How Did Venezuela Become Such A Total Disaster?

You’ve probably read or heard a great deal about the incipient chaos in Venezuela.  There are serious food shortages, rampant crime, seething unrest, and the threat of a violent government crackdown.  And yet Venezuela has untold riches in oil.  Most people are unaware that it was one of the major driving forces behind the founding of OPEC many decades ago.  It used to be a stable, prosperous, and reasonably efficient state structure.  How could a country with so many natural resources be unable to feed its people?  What happened?  How did it all unravel?  And what lessons can we draw from the drama?

To blame it all on abstractions like “socialism” is too simple.  We need a comprehensive, nuanced explanation of how the country was plunged into its present state.  These are the major reasons:

Falling Oil Prices

Venezuela derived most of its income from oil exports.  When things were good in the early 2000s, and oil was well over $100 per barrel, the money was rolling in.  When a lot of money is sloshing around in a system, it tends to cover up problems.  No one listens to critics in good times.  Oil was at rock bottom during the 1990s, and then prices began to take off in the early 2000s.  It’s hard to remember now, but oil actually reached $152 per barrel in 2008.  Those days are now long gone.

Like the economies of some Middle Eastern countries, Venezuela was never able—or willing—to convert its oil revenues to economic diversification.  A prudent leader would have seen lean times coming amidst the boom, and would have laid the foundations for economic adaptation.  Natural resources never last forever.  Unfortunately, none of that was done.  The oil profits were squandered on Hugo Chavez’s pet projects:  donating money to Cuba, giving it to his cronies and friends, or doling it out to the disenfranchised.


It’s the same old story here.  Corruption is a way of life in many countries around the world:  often it is just a matter of degree.  But when money is rolling in, it tends to exacerbate preexisting structural weaknesses.  By any measure, Hugo Chavez headed a regime that was deeply corrupt.  An ex-sergeant in the Army, he staffed the key offices of the government with cronies, flunkies, yes-men, and assorted stooges who would do his bidding.  Ability mattered  not at all.  The list of state institutions implicated in corruption is long:  Corpolec (the state electricity company), CANTV (national telephone company), SENIAT (the tax authority), CADIVI (the currency control agency), and SIDOR (the steel manufacturer) are the most prominent.

Chavez was never interested in “solving” the corruption problem because he himself was the problem.  This was a man who attempted to seize power unlawfully in a coup and was then sent to prison.  Such men are uninterested in the rule of law and order:  what matters to them is their own power and aggrandizement.  The rot of corruption was so extensive that third-rate men were filling positions who had absolutely no qualifications for their posts.  The results were predictable.

Economic Mismanagement

Working hand-in-hand with corruption was economic mismanagement.  There were actually three different co-existing exchange rates in Venezuela.  There was the official rate (called DiPro) used for basic imports; there was the “managed float” rate called DiCom; and then there was the underground black market rate.  Experienced finance people will generally tell you that in any managed economy, the black market rate is the most honest and accurate.  And when the gap between the “official rate” and the black market rate is huge, it tells people that the government is lying about the exchange rates and can’t be trusted.

How does this destroy and economy?  When the black market rates are high, it encourages government officials to engage in hoarding basic foodstuffs and to trade on the black market.  This sharpens food shortages and undermines faith in the economy.  Businesses feel no incentive to work, since they will realize little profit.  Inflation begins to creep up, and then takes off like a rocket.

Chavez foolishly left currency controls in place since the early 2000s; this caused huge gaps between the “official” exchange rates and what the average person knew was going on in the black market.  If he had permitted rates to float, things might have been somewhat better, but this course of action was never considered.  So why won’t the Venezuelan authorities under Maduro allow the currency to float?

The answer is simple:  because too many people have too much to lose from doing so.  Maduro is Chavez’s hand-picked successor.  All of Chavez’s people are still embedded like parasites in the positions that matter.  They have all become hugely wealthy from siphoning off the country’s oil wealth, and they are not about to change the rules of the game now.  It is a depressing picture of greed and venality triumphing over public duty and moral rectitude.

Foreign Tensions

Nicolas Maduro likes to blame the country’s problems on “foreign economic warfare.”  By this he means the United States’s “hostile” policy towards his country.  The reality is something very different.  This is one case where the United States is blameless for the current crisis. It is true that President Obama in March 2015 declared that the situation in Venezuela posed an “extraordinary threat” to the security of the United States.  This was hyperbole, of course, but can anyone blame the US?  Chavez made a career out of pissing in Uncle Sam’s face and hugging and kissing Fidel Castro.  What could he expect from the US in return?  Flowers and garlands?

So when the US blackballed him from the economic system, and did all those other little things that great powers do when they want to put the screws to small countries, Chavez had only himself to blame.  This is how the game is played, and bad leadership has consequences.  So when Caracas whines about “economic warfare,” they are not telling the whole story.  The US is certainly not doing Venezuela any favors; but then again, why should it?  When you stick your finger in the eye of the cyclops, you should not expect a warm response.

A final factor in the current crisis is the opposition’s protracted battles to oust Maduro.  Although it is understandable that they would want to be rid of the Chavez-era parasites, the long battle between the government and the opposition has given the government the excuse it needs to maintain a system of martial law.  What will the future hold?  The opinion of this writer is that things do not look good.  Unless the government takes concrete steps for political and economic reform, escalating social unrest will the country’s inevitable future.

Read More: How To Maim An Attacker When Your Life Is On The Line

318 thoughts on “How Did Venezuela Become Such A Total Disaster?”

    1. Yep, the author has it exactly wrong in saying “To blame it all on abstractions like “socialism” is too simple. ”
      Socialism always results in economic mismanagement, inability to deal with changing markets like falling oil prices, corruption and foreign tensions as private corporations assets/foreign owned assets are seized by the government.

      1. Socialism always results in economic mismanagement, inability to deal with changing markets like falling oil prices…

        Exactly. If falling oil prices were a universal vector of economic misery then places like Texas and Alaska would have collapsed as well.

        1. Although Oklahoma did take a beating in the mid 1980s if I am not mistaken as their oil economy kind of bottomed out.

        2. … but companies adjusted for it. Consolidations occurred, investments in R&D in new technologies etc. Government jumping in and seizing private assets to ‘fix’ things usually makes the economy worse. Although does offer key folks wonderful opportunities for graft and corruption.

        3. Yes. If the government gets involved then you better run and take cover because they’re a bunch of incompetent and greedy motherfuckers who can and will ruin everything.

        4. Yes. It’s interesting because I recalled this being a huge pro wrestling fan and the territory known as Mid South/UWF suffered badly and went under because of the crises in Louisiana and Oklahoma at that point in time-those were their two biggest markets.

        5. Ok. So there is no difference between the social liberal government in Norway and that of Venezuela?
          Of course there is. Low corruption and relatively high government competence are crucial factors.

        6. Norway is not ‘socialist’ per se. They have some socialistic tendencies and ‘socialised’ programmes but are a capitalist society otherwise who tax you right through the asshole and where cost of living is sky high. So no comparison really.

        7. Social democracy and social liberalism imply a relatively high degree of government intervention. A hybrid model of capitalism and socialism.

        8. if only there produced carrots and top hats there- they could corner the total snowman market

        9. Norway has vast oil wealth and a high trust (white) society so socialism can last a bit longer there, but not forever.

        10. But they’d still have to buy their lumps of coal from West Virginia, by God.

        11. damn. I forgot about that. Where to source the buttons and corn cobs pipes from too

        12. You forgot one thing … white racism. The solution to all black/ brown failure. It works with or without the actual presence of white people or suitable “George Zimmerman” substitues.

        13. Norway became rich BEFORE experimenting with socialist policies and even to this day it’s not a full-fledged socialist state.

        14. Ok. So there is no difference between the social liberal government in Norway and that of Venezuela?

          My comment was in response to that statement. It wasn’t just corruption and government incompetence that brought down the country; Venezuela had been ruled by incompetent wanna-be feudal lords and bureaucrats educated in the States for decades and it didn’t reach this state until it implemented full-fledged socialism (something not implemented in Scandinavian countries) under Chavez. No matter how you slice it, the strongest factor was the full implementation of socialist policies and short-term thinking, not corruption (which worsened a bad situation), or even intelligence (in order to find out communism doesn’t work, one needn’t be a genius).

        15. Good comment. I agree.
          I wrote a more extensive comment, but it was detected as spam (perhaps because I made about five quick edits, correcting minor flaws and such), in which I explained my analysis of state intervention in relationship to economic models. I haven’t said that Norway is pure socialism; just that state intervention could be more or less effective or counterproductive and that corruption and competence matter as well.

        16. just that state intervention could be more or less effective or
          counterproductive and that corruption and competence matter as well

          I agree with you on that. The point is that the States main role is enabler and in order to do this, a commercial mindset (of a country just as a competitor in the global arena) must be had by the rulers of the country. In the end, is a delicate balance (Singapore) but I see your point. In the case of Venezuela (and any other socialist or full fledged communist state) the interest is not in the betterment of the populace or the competitiveness of the country…

        17. Norway has diversified and reallocated its oil money in foreign paper currently, known as the Oil Fund.
          Contrary to popular belief Norways economy is lagerly fueled by high workforce participation/productivity/taxation of the working population.
          By and large Norwegians Are a debt induced and high taxed/regulated population, with a huge public sector artifically inflated by oil money.
          Cost of living is ridiculious high and people can Only afford housing and cars etc cuz of access to cheap credit.
          Make No mistake, Norway is no paradise on earth. The chickens Are coming Home to roost.
          Regard a Norwegian living in Oslo, the capital city of Norway.

        18. Yes-I have read about the ridiculously expensive cost of living and being that I love Black Metal I have taken an interest in Norway to learn about such and the other systemic problems that are unfolding as we speak.

      2. The corrupt and complacent nature of metizios in never addressed in consideration of Venezuela’s predicaments.

        1. Chile seems to have things in order. Argentina doesn’t suck either, much (ok, it does some).

        2. Well Chile is majority white and it’s government is mostly white. The metizio population is mostly in the north they mostly stay there. Here’s the president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet:

          Argentina is also mostly white with most of the metizio population living in ghettos around the major cities. Whites run most of Argentina though they are incredibly pozzed and are rapidly giving it away to metizos. Here’s president Macri:

        3. Argentina is mostly white and self-destroyed its economy decades ago. Sorry but race is not the only (and maybe not even) determinant factor. By the way Bachelet is a wanna-be communist who is trying her best to put her country in the list of failed nations, just for the record…

        4. Argentina’s problem is high taxes to sustain a “welfare state” and corruption. In addition immigration from Bolivia and Paraguay who is Indian / mestizo who are very quick to grab the state teat. Unlike Venezuela, grain prices did not go down too much, but they went into debt until the state went bankrupt.

        5. You are right. But from my experience there and from what I could read the rot goes far deeper, a mental virus if you like, has spread among the population (indigenism, rejection of their spanish/western heritage, cultural marxism, culture of dependence, etc.). Moreover Argentina’s government has rejected its main duties, namely national defense and infrastructure mgmt.

        6. I don’t want to be mean with my Venezuelan fellows, but Venezuela’s mess is useful as a new case to demonstrate socialism doesn’t work. It has discredit domestic Communist and Socialist clowns who praised Chávez and said it was a good idea to adopt his policies. Now it’s funny see how these stupid politicians are throwing away what they said before and are muttering the old and tired explanation: “Maduro is incorrectly aplying Socialism, current Venezuela is not true Socialism”

        7. It’s a good description, feminism is reaching levels similar to USA (so delirious). The problem is democracy, corruption works as a collection of funds for election campaigns, subsidies, etc. All to secure votes. Indigenism is a latent and dangerous problem, especially with the Mapuche, who are in Patagonia, the region where I live and with one of the largest gas reserves in South America. To illustrate the degree of “fifth column” of these “aborigenes,” one of their leaders is half Mapuche, half Jewish (and a Womyn). They are very violent and carry out occasional attacks (they burn trucks that circulate along the route), but in Chile they are much worse, they are also more numerous.

        8. Indeed. Indigenism is poison. It’s a plague fostered by (them).
          No surprise the richest areas in S.A. are the whitest ones and where people are proud of their European ancestry

        9. If you allow me to make a book recommendation, I would encourage you to read a book titled “Del buen salvaje al buen revolucionario”, written by a Venezuelan fellow Carlos Rangel, in the late 70s, he even predicted the fall of his country and its concomitant collapse under a socialist regime in the future. That book explained to me a lot of things about that region and the collective psyche of its people.

      3. Socialism may be a very simplistic reply, but I observe that there is no nation on earth that I am aware of that has seriously tried to fully implement socialism that hasn’t seen its people starve pretty soon thereafter. Admitted’ it’s only correlation, but why the fuck would you continue trying something with such a uniformly bad correlation?

        1. You honestly think Detroit is more (D) than San Francisco or Seattle … that’s the problem. Seriously.

        2. They chose socialism because many are unable to think in terms of their future or the future for their children…

        3. All the cities you mention are unlivable for anyone, due to high taxes, high costs, high prices, excessive regulation, low level warfare (high criminality aimed at certain ethnic groups, etc.)

      4. “Socialism always results in economic mismanagement”
        National Socialism did not. It was the only example of socialism that worked. However it did so with very peculiar circumstances: competent economists, competent factory workers, a strong Volkish ethics, a whole people fed up with corruption, and a will to autarchy rather than short-term wealth. Read Francis Delaisi’s /European Revolution/ on what has been a true economic miracle.

      1. I hope an armed citizenry makes a difference. The only armed resistance I can think of was Shay’s Rebellion… it failed, and was put down by Washington, himself.

        1. The civil war was almost won by the south and it had a high degree of armed citizens. There was also the Mexican War in which many of the soldiers were self armed and self supplied (Congress didn’t agree with the war so didn’t want to fund it). There was also the famous Battle of Athens in 1946.

        2. US states also went to war with each other, using their armed citizenry as combatants.
          2 of the most famous that weren’t already mentioned might be:
          Ohio and Michigan had an armed conflict (albeit a standoff; Toledo War) that ended with Ohio claiming Toledo.
          Maine and the Canucks took arms in opposition over land in the Aroostook War.
          These aren’t gory and glorious epic wars for the ages or anything, but they are situations where a government was not serving the people and so the people used their guns to rectify the situation.

    2. I am gonna stand with QC on this one. There is a lot of rot to consider besides leftism.
      Don’t get me wrong– if I could go back in time and assassinate one person it would be Marx. Or maybe Engles.
      But the corruption, arrogance, and myopic leadership at play in Venezuela are a threat to any nation. Being a capitalist country will only insulate so much.

      1. You have a point. There are usually reasons why otherwise reasonable and rational people are willing to flush their country and their lives down the socialism toilet.

      2. Socialism works well in a society whose members are civic and think more about what they owe to the community before what they can get from the community.
        This is why it worked well in Scandinavia, for example.
        The moment you apply it to people who think about how they can benefit the more, or you open the gates to people who do not feel a responsibility with the community, left starts to work extremely bad, because it becomes a “I want more money for me“.
        That’s why left is going back in the western world: you introduce people who don’t share civic values, you can’t have policies that rely on people civility.

        1. Which is why such notions can only work on the small, elective scale. You can’t legislate or enforce kindness and/or altruism which might occur naturally.

        2. Agreed. You can legislate to use the kindness that is already in the values of a society, but you can’t enforce it through the law.

        3. What about Germany in the 30’s ??? Rose to be the greatest power in the world without any of the natural resources that other world powers had.
          You can’t legislate for kindness but you can foster a culture of kindness.
          It’s why it doesn’t work without the nationalism in my opinion.

        4. Brilliant. Excellent analysis and I love when I hear a differing opinion on here. It’s getting very close minded very quick.
          Too many Americans have residual propaganda in the system from the cold war. Socialism is a naughty word to them and the can’t get past it. Blinds them from being objective.
          Of course there are plenty of great and important aspects to socialism.

        5. Yeah, we won, they nose dived into the ground like every other socialist nation does eventually, so it’s our fault for having a bad opinion of socialism. It’s just peachy! Why can’t those silly Americans see that?

        6. Thats a fucking ridiculous comment.
          I don’t think you are stupid enough to think I said that but either way its not worth an answer.
          If you want to be an adult about go again,if not I wont reply.

        7. Whats ridiculous is your support of failed socialists states. You were supporting the Norh Korean despotic Kim regime a couple of nights ago.
          Travel to the socialist shithole of your choice and re-nounce your citizenship if you are so infatuated.

        8. I NEVER in my life “defended” north korea as a socialist state.
          Equally i will NEVER EVER in my life apologize for being open minded and reserving judgement unlike your ignorant fucking self. I can see beyond the lies of my own culture and think critically for myself.
          You want North Korea to be the boogey man fine. I don’t care. I’m not here to cure your ignorance or stupidity whichever it is.
          You had a chance yesterday and you fucking blew you are like a piece of pussy,running on pure emotion. Ye come on here talking all this manly shit and putting down women for being emotional and irrational yet the only thing making you a man is your birth cert you fucking BITCH.

        9. Comport yourself. It’s to your benefit.
          I laid out my points in that thread and why I think they are valid and your rebuttals were pretty much like your above post. Unconvincing.
          “Ye come on here talking all this manly shit and putting down women for being emotional and irrational yet the only thing making you a man is your birth cert you fucking BITCH.”
          You should tuck your emotive rants back under your skirt.

        10. John Galt is right about avoiding name-telling. And I fully agree with you: using North Korea as the boogey man is no better than reducing any nationalist movement to Htiler, which is another boogey man. But start ranting makes you look like you run out of arguments, which I don’t think so.

        11. You equate pussy with negativity?
          Yep, youre a fudge packer.

          And a troll. Obvious troll.

        12. I appreciate what you are saying allright but look at the conversation. They don’t even reply to what you said. They just spout whatever emotional bullshit they had predetermined to say. NOTHING I say registers.
          It’s my own fault for expecting intelligent conversation online. There are maybe two or three people on this site that think critically and can muster a counter argument that is original and non generic regardless of whether I agree or not with them.
          So when that fucking dumb prick starts making shit up Then yeah I’m goin to vent my frustration through admittedly juvenile name calling.
          Why would I continue to rationalize with him ?? he is too fucking dense to debate back ??
          Literally If i don’t condemn Korea out right and hysterically I’m accused of “supporting the North Korean despotic Kim regime” and “support of failed socialists states” and of course the classic retort of all retards “Travel to the socialist shithole of your choice and re-nounce your citizenship if you are so infatuated.”
          Now what lead him to that ?? Well my conclusion that North Korea is not a threat to America and isn’t the Aggressor in the situation.
          Because he is so fucking stupid he equates thinking critically and objectively to supporting and being in favor of something or someone. Because in his simple little mind its good vs evil and there is no in between. Because in his absolute ignorance he could never muster a positive THOUGHT about something he doesnt agree with.
          And i disagree my last message wasn’t a rant. I stand by that.

        13. The problem is socialist countries will eventually be populated by the second type of person, although it may take a few generations. Both Norway and Sweden have had to pare back benefits over the years, and both countries have woefully underfunded militaries.

        14. You don’t need to debate with somebody, unless that person pays for it. But debating for free? it’s YOUR right to choose what debates you follow. Some people can think you have the obligation of debating with them. You don’t.
          When I find a situation where the debate is unproductive, I make my points clear in a comment and I just leave it there. Nobody pays you for it, you have no obligation.
          I agree with you: North Korea is not the aggressor. That doesn’t make the regime less of a tyranny, but that doesn’t imply it’s the aggressor in an international conflict. The same I think Putin was right in the Ukraine crisis, and that doesn’t make his laws against gays right. Dear god! Even Hitler was the pioneer in animal’s rights laws!. Should we allow people to beat their pets freely without consequences because doing otherwise is nazi? That makes no sense.
          But ranting and name-telling is unproductive. Make your points clear and leave the debate when it goes nowhere, let the others be the ones that lose the control.

      3. Lenin. No USSR.
        Maybe Wilson? Without him, Marxism wouldn’t have gained a beachhead in the USA…and it could cover for letting Lenin live as no Wilson in all likelihood means that WW1 doesn’t end with that big ole gang-rape of Germany.
        Edit: Without Woodrow “He Kept Us Out of the War” Wilson threatening to enter WW1, the Germans might not have even smuggled Lenin into the USSR as a Fifth Column.

    3. In every country, in every point in history, men get the women and the government they deserve.

      1. No, I don’t deserve this rampant recklessness, acquisitiveness, and lack of concern for others and the future that is the common thread of political authority, today. You probably don’t deserve it either. But you got it.
        Maybe you treat women as a fun and challenging alpha provider. And maybe 1-in-50 will have the character recognize you for it. You don’t deserve that, either.
        Don’t believe that we have earned this disintegration. We were born into it, and are on the subversive edge of a broader push for change.

        1. I’m Alt-Right, so I am all for change, by civil war probably. Progressives are pure evil.

  1. The are sitting in the largest oil reserve of the world, they have more oil in the ground than the rich Arabs. it´s time to bring them democracy. They could be the United Arab Emirates of south America, but are the asshole of South America.

      1. Venezuela needs the right kind of dictator, someone like Augusto Pinochet (peace be upon him).

        1. was that the guy whose nose grew every time he lied or the guy who invented those nuts with the clam like open shell?

        2. Noooo… but he did throw 3000 communists out of helicopters. The result is that Chile is now considered to be the only developed nation in South America.

        3. sounds like an awful waste of helicopter fuel. Don’t they have any guns in south America?

        4. It is the thought that counts.
          I mean, these are communists after all, not real people. Is it wise to waste bullets on things that are not real people?

        5. yeah but bullets much cheaper than 100LL helicopter fuel. I mean you are getting what, 4 communists tops per helicopter ride? Sounds like this Pinocchio guy really does some wasteful spending and no real CBA.

        6. Oh the benefits are immeasurable. The world is always better off when the number of dead communists increases.

        7. May be kind of like the pudgy Korean kid killing folks with AA guns, anti-tank weapons, and similar spectacular methods. A show for those contemplating opposition.
          Although, perhaps when it was all said and done, he turned to everyone in the room and declared:
          “As God is my witness, I thought communists could fly!”

        8. Kneeman, the pilots have to get in flight time to maintain their training qualifications, so the fuel will be burned anyway. Ammunition is expensive too and shouldn’t be expended needlessly. You have to weigh out the cost / benefit ratio.

        9. hmmm, ok well if the pilots need their flight time anyway I guess that makes sense. I mean, you are gong to be up there, might as well toss out some communists.
          Can we send Richard Dreyfus down to Venezuela to relive the plot of Moon Over Parador a classic movie too seldom watched.

        10. I’ve seen a horse fly and I’ve seen a house fly but I ain’t never seen no communist fly

        11. what vault? I can get it on blu ray on amazon and if I don’t want to pay for it I can torrent it

        12. I don’t see them ever putting it on broadcast TV again though, I think they’d get a lot of blow back from the Society of the Perpetually Offended over the cartoon crows singing.

        13. yeah, but broadcast tv? I think I can let that one slide. I mean ok, probably not…..but it isn’t like it has been black listed.

        14. You can load in more than 4 commies in a single flight. If you stack them right about two platoons worth I would imagine. The flight doesn’t have to be long, just high, and with no load on the return trip.

        15. We can improve on the system. C-130 herkybird with a Teflon lined interior. Load the people on, take off, fly out over the ocean, open the tail hatch, and hit maximum climb. Out they go. I’m thinking a hundred per flight, and no body disposal.

        16. A movie that both was reviled & bombed, and that’s, loosely speaking, an adaptation of Heinlein’s Double Star?
          How have I not heard about this before?

        17. Too many lefties claim that sharks in the Atlantic still follow the routes of the old slave ships.
          Perhaps your system could be federally funded through a research grant to study the dump site for the next century or so?

    1. I suspect that oil reserve assessments are about as accurate as first-world political polls.
      Hilariously, there’s a propaganda sign at a nature preserve here that was constructed circa 1980. It claims that, by the 2010s, not only would the area have risen 10 degrees F in avg temp but that the ME would’ve run dry of oil.

  2. Blaming it on socialism isn’t too simple. Socialism is exactly why Venezuela is going down. All the external factors are present for other countries, yet they aren’t eating dogs and cats, and seizing bakeries and automotive plants.
    Lenin said the goal of socialism is communism, and I think he knew better than anybody.
    Socialism needs to be called out for the failed system it is. At this point it’s been tried for 100 years, and it hasn’t worked once yet. It won’t ever work.

    1. We do this, but the leftist-run public k12 school system insists on teaching the opposite.
      As long as people keep sending their children into these systems, the belief that socialism is awesome will never die.

      1. People are too cowed and browbeaten into silence to scream out for their rights to their own minds– and their children’s rights to their own minds.
        Cultural Marxism is the functional outcome of a fetish for cuckholdry.

      2. Or they will join the controlled rebellion against the “liberals” and become Fox/Rush/Beck/Reagan worshipers

  3. I’d like to see a list of all the articles praising Hugo Chavez in the early 2000’s when he fist got in. All the media were cheering and praising him. Now not a peep.

    1. I’m sure they have plenty of “Evil Corporations thwarted Chavez’s Reforms” and “How Rich White Men Destroyed the Venezuelan Utopia” articles just waiting to be unleashed.

  4. I doesn’t matter how many times this happens, the socialists will always believe they’ll get it right next time.

    1. And change the name don´t forget to change the name or add something to the name, Democratic socialism, Libertarian socialism, Market socialism,
      Utopian socialism, Liberal socialism, Ethical socialism, Religious socialism, Eco-socialism. Super Shin Socialism Alpha gold new champion edition turbo remix HD Socialism new age of heroes Reloaded Ver2.4

      1. and when that socialism fail, wait for the Economic System of the year edition with new DLC gulag content

        1. Or just reboot the whole socialism thing with new, younger, hotter actors and pretend that last socialism and it’s sequels never happened.

        2. It fails even under devout religious communities. Human nature is human nature, a person will not work any harder than they have to if there is not benefit to them for doing so.

        3. Yeah, but maybe if they do it with a cast of all fat, purple-haired SJW women, maybe then it will be a hit!

        4. That could be a way to solve the SJW problem. Give them some island and let them move there (on a certain date with no option to move back) and let them set up their utopian paradise.

        5. It fails even under devout religious communities.

          That’s the untold story of the Plymouth Colony.

        6. Seriously, give them Madagascar, with all the current infrastructure, let them engage in trade, whatever, just no leaving the island. Tell them they can live there if they relocate on Jan 1, 2018 and let them take that social experiment they have dreamed about.
          It would fail in 1/10th the time it took for any country they experimented with. There would be no productive people to take the wealth from.

        7. I would agree. Deep down, even the most insane SJW’s know where the wealth comes from.

        8. Exactly. Remember all the libtards that were headed to Canada if Trump was elected? They’re still here aren’t they? And let’s not forget about Samantha Brick’s all female media company that collapsed under the weight of estrogen drenched petty jealousies and cat fights. Boy wouldn’t an entire island of blue haired SJW fatties scratching to survive be quite a sight? I’d probably have to sign up for satellite tee-vee if they put “SJW Survivor: Delusional & Afraid” on the air, lol!

        9. Well, some of those folks may have tried and found out that Canada’s immigration laws are more restrictive than the US, and better enforced.

        10. What do you have against Madagascar?..
          ….by all accounts its great.
          Id love to visit.

          Put the scum somewhere shttier, india maybe, its already one giant open sewer.
          Send all the white guilters, transmosexuals, etc to india, then convince Pakistan to nuke them.

      2. It’s fun to try to get socialists to get curious about and want to try National Socialism.

      1. I seem to recall that the Jews were aghast and miffed at The Donald after his campaign-trail AIPAC speech, as he planted an nationalist “burr” under their globalist “saddle”.
        Now the Jewish interest groups act as though they’ve always been “simpatico” with The Teflon Don? Weird.

  5. Just finished reading “North Korea Confidential” by Tudor and Pearson. Well worth a read. The ultimate socialist melt-down state, slowly changing but in little danger of revolution.

  6. Repeat after me:
    Communism doesn’t work.
    Communism doesn’t work.
    Communism doesn’t work.
    Communism doesn’t work.
    Communism doesn’t work.

    1. ….and it will never work.
      ….and it will never work.
      ….and it will never work.
      ….and it will never work.
      ….and it will never work.

  7. This is an email I sent to a friend who asked me about the situation in Venezuela:
    What is happening in Venezuela is due to a number of factors:
    1. Non white country: as you know, non whites are lazy, violent (in the bad sense), prone to dishonest business and dealings, etc.
    2. Failed state: as you know, most non white nations are just failed political entities. Venezuela is one, depending of its petrol production to fulfill the economy of a socialist state. And because they are a socialist state, the money is not enough to give everything to all the population. Hell, there is not even toilet paper in the supermarkets, can you image that?
    2. Power conflicts: Maduro, the President is from jewish ancestry ( and a commie; his rival Capriles is from jewish ancestry ( and a liberal; so basically what you have is a fight between rabbis (like Rosenberg said). Maduro wants the power to continue with his obsolete failed commie state, Capriles want some failed liberal obsolete state.
    3. Drug trafficking: Venezuela is now one of the leaders in the drug trading market. What Colombia produces is send to Venezuela and from there to Europe and USA. As you know, this kind of ‘business’ brings a lot of violence, massacres, etc.
    What’s going to happen? Eventually Maduro will fall and Capriles or other liberal is going to take the rein.
    Does this situation affects the continent as a whole? No. Most Latin America is a shithole anyway, so political convulsions in one shithole don’t affect much other shitholes.
    Colombia is being affected because we are receiving large quantities of Venezuelans ‘refugees’. They are mostly non whites, so demographically this does not affect Colombia (here most of the population is non white); the problem is that most of them come here, like all ‘refugees’, to commit unlawful acts: drug trafficking (we already have a lot of that without them, so imagine now), robberies, etc. Fun fact: there are thousands of Venezuelan prostitutes coming to Colombia, the other day in our local news the police raided a brothel where all the whores where Venezuelans, lol.

  8. “To blame it all on abstractions like “socialism” is too simple.”
    Occam’s razor.

  9. Very disappointing and ill-formed article by QC.
    This article below provides deeper insights.
    Venezuela: Crisis and Propaganda
    1. Venezuela cannot compete in the international market, or in its own market with respect to agriculture. This is due to the United States’ highly protectionist and highly subsidized agricultural sector, which is solidified by the so called trade deals passed around the globe. While the world must submit to neo-liberal and laissez faire policies, the U.S relies on subsidized market interference. Since Venezuela cannot compete agriculturally, Venezuela imports food and pays for it with its oil.
    2. The United States has doubled its domestic production of oil in the last decade. Since Russia is in a similar situation as Venezuela, with respect to an oil economy, they are pumping out huge amounts of oil to keep up with the price of their economy. It is also known that Saudi Arabia is pumping its domestic oil at capacity. Supply is up and demand is low, due to alternative energy industries and the popularity of environment friendly cars.
    3. The U.S. staged a coup d’etat against Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, which luckily only lasted a couple of days. Suppose Maduro was working with the Republicans and the U.S. Military in order to oust President Obama; how would we react?
    4. In 2005 Venezuela offered tons of food, billions of dollars in oil, water, medical experts, medical aid and equipment to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. How is the U.S. returning the favor to the Venezuelan people as medical shortages are costing lives, there is no food to buy in the grocery stores and the government is collapsing?
    5. Maduro is playing with fire by putting his military on high alert and warning of a possible foreign invasion. The United States loves to invade countries and murder people. Maduro should not be provoking the murderous military leaders of the United States. Venezuela desperately needs to diversify its economy by bringing back agriculture, building up their infrastructure and returning to manufacturing. Perhaps Maduro should step down as president and perhaps he should be voted out. However, choosing Henrique Capriles as president, a man who urges the Venezuelan army to dispose of Maduro in an illegal coup and is a United States intelligence figurine, would result in a far worse situation for Venezuela.

    1. Ah yes, socialism doesn’t fail, it’s that pesky United States again with it’s wily ways! Why, if not for them, the entire world would be a Worker’s Paradise by now! Those running dog capitalists have ruined everything, comrade!

      1. Comrade, for shame! Your capitalist patriarchy is showing! Off to the sensitivity training gulag for you!

        1. You will have the honour of being part of Stakhanovite shock groups and lead to increasing output of up to 5000% to battle bourgeois concepts such as personal property, testosterone and freedom of thought. All glory to the regime!

        2. Reminds me almost verbatim of the Soviet apologists in the early 1990’s who were using everything in the book to say that the USSR was just a peachy place and would have succeeded if not for that terrible, awful US of A. This is a tried and true fallback for the Left every single time that one of their worker’s paradises burn to the ground.

        3. In the late 1970’s America sold wheat to the USSR instead of the rope to hang us with.

      2. Externalizing responsibility and accountability is part and parcel with collectivist ideology.

      3. power and the money. money and the power. Minute after minute. Hour after Hour.

    2. 3.
      The U.S. staged a coup d’etat against Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, which luckily only lasted a couple of days.

      That’s gotta take the prize as the best joke of the year. I am pretty sure Venezuelans right now are daydreaming about an alternative Universe where Chavez regime was toppled in 2002 and the new regime rolled back all the policies that led to their current situation; if they have brains that is.

      4. In 2005 Venezuela offered tons of food, billions of dollars in oil, water, medical experts, medical aid and equipment to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. How is the U.S. returning the favor to the Venezuelan people as medical shortages are costing lives, there is no food to buy in the grocery stores and the government is collapsing?

      Yes, I forgot the part when the U.S. bid Venezuelan government perform mass expropriations, spend the gains of the oil industry like there is no tomorrow ignoring maintenance and diversification of the economy and increase the costs of doing business to such an extent that no one sane would dare to set up shop down there.

  10. A friend told me they do not have oil refineries for what they have- the heavy sour type of crude. They have to export their own oil to foreign refineries, which then ships the oil back(with additional cost to the citizens of that country of course).
    Why dont they have these needed refineries? If this isnt a telltale sign of how mismanaged(and short-sighted) their leaders are, I dont know what is

    1. They have to sell their heavy oil to the evil US to have it refined. This really pisses them off.

      1. That far away? Why didnt Chavez take some of those profits to build a refinery capable of processing the heavy sour stuff? I dont get it. Are Venezuelans too stupid to build on on their own w/o western input(or did I asnwer my own question)?

        1. …. because like every good socialist, that money needed to go into his and his cronies overseas bank accounts…

        2. That’s a question for the Venezuelan people, this could have been done decades ago. The next time the price of oil goes up instead of paying off the peasants, the leaders should build a refinery.
          During the rein of Chavez he would send free fuel to poor Americans. Patrick Kennedy Jr. would go on TV and reach out to Americans who qualified. It was a blatant attempt to energize our poor into socialists. What Chavez doesn’t understand is the poor of the US are not poor. When you visit a third world country then you see what poor is. His plan to radicalize our poor was stupid. He should have build a refinery.

        3. When the poisonous dwarf came into power in 2002, all US oil companies pulled their people and equipment out within days. It seems they have experience what happens when the local government wants to go banana republic. European companies stuck around– just to be nationalized a few months later.
          The output started to decline, but they were able to hide the effects when oil was +$100 a barrel. Now there is a glut, they have burned through their foreign currency reserves and the socialist leaders have padded their offshore bank accounts.
          I wouldn’t count on a new party to save that hole any time soon. Have you seen the other top Venzuela political parties?
          United Socialist Party of Venezuela -Socialist
          Justice First – Social liberalism
          Democratic Action – Social democractic
          A New Era – Social democractic
          Popular Will- centric
          The Radical Cause- Democratic Socialist
          Progress Movement of Venezuela -Progressivism
          Project Venezuela- Christian democracy
          Communist Party of Venezuela-Communist
          Progressive Advance- Progressivism
          Clear Accounts(es) – Progressivism

        4. Building the refinery would mean less funds for bribes, hookers and “wealth re-distribution” (subsidies for poor people so they don’t riot and vote for them), it was that way before Chávez…

    2. jesus, all the money we spend on Iraq and Afghanistan we could conquer Venezuela and set up an infrastructure.

    3. Or maybe the regime was stupid and greedy and wanted to keep the proletariat needy and impoverished. If they had a semblance of a working infrastructure that might cause the unimaginable horror of a working population that can earn a livelihood and have a modicum of self-respect as opposed to a parasitic rabble dependant on government largesse.

    4. Canada doesn’t refine it’s heavy oil either. The refining business has been shit for a long time. You can’t force companies to open a business that will likely lose money.
      That’s what the Keystone pipeline is all about. Increasing the capacity of an existing heavy oil pipeline from Canada to be refined in Texas (or Oklahoma?).
      Canada sends oil all the way from Alberta to the east coast to then shipped by boat to refineries in the Middle East.

      1. Actually, from what Ive read, that oil will be refined offshore(however far is needed to not pay US taxes, so I assume we have a few refineries in the Gulf)

    5. It’s true, a lot of their refineries are owned by foreign countries as well. I worked down there around 4 or 5 years ago for a plant owned by the Japanese. Those refineries don’t have what we call a cat cracker here in the states and so they are left with this stuff called coke which is like coal. We use it here for roads, tires, and all kinds of stuff but they just leave it on the ground, miles and miles of it. When I was down there I was told Americans were planning on building them power plants to run of it so it wouldn’t go to waste but Chavez ran those companies out during the takeover and now they have power problems constantly. I think they are letting up tho cause my friend is reparing a drilling rig that’ll be going down there and apparently the Venezuelans are paying them in oil for what they find.

      1. Good stuff. Pretty sure Venezuela was the wealthiest country in S America as recently as the 70s/80s, but whatevs, socialism is cool

      2. Very interesting insight. I did not realize they didn’t use catalytic cracking. Coke is invaluable for high temp boilers and was used almost exclusively in steel mills before WW2.

  11. Wait! You mean Danny Glover and Sean Penn were wrong about the wonderful government of Venezuela? How could that be? I mean they are STARS!

    1. well I don’t know about Sean Penn, but Danny Glover is getting too old for this shit.

      1. Oooooohhhhhh…..I see what you did there….

  12. Slightly off-topic but of profound importance. I can only hope @waldemar pabst is lurking because yesterday, at approximately 4:30 PM, EST I witnessed with my own baby-blues the mythical phenomenon of which he preaches:
    Before me, hand-in-hand, was an Asian man and a white woman,
    strolling happily along followed by two offspring, presumably their own!
    So it CAN happen!!!

    1. did she….did she have a soda? was it a coke? did you warn her?

      1. First thing I checked. No coke anywhere. And a good thing! There were children involved goddamn it!!

        1. still, I bet he makes her do things with an octopus.
          On a more serious note, I have “dated” three white girls whose most recent prior to me (one of which was still married to) Asian men in my life. The things I hear tell about the insecurity driven insanity that those huns got up to would curl your hair.

    2. Tangent about genetics:
      Y chromosome is unchanged between father & son, forever unto eternity.
      So if a white man sires a mixed race son, and that son sires, with a white woman, a son of his own, why does the resulting son still look obviously mixed race?

  13. Genuine question for anyone who has the capacity to offer a genuine answer in turn.
    If socialism doesnt work can you explain Germany under Hitler to me ???
    And do NOT offer the fact that they lost WW2 as evidence.
    Myself personally I think any philosophy can work. Its the intent and quality of leader that counts. Not saying they are all equal though. And I’m no communist nor would I like to live in a communist country.
    But I would like to hear someone intelligent give an answer.

    1. They were spending others’ wealth. As soon as Germany quit expanding, their wealth dried up. Not a stable system.

      1. The general counter argument is “better, stronger, faster!” but that ignores the context of what Germany had become with shooting in the streets among various socialist factions just prior to the Nazis. Hell, I could have walked in and said “go forth and sweep the streets” and the situation would have looked 100% better than it did in, say, 1928.
        You are correct, there’s a reason they got their Expansionist hat on pretty quickly into their reign. As the saying goes, the Welfare State is the Warfare State. Had the U.S. not intervened and Germany prevailed, they would have been a dead party by about the mid 1970’s, tops.

        1. I question your conclusions. The beginning about the weimar republic is spot on. It really depends on where you stop the clock on Hitler and American intervention and if he pursues his Barbarossa campaign.

      2. Thank you for answering like an adult. I mean that.
        Thats a good point to an extent. But why I think Germany worked and would have continued to work(simply saying wealth dried up is significantly understated and ruling out the little matter of ww2) is because it didnt eschew capitalism.
        You could run a factory for your own personal wealth in Germany. You could have enterprises but the stipulation was they must be run in accordance with state goals. Want to run krupp steel for profit? fine but you must make ordnance for the Wehrmacht.
        Which to me is the perfect balance. Because equality isn’t real.Some people are smarter and do deserve more but it should be tempered for the greater good.

  14. Radical socialism+metizos= Venezuela
    Radical socialism+blacks= Zimbabwe
    Radical socialism+Asians=North Korea
    Radical Socialsim+whites= Soviet Union
    Radical socialism+whites+blacks= Cuba

        1. Yes, but there are variations and the nature of the people practicing it can result in radically different levels of corruption, incompetence, inefficiency, violence, and even chaos.
          Say what you want but the Soviets beat the Nazis, went to space, and built the largest nuclear arsenal in history. Meanwhile in Zimbabwe the blacks can’t even grow food, in North Korea the biggest economic activities are narcotics manufacturing and counterfeiting, and in Venezuela they have never bothered to do literally anything else beside free ride on oil.

        2. The Soviets relied heavily on lend-lease from capitalist nations to keep from being utterly annihilated in the beginning, and took a lot of damage deep into their own nation. Yes, their Germans gave them nuclear capabilities and space travel, just like our Germans did. But at an awful cost, the conditions in the USSR sucked hind tit. Obviously there are varying degrees of suck, but end of the day, it still sucks.

        3. The Soviet Union was still aweful and morally bankrupt, but its was relatively high functioning awefulness and bankruptcy compared to its other socialist acquaintances.

        4. I’ll let the folks gunned down in the Stalin Purges know it was not all in vain.

        5. The country with the most white Aryan Germans …… WINS.
          We invented almost everything, Worship us!
          Vorsprung Durch Technic.

        6. Because… I am the man who arranges the blocks that fall down on us from up above..

        7. No, he as a nut job, but almost every modern technology can be traced back to an inventor of Germanic (Celtic tribal) descent, just one example, every type of engine is a German invention, two stroke, four stroke, diesel, rotary, jet …… all German.

        1. I feel like that guy needs his own Instagram with various pictures of him doing radical things.
          Plus, the beach boys are natural allies of radical islam.
          2 girls for every boy.
          Barbara Iran
          Surfin’ Jihadi
          Help Me Ramadan
          Sharia Girl

        2. You can’t say RAD if you don’t have spiked frosted tips! That’s the rule

        1. I was thinking Sudan. Whatever it would be would be a double whammy. Not a pleasant place.

        2. Well, China is a socialist state with a large muslim population. They turned down the communism a few notches after Mao, but still, it is not a pleasant place.

        3. And well on its way to having a much smaller Muslim problem. The rulers in Beijing (Communism is just a label to them) will take care of business. Dictatorships don’t like threats to their status quo.

        4. Agreed Mike .
          I’m pretty sure all power structures are just labels when you really get down to it.
          In my opinion its more the intent and quality of leader that counts that any synthetic system.

      1. Saddam’s Iraq. Socialism is actually pretty good for Arabs, it teaches them not to pop out too many kids and that self-detonation is inefficient.

    1. But radical socialism + Jews = Israel.
      And Israel seems to punch well above its weight in the world.

      1. Israel stays afloat from the massive aid it receives from the overseas Jews who funnel them money, weapons, and influence through mostly the US, though Britain, Canada, and Germany are huge sugar daddies for the Israeli moochers. The whole (((neoconservative))) “ideology” is completly dedicated to subsidizing our “Greatest Ally”.

  15. Yeah, you know Venezuelans have it bad when they have to travel hundreds of kilometers to shop for necessities across the border in Brazil.

  16. When do the Venezuelan boat people start to wash up on the Gulf Coast of the U.S?
    And what would Trump do about them? Probably offer them sanctuary, given how he has cucked on the platform he ran on.

    1. With Trump now, you can know what he’ll do by asking one of two questions.
      What would Leftist Democrat Ivanka do?
      What would Leftist Democrat Jared do?
      And then you’ll know!

      1. What do the elites want? Cheap labor, more renters, consumers of products like fake food and pharmaceuticals. Boat people fit the bill perfectly.

      2. Aren’t those 2 supposed to be off in the Middle East, living John McCain’s dream of being paid to meddle first-hand in the affairs of other nations?
        When is Kushner going to get crackin’ on his assignment to bring peace to the ME?

  17. Good analysis. Of all then Singapore have proven tremendously successful as it was transformed from a swamp to a first world country within one generation.

      1. That he was. Married together authoritarianism with capitalism to catapult then into first world status.

        1. Singapore is socialist!80% of housing is govt owned.govt owned companies own large sectors of the economy

  18. Venezuela is full of “dark diversity”, the kind that can be described with the n-word, not as decent black people. The mix south america + africa is always disastrous, vide Brazil.

  19. Hey, it’s not all bad.
    Don’t forget that ex-Dodgers’ pitcher, Fernando Venezuela…

  20. Venezuela is the case study, which proofs communism only works on paper.

  21. Another socialist apologist from ROK. Socialism is the F****** problem. You jerk offs keep blaming the leaders… Your system sucks if a bad leader turns the country into utter chaos. Seriously, F*** the auther of the piece of garbage article.

    1. lol, did socialism molest you when you were a kid? You sound like a triggered feminist bitch who is crying because you couldn’t even comprehend the article. He never excuses socialism. Learn how to read.
      PS, you’re banned.

  22. Next time when they get a better leader socialism will work better huh? F*** off.

  23. Socialism plays a central role, along with Catholicism, which has historically promoted leftist authoritarianism. Most of the former Spanish colonies are trainwrecks today when compared to the success of Protestant Britain’s contributions like Australia, Canada, and the United States.

    1. If you knew anything about the region you would know they have drifted away, slowly but surely, from Catholicism. Let alone the fact that Catholicism built the bases of the Western world…

      1. “If you knew anything about the region you would know they have drifted away, slowly but surely, from Catholicism.”
        Not even remotely correct, but go ahead and say “That’s not REAL Catholicism.” You think like a progressive.
        Catholicism became decadent and corrupt, contributing to the rise of Luther and Calvin. The wealth and prosperity of the west is primarily due to the Protestant ethos.

        1. Your ignorance shows, it’s pretty obvious you haven’t been there and don’t even speak the language, all you know all the typical American clichés. Moreover it’s pretty ironic that you, as a protestant accuse of thinking like a progressive when the first “progressive” movement was the Reformation which by the way blew up the Christendom’s castle so to speak and the societies infected by their “principles” gave birth to all sorts of evils that still haunt our world to this day (Enlightenment, feminism, puritanism, secularism, etc.).

          The wealth and prosperity of the west is primarily due to the Protestant ethos.

          The wealth of the west was a process that took more than a millennium, but since you substituted propaganda for knowledge, there is no point wondering why don’t you know this.

    2. Catholicism might be a factor, but I suspect that there’s a bigger factor in play there, the same factor involved in every US inner city (where Catholicism isn’t).
      As I understand it, the Spanish Empire was moribund pretty much from the get-go, but turning the “Americas” into Africa certainly didn’t help matters.

  24. I know that this is off topic, but I did not know where else to ask, and I need the opinion of other men. I asked a girl out like a month ago, she was an ex classmate and we steped into each other at the library and she sent me lots of signals of interest. Anyway I asked her out a month ago, could go out that day because I was going to travel for one month. Yesterday I asked her out and she said yes, we are going to see each other tomorrow. But this morning I found that she has a boyfriend, not sure from how long. My question, why did she accept my invitation? and even kind of “ask me out” (we should see each other one day) when we where at the library. Not saying she is a hoe, but why would you go out with another man who is not your boyfriend?. I asked this because it has never happened to me before.

    1. The simple answer. Hypergamy. She perceives you to be of higher status than the current guy she is with and is looking to trade up.

    2. No, saying she’s a hoe is accurate.
      Buy a D ticket and take a ride on that merry go round and then walk away.

      1. Feels kind of weird to do that to another man’s woman, but well hoes are hoes.

    3. I’ve been on both sides of that situation. I was in your position where the girl had a BF, and I’ve been the BF realizing too late that she was seeing someone else. I’ve also laid women who ‘broke up’ with their BFs and got back with them. (Hamster rationalization that she’s not cheating.)
      Assess your ethics. Do you have a problem doing the wham, bam, and scram? Or does the idea of pump and dump offend you? Don’t get one-itis, don’t expect a relationship – and you won’t be disappointed. If she dumps her BF for you, realize that she will do you the same later on.
      You know these things deep down inside, but do not realize them, as was the case with me. When I started reading ROK and around 14 months ago, I was awaked to truth, hence the ‘red pill’ and now I am out of The Matrix.

      1. Well i was not excited about the prospect of a relationship, but i remembered that this girl was “good material” back in the day that i met her. And yeah I do have a problem with that, ethical in some sense. Actually something like this has happened to me before, but it was a one night stand, but to think that I am doing that to another mans woman I dont know, is not cool for me.
        What actually impressed me was the fact that this particular girl is doing it, i guess that 4 years of liberal college change a lot your ethics. In ROK theres is a lot of talk about how latinas are better quality than americans, but lamentably the feminism virus is taking their minds. College changes women a lot, and for the worse most of the part.

    4. Women are like monkeys in a tree; they won’t let go of one branch until they have a firm grasp of another.
      John Galt’s reply below is 100% accurate. Understand female hypergamy and your game will increase 10 fold.

      1. Yeah, female “independence” means the indepence of switching between branches without suffering any consecuenses. but what impressed me was that it was this particular girl, I mean In ROK there’s a lot of talk about how latinas are way more better than their americans counterparts, but I have been noticing than the feminist virus is taking control. I was shoked because here was a girl that I thought was LT relationship material and I found this? What did they do to her? Fuck liberal college is bad for sexual relationships, know lots of girls who cheat to their boyfriends here, and those cucks still defend “feminism”. Dont know what to expect if my own society accepts that kind of behaviour.

        1. I mean In ROK there’s a lot of talk about how latinas are way more better than their americans counterparts, but I have been noticing than the feminist virus is taking control.

          That used to be true just a few years ago but American feminism spearheaded by “social media”, TV and internet has poisoned the well. The richer the country the more feminist their women will be and Hispanic countries are not the exception, however the infection is spreading.

  25. This is an excellent article. Real “nail meets hammer.” Breaks down the reasons. Basically, if you’ve got one commodity of value, and you don’t diversify and you’re corrupt, when the price of that commodity tanks, you’re screwed. Glad to see it’s not just another “soshalizum iz bad, m’kay” screed. Thanks, QC.

  26. Socialism always failed because of “shared responsibility” it does not matter who
    is in charge it will always fail due to the simple fact you will not have enough
    resources to take care of everyone.
    Look at Russia they killed millions with not enough resources.

  27. Why on earth would anyone, knowing human nature as it is, accept socialism as a governing ideology? Its like saying: “please make me a slave to inevitably corruptible elites”.
    Its like socialists think if they accept the doctrines of socialism the elites and the powerful will play fair and accept full spectrum equality.
    Socialism = retardation.
    Good article!

    1. League, I’ve engaged these “progressives” on more than one occasion and I can assure you that they have no comprehension of human nature. If anything they are in complete denial, believing that mankind has “progressed” beyond it and we are marching into this joyous new world of equal opportunity and abundance where we all share and share alike. When you try to engage them with historical facts, statistics and logic, you are met with personal attacks, straw man arguments and all manner of logical fallacy. It really is some sort of mental illness and they have typically paid a great deal of money to some institution of higher learning to become infected with it.

    2. Shadow let me explain socialism a little bit.
      A bus driver, who is dirt poor and comes from a family of dirt poor people.
      His great and almost holy leader promises him riches and a good life.
      All he has to do is rob the rich (=middle class, small business owner, mostly white people, some jews maybe whoever is available) and share the loot with his superiors.
      He likes the idea. So he finds some more dirt poor people who can hardly read and have no future and explains them the same idea. just now he is the one who gets his share from their lootings.
      And so it goes. Until one day there is no more to rob. No more to steal. No more to loot. Then they print money and inflation sets in. More and more.
      Sure the bus driver and his now dead buddy have long moved their money into the devilish U$. They have full trust and faith in the US.
      What they do hope for is, that their children and grand-children will be very rich capitlists and live the good life.
      THAT is human nature. The scum play it gooooood.

  28. Norway, sovereign wealth fund ~140 G / person from oil revenues,
    Dutch economy, one thing booms, currency goes up, all other industries are harmed,
    Nauru, island that was once the richest per capita in the world from phosphate reserves, ~ a million / person in the 70’s when a million would buy 50 houses in Australia. Now broke and begging for food.
    Banana republic, a place where giving people money doesn’t make them rich.

  29. Actually, Venezuela – not, say, France or Denmark – is the ultimate socialist paradise for the “elite”. A tiny, wealthy, powerful crony class ruling over a large, docile populace living at subsistence level. The “elite” would love nothing better than to see it reproduced in the US.

  30. Why even ask?
    It’s a country ruled by non-whites, what do you think would happen?
    Obama would have done the same to the USA.

  31. Socialism is a form of slavery, and collectivism will only work for a very short time, before the slaves say, fuck you, we’re done.

  32. I have read a few articles here… some seem like they are incomplete, much like this one. I find it interesting that the author left out the part where Chavez was anti Israel, where he met with Gaddafi, Hussain etc.
    How can you write a full article and omit that huge part? How the political opposition has been Jewish and Jewish finianced, the political opponent that was sent to prison is a jew.
    Seriously not mentioning this makes the author appear like an Israeli shrill/communist.
    Also how the Jews started the boycott against Venezuela way before the US sanctions (similar to what they did to Hitler’s Germany before the war). The Jewish owned businesses like pharmacies and big stores would withhold products to agitate the population.
    How almost all the TV stations were anti Chavez, and Jewish operated.
    Typical… let’s ignore the elephant in the room. Unfortunately Chavez took on a massive enemy, one which not even the mighty U.S.A can defeat.
    WWI started by jews
    WWII started by jews
    WWIII started by jew… Christians will be most of the casualties, the European people will suffer most of the casualties like in the last two world wars.
    The only people standing between here and chaos are the Europeans, once they go, it won’t be regional chaos, it will be world chaos.

  33. This article completely avoids the troublesome wikileaks communiques from the US Ambassador in Venezuela and their plans for Chavez. The US is far, far, far from ‘blameless’ in this debacle much like Chile!

  34. Chavez was a great leader. A leader of his people; the native south american indians.
    His goal was to to clean the country from white influence, money and people.
    stole property and did try his best to educate his people and give them
    lots of help. However, his people are stone-age natives who are not fit
    do the work of managers. They are not producing, more like parasites as
    the article says.
    What we see in Venezuela has a lot to do with
    race. The opposition are mostly “normal” people with more or less white
    The chavez-tribe are mostly native, low(est) class
    people who are now in positions of power and will not leave them no
    matter what.
    They will only leave when they die. They have no
    understanding of democracy or peaceful change of power. They understand
    weapons and brute force.
    They will kill. They will maim. They will
    destroy. Everything if they have to. As long as the military does
    support them, it will be very difficult to get rid of these bugs. Blood
    will flow, thats certain. First it will be lots of latino blood and
    later, when the chavez-tribe has lost, the backhand will hit the
    natives. Hard. And for a long time.

    1. Chavez was a great leader. A leader of his people; the native south american indians.
      His goal was to to clean the country from white influence, money and people.
      He stole property and did try his best to educate his people and give them
      lots of help. However, his people are stone-age natives who are not fit
      do the work of managers. They are not producing, more like parasites as
      the article says

      You’d be right…except that he wasn’t Indian, his policies and decisions have left “his” people (mixed race Venezuelans mostly black-white mix to varying degrees) more destitute than ever, he never tried to educate but indoctrinate them (The already poor educational standards fell even more after he and his cronies took power as it has happened in Brazil and Argentina with their leftist leaders) and the white and mixed people with perspectives and education have been leaving the country en masse during the last decade or so, the smartest and brightest left first. I speak as someone who works in the region and have worked with legions of these people and know Venezuela is not Mexico.
      In a nutshell the man was a bastard, a smart and lucky bastard but bastard he was, he knew what to say in the right moment and knew the previous regime was full of incompetents (regardless of color) just like the rest of the region.

  35. I have no love for socialism, but this government sounds more or less like any other banana republic. Whether it’s socialism or crony capitalism, the results typically end up the same as soon as whatever natural resource boom that drove the economy dries up: they didnt plan ahead and got fucked over because of it.

  36. I don’t think blaming Venezuela’s woes on socialism is off the mark or too much of an easy explanation. The cronyism and venality of Venezuela’s leaders is an aspect of socialism, a natural byproduct, and so is the hunger and misery.

  37. The article is amusing in that it says it wasn’t socialism, then goes on to list all the problems inherent in state-controlled economies.

  38. The answer is socialism. Every other oil country that was generally capitalist did quite well. Mixed economies like Russia did mixed.

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