Barack Obama: Dreams From An Absentee Father

For most of the last decade after the onset of Obamamania, I was gas-lighted by the man. Don’t get me wrong: I was always skeptical of the limits of soaring elocution and of the capacity of a pastor-in-chief to effect positive transformation in America. But following George W. Bush’s neocon adventure in Iraq—which continues to make all our lives worse—I was not entirely opposed to Obama’s rise.

Gradually, with the deadlock in Washington and the general mediocrity and legislative malaise of the Obama administration, I developed an apathy to him. I watched as he dug deeper into the moral trenches, grandiloquently casting everyone who disagreed with him as “on the wrong side of history.” I saw that he was highly left-brained, unimaginative and predictable. It became clear that he didn’t care what the average American thought about him, so long as the editors of The New Yorker or fellow Harvard Law alumni recognized his genius.

On matters of basic liberal policy, he was content with not getting his hands too dirty after the healthcare debacle, so long as historians recognized his unrealized potential. But it was only in the last year that I was jolted awake not just to Obama’s operational failings, but also to his ideological ones. Through his catatonic auto-responses to terrorist attacks in Paris, Brussels, Orlando and Nice, he didn’t leave me any choice but to replace years of apathy with real suspicion. It was impossible not to notice that the script he followed after the attacks was always the same:

  1. Express condolences and solidarity to the victims.
  2. Offer a comforting anecdote (e.g. “France is America’s oldest ally”).
  3. Express a resolve to take the battle against ISIS to another level, with more intelligence-sharing and airstrikes, while downplaying any link to Islamic terror.
  4. Expend great effort defending diversity and saying that if we turn on each other, the terrorists win.

This last step, in which Obama’s passions show most conspicuously, is where he overplays his hand. He insists, “We must keep doing what we’re doing or else the terrorists win” (translation: “Let’s uphold the cycle of Wahhabi–Zionist violence while inviting all peoples and ideologies to America”). But humans, though causelessly searching for new obstacles for themselves, need the veneer of progress and forward momentum. So telling Americans to simply carry on is a psychological dead-end. But that’s the least of Obama’s flaws, for his prescription for us to do nothing (as if more intelligence-sharing and airstrikes constitutes something) betrays his deeper motives at the core of his character.

too extreme

The center cannot hold.

Obama Debates An ROK Reader

At this point, if you, a perceptive Westerner, could debate Obama, you might tell him that America should stop trying to be all things to all people.

“A country that strictly controls its borders and alienates major populations will be full of hatred and will be a prime ISIS target,” Obama might retort.

“But what about Japan and Poland?” you ask.

“Those countries are on the wrong side of history!” Obama says.

“Why can’t we be more like them? We’ll stop meddling in the Middle East and we’ll have a stronger identity at home.”

“No way,” says Obama.

“Why?” you say.

“Because reasons™.”

“But I need something more from this country, Obama. I feel no civic engagement. I feel like our identity’s been hollowed out and outsourced. This place is one big strip mall. I can’t even talk to my neighbors because we have nothing in common and they hardly speak English. Something needs to change.”

“What you propose is nothing short of dismantling the American dream.”

“What is the American dream in 2016?” you ask.

“My dream.”

The Distillation Of Obama’s American Dream

In speech after speech, Obama spends the lion’s share of time exhorting the world not to discriminate between peoples and ideologies, insisting that violent extremists are unrepresentative of the mainstream—a mainstream that he and his fellow liberals get to define and massage the parameters of. This Soros-like conniption at a selective society is the germ of Obama’s political impulses. By comparison, he cares little about healthcare, poverty, job creation, inner-city violence, the environment, or Wall Street.

Obama’s American dream, it can hardly be debated, is a society of mixed-race knowledge workers who retweet John Oliver videos and spiral out in virtue-signalling and quota-filling as the national religion—all while partaking of the cult of economic growth and projecting American military power abroad to spread the seeds of globalism. Contra popular wisdom, Obama isn’t the martyr of a liberated, selfless, post-tribal world. Rather, he’s the step-child of a new globalist tribe of bankers, armchair moralists, and hordes of ressentiment whose mandate is to shred history and turn the debris into money.


If only we could just outsource all our beliefs to John Oliver.

Flanked by Merkel and Clinton, Barack Obama is the modern face of liberalism, wherein so long as he waves the rainbow flag and self-righteously balkanizes the West through worship of Otherness (“it’s who we are!”) and aggressive equality policing, he has impunity from bankers, media masters and the r-selected electorate to accomplish nothing. Only the age of Obama could afflict us with Justin Trudeau, an airheaded drama teacher who’d rather lead a gay-pride parade or deliver a historic apology than do anything else in the world.

The Rise Of Obama

Obama’s rise is often explained as an inevitability of history, an everyday miracle in America’s march towards fairness and openness to the world. And yet Obama is more of a unicorn than that, is more a one-off event whose mutations are being disseminated in the American (and global) genome. Despite insistences that Everyone Is The Same,™ Obama has little in common, culturally or intellectually, with many of his high-profile minority hires, such as Susan Rice, Jeh Johnson, Loretta Lynch and Katherine Archuleta. These are hardly state-of-the-art thinkers whose contributions would have been tragically denied us if not for Obama. (Witness former Attorney General Eric Holder, whose post-Administration job involves helping Airbnb craft a better “anti-discrimination policy.”)

Obama’s backstory is both completely different from those of his peers, and completely explanatory of his political mores. He was born to a Kenyan father who’d made the intergalactic leap from goat-herder brushing up against British colonial authorities to Harvard student. Obama Sr. must have been absurdly intelligent, which he combined with an unsurprising resentment towards colonialism: a heady combo that might explain his conversion to Islam and his abusive, alcoholic, pilfering behaviour.

The man had at least five wives and had children with most of them, including with a Lithuanian Jew and various Kenyans, one of whom was pregnant with his child when he met Stanley Dunham, the white American woman he married, impregnated, and abandoned. Indeed, the most striking thread of Obama’s origins is his sprawling, globe-trotting, well-educated, and well-connected yet highly broken extended family, for Obama Sr. was not alone in trashing the traditional family unit: Stanley Dunham, ditched by Obama Sr., later married, bred with and divorced an Indonesian man, Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, who also later married and bred with another woman.

Barack Obama, living fatherless with his mother in Hawaii and Indonesia, had no first-hand experience of the American nuclear family, and probably little concept of the American mainland. In Dreams from My Father, he recollects his first trips to Europe and Africa, giving two paragraphs to Europe and 140 pages to Africa. About Europe, he says:

By the end of the first week or so, I realized that I’d made a mistake. It wasn’t that Europe wasn’t beautiful; everything was just as I’d imagined it. It just wasn’t mine. I felt as if I were living out someone else’s romance; the incompleteness of my own history stood between me and the sites I saw like a hard pane of glass. I began to suspect that my European stop was just one more means of delay, one more attempt to avoid coming to terms with the Old Man. Stripped of language, stripped of work and routine – stripped even of the racial obsessions to which I’d become so accustomed and which I had taken (perversely) as a sign of my own maturation – I had been forced to look inside myself and had found only a great emptiness there.

Contradicting the narrative in which Obama is post-racial, he rejected his 50% European ancestry in favor of the lineage of his father—a father who’d abandoned him to a white mother and grandparents. Under no illusion, however, that he was a full-blooded or cultural Kenyan, Obama settled on his identity as a black American global citizen who loved America insofar as it was a vehicle of racial and socioeconomic levelling. No wonder, then, that he took up Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and got to community organizing in Chicago.

How Did Obama Change The World?

The changes wrought during the presidency of this former community organizer, who no doubt had little prior managerial experience and will never develop a marginally functional relationship with Congress, are drastic and manifold. The full-scale colonization of Europe, previously a steady drip, is now a torrent under this Europhobe, who, despite allegedly clashing with Angela Merkel in the early days, now considers that continent-wrecker his “favorite ally.”

In America itself, Soros-funded Black Lives Matters protesters extort and disrupt taxpaying citizens while trumpeting violence against cops, at whose funerals Obama uses the eulogy to lecture the bereaved about white supremacy, leading to more blue deaths. (Never mind that in many Western cities, these bastions of white supremacy, a stroll downtown often reveals more bi-racial than mono-racial couples—an outcome that Obama surely rubs his hands over.)

What’s clear in 2016 is that we’re not living in the age of facts, but of hysterical and hollow prostrations to a secular god. The liberal media and aspirational middle class, in contrast to much of the electorate, remains in thrall to Obama’s moral imperialism, fawning over his words as the gospel of liberal egalitarianism, the dominant Western religion (and world religion, alongside Islam), whose main tenet might as well be, “If someone does a good deed and there’s no one there to see it, then it doesn’t exist,” or, more commonly, “If someone has the right elite-ordained opinion and there’s no one there to retweet it, then it doesn’t exist.”

In the thought dictatorship of the modern West, where the edgiest dissidents hide behind Twitter handles, Obama is free to issue transgender bathroom directives and Section 8 housing orders with no fucks given about the very certain fracturing of society or the metamorphosis of the Democratic Party from the workers’ party to the party of big business and vice versa—no fucks given as he watches this landfill-sized dumpster fire that used to be American cohesion burn, because it was the type of damage he wanted all along: making us out in his image as people vibrantly broken and in no position to judge him.

Where Do We Go From Here?

The results of the election in the United States will change the world. The neo-liberal empire will either further entrench itself under Hillary Clinton, perhaps leading closer to a one-world government, or it will halt its expansion under Trump and try to retreat back to some fragile and palsied form of its republican roots.

The results of the former scenario are easy to envision (because we’re living this reality now): unprecedented cultural strife, with America like a doctor strapping its nation-state patients (France, Germany, etc.) to the operating table and anesthetizing them in hopes that the seizures stop, that everyone just gets with the program of international culture and “The End of History.”

One patient, however, is too big and too cohesive to subdue—China—meaning the result of the Obama-Clinton-Soros doctrine, a generation or two down the line, could very well be a world split between a godless, consumeristic, terror-infested Gay-Muslim-Globalist federation (the West) and a powerful Chinese ethno-state (possibly allied with Russia and Iran). The result of a Trump presidency, on the other hand, might be a mere slowing and protracting of the latter dynamic, or it could be a splitting of the world into more spheres of influence—something Western power brokers absolutely do not want.


Is this the future we’re heading towards?

Learning From Obama

Whatever the outcome, men of influence would do well to recognize and internalize aspects of what made Obama so capable of universalizing his narrative: his statesmanlike eloquence, his seeming rationality, his seemingly encyclopedic knowledge, his camera-readiness. Influential dissidents like Roosh, Milo, Stefan Molyneux, and Mike Cernovich show some of these qualities as they go beyond simple statistics, essays and memes.

They know that in the cathedral of taboos and no-go thoughts that is the modern West, there’s an unmet black-market demand for people willing to tell the truth, a truth that is antithetical to Obama’s reason for getting up every morning. But whereas Obama, an offshore American, could fly in from Hawaii and ride the waves of decades of mass immigration, family disintegration, social programming and cat-lady liberationism to preach a feel-good (if naïve and insidious) narrative that even his opponents had to recognize and smile at, men willing to tell the truth in today’s world will be reviled and their livelihoods and safety will be threatened, no matter how well they present themselves. This is the conclusion of Obama’s age of hope: the age of heretics.

Read more: If Donald Trump Doesn’t Win, We’re Screwed

214 thoughts on “Barack Obama: Dreams From An Absentee Father”

    1. You comment a lot regarding circle jerks…is this a Freudian thing you’re attempting to express? Must be a male muslim thing.

      1. Careful there friend you might hit your quota early there for trying to sound smart. Even dropped a Freudian sly diss in there, I like – Kudos for even catching the methodology in throwing that in there btw *Bravo* 🙂 Now run along with all your phobias before I give you a proper intellectual spanking 😉

        1. “intellectual spanking”…another one. You’re certainly proving the gay muslim thing correct with each comment.

        2. And if I were to be Gay and Muslim? Exactly what would that prove? I find the things you and those who think like you believe to be insults are so riduculus lmfao honestly. It’s as if your brains haven’t matured pass the 5th grade. Ohhhhhhhh you’re Gay ROFLMAO so pathetic lol best wishes man have a nice one

        3. And if I were to be Gay and Muslim? Exactly what would that prove?
          It would prove the stereotypes correct. And if you were gay, I suspect you would still be a beta within that community.

        4. Someone sure has drank the Kool-Aid pretty hard there jheez man lol. Do you ever read what you type? “Beta within that community” Something Tells me you need to get out more my friend and start weaning down the ROK Manosphere propaganda there bud. You might catch an ulcer lol

        5. Your trolling is improving. What you need now is to get tonally appropriate and come up with a better opening line.
          We don’t use LOL-speak here, as a rule. Hitting the right tone and lingo makes a troll.

        6. Your sentence structure, random capitalized words, “lol” speak and being easily baited into a troll battle suggests you’re young, barely educated, perhaps foreign and trolling out of your league here.
          I recommend learning to wipe your ass before commenting in the big boy forums.

        1. Why are women’s feet shorter than mens?
          So that they can stand closer to the stove.

        2. Q. How are women like tornadoes?
          A. Because they moan when they’re comin’ and take your house when they’re leavin’.

  1. Mob Dude: You’re gonna be president and you’re gonna do exactly what we say you’re gonna do.
    Future President: Yes sir. You know I will.
    JFK might have been the last exception. And you know how it worked out for him…

      1. This is common knowledge in parts of Dallas, Texas, most especially. An older buddy of mine worked for the Associated Press back in the day. He flew into Dallas the day of the hit. (I mean, the assassination.) He had a wife and an infant son at the time. He stayed in the hotel across the street from a Mob-owned watering hole that he and I frequented many years later, when he first told me this story. The bar was about six blocks from Dealey Plaza (not so coincidentally). My friend had naively shown up because he smelled a rat and was working some leads on the shooting. Two dudes in black ski masks kicked down his hotel-room door and held a gun to his infant’s head. Told him he was leaving town the next day, or else. He left the next morning. Major red pill for him right there; changed his life forever. Politicians are grocery clerks. Errand boys. That’s just how it is in the real world…

        1. Joe Kennedy, JFKs father, made a fortune with the mob during Prohibition. It is almost as if Prohibition was manufactured by the federal government, for the peoples social well being naturally, made certain people wealthy on purpose. Yes. It did.

        2. Bill Clinton’s whole campaign run in 92′ was financed through the cocaine runs into Mena Airport in Arkansas while governor. As the same Airport was being used to run guns to the contras in the 80’s to Nicaruga, he had basic diplomatic immunity for drug running against any LEO. All democrats are criminals. All of them.

        3. …”Scum floats”.
          I first read that line in a book “Battle for Spain” by Anthony Beevor. He was quoting a soviet agent about the type of leaders floating into “Republican” ranks. Killers.. immoral filth.

        4. It’s an alpha world – a psychopathic alpha world at that. People who are willing to do what the other guys aren’t. At the top of the flagpole, they tell the teachers what to teach, they tell the preachers what to preach, they tell the journalists what to write, and they insist on staying behind the curtain – while convincing everybody whom they control (which is ultimately everybody that matters), to keep it that way by telling the world that they don’t exist. I guess if a guy had that much clout, he’d likely do the same thing. Because not only would he be above the law – he would own the law…or more aptly put, he’d be the law.

        5. I was military intelligence, dealing in central and south America signals intercept in the mid 1980’s.
          The things I heard, and was forced to degauss while being incredulous and “what the fuck?!?”
          Notice how I didn’t make a comment to discredit regarding your posts veracity?
          Just sayin’.

      2. I’d believe it. LBJ was one of the shadiest, most duplicitous politicians on historical record. I can’t fathom why JFK grabbed him, of all people, from the Senate.

        1. Texas vote. The 1960 election had evidence of voter fraud in Texas and Cook County, IL.
          LBJ was scum. Find out how he was awarded his “silver star.”

        2. I suspect it was the same reason that Reagan took GHWB or Trump took Pence: to get the Establishment’s support, “fringe” candidates have to hire on the Establishment’s man.

        3. LBJ was everything that the “Dixiecrats” hated though.
          On paper, it’d seem logical that the folks who gave us George Wallace and Orval Faubus would’ve been hellbent against a transparent race-baiter and opponent of states’ rights like LBJ.

        1. She outlived her usefulness and had loose lips (heh, couldn’t resist). So she was put down.

    1. JFK was such an astonishing person. He had Addison’s disease, Hypothyroidism, Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 2 and chronic back pain and he took steroids, vitamins, antibiotics, enzymes, amphetamines and all other kinds of stuff. That didn’t stop him from being the fucking POTUS.
      Meanwhile I cry around like a bitch because of my disturbed night vision that I picked up from the lasik surgery 6 weeks ago.
      If I would have one percent of JFKs spirit, I would be a better man.

        1. I probably know more than the doctor who treated me now 😀
          My problem is that the treated ablation zone with todays lasers is 6.5mm in diametre but my pupils are 9mm in the dark which means I should have not been treated because when its dark I see with the treated and with the untreated zone at the same time and therefore my vision is fucked. I will go to a specialist in Munich in october who has a topograpically guided laser system of the newest generation. To sum it up: Topograpical guided lasers are on the market since 2012, approved by FDA since 2013 and they have the benefit to make an up to 9mm ablation zone. So if my cornea is still thick enough he can increase the size of the treatment zone and fix the problems.
          I will sue the shit out of the first surgeon (spanish woman) anyways.

        2. Thanks, appreciate it. I would suck the doctors dick if he says ‘yes, your cornea is thick enough and I can treat it’.

        3. Yeah I’ve heard horror stories about losing your night vision. I thought those were lessoned today, but I suppose the technology isn’t quite there yet. My vision is good enough that I can do without glasses, but occasionally use them to drive. Be careful with LASIK. I’d stay away.

        4. The funny part is that there was absolutely no necessity to do this shit because my contact lenses (alcon biofinity toric) where just the perfect fit. They are made to be worn 16h. I could wear them 24/7. No problem ever occured. I just thought ‘Hm, having no contacts at all would be nice!’ and did it because I thought it was a standard procedure.
          I am so fucking dumb, it’s ridiculous.

        5. I know a lot of people have had similar issues, so you’re not alone. Not that it makes the problem any less shitty.

        6. I don’t know. I really don’t want to know how expensive this shit will be….it will probably eat all my savings.

        7. I almost ruined my life twice by taking this surgery doctors told me I *HAD* to have. I recovered both times without the surgery, which has permanent limiting factors if you undergo it. People are very vulnerable in dealing with doctors, and I have a huge problem with doctors being compensated the way they are in the USA (fee for service instead of fee for treatment).

        8. Yeah, they were like ‘No problem’ all the time and didn’t tell me a single word about the risks.
          Now that I’ve done a bit of research I found that there are many many people who sued this company.
          It’s pretty much a laser franchise.
          Like a german eye surgery mcdonalds.
          They have pretty good equipment but the problem is that they will treat anybody regardless of the risks. They want to make big cash. I just can’t understand how they are not banned from germany.
          Funny part is: I will move to Munich in october and in Munich (and in the whole federal state of bavaria) they lost their approval.

        9. Yeah, they just want to make cash so they will always go for the surgery. It’s the same in germany. The US have a bad name when it comes to healthcare but germany is pretty fucked, too.
          Every year 40,000 people in germany die because of resistent bacterias they get in the hospital during surgery.
          I saw a documentary about that a couple of days ago.
          A woman came to the hospital to give birth to her kid – got a caesarean section (more money for the surgeon), wound gets infected with bacteria – she dies. Stuff like this happens all the time and the relatives don’t get any kind of compensation.

        10. Medical errors are the #3 cause of death in the US (440,000 a year die from preventable mistakes), behind cancer and heart disease. I used to say that unless one has cancer or heart disease, one is statistically better off avoiding hospitals, but considering there is no real treatment for most cancer or heart disease, you’re really better off avoiding them unless you are bleeding out. The stats don’t lie.

        11. You are absolutely right, man. Would like to give you a thousand upvotes. My father is bluepilled as hell and is usually never right but when it comes to that point he is spot on.
          Since he was 19 (he is now 65) he never visited any kind of doctor and never had any major problems while my mother goes to some doctor every week and always takes medicine and has problems. This really tells the whole story.
          Btw there are two people who sued the surgeons after having the same problems I have, one got 3 million $ the other one got 4 million $. I just love the US for those ridiculous compensation numbers. In germany – if you are lucky – you get your money back. That’s it.
          God damn, I should have done this procedure in the US, I would buy a Ferrari with the cash and then move over to Bangkok to settle down. This would be an acceptable compensation for disturbed night vision.

        12. Just a downgrade. I still can drive. Most people have problems with halos and starbursts and can’t drive anymore but thats not my main problem. The problem is I got Glare in dim light situations so when I am sitting in a restaurant in the evening everything ‘glows’ especially bright (white; silver) objects. Difficult to describe. The faces of all the people around me are ‘glowing’, too. It’s like I am on some nasty drug all the time.
          Edit: Black people aren’t glowing! Maybe I should just move to a different neighbourhood. We got many refugees from eritrea and somalia I should start hanging out with them.

        13. I have a friend of mine who died of respitory lung failure due to a infection in Germany while doing a routine surgeory for an unrelated cause. It took him 3 years to die, but he was walking around with a oxygen tank and air mask at full blast and at the end even that didn’t keep him from passing out (due to lack of oxygen in the lungs).
          The german doctor who did this to him never saw court or lost his license. It takes two other doctors to verify the first one fucked up and as socialist Germany, the state is the one who pays, it will never allow patients to achieve that. Ever see the movie “Brasil?” The state does not make mistakes and we live in a workers paradise.

        14. I think the worst part about germany besides the influx of muslim rapefugees is the healthcare system. It’s utterly flawed. I know many german doctors who are moving to the Netherlands, Finland and Norway because the systems are way better there and the doctors also got less patients and therefore less stress. A recent study found that german hospitals need 2.4 times more nurses if they want to be able to pass the sanitation standards required.

        15. I have an acquaintance who is a (CP) doctor in a small town in Bayern. He bought out a retiring doctor for his Praxis and told me if he knew what he was getting into in the 90’s, he would have never done medicine.
          I am a long time expat here, but Germany is so fucked.

        16. Indeed it is. And most germans still think it’s the Wirtschaftswunder and there isn’t a better place on the planet. They just have low standards.
          Fucked education system, fucked healthcare system, corrupt politicians promoting white genocide, fat girls with tats……that’s the perfect description of the US and Germany. These countries will be the third world in a decade.

        17. I’m glad to hear it’s still functional. Germany needs some undeluded men… Good luck, dude. Hope you sue them and get ‘er fixed.

        18. Socialized medicine is nothing more than government mandated death panel. The VA and government-mandated health insurance are perfect examples.
          What is sad is that the cardio thoracic surgeon I shadow performs heart transplants abroad at the same quality as he does in America for around $1500 a pop. Mind you, this same operation in the US after all the red tape amounts to around $150,000+.
          He said he would lose his license if he tried to perform at that price stateside. It’s disgusting to say the least.

      1. Hey don’t bash yourself – that’s what women are for, dude (heh). But I know what you mean. When I catch myself bitching about my lot, on the very rare occasions it happens, I think about people with no hands. Or people in wheel chairs. Count thine blessings, etc. We all end up dead. It’s a question of when and how. Live for today.

        1. Like Woody Allen said: there are two types of people in the world….terrible and the miserable. The terrible are the people with missing limbs or blind or awfully diseases. I don’t know how they make it through. The miserable are the rest of us. So, be happy you are miserable

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      2. Laser eye surgery is literally burning parts of your eyeball into a more rounded shape. Tears are your eyeball’s way of trying to fix itself (clear debris, etc). I think crying with an eye wound is acceptable, as long as you aren’t sobbing about it.

      3. “If I would have one percent of JFKs spirit, I would be a better man.”
        Then just have it.You’re a Man .You’re just as capable of strength and courage .

        1. What was this famous JFK quote? I got it as a wallpaper some time ago.
          “Don’t pray for easy lifes. Pray to be stronger men.”

        2. I said exactly that in the Ohio State House in 90’s. He was leaving an American Legion Hall saying why we had to increase our presence in Vietnam when he wa assassinated in Dallas.

        3. Hell, Bill Clinton (the version that was president in the 1990s) is too conservative for his own party nowadays.

        4. the same in every country. in the 50’s French socialists were executing en masse arabs rebels in Algeria and launched an attack to overthrown Nasser (when USA backstabbed us in Suez) would be qualified as neo-nazis by actual Hollande’s fuckers

      4. Be glad you weren’t a school kid in the 70s and be forced to read “PT109”. I am not a fan of his family, but he was a colorful character who definitely was not a friend of communism. He is aslo the only catholic POTUS the US had and will probably be the only one.

        1. Wow, didn’t know that!
          I was born a roman catholic, too but left the church because it’s cucked nowadays.

        2. If you didn’t even know JFK was a Catholic, it makes me wonder what you really know about his politics or his presidency. You should research those things a bit more before gushing out about how great he – or any politician – really is.

      5. He had Addison’s disease,
        Hypothyroidism, Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 2 and chronic
        back pain and he took steroids, vitamins, antibiotics, enzymes,
        amphetamines and all other kinds of stuff. That didn’t stop him from
        being the fucking POTUS.

        I’m sure Hillary Clinton finds that uplifting and encouraging, second only to Grover Cleveland being a POTUS who also underwent “hush-hush” oral surgery.

      6. One time i looked at the copy machine too much making copies and i went blind for 20 minutes. I really freaked out.

      7. Just focus on being as powerful as you possibly can. You will become addicted to winning and shun the drugs of choice most weakling in the west cling to, whether physical or spiritual.
        Being powerful is as much a man’s calling and as essential to long term happiness as femininity and motherhood are to women. Not being perfect doesn’the matter; that is the elites and their hordes of miserable braindead losers trying to drag you into the same miasma they are stuck in.
        Good luck.

    2. I was reading something about JFK the other day and came across a story about how the Steven King novel 11.22.63 had been made into a tv series. I’ve started watching it and it’s really interesting. They really nailed the dress / fashion / cars / attitudes back then, and while you know they are going to throw in some racial stuff, being pre-civil rights era, it seems pretty non-pc to me.
      Basically a guy finds a way to time travel back to 1960 and tries to stop the Kennedy assassination. But first he must figure out who was the gunman. I think I’ll read the book after this, but it’s really cool seeing all the old cars and trusting people and feminine women. King said the idea came to him in the early 70s, but he knew he didn’t have the literary skill at the time to write it, and was not motivated to put in the huge amount of work it would require in research. The book has gotten good reviews, and the tv series is well done.
      He goes back armed with some sports stats so he can gamble and make money to live. There are some funny lines, like where he tries to rent a room from this ultra conservative woman who is suspicious of him, and says, well I’m going to have to charge you the full week’s rate even for just 5 days then. And he says, OK fine, and she says “That’ll be $5.”

      1. I’ll have to check that out (book and/or the series). You might want to watch “Two Men in Dallas”, a documentary by probable CIA-asset Mark Lane. I first watched it 30 years ago. Back then it was two hours long. It is still around, but an hour shorter. With that being said, even if you watch the distilled version, it will open your eyes to some red-pill truths about the assassination. Here’s Part 1 for anybody who’s interested.

        1. Well, in his final book, Lane implicates the CIA in JFK’s death, so if he’s an asset, he’s one of those triple agent disinformation types. I’ll give this a watch though, thanks.

        2. No prob. It’s a good video even though they took all the really eye-opening shit out of it. There’s still a lot in there.

    3. The Mob had a decent amount of control up until the 90’s. Sure RFK put a pretty decent dent in their power, but what brought them down was the sons of the mobsters of the 60’s and 70’s just started emulating the gang bangers of the 80’s and 90’s. The Mob is still around and runs a few institutions but are really a shell of what they used to be.

      1. The illusion is that politicians work on behalf of the will of the people…the Mob joke is, if they try working for the people they’d better make out a will.

        1. I actually think the Mob, back in the day, really helped out the people in their community. Yeah sure there were some not so sundry things they did, but now we just tell institutions like the police to do that instead. Does it really matter if it is Tony smacking around the local drug dealer that didn’t stay on his side of the street or some cop slamming him against the hood of a car and tasering him repeatedly just so he “learns his lesson”?

        2. The government is just another form of Mob that elects their leaders instead of whatever method the Mob uses of choosing them. I challenge anyone to explain the difference, other than “one has written rules saying the other is not allowed to operate”.

        3. I have said it for years, the mob was upfront what they were after. The government is worse. It wants you to comply and concede their acts as holy (for the common good) as they fuck you.

        4. And who do you think perpetuated that illusion of the written rules holding sway…that would be…ahem…yes.

        5. Well, technically, the mob has not only written rules, but a strict code of honor and tradition. Of the two, government and mob, the mob always comes out on top.

    4. I’d love to see an article on JFK assassination conspiracy theories just to read the comments and see if we can put the puzzle together!

    5. I’m not so sure about that as JFK legalized the mob-labor unions-in the public sector.
      Something so heinous (and leftist) that even the Socialist-in-Chief FDR was hellbent against it.

  2. Truth is we don’t really know much about Obama’s past before he pops onto the Chicago scene as a “community organizer”. Most of his historical narrative is not even supported by primary documents. There are no college transcripts. Most of the people he supposedly went to school do not remember him. His written publications when supposed in school are clearly plagiarized. The question of his birth and early years are also not very well document. Not to bring up the whole birth certificate thing again, but really that “long form” is clearly a pdf forgery…it really isn’t fooling anyone that can think beyond what the media tells them. (If the guy had a real birth certificate why couldn’t he just go upstairs to the White House residence, pull it out, and show it to the media when first questioned and we could have avoided the whole “controversy”…)
    Sure there are some “photos” but amazingly no one can track down people in those photos. His entire family except for some far flung relatives in Kenya are long dead. He has no passport records until after he pops up on the Chicago scene (maybe because he traveled under a Kenyan passport). His school files have disappeared. There is evidence that he attended at least one school under a student visa (why if he is a US citizen) but those records have also completely vanished. His selective service registration is completely questionable if not completely forged. Literally there is almost no historical record of this guy before he just suddenly shows up in Chicago. The only record that exists is a book he wrote about himself.
    These are strange times.

    1. The birth certificate is simply bait, to make his detractors look stupid. The people that believe in birthing would’ve never supported him to begin with.
      All the controversy does is push undecideds towards him, and away from ‘those kooky birthers.’

      1. I don’t dispute your take on the political strategy of the birth certificate. But, the fact remains, it is still an open question for anyone concerned about objective truth.

        1. Doesn’t matter to me. He’s a sh*t president whether he was born in Kenya, Hawaii, Chicago, Italy or Mars.

        2. Don’t dispute that either, but if the powers that be can literally make up an entire man who later becomes President out of nothing at all, we need to know and expose those who can do it.

        3. Agreed, that was a total distraction. If one parent is a citizen, then that makes the child a citizen. Arguing about whether he was born in Hawaii or Kenya or wherever was a complete distraction. John McCain and Ted Cruz had the same circumstances, and they also weren’t stopped from running for president. I’m surprised people aren’t bringing it up with Trump now to make him look silly. Maybe Hill-dog will try; that should be funny!

        4. Yeah, I’m also somewhat surprised she isn’t reminding everyone that her opponent was essentially the ‘head birther.’

        5. When Obama was supposedly born just because one parent might have been an America does not necessarily guarantee him citizenship if born on foreign soil. It would have given him certain rights to acquire it, sort of easily, but if he did not do so by a particular age those rights would have been waived.

        6. Incorrect; the US constitution guarantees citizenship to any child of an American, regardless of where they were born. You might not like it, but those are the rules.
          The only way this wouldn’t happen is if the American citizen parent had never lived in America (in other words if I have a kid in Mexico, he is a US citizen, but if he never visits America, his children will not be US citizens). Although they can apply to be, and will be almost assuredly guaranteed to be granted citizenship.

        7. Birthright citizenship c. when Obama was born was only automatically conferred if you were born in the US or one of its territories. If that was not the case then you had to actively apply for citizenship which had to be done by the age of 21 or that right was waived.

        8. During the time period when Obama was born if the child was born outside of the US to one USC parent and one foreign parent then the child was considered an alien. The law has been revised many times. This was the issue that set off the entire birther movement. At this point I believe it really was bait to tie up his enemies looking for a document that doesn’t exist.
          Obama has successfully white washed his past so that he controls the narrative of his past. That’s why he has two autobiographies. Reporters are so lazy they just use the autobiographies as the source when writing about him. What about coworkers, ex-girlfriends, former classmates, there is a lot of people out there who should know him yet they never are interviewed.

        9. John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone which at the time was sovereign US territory so he was a US citizen at birth. Cruz was born to a alien father and US citizen mother outside of the United States. He does not meet the definition of a Native US citizen. I used to enforce immigration law these types of issues would come up. I’ve deported all kinds of people who could not even speak their native tongues and did not know they were considered foreigners. Ted Cruz is a US citizen but since he is not a Native US citizen there is an issue with him running for president. The issue eventually would have gone to court at some point his enemies would see to that. We have never had a non native elected to the President although I have my doubts about Obama.

        10. One parent being a citizen doesn’t automatically make the kid a citizen, and it doesn’t make the kid a citizen who could become POTUS.
          We went through all of this in 2008 with John McCain (and 0bama) and we just wen through it again with Lyin’ Ted Cruz.
          What it boils down to is that if you’re not born on US soil to two US citizen parents, your citizenship comes on the whim of the federal government.

        11. The Constitution does not guarantee that.
          It’s interesting how 2 of the politicians who stand to benefit from such a patently false interpretation of the Constitution are both “constitutional scholars” 😉

        12. It was not established that John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone rather than in Panama proper.
          Back in 2008, we were getting to the heart of the matter when McCain decided to throw the race and the “birtherism” was dropped.

        13. This is not a cut-and-dry issue, that’s what we’ve learned over the past 8 years and, indeed, over the past 8 months.
          To revisit one of the myriad examples of this, Governor Paul LePage of Maine pointed out that his kids, who were born in Canada, had to beseech the US government to confer citizenship to them, it was not “automatic” even though he was a US citizen.
          To actually be a US citizen at birth requires more than simply one US citizen parent.

    2. He didn’t show it to the media when it was first requested because the people who were asking for it were only shooting themselves in the foot by bringing up the ridiculous topic in the first place. To believe that he wasn’t born in America means that you had to believe the entire state of Hawaii was involved in the cover up.
      It’s not a forgery, just some people using the slightest inconsistencies as proof that it is fabricated. He has a short form, long form birth certificate, and even a newspaper clipping announcing his birth. This man has more proof of citizenship than most of America.
      Heck, the only reason he eventually did release the long form was so he would have fodder for the correspondent’s dinner later that week.

      1. There is so much wrong here.
        The “short form” birth certificate is just a print out containing information that has been entered into a database.
        The information entered into that database came from primary source documents generally referred to as the “long form”. This was, at the time, the certificate that was generated in HI when a child was born. These original forms were eventually bound and placed in a vault for records management purposes. When all the information on those forms was digitized the “short form” became an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of the the “long form”.
        During the 1960’s HI was a new state and hardly had the best records keeping practices that say a northeastern state may have developed over decades of modernization. It was largely an undeveloped island. If you wanted to plant a forged record it would be an ideal candidate to do so and a forger would know this. Same with the so called birth announcement. No one can produce the actual broad sheet on which it was printed, just a copy of the announcement. That too would not be hard to place in a sort of defunct newspapers archive given the time and practices of a sleepy little not modernized island.
        There is also plenty wrong with the “long form” that was eventually produced. First off there is no chain of custody showing how it was produced. There is no documentary evidence that the form was copied directly from the bound certificates.
        The serial number is off by more than a few and even though this could be explained by “island time” there has still be no formal explanation put forward.
        The type face is also off from certificates generated from the same hospital that have been brought forth by other private citizens who were born in and around when Obama was supposedly born. Again, there might be an innocent explanation like there were just a few different typewriters, but some evidence suggests that the type face on the certificate was not commercially available until the 70’s. It would be easy to disprove this theory though if independent investigators were allowed access to long form certificates that were generated by the hospital around the same time and date. All that we have to go on now is a few forms that private individuals have offered up.
        Obama has also offered no explanation for him not possessing his copy of the original long form. He did once say “I moved a lot” but that is hardly a real explanation. There must have been some point in time in which he realized he lost the original and had to obtain the short form version. Most people remember at least a month (or at least a season) and year when they lose such a vital document such as a drivers license, birth certificate, SS card, etc.
        Also, why are there no medical records of his birth and also no one that can recall his birth? Sure it has been awhile, but ask any nurse who works on the OB floor and they will remember births decades after the fact. Despite, the best attempts to find ANYONE who worked in the hospital at that time investigators could not produce a single person. Sure all might be dead, but chances of that are pretty far flung.
        HI officials had the discretion, with Obama’s approval, to let an independent news crew with a camera into the vault containing the original primary source documents and let them film the custodian of records showing the original long form certificate in the bound volume. Why did this simply not happen if Obama already gave his permission to have it released?
        Travel dates, times, and logistics do not add up either. We are talking most air travel was not by jet when Obama was born and a flight back to the mainland was extremely long. Plus guidance at the time was infants should not travel by air until they are at least two years of age. Maybe they traveled by boat, which was still common at the time, but again are you going to take your infant on an overnight boat ride to get to the mainland?
        When you have so many inconsistencies and unanswered questions you really do have to still wonder if it is a legitimate document.
        And sure, this might not be the result of the hard conspiracy theory being presented that Obama is some kind of sleeper Manchurian candidate President. A softer theory could simply be having a bastard child in Kenya, at the time, was exceptionally socially embarrassing. Instead of having the deal with it all Obama’s mom traveled to HI, paid off a few local officials to make it look like he was born there (probably the equivalent of a politically connected person getting a parking ticket fixed in any old town), and made up the story of his birth to save face.
        Even though, practically, this controversy no longer matters don’t simply dismiss it. If anything though, it is rumored that Obama refusing to release the long form for so long actually got Donald Trump interested in Presidential politics more than he had been previously, would be a beautiful irony if he is standing by Obama during Inauguration in January 2017.

  3. Bill Clinton has a similar story to a certain degree, only his biological father died when he was an infant (6 months I believe). So the last two Democratic presidents have been in the same position – growing up with an absentee father.

  4. “a powerful Chinese ethno-state (possibly allied with Russia and Iran).”
    I think I popped a boner.
    Hopefully Russia will set up a colony for Ethnic Britons, French, Germans et al run out of their lands.

    1. Damn, I would love that. Would move there in a heartbeat. Just give me some Spätzle mit Sauerkraut und ner Scheibe Kassler and I am satisfied.

    2. I’d be so down with that, if the Britons retained the original rights of free men, to bear arms and own property.

    3. How can the Chinese have a powerful state? They’ve always been the “sick man of Asia”. Even today their economy is built on more lies and government manipulation than the USA’s…underneath the veneer, they’re Greece.

  5. The US created ISIS. It is simply a war by proxy against Russia. This goes back all the way to the time when the British created Wahhabism. Simply blaming Islam is ignoring the fundamental political dynamics and remaining ignorant.

    1. This is indeed true, although I’m not sure harming Russia was the primary concern. It could be. It could also be that Islam is one of the last conservative, patriarchal societies in the world and ISIS would destroy that. It could also be simple greed–the military industrial complex will get insanely rich the way they did off Vietnam. It could be an alternate strategy to take over Syria, Libya, and Iran, which were all targeted for invasion, as Wesley Clark reported, but the invasions were stopped by US politics.
      I just don’t see Russia as enemy #1 of the elites, although I’m sure they don’t mind harming the Bear as a secondary goal.

      1. Yes, I should have been less ambiguous in my wording. I doubt harming Russia was the goal. I’m certain it is control for those areas. This is likely why the US wanted to kill Gadhafi. In spite of the guy’s flaws, he did make good progress in uniting African nations and make them more independant.
        I remember Russia interfering in the early stages of the Iraq War. They messed with US spy satellites until the US told them to back off. A bit trolly, apparently. Under the table stuff, quite obscure.

  6. Anytime I watch an Obama speech, or God forbid read anything he’s apparently written, I get the strong feeling that he has absolutley nothing to do with creating any of it.
    Obama is so scripted and behelden to that Democratic Party Media Machine, Liberal Media, Globalist Doctrine and speacial interest groups, I’m not sure he has any beliefs that are his own.
    Thus, his administration has flailed around and accomplished little deciding instead to go for sounds bites rather than action.
    He’s had had neither a firm foreign policy with clear aims nor a coherent economic plan except spend more money and plunge America further into debt.
    Everything he says is shallow left wing platitudes like “strength in diversity” BS while there’s little real action in any policy direction..
    And yet he’s been elected twice.
    When I se Obama I fear for my own country and the idiots that have elected Justin Trudeau a PT fucking drama teacher WTF!!!
    Seems like the same sort of imbecile..

    1. Obama was the least experienced man in the senate before throwing his name out for president. How could obama have been expected to know what to say or do? Everything was scripted by his “handlers” from the start. He was manufactured celebrity not unlike Justin Beiber.

    2. Barry was groomed since his youth to be POTUS. I hate to say it, but a few old time communists I know pointed this out and they had more knowledge about his acquiantances than the American voting public at the time.
      If a sitting President wanted to harm the US intentionally, would have Obama have done different? Yeah. I thought he was just some schmuck (d) affirmative action senator in 2008 until I realized he had no past to be found. Even from grounded sources. The man was a cypher.

      1. Interesting. Agree, everything about him seems manufactured. He’s like a sort of “non-entity” when it comes to original ideas which would feed into what you’re saying.
        Also the Nobel Prize wtf was that? What achievments did he actualy have..
        He was black and president?

        1. He got the NP for being “not GWB” and he wasn’t president for a month. Considering the amount of horror and strife he has caused, much more the GWB I might add (more American troops were sent back to Iraq last month), it is laughable if not so tragic.
          There are more than enough black Americans who are capable of being president, but they are real conservatives (G-d, family, country).

        2. He had a shot, but declined. I think Herman Cain, Carlson or Ken Blackwell would be fine. The leftists would never let it happen.

        3. Yeah leftists live in a Make Belief world where hollow platitudes substitute for making difficult decision and really tackling the nation’s problems.
          So they never want the competent, strongman type leader who will do what’s necessary…

        4. Solutions kill government plantations. Democrats are all about eternal and unachievable “equality.” We are all individuals with differing attributes, ideas, goals, etc… why must we all succumb, or be enslaved, to an undefinable or achievable goal set forth by a federal or state entity?
          The “necessary” part of your post…. have you looked at the purchase of US gun sales lately? Heh. The people are ready. The ivy league tyrants are quivering. Bring it.

    3. I really don’t understand the hate for Obama. I don’t particularly like the man or his politics, but in the end he’s merely a figurehead. He is not personally responsible for anything. He simply does what the higher-ups tell him to do.
      Clinton and Bush were no different.

    4. The people we have to worry about are Obama’s handlers and God forbid, Hillary’s handlers. She’s an artificially animated sock puppet now. You think they won’t go full course trying to pull something like that off? Obama of mystery origin being rammed through the polls in ’08, they did it. Planes and drones being flown remote control into WTC and one fuzzy shot of Pentagon plane? I’ve seen clearer fuzzy images of UFO’s over Manhattan in the Enquirer. Still they did it. The CIA has rules for lying like 1).anything repeated three times becomes truth 2).if you’re going to lie, then lie completely . . and so on. The problem is as much the controllers and handlers as it is the gullible sleeping sheep. This site could be drowned and diluted with bot trolls and guffawing sheep. Post anything patriarchy/truth related on some pop culture site and a BLOB mass of unthinking hamsterspeak drowns everything and screams “banhammer”. It’s like stirring an ant mound of dumb screaming sjw cultural ghetto or BLM subsidized ghetto scrappers.

      1. Yeah we in the West, seem to cater to the lowest common denominator in public policy, politics and culture.
        This is especially the case if your black. When you look at the people who are so called famous and looked up to they are often, gay, speak ebonics which is gutterall retard speak, have an IQ of 6 and have no real talent like Will Smith.
        Blacks in the 1960’s had many amazing talents to draw on. Sammy Davis, John coltrane, sidnety Portier…list is endless..
        Now who? They’re more controlled than ever. They can be so easily brought out for the Democrats regardless of the failures caused by government polices in the community..surpised they haven’t formed their own politcal party..

        1. And look how the system has cucked the black man today.

          Black nuclear families fared well, exceptionally well during segregation which was more of a preferential choice of both communities than the forced federal integration policies which were enforced at gunpoint. All tribes were strong when they nested with their respective tribes and crime, both same race and cross race perpetrated was at an all time low.
          With the seed of 1st wave feminism over a century ago, greedy (jewish) small hats of the 1800’s got busy playing politics and stalling the ‘Repatriation to Liberia’ issue post Civil War and as a result blacks remained. It is clear a mix of blacks, hispanics and whites are required for banks and lenders to release their purse strings and fortify a city. They throw money into skyscrapers as soon as the inner city becomes a mosh pit. Building booms in metro cities coincide with massive non white influx. Building start up money gets pumped into ‘cosmopolitan’ metro areas where a racial mix is present while segregated and homogenious rust belt communities are starved of capitol so as to keep them depressed.
          In the cosmo areas second and third wave feminism was rolled in by the 2000’s and look at Toronto now. Skyscrapers galore. And the black man in the cosmo areas of the US – – LOOK how he mixes and mingles with the white beta cucks.

          The token black guy in center fits right in with his cop/fireman white knight buddies. There ain’t a black bone left in his body. Totally cucked. If hair straightening wasn’t enough, the trend seems to be to completely ape the sjw cuckbitch brainwashing that has smacked down so many white men. Honestly they all look as dubious as paid crisis actors. The ‘therapy/cross-training’ argument is pure bullshit. I jog and bike with simple leg weights. And the black guy, if his family had went back to central Africa after the Civ War, it’s highly likely he’d still be a man today:

          How gullible can those white motherfuckers and niggers alike be?? DEAR ALMIGHTY PATRIARCH CREATOR AND FATHER of all creatures great and small in this universe WHAT ARE THEY DOING to the west???

    5. Canada really does seem to be lagging 8 years behind the USA.
      Harper was the “Canadian Dubya” and Trudeau is definitely the “Canadian 0bama”.

  7. “I was not entirely opposed to Obama’s rise.”
    I stopped reading there. Anyone who was not entirely opposed to Obama from the beginning is a) mentally retarded and b) responsible for the various disasters of the past eight years as well as their repercussions that will stretch well into the future.
    While it’s of course silly to blame all the world’s ills on one man, this one man’s administration has done more damage to the foundation of America than all of our previous enemies combined. Anyone who voted for him or sat back and didn’t vote against him should be strung up along with he and his leftist thugs.

    1. “I was not entirely opposed to Obama’s rise.”
      I chalked that up to some people will always be learning how to be a better judge of character, and perhaps it took observing an Obama presidency for Mr. Stamm to develop these skills.
      You can read it. There are some decent analyses and personal conclusions that were reached, and I think it’s somewhat reasonable to believe Mr. Stamm won’t make the same mistakes again.

    2. I enjoy and agree to your points, but would simply employ justice that those who voted out of ignorance be voided in particpating in future elctions and those who did so out of malice would be simply strung up from the nearest branch.

    3. **Let the hatred burn through you** McCain (“100 more years in Iraq”) and Sarah (80 IQ) Palin were not the natural choice of every enlightened person in 2008 after 8 years of shitty neocon rule. Also I’m not sure that the author, if he is from “Europe”, was in fact able to vote in the U.S. .. purity spiraling over muh constitution is not going to save this country. hell, half of us were not even of age to make an informed decision back then… i was 14 years old when Obama became president.

      1. Nice, now I feel Jurasic for being 40ish… Thank you.
        About constitutional extremism ib the US, it seems a way to destroy all possibility of discussing where the country is heading to. Although undemocratic and too rigid as a political system, it saved the USA from political experiments of ideologies like fascism or socialism, in the past. Until now, at least…

      2. Why even post this? Obviously I wasn’t talking to the people who were 14, but rather to the people whose actions contributed to the current shitshow.
        The rest of your nonsensical rambling raises the question as to whether or not you are still 14.
        Yes, McCain/Palin were in fact the natural choice if you were enlightened. That’s the entire point. Anyone who missed (or dismissed) all of the warning signs surrounding Obama in 2008 was by definition unenlightened, lol. They bought into the hope and change bullshit, while entirely ignoring the guy’s radical history, his radical associations, and the fact that he himself said that he would fundamentally change the country.
        You can parrot the leftist talking points regarding Palin’s supposed IQ and blah blah blah, but the reality is that pure fucking retards voted for Obama. And then they voted for him AGAIN despite the abyssmal and irrefutable failure of his first four years. I would laugh, except their retardation cost me and mine a lot of money, not to mention all of the social ills and debauchery that now exist as a direct result of his administration’s fundamental changes.
        And don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly no fan of McCain and wasn’t then either. But he was the only choice if you had even an ounce of common sense. Just like Trump is today.

        1. >nonsensical rambling
          >unenlightened, lol
          >leftist talking points regarding Palin’s supposed IQ
          >abysmal (sic)
          You’re going to have to come up with something better than ad hominem attacks and support of dumb-as-fuck Sarah Palin if you want to warrant a response. You sound like a cuck who voted against Obama more for cuck reasons than enlightenment.

    4. I am not a fan of mysticism, but I swear to you that I can literally feel an aura from Obama, and Hillary, that is pure evil. And I mean from the first time I saw either of those two idiots. I hate “feelings” like that, so it’s not like I’m embracing them or claiming something about it. It’s just a feeling.

      1. If you can sense the evil in the head honchos, then you can smell it when it is present in persons closer to you, work, neighbors, associates. I’ve always hated law but I had to learn the angle and ‘lawspeak’ of it sometime. I used to give anyone the benifit of the doubt but you learn the hard way that true evil ones deserve no benefit. They don’t have a prayer. They’re gone. Walking dead. The dead hallowed eyes tell. Often they will wear sunglasses constantly (Jim Jones). Otherwise I can get down and cross examine someone and if they’re evil, their evil opens up. I had a boss who I wasn’t sure if he was evil or if he just had a bug up his ass so I kept working the casual questions, indiscreetly cross examining. Turns out the sumbitch was half evil and masqueraded it with special interest sympathies and causes. His elephant behind the telephone pole suddenly comes out and reveals propensity towards gay venues as well, similar to what you see in higher up political or large church machines. The guy was a family man outwardly but likely had skeletons tucked away.

  8. “Wahabi-zionist violence”. Because killing Islamic terrorists on sight is exactly the same as machine gunning school children in a mall.

    1. With all the conspiracy theories, I wonder if 0bama himself even knows who his father is.
      Hell, there are even theories that suggest that the whore Stanley Ann wasn’t actually his mother.
      0bama has more “birther” issues than Lyin’ Ted + John McCain + Chelsea Clinton combined. That’s gotta be a record.

        1. Find another website. We’re not into bowing down to your agenda here. You’ll be blocked by most of the membership in record time if you keep up the SJW bullshit.
          Just a word of advice.
          Get snarky with me, give me a non-reasoned ad hominem, and you’ll prove my point.
          Seriously, go back to HuffPo.

        2. If you’re an anarchist then you’re not about imposing your own hierarchy of values and order on others. I don’t hate faggots, I don’t really care about them one way or the other unless they’re infringing on my rights (which they’re doing a lot of, recently). Telling people how to think is a SJW thing. Milo (a fag) doesn’t tell me what to think or what opinions to hold (like you do), he just does his stuff. I respect him. You, coming here sneering “kill yourself”, well, you’re just a Leftist piece of shit. If you can’t debate then leave, the adults are talking.
          Your ability to call me son is only valid if you’re as old as my father. Given your opinions, I doubt that’s the case.

        3. It beats being a monosyllabic mouth-breather, boy.
          Now go back to fellating your sugar daddy Soros.

        4. I wouldn’t say jack Donovan is a fag. Sure, he’s homosexual, but I’ve met plenty of heterosexuals that were fags. When I hear “fag”, I think of effeminate men. I hate fags. Who other people fuck is rather irrelevant to me. But I see why other people conflate the two concepts.

        5. Anarchist? Fair enough. Did you know sir THAT THIS is your governmet today?

          Stray dogs could overthrow those chumps clearly. How weak the individual betas that comprise the power structure are. And they want YOU to surrender your individuality, your promise as a man and dance to the bitchsystem.

          Insanity. The sensitizing process is almost complete on men when elites think they can get men to fetter over how hard the cubicle worker’s life must be walking as they do in heels as they waste their reproductive years carouselling with random men.

          The brain screw spin doctors have gone as far as they can. Rediculous. The patriarchy is on the rise and the great MANBALL grows by the hour. Our natural hardwiring is kicking in worldwide and our species WILL NOT have its reproductive programme hijacked. We are a patriarchal species. Only the bee or ant species is matriarchal with a queen larve egg sack with lifelong fertility and lesser, smaller expendable male eorkers and warriors.
          OUR WOMEN lose fertility at half life and then become cantancerous, bitchye threatening to burn the place if their vain comfort level is disrupted. Useless eater non productive and unkept females are the reason our species wastes more resources than it replaces. And why we remain landlocked in space on this bitch prison of an orb.
          But patriarchy is making its great resurgence soon. Only an alien force would logically jack with our reproductive instinct like we see with the cross dressing heels campaign. Kiss the bitches asses and reproductivity is arrested. It’s all planned. In nature, it is the wild bitch mother that eats her young.
          But the GREAT DICK is rising. Grab your balls and get ready FOR MAN to return to the throne. We are the great HOMOSAPIENUS ERECTUS, the greatest patriarchal species ever to grace this green globe. Dicks are RIIISING UP everywhere. Hail the patriarchy!!

  9. There’s a book by Steve Sailer about both of Obama’s autobiographies (Dreams and Audacity of Hope) where he compares and analyzes them. It’s very interesting and even though the Obama era is over, it is worth reading. It is called America’s Half Blood Prince: Barack Obama’s Story of Race and Inheritance.
    Here is an article about it:
    Here is Sailer giving a talk about it:

  10. It seems to me, at the end of the day, Obama is a lonely little boy desperately needing his daddy.. both his literal biological father, and his father in the form of his half-native Africa.
    The biggest, sickest irony to Obama being “champion of the blacks” is this.. given his racial heritage, his ancestors were definitely not slaves, but there’s every chance they were slave owners.

    1. The office of President has, since Dubya, been a national exercise in therapy for father issues in the office holders.
      EDIT: Including Clinton per below.

        1. Oh shit, right, him too. Thank you for the correction.

        2. Looks like we’ll have a 4th straight joke as president. Even if Trump actually manages to rise above, everything he’ll do will be treated as a joke and maligned in the public forum, much like W.

    1. The comments on there sound like ROK is rubbing off on stormer quite a bit:
      August 29, 2016
      “It should be illegal for people that fat to leave the house, unless they’re going to the gym.”
      August 29, 2016
      “…….What the fuck is that…….why do some of them look tiny compared to the women?!?! They look like the Amazons from Futurama next to some of these Ultra-beta faggots.”
      There was a time not too far back, a decade or two when alt right and non PC sites had zero alpha/beta awareness. White female whores pedestalized as godesses. The cuckery was universal. The message on ROK resounds with the final dominant word – patriarchy. The message of old right groups was cucked down to where you could sit down and listen to along with your mommy, provided she wasn’t a shitlib. ROK would make your mommy squeam especially if she’s a single skank shitlib.

    2. Haha, good find. That first dude looks like a ventriloquist dummy.. And the only one game enough to actually touch the chicks is the big fat lesbian =)

  11. Your dad knocked up your coal buring whore mom then ran away like a coward. Great leadership, like father like son a total piece of poop

  12. Welcome to the party pal, better late then never.
    I put a bumper sticker on my truck after a bit of Obama’s first year had passed that said, Incompetence-You Can’t Hide it Forever.
    I removed it soon there after when I saw that he wasn’t incompetent, he was setting out to remake America smaller and vile. And he was succeeding.
    Now, nearing the end of the nightmare 8 years, seeing the wreckage of our culture and traditions in his wake with the prospect of Hillary coming in to ramp up the destruction, I’m left with but one conclusion, that is, we did this to ourselves.

    1. That sticker might’ve been spot-on as 0bama isn’t competent, but his handlers are. 0bama is just the frontman, the face of the organization, and he can’t even do that right without a teleprompter.
      That’s an explanation for both why he can spend so much time golfing and why he still is horribly inept at the sport.

      1. He is very competent. He knows exactly what he wants to do and he is doing it. We’re screwed.

        1. 0bama’s handlers are competent, 0bama himself is just a public figurehead for them, and he’s barely competent enough to perform that duty.

  13. Well done. But China is in deep trouble too. It won’t be in much of a position to challenge the globalist monoculture that Western elites want to create. Of course, that monoculture is also unstable. As of now it looks as if the 21st century will be multipolar and one of political and cultural decline, and possibly economic/technological too, depending on growth and resource availability.
    The smart long term move is to encourage space development to possibly look for a way to escape.

  14. “…a godless, consumeristic, terror-infested Gay-Muslim-Globalist federation…” Very apt description. It does not make me happy to read that, but facts are facts.
    Trump winning would be a good thing, but at best I think all he can do is buy a little time for the alert red pill guy to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the west. For the reality check to sink in permanently, society has to become much less comfortable and mere survival much less taken for granted before we’re finally ready to throw overboard the ludicrous manifestations of an opulent society. When I see evidence that the country stops promoting a paramount the agenda items of genderless bathrooms, environmental fundamentalism, safe spaces, microaggressions, gender fluidity, BLM, etc. then perhaps we’ve once again begun to get our priorities straight.

    His father was Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA. Obama was born in Seattle. Please watch the expose “Dreams From My Real Father” by Joel Gilbert.
    And the book “Dreams From My Father” was ghost-written by William Ayers.
    Obama is a total, 100% fraud. Please get your facts straight before writing an article that contains more disinfo.

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  17. Comparing a head of the state who does NOT care a single bit of the main work force (Obama, Merkel) versus a stateman who cares the collective interests of its nationals( Putin, Xi, Bellarus President etc) is just simply not the case, they are two different narratives and never have common values.

  18. Notice how in Obama’s 9/11 speech he uses misleading language to tie the reason for America’s founding with “diversity is our strength.” (start @ 5 min)

  19. In a vain attempt to wipe clean the racial conflagrations of our past, America elected it’s first Black Preezy.
    What we got in return for such childish absolving of our collective responsibility, is a mozlem-marxist who doubled down on all of Bush’s failed policies with the additional aspects of bowing to foreign dictators and weaponizing Immigration.
    It’s been a horrible eight years with Valerie Jarrett at the helm. Let’s not add another 4-8 with Huma.

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