The following article was sponsored by Jonny Catanzano
[Jonny paid for the First 100 readers to receive a free bonus gift. Be sure to read to the end to find out how to claim your bonus.]
Hey man,
My name is Jonny Catanzano and I’ve been a National Physique Competitor for the last 4 years. I’m also the lead trainer on the most subscribed fitness channel on YouTube.
Throughout my years of training, I’ve definitely picked up on a trick or two when it comes to shedding body fat and building pure, ripped muscles.
And one of the biggest things that I’ve learned about keeping your body fat percentage as low as possible, is that you have to control your master fat loss hormone, leptin.
Leptin tells your body to burn more fat. When you have a lot of it… you burn a lot of fat, and when you have low leptin levels (or you only have a little bit of it…) you burn little to no fat.
You probably have low leptin levels right now and don’t even realize it; I certainly did.
And if you are unsure if your leptin levels are high or low, then simply try this out. I call it…
The Belly Fat Test (Takes 6 seconds):
This is something I have all my personal clients do and is a very important part of how you’ll be able to get rid of that belly fat. I want you to open up both of your hands, reach down and slip your fingers just right under the belly fat that hanging over the waistline of your pants.
Go ahead…
Now with your thumb squeeze down gently… give it a firm squeeze.
You did it, right?
Now like most guys that I have helped, you’re probably holding onto something that’s been bothering you for a while. You may even be a bit shocked to notice that there’s quite a bit more belly fat than you expected…
But you’re not the only one, because just like you, the majority of all men are carrying around this same kind of belly fat that’s taking over their stomach area.
And if you’re holding onto this belly fat, more than likely… you have pretty low leptin levels, but it’s not your fault.
Here are some of the causes of low Leptin:
- Stress
- Lack Of Sleep
- Carbs
- Eating Too Much
- Exercising Too Hard
- High Levels Of Insulin (set off by sugars/starches)
So the bottom line is if you want to burn the most amount of fat, you want your leptin levels to be high.
So what exactly is leptin and why should you care about it if you want to burn fat, get ripped six pack abs, and not have to worry about shedding the MAX amount of stubborn fat?
Well, first of all this powerful hormone is the #1 most important fat burning hormone.
And you have probably heard of another hormone named insulin that is responsible for fat gain—or as the “flab king” that packs on extra pounds.
But how are the two related? Well, they are actually complete opposites.
You see, insulin is released in your body when you eat food, particularly ones that are high in sugar… and insulin turns that food into fat. On the other hand, leptin allows your body to actually use energy from the fat you already have on your body.
You starting to see the difference?
Now here comes the good part, well kind of…
The more fat you have on your body, the more leptin that will be available so you can burn off that fat.
However, as you begin to burn off fat, your leptin decreases… so it becomes harder to burn off unwanted body fat and you start storing more fat as your leptin levels decrease.
Bottom line: as you lose more fat, your leptin goes down and makes it more difficult for you to shed the fat. On top of that, lower leptin levels also make you feel sluggish and unmotivated—or lazy.
So if you’ve started seeing slower results with your workouts, been feeling sluggish, held a lot of fat in your hands on the belly fat test, or suffer from a bad diet, low leptin levels could be the reason.
That means you can start burning fat today by taking control of your #1 master fat loss hormone.
Now, I say suffering from a bad diet, because it’s very, very hard to maintain a perfect diet. And dieting is hard… trust me.
When I compete, I have to stay on a very strict diet, and I still have a hard time keeping my body fat percentage down. That’s why I do this 2x daily to accelerate fat loss.
So if you have been dieting but not seeing results fast enough—it could simply be because your leptin levels are too low.
And like I just said, leptin becomes even more of an issue when you stop losing fat even though you are dieting and exercising on a regular basis… and it’s just because these levels are too low.
However, this 2x Daily For Accelerated Fat Loss technique reignites your leptin and kick your body back into fat burning mode in no time.
So if you have hit a wall and you’re ready to kick your fat loss into high gear… and you have been doing everything you can to lose fat. THIS could put you back on track to getting the body you want.
Shed the fat,
P.S. The first 100 readers of this article receive a free bonus gift. Act fast though, because I run out quick!
Hahaha. I just knew it and then there it was.
Is the kratom thing a joke?
Kratom is no joking matter.
I stack my kratom with leptin and electrolytes
Well thank goodness *somebody* finally mentioned electrolytes!
Ahhhh GoJ, the prodigal electrolyte.
The electrolyte that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very bright, lolknee. Now, what can the god of bio-electrolytes do for you?
While this is true, twice as bright or half as long as eternity both adds up to eternity…on an infinite time line all electrolytes are reduced to Kratonium which, in turn, produces new electrolytes.
Well hell, I thought you were doing a subtle Blade Runner reference.
Nothing is ever subtle for the Electro Lites. Even their subtlety has a pyrotechnics show.
Cross thread running jokes will be the signature move of our fan base.
are you ready to (get) rock (hard abs)
That was hillarious
kratom and stuff. nobody likes these ads, i think
Bring back the penis pump .
Dude, don’t give them any ideas.
Fleshlight with the anus attachment.
Yo moms pumps my penis manually!
I’m sorry that happened to you
I appreciate your sympathy. I’m still on meds from the trauma…
Here’s a little question for all you experienced gym goers: How much protein powder do you have daily, in terms of scoops (25g)? For the last two weeks, I’ve been putting 1 scoop in my overnight oats, yoghurt and fruit breakfast and followed by a protein rich meal at 12:30 such as grilled breast and greens and then another meal at 18:00,before I hit the gym. I have 1/4 of protein shake on my way there (2scoops=50g) and the rest after a serious sesh.
I am still at a caloric deficit but get enough protein (duh) but the weight loss is somewhat slow. My BMI is at the limit, so not overweight.
3 weeks ago I went for 1 scoop a day but my recovery was atrocious. I want to reduce my BF but I like not being sore, any advice?
Have you considered eating protein instead of taking it as a powder?
Yes I have but the powder helps with the recovery, especially when you do 5 excercises per muscle group like I do with 3-4 sets each. I would also need to eat super clean and don’t have the budget for it.
Reduce your volume, unless you’re obese, untrained or on drugs you can’t build muscle at a deficit, the aim of the game in a cut is to maintain and minimise loss. High volume is gonna make you feel like shit and recover poorly. If you can lose weight, but maintain your current absolute strength level, that is a good cut.
Chocolate milk is cheaper, if you’re going for a sugar+protein drink.
But you can eat clean without breaking the bank. Switch from white (fatless and flavorless) chicken over to the cheaper (and better) dark meat. Get some eggs and sausage/pork chops/bacon. Don’t worry too much about vegetables – eggs have all the nutrients necessary to create a new chicken.
Meal idea: Make broth using bones, salt, pepper, onions, carrots, and celery. Get some rice and make chicken-and-rice with the broth and chicken meat. Add some eggs to a bowl if you want more protein.
Lots of ways to cut cost without cutting nutritional value. I don’t usually go over $50 on my weekly grocery trip.
Thing is, I’m gaining strength and mass atm with minimal weight loss. Taking my protein and lowerEd my carbs.
Cheers bro
It’s funny how eating clean is so much more expensive.
It is doable though — even if it isn’t fun. Get yourself 10 pounds off ground turkey and cook it up just plain. Match with broccoli and eat same thing 5 times a day.
Jim Stoppani who is, in my opinion, the realist deal when it comes to big name trainers, is really an amazing guy. Take a look at his shortcut to shred program on bodybuilding.
Essentially, what he has you do is cardio excellent stood in between weights sets instead of rest.
If you are serious about cutting look over his diet and workout plan.
Recomps are mostly a fool’s errand for the average joe, if you’re gonna cut aim for 1 pound a week (3500 calorie weekly deficit) and stick to it for a bare minimum of 6 weeks. The magical window for the cut bulk is 10 to 15% body fat. Bulk to 15, cut to 10, if its summer and you want to look extra ripped go to 8, but be prepared for strength loss and training being a shitload harder.
I came across his workouts and advice on He gives solid advice.
Stocked up on chicken, salmon and tuna atm. Greens cost more now because it’s winter. I just found out there’s Costco here in the UK, and I will see I can save up by going ‘Murican.
If you thing about it now, purchasing that organic chicken, greens or fruit is sorta worth the money because of the taste alone. A study by the Univ. of Newcastle (uk) found that organic food contained 3 times as many nutrients as the regular supermarket produce.
Here’s the dilema. I was a forward in rugby and lost some weight and with it a shit ton of muscle. Not sure if I want to go that route again. Being ripped is all good but still want to get decent results. Guess time will tell.
Cheers for the advice, always on point.
Agreed on organic. It’s the food fish that costs a fortune. Salmon near me is 22/pound and tuna more than that. The veggies not as bad.
I can’t tell what will work for you, but I can tell what worked for me. I started a diet mid january and lost 11 pounds since then. Went from 205 to 194. I didn’t lose that much strenght so that’s encouraging. It consists of 200g of protein, 200g of carbs and 50 g of fat per day, for a total of +/- 2100 cal. It’s not that expensive, 70-80 $ weekly and that’s not so bad here in Canada. Probably cheaper in the US. I could share a picture of the daily meals, if you want it.
Also, how many times a week you go to the gym?
Please share that picture. Thanks Cap
Here my friend. You might want to check your body macro and adjust it to your body and objectives).
Diet looks on point but—horse?
Never tried horse meat? Leaner, tastier and cheaper than beef. There is a supermarket near my place where they have it grounded, in filet mignon and sirloin.
I’m not sure it is even legal here. I will find out. I would def try it.
6 days a week, sometimes 7 if it’s easy like core and legs
Up the fat, lower the carbs. If you want to lose weight, this is the surest method.
More bacon, eggs, dark meat of chicken, etc. Do it right, and you won’t ever need protein powder.
This is 100% true. Once you get your body into ketosis you will get very lean. For me there have always been two problems. It is very difficult to keep my carbs low enough to induce a keto state in my body and even if I do (I managed once and get down to 6-8% BF which made me sick as a dog btw) the second I resume a normal diet all that hard work disappears pretty much instantly
You don’t have to maintain total ketosis, which requires you to restrict carbs to nearly 0g, to lose weight. BUT, if you’re ketonic, you will burn fat.
My body can handle between 100 and 150 calories from carb/day while maintaining steady fat loss. I can then maintain my final fat percentage at carbs around ~500 calories/day. Your numbers will vary.
Potatoes are comparatively good carbs. It’s hard to over-indulge on potatoes, and they’re fructose free. Wheat is comparatively bad, because it’s really easy to overindulge, it messes with your metabolism, and it usually comes packed with fructose sugars.
This is all absolutely true, but it is important to point out how difficult it is…especially at the beginning. At some point I decided I would rather be 12-15% BF and happy than 8-10 and deprive myself of things I enjoy.
Bacon only on cheat days, and it might sound silly but I think I get enough fats from almonds and avocado and the dairy.
Cheers for the advice, always on point.
I propose to you Kwasniewski’s “Optimal Diet” ratio, derived from decades of dietary research and clinical experimentation:
1 g carb : 2 g Protein : 5 g Fat
The closer you can get to this ratio, the better and more sustainable your weight loss tends to become. I tend to recommend bacon because it is naturally very compliant with this ratio (and it’s delicious!).
If you’re good with almonds, avocado, and dairy, though, have at it. More bacon for me.
5g grams of non saturated fats or little! Will waste some time at work looking that up.
Not silly at all. Fats from almonds, meet (even lean meat) and ‘cado is all you need. I’ve cut most dairy out of my diet mostly because I think there is too much sugar in milk.
Try drinking a protein shake before each meal. That way you’ll get plenty of protein, making it easier to maintain your muscle mass, and it’ll curb your hunger, making dieting a snap.
Will give it a go at some point, but I only have 1/4 of shake before and the rest on my drive home from the gym.
Cheers for the advice, always on point.
Protein should be pegged to your goals. During the winter when I was bulking I was taking in 2.5g of protein per pound of body weight. Now that I am cutting I have reduced that to 1.5 grams of desired weight.
I am only taking in .5g of carbs per pound of desired weight and 1g fat so I have 2 protein shakes a day so I can make my macro requirements in protein without tipping the carb fat.
To be honest, if I could replace the protein with another meal or two without upsetting my macro balance I would in a heart beat.
I’ve discussed this with people on here before. Protein powder is great for people who are doing what I am doing or for hard gainers who just don’t seem to be getting enough calories to grow, but if it is not filling a specific need then it is a waste of money.
Fats, I am keeping it under 15-20g a day, sometimes more if i have a pre lunch almond snack. Originally I was going for 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight but reduced it to 1.2 because it was an insane amount of protein to take in. I do have 3 meal a day tho and a few spoons of cottage cheese after the workout.
Cheers for the advice, always on point.
cottage cheese is seriously like miracle grow for muscles.
Always in my fridge that cottage cheese! lol
Just came for the kratom comments.
How did you know there would be kratom comments?
Also, Kratom.
Kratom, kratom, kratom, kratom, kratom, kratom, kratom, kratom, KRAYYTOM!
something, something, kratom.
No actual product page, no data, web redirects, and geo tagged scam study.
You goofed, roosh.
If he got his green, he’s alright. Plenty of real content today, and otherwise we wouldn’t get our Kratom fix.
I don’t want to spend money to know how to regulate my leptin correctly. Anyone here knows what kind of diet/activity can boost my leptine levels?
Lyle MacDonald ( talks about leptin a bit. His Ultimate Diet 2.0 mostly revolves around carb cycling in an effort to keep leptin boosted.
Stop eating wheat. It contains Lectin, a protein which inhibits the efficacy of leptin. Anything else you do is like a pre-diabetic taking insulin – it doesn’t solve the underlying problem.
Otherwise, take in more saturated fat and protein (e.g. steak, bacon, eggs). Leptin serves a critical function as the “fullness” protein, so foods that naturally keep you full longer employ leptin to its full effect.
How do you bulk up to build big shoulders, while starving yourself to get the 6 pack abs? Its pulling the body in opposite directions.
Keep the bulk at a lower carb level and definitely avoid sugars (glucose is okay, but sucrose and fructose are not). Bulk will come a bit slower, but you can keep the 6 pack.
You don’t. You bulk and then cut to look like this. Without drugs (and for most people, even with drugs) you’re not going to look like this for any long term period of time. The model above is using steroids and/or only needs to look like that for a few hours while they snap some pictures. Unless you’ve been to a bodybuilding contest, I can pretty much say you’ve never seen a person who looks like that walking around. It’s near impossible to maintain, no matter how good your diet is and no matter how many drugs you take.
Ultra lean (that guy above is somewhere around 5-7% BF) and big are totally opposite goals. As you diet down to that bodyfat, you’ll lose a ton of muscle. Yes, protein rich diets help, but to get that lean, you’re taking your body to the edge; most guys will wind up with arms like my wrist if you try to do that naturally.
IMHO, don’t aspire for that look unless you want to be a male model or professional bodybuilder. It’s just too hard, no amount of Kratom will make it easy.
Right. A big problem is stuff like Instagram. You see all these people on juice, working their asses off 12 hours a day for one photo shoot where they are looking perfect and having a great time. Not pictured: the years of bad health leading to early death and the daily misery they feel.
That’s where gear comes in. I mentioned above, jim stoppani has a program that will be great but the truth is, even if you follow it to a T you need to be genetically disposed to low body fat to get that look.
I have a friend who is asian. He eats something like 5500 calories a day. He is a trainer. Serious 8 pack and whe weighs 250. Huge. But if he cut the food out he would shrink down to every other 90 pound asian.
This is a kid with a raw score over 1400. I could never get to his size and strength and still have abs.
“How To Get Abs By Controlling Your Master Fat Loss Hormone”
Yeah pal, sure.
Well at least the revenue that ROK receives from these snake oil salesman keeps Roosh and his cause going strong.
Kratom is 30% snake oil, 30% testosterone, 30% awesomeness, 30% dynamite and 30% unknown
“Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker”
Willy Kronka and the Kratom Factory?
Interesting article. However, I’m getting tired of seeing a surge of fake natties giving tips/advice to people- making them believe that you can obtain a similar physique such as the one posted in the beginning of the article. The fitness industry also back-up these athletes by claiming they take their branded protein or amino-acid(s) when most of us know they inject synthetic hormones (testosterone) in their ass.
That guy at the top of this article is clearly on steroids. Even if you could get that body naturally (which is very unlikely unless your genetically gifted) you could only keep it for a very short period of time without drugs. Men you see in magazines that look like this are either on drugs (95% of them) or genetic freaks who look that good for a few days and then go back to bulking/cutting (the other 5%). Expecting to look like that natural isn’t realistic for almost everyone reading this article, no matter what supplements you take (unless those supplements happen to be steroids).
You don’t need any supplements. Seriously, you don’t
Just eat right and exercise regularly, and you’re set. A typical prisoner gets ripped without any supplements.
A typical prisoner is not weighed down with the responsibilities of career and family life. Essentially he can eat, train and sleep all day.
How does taking a supplement help with that?
Stress depletes B vitamins.
Then eat fresh veggies and fruits. Seafoods, eggs, etc are rich in B12. Rather than swallowing chemicals, why not use the best source (i.e. fresh foods)?
For me it was giving up the booze. Alcohol is a poison which puts your body under allot of stress so what you eat goes to your FAT cells for the next 24 hours in cases.
My gains have increased by changing to organic food (best building material) as well and juicing everyday.
If you look at the statues of the ancient Greeks, they seemed to have nearly perfect physical form and they didn’t know *shit* about “what to eat, what not to eat, what a calorie is, what a supplement is, etc”.
Who else clicked on this thinking it would be an awesome Kratom ad?
“Hey man” sounds like our old friend Micky.
You never have to wait for the ad. Kratom sponsors you!
Completely fails to mention cortisol and its impacts.
Eat less than 100 grams of carbs and more than 150 grams or protein every single day. And drink Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (a natural fat-burner), after every meal (one fluid ounce). Do those three things for a month straight, and you’ll never worry about being fat, ever again…
that cider vinegar is tough to down man.
What a load of shite. Just do some ketlebell work and control your diet. I’m 43 and got a six pack in four months doing little more than kettlebell swings and get ups, push ups and pull ups as wsel as goinf for regular walks.
It’s not complicated!!!
Except that kettlebells are one of the most inadaptable pieces of equipment and for home gyms are horribly expensive, unless you buy them in sizes your average alcoholic soccer mom would use and I don’t know anyone who pays for a gym membership and just does calisthenics and kettlebells.
“Except that kettlebells are one of the most inadaptable pieces of equipment”
They’re a cannonball with a handle, they’re awkward to row, press overhead and downright impossible to use to work your chest unless you put one on a dip belt. They’re weight training beta, yeah they work, but they’re hyped to hell.
“they’re awkward to row”
No different to a dumbell row.
“press overhead ”
Er, no. You clean them to the rack postion and well, press them
“impossible to use to work your chest unless you put one on a dip belt”
Get on your back and press the damn things, although I will agree that general kettlebell exercises lack in the pressing dept.
It just sounds like you find it dificult to use them, that’s all.
Why use them if you have dumbbells and adjustable dumbbells are cheaper than adjustable kettlebells, or if you have a gym membership, use the dumbbells and barbells for the exercises they’re more suited to. Kettlebells are complimentary at best to a workout regime, structuring your entire workout around them is like insisting your horse and cart are just fine to get around and you don’t need no damn fancy automobile.
P.S. The first 100 readers of this article receive a free bonus gift. Act fast though, because I run out quick!
How in the hell would he know who read the article and in what order they read it, precisely? Seems nigh on impossible, unless he’s actually a front for the NSA.
Im guessing its a special link and its the first 100 who click on it.
My heart belongs to Kratom!
total bullshit….anything that has links to “sixpackshortcuts” is a scam.