The following article is brought to you by How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed.
If you want to learn how to get hot girls into bed—and let’s fact it, who doesn’t—then I have some great news for you. My new book, called ‘How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed – A Guide For The Modern Casanova‘ will be released on Amazon on Friday June 2nd (tomorrow). You can pre-order your copy now.
This book has been over three years in the making. Three years of grinding it out in the trenches, approaching, dating, banging—and writing. If you’re a regular reader of my articles on Return of Kings over the years then you’ll be familiar with my game style. This book is basically a download directly from my brain to yours of all my very most effective game, pickup and relationship techniques. Everything you need to know is in here, from how to approach her, to what to do on a date, to how to pull her home, to how to seduce her once she’s there.
If you want everything collected in one easy-to-read resource—red pill, day game, night game, Tinder, social circle game, texting, dating advice, laser-sharp insights into the current sexual marketplace plus how you can beat the system to bang the hottest girls—then this is the book for you.
How To Pull Hot Girls is divided into three sections. The first is called ‘Beginnings’. Here you can read all my freshest insights into the dating market. This is precisely the background you need—the red pill secrets that all the top players know that stop them getting eaten up and spat out by sexy girls.
Why is dating so hard in the modern world? Is night game dead? Is Tinder worth it? What are the pitfalls of getting into a long-term relationship? What do girls these days want? Should you risk getting married, or commit to the life of a player?
All of these questions and more are answered.
Inner Game
The second section is all about ‘Inner Game.’ What exact personality traits and inner mental attitudes do you need to pull the hottest girls and what precisely to do you need to do to acquire them? It’s all very well going out and approaching 1000 girls, but if you’re not mentally prepared then it will be obvious to the women you interact with and you will get more blowouts than you do blowjobs. This section will give you all the tools that I use and that many of the best players in the world employ with great success.
Outer Game
The third section, by far the longest, is all about ‘Outer Game’. These are all the techniques that I use regularly when out and about picking up girls. In this section I really get down to the nitty-gritty on what you should say, where you should take her, how to lead with confidence, how to give off a sexual vibe without even opening your mouth and much more.
If you want an edge on the market then these are the insights you need.
A Compilation of Red Pill Essays
How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed is a compilation of essays on red pill, inner game and pickup. It is not a step-by-step guide and nor is it aimed at complete beginners. If you want that you should get my first book The 7 Laws of Seduction.
How To Get Hot Girls takes my concepts to the next level with really in-depth reflections on what it is to be a player and how to be truly successful as a pick-up artist.
A lot of the content on this book originally appeared in some form either on Return of Kings and or my site so you may recognise elements. However, everything has been edited and reworked to make is super-fresh and actionable.
Also, the material has been carefully arranged to take you on a journey that will teach you everything you need to know about game. Finally, the book brings into one place a lot of diverse material, meaning that it’s easily accessible and you don’t have to hunt all over the internet for it.
How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed will be released all over the world on Friday June 2nd. It is available for pre-order now.
The book will be available as an Amazon Kindle ebook initially with a paperback edition following shortly afterwards.
Free Books!
In order to celebrate the publication of How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed I have made my two previous books The 7 Laws of Seduction and Text Game Mastery free until June 2nd. If you haven’t already read them this is a great opportunity to do so without having to pay for them
Once you’ve read the books I would love it if you could leave me a rating and review on Amazon, because it really helps me to spread the word, attract new readers and continue to create what I hope is useful, actionable content for you.
One final note. I have a very limited number of advance copies available so if you have a website about game, or if you are a red pill or manosphere blogger and you’d like to review the book then please drop me an email at [email protected]
Troy’s new book ‘How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed – A Guide For The Modern Casanova‘ is released on Amazon on Friday June 2nd (tomorrow). You can pre-order your copy now.
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Looks like Roosh might be getting some business competition.
WB (Would Buy).
Huh. I’d never have guessed Troy was Korean.
it will be banned from amazon for being a rapist manual.
Get it quick before its gone!
Roosh: Bed Bang
I’d like to see photos of the chicks Troy supposedly beds. Lot of talk, no show.
That’s a cheap shot. You know he can’t do that.
Well as long as it ain’t cumshots I think we’re good.
Probably a scam then.
Pics? Ah, for that you must buy the book (like that proves he banged them LOL)
So I have to pay money for proof?
Sounds like a scam. No thanks.
Everything is a scam
Money shots or it didn’t happen!
An adult male should have more substantial goals then “getting hot women into his bed.”
Not everyone can be as cool and epic as you, guy.
That is true.
The ultimate goal of any creature is to reproduce. And you know, practice makes perfect.
Yeah I’m sure your tinder hookup is going to keep the kid after your ONS. Let’s be real here.
I’m sure your comment is in jest but just saying.
What kind of guy raw dogs a tinder hookup? Don’t know where that shit has been.
Nah, you KNOW where that shit has been!
Me. And it does not really matter. Women are either virgins or sluts.
Maybe it would be easier to consider where it HASN’T been!
Tinder is the practice bit.
Amen, I past that stage in my early 20s. Then I realized normal girls don’t like NSA sex. Only demented ones with emotional issues do.
But after you get divorced you’ll be back to chasing young pussy.
It’s a cycle.
I know too many miserable married men and divorced older men to ever think otherwise.
I suppose the best of both worlds is to have a wife who understands that guys need younger girls, and looks the other way if/when you cheat a few times a month. Like most American women prior to the baby boomer generation.
Still single here, late 30s. Got wealth, got health, got Jesus, got home, got hobbies, got decent athleticism, but need more. Good news is that I will either: not marry, and start buying escort services as I see fit, and slay whatever young tail meets the standards and is interested back, or get married to some chick that is worth it.
Worth it, of course, meaning a small but definite list of attributes covering intellect, personality, fitness, age, beauty, faith, interests, and values. Doubt I’ll find one that measures up, so Option A above will probably be the solution.
Option “A” is fine, as long as it is by choice.
I’ve been on option A for 31 years, and it was absolutely not not by choice. Was either that or be an “incel” for life. It has by no means been a “solution”, and has had to be supplemented with plenty of cheap booze when I come home alone to an empty apartment.
I won’t be getting divorced.
There have been articles/books written on open relationships(1 male 2 females). They never end well. I suppose they could work in a heavy handed patriarchy like in the moslem world or church of LDS but lets be real, neither of us live in that sort of world and we probably never will.
You’re not married?
I read this in my mind with a Southern gentleman’s, accent.
Lots of miserable men with wives. I had a friend who fled to South America and he believes monogamy and marriage are BS. Just tying yourself down in a loveless relationship.
David, I’m with you. Divorced man, trying to nab as much tail as I can get.
Zyzz, you’re right, it’s getting harder and harder to get NSA sex. I’m to the point where I’m dating girls until the sex wanes, then starting again.
Mind you, as a father or two, and soon-to-be-published author, I have other things going on, but I like women.
The score takes care of itself.
Consider yourself lucky if you can find a woman who genuinely cares about you.
Had several. Consider yourself enlightened if you can care about yourself.
Says the no pussy getting motherfucker.
When I was 18, I thought the same way you do, but I have learned that a woman is more then just a receptacle for your semen.
You’re starting to sound like a white knight now dude. When I was 18 I thought the same way you do now. Then I learned about the games women play.
The thing about being a player is eventually you will end up hooking up with a true psychopath and its a roll of the dice what will happen. If you live through it chasing loose women and the risk it entails doesn’t seem like such a great idea.
Being in an LTR without marriage is ok. Playing around you usually wind up with someone bad.
Granted it’s been some time since I was single, but it always seemed to me that money is what gets hot girls into bed.
I’m calling “sponsored post,” even though it’s just hyping a new work by an excellent author who’s been with the site for a while.
Ergo, open the gates of Kratom.
The gates are always open to Kratom…always.
In Soviet Russia… something Kratom something something gates something.
Even closed gates are paradoxically open where Kratom is concerned.
In cases like these the ability to make compound words in german is really great. If there are any native speakers out there and if I didn’t compound this correctly I’m sorry, but in your correcting of me try not to sound like the French
It’s a perfect summation. I think it will be all the rage in k-powered, alt-academia in a few years.
Here are the first few lines of a Kratom-themed play I’m writing:
Guard, high in the curtain wall, manning the giant black iron locked gates: Who goes there?
Mysterious Traveler on Horseback: Open the gates!
Guard: Never before you are *properly* indentified!
Well-dressed Traveller: We have Kratom! Open the Gates!
Guard: What are you screaming about, traveler? The gate stands already open, ‘er as long as I’ve been guard here.
Traveler: (Rides in stately fashion through the wide open gates, which just a minute before were shown as locked tight. A wagon is attached to his horse, and alone on the palette is a huge crate, marked only with the Norse rune K).
Guard, to himself: No doubt that emblazoned letter stands for King, as a King he must be, or will be, ‘ere long.
Opana & Desoxyn…,the loves of my life!
The 7 Laws Of Seduction was a terrific book.
I remember when I read it, my first adventure I hooked up with a girl in the restroom of a coffee shop. BooYah!!!!!!
Anyway, I’ll probably buy this book. I don’t play anymore, but I like what you write Troy.
I hope this book sells a million copies for you.
I just now pre-ordered this book at Amazon.
UPDATE: 2 June 2017
Downloaded on my Kindle. Reading this weekend.
A new book just in time for national doughnut day? Is there something you aren’t telling us Troy?
Usually the articles for the day are themed so this should really have been: “How To Get Hot Girls (Who Won’t Stab You) Into Bed: A Guide For The Modern Persecuted Casanova”
Forget Kratom. Get Kevlar to sponsor it
step 1 – get drunk
step 2 – roofie
step 3 – profit???
Step 1: knock her with a jab/uppercut/hook combination.
Step 2: rape her (with a condom to avoid leaving evidence).
Step 3: send her a “it was a nice time” message the next morning.
An ROK primer.
What Aristotle can Teach you in a Hot Bed: 7 Books that changed my outlook on Nelson Mandela
Thank you so much for the freebies man! I’ll be sure to leave a great review for you. Cheers on your new project
I got an error message trying to buy.
Based on previous stuff I’ve read on here I bet its a great read but are we not in the post-game era? I mean how much more can be said about getting a girlfriend. Look your best, talk to people, have a life and be masculine.
What gets hot sexy women in bed? Raw sexual desire. Thing is, most men are objectively unattractive & can NEVER inspire raw sexual desire in most women. This is the reason for the 80/20 rule. They may be ‘gamed’ & settle & they will definitely spend your money & rent seek as the wall approaches, but only lust for ‘hot’ men…even that is transitory. Buy the book if you want & by all means work towards self improvement on all levels but it really is as simple as hot sexy women want to have hot sexy sex with hot sexy men. That being said, wasting time on small things uses up the time one has for great things…& nothing focuses ones attention on small things like women & trying to game them.
While normally I’m wont to joke on “Sponsored Posts” I’d have to say that any gaming advice for novices to Game, from Troy, will be pure gold and will be absolutely worth the purchase. Troy has done yeoman’s work in introducing newbies in the manosphere to Game concepts in a straight forward, easy to understand and unintimidating way. Highly recommend anything he writes.
“I’d have to say that any gaming advice for novices to Game, from Troy, will be pure gold and will be absolutely worth the purchase.”
I purchased and applied his first book, The 7 Laws Of Seduction, when it was hot off the press. Even at 49 I learned new things. And it is pure gold.
Be Dan Bilzerain. That’s how you get to be good with girls
Yes! Acquire/Accumulate over $100,000,000.00! Film your life and adventures with models. And shoot drones with a wide variety of guns. Then throw a porn star off a 2-story roof.
If you ain’t got that ” don’t give two fucks to get one ” attitude , i mean deep down inside, no books gonna help ya homie especially this one .