you let yourself completely go. This body can never be returned to its original state and the damage of a lifetime can never be reversed. Take that photo and nail it to your fridge.
This is a fat safe zone – We will not allow any fat
phobic/racist/homophobic and or misogynistic content! Further more – Be
kind to each other, any offensive or mean comments will be deleted. We
also want to deter you from writing anything about diets, weight loss
and or ‘helpful’ tips about health. We are not interested!
Notice this Hypocrite said nothing about Misandrist comments.
Picked on that right away. Typical.
“A history of Sweden or how objectives facts (like weight) are now oppressive.”
Fucking Sweden…
Thina Grotmark sounds like name I’d make up for an AD&D campaign for a female half-orc barbarian. CHA is always a dump stat.
Elves>filthy ocs.
The thing with fatties, is as their percentage increases in society, so does their power. Soon we are going to be told that being obese is healthy.
I wonder if feminazis would accept a ban on creep shaming. Rhetorical question of course.
We’ve lost. Its one thing if ugly fat guys are BBW lovers and FA’s (Fat Admirers), but when alpha fitness buffs like this joker are openly declaring their love for fat gals? We’ve lost. Women will never become thin for us now.
It’s okay Swedish ladies, with the latest wave of “refugees” it won’t be long before you can wear a fashionable tent out in pubic and hide those unsightly rolls of fat.
I wrote an article awhile ago about the incongruent positions the Left have taken on fat acceptance and environmentalism. The article was lighthearted, but those two political positions do directly oppose each other. If you really want to troll a Lefty point this out.[email protected]/21235841088
“fatshaming is a crime”
China, Japan, Korea and aby other countries in the east: hold my beer