Roosh V used to go out most nights looking to seduce a woman, but today he has a much easier task: He’s just looking to piss one off.
It’s opening day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland in July, and the most hated “pickup artist” in the world has infiltrated a group of protesters outside the arena. He’s wearing a Hillary Clinton hat (he supports Donald Trump), and in a video of the incident he streamed on Periscope, he and the demonstrators clash. “This girl just came up to me and tried to touch me without my consent,” he says into his smartphone camera, feigning the politically correct outrage he mocks. “She said, ‘Go back to the Middle East.’ She is Islamophobic!”
Roosh, whose father is from Iran, then turns his camera to the woman, who responds, “You’re a piece of shit. I didn’t touch you!” Then she calls him a rapist. A crowd forms. Another woman edges close, holding a microphone, and says she’s with the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. “Who are you?” she asks Roosh. Before he can answer, the crowd starts chanting, “Rapist! Rapist!” and the first woman says, “You should kill yourself.”
Roosh is pleased. He not only got to spar with some of the “social justice warriors” he despises but also got material to share with his many followers. And don’t forget all the free publicity, which he needs as he attempts to make his transition from pickup artist (someone who relentlessly practices the “art” of seduction) to a hero of the “alternative right” movement.
Like the bombastic presidential candidate inside the convention hall that day, Roosh thinks America is too PC. That’s largely the subject of his new book, Free Speech Isn’t Free, and since embarking on a lecture tour in summer 2015 (“The State of Man”), he has evolved from “game” guru to conservative provocateur, joining figures such as Milo Yiannopoulos, the flamboyant Breitbart editor whom Twitter recently banned for inciting harassment. Yiannopoulos is a leader of the alt-right—a meme-obsessed nationalist subculture that grew out of online forums, gained a following among Trump supporters and mirrors the right-wing movements spreading overseas. Its members include white supremacists, anti-Semites and internet trolls.
. @rooshv Just finished your book “Free Speech Isn’t Free”. You are a righteous warrior. Respect!
— A.J. Hoge 🐸🐸 (@ajhoge) October 15, 2016
Though Roosh says he is not part of the movement—they just have common enemies—his alliance with its leaders was evident at the RNC, where he went to a party Yiannopoulos threw. Also there: Geert Wilders, the controversial Dutch politician on trial for anti-immigrant hate speech. A journalist who attended described the event as a “hell full of manic trolls and smug neo-fascists from every slimy corner of the internet.”
Followers of Roosh, whose real name is Daryush Valizadeh, know him as a blogger who has been running websites devoted to “game”—the tricks and techniques to use to seduce women—since around 2001. His website Return of Kings “aims to usher the return of the masculine man in a world where masculinity is being increasingly punished and shamed.” There are more than a million posts on his forum, and he has self-published 18 books.
He’s perhaps best known—and most hated—for his proposed International Tribal Meetup Day in February. Attendees (no women or gay men allowed) were to congregate at set locations, identify one another through a code phrase and then go to bars or cafés. The 165 gatherings in 43 countries would offer “the opportunity to meet other like-minded men,” he wrote.
Sellout…… the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fightclub. It doesnt matter if the do gooder is alt right, hard left, upside down, marxist, anarchist, or just an armchair critic. They are all social justice warriors of a sort. Anytime a man or women stands up and reckons to have some answers to help the human race …”look at me… listen to me”……you can be sure they are just yet another political mouth piece.
Yeah, that stupid Thomas Jefferson, what a sellout!
Your cynicism is self defeating. You want a movement that cannot by definition make progress. It is…illogical.
Whenever an idea takes off, you can’t contain it anymore. It spills out into the mainstream culture. Of course the purists will be pissed off. Normies will pollute it with their pop-culture bullshit. But it is inevitable. The original idea then becomes esoteric lore.
You call it cynicism.
I call it reality.
Not a big history buff as far as jeff goes … but as i recall back in the day…. politicans of his ilk has income sources, farms, business etc. outside of do-gooder mouth piecing.
Anytime some one makes a career out of self help, politics etc. And thats their only revenue its automatically disengenious.
Are they looking for real change or more attention, publicity and book sales ? Remember at its root Lenin and communism (and all politics) is just a marketing scam.
Any publicity is good publicity. You can’t stay underground forever, eventually you must go mainstream with your ideas.
The way to go mainstream was to let the meetings happen and start building a solid, grassroots network. It did not happen. The manosphere stays online and will die online. Perhaps, some, will profit from talking about it before it happens.
Interesting point. Come think of it … it all stands and falls with a few key websites. Say, ROK, CH, DP, BD, Reddit. If those pages are gone, the movement is gone – practically.
Kinda weird to consider.
Exactly. If these pages are gone, it would take a couple of years of reaching the current state of manosphere cohesion. A movement cannot wait forever to grow. The manosphere has a clearly generational component.
Exactly my point …..the no#1 rule is you do not speak publically. Works for the masons.
True that. To some extent.
I think it’s okay to fight for something. While acknowledging that it’s not really about ‘improving the world’, but just making the world the way you want it. Acknowledging that no matter how glorious you make your ideals out to be, you are in it for yourself in the end.
‘Improving the world’ is what you tell those idiots whom you need to support you so that you can get power in politics. Your real interests … that’s what you discuss in the locker room.
If fighting for something becomes a paid full time career aka. Roosh and his greek bum buddy…….. the intention is questionable.
Where is line drawn? Roosh openly says hes not going to die for his cause, but he’ll happily bank checks and feather his nest from it.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions by people making a living offering hollow advice and promising to save only themselves. In the end its all a brand of socialism. Any mouth piece is the same crap.
Anarchocapitalism is the best model. Survival of the fittest. No need for politics at all. You want the advantage …. you attack without warning and take over. All the rest of it is socialism.
A part of me liks the idea of anarchy a lot, I won’t deny that.
“you attack without warning and take over.”
You advocate for a system of voluntary association (AnarchoCapitalism), then contradict yourself with a call for aggression. Do you even understand the fundamental tenets of AnarchoCapitalism?
Rooshman is not the hero Gotham needs, but the hero Gotham deserves…..
More like, they don’t deserve him but sure as hell need him.
Jewish led freemasons & jewish leftists are radicalising retarded low i.q populations, retarded genders like women & pussified men born to single mothers.
In the same way muslims radicalise low i.q vulnerable idiots. Jewish organisations radicalise vulnerable low i.q pussified idiots, & western society hating leftist women, as well as their gullible hordes of immigrants, which they ship in by the millions.
These sick subversive deviants are literally building an army of retards, against the logic rational, reason & sense of justice of the western people.
Make no doubt only a jew could come up with something so heinous & retarded, it is guaranteed & doomed to failure …
Jews are basically a matriarchial society, which is why they use cowardly & pussified forms of warfare. Jews are basically a pack of pussified bureaucrats using their banks & corrupt & dying media, & their hordes of idiot politicians, to wage war on white glorious masculine nations.
Jews are so pussified & feminised they slice their own penis’s off at birth … doesnt get more pussified & feminised then mutilating the penis’s of your own son’s…
These feminised jews are doomed to failure, anything feminine & pussified is doomed to failure.
I fear it´s more difficult than that. We get a much better understanding if we view Jews not as weak cowards but as the most brutal and rabid fighters of all… as evidenced by their success: subjugating the whole world while being a 0.000….01% minority of the whole world population.
Nope… this “weak & coward” is just another war tactics to mislead the enemy.
And here´s another principle that we need to understand: what Jews do, isn´t wrong, or bad; like being in trade, banking, media, organisations. There´s nothing intrinsically bad in all that: the only thing that is bad is that they pursue their interests with it and we fall back in pursuing our interests !! That´s the only thing that is bad: that we fail in going for our interests… and might even devolve to the stupidity of flagging jewish behavior as bad, thus cutting us off of successful behavior… only because this behavior hurts us. But I don´t outlaw a fighting axe because my enemy uses it against me, rather I say thanks for the good idea and use it henceforth myself in my fights.
So… gotta set the record straight on that subject so that we don´t choose the wrong methods: don´t do the opposite of what the Jew does. Do what is successful IRRESPECTIVE of what the Jew does. If the Jew also does it, so what or rather, not a surprise. But we need to do SUCCESSFUL things and not leave the strong sectors to the Jew just because he´s already sitting there and hurting us with it ! No: we claim the strong sectors for ourselves, that´s the correct answer !
No dude everything about Jewry is bad. If we want to take over a civilization we do it straight up on the battle field or we siege their cities. Jews being weak and without athleticism subvert through manipulation, through controlling media. Theirs is a long, slow, deceitful game. Ours is straight forward and to the point.
Rome vs Judea.
Read Neiztche: On the Genealogy of Morality
It’s a clear, concise, and accurate account of the difference between Jew and European will to power.
Wake up, dude: the Jews do NOT follow a path of weakness: they preach it to the OTHERS ! The Jews were never at odds with Nietzsche, practising it, the will to power, to the utmost. They use the whole whiny victim shit as a weapon against us. They destroy our communities but themselves adhere to the strictest and strongest community bonding.
The answer to the Jew is: find your interest and go for it. That´s what the Jews do. Our interest is the flourishing of our group, our people. “We” being defined ethnically. Morally good is what is good for Whites (make that black if you happen to be black or other ethnicity…). Sounds familiar? “What is good for the Jews”… that´s the guiding principle of the “West”. We´ll turn it back where it belongs: what is good for Whites.
Well, “white” is not an ethnic group…
Neither is “black,” for that matter…
The Jews will to power comes from their inherent weakness and hatred for the free and pure race. The fact that you see the same will to power in Jews and Europeans alike tells me you place no value on the difference between the straight forward Masculine path( the will to power Neitzche references) and the deceitful secretive Feminine path( the will to power of Jewry)
I.e Rome vs Judea. I have nothing more for you.
Take your moral relativist bullshit somewhere else. There is huge difference between straight forward conquering and behind the scenes deceitful conquering. The Jew conquers through the latter means because he is incapable of conquering through the former. They are weak and spiteful. The European conquers for the love of the act. The Jew conquers( like a female) because they hate the European. They hate him because they cannot conquer like men.
Caucasoid and Negroid.
Semites and South Asians are also Caucasoid.
They are mixed mongoloid and caucasoid.
Any proof of this claim?
Either way, race is not fixed, but a spectrum. Europeans are not “pure” either.
I could ask you the same. Even if I had a scientific study to show you, most are pure bullshit anyway. pure as you say is probably hard to find.
Well… I didn´t talk about methods; I talk about results.
Some are fine with dying in beauty. That´s a loser attitude. I lost but I played fair. Yeah. That´s why we lose and they win. That´s not the way to save us. Apparently Nietzsche doesn´t know what he´s talking about (or rather, he´s talking about something else… namely about ways to die in beauty; just that he´s not talking about winning).
The way to save us is very simple: go for White interests. Do we do that? No. Do Whites only buy products that favor Whites along the whole chain of production? No. Rather they blather incessantly about the evil Jew. Fuckit. There´s a lot of work waiting for us… but the right kind of work, not loser stuff.
P.S.: the Jews eventually subjugated Rome, and the whole world. I think that didn´t happen accidently but by way of superior (if ugly and repellent) strategy. We had 2000+ years to learn, we might try to wise up.
I appreciate the gesture. But I’m skeptical of all these studies.
I see your broader point. But the evil of Jews is there method. If the Jew conquered the European or the Roman on the battlefield, that would be one thing but they didn’t. They do it through deceit and our vices as I’m sure your aware. When we finally rise up and look out for our interests as you say, this will be a start but we also must become conquerors again. This battle takes places in our souls and on the field. The European like the Roman and even past Muslims are conquerors. We fight, it’s not in our genes to deceive. I think I would rather take up arms and fail than succumb to Jewish methods.
I think we have to agree to disagree. To me the means are in most cases just as important as the ends.
I agree that we need to look out for white interests
But that doesn’t mean we need to embody feminine tactics like the Jew.
Please pardon, don´t want to draw out indefinitely… but the point is important to me: not before we understand why the Jews won until now, will we be able to save ourselves. This point is mega underdiscussed. There is a reason why all our warrior skills didn´t suffice. LET US START TO THINK ABOUT THAT, it´s really important! To wit: we are probably, collectively, not honest about our desires. The Jew serves the market, the demand. We are also habitually not honest about our budgets… well just unravel it to all the points where the Jew weasels in. So I have the suspicion that we are not honest to ourselves, in our heroism, that we lie to ourselves, about priorities. These are realities. A morality that claims that we must be… like, oh so strong and resistant to temptation, it does routinely not work, ergo it´s an unsuccessful morality. That´s why I think that we have a lot of work to do, of wising up, being honest to ourselves, our view of ourselves, as the big heroes on the battlefield… this is missing big parts of life. Results ! Devise a system that results in White self-determination. Not in a plan to have it, not in an epos that praises our virtues, but a system that stably maintains self-determination. All prior efforts have not been successful !
The problem is that Jews figured out what the cheat code was for the white mentality: altruism.
I’ll stop you right there. This is the same argument SJWs use to confound with their “gender” trap. Replace the use of “sex” with “gender” then declare it a social construct and then redefine it later however they want. It’s language and sociological games.
Race is pretty fixed. The only time it becomes a matter of debate is at the borders between races, for example, the debate on whether North Africans are Caucasoid or white or whatnot. This is not an issue in Norway, where it is clear as day. There is no question whether a native Norwegian is white.
No, it’s not fixed. “White” is not a race. It is a skin color. Europeans, Middle Easterners/Semites/North Africans and South Asians, though genetically distinct from one another, are similar enough to one another that they can be classified in the larger sub-racial category of “Caucasian.”
Sex is fixed. There are two sexes, male and female. Race is a spectrum. There is a smooth progression of phenotypes as you look at the world’s population. The further south you go in Africa, the darker and more negroid the peoples look. The further east you go in Eurasia, the more mongoloid the peoples look.
And North Africans are Caucasian. Just gonna establish that here and now.
Wtf. So … skin color changes over a lifespan or what?
Whether you call skin color race or not, it does not really matter. It’s just a word. You can either make a definition of the word that includes skin color or one that doesn’t.
I personally believe the word “race” should be retired and replaced with a new word or phrase which more accurately describes human population differences. The word “race” seems to imply that we are vastly different from one another when the reality is we are all one species, different breeds.
I don’t think the word in itself implies anything. We don’t need to keep changing words all the time. That is, fuck words. Let’s focus on observable real world stuff instead of getting attached to words.
When I think of ‘race’, skin color is a major part. Why? Because it is the ‘scientific way’? No. Because I feel I observe tendencies in people with varying skin color (and facial features/body size). This is true regardless of the words I use for that. I simply use ‘race’, because it seems fitting. But no matter what word I use, the feeling stays the same.
For sure. I think white, black, asian etc….are usually universal though. The ones who seem to disagree probably do not like where they fall in.
No, there is nothing intrinsically bad about what Jews do. It’s simply bad for civilization. Both Christians and Muslims banned usury for very good reasons.
Others hatred of them keeps them fit. Its like a rabbit taunting a fox because he needs the exercise. Dumb jews are regularly killed, giving them one of the highest group Iqs..and because they have such a low rate of racial mixing, they are also highly inbred with large number of common genetic defects. What a crazy mix.
Looks like the Million Dollar Extreme comic has started doing just that…taking on the media in his Adult Swim show….AMAZED it ever even got made…Sam Hyde is his name.
Yes the Jew has no real power and no real will. The Jew gains its power through hatred of the gentile. Hatred of their physicality, their carefree yet powerful dignity, and their honor. The Jew could never defeat the Roman on the battlefield and because of this they hate the Roman and seek to enslave him through deceitful manipulative means.
That headline needs fixing…Ring / Right
Good on you Roosh and hope your future plans play out. You’ve done a great service giving a voice and direction to the thousands of men treated like dirt in our society.
The main achievement is an unrelenting and focused philosophy, as well as reminders as to what we are struggling to free ourselves from.
Two glaring flaws of the article are 1. thinking SPLC condemnation has any weight whatsoever to us and 2. limiting their examples of male violence to Rogers, Lapine, and self-immolation (notice how the feminists managed to turn a man’s plight into something else. M F’ers)?
If the (((media))) had any integrity, they would ensure that any article they post on one of their darlings had the same type of slant.
No such thing as (((integrity)))
“literally (adv.) 1530s, “in a literal sense, according to the exact meaning of the word or words used,” from literal + -ly (2).”
What is the exact meaning of the word ‘Hitler’, though?
Newsweek says Milo Yiannopoulos is the leader of a group of anti-Semites.
How does a Jew lead a group of anti-Semites?
Like the men of ROK would be part of a movement lead by a faggot…
Only movement I want any part of happens when I wake up first thing in the morning. To be honest, it stinks less than all the other movements out there and actually has some effect.
So my 12 year old son who visits from Canada 2x a month accused me and my wife of being sexist and homophobic because we are honest and also Catholic. We are afraid his stupid accusations will cause us to lose our six year old to CPS…what is a good search engine to find others in a similar boat? Google is so PC is gives shitty returns….anybody know? any ideas Knee man?
Dealing with kids and computers are my two least knowledgeable areas. I usually just use google. I hear people talk about duck duck got. I would defer to GOJ with this has he has both children and a tech background
I see they are already raising the next generation of Junior Spies. This is disheartening as hell.
You’re am movement is still less of a piece of shit than most political movements.
i mean i get your point but that’s a stupid question when one looks at history. there were always traitors within a group, or tribe
i mean one of the most hated person by the Jews is a Jew himself so there is that
Milo is not gay, it is just an actor.
gotcha well here are his words
Jesus was not a Jew he was an Israelite, big difference. Jews are a mixed raced mongoloid scum. Do your research.
Now there is one anti Semite Jew I know of, his name is Otto Weininger, his “Sex and Character” is an excellent read I recommend to anybody here.
the person i was referring to is still alive
so there is that
Jesus was a semite.
My mistake. Do read that book I suggested if you ever get the time.
Arabs are also Semitic but they are not Jews.
Jews and Arabs are both Semitic peoples.
Where and when Jews diverted from the rest of the Semites, I don’t know, I’m unwilling to do the research to find out. But they are an ethnic group and they are destroying our culture little by little. This we know.
You are correct. Though he was, I believe, from the tribe of Judah, he was not a “Jew” as in a follower of Judaism. Judaism didn’t start until the first or second century. The problem Judaism has is that it is illegitimate: they have no Temple, which is required for sacrifices; they have no Priesthood, which is required by God according to Exodus – they were all slaughtered by the Romans and all records destroyed; furthermore, they ignored the prophesies about Christ, which even Muslims acknowledge; thus they are a separate religion entirely, different from the Yahwehists – the religion of the Old Testament.
Jesus was a Hebrew, a son of Abraham, a Jew is a son of Judas, whom he was not. Hebrews were once all the Semites but ages before His time they broke to many minor factions and became the basis for most modern people of the middle east. Jesus was physically an ascendant of the modern Arabs.
The only thing that he should be measured with is that His message in the end has failed to move to the Semites and was successful in the end mostly in Europe due to his message of morality based upon universal truth is….
… simply incomprehensible to any people with a strong tribal-centered understanding of the world as generally the Semites are. The only case were I can remember there was an insurgency in Christianity for these people was due to the partial success of heresy (Paulicianism) that was the precursor to Islam. After Mohammed furthered his messages the Arab Christians and the Copts in Egypt were deemed hunted minorities.
Generally modern Jews are cut into many parts, both by denomination that coincides with racial differences.
The most common divergence are thought the Ashkenazim, who have more Khazar blood than Judaic in their veins, they also tend to have an Eastern European appearance, part Slavic and part Germanic. Though they still remain Semitic.
Other divergences are: the Szegedim (they come from Hungary and are considered to be outright mixed) and the Sephardim from Morrocco (who are also quite distinct).
The only true Jews still tend to be the Araboid orthodox as being stricter with their reproduction they have managed to keep their original appearance intact.
Exactly. Or one can say Israelites are the “true” Jews. While Edomite, shamites, etc are the Zionist sabbatean-frankists false Jews.
It is almost strange to read an intelligent and comprehensive explanation on this amidst the unwashed and slack jawed rabble these discussions tend to attract. Thanks VM
I don’t agree with everything VM says, but when he’s right he’s right.
all squares are rectangles.
Agreeing or Disagreeing with opinions is one thing but the man lays out fact as well or better than most people.
With an extremely rare INTJ personality I am on the 1.2 % in the world! No problem, at all!
I need to take this test I see it referenced all the time. I took some other test and apparently I am in the top 1% of total jerks. Can’t remember what that one was.
Here is the one I did, you can even see my personality type
This is the best one (myer-briggs) as these tests are concerned.
So we are part of the 1%!
The other test has narcissism and two other qualities I was in top 1 percent of 2 and top 2 percent of the other
The only difference between our characters is that I am Introverted while you Extroverted. Quite interesting, you really though gave that unique feel, guess it was right! Narcisism is also common to INTJs for me it comes out as a “I will figure anything out mentality” but in life I managed to hit on it through Christian humility and making the least possible of boasts. Still I remain overconfident.
You know for out type of characters, I believe narcisim to be a double edged sword, we should never be left to be overconfident.
Sadly I have no idea what the other test you took was, being also a psychologist, sort of, it could ring a bell.
This is the test I took
As for the introvert extrovert it is very odd. I am incredibly extroverted but in a way it is an act hah I use because it has given me the results I’ve wanted. When i answer questions like in that test it is like “yes I strongly agree with this about the character I play in life but it is exhausting and I only truly feel at peace when I am alone” The test doesn’t seem to account for introverts who play an extrovert to take what they want and do it well enough that they successfully convince people that the introvert doesn’t exist…
DID IT! It is too specific or too simple, if you take the time to read Myers-Brigg’s you will find much more detail and a balanced view.
Psychopathy on me is 14% of the world in 1.7. It was my rarest result. I am also deemed a Narcissist and a Machiavelian by 3.
You are extroverted but do not like much, other people with rare personalites this is common, Unlike with you for example I prefer to play the stupid, naive and romantic to pass through unrecognized, but with people that I respect I want to share my wisdom, I use mostly cultural knowledge to test others if they can comprehend me which I use for scouting. Plus some PC political statements to measure others, but I stop short to that for most. This could make me an Extrovert but because I keep to myself mostly I am deemed Introvert.
The test of myer-brigss is behaviourist, so it counts how you act in life, it is also based upon the theories of Carl Jung, specifically on the archetypes of the collective uncontious.
On a last note, very few people tend to be calculative, this is the reason why most people never learn or better themselves, most used to do it because their religion sais so.
yes, my Machiavellian, narcissist and psychopathy were all 98 or 99%. I actually was a bit aggrieved.
I hadn’t thought about being an extrovert that just doesn’t like things. Interesting. I think it suits me. Your method of passing unrecognized works for a lot of people. I use the “dynamite their door so they don’t notice you sneaking in the window” method but really with the same goal in mind.
There was a Saturday Night Live some years back with Chris Farley and Adam Sandler. Sandler was dressed as an older man and Farley as his fat annoying wife. She was reading the Zagat restaurant reviews which are punny and annoying and he was basically sitting there wishing he was dead. He kept screaming things like EACH WORD THAT COMES OUT OF HER MOUTH IS MORE USELESS THAN THE LAST!!!!!! every time she would read him a review. At one point he screams “GOD GIVE ME CANCER NOW!!!!!!!!!!” I have been known in meetings or social situations when something happens stupid to yell this, at this top of my lungs, with my full on Brooklyn accent. GOD GIMMME CANCA NOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW and just got people off. Yell it over and over again. After a while people just assume you are a total asshole and leave you alone.
The difference between an introvert and extrovert is that the introvert would have a heart attack the moment he would say it. If I ever act extrovertly, that happens only IF I feel that the situation allows it 100%.
Extroverts do not care for what other will say, introverts do, even if they are usocialized.
Some folkll never eat a skunk, but then again some folkll.
Cletus the slack jawed yokel!
My best friend as a kid was an egyptian copt. He moved here young, and his family had terrible stories of persecution. You can always tell them by the tattoo on their wrist from birth.
Where can i find good literature on this? I read the bible occasionally, but I’d like a little more help understanding the tribes of Judah and where they all stand now.
My research was primarily based on both the Old Testament and the New Testament, besides it for the modern types… I was just fishing from the internet. There is no literature over this, that will be of access to any of us, due to the fact that is of interest mostly of people who speak hebrew… Much of my research came from a Greek blog, where I used to write, the owner of it had also access to italian sources and was up to a point maniacal about it. Besides that there is counter currents publishing, the site.
Sorry But there are no books on this that I may know.
Damn. I’m always curious about this. I’m told by christian leaders to support jews, hebrews, israel etc because they are God’s people. I have a hard time believing the jews on american tv are God’s people. They seem to promote the opposite of hebrew law.
Traditional Catholics would not hold these positions even if the Pope pushes them. Orthodox Churches tend to be either anti-semitic (to an allowed point) or just indifferent about them. Protestant Churches (forgive me for the phrasing but cannot put it differently) for the vast majority of the part are cucked beyond the point of return.
I prefer the term “anti-Jew” over “anti-Semite.” It’s clearer, more direct.
Technically a “Semite” could refer to any Mediterranean people.
Maybe you can better label that anti-mafia. Offends only the guilty.
The interesting thing is that left is now labeling the alt-right antisemites!!! when it’s the left the one which is keeping antisemitism alive in the Universities, and while alt-right are the ones that support Israel the most.
It is just… nuts.
Check this video, this is now, not Germany during the 40s. And a girl is rejected for a student board because…. she’s a jew.
but like… like … like …
What does she mean with ‘unbiased’. I don’t get it.
literally hitler.
Yeah… I am not about to get into the business of championing the Jewish people (who constantly seem to be complaining and asking for something) seriously, fuck Israel.
Suppose she was a Muslim student, active in Muslim organizations. Or a Vegen active in Vegan organizations, or an ANYTHING active in ANY organizations.
The issue is the candidate possibly had a bias which could compromise her objectivity. No different than any lobbyist.
Like a christian that goes often to Church, for example? Would that disqualify a person for a student board?
Milo is a faggot, both literally and figuratively.
This is honestly good coverage, even if they are lying about you they are talking about you. In the end the truth will win.
I kept reading until “Its members include white supremacists, anti-Semites and internet trolls.”
Mee too how about welfare addicted criminal urban terorrists like BLM? How come it’s only white even right of center men thast are always racists, trolls etc???
WTF kind of sentence is this?
The bar for what constitutes a “white supremacist” is really low. Anyone can be a white supremacist or Neo-Nazi by the VERY loose definition used by SJWs and MSM. Hell, even a black guy could be a white supremacist if he likes white people enough to defend them.
All minority groups are generally held blameless, thats why muslims can rape with impunity.
How to be a white supremacist:
Step 1: Lack supreme overt loathing for being born white.
Step 2: Prosper.
I guess that’s me then. I’ve always figured, no matter what you’re born or where you come from you can’t change it thus your character defines you.
If you have a poor character than you’re no good and if born abroad should be sent back.. But that’s “racism” these days?
Who cares about rule of law or say ballancing the budgets anymore?!..
Man: I would like to purchase this Honda CRV
Salesman: What color would you like
Man: I will take it in white please
Step two is technically not necessary. There is the conception that one has already prospered due to step 1 despite any other claims.
More seriously than my other comment I will relay a story to you. I think I have mentioned this here once before but it is an important thing for men to understand. Many years ago when the Kneeman was still in academia I worked in a field called Hermeneutics. It is named for the greek messenger god and, in a nut shell, it is about interpretation of texts. I gave a lecture to a well attended conference where I explained the future of racism. Keep in mind, this is almost 20 years ago.
What I did was do a deep exegesis on an episode of Saved by The Bell: The College Years. The episode was called Slater’s War.
In a nutshell I tried to explain that the Martin Luther King / Bill Cosby idea of ending racism which was to see a person and not a race is would be considered racist itself. Juding a person “not by the color of his skin but the content of his character” was becoming racism (hint…I was right).
Basically, the way things are seen now, to not see race is to deny the privileged position one is in and it is therefore racist to ignore that a black person is black rather than to acknowledge it and acknowledge the power differential based on privilege. While this seems like a relatively new idea it was predicted back in September of 1993 in Saved by The Bell: The College Years in the episode titled Slater’s War. I ripped that episode apart and totally explained it. The reaction? At best I was laughed at and some people seriously were offended and told me that I was a racist merely for suggesting that Saved by the Bell would supplant Martin Luther King in terms of how to think about race in America.
Take a look at a very summarized break down here. In this episode Zack is trying to take Leslie away on a ski trip. However, Leslie is suspicious of Zack’s motives and tells him she will only goes if he finds another couple. Zach enlists Slater who is going to bring some girl and all is going well until Slater meets Amy who is part of a group of “Chicanos” protesting the underrepresentation of Chicano history and demanding a Chicano studies department in the university of California.
Slater then finds out that his father changed his named from Sanchez to Slater to get into the army and apparently he wasn’t actually Italian as he had thought but also a Chicano. Amy guilts slater in to joining the protest to create a Chicano studies department and helps him learn Spanish. As Slater gets more in touch with his Chicano roots (eating burritos, working as a bus boy, being hyper sensitive towards perceived racism and no, I am not kidding) he finds out that the protest is going to interfere with the Zack’s ski trip. Slater cancels the ski trip and Zach tells him, in what might be one of the best quotes ever on television, that he “picked the wrong weekend to chose be a Chicano.” This is 1993 because any of the total insanity. Saved by the bell saw it.
It is here that we see the dialectic of race that is only now finding its way into the popular mind set.
See this marks the moment of the official shift from “all races are equal” (which is the MLK paradigm) to the point where all non-white things are, simply by virtue of being non-privileged, intrinsically valuable. Whitey is racist if the privilege or the inherent value of the non-privileged isn’t emphasized.
This is all symbolized very nicely by Zack’s wanting Slater to go skiing, which is pretty archetypal as far as privileged white activities go – rich white people sliding around on big mountains of whiteness with only non-white things to stand on and push themselves along with.
At the end Zack “learns his lesson” and becomes racially sensitive by acknowledging that he is privileged and denying himself his privileged activity in favor of the ridiculous activity of a sit-in by 15 Chicanos in the dean’s office demanding a Chicano Studies Department (and presumably taco day in the cafeteria). He acknowledges that the minority activity is more valuable simply by virtue of it being non-privileged.
I would have to look back at when I gave this talk but if I had to guess it was probably 2001. I was called “a dangerous lunatic” as well as a “total racist” and look, as it turns out, I am right. We have shifted from the paradigm of Martin Luther King to the Paradigm of Saved by The Bell.
“Who cares about rule of law or say ballancing the budgets anymore?!..”
No opportunity for graft in that. Racial poltiics is profitable to certain groups.
By admitting whites have privilege over other races, they are de facto saying that the other races are inferior. You need to an ally because POCs are thoroughly incapable of success on their own. They are lacking, so whitey must prop them up.
In essence this is what they are saying, yes. They couch it in different terms (I don’t agree but think it is important to know what they are thinking). They essentially say that whites made the rules of the game to go against everyone else for so long that no one was ever given a fair shot and, because of this, white people need to compensate by allowing for innate superiority of non white things over white things.
This is EXACTLY against what Martin Luther King had said he hoped for. He hoped for a world in which race would be irrelevant and the details would be relevant. However, the modern prevailing wisdom is the opposite. That details are totally irrelevant and race is the only thing that matters. So in the example I used, doing a sit in with some Mexicans at a university to demand better representation is always going to be a more valuable activity than skiing because skiing is a white activity and the sit in is a Mexican activity and simply by virtue of it being Mexican it is racist to suggest that skiing is better.
I looked it up. I gave this speech in 1999. The episode aired in 1993. I absolutely predicted every single fucking thing that was going to happen and was branded a racist for saying that “In the future Zach Morris and the ideology of saved by the bell will be the prevailing wisdom with regard to race and Martin Luther King will be seen as a racist.”
If they were JUST being held blameless that wouldn’t be as bad. What is happening is that the prevailing wind in society is blowing in a much uglier direction. Blame can only be assigned to people who have done wrong. The problem is that “doing wrong” in general is now seen through the lens of privilege. we are on a slippery slope that ends in saying that Crime is just a mode of privilege so minorities and women can’t commit crimes, only white men. Society is already teaching this as a definition of racism. Blacks can’t be racist because racism comes from a position of privilege so only white males can be racist. If a white man and a black man both break into a store and steal exactly 2000 dollars worth of merchandise on the same night media and society is already blaming the white male more than the black male because they are factoring race into the equation. It won’t be long when a minority committing any type of crime will be punished only with, if anything, psychological treatment
Roosh needs to play up his ancestry more..or maybe thats why he is growing the long beard. A rapist and an immigrant?? impossibru!
Well, “they needed space in which to act out” or whatever that dumb bimbo mayor said. Stupid cunt.
MLK wanted communism. Look up Stanley Levison
I think you missed the point
Any person of European descent that wants a nation of their own is a “supremacist” regardless of their country of origin. Any person that fights said persons is portrayed as a media hero. It amazes me the general public doesn’t pick up on these MSM tactics. They’ve been using the same ones for decades.
Same. More crap from cockroaches really. But hey, good shot of Roosh at least.
It’s the SF lurkers and trollers that characterize us, falsely.
Wow, I suppose Newsweek isn’t what it used to be, but this is still huge. A much fairer article than I expected, with two glaring errors:
1) How can one take seriously the claim that a person is advocating for rape? I don’t know of any public figure anywhere in the world who advocates rape. It’s just silly and I can’t believe they would repeat such a claim with a straight face.
2) The “especially white men” part–I’m a white man, and yes, white men probably have it worst among all, but I don’t really hear Roosh emphasizing this. Men are marginalized period. The country is anti-male and anti-masculine, much more than it is pro-one race over another.
Edit, on second read it comes across worse. I just have such a low expectation for the media that I was surprised they got anything right.
Does it really shock you that the media would play up our token characters on this site? While not the majority, they still exist out here.
I’m more upset they didn’t mention me once.
Never emphasize weakness. Never play the victim. You can’t play the victim anyway. You’d be competing with SJWs on their turf. They are the professional victims, not us.
They did Roosh a solid by posting a pic that makes him look like an absolute Player…dressed to the 9’s. Any reader with an iota of authenticity would recognise that this is not the look of a rapist as clearly he could get women without the use of force. So when they read the supposed narrative that roosh promotes rape, well, a lot of red flags will start to go up and the dive down the rabbit hole begins…
The best part of the Roosh RNC vid was when he said “Don’t worry, you,re safe, nobody wants to rape you, unless you go to a refugee camp”. The 2 girls look at each other, completely at loss for what to say, and then she starts shaking her head and I legitly thought she was about to punch Roosh in the face. (which I would have loved, because I’d have enjoyed watching Roosh punch her right back).
Thanks for the many lolz, Roosh! Those bitches got NOTHING!
Best way to get a feminist to shut up about rape is to tell her “don’t worry honey (make sure to call her honey they hate that) you don’t have to worry about absolutely anyone ever wanting to rape you”. That is a direct shiv to the soul.
Yeah, it’s genius. When you say this, this is what probably goes on inside her head:
“He says nobody wants to rape me… that means he’s calling me ugly… but I DON’T want people to rape me… but does that mean I’m ugly??? Does this mean I want people to WANT to rape me without actually doing it???”
TOTAL short-circuit mindfuck!! LOL
Only shows how stupid the rational mind can be.
Alternatives to ‘honey’ are ‘toots’ and ‘doll’.
I think Donald Trump can relate to the media smear campaign that Roosh has endured –
That woman is ass ugly and why did SJW wear stupid looking glasses?
They do that a lot.
Geek type glasses are a major red flag for leftoid SJW.
Along with tats, piercings, etc.
Other things to look out for would include interest in sci-fi and fantasy films, books, etc.
Also being an avid gamer.
I missed the whole “gamer” thing because I grew up in a different age, but I don’t know why a grown man would want to sit in a “gamer” chair and play childish games instead of living in the real world.
Well, you can think of your typical feminist as being a female version of that sort of guy.
They are loser women.
I reckon the difference is that the female losers have the world agree with them that they’re victims and that none of it’s their fault while their male counterparts do not.
Because they are “cool” like a fixed gear bike, messenger bag with one strap and whatever else hipster faggots wear. OH and tats, blue hair and peirced noses.
Dude you crack me up.
I like your style.
Yes that mouthy young lady needs to shush those sweet lips of hers, fold up those silly glasses, find a park bench under shade or a suitable perch somewhere and . . .
Use ’em or lose ’em.
*fact – unused tits fester. The unsqueezed milk of a feminist sits in there, trapped in her tits for years literally. It turns into a 20 year old piece of cheese and becomes tumerous to the surrounding tissues. You gotta squeeeze out that maw maw regularly. The processed shitfood diet of preserved hydrogenated veg oils and trans fats make their way into the glandular milk product and it sits there and festers if those nips aren’t sucked at length daily. Mmmm. And they bitch and wear pink ribbons and wonder why their tits have to be lopped off. Duuuh! SHUT UP AND USE ‘EM ladies!! Mamas keep it perky.
Someone needs to make this fat ingrate cunt understand that if it were not for the protection she is given by the “evil white man” and his institutions, she would likely be sucking the cock of some Muslim warlord…right about now.
Actually, in her case, she’d probably be just immediately slaughtered, since no self-respecting man with any options could be paid to touch her, much less keep her around.
She is literally Hitler. Soooo condescending.
No shit. Most atheists who post on the internet have only licked the Red Pill, at best. They still promote our elites’ childish utopianism about race, immigration, sexual degeneracy and especially feminism, and they think that makes them defiant freethinkers instead of craven conformists and time-servers.
Our elites think more or less rationally about religion, as we can see from Podesta’s hacked emails thanks to WikiLeaks. These days they don’t persecute atheists, humanists, religious skeptics and similar people because they don’t consider god real, much less important.
No, if you want to see what our elites really care about, you have to confront them about the issues the Alt Right as identified as the key battlegrounds with the people who want to control and enslave us, as we can see in the areas Roosh has ventured into regarding how giving women sexual freedom leads to the destruction of civilization.
Then they and their proxies will go out of their way to fuck with you.
Fam, atheism is for Normies. Esotericism is where the red pill is at. The deeper truths that only men with testosterone can understand.
No, the truth, the way and the life is for the red pill. No hidden occult knowledge needed. That’s the tool of the elites.
Fun fact: hidden occult knowledge is ironically not about hidden occult knowledge.
Funner fact: That’s true, but only the innermost circle of esoterics are privileged with that knowledge.
That depends on which esoteric circle you are referring to. A lot of information is now freely available. You just have to know where to look and what to look for.
I love how every group the MSM fails to understand (or research) is “alt-right,” lol.
Also, I’d just as soon you copy/pasted the full article here. I don’t want to give Newsweek any clicks.
The Alt-Right troll, along with the Pepe troll, were some of our best work. Now we’re scaring the shit out of them with the Cult of Kek.
They really are primitive and dumb, these establishment types.
They’re fools, ruled by emotion and feelings.
Actually, THEY rule. That is the problem.
Maybe not for much longer under Trump….
The Newsweek article link had one single comment though, and a fairly insightful one by a female rocket scientist who presumably breeds animals:
I disagree Roosh was driven off by the top dog with his use of game. Without the punitive systems in place, Roosh would have raw dogged and subsequently impregnated a large portion of the farm. Notch count is about getting it in the hole. The commenters take on the nature of women and alpha/beta males is spot on though. I would have replied to her with something along the lines of TIT MILK being crucial for early brain development and how intelligent females need to commence breeding out the ass . . . but the comments go through facebook and I keep my hands clean of that.
Afraid that your facebook profil confirms the loser that your comments suggest you are?
How surprising.
eeh . . shut up and tit feed
I wouldn’t get on facebook any more than I would hang out in a women’s restroom to socialize. It ain’t my place. I haven’t been on facebook in years.
BTW have YOU posted any delicious recipes lately? Mmm hmm. Thought so. But seriously I respect tit feeders. You should try it if you haven’t. The best thing you as a female can do for your country is give the needed calcium and source colostrum to the budding young troubadours of this great green republic amen. Plus when you tit feed, you feel wonderfully great and you achieve your highest purpose in life. I’m a man so I can’t testify to the joys of titfeeding but I can testiculate to YOU that you should be tit feeding. Why? Because I just like preaching ok?
Afraid you’ve taken “too many” confiming you are a slut?
It’s all about presentation, mate. Here, let me fix that for ya:
I am physically moved to repulsion by that photo.
Edit didn’t help.
Come on, don’t be dishonest.
no really. Between those ugly hippie sandles on her big man feet, here huge man hands, her limp shit hair her football player shoulders and the fact that she is feeding her born to fail whelp in a disgusting public rest room…she is just odious.
Come on, I put a smile on her face…
I do not want to see that thing smile. Now if you can make her drown her spawn in the toilet and then hang herself maybe.
Too much work …
fair enough. maybe just a Groucho nose and glasses for both of them
Y’know, that kid’s going to be eating trace amounts of poo in there….
absolutely! I am totally crazed by this. This is why I have to have, at minimum, 1.5 bathroom apartment. I don’t know who, when living paradigms were set up, decided that shitting and tooth brushing go in the same room but I am putting my foot down. There is one bathroom for showering, grooming, brushing teeth etc and a separate one for shitting and pissing. In fact, when I finally get my condo I am going to remove the toilet in one of the bathrooms and use the space for other things.
Back when I was forced to take French in school, we were told in France, they had separate rooms. ‘la toilette’ was just that – a crapper in a closet. You washed elsewhere. Makes way more sense, but alas we are slaves to economies of plumbing.
When possible I unload at work, where no one in their right mind would brush their teeth or even dare open their mouth…
A lot of house plans have the toilet as it’s own seperate mini-room within a bathroom. This is how ours is setup, the toilet is a tiny closet thing with a door and internal fan. Toilets out in the open next to sinks is pretty gross.
Yes, I have seen those and approve heartily. For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would ever want to be able to make eye contact with their tooth brush while dropping the Obama girls off at the pool.
I tried for some time, and was successful for a bit, to only crap at the gym. When I am in full tilt boogie mode and going twice a day I can usually pull it off but not 100% of the time.
Supposedly, as long as you keep toothbrush and other items at least 6 ft away fro toilet, youre good.
But im with yoy here. I put as much distance between the two groups as i can.
Your mum taught me everything.
I am not buying into that. I don’t ever want the tooth brush to be in the same room where I poop. That just doesn’t sound right. Why not just put a microwave and mini fridge so you can make hot pockets while taking a dump. I went as far as getting a small tablet that I leave, with the charger, in my crapper. That thing is to never leave the confines of that room and never will my phone or main tablet enter.
You could have answer “yes”, that would have save time.
But I appreciate your need to justify yourself to me, makes me feel important.
Haha lol. Unloading at work saves money too (water bill). Back in my extreme minimalist days I jokingly told my woman to save water and poop on the newspaper and to eat rubber bands so her poop would have a ‘loop’ on the end of it. It would make for easy pick up and you could easily fling it “ka-peeeww” and it would travel at least two houses/yards away. I got the idea from an old George Carlin piece.
Hahahaha. Now I cannot verify if this is for real –
I assume it’s a rigged toilet. Probably in the home of some other DNC staffer that crossed the big boys. If Hitlery ever touches the White House doors, I swear I’m crapping outside. I’m not going near a toilet. I wouldn’t want some sneaky bastards pulling a Michael Hastings on my shit no way man. They play real dirty on their own. I always get this sense that you become insulated from their treachery a bit when you sling shit at them from without and not from within. Sheep though seem to get picked off randomly like a lottery or like Eloi. Just don’t be a sheep.
+1 for making me hurt myself laughing.
That’s awesome!!!
When it said “works at nasa” I was reminded of the classic 80’s movie Moving Violations where Amy, aptly played by Jennifer Tilly, is this archtype ditzy blonde. At one point she loses her glasses only to find out they are just on the top of her head. Her love interest is Dana played by John Murray and he and a friend witness this happen
Friend: WHat do you think of her, she’s hot right?
Dana: Yeah, well she is no rocket scientist
Amy: Oh I found my glasses they were on my head all along
Dana: do you want to get together some time
Amy: Sure, pick me up from work
Dana: Where do you work
Amy: NASA. I’m a rocket scientist.
Holy crap – I remember that movie!
an oft forgot classic.
I dont member those berries.
You do know that it was a rocket scientist that invented velcro in an attempt do away once and for all with those godawful ‘shoelace’ thingies that drive you insane:
Loved that movie. I must have watched that and bachelor party a hundred times in the 80’s.
You must read the wiki page about the alt-right. And prepare to have some laughs. According to the wiki, alt-right are basically white supremacists and anti-semites.
Yeap, no kidding.
And they call it encyclopedia.
How many non whites are part of the so called alt right? I know a bunch, myself included – although I also don’t consider myself formally part of the “alt-right”
I don’t think it’s really a “formal” thing.
Surprise, surprise.
I read a comment that claimed Wikipedia is a Masonic thing…and they are literally Hitler.
Where is the comment claiming the wiki is a masonic thing? Cant find it.
I well remember how TEA parties were denounced as raaaacists, The parties were multi racial, of course, and still, we were raaacists. Limbaugh predicted eight years ago that O’guy would be elected, and that anyone who opposed anything he wanted to do would be a racist. So, if you saw the built in folly of Obamacare, you must be a raaaacist. It is still racist to point out that the program is failing, in spite of the illegal tweaking Obama did.
Now, of course, anyone who opposes Clinton’s obvious and massive corruption is anti woman and also racist.
I am also appalled by how Trump’s words are turned on their heads to make him a sexual predator. That wretched video shows him hugging the tart presented to him, reluctantly, one arm hug, etc, and this is a groper? He talked about things he did when he was single, and this is groping. He talked about how very forward Hollywood women were, and this is him grabbing the um, parts. He said Dr Rice should be a bitch in foreign negotiations, and he has “called her a bitch.” If he walked on water to save a drowning Hillary, the headlines next day would scream, “Trump can’t swim!”
It’s a very logical transition, from PUA to so-called far-right politics. It takes a deep understanding of sex and violence to make such a move. PUA is one part of it. Fighting is another to reach the nihilism of the Abyss. Roosh understands the Abyss and respects it.
Take Fight Club for example, to understand what I am talking about.
When the white man will fight back?
We’re doing it now. We can’t do pitched battles yet, if that is what you are getting at.
Technically speaking we are fighting back.
There are a number of organisations in the US and Europe fighting for securing the existence of our people and a future for white children; the problem is that most of those outlets are one man projects. The white man is so brainwashed and so afraid to do something that they prefer ‘safe’ activities like this kind of forums and internet pages.
Read The Ghost Dance pt. 1 here:
This snippet actually reads pretty mild, and looks like excellent free advertising for all Roosh’s books and sites. As everyone here knows they are hilariously wrong about Milo – but then again – they always want to ID a “leader”, any one person, so they can sic their mindless SJW army against them.
The editors at Newsweek must have run out of articles to accuse Trump of being sexist, a misogynist, a rapist, etc so they dragged out something on Roosh from three months ago.
Is there a Houston ROK group / meet up that I can join?
Start one.
Everything they wrote is actually true. Wow…I can’t believe it’s not journalism!
Also: notice how they conveniently glanced away from the part Roosh actually documented being assaulted and discriminated against…liberalism is a disease.
Saw those guys today in front of a university while taking a walk.
Probably another hatchet job from (((the usual suspect))) media.
I believe it’s safer to judge others by their enemies not their friends. What an honor to be hated by the house media cucks.
Women hate to love the prick Alpha, Sigma. ROK is replete with this personality type and guys who want to become such. Nothing scares the powers that be more. The manosphere is implementing it’s agenda, and no societal shit test will derail it. No one election defines us. No trash propaganda will upend natural intersexual dynamics; we know this and only men like y’all here are able, no, desire, to guerrilla-sap this enemy’s defenses. Yay team!
Hillary Clinton’s health problems are back in the news.
Her own campaign officials have been hiding her health problems and so has Obama!
The establishment is trying to fraudulently install a VERY sick woman as President and Commander-in-Chief. Sounds like treason.
Is there a Houston, TX ROK meet up or club I can get in contact with?
I’m kinda new at this and I’d like to, but I don’t know where to start. I also don’t want any trouble as I need my job and I don’t want to be doxxed. That said, I don’t underestimate the blowback for just meeting up with the fellas to just share a couple of pints and talk about current events or ideas. I suppose the first thing I can do is not use my name yet. Do you have any pointers, advice, or heck, just directions? I don’t see a bulletin board type thing on this site. What’s the protocol for something like this? Just keep posting?