4 Items On The Elite’s Population Control Wish List

As the designs of the New World Order become less fuzzy and come into focus with time, a frightening and uttterly anti-human array of agenda items appear. Those who wish to shed some light on the looming visions of sociopathic madmen glaring down with contempt on the commoners should look no further than Ecoscience, a sprawling, 1051 page book by radical environmentalists Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren, the latter of which who served on the White House Council on Science and Technology in the outgoing, Communist administration of Barack Hussein Obama.

But just because leftist elites and their environmentalist puppets have temporarily taken a back seat doesn’t mean they’ve gone away. Nor has their agenda. As you well know the enemies of Trump’s populism are chomping at the bit to regain power and institute such insanity as the agenda items you’re about to see.

Looking at four agenda items on the leftist elite’s wish list is enough to raise the hair on a man’s neck, and gives us insight as to what’s really happening when power brokers get together and have meetings. Meantime, as their bidding is done Western economies are crippled by financiers and humans are managed like cows by encroaching electronic tyranny.

Here’s four ways they want to impact your life.

1. Government Control Over Air, Water, And Soil

Tax the air we breathe, control how much water we use, and control the soil we grow crops on is the goal of leftist authoritarians

If you ever felt like you were not a person but a number on a spreadsheet at your corporate office and in the government’s database, you are correct in that assumption. In the view of elites and leftists, humans are nothing more than a cancer on the planet. Ehrlich and Holdren detail their dream of having the government control land, sea, and sky.

Their dream is to have anything involving air, water, or soil under world government control. Hence, the doubling down on the global warming agenda in media and elsewhere since Trump’s EPA man started gutting some of the most intrusive policies.

The goals are taxing the air we breathe, carving up water resources and ceding them them out to corporate-government control, and intrusive measures that keep people from growing their own food and “living off the land.” The air your breathe, the water you have in your well, and the crops you grow on your land will all be subject to control.

None will be free, and all will be subject to micromanagement. One can envision a world in which oxygen is taxed, drinking water is rationed, and it’s illegal to grow your own food.

2. Limit Science And Technology

Government control of science and technology is another agenda item

As detailed in Ecoscience, leftist authoritarians want a science court, which will decide which inventions will be accepted and which will be banned by a small cabal of elitists who will run the entire world.

Science and technology will be co-opted to suit their agendas. Elitists want to micromanage everything from the temperature in your living room, to the amount of food you get to eat, to the kind of car your drive and how many miles you get to drive it. If this sounds beyond the reach of central planners in government, bear in mind that’s exactly what 5G, Global WiFi, and RFID are being designed to do, as last week’s article touched on.

Centralized control of science and technology is intended to reduce world population. The bottom line is elites and their government employees want less people on Earth and more authoritarian control over the people that remain. As Holdren says in one of his presentations:

Lower [population] is better for lots of reasons: 8 billion people in 2100 is preferable by far to 10 billion.

But, as we will see in a moment the ultimate goal is to de-populate the planet even further than that.

3. Stopping World Economic Development

Governments want to manage the lives of people like farmers manages those of livestock

As Africa, China and Latin America imitate Western economic development, the agenda is to stop them from developing, and in fact reverse development in already industrialized Western nations. Environmentalists like Erhlich and Holdren are pushing to roll back progress to bring humans back to a state of living equaling that of pre-industrial civilization: lifespans of 30-35 years which are both short and brutish.

Incidentally, the aforementioned global warming agenda also ties into stopping economic development in other countries. The agenda is tantamount to telling other nations not to do what America and Europe did to pull themselves out of poverty and provide a better life for their people.

Additionally, the authors of Ecoscience says nations like India and Bangladesh need to be placed into what they call triage – cutting off all food aid and extending no credit to them from the world government. In essence, the design of the world government will literally be to let hundreds of millions starve to death. And that’s only the beginning.

4. Optimum Population of Earth: 1 Billion

The Georgia Guidestones call for limiting world population to 500 million

This is where things really get hairy with the assembling planetary regime. Going by “optimum population” numbers detailed in Ecoscience, around 6 billion people need to die. The effect this would have on modern economies is unimaginable, as population growth is correlated with economic prosperity and population decline is correlated with economic decline and depression. The Georgia Guidestones take this ideology a step further, claiming 500 million people is the “optimum population.” Is this why World War III seems to draw nigh every time the Neocons speak, as they constantly court war with Russia and Iran?

What are some other ways the eco nuts – doing the bidding of the elite, make no mistake – want to accomplish their goal of population decline?

There are plans to draw up “Population Laws.” Effectively, this means people will have to get licensed to give birth. A couple will literally need government permission to get pregnant. Don’t get the license and blessing of your rulers? You will face forced adoption and government-mandated abortions. Abortions, already responsible for 45 million deaths since 1973 will become even more commonplace. From Ecoscience:

It has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.

But why stop there? There are plans to overthrow the “existing Constitution” and replace it with world government. From there, the NWO can start sterilizing people through drinking water. From Ecoscience:

Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.

And of course, it would have to be socially engineered into the silly putty minds of the sheeple who would be subject to being sterilized by drinking water. Or food.


Leftoid crazies want complete control over your life

Predictably, those who wish to institute this Draconian control over human life demand world government, enforced by a police and surveillance state which will supersede national sovereignty:

If this could be accomplished, security might be provided by an armed international organization, a global analogue of a police force. Many people have recognized this as a goal, but the way to reach it remains obscure in a world where factionalism seems, if anything, to be increasing. The first step necessarily involves partial surrender of sovereignty to an international organization.

Obviously, this agenda item is already well underway with the dissolution of national sovereignty in America and Europe. Once the most powerful nations on earth are sufficiently homogenized, weaker nations will follow, tumbling like a house of cards into the New World Order.

Many of these policies are rooted in radical 1960s/1970s leftist ideology such as that written in The Population Bomb by Ehrlich, which predicted overpopulation would ruin many countries, when in fact the exact opposite has happened. Europe, Japan, Russia and many other nations are experiencing population decline, and that is ruining them. Not overpopulation. Which means, these goals are as outdated as other leftist agenda items, and they threaten mankind in incalculable ways.

If instituted, these policies add a new dimension to the already dystopian world unfolding all around us. George Orwell said it best:

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.

Indeed, that is the world currently being foisted upon mankind in the early 21st century.

Read More: US Government Goes Full Retard And Backs War Draft For Women 

444 thoughts on “4 Items On The Elite’s Population Control Wish List”

  1. “Environmentalists like Erhlich and Holdren are pushing roll back progress to bring humans back to a state of living equaling that of pre-industrial civilization: lifespans of 30-35 years which are both short and brutish.”
    Just to point out human lifespans have remained the same for the past 2,000 years.
    Socrates lived in 400BC, died age 71 from being poisoned.
    Anyway, white men are already finished (no need for birth control, white women won’t fuck us any more) and the non-white world won’t play ball.

    1. There are reasons to be gloomy, but surrender is not an option. We, as a race, can still win. There is nothing impossible for us. The first step is leave defeatism aside.

    2. Bullshit, high quality white women are seeking White men, almost exclusively.

      1. Yeah, but most of us can’t get near ‘high quality white women’. I’m not sure I’ve even met one.

  2. Alas, no “conspiracy theory” here… 🙁
    More like, “conspiracy practice”…

  3. This won’t happen in my lifetime because it won’t be acceptable to the masses. Much more indoctrinating must take place. A longer march through the bureaucracy must ensue. Those who are graduating with leftist ideals must be grandparents first (in other words, people like us must be long dead along with our ideals.)
    No doubt as to the plausibility of such a desire of control. Of course WW3 would change everything.

  4. it all begins with school.
    Ayers, et al have taken over the kids…
    My kid went on school trip last week.
    feminist teacher actually flaunting clothing with feminist-supremacist-anti-male slogan.
    Apparently cried in front of the kids when Trump won…

    1. amazing how easy women (especially single women) fall for this crap- I bet she is single right?
      This “white men are evil” didnt even exist until a few years ago, amazing how quickly this catches on

      1. dyke lesbian, man hater – -with a degree in women’s studies…
        I so want to show the photo.
        but, you can picture, same as every photo of short haired commie dyke…

        1. They don’t want religion promoted in class…. well identity politics shouldn’t have a place in a Childs class room either. These people are evil and twisted……

        2. gaaah, if they every do a remake of Attack of the 50 ft Woman, they should cast her

        3. No, I would rather have a young Darryl Hannah. The movie is supposed to be fun, not scary.

        4. She looks like one of those – sometimes fat – blue birds, Eurasian blue tit.

      2. The Jewish media and entertainment industries have been denigrating white men for many decades. Ever since we saved the traitorous cunts’ lives in WW2.
        What we are seeing is simply the predictable results of a long-running and deliberate propaganda campaign, devised, produced, and disseminated completely by Jews.

      3. There was a time not too long ago (4ish years ago?) where Facebook had no feminist/gay/trans/multiculti BS on it… It was literally Hitler just a website to share photos and talk to friends.

        1. I remember when it was a wholesome site where you looked up your married former high school flame in order to wreck his or her marriage- doz was dah days

        2. Well…we all eventually saw the writing on the wall sooner or later as to what Farcebook was becoming. I know that it’s OK as a tool for promoting small bidness and local music acts, but the idea that every goat-smelling ass has to use it is laughable at best.

    2. Can you take your kids out of that class or even get her reprimanded for using political slogans in class??? It’s parents letting these kuntz away with this kind of behaviour that only encourages them…..

      1. I have no control.
        And many of the mumz joined the Wominz abortion walk with their daughters.(the fucking irony)
        so I am an outcast…
        They do not look at or speak to me…they know I know…

        1. “And many of the mumz joined the Wominz abortion walk with their daughters.”
          Jesus tap dancing Christ.
          We had an appointment with head adminstrator of our school regarding introducing homo marriage bullocks into a class of 7 year olds. We let her know we are not on board with it. She tried the “you must be tolerant” approach and I threw it back in her face mentioning how untolerant you are of those of a more orthodox religious faith. When she mentioned they are trying to insill the correct values into the students, I asked whose values are you instilling? This went round-and-round. We mentioned that we already contacted the education ministry regarding when faculty are allowed to introduce said topics and that put her on the backfoot.
          A week later my wife was picking up our kid when one of the other mothers asked her if she “heard about the crazy parents making an issue of homosexual marriages?”

        2. Why am I not surprised. Shit like that is an underhanded attempt at peer pressure. Complete cowardice on the part of the head administrator.

        3. The best you can do is try to show your kids what a nut case the teacher is.

        4. Peer pressure doesn’t work with me and I was pretty blunt– “stick to teaching reading, writing and arithmitic, but leave the rest to us.” (Funny thing, we do more at home than they do at School from what we can tell.)
          I have little time for old spinster feminsists, but especially despise those life long public servant types.

        5. Best to not rock the boat, it will only bring down trouble on you and the kids. Teachers stick together, do your kids really need bad grades forever.
          My step-daughter got a fail one year for correcting her English teacher once. Despite being the top English speaker in the school, and second best English speaker in the region (including all the very expensive private schools).

        6. They are out of control, and in control.
          I will either end up in a re-education camp or they will lose voting rights.

        7. You damned sure do have some measure of control. Round up parents of a like mind and take a trip to the principle’s office. I did it a couple of times with other fathers. Things changed. They count on you feeling powerless and helpless and alone. Don’t buy their bullshit.

        8. Wrong, you rock the boat and you do it with other parents and if they start treating your kids differently you threaten them with court.
          Y’all need to stop being so afraid of these worms, they’re nowhere near as powerful as you think.

        9. Being an asshole to a bunch of self-entitled public servant snowflakes is easy and enjoyable (doesn’t take much)…. if only if it was profitable.

        10. This shit makes me wish we could just split the country in half, send all the Never Trumpers to one side, and all the rest of us to the other. Then build a big ass wall between us and just move on as two different countries.
          Irreconcilable fucking differences.

        11. Expat in Europe. Belly of the beast if you will. I still would welcome the break up of the EU and the US, but that is coming anyway via economic consequences and ethnic conflict. It’s funny, but I once questioned a prof back in the mid-90s when the kick starting of identity politics was rising, why are you alls so hell bent on Balkanizing the country? You are going to start a shit storm you will not be able to control. He didn’t have an answer, but he did enjoy his (false) self-rightious hatred of the “other.”

        12. I don’t disagree with you.
          But, the fathers walk with the women (probably behind them)
          it is NYC…
          Gotta pick the fights – and save my energy…

        13. haha mothers telling their daughters to get the little fucker sucked out real quick like

        14. Then it’s time to enroll the kid in a different school. The teachers are there for the students, not the other way around.

    3. I keep saying this…..it at all possible, home school your kids……At least until they are old enough that they have swallowed the red pill and realize that not everything that is taught is true.

      1. I agree, but nothing I can do.
        What do you think is the difference between deranged dyke feminists. and the average pedo-man?
        Seems the femsz are more political than sexual..but either way – it’s abusive -IMO…

        1. We got six kids between 0 and 12. Wife stays home and home schools them. If she has to stay home with the baby, might as well be doing something useful.

        2. You’re doing more for the survival of the West than all these keyboard warriors, myself included.

        3. I’ve got 4 white and 1 half Asian (between 32 and 5).
          I’m gonna catch up with you Jim …. just need to upgrade my wife (again).

        4. Appreciated……..really, I think it is the natural order of things. Parents are to teach their children, at least until they come of age and need to acquire specialized skills.

        5. I think we are done, I am in my 40’s and would like to see them out of the house before I retire.

        6. Sorry to hear that man. How did the wife take it? I hear it is a big cause of marital problems.

        7. She was devastated, was dead by 3-5 months, first ultrasound = dead, she still had to go to hospital to have the dead fetus removed. They said, it happens, no particular reason for it. Put her off breeding for 7 years, then she had another 2.

        8. No, I’m currently morphing into a new anime character. Was Kitsune moving to GTO.

    4. You have to be an active parent and confront this kind of thing when it happens. Also, with the proper philosophical framework taught to your children from birth forward, all of their propaganda combined becomes meaningless, in fact, it becomes fodder to mock for your kids.

    5. The only hope is that the kids take the traditional route of having no respect for their teacher…

      1. that’s good.
        I provide framework and context for issues. But, only if I know about it…
        She thinks its pathetic and inappropriate the teachers cried over Trump.
        And her mom is staunch republican…
        so there is hope.

    6. how’s that expensive private school you send your daughter to working out? $30-45k a year? Thought you’d insulate her from all that shit? Think again

      1. $50k
        Yep, theres no escape.
        Teachers are majority feminist
        And majority women
        Actually private cAn be worse. Less rules…

        1. That is insane. I never knew until recently how many private / boarding / prep schools there were or how expensive they are. And what’s weird: I went to public school and scored higher on the SAT, ACT, AP exams than the students at these hella expensive schools.

  5. It is only a matter of time before they screw with free will enough that intervention is unavoidable. I will not allow them to turn our time here on this planet into a cattle farm devoid of truth, faith, meaning, and purpose of discovering our own abilities and destiny. Their time will soon be at hand.

  6. I don’t want to be leftist’s livestock but I would indeed feel more comfortable in a world where we are only 1 billion than 7.5. Also, where would it stop if pro-natal policies went on forever? 50 billion? 100 billion? I’m not saying this from an enviro-terrorist’s perspective but a space problem. Would you like us to all live in those capsules like in HK? To only have high-rise buildings and no more private cars? Not me.

    1. Do you have the stones to stand up and say that all the Africans, Indians, Muslims, and Chinese should be the ones to die off so that Whites are left with a better planet? If not, shut up.

      1. Asteroids, supervolcanos, mega tsunamis and earthquakes don’t discriminate. And WW III would kill many of us on all sides.

        1. Just as I thought. You think it would be good for the die-off to be spread equally. Which means you believe all races of are equal worth and value. Which makes you a Universal Equalist, not a Red Piller.

        2. I wasn’t making a value judgement.
          If it depended on me I’d actually want to recolonise and conquer other people but I want to loot the broads and the land. I’m not a stormfront anti-miscegenation supporter.

        3. Not trying to attack you – it’s just always something that’s stood out to me since I was like 9 years old. It’s embedded into middle class White Baby Boomer culture that the planet is overpopulated, and that it’s our duty to have fewer children to reduce the strain. And yet, these people would be horrified if you tried to force them to admit that a billion chinese, a billion arabs, a billion africans, and a billion east indians could all disappear into vapor and nothing of value would be lost. Reducing total numbers of population should not be a goal unless an explicit part of it is reducing the UNDESIRABLE population. But again, Boomers are so brainwashed, that the word Eugenics sends them into hysterics.

        4. Boomers: the generation that, with a straight face, attempted to sell us on both population control, AND aid to Africa, simultaneously. How’s that for cognitive dissonance?

        5. Oh I agree with you on that. If we recolonised all that land there is still plenty of room for whites to develop.

        6. lol, of all the hilarious bits of cognitive dissonance that the boomers display this one has to be in the top 3 and maybe even #2 right under selling us on wealth redistribution while living off of trusts set up by the generation before them, never fucking working and having millions…..if yours is further than that it is then #3 right behind being spoiled little rich cunts who do absolutely nothing productive in society while simultaneously being bigger martyrs that christ

        7. Or how about gaining literally 2000% equity on their houses just for sitting there falling into disrepair, while exhorting the rest of us to “buy now or be priced out forever”. Yeah, no, I’ll pass on funding the exotic retirement you failed to save for. (though yeah, the NY market is a slightly different beast)

        8. They want thinking people to abort themselves, and let the Muslims and blacks overtake. Suicidal in their logic.

        9. yeah, that one is up there in a HUGE wauy, but yours was still funnier. NY not that different of a beast. The immigrant grandparents of the boomers bought into the manhattan ghetto that they were culturally relegated to (greeks with greeks, Italians with Italians, jews with jews etc). They bought because that was the mind set. They wanted to own (even a shithole) in their new home. Now those properties are worth millions if not 10’s of millions and the boomers are sitting on them, not working, pontificating about how hard their lives were as they get botox, therapy and enjoy a world of free sex

        10. Case in point:
          My Old Man inherited his parent’s house a few years ago, in a neighborhood he always thought was too shitty to raise his own brood. So he pissed his life away churning mortgage interest int he ‘burbs for 20 years, gaining zero equity.
          In real life he’d be broke, right?
          But no – just sold Moms house for $900k…..
          I guess I just didn’t work as hard as him….

        11. The funny thing about people who are in this situation is that I would have nothing but happiness for them if they would just admit that they lucked the fuck out and were very, very happy that they had the safety net….the problem is that they are constantly making it like they did something and need to pontificate how you aren’t smart and hard working like them.
          Just once I would like to see someone who fell backwards into the deep end of the gene pool and through no fault of his own became wealthy and have them admit to being totally fucking worthless morons but lucky and really, really happy about it. You know, like when the florist asks Arthur “you are the billionaire who is always drunk right? how is that?” “it’s pretty great” (sorry I don’t remember the actual quote.

        12. Absolutely. I don’t begrudge anyone’s good fortune! Just fukkin ADMIT and APPRECIATE that they caught a break! So many people take credit for situations they did nothing to create!
          Florist: “….how does it feel to have all that money?”
          AB: “It feels very nice”
          something like that. great movie.

        13. so many good lines in that movie. One of my favorite is when Arthur is first dating Gloria the prostitute
          Gloria: My mother died when I was six.
          Arthur: [bangs his fist on the table] Son of a bitch! Don’t they know what they do to kids?
          Gloria: My father raped me when I was twelve.
          Arthur: So, you had six relatively good years? I’m sorry. Listen, my father screwed me, too.

        14. “YOU’RE A HOOKER!??!?! – shit, for a while I thought I was doing pretty well…”

        15. The Baby Boomers heeded the advice of the Club of Rome and the Limits to Growth canard

        16. it was intentional:
          Have whites have fewer children
          Subsidize breeding amongst coloreds.
          Convince whites to shed traditionalism
          Import millions from more traditional cultures.
          You weaken your adversary before you attack. You don’t attack when they are strong.

      2. I agree with you here, but where does the line get drawn. I would say that the right to have children ought to be pegged to wealth globally. If you are a wealthy industrialist, a Shiek, a banker or an Asian nuke plant owner, Russian oil oligarch — go ahead, have 50 kids. If you are some starving bushman living in a hut…have all the sex you want right after this state sponsored vasectomy and we do levels of difference in between. There is a tax I wouldn’t mind ponying up for.
        But how do we do this in a equitable way. I have a cousin with 3 little girls. He is a high school teacher and so is his wife. They make do, but pinch some corners here and there. In an abstract system there is no way they should be able to have 3 kids, but they are doing a great job of it because they are willing to sacrifice things and put the well being of the kids first (and because they are just really great parents) When you create a big and over arching rule, no matter how just it is, some number of people will get fucked in the ass. So how do we decide who should be able to breed? If we do it by race then we are being blind to the tens of thousands of white trash losers who should have been neutered at birth. If we do it buy money or power we give the shaft to the good, decent hard working people who want to greate a family line in favor of some, what, brutal African dictator with billions of dollars?
        I think your idea to have the stones to stand up to certain people and say “enough fucking kids” is great, but where are those lines drawn. I don’t want mumbutu having any more kids, but I don’t want Cletus over in Appalachia having them either.

        1. I am prone to hyperbole but I’m not in favor of some iron rule which would have my own life ruled out of existence, as I was the product of hardscrabble working class mountain folk who had way too many children.
          I am in favor of soft eugenics, a sort of darwinism lite. I don’t want a cruel, heartless, or indifferent society, but I also don’t want to spend resources propagating the failed creatures among us, both domestically and abroad. Basically, pen ’em in and let ’em eat each other. Or thrive. The choice is theirs.

        2. I like this and I like the term “soft eugenics”
          I just don’t know what it would look like in practice let alone how to get there. That is a question for wiser men than me.

        3. To me it’s mainly just something that we’ve both agreed on – slashing foreign aid and welfare benefits. Just getting that done alone would chill me out for a while.

        4. Global Jeopardy Tournament. Only the winners get to live, so 3 outta 4 go

        5. Cutting all welfare and foreign aid would be a massive step in the right direction.

        6. yeah, but who is writing the questions?????????who I asks ya

        7. Not the Germans! The categories are:
          Hogan’s Heroes

        8. I agree 100%. But here is the deal. It doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Like ever. There is zero indication that it will even slow in a significant way. The trick with plans is that we need the overlap between best possible plan and actually possible to implement on the ole venn diagram.

        9. Walmart admitted profits would tank by 8% or more if the welfare state disappeared. A lot of that foreign “aid” gets recycled into american corps

        10. It looks like the world prior to 1920. Really, it’s just that straight forward. This “crusade to save the third world” bullshit started in earnest in the 1930’s, along with the “crusade to save our own stupid people”. Just stop saving them and the world reverts back to 1920 from a demographic and population perspective.
          For third world nations, we can watch from afar and shrug. For our inner cities we can contain that shit to their zoos and in a couple of years, badda bing, nature will have sorted things out.
          It will take dumping a lot of this nonsensical altruism that we’ve been indoctrinated in since the end of the 18th century, but I’m ok with that too.

        11. Economics sorts out natural baby counts all by itself. We’re fucking with the economic model right now and paying people to breed. Take that away and you’ll find that lil’ Shaquansha no longer pops out fifteen kids by ten different babydaddies, because they’ll die and she’ll starve too. We’re creating an artificial framework of wealth around city rats. Remove it and what you wish will come to pass without any kind of force or sterilization necessary.

        12. I’d also cut off all immigration to European countries and European colonized countries (America, Canada, Australia, etc). Other than that, we’re on exactly the same page (I suspect we’re on the same page immigration wise too of course, I just felt the need to make it a point).

        13. Mass sterilization will lead to massive revolt and riots not just with the trash, but a lot of others as well. What’s feasible is standing back and saying “Take care of yourself” because it’s not totalitarian. Most people don’t cotton to forced “anything”.

        14. I would doubt you would see any riots if it was done smart. People are generally pretty fucking stupid and easy to cow.

        15. probably. My question next is what about unintentional consequences. This is to say, I think society right now is a natural 19 at a black jack hand so while I wish I had a 20 or 21, I am not inclined to hit ya know. I am certainly not saying that paying these fucking turds to procreate is a good thing and I think you know my feeling on giving money to these animals from my pay check anything more than to keep the prison walls strong, the police force well trained and armed and enough cheese that they don’t go full chimp out….but the world is a complicated and interconnected thing. Pulling one sting often fucks with others.

        16. like the comment above, this makes perfect sense to me. However, the world prior to 1920, to my thinking, totally fucking blew. I don’t want anything else effected.

        17. How will letting them self exterminate affect current technology or ease of life? They contribute NOTHING but crime, disease and poverty. It’s not like the guy who takes your coat or opens your doors for you will pay, only the totally useless mouth breathers get to voluntarily opt out. The consequences I’d see would be making vast swaths of most major cities inhabitable again and ready for renovation, and a net surplus in government coffers since they won’t be paying out nearly 60% to keep these animals alive. Las Vegas ain’t gonna disappear because LeMarcus can’t make a crack deal down in the Bronx.

        18. I said “from a demographic and population perspective”, I’m not indicating that we give up neon signs, computers or nice cars, nor having women dressing in flappers.

        19. right…but often times things get wonky when you change one thing other things you might not expect happen.

        20. I Don’t know how or even if. I do know that if you change one thing in a large interconnected whole often times other things change. What happens if you get rid of the criminal element stuffed away up in the Bronx? Does the Bronx become livable like the rest of the city or does it in some way make the rest of the city lose something. Honestly I don’t know. What I do know is that I am very happy with the city and with the world in general so I am loathe to change anything because of possible unforeseen consequences.

        21. You’re according too much importance to the mouth breathers.
          A small example of what I’m talking about, neighborhood gentrification.
          A bunch of yuppy/hipster types start moving in, making shit nice again and the indigenous scum eventually either leave voluntarily or are escorted out by cops. The effects then are that one neighborhood is improved and habitable again, whilst another neighborhood either becomes a slum OR (if it’s already a slum) just gets a few more touble makers. Good for one party, bad for the others.
          Now imagine that same gentrification effort, except instead of the lowlifes being carted/forced/walking to another area to destroy it, they simply vanish from planet earth.
          Where’s the downside? Sure, some property folks won’t be able to collect scant Welfare rent on slums, but I’m ok with that. They can use their wealth to help make them better places, or get out of the market. It’s really not a big loss. Meanwhile, most of your city, state and local taxes no longer pay for perma-rats and can be lowered a good 60%.
          Unintended (bad) consequences happen only if both parties contribute something of value. You remove one part, didn’t realize that it was contributing XYZ and “OMG, we have a crisis because they went away!” These hood rats contribute *zero* positive to humanity. Zero. Less than zero. That’s the difference in the equation here.

        22. Everything you are saying here is perfectly sensible to me. My only point is that I like the way things are now too much to upset the applecart in any way.

        23. And the funny part is that they’ve been calling these places “developing” for nearly 100 years. And yet they never seem to actually develop.

        24. What do you lose if city rats die?
          Realistically, I’d say there would be a total elimination of welfare.
          A reduction in police forces (or re-allocation to other government jobs)
          Less need for police state nonsense, since there’s nobody around any longer causing trouble.
          Huge drop in taxes.
          What do rats contribute that’s unique and somehow benefits us? Even mosquitoes have more value. You take them out and the frogs and bats starve, which I think is where you’re getting your notions here (although not with mosquitoes per se). Think less “food chain” and more “contributes to society” chain. Nothing eats hood rats (that I’m aware of), and they contribute zero to society and they force society to have to heavily police not only them, but also enact rules and laws that restrict those of us who are capable of self governance.

        25. Tangential, but: they DONT make things nice again. The yuppie/hipster types merely present a more desirable target to trouble- makers. More break-ins, robberies.

        26. Keeping it as it is, is a recipe for our extinction. I know you could care less about this, but if you throw in my concern for my progeny into your consideration (assume my viewpoint) I don’t see why this would be bad at all. When you walk down the street in NYC you won’t have to deal with guys with machine guns sneering and ordering people around, because the people that they do this to will no longer exist. Makes life so much simpler.

        27. That’s in the transitional phase. Gentrifying neighborhoods, when successful, turns out the scum to other places.

        28. That whole “developing” thing is such nonsense I don’t think anybody doesn’t immediately associate it with “poor degenerate riff raff” any longer.

        29. looks that way for sure, but who knows. Like I said, you don’t hit on 19 crossing your fingers hoping for a 2. Elimination of welfare would be great, I would have a lot more money but also my bosses would probably figure out they could pay me less . I like the police state and the police forces though granted it would be nice not to need it….but then I have a bunch of high school bullies and closet homos with no outlet for their aggression. Your picture of it is probably correct, but not definite and I am not looking to lose what I have. I am not a gambler. Add to that, it is theory that will never be put into practice…so the point is moot anyway

        30. Morluks and Eloys…..
          That’s where we’re at. All the new diks are loving their ‘city experience’ with the bike lanes and coffee and iphone.
          Just every now and then one of them gets eaten.

        31. The effects of living in a bubble, and nothing more. We’re not rolling a 19 outside of NYC. Cities were burning last summer and we have more and more Diversity starting to sneer about “da race wars!”. If we go, your 19 rolls turns to snake eyes.
          You mentioned interconnectedness, and I agree, everything is interconnected. Including places outside of NYC and your own individual life. Short term you’re doing great, but I tend to take a long term view of life more often than not.
          Removing aid isn’t hard. Convincing people to do so, is difficult. But, all it takes is a constant expansion of ideas that suggest that, just like how the Left did it for a century in reverse. Nothing is impossible or even improbable when it comes to social engineering.
          As to hired mercenaries, they’ll find other work. Like in construction rebuilding the huge swath of ghetto rat destroyed neighborhoods. This isn’t a zero sum game.

        32. Kinda sorta, yeah. Except we’re not brute dummies out here, unlike the Morlocks.

        33. I do think that the Eloy mindset has been reached in some for the most part though.

        34. O you gotta see these faggot-ass dildos strolling around with impunity….Makes ME want to mug them….

        35. I admit, I can’t speak to how other people live. I will freely admit that my knowledge is limited to the civilized world (Manhattan south of 96th street). Can we help Detroit? Probably not. Detroit is an absurd city. People always tell me how great Chicago is, but they always seem to tell me this while they are living in NY. If you have enough money LA and most of the cities in southern California are wonderful places to live as is Miami…but you really need to be able to afford it. As for the interconnectedness of stuff outside NYC that effects my own life…again, I like my life. If other places have to suffer for that I am sorry but I wouldn’t give up 5% of my leisure time to hel 50% of the starvation of other people.
          You are right that the trick is convincing people to remove aid ius the difficult part. Further, even if you some how miraculously convinced people to remove aid and even if it had absolutely nothing but positive consequences, once people got a little less lean they would just become bleeding hearts and give the aid back again.

        36. The people who stand to lose power if the poor are not there to use as justification, would be the ones to make the riots happen. You won’t get people rioting (for any length of time) about budget reductions, but you sure as hell have a good topic to spew in a microphone with “Whitey gonna eugenics your ass!”.

        37. Restarting a cycle keeps the engine running. Letting the engine peter out and not restarting it means that the engine goes away, forever.

          If other places have to suffer for that I am sorry but I wouldn’t give up 5% of my leisure time to hel 50% of the starvation of other people.

          You’re too smart to actually believe this, and I believe that you’re trolling me. When the coal miners stop digging that coal out of the ground, your generators stop. When farmers in flyover stop growing crops, or stop shipping them to you in protest, you starve. You know that. You’ve suggested as much by being first to bring up interconnected facets of society as a reason to not cut off the city rats.

        38. If replacing those miners with machines allowing them to starve and lowering my electric bill I would gladly accept it as growing pains. Of course I don’t want there to be no mined coal or farmed crops, but the well being of the people who mine it or farm it means nothing to me in comparison to the price I pay for it. If the most effective way to get the coal or farm the crops is with people then that will be fine, but at some point I have to think that machines will do it better and I care as much for the people whose jobs are replaced as I do for the McDonald’s employees who are about to learn the meaning of minimum wage increase. Sure I am trolling you, but not by a lot.
          No coal…no crops….the effects me. Cheaper coal and cheaper crops and a bunch of unemployed and pissed off coal miners and farmers doesn’t. I don’t wish ill on anyone really but some people are going to have to eventually learn new trades. Allowing people to do jobs that machines can do because they live in swing states is no different than the entitlement programs where we give fat black women jobs directing traffic.

        39. I didn’t say unemployed. I meant that they stop, either intentionally (strike) or because of regulatory strangulation, usually coming from Congressmen from places like NY. The police state that your lifestyle is setting up may not matter to you, but it does to a lot of other people.
          Additionally, the policies coming out of places like NYC and LA/CA are shutting down lots of energy production. Obama shut down a few major power plants in his term while authorizing no new plants to be built. We haven’t been allowed to build in nuke plants in decades and the ones that were built are starting to be torn down. We’re one really hot summer, or really cold winter, away from entire grid brownouts or even blackouts, most of them usually with an epicenter on the eastern seaboard. That’s a reality. No amount of caviar, Scotch and pretty girls will in any way stop that.
          In reality then, if you value your lifestyle, and there’s nothing wrong with that, it might help to at least realize that there are factors which make it possible which, if things continue to progress, will stop fueling your lifestyle. A devil may care attitude and a flippant disregard for the lives of innocent people not living in NYC may be great when you’re living the high life, just remember that this comes with a price tag that you won’t want to pay when it’s delivered to your doorstep.
          Automation I don’t care about, I think it’s long overdue. But that’s not what we’re talking about. If we hit a 3 week heat streak of 100+ this summer, you get to live in darkness without air conditioning for quite a long while and when things come back on line you’ll be so tied down with “rules” that good luck even switching on the AC for more than an hour a day.
          That’s how fragile things are right now. I’m aware that you don’t keep up with much politically or regarding current events out of choice, and that’s fine because a lot of it is nonsense. But that doesn’t mean that bad things are not right around the corner on this front.

        40. yes, the energy shit is a problem. I have suggested prioritizing most of manhattan and this way we can assure we never have any problems. Oh well. No doubt that the epa folk have been doing real harm with the bullshit regulations to save the world from global warming or dragons or the loch ness monster or whichever fake thing they are afraid of. I’ve done several black outs here….not.fun.at.all (also, several blackouts have come on my birthday during my lifetime which has been kind of odd).
          ALso, I think you underestimate the power of pretty girls, expensive scotch and caviar. :)))) ok that one was me trolling

        41. the last thing the world needs is 50 more bespectacled sub 5 ft gooks with autism or 50 more obese Russian men with a propensity to alcoholism and avarice

        42. The offspring of the wealthy well educated whites usually have a lower IQ than the children of “white trash” parents. The well educated wealthy whites postpone having children until their 30s or 40s while the “white trash” have children at 18 (or younger). If you’re hoping to find a future prodigy, look to the trailer park not Park Avenue.

        43. you have any studies on this or is it just something poor people like to say

        44. it’s well known the major determinant of the health of offspring is the age of the mother.
          Who do you think would give a healthier smarter child? 17 year old high school drop out who’s never been on birth control? OR a 33 year old woman with an MBA who has been on birth control since menarche?

        45. meh. Sure, an older woman who has been on birth patrol (TM) will have more of a chance of shitting out dirtier wumb turds than a 17 year old Mexican farm girl but that Mexican kid can be the healthiest cabbage picker in the world and I wouldn’t trade places with him.
          As for “well known” yeah, well, meh again.
          In the meantime, you really should experience some of the wonder the world has and stop being such a sad sack dude. It is a great world out there and you are poised to enjoy the fruits of it better than most if you could just stop doing your Daria impression.

        46. Detroit as a concept needs to just be abandoned. If trump wanted to build a really smart wall it would be around Detroit.

        47. I’m not poised to enjoy shit. A doctorate in engineering is pretty much fucking worthless. It’s been devalued given how many Asian imports obtain them. No one cares about new medical devices. People won’t pay to improve their health but they will pay to be entertained. And even if I do hit the big time, what is my reward? Some snooty cunt who will begrudgingly push one one autistic kid for me at the age of 34? I would get more children at a lower demanded cost if I masqueraded as a white trash redneck. But as soon as women learn you have education and money, the number of children they’re willing to have plummets and their expectations rise.

        48. “Well, I’m NOT surprised you didn’t get that; it was, in fact, a trick question. Coventry City have NEVER won the FC cup!”

    2. There’s unutilized space left in the world. IE, the Dakotas. I’d also hope that it would spur technological development, like domed cities underwater or in deserts.
      It’s definitely a quandary though. Many less animalistic peoples automatically put the brakes on a bit once there’s a certain population density. IE, Japan has a 1.41 birthrate and would probably be fine with “only” 80 million people. In my mind, the big problem is with the kind of people who think of children as a speeding ticket for having sex and the Elites looking for excuses to import them.

    3. This is why we need to be colonizing Mars and everywhere else we can as soon as possible. Spread humanity to the rest of the universe and there will be enough room for us all.

      1. lol you think they’ll send white men to Mars? First mission to Mars will consist of Captain Tyrone “Call a Spade a Spade” Jackson, a white woman, a Muslim woman, a faggot, and a Chink.

      2. We can barely hope to send 6 people to Mars in a multi-billion, incredibly challenging mission so I don’t see how going there a couple of times would allow us to move 25 billion people over there or have regular travel back and forth and a vibrant Earth-Marsian trade.

        1. How about we get there and establish ourselves first and then worry about trade later?

  7. 1.5 billion in the 1820s, about 2 billion a hundred years later, now over 7 billion- you dont think the world pop is mushrooming out of control? Nigeria is projected to have a pop larger than the US’ in a few decades and is 1/10 the area, dont you think this is going to end badly?

    1. It will end with a large scale die off of Homo sapiens if that’s what you mean by “end badly.” Whenever any species overpopulates a region, Nature steps in and provides negative feedback. When the deer population goes too high, you eventually see things like chronic wasting disease bring it back into equilibrium. Humans will share the same fate eventually. Remember, the black death wiped out about a third of Europe in about four years, IRC. Some areas saw a death toll as high as 75 – 80%. Of course man is part of Nature, and man slaughtering man is another control on population as well. Based on history, I expect more democide, along with disease and starvation. The elite’s nefarious plans are only one factor in this. But if you want to see a modern day laboratory for the outcome of the elite’s brand of socialism right now, today, look no further than Venezuela.

      1. Sadly youre right. In the 1950s, Norway introduced/reintroduced reindeer to an island; in a few years, the population increased exponentially(no predators). A few years later, most were gone, the reindeer pop was roughly the same as when they were put on the island 10 or 15 years earlier

      2. I think that there’s a mechanism humans have developed to short circuit natural responses that limit population. I’d prefer however that these processes remain with those who invented them, and let the rest of humanity perish or flourish through their own internal strengths. We’re not overpopulated in Europe, America or the rest of the Anglosphere or French colonies, we’re overpopulated in areas where these same European-based lands give “charity” and “medical assistance” and other nonsense.
        Stop that shit, and then leave them alone to their own ways, and I guarantee a population reduction.

    2. That’s because nobody has the balls to tell the worthless, failed cultures of the world to stop producing so many shitty children. Instead they lecture Whites on small family sizes. Whites are the only race on the planet that need to breed more than they are. Each and every mudshark is not only a disgusting traitor, but a brick in the wall of White Genocide. They deserve nothing but the harshest scorn. And the alien men who would take our baby-makers from us deserve to be treated as the mortal enemies they are.

      1. oh they are slowly working on the third world problem with “vaccinations” for all

      2. The worthless failed cultures can reproduce as much as they want as long as they stay where they are and don’t come over in Europe.

      3. “Whites are the only race on the planet that need to breed more than they are”
        Japanese? Their population is crashing. High IQ, highly disciplined and industrious.
        Trading Japanese or Germans for Pakis or Afghans is a terrible idea on a global level.

    3. They’ve been saying this for a long time, and it hasn’t happened.
      The only real limit on resources is money supply.
      Farmers don’t work for free. Plenty of food, but if you’re poor, you can’t afford to buy it.
      As for overpopulation of the world land masses, Canada, America, South America and SEA are almost empty of people, and the populations are dropping. Without all the immigrants, Europe would be depopulating too.
      The cure isn’t to restrict white populations, but to kill the problem peoples.
      India and Africa, nuke em and the problem is gone, let them spread over the rest of the world, and we’re all fucked.

      1. The only real limit is energy & commodities, and especially the former as abundant cheap energy allows to perpetually recycle commodities.

      2. “Canada, America, South America and SEA are almost empty of people, and the populations are dropping”
        You do realize that much of Canada is uninhabitable, right? Population centers exist where they are viable. Canada’s agricultural land is dying off swifly, Australia’s farming regions are under heavy pressure from salinization, China’s from desertification, etc etc.
        Arable land and livable land matter.

        1. I used to drive from Ontario to Quebec. Empty forest and lucky to see a dozen other cars on the road all day. Same for my Calgary to Jasper trips.
          My family used to grow tobacco near London.
          Who gives a fuck about Australia, ugliest most manly women in the world.

        2. What experience do you have of farming?
          In the last 80 years my family have had farms in the UK (wheat, corn and dairy), Rhodesia, Canada (tobacco), Australia (sheep) and now Thailand (rice and tobacco).
          Canada is mainly forest, if I can see forest, I can slash and burn.
          I love armchair experts who have never done a days farming in their lives.

    4. There will be a great famine or a terrible disease that will devastate the human population. This always happens. Of course it could be also be long a bloody war too either way there will be a population correction. What we don’t need is a bunch of elitists covertly causing this population correction since it will be to their own benefit and to the detriment of everybody else.

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  9. i dont agree with the presumption that if 6 billion people were to die, that economies would be devastated. if the undesirables were purged from europe and the usa, and everyone else was just pinochet’d, so much more land and resources would be available for who is left.

    1. I think you’ll find the ‘undesirables’ don’t take up that much space, they’re living 10 to a room. But they do absorb a lot of welfare, and generate most of the crime. As for resources, that isn’t a problem, plenty to go around for those with the money to pay for for them.

    2. We also have the historical example of the Black Death. 1/4th of the population of Europe died and it helped spur the Renaissance.

      1. Black death and Spanish Flu killed the same number of people, 50M.
        Black Death killed 60% of the European population.

        1. I’ve read estimates as low as 30%, and as high as your 60%. I think the best supported estimates place it a little shy of 50%. Nit picking about history is a hobby of mine.

        1. you know me bob….I’ve been part of the #nolivesmatter campaign from the start.

        2. We both know that a) that isn’t true and b) if it was I would be more than passingly creeped out.

        3. In the grand sweep of history there are very few lives that matter at all; maybe a hundred in every generation spread over the whole world, and that is a generous estimate. In reality it could be only a handful in each generation. And not all that matter, matter for the good. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the Kims, and others certainly mattered in the course of history, but I have no desire to see an increase in them.

        4. you are 100% right. Everyone else is basically cannon fodder.

        5. More like worm food. I liked the quote from a 17th century General that said, “Most men are good for naught but turning food to shit.”

      2. And yet The plague of Justinian crippled the byzantine empire and was one of the factors that enabled the swift conquests of the Muslims.

      3. Why do they call it “The Black Death” when it was only White people dying?

        1. It was everywhere in Europe, Asia, and Africa north of the Sahara. It killed a lot of non-white people. Sub-Saharan Africa was lucky in that the virus couldn’t survive conditions in the Sahara, and contact with Europe had not yet increased to the point where it could have been brought in by sea (which is how it got from Asia to Europe).

        2. I was joking Mike. It was call the Black Death because of the symtoms, leading to large dark sores on the skin.

    3. It is funny moonman, I just returned from a place not totally unlike this. I was on the island of St. Barth. Now, let me be very clear, Caribbean islands in general are the local colonizers who live there, tourists and the local indigenous people (read blacks). There are zero black people (other than pro athletes and rappers and actors) on this island. The people who clean the toilets are blonde haired French. They have totally gotten rid of the indigenous population. As I was arriving by boat, the captain was pointing out the fort on the hill and said how it is the local gendarmerie and prison now. He made a joke “don’t worry about St. Barth prison….it is 1400 euro a night and at 4 pm they serve champagne and caviar” That joke gets funnier as you actually get onto the island. And yes, there is literally no crime. KNeeman was at an outdoor bar near the beach which was highly trafficked and had to go to the bathroom. I just left my wallet, glasses and cap on the bar when I went. No one is going to steal it.
      The question is what accounts for this. There are a few things. I was probably the only person on the island that wasn’t working there with a net worth under 8 figures and 8 figures is low in general so no one is grabbing a wallet with a couple thousand in it. Another reason is that if someone did they would be shot by the gendarme. They aren’t fucking around there. Is it because every single person on the island is a blonde haired, blue eyed European? tough to say. Honestly, I don’t think so. I believe that money is more important than blood

      1. Sounds like an interesting place. But regarding money, to a degree it matters. However the poorest white neighborhood in the US has half the crime of the richest black neighborhood.

        1. It is a fantastic place. And yes, money is not the be all and end all and on the lower spectrum it matters less. Essentially what you are doing is saying that as money decreases it matters less and other things matter more. On the other end of that spectrum, however, the children of people who are 3-4 generations into being billionaires are probably not out gangbanging.
          It really is interesting to hang out for a few days with the absolute peak of world wealth and see what it is like. At one point I was trying on watches that cost 250k and behind me the door wasn’t even locked. Here is a social experiment. Put the worlds richest people on an island in paradise, fill it with all the activities anyone could ever want to do, the best restaurants in the world and loads of opportunities to get laid. Eradicate the entire native population and repopulate with an entire culture of super attractive young people who have been well trained to kiss ass (literally and figuratively). Then bring in a military police force that has a shoot first and ask questions later policy. Welcome to a crime free heaven.

        2. “the richest black neighborhood”
          I have never seen ‘a rich black neighborhood’ – typically when a black guy comes into wealth he moves to a wealthy cracker-town with whitey.

        3. Well, where else is he gonna move? Expecting him to move to Detroit is like expecting Warren Buffett to move to Appalachia.

        4. There are several rich black neighborhoods in Atlanta. Everyone is over 40 though.

        5. Send them some negroes.
          If every small white town has to have their quota of diversity, then so too do the rich enclaves. The rich pricks promote the diversity agenda, they get to enjoy it too.

        6. Diversity on this island meant they had both kinds of people…millionaires and billionaires.

        7. So True.
          This has been occurring in Northern New England for a solid 15 years now. Decaying mill towns like Lewiston, Maine have been inundated with refugees and asylum seekers. The community is financially MAXED out. It’s so bad the mayor and community officials have routinely spoken out, calling for refugees and asylum seekers to STOP moving to their town.
          Nothing makes the rich liberals in affluent towns like Falmouth and Kennebunkport more crazy than poor towns asking for asylum seekers to STOP moving to their community. They organize and demand “refugees welcome, celebrate diversity!” These folks are so generous … so long as it’s not in their community. If I was a multi-million dollar developer, I’d love nothing more than to propose building refugee housing in their towns simply to watch these wealthy NIMBY liberals flip their shit about “property devaluation” should my proposal pass.

        8. “Well, where else is he gonna move? Expecting him to move to Detroit is like expecting Warren Buffett to move to Appalachia”
          I don’t disagree with that. I’m just saying that I have never seen wealthy black neighborhoods.

        9. “Well, where else is he gonna move?”
          I don’t disagree with that. I’m just saying that I have never seen wealthy black neighborhoods.

        10. Before LBJ and the Great Society there were solidly middle class black neighborhoods and even some shading towards UMC. Then the government stepped in to help. The result is massive multi generational black poverty and no solidarity between blacks of different socioeconomic classes. They either climb into white middle class (or better) society, or they huddle in the crab bucket pulling each other back into the ghetto.

        1. Or at least continental Europe. It pops the narrative of “easier access to guns leads to more crime” bit that is constantly brought up.

        2. It really, really shuts down anti-gun SJW’s in real life too. They’re caught either admitting it isn’t the guns, or admitting that minorities are far more violent than whites.

        3. “Or at least continental Europe”
          I hear what you’re saying but your remark about europe is, sadly, a past tense thing. Given the current direction of the way things are heading the overall crimestats are going up and up and soon we will see huge jumps that will begin major, continuous spiking in the coming years.

        4. I was once listening to a Norwegian economist working for the UN who was talking about world rankings of quality of life. The US was down around 15 as I recall. A caller to the show asked how this could be with the vast wealth of the US. The reply was very informative. She said if you took only white America you would be number one easily. However, if you took only black America you would be down with Trinidad and Tobago.

        1. if you want to get technical, but I think you know what I meant. Western European white people with blonde hair and blue eyes are what make up the vast majority of the local population. To go to a Caribbean island that has literally zero black people is a strange thing

        2. I’m not sure its technical. Black people were brought there by White people so in fact White people must have been there longer. The indigenous people were effectively wiped out by the foreign “settlers”. Indigenous and “majority of the local population” are not even close to meaning the same thing, unless you think that White people are indigenous to the United States.

        3. point taken. Word indigenous stricken and argument conceded. I will change phrasing to the majority black population that makes up most Caribbean islands has been forcefully removed from St. Barth making it seem very odd when you are there as outside of professional athletes and musicians there are zero black people.
          Now that I have conceded the argument will you admit you knew full well what I meant and were just being persnickety?

        4. No, but they mostly were imported to replace the natives that were mostly wiped out by the European conquests. No real bad there as the Caribe Indians were cannibals that were brutally subjugating the other tribes of the region. If the Europeans hadn’t stepped in the other tribes would have disappeared within another generation. Then the Caribe Indians would have either splintered into sub groups and fought each other, or they would have had to try on the Aztecs. When you economy is based on killing, looting, and eating your enemies you kind of have to have enemies.

        5. Try out Costa Rica some time. The Indians there absolutely refused to be slaves to the Spanish. Between disease and warfare with the whites they became extinct. Then the Spanish left as they had no desire to work the land themselves. Later, much closer to the 20th century, Europeans moved to Costa Rica as immigrants , and a pretty much 100% European population created a European culture in a small country in Central America. There is little crime there. The political system is peaceful and stable and has been for generations. There is no army to make a coup, and one is not needed. When I was there last I kept going up to people there and speaking English, because they looked like American tourists, but they always turned out to be Spanish speaking natives.

        6. I have heard from a co worker how beautiful costa rica is. This guy even bought a house down there. But not for me. I only will go to islands that were conquered and then civilized by the french

        7. I am a native to North America. My ancestors have been here since the 1600s (verified by a records search with the DAR). How many generations does a people have to be in a territory before they are native? If it doesn’t matter, then no American Indians were native to the continent either. They all came from Asia or Europe over ice bridges. In fact no human being is native to anywhere except for blacks living in Africa, as Africa is where humans evolved first.

        8. If you define it that way there are no indigenous or native people anywhere. Does that work for you?
          Also, it does not resolve the conflict between “indigenous” and “majority of the local population”. Even if we accept your rather broad definition these still don’t mean the same thing.

        1. funny, but it really is a strange, socially engineered paradise playground for incredibly wealthy people and god help me it is fantastic. Next year I think I will spend my entire time there instead of just a short part of my vacation

        2. according to Left Think, it cannot possibly be paradise if there are no coloreds there … you must be mistaken

        3. there is no left and right at this level of money. Politics is like college football…just something to keep the rubes entertained.

        4. Not buying it. Why would white women travel to the Caribbean to fraternize with or fuck white men? That would be like me traveling to Tokyo and bedding only the few white ex pat girls there. If I go to Tokyo or Bangkok, it’s not to see white people

        5. you really don’t have a clue do you. It’s amazing, for such a smart guy you have a blind spot here that makes ray Charles look like the champion crows nest land spotter.
          I spent time with French, Italian, swiss, german, Russian (and various mini Russian) women all having the best time of their lives and it was simply amazing. Booze and sex and fun were had by everyone.

        6. were they shooting a new soap opera? lifestyles of the rich and indolent ?

        7. nope. just people having fun, leaving the nonsense behind them and enjoying life. you should try it. It is healthy. I have such a tan that I might have a hard time getting a cab later.

        8. tanning is bad for you – it will prematurely age your skin and you’re gonna get skin cancer.

        9. I am in too good of a mood to deal with your negativity today. Usually its funny, but the rain is clearing up here in new York and I am filled with Caribbean sun, French food and very recent memories of a week which enriched my soul. I will let you know when I am ready to play “life sucks” again

        10. Most women are select their lovers not based on Black or White, but by Green.

    4. No need to get all totalitarian. Just remove global charity, along with the laws and regs and legal challenges that not only let stupidity continue existence on this planet, but in fact encourage its existence. Then restrict immigration so that they can’t traipse into our nations. Those who survive through the Mass Stupidity Extinction Event (MSEE) will be fit to continue moving forward, those who don’t will be fossil fuel for the generations 3000 years in the future.
      Really, just let nature take its course.

      1. Almost every day I am in court I see people and wonder “why are they allowed to reproduce?” For example after felon-mom’s seventh child by a seventh unknown father is placed in foster care, at what point do we finally say ‘enough’? With due process the courts can imprison, fine or even kill you. Meeting some very, very minimum requirements to avoid sterilization (not a multiple-felon, not a parent of abused or neglected children, not a convicted pedophile, etc.) would be a huge cost savings for the rest of society and free up tax $ for those that otherwise might not have children. This would be an even bigger savings if the technology existed to require annual birth-control injections upon receipt of certain government benefits. It would also put the abortion industry out of business.

    5. There is a ton of resources out there. Its not a lack of resources, but a lack of virtue.

      1. the US government actually ran simulations on how well off people would be after nuclear war with russia, turns out so many people would die that the ones left would control absolutely vast tracts of land, resources, and that the economic system would resemble the days of barons.

    6. This eco science is nothing more than propgandization of sustainable development and environmentalism .what they really mean is we should have resources not controlled by the government but in a way that they can renew and we enough for everyone and the next generation and population can be reduced not by killings but by reducing birthrates.what environmentalism means is sure we should all have happy ,comfortable ,free lives but should take care not to make the planet inhabitable for the future

  10. apparently the entire world’s population could fit shoulder to shoulder in Hawaii..
    not sure if that’s all the islands, or just The Big Island…
    In, any case there is plenty of room and resources -IMO…
    But slavery is important to the bosses…So I reckon another WW for cash, fun, and control…culling, and disenfranchising – especially the middle class…
    Look up photos of refugees from Korea, Vietnam, WW1 and WW2 — old people, women and children bundles of possessions – distraught, displaced…
    And lately? Mostly young fighting age men…
    perhaps a few containers of AK47 delivered soon? who knows?
    Off course the issue is not refugees – -the issue is we are bombing their countries — for resources…
    why don’t the bleeding heart liberals mention that????

    1. You wanna live like you are standing on a crowded subway train for your entire life? Anyway, its a resource thing, not an elbow room thing

        1. No, answer the question.
          I have a 5 rai rice farm, prices are so low, it’s not been worth planting for the last 4 years. We also have 30 rai of forest, wife wanted to plant rubber, than god we didn’t, prices are so low it’s not worth employing tappers to harvest any more.
          I’m guessing you don’t grow or produce anything, and wouldn’t have a clue how to do it if you needed.

        2. A little light reading will prove we’ve hit peak oil, peak natural gas(dry gas, not this fracking stuff), peak fresh water, but by all means, keep telling yourself we have infinite resources on a finite planet. Pretty much all wars fought are over resources, if everything is so limitless, why having we been waging wars, since forever?

        3. I would agree with this only if we fully developed molten salt thorium reactors. Cheap abundant energy for the next thousands of years. Fusion would even be better but thorium would at least provide the time-frame to develop that.

        4. We don’t need oil, just build more nuke and coal plants.
          The wars are about big corporations making money from entrenched industrial bases.
          Like all the other liberals you read about imaginary problems without experiencing life yourself. Do the world a favour and don’t ever reproduce (not that any woman would let you).

        5. Thorium has been saying “hi” for a long time, yet no plants seem to get built. That would help with electricity, but cars and trucks and airplanes run on oil

        6. You load your rice on the backs of cyclists in order to get it to market? I think you load it onto a truck(or does the truck have no engine and you hitch the cyclists to the front, and then they pull it into town?)

        7. “Resources are limitless.”
          Only if technological advantages can compensate for increased resource consumption. Which is probably far too optimistic. I’d much rather have PRC on the equatorial peoples.

        8. The rice mill collects from the farm on a very large lorry.
          Same for the tobacco, dried and shredded product collected from the house (it’s in the plastic sacks, they weigh and pay cash every day or two). 1 sack = $50
          Most of the farmers use bicycles and scooters to get around.
          It’s how most of Asia works. We do everything by hand labour but the tobacco shredder is electric.
          And here are the ladies planting the rice fields by hand. 2 fields 12 ladies, $2 each for the mornings work.

        9. Incorrect statement. Resources are always limited in a finite universe. And if you are a farmer as you claim, then you know that land has a maximum carrying capacity for crops. This can be adjusted upward by technology and techniques, but you start getting to a point of diminishing returns such that it becomes absolutely economically unfeasible to spend more on resources to up the limit than you’ll get in return.
          I’m not a Malthusian and I’m not arguing that we can’t do amazing things, but there are hard facts of reality that you can get around only so far with technology. You can’t visit a hotel on the sun after all.

        10. Following the thread I see that he devolved into ad hominem pretty quickly. People really need to learn how to argue correctly AND learn when it is appropriate to not argue a point (like, when you don’t have all of the facts and/or data and instead wish to make broad sweeping generalizations that are patently false on their face).

        11. I just bought an apartment on 14th avenue in manhattan. Popped into existence last week.

        12. Nah, my rice farm is hand labour only, we could produce loads more, but prices are too low to bother. No technology needed, bit of buffalo shit spread on the fields now and again.

        13. the earth is creating more arable land.
          Building on the Hudson will happen in our life time btw.

        14. If we could pave over the Hudson, I’d be all for it. Less traffic. Eff the cross bronx expwy and the GW bridge

        15. Resources are not limitless but I get your point there is or should be abundance of food. It is those industries and monopolies that play with the free market. One of the problem is over produce. You don´t need a jumbo size anything, Westerners buys to much food and eat half and the other half end in the trash, it is part of consumerism. Buy more and more. Then the globalist came with the notion that there is not enough food and overpopulation ideas. And it is designed that way I can´t buy small anymore, either yo go with food for a football team for a family or 3 or go home to starve.

        16. As a personal solution, if you only get “Biggie!” sized portions (and I don’t just mean at fast food joints) then eat until you’re 80% full, and put the rest in the fridge for another meal. It’s really not that hard.
          Or, cook meals at home. I’ve never groked what people find so great about eating out all the time if they have the means and time to cook from home. Usually it just comes down to some form of laziness.

        17. nah fuck that. I love the Hudson. That said, sooner or later someone will stick a high rise on some stilts.

        18. No thorium, unlike fusion, has already been tried and tested but was abandoned in favour of uranium because of the cold war.
          As far as jet fuel etc, you can synthesise these as long as you get a cheap primary energy source.

        19. Just called the architect who is doing the building I am working on. He said it is totally feasible from a construction standpoint but from a financial standpoint it won’t work out and the red tape would be disastrous.

        20. While I agree with you that resources are not limitless, the “peak oil” stuff is not exactly a demonstrable fact. The leftists will tell you that the “science is settled” and the corporations (and governments) that sell oil are fine with people thinking the supply is dwindling because that means they can inflate the price.
          But people keep coming up with new ways to extract oil from the ground. And there are huge, massive swathes of the planet where we haven’t even started drilling yet. While there may be a legitimate “peak oil” point, I don’t think we are really there yet.

        21. We’ll be using titanium lubricant then, stored in clay containers (sorry, no plastic, that’s oil)?

        22. fine, let me clarify- we’ve hit peak conventionally sourced oil (ie, on land, easy to get to markets). There’s a reason we are building offshore rigs(with huge upfront costs) and diggin up tar sands in Canada

        23. That reason is the EPA. They’ve put a huge kibosh on land drilling on the continent, and even close shore drilling, so the reaction was “fuck you then, we’ll go 50 miles off shore”. Very little to do with reserves, and a lot to do with government regulation.

        24. I think the salient point here is that, yes, there are limits to every resource. But, at least currently, a lot of the limits to resources that we are suffering from are artificial limits, created by ourselves for one reason or another — economics, laws and regulations, power, state control, social customs, etc.

        25. Yep. They made drilling prohibitive through regulation, not through diminishing returns on oil extraction. Ask any rig driller, they can and should be drilling close to shore or on shore.

        26. Still, gotta have SOME regulation – that shit makes a mess! And without a profit motive, drillers would have no incentive to not make said mess.

        27. I wasn’t advocating anarchy. I’m stating that the EPA has been on a huge crusade since the 1970’s to stop as much domestic energy production as possible. This is why we drill way off shore and why we haven’t built a nuclear plant in decades.

        28. I dunno, that “huge” find in Texas recently is that nasty shale shit, its sooo much more destructive of the environment than conventional oil

        29. Shale extraction is not the same as conventional drilling. They were working pretty hard under Obama to get that banned too, but they didn’t get to it fast enough.

        30. You want to know what is some nasty shit? Go find a picture of a nickel mine. It looks like the surface of the moon around it. Guess why we need all that nickel? Solar panels and batteries for all the “electric” shit that is supposed to be saving the environment from evil oil. Energy is dirty business all around.

        31. Its like damned if you do, damned if you dont. Electric car batteries need those rare earth minerals, rarely a motherload to be found (“rare” is a misnomer, its in a lot of places, including the SW US, but its rare to find a big score), when would you charge that car? At night, when the grid is supposed to be given a “rest”. Coal is still 30%-plus of our electricity, but greenies think these cars have a low carbon footprint(whatever that means)

        32. Yep. My favorite way to shut down smug hipsters going on about electric cars and eco-shit is to note “Oh, so you like coal powered cars then do you?”

        33. Exactly, Processed food is mostly made to be ruined after the package is opened, you eat it now or it will taste like crap tomorrow. 2 day in the fridge Coke taste like shit.

        34. They do when you say that. They just don’t *like* it.

        35. I think the theory is, and I’m guessing here, that the impact of the electric car on coal-burning is less than the impact of burning oil to propel a car of the same size. That is, with all the coal-burning electricity-generation going on, this additional load is negligible.
          Still, I just have to say “drive less”.

        36. Guy on another site was retired geologist for one of the majors, retired and bought a spread, maybe Texas, that had 3 or 4 wells on it. He’d pump a few dozen barrels a day, this was when it was around $100…36 barrels, $3600- a day!

        37. So what? If we ever got our shit together, we would be running massive nuclear plants and synthesizing our gas.

        38. Actually, regulation mostly exists to let companies off of the hook. They can’t be sued for any damage they cause as long as they comply.
          Eliminate regulation and establish courts for climate damages, and every problem but CO2 and maybe the ozone layer will be solved (and CO2 isn’t really a problem)

        39. No nuclear plants of any kind are being built. It’s the same regulation problems.

        40. a big chunk of glowing thorium, anthropomorphized with a face, “Psst! Hey, down here! Looking for clean and nearly inexhaustible energy?”

        41. How about that seven mile long toxic lake in China? It’s the hazardous waste dump from rare earths processing for magnets used in wind generation. A lot of this sustainable “zero emissions” technology is really just “elsewhere emissions.” There’s no free lunch.

        42. Look up the Fischer-Tropsch process. We (the U.S.) have 26.8% of the world’s coal reserves. This could be converted to liquid hydrocarbon fuels with the heat of Thorium or conventional nuclear reactors. It won’t be done (or some other process developed) until big oil (spelled Rockefeller) has pumped every drop of crude out of the ground. Established cartels never give up their power or even change much until they have to. Big oil is no different.

        43. I studied alternative energy as a minor in my engineering degree back in the 70s. They were predicting peak oil by 1990 and a complete exhaustion of world coal supplies by 2000. It didn’t happen. And if it did we will just figure out how to more with less and then, shift to other energy sources. There are other energy sources, we have not begun to even scratch the surface of what science and engineering know is possible with current technology, much less future technology.

        44. Every time you convert energy from one form to another you have losses. Carnot proved this in 1824. So, those electric cars are one step further removed from the energy source and therefore have additional losses. It really is pollution there instead of here.

        45. Even Obummer was advocating for nuclear energy. The case for non-carbon energy is too great and renewables just won’t power a modern industrial society. But the left has so demonized nuclear power that it is outside the Overton Window.

        46. Don’t leave out the potential for space based solar and beaming the power to earth via microwave. The only limitation there is that the other name for that microwave power beam is Death Ray. Think 007 and Goldeneye

        47. They are being built in many countries around the world, just not so much in the liberal west.

        48. Global climate change will add to the arable land in the temperate zone for the foreseeable future. Global worming has happened in the past. It is called the Medieval Optimum; when vineyards were flourishing in Scotland. Here in the upper Midwest I have noted an increase in the growing season just in my lifetime. There is wildlife that was never here before. Turkeys, which I never saw anywhere in the state when I was a boy, are now wondering through our suburban neighborhood on the regular, and I have seen them in bedroom section of a major nearby city. Deer are becoming a real nuisance. Birds that I never saw as a boy now migrate this far north and many birds that used to fly south for the winter now winter over. From my perspective in the north, climate change has been all to the good.

        49. I thought that the Hudson and the East river were becoming so polluted that they were just waiting for them to go solid before building on them.

        50. This is what I was alluding to above concerning energy. There are tons of solutions that are scientifically and engineering feasible, but are not cost effective while cheaper options are available.

        51. 20 years ago. East river is still pretty dirty, but I go kayaking in the Hudson. Fine to swim in.

        52. My wife is from the Philippines. When we travel there I go through a period of adjustment about food portions. When I first get there the portions seem tiny. But I soon realize that the portions are plenty and the portions in the west are just crazy. I could use more than a 6oz cup of coke, and that is the large size. I lose about ten pounds every time we go, without dieting. We walk a lot more and eat less. .

        53. In America The Big size become the small, The jumbo become the big, A new Ultra jumbo become the new jumbo size. it´s ridiculous when you go to a restaurant there is no option to order less, they are making you buy more than you need.

        54. At most restaurants we order one plate and split it between us. There is plenty for two in almost any restaurant serving.

        55. They are starting putting a minimum order for 2. So you end buying food for 4 and that´s the minimum so again, food in the trash. Then they are starting to implement combo only, Ohh you want 1 hot dog, sorry we only sell combos, So it is 1Hot dog, 1 Coke and fries. I don´t want the french fries, ok, the price it´s the same. why? it´s a combo, or the fries were FREE. Nothing is free the price is included whatever you wanted or not.

        56. The problem is that energy returned on energy invested is declining, even with improving technology.
          At the turn of the 20th century, around 1900, you could use one barrel of oil to extract another 100 barrels of oil from the ground. Now, that one barrel of oil extracts about 15 barrels of oil. The trend on this is firmly downward. So now, instead of 1% of our energy going towards collecting more energy, it’s more like 6-7%. And this number will keep rising.
          So, that means you have to allocate an increasing share of your energy just to getting more energy.
          But that doesn’t apply to just energy. For instance, silver used to occur in densities of around 30-50oz/ton in the late 1800s. Now, it’s closer to 10-15.
          Which means it takes more fuel and energy to extract silver than it used to. So it is with all non-renewable resources.
          Now, the good news is, we have enough oil, coal, and natural gas to last a century. We don’t have to worry too much. Saudi Arabia will keep us afloat. In a pinch, we could recolonize Venezuela. They have the largest oil reserves on Earth, although it’s shitty oil. So the problem exists but is hardly insurmountable.

        57. Electric car batteries are built with lithium, not rare earth metals. Conventional cars’ catalytic converters use more rare earth metals than electric cars do, via palladium and platinum.
          But yeah you’re mostly right on energy use in most areas. That said, the places where electric cars are most common tend to have cleaner energy sources.
          Where I’m from, we have massive electric car infrastructure and we’re about 90% renewable, with the last 2 coal plants in the region to be phased out in the next 20 years, to be replaced either with biomass in the case that we don’t have another workable solution, or a combination of wind and solar with small batteries backed up by quick firing natural gas plants.
          Personally, I love electric cars for all the standard reasons, plus I can plug them into my own off-grid energy solution and have my transportation and energy system entirely self-owned.

        58. In Taiwan, there is a restaurant which offers “American Size” milkshakes as their largest size. It’s roughly the size of an American “small”.

    2. acquisition of food is the bottleneck. There is plenty of room for people themselves, but what they are doing to eat is the problem. Same guys that are bemoaning the population explosion are the same ones restricting efficient agricultural practices that take less area, and restricting energy production.

      1. Again, just not true, you want to buy rice, I can grow plenty ….. but not at 30c a kilo. If you pay me, I can grow more food ….. and so can all the other farmers 3 crops a year if the water’s good.

        1. Yep, definitely safe sex material. You couldn’t get to it even if you could get it up. Ya’ can drink ’em pretty, but you c’aint drink ’em skinny.

      2. There has been a world wide glut of agricultural products for the past two years. There may be famine in the horn of Africa but it is not due to a shortage of food production world wide. Distribution and costs are the limit not availability of food. In the mid-west we are nearing another farm crisis due to low commodity prices. So, Malthus was wrong when he predicted mass starvation by 1798, and Ehrlich was wrong in 1968 when he predicted a world wide food crisis by 1985. And people today are wrong about the capacity to grow food. Human ingenuity is the only limit. With more people there are more geniuses, and geniuses solve our problems.

        1. Agreed. Food production will continue to go up, since 1900, the only cause for famine has been war and genocide. I fear that will change as environmentalists lock off arable land, cut water supplies, limit the use of pesticides and herbicides, restrict energy production, and restrict genetic engineering.

    3. I think you’ve touched on a valid point. It isn’t a room or resource problem. Those are fronts for the real issue: control. The entire industrialized world (homes, factories and all) i.e. the whole of humanity could fit into the state of Texas with the population density of New York City.

      1. It always has been. Franz Oppenheimer documented that peasants couldn’t have run out of land in the middle ages, so if they worked for someone else, it was because that land had been politically co-opted. (he was going from homestead theory)

        1. did he document it? Did he put it in his lab notebook? Did he use date his entry? Did he use indelible ink? Otherwise, it’s not valid…

        2. Back of the envelope calculations. Do you really feel like going back to the very origin of property in Europe? Because we’re not talking about Roman manorialism, we’re talking about the Bronze age and indo-european culture.
          Besides, the theory of homesteading is ridiculous enough that it doesn’t need to be discredited anywhere but in america, and the idea precedes america.

  11. Contrary to the popular opinion of our elites, PEOPLE are our most valuable resource. Naturally, this refers to a person who has done all he can to better himself…but that’s the whole point of this website, n’est-ce pas? Return of Kings?
    “11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
    12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.” –Isaiah 13:11-12
    Hard times are coming, my friends. When they do come, remember that -as new-age hippy-dippy as it may sound -we are all connected. We will need to rely on one another and trust in that God who gave us life. No man is an island.

  12. This article is crazy! Government is on its way down, I see a plutocracy as the future. Already men like Bill Gates and George Soros have tremendous control over world affairs, and if women keep winning elections, the power will shift from governments to wealthy individuals.
    The amount of power a head of state can have is fully dependent upon the individual in such position. As the number of women increase in politics, the power will shift away from government. The future is bright.

    1. That is by design. The Goal is to eliminate the Nation-State and reduce the population to share-cropper status on the Global Coporate Plantations….

      1. Population is already on the decline in the west and will stabilize soon in the east. The fact that power is leaving politics is a good thing– a meritocracy of self made individuals is a utopia, because only men can reach power in this way.

  13. The feminist / globalist utopia will crash on it’s own. If you look at male 18-30 year old employment statistics world wide, the trend cannot support the systems in tax revenue.
    This means major cuts in all areas of government and major taxes on the ones left working. THE WOMEN. Before it crashes they will probably legislate basic income, basic food rations and designated tent cities to keep the riff raff out safe areas.

    1. It is not about the taxes. It is about control. You don’t need taxes once everyone is chipped. If you want to eat, obey. If you want to travel, obey. If you want to have children, obey. This is where they are going. It is not about the taxes. You don’t need taxes to run any government once you get rid of cash and chip the population. That is the end game.

      1. I am sure he feels good. He feels great. He feels wonderful

        1. I don’t know but that was a great movie. Probably couldn’t even make that today because the neurotics lobby would protest or some shit.

        2. They would be protesting meg tilly’s tahtahs hanging out all over the place Im sure

        3. Oh man, Meg Tilly’s tahtahs were glorious. Absolutely glorious.
          I will not google her. I want my memories to remain pure.

        4. She aged really well, but I havent seen her in about 6 years, gotta be early 50s by now, so yeah, dont roon that image

        5. so yeah, dont roon that image

          Futhark that!

        6. probably contracted syphilis like his uncle Orlando (10000 points to anyone who picks up this reference — looking at you @disqus_tj7gjZttfg:disqus )

        7. bzzzzz
          Though I admit this is a hard one — Moon Over Parador…un under looked work of comedic genius

        8. that one was really obscure…I do really like that movie though.

    1. Bob had said he was taking up a business opportunity and avoiding the time swamp here I thought.

  14. Barack Obama was many things, but he was no Communist. I’ve seen Communism. This nut case of an author shot his credibility right there. I stopped reading, but skimming through the rest of it, this is just lunatic fringe hysteria. Look, I get it. The man has a right to his opinion and ROK welcomes the diversity of voices the mainstream media regularly censors. For that it is to be commended. But weak content like this makes it hard for me to take this site seriously. That’s a shame because ROK is otherwise doing some excellent and important work. Please stop shooting yourself in the foot.

    1. Obama is a pretty open Progressive. A Progressive is another name for a Fabian Socialist. A Fabian Socialist is somebody who agrees with the end goals of communism, but rejects the violent revolutionary aspect.
      But goal wise, he’s a socialist who was forced by needs to compromise here or there because of the framework he was forced to work in (hence the Left sneering how he’s not a socialist because he didn’t totally rape corporations 24/7).

      1. Socialism/communism, just bites in different places on the same shit sandwich.
        I don’t think there’s a socialist concept that’s not embraced by The Enlightened One.
        I heard he’s on vacation on an island somewhere, maybe we will be lucky enough for him to never return.

        1. I’ve heard from various sources, and I’m not making this up, that it was a “guys only” type of trip to an island with only men. And it wasn’t to go deer hunting, if you catch my drift.

      2. I don’t mean to correct you GOJ, but a Fabian Socialist is someone who *publicly* rejects the violent revolutionary aspect of communism for public relations reasons. In private they are fellow travelers and don’t mind breaking a few eggs to make the omelet. I have more respect (which is very little actually) for the ones that have the balls to ‘fess up to what they’re really all about. Obama was Bill Ayers’ boy and Ayers was an avowed communist.

    2. Barry Soetoro (Obama) and his “wife” actually considered and called themselves communists in their younger years — when they went so far as to burn the American flag for “props” from their other communist friends. He actually admits to being a committed revolutionary Marxist. True story.
      There’s also VERY compelling evidence that Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist, was likely his biological father.
      So yes, you can add the “communist” moniker to other accurate descriptors such as traitor, homosexual, drug addict, psychopath and douche bag.

    3. “Barack Obama was many things, but he was no Communist. I’ve seen Communism”
      Communism never ended – but rather it’s been re-branded under the guise of a few banners such as multi-culturism and environmentalism.

    4. “Barack Obama was many things, but he was no Communist. I’ve seen Communism”
      Communism never ended – but rather it’s been re-branded under the guise of a few banners such as multi-culturism and environmentalism.

  15. “Hence, the doubling down on the global warming agenda in media and elsewhere since Trump’s EPA man started gutting some of the most intrusive policies”
    Well that’s at least 1 strike against our so-called savior of the free World. Not that I support Hilary, but does anybody have the impression that, Trump had one look on his face, that of optimism while campaigning, and now another look on his face: that of a man who was sat down by the elites one day and read the Riot Act by the globalists, and Trump now knows whats REALLY happening and he best go along with what he is being told to do OR ELSE?

    1. Been wondering this too.
      I like one comment by a user named Alex Lightman on this page: https://www.quora.com/Do-billionaires-know-something-that-normal-people-dont
      “I spent a few hours with a billionaire today, who was telling me things that I never hear about in the mainstream/lamestream media.
      1. Billionaires know the reality of the recent past, at least with respect to those countries and industries that had an impact on their fortune. Billionaires in oil and gas from the Middle East, for instance, understand why the wars happened.
      2. Billionaires know the reality of the present, including who has the power, who can take that power away, and who only thinks they have the power and is being used as a puppet, at least in their own spheres of interest. Did Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) really have an exercise machine accident on January 1, 2015, or did he get a beat-down for not keeping a promise? Ask a billionaire. He or she probably knows. Don’t bother believing the press – whatever is printed about something like that wouldn’t be the truth, just on principle.
      3. Billionaires know the future. Alan Kay said, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” This is a good quote to inspire Stanford and MIT grads eager to add value by creating new products. The reality is, though, that the best way to predict the future is to be a billionaire, have access to think tanks, government lobbyists, bundlers, multiple candidates who will do what you ask even in terms of what they will or won’t say in their speeches, and, of course, access to people like President Obama and his top advisors/minders.
      4. Billionaires know that all deals worth over $1 billion take political power to close. If you don’t have political power, you don’t get to do $1 billion+ deals.
      5. Billionaires know that political power makes money, and money makes political power, and that investment in politicians gives one of the highest ROIs, as long as you’re not to obvious about it and don’t get a spotlight on it. The classic example is Dick Cheney. While in the military, he set up a commission to give a centralized fuel purchasing contract to one lucky company. He picked the people to make the selection, resigned, and then became CEO of Halliburton…which “won” the big fuel contract. The number floating around of how much money Cheney made his companies is $39 billion. Billionaires, at least those related to the US government, know the number is way higher.
      6. Billionaires know that there is a market for secret or hidden money, just like there is a market for so many other things.
      7. Billionaires know what crazy old King Canute, the Viking who founded both London and the Swedish city of Lund, and who once went into the North Atlantic and ordered the waves to stop moving, once said, “You would be amazed, my son, with how little wisdom the world is run.”
      Basically, billionaires are like Dorothy and Toto, after Toto pulls back the curtain and reveals the Wizard of Oz to be a small man playing tricks to look large and in charge.
      8. Billionaires know more billionaires, on average, than non-billionaires. There are only about 1,700 or so billionaires, vs. about 7.5 billion people, so the average person isn’t going to be meeting multiple billionaires in his or her lifetime.
      9. Billionaires know that truth about billionaires that Forbes either does not know, or knows but cannot print. Billionaires know who pretends to be a billionaire (I have heard some famous names), but is not, and who is a centibillionaire (worth over a $100 billion) but pretends to be much less wealthy. They know that Bill Gates is not the richest man, for instance, and find it a subject worthy of laughing at people for believing that he or Warren Buffet or Carlos Slim are, or ever were, the richest people on earth.
      10. Billionaires know that the first trillionaire, or, at least, the first trillionaire family, already exists.”

        1. Ha, I was going to look up and see if Cheney had ever been in the military as soon as I got through reading that comment. I was thinking he had not.

  16. One item I would include in this is the total disarmament of the people. An armed populace has held the New World Order at bay in the US. Without guns, the people would be sitting ducks to a totalitarian government.

    1. Probably a lot less than you think.
      The NWO is just like everyone else; they think they matter more than they do. You can’t force a political change if the fundamentals aren’t there.
      What probably matters more is the ideology of the constitution. It doesn’t create a functional government by any means, but the schilling point of resisting any unconstitutional change makes it a lot harder to enforce any political changes.
      In reality, the facts that 1. the states are independent of the federal government and 2. local government is independent of state government, means that your mediocre local cop is the biggest force holding the federal government back from full repression.

  17. I have to disagree with ‘the elites want to reduced overall global population’.
    Their goal is to have as many slaves as possible, so they do want births among populations they can control. So they support extra welfare for having more babies that single women can’t afford. This is really welfare for big agra, the medical industry, landlords, etc.. since the money all ends up in their pockets. The politicians can control them with entitlements that keep them from starving in the streets. The love more than anything an oversupply of cheap labor.
    They want decrease in populations they can’t control. Hence the attack on masculinity and traditional families.

    1. Agree. If the ‘elites’ were interested in reducing global population they would be targeting Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, etc. They are not. In fact, Africa is exploding. Uganda has something like 6.1 kids per woman.

  18. You forgot the weapon of autism.

    They are giving that to kids an an increasing rate.

    Stupid sick people are easier to control.

    1. But it turns on them. Weaponized autism is what makes 8chan great.
      I am an autist myself and published my german redpill blog last week.
      I keep it simple (I’m a hardcore minimalist, pretty much thinking in the way of Steve Jobs, but I still never used an Apple product) and ads-free.
      When I look around myself I see all these people without autism and they are all mindless sheeple. Autism is not the friend of the global elite. Maybe they think it is, but they are dead wrong.

      1. good for you man, really.
        but you must look at it from this angle… western white women go sloots/career grrrrl until 35 – 40 then find a simp to “settle” with, have a child with autism, and because these empowered grrrls looooove & trust their grubbymitt & believe every womans magazine article jewbook post & the fake news “talking heads” stories they are entitled to/rewarded with free health care for their sick child, courtesy of the good caring people at big pharma.
        i think what Chip Baskets said is spot on “stupid sick people are easier to control” and with the weaponizing of western women, expect alot more in the years to come.

      2. Have you checked out “thuleanperspective”?
        Varg is on the money often. His perspective on autism:

        I’ll check out your blog.

  19. This a complex topic so it’s hard to have all the answers, but I don’t agree with many of the ideas.
    1. I don’t want leftists or any other group to control everyone, whether in nation states or a world state.
    2. I don’t want them to indoctrinate people into having less children through leftist social engineering, mass abortion, pollution of drinking water and so on.
    1. Many small countries are more prosperous than larger ones, such as Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Singapore, Iceland, Malta etc. I have written about this in my post about Alberto Alesino. Of course there will be growth problems and other problems, but a reasonable population decline is not negative, quite the opposite. GDP per capita is a better yardstick than total GDP size.
    2. Quality over quantity, in the West and elsewhere. African countries like Botswana are better than Nigeria. Rather a well-educated population with strong ethics which is smaller than the opposite.
    Additionally, the truth is that various flora and fauna are dying because of human growth. It’s not leftism; it’s truthism.

  20. The biggest attacks has been militant liberalism and left wing authoritarianism. I am British and I clearly remember life pre 2000s. I have watched my country change for the worse over the last few decades. I would be here all day if I was to to talk in depth about it.

  21. Honestly, if we stopped trading with china and halted food aid to Africa, that population problem would be gone.

    1. You mean stop taking the free shit the chinese are giving us to control us?
      That totally worked for the barbarians.

  22. Alright Relampago, good article, we know what they are after. Now, how about an article about how to throw a wrench in each one of these plans and how us common peons can do something about it. If you don’t write one, I will. We need more of how we can make a difference, or at least how much money it would cost each one of us to do something that would offset these plans by a couple years or decades thus giving others more time to further derail their mass-genocidal ambitions.

    1. ” Now, how about an article about how to throw a wrench in each one of these plans and how us common peons can do something about it. If you don’t write one, I will”

  23. LOL!!! You take the “Georgia Guidestones” seriously?
    Okay, if you don’t like a number chiseled on a rock in Georgia, set up another rock with a bigger number on it to fight the first rock’s bad mojo.

  24. Seriously, I’ve heard claims about some elite plan to depopulate the world, but this plan mysteriously fails, year after year after year.
    Which suggests that if such a plan exists, it can’t escape from someone’s imagination and turn into an effective course of action.

  25. For those on the left who wish to depopulate the Earth, I have a suggestion; get rid of yourself first. The human race is better off without you.

  26. An excellent article Mr. Furioso. It is too bad many commenters are choosing instead to mock and laugh at the thought of elites trying to kill off humanity. If anyone wants to know just how deep this rabbit whole goes, watch Superman: Man Of Steele and note the name of Zod’s ship.
    For those that dismiss and mock the facts presented here, I am not going to try and convince you of them. Instead, I will tell you how Mr. Furioso came to learn them, as I suspect he did much the same way I did.
    When the elites imploded a perfectly working system in the 1980s and 90s, the beginning of the downfall resulted in more and more men being either tossed out of work or going their own way (yes, before it was popular on YT). Over time, more and more men such as myself found ourselves: a) under or unemployed, b) no wife and kids to occupy our time, and c) access to the internet. After 9/11, which was technically a satanic sacrifice/energy event, the destruction of “the way” for men (education, marriage, job, family, retirement) was accelerated.
    With so much time on my (and others) hands, the internet became more than a place to find porn, it was a place to ask questions or have questions placed before you (blogs and youtube) that challenged the narrative of the times. Eventually, a thinking man finds his way to the library, or perhaps thinks back on his uni days (or current ones) and begins to see something strange.
    Central banking and the funding of both sides of war going back 100s of years is the root of it all. Once you start at the root, you can branch off into almost anything and you will find the dots that connect everything that is happening right now. The problem for those that ridicule and mock “conspiracy” theories is that they are simply lazy, closed minded and hitting the cognitive dissonance wall.
    “No man… that’s CRAZY. Come on, no one can control the whole world. Kill humanity off? Test tube babies? The US government would kill over 3000 of its own citizens to start a satanic war in the middle east to usher in a new age of Lucifer and his Light of knowledge to humanity?”
    See. The brain just can’t go there. They can’t believe that as psychopathic as the elites are, they are not THAT crazy. They are, in fact they are worse.
    I don’t believe they will achieve their dream. It has never been done before and it never will be. That said… make no mistake… they KNOW it is final quarter. They know they have to get this Prison Planet (now you know where the name came from) setup before too many of us wake up.
    So… mock if you will Mr. Furioso and myself. We are not asking you to believe what we believe, but to go out and do the research for yourself. If you do, and just pick one “conspiracy”, follow it wherever it leads. Try to disprove it.
    Example. Who are the Warburgs and what do they have to do with America and the US dollar?
    Another. Who was the anonymous donor of the Georgia Guidestones and what was the specific religious order that was the supposed source of the funds and commission of the site?
    Those are just TWO “conspiracies” I challenge anyone who laughs at this article to investigate and disprove as completely crazy.
    The Guidstones are real. They physically exist. Someone put them there and that someone did so for a definite purpose. “They” are not like you and I, not even close. “They” think of the world and human beings in a very, very, very different light.
    Australia Becomes First Country To Begin Microchipping Its Public
    But naaaaaahhhh… it’s just a “conspiracy”, nothing to see here.
    Leave you all with this excellent spoken word summation on the ultimate fate of the elites and their agenda for total world domination.

      1. I don’t know. It’s a singularity kind of situation I think. IF… the regular folk can take back their governments, maybe… but the tech is there, it will be used. The problem is while tech has always threatened humanity in the past, the advances were minimal and usually adoptable (sword or bow tech improved, but could easily be adopted by others once known). How do you adopt a counter tech to pervasive online surveillance? Or terminator style robots? The gulf now in terms of tech between the controlling elites and the masses… may be insurmountable, and this is what they are counting on and working towards.
        What I will say is this. God, fate, karma… has a way of being a bitch when you are just about to control the whole world. A tipping point is reached, the wrong false flag (cue Syria gas, again, this week), and before you know it, the entire tech control grid goes down with one solar flare EMP or some such thing. I here the Russians have such an EMP nuke that could take out the entire US electrical grid with one strike. I don’t know the science, but from what I have heard, one EMP strike knocks out the tech in electronic devices completely. Think of the devastation that would cause?
        So many things can happen that the elites cannot control, and that is their achilles heel. They deny God and fight him, believing their “control” is proof they are above God. But every time in history, EVER TIME, some group or individual thinks they are on the cusp of controlling the whole world, it all falls apart, right before their eyes.
        On a personal level… I read a good book written by a Jew (yes, some good ones out there) who wanted to know WHY Germans submitted to Hitler. He interviewed many Germans and the one that stuck out for me was the guy who said “I wanted to resist, but I did not. I went along. In hindsight, if I HAD resisted, that means others may have as well but because I did not, others did not and Hitler was the result.” This German took the failure to stop Hitler completely on his shoulders, from a spiritual/psychological point of view. If you are THINKING of resisting, others are as well. If you DO NOT resist, it is likely others won’t.
        So… Roosh writes. I write. ROK and numerous others write. In commenting as you are, you are resisting. As long as there is resistance, push back, they cannot win. They win, only when we give up IN THE MIND. This is why Alex Jones’ main site is called InfoWars… it truly is a war for your mind.
        Find ways to talk to others, carefully of course and with caution, but do it. If you get even one person to question what is going on, that is another mind added to the battle to fight this nightmare.
        I personally stopped researching some of this stuff as it was not just depressing, but outright nightmare inducing. The technology is there to completely enslave the entirety of humanity. Watch Man Of Steel and read between the lines on alien life, humans grown, not born, an elite so corrupt and soft they can’t see their own planet is going to explode due to their lust for technological control… God men on earth. Seriously… then watch Batman Vs Superman. So so so many themes of the end game are in both those films. It is almost impossible to find a film now WITHOUT the subliminal messaging. (Which they believe is helping to bring about their reality, i.e. magik).

        1. EMP technology has been around for decades and every nuclear capable country has it in its arsenal. And there are more nuclear capable countries than show up on the list.

  27. I am in favor of population control, so long as non-white, subhuman turd worlders are being depopulated.

        1. Tsk. tsk, I thought you’d feel comfortable among those with your dark swarthy African genetics?

        2. I’ve had my DNA tested and I have no subhuman filth flowing through my, veins!

        3. Yes, yes, of course you have. I believe you….not. Say it once, and say it loud, you are black, and you are proud…

        4. You African chaps are good at running I hear. Especially Greek ones, away from actual hard work too!

  28. CMPML, Department of Finance.
    Al Capone owned the Pol1ce, It was the Tax Office which defeated him. He should have started his own State …
    Thelemic State tax office commander in chief is still in Prison.
    Thelemic State obligations will very soon be the only paper of value. Until that time you can help the Cause by depositing money on this account :
    NL03 INGB 0002 5195 41
    You’ll receive a nice Document with the Seal of the Solar Emperor Himself!
    Thelemic State has declared martial law.
    Alternatively, you can support RogierSoft, subsidiary of the CMPML.
    End of Document.

  29. I don’t know what these “elites” are worried about: the West is already depopulating itself with sub-replacement birth rates.

  30. When people are against clean water or air they come incredibly stupid, this article is no exception. ‘Just meaningless regulations’ right? Just like the recent scott pruitt re-allowing pesticides back into fruit.

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