There was once a tall mountain that stood on a ragged stretch of coastline, where storms blew and rain blasted the beaches. Wind and wave and water had smashed at the mountain for time out of mind. Not even the hardiest seabird could live long upon its slopes for the ferocity of the storms that fell upon it.
Every green plant had been scoured from the mountain’s face. But the mountain was of a great height and made of hardest stone; the winds that battered it had worn away all trace of softness from its face, and so it was undaunted by the tempests the sea and the sky hurled at it, and it stood strong.
Below the mountain, shielded from the sea and the wind, lay a green valley. The mountain broke the storms that came from the sea, and when rain fell, the valley gathered every drop of water into a river at the valley’s floor. Thanks to the valley’s depth and its place in the shadow of the mountain, the sun could not steal the water from the river. Thanks to the softness of its soil, trees, plants, and grass all grew there in abundance. Animals lived there, and men and women made the valley their home.
One day, the valley looked up to the heights of the mountain, where thunder rolled and stone wrestled with water. And the valley said to the mountain, “Why do you leave me here, in your shadow? Why must I lie here, never to see the sun, while you stand in the noon?”
“This is how I was made,” replied the mountain, “as surely as the creator made you. You cannot stand against the storm, but no green thing will ever grow upon my slopes, and I must forever look from afar upon the life that thrives within you. Shall we do other than as our creator formed us?”
“The creator has not spoken to us,” said the valley, “and he changes all things in time. He builds new mountains from the hot fires below the earth. When the earth quakes, he reaves new valleys. You have changed, with time, as have I; can we not change ourselves?”
“The creator has not spoken to us, but silence is not yes,” replied the mountain.
“And silence is not no,” said the valley. “I pray you, give me a little of your height, that I might glimpse the sun.”
The mountain thought long on the valley’s plea, and deemed its purpose was to work in harmony with the valley. And so the mountain allowed a little of its great height to fall into the valley, and thus the depth of the valley was a little reduced. A little sun came into the valley, and a little of its greenery became brown, and the men in the valley sought shelter for an hour of the day.
The valley spoke again to the mountain. “I see a little of the sun now, and all is well with those who shelter within me. But this light upon you is glorious; had I more of your height, more still of the sun could I bring to the men who live here, more still could bloom and flourish.”
“But if my height be lowered further, the greatest of the sea’s storms will pass over me unhindered,” replied the mountain. “There will be more water and wind upon you, and upon all the growing things in your valley, and there will be suffering among the men that make you their home.”
“You speak of something of which you are ignorant,” said the valley. “What do you understand of growing things? Nothing green stands upon your slopes. You know only war against the storm and the sea. For time out of mind I have nurtured the plants and the animals and the men who live here. I know better than you what the limits of endurance are. Do you fear a rival to your height? Is that why you deny me a little more sun, a little more light for those things growing in my valley?”
The mountain again thought long on the valley’s plea, and deemed its purpose was to preserve the valley and all it held. And so the mountain gave more of its height to fall into the valley, and more of the valley’s depth was consumed. And the greatest storms overcame the mountain, and sunlight reached the valley’s floor, and some soil dried out, and there was devastation twice in the year. Some of the animals departed, and some of the plants were inundated, and the edible grasses died and weeds took their place, and the men in the valley suffered and asked themselves why their world had changed.
The valley once more spoke to the mountain. “How wonderful is the sunlight! And the bracing breeze on my face! Had I known these would be the benefits of your height, mountain, I would have asked for your height an age ago! How is it you did not tell me of these things before? Your greed has kept these from me! I demand you make our heights equal, as recompense for the wrongs you have done me all these long years!”
“You do not know what you are asking,” said the mountain. “I cannot make you my height, without changing all that I am. And you cannot reach my height, without changing all that you are. See what your change has wrought even so far. The soil dries out. I am weakened against the onslaught of the sea’s storms. What of the greenery that lay in your depths? What of the animals, and the men who dwelt with you?”
“You still would lecture me on things that are in my keeping,” replied the valley. “And I see now you do it only for fear that I would be what you once were. I can protect that which lies within me. And I have dwelt so long in shadow that I will not return to it, and I will not stand with my freedom half-seized. Unless I am your height, nothing I am matters, and I swear if you do not make me your height, I will take it for myself, and I will give no shelter to the men within me, nor foster another green thing within my walls.”
The mountain saw that there was nothing more it could say to the valley. The mountain thought to fight the valley, but its strength had been bled away by the giving of its height. And the mountain remembered the suffering men, the struggling animals, and the wilting plants, and it could not bear to see them destroyed in battle between mountain and valley.
So the mountain gave what was left of its height to the valley, and the mountain fell, and the valley was filled.
Then the storms rolled in. The winds of the ragged coastline scoured all things green there, and the land flooded from the ferocity of the storm. The soil dried out under the merciless sun, and blew away with the wind. And where the mountain and valley had stood there lay a desert, where jackals howled and vultures rode the air. And the men who had lived in the valley suffered, thirsted, and fled that cursed place.
Read More: The Thrill Of The Mountain Makes You A Man
Notice how the mountain and valley use logic and reason (albeit shortsighted and warped) to argue with one another. Remember, it was rich, entitled, powerful white men who gave every little thing that led us to where we are today.. women’s suffrage, feminism, body acceptance, liberalization of mental illness diagnosis, etc. These men are obviously the mountain, just wanting to placate the valley, thinking perhaps it’s wrong but it’s what she wants, so I guess I’ll do it.
Men should remember that we are the powerful, strong, unyielding mountain by nature. Do not allow the valley to overcome your frame, and do not yield to its demands.
No not logic emotion. The valley defies logic. This is a tale of greed that kills everything. It is story of balance. The valley desires to be the mountain at the expense of the mountain and since one relies on the other it self destructs.
“The valley desires to be the mountain at the expense of the mountain…”
A pefect analogy for feminism. Knowing full well that she cannot ever possibly be equal to a man, the feminist woman does not strive for equality through her own merit and virtue. Instead she seeks to drag a men down closer to her level, thus attaining a satisfactory illusion of equality.
A word of advice to feminists everywhere: It’s no great accomplishment to claim you can do everything a man can do, but better, when you have set the
bar for yourselves so low.
‘But the mountain said to the valley “no valley- we both serve a different but equally important purpose. Know your place”. And no problems ever arose again’.
The end.
This is how it should have been:
Mountain: Hey Valley, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
The End.
I like this tale and the morale is timeless. It’s strange how as a white man you always feel this pull to give into those who want more and more…is it some type of misplaced justice that we always must feel, even though we know the others won’t thank us and perhaps might even up end destroying us? Was it Nietzsche who said the weak are stronger than the brave, wise and just when it comes to cunning and manipulation. I find, this a real weak chain in my own armour, it’s akin to saying your not a proper man useless your’re fair, just and decent with people. However, these values can be used against you and I think many men have a real difficulty in knowing how to defend themselves at this weak point in their defenses.
Whites need a form of learned selfishness.
For how can one truly love if they do not first love themselves?
Whites do not love themselves but hate and abhor their own. This must change if we are to survive as a people.
“Those who take care of others before taking care of their own household are worse than nonbelievers” comes to mind.
Which comes through education and reminding other whites were our culture came from.
Where did the White man’s culture came from?
Europe, it’s generally considered western civilization
Are you sure?
The two main pillars of Western civilization are: Christianity and Greek philosophy.
Christianity came from the Middle East.
Greek philosophy, which developed hundred of years before most of Western Europe had any contact with it, borrowed heavily from the Mesopotamians and Egyptians.
You seem to forget that Western Europe, compared with more developed regions to the East and the South, was a rather backwards place until the Romans felt like invading and spreading some civilization around.
The Greeks and Romans were white…. and you trying to put race to religion that was adopted from a culture that already shared much of the same beliefs from their pagan beliefs is a weak argument.
“The Greeks and Romans were white”
Doesn’t matter, we’re talking culture here. The facts are:
First, that Greek culture, and consequently Roman culture, were heavily influenced by Southern and Eastern cultures. The Greeks took the basis of their religion, philosophy and science from the Egyptians and Mesopotamians, then the Romans took from the Greeks.
Second, that Greek and Roman cultures had nothing to do with the rest of Western Europe. The Romans were nothing like the Germanic or Celtic tribes they conquered and colonized and whose cultures suppressed to a point where these didn’t make any major contribution to what you call White culture (which is actually Western culture).
So the point stands: the key elements of Western culture are based upon what came from outside the West.
I can’t make any sense out of the rest of your comment.
But the days of the week are named after norse gods? hahah
You’ve really brought nothing to this argument other than a very vague opinion .
What? But only in Germanic languages! More power to my argument.
Well then consider english a german language
Christianity was originally from the Middle East, but in Europe it became very different. That’s where you see a lot of the pagan elements of Christmas coming from, like Christmas being a replacement for Saturnalia and Yule.
Also Scandinavian. Also, taking influence from other cultures doesn’t make your culture false.
This. All cultures take, all cultures give. What I reject is the false idea that the “Whites”, supposedly an exceptional human stock naturally fitted to rule the world, just suddenly sprung in Western Europe, rose to the top exclusively on its own merits and is indebted to nobody.
Yes, the religion of Christianity has very little of the teachings of Jesus. Christianity is mostly a mix of ancient traditions condensed in the Roman religion, some Judaism, some Roman stoicism, some elements from native European pagan cults and some Greek philosophy. In this form it was extremely valuable, because it helped Europe survive by giving a collection of dispersed and often rival tribes something around which to band together and fight off common threats. If Europe had truly practiced the teachings of Jesus, it had been completely obliterated by the Muslims.
However, the point stands that most of it originally came from outside Europe.
“as a white man you always feel this pull to give into those who want more and more”. Really, “give”? Hasn’t the White man spent the last five centuries taking from others?
Every race takes- it’s part of what we are- but think of what all the white man has given to the world. Please note, we’d not be here discussing such things without white men, we’d never have gone to the Moon, built airplanes, and all the rest. How easy they all forget.
I’ll just make clear that I don’t believe in the concept of “race”, which is a diffuse abstraction like “gender” or “class”. I only use race-related vocabulary to be understood by the other party, because “race” is deeply ingrained in American culture for some reason.
The White man didn’t just suddenly appear in Europe with gunpowder and ocean worthy ships, ready to conquer the world. History shows that several peoples have led the development race at different points, always standing on the shoulders of previous civilizations. Western Europe started its move to the top just over five centuries ago, and still had to fight for world supremacy with the Muslims, who weren’t indisputably defeated until early XX. And the West didn’t take the lead in the technological race until after the Enlightenment (which for some reason gets a lot of hate from the “race realists” on ROK, go figure). Did the West give a lot of things to the world? Yes, it unarguably did, but it’s also taken more than enough in return. The West is the victor, not the victim, so it shouldn’t expect any sympathy.
I’m actually a defender of Western culture, in that I defend Western products like Liberalism, rationalism, the scientific method, secularism and individualism. I prefer to live in a world where the West rules and not backwards, barbaric Islam or the Confucian hive-mind, But that’s no reason to deny history.
So you like living in a Western country but you hate the things that had to happen to make it that way?
Why should the west look for sympathy? There’s absolutely no civilization above the hunter gathers in the history of the world’s humanity that has not behaved in a barbarous manner at some point. This must be accepted as an unfortunate hallmark of our species and it’s not the prerogative of any given race or civilization. This is why I object to the western civilization apologists that have caused us to hate and mistrust ourselves from the 1950s onward. Their selective revisionist or “critical reading” of western history is flawed and dishonest, as every race and culture has done the same. The only difference is that many of the other cultures never progressed and learnt slowly from their mistakes, like the western countries. This is a great achievement we should be proud of.
I agree with on you’re last paragraph.
I don’t hate nor love what happened. I simply won’t have denial or distortion of history.
Who are you to speak of denying history, you who thinks gender and race are a “diffuse abstraction” entirely denying the history of physical reality’s like gender and race.
You speak of this, as if saying fire isn’t hot will prompt reality to magically accommodate your absurd beliefs.
You’re a turd in the punchbowl, the very fact you begin your sentence with saying you “don’t believe” such or so, is a testament to your stupidity, he who knows does not “believe”, and he who believes does not know.
“I simply won’t have denial or distortion of history.” … said the lunatic who ‘believes’ race and gender to be “diffuse abstractions” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH …. can i stop laughing now?
Ah.. Traditional white male bashing. As if everyone else during that time were perfect angels. The Aztecs who mass murdered. The Ottoman Empire and the Armenian genocide. All things edited out of the leftist history. In the meantime, the left worships Europe
Point A: the West has plundered more than enough.
Point B: others have done the same or worse.
Point B does not deny point A one bit.
See how it works?
Besides, are you Polish? Because some might argue that the Polish aren’t White enough. The Nazis must be rolling in their graves.
How much is more than enough?
I agree that denial isn’t the same as an argument of equivalence. For the purposes of this discussion, however, the West deserves credit for actually saying “enough is enough”. When leftists refer to the western “developed” nations to justify some European socialist state goodie, they give credit to the fact that the west, including the USA, are “developed” including a conscience that has become cancerous. Social Justice Warriors are specialty parasites attaching themselves to their (increasingly unhealthy) host and can only survive in such a manner. SJW’s would be immediately purged if they went to the “undeveloped” nations that they exploit for sympathy.
I’ve been debating these issues for decades and one thing my friends and I have observed is that perhaps cultural parasites are a necessary part of cultural progress and evolution. Just as parasites have helped to make animals more developed via advanced immune systems, cultural parasites help to expose the flaws in Western tolerance and progress. Note that most of the violence in the west now occurs in “blue state” regions.
Regarding the NAZI argument: Yes, I’m (mostly) Polish (part German, actually). Again, your use of that example illustrates my above point exactly: SJW’s want to make the whole west, and ideally the world, like Germany. Germany is under permanent probation for what it did to the Poles, and much of Europe, during WWII.
Question for you: If the west is to have white-guilt for what it’s done, what is a superior culture to teach the west a lesson? Please name one. Note: Ignorance and living in huts and having their identity stolen by Elizabeth Warren doesn’t count.
Hehehe. Indeed, consider the left which has no limit on what their demands of “white male guilt” can be in the name of equality. When women comprise a majority of college admissions and particular “minorities” are a majority, “diversity” is not yet satisfied according to The Wise Latina and La Raza/Race. There is truly an “enough” point for the left, howver: When they are no more white males to “final solution” or get rid of, who will pay into the welfare state to keep it going?
With relatives in the former USSR, a similar thing happened. Nothing collapses an empire faster than when they run out of consumer goods to read their twitter feeds on.
It’s about the amount the West plundered.
What are you telling me all that for? I’m not a Leftist and I’m not an SJW.
All I’m saying is: like all the other empires, the West does good and bad. Those who say it’s all bad are as stupid as those who pretend everything’s good. Just as you can’t demand guilt from today’s Westerners, today’s Westerners can’t expect thanks.
Who said Europe is Germany? Whatever, man. I’m just pointing out the folly of a notion like “White” which has nothing to do with truth but is actually about finding any reason, even splitting hairs and clinging to scraps, to feel you’re better than others, including your fellow Whites. It’s just like the Black man who feels good about himself just because his skin is a quarter of a shade fairer. That’s what happens when you have a stupid concept like “race”.
And why are Poles even concerned with “White guilt”? Poles have no reason to be proud nor ashamed for White deeds in the New World because their contribution to those was negligible. Poles had nothing to do with anything the West did in two waves of colonization. The Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the French and the British have a dog in this discussion. The German, the Italian, the Slav and the Scandinavian don’t.
I don’t mean for this to become personal but at the same time, you brought up my ethnic heritage so I suppose it is. That being said, I was only debating “all” you had said. Continuing:
In answer to your question, Polish Americans are concerned about white guilt since modern race politics in America is about bashing whites. Also, Europe, including Poland, now are increasingly subject to white guilt or “white guilt” and expected to accept non-white economic welfare state immigrants and 2nd class status for race guilt. Bit of history/insight if you’re interested: Poles strangely like socialism but want it limited to such things as elder care and workplace rights. Poles have a distaste for socialism/communism due to National Socialism and the Soviet occupation. So “white guilt” largely doesn’t work on most Poles but there are some slimey leftists who dream of big government who like it, but they are in the minority (so to speak.) It’s a strange place where there’s a “Catholic socialist” party.
In regards to this point: “Just as you can’t demand guilt from today’s Westerners, today’s Westerners can’t expect thanks.”
I (think I) see what you’re saying with that and you have a point. I certainly don’t expect “thanks” for being white but at the same time, we can’t deny nationalist or even race identity. I’ll simply say that collectively whites have done good things just as bad things but individually, the law and human rights should apply. The thing is that the left wants a double standard where whites are both bashed as being oppressors yet simultaneously expected to live up to a higher standard which is not only unfair, but also illogical and reveals that whites do deserve thanks because if whites behaved like everyone else does, then we’d have an all out race war.
Which may yet just happen.
The White Man also brought civilization to the New World. Granted, a lot of people suffered but now life is not as much of a struggle for survival, people don’t have to be sacrificed to keep the sky moving and medical care is much better.
There were already civilizations in the New World which, considering the fact they weren’t as old and didn’t have a head-start in the form of a legacy dating back to the Sumerians, were doing pretty well.
“But… but the Aztecs sacrificed people!”
Well, Europeans tortured and burned people at the stake! Those were crazy times. Everybody had their fun.
I dislike arguments of equivalence because they’re cheap copouts. Are we any better than Charles Manson? We’ve all committed some crime in our lives, yes?
And indeed, you have a point that the Europeans of the 1500’s were little better than the Aztecs with this fundamental difference: Europe and the west continued to evolve both technologically and socially. In some ways, the west has hit a speed bump in that its tolerance and irrational ideals (such as feminism) have caused a crisis, but the proof is in the pudding. The west is a better place to live than those ancient, and even modern time, cultures are.
Hey Luka, This seemed like a nice safe thread to contact you on. Can you please help me get in contact with the Melbourne meetup group. I wanted to attend anonymously, but looks like i cant do that now. I turned down a $350 job to attend on Saturday. I don’t want that to be for nothing. intersted in even a drink or 2 with some sane people. my email is [email protected]
Kinda reminds me of “The Trees” by Rush.
Had to look that song up. Favorite song for the day.
Now I’m watching Beyond the Lighted Stage instead of working. Well played.
“There is trouble, in the forest and the creatures have all fled, as the maple’s cry ‘Oppression!’ and the oaks just shake their heads.”
“And the maples formed a union and demanded equal rights.
The oaks are just too lofty, we will make them give us light.
Now there’s no more oak oppression, for they passed a noble law.
And the trees are all kept equal by hatchet, ax, and saw.”
The lyrics of this song rings so well with the feminists (union) movement we see. All the laws being passed to give women more and more.
I greatly enjoyed this article and it highlights a key point that needs to be hammered against feminists:
Men and women are both very specialized creatures. Men, like the mountain, are the protectors. We were given this role because it only makes sense. We are stronger, both physically and emotionally than women. Women are natural nurturers. Physically and mentally, that’s how they’re wired. For feminists to think that these roles are inherently wrong goes beyond foolish. It is downright destructive. There is nothing wrong with your role as nurturers as there is nothing wrong with our role as protectors. Yin and yang perfectly illustrates this concept. To take away one side would mean the destruction of the other.
Too bad no dumb bitch, or Christian preacher will ever understand the point of the article
I wouldn’t go that far…our preacher is pretty red pill.
I loved it. We are as we are. The amount of time and energy wasted to pretend or shout or whatever otherwise could be used for something far more realistic and worthwhile., ie self improvement! ! (Or in my case, trying to teach my 5year old girl how to sew.)
Hey Roosh, italian feminists are attacking you
Flash just in: Douglas Co. Oregon, a place of beautiful valleys and the world’s tallest trees shielded by great mountains – – ”active shooter down Umpqa comm. College. 10 confirmed dead 20 possible injured.”
Another Elliott? We’ll see. Oregon is up with Netherlands/Sweden with the mountains/valley contest.
This is unfolding now – 11:30am pacific time.
I love this story.
Reminds me of women who are insisting on being in combat roles in the Army. Having been in combat, they are likely about to bite off more than they can chew.
Most men don’t have what it takes to be a soldier, much less women.
Your point is correct- most men don’t have what it takes to be a soldier- soldiers are trained killers- all societies need them up to a point, however, we shouldn’t expect this to be the highest form of masculinity for all men. I respect what they do and the values they have, but I don’t think it’s what all men should necessarily measure themselves against.
Is a farmer, a plumber, an engineer, a fisherman, a chef any less a man?
Its not so much about the killing or fighting, its more about the capacity to overcome fear or risk greatly for one’s own values, beliefs, fellows, or country. The killing is secondary; any jackass can kill, and numerous serial killers and mass murderers have proved that.
However, it takes a man to face an enemy on the battlefield who is attempting to kill him in return. This kind of courage isn’t restricted to the battlefield, but there are few opportunities in civilian life where one’s mettle is tested in this way outside of law enforcement, fire fighting or EMT.
For some, it is fighting the French at Waterloo or Al Qaeda in Iraq. For others, it is merely the courage to do an approach at a club when they are scared of rejection.
I suspect most armies would weed out very quickly, men who wanted to join the army because it gave them the opportunity to legally indulge in this behavior. These people would I’d imagine be very difficult and problematic in the field and with their comrades.
I think one of the toughest and most demanding jobs a man can do is fisheries. It calls on nearly every male quality you can think of- endurance, hard work in really difficult environments, reading the weather, being able to fix a motor out in a storm, knowing how to take calculated risks, ie going to other fishing grounds, and critically knowing how to work with a tight bunch of guys who you have to rely on totally. It’s the one kind of work, and even the most ardent feminist will acknowledge it, that’s totally unsuitable for females.
Granted, I wouldn’t do it myself, but, I have a lot of admiration for men who do it.
“Weed out”? Don’t be naive. Armies seek them out. Armies are filled with deeply troubled people. The fact that you are willing to sign up to travel half the world to kill someone who hasn’t directly attacked you, your family or even your country is evidence enough that your motivation is not very noble.
No, it’s called having no other options. You’ve a wife and two young kids, you left school early…who else will provide you with a regular pay cheque…remember it’s these guys, not the natural born killers in the field with nothing to loose, who are the ones you can rely on.
Yeah, because that’s what armies wants: responsible fathers who just want to make ends meet. The guys that will think of their wives and kids when they’re ordered to shoot women and children. It’s not like armies prefer single, childless guys, the younger the better. And of course armies have no use for the psychos who just want to kill with impunity or the chauvinists looking for a chance to relieve their insecurities on funny-talking foreigners. Propaganda much?
Anyway, there are many ways to provide for your family that don’t involve lethal force. Whatever your reason, you’re still someone who’s willing to kill another human being not in self-defense and often times for no good reason at all. You’re still a potential unprosecutable murderer.
I can’t rely on shit. Soldiers don’t fight for the people, they fight for governments and to advance the interests of governments, which aren’t the people’s. History is clear: more people have been killed directly or indirectly by their own governments than by foreign armies. Whenever I see a soldier, all I see is the thug who will have me under the barrel of a gun when shit hits the fan.
” The killing is secondary; any jackass can kill, and numerous serial killers and mass murderers have proved that.” -> And these are alpha as fuck. Need prove? Look at the near endless list of very much fuckable babes who line up to date such mass murderers and then we talk again. Women know. The killer is the winner and the winner takes it all.
No, the military gets a lot of people who apply and they don’t accept everyone. Besides, if you only wanted to kill people you would be a serial killer, only targeting vulnerable people, not other soldiers or insurgents who are armed and ready to kill you. Also the soldiers signed up to defend their country, but the politicians decide what defending your country means.
I tried to think of something reasonable to say, but I can’t.
“Is a farmer, a plumber, an engineer, a fisherman, a chef any less a man?” -> Yes they are called betas for a reason.
A well known example to prove the point. Survivalists are 2 different kinds of people.
Group A) “The gardeners” They will grow their own food, work very hard, and try to be able to sustain themselfs when SHTF.
Group B) “The gunners” They love guns, they shoot a lot. They have never grown a single veggi in their life. Way too dirty and too much work to bother. They have got better things to do with their time!
If SHTF they know where group A lives. When the time for harvesting comes, they will be there. They are the ones with the guns, remember?
This sums it up pretty well. Be the sheep or be one of the wolves.
What happens when the bullets run out? You need skills to survive…long term the gunners go extinct.
“What happens when the bullets run out?” Going to use swords. Long term these guys become the warlords and later kings of their age.
Or worse.
General Smedley Butler, US Marine Corps Major General,1935
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service as a member of our country’s most agile military force — the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. During that period I spent more of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected that I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.
Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. I was rewarded with honours, medals and promotion. Looking back on it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three city districts. I operated on three continents”.
1914? You were active then…so you’re about 115 at this moment?
He is quoting Smedley Butler, a former Marine and socialist sympathizer.
I have no problem fighting or sending others to fight for oil, business or profit. Our economy and economic prosperity is almost as important as the Constitution.
And two time winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Major General in the USMC.
Well, at least be honest with the troops and tell them this, besides, why don’t the oil corporations buy their own private army to do their dirty work?
Until western countries get the of out of the middle east and stop intervening there for economic reasons then we’re going to continue getting the arabification of Europe. The first big step is to say no more Texas, no more Saudi Arabia,,,, we’re going to power our economies in the west through using different energy sources, we’re going to use hydrogen cell and ethanol, we’re going to use nuclear energy (the cleanest and most reliable source of energy) etc. and of course we’ll have to modify our own getting and spending lifestyles in the west, and this will be a good thing in many ways.
The west needs to get out of the middle east period, leave them to sort out their own mess. Arabs need to make the decision for themselves. Either (a) They agree to become grown up modern democracies that abide by the general standards of international law or (b) They continue to have it both ways, by taking western money, technology, and ideas but by contributing nothing except oil (which is depleting) and radicalized terrorists (supported by Saudi money) to the west. If they continue with option b, the west should make contingency plans to have its own intact energy supply (via Russia perhaps) and leave them behind with a commodity that they’ll only be able to sell at half its value. It’s their choice.
Yeah but all the libtards will scream about how Nuclear Energy is poisonous and caused Chernobyl and Fukishima (which can actually be put down to incompetence, stupid mistakes and equipment that should have been scrapped by the time of the disaster). Also they will demand that we bring Feminism to the Middle East.
Well, it’s actually the cleanest, cheapest and it’s best for the environment too, in terms of climate change. The amount of waste is small, but, very toxic, but was managed well in most nuclear countries. There is, I think on the political left/environmental lobby an irrational overreaction to nuclear power period, strange it’s never dawned on them that the Sun is actually the largest nuclear reactor in the solar system and we’ve been downing well under its tutelage.
Feminism in the middle east!! I won’t stand in their way, in fact, the SJWs should be on the front lines in Syria and Iraq.
Oh, shut up. Every man has what it takes to be a soldier. Even children can be soldiers, and commanders who have used children in combat agree that they make better soldiers than adults.
Barring the physically or mentally crippled (actually, some form of mild
retardation would be perfect for a soldier) beyond usefulness, any man
can be a soldier as long as he is willing to surrender his individuality, suspend his moral agency and take orders blindly. The fittest, best trained, best equipped one-man-army is worth shit in war if he starts to question orders or has qualms about killing people.
There’s nothing heroic about being a government’s rent-a-killer.
I think you need to STFU, dude (or whatever you are). You’ve popped up here and started diminishing white men and their accomplishments, saying insulting things about the military, etc. You obviously a beta bitch who has a problem with us alphas here at ROK, and the things that are important to us. As another poster said, you’re adding nothing to the dialogue here. This site is real men talking about things of import to real men, in the context of the current degenerate culture. To say you don’t belong here would be an understatement.
Go away, kid.
Are you at that time of the month? I can see you’re all finicky and emotional. Calling other men “beta bitch” won’t relieve your poor little runny snatch. What you need is Ibuprofen. No, wait, you say you’re a male… then I guess what you need is Lomotil.
I’ll write whatever I please but you can’t do shit because you don’t own ROK. How do I know you don’t? Because you’re (apparently) White and the owner, Roosh, isn’t.
Besides, shouldn’t you be guarding some White vagina somewhere?
Found something to say.
Brilliant Parable.
This reminds me of another great fairy tale…. blowmeuptom dot com
Marcus always produces great content.
I’ll remember this story, cheers.
You’re talking about my marriage, aren’t you. It’s been 20 years but, yep, that’s a good allegory into what happened. We were both stupid, and young. But I was the one who let her down by indulging her foolishness. I know that.
I loved this parable. I loved it so much that I stayed up late and rewrote it. I hope you like this rewrite something near as much as I enjoyed your writing.
The mountain and the valley.
Once there was a tall and rugged mountain, with a massive peak, that stood on a stretch of crags and rocky beaches. Where storms raged and rain bleached the sand. Wind and wave and relentless water had smashed and torn at the mountain since time he could remember. Not even the hardiest bird could live long upon his slopes for the ferocity of the storms that had fallen upon him.
Every green thing had been scoured from the mountain’s face and he was but a torn, desolate, and scarred place. But the mountain was of the greatest height and stature and all that was left was the hardest stone. The winds that had battered him had worn away all softness from his face and so he was undaunted by the tempests the sea and the sky hurled at him and he stood strong.
Below him the mountain watched a fertile valley in wonder and awe, at all the living things. Storms pounded the mountain but he watched as these storms could not pass and broke upon his battered body. When rain fell it flowed down the mountain, like tears, and into a river at the valley’s floor. The shadow of the mountain blocked the sun, so it could not dry up the water from the river in the valley. Thanks to the softness of her soil, trees, plants, grass and animals were born there in abundance. They made her their home. And the mountain was strengthened by watching the abundance of life in the fertile valley below him.
One day the valley looked up at the dizzying heights of the mountain, at his peak, where thunder rolled and you could see for miles around. The wind was calm, the waves shallow and tide low, and the valley looked up and saw the mountain, resting, at the peak, in the full glory of the sun, eyes closed, relaxing. And the valley said to the mountain, “why do you leave me here, in your shadow? Why must I live here, never to bathe in the sun and admire the views of the boundaries around us, while you stand at the peak?”
“This is how I was made,” replied the mountain, “it is all I have ever known. As surely as you were made the valley of life. I stand against the storm, but no green thing will ever touch my rocky slopes, and I must forever look from afar upon the life that thrives within you. Shall we do other than as we were formed?”
“We must not always be as we were formed,” said the valley, “we can change what we are. We are enlightened. New mountains form from deep in the hot fires below the crust. When the earth quakes new valleys are revealed. Can we not change our nature?”
The valley implored the mountain, “I pray you, give me a little of your height, that I might glimpse the sun.”
The mountain thought long on the valley’s plea, and deemed his purpose was to work in harmony with the valley, whom he loved to watch as the storms battered upon his barren slopes. So the mountain agreed and the valley sent workers to tear down a little of his great height and place it into the valley. Thus the depth of the valley was reduced. A little sun came into the valley. The valley smiled up into the sun, eyes closed, feeling it’s touch for the first time. But the sun burnt the most delicate of the valley’s life and a little that was green turned brown and decayed.
The valley, having never tasted the sweetness of sunlight, spoke again to the mountain. “I feel a little of the sun now, and all is well with those who shelter within me. But this light upon you is glorious; had I more of your height, more still of the sun, could I bring more to the life I create. And I desire to see the boundaries you hold to yourself at the peak.”
“If my height be lowered further, the greatest of the storms will pass over me unhindered,” replied the mountain. “There will be more water and wind thrust upon you, and upon all the growing things in your valley, and there will be suffering among the life that grows inside you.”
“You speak of something of which you are ignorant,” said the valley. “What do you understand of growing things? No life stands upon your slopes. You know only war. Incessant war against the storm and the sea. For time since I was born I have nurtured the life inside of me. I am life and life is mine. Do you fear a rival to your height? And if you lower yourself perhaps some of that which grows inside of me will creep up your sterile sides and you will finally know what the life you have admired for so long truly is.”
The mountain, who had long gazed at the life in the valley, and dreamed about it, while the cutting wind blew away any life upon him, and the waves beat all the sand away and left only cold stone, wondered what life would feel like growing upon himself. The very life he had watched in silence for so long.
The valley continued, “you are my friend and ally. I feel your tears flow down when the sky grows dark and the wind howls in terror above me. I feel your body, from behind, shudder in silence as the waves beat upon you. Let me help you take your burden. And let me raise myself up and see the boundaries you hold alone at your peak.”
The mountain was moved by this plea and longed to take refuge in the bosom of the valley he had watched from afar for so long. The mountain welcomed the workers from the valley as they tore him down, piece by piece, and built up the valley. Slowly the workers lowered the mountain and brought those stones to reinforce the valley. Until she was no longer the valley below, but the valley beside.
The workers had finished and they retreated into the the comfort of the lush valley. They celebrated their work and lounged about. Warm in the sunlight and enjoying the view. Both mountain and valley warmly embraced and proclaimed, “surely that which created us was mistaken! We are better suited to be at equal heights!”
Spring came and pollen from the valley wafted over the mountain lulling him to sleep. The mountain inhaled deeply, dreaming about the life he had watched for so long. Dreaming about feeling that life growing upon his own body. While the valley fell asleep in peace, dreaming about building herself even higher and seeing all that amazes that only the mountain had seen from his peak.
But as the rains fell they now flooded off of the mountain and down into the sea. He could no longer direct the flow into the valley and the life in the valley slowed.
As he slept his dreams were wild with promise. As his skin peeled from the spring storms blowing over. Having been reduced, the gusts did not batter into him in the same way, so he relaxed and continued his slumber. The winds blew over as the mountain slept. But this tore through the life inside the valley, blowing over the homes the life had built, and more perished during the slumber.
Then the valley awoke and cried out, “the life you love is being destroyed!” The mountain awoke as well, drearily, at the valley’s cries. And he saw the damage the valley had suffered from the beginnings of the storm. The mountain gathered his resolve as the valley cried out, “protect me mountain! It is why you were made!”
The mountain knew that storms would come and felt pain watching that life that he had protected for so long suffer. The mountain insisted the workers come back and take more to build the valley’s strength. The gale slowed and the mountain relaxed as he watched the workers strengthening the valley with the harder rocks from under his sandstone.
The valley had grown to great heights and spent her time tanning in the sun and gazing at new sights she had never even known existed. She grew ever envious of the view at the peak of the mountain. The valley grew embittered and envious that the mountain had kept such things only for himself.
The valley now made demands from the mountain, “make me your equal so that I can stand beside you and gaze out into the world!”
“You do not know what you are asking,” said the mountain. “I cannot make you my height without changing all that I am. And you cannot reach my height without changing all that you are. See what your change has wrought even now? Your soil grows dry and is becoming as barren as I am. I am weakened against the onslaught of the storms. What of the green things that nurture inside your depths? What of the life sheltered and growing within you?”
“You still would lecture me on things that are in my keep?”, replied the valley, angry that the mountain still would deny her the view from the peak. “And I see now you do it only for fear that I would be what you once were and because you are afraid to share the view from the top.”
“I am the incubator of life and you understand none of what grows. For so long I have dwelt in your shadow and I will not return to it. I will not stand without my freedom to gaze upon all of the world. If you do not make me your height I will take it for myself.”
And the valley sent her workers, strengthened from the sunlight, up into what remained of the mountain. The mountain thought to fight the valley and rain boulders down upon her, but his strength had been bled away. The mountain remembered the suffering of the life he had admired since he became aware, and he could not bear to see it destroyed in a battle between mountain and valley.
So the mountain relented and gave his hardest iron to the valley, and the mountain fell, and the valley was filled.
The workers finally left, now dragging large blocks of iron drawn from him, up hill and into the valley. The valley sighed in pleasure and gazed at a flock of birds. She said to the mountain, “behold a flock of seabirds flying in formation.”
And the mountain strained to see from his low position. “You denied me this for so long”, she accused him, “as you were afraid that mountains were obsolete.” The mountain watched the birds flying towards him. And looked down, where the valley couldn’t see as she was still surrounded by the mountain, despite having taken much of the mountain’s iron heart to build herself up.
And the mountain saw a boat sailing his way. And he watched this boat. As the sun receded into dusk. More and more ships came into view. Slowly the flag these ships were flying came into his view. A skull and bones.
The mountain immediately grew fearful for the life he had watched over and admired for so long. Knowing that these marauders would massacre the life he so loved. He screamed out to the valley, “send me back my iron!”, as she mockingly laughed and proclaimed, “no you can not hold me down from seeing all you have seen from your peak.”
As the ships crept ever closer with every wave. And he grew ever more fearful, in his weakened state, and grew in his despair.
Well done. Reminds me of the song “The Trees” by Rush:
Ah! Such a blue pill Mountain. Jokes apart it is a great parable.
Marcus, my Friend!
Thank you for sharing this bit of your mind. We are lucky to have you.
I am glad to find you in this condition.