Why Is There A Prolific Jewish Presence In The American Feminist Movement?

In the 1970’s, a movement known as “Jewish feminism” started in the American Jewish community. It was a movement that originally sought to make Jewish woman superior to equal to Jewish men. One of the first major issues tackled by these feminists was the power to optimize hypergamy initiate divorces.

Perhaps these Jewish ladies were becoming jealous of the growing “liberation” of non-Jewish women in United States. Perhaps Jewish women, for cultural reasons, are more naturally attracted to the ideologies of feminism. Jewish writer Marjorie Ingall describes how Jewish women are receptive to feminism by quoting Jewish feminist Naomi Wolf:

We have a political history going back to the socialist and labor movements, where women were organizers and rabble-rousers.

Or perhaps many Jewish women truly were being unfairly oppressed in certain areas of life and wanted to take action.

Naomi Wolf

Third-Wave feminist Naomi Wolf

A quick Wikipedia search for “list of Jewish feminists” brings up an admittedly incomplete list of 114 names. Most of the women listed were born in the 20th century. The Jewish Women’s Archive website is a comprehensive website dedicated to key Jewish feminists, containing 1,193 profiles.

If one simply searches for “list of feminists” on Wikipedia, the page you’re directed to contains 770 names dating all the way back to the 13th century. The most comprehensive database when searching google for “list of feminists” seems to be Wikipedia.

Let’s be as fair as possible here and assume that the Wikipedia list of 770 feminists contains no Jewish feminists. So let’s add the 114 Jewish feminists to this list to get a total of 884 Wikipedia worthy feminists. We then take 114 divided by 884 and multiply by 100. The percentage of Wikipedia reported feminists of Jewish descent comes to 12.9%.

However, this quick calculation doesn’t take into account the Jewish Women’s Archive of 1,193 noteworthy feminists of Jewish descent and assumes that none of the feminists on the Wikipedia list of 770 are Jewish (when in fact many are). Also, the list of 770 feminists dates back several hundred years, whereas the list of 114 Wikipedia Jewish feminists is mostly 20th century and beyond.

Jews make up 1.7-2.6% of the American population. As such, to have adequate proportional representation in the feminist movement, there would only have to be two or three Jews at most for every 100 American feminist leaders. This doesn’t seem to be the case though, at least according to a simple internet search.

On a related note, we also need to keep in mind that disproportionate Jewish representation is also present in the US Congress – 8.4%, the Supreme Court – 33% or 3/9 Justices, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors – confirmed 40% or 2/5 current members (Janet Yellen and Stanley Fischer are Jewish and are also the Chair and Vice-Chair of Federal Reserve Board of Governors), and higher level academia.

Supreme Court Justices

Ginsburg, Kagan, and Breyer are the three Jewish Supreme Court Justices

The “Jewish feminism” that started within the Jewish community seems to have become part of the bigger feminist movement taking place in America. Thus, the very small demographic of Jewish women in this country (roughly 1% of the population) seems to have a ridiculously large representation within the overall feminist movement.

Let’s explore only a few of these very influential feminists of Jewish descent:

Prominent Feminists of Jewish Descent:

The Key Players, Radicals, And Movement Leaders:

Judy Blume: Born 1938. Blume is an American writer with a target audience of children and young adults, with book sales over 80 million. She has written novels about racism, menstruation, divorce (It’s Not the End of the World, Just As Long As We’re Together), bullying, and masturbation.

Judith Butler: Born 1956. Butler is a “gender theorist” and a philosopher. She teaches at the University of California, Berkeley. Butler has written a book called Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity that was published in 1990. This book is considered the cream of the crop by many feminists when it comes to “queer theory” and “postmodern poststructural feminism” (whatever that means).

Andrea Dworkin: 1946-2005. Many of you guys have probably heard of Dworkin. She was a radical feminist. Dworkin, among other things, was vehemently anti-porn because she said it has links to rape. This is somewhat ironic, considering there is heavy Jewish influence in the pornography industry.

Andrea Dworkin

Radical feminist Andrea Dworkin

Shulamith Firestone: 1945-2012. Firestone was apparently schizophrenic (according to a commemorative piece in The New Yorker published after her death) and was also a key player in the formation of radical feminist ideals. She was the author of The Dialectic of Sex: The Case For Feminist Revolution which was published in 1970. This book has essentially been labeled as the boldest and clearest book ever written on radical feminism. Or, according to Naomi Wolf (another Jewish Feminist):

No one can understand how feminism has evolved without reading this radical, inflammatory second-wave landmark.

I certainly hope Naomi Wolf didn’t know that Firestone was schizophrenic…

Betty Friedan: 1921-2006. Friedan is a very big name in feminist circles. She was a leading figure of the women’s movement. She was a writer, an actor, and an ardent feminist. Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963, a book which many argue helped to spark second-wave American feminism. By the year 2000, the book had sold over 3 million copies.

Brenda Howard: 1946-2005. Howard was an important figure in setting the tone for the present day LGBT rights movement, especially when it came to organizing SJW rallies. She was a sex-positive feminist and a bisexual rights activist.

Manosphere readers will appreciate a quip made on July 27th, 2005 by Tom Limoncelli (a bi-sexual rights advocate):

The next time someone asks you why LGBT Pride marches exist or why Gay Pride Month is June tell them ‘A bisexual woman named Brenda Howard thought it should be.’

If Limoncelli wasn’t clear enough as to just how much influence this woman had, how about this statement made by Brenda Howard’s partner Larry Nelson and published on June 17th, 2014 in a piece called Remembering Brenda: An Ode To the ‘Mother of Pride’:

You needed some kind of help organizing some type of protest or something in social justice? All you had to do was call her and she’ll just say when and where.

Erica Jong: Born 1942. Jong was a teacher and an author. She has been divorced three times but is now married again (this seems to be a common theme among these women). She wrote a sexually controversial book published in 1973 called Fear of Flying that played a big role in second-wave feminism. The book has sold over 20 million copies worldwide.

Gloria Steinem: Born 1934. Steinem’s mother was apparently not Jewish, but even so her name pops up on the Jewish Women’s Archive website if you search for it. Steinem was the leader and spokesperson for the late 60’s-early-70’s feminist movement. Interestingly, Steinem admitted having ties to the Central Intelligence Agency on camera (yea, the CIA of all people), but she supposedly broke her CIA ties before she became a feminist leader. You’ll have to travel further down the “rabbit hole” if you want more answers on this one.

Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem throwing up that “silly Illuminati pyramid thing that all the celebs do”…

Naomi Wolf: Born 1962. Wolf was a political advisor to Bill Clinton and Al Gore. She is an author and a journalist that has covered the topics of abortion and the Occupy Wall Street movement. Wolf has essentially become the spokeswoman of third-wave feminism (the term “third-wave feminism” was coined by Rebecca Walker, a woman who identifies herself as black, white and Jewish) Wolf also just had to write about how Nazi Germany came to power in her book The End of America. If you want some entertainment, check out this YouTube video where Wolf tries to explain “why we need feminism” but is totally destroyed on stage by anti-feminist YouTuber Karen Straughan.

Jewish Feminists In The Media

Larisa Alexandrovna: Born 1971. Alexandrovna was managing editor of Investigative News at The Raw Story for about three years. She was a blogger for the Huffington Post and her own blog as well. She has reportedly had her work referenced in Rolling Stone magazine, Vanity Fair, and Newsweek.

Lisa Bloom: Born 1961. Bloom is the only child of Gloria Allred (another feminist listed below in this article). She, like her mother, is an American civil rights attorney. She was the anchor on truTV’s In Session from 2001-2009. Bloom is a legal analyst for The Today Show and also contributor to NBC Nightly News and MSNBC.

Susan Estrich: Born 1952. Estrich is a political commentator for Fox News, a feminist advocate, political operative, author, professor, and a lawyer. She wrote a book published in 2005 called The Case for Hillary Clinton. (oh, great)

Susan Estrich

A “fair and balanced” report from Susan Estrich.

Jewish Feminists In Entertainment, Art, Erotica, And Pornography:

Mayim Bialik: Born 1975. Bialik is an American actress and also a neuroscientist. She played Dr. Amy Fowler on CBS’s The Big Bang Theory. This is an interesting coincidence, as an article was published right here on ROK about the blue pill ills of The Big Bang Theory.

Hanne Blank: Born 1969. Blank is a historian, writer, editor and also a public speaker. Blank has written and edited erotica in the past. She believes in “fat rights” (fat acceptance).

Judy Chicago: Born 1939. Chicago is an artist, art educator, and does collaborative art instillation pieces of “feminist art.” She collaborated with her third husband (here we go again with the multiple husbands theme…) to create The Holocaust Project: From Darkness into Light (1985-1993).

Eve Ensler: Born 1953. Supposedly, only Ensler’s father was Jewish, but she did grow up in a Jewish community and was given the Lion of Judah Award by the United Jewish Communities in 2002. Ensler is a playwright, performer, feminist and activist. She is best known for writing the famous 1996 play The Vagina Monologues. For any college students reading this, it wouldn’t surprise me if a rendition of The Vagina Monologues showed up on your campus at some point; it showed up on my campus and was hosted by the campus feminist organization in 2011.

Sarah Michelle Gellar: Born 1977. Gellar is a producer and an actress, starring or playing supporting roles in a plethora of TV shows and movies including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Scream 2, and as Daphne in Scooby Doo (2002).

Sara Michelle Gellar

Sarah Michelle Gellar plays her role in Scooby Doo

Nina Hartley: Born 1959. Hartley is an American author, sex educator, sex-positive feminist, pornographic film director, and American pornographic actress. She has been recognized with numerous awards throughout her career. She did an interview on “The Young Turks” and was introduced as “legendary” by Cenk Uygur. She apparently was known as “the best ass” in the business in her days of youth and specialized in lesbian scenes. Check out her Young Turks interview on YouTube.

Hartley’s case struck me as somewhat more interesting because it has been suggested by many people that the Jewish community has a powerful influence on this nation’s pornography industry. Dr. Nathan Abrams, a Jewish Professor at Bangor University in the UK has essentially said that the Jews were the driving force behind the modern day porn industry. In fact, he even wrote a piece about it in Jewish Quarterly called “Triple-exthnics.”

Dr. Nathan Abrams

Dr. Nathan Abrams

Jewish Feminists In The United States Government And Legal Realm

Bella Abzug: 1920-1998. Abzug was an American lawyer, U.S. Representative, social activist, and a leader of the Women’s Movement. She helped to found the National Women’s Political Caucus with Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan. Abzug also did women’s rights work under Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

Gloria Allred: Born 1941. Allred is an American civil rights lawyer and commonly takes high profile cases. She has been involved in many women’s rights cases including representing at least seventeen women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, harassment, or other misconduct.

Gloria Allred

A gay couple celebrates with Gloria Allred (middle) under a chuppah after being granted a marriage license in California in 2008

Shulamit Aloni: 1928-2014. Aloni was an Israeli politician and founder of the Ratz party. She was also a leader of the Meretz party and served as the Israeli Minister of Education for a year. She won the Israel Prize in 2000.

Although Aloni isn’t an American, I chose to include her because of the following exchange that took place in a 2002 interview with American journalist Amy Goodman; During this short video, Aloni explains that charges of anti-Semitism are “a trick we always use” to suppress criticism of Israel coming from within the United States. If the criticism is coming from Europe, Aloni suggests that “we bring up the Holocaust.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Born 1933. Hopefully all American readers recognize this name. Ginsburg is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, appointed by Clinton in 1993. I highly recommend all readers review her voting record on social issues.

Elena Kagan: Born 1960. Hopefully, American readers will recognize this name as well. Kagan too is a Jewish feminist and an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. She came into power under Obama’s Presidency. This article on feminist.org reveals her confirmation was in fact endorsed by a feminist majority back in 2010.

Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan in 2009 – She is now one of the most powerful judges in America

Jewish Feminists In Education And Academia:

Rachel Adler: Born 1943. Adler is the Professor of Modern Jewish Thought and Judaism and Gender at Hebrew Union College (the Los Angeles campus). She reportedly played a key role in integrating feminist perspectives into Jewish texts.

Rebecca Alpert: Born 1950. Alpert is a professor in the Departments of Religion and Women’s Studies at Temple University. She is currently serving as the Senior Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts.

Daniel Boyarin: Born 1946. He holds dual US and Israeli citizenship (Sound familiar to any US politicians? Click here or here for more info on the dual citizenship of many US government officials). Boyarin has been a Professor of Talmudic Culture at the University of California, Berkeley since 1990.

Susan Brownmiller: Born 1935. Brownmiller is an American feminist, journalist, author, and activist best known for her work Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape published in 1975. She supposedly argues in the book that because rape is defined by men, women get shafted (not necessarily in those words, and no pun intended).

Susan Brownmiller

Feminist Author Susan Brownmiller

Aviva Cantor: Born 1940. Cantor is an American journalist, author, lecturer, and advocate of feminism and Jewish communal life. She helped fund a Socialist Zionist organization called “Jewish Liberation in New York” in 1968.

Hélène Cixous: Born 1937. Cixous is a professor, poet, writer, playwright, philosopher, etc. She was appointed as A.D. White Professor-at-Large at Cornell University from 2008-2014.

Jane Evans: 1907-2004. From 1933-1976, Evans was the Executive Director of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods (which is now known as the Women of Reform Judaism). Jane Evans was also the President of the National Peace Conference in 1950. I encourage all readers check out the Women of Reform Judaism website and review their statements on the immigration crisis in Europe and other “social justice” issues.

Susan Faludi: Born 1959. Faludi wrote a book published in 1991 called Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. She also wrote a book analyzing the 9/11 attacks and how they supposedly reinvigorated an American environment that is hostile to women.

Susan Faludi

Feminist Author Susan Faludi

Ilana Gliechbloom: Born 1986. Gliechbloom is a Judaic studies teacher at Abraham Joshua Heschel High School in New York City. She has made notable appearances at (surprise, surprise) The Vagina Monologues.

Susannah Heschel: Born 1956. Heschel teaches Jewish Studies at Dartmouth and is an American author. Her published works include Insider/Outsider: American Jews and Multiculturalism and On Being a Jewish Feminist.

And speaking of Jewish multiculturalism and massive illegal immigration, listen to what Barbara Lerner Spectre (a Jewish woman) had to say about multiculturalism in European countries in this 2010 video. I would say that after watching this video, you must ask yourself “Is it a coincidence?”  that Spectre’s thoughts match up nicely with the views of Women of Reform Judaism, described above.

Paula Hyman: 1946-2011. Hyman taught Jewish History at Yale University. She was the first female dean at the Seminary College of Jewish Studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary from 1981 to 1986. Hyman published many feminist oriented works.


This has been merely a shallow dive into the depths of Jewish involvement in American feminism. Sure, anybody can log on to Google and come up with all kinds of names of non-Jewish feminists (simply because non-Jews make up about 98% of the population); but I don’t see how any reasonable person can objectively deny the fact that Jews are indeed over-represented in the feminist movement.

In the last half-century (roughly), Jewish feminists have involved themselves in every level of American cultural infrastructure including the government, justice system, media, entertainment, education and books, and even the porn industry – verifying the information presented here and following the links of this article will make this stunningly obvious.

Jewish women make up roughly 1% of the entire American population; and yet a relatively large percentage of the most powerful and influential second and third-wave feminist leaders off all time are Jewish.

Bella Abzug

Bella Abzug photographed in 1978 with New York Mayor Ed Koch (left) and President Jimmy Carter

Is it simply a cultural imperative that drives so many Jewish women to take part in feminism and culturally destructive policymaking? Some would argue it may simply be a consequence of an IQ difference that drives Jews to excel and fill leadership positions.

Others make the claim that disproportionate Jewish involvement in politics is part of a more organized conspiracy to intentionally destroy the moral fabric of mostly white, traditionally Christian societies. I’m not here to answer “the reasons why,” but rather to simply point out the obvious disproportional representation of Jews in the feminist movement.

It is generally agreed upon in the manosphere (at least hopefully it is by now…) that feminism is a tool that is being utilized to destroy the family unit and to get females into the work force, which generates more tax dollars and benefits corporations and politicians through mindless consumption.

I know this is a difficult subject for some, and can even create cognitive dissonance, but the reality is becoming nearly impossible to objectively deny that Jewish influence has the lion’s share of control over second and third-wave feminism, even though Jews represent only a tiny fraction of the American population.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture

718 thoughts on “Why Is There A Prolific Jewish Presence In The American Feminist Movement?”

    1. It’s not that I disagree with you, i.e., pointing out the disproportional Jewish representation in (we’ll use the Supreme Court because it’s a nice 3/9 or 1/3 number). The more important question is what do we do about it? What is your plan? There once was a plan to kill all the Jews, and that was a very bad plan and a lot of people died because of that plan. I read this, and I almost hear you saying the phrase “Jewish privilege.”
      I do not like Ruth Ginsberg . . . . she is wrong on a great number of issues, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t work hard, studied and put her talents to her best use for herself. I LOVE Sarah Michelle Geller, she’s Jewish, who cares? The only solution I have is that white men (or any man, or any one) need to be smarter, work harder and be more persuasive than those that they perceive as “the enemy.”

      1. I have no qualms with *decent* human beings working hard, studying, and applying their talents *in a positive way* to achieve their potential. In other words, as long as they’re not hurting other members of society for their own benefit, then it’s all good.
        But the BTK killer also worked hard, applied his “talents”, and killed many people before his capture. The IRS agents that targeted the Tea Party worked hard and applied their talents as well. And Obama and his ilk are also quite adept at applying their skills to fool the American people. All these people work hard and apply their skills, but they are seriously damaging the next generation’s chance for happiness and success (see divorce rates, new “rape” policies on college campuses, national debt, etc.).
        The problem here is that Jewish folks (1-2% of America’s population) are essentially in control of 2nd and 3rd wave feminism, have a huge influence in the porn industry, have a heavy influence in mainstream media propaganda (so naturally, Americans have little to no idea who’s really pulling the strings). All of these things that they have heavy influence in are destroying the traditional family in this country and leading to a massive societal decline.
        I don’t advocate violence, and quite frankly as a decent human being (as most men here are) it pains me to have to be reminded of the Holocaust time and time again as if I’d have been an active participant… You asked what my solution is. Check out this article of mine from about 10 days ago:

        How We Can Use Sun Tzu’s Strategies To Implement Neomasculine Principles

        In the article I stress nonviolence, and also that men need to start spreading the truth and laying plans for a counteroffensive by utilizing time tested strategies.

        1. I had read the Sun Tsu article and I thought it was excellent. You and I agree on a lot. My point would be when you say “Jews are the problem,” you will turn deaf ears because so many people are sensitive to the Holocaust. It’s like if you were to say “Blacks are the problem” or “homosexuals are the problem.” You might have a legitimate point, but all people see is racism or intolerance. If the goal is to persuade people to your way of thinking, I don’t think you would use phrases like “blacks or gays are the problem.”
          However, if you say “feminism” is the problem, well, now you are attacking an idea, because the first question that needs to be asked is “what is a feminist?” We all know, you can be a woman, and not be a feminist and a man can absolutely be a feminist.
          I read your article as “second and third wave feminists” are the enemy. I agree with that. But then your article says “and there are too many Jews who are second and third wave feminists” now you’ve made me feel as though I am allied with an anti-semite when the real problem is feminism.

        2. I understand where you’re coming from Lance, and thanks for the feedback.
          To initiate a culture war and fight back against feminism, what you must understand is that you may very well risk being labeled as an “anti-Semite”. And it’s not because you are – it’s simply because the over-representation of Jewish women in 2nd and 3rd wave feminism is so ridiculous. A relatively large fraction of the *founding members* of 2nd and 3rd wave are Jewish women.
          If we go after the leaders of the feminist movement (such as 3rd wave spokeswoman Naomi Wolf), we risk being “antisemitic” by default – simply because a large chunk of these women are Jewish.
          And you have to agree Lance that one of the most common tactics of SJW’s and feminists is to label you a *racist* or a *rapist*, closing down any chance for rational discourse. You attack Naomi Wolf’s ideas, and you risk being portrayed on FOX, CNN, and MSNBC as a sexist anti-Semite.

        3. “anti-semite” I dont think you comprehend the meaning of that word. Do we call Isreali’s anti-semites for slaughtering Palestinians?

        4. Thank you. I understand (thanks to your article) that I may be labeled an “anti-Semite” if I speak of traditional masculine values (although I am usually called worse). My point has been well made by some of the people who have commented on this thread. If you want to make a difference in the marketplace of ideas, are these the people you want representing you? Holocaust deniers? “Reinstate power to whites as owners of our own country?” Do you think these people help you in your quest for manhood and masculine values? Or do you think they hurt you?

        5. The term “anti-semite” is pretty much BS. Someone said something like “an ant-semite is someone who the jews hate”. It means nothing. There’s no equivalent term for any other people on earth. The question that needs addressed is why do so many jews get involved in movements that are intentionally destructive to western societies? Why do they choose to live among the societies while trying to change them, rather than, as the orthodox jews or zionists do, live among their own people and keep their own customs? Why the need to transform other people’s ways of life and traditions?

        6. >> You attack Naomi Wolf’s ideas, and you risk being portrayed on FOX, CNN, and MSNBC as a sexist anti-Semite.
          I don’t own a TV, why do you?
          The moths continue to get burned to death by the flame – is that the flame’s fault?
          The great thing about Red Pill philosophy is that it insists that men’s problems with women are – men’s fault.
          You want a wonderful Jew-free, white-only country? Get the fuck off the blogosphere, and build one!
          As the inventor of modern Zionism said: “if you will it, it is no dream!”

        7. “To initiate a culture war and fight back against feminism, what you must understand is that you may very well risk being labeled as an “anti-Semite”. ”
          Indeed the social changes that arose due to industrialisation and urbanisation created changes in the way men and women had to interact and work. These changes created tensions that gave Jewish women an excuses to criticise western culture and extremely harshly so. I don’t think this was positive criticism, it wasn’t meant to improve and heal. It isn’t “Tikkum Olam”. It is meant at some level to destroy. It lacks any respect which is why feminism has gone down this adversarial ‘burn the house down’ direction. Many feminists texts are simply Marxist ones with the word ‘class’ crossed out and “gender” substituted.
          It comes across as an attack clear and simple. You can tell, feel when someone is trying to help and one someone is being of ill will.
          One only needs to think of Susan Sontag’s “White men are the cancer of civilisation” which is quite typical. Attack the relationship between men and women and family and you attack the very fabric. You cut the fertility rate, you create infantilised men who don’t know their fathers, you create daughters who fear or can’t relate to men.
          Of course by attacking White males they succeed just as well in damaging the black family, collateral damage. At one point prior to the 1960s black families were quite stable, better than while.
          The British woman who developed the first shelters for battered wives was shocked when the movement was taken over by lesbians and feminists she thought them quite unreasonable and unfair.

        8. That is the problem, they refuse to integrate themselves and join mainstream society. They live “among” the societies instead of as part of them.

        9. Exactly! Can’t give femtards ANY leverge to turn rational people away from the message we’re trying to reach them with. They must not be able to use any weapon to discredit our message, especially not one gift wrapped and handed to them by us. It only strengthens their message. We can’t afford to let that happen.

        10. I must say that this Jew-baiting is getting really old. I remember many (out of fear and desperation) blamed Jews for poisoning wells and causing the Black Death. Enough with the unrelated scapegoat business.

          We can’t afford to let that happen.

          Yup. They already invent enough BS about us as it is.

        11. No doubt they are some of the most hated people on the planet, but they are also some of the most bad ass folks too. They manage to not only survive, but thrive in spite of it all.
          Yes, the femtards are very good at coming up with all kinds of false claims to further their cause. I see signs they are getting desperate though, and this is a very good thing.

        12. Yes it is. I take it you’ve heard about one of the recent feminist “outrages” about sexist air conditioning. I just laughed out loud when I read that. The more shit they pull like that the more idiotic they make themselves look.

        13. LOL! If air conditioning is oppressive, please feel free to oppress me anytime! Such craziness!!
          Yes, that’s exactly what I mean when I say they are showing signs of desperation. The beginning of the end is here. They’re going down. The sooner the better.

        14. If you think that’s insane check this out. I think they need to be put in a straight jacket and locked in a padded cell.

        15. Medieval times were times of religious warfare in both Europe and the Middle East. Jews were merely another group getting kicked around. Nothing special, they are not special victims. Gnostics, Calvinists, Huguenots, Lutherans, Catholics,Protestants all got caught up in it as well. In the middle east same story. Back in Palestine various sects had been at each others throats as well.
          Blaming Jews for the black death and poisoning wells is of course nonsense but witchcraft was more commonly blamed as were other religious groups.
          Jews were hated for their monetary practices which involved lending and taking back in specie and often taking the estate of Widows (specifically mentioned in the draft of Magna Carta), in Poland for being harsh tax collectors who managed to make themselves get exclusive licence for distribution of distilled alcohol. Note also Christianity had rationalised money lending using reason by the 12th century.
          Their pre Roman holy scripture shows them gleefully committing ethnic genocide and cleansing other tribes which was justified using the ‘word of god’ something still happening today as they intolerantly keep out the Palestinian Muslims.
          It’s not hard to imagine that Feminism would not be so acrimonious if it were not for the energetic overly malicious discourse which strays from women’s issues into racial issues where White folks invariably get blamed.
          So take some responsibility for when your people act like cunts towards White folks, Christians and Arabs and get them to behave decently. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

        16. So take some responsibility for when your people act like cunts towards White folks

          I’m not Jewish but thanks for playing.

        17. Schroeder’s jew, if you want the policies Israel has in your own nation you are an anti Semite

        18. Forced integration with jews and blacks is the problem. Primarily those two races are unfit for living alongside whites.
          We don’t want all those various kinds of immigrants invading Europe either.
          If you are not white, you should say so, just so we know your motive for arguing in favor of forced integration with jews and negroids.

        19. We don’t want jewish DNA polluting our white European population. We don’t want them to integrate with us. They are not us.

        20. Dear god you’re a total halfwit. hahaha…. you have no clue what you’re talking about. You’re just a SJW who still wants to be ‘the man’ around women. So you come to this website thinking you’re accomplishing that. Now this article about Jews has you triggered; as you try real hard not to go full SJW mode. We see it…. clear as day.
          Obviously you’re not white. You simply do not understand the discussion going on here. At all. It’s not even worth taking the time to ‘explain’ it to you… because you’re that lost. Your entire brain is wired like a SJW half tard.
          When we say ‘Jews’…. we’re talking about their talmudic idealogy as well as ‘what they do’ in our society to subvert it. With this particular article, that would be feminism. Feminism is not the only weapon jews deploy to subvert a nation.
          You cannot handle the conservation going on here. It’s far too deep for you. Stick to football, xbox and your white girl porn. #clueless

        21. LOL these Jew Sympathizers in the comments trying to blow this article under the rug. As if to say, “Meh, maybe it’s true the jews actively attempt to destroy the fabric of a nations society… but who cares? Get money, get pussy.”

      2. White people need to become racially aware, as every other people on planet Earth is (particularly Jews). Whites need to take their own side, just like everyone else. However most whites perceive themselves as above tribalism. A lofty ideal, but they’re being played.

        1. This. Finding dignity in your own heritage doesn’t mean you want to subvert every other race and culture. Yet, according to Marxist, multi-culti BS, that’s exactly what they insinuate, since they’re way too cowardly to come right out and say it.

      3. You’re talking like Jews should not have all their power taken away. Of course it needs to be taken, and power reinstated to whites, the owners of our countries. Why should we let a foreign element rule over us?

      4. “There once was a plan to kill all the Jews, and that was a very bad plan and a lot of people died because of that plan.” This is false. The 6 million number was number that Jews had run FULL PAGE ads in newspapers from the 1800’s up to the early 1900’s stating that 6 million Jews face “extermination” …but where? Not Germany, I saw a few of those ads and they were claiming Russia! Now, remember who killed the Tsar and took over Russia prior to Hitler? The Jews claimed that 6 million number in advance because they were preparing for problems in their Russian takeover. When they successfully took over the power in Russia, they then used that number in relation to Europe, specifically Germany! There are documentaries showing how “gas chamnbers” were tested and found to not actually have ANY residue of the gas that was supposedly used there. I watched a documentary on that and even the tour guide admitted that it had been proven no people had been gassed at that historical gas chamber because if they had, the Nazis would’ve gassed themselves because the ventilation wasn’t even set up to be a gas chamber. The fact is, we are not allowed to question the holocaust. In Europe I hear it is illegal to do so. We are not allowed to debate the number. The only thing I have found is that the more you look into the stories that the big Jew lobby pushes like the holocaust, or 9-11, you find that the whole thing is a lie that has been sold to the public. Hitler had thousands of Jewish soldiers, yet he also demanded that Jewish produced art be ridiculed for being filth….how do we reconcile such differences? It appears that Hitler wasn’t trying to be Mr. Super Racist emperor of the world, I believe from what I’ve seen that he may have simply wanted to prevent the degredation of his culture, like what we see happening today. The frightening thing is what if Hitler was the good guy after all? My programming since childhood is so strong that such a statement sounds wild to me instinctively, but I’ve seen the Jewish ads talking about 6 million dying in Russia myself…how can I deny what I’ve seen proof of…the Jewish lie even goes bacl to Egypt where they were supposedly welcomed and then exiled after a plot to overtherow Egyptian rule was uncovered. Investigate the Jews and you really start to uncover some weird stuff..it’s a lot to take in.

        1. I’ve seen the tattoos on Jewish men and women (my neighbors between 1970-1979) and I’ve talked with men who liberated Jews at the concentration camp (my Uncle served in WW2, though he did not liberate, his buddies did).

        2. A tattoo does not a holocaust make. And everybody has a relative who knows somebody who was there when the camps were liberated. That is how ridiculous rumors spread.
          My grandfather was in the second armored division in North Africa, Sicily, and France. He loved to tell me stories about how the Nazi’s turned Jews into soap. Now of course, even holohoax disciples admit that the nazi’s never turned Jews into soap. It was a rumor. Nothing more nothing less.
          What the allies actually liberated were camps where the inmates had starved, and died from typhus, as a direct result of the British and American bombing campaign.

        3. So how many Jews need to die before you will call it a holocaust? 1 million instead of 6 million? Maybe gassing Jews was not the preferred method of executing Jews but burning them alive was? General Eisenhower (paraphrasing) said “document this shit or someone is gonna say it didn’t happen.”

        4. So it’s okay to just invent stuff when it comes to the holocaust? Because nobody claims that any Jews were ever burnt alive. Though I’m aware that this is another rumor that has festered into fact in the minds of billions brainwashed by the holocaust narrative
          I prefer to talk about specifics, not generalities. The main camps that are still claimed to have been extermination camps were all liberated by the soviets. The same guys who lied about…EVERYTHING.
          Speaking of Eisenhower, I highly recommend that you watch this video about the psy-op that took place at Buchenwald.

        5. I’m beginning to rethink the Holocaust myth as well. I used to take it as gospel, but after watching a documentary on YouTube, and after seeing what the Jews do today, I have concluded that there was nothing like the Holocaust; it was a mere fabrication by the Jews.
          Does anyone know that the Jews are behind ISIS? That they were involved in the 9/11 attacks?

        6. Bibi, Israeli PM, was actually on TV claiming that the Nazi’s only wanted to arrest and deport the Jews. There was the “Madagascar Plan” of giving them a country of their own in Madagascar. Supposedly it was the Mufti of Jerusalem who told Hitler “To Burn Them” when the declining war situation made this unrealisable. Burning is of course quite hideous to a Jew as they expected to be resurrected from body parts just like Muslims and the pharaohs but to many protestant Europeans its merely a hygienic way of disposing of a body.
          I’m over the hollohype. No more sympathy or guilt tripping from me. Zero. Its 70 years on. They’ve used it malevolently against us so that’s it over forever. Can’t afford it. Get lost.

        7. Maybe the Khazars need to fess up to their role in the Holodomor?
          “The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р, “Extermination by hunger” or “Hunger-extermination”;[2] derived from морити голодом, “to kill by starvation”)[3][4][5] was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1932 and 1933 that killed an estimated 2.5–7.5 million Ukrainians, with millions more counted in demographic estimates. It was part of the wider disaster, the Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.”
          “By the end of 1933, millions of people had starved to death or had otherwise died unnaturally in Ukraine and the other Soviet republics. The total number of population losses (famine death and birth deficit) across the entire Soviet Union is estimated as 6–7 million.[55] The Soviet Union long denied that the famine had taken place. The NKVD (and later KGB) archives on the Holodomor period made records available very slowly. The exact number of the victims remains unknown and is probably impossible to estimate, even within a margin of error of a hundred thousand.”
          “More than 2,500 people were convicted of cannibalism during the Holodomor.[51]”
          “Kaganovich was born in 1893 to Jewish parents in the village of Kabany, Radomyshl uyezd, Kiev Governorate, Russian Empire (now named Dibrova, Poliske Raion, Kiev Oblast, Ukraine).”
          “Kaganovich (together with Vyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and were given the task of implementation of the collectivization policy that caused a catastrophic 1932–33 famine (known as theHolodomor in Ukraine).”
          “In the postwar period, Molotov’s power began to decline. A clear sign of Molotov’s precarious position was his inability to prevent the arrest in December 1948 for “treason” of his *Jewish* wife, Polina Zhemchuzhina, whom Stalin had long distrusted.[56] Molotov never stopped loving his wife, and it is said that he ordered his maids to make dinner for two every evening to remind him that, in his own words, “she suffered because of me”.[57] According to a close collaborator of Molotov, Vladimir Erofeev,[58] at the beginning of 1949 the Israel minister plenipotentiary, Golda Meir, visited the Soviet Union; she met *privately* with Polina, who had been her *schoolmate* in St. Petersburg. Immediately afterward, Polina was arrested and accused of ties with Zionist organisations; she was kept one year in the Lubyanka, after which she was exiled for three years in an obscure Russian city.”

        8. A more accurate quote was probably…
          “Fabricate this bullshit or nobody is going to like what they died for”

        9. The holohoax cares about you though.
          911 was a media deception/psychological warfare operation against the inside population.
          Both worked.

        10. Eisenhower was a half Jew, half Swedish genocidal incompetent shill who hated Germans and murdered 1.5 million surrendered POW’s. His unqualified promotion to General was fast tracked.
          The holohoax is a post-war manufactured lie that wasn’t fully promoted by hollywood until the 1970’s.
          Same false war blame as the now admitted ‘Iraqi WMD’s’ used as precursor for invasion.
          There were no WMD’s in Iraq. There were no ‘evil gas chambers of doom’ in 1942 Germany.
          You’re a conspiracy theorist distributing myths and propaganda.

        1. For thousands of years, men have wanted to have secret knowledge that the masses do not have. It made these men feel special. In that way, they aren’t that much different than middle school girls. You can believe a You Tube video if you choose. I will choose to believe the first hand accounts, the documentary evidence, the memoirs, the photographs and video of those that were there in 1945. Not those who were there in 1992. And yes, the people who were there in 1945 were biased, that doesn’t mean they were wrong.

        2. Believe a youtube video?
          David Cole got the administrators of Auschwitz to admit on camera that the gas chamber showed to tour groups at the camp was constructed…after the war. And David Cole was JEWISH!

        3. Adolf Hitler was the greatest leader of white Europeans for centuries, at least. He was a great man.
          USA government serves the Israelis. USA has been overtaken by jews.
          Who are you? One of those whites who defends the jews while the jews promote the eradication of whites?

        4. For thousands of years, men have sought to manipulate society through lies and deceit. Those men have a book. The books name is the Talmud.
          Magic tricks, fairy tales and conspiracy theories about jew soap, lampshades and gas chamber of doom.
          If your only source of identity is a historical falsehood; well, I guess I can see your desperation for clinging on to it. The holohoax has become replacement theology for lazy secular jews wishing to skip out on synagogue duties.
          Certainly a ‘King’ should be able to handle straight forward dialog without triggering his inner emo.
          (For the uninitiated: This is a photo that had been manipulated after the war to make it look as if these men were lampshading a member of the chosen)

      5. Nah not all of them, just some.
        “I have is that white men (or any man, or any one) need to be smarter, work harder and be more persuasive than those that they perceive as “the enemy.””
        Bullshit thinking when the game is rigged against you. Black/Brown/Yellow/Red or Woman will get the job over you no matter how hard you “work”. Hard work went out the window when the Zionists put their slow burn Final Solution into effect 30-40 years back.

      6. People like you crack me up. You have this ‘so what’ attitude thinking you’re above everyone else who get’s into the ‘details’ of this and that. You believe you have an advantage in life because not giving a shit makes you flexible and adaptable. WRONG. Fact is you’re simply intellectually lazy, or, do not have the aptitude to understand the finer historical and scholarly details of these topics. You probably attempted to learn at one point… but became too overwhelmed, gave up, decided to do something less brain intensive. So, instead of admitting you simply don’t know about x-y-z, you instead come up with this manufactured front that you’re ‘above it all’.
        People like you are a dime a dozen.
        Hey, ignorance may be bliss. But, the ignorant still get fucked in the ass at the end of the day… whether you understand you’re getting fucked or not.
        White men need to work harder and smarter? Cultural Marxism rigs the system to bypass this. Allowing free rides off your ‘smarter’ and ‘harder’ labor.
        You complete halfwit.

    2. Don’t forget the “6 million” number is the biggest lie in history.
      If you bother to look up the source of that number, it was because a man none other than JOSEPH STALIN … said so …. that’s right, because he said so.
      Top that off with the fact no one was allowed entry to the so called “death camps” in the Russian ‘liberated’ zones where after those 2 years we were shown facility’s with chimney’s build by the russians themselves who were not even connected to the buildings, we were shown rectangular rooms where you could see how all the other walls were knocked out to make it a large room and were told that’s where people got gassed.
      6 million was allegedly from the 4.1 million claimed to be gassed in Auschwitz, and the 1.9 million alleged to be buried in the camps Sobibor, Belzec, Treblinka etc.
      Meanwhile, Auschwitz has changed it’s plaque from one that claimed 4.1 million were killed to one that says 1.5 million, and not even all of those allegedly Jewish.
      So that’s 3.4 million remaining, hmm… that’s odd, ALL of the core samples that were drilled a few years ago after decades of Jewish opposition to it, in the alleged mass graves where 1.9 million were buried, came up with the Earth layers INTACT.
      So that’s only 1.5 million allegedly gassed with Hydrogen Cyanide in Auschwitz.
      Oh what’s that ? … There isn’t a trace of Hydrogen Cyanide remains in the alleged gass chambers ? … oh the Jews tested the stone walls themselves and also found no cyanide remains ?
      So no canister of Hydrogen Cyanide was ever deployed in those “gass chambers” just so you know, Hydrogen Cyanide forms permanent bonds with minerals in the walls that will cause the stone to color it Prussian Blue, very distinctly, if stone is exposed to Hydrogen Cyanide, it leaves a shitload of those Cyanide particles latched onto minerals, yet not a single one of those have ever been found in the walls of the alleged gass chambers in Auschwitz.
      Oh what’s that ??? the Jewish population in 1949 was higher than in 1939 ?
      Strange how Jews dispersed across the world could breed more offspring in 4 years time than the Nazi’s would be able to kill over the course of 5 years.
      Holocaust is the greatest lie ever told … by Joseph Stalin. And the Jews love Hitler, because of him they now have a card they can play to bring western nations to their knees in servitude to them, and their reclaimed nation of Israel.

  1. “It is generally agreed upon in the manosphere (at least hopefully it is by now…) that feminism is a tool that is being utilized to destroy the family unit.”
    If anyone reading the manosphere doesn’t know that femcunts have always tried (and succeeded) to destroy the nuclear family, then they’re fools. And in case anyone needs a reminder, let’s take them at their word, and read directly from the horse’s mouths…
    “By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God” – Gloria Steinem, editor of ‘MS’ magazine. “We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage. ” — [Robin Morgan, “Sisterhood Is Powerful,” (ed), 1970, p. 537] “The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in Women and the New Rage, p.67 “Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women… We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men.” – The Declaration of Feminism , November 1971 “Only when manhood is dead – and it will perish when ravaged femininity no longer sustains it – only then will we know what it is to be free.” — [Andrea Dworkin. “The Root Cause,” speech, 26 Sept. 1975, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (published in Our Blood, ch. 9, 1976).] “The care of children …is infinitely better left to the best trained practitioners of both sexes who have chosen it as a vocation…[This] would further undermine family structure while contributing to the freedom of women.” – Kate Millet, Sexual Politics 178-179 “In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them.” — Dr. Mary Jo Bane, feminist and assistant professor of education at Wellesley College and associate director of the school’s Centre for Research on Woman “Who cares how men feel or what they do or whether they suffer? They have had over 2000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is, if you don’t like it, bad luck – and if you get in my way I’ll run you down.” – Letter to the Editor: Women’s Turn to Dominate, Signed: Liberated Women, Boronia; Herald-Sun, Melbourne, Australia, February 9, 1996 “Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex.” – Valerie Solana, SCUM Manifesto (Society for Cutting Up Men.) “How will the family unit be destroyed? … the demand alone will throw the whole ideology of the family into question, so that women can begin establishing a community of work with each other and we can fight collectively. Women will feel freer to leave their husbands and become economically independent, either through a job or welfare.”- Female Liberation , by Roxanne Dunbar. “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honourable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” – Robin Morgan, (editor of MS magazine) “It is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men… All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft” – The Declaration of Feminism , November 1971. “God is going to change. We women… will change the world so much that He won’t fit any-more.” – Naomi Goldenberg, Changing of the Gods: Feminism and the End of Traditional Religions (Quoted at beginning of From Father God to Mother Earth) –

  2. Why was there such a prolific Jewish presence in European tax collecting in the Middle Ages?
    Same reason.
    “The Jews” have always been used by the Gentile Elite as privileged middle men, privileged whipping boys put out there to take the heat for the machinations of the real oligarchical dynasties (and of course the Vatican).
    And you gentile peasants have always fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker.
    Why change the way you play the game, when you people keep falling for the same old tactics, over and over and over? You guys make it easy for them.
    Read the out-of-print book THE RICH AND THE SUPER RICH. Then ask yourself why, if “the Jews” are in charge, they are not even allowed into the most Elite Private Clubs in this country.

    1. You are wrong. God’s Chosen have always been the real oligarchical dynasties, from the Hapsburgs, Rothschilds and Warburgs(ironically funded the Third Reich), to the Berrenburgs and Wallenburgs. It is actually historical fact that the Tribe have been influential and pioneers in the establishment of institutionalized usury and ponzi/ pyramid schemes in their host nations. Read the books Usury and Christendom; A Creature from Jekyll Island; Planet Rothschild.

        1. It reminds me of the morons who think cell phone and laptop batteries cause cancer. If they genuinely think that, then they’d better relocate to a place far away from civilization, or barricade themselves in a house with no electricity like Jimmy’s hypochondriac older brother in “Better Call Saul.” Because wi-fi radiation is inescapable these days. Good thing it’s completely harmless to humans!

        2. The Battery would have to be very strong, think car battery, to cause harm.
          The electric car that some people drive, are more dangerous to their health then lap tops for this reason.
          It’s the magnetic field that they give off and it has to be strong enough to bend your magnetic field(think transformers out side of office building or on towers).
          I used to fix high end micro wave radar systems and power systems. You would feel tired after working on these high magnetic field generators. It is bad for you.
          Limit your exposer.
          Cell phone are bad for you, not because of the battery, but because of the micro-wave signal that some times passes threw you’re head to get to the cell phone or the amount it gives off.
          Micro waves are horrible for the human body and you should treat cell phones like smoking or eating sugar, use in moderation or for god sakes use the speaker option to get your head away from it.
          Today the cell phone towner companies have little to no regulation in the U.S. and the signal strength is way to high in housing areas.
          The other thing that micro waves can do is lower the possibility of male children in reproduction.
          more then 90% guys I worked with on micro-wave radars have only female children.
          Thats 40 people and 37 had only girls for kids.
          Government studies my ass, lying fucks.

    1. Jews are promoting women feminists into positions of power because they hate white men and (as emotional beings)are susceptible to the constant “muh pocs” “muh refugees” “muh immigrants” that the jewish media churns out. These women then turn around and open the border to low-iq/high time preference third world muds all as part of the jewish plan to destroy white western civilization.

  3. I understand that a lot of people here think Jews control everything, but I’m not sure if I agree.
    Yes, Jews are undoubtedly more tribalistic, and have more racial solidarity, than other peoples, and that, along with their high level of general intelligence (highest in the world) and their culture that places a high value on education and financial accomplishment, they tend to rise up in disproportionate numbers.
    However, all this doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy, because just as Jews were massively influential in Communism and feminism, they were also massively influential in free market fields, with great free-market thinkers such as von Mises and Friedman, as well as in pretty much every field not focused on the economy.
    Additionally, the high Jewish representation in feminism isn’t necessarily a conspiracy. For example, we know that career girls are more likely to embrace feminism, and Jewish women in the early period of American history were perhaps far more likely to be career women than Anglo gals of the same period because of the differences in culture and IQ, which have a particularly large impact at the far ends of the bell curve, which is the exact population we’re looking at (since only a tiny percentage of women were careerists back in the early days).
    btw I bet you guys think I’m a Jew from my name tag but I’m actually not, I’m Italian.

    1. There’s nothing wrong with Jews being overrepresented in Feminism and cultural marxism. The problem is that Israel is a right-wing nationalistic, apartheid state that is very conservative and patriarchal. Why don’t they practice what they preach in they’re own homeland?

      1. Aye, that’s never made sense to me either. The entire “Jewish Conspiracy” thing would go away overnight if local Jewish people weren’t so overwhelmingly socialist here in the West, yet so right wing and patriarchal at home. The contradiction makes literally no sense at all.

        1. I must admit I’m at a bit of a loss as to why so much emphasis is placed on identifying the enemy mastermind behind it all. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter? We see the degradation of our culture and morals, we see the corruption in politics and these leftist movements and we know how to fight back. We got our marching orders, so to speak, so let’s get marching. Let’s take out the enemies right in front of us and then we can worry about who’s sending them.
          That’s may be just my simplistic view of the situation, but all these people screamining “It’s the Jews! It’s the Jews!” doesn’t really strike a chord with me.

        2. Couldn’t tell ya’, man. There is some tactical value to knowing a group or groups are targeting you, insofar as you can then focus resources on defeating them, however obsessing about the conspiracy at the expense of action really is an act of futility, as you suggest.

        3. Not just futile. It seems very weak for people to sit there complaining that the Jews are the boogeymen and not offer some kind of steps to countering this. I think that’s why I prefer the articles stating how to fight back or how to improve yourself. I don’t want to sit here and bemoan the plight of modern man. I want to get out there and make shit happen, as should our other readers. Leave the weeping and wailing to the weak feminists. We need men of action and conviction.

        4. I’m with you GOJ…
          I tried putting forth some ideas for fighting back in an organized way by using The Art of War to begin organizing men and laying plans… but the feedback in the comments section was disappointing overall (so far, anyway).

        5. To the point of your actual article here, I do see value in exposing who the top writers and activists are in the upper echelon of feminism. It makes targeting “up and coming” feminist influence peddlers easier now, insofar as one can make some broad assumptions (no pun intended) in scanning TA’s and others petitioning for professorship at universities, etc. Look for the Jewish family name (or signs of a name change to something more “anglo”), then examine her (or his) work thoroughly *before* he/she gets power. It’s a form of profiling and while it may not always work, it does provide a good base to start from to focus resources.

        6. Hey Ex. Definitely no disrespect on your work as it is very well laid out and articulated. I also enjoyed the Art of War article you posted last week. I wouldn’t let one article dissuade you from pursuing that topic further. I think as the ROK community further hashes out the gameplan on combatting this feminism scourge, articles like yours will become increasingly important. It might be a good idea to start small (as in what a single person can do in their community). Talking about the overall war is all well and good but it leaves laymen such as myself wondering where I fit in and what I can personally do. Keep writing man!

        7. I really feel that the contradiction is removed if you stop looking at religion which, as far as I can tell, plays zero role here, and start looking at class.
          People at very low economic classes have very few choices. They can a) turn to crime b) turn to welfare c) work hard knowing their life is going to suck and hope to push the next generation forward a small step.
          Feminism and socialism…liberal arts-ism…is a workview set up, expounded and promoted by the decadent. Don’t see a lot of nigerian socialism majors. Those skinny fucks are trying to make money nor make a point. They finally made it here and they aren’t about to toss it away to bank hairy bushed, bespectacled fem studies majors and talk about how the old world needs to crumble. They are becoming engineers so their family will be proud and they will have the money to take care of them.
          It is no different than the belief system of Joe Kennedy versus his kids versus THEIR kids…christ RFK Jr is one annoying POS. And they were about as jewish as a christmas ham.
          The jews in israel are a people under seige and are behaving as a people under seige. The jews at Berkley are spoiled brats and they are behaving like spoiled brats.
          It all makes a lot more sense once you stop trying to work the Judaism into the equation.

        8. Among other things, knowing who and why these things are happening (or rather, are being imposed) is useful in formulating an effective response.

        9. Why is it “weeping and wailing” to identify the source (or, perhaps, one of the sources) of that which you are fighting against? A man of action without a plan will accomplish little.

        10. While I can’t speak for him, I believe that he means that *just* weeping and wailing are acts of impotence. I’ve been on teh interwebs a long time, back when keyboards only had 0’s and 1’s on them and you had to relay messages in binary across old 40 baud modems, taking care not to type too fast lest you overflow aforementioned modem. Since that time I’ve seen “identify the source” so many countless times that I would figure those who are fingering the jews would have, you know, got the point by now and actually have done something. So far though, decades later, nothing.

        11. Because that’s what 95% of the commenters on this site who talks about Jews do. “It’s the Jews! The Jews are all that’s wrong with the world! We need to get the Jews out of power!” My question is, “So what?” Unless we’re going to go on a witch hunt for said Jews, we’ll be better off dealing with the problems right in front of our face: Corrupt politics, radical feminism, destruction of the family unit, the feminizing of the modern man. We can get to the Jews, if they are indeed pulling the strings, later after all their minions are squarely dealt with.
          To answer your question a little more succinctly. The enemies have already been identified. I’m no longer concerned talking about the WHO or the WHY, but rather the HOW (as in “how do we fight back?”).

        12. I’m down to contribute to a certain scale.
          But nothing to the point that it will hurt my current plans.

        13. Understood.
          All I know for sure Clark is that to have any chance to win a culture war we have to think *outside* the box. The internet is a good educational tool, but the manosphere tenets need to be *forced* onto the pubic – nonviolently of course. Notice how upset the feminists and Canadian government got at a handful of men meeting in person… The “elites” know that such meetings amongst men are inspirational and dangerous to their narrative.
          People need to experience true masculine force with all five senses, not just read about it on ROK and Rollo. They need to see it, hear it, smell it, touch it, and even get a taste of it if we’re to make a lasting impact. I’ve got a few ideas I’m going to try to put on paper and evaluate over the next few weeks.

    2. I’m not entirely certain I buy the “higher IQ” nonsense with Jewish people. I believe that only applies to a very small sect within the Jewish community (Hassidics is it? Or something similar, I don’t recall off the top of my head). I’ve met plenty of Jews and none of them have seemed particularly intelligent in an outstanding sense, rather they seemed rather average all things considered. They are good at social networking with their own, and at language manipulation (hence their prevalence in comedy) but I can’t recall one that I’ve ever met who could solve a quadratic equation if one was put in front of him (or her) or describe a basic atom. Sure, there are some who can, clearly, I just mean on the whole from my experience. Anecdotal and YMMV of course.
      It’s similar to how I view the supposed Asian IQ. I doubt many poor rural farmers in Bumfuck China were tested, so we end up with a sampling population of university students and business leaders who would *naturally* be on the higher end of the scale by default. Poll those 800 million rural farmers who are nearly illiterate in their own language however and that number drops by several factors of ten I suspect. Meanwhile we *do* test out the rural bumpkins here and add them to our collective “average IQ”.
      Just seems strange to me. Maybe I’m overthinking it a bit.
      As to IQ and careerism, I’m not certain how high IQ implies you’re going to want a career as a woman precisely? Anglo women are intelligent and had no problem being stay at home moms. Nor did Jewish women until the modern era for that matter. It seems a bit like a non-sequitur to me.
      EDIT: Per Psquare, Ashkenazi Jews.

      1. You’re right, its the Ashkenazi jews that score exceptionally high in IQ tests, but they are a small sect in the Jewish community

        1. Ashkenazi Jews are those of the diaspora who settled in Eastern Europe (Russia, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, etc.) or who then moved elsewhere. These are distinguished from the Sephardim (Spain, Portugal, etc.). Some further divide the Sephardim into the Sephardim and Mizrahim (the latter settled in the Middle East and North Africa). None of these descriptors necessarily reflect a sect of Judaism or religious practice – which is to say that Hasidim are a conservative sect of Judaism emerging from the wider Ashkenazi diasporic culture, but relatively few Ashkenazim are Hasidic.
          The overwhelming majority of Jews in the U.S. and Western Europe are of Ashkenazi origin, so those are whom we think of when we think of Jews.

      2. this is exactly right. Very poor jews on the lower east side of new york city, living in slums and totally impoverished worked their asses off to send their kids to college. Those kids did very well in school often because they worked harder than people who didn’t see their families suffer and go without just so they could be educated. They became a generation of lawyers, doctors, economists, etc. birthed by a generation of fish mongers, cab drivers, etc.
        Because their parents were hard on them they were successful and when they became successful and had children they gave their children the relaxed freedom that they always wanted when their parents were pushing them like slaves.
        Those children raised with the values of taking it easy also went to colleges but wound up getting bullshit degrees and becoming forerunners of feminism and other philosophies that expound someone else taking care of your dumb lazy ass because that is what their trust funds allowed them to believe in.
        If you want a real scare don’t bother looking at the jews. Look at the arabs who are driving cabs 20 hours a day and forcing their kids to work their asses off in school. Guess who the next generation of influential minorities are.
        I don’t buy into any hereditary exceptional. When you are born dirt poor and watch your parents work their asses off and do dick all for themselves while making sure you get the best education possible you are going to have that same work ethic. When you grow up with the parents who benefited from that type of life but regret all the “fun” they missed out on and spoil the fuck out of you then you grow up different.

        1. You’re in an alternative history fantasy land if you think that Jews were unique in their poverty and deprivation in the United States.

        2. I don’t think they were unique in their poverty. I just think they dealt with it a lot better than many others. The Jews, for one reason or another, have a view point that goes beyond the individual and thinks about the larger family, generations away. It allows for sacrifice for the children. Not dissimilar to the way many Irish (most notable Kennedy Sr.) and Italians did nothing for themselves in order to give a future to their children.
          Compared with some of today’s parent’s who will let their children go without so they can participate in newest trends and fads, it is a big difference.
          Currently, and this worries me, it is the Muslims who are working in convenience stores, driving taxis, working in restaurants and buying property rather than renting. They are following the same plan that many people, jews, irish, italian, have when they first emigrated here while those people are becoming lazy and decadent due to years of success birthed by the hard work of their grandparents and great grandparents.

      3. Ashkenazi (European) Jews are the purportedly intelligent ones, and compose 80% of Jews worldwide, according to britannica. Also, most non-Ashkenazi (Sephardic) Jews are in the Middle East, as Alec noted.
        The more intelligence a person has, the more successful in general their careers will be, and a woman with a successful career will probably be less likely to give up that career for a family. This is supported by studies of fertility.
        Like I said, I don’t disagree that much of Jewish success comes not be merit but by in-group favoritism, I just feel that many in the manosphere are too quick to discount the potential impact of other factors.

        1. The only ones I’ve ever met were Ashkenazi then (European-ish), and plenty of them. Still don’t really see that whole shining intellect thing though. Maybe the dumb ones moved to Ohio? Could be.
          What I was suggesting about IQ and women’s careers is that I don’t see how having a high IQ would make one want a career or how having a lower IQ correlated with a tendency to not want to work in a career. Within reasonable boundaries of course, obviously total moron idiots prefer hanging on the street corner or languishing in jail.

        2. Even if Ashkenazim have a higher IQ than we do (along with a basket of genetic disorders and predisposition to mental afflictions) that does not justify or excuse their position as rulers of America and of Europeans worldwide.
          White IQs are well above all of Africa. Whites have not however, overall, positioned themselves as the rulers of Africa. Most of the world is below us, all of the world in terms of IQ with the possible exceptions of some Chinese and Ashkenazim. So we should rule everyone with a lower average IQ than Whites while kneeling to the Chinese and European-mixed Jews?
          It’s not their IQ that explains how they were able to take over our countries and control our media and money and dictate what is politically correct to say. It is their duplicitousness, their aggression, their contempt for the gentiles, the huge pile of gold they’ve got after being the world’s bankers for a thousand years, and their incessant plotting.

    3. Nah, you’re talking sense there Breitbart. There is no conspiracy.
      Something to note about Jewish women in feminism: Jewish women came to America with “sexist” and ugly men (relative to American men). Jewish women weren’t exactly the prettiest either.
      Much of Jewish Feminism was about Jewish women wanting what American women had (see: hypergamy) and about holding their men to a higher, less-sexist, more-American standard.
      The stereotype of the nagging Jewish wife is a stereotype for a reason.

  4. I think I may have at least a partial answer to this question. I think it’s because Jews hate Christianity and anything that has to do with it — traditional sex roles, etc. The late Joseph Sobran wrote about this in his columns, and I recommend them to this reading audience. Jews and Christians (and the society built on it) are, I think, fundamentally at odds with one another, and have been since Christ himself. Whether this enmity and opposition is supernatural or just cultural I’m not sure. But they are quick to reject Christ and anything influenced by him. The Talmud, for those who are not familiar with it, contains some vile and satanic stuff about gentiles and Christians in particular, which as a Catholic I will not utter here. Not pleasant to say, but I think it must be considered. It seems to me that for a myriad of reasons they want to destroy and conquer.
    I think Breitbart2 gets it right, as Sobran said it as well, about their tribal mentality; that the tribe comes before all other considerations.
    Comments are welcome.

    1. “The Talmud, for those who are not familiar with it, contains some vile
      and satanic stuff about gentiles and Christians in particular”
      Care to elaborate?

      1. Talmud says Mary is a whore and Jesus is being burned in a cauldron filled with feces by Jewish Rabbis for eternity. There fixed it for you

        1. not sure about the whole poop cauldron. I never read a Talmud before. However, I am pretty sure that a woman who has a kid and claims she is a virgin is Def. a whore.

        2. Don’t worry realist, lolknee has already shown is anger at this article. So he can only lash out and destroy strawmen in his (her?) rage.

        3. It’s not about the beliefs of Christianity, but about the idiotic Christians cucking for Shlomo when this is what he says behind their back.
          Quite a big schnoz you got there bro…

        4. When someone is being a cuck you should blame them and not the ones cucking them. Chistianity is a religion defined by weak principles and feminine values. It is a religion of people begging for cucoldry.
          I don’t go in for the whol religion thing. My nose is the product of years of boxing. Either way, it wouldn’t matter.
          A group of people have some obscure holy text compiled 200 years before Christ and Christians are bitching about how it’s mean to them. Typical Christian weakness. Not sure what makes people seek out these religions. I imagine, as I have commented here before, that they are looking for some form of collective to compensate for their own lack

      2. Hardore Realist is correct; among other things. I just wasn’t sure if it were appropriate to say it (no insult to you, Realist :-)). As well, from what I understand the newer editions of the Talmud (which is a massive six volume work) have those passages taken out, but if memory serves it’s in the original Hebrew or something like that.
        There is online an Orthodox Monk Named Brother Nathaniel, who says he was brought up and Orthodox Jew and converted. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. He’s on youtube and puts out many videos on the subject. His presentation can be somewhat stilted, but I’ve seen other videos of former Orthodox jews who left Judaism because of the racist — or maybe a better word would be supremacist — attitudes they were being taught; Ideas that if you heard coming from a Palestinian or any other group would be labeled as hateful in the modern PC climate. But Jews get a pass. I recommend starting with Sobran. He suffered a lot for his views, but read them for yourself before you make a decision. Start with the columns “For Fear of the Jews,” “My obsession with Jews,” “The Church and Jewish Ideology.” You can google them online. Be prepared for the usual charges of ‘anti-semitism’ (even though the Arabs are semites too), and the like.
        Even today Christians are being persecuted by Jews in Israel, both legally and socially.

        1. Your last sentence is spot on. It’s a national sport in Israel to desecrate and set churches ablaze. And Christians are being LITERALLY spat on. Funds for Christian and Arabic schools are getting slashed. What behooves me though is the fervent support of Evangelical Christians for the terrorist state Israel.
          They went as far as to chant “God Bless Israel”, “Oh God of Israel” and etc. Sickening is a gross understatement to describe my feelings.
          One of the many reasons why I ditched Christianity long ago. If the fanatical Jew supremacist vilifying Jesus and Mary is not enough, they actually attacked USS Liberty, killing and maiming scores of our sailors EVEN WHEN THEY FLEW THE WHITE FLAG….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2d0CKXy8HQ

    2. Kevin MacDonald expands upon this insofar as he ascribes Jewish participation in culturally degenerating movements as a “group (tribal) survival strategy.” If the dominant culture is overwhelmingly Christian and hierarchical and there are traditional roles and places within it for people, Jews are marginalized as any cultural minority would be. However, “multicultural” societies without organizing principles are a modern Babel and allow the clannish Jews to exploit the chaos.

    3. As a Catholic the same type of conspiracy theories were always being spun against us growing up. The Church of Rome was the great evil one setting out to destroy and subvert the clean, good living, puritanical “Godly” protestants.
      Needless to say, I abandoned my faith many years ago, as I realized the whole Judaeo- Christian worldview was largely a fabrication and importation from a part of the world (the middle east) that I’ve no cultural or religions connections with. I still respect sincere Christians and Jews alike mostly, but, their God has always been quite remote and alien to me, in the same manner, that Buddha is an alien God to me.
      I sometimes think it would have been better if we maintained our beliefs in our own polytheistic local deities. Tribes living in the Amazon have been doing this for generations, it works from them, and as far as I can tell, they don’t want to take over the world, or convert other people to their faith.

      1. Right, but they also run around nearly naked, shove twigs through their noses and spend the bulk of their lives in constant battle with mosquitoes. So you have to take that into consideration. To be fair, given recent fashion trends, it is rather hard to come down on them too harshly for their nose-twig and nearly-naked lifestyle, what, given Hipsters over here and such.
        I sometimes think it would have been better if we maintained our beliefs in our own polytheistic local deities. Tribes living in the Amazon have been doing this for generations, it works from them, and as far as I can tell, they don’t want to take over the world, or convert other people to their faith.
        Well, say what you will, but it would have truly made the English language much more powerful and majestic. You hardly ever hear the word “Mighty” or “Smite” slip from the modern’s tongue, whereas if we’d all retained our allegiance to Odin and Thor we’d hear it near daily. Which would be cool. (I find the Anglish language movement rather interesting)

        1. I use mighty all the time. I love it. Big, grand, expansive sense of well-being with the world. Nothing like it! “I had a mighty time last night!”

    4. The term oft used in the media is ‘judaeo-christian morality’. Maybe that existed in Moses’ time
      But looking at those two separately in modern times I believe that they are not related whatsoever.
      One ‘morality’ encourages open borders, feminism, rejection of cultural traditions, homosexuality, etc. The other one rejects most of those..
      They are not the same and the fact that the jewish owned media keeps trying to tell us they are, while promoting all sorts of things that are anything but Christian, should be a red flag. Sadly the ability to think critically seems to be going the way of the ability to grow food or fix one’s own car.
      Last time I wrote something akin to the above, I was banned off a message board I’d been on for years, due to my ‘anti semitism’.

      1. As Ed McMahon used to say — “You are correct, sir.” Sobran mentions this as well.
        Ever hear of the USS Liberty? My father had dinner with one of the survivors. And these folks are supposed to be our friends?

    5. “Jews and Christians (and the society built on it) are, I think,
      fundamentally at odds with one another, and have been since Christ
      See also Romans 11:17-18
      The ‘Messianic Jews’ (that is, the Jews who follow the teachings of the Old and New Testaments) are officially considered ‘Christians’ by the secular state of Israel. So I can agree with the quote.
      What a lot of American conservatives and evangelicals can’t get through their thick skulls is that the modern secular state of Israel /= the remnant of the 12 original tribes of Israel that will be saved, according to Revelations.
      And the worse part is, you can’t even question it.

  5. Sarah Gellar is one of the few Conservatives in Hollywood. Her inclusion as a “feminist” is a little disingenuous; she’said not a SJW or socialist, like most others on the list. She will probably vote Republican, even if the nominee is Donald Trump.

    1. “Sarah Gellar is one of the few Conservatives”
      Buffy was aconservative show? Seriously?

      1. Her, personally, not the television show. Actors act, they don’t play “this is me and my views” for every role.
        I have no idea about her politics, never cared enough to bother looking. Most celebs hold as much fascination to me as a rug burn.

        1. Are you saying that Edward G Robinson wasn’t the Jewish overseer of the Hebrews in Egypt?

        2. I do a great Edward G Robinson voice where I say “nyeah joshua, by her own free will, nyeah, nyeah”
          But yeah, it is totally strange. Next thing you will be telling me is that Olivia Wilde isn’t a young doctor with Huntington’s disease and that Will Smith didn’t actually save the world from Aliens.

        3. Ok, look, it may be disappointing that Will Smith didn’t actually save the earth from an alien invasion, but at least we can rest assured that he was a top notch sheriff in the 19th century American Old West.

        4. So many of my cherished cultural memories, destroyed in one day. Alas!

      2. Far from it. Joss Whedon is an extreme SJW, but Gellar was not. Michael Fox played a Reagaite in Alex Keaton, but he’s an SJW.
        Buffy was one of the most SJW shows in history.
        American media is up its own ass with SJW crap. Hollywood could never produce a show like “Sharpe’s Rifles” without getting all preachy about Imperialism.

    2. She is a neo con. Neo Con foreign policy are her only ‘conservative’ credentials.
      She is a socially liberal infiltrator. Shes also disgustingly hideous. Listening to her? Why?

  6. And what does this have to do with game? RoK is showing considerable drift from its original intention. Definitely not a fan of the Jewish nonsense that makes it on here every now and then.

    1. There are and have always been plenty of non-Game articles. The solution if you dislike political or ethnic based articles is to not click on them and read them.

      1. Why? I read a considerable amount of literature that I disagree with. It helps to either solidify my viewpoints or introduces me to thoughts I hadn’t previously considered. The Jewish stuff on RoK has gotten tired nonetheless.

        1. Why? Because it seems to upset you enough that you come onto a thread and complain about it. When I find things that bother me about a site, I generally just avoid those features and consume the content that I prefer.

        2. Not taking your own advice I see. Based on the above comment.
          Keep accepting the kosher reality, your life will be better.
          Served you well with game right? Who lied to you about that? Oh right. Those rich people that profited off your misery.
          Stay loyal bro.

    2. Game is, in part, a reaction against the feminisation of Western cultures and media, the diktats of feminism, and the resultant suppression of authentic masculinity. Describing the genesis of these movements together with the leaders thereof is necessary to understand the movements themselves and the reaction to them.

    3. Have you ever asked yourself why you need to use “game” in the first place? I sure did, and part of the answer lies in the people described in this article.

      1. I am not so sure. The foundation of game and its pursuit should be and is almost purely sexual. The prevailing culture that the operator of game is in is almost irrelevant to its outcome. Perhaps I am a game purist and see these things as distractions though to seducing women even though they are educational or interesting to read. When I play the lotto I am not concerned with who made the ticket, I’m just concerned with winning the prize.

        1. Cause and effect. Its a real thing. Or just think things happen. Good luck.

    4. There is plenty to the New Jew Order……read the entire internet and try to read someone other than a Jewish journalist or neocon.

  7. Superb forensic article, and very necessary.
    To answer the question in the title: because there is a prolific, even leading Jewish presence in every movement, organisation and lobby which seeks to undermine, weaken, and numerically decrease stable and robust Western civilisation: feminism; homosexuality; abortion; mass immigration; political correctness; pornography; Hollywood; disarming of citizens; increasing welfare benefits to single mothers; non-enforcement of borders; and much more besides.
    I’ll allow readers to make up their own minds whether it’s all a coincidence.

  8. The Jews are indeed running the world down the drain while they foist themselves high above the Gentiles. The holiest book for the Jews, Talmud clearly describes Gentiles as servant class, forever to be submissive under the yoke of Zionism.

    1. the talmud doesn’t actually clearly describe anything. I am against group think and “-isms” in general, but this is some serious moron stuff here.

      1. http://talmudical.blogspot.my/
        In your next response to me you clearly admitted of never reading the Talmud before. But now here you are stupidly claiming ‘talmud doesn’t clearly describe anything’
        Get your retarded head out of your stinking ass. Oh that’s impossible since its firmly lodged there for eternity! You are even worse than the much reviled feminist. Note that you did not even try to rebut my points but rather just labelled me as moron because the truth startles you. It triggered your feelings so people like me must be a moron eh?
        Next time try giving evidence to nullify my arguments and I’m more than ready to change my mind. Throwing ad hominem attacks only embolden me even more.

        1. I claimed it didn’t clearly describe anything because the Talmud isn’t a series of books meant to clearly describe something, but rather to show different peoples thoughts over a large period of time.
          Not responding seriously to your comments in a serious way is a reflection of how I can take someone making comments that the talmud was polemic against christ — literally corky level retard.
          If your comment triggered any feelings those feelings were “wow, moron”
          I don’t need evidence to nullify your argument. You don’t have an argument, just polemic bullshit that makes no sense and is more than likely cribbed from some geocites free blog site of a half retarded militant racist hick living in a bunker with canned goods in a place that I wouldn’t even consider flying over on a dare.

        2. Wrong again. The Talmud is written by highly regarded Rabbi priests and holds a dominant position and influence in the Jewish way of life. As opposed to your emotional vomit that ‘it shows different peoples thoughts’
          Of course being an intellectual pygmy and clinically retarded, you repeat the same tactic. Spew some nonsense with no backup and have the temerity to dismiss MY evidence as polemic bullshit.
          Naturally you couldn’t deny that Talmud vilified and denigrates Gentiles and espouses Jewish supremacy over the goyim(sheep)
          Afterall you didn’t even read the freaking Talmud unlike me but rave and rant like you are the foremost authority on this subject.
          Your triggered and emotionally laden response is comical to read.

        3. relax rabbi…i am sure it espouses jewish supremcy, it is a jewish book. If horses wrote it it would probably espouse horse supremacy.
          It doesn’t say anything about Jesus unless it was written by time traveling rabbis and we know it wasn’t because if there were time traveling rabbis the heavily jewish hollywood elite would have made a movie about it.
          It is simply a book of (yes respected) rabbis doing textural exegesis.

        4. Talmud’s Gittin 56b, 57a describes Jesus’s punishment in the afterlife as boiling in excrement.

        5. I only saw one real cock in this contest. It became apparent the other one was wearing a strap-on pretty quickly.

      2. Have you read the Talmud? I’ve read it, it clearly describes thousands of things. Go away Rabbi.

    1. and freedom fries used to be called french fries despite their origin being belgium.
      Also, I believe I once heard that Istanbul was Constantinople and that even old new york was new Amsterdam

      1. And New York was named after York, England, which at one time was actually called Jarvik by the Danes that invaded and named the city. God only knows what the Brythonic celts called it prior to the Germanic invasions. Probably something involving 95% hard consonants and which was unpronounceable. Tkbhuilzvhbhrth, or something like that.

        1. I feel that the introduction of Vowels into language is probably, with the wheel, one of the most important inventions. Not sure why sliced bread rates so high though. I mean, was there really a time when this was an issue. People choking to death attempting to get entire loaves of bread into their mouths at once?

        2. You have to admit though that the Hawaiians really took the whole vowel thing way too far. It’s to the point that their language seems to be one long moan with almost no apparent diction possible. Stupid Hawaiians. “Heaaaniia’uuoiaaa’a”.
          It has occurred to me that we can solve this problem by interbreeding the Welsh with the Hawaiians. The resulting Creole may well come out as a somewhat normal language, I figure.

        3. I understand why the Hawaiians did it. Misguided as their vowel usage is, it comes from a place of good intentions. A Welsh/Hawaiian genetics program might yield a half way normal language, but would probably result in fat people with terrible food.
          If instead of heading back to France and making room for American intervention, the French would have stayed another decade in Vietnaam and finished raping everyone then the offspring of those rapes spent half their lives in europe and the other half in japan before moving to american and working very hard to eradicate all traces of accent, then we might have something.
          This work, I feel, goes right into my “only astronauts should breed” theory

        4. Dude, when I was in Maui trying to get directions (prior to the ubiquity of GPS), I had a difficult time even explaining where the fuck I was and where I wanted to go because I couldn’t pronounce the street names.

        5. How they manage to function as a distinct culture and people stuns linguists across the world.

        6. I don’t know that proper Hawaiian is spoken much anymore – what you find particularly among young people is a pidgin utilizing Hawaiian words and concepts within an English syntactical structure, with influences from other migrant groups who settled in Hawaii.

        7. Oh yes, I know. I was just poking fun at their language, or perhaps better said, the Polynesian languages on the whole (they’re all so similar that it seems like they might be somewhat mutually intelligible, but then I don’t speak them so maybe they aren’t).

        8. The preeminent achievement of the Polynesian peoples is their intrepid settlement of the uncharted Pacific via ships made of dry grass, not their languages.

        9. Right. Can you imagine trying to explain heading out into the ocean to your village though?
          “Well everybody what we’ll do is get on board this rickety canoe made of perishable materials and set sail towards the horizon and see what happens, all the while not possessing anything like a map, a compass or even a vague idea if anything is even there. Now who’s with me?!”
          And the shitter is, that’s what they did, and it worked. It could have went one of two ways, with one way being what actually happened, and the other being the extinction of their entire race. Talk about a gamble.

        10. Some English place names still show their Celtic roots. London for example used to be Londunum. An alternate version was Caer Lundein. “Caer” being Welsh for town or settlement, I believe.

        11. I believe it was actually named by the Romans (I think?) but using the reference to the previous ruler, King Lud who was obviously of Brythonic Celt extract.

      2. fries were invented in the French speaking part of Belgium. You’re obviously talking out of your ass

  9. Jews, or more precisely, Jewishness, is a decadent strain in human nature, not limited to one race, although in the Jews, Jewishness is understandably more prominent than in other races.
    It is because the Jewish faith is feminine, soulless, and lacks a sense of good and evil, something, that could not be said of Christianity.

        1. Спасибо, но я уже прочитал его книгу.
          This is indeed a must read.

        2. I thought you did. I linked it for others to discover.
          p.s. I’m not Russian.

        3. You did well. I think every man should read this book.
          It completely changed my life.

    1. Jewish faith lacks a sense of good and evil? Isn’t the christians 10 commandments based on the Jewish faith’s 10 statements?

      1. And Jesus was Jewish and so was Otto Weininger but they saw through it. Jewishness is state of mind – neither a religion nor a race. It is similar to being a woman.
        To understand what it means consider the writing of Evola:
        Weininger observed that nothing is more baffling for a man than a woman’s response when caught in a lie. When asked why she is lying, she is unable to understand the question, acts astonished, bursts out crying, or seeks to pacify him by smiling. She cannot understand the ethical and transcendent side of lying or the fact that a lie represents damage to being and, as was acknowledged in ancient Iran, constitutes a crime even worse than killing. . . . The truth, pure and simple, is that woman is prone to lie and to disguise her true self even when she has no need to do so; this is not a social trait acquired in the struggle for existence, but something linked to her deepest and most genuine nature. (Eros, 155)

        1. So what you are saying is that there are good jews and bad jews? It depenss on the particular jew’s state of mind?

        2. The Jewishness is more prominent with the Jews but it is psychological constitution which is a possibility for all mankind.
          Also the bitterest anti-Semites are to be found amongst the Jews themselves . . . as we hate only qualities to which we approximate.

        3. Good to know. The jewish question has always been something unclear to me. I can respect the criticism of the behavior of certain jews, but I know plenty of jews whom have treated me very well, and I can’t simply put them in the same category as the jews-with-an-agenda that one reads about often. In your opinion is it ok for a goy to have jewish friends, provided of course said jewish friends have proven to be genuine?

        4. I personally, would not spend much time with Jewish friends for the same reasons I avoid to spend time in the company of women (besides sex, of course).
          Having said that, if you think that your Jewish friend exhibit pure masculine qualities then it’s up to your own judgement.
          And still, trust the friends of to-day as if they will be enemies to-morrow.

        5. What about jewish girlfriends? I have had past girlfriends who were jewish. I had no idea they were. They had no jewish ethnic features, and were great in bed, and cerainly they were sweet and very kind to me. Any thoughts?

        6. Good point. So then I guess it is best to trust a Jew like one trusts a female; keep them at arm’s length only.

        7. I completely agree. It’s an aspect of their mind, an outlook, something vague about them. Their passions are extreme. They could be the greatest proponent of a truth or its worst enemy.

      2. “Jewish faith lacks a sense of good and evil? Isn’t the christians 10 commandments based on the Jewish faith’s 10 statements?”
        The Hebrews of the OT were really Christians, Moses and Elijah and all the rest communicated with the Son of God before He took on humanity and walked among us as the Lord Jesus Christ.
        Orthodox Judaism has a sense of good and evil, but most modern “Jews” aren’t Orthodox, they’re secular atheists whose “Jewishness” is based on not being Christian.

  10. Well, as Corneliu Cordreanu once said :
    “A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in
    swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.”

  11. I don’t believe in the Jewish conspiracy theory or the notion that Jewish people are intrinsically more intelligent than the rest of the population.
    Mostly it’s hard work and historical factors that give a certain group an advantage. For example, the Irish as an ethnic group have been historically over-represented in the Government and Police Forces in the States,but, it’s not because of an Irish conspiracy.
    In most cases it was down to the fact that the Irish understood the judicial system better than most other minorities, due to common language and values between the British Isles and the States. The Irish had this huge advantage and so it naturally slotted well into the American governing system and has now progressed up to the top of most professions in the States. Also Irish men were good with their fists so I think this must of helped out on the mean streets back in the day!

  12. It’s always been a Jewish movement. It’s part of a broader Jewish involvement in all leftist causes, and the peculiar natures of sex relations within the Jewish community (stronger women, weaker men).
    I also think much of it comes down on both the male and female side of Judaism in their envy and contempt for the good looks and athleticism of non-Jewish whites. We are, quite simply, a more beautiful people on the whole, the most beautiful on the whole earth. But they consider this un-intellectual, arbitrary, proelish, and all the rest.
    Yuri Slezkine’s Jewish Century has much to add to this discussion, with his distinction of Mercurians and Appolonians. But it all comes down to this in the end: this movement and all of their movements empower their group at the expense of other groups whom they foist these ideologies on. They disempower what we consider important–athelticism, honesty, beauty, traditional families, non-usury based economics–and replace them with alternatives where we are weakened.

  13. You could interpret this to mean that Jewish women find their own men grossly inadequate.

  14. How long until people can openly criticize and question Jews again?
    Oh wait… You can’t criticize anything anymore.

    1. Good observation…but it depends how and what you criticize surely? The same goes for Muslims, but, a lot of criticism is just ranting off by people, which can be healthy and cathartic or it can be mechanism to deflect from our own failures in life.
      When I was younger I used to feel this way about certain groups. With time you realize some of your scour was justified while others was not. Experience teaches you to discern the wheat from the chaff.

      1. I don’t hate on the Jews.
        I just find it frustrating when they pretend to be this left-leaning victim group while at the same time are famous for nepotism, tribalism, and a patriarchal nation state.
        Their deconstructionalist humour (a la Woody Allen) has long passed it’s time for me.

        1. The one criticism I’d make about them is precisely on your last point i.e deconstructionism et al. I think this is what Jews excel at, namely, taking apart and re-interpreting the founding ideas in the culture they’re in. This isn’t original are particularly creative, but, that’s what they do.
          At this stage, because Judaism is such a central tenet of western self-identify via Christianity, it’s difficult to escape its peculiar influence and persistent in European countries .

        2. I think there was a sea change between Temple Judaism and Rabinnical Judaism (arising from the codification of the Talmud). While it is accurate to say that Christianity, through its Jewish root, was foreign to Europe, that Jewish root was substantially different at the time of the emergence of European Christianity.

    2. It’s not really that hard. People do it on this site and many others without any real repercussions.

      1. The first ROK article by Roosh on Jewishness really struck me as breaking ground.
        Really felt like ROK was boldly going where no millennial has gone before.

        1. Did they contact you personally, or simply issue their meaningless sneering threats online?

        2. I would say that openly having this discussion and others like it – viz,, that Jews are pursuing a rational (for them) course of conduct for the purpose of aggregating power, wealth and influence is actually healthy. It is right to have love and affinity for one’s own people. The objection that many have is that the Jews employ covert means, and it is considered a thought crime to state that which many people see.
          Isn’t it far better to see Jews seeking one form of power or another and be able to talk about what that means rather than leaving resentment and anger inchoate and liable for expression by way of less than constructive means?

  15. The same question could be asked about the left. From Marx to Alinsky. And let’s not even get started on Hollywood.

    1. That seems rather unfair to Mr. Fraser now, doesn’t it?

  16. Marxism, communism, modern leftism and all it entails(feminism, socialism/welfare state, open borders, radical secularism, cultural marxism etc), are jewish creations, PERIOD

  17. Very good article. The Jew obsession with “soft power” (finances, counselling, narratives) is really intriguing and very, very old. I mean, look at Joseph son of Jacob (it does not matter if you are a believer or not). The guy was the very first to practice the “power behind the throne” thing in a goy reign (ancient Egypt). Read these impressive words:
    “[then Pharaoh said to Joseph] You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.” (Genesis 41:40)
    “Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘I am Pharaoh, but without your word no one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt.’” (Genesis 41:44)
    One example: many here complain about the sad ‘Sex & the City’ mindset. Coincidence or not, S&TC creator is a gay Jew: Darren Star. There are many cases (read Amon Goethenegger’s comment) with this same pattern: Jews are a minority, but have massive participation in transgressive movements, influencing and poisoning thousands of unaware minds.
    The famous Churchill’s article about them: http://www.fpp.co.uk/bookchapters/WSC/WSCwrote1920.html

    1. As the interpreter of the Pharaoh’s dream, Joseph was likely the first psychoanalyst.

      1. Wow just wow( I’m not being sarcastic)
        The thought never occurred to me before although I’m an ex-Christian and currently I’m taking a course that entails me to vigorously read and dissect works of Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Carl Jung and etc….
        Your post just hit me like the proverbial brick on the head…

        1. It is a good point. Of course that first psychoanalysis, dream interpreter also seems to have gained his influence over pharoah from interpreting his dreams. Freud would not have been unaware of that fact, nor those who followed him.

    2. IIRC, Sex and the City was originally conceived about four gay men, then changed to women to be more mass marketable.
      So, in essence, the role models for a generation of young women are catty, promiscuous homosexual men.

  18. Serious question:
    Could it be that the listed examples are a form of secular Judaism / not representative of ‘true’ Judaism in the same sense that Christians who support homosexuality and the like are not really Christians?

    1. I think you have a point insofar as liberal Judaism (much like mainline Protestantism) has become a cultural affinity group and political identity much more than a religion practiced in the traditional sense. Ergo many “Reform Jews” are open on the question of the existence of God and see their religion as a form of do-gooderism under the rubric of “Justice.” It’s also fairly clear that the defining characteristic of a secular, Reform “Jew” is “not Christian” and therefore in opposition to the wider Christian “other” which is the face of the established order to be subverted to deliver “Justice.”

      1. I was about to type another response, but in looking up the term ‘Messianic Jew’ (basically a Jew who follows the religious teachings of Jesus and Judaism), the modern state of Israel officially considers it a sect of Christianity, so even in religious Judaism, there is some form of hostility towards Christians.
        This would be consistent with Romans 11:17-18 and the outright hostility of most of the Jews to the Gospel as preached by Jesus.

    2. I’m not sure if that’s the same thing. A secular Jew is consciously not religious. There can be no such thing as a secular Christian, since Christianity is a religion and not a blood line or “race”. The people you mention do exist, they simply do not understand their religion even on the surface, let alone at a deeper level.

      1. I disagree – secular Jews abound; they are functionally atheists or agnostics that nonetheless persist in vestigial religious practice (Hebrew School, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Summer Camps, attendance at a liberal Reform Jewish temple on High Holy Days to listen to the Lesbian Rabbi tell them that they must pursue [Social] Justice, etc.). The primary organizing principle seems to be existing in a state in opposition to and (tacitly subversive of) the wider Christian society.

        1. What’s to disagree with? I’m saying you can claim to be Jewish based on bloodline alone, so being a secular Jew is quite easy, or any variation of secular-religion combined (as you note). You cannot however be a secular Christian since Christianity is not a race, but a straight forward religion.

        2. I think what I meant is that to be a secular Jew is not to abandon religious practice in its entirety, albeit to practice in a form which we would not recognize as the seeking of knowledge of and/or to worship a transcendent God.

        3. “Reform Jewish” shouldn’t in practice mean being “secular jewish” except it seems it does mean this. I’ve heard that some in the reform movement have been sabbatean and probably more frequently inclined towards communism as well. The latter seems to be possible because reform judaism gets rid of some (all?) of the metaphysical / revealed elements of judaism – happy for you or anyone else to be correct me on this. As you suggest reform judaism seems also to be most correlated with ‘liberal’ (which may on some occasions mean communist but probably mostly means leftie), as well as as you suggest inclined towards social justice. This latter idea seems to relate to certain concepts in mainstream judaism and / or kabbalah which work just as well as metaphysical or secular ideas, especially “loving kindness’ (chesed, I think) and – above all – tikkun olam – the repair of the world. The latter is I think something which needs to be considered a lot more carefully. It seems to be partly a kabbalistic idea – and relates to the idea that the jews – israel – has something like a historical mission to ‘complete’ (or in some cases improve on) God’s work – something that secular jews may relate to in quite complex ways. I would say that a belief in tikkun olam is probably correlated with a belief in feminism. It all filters down into jewish society so that even if you aren’t reform, or interested in kabbalah etc, you’re still going to pick up on the ‘social’ idea of ‘making the world a better place’ (lol). If you add such factors to the widespread belief that supporting socially progressive causes makes for a safer world for jews (i.e. less anti-semitic) then even outside of the hard core of secular/ liberal/ progressive jews who always vote democrat, gay marriage, feminism, you’re going to get more conservative jews who may end up following suit besides themselves. Its also worth noting that there are deep divisions within judaism between religious and secular jews – although that’s to describe a very complex phenomenon in a very simplistic way

    3. I know some racial Jews that are Christians in religion. Including racial Jews in the mix is a little silly: Telling me that someone named “Donald Eppstein” who is an Anglican Christian CEO and doesn’t have any Jews in his family is part of a Jewish infiltration doesn’t quite add up.

  19. Jewish males tends to be more beta nerd types that get pushed around by their overbearing mothers and wives. At a certain level feminism is an expression of female sexual frustration. Jewish men are probably not fucking their women well.

  20. For years you couldn’t speak of these things allowed, but millions are becoming aware of the facts. The truth is many Jews are hostile towards white Christian society because their power is threatened by it.

  21. The Jews were on the front lines in the Russian Revolution of 1905 and then 1917. Its ironic afterwards it didnt end well with them especially when Stalin came to power.
    It would seem the grass is always greener with their activists….
    And I never assumed Sara Michelle Gellar as a feminist. Who knew?

  22. What we overlook is motive. Why would Jews do this?
    They are tribal, and taking down Christian civilization is a form of self protection. Look at how it’s America all for Israel when, if we have a real country with real men, Israel would not have us supporting their border while leaving our own border open (the source of the term “cuckservative”).
    So screwing up the west helps Israel, gets them money, defense benefits, etc.

    1. It’s hard to even discuss with people. Either you get the raving Evangelical “You’re an anti-semite!” or the equally extreme “All Jews be eeevils!” responses.
      When I commented on an article on BreitBart regarding Ann Coulter’s recent comment about why the primary candidates were running for President of Israel, I got lambasted, hard. I really don’t have a side in this debate, but I really was curious why every politician feels this absurd need to kiss Israel’s ass in debates, openly. They don’t do so for our other great allies, such as Britain or Germany or France. The few non sneer answers I received were puzzling.
      Him: “Well, Britain isn’t surrounded by nations that hate it and want to take it out!”
      Me: “So? Israel has a highly competent military that can easily and readily defend itself, and does on a daily basis. Why do our politicians need to single them out for groveling?”
      Him: “Your question smacks of anti-semitism! Go back to Stormfront, you nazi!”
      And of course “Becuz Israelz be deh childez of Gaw-d” thing. Which makes no real sense.
      So yeah, not a really productive session was had at that time.

      1. It’s worse.
        When I worked for the Ron Paul campaign, it was well known that his platform regarding Israel was to cut funding to Israel and all those “countries that hate us”. The idea being that there’s nothing in the Constitution authorizing the doling out of taxpayer funds to other nations.
        I’ve had to deal with “conservatives” almost in tears over the idea. Seriously, the worst display of “muh Israel” you could imagine.
        And all I ever asked for was that the USA can defend its own borders as the tight-controlling, immigrant expelling, wall-building Israel is allowed and supported from here. This is why the term “cuckservative” exists, when the republicans play “all for Israel” while America gets invaded by illegals. I lose friends over that.
        That’s how bad it is – and that’s what happens when one tribe with an agenda has control of the media. Our best hope at this point is that the armegeddonists get their way and get their big “final battle” so all the programmed retards can go flocking to it and die there.

        1. Interesting. I can’t see a politician that supports cutting aid to Israel being elected to congress much less picked to run on a presidential ticket. Ryan was and is all in for erasing the u.s.’ borders. He is best buds with Luis Guitterez

        2. I really hate Luis Gutierrez, every time I see him on TV I start to shake. This Puerto Rican who was born in Chicago wants open borders in the US, at the same time supports Puerto Rico becoming an independent country (not that anyone is opposed to that). If Puerto Rico became it’s own country you can surely bet that Puerto Rico would not have open borders. The only reason he supports Puerto Rico becoming an independent country is, that some day Americans might want to move there and completely change the demographics much like what happened to Hawaii.

        3. Dear Gods. How has Western Civilization survived under such a death cult for so long? How has Islam NOT conquered the “west” under such insanity?

        4. Amazing what passes for the opposition to the Left. These people are all serving the jews at the expense of whites. We’re being eaten alive!

        5. That is how strong and capable western civilization is. Only a fraction of us are holding everything together (trying too anways). Imagine if the West was 80-90% united like the Russians are today under Putin. We would colonize the solar system within 10 years.
          Two devastating 20th century wars against ourselves really set us back. We’re slowly crawling out of that funk naturally. But the anti-west tribe is throwing everything at us to prevent our healing. Radical feminism is only one of their weapons deployed against us.

        6. We are still the children of Zeus/Jupiter and Odin. It’s time that Europeans cast off the false gods of these Hebrew death cults.

        7. Two devastating 20th century wars against ourselves really set us back.
          I wonder who started these?

        8. It’s more sinister perhaps than even that. An independent Puerto Rico would be a failed state, and its inhabitants (or the overwhelming majority) would be American citizens entitled to move to the U.S. and tip the political balances of certain battleground states and Congressional districts.

        9. I’m sure that if Puerto Rico became an independent country all Puerto Ricans would retain their citizenship. In fact it would be unconstitutional to strip them of their citizenship they would have to renounce it. Most Puerto Ricans are happy with the current status of territory. George Bush Jr. tried to rig the last independence vote with only two options statehood or independence but that attempt failed. I would like to change the demographics of Puerto Rico so that Americans on the east coast would have a nice Caribbean island to visit without the fear of getting murdered like in any other Caribbean island. Basically a Hawaii for east coast Americans.
          You are right about the voting though Puerto Ricans vote overwhelmingly Democrat more so than Mexicans. They are also the most annoying of any of the Latin American groups. Gutierrez who makes no secret of his ethinic activism is trying desperately to change the demographics of the US.

      2. Exactly, non-Zionist is not anti-Semitic. It’s actually their thin-skinned, knee jerk reactions to constructive criticism that may incite Antisemitism where it didn’t previously exist.
        Although, maybe that’s the aim. The more animosity they elicit the more they can use it to score political points. It’s a downward spiral.

      3. Totally agree.
        This is the one topic in America you cannot talk about without being shamed or economically ruined.
        Ask Mel Gibson or even Michael Jackson what will happen.
        You can pretty much get away with publically criticizing any other group on the planet except the…
        Every person has their right to an opinion as long as they do not steal, rape, or murder.

        1. I think Michael Jackson may have had some other issues that caused him bad publicity. I can’t recall what they were though.

        2. Never know.
          It is one of the easiest ways to discredit someone.
          That’s why I’m kind of skeptical…when any man…especially someone that is famous is accused of a sex crime.
          It usually involves two things.
          1. Extortion/money
          2. socio-political sabatoge
          Mel Gibson and Michael Jackson were attacked with both tactics.

        3. He only took the silver metal in the 100 yard dash. Everyone was mad that he came in a little behind

        4. Why did Michael Jackson rush to his nearest JC Penney’s store?
          Because he saw a commercial saying boy’s pants were 50% off.

      4. “Why do our politicians need to single them out for groveling?”
        It’s called ‘Christian Zionism’, and is based on an interpretation of
        the Bible that says “All Christians get ‘raptured’, and then the world
        goes to Hell” (think the ‘Left Behind’ series, and the Book of
        At best it is foreign policy by an subjective interpretation of a prophetic part Bible; at worst it is Christian heresy on the level of the Millerites.
        The funny thing is that those same politicians would laugh / ostracize anyone who ran a foreign policy based on Nostradamus or some such.
        “And of course “Becuz Israelz be deh childez of Gaw-d” thing.”
        Calling the modern state of Israel a ‘Jewish nation’ is like calling America a ‘Christian’ nation. ~25% of the population is not even Jewish by race or religion. Although the Jews and the other 11 ‘lost’ tribes of Israel have a special place in the heart of God, the term ‘children of God’ is more expansive than just the 12 tribes nowadays.
        I could see supporting Israel as an island of stability in the otherwise chaotic Middle East, but none of the ‘Christian Zionism’ crap.
        “Your question smacks…”
        When I went to Berlin, it seemed like they had a Holocaust monument on every street corner. Given the fact that US women have made a conscious choice to snuff out 50 million lives (and counting) growing in their womb, the US owes Hitler an apology.

        1. Russians snuff more fetuses per birth though.
          Hell u mean Gehenna, a place where dead bodies of criminals And human sacrifices were burnt?

        2. “Russians snuff more fetuses per birth though.”
          Since it is an assumption that “Hitler was a bad guy because he killed 6 million Jews + others”, my assertion is “US has killed more people than Hitler” (I’m in the US).
          I don’t know Russian abortion rates; I do know the current Russian government wants/promotes the idea of bigger families, which is more than the US government does.
          “Hell u mean Gehenna, a place where dead bodies of criminals And human sacrifices were burnt?”
          The second death, the lake of fire; whatever it is, I’m certain it isn’t a day at the beach or very pleasant. This was more “Pre-dispensationalism in two sentences or less” rather than “the exact nature of the end of the world.”

        3. It is based on the theological doctrine of dispensationalism (jews have a special dispensation regarding believing in the divinity of Christ) which is heretical.

        4. Well, Russians abort more than any other nationality. 1.2 million abortions for a population of 143 m. For every birth there are almost two abortions. Some people say the actual number is higher than the official statistics. The fertility rate is low over there, so the government gives extra welfare for more kids.
          Gehenna depending on the sect could mean eternal damnation to eternal fate of no resurrection.

        5. You can thank religious con-man Cyrus Schofield and Oxford
          University Press for this nonsense. The
          Schofield Reference Bible is one of the biggest scams in religious history. This
          reference bible was created and distributive for free to American evangelical churches
          to convince them that Israel had to exist and Christians must blindly support
          the state of Israel or baby Jesus would rain down fire on the USA.

        6. Yes sir!
          Even today most Americans cannot even have a rational conversation about this topic.
          Israelis are big boys and girls…sink or swim.

        7. Scofield was a failed lawyer who’s own wife ditched him. So he joins the freemasons looking for identity and purpose. Bunch of Rabbi’s help him publish his ‘reference bible’ which has since plagued American Conservatism post-1948. To the extreme brainwashing you have so called Christians converting to Judaism in the US. Which is completely backwards, proving these Christians are halfwits to begin with who never read the bible in the first place. Instead, they watch talmudvision on the weekends doing what they’re told like good goy israeli servants. An American Bible, edited by zionist rabbis dominates the cucked minds of 60 million evangelical dispensationalist.
          Assembly of God
          Jehovah’s Witnesses
          TV Evangelicals

      5. Very much the way that parents of rape victims aren’t allowed to sit on a jury for a rape case, people who feel too passionately about a topic should be dismissed from discussing it. Anyway willing to go to war over something needs to be disallowed participation in the topic

      6. I run a horrible paradox in my Christian ideologies.
        Yes, to me, the Jews are the chosen of God, Israel is their land, they are blessed, and always will be. Never met a Jew who was struggling for money.
        Aside from that, they are behind some of the most debasing, dehumanizing, evil things that have happened to civilization.
        I never know how to balance my opinion. Do I really need one?
        “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men
        gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” as Christ had said.
        Mayhap this is all that is needed.

        1. I am glad you see them for the monsters they are, but what may not have occurred to you is the AshkeNAZI of which 85% of Jews are descended are not the Jews of the Bible. Their empire belonged in the Caucasus and was destroyed by Rus in the 10th Century. The survivors spread out taking the otherwise dead Pharisee religion with them which they had previously adopted for political reasons. They have no right to anything they claim and have lied for centuries. The exact origin of the Sephardic Jews is less clear so they may have some generic tie or they may not, but the AshkeNAZI do not and are certainly the more dangerous of the two. Personally I do wonder if the Khazars before their empire was destroyed somehow made a pact with the Devil or other occult forces and adopted “God’s” religion in part to insult the Lord as they do evil on the Earth. If you study what the Khazars preach to themselves you will discover their period of Babylonian captivity. In this period it is believed their religion and culture were influenced or merged with the pagan beliefs of their masters. This belief system made its way to Khazars in the northwest who adopted it in the Eighth Century, so some if not all of the “Jewish” mysticism are in fact Babylonian ideas. Some of what they “worship” comes from this empire.
          Another thought which occurred to me was perhaps the Jews of the Bible did NOT worship “God” as we know Him in Christianity but instead some kind of other occult being(s). Our Lord Jesus came here to right this and was of course crucified by the heads of the “religion” the Pharisees. I see a ying and yang based on this idea with the Old (“evil”) and New (“good”) Testament.

        2. Pretty sure that modern genetics has disproved that theory. Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahim all share common ancestors.

        3. Jews are of synagogue of satan. And the satan will rule the earth until 2nd coming. At least thats what christianity says.

        4. lol you think jews are gods chosen people because they always have money??
          this is seriously the MOST RETARDED statement i have EVER read

        5. Most Jews are secular—agnostics or atheists. The Jewish religion, as an actual religion, holds little appeal to an educated and cultured people like Jews in the West. It is more of a cultural or ethnic affinity. A recent study by Pew found that, while American Christians have overwhelmingly positive views of Jews, Jews hold negative attitudes about Christians. Instead, they respect atheists more.
          Jews like Evangelicals even less than they like Muslims.
          I’d encourage you to read about the development of Christian theology with respect to the Jewish people. It’s not as open-and-closed as you might think. Historically, most Christian denominations have adhered to supercessionism or “replacement theology”: the church is the new, spiritual Israel, with the Jews remaining in darkness as the Israel of the flesh. In this understanding, God is preserving the Jews supernaturally as a kind of sign to the world about the truth of the Gospel, and many will be converted in the End of Days.
          The current view popular in Evangelical circles, which is called dual covenant theology, or dispensationalism, identifies the Jews who reject Christ as Israel alone. It originated in 19th Century Britain among the Plymouth Brethren, in particular the missionary preacher John Darby.
          Dispensationalism became more popular when Cyrus Scofield was selected to edit a study bible at the beginning of the 20th Century by Oxford University Press. This was largely a political decision, but the Scofield Reference Bible went on to influence the trajectory of the Evangelical movement in the English-speaking world.

        6. “Scientists, however, dismissed the Khazar hypothesis because the genetic evidence did not add up. Until now. In 2012, Israeli researcher Eran Elhaik published a study claiming to prove that Khazar ancestry is the single largest element in the Ashkenazi gene pool. Sand declared himself vindicated, and progressive organs such as Haaretz and The Forward trumpeted the results.”
          This article also goes on to talk about a migration of Khazars back into modern Ukraine, but that’s another topic.
          ““That’s a circular argument,” he said of the notion that Jews’ and Armenians’ genetic similarities stem from common ancestors in the Middle East and not from Khazaria, the area where the Armenians live. If you believe that, he says, then other non-Jewish populations, such as Georgian, that are genetically similar to Armenians should be considered genetically related to Jews, too, “and so on and so forth.”
          Dan Graur, Elhaik’s doctoral supervisor at U.H. and a member of the editorial board of the journal that published his paper, calls his former student “very ambitious, very independent. That’s what I like.” Graur, a Romanian-born Jew who served on the faculty of Tel Aviv University for 22 years before moving 10 years ago to the Houston school, said Elhaik “writes more provocatively than may be needed, but it’s his style.” Graur calls Elhaik’s conclusion that Ashkenazi Jews originated to the east of Germany “a very honest estimate.””

        7. Christians who like Jews are severely cucked idiots because the respect is not returned.

      7. I do not say all Jews are evil, but I do say, however, that the whole tribe brings a collective evil. Why can’t you people see this?

      8. In my neck of the woods we have a lot of jews around and even asking the question, “Why should America financially support Israel?” Will get you labeled as an anti-semite. In my experience with dealing with jews, they tend to bring a lot of the hate upon themselves for how they treat us non-jews.
        I worked a job where there were a lot of jews who spoke very ill of us non-jews. And after awhile, I finely discovered why they aren’t liked that much.

      9. “Britain isn’t surrounded by nations that hate it and want to take it out!” Looking at how the rest of the EU is treating us because of our “audacity” of choosing to leave an autocratic / technocratic / oligarchial / cryptofascist virtual dictatorship that treats us as equal parts cashcow & dumping ground, that claim is debatable to say the least…

    2. Jesus said: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
      Otto Weininger said: “In the Jew and the woman, good and evil are not distinct from one another.”
      Now think about their motives … or the lack of such.

    3. I’m part-way through reading The Culture of Critique. So far I would absolutely recommend it; it’s incredibly eye-opening. It’s amazing how people (including the author) will get called “racists” or “Nazis” just for making any observations about Jews that are less than worshipful.

    4. Exactly. Jews promote open borders for White Countries while supporting ethnic nationalism at home.

    5. Dude … revenge for the Jewish Diaspora perhaps ?
      If anything is a motive … that’d be it.

    6. Look up “the Authoritarian personality”. It was a study sponsored by the American Jewish Committee by the Frankfurt School that found socially dysfunctional, sexually liberated (fags, sluts, pedophiles) countries reduce the probability of Gentiles rising up against Jews.

    7. So, Israel deliberately tries to weaken its strongest ally, upon which its survival depends. Especially the Christian right, which is its most reliable base? Cool logic bro.

    8. I can’t tell you what their motives are in bulk on this chat page, but I can tell you where to look: Please refer to the Jewish infamous book, “The Protocols of The Learned Eldars Of Zion.” And watch an audio transcript on youtube: “Benjimen H Freedman 1961 speech.”
      I can only show you the door, you’re the one to choose whether or not to walk through it.
      The entire motives of the Jew are in those two things I have introduced to you all.

    9. Sorry about posting doubles gentlemen but here are the two of the above that I mentioned that confirms all so-called Jews are indeed devils. This is in the defense for Doktor Jeep:
      The Audio transcripts of the following in youtube format:
      The Learned Protocols Of Zion:
      Benjimen H Freedman 1961 speech.

      Both of these audio transcripts shall permenantly show to you the motives behind the Jewish handiwork.
      By the way did you know that the Russian revolution was Jewish and not Russian? Here’s an extra to give you an idea of what went down back in the day via Goerge Lincoln Rockwell:

    10. its a catch 22 when Zionist evangelicals (who actually pay taxes) cant pull the wool back and realize nationalist israel is scamming the world, compared to secular progressives (who are not productive members of society) who suck at the jewish media teat,who actually absolutely loathe nationalist israel.

    11. Skypes are a parasitic people, the same with their state heavily reliant on financial, military and educational help mostly from the USA and Germany (in form of reparations). There are exceptions to the rule, thought, but exceptions only prove it.

  23. I don’t believe you can separate Judaism from its most sacred covenenat – circumcision. A practice that, throughout history, was plainly considered genital mutilation by non-Jewish cultures. The acceptance of this practice in America correlates with a rise in Jewish influence in the American medical profession. In short, the more Jewish doctors there are in a country, the more acceptable circumcision becomes.
    The famous Jewish philoshopher, Moses Maimonides, spoke years ago regarding the purpose of circumcision – to limit a man’s sexual pleasure: “The bodily injury caused to that organ is exactly that which is desired… for there is no doubt that circumcision weakens the power of sexual excitement, and sometimes lessens the natural enjoyment: the organ necessarily becomes weak.”
    Thus, I believe, you have a principal cause of Jewish unhappiness throughout the ages. The fact that they are a genitally mutilated minority class, living in the country on an intact majority. So historically, this has bred a resentment of the ruling class (be it Spanish, German, Russian, etc.) and a desire, perhaps subconsciously, to uproot the traditions of the ruling class.
    For those who have had this practice foisted upon them, for whatever reason, then foreskin restoration is the best actionable remedy. It is well known to restore much of the sexual pleasure that comes from intact genitalia.

    1. it probably is a huge psychological factor. Does anyone know if any jewish psychoanalysists / psychologists have addressed this?

      1. The ramblings of Herr Freud address this issue ad-nausea. It’s well known that Jewish men have a predilection for oral sex. Could it be something to do with this, I wonder?

        1. That’s interesting. I could well see that being the case. I wonder if gentile men who’ve been circumscribed also have that predilection. It wouldn’t be hard to design a survey to discover this, with jewish men as controls

        2. I’m honestly not sure if secular Jews for example circumscribe their sons these days. There’s a tiny and dwindling Jewish community in my country so I don’t get to met Jews in a social context very much. I’ve met some Jews over the years in other countries but mostly it’s difficult to engage with them, even more so than Muslims, in conversations about their customs and culture.
          Freud although derided by many, nevertheless was fairly accurate on aspects of modern psychology, like the role of suggestibility, hysteria and fantasy in womens’ nature. The importance of the father in a family and in a son’s life in particular and how a mother can be no substitute for this prime relationship, I think is particularly prescient in our nuclear family societies. His idea about the phallus as the prime symbol of virility and life and the tensions between instinct, sex and rationality in a man’s psyche life are very relevant.
          People often fail to understand that Freud was deeply conservative and Victoria in his everyday social values about the world and his writings, although often, delving into areas that he thought were personally repulsive like homosexuality for example, his writings very much reflect that paternalistic bourgeois mind class mindset. He’s not a champion of free love are a free for all sexuality that says live and let live and this is why he’s rarely celebrated as a great “liberator” by people on the left.

        3. He does seem to occupy a pecular position in many ways. There are many who still revile him as the guy who ‘started the rot’ so to speak, and started us obsessing on issues of unconscious sexuality, including unconscious incestuous desires, not to mention the very awkward issue of child sexuality. In part this relates I think to the largely jewish idea of sexual repression (judaism has a different approach to sexuality compared to christianity) and that jewish vs christian angle was later enlarged upon by the frankfurt school: frohm, reich marcuse etc. seemed to see sexual repression as primarily a phenomenon of christian culture – although I would have thought for Freud repression, like the oedipal complex was more of a universal rather than a cultural phenomenon.
          I know that later feminists like judish miller argued that the oedipal complex was a cultural psychic construct – and many feminist psycho-analysists before and after her, along with the “cultural marxists” ended up rejecting freud’s largely conservative values on that basis, while taking his theories such as the sexual repression of conflict into the unconscious realm, the oedipal complex etc and re-describing them as political and cultural so that they could be de-constructed and re-made in a marxist / feminist manner. I imagine if circumcision hasn’t become that much of an issue in psycho-analysis since then (I’m guessing that it hasn’t – correct me if I’m wrong) it may be because the relevant factors are supposed to be more cultural than biological / physical?
          I actually think that one reason there have been so many jewish feminists has to do with the fact that so many feminists flocked to psycho-analysis precisely to oppose Freud’s theory of female sexuality : you can explain the whole of twentieth century feminism in terms of the feminist desire to disapprove the idea of penis envy and the notion that women are somehow incomplete men, who are only completed by becoming pregnant. I actually find myself blaming Freud for that: for setting much of the feminist juggernaut in motion by saying things so god damn unacceptable to the nascent woman’s movement

        4. Very good comment. Freud unlike Jung had a very low opinion of female psychology which he equated essentially to the Id state of a child. He didn’t believe they were in touch with the reality principle and that much of their behavior was motivated by resentment towards men, due to the fact that they were born without a penis.
          Obviously as you say this attracted feminists like a swarm of hornets to the whole psychoanalysis movement where they could play out their very own “Hamlet Complex” with Daddy Freud. The whole episode with an entire generation of Jewish women nattering and gas bagging on about their displaced fraternal love is both amusing and farcical- the very fact that they react the way he predicted kind of makes his point that their motivations are childish and based on resentment towards men in general. If he intended this consequence well then he was a very smart man indeed.
          The other points you raised are very interesting, because he’s a bit like a bad dentist with poor eyesight on occasions, very sensitive nerves are prodded, and reactions and theories are formulated that seem to be convoluted and bizarre. His obsession with trying to shove everything into a sexual category is a case in point, only at the end of his life did he realise that power (which can be positive or negative) is often a much more rewarding state than mere sexual fulfillment.
          May be you should write an article on Freud for this site, or, perhaps that would be too controversial!

        5. thanks. I doubt the subject’s too controversial for ROK lol. Its been a while since I’ve read much on Freud etc. so I’m not sure I fancy that. You on the hand seem very familiar with this stuff – perhaps you should have a stab? The stuff about freud being right about feminine psychology could potentially be gold because it’s the disproof of everything feminist psychoanalysists set out to achieve. One could see it as a century long attempt to cover up of what at root was raw truth about female nature.
          Personally, I don’t think Freud anticipated any of the bad responses he got. Re. daddy freud – the irony does seem to have been that he seems to have very much played the patriarch and as a result and his theories might have predicted his disciples ended up having slightly parricidal feelings about him – jung too, not just the feminists. I think his personality may have a lot to do with the rebellions that resulted, not just his theories
          The point about power is an interesting one – I wasn’t aware of that.

        6. He certainly listened to enough sex talk during his sessions. Maybe that’s all he was getting.

      2. Apparently, Freud touched on it, likening it to a form of castration. There have been some interesting comments of his analysis, which a cursory google search can reveal.

        1. Actually, it seems obvious that Jewish men must suffer a sense of powerlessness from this procedure. They must feel like second class men and suffer a type of eunuch complex which must be genuinely distressing for them throughout their lives.
          Perhaps, this is why Jewish females are very strong and forceful, as the men naturally at some level feel inferior to non Jewish men and even their own women? And their women know this and use it for leverage with them all the time.

        2. cheers, I thought someone like Freud couldn’t miss something like that. I just haven’t read anything by him on the subject

    2. Why would this resentment with forced circumcision not be directed against their own elders and society, like the way Christian teenagers rebel against their own parents beliefs. It’s strange the way both Jews and Muslims “project” their resentment with their own customs, which they’re clearly dissatisfied with onto the host culture?
      Is it some type of ancient phobia about breaking the covenant with their own tribe, to be cast asunder into the desert by the holy of hollies? Better to rebel against the gentile and the foreigner for they are already unholy and impure. I think even secular Jews still perceive the world in this atavistic way.

    3. The initial trauma of the procedure cant be a good thing. But it doesn’t lessen the enjoyment of sex. It probably heightens it like using a thinner condom. The only real feedback is from males who have the procedure performed as adults after they’re sexually active. Some say sensation is heightened.

        1. Removing the foreskin exposes the shaft and its nerve endings. If anything it probably requires a mental re-adjustment to prevent blowing prematurely.

        2. So experiment on yourself if you want. ROK has its share of sick fucks.
          “Two US studies published in 2002 both found similar or greater sexual satisfaction in men after circumcision as adults [Collins et al., 2002; Fink et al., 2002]. The mean age of the men in each study was 37 and 42, respectively. In the smaller survey [Collins et al., 2002] there was no difference in sexual drive, erection, ejaculation, problem assessment or satisfaction compared with what the men recalled sex being like prior to foreskin removal. Penile sensitivity was the same.”

  24. I was wondering when this might show up. I went down the same path a few years ago now, including researching the composition of Supreme Courts in all Anglosphere countries over the years, with the same conclusion.
    The Talmud makes it clear there is clearly one set of rules for Jews and one for the gentile “cattle”, which can be stolen, abused or killed as a Jew sees fit, unless of course the cow belongs to “your neighbour”.
    The Hebrew word for “your neighbour” is the same as “your nation” “your people” and “your tribe”, ie the Jewish ethnostate.
    Love your neighbour as yourself looks a lot different when viewed with this understanding, as do the 10 commandments. One rule for Jews, another for goyim.
    It is no surprise to learn that Jewish wedding vows include a pledge of allegiance to Israel, with an understanding of the basic relational unit.
    For Christians, especially the ziofied Judaeo-Christians, I have news for you. “Your neighbour” is not just anyone as per the Christian universalist “golden rule”. “You Talmudic Old Testament neighbour” refers to fellow Jews (who see you as “a stranger”).
    But what to make of the fact that so often (secular) Jews are at the vanguard of leftist iconoclasm?
    70s feminism did indeed seem dominated by this ethnocultural group, specifically associated with the hard left Marxists. There is some really batsheet crazy stuff too, such as the notion of becoming a “political lesbian”, ie homosexual sex to demonstrate solidarity with the oppressed sisterhood. I wonder if any women were gullible to fall for that one.
    A rule I use nowadays, reading any culturally Marxist material in the press, is this: Is the author Jewish/is this a Jewish media organisation? That brings into relief most issues.
    This rule applied to feminist writings leads to findings such as published by Harlan Blackwood.
    If all this seems far fetched and you are new to the topic, if you are not familiar with Jonathan Pollard or why Jews tirelessly advocate his release, I strongly recommend you become so. This alone should open your eyes wide enough to look further.

  25. This is an issue that many more conservative, religious and traditional jews are clearly very aware of and often seem to opposed to, yet even then when they oppose it – as does Christina Hoff Sommer, Karen Straughn, Camille Paglia (although from a very unique position), Ben Shapiro etc, they never seem to be comfortable to address it as a jewish issue, I think because there is something of a taboo amongst jewish people with regard to airing their dirty linen in public. There’s an obvious reason for this, which is that for nearly all jews the issue of primary concern is to avoid doing anything to increase anti-semitism, and the fact that there are is a shitload of jewish (and often jewish lesbian) feminists trying to turn traditional values (both christian and [orthodox] jewish0 on their heads isn’t that easy to explain away, although I do believe that many of them are quite sincere in trying to reverse the trend.
    As far as I can tell the main tension is between orthodox, conservative (often israel supporting jews) and those liberal secular jews who gravitate around the reform tradition, or have drifted away completely from any kind of observance but nonetheless still identify as jewish. This latter tradition was traced very controversially by a man called Rabbi Antelmann to the influence of Sabbatean and Frankist “jews” who together with enlightenment (haskala) figures like Moses Mendelssohn and equally influential enlightenment gentile figures wanted to destroy the ancient religions: all of them, judaism, christianity and muslim.
    That is in part a conspiracy theory, but quite a bit of it is actually quite demonstrable, and at the very least those anti-abrahamic elements in both the jewish and gentile enlightenment worked their way not only into the reform and conservative movements but also arguably into the revolutionary movements of the 19th century, including both elements of zionism and elements of socialism / communism. Pretty much anything that can be said on the above risks stating conjecture as fact: all that can be said with any degree of confidence is that there is a history of secular judaism that emerged in opposition to and in deep antagonism to orthodox judaism, christianity and islam and which is correlated with the push for revolution across the board.
    Feminism seems to have only slowly emerged as part of that secular, anti-nomian and revolutionary tradition, and if it has now become central to reform / secular judaism there are probably complex reasons for that. One of them is certainly the tradition of leftist, progressive thought, and social justice based on a secularised imperative towards tikkun olam / repair of the world. Another may also relate to other aspects of jewish religion and spirituality, including fringe belief systems such as kabbalah, which assert the need to balance both the male and female principles – something which may be seen as a historical phenomenon. I am no expert in this – kabbalah is immensely complex but the female aspect of the Godhead – the Shekinah – requires making the world more feminine. I would be interested in any jewish commenters who would care to elaborate on this
    Factors like this, including fringe beliefs in the hermaphroditic side of this balancing of the male / female generative powers may well feature in the genesis of thought of
    queer / lesbian jewish feminists such as Judith Butler (who I think attended a Yeshiva) and Adrienne Rich (who wanted to re-define basically straight female solidarity as part of the lesbian continuum) …. (why does nobody ever mention Adrienne Rich in lists of influential feminists?)
    Personally, I think the idea that feminism is important to judaism just because of jewish / christian rivalry is wrong, or at least an over-simplification (of course there are rivalries between judaism and christianity – there always has been), but it should really be jewish critics of the above who are actually bringing these issues out into the open in order to tackle them, reassure non-jews that the issue is being addressed (to the extent that it is) and to explain that revolutionary jewish (and often lesbian) feminism is only a part of the picture. Ideally this would be done as a defense of traditional (i.e. actually religious) judaism. In other words, get rid of your trouble-makers, they’re a liability.

    1. Great post, quite spot on. I’m amazed to find such a good analysis of this subject.
      The Shekina doesn’t “require” making the world more feminine as this would be a contradiction to “her” nature. The male atribute is the one that initiates things, the female is only receiving and nurturing. How the feminists butcher these concepts it’s beyond me.
      We would love to get rid of the trouble-makers; for all the destruction they cause to the world, they cause 10 times as much to the Jewish people. Unfortunately the only way to deal with them that we found is to insolate us from them…
      If you want to talk more about these subjects, let me know…

      1. Thank you. Appreciated. I don’t find it hard to believe that it is actually the devout, religious and ordinary jews who suffer the consequences of the liberal mischief-makers – that’s pretty much always been the case hasn’t it? As far as I’m aware there has always been major under the surface conflict between religious / orthodox / rabbinical jews and the – sabbatean / reform bunch and to a lesser extent (?) secular jews who seem determined to change the world radically. Unfortunately the latter seems to have most influence in the media etc – or at least it seems to be their voices who get most exposure. I do think the way forward may be make this a bit more open. As you can probably appreciate from the outside it can look like there’s just one people who seem to be acting as a whole (which may be the case when it comes to defending against anti-semitism and potentially other shared issues) but that clearly isn’t the whole story : people outside of the jewish community need to know that there are those who are sincerely fighting against this (I have no doubt that Rabbi Antelmann, Ben Shapiro, Sommers etc are sincere). It shouldn’t be impossible for religious jews for instance to make common cause with their abrahamic co-religionists or for that matter secular gentile conservatives against the groups stoking revolution etc.

        1. That’s the way it should be, but it’s hard. The religious Jews are only a small percentage of the world jewry; most of them are entirely focused in ensuring the survival of their way of life which was on the brink of extinction barely a generation ago and one of the main ways of doing that is isolation from the outside world. Things are changing and there are some promising signs but it will still take a long time to see a big change on the ground.

        2. I can appreciate that. It doesn’t have to be a love-fest, just a re-thinking of stance so to speak. One of the things Rabbi Antelman points out is that the turning inwards of orthodox jewry (which used to be simply ‘jewry’) was a result of attacks from secularists – in other words they became isolated in response to attack from within their own ranks. Its notable that most anti-semitic attacks on the jewish religion show pictures of orthodox jews rather than secular ones (while accepting the latter may be harder to depict) and even more significantly they involve attacks on the talmud. I’m not defending or commenting on the talmud, but on the fact that from the beginning it was secular jews themselves perhaps retaliating against rabbinical sanction etc who found themselves attacking the talmud & jewish religion. It seems like religious jews are just there to take the blame

      2. “jews” have been booted out of almost every place they have ever inhabited. they are not smarter. they are simply more evil and subversive. willing to do ANYTHING to make money and gain control over and off of the misfortune of others. I see people extolling jewish “intelligence”. whites are far more intelligent, the difference is they have a certain line they will not cross. jews readily cross lines every minute of every day. get out of here you shill!

  26. Jews are over-represented in every movement of any kind, including conservative movements because many of them are smart, idealistic and overachieving. That doesn’t mean there is any sort of conspiracy going on, just people trying to achieve the most they can, good or bad.

    1. That would be all well and good, but they typically get involved to keep us declining. If they’re on the left they’re pushing shit like feminism. If they’re on the right they want to keep us cucking for Israel.

      1. Those on the left decline much faster than the rest of the population. And those on the right push for growth, more kids and so on.

        1. Those on the right keep trying to show how tolerant and progressive they are while simultaneously supporting Israel. Their idea for “more kids” is for good white Christians supporting them to let in refugees and adopt African kids. They helped turn the right into the party of “we’re not racist!”

  27. One last point, addressed to the ADL and the various jewish congresses etc – why is feminism officially supported? Supporting feminism should not have anything to do with organisations which are designed to combat anti-semitism. If you really cared about calumnies against the jewish people you’d dump a feminist movement which is with every day that passes becoming more and more toxic to mainstream society

    1. Because the real agenda (put on your tin foil hat….now) is to DESTROY mainstream society. The Frankfurt School’s direct objective was that, or the transformation of Western society. It worked.
      ” the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence—a matter which we shall arrange for—of their rulers, will clamor: “Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders—frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts—who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.”
      Order out of Chaos.
      The rise of the Anti-Christ.

        1. I’m pretty sure that’s what college kids are trying to do. Lol. But… won’t the half white kid, who then marries a white girl just have white kids again? Or if she’s half black and marries a black guy have black kids again? They have to keep marrying different races all down the line? Lol. What horseshit.

        2. It would also lower my grand children’s IQ and make them physically less beautiful.

      1. Exactly, diversity would be a little less painful if they were at least more creative about it.
        How about an American Samoan guy and a Philipina? See Hollywood, it ain’t that difficult.

        1. Because diversity is jewish code word for “hurry up and die whitey”. Politics is the art of using language as a weapon.

      1. That black dude literally looks like an ape in closeup shots. With all the decent looking people in LA, why the hell would they hire him for freakin Star Wars. Well, nevermind.

    1. Lol! Legalization, however, has been proven to lessen the use of recreational drugs. It’s a great idea. Unless of course filling gladiator school prisons full of non-violent offenders is a good idea.

  28. Did you actually look at the number of non-Jewish feminists or did you just default to this because it was easier?

  29. Why are there so many Jewish chess grandmasters and science Nobel Laureates? As explained by La Griffe du Lion, due to the higher average intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews, we can expect Jews to constitute approximately 30% of any group that selects strongly for IQ. Although feminists broadly defined probably don’t qualify as such a group, the same can’t be said for the group “feminists prominent enough to be listed in Wikipedia” (or some such similar criterion). The average IQ of the latter group is almost certainly significantly above the average of the general population.
    It’s quite possible that there are other factors at work, but before reaching any strong conclusions it’s important to at least control for IQ. Otherwise, we’re making the same mistake progressives make when they ask, e.g., “Where are all the [grievance group] scientists and engineers?”

        1. I’m surprised Greece does’t get a mention? They purportedly invented the wheel but didn’t know what to do with until the model T was invented 3 thousand years later.

      1. They’re comparable at the least, and they are correspondingly overrepresented among the highest achievers humanity has produced. The existence of an Einstein doesn’t preclude a Newton, an Euler, or a Gauss.

      1. Not sure what you mean here. When people speak of Jews or (especially) “the Jews,” most of the time they’re referring to Ashkenazim. For example, most or all of the Jews cited in the parent article are Ashkenazi Jews. Genetic studies show that their ancestry is around half European and half Near Eastern.

  30. While I personally have absolutely nothing against Jews it is clear that many of the top were and are still involved in marxist policies of social engineering. A country should be careful with that and should simply bar them from giving them a mouthpiece as “racist” as that would seem.
    Interesting to find out that first limitations on immigration to the US was specifically designed to stop Eastern European Jewish immigration, since the first waves back then agitated heavily for communism, sexual liberation and feminism:

    1. Naomi Wolf, the spokeswoman of 3rd wave feminism claiming that men doing dishes creates attraction…
      “I’m so offended by this I can’t even tell you”… *Manosphere translation* – “You’re making me so hot I can’t even tell you”.

  31. Jews also are highly overrepresented in the male homosexual communities. Not sure why that is though. Maybe the stereotype is true of the domineering Jewish mother and the weak, timid Jewish father.

  32. It IS the movement.
    The goys involved are just women that want to
    act on their biological urges without any repercussions or social stigma and weak men who think that they’re gonna get some from these women (they’re not).

  33. You forgot Sheryl Sandberg. The billionaire Jewess who used her immense power to inflict “Lean In” on all of us.

    1. Good call.
      I’ll admit it’s not a comprehensive article, but merely a shallow dive into the waters of corruption.
      Sandberg is also the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook and has also been part of google and the US government. She’s definitely a big player.

      1. She’s not a radfem anyways. She sells a more moderate, accessible brand of feminism for the average bourgeois “independent” woman who wants a little bit of the cock carousel, a little bit of career prestige, a little bit of traditional marriage, a little bit of motherhood, etc.

  34. Hm… I wonder if I’m the only Jew who left at that point
    here. Anyway …
    (sorry for my english. It is my third language)
    Jewish activism is a well-known thing unfortunately. We are on every turn of western history. And we are on the both sides of most conflicts. I read that among all assassinations of 20th century ~ 50 assassinations were committed by Jews against Jews.
    I have friends, orthodox Jews as myself who by some weird
    reason are working for interests of Russian nationalist Dugin, another one – for Ukrainian nationalist Lyashko, even one guy for British EDL (LOL, EDL haven’t let him speak even once yet, but
    he is tearing his ass apart for them!)
    The one thing that you all correct here is that we, Jews shouldn’t be so much involved, USA is not our country. Fine with me. I’m 52 and I’ve never voted in my life anyway.
    If John goes bad – John is bad. If Haim goes bad – Jews are
    bad. There is nothing we can do to break that formula.
    I absolutely fascinated with concept of neo-masculinity; it
    changed a lot in my life. And I would like to give to Roosh V and to all of you a present in return; in a form of advice. If you want that neo-masculinity as a movement would take off the ground you should make it appealing to (at least some) Jews. Jews are suffering from feminism not less than the rest of humankind. You don’t need a lot of Jews on your side, but those few would do
    the trick and would lift the movement.
    It has nothing to do with money; it has nothing to do with
    connections. It is purely mystical and metaphysical.
    It is like Scientific Law. Nobody knows why it happens, but it happens all the time. If you have Jews on your side – you ideas
    will work. Just look back in a history.

    1. All patriarchs / patriarchs-in-training willing to plunder and burn the monasteries of the SJWs, PCism, and Feminism are welcome to sign up for the Viking ship “The Patriarchy”.

    2. Your paternalist supremacism is disgusting. We are going to lift this by ourselves, since you the jews created this problem for your own benefit.

    3. “It is purely mystical and metaphysical. It is like Scientific Law. Nobody knows why it happens, but it happens all the time. If you have Jews on your side – you ideas
      will work. Just look back in a history.”
      I’m sure you do have some idea why you think this is. Is it because of a covenant with Israel (complicated if we’re talking about secular jews perhaps)? Or because of kabbalah? It could well be like scientific law, but then you’d have moved heaven and earth to work out what was going on surely just as the Kabbalist seeks to work out the mind of God? Personally I think you might be right, but you come across as though you are selling this to the manosphere as some kind of 100% guaranteed success formula. I’d prefer to know why it works. As for more jews getting involved that may not be a bad idea at all – indeed you are probably best placed to combat anything arising from within your own community to the extent that it is your own community – but that would ideally be because you wanted to combat virulent feminism rather than sponsor or co-opt the movement

    4. One possible solution of the Jewish problem is what you suggest – emasculation of the Jewish men.
      But my only reservation is that the genetic material of the Jewish men could be unsuitable for the task. No matter what ideas you preach to a weak man, you can not change his physical condition.
      I can always tell Jewish people by their peculiar facial features. Which to me it means that there’s a strong racial characteristic of the Jewish people which would take ages to correct through genetics (provided there’s a will to undertake it).
      Having said that, more and more western men are becoming ‘Jewish’ – weak, beta, ugly and effeminate. So the Jewish problem now covers a wider segment of the population.

  35. As a member of The Tribe myself, I am hard-pressed to deny the evidence you’ve presented, although I think some of the names you listed are not in fact Jewish.
    What’s more important, however, is our future in America. There may be eight Jewish US senators, but a couple of years ago there were 13. This illustration suggests to me that we have reached “Peak Jew” in terms of influence and power.
    Much of that, of course, has to do with secular Jewish embrace of feminism, environmentalism, and all the latest fashions in gay pride. We are conducting a controlled experiment in which liberal types have few or no Jewish kids (and I don’t include those of intermarriages, most of whom won’t marry Jewish spouses themselves or have Jewish kids), while the observant Orthodox have large families and eschew worldly pursuits. As Lion of the Blogosphere once put it, fifty years from now Jews will be known as a small boutique religion of no influence–a curiosity whose members dress funny, are poor, and have a lot of kids.
    If that sounds far-fetched, compare the above-mentioned Shulamith Firestone with Yitta Schwartz, a devout Orthodox woman who had over 15 kids and over 1000 descendants at the time of her death at 93. Firestone, on the other hand, was a recluse who died alone in her small Upper West Side apartment. Her body wasn’t discovered for two weeks until the smell tipped off her neighbors.

    1. Thank you for the insights.
      Like I said in the article, I’m not so much focused on “the reasons why” – wiser and more experienced men can/will find that answer.
      What I’ve stressed before to others is that many decent men (possibly including many observant Orthodox Jews) have sat silently on the sidelines while the feminist juggernaut established itself in nearly all facets of American culture and government. And now, without sparking an all out cultural war, we’ll continue the downward spiral.

  36. Cue all the virulent, unconstructive Jew hatred in the comments now…
    (NOTE: I am in no way saying that there ISN’T a distinct Jewish influence in the groups working against our interests. But having a victim complex, mindless bitching, and blaming EVERYTHING on this one single influence is hardly constructive. I see it a lot on RoK, we need to stay rational. Call out the Jews where they lurk, but attack other groups (liberals in general, feminine influence, etc) where their influence is more prevalent. The liberal/feminist goals of most Jews wouldn’t be so successful if people were stronger and fought it off)

    1. Good comment. You can be against disproportionate Jewish control (cultural marxism, etc) without becoming a skinhead wacko. There’s a middle ground. Obviously we don’t want to be spineless cuck vermin, but we don’t want outsiders to view us as background characters from American History X either.

    2. You’re trying to bring some balance to the argument, which is admirable, but you fail to understand the problem – the other groups simply follow the motion set by the Jews. You need to get to the core to tackle a problem successfully.

  37. Now look into the roots of anti-racism and white dispossession. You’ll find something very similar.

  38. Andrea Dworkin
    You know, if we men have a male Jew that leads us like that, just kill me.

  39. Because Jews are parasites that leech of the host society and try to subvert it and destroy it.
    Today we have Weimar on steroids.No wonder Hitler wanted them out.

  40. Re:Steve Pender
    “The term “anti-semite” is pretty much BS. Someone said something like “an anti-semite is someone who the jews hate”. It means nothing. There’s no equivalent term for any other people on earth.”
    Actually, the term is anti-Semite.
    No other word denoting an ethno-group has a hyphen into separate snowflakedom with a capital letter.
    That is a shibboleth of Jewish self-Taxonomy.

  41. There’s a jewish presence in every anti-Western civilization, anti-White movement.
    There has been for thousands of years. Look at who opened the gates of Constantinople? Of the cities of Spain during the Islamic invasion? Of Europe during the invasion now? Of the USA with the 1965 immigration act? Of the US with the groups funding open borders and protecting illegals?

  42. The comments are getting less constructive. We need Jewish anti SJWs but we also need them to address the excesses within their own ranks. They are best placed to do that

    1. The upward triangle should be masculine not feminine. The six pointed star consists of two triangles one pointing upwards, one pointing downwards, where the latter pointing towards the earth would ordinarily denote the feminine. The downward pyramid / triangle isn’t a very natural sign to make with the hands and that could account for why Steinem is inverting the vulvic triangle. Except if you think about it feminism consists precisely in such an inversion of the masculine and feminine. An inverted international cunt symbol is as such an illuminati pyramid / capstone, masquerading as something masculine. Basically what I’m saying is you feminists need a man to mansplain how to do a proper cunt symbol, ie pointing downwards to nature. Back to biology class with you

  43. Once you educate yourself and start to connect the dots, you can’t help but notice what all civilizations at all times throughout history have noticed; that the Jew is a force of cultural destruction like no other.

  44. Omg wow o.0
    I can’t believe some of the comments I’m reading here.
    Just….shocking. Smh.
    Mr. Lance is correct. Holocaust deniers will never be able to effectively fight feminism. It’s a credibility issue.

  45. Gee, does “Jews are unalterably evil.” cover it? If you look at any radical, leftist cause, ideology or campaign, jews are “over-represented” shall we say?
    If you look at the wheels and levers of power, jews exercise racist, discriminatory control over infotainment, finance, law, government. They are, to a lesser extent, controlling education. Even here, they tend to be the creators of dogma while others tend to simply be followers.
    In a nutshell, if there’s something bad, evil, degrading, traitorous…there’s a jew at the very bottom of the mess.

  46. Regardless, I’d have to say that Jews are exceptionally talented as comedians. In fact, I watched what is quite possibly THE finest comedy movie ever created the other night.
    You might have heard of it.
    It’s called Schindler’s List.

  47. [Head slap]
    Alright guys, let a Jew explain to you what’s going on. Alright? So don’t get on your high horses and start ranting about Jewish conspiracies, or breaking out your copies of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
    Here’s the thing about Jews:
    Jews are idealistic. Jews are intellectual. Jews want to make the world a better place.
    Jews that channel their energies into Judaism often do this at the personal level, the synagogue level, the community level. Jews who lose their culture look for other ways to do it.
    Jews have a history of being oppressed. So they want to help the oppressed. Which, like most well-meaning liberals, makes them suckers for anyone who wants to tell a good sob story.
    Were there Jewish Communists? Yes there were, especially in the early days. Why? Communism sounded good. You were going to liberate the poor underclass and everyone would be equal. That sounds good when you’re in the underclass.
    But on the other hand, were Jews Capitalists! Yes they were! Like many immigrant groups, they worked, did their businesses, and were the only bankers in Europe when Christians were forbidden to charge interest. (Which meant they’d be insane to loan money)
    So they were on both ends of the spectrum.
    Were Jews active in the Black Civil rights movement? They were.
    Are Jews active in Feminism? They were.
    There are even suicidal Jews who have taken the cause of Palestinians and Arabs who want to murder them and their fellow Jews. I can’t stand this type myself, but I’ve known some.
    So there’s the idealism, but with it, a lot of people make mistakes. But hey, try the drive of having a Jewish mother.
    And for the love of G-d, guys, try to refrain from introducing classical anti-Semitism? We couldn’t even agree on how to take over the world if we wanted to.

      1. Yep. Reason, ethics, argumentation and logic.
        And you’re the classic…. man, I don’t know what to call you guys anymore. Nazi? You’d like the title. Anti-Semite? Jew Hater? Bigot?
        How about some pathetic person who’s life is organized around hating Jews? That seems most apt.
        I can’t believe the classical anti-Semitism on this page. I knew this website was edgy, but this is too much.

        1. How about we just implement the Madagascar Plan and be done with it? They can all go make tikum olam on the island, and the rest of the world can keep an eye on them. The “Isolate but Preserve” strategy. Your people do not play well with others, and need to be segregated from gentiles.

        2. If we went to Madagscar, you’d be urging the Madagscarans to slaughter us as colonists.
          If we made a living on boats on the Ocean, you’d say we were usurping the fishing trade and polluting the ocean.
          But Israel is out home, Jews are the indigenous folks there, the Muslims are much more recent arrivals during the Muslim conquests, when they broke out of Arabia.
          I know, I know, you can’t stand the thought of Jews living anywhere happy and free, rather like Sauron and the hobbits. So that’s why we have a country and an army this time, so if you try to kill us and our children, we’ll have a good chance at blowing your head off now.
          Have a nice day.

        3. What a load of neurotic jewy non-sense.
          Nobody wants you dead, even thought that what you’re all taught from childhood. (Which basically creates mental illness in your youth, fitting seeing as how you also have pushed circumcision on the gentiles as well, more trauma earlier, the better, right?)
          Basically, gentiles are sick of jewish meddling in their affairs. We would LOVE for you to be happy and free…away from us. Separate. Unable to influence, undermine and subvert our customs and traditions. Simply leave.
          Oh, and “israel” isn’t your home. That belongs to the Palestinians. Your people are mostly likely from Khazaria. Look it up. Israel is just another jew scheme, much like the Holyhoax(tm), federal reserve, and 9/11.

        4. Heh, well, gosh. Sorry, I know my history a lot better than the nonsense lies you put out. Holohoax? Sorry, it was real. 9/11? You want to pin that on us too? Oh, and the Palestinians were there first? Sorry buster, we had a nation in Israel over a thousand years before the birth of Muhammad.
          Lies are all you have. Lies about history, lies about the present, lies about our wickedness, but the biggest lie is you pretending that you don’t wish us harm, even though ever claim in your post is a malicious falsehood.
          If you don’t wish us harm, you certainly wish to inspire others to harm us. And of course, when we are harmed, you deny it happened.
          So… we have one solution left. Come after us, we blow your head off. Maybe you’ll understand that language?
          Man. You Jew haters are astoundingly evil people, with astoundingly evil imaginations.

        5. You’re very focused on blowing heads off. Did you get a lot of practice against the little boys and girls of Palestine who were walking to school the other day? Maybe one of them threw a rock at one of your tanks! Oh, no wait, your “peaceful people who are idealists and just want to make the world a better place” dropped white phosphorous on them and their mothers.
          Such great people you are, it’s unbelievable that nobody wants to live near you. Can’t you just like, go away? Why must you leech off of whiteeuro nations, when you now have a “homeland”?

        6. I can throw a brick at your head if you like. Tell you what, go down your neighborhood, throw some bricks at police officers, and tell me what happens.
          Or maybe you can go stab some people like the Palestinians are doing at random, dashing knives into 3 year olds, and see if the police reward you with a friendly pat on the back.
          Of take millions of tons of concrete meant for building, and secretly build underground tunnels so you can kidnap Jewish children.
          Oh, and best of all, refuse every offer to give you your own land and state, because it lets Jews still have theirs, yet the world still weeps with you.
          Whatever buddy. How about this: you go away. A lying piece of refuge like me telling us to go away when we gave more to this world than you could imagine is rich.

    1. “Jews are idealistic. Jews are intellectual. Jews want to make the world a better place.”
      LOLOLOLOLOLOL llool lolol ol olololo lo lo lo lolloolol lolol lolo lol lol lol omg HA HA HA HA HA Hahahahaha ha ha ha ha aha ah ha ha haaha hah aa lol lLOLOLOLOl kek kek kek keke ke ke ke ke k lel le l lel le le le le l lLOL lololol lolol LOL

    2. If Jews are so idealistic why don’t they provide more opportunities for White Christians in movies. Why are all the movies so repulsive and portray Christians as evil or hypocritical. Why no movies with a Jewish villain and a Christian hero. How come all the media cartels are Jewish owned? Why not allow Christians to own one media cartel. Why are the biggest banks in the US run by Jews. Why not let Christians run a bank? When was the last time a Christian ran the Federal Reserve? Why are all the governors of the Federal Reserve Jewish, is this your idea of Jewish Idealism? Why are four of the nine members of the Supreme Court Jewish? Why are Jews over-represented in the most important columns of American society? Why don’t Jews serve in the US military, they always volunteer to serve the Israeli Military never the American Military. Are Jews cowards when it comes time to fight for their host country?

      1. There are countless countries that are essentially judenrein, why have they not developed a Hollywood? India and Nigeria have the output, but the quality is just not there, and India spends much more, so it is not about budget.

        1. I don’t know why other countries movies suck but surely it not because they lack the Jewish creative flavor. I believe China, Hong Kong, and Japan have movies that Westerners enjoy. Maybe people might watch an Indian movie if it wasn’t six hours long and filled with annoying dance sequences.

      2. You are representing why it’s so impossible to talk to folks like yourself. You ask me questions: Why do Jews do X? And I look and it and say to myself: “But X isn’t true.” But I think there’s no way to prove that to you.
        If you say “no swans in the world are black,” but I find a single, solitaire black swan, I have disproven your point. With this elementary bit of logic, let’s proceed.
        Q:”If Jews are so idealistic why don’t they provide more opportunities for White Christians in movies?”
        A: I was unaware that White Christians were either never represented in movies, or had trouble finding work in Hollywood. There are plenty of them.
        Q: “Why are all the movies so repulsive and portray Christians as evil or hypocritical.”
        A: Two answers: (A) They don’t all do. (B) Hollywood is run by Liberals, and Liberals, Jewish, Christian or Atheist, hate organized religion.
        Q: Why no movies with a Jewish villain and a Christian hero?
        A: I guess you haven’t seen Cinderella Man. Max Baer, the Jewish boxer, is portrayed as the villain. It was rather insulting to the real life Max Baer. Baer did kill an opponent in the ring once. In real life, he was deeply ashamed of this and supported his opponent’s widow and family. In the movie, he did it out of sheer evil and maliciousness. And was beaten by the hero James Braddock, and Irish American who I presume was Catholic.
        X-men too: Magneto, Jewish holocaust survivor, was the villain.
        And then there’s Passion of the Christ.
        So there you are. You said there wasn’t one. I named three. Three movies for you to root against evil Jews.
        Q: How come all the media cartels are Jewish owned?
        A: They aren’t. Rupert Murdock is not Jewish.
        Q: Why not allow Christians to own one media cartel?
        A: They do (See Murdock above)
        Q: Why are the biggest banks in the US run by Jews. Why not let Christians run a bank?
        A: I looked up Chase as the first bank. It was founded as Chase Manhattan by Aaron Burr, one of the early men of America, and America’s 3rd vice president. He was not Jewish. JP Morgan was one of the richest bankers, influential man during the robber barons. He was not Jewish.
        Q: Why don’t Jews serve in the US military, they always volunteer to serve the Israeli Military never the American Military.
        A: Here’s a website for you where you can learn about Jewish American veterans, laying down yet another one of your lies.
        So you see, in only a few minutes of internet research, I struck down most of your lies.
        So here’s a question:
        Why do you hate Jews for these reasons you spouted off, when the slighted bit of research shows that your slanders are untrue?

        1. Utterly pointless in engaging you. The largest banks in the US are run by Jews, Godman Sachs is Jewish and a prerequisite to head the Federal Reserve also a Jewish organization. The big banks are run by Jews, not founded by Jews, run by Jews there is a big difference. The majority of the media conglomerates are Jewish, Rupert Murdoch’s empire is filled with Jews and that’s just one of the media conglomerates. So you concede that the rest are Jewish?
          So you are able to name three movies where Jews are villain? Good for you. I didn’t even know Max Baer was a Jew, I guess that wasn’t part of the plot. You Jews are still mad about Passion of the Christ, so mad that the Academy Award judges refused to see the movie because they claimed it Anti-Semitic. The movie is the crucifixion directly from the bible, it is practically word for word. It didn’t need subtitles as any Christian should now this. The movie is not Anti-Semitic and it’s not a movie where Jews are the villain it’s about the Son of God.
          Nearly every movie coming out of Hollywood portrays Christians as hypocrite, or nerdy, or villains. I first noticed this in the movie Shawshank Redemption with the corrupt Warden, but it’s a pretty common theme. You can say it’s because Hollywood is liberal, but the truth of the matter Hollywood is Jewish.
          Supreme Court is 4 Jews 5 non Jews. Not even a close representation of the American people. I don’t know the ethnicity of the rest of the Federal Judges in the US but I’m willing to bet that the number of Jews exceeds their ratio to the American population.
          Jewish military service in the US military post WW2 is pathetic. They don’t even come close to their representation of the American population. During WW2 the majority of Jews who did serve, made sure they served in supply or in the rear where it’s safe. They let the Goys do all the fighting. Now we even have Bernie Sanders running for president and like a coward he was a conscientious objector during Vietnam. How convenient that Bernie didn’t serve when it came time to kill communists. Now he wants to be president and send Goys off to die for their country.
          I don’t hate Jews, I do want non Jews to be aware of who is running this country and who behind the cultural destruction we are witnessing. You refuse to believe that your own people are destroying this country. When the movies that Jews make are poison people need to know who made those movies, the Jewish judges make rulings that hurt Americans people need to know the motives, when Jewish run banks demand a bailouts people need to know who runs the banks. Making people aware of who is running things is the first step to correcting them.
          This RTK is an anti-feminist blog, people need to know that the majority of the feminist were and are Jewish. The truth of the matter Jewish men have suffered under feminism too. Maybe you should look inward and correct that problem.

        2. Jews got into the banking industry in the middle ages, when the only professions open to Jews were banking and tax collecting. Christians forbade themselves from charging interest, which made banking impossible. So they imported Jews. That way they could have financial development, and if the local rulers needed money badly, they’d murder or expel the Jews and confiscate their property.
          But they learned the craft, and some still work in the industry. As well as others.
          Sorry buster. We have a right to get jobs.
          Now you said NO banks are owned, run, whatever by Jews. I demonstrated that to be a lie. So you moved the goal posts, and now you say too many Jews worked in the industry. So, tell me, how many would be “acceptable” to you? 5% Jewish? 10% Jewish? 0% Jewish?
          Same with the movies. You said there were none. I am not a movie buff, but even I could think of three on the top of my head. (By the way, if you watch Cinderella Man carefully, you’ll notice Max Baer had a Star of David sewn onto his boxing trunks.) So now you moved the goal posts again, to be upset at the portrayal of Christians. Well, some show Christians as bad people, and some show them as good people. You ignored what I said about Hollywood liberalism, but that’s to be expected, since you are still clinging tight to your anti-Jewish paranoia.
          The Supreme Court is a mess, but not because of Jews. Though I’d be delighted to get rid of Ginsburg and Kagan myself. (Though Scalia is one of my favorite judges). I think the breakdown is now 3 Jews and 6 Catholics with no protestants. But the biggest problem is they come from 2 schools: Yale and Harvard. If you want a Protestant judge from a university in North Dakota, I think that’d be great. But the Presidents have been playing a game of elites.
          But like I said in my initial posts, Jews are educated. Some go into finance thanks to the experience in the Middle ages. Some go into Law, which you might argue came from studying Talmud.
          How come you don’t whine about Jews controlling Medicine? There’s a lot of Jewish doctors too.
          But the big problem you’re experiencing is Envy. Maybe you expect representation in all industries to be completely proportional to population. But that’s never been the case. Some groups just tend to go into different professions, even if it’s, yes, because your Dad knows someone who can help you get that first job. Conservative Economist Thomas Sowell wrote many essays on just this fallacy. Usually it’s the Liberals who do this. “Not enough blacks in X! Not enough women in Y!” and yes, it’s the Feminists who you say you’re against who are experts at this stuff, including the 78 cents a dollar lie, which Thomas Sowell also firmly discredits.
          I am anti-Feminist. I think it’s a terrible movement. I don’t like Feminists whether they are Jewish or Gentile. And I do try to speak reason to them when I run into them. And I don’t like Liberals either, since I determined not long after 9/11 that Liberals are anti-Semitic, and I didn’t want to associate with their ideology anymore.
          But if you demonstrate to me that Conservatives are also anti-Semitic, then I’m in a real pickle, because that means I can’t trust conservatives either.
          [Yes, I use the word anti-Semitic for the dictionary definition of being anti-Jewish, as the word meant when it was coined by Wilhelm Marr. If you want to claim it means prejudice against Arabs too… which it doesn’t, but a lot of ignorant people claim it does…. then change it to anti-Jewish, and it’s the same.]

        3. Well you made your points and obviously I’m not going to change my point or continue this argument. I’m not a bean counter, I don’t like the direction this country is going I see who is behind the curtains and I question their motives.
          Here are some questions I do have. Whenever I take out a Jewish girl on a date there’s never a second date. I know I’m doing something wrong, maybe you can help. Should I argue with the waiter over the price? Should I not tip the waiter? Should I ask my date to split the bill and then short change her? How long should I wait before I tell her my views about Jewish power in the US? Should I even bring up the Palestinian issue? Should i tell her about my traditional views on marriage?
          Anything to help a guy out.

        4. Trust me, I also don’t like the direction this country is moving in.
          Nor do I agree with a lot of liberal Jews. You mentioned Bernie Sanders. I think he’s a fool and would be a disaster as president, every bit as much as Hillary. I don’t give a damn if he goes to synagogue or not.
          Jewish girls are tough. Heck, all girls are. If you’re a committed Jew, there is pressure to marry someone Jewish. Why? Because you want your children to be Jewish. And it’s a lot harder to raise your children Jewish if your spouse isn’t.
          But if my date told me she thinks Jews are in control of the world, or that Israel treats Palestinians like the Nazis did the Jews, there wouldn’t be a second date. Or a first. (I actually once talked to a girl on the phone who was anti-israel… this was before date#1, when we just got a phone number on the internet, and I was calling to maybe set up a date. Needless to say, when I felt she hated my family so much, I lost all interest.)
          If you really believe Jews are controlling the United States and must be stopped, you’re probably going to strike out with all Jewish girls. Unless you find some far-left nut cake Jewish girl who hatess Israel and are pro-Palestinian. But then they’ll be Feminist too.
          No self respecting person of any culture is going to want to hang out with someone who hates their culture. Doesn’t matter if that culture is Jewish, Irish, Italian, Black, Southerner…
          Don’t argue with the waiter. Don’t not tip the waiter. And don’t short change your date. After one date (non-jewish girl) suckered me at a very expensive restaurant, I decided first dates after that would just be coffee at Starbucks. I’d rather play four bucks to buy her a cup of coffee than a hundred bucks for a full meal when I’ll never see her again.
          Gah, dating. Thank G-d I’m married now.

        5. Dayenu. Is this an anagram to Denyau (Denial)?
          “The Jews at one time played a necessary role in German history, because of their ability in the management of money. But now that the Aryans have become accustomed to the idiosyncrasies of finance, the Jews are no longer necessary. The international Jew, hidden in the mask of
          different nationalities, is a disintegrating influence; he can be of no further use to the world. It is necessary to speak openly about the Jews, undisturbed by the fact that the Jewish press befouls what is purely historical truth.” (Heinrich von Treitschke, 1834-1896)
          More here: http://college.cengage.com/history/primary_sources/world/history_germany_19th.htm

        6. No, Dayenu is what we say during the Passover Haggadah, when we list the blessings G-d gave us when he took us out of Israel, and after each one we say “Dayenu” meaning “It would have been enough for us.”
          Why are you quoting hateful bigotry to me? It certainly isn’t persuasive.

  48. To be fair, there are plenty of Jews in leftism overall
    Many minorities turn to equalism and moral high ground as a survival tactic, the Jews have just taken it to the greatest extremes

  49. Yawn… Jews are over-represented in almost every single intellectual pursuit or movement. Nothing sinister about it. Some people do not understand that high IQ people gravitate into activities/jobs/hobbies that involve controversy, intellectual challenges, and deep thought. These activities/jobs/hobbies are oftentimes quite visible and public. I am a proud Zionist.

    1. Lol, “muh IQ”.
      Where do I even start with this absurd argument?
      Whites and Asians have a higher IQ actually and at the same time, they are not subversive, manipulative or morally and spiritually poisonous. Have Asians been kicked out of almost every nation they have inhabited? Have they overturned and polluted host cultures? Have they practiced usury and leached off of peaceful nations?
      Jews love to think people detest them because they are “jealous”. What a grand concept that is! How flattered you must feel!
      Jewish over-representation is a direct result of evil – insidious, pervasive evil.
      Is a sports team better than another if they paid off the referee to achieve a win? Just because you win, doesn’t make you better. There is no nobility in a false victory and that is why so many people are adverse to Jews – like water and oil. They can’t exist morally with you because they would never stoop so low.

  50. Feminism is simply the explosive of degenerate4, vulgar, Marxism and a tradition of female dominance in Jewish culture. No mystery here.

  51. Feminism is a Marxist, cancerous ideology on a civilization. Feminism was designed to destroy European and U.S. demographic and break apart the family unit because the family is necessary for a functional self reliant society not dependent on govt. As the family unit is broken apart, mental illness, broken lives and misery are left in its wake.
    Feminism is an entirely Jewish invention. Or rather, it was the Jews who took already out of control women and pressed them into destroying civilization completely. The backers/financers of the so-called feminists movement over the last centuries were also all Jews.

  52. Why? For the same reason that Jews have had to be removed from over 100 territories throughout history.
    I am agnostic but find it hilarious when so-called Christians today worship/support the Jew Anti Christ. By definition, Jewry is the Anti-Christ.
    A good question for Europeans is WHY are people jailed for daring to question the Holocaust Fables?

    1. I don’t understand the church going Christians who hold such high regard for Jewish people. Reverend Hagge is the most articulate of the Christian Zionists. I don’t get it though, these people murdered Jesus, they hate Christians and they especially hate Christian Zionists.

  53. It’s not just Feminism. UNESCO, UNICEF, the UN, IPCC, Climate Change, Communist movements, Social-Democrats, Progressivism, etc…
    They are in every anti-western organization on the planet. They created the majority of these anti-western organizations themselves.
    This is not a coincidence, it’s like they are at war with the West still. They never revoked their war footing against Germany since they declared it in the 1930’s, and look at what they are doing to Germany and the rest of the Germanic people now. This immigration mess was organized by a Jewish person, and lobbied for by the entire Jewish community.
    They are at war with us, and we haven’t even been aware of it.

  54. Great article.
    Shouldn’t the real question be ‘why are so many Jews revolutionaries’? I’ve heard so many explanations and answers given for this phenomenon of over representation. Intelligence? Ha! What a joke. At the high ends of the IQ spectrum White-gentiles – because of our larger numbers – exceed Jews 20 to 1. Catholic scholars like E. Michael Jones put it down to the Jews choosing Barabbas that day and not Christ and thus becoming revolutionaries. Ethnocentrism? Conspiracies??

    1. Hatred. They keep blaming Whites for being filled with hate. It’s obviously projection.

      1. Yeah, you see that projection in their art constantly. The WASP is corrupt, nepotistic and exclusivist. Not really traits I associate with them but another group comes to mind. 🙂

        1. Anglos just piss me off with their BS. Not once have they ever acknowledged that they are a part of Europe. Their crown is held by a Saxon too, so it makes even less sense to me. Like they are stuck on stupid or something.

        2. We are a weird bunch. I’ve often said we’re, unfortunately, modernities chief author AND victim. I like ‘stuck on stupid’, wish we could get unstuck!

        3. I think you guys just too many Semites in your territory. You to give them the old Heave-Ho.

        4. They still talk about WASPs as if they still run this country. The country was much better off when the WASPs did run things.

  55. Finally someone who isn’t afraid to present the facts about Jewish supremacist influence in the West.

  56. A wonderful article, proving mathematically, logically (in more ways than just numerical) and decisively just how involved Jewish interests, and people have been in the feminist movement, and thereby in the destruction of the family, and western culture in general.
    Now the question is, why? Why would the Jewish people want to do so? I think anyone who does not already know the answer should take some time to think about that, and then perform some independent research, this is one of those answers that a person must reach on their own, not merely accept what one person or another has to say on the matter. I recommend digging into the ‘holocaust’ afterward.

  57. Revenge for the Jewish Diaspora.
    It’s fairly genius, you promote antagonism between the genders by making a play on women’s nature, then you send your people to build a porn empire to “soothe” all the men who are now ousted from life, and then you send your people into politics to push for mass immigration to replace all the whites who are now NOT being bred and born.

    1. Connecting the dots, they have been encouraging white nations to have smaller families and pursue materialistic goals. Don’t bother to encourage other countries to have small families just the white ones. Then when there is a population shortage of working age adults, encourage mass immigration as the only way to maintain the way of life. This could of have been avoided if we had just ignored them in the first place.

      1. Exactly, but they all feel held by their balls because of “nazi’s” even tho Nazi’s built the modern state, green energy, animal right, wellfare, pension plans, all of that stuff was Nazi policy, Hitler just had no patience for Commies, and put them in labor camps, including the many Jews involved in it.
        Jews have a solipsistic philosophy, believing we’re all their slaves, and our lives matter shit, it’s a mentality in nature also seen in Ant Queens, and frankly the best “jew” that ever was, was Kim Ill Sung, the “eternal leader” of North Korea, is anyone succeeded with having a despotic narcissistic solipsist paradise it’s Kim Ill Sung, and his offspring.

      2. Exactly, give Jews an inch, they’ll take a mile, mere tolerance of their existence in the long run spells death and enslavement for your people , remember, these people have based an entire religion and way of life around exploiting others, basically being cold callous slave-drivers by faith and profession.
        They’re a rotting appendage that should be cut out of the flesh of humanity.

  58. Excellent research.
    I’m very happy to see more people connecting the dots.
    Cultural Marxism, in the US and abroad, is but one key area grossly overrepresented by Jews. Banking and “Muh Israel” in the US Gov and Military as well.
    It’s for their collective benefit. And I don’t blame them for trying. But we have to take care of ourselves.

  59. Great article. Glad to see this kind of content here. I remember being awakened to the Jewish problem by a similar piece entitled “Who Owns the Media?” back in the ’90s. The disproportionate number of them involved compared to the rest of the population, along with its disastrous effects on society, makes it a serious concern that can’t be ignored.

  60. Congratulations on a Brave article! I had noted the heavy Jewish influence in Communism (due to the Frankfort school) as well as in Politics, but this destructive wedge I had not noticed. Thank You!

  61. “Why Is There A Prolific Jewish Presence In The American Feminist Movement?”
    The jewish goal is domonation. In order to dominate, White People must be eliminated. Our seed must be erased from the face of the Earth. For we are good and they are evil.
    One of their weapons is Feminism.
    That is why.
    No sane White Man or Woman would promote Homosexuality, Feminism, Race Mixing, Abortion and mass immigration into White Countries of non-White People.

  62. I would like to thank you for having the courage to address a topic that has become, very unfortunately, taboo in our contemporary culture. The reality is that American society is composed of various ethnic, para-ethnic, ethnoreligious, and geographical factions that have often been in competition, if not in conflict.
    The story of the 20th Century in United States history is largely the story of how Jews went from being moderately marginalized newcomers (limited by quotas at certain universities, barred from certain country clubs) to achieving elite status, eventually setting the tone of mainstream culture, marginalizing both the old WASP elite and the urban, ethnic Catholics.
    This transition was facilitated by a number of factors, including Jewish success in media and the academy, and the new elite has unfortunately still retained an attitude of grievance and victimhood, which finds expression in the subversion of traditional mores.
    The story of the Jews in the twentieth century is necessary to understanding how we got into the “Cold Civil War” that grips our society.

  63. This isn’t about IQ, it’s about us being trusting and assuming they have good intentions, as well as the incredible amount of money Jews earmark to back unpopular political agendas. Just listen to wimpy conservative critics of feminism talk about how “the original intentions were good” , which isn’t true, since the original intentions of the feminist movement were precisely to bring it to the stage it is at today.
    I think what is most concerning is that while these “high iq” Jews promote these horrific and destructive social policies in host countries, in Israel you need to get approval from a council of Rabbis just to get a divorce (no other way), and need to undergo an interrogation from government and medical officials before getting approval for an abortion!
    The fact that Jews themselves don’t support this for themselves is alone proof of ill-intentions.
    I’m one of the few people out there even bothering to research this topic, and have found some pretty disturbing stuff. Here is an article I wrote about Jews encouraging rape of white women and interracial porn : http://www.tradyouth.org/2015/02/interracial-porn-isnt-profitable/
    And here is more of a “beginners” introduction to amazing, totalitarian Jewish power in academia, media, and politics with loads of statistics and specificied names I collected: http://www.tradyouth.org/2015/03/tim-wise-is-lying-about-jewish-privilege-here-are-the-facts-figures/

    1. Koreans, for example, have on average even higher spatial IQs than the Ashkenazic Jews. But in the United States, Koreans are mostly conservative and traditional in their adherence to Christianity and in their family models. And they tend to also be relatively cohesive, keeping their language alive and marrying among themselves.
      Ashkenazic IQ may be a necessary component in explaining the phenomenon of Jewish success, but it does not explain why this power is used so subversively.

      1. A lot of it is nepotism, not talent. Who can say any of the Jew feminists above articulated a good argument worthy of not only participating in academia, but defining it?
        If Jews were so brilliant, they wouldn’t need to censor debate and thuggishly chase down dissidents, like the thoroughly Jewish Southern Poverty Law Center does. Jews succeed because of their mafia tactics, not their merit or intelligence.

        1. You raise fine points, but the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and genetic diseases of the Central Nervous System (e.g., Tay-Sachs and certain palsies) suggests that there has been recent microevolutionary changes occurring in the brains of Ashkenazic populations. Given the small genepool among Ashkenazim (on average, any two are related at least as much as third-cousins) and strong selective forces that rewarded intellectually-minded Jews with marriage prospects, it is plausible that Ashkenazic intelligence (as well as behavior) has a significant genetic component.
          I’d also point out that Jewish intelligence is decreasing, as Jews intermarry, as Sephardim intermarry with Ashkenazim, and as brainy secular Jews have fewer children. Jewish population growth is driven by welfare-dependent ultra-Orthodox.

        2. Oh, shit… so the fucking Neocons might be acting so insane because… they ARE insane.
          WE’RE FUCKED.

  64. jews are the enemy of the white race and humanity in general.
    you can only understand world history if you learn everything this filthy bunch of kikes have done

  65. I like this article because it shows that Feminism is entirely about jewish ethnic interests. It would be interesting to read further articles at RoK about similar kinds of cultural corruption that results from dysfunctional foreign-national inquilinism.

  66. they’ve managed to ruin the jewish community to with their degeneracy.
    ask me how i know.. :
    all western women are toilet bowls

  67. Good job ROK. It’s nice to see the manosphere move rightward. The Alt-Right welcomes you as allies. Now that you know the “who” behind the forces destroying Western civilization the question becomes: what are you going to do about it?

  68. There were 5 mln Jews in Israel and 20 mln Chinese in China
    2000 years ago. And a whole world was talking about Jews.
    Now there are the same 5 mln Jews in Israel and almost 2 bln
    Chinese. And a whole world is still talking about Jews.
    Hm … maybe we are indeed the center of the Earth. Keep
    talking guys!
    On the subject of usury. I wonder if all these kings would find another way to support their drinking habits without resorting to usury – borrowing; wouldn’t it be so much better? Later when it comes time to return the debt kings wouldn’t have to invent noble pretends to rob Jews and expel them?
    Another interesting impression from reading comments: why all
    of you trying to portrait Western Civilization as helpless wimps? They are ruled by Jews, educated by Jews, entertained by Jews, etc. Why you are badmouthing yourselves?
    Also: Some pictures presented in this discussion could be found on stormfront.org only. Now if you google up they are visible on returnofkings.com also. Is it what Neomasculinity movement is trying to achieve?

    1. Ok, got it: We are ruled by Jews, educated by Jews, entertained by Jews, etc. But there’s nothing to see here, move along.

  69. Hmmm…So Jewish women want “equality” in their community? Check this out:
    In the Jewish religion sexual pleasure is the woman’s right and NOT the man’s. Do Jewish feminist argue for “equality” in that domain? If a woman ever came up to me and said “sexual pleasure is a right for me and not for you” the only thing she would get from me is an invitation to go out the door and not come back.

  70. Great article. Lots of us know about ‘the jews’ already so it’s very gratifying to see a website such as this posting such material. Well done, and welcome to the real world!

  71. Throughout their entire existence and wherever they’ve gone, Jews have managed to make themselves despised by everyone from the ancient Egyptians to the Romans to medieval Christians to modern day Muslims. Rather than asking themselves why this is and changing their behaviour they claim that people are “jealous” and then move on to the next host culture to bleed and start the whole process anew. Wash, rinse, repeat ad infinitum.

    1. That sick, crazy bastard Ellie Wiesel stated “for 5000 years everyone has hated Jews and for absolutely no reason”.

  72. Jews have always hated the west and especially the European, they admit that they fear the European male the most and set out over 100 hundred years ago to destroy their enemy. Just look at the evidence and look at the protocols of zion and regardless of who actually wrote it you can’t help but see it predicted everything we see today

    1. They believe they can more easily control Arabs and Islam than the European man. They absolutely dread the idea of a cohesive and nationalistic White society. Therefore they are willing to flood European lands with an enemy that they see as less dangerous.

  73. It’s something to do that feels meaningful. Of course that explains why many women become feminists but perhaps a large number of Jewish women are overeducated and thus see feminine occupations as unfulfilling or having “mere” biological meaning.

  74. Roosh already pointed at Kevin MacDonald’s culture of critique which
    looks at how Jews created intellectual movements to undermine and
    destroy the culture of western countries. Jews are very tribal, so they
    thrive in chaos.
    You will find that Jews openly admit anything you can charge them with.
    Why Jews push Muslim immigration
    Jews fight freedom of speech (except for porno)
    Jews and transgender agenda
    Why Jews push porn (search down to atavistic and “fuck you”)
    Jews say all others inferior and only fit to serve Jews

  75. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%95%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2,_%D0%92%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87_(%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C)
    Валерий Емельянов.
    He wrote a couple of books, and I also heard him speaking. A big fighter against “zionism”. He saw Jews everywhere. In Washington, in Moscow, in London. As a matter of fact he was teaching that even christianity is nothing more then zionistic conspiracy. So he was suggesting returning back to worshiping to Yevun and Perus – two pagan deities that Slavic people worshiping before christianity.
    He ended up in mental institution.
    Yep. Exposing zionistic conspiracy is a dangerous thing for
    mental health.
    Be careful, guys.

  76. Ideology of Russia “Traditionalism.” :
    1. Family values.
    2. European culture.
    3. Christianity.
    = Win.
    Ideology of the west “Political correctness” :
    1. Queer theory, radical feminism.
    2. Hatred of European culture.
    3. Hatred of Christianity.
    = Fail.

    1. “Ideology of Russia “Traditionalism.” :1.
      Family values.”
      sure that’s why they have 50% abortion rate.

  77. Jews who are liberal collectivists, are Liberal Collectivists first and last, BEFORE they are Jews. Practicing Jews who are liberals are just hypocrites.

  78. Summary of the Proceedings so far:
    “It’s the Joos!”
    “No, it’s down to yoos”
    So, what happens next in the dialectical progression?
    Nothing. Both the Nazis and the ADL are at least agreed upon that

    1. Nah mobious the fags all need someone to blame that life isn’t fair….cf our last discussion. This, this right here is why men consistently lose. Constant scape goating. Whether it is fags blaming homophobes or women blaming patriarchy or blacks blaming the white man or borrowers blaming evil bankers these sissies blaming the Jews it is all the same ball of internal pansy weakness and scapegoating that has ruined this world. The cognitive dissonance displayed by these folks is astounding

      1. Sure, scape-goating isn’t healthy, and obsessing over the jews may be part of that, but this article, regardless of its accuracy, probably reflects the perception (here), not entirely without justification, that (white) heterosexual men have been scape-goated quite a lot in recent history, and not just by feminism, but by the whole progressive movement. So if scape-goating is never particularly psychologically healthy (notwithstanding it’s origins in ancient israelite practice – c.f. girard), it should probably be seen as a question of tit-tat for tat rather than just misandry/anti-white (or whatever) versus anti-semitism. Groups with different interests fight and when they do, they blame each other.
        Looking back at my now ancient comment, I’d say that things are still stuck in a rut, largely because most issues, regardless of the nature or substance of that issue, becomes a question of this kind of “total war”: jews are either responsible for everything (the extreme conspiratorial position) or absolutely nothing (the ADL position). No, sane person can fail to see that the jews are often extremely influential in political affairs, but because of the virtual pact between anti & philo semites with respect to what sometimes seems like an (internet) total war issues are never really openly discussed.
        Re. jewish women who are influential in feminism for example the above results in the unfortunate belief that feminism is simply about undermining society (i.e. a big conspiracy). As someone who’s studied feminism occasionally (if not specifically jewish feminism) I don’t believe that to be the case – there are also sorts of complex factors involved beyond jewish religio-ethnic factors, including probably the low status of women in orthodox judaism, and the history of reaction against that, including the the haskalah / enlightenment, reform movement as well as the very complex history of redemption through transgressing (out-dated or oppressive) laws, and of course messianic ideas relating to tikkun etc. which have fed into progressive thinking.
        You’ve alluded to how complex these things are, and I agree with you on that. There is a great deal of scope for misunderstanding, including potentially hostile understanding, but I do think these things are better addressed openly as much as possible: that means criticism as well as solidarity. In my experience these things fester if they aren’t addressed openly and constructively. Some Alt-right & especially far sites are basically echo-chambers, where sometimes you do encounter really worrying sentiments. That’s not the case here, where there have always been people with differing perspectives, sometimes diametrically opposed, challenging and moderating (extreme) ideas and where necessary pointing out that evidence is flawed or lacking.
        Going back to what we were discussing the other day that’s actually why I think there is such a need for people generally to have a broad liberal education that provides them with critical thinking skills. People who know how to think, and evaluate information will reject ideas that can’t be evidenced or supported. That is an incredibly important weapon against extremism of any kind, better than any kind of restriction on free speech.
        I do understand that you might find some of those ideas / sentiments frustrating (as well as this article no doubt) but then there are few around here who are better placed to fight their respective corners and argue their case. for myself my vision of a free society is one where speech wise everybody is kung fu fighting, rather than biting their lips off because they’ve never had the chance to voice what might well turn out to be a silly, un-evidenced idea that would be shot down in an instant in a truly open forum.

        1. An excellent comment. I will give my response the time and attention it deserves as soon as I get home

      2. You’re right. The goyim should just start helping each other while excluding Jews. Jews wouldn’t stand in their way, right?

  79. My ex was Jewish, and when we hung out with her people they usually took me as Jewish also. (I’m not) Anyway, anyone who thinks the Jews don’t coordinate their actions across the globe and work at undermining any non-Jewish race has their head in the sand. It’s more a cult than a religion, and most rabbis I talked to don’t even believe in God or an afterlife. They maintain cohesion as a group by seeing everyone else as enemies who have to be subverted and controlled, or wiped out.

    1. The author did not attempt the why of their socially destructive nature. The why is complex and has a long history, read Kevin MacDonald’s three exhaustive works if you have the time. I prefer the explanation of a man who held a PhD in Physics. They destroy societies because that is what they do. It’s the parable of the Scorpion and the Frog. They have to become a human virus that destroys the host even though they are riding high among them. They simply can’t help themselves. More importantly, to European societies that they are so determined to wipe out, they do what they do because they can. That is a fatal flaw of White people.

      1. I’ve heard that analogy before. The Jews as a parasite that kills it’s host. I’ll check out those works. My god father lived in Germany and Italy after WWII, and the situation wasn’t what it was reported here in the U.S. There were real, social and economic reasons why the Jews were persecuted. But, as they say, it’s the winner who writes history.

    2. well thanks for sharing it with us! sounds so believable. i have a question about those rabbis you talked to: did they try to caress your balls? because every time i try to talk to a rabbi he tries 🙁

      1. LOL! No. But there’s a long story I have about Rabbi’s and their sexual issues. The media (Usually at the instigation of the Jews) typically goes after Catholic Priests. But the in the Jewish community it’s way, way worse. But they use their influence to keep it out of the press. But because of their brain washing and cult-like thinking, they just accept it and let it go.

  80. Jewish women are feminists because of the way their men treat them. It is necessary for them to cast off patriarchal oppression.
    They have also helped other women who have been held back by men.
    But not every man treats women badly or abuses their wives, daughters, sisters, other female relatives and co-workers.

  81. Jews are extraordinarily high-achieving and intellectual, and thus emerge at the forefront of all ideological movements; this is true of Comunism/Capitalism as well. The most effective anti-feminist, Christina Hoff Sommers, is also Jewish. And since when does an actress portraying Buffy the Vampire Slayer count as a feminist? Or a porn star? Very primitive thinking/writing.

    1. So, you attribute Jewish dominance of every important field to I.Q. and drive? Any other significant factors you can think of?

      1. Occam’s razor. I know Gershwin didn’t have a ghostwriter, and Einstein did his own work too. Whatever conspiracies might be afoot, when a human makes a breakthrough for humanity, there’s not much you can say to deny it. There might be a certain in-group cohesion (like every other immigrant group) which was helpful in the early 20th C. Having been brought up in the moral tradition that underpins the West might also confer some philosophical advtantages. But nobody asks a question like that without their own answer. What do you think the reason is?

        1. Oh, yeah, I have an answer.
          “There might be a certain in-group cohesion (like every other immigrant group)”
          You’re half right. There “might” be a certain in-group cohesion? Really? There IS an in-group cohesion and it is unlike any other immigrant group in its commitment to helping its own to the detriment of others. Jews support Jews, exclude non-Jews, and literally made a Federal case out of the goyim using the same tactics. Jews are a passionate, perpetual PR machine for Jews and all thing Jewish, and they are highly organized and skilled in this endeavor. Stating as an indisputable fact that Gershwin achieved a “breakthough for humanity” is a great example of what I’m talking about
          And other factors: High IQ, value placed on education and making money, etc. But what I touch on above is the biggest difference.

        2. Maybe show biz is a cabal, maybe not. Can you name a lot of unfunny Jewish comedians?
          Up until the 60’s everybody was playing the ethnic cohesion game, from Italians, to Chinese, to Blacks. Whether by mutual aid societies or economic cooperation or by straight up having a mafia — but nobody played it as hard and as well as Anglo-Saxons, who managed to not just practice it (as everybody else did), but to get laws on the books to exclude dark-skinned people, and use private enterprise to weed out Jews, Italians, Irish and Slavs. Not to mention the fact that the flip-side of in-group cohesion is that if nobody wants to do business with you, you have to do it among yourselves.
          And again, this does nothing to explain why Jews are successful even when working with non-Jews (like during the Manhattan project, where Oppenheimer along with dozens of other Jewish scientists, developed the atomic bomb along with non-Jewish ones under the supervision of the US gov’t) or when working alone (like Jonas Salk developing polio vaccine). Neither of these examples could have possibly been the result of “in-group cohesion”.
          As an internal psychological factor, it may have some merit. Being part of a strong group can be good for you.
          But if you’re genuinely curious, try this theory: Ashkenazi Jews have not only the highest IQ

        3. Oh I see. Somewhere around paragraph 52. “Indeed, Karabel convincingly demonstrates that the collapse of the long-standing Jewish quotas in the Ivy League during the decade following World War II only occurred as a result of massive media and political pressure, pressure surely facilitated by very heavy Jewish ownership of America’s major media organs, including all three television networks, eight of nine major Hollywood studios, and many of the leading newspapers, including both the New York Times and the Washington Post. By contrast, Asian-Americans today neither own nor control even a single significant media outlet, and they constitute an almost invisible minority in films, television, radio, and print. For most Americans, what the media does not report simply does not exist, and there is virtually no major media coverage of what appear to be de facto Asian quotas at our top academic institutions.”

        4. And then, on the same page, “One reasonable explanation for these remarkable statistics might be that although Asian-Americans are a high-performing academic group, American Jews may be far higher-performing, perhaps not unlikely for an ethnicity that gave the world Einstein, Freud, and so many other prominent intellectual figures”.

        5. This guy is exactly like you. Somehow admitting simultaneously that Jews succeed meritocratically while still maintaining it’s a conspiracy. That kind of thinking won’t get you into an Ivy League school, bub (which, btw, are private institutions that have no obligation to adhere to objective measures, so the example you chose is as poor as Gerswhin/the Arts to prove your point)

        6. Are you TRYING to be a sneaky stereotype? That is absolutely NOT what this article states. Nice try, I guess you’re banking on the fact that most people won’t read it. Jews are disproportionally represented at the Ivy League because of pull–because they help themselves to the detriment of non-Jews. And they would go berserk if anyone tried doing that to them.

        7. Ugh. You fucking cocksucker. You’re going to make me break it down, eh? Guessing I won’t? No time now, but I’ll see you tonight. Disproportionate Jewish representation at the Ivy league is NOT because Jewish test scores are higher.

        8. I’ll be back, idiot. Again and again and again. Like your worst nightmare.
          “But suppose these estimates are correct, and Asians overall are indeed twice as likely as Jews to rank among America’s highest performing students. We must also consider that America’s Asian population is far larger in size, representing roughly 5 percent of college-age students, compared to just 1.8 percent for Jews. Therefore, assuming an admissions system based on strictest objective meritocracy, we would expect our elite academic institutions to contain nearly five Asians for every Jew; but instead, the Jews are far more numerous, in some important cases by almost a factor of two. This raises obvious suspicions about the fairness of the Ivy League admissions process.”

        9. 1) Private colleges have looked beyond test scores to include the “total package” since at least the 70’s, and it’s a truism that Asian students are superior test takers but have deficiencies in creative endeavors. 2) Private institutions have no obligation whatsoever towards meritocracy, if you (or this author) were serious about your theory, you’d instead use public institutions (which consistently rival Ivy League schools), which do. You find Jews are still overrepresented, as are Asians. 3) Your theory lacks a motive. Why exactly would the Ivy League presidents acquiesce to Jewish “pull”? 4) This article does nothing to refute my point that a great number of American Jewish achievers could not have possibly benefitted from a “cabal”. Einstein did not attend an Ivy League school (and was in fact passed over many times for a professorship on account of his religion). Jonas Salk attended the NYC School of Medicine. In fact, outside of policy wonks, very few of America’s top Jewish achievers attended Ivy League schools.

        10. And yeah, it’s considered a little rude to post a link to a 90-page article without citing the point. People have lives.

        11. You want to know the real secret to Jewish success? You. Knowing that there’s always some jealous motherfucker waiting in the wings, trying to take you out, means you have to work twice as hard. That’s been the story since the beginning.

        12. This article is shit. This guy is actually using “Jewish last names” as a statistic and underestimates the US Asian population by 50%. You and the author are made for each other.

        13. You’re a fucking clown. If an alien watched American TV and films, they would assume that about half of our population is Jewish. If your argument is that there is such a disproportionate representation of Jews acting, directing, producing and writing in Hollywood, etc. BECAUSE THE ALL WORK TWICE AS HARD AS THE GOYIM than you are either a despicable liar, or a pathetic moron.
          Grow the fuck up, you can’t con people here.

        14. The fact that Jews make up 25-50% of student bodies at the Ivy League (to the detriment of high-scoring, high achieving white ethnics) is disgusting. And it’s not because Jews work twice and hard and are twice as smart. You’re shameless. I know, I know–and proud of it. I know.

        15. Your anecdotal bullshit doesn’t fly. Who gives a fuck where Salk went, you clown?
          “3) Your theory lacks a motive. Why exactly would the Ivy League presidents acquiesce to Jewish “pull”?”
          For the same reason that people in every seat of power aquiesce to Jewish pull–because of the power, money and influence behind an organized culture of advancing Jews to the detriment of other groups.

        16. Jews are incredibly overrepresented in the Ivy League, and it is not because they are smarter and harder working than other groups. It’s because of a Jewish network wherein Jews help their own. You can say that there’s nothing wrong with that, but when other groups did it Jews threw a shit fit and used the government to end it.

        17. Uh huh. Remind me again which minority group invented their own brand of humor (Vaudeville) which basically set the template for American comedy? I actually agree with you that Hollywood is too Jewish but the fact is there’s a lot of smart, funny Jews out there. They probably wrote and acted in your favorite movie. But hate away anyway!

        18. Does the success of a minority group generally seem “disgusting” to you? Perhaps responding to even one of my points demonstrating the fallacious nature of the tome you linked to will settle your stomach.

        19. You should give a fuck because Salk didn’t go to an Ivy league school. And actually, when he was alive, he wouldn’t have been admitted, because he was Jewish. And a cabal, no matter how sinister, still can’t influence the activity of microbes. So the claim that his success was due to “in-group cohesion” (remember when you asked about that, before revealing your real feelings about the Jews) would be pretty fucking stupid. Ditto Einstein, Feynman, Bohr, Von Neumann… that’s just sticking with science, since you seem to reject even the most obvious innovations in arts and culture.
          I see you baby. I know who you are. And I’m glad you exist, and I’m glad you hold your opinion. Because the more you focus your energy on jealousy and hate, the less energy you have to improve yourself. Less competition for me.

        20. Very cool how you didn’t respond to the article I posted, by the way. Or the fact that Unz’ statistics are ludicrous.

        21. Here it is again for you to not read: [http://andrewgelman.com/2013/02/12/that-claim-that-harvard-admissions-discriminate-in-favor-of-jews-after-checking-the-statistics-maybe-not/]…” he is using different and incompatible sources for his numerator and denominator and that one of his dramatic numbers is off by at least a factor of 5″. Seriously, dude. This man’s data is based on using Jewish and Asian surnames to estimate the ethnic makeup of universities. He’s not serious about addressing bias, and neither are you.

        22. Oh yeah, about your source — Unz is Jewish. [http://www.languagepolicy.net/archives/CCT11.htm]… so shouldn’t that discredit his work as merely the product of the cabal? No, don’t worry, he must be the sole exception. Still, the strongest argument for Jewish affirmative action yet — article sucks.

        23. Listen, you pathetic fucking dipshit, some of the greatest minds in America and some of the legitimately greatest writers, artists, film makers, musicians, etc. are Jewish. Some of the best, all-around people are Jewish. None of this negates the truths I have stated here. If you understood logic, I wouldn’t have to explain that to you.

        24. Ha ha–bias? Your rebuttal to the facts I state about unethical Jewish networking is to assert that Jews are outrageously disproportionately represented in the Ivy League, in Hollywood, and on and on and because they are just so much smarter and harder working than non-Jews. Truly hilarious.

        25. Ah yes, concession and acknowledgement of shared facts. Always best to save that for step 17 of a discussion.

        26. Unz is dead on. And Jews are not disproportionately represented at the Ivy League because the Ivy League is a meritocracy. What are you, racist?

        27. You silly, simple little bitch. Who do you think you are fooling with these strawmen, you lowlife fucking scum? Anyone who has read what I’ve written here knows that your idiotic rant about Salk is fallacious when used as an argument against anything that I’ve said. I never said a person had to go to an Ivy League school to be a scientist. I never said Salk achieved everything that he did because of Jewish networking. You know this, but you can’t refute what I actually have said, so you figure you’ll muddy the waters with your strawman bullshit. You’re pathetic, and you fool no one here.

        28. When the particular “success” of the minority group in question is due in part to a network that helps their own to the detriment of others, yes: it’s totally fucking disgusting. Any more questions, cretin?

        29. More smoke. The outrageously disproportionate representation of Jews at the Ivy League simply is not because Jews are infinitely smarter and harder working than non-Jews. It’s due, in large part, to Jews helping their own to the detriment of non-Jews. But I love to hear you attempt to mask the scandal with shocking assertions that Jews are the Master Race.

        30. That’s surely what you meant here?
          “You’re half right. There “might” be a certain in-group cohesion? Really? There IS an in-group cohesion and it is unlike any other immigrant group in its commitment to helping its own to the detriment of others. Jews support Jews, exclude non-Jews, and literally made a Federal case out of the goyim using the same tactics. Jews are a passionate, perpetual PR machine for Jews and all thing Jewish, and they are highly organized and skilled in this endeavor. Stating as an indisputable fact that Gershwin achieved a “breakthough for humanity” is a great example of what I’m talking about”
          So which is it? Jewish ability or Jewish cabal? Can’t be both. How goodly are your tents, O Jacob…

        31. No concession, you fucking cunt. You’ve simply been sputtering out fallacy after fallacy because you’re shitting your pants over the facts I’ve been stating. “But.. but… what about Jonas Salk? Huh? See? Jonas Salk didn’t go to an Ivy League school…”
          Uh… yes, and?
          You’re a clown.

        32. “So which is it? Jewish ability or Jewish cabal? Can’t be both. How goodly are your tents, O Jacob…”
          Oops, wait a second… you really ARE that stupid, aren’t you? Nothing I wrote there negates the fact that there are Jewish geniuses or Jews who possess unique ability. Do you understand that, peanut?
          You really don’t, do you? I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’re mentally challenged.

        33. I see. So you are contending that there are some high-performing Jews, and that the rest are there merely because of Jewish co-promotion? Don’t hide the thesis.

        34. There are a lot of smart, funny Jews out there. But that doesn’t change the fact that Jews run entertainment, and that they batter Americans with relentless narratives mocking Christianity and advancing so-called Jewish causes. This deserves criticism.
          Also, your logic is once again flawed when you talk about Vaudeville. The notion that it “set the template” for American comedy in no way proves merit. I think it became a template at least in part because Jews increasingly ran the game.

        35. Ouch. My clown school education hasn’t , sadly, conferred the prestige which I had hoped. I would look to my original thesis: Jews excel because, historically, they have had no other choice. Jews had similar positions of prominence in every country in which they ever lived. Did they engineer a cabal for each country specifically, or is it one big cabal? Most interestingly, if they had a cabal, why was it powerful enough to make them control everything and yet still get murdered and expelled all the time? That’s a puzzler. But enough. It’s clear you have nothing new to say.

        36. No private institution is, or has any obligation to be, a meritocracy. Your mother and father didn’t meet because they were the most qualified for the position (for sure).

        37. I know it can be hard but try to get one brain cell to explain to the other: I’m refuting your overall point about Jews succeeding (mostly? partly? not at all? can’t quite tell since every 5th post is a paen to Jewish ability) due to in-group cohesion. I know that’s a long time ago for a goldfish brain. For your point about Ivy League, you can either go with my common sense rebuttal that surnames aren’t an accurate predictor of ethnicity, and the author has no idea how many Asians live in the US… or you could read the article by the statistician that refutes it on mathematical grounds. You won’t, though, since your other posts clearly show how deep your bias is.

        38. Thank you for giving me to opportunity to recommend a great book to any third-party readers here:
          “Jews had similar positions of prominence in every country in which they ever lived. Did they engineer a cabal for each country specifically, or is it one big cabal?”
          A: It’s a cultural trait. Jews are still Jews no matter where they live, wouldn’t you agree?
          One of the reasons for the anti-semitism that grows to a boiling point in each of the countries you are referencing is precisely the adversarial “help-our-own” cultural cornerstone I’ve been talking about. This doesn’t excuse the backlash, but it does, in part, explain it.

        39. I see. Does the fact that Anglo-Saxons did that to the entire rest of the country, for about a century and a half, also disgust you?

        40. That doesn’t strike you as self-aggrandizing and hyperbolic? Not even a little bit? I rest my case.

        41. Ok, thanks for admitting I’m right. However, as I’m sure you know, “Private” American universities are subject to all kinds of pressures (and laws) to be “inclusive” and “fair” and so on. The fact that ONLY non-Jewish non-legacy whites do not enjoy these protections is unfair. Jews use their bullshit oppressed minority status to oppress non-Jews at the Ivy League, and, as I’ve said before, if the Ivy League tried to limit Jews to the 2 or 3 percent of the population that they represent, they would literally make a federal case out of it.

        42. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I feel like all groups should be able to behave like this–with tribal self interest–but not just SOME groups, which is the way things are today! On the other hand, it offends my sense of fairness and my idealistic side in general, and I question whether any multicultural society can survive with this kind of tribalism running rampant.
          Ultimately, though, what I find truly fucking outrageous is the fact that Jews still bemoan the bad old days, while behaving like their old oppressors, in spades.

        43. 3 Big studios in the early days.
          MGM = Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
          Universal = Carl Laemmle and a bunch of other Jews
          Jack Warner = Jewish
          When you look in the mirror, do you accuse yourself of not being yourself?

        44. Yeah, they actually did that… it was called the first half of the 20th C. As I say; you have nothing but this shitty study THAT UNDERESTIMATES THE ASIAN POPULATION BY ABOUT 10 MILLION and USES PEOPLE’S LAST NAMES AS A WAY TO DETERMINE THEIR ETHNICITY. Go round up some real facts; do it in a field where objective competence is required (not opaque subjective fields like private university admissions and show business), and then start building an opinion. Also, undergo genetic testing for XYY. Gnight.

        45. I have, first and foremost, an astonishingly disproportionate representation of Jews at the Ivy League that cannot be attributed to vastly higher test scores. This can only exist because of the type of help-your-own network I’m talking about.

        46. Significant studios. And for someone with such a mastery of show business history, you surely know that “movie studio” in this context means a complex network of production and distribution, not a room with a movie camera. Are you really this dumb or is this on purpose? Yeah, bitch. Jews invented the movie business so their representation is actually quite proportional.

        47. It can be attributed to Jews having better all-around profiles than their competitors – cf my coments about Asians vs Jews which, yes, are anecdotal but if you’ve met enough of either you’ll know I’m right, even without resorting to the obvious sociological ways which this plays out. This theory has exactly as much statistical evidence as yours: none.

        48. You do underestand that, even if there were a Jewish preference, if you eradicated it, they would fill the spots with high-score Asians, right? You are actually asking for preferential treatment for non-Jewish whites… even as you decry it for Jews. Good luck with that. Also how are these institutions which have been historically gentile for centuries, who excluded Jews with quotas, suddenly part of the “in-group”? Maybe they just really like Jews, have you ever thought of that?

        49. It wouldn’t be preferential treatment if the slots were simply given to those with the highest scores.

        50. You seem to be committed to denying that the sky is blue. I understand that you see it as your mission. But you know I’m right.

        51. Non-Jewish whites don’t have the right to dominate industries and help their own to the detriment of Jews–primarily because Jews are little bitches about that kind of thing. Unless, of course, they are the ones doing it. Bitch.

        52. Anybody has the right to do whatever the fuck they want. Actually. But they don’t do what you are accusing them of. Again, you have no actual proof. And if the condition existed that you claim, then there would be a lot of unqualified Jews in positions of power, and there simply aren’t. So go back to your troll hole and start the first Anglo-Saxon-only comedy studio. See how that goes.

        53. That would be a fuckton of Asians, a lot of Jews, and not as many whites. I’m sure you’ve read The Bell Curve. What you’re asking for is affirmative action for white folks.

        54. The sky being blue is a group of people who have excelled under pressure for centuries, excelling right now. Why don’t you attempt to refute my claim with, you know, a linear argument?

        55. And Anglo-Saxons did exactly that for a century and a half. This created exactly the conditions which forced (most) minorities in this country to double down and excel.

        56. You’re the one denying the obvious; how many famous Asian-American comedians are there? Asian-American music producers? Asian-American philanthropists? Asian-American writers? Asian-American actors? Asian-American philosophers? No. The sky is blue. jews have contributed to way more fields and have a way more diverse skill profile (stereotypically speaking, in the aggregate) than Asians, who have basically contributed to STEM almost exclusively, and even then not that often in a leading role. That’s the sky being blue. If you disagree, provide evidence.

        57. The rebuttal given by many Asians would be that they have only excelled in areas that are governed by true meritocracy–or something closer to a true meritocracy than comedy, writing, and philosophy. Excellence in STEM can be determined more objectively. The repulsive overrepresentation of Jews in acting and writing is NOT due to a vastly greater ability in those areas than non-Jews, but, rather, to exactly the type of support system I’ve been talking about to the start. It disgusts me.

        58. Yes, Irish had to overcome a lot of discrimination, but there are not allowed today to dominate fields by helping their own and excluding others.

        59. I’ve never wavered from my original position: Jews ridiculously dominate in so many fields in part because they help their own to the detriment of others–while the others do not have this luxury, because Jews (I like this line) would literally make a Federal case out of it.

        60. No, I’m not, but White Ethnics are less represented at the Ivy League level than minorities. That’s not ok, and it is due primarily to two factors: minorities using affirmative action, and Jews using pull. The fact that you seem to be conveniently ignoring is that for every Jew that gets accepted to the Ivy League, there are several non-Jews with comparable test-scores/portfolios.
          And if STEM areas end up being dominated by Asians, so be it.

        61. Man, you really are delusional, aren’t you. There aren’t a lot of unqualified Jews in positions of power? Really? Have you ever heard of Hollywood? Perhaps the most incompetent industry in the history of industries–largely because of the fact that is is so weighed down with hundreds of thousands of totally incompetent Jewish nieces and nephews with unearned “Producer” titles.
          And I like your idea. A lot. A comedy studio run by David Letterman, Norm McDonald, Bill Burr, Bill Murray, Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappell, Zak Galfinakas, Chris Rock, Fred Armisen, Colin Quinn, Mike Meyers, and SO many others would be AWESOME! Especially since they wouldn’t have to answer to Jews. That’s MY kind of comedy. You know: the FUNNY kind.
          But, of course, Jews in the industry would never let it happen, and even if it did, they would throw tantrums about the lack of Jews, and black ball anything that this wonderful production company produced.

        62. [shock that you actually replied to my point directly with a good rebuttal] but of course if this were true you would meet thousands of aspiring Asian actors, producers, writers over the course of your daily life. Which I don’t, and you don’t, because they don’t exist. Asian families still have little tolerance for the arts and even today there’s a much poorer cultural output from Asia than one would expect. The exception that proves the rule is Japan’s prominence in the visual arts, but Japanese culture is still such that artistic types are marginalized.

        63. My very first words to you were: Occam’s Razor. Are you familiar with this term? It means the simplest explanation is usually correct. Jews having achieved similar levels of dominance across the world and over history (in objective as well as subjective fields), the simplest explanation is that their ability has been superior. The idea that they have been able to maintain a secret network of influence that has been powerful enough to permit their rise almost universally is far more complex. The fact that this network, if it exists, was not been powerful enough to stop their constant persecution up until the 1940’s is also a major sign that the theory is flawed. You have to deal with that point.

        64. Well, Asia has a thriving film world, and America has plenty of Asian actors who feel they are discriminated against. I think your choice to talk about Asians and Hollywood is a bit of a red herring because A.) Yes, a lower percentage of Asians go into acting and B.) They are discriminated against for very logical reasons–they make up a small percentage of the viewing market.
          A better comparison would be Jewish actors Vs. Non-Jewish white actors. Now-Jewish actors in Hollywood are discriminated against in favor of Jews–not because Jews are better actors or because they will draw a larger viewing audience. Indeed, many roles are given to Jews because they are Jews, even when a non-Jewish actor would be a bigger draw.

        65. I’d rather stay away from Hollywood because it’s so obviously subjective that bias is almost impossible to prove. But I’ll point out that there has never been a Jewish “leading man” in the vein of Brad Pitt, Goerge Clooney, etc. And you’re arguing a different point than I am: I’m saying Jews are more well-rounded than Asians and that’s why they get into Ivy Leagues, which have hundreds of departments besides STEM. I’m sure that in the Ivy’s, Asians dominate STEM admissions as they do everywhere else. Non-Jewish whites may indeed be as well-rounded as Jews, but their tests scores are not as high. That last being a fact, which I am happy to provide support for if you don’t believe it. Which is why non-Jewish whites are not being discriminated against. The issue with Jewish overadmission into Ivy Leagues (and colleges across the country) is that Universities disproportionally reject Asians. They’re the ones with the discrimination claim, not non-Jewish whites. As I’ve said, if you reduced Jewish enrollment on meritocratic grounds, you would increase Asian enrollment. That’s the landscape of test scores. Non-Jewish whites are not, probabalistically speaking, in the running.

        66. One thing I agree with is that there is too much Judaism on TV — there are too many Jewish references (always in a positive light), episodes with little bits of information about Judaism, and positive Jewish characters. But this could just as easily be because of rabid ADL blowback. I don’t think the country needs that sort of influence (not anymore) and it gives fuel to the fire of a Jewish conspiracy.

        67. My theory is simpler, and it stands the test of geography and history: Jews have excelled because they have had no other choice. Really almost to the 1970’s Jews were looked down upon, in “polite” circles, as dirty and inferior. Coming from a Europe that had just try to kill them and an America which didn’t like their kind, they had no choice. In Medeival Europe they were not allowed to own land — they had no choice but to become skilled craftsmen, doctors, bankers. Which is why I say the reason for Jewish success is those such as yourself, who would doubt their abilities and seek to take away their gains. It’s also why Ashkenazi Jews have anxiety to such a staggering degree that it’s considered a normal cultural trait. Believe it or not, as you wish. But take it from somebody who knows.

        68. And Beijing’s film industry is brand new, without a single product worthy of importation (Kung Fu movies excepted).

        69. And you chose to mention only one of the many examples I mentioned (film) which probably has more representation of Asians than the other categories. Economic thinkers like Krugman and Friedman? Legal scholars like Brandeis and RBG? If you believe Asians have excellence in this field that is being unduly ignored, then go find it. If it exists, it should be waiting in the wings, eager to be discovered. Until you do, we are restricted to the ontology of things that we know actually exist, and that world supports the claim that Jews have a more diverse skill set (culturally speaking) which would increase their admissions eligibility.

        70. Oh, boy, you’ve already admitted that Jews run Hollywood–and say they deserve to run Hollywood, but you won’t admit the rampant anti-Jewish bias there. Hilarious.
          And you’re flat-out lying when you say that Jews are so incredibly overrepresented at in the Ivy League because their “test scores are higher.”
          I can understand why you seek to discredit the Unz article, which points out the fact that:
          “We are therefore faced with the clear conundrum that Jewish students seem to constitute roughly 6 percent of America’s highest-ability high school graduates and non-Jewish whites around 65–70 percent, but these relative ratios differ by perhaps 1000 percent from the enrollments we actually find at Harvard and the other academic institutions which select America’s future elites. ”
          “This overrepresentation of Jews is really quite extraordinary, since the group currently constitutes just 2.1 percent of the general population and about 1.8 percent of college-age Americans.”
          Yet you insist that a pool of 1.8 percent of college-age Americans becomes as much as 50% of some Ivy League student bodies because of merit. It’s offensive.
          “In fact, if we aggregate the reported enrollment figures, we discover that 4 percent of all college-age American Jews are currently enrolled in the Ivy League, compared to…. about 0.1 percent of whites of Christian background.”
          WOW! Those Jews really are the Master Race, aren’t they! But wait, what about this?
          “Let us next turn to the five most selective campuses of the University of California system, whose admissions standards shifted substantially toward objective meritocracy following the 1996 passage of Prop. 209. The average Jewish enrollment is just over 8 percent, or roughly one-third that of the 25 percent found at Harvard and most of the Ivy League, whose admissions standards are supposedly far tougher. Meanwhile, some 40 percent of the students on these UC campuses are Asian, a figure almost five times as high. Once again, almost no elite university in the country has a Jewish enrollment as low as the average for these highly selective UC campuses.”
          And it’s weird how this superiority of Jewish students has maintained itself perfectly over the years, despite certain shifts;
          “the population of American Jews has been approximately constant in numbers, and aging along with the rest of the white population, leading to a sharp decline in the national proportion of college-age Jews, falling from 2.6 percent in 1972 and 2.2 percent in 1992 to just 1.8 percent in 2012. Nevertheless, total Jewish enrollment at elite universities has held constant or actually increased, indicating a large rise in relative Jewish admissions.
          These data strongly suggest that Jewish overrepresentation at elite universities has nothing to do with IQ but with discrimination against non-Jewish White Americans, especially those from the working class or with rural origins. It would be interesting to see the dynamics of the admissions process. How many admissions officers are Jewish? And, whether or not they are Jewish,what pressures are they under to admit Jewish students? The brouhaha that engulfed the Princeton campus because Jews were “only” overrepresented by around 6.5 times their percentage of the population suggests that there is considerable pressure for high levels of Jewish admission. The Daily Princetonian ran four front-page articles on the topic, and the New York Times ran an article titled “The Princeton Puzzle.” (See here; the original NYTimes article is here.) Clearly anything less than 20% Jewish enrollment would be met with raised eyebrows and perhaps intimations of anti-Semitism.”
          This last stretch of prose proves beyond a doubt that there is pro-Jewish bias when it comes to Ivy League admissions. You’re smart enough to know this, but dumb enough to think you can bluster your way out of this.

        71. This paper has no knowledge of how many Jews or Asians are at Ivy League schools. The man is using last names to confer ethnicity. He misjudged the Asian population of the US by 50 PERCENT. Find me better data and we’ll talk.

        72. And Jews can afford Ivy League admission much more than the other groups. How is it that neither you nor professor Fruit Loops though of that?

        73. Maybe there’s a reason why the US’s wealthiest ethnicity is overrepresented in an institution like Harvard that costs $57,000 a year. Ready to concede? [http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-News/Poll-Jews-highest-earning-religious-group-in-US]

        74. You should give a fuck because you have steered the entire conversation about Jewish “in-group cohesion” as a factor in their success into a narrow discussion about Ivy League admissions based on a paper that uses bad data. Salk et al are examples that categorically disprove this.

        75. Your anecdotal Salk bullshit proves nothing, and you know it, you fucking sneak. And you don’t want to talk about Hollywood, because you know it’s a loser for you. We could pretty much pick any important industry and show that what I’m asserting is true.

        76. He uses Hillel stats as well, and the disproportionate levels of Jewish representation at the Ivy League are fact.

        77. No, you have now changed your contention from “Jewish cabals run the world” to “Jewish cabal runs Hollywood”. I’m keeping you on the topic which YOU originally asked about.

        78. Did you see my comment stating the obvious — that Jews are the group most able to afford an Ivy League education (wealthiest group in the US by far; and more ideologically disposed to throw away $57k/year on a liberal arts education). That is sufficient to explain high Jewish admissions, ipso facto. Deal with THAT point, or concede.

        79. It explains perfectly why Jews are more or less proportionally represented in UC’s (your stats) which offer a pretty comparable education at a fraction of the cost. You just lost, unless you find a way to rebut.

        80. I actually agree with you; the Jews do have a huge (not total) influence in Hollywood. cf Mel Gibson. But, seeing as they did invent it, this is somewhat understandable. But to assume that they have the same control over science, medicine, political and economic theory and high tech (have you seen what Israel has been doing lately?) is simply ridiculous. And THAT is the claim that you originally made, which you are trying to bury by focusing on Hollywood. If you want to concede that claim, we can talk about the specifics of Hollywood.

        81. And you have provided absolutely no support for this contention. You’ve never said exactly HOW in-group cohesion (of which there is NO evidence that Jews practice more than other groups) would help a Jew succeed in a position like science or mathematics, where a discovery is easily falsified if incorrect. Which is why I focus on Einsten and Salk, because their discoveries are enormous and life-changing, but the entire fields of nuclear energy, computation, quantum physics and string theory are as Jewish as Princeton, to your dismay I’m sure. A false scientific breakthrough cannot be foisted on the public by a cabal — eventually they would get caught because subsequent experiments would be off. Unless you’re saying that Einstein’s theories are actually wrong (though tested thousands of times) and Salk’s vaccine doesn’t really work. THAT is the only rebuttal to my point. The same can actually be said even of subjective achievements like Rhapsody in Blue or Friedman’s economic work, as their work is extensively peer-reviewed, but since YOU implied that Gershwin was the product of favoritism and not talent (an indicator that besides a poor argument, you have no musical expertise whatsoever) I simply stick with science and medicine because it’s irrefutable. And because you can’t refute it, you minimize it. Read my other comment: Jews are overrepresnted at Ivy Leagues because they can afford it. Can you speak to that point or is it more convenient to ignore it?

        82. An incompetent industry (??) that generates half a trillion dollars a year (film only). And Meyers is Jewish. Womp womp. Can you ever watch Austin Powers again???

        83. Besides hating Gershwin and demonstrating that you have no musical taste, do you actually have any idea what a Producer does? They put together shows. To prove your point: Are you suggesting that Jewish-produced shows are worse in any way, either qualitatively or quantitatively (hint: they’re not — Game of Thrones is Jewish-produced and so are a staggering proportion of commercially successful shows and movies)? Can you name any of these “nieces and nephewes” Can you even name any producers? Fascinating to see how deep your bias is, but not surprising as you reveal your lack of information.

        84. I have extensive experience working in Hollywood. The stranglehold Jews have on that place diminishes quality in a number of ways–first and foremost, because of such a narrow scope of content. Comedy Bang Bang did a hilarious episode wherein they did a parody of a Middle American High School Series with a bunch of kids who spoke ridiculously like old Jews. This was an exaggerated depiction of the truth. Jewish issues, characters, situations, and lifestyles get a grossly disproportionate amount of attention. Another way Hollywood–and audiences–suffer is from the nepotism-on-steroids hiring policies, where less qualified Jews are hired over more qualified goys, because Jews, ironically, do not worship the bottom line above all. No, the favor-trading culture is more of a driving force than artistic concerns. Sorry to be the one to break all of this to ya. A relentless hatred of Christianity also contributes to the shittiness of Hollywood.
          I’ll leave it at that. You’re too much of a fucking asshole to give any respect in a debate. Hating Gershwin? What the fuck are you talking about, you lying sonofabitch? Fuck you, you stupid fucking cocksucker. I love Dylan and Leonard Cohen above just about anyone.

        85. Hollywood is SHIT! The crass disaster films and animated nonsense don’t change that fact. ART is DEAD in that town.
          And Meyers is not Jewish, you dipshit. But his kids are. And you claim to know Hollywood? Anyway, I’d hire him and many Jews at my production company. It would be a true meritocracy. Not the tribal circle-jerk that is Hollywood today.

        86. Enrico Fermi was a Jew? Hunh. I did not know that. Yes, Gershwin’s reputation is heightened by the fact that he is a Jew and Jews are a PR machine for other Jews. This is a simple fact. Jews are overrepresented at the Ivy League because they can afford it now? You keep changing your position because you can’t handle the truth, which is that Jews use pull and pressure to maintain that ridiculously disproportionate representation at the Ivy League.
          As the former Chief Rabbi of Israel once said:
          “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel… In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money…. This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew… Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

        87. Jews have high IQs and are hard working, but they are overrepresented in every field for reasons beyond merit. The tech triumphs in Israel can even be explained, in part, by the stranglehold Zionists have on American government. But fuck all that. W.A.S.P.S invented the Ivy League, but Jews used victimhood and legal pressures to stop them from keeping it disproportionately W.A.S.P. y What a buncha whiners, eh? Jews are STILL bitching about and feeling victimized by the days when they actually were discriminated against, even now that they control America. Crazy. I mean, literally crazy.

        88. I didn’t lose shit, liar. Jews ridiculously overrepresented at the Ivy league because they belong to a culture that helps its own to the detriment of other cultures. You KNOW I’m right that this is a part of the Jewish culture, so basically, what ? –You’re exercising your capacity to deceive here? Just don’t want to get rusty?

        89. When their disproportionate representation a certain Ivy league schools slipped JUST A LITTLE bit they threw a shit fit and their people in the press investigated it as a scandal. Your position is laughable, man. Jews are accepted over non-Jews who can afford it as a regular practice. And. You. Know. It.

        90. Hey turns out you’re right, Myers isn’t Jewish… he just does Jewish comedy.
          You’ve lost. QED: Jewish overenrollment at Ivy leagues is due to their ability and cultural disposition to pay for it. That’s Occam’s Razor cutting your dick off.

        91. Please show me where I wrote that “A Jewish Cabal Runs The World” you goddamned liar. The Neocons would LIKE to, and they just might–if they don’t get the whole world blown up in the process–but a Jewish cabal does not currently run the whole world. I did argue that Jews have behaved–and to a point, succeeded–all over the world by behaving like Jews.

        92. The funny thing is I kind of agree with you about not wanting to see so many Jews on TV, simply for variety’s sake. But to extend from there into believing Jews control the world is, well, meshuggah. As far as the Ivy’s, you need to rebut my thesis or admit your mistake. If you don’t understand it, I’ll explain it again.

        93. Wow, you really got me there. If a bad guy says a bad thing, that must mean that all those guys are bad!

        94. Gershwin was the highest-paid composer to live. His book of universally known and beloved American hits ranges in the THOUSANDS of songs. His technical accomplishments as a composer and orchestrator were staggering. He took a lesson with Stravinsky and Stravinsky said: “Perhaps I should be learning from you”. This is the essence of our disagreement: you see everything in the world through the assumption that a group of people basically have magical powers, when I am giving you reasons that are completely within the realm of nature. You have no mechanism for describing the activity of this supposed cabal; no way to explain how it has remained undetected for centuries and across the globe; no credible defectors; no captured correspondence; no rebuttal for the irrefutable achievements that cannot be explained by said cabal. If you truly believe your theory, you’d attempt to answer even one of these questions. But your standard for data is so low that you’ll never be able to sift through to the truth. So in the meantime, sit tight and keep writing your screed while the Israeli cabal cures cancer.

        95. No, they’re really not. I brought it up in response to your point. Jews do not have official minority status at any American University that I’m aware of. It’s been a long time since a charge of anti-Semitism was brought in the media. Mostly, they keep their head down and work. Sorry, it doesn’t fly.

        96. One exception being the way Israel is portrayed by the American Left, and rightly so. But neither of us wants to open that can.

        97. Explain to me why the fact that Jews are education-oriented and have far greater ability to pay Ivy League tuition, fails to completely explain their presence at Ivy League schools. Come on. Try.

        98. As I said before, I am a huge Dylan fan. But his stature and reputation is heightened by the Jewish cultural trait of praising their own more than others.

        99. Yeah. Bad guy. Odd that he had the largest funeral in Israel’s history. About a million people, I think. And all of Israel’s leaders were there. Bibi loved the guy.
          Anyway, what were you saying?

        100. I don’t need to do shit, motherfucker. What do you think, you run the world because you’re a Jew? And again, I have to ask, why do you persist in acting like a stereotype? Where did I say that Jews control the world?
          I understand your bullshit attempt to claim that black is white. Jews over so overrepresented in Hollywood and in the Ivy League for the same basic reason. You can argue that many Jews are smart, many Jews are talented, many Jews are hard working, and uniquely creative. But the astonishingly disproportionate representation of Jews at the Ivy League cannot be explained away by these facts. A type of pull/pressure/networking that non-Jewish whites cannot use is the reason.

        101. Your chutzpah only goes so far, boychik. Jews are overrepresented at the Ivy League–to the detriment of equally- and more-qualified white ethnics–because of a type of chicanery you’re apparently very committed to and proud of.

        102. Non-Jewish whites exist in far greater numbers, and among them–I know this will astonish you–are even more college aged people who grew up in education-oriented families that have the ability to pay Ivy League tuition.
          Now you explain to me why Jews through a fit and the media investigated when their representation at certain Ivy League schools dropped a teeny tiny but from ridiculous to only-slightly-less-ridiculous. This is all the evidence needed to prove my point, and nothing you can say will change the facts.

        103. You have fundamentally misunderstood Unz’s (as well as the others’) conclusion: The Ivy Leagues discriminate against Asians, not whites. Sorry to be the one to tell you. [http://www.newsweek.com/harvard-too-jewish-has-become-too-asian-342335]