“Shakespeare said that art is a mirror held up to nature. And that’s what it is. The nature is your nature, and all of these wonderful poetic images of mythology are referring to something in you.”
— Joseph Campbell
Most of us know the rough plot of Cinderella, by virtue of Walt Disney’s 1950 film: Cinderella is an orphaned child under the “care” of a wicked stepmother and two even more wicked stepsisters. Cinderella is denied a chance to go to a grand ball at which the local prince will choose his bride, but a fairy godmother endows the girl (temporarily) with beautiful trappings, and gets her to the ball.
While Cinderella and the Prince fall in love when they meet at the ball, circumstances intervene and Cinderella flees home at midnight. The Prince scours the land for Cinderella, and eventually identifies her by the glass slipper she left behind at the ball. The Prince and Cinderella marry, and (literally) live happily ever after.
The plot of Disney’s version is taken near-verbatim from a 1697 story called Cendrillon by Charles Perrault, which Perrault describes as the retelling of a much older folktale from out of southern Italy. The earliest known version of the story is the Greek myth of Rhodopis, recorded in Herodotus’s Histories around 700 BC.
Perrault said the moral of the story was “While it’s good to have intelligence, good sense, and good breeding, you likely don’t get anywhere without a fairy godmother”. That is, success in life basically comes down to preparation plus a bit of luck. This is certainly a profound truth on its own for men to absorb. Luck is a major factor in success, no matter what the American Dream might say to us. But there are much more significant messages about gender roles and gender relations hiding beneath the Cinderella story, ones men should understand as well as if not better than women.
A woman’s sex appeal is magic
To get to the ball, Cinderella is endowed by her fairy godmother—i.e. by magic—with all the exterior trappings, allure, and clothing needed to catch the attentions of the prince. In Disney’s film the fairy godmother is a fat old babuschka, implying the wisdom of older women is what transforms Cinderella. But the magic that makes Cinderella into a beautiful princess is not wisdom or fairy dust. It’s a metaphor for something far more powerful and primal: the magic of a young woman reaching adulthood and the peak of her sexual attractiveness, at age 18-25.
As all men know, this attractiveness is godlike in its potency. In the Cinderella story, the magic is powerful enough to arrest the prince’s mind at first sight; powerful enough to make him search his entire realm to find her. In the real world, sexual attractiveness has brought down governments, as well as inspired most modern music. Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters (all significantly older than her) cannot achieve it despite all the artifice of poise and finely-tailored clothing (and, perhaps, three years in a Gender Studies degree).
A woman’s sex appeal is magic that runs out
This is the most important part of the story: the magic that transforms Cinderella is strictly limited by time. At midnight, Cinderella is returned to rags. In real life, around age 30, women’s physical attractiveness tanks. In both cases, the magic is gone, forever.
Women don’t realize the magic is running out until it’s too late
Cinderella is too swept up in the prince’s eyes and the glamour of the ball to notice the passing of time. Consequently she is caught out by the clock chiming midnight and has to flee for home, panicking at the loss of her glamours.
Women—especially when feminism dishonestly presents natural childbearing as practical or possible past forty—also don’t hear the clock chiming midnight. They, too, are too swept up in a different diversion: typically, riding the cock carousel through their most fertile years. Such women invariably are the ones bitterly complaining they are invisible to men and bitterly regretting their empty wombs when they’ve turned 40.
The glass slipper
When the magic fades, it spares one thing: Cinderella’s glass slippers. This seems to be a plot hole given the rules of magic in the story, but makes sense symbolically. Leave aside the sexual subtext of the prince’s servants going around his entire kingdom “trying on” every maiden to see if the slipper fits: the glass slipper is a potent symbols of fertility, good genes, good breeding.
A slipper made of glass is beautiful but delicate – one false step, one heavy footfall, and it shatters, irreplaceable. Is childhood any less delicate, any more replaceable? And the slippers also symbolize Cinderella’s youthful beauty: again, irreplaceable, gone with one false step, one descent into slutdom. The slippers are symbols of the prince and Cinderella’s children to be.
Single fathers should not remarry
Cinderella’s troubles only begin when her father, a widower, remarries. Versions of the story differ on whether it’s for love or so Cinderella has a mother figure, but either way it’s a mistake from Cinderella’s point of view. Statistically, single fathers are better at parenting than single mothers. Child abuse is most prevalent among the children of divorced women—and when it does occur, it’s typically at the hands of a partner not biologically related to the child.
…Especially not to single mothers
Cinderella’s stepmother has two children of her own already, and she is never said to be a widow — implying she’s either an unmarried mother or divorced. The match does not end well for Cinderella or her father, who dies shortly after he marries the stepmother. It is well-understood in the manosphere that (a) you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife, and (b) a bad woman can easily shorten one’s life.
Cinderella’s stepsisters are vain, unfuckable bitches, ugly inside and out—and willing to abuse the traditionally feminine Cinderella. This is entirely consistent with the behaviour we see from the daughters of single mothers. Statistically they are not competent at holding down relationships and often have major mental issues, in no small part because their mothers never taught them any better.
Cinderella’s stepsisters are the daughters of the West at large: girls with no fathers physically, emotionally or spiritually present in their lives.
A wise prince understands he is the prize
Cinderella’s prince embodies traditional masculinity. Despite the pressure from his family and society at large to marry, the Prince refuses to settle for just any girl: no stepmothers or stepsisters for him. He settles only for a girl that he deems worthy, even if he has to turn over the whole kingdom looking for her.
Men in the West have, to their disgrace, reversed this situation. Women ride the cock carousel on the (in many cases justified) expectation that some thirsty sucker will be picking them up after they choose to get off the ride. Women are permitted to “wait” for their “soulmate”; men are permitted to settle.
The prince, then, embodies good advice for men: screw who you will on a casual basis, but be selective and be careful who you marry or live with. Because the wrong choice will fuck you up six ways to Sunday and ruin your whole kingdom.
On the other hand, if you do manage to identify a woman who’s at peak sexual attractiveness and has a good character, the prince has good counsel as well: move mountains to wife that shit up, because such a woman is rare if not extinct, maybe only one in the entire realm, and there’s a godawfully big pack of ugly stepsisters out there looking to snare you.
A good myth, like any good story, teaches us things about human nature without us realizing it. Myth, therefore, is worth seeking out; worth reading; worth contemplating. Never doubt that myth is under attack from vested interests, especially in the modern era. Consider the sterility and destructive themes of Frozen as compared to its parent fable, The Snow Queen.
Cinderella, fortunately, endures. The story has come under revisionist attack over the years, but none of these pale, ungrateful versions have persisted in the public mind or overturned its lessons. Even as late as 2015, Hollywood still had sufficient courage to produce the story essentially unchanged from the 1950 version, with all of these messages intact.
The red pill, for women, is a glass slipper: an understanding that what they have is incredibly seductive and beautiful—but fragile and only good for a limited time.
Read More: 3 Reasons Why You Should Never Let Your Child Watch Sesame Street
An brilliant analysis of one of the West’s best stories. Perhaps one could also say that the slipper represents the residual attraction of the Prince to Cindarella, which lasts long after the party and the magic has faded, so that only she will ever be good enough for him. I would imagine that her virtue would also prevent him from going on a sex binge, and thus prevent him from creating more ‘ugly stepsisters.’
That last bit is very, very important, but it is hard for a young man to see himself as the prize since a woman is at her peak between 18-25 and he is still at the very beginning of becoming a man. I suppose in business terms, he is a start up company with massive earning potential while she is already a fortune 500 company, but will inevitably crash and burn within 7-10 years.
The beauty of a woman is a powerful thing, especially since is it such a rarity, depending on the location. I live in the midwest, and attractive women standout, since they are so few and far in between. Now, when I went to New York, I was initially overwhelmed by the amount of beautiful women there, but eventually I became desensitized.
As someone who used to live in the midwest and has been to NY I second your comment.
My god they are corn fed out here. Every family has a skinny son and a fat ass princess daughter. And it’s amazing, you’ll always see these fat hoes dating really skinny guys. Of course, there is the occasional gem.
Ditto with Miami. They may not have quite the fashion label elegance of NY chicks but they got rockin’ bods and ooze sex appeal. Lots of fairly well to do Brazilians, Argentinians, Colombians, and Cubans around town and the beaches makes for some great eye candy.
You’re assuming that the guy picks a girl his age. In the Cinderella fairy tale, you aren’t given how old the prince was.
True, but I am referring to guys in the same age range. I haven’t heard of many guys looking for older women.
“That last bit is very, very important, but it is hard for a young man to
see himself as the prize since a woman is at her peak between 18-25 and
he is still at the very beginning of becoming a man.”
18-25 is such a politically correct, and legally safe, modern age range. Female peak fertility/beauty are probably closer 14 to 21, although for some it is more like 12-16, each woman is different, some women are barren by their mid to late twenties (which is already ancient, use it or lose it).
Her OB-GYN recommended a fertility specialist, who eventually recommended surgery for what was determined to be endometriosis. After that, there was more trying, more tests and the discovery that she had premature ovarian failure.
“My ovaries were shutting down,” Tullo said. “And I was only 29.”
[Historically this woman could have been married off at twelve or thirteen, been a mother to a newborn daughter at fourteen, and have become a grandmother at 29, just the correct timing for her own fertility to end]
I wholly agree. I believe I have read somewhere that early feminists increased the legal age in order to sustain a higher market value for a little longer as they got older. Eliminate some of the competition.
Insofar as it’s relevant, one might note that there’s good, easily-accessible data which points out that the date of first menstruation has shifted *downward* radically over the past 100 years or so. The data seems to suggest that the average girl in the 1920s or earlier got her first period at the age of 17. That average age is now 14.
Why is that so? Partially because our society has been monumentally successful: good nutrition and public health initiatives have resulted in women being much more capable of having kids at an earlier age. A more sinister reason is all the growth hormone and other shit we are pumping into our water, earth, and sky. I can remember even 30 years ago investigative journalism articles about Mexican communities where girls were developing breasts as young as 8 or 9 not because they were obese, but because of the growth hormone contained in the chickens which were a big part of their diet. The minimum age at which children can be borne is no longer a reliable indicator of adulthood because it’s mutable according to environment.
This ^^^^
Does anyone here know about when it became standard practice to utilize these growth hormones in poultry husbandry? I sometimes wonder if I was affected by the practice, as I was already developing breasts by the age of eight. Also, I remember a conversation with one of my oldest daughter’s elementary school teachers in which we discussed how early puberty began overall for the girls. She told me that nearly all the girls experienced menarche by the end of fifth grade.
My cousin has the issue mentioned in the linked article. Seriously painful bad stuff. She’s 21 and has a basically live in boyfriend. They both still live with their parents and they take turns living at their parents places basically together. At least that’s what I can gather. So she’s interested in partying and that’s pretty much it with a feigned interest in photography and childcare.
Her doctors have told her if she wants to have kids, it is basically now or never. She says she wants them but isn’t ready. Clearly she’s not from the maturity she is demonstrating but she also thinks she’s going to go to another doctor and they’ll tell her maybe she has more time. All the other women in her life are telling her she’s very smart and mature for waiting and it’s the right thing to do.
I figure her mother and her mother in law just don’t want to have to pay for a baby and help raise it, which is smart. But it’s crazy because she’s going to be barren before she even tries to have a kid and she’s had warning. I’ve been blown away that she hasn’t got the boyfriend to commit to marriage yet and start taking care of her, because he is easily dumb enough. The guys got less going on upstairs than the cows he milks every morning.
What it looks like will happen is he’ll get himself married to a barren women unless someone (like his dad or grandpa?) intervene and save his but. I think my cousin is up shit creek either way as she’s just off in la la land thinking it will work itself out somehow.
The glass slipper is of course a symbol for the purity and transparency of the feminine virgin’s soul, the girl who’d make a suitable wife and mother, and the three ugly sisters, women of the world no doubt,with their fat and deformed feet can’t of course fit their feet into the “soul” of the glass slipper.
The only problem of course with this reading of the tale would if the pure virgin Cinderella who has an unspoiled and pure soul happened to be physically ugly but spiritually beautiful, would it have worked out with its perfect fairy tale ending? I suspect not, despite our talk about good wife materiel, men also want their potential wives to be hot and sexy too, which negates the above analysis of this tale.
No mate – if a girl who looks like the back of a bus behaves well, she’s still more likely to get a stable husband than if she doesn’t. It’s a sliding scale situation – not a hit or miss situation. If one of those butt-ugly step sisters had pulled herself together she might at least have ended up with a good local carpenter who could have fixed her crumbling mansion and got her kids into the next generation’s palace balls.
The problem with “physically ugly” yet “spiritually beautiful” women is that their spiritual beauty is a by-product of their ugliness. There are plenty of chunky, unattractive bitches running around with “great personalities,” but would their personalities be so great if they were thin, beautiful, and desirable? I contend that the majority wouldn’t be.
There are tons of stories where a guy hooked up with a woman when she was overweight, followed by her losing said weight, getting “hot,” and then leaving the guy who “loved her for who she is” in the dust; it happens everyday. Women never have the feeling of “owing” a man for his good deeds.
This is why ugly and nice must go hand in hand for the most part: if a woman is hard to look at, then she’d better be fucking nice because that’s all she’s got. Show me a bitch who’s loud, rude, fat, and ugly—and I’ll show you a bitch who sleeps alone.
A woman who is naturally pleasant and beautiful (and chaste) at the same time is the rarest breed of female—she’s being pleasant because it’s her nature; she could be the bitch from hell and still get away it with due to her looks and the fact that men would still worship the ground she walks on. The ugly broad has no choice but to be pleasant; that’s the difference.
“Show me a bitch who’s loud, rude, fat, and ugly—and I’ll show you a bitch who sleeps alone.”
Unfortunately, given the current situation on the sexual marketplace, you will see plenty of bitches who are loud, rude, fat, and ugly with tons of orbiters on dating websites.
Yeah, for a little while, then they will become invisible even to the most devoted orbiters. Nature has no mercy.
Guys are picking the low hanging fruit and hoping for easy sex. I don’t think they’re trying to snag one of these whales for anything more than that.
fortunatly !
I’m not sure about that. I know a lot of decent-looking guys who married land whales.
Personally, I think they are just being realistic: given the situation on the market, marrying a decent-looking girl will only bring them a life ife of humiliation and misery. An ugly chick will be easier to manage.
Honestly, I think 6+ girls are just for fun.
If you want to live a life free of trouble, stick to 4 and 5 for serious relationships.
sounds like they abandoned the fight versus the zeitgeist.. or they are just beta.
Low hanging, even gravity has its limits! These ladies will flash their tits to any guy who foots the drink bill at the local tavern, oddly, like attracts like. Soon she ends up pregnant and she then automatically qualifies to get a house or an apartment free gratis from the city because she’s “with child”. In addition she qualifies then for good welfare payments, so, happy days, never needs to work again. Before you know it she’s off down to the tavern meeting other similar blokes and have more kids with different fathers, all of whom have to cough up support too.
I don’t see these men as victims, they get what they deserve and as I’ve said, low life has a habit of attracting fellow low life, no matter what the gender is.
easy and disgusting sex
“low life has a habit of attracting fellow low life” – true ! very true
Well 90% of men are beta. That’s just human nature. Chances are you are beta yourself.
You can’t chose to be alpha or beta but you can chose to be realistic and understand that beautiful women have always been trouble on the long term.
Given the current marketplace situation (surplus of men due to lack of war and risky behaviour), even 6 and 7 have become unreliable on the long term. Then, the smart move is to wed 4 and 5 or to move abroad.
Some guys have the stomach for it, I guess.
An ugly chick may be easier to manage, but who fucking cares? She’s ugly, she’s supposed to be easy to manage. If a guy can wake up every morning next to a 4 and be happy with himself, then good for him… I guess. I wouldn’t trade places with him.
What do you mean? Talking about the mystical ‘natural alpha’ thing?
That sounds like a horrible life. I am no chick, but damn.
wed 4 and 5 a smart move ? come on !
When you aim to be alpha you don’t buy such reasonnings sorry. Tell me, mike, what’s the point of being a better version of oneself (workout, readings, gaming etc etc) if in the end, you’ll wed a 4 or 5 ? literally laying pearls before swines.
There is nothing mystical about it. There are alphas and betas. The fact that you don’t want to believe in it doesn’t change the facts.
Then good luck to you.
Well, give me some hard facts or something. Firstly, you have not defined what alpha means. Secondly, you have not established any connection to biology or genetics.
alpha is a state of mind and a journey to a better self.
If you have not the first and didn’t make a move for the second you are beta. But I think that no one here is part of the so-said 90% of beta.
I’ll be just fine, I assure you.
One becomes alpha when he sees the world for what it really is. I don’t know if I’m an alpha, I still have some issues to sort out, but I’ll be damn if I don’t see the world in X-ray now. It’s unbelievable how different it is from what I new it from. And once you see it like that, there is absolutely no way back.
My dad used to say: You can not unsee truth.
Very true. There’s no way..
Well, they could put you in a torture camp like in 1984 until you do not dare to see it any longer.
If you say so.
Point is, once you truly see it you become so strong mentally that nobody can do shit to you anymore..
exactly. seeing the world as it is really, without personal dreams, utopias, wishes, and all of the society’s bullshit and propaganda. That’s for the outside part. then the inside part, is building a proper state of mind/body/situation to act and survive in such a world.
That is an illusion. Even the strongest mind can be broken. Just pain … enough pain and enough despair and the brain goes into trauma mode. Have you seen ‘The Machinist’?
please develop. I think that every guy reading ROK has made at least one step on the way to improve themselves. Don’t you think the same ?
Oh, I don’t deny that.. Psychological torture of course can fuck you up. I was thinking in terms of the shit going on in your life day to day.
Yeah, true.
I’m not trying to convince you. I spent 10 years in the Army where people can’t hide who they really are very long. After 2 weeks of commando training, this crude reality becomes obvious to you.
Maybe you should try survival bootcamp so you can see that there are natural leaders and natural sheeps.
Women want leaders. If you are a natural sheep (just like 90% of the population) stick to reasonably ugly-looking women and your life will be free of trouble. As simple as that.
Well, these girls don’t see it that way. They never work and are provided with apartments and welfare payments from the State.
Interesting point. Yes, I do think that there is truth in your observation, but I also think that a lot of it has to do with the subconscious belief systems and mental strategies one has learned. Those can have a fucking strong grip.
But are they happy?
Yes. They have life on their own terms.
“When you aim to be alpha you don’t buy such reasonnings sorry”
You can’t become an “alpha”. either you are a natural born leader right from kindergarten or you are not alpha at all.
Real alphas don’t need workout, readings or gaming. They just use them to make their job easier.
Women are better judges of character than we are: on the long term, they figure out that you are not a leader no matter how muscular and gamey you are.
Workout and learn game so you can fool around with beautiful girls. However keep in mind that on the long term, they will bring you only headaches, sorrow and bastards.
For the sake of all those who agree with you, I hope you are right. Unfortunately, experience has taught me that refusing to accept human nature as it is is the first step towards wisdom.
“Real alphas don’t need workout, readings or gaming”
Give me one living example of such a being.
I think we don’t have the same definition of alpha at all.
Not saying we are all equal. Far from that. But I believe many do not live up to their potential. I just challenge the idea that Alpha and Beta is any kind of hard binary fact without grey areas. Does not seem so clear cut to me. But I reckon that in any given situation, group dynamics will crystallize a leader and followers.
I’m a big fan of RoK for many reasons but I don’t think most guys come here to improve themselves. I think they just come here to bitch about modern society particularly women.
I swallowed the red pill 6 years ago after visiting Eastern Europe and reading The Game. Back then, the manosphere was about UNDERSTANDING human nature and not complain about hings which beyond our control.
I stated to workout, eat good food, dress well, approach girls, etc.
It gave me easy access to 6 and 7, a few 8 and even a 9.
However, a long term relationship isn’t about “game” and physique. It’s about who you are deep inside and that cannot change no matter hard you try.
My advice to RoK readers: try to understand human nature so you can play your cards well.
leader and followers are just other words for alpha and betas.
Right, but who the leader is also depends on context and induvidual skills.
I’m not trying to convince you. I’m just telling you about my experience: if you haven’t been a natural-born leader right from kindergarten, chances are you are a follower. Nothing wrong with that since 90% of people are followers.
Learn to accept yourself as you are and stop trying to be what you are not.
I’m not sure about that. Real leaders know how crucial it is to have at least a general knowledge in most areas so they don’t have to rely on weaker but more qualified men.
I guess this would need some examples to examine. I do not see how we can solve this through rhetorical arguments.
I’m not trying to solve anything, my friend. I’m just telling you about my experience. Again, I spent 10 years in the Army where people can’t hide who they really are.
Fair enough.
Mh interesting point of view, especially the part to understand human nature to play cards the better way. I strongly agree on that point.
But IMO, even long term relationship is about game and physique. And change is always possible. there’s no core determinism about people concerning self improvement.
I second this. Wasn’t the mindset of ROK along these lines at one point? Before the doom and gloom days which surround us now!
No. There is always that emptiness they feel inside. A vacuum that will never be filled.
“stick to 4 and 5 for serious relationships.”
Even that’s not true. Once you put a ring on her finger and she pumps out a kid, she’s got you due to the divorce laws in this country.
The key today is to never marry.
There is something nice disillusioning about your theory, you know. I might almost come to like it.
I am happy for you. Merry Christmas!
Just keep in mind that most people are lazy. That’s human nature.
People come to RoK to bitch about feminism so they won’t have to blme themselves for their own shortcomings.
“But IMO, even long term relationship is about game and physique.”
I think LTR is about sharing common values (religion, etc.) and making good money so your wife won’t have to work.
If you marry a girl who has a different religion (or worse, no religion at all) and who doesn’t depend on you financially, you’re in for a lot of headache and humiliation.
Shitting on feminism is more like a release, what I fear is that some have even suggested turning hos into housewives. It’s got that ludicrous.
People are casting aside the basics as PUA nonsense thus showing their true blue ass.
Personally, I don’t waste time blaming people. I try to understand what actually happen in terms of ‘human nature’.
In the old days, male mortality rate was very high (wars, alcohol, tobacco, STD after unprotected sex with prostitutes, etc.) and many and many men emigrated to colonies (Americas, Africa, Oceanias, etc.). as result women had to compete for the few eligible remaining men. Being a good wife was condoned by society. This system is still condoned in Russia.
Today, there is no war on Western soil, men drink and smoke less, those who use hookers have access to reliable condoms and emigration is relatively low. As a result, women have more choice than men and set the price high. If an averadge man isn’t willing to kowtow to their demands, they will just move on to another guy.
Feminsim isn’t an evil plot concocted by mean harpies. Just like the rest of the SJW BS, it’s the price to pay for peace and economic stability.
But of course. Happy ‘holidays’ to you as well.
just don’t be Omega. 😉
@Mike1981, Since many posting here, have NEVER served, let alone attempted to get into SOF, they have NO idea what its like to be pushed to the brink, where a persons “real personality” surfaces, FOR ALL TO SEE, during crisis, both real and perceived. Alas, they likely will NEVER experience such nor understand what you have explained to them above, so in turn, will profusely claim that you are “full of chit”.
During Boot Camp and SOF selection courses, real Alphas are obvious to both the cohort and the trainers, by “sense” alone (despite these Alphas not always being given pseudo leadership roles, like “Squad Leader”, during training, by Cadre, for various reasons). This same “sense”, as you know, applies to most women that are still fully connected to their real feminine urges, whom can identify real Alpha’s, Beta’s and Omega’s by instinct alone. (BTW, there are an increasing number of women these days PRETENDING to not be connected to their real feminine urges and instincts, Ala, the Bed Carrying Student from Columbia),
You know what else can sense a real Alpha versus a Beta or a Omega? Working domesticated animals bred to work closely with human handlers, particularly high drive dogs and Green Broke horses. Take ANY of these proclaimed “alphas” posting here on RoK and plop them on almost any horse and you’ll see quite quickly whom the real “Alphas” are, according to the Animal Kingdom. All the “Game” in the world won’t hide someones “Betaness” from a feral dog or an unbroken horse.
This is a strange question. We all know that no woman is ever happy. Men who have striven for years to make a woman happy are finally figuring this out and stopping the pointless endevor.
Well. Maybe the problem is that most men on here choose women with troubles, thinking it is their job to fix them. Maybe that is something I have to fucking stop doing and instead choose women who have their shit together. If that exists, anyway. But the law of attraction dictates that men who do not want these types of girls will not even know they exist.
Then you have to get to the root of your personal issue as to why you don’t seek out the more grounded, stable types. It usually has something to do with you not feeling you deserve them, or have been crapped on so much and that’s what feels more comfortable, or you simply are just attracted to the loons or irresponsible types (maybe a short-term thing).
You might even have a huge Protector instinct naturally and want a girl project.
Yeah, smarty, I am aware of that. I do not converse here to get advice from women.
Ha ok I get that. Good Luck gettin’ it worked out!
You should blog. Men who think like you are the rarest and make the most sense.
“There are tons of stories where a guy hooked up with a woman when she
was overweight, followed by her losing said weight, getting “hot,” and
then leaving the guy who “loved her for who she is” in the dust; it
happens everyday”
Yes, it is very true. these guys are just beta, and in the end, it is just a reminder of how the female nature and things goes : a good lesson for them. No pity !
“Show me a bitch who’s loud, rude, fat, and ugly—and I’ll show you a bitch who sleeps alone” I see lots of fat, crude, coarse slappers who like to be one of the lads getting their hole every second night in certain boozy and shady taverns in parts of my own city. They’re shameless easy whores and the men know it and treat it much like a Big Mac in McDonalds after skin full of drink, i.e not very satisfying but it hits the spot nevertheless.
Good point. There is a difference between genuine pleasantness and timid niceness.
I can’t stand comedian Daniel Tosh, but, to quote him: “Being an ugly woman is like being a man, you’re gonna have to work.”
“Show me a bitch who’s loud, rude, fat, and ugly—and I’ll show you a bitch who sleeps alone….”
Damn, isn’t that the truth. But, we’re seeing more and more of these miserable bitches every day. They hate the thin beautiful ones for being thin and beautiful. On the other hand, we do see many thin and beautiful women who can be bitches as well. It’s a man’s job to put her ass in place no matter what or which one.
These women only get away with this shit, today, because men are too chicken shit to call them out on their behavior. That seems to be one of the biggest problems. Women acting like bitches and men letting them get away with it. If you see this behavior, then fix it right away…call her out.
Or: It is just a nice glass slipper. But who would dare to not see everything in a fairy tale as some kind of symbol?
Actually, you bring up a good point. It does happen from time to time that I see a rather ugly girl with a nice feminine spirit. And yeah, it does make her a thousand times more attractive than if she was just sad about her ugly horse face.
Somebody here once wrote something like you need to fuck the soul of a girl, not the body. And I even if my eyes do not like these ugly ducklings, my heart warms to them always. Not sure if I would want to be their prince, nah, let me be honest here. But … damn, I am becoming as disingenuine as a broad saying ‘You will find a woman one day’.
Then again, I did meet men who were happily together with ugly broads, so I guess it is not hopeless. Those men were not as narcissistic as I am, so that may be a factor, too.
This also shows society’s acceptance of a guy marrying down and for women to always marry up. What if Cinderella married a peasant, someone below her? The story wouldn’t sell. She would’ve look for something better, with the ultimate being the prince.
All bitches dream of is a prince. Fucking morons…
And even when they do get a prince in real life, we saw what happened with Prince Charles and Lady Diana.
Please elaborate.
charles left for an ugly bitch and is still alive, and diana left for a rich muslim and died… what a lovely fairy tale ending.
diana was a whore, went for the porta potty, just like all women. no difference.
high speed into a tunnel..
I second that.
You don’t know the story?
Prince Charles married Diana, a commoner, just like the Cinderella story. She’s instant royalty at that point, yet was unsatisfied still. She hangs out with some rich Arab on the side.
Oh, I hoped for some nice conspiracy theory about the bitches death.
The conspiracy theory is that the whole time he was married he was lusting after Camilla…my only guess as to why he’d lust after a hag such as her vs his own wife is she must have pulled a “Margery Tyrell” and snuck into his bedchambers when he was a teenager and ever since had a chain going from her vag to his brain.
Not a bad theory.
those suckers.
I know. Just like Ariel in ‘The Little Mermaid’ thought combing her hair with a “dinglehopper” was going to attract Prince Eric. Weirdo… hahaha
Also, she’s half fish. Even in her full human mode, she probably still smells like fish down there.
at least she was also mute, so we don’t have to listen to her yap
meh….maybe she invented salt water douche 😉
Just look at the British princes. Harry is kind of a natural alpha ‘bad boy’ and would do alright for himself even if he wasn’t a prince. William though, is quiet, somewhat shy, and already balding in his early 30’s. He’d struggle big time.
Give Kate another 10 years and see how that marriage goes.
She better bring no shame on the Royals or she’ll be dying in a tunnel in Paris.
I’m investing in white Fiat Unos
Harry was a combat pilot. Partly to fulfill his role as an alpha, partly to fulfill his role as a warrior prince. Basically swapped out the white stallion for an Apache.Also he is a ginger. I suppose when you don’t have a soul, being an alpha is a given.
Isn’t Harry also considered the soon of a stable boy?
“William though, is quiet, somewhat shy, and already balding in his early 30’s. He’d struggle big time.”
Yeah if he wasn’t a Prince and fucking royalty, he would never be able to land a slightly above average looking, slim, attractive woman like Kate. Not in today’s brutal sexual market place. The pussy has all the power.
Sure he’s balding but he’s PRINCE FREAKING WILLIAM…a military outfit and a phat bank account make a receeding hairline vanish. In any case he’s still a leg up on his jug-eared father…with all he has/had he gave up his marriage for a hag so vile i’m convinced she’s hiding a penis under her dress.
Mmmm, I don’t know, Look at how well Titanic Sold in Theaters. It makes a good story, but in real life, a woman of high Privilege would probably not ditch her wealth for “Jack”.
In real life, she would marry the rich tycoon and have Jack on the side.
She wouldn’t waste time with broke.
How many women do you know that still fucks the convict? They waste time with broke all the time.
Not really. They do that if their husband is old fart. In Titanic, rich bastard was young man.
Fuck bro your on fire
she was ON THE FREAKING LIFEBOAT and she gets off and then its all “I wanted to be with you Jack” and of course she gets his ass frozen to death because if she had just STAYED ON THE LIFEBOAT Jack would have probably lived and been picked up…the ultimate shit-test.
Titanic was just to celebrate a woman for being a slut. Not a whore, but a slut. She gave it away for free.
Keep that real shit comin bro!
First of all, Marcus this is a very good and well written article!
Second, I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, 30 year old men marrying 30 year old women has got to be one of the dumbest decisions a man can ever make, even though everything seems “ok” on the surface. Yet I’ve seen countless people make that plunge.
It’s when a man is only just starting to reach peak value while for women it’s already tanking. 35 year old man and 25 year old woman is a much better deal. Or 40 year old man and 28 year old woman.. whatever. Make the age gap at least the greater part of a decade in your favor! (if you must marry)
Agreed. But somehow articles like this need to be read by young women in their mid-late teens BEFORE they make the ugly mistakes of their older sisters and single mothers.
Doesn’t matter. They’re infected with the feminism disease and they won’t listen and they’ll argue with you until she ups one over you.
Stupid bitches don’t even realize we are helping them, nit trying to argue.
Don’t argue with women. Tell them.
Remember guys, your the mountaintop on the right. Comparative SMV meets at age 30 where women snag their beta biatch and men are played the fool.
According to this distribution graph my sexual market value correlates perfectly with the degree to which I do not give a fuck.
Some good points here.
Men have been brainwashed for decades to pick up that single mother with kids, no matter the circumstances. The man that does it is considered “a real man” – only to discover later that he’s been played for a fool. Society constantly gives women a pass on everything – from being a single mother and every choice that she makes (it’s always, some how the man’s fault).
But many are seeing the game for what it is, now. It’s a game where a woman gets to do whatever she wants through the better, child bearing years of her life because she can always grab a man later. If the woman wants out, then it’s her being brave and “finding herself”…a man does it and he’s selfish or an asshole for leaving her.
It’s all the rationalization (by women and feminized men)…don’t let them pull that shit on you. Be picky about your life long partner or wife. Don’t settle for a used car with many miles on her….demand better and be better.
I did the single mother thing when I was 30. Not a bad deal, sexually. Unfortunately, she was nucking futz. Probably BPD, but otherwise a whole bunch of crazy (and yes, she was awesome in bed). But that was it. I had one other single mother but it was on strict terms: our relationship was strictly sexual and I would never meet the kid. Never again.
They often say YMMV, but when it comes to single mom’s, like you, I find that they are indeed nucking futz, without exception.
Can you blame me?
I’ve done a couple single mother things. One that was about sex. That was fine. One where I had a relationship. That was a nightmare.
Raising some other guys kids? Nuts.
It’s just a bad deal (long term) for any man to get involved with a single mother with kids. Today, the system literally has a man by the balls so you have to pass on single mothers for a LTR (forget marriage to them). The shaming (towards men) is to get men to pick up the tab so the system doesn’t crash.
Oh my God. . .Society has so brainwashed men into accepting single mothers, and it’s a disaster. Typically they get pregnant to manipulate whoever it is she’s chasing. (Or gets pregnant by another guy and lies; saying it’s his.) Then can’t keep it together psychologically and drives the guy away. Then her life is spent trying to manipulate other guys to support her. And the whole time the victem is the child, who’s just used as a pawn by the mother over and over.
We are just mortal men so let’s be serious: I did her, wouldn’t you? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bfd5d774a86718cc0b01b8327c466e790e8796dea789568de7b240b053f0abc9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/926a9976216f552f9c8f55b42802e5988eda13d90a10281ea1ef052dbebead6d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a27bab7e9cc2246d09f3eec34871f38f7c028c68e618a6453d7cdbaa462499f8.jpg
Never a relationship. The second single mom I had was awesome because we had an understanding that it was just about sex. She was Chinese, 5 foot and a hundred pounds of love. This whole “wall” thing doesn’t seem to apply in the Sinosphere. She was 40 but had the body of a teenager.
They are not all nucking futz but they obviously made a bad life choice that will always haunt them. And the thing is, they can’t undo it and you, as a man, should not take on that mistake.
LIke I said earlier, YMMV. My mileage is not good with SM’s.
Just had yet another experience with a cute blond SM over the weekend at a little xmas event. Big fake titties and fake candy-apply red lips to match (which I planned being on my cock by the end of the evening). Could easily have been a pinup model with her naughtly librarian glasses and long legs.
The alcohol allowed her demons of mental illness escape to attack me, like Blair in the Exocorcist with the projectile vomiting of all sorts of shit. I got up and left the bitch by herself for better hunting, as she had already ruined the room for me. She followed me down the way to another venue and interrupted my game there with her mouthy mental proclamations. I had to bolt from there just to get away from her.
This is very much in line with all the other SM’s I’ve encountered ranging from early 30’s to mid 40’s. They’re all mental in my book. But I have tight standards. There’s one I might say was fairly normal. But then they’re carrying around baggage known as kids, and that’s a deal breaker in my book anyway for anything other than a ONS. And since I’m older and pulling in the older demo, it’s rare that I meet one that hasn’t ruined her body with at least a kit or two, or just by getting fat and lazy — although I did bang a former red-headed stripper for a few weeks until she too let her mental manifestations ruin a perfectly gooMd sexual arrangement.
Oh well, their loss. I’m free, FrRe, thank God Almighty, FREE AT LAST!
(did I use that quote reference properly?)
I had the one SM and it took me years to figure out just how crazy she was. But man, was she a mink. She decided to get silicone funbags at one point. So she planted a pair of D cups on her size zero frame. She went from 110 pounds (at 5’4″) to 114, so each of those puppies weighed 2 pounds a piece. I have never been much of a tit man, but I could work with that. She is now in her 50s but still rates a 7, certainly better looking than two-thirds of girls half or a third her age. Unfortunately, she just got crazier as she got older.
As I mentioned briefly, the other SM was more a reasoned choice: a 40 year old Chinese woman with the body of a teenager. We had weekly bang sessions for about 6 months running.
There was one other SM that I almost went for, but she totally killed it when she brought the kids along for what was supposed to be our first date. We met at Starbucks, so I bought them smoothies, smiled my way through that and then never called her back. There was some potential there. She was a cop and had one of the most amazing bodies I had ever seen. Yes, YMMV but she had a classic V back, pipes on her almost as big as mine, a six-pack, and an ass that could crack walnuts.
It can be that way in Romania. I met an amazing Romanian mother, 42 years old but I thought she was 30. Perfect body, perfect skin. Every head turned when she walked down the street. I still dream about her.
Oldest woman I’ve ever been with.
I would not have expected Eastern European women to be defying the wall, but I guess there are outliers. I dated a Ukrainian teenager who aged really badly really quickly. I’d have to check with my buddy in Budapest to see how the Hungarian girls hold their value over time.
Hungarian women? Not well. I hung out with a mother – daughter combo once. I was older than both. The 18 year old daughter kept my dick in raptures but the 36 year old mother looked like a meth addict.
They both smoked. It was not hard to see what the daughter would be like in 10 years.
Basic rule is to meet the girl’s mother to see what you are in for in 20 years.
Chinese men are hard drinkers and hard smokers. The women are much smarter in that respect. They don’t really touch alcohol or tobacco.
Fortunately I was able to do that.
Never do the reverse: meet the girl’s daughter to see how good she used to look.
Given that I have adopted a certain . . .moral flexibility, meeting an SM’s teenage daughter would just be asking for trouble.
And the shit of it is that under Canadian law, if you “support” the kids for a year you can get tagged PERMANENTLY with child support if deadbeat dad has fucked off.
So how to get out of paying for your kids? Find some other sucker to do it.
I have that situation living next door to me. Never know which one to go for.
That would do it. I read a newspaper article about this one fucking guy (literally) who had 42 kids from dozens of different stupid bitches. Of course, there is no way that he could actually afford to support them so it is up to the taxpayer to fill the gap.
Based on the economic considerations alone I would take a rusty knife to his r-strategy balls. However, the social damage he has caused to these women – not the sharpest pencils in the box – but more importantly to the kids, is immeasurable.
Threesome: why choose the lesser evil?
It just isn’t a consideration for me anymore: I am a year older than my girlfriend’s father.
As a side note, my GF wants a ’round the world tour so I might be hitting the UK next summer. Where are you located?
Does she have friends?
“I dated a Ukrainian teenager who aged really badly really quickly. ” could be Krokodil.
That graph has become red pill canon but there is so much wrong with it.
Nice one son!
And she just confirmed that she wants to tie the knot. You are invited to the wedding, lol
A new toaster is coming your way!
. . .
The fate that awaits all princesses — becoming an evil old queen.
Today’s American Cinderella
Or the gay version: Cinderfella.
That advantage shown by the 12 years age gap will revert years later. I see age gap as a leverage only at the early beggining. I have seen those 12-15 year age gaps while men are 60 and women are 45, i´ve seen lots of women bored of their “old grandpa look husband”, and at that certain point you have to care less about your wife and care more about her muscled personal trainer, her funny hairdresser or her young massagist. Wacht out with short term solutions.
If you’re red pill your wife won’t have a muscled trainer. She’ll get any physical training and massages from females and her hair stylist will either be female or gay. If you read this and think you either shouldn’t keep a women this in line, or that you can’t, then you need to not get married. Or you need to expect to be cheated on. Yes, you can and should vet every person in your wife’s life. They should all either be family members or females, or only have contact around her while you and/or your family members are there.
Also. If you seriously keep in shape, you can attract young women until your skin just gets too old looking. Hair color or lack of hair doesn’t matter. It’s physical shape and the appearance of your skin. So yes, if you’re so old you’re as wrinkled as a prune, you’re not getting young girls anymore. Or if you let yourself get fat and pathetic at any age, you’re not getting quality females anymore. Hopefully by then you are either content being without a women, or you’ve locked down one of the rare good ones. But, if you have nice skin, are muscled and tone (not fat), you can pull quality women even if you’re 60 and bald with a grey beard. I’ve seen it.
Also, if you talk a good game, women will be somewhat interested no matter what you look like. Women enjoy smooth talkers that are confident, even if they are old or ugly.
The answer here? Don’t marry a slut and take care of your body.
“35 year old man and 25 year old woman is a much better deal.”
“Or 40 year old man and 28 year old woman..”
That is all well and good.. but how many 25 year old women these days are interested in getting married.. instead of slutting it up, riding the cock carousal, “travelling,” and focussing on their career? 25 year old women these days are just not interested in getting married.
A 28 year old woman maybe more interested in getting married (although most women now seem to wait well into their 30s to do so) but she’s not looking to get married to some 40 y/o man. A very small percentage might be.. but let’s be realistic here. Most 28 y/o women want men within their age range.. up to 5 years older at the most really. Men may have a longer shelf life than women and don’t have a biological clock to worry about.. but they age.. they get out of shape.. start balding.. losing their hair.. losing their looks. Even if a man manages to keep in good shape and have the good luck to not have the balding gene, and have a good career and be successful enough (and how many men can you honestly say have all those things going for him .. especially in today’s economy), he’s still facing stiff competition from men younger than him for the attention of those 28 y/o women.. who have more in common with men their age than they do with a man over a decade older.
This whole notion that men can wait until 40 and can find a woman a decade younger than him ready and willing to marry him is a myth in today’s brutal sexual marketplace. Young, attractive women are just not interested in marriage.. until they’re in their 30s.
How many doesn’t matter. You can always find one.
Btw, I very nearly married a woman a decade younger than me.
I guess I win the prize. I have been married almost 8 years to a slim beautiful Asian woman who is 27 years younger than I am. I am two years older than her mother.
Never marry any woman over 25, no matter how old you are. I have done it to my regret. Also, never marry anything but a virgin. YMMV. Of course this means you will absolutely have to leave North America.
And Europe too apparently.
But don’t go to Africa. Your wife will be crazy, circumcised and her family will cut your arms and legs off.
With an IQ over 120, a decent body, and some basic manscaping and grooming skills, any 40 year old man should be slaying 30 year olds. Lie and say you are 39, and you should be getting down with 27 year olds or the like. If you want to be in for the long term, then owning some real estate and a good car helps but you certainly don’t need it to get laid.
At 40, you have some stiff competition (pun intended). At 30 I was in relationships with a pair of girls a few months older than me. In my late 30’s I dabbled in late 30s women (with surprisingly good bodies), but for the most part – even before I went all ex-pat and moved to China – the balance of the girls I have been with were 10 to 15 years younger.
As far as locking down a wife, I think you are largely correct: your typical Can-Am girl doesn’t think about marriage until she in her 30s at which point she has been plowed through by a dozen or so cocks.
WASPy bitches and cafeteria Catholics are simply low quality sport fucking material who – if you commit – will probably ruin your life. Only certain religious communities – devout Catholics, Mormons, some Buddhists and even Muslims – are really wife ready, but they probably tied the knot in their early 20s, so you are SOL.
I can’t claim to be authoritative on the matter.
Let me work backwards. And my premise here is that you are looking for an LTR.
If you are a late bloomer like me, and approaching 50, then your hard line is 34. If you want to have a family then that is it. Any woman over that age can’t give you it. There are lots of hot women in their late 30s but they are just sport fucking material.
If you are a man about 40, then you should be looking for a late 20s girl. Apparently, numbers matter. When I was 39 I was routinely hooking up with 20-somethings online but as soon as I hit 40, the silence was deafening. The simple solution is: lie. Then correct the . .uhm. ..misprint later.
If you are a man about 30 then you should be aiming for the 18 to 22 year old crowd. At 30 you will have a certain presence and earning power that will attract a lot of women close to your age. DON’T DO IT! If you are going to settle down then you want at least a decade to make the most of her hot body. If you are 30 and she is 30, it’s just downhill from there.
If you are under 30, you should not really be contemplating an LTR. Marrying your high school or college sweetheart is a recipe for disaster. Until you hit 30, it is all just sport. Chase the youngest, hottest tail that you can, and perhaps indulge with the occasional cougar (because let’s be real, basically zero women under the age of 30 know how to properly suck cock).
Have lots of fun in your 20s but never commit. Once you hit 30, then read Corinthians 13:11 and otherwise follow my advice.
Its funny really because I had never so much attention from hot young women until I turned 40.
However, I recently read a study where women find men who appear to be 35 to be most attractive. Appear is in italics because I look very young. Most people think I am in my twenties. I certainly look younger than 35.
But this is the point. Take care of your body, and when you reach your peak, choose the best woman available to you. Wife her up, get those kids and move on up.
I “peaked” at 29. I just turned 49 but I get mistaken for being 35. Maybe none of this matters because I think I found my unicorn.
Edit: when I say “peaked” it just seemed that I had access to the largest selection of women based on a combination of looks, intelligence and earning potential (I was attending law school). I was dating teenagers (among others) but didn’t bang any teenagers until I was in my early 30s, oddly enough when my career was right in the shitter.
And passing for 35 (basically a decade and a half younger) doesn’t just happen; aside from not getting fat it takes a lot of grooming. At this point, I can’t let myself go because frankly, it would be embarrassing to look my age with my PYT wife, who – being Chinese and all – could pass for 16 if she tried. (And she did and that is a story unto itself)
It’s actually only recently that it’s in vogue for men to marry women their same age. In a lot of cultures it was expected that the husband be around 5 years older than the wife. Otherwise, how could he guide and train her, and how else could she respect him. Marrying a man the same age was considered to equal, and the woman was considered a “problem.”
Martcus Aurelious way da go. Cool.
Don’t forget that every disney princess is often surrounded by talking (male) animals/objects (cup of tea, snowman, birds, dwarves, crab& fish, and shit like these) analogous to the lot of beta boys who have been put in the friendzone… and happy to be in the friendzone. those suckers.
Don”t forget their utilitarian aspect. The symbol of men as nothing more than tools.
exactly ! just here to be used, and to reassure the princess wanabee. those suckers.
Well, if she happens to land a President or a millionaire or a prince it certainly would not be bad to be her friend. After all, at the end of those films, those support characters end up doing better and even getting out of poverty. Just saying…
Come on, they are rats. A rat can not fuck a princess!
but they dream about it. those suckers.
by the way, every time, the prince doesn’t give a shit about those beta animals/tools/objects. Is there any disney where the prince event talk to them ?!
check this story about ”usable tools”
“A beta called by a slut at night that he is orbiting for a while. He immediately turn his car into her house. When he arrived in her house, she hugged him and kindly asked for repair of her hairdryer. He repaired the hairdryer with great hope of getting pussy as a prize. He didnt get the prize that night. Later, he finds out she had called him just because the alpha guy on the otherside ”asked” kindly to slut if she can straighten her hair for the night. Slut, called our beta hero with excitement and little bit nervously due to afraid of missing the alpha cock that night. “
Evidently you haven’t dug deep into the nooks and crannies of the Web. Also, Mr. Slave and Lemmiwinks.
mr slave is not a princess.
Tell that to Caitlyn Jenner and his/her possee.
Maybe Lemmiwinks suddenly trying to get out was the cause of Caitlyn Jenner running over that pedestrian. And whatever happened to Paris Hilton?
Probably rotted to death. Also, the Kardashians.
we can hope.
maybe Mr. Slave can crap her skeleton out next Holloween.
Bruce Jenner, always, to me.
ah..this quote goes right into my golden collections of great quotes list…
“ Don’t forget that every disney princess is often surrounded by talking (male) animals/objects (cup of tea, snowman, birds, dwarves, crab& fish, and shit like these) analogous to the lot of beta boys who have been put in the friendzone… and happy to be in the friendzone. those suckers. “
You have a Jamaican sounding crab, French crockery, a hunchback, dwarves, etc. Multiculturalism gone wrong.
excellent remark !
If anything, this is more racist and discriminatory in that these characters have to be patronized by the pretty lady by being inferior.
A Friend Zone Drone, Orbiters-aplenty.
True, true.
And notice how Hollywood also includes black men as the good guys in the 2015 version. The evil one is played by the swede Stellan Skarsgård.
Nothing is like using old tales for new targets…
Women love the bad boy.
In American cinema and television today, black is synonymous with virtue, wisdom and IT skills
whoa, I never put that together.
Hahahahaha…Incredible attention to detail brother
Cinderella in the old movie is also irrationally confident as fuck. Feminine, but not shy about her motive at all.
I appreciate your deep insights into this; well done on finding a new way, and topic to use, to deliver your views and life lessons. This was quite refreshing.
Disney and it’s minions ARE a major reason for princess attitude. Only it’s more like princess of the hood because there are no princesses to lead by example and show this is a lady. They confuse being a princess with constant and instant gratification turning them into self loathing bitches. They typically are delusional until a long dry spell when their magic wears off. It’s what creates the never my fault, always a victim, blah blah blah, billshit that comes out when they don’t get what they want. Threats, control strategies, drama because they’re spoiled. This only a certain personality type, but there’s enough of them out there that they are probably surrounding you.
The fall of moral society happened after television because it effects your subconscious, but like cigarettes they can only deny side effects for so long.
We only need to look to Hollywood to see that the SMV chart for women is true. Most women starring in movie roles (if they are hot) will only last until they hit about 40 (some, maybe a few more years). The rest of them (most can’t act) will hit the wall and Hollywood will no longer “call them back”.
You can pick plenty of them from the last decade or two as an example. Cameron Diaz is a good example. About 15 to 20 years ago she was quite something, good Hollywood career, hot, etc… Now, the wall doesn’t care who she is and at 43 the wall has claimed another victim. We could go on and on but society decides who is hot (high SMV) and who they want to see….and after a certain age it’s no longer Cameron Diaz.
Sad…but true.
Yep was talking about her yesterday having hit wall irony. Well that and I never found her personal antics any more then annoying. Women have advantages early in life and loose that smv advantage. I swear women could push back the wall if they’d just have physical hobbies. Any women that has no hobbies or no life outside of work or school going to expire much faster. If she does drugs it could be 23 when she expires. If she is a rock climber/ fire dancer you can count on her expiration date moving back closer to 30. If she’s a pro gymnast and maintains she’ll maintain until her 40s potentially. It depends on the person.
This is my favorite article. And I can attest to the comment of single mothers raising girls being the worst mothers on the planet, and the daughters ending up with severe mental issues. My sister and I were “raised” by a slutty, self loathing, narcissistic, entitled child who poisoned our minds into believing all men were dogs that only stick around for sex. Due to her entitlement and hatred she made us believe all sex was dangerous, even though I watched her bring in man after man, her crumbling every time they left. My sister is now a self hating whore, insecure beyond all reasoning covered in tattoos and piercings, and I had a confusing three month stint in “bisexuality”, because I was convinced men were evil, and didnt want to get “poisoned” from sex with them.
Reading articles like this, and many others here, help me feel better about enjoying the femininity my mother tried (and almost succeeded in) shattering because she was bitter from her failed relationships with men. This age we live in with these feminists make it infuriating to date because it seems most men now are kissing my ass and unmotivated in life, and their carreers. This *place* is a refreshing slap of reality that actual men, at least in their thinking, still exist. Still a little devastated that I may be too “old” though, lol.
Keep up the riveting doses of reality gentlemen.
Cool story.
Now wait and enjoy attention you gonna get from beta orbiters.
Aras – you obviously don’t have close female relatives or friends. If Dita can’t give a textbook account of a depressingly common situation that she fully comprehends from the female point of view here, then you dissuade her from doing what the manosphere is all about: pulling their socks up and improving their situation.
Gentlemen! Our white knight has appeared.
We can look at it in another angle. At least Cinderella had practical organizational skills, what with being forced to be a maid. Hypothetically speaking, even if as a princess she never touched a duster ever again, this woman can confidently run a household, and then some. Ladies, that is empowering right there. Compare that with a woman thinking that just because she got a diamond ring she’s worth it. After all, to quote Sheldon Cooper, a diamond is nothing more than a piece of carbon with the atoms neatly stacked.
Never considered in any depth the symbolism of Cinderella.
Insightful article Aurelius.
The Cinderalla analysis is interesting, but more broadly I like the Joseph Campbell mythology angle as a whole. Its almost impossible to overestimate the importance of Joseph Campbell as purveyor / populariser of the narrative mythos as something that story-tellers consciously invoke whether they are simply trying to entertain or in a more political sense to ‘educate’ their public in a particular direction. Campbell draws heavily on Jung’s understanding of deep psychological archetypes that we are conditioned to respond to, and which provide a structure of expectations that any would be story-teller will want to satisfy or at least manipulate for effect. Hollywood currently uses this technology to subvert and re-specify our expectations in directions that are favourable to its wierdo progressive agenda but the truth is that this mythos is in many ways a massive red pill resource. It would be well worth the effort to start mining this stuff with a view to countering the Hollywood agenda. The fact is that while Hollywood enjoys success in its efforts to subvert and re-direct the human narrative mythos it suffers just as much failure, where audiences becoming weary of increasingly unsubtle attempts to indoctrinate see past what is being done. In other words that same mythos may not be infinitely malleable or vulnerable to manipulation, precisely because it speaks of deep (often red pill) truths about reality, something which at root progressive Hollywood and its minions seem to hate even as it emulates.
Maybe its time to re-activate some of these myths, stories, and fairytales to re-animate some real but increasingly submerged truths about the world we live in:
next up, little red pill, cock-carousel riding hood. Catchy title I think you’ll agree
The glass slipper, an unusual empirical object in its own right, in this tale can be read as a “normal” glass slipper and also simultaneously read as the key defining emblem in the tale which draws our intelligence and attention through itself like a portal into those mythical realms that are barely visible through the other side of ourselves.
It’s amusing how smugly the modern intelligentsia dismiss this type of intelligence as being somehow unworthy of consideration in our philosophy and psychology Departments. Yet, paradoxically our mass culture is saturated with epics like The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones which tries to tap into this mythical consciousness that resides, usually very well hidden in each of us.
The problem with the Hollywood treatment is that it fails to often understand that myths are perhaps our most deeply rooted form of education in that they teach us about ancient taboos that shouldn’t be transgressed and if are only with consequences. Hollywood tends to ignore this element as it contradicts its liberal and progressive agenda, so this is why they produce a bastardized, bland and ultimately often very unsatisfactory form of mythical story telling.
Cinderella is a strange hybrid of Coppélia and the Wizard of Oz, it’s interesting that a classical composer never wrote a Ballet of this tale?
I think Prokofiev did write one. There is a cinderella waltz I very much like with a Volodos piano transcription.
I’ve never thought much about the meaning of the Cinderella myth or about the slipper but your explanation about the latter does make sense I think: it is the one anchor of truthfulness in what otherwise could be seen as a deception of make-up and magic; a paradox I guess, in that Cinderella has to be brushed up to make her presentable but thanks to the slipper we can think of that as revealing of her true value rather than a misrepresentation.
I think we are agreed on the assessment of what Hollywood is doing. Campbell had some brilliant things to say about how stories work their magic upon us, except I can’t help feeling that the way Hollywood has mechanised and almost industrialised his insights is doing much to weaken that magic. Perhaps it is different for kids – although I somewhat hope that isn’t completely the case – but it seems quite rare these days that you get the kind of film-making that can actually draw you into the director’s imaginative universe – as you say its typically bastardized and bland but I think that’s also a function of the manufactured, imperfectly imitative nature of (progressive) film-making today. They are copying the form and the method, but they can’t copy the truths contained within the mythos itself, not least because they are seeking to exploit and subvert those truths
Rossini wrote an opera based on Cinderella called La Cenerentola. There are some differences–instead of a wicked stepsister I believe its a wicked stepfather who is having financial trouble, and matching bracelets instead of a glass slipper. Its been a while since I’ve watched it. Much of the basic story is the same, though.
This is a very famous production:
Actually, I think this an Opera and not a Ballet. Fairy tales do lend themselves for some reason to the pure dance of Ballet more than Opera. It’s possible this has to do with with the pre logos world of myth and pure nature that’s rendered more faithfully through the fusion of dance and the body rather than the theatrical word based drama of Opera.
Yes, an opera by Giacomo Rossini. He was a very well-known Italian composer, also wrote the Barber of Seville and William Tell
I saw the Barber of Seville in the open air amphitheater in Barcelona on one wonderfully clear June night back in 2005. It was a marvelous event. It’s hard for non Europeans to appreciate how Opera is often just a normal part of many Europeans cultural and social lives.
Excellent analysis of the classic tale. It is often that feminism has a lot to say (negatively) about classic tales like Cinderella. It was about time to strike back and show the wisdom there is to be found in these stories.
As a married man with three children (two daughters among them) this article hits home, excellent post Marcus well done! I specifically like how you look at the story from all angles. Moral to the story if you are considering marriage make sure you have the proper leverage (financial independence, power, experience) a young bride and never settle for scraps. And never ever put up with shit tests! Let it slide once and you’ve trained them for life.
Cinderella is about how envy destroys and having a realistic appraisal of yourself leads to happiness. It has nothing to do with Manosphere delusions.
Another Point, Cinderella didn’t impress the Prince with Degrees or capture his heart by showing her “Competitive Corporate” side, no , she just showed up, acted Feminine, presented herself as beautifully as she could, and Presented herself as a woman, notice how simple and uncomplicated her behavior in the story is, and the Prince is so captured by it, he searches constantly to find her. Women, it is not your Careers or Degrees, or Corporate Achievements that impress a Man, it’s how you Behave and how well you try and take care of your appearance that will impress upon him desire for you.
Yup! Feminism always tell women they have to one up over a man. Stupid idiots don’t realize this is a real turn off.
Wow, total eye opener right there.
It’s always a pleasure to read your words of wisdom, Marcus! I remember the feminists wanting the hippo ballerina scene removed from Disney’ “Fantasia” because it cut too close to the bone for these land whales. Disney also had to remove the pirates chasing the women on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride at Disneyland (I think it was that fat woman in the wedding dress chasing the pirates that finally did it for the wall crashers). I expect them now to go after Tinker Bell. She loved Peter Pan, was jealous of female rivals, and was so devoted to him that she drank poison meant for him. A female sacrificing her life to save the man she loves? Well, that why we call stories like this a fantasy in the first place!
Wow didn’t realise classical stories had so much red pill knowledge to them.
Quite amazing
“Daughters of the West”. I like that.
Excellent article
Excellent analysis Marcus. Here you go…
My niece posted that a few months ago. If Cinderella was more concerned about “pomp and balls”, then she wouldn’t have been Cinderella… a feminine, submittive wife who valued tradition and roles we are inclined to fulfill. The creator of the post would easily be an “ugly step-sister” however.
There is a part missing from that sentence, “And she loved every minute of it!”
That’s already in the main story: “And she lived happily ever after.”
Good one!
It is always gratifying when the subject of one’s article comments on that article. 😉
Disney’s Frozen has a Red Pill subtext as well: Women, feminism and transhumanism don’t mix.
Princess Elsa demonstrates the dangers of women who think they have to find their “true selves” when she rejects her socially determined role as a monarch because she has cryokinetic superpowers that she has had to hide from the world – talk about a literal “special snowflake.” Instead she renounces her throne, goes into the mountains and creates an ice castle with her powers, like a character from a comic book, while singing that ridiculous song “Let It Go.”.
Only her assertion of selfhood backfires because she inadvertently plunges the world into endless winter. She also nearly kills her sister Anna, an ordinary mortal girl, along the way.
Naturally all the little girls and tween girls who watch this movie identify with Elsa and focus on its feminist grrl power theme because they don’t have patriarchal male guidance, the life experience and the emotional maturity to see what the story really shows.
“singing that ridiculous song “Let It Go.”.”
It would have been a good song; if sung by a Syrian immigrant to Sweden running away to get married to her Christian boyfriend, in Russia, so as to escape Islam and her arranged marriage with Uncle Abu.
Whenever circumstances force the song upon me, that’s how I use my imagination to cope with it.
You never disappoint Marcus.
Thanks for sharing.
Today’s women have the disposable income to buy way more shoes than they could possibly need and create those shoe museums in their closets.
Very keen to catch the messages behind ‘Cinderella’. It’s good to see an article from you Mr Aurelius. I haven’t proof watched ‘Frozen’ but the way it’s being promoted everywhere, printed on toilet paper and happy meal placemats, it must be loaded with more toxic shit. Western man must be pretty damn strong to remain standing or walking with the glut of death propaganda being dumped on our heads. We’ve got guardian angels out the kazoo. We have to. There’s no way any other extinct weaker tribe could stand with the amount of death media, death medicine, death shots, death education and chorus of ”die white boy, die” being screamed into our ears by every institution you can name, there’s no way we could remain standing. Fags galore everywhere and ”turn gay or adopt a puppy” being the mandate given to the white man. We’d be on the ground and trampled already if we didn’t have the inner spirit to maintain our culture and the outer forces summoned and guarding us. The world has become a riot of anti white anti western culture and feminist warmongering. Any group proclaiming pro whiteness in conjunction with patriarchy is demonized, shamed and branded as renegade, rogue and illegitimate. Islamic patriarchy is raceless and kept on a leash. They’re allowed unrestrained patriarchy until their job is done, undermining white hegemony in the west. Then the jewess heads think they’ll call the circumcised men, islamic, jew and genteel chopnik warbrides to the jewess, they’ll call them away as the peasants are secured under state husbandry. There’s ‘state husbandry’ being shoved down our throats now and by gunpoint. We see it all. They’re exposed and their reigns are slipping. The dam wall is cracking. The days are numbered for the bitch order. Patriarchy is on the rise.
Nice article Marcus Aurelius……nice article indeed!
The author’s emphasis on luck is an interesting perspective that I’d never considered. However it would be important to note that Cinderella is twice blessed with incredible luck. First most importantly she was born with rare natural intrinsic natural beauty. Then later the fairy godmother gave her the magical upgrades of external status markers, fashion and style.
But Cinderella is a parable that also very well highlights the different mating priorities between men and women. Obviously our fellow readers should be familiar with the concept of hypergamy. We see Cinderella and all the little damsels of the kingdom going to Prince Charming’s ball in order to gain the eye of the highest status gentleman noble that they can reach… perhaps even the highest of them all… Prince Charming himself. Despite all her apparent modesty and humility not even Cinderella was content to match up with a humble farmer or servant in her neighborhood.
But I find the male perspective most interesting of all, even though Prince Charming is hardly the central character. We see that his priority in mating is quite the mirror image of the females’ hypergamy. Cinderella was a nobody… a total unknown from the most humble circumstances. It was her innate natural beauty and charm merely polished with some magical packaging. The Prince’s indifference to her status or actual achievements is emblematic for the male’s natural indifference to things like fame or success. What matters most are the purity, the beauty and the sexual attraction. Indeed what makes Cinderella even more attractive is the fact that she is from such modest circumstances which required her to cultivate virtues such as frugality, humility and industry. The spoiled “princesses” of the nobility with whom the Prince likely usually associated were probably of similarly character to Cinderella’s odious stepsisters. The combination of her natural beauty and her down-to-earth charm is what the Prince finds so irresistible.
It’s exactly this combination that men are looking for when they try to get off the beaten path to find a sweetheart… whether it’s small town America or in a remote village in Ukraine or Thailand. All of us brothers are looking for our own “Cinderella,” a down-to-earth sweetheart with as much precious beauty that hasn’t yet been spoiled by too many worldly temptations. The story even highlights this different approach that the Prince takes to find the sweet woman who will win his heart. Cinderella and all the other aspiring princesses go to the Prince’s ball in hopes of getting the attention of the high status men there. How reminiscent is this of our modern era? The “Sex in the City” “Cock-Carousel” lifestyle is Prince Charming’s ball for the 21st century. Young women, like Holly Go-Lightly, are well aware of the power of their youth and natural beauty and they know that they could probably trade up from their school-girl sweethearts in their provincial hometowns in Ohio or Arkansas or what have you. So off they go to New York or California, London or Berlin… and they likely get ruined there. Compare this approach to Prince Charming’s approach when he travels far and wide to the most remote corners of his kingdom in order to find the rare unspoiled beauty that has the key to his heart. This my brothers is our challenge. We could continue to waste our time on the ladies who’ve ruined themselves and lost their virtuous characters when they’ve gone to chase Mr. Big in the big city.
That is a damned fine addendum to the article.
Thanks guys. All you brothers continue to inspire.
Please keep the good work coming.
Hope soon to read the Meditations also from Marcus Aurelius. It’s an honor to have such a great here among us in our little community.
I have to admit my style has come down a little in the past two thousand years or so.
A man has gotta be a total sucker to put a ring on a female the same age as him. a few years later….youre still all revved up & horny..she wants to watch a cookery show, chat show or some similar lame garbage on tv. womens sex drives fall off a cliff years before yours ever will.
I liked the article, but the comments are the best.
The glass slipper is symbolic of her virginity, not her children. She ‘lost’ it at the ‘ball’ that night to the ‘prince’.
And then he put it back on?
He honored her by marrying the woman whose virginity he took.
Let me take a more acidic view of this. Cinderella is a nice looking FSU girl in contrast to her American sisty uglers. She seems to have a sweet demeanor but other than those two qualities, WTF does she have that a prince would want?
Saudi princes shit on girls better looking than her. She doesn’t display as being particularly intelligent. She will not be finding a cure for cancer any time soon.
Cinderella is a gynocentric myth. It is the myth that some magical fairy will give every dumb bitch the gizmos that she needs to have some idiot prince fall in love with her. It is complete fucking nonsense but it is a myth that red pill men can use.of girls
Great analysis, Marcus! Please, for your next project: a red pill analysis of The Illiad!
That’s easy. The Red Pill analysis of the Iliad is as follows:
– Pussy is not worth losing your kingdom over, even if she has a face that can launch a thousand ships.
– Always look a gift horse in the mouth. And arse.
Kidding. I’ll take another read and see what crops up.
Single mothers don’t give a fuck about their children (especially the boys.) Their egos are astoundingly overinflated in the idea that they are capable of raising their children just fine with no consistent man in their life. However, we know this is not true from statistics that explain the reality of children who grow up this way – the girls generally have zero respect for men, and become single mothers themselves, and the boys fate is life of confusion, fear and prison eventually. Despite knowing this, women keep pumping out children, and don’t give a shit about how the children burn, it’s only about their needs.
See my above post for visual reference. She dotes on her son but her daughter is estranged. Her exes are complete meatheads and I was the best thing that ever came into her life, but she messed that up.
“It’s a metaphor for something far more powerful and primal: the magic of
a young woman reaching adulthood and the peak of her sexual
attractiveness, at age 18-25.”
I think you should adjust that number from age 15-25. Recently Prince Bieber called upon his Instagram subjects to find this fair princess, the young lady Cindy Kimberly. She was only 16 a few weeks ago and just turned 17. Feminist writers are already shaming Justin, by labeling him as creepy for wanting a female that’s younger than 18. BTW outside this country she’s considered fair game for most adult men.
Up until a few years ago, 14 was legal in Canada. Still, if you pay for play, it is 18, and perhaps 21. Ask Gary Glitter.
Just as an after thought, the only time I canoodled with sixteen year olds was when I was a teenager myself. On the other hand, last year – at age 48 – I briefly dated an 18 year old.
Actually, I misspoke. My little sister – 6 years younger – had a friend who had a crush on me. I waited until she was 16 to make a move on her. Nothing really came of it and the next time I heard from her she was married to another woman. People keep telling me that there is no causal effect here but the whole ergo propter hoc really messes with my mind: grown man makes move on teenager . .she becomes a lesbian.
I thinks she looks like a whore and is overdone. It’s hard to say if I would kick her out of my bed but there are so many low-quality signals here.
I noticed the feminazis were conspicuously silent when grown women were lusting after a barely pubescent Bieber. The dirty old bitches.
Biologically speaking a “woman’s” sexual peak
begins a year or two after menarche, around 14 for most girls,
and lasts till 25 at the latest. For most of human history girls married and started families that young, and in many parts of the world still do.. it’s only in the modern 1st world that childhood has been pushed back to 16, then 18, and now back to the mid-20’s with 5 years of college plus “gap year” and what have you. Today’s females aren’t even considered “women” until their peak childbearing years have waned; the average marriage age is 28 for women IIRC.
History lesson: The graves of many high-born medieval women contain keys, a symbol of their station as lady and mistress of the household. In this capacity they were not merely the lord’s wife and mother of his children, but managed the financials, servants, and running of the manor, even while her husband wasn’t off fighting. A lot of these dead women (many dying in childbirth sadly) are described as in the “mid to late teens”. That’s right, the whole domestic front of feudal Europe was run by 15 year-old girls. Could you imagine a 15 year-old girl today running a fiefdom?
Another point: The thing conveniently left out of the film adaptations of Pride and Prejudice is this. Elizabeth Bennet is described as teetering on the edge of spinsterhood; she is 22 years old. Her older sister Jane, at 26, is already considered a spinster with zero marriage prospects. It puts Mrs Bennet’s histrionics into more perspective, as she has the unenviable prospect of having to look after two unmarried daughters for the rest of her life. Note that these Georgian romance novels were written by women of the period, who knew full well the realities of their situation. Also note that while women had to land a husband young, men were not allowed to marry until much older, after he had established his fortune and could look after his wife in the way she (and her family) were accustomed.
“statistically, single fathers are better parents than single mothers”
– is this referring to single fathers who have full custody of their children, or single fathers who see their children on the weekends/a few times a year?
Glad you asked. I’m referring to single fathers who have custody of their children. Single fathers “who see their children on the weekends/a few times a year” are commonly barred from further or more extensive contact with their children by the single mother who chooses not to permit further contact. Your insinuation is a reflection on the single custodial mother – not the father.
Once the mother splits, fathers actually have zero interest in the children. All the single mothers I know personally have begged the father of their children to have some type of relationship with them – they don’t particularly care to, especially if they’re young.
You also can’t/shouldn’t do that to a child. Any woman with a modicum of emotional intelligence and actual empathy towards her child would understand that the child would want their father in their life. Only an idiot would actually disallow a man from seeing his children.
Your rebuttal is also the same bullshit my biological father attempted to tell me. It’s all crap. Fathers loveeeeeeeeeee to say shit like that; it’s almost never true. If they actually wanted their children to be a part of their life, they’d make an actual effort – through the usage of the court system. My mother’s husband (her 3rd marriage) made damn sure that when he got divorced, he had the custody agreement in writing and continued to be a prominent part in their lives. The shit that you’re spewing is the same crap my actual father said to both my sister and I – that it was “my mother’s fault.” Nope. That fucker lived one town over and as a child, I made damn sure I called him at least twice a week and tried to make plans. Zero interest. He also moved from job to job specifically to avoid paying any type of child support, in spite of the fact that because he was a “single father” he got to go to college for free in the 90’s (in which he dropped out). The asshole still lives in his mother’s house at 46.
If you want your kids to be part of your life, they’ll be part of your life. You have to make the effort, though, and that means making weekly plans with them, calling them often to see how they’re doing, etc.. if you don’t attempt to cultivate a relationship with your children, then they’ll have no interest in pursuing a relationship with you when they’re older and can make the decision themselves.
“Once the mother splits, fathers actually have zero interest in the children.”
Would you like to back that glaring generalisation with reliable statistical data demonstrating that conclusion?
But why am I asking – you can’t, because you haven’t, instead deciding to vent your spleen and hoping your Personal Tale Of Woe is enough to carry the day. Anyone who resorts to their own subjective, anecdotal evidence to try and prove “all men are bastards” has already lost the argument. Moreover, they only highlight the narcissistic, misandrist core of the feminist movement at large.
Whilst inappropriate generalisation is an intellectually dishonest debating tactic – one you seem determined to use, in common with many feminists who think their personal daddy issues somehow qualify them to comment on the state of marriage, divorce, and childraising generally – I might note that you with this post present as a rather shining example of the so-called “moderate” feminist (for those of you guys actually reading right now).
You’d likely say you don’t hate men, but when the right button is found — in your case your upbringing — you can’t hide it. Per your post, you are projecting your daddy issues on every other man you meet…or at least every other father, whether you meet them or not. It’s a particularly amusing argument given you seem rather regularly to make the same criticism of men on this site about the women they meet.
In any case, you don’t rebut my point in any way at all. You made a cowardly insinuation and didn’t back it with hard data — and also changed the subject, since it remains a statistical fact that single fathers are better at parenting than single mothers.
If you want to whine about your upbringing, complain to your mother. She was there in your life. You didn’t have the full story, regardless of what she might have told you. Insofar as we can tell that story, she decided to have three husbands. As someone once observed: the common denominator in all your failed relationships is you. As is your social circle — leaving aside this little phrase “confirmational bias”, I question whether you really think you get the objective truth from your friends, or whether — as with your Tale Of Woe — you just get a self-serving, subjective account of how men supposedly behave.
Great article – should be required reading for daughters everywhere, a few years after they’ve been exposed to the Cinderella story.
In the original version, one stepsister cuts off her toes to fit the shoe, and the other cuts off her heels. In both cases the prince leaves with the step sister, oblivious to the deceit until the birds in the bushes outside sing to him about the blood. I’m curious if that feature of the older version of the story changes the interpretation any.
Only this: that nature itself cries out against plastic surgery!