Dumbing Us Down by John Gatto is a book that gives you the red pill on modern education and how it is tragically failing those who have to endure it. Since I am a product of the public schools in a predominately Democratic state (Maryland), and received a steroidal dose of liberal brainwashing in university, it’s a small miracle that I was able to fully digest the red pill since the whole point of those who educated me was to keep me ignorant.
School is a twelve-year jail sentence where bad habits are the only curriculum truly learned. I teach school and win awards doing it. I should know.
This book is nothing new to those of you who are already aware of the problems in education, but there are a few key segments that I want to share as Gatto offers his perspective from working as a public school teacher.
The [establishment] ensures a workforce that will not rebel — the greatest fear at the turn of the 20th century — that will be physically, intellectually, and emotionally dependent upon corporate institutions for their incomes, self-esteem, and stimulation, and that will learn to find social meaning in their lives solely in the production and consumption of material goods.
The schools we’ve allowed to develop can’t work to teach nonmaterial values, the values which give meaning to everyone’s life, rich or poor, because the structure of schooling is held together by a Byzantine tapestry of reward and threat, of carrots and sticks. Official favor, grades, or other trinkets of subordination have no connection with education; they are the paraphernalia of servitude, not of freedom.
To keep people engaged in playing the rat race, you have to give them material rewards as young students, priming them for addiction so that as adults they will eagerly take on debt and other hardships to continue receiving more shiny rewards placed just beyond their reach. Public education teaches children to greatly covet the material through the focus on class status, prizes, and the benefits of having a “good job.” When these children grow up to be adults, their self-esteem is wrapped around the gain of material items, making them obedient and compliant workers for the elite class who happens to control what goes in the school curriculum.
I began to realize that the bells and the confinement, the crazy sequences, the age-segregation, the lack of privacy, the constant surveillance, and all the rest of the national curriculum of schooling were designed exactly as if someone had set out to prevent children from learning how to think and act, to coax them into addiction and dependent behavior.
He makes the analogy that public schools are essentially prisons, but now that schools are doing away with physical education, you actually get less exercise in schools than being locked up in jail.
I’ve come to see that truth and schoolteaching are, at bottom, incompatible, just as Socrates said thousands of years ago.
How much can we blame those on the left, who put their fingers in their ears and scream and yell as you speak the truth, when they are logical products of the education they received? We have to accept that humans were never meant to be self-aware after decades of indoctrination, and that once a mind is lost, it is likely lost forever. Instead of sharing the truth to those who are no longer capable of receiving it, the better option is to neutralize them away from positions of power and influence so that the health of society is not negatively affected.
Lives can be controlled by machine education, but they will always fight back with weapons of social pathology: drugs, violence, self-destruction, indifference, and the symptoms I see in the children I teach.
Forcing students to sit through mind-numbing lessons for hours causes so much inner tension and conflict that the only way they can balance that is to act out in expressions of “freedom” that tend to be destructive and degenerate. This is also commonly seen in children with strict parents who try to control all aspects of their lives.
Adults are also not immune from the balance equation. If you forbid me from having sex, and I am unable to release that tension, I will find another outlet to release the aggression. For example, it’s so common to see fist fights among men at the end of a weekend night in the city because they are frustrated that they could not act on their sex urge. Other outlets for repressed sexual energy include accumulating excess material wealth, using drugs, and joining the cult of social justice.
Networks do great harm by appearing enough like real communities to create expectations that they can manage human social and psychological needs. The reality is that they cannot. Even associations as inherently harmless as bridge clubs, chess clubs, amateur acting groups, or groups of social activists will, if they maintain a pretense of whole friendship, ultimately produce that odd sensation familiar to all city dwellers of being lonely in the middle of a crowd.
The problem with communities is that they only cherish one specific part of us, while ignoring the rest of the whole. In your work network, what will happen if you talk about your thoughts on women? You’ll be fired. In your gym network, what will happen if you talk about the latest philosophy books you’ve read? You’ll be looked upon as too brainy. Loose communities are a poor simulation of friendship, which is more suitable to share the totality of your experience and being.
As we approach the twenty-first century it is correct to say that the United States has become a nation of institutions, whereas it used to be a nation of communities. Large cities have great difficulty supporting healthy community life, partly because of the coming and going of strangers, partly because of space constrictions, partly because of poisoned environments, but mostly because of the constant competition of institutions and networks for the custody of children and old people, for monopolizing the time of everyone else in between. By isolating young and old from the working life of places and by isolating the working population from the lives of young and old, institutions and networks have brought about a fundamental disconnection of the generations.
We’re segmented, we don’t talk to each other, we don’t understand each other. You probably look at someone just five years older or younger than you as belonging to a wholly different generation. Thanks to the internet, we’ve become so used to interacting only with people who have the exact same niche interests as we do that we are losing the ability to talk to those who differ only slightly from us. This artificial tribalism is further amplified in urban environments if people who live in your neighborhood studied at the same liberal schools, consume the same mainstream media, eat the same trendy foods, and work similar types of politically correct jobs.
…every institution’s unstated first goal is to survive and grow, not to undertake the mission it has nominally staked out for itself. Thus the first goal of a government postal service is not to deliver the mail; it is to provide protection for its employees and perhaps a modest status ladder for the more ambitious ones.
This applies to every organization. Whatever their stated goal of helping citizens or providing a service, it is always subservient to the interests of individuals who are a part of the organization. When it comes to organizations related to intelligence or defense of the state, you will find that they may actually work in opposition to the country they’re supposedly in service to.
One of the surest ways to recognize real education is by the fact that it doesn’t cost very much, doesn’t depend on expensive toys or gadgets. The experiences that produce it and the self-awareness that propels it are nearly free. It is hard to turn a dollar on education. But schooling is a wonderful hustle, getting sharper all the time.
How much did it cost you to educate yourself on game, fitness, and politics? You bought a few books, read reams of text on free web pages, and watched some Youtube videos. Compare that to what you paid for during your university education, and what your parents paid in taxes for your public education. These expenses amounted to a colossal waste that can no longer be justified in the internet age where education now merely requires motivation instead of money.
…some disturbing evidence exists that the income of working couples in 1990 has only slightly more purchasing power than the income of the average working man did in 1910. In effect, two laborers are now being purchased for the price of one — an outcome Adam Smith or David Ricardo might have predicted. And an unseen social cost of all of this has been the destruction of family life, the loss of home as sanctuary or haven, and the bewilderment of children who, since infancy, have been raised by strangers.
By pushing wives into work, feminism is a war against the middle class for no gain in household wealth while children can be “educated” in Marxist and far-left thought. The elite pocket all the monetary gains from having an increase supply of cheaper labor at the same time they successfully put a wedge between men and women, who are now forced to compete against each other for resources instead of bonding together to create a strong institution of family that can resist negative governmental influence. All the while, children suffer because they are educated to be weak, ignorant, and dependent on the system for the entirety of their lives.
…people are less than whole unless they gather themselves voluntarily into groups of souls in harmony. Gathering themselves to pursue individual, family, and community dreams consistent with their private humanity is what makes them whole; only slaves are gathered by others.
And that’s why the community we have here, especially at Roosh V Forum, is so powerful, because it was self-organized based not only on mutual interests, but also the values of how a society should be, and through that community we educate each other in a more profound way than what we experienced in the schooling system.
If I ever have a son, I will either home school him or find a specific school that is not intent on brainwashing him to be another beta male slave in the machine. Because leftists have unsustainable birth rates, the only way they are able to further their movement is to capture the children of those on the right. It makes no sense for me to feed my children through their machine, for them to score another convert to their sick cult.
While Gatto’s book focuses more on education, it’s essentially an introduction to the red pill by showing us how we can relay the truth to the next generation so they are more sane and fulfilled. I strongly recommend it, especially to those who plan on having children or who already have them.
This article was originally published on Roosh V.
Read More: “Dumbing Us Down” on Amazon
It’s exactly what the avowed Marxist John Dewey said: “Education is about socialization.”
The role of education from a Dewey-ian perspective is to create worker drones. It’s about keeping everyone communicating at a superficial level, holding each other in line (as crabs hold each other in the bucket), and “learning your place.” Education is not about teaching how to evaluate new ideas, or how to create, or how to perform invaluable services, or even ethics and philosophy – it’s about cutting unique shapes down to round pegs to fit into round holes.
This is in stark contrast to his contemporary Montessori, who argued that education should focus on honing skills and be tailored to the particular talents and aptitudes of individual students.
Indeed, why is our government obsessed with making all children the same? Aka, gender-confused and equally dull and demotivated?
“…some disturbing evidence exists that the income of working couples in 1990 has only slightly more purchasing power than the income of the average working man did in 1910.”
This is a huge point. I would suspect if you ran the numbers up to 2017, you’d see that the income of the average working couple now actually has less purchasing power than the income of the average working man in the past. As the article notes, this is what happens when you double the supply of workers by pushing women into the workforce.
I also suspect that if you could reliably measure it, you’d find out that working couples now both experience a much higher level of dissatisfaction with their lives than did couples of the past where the man was the breadwinner and the woman was allowed to focus on one of the most important roles in human history: wife and mother.
A blue collar factory worker up into the early 60’s could afford to feed a family of six and own a house in the suburbs, as a rule. Houses cost about two years’ salary for such a worker (up to five, depending on how luxurious you wanted to go), and so it was fairly easy to pay off a loan for one of the biggest purchases in a man’s life.
Today, a highly-trained engineer tends to make, what, 70-100k? Adjusting for inflation, that’s about what an unskilled factory worker could earn. Housing has become more expensive, as well, so this highly-trained engineer can expect to draw a loan for three-to-ten times his income to get a home for his family. And, on top of that, he’ll pay almost half his income in taxes.
they had crazy things like 15 yr mortgages! crazy talk!
They bought cars with cash!
We now have a generation of two working parents now so that the baby boomers can sell their house at 3x the price and retire wealthy.
soon Ill be able to wave my chipped hand in front of the car i want and-presto!- im in debt for 20 years! and i wont be able to run anywhere bc muh chipz!
You can still get 15 year mortgages, they’re a standard product.
Hell, I do that.
sheeeeee-it, mortgages are for suckers.
Watch and see – home prices will keep going up. Eventually, the taxes will be so high, that the highly trained engineer (and pretty much everybody else) won’t be able to afford them. And we will have returned to the days of the Feudal Land Barons – where only the nobility will be able to afford homes and land…
From what I’ve seen, land is less unreasonably priced than homes. We might just end up with old-fashioned barn-raisings and home-raisings.
The sharply upward trend in property taxes will make us all renters again.
(+/- 400% in 20 yrs here!)
For a while, I can see that, yes. Long-term? Feudalism.
Bigger houses for fewer children, doesn’t make sense.
Y’all have to bring micro-housing into this discussion. Houses and housing are getting smaller and smaller.
I don’t doubt it. I just reckon that a fellow with a few acres could raise some homes, charge a bit of rent (“Home Owner’s Association”), and make a tidy little sum.
That may be the way we have to go as feudalism returns in force. (Frankly, I think it’s already here – you only “own” your home so long as the King gets his due.)
$20k a year on a $300k property…in Hartford, CT…blue states will go down first
over the course of history, the apparent absence of feudalism has been a brief anomaly.
True, that. There’s a window of opportunity for sure. Kinda like the window of opportunity on cryptocurrency. You gotta spot the angles and pounce.
See that’s fukked up.
There is none so enslaved as he who thinks he’s free. Or…whatever the quote was. I know Gandhi said it.
No, that was Billy D. Williams.
he had a deal!
This deal is getting worse all the time!
The Case for Star Wars as a Political Allegory, Episode XVII
WSJ just had an article on wallstreet firms buying up suburban homes and renting them out.
Wow. That was fast.
Perhaps you think you’re being treated unfairly?
You don’t buy a home in Europe unless you’re born to landowners. It’s already here. In the West, you’ll see more sales pitches for “multi-generational mortgages” where mom, dad and the kids all go to the bank to sign, give a DNA sample and drop off any organs they have two of.
Can you close my door please? My arm is stuck.
Property taxes are paying rent to the state.
Thank the federal reserve.
the state being that middle-man between us and the special interests.
Yes, to buy the same house (not the same size new house, the same house from the 1950s, now 60 years old) with the same relative debt or years of salary to price generally takes an engineer’s salary these days. And that’s if you live in a reasonable part of the country.
Companies in California will pay engineers with experience a $150K/yr or so. The common, ordinary, 1960s suburban houses are $1.5 million. The houses that factory workers and tradesman bought new. The idea of affording Mike Brady’s house on a professional income is just fantasy today.
If the right / conservatives had a bigger more organised voice it would be easy to make the connexions: feminism + immigration = lower wages for all. The world needs to know that feminism is at least in part – large part I would say – an elite scam
Don’t forget robots. Automation keeps increasing all the time. And while it is mostly unskilled labor right now, it will increasingly begin to replace skilled labor and even professional jobs, too.
On the plus side, it’s opening more markets for people who can do machine maintenance, CAD, and programming of many sorts.
So, at least there’s that.
That will be a huge issue. At least there’s going to have to be considerable adaptation, but in the meantime we’ve got feminism and immigration skewing the real jobs that robots can’t do…yet
mexican robots cant whip me up my huevos rancheros yet?
The Huevbot Rachchero 2000
you just haven’t met the right mexican robot yet.
Actually I’d never heard of that dish, but it looks really good
His name is Rodriguez, so….
i know, all you limeys eat for braekfast is bangers n mash
’tis, indeed. I prefer a good scrambled egg with refried beans and a pork chop, but I won’t turn down huevos rancheros.
have you spitting pebbles all day.
And don’t forget the pudding. It ain’t breakie if you don’t have black and white pudding.
Or, if you are in Ireland, you have a jumbo breakfast roll (i’ve spent a lot of time with the Irish)
lol, we don’t eat bangers n mash for brekkie. The full english workers breakfast is a massively calorific affair which also has two eggs, beans, hash browns, toast, black (blood) pudding (optional…I don’t like it), chips, sausages, bacon and diabetes
Blood pudding has some excellent nutrients, though. Not as much as an egg, mind you, but good nonetheless.
I’m just soaking in the google image porn right now. It’s a really attractive dish to look at. WB
A thing of beauty….
do you guys really eat beans on toast? I got that from karl pilkington
If you don’t order breakkie with diabeties they will toss in free heart disease when you order a chip butty at the pub later on.
well lots of iron. It tastes foul IMO and is full of massive gristley pieces of fat
Yeah, I prefer a good blood sausage as far as blood foods go.
Maybe leberkaese (“liver chese” – a sausage) instead. Fits the nutrient value without being quite so nasty (“quite” being an operative word).
I ordered a coffin on the side when I was there.
It is. And because of the massive amounts of transfat grease it shines like a star in the sky too
I hate a bloody sausage.
then slow down for god’s sake!
of course. But only Heinz beans in a rich tomato sauce. This is traditional ‘tea’.
most pubs will serve you a full all day breakfast from about 9am. You can drink from about 11, and if you think ahead order the ambulance at the bar for about 4pm
I do like liver sausage actually. I think blood pudding is technically a sausage, at least it comes as a sausage like shape. You can also get blood soup in places like sweden, although that sounds pretty zombie-ish
Read an article the other day how Amazon’s almost entire workforce is roboticized from picking to packing to shipping. Something like 90% of the work.
middle class wages hit the wall round 1971 or 1972. Took until the tech boom in the late 90s to get back to that level(slightly higher avg wage in late 90s actually).
downhill ever since, I think, adjusted for inflation, its at 1968 levels…
Yet people are all in shiny new cars, latest tech, subscriptions to every entertainment, social media and communication service, and… Good Lord, does ANYONE cook their own food anymore?!?
We’ve lost the concept of earning what you buy and enjoy.
Gotta have that new 11G cellphone!
Gotta step up to 4K screens!
It’s all on credit anyways. Too much debt?
Just refinance the next time the mortgage comes due.
No problemo.
Ooooh! Netflix is 4K now too! Yay.
Savings are now expressed as “negative savings” because debt loads increase with age.
People over-financed and under water have “negative home equity”.
Everyone is telling us it’s okay to run deficits and pay interest on top of interest.
Big Daddy Gubmint just prints more money! Why can’t we?
Children of the Common Core
I can fap to this
K pop music in the background
Gatlin Style
you’ve got to be careful with zombie jail-bait
No doubt, she’ll cut your tweeter off.
He said he’d fap to it, not fuck it. Christ, talk about degenerate virtue signalling. Settle down.
Tweeter. Could fuck a cheerio without breaking it.
He was just playing along, relax. Thou shall not virtue signal to his virtue signalling.
Love how me pulling my pud attracts more outrage than the fact that the girl is holding a bloody scythe
Speaking of effing a cheerio: Don’t try this at home
I’m protective of zombie kids.
SWAT Team surrounds me: “Put the peeter down Sir or we’ll shoot”
Thats what she uses to fap with.
Well, shit.
Fuck off, filth.
where’s the hammer to go with that sickle?
next year’s curriculum. Got to start with the basics
I’ll give her the hammer
Nice one… Bem, you were on that. I’m going to pretend that it took you .6 seconds to come up with that.
Red Pilled masculine men “borrowed” it to go smash some over-18 poosy.
After reading the direction this conversation went, my appreciation for your comment was really magnified. Don’t get me wrong, blow jobs are cool and all, but why let the sexual relations of a 14 yo girl dictate what should be an intelligent conversation about the I’ll fated direction of Western society.
WP (would posses)
I forgot to add “when and where legal”.
what happens in the corn maze stays in the corn maze
WE (all that corn!)
a maize maze?
zombies cant be possessed- souls have left the body. everyone knows this
Soooo corny…
look, If you can get a sharktapus, a piranhaconda, a Dinocroc, a Supergator, megapython, gatoroid, Mothra and a sharknado then you can obviously have a possessed zombie. I would even buy that it COULD be made into a vampire.
Yeah, if the soul has left the body, then there is plenty of room for a new soul to sweep in there and possess the zombie. Duh.
I sort of figured that’s how zombies already worked. The witch doctor would drive out the spirit of the original inhabitant and replace it with either the magical simulation of a soul or some sort of animal spirit.
Yup, and a demon from the netherworld possesses that body. Common knowledge.
What’s the best part of getting a hand job from a little girl?
It makes your cock look huge!
That’s how voodoo zombies work. Modern zombies were popularized by atheists who took all the spirituality out of it and just made it a disease or chemical reaction or something.
Some of those modern variants managed to be scary, but nothing beats the horror of an unkillable monster created by nefarious means out of spite.
I mean, you manage to piss off whoever created that zombie, and you suffer the same fate. Somehow that’s scarier to me than being bitten by a pile of decaying flesh.
They are only scary in the beginning, until they fade into the background to be replaced by what the SJWs really fear: Other Humans. Yes, a horror movie or show filled with ravenous zombies is scary, but not scary enough, which is why every modern zombie story eventually has to have a white cishet (living) male show up to be The Real Bad Guy.
What is the hardest part of eating your vegetables? Getting them back into their wheel chair afterwards.
I’d give her my corn cob hur hur hur
Butter it up baby!
I think you mean WTTB (try to)
Wait 8 years……..
Them dead eyes. She’d bite if she didn’t have that sickle, no question.
No, I didn’t mean that.
Black eyes, like a doll’s eyes…
You’re being esoteric again.
And that terrible, high-pitched screamin’
Did you just assume my gender?
Feistier than the usual feminist but lacking the t-shirt
Oh, but if she keeps getting those Michelle Obama school meals, her voice will go down a couple octaves…
8 years and for her to drop the scythe
exact my friend
No way, makes it more………exciting.
I’ll just call you Mari from now on then?
Just as long as you call me, sweetheart.
the scythe or the age?
the setting
ok darling
If you say so Mari
I will throat-punch your boat right in the dick.
I am genuinely unsure whether that’s gay or not
That makes you gender queer.
that only makes sense if your comment was a boner fide (sic) gay proposition
she can shuck my corn cob any time
she’s more likely to slash at it. Probably best to avoid
“Excuse me, um, Ms. No Gender…could you put that sickle down. This is a designated safe space.”
She’s just here for the female genital mutilation, so its okay.
Hey, that’s cultural appropriation!
He’s over there… get him!!
She will cry rape seed as she slashes you
She is part of that new terrorist group, the Sickle Cell.
yes my friend
best town ever
Not surprised that shortens black people’s lives
You are what you eat…this goes for Western white women, and everybody else.
what else does a man need
They kind of felt compelled to change that last year.
“Hooker, Oklahoma – ‘It’s a Location, Not a Vocation’”
that is a let down….nice on the oklahoma thing though.
Tolerance, diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice! Let’s come together as a Skewwwww!
you can’t spell pedagogy without peda hur hur hur
I guess teacher ain’t gonna put the ‘ass’ in classroom
I take the “The” out of psychotherapist.
but wouldn’t you like to be THE psychorapist rather than just any old psychorapist?
I am fine with joining the mass of psycho rapists (you know the herd of men raping one in 4 women on college campuses). All men are rapists so you might as well strive to be one of the elite psycho rapist.
it’s about taking pride in your chosen profession. Maybe get some feedback through yellow pages or trip advisor. Customer feedback can make all the difference
Well if you’re gonna be a rapist, there’s really no benefit to being a well adjusted one.
thousand throat stare
Oh cmon. At her age it’s probably still triple digits. And by that I mean three fingers.
probably, but only if she isn’t counting anal and oral.
My sister’s best friend (whom I banged when she was 22 and I was 19) has a daughter. She found out the daughter was engaged in oral sex when the daughter was 14. The daughter said, “Mom, oral sex isn’t sex!”
Wow. They learn so fast!
Common Cwhore.
A lesson given to her generation by Bill Motherfuckin’ Clinton, serial rapist.
…and his leftist cronies at Comet Pizza…
You stole my comment
1950s: Girls feared being disciplined with paddles.
Today: Girls crave being disciplined with paddles.
pfft it’s not. Let the girl get some practice for christs sake. For the sheer tonnage of women who will suck your dick 1 hour into meeting them there are surprisingly few that know how to do it well. Hopefully with these girls sucking dick at 12 that by the time they are 18 they will be good at it. FFS, people here constantly talking about national and global criseses and no one is talking about how girls just ain’t giving good head
That’s ’cause momma’s at the office all day instead of teaching her daughters important life skills
You know what they say: “If they can’t suck, they ain’t worth a fuck.”
I ever catch my future daughters doing that, they’re not sitting for a few weeks. There’s a time and a place for everything, and it’s called college.
point to todays girls.
depending on what you catch them doing and with whom they are doing it they may not be able to sit for a few weeks anyway
I don’t even have a daughter, and already I’m starting to see red.
All that said, if my son manages a lay that young, he gets a crisp high five and a beer before his paddling.
I know a guy who came home to find his daughter being double stuffed. He was pretty distraught so I didn’t mention that having a girl, naming her Kaylin, being a dickhead and getting caught cheating on her mom wasn’t exactly the way to prevent your 16 year old daughter from introducing two cocks into her body simultaneously
I have an idea for a screenplay. A man is hooked on porn. He starts trolling adult chat rooms and connect with this 19-year-old hottie. They start sending explicit sexual message to each other. He finds out the young woman is involved in making pornography. So he asks her to send him a video clip, and she does – and it’s his own daughter. After that, I’m not sure where to do go with it. The dad probably wouldn’t be sure where to go with it at that point, either…
Sounds like a quality short film.
Hmm. Hadn’t thought of it that way. Thanks. That would be the end, then.
thinking the SAME thing. Kids everywhere owe that creep a debt of gratitude.
“After that, I’m not sure where to do go with it.” Don’t lie. In this degenerate society, you know exactly where to go with it – they meet and fuck. Don’t shame them!
That’s not a screen play. That may not even make it to the “Weird But True” section of the Post. That’s just basically what happens now. Most dads probably just go through with the boning.
Pansexuality. Now it all makes sense. Anything goes.
So dad decides to bone his daughter anyway. He shows up for the session at a motel. He goes inside – and his daughter is under the covers, waiting. The covers are pulled up just under her chin. There is another form underneath the covers. Slowly, that person’s head emerges…and it’s his wife.
Double-standards exist for a REASON!
Skip town and start over. Guys can have kids into their 80s.
“I know a guy who came home to find his daughter being double stuffed.”
Somewhere awards are given for Excellence in Opening Line. I will nominate this.
Taboo the movie Part 4234 or whatever that pron series is up to.
That happens.
A porn-hungry person I know came across his own niece’s tits (on the internet you savages!)…..
lol. I offer no advice in situations like this….just hope to get invited to the house for dinner one day.
Compromise position: “All In The Modern Family 2: Anything Goes”.
I think we can drop the “2” there without getting legal flak. But I fuckin’ like it.
That was easy. Now we just have to shoot it and put it on the Net for free.
There was an old movie about a man who found out his daugher was doing porn…forgot the title.
Uh…”Hardcore”. George C. Scott?
nah – that was “Man getting hit in the groin with Football”
Beats “It was a rainy day in Baton Rouge…”
They’d just file that under Taboo and you are free to take it to places where you *really, really shouldn’t*.
lol, chicks never count anal and oral.
“Man calls a prostitute – his own daughter shows up: http://www.inquisitr.com/25563/man-calls-a-prostitute-his-own-daughter-shows-up-dbp/
Just call it “The Clintons”
Thats the one
or stuff that happens on vacations or bachelorette parties, or stuff that happened in sororities, or one night stands, or guys they fucked because they wanted to boost their self esteem or anyone who can’t be verified through social media, on a business trip, a male stripper, etc. etc. etc.
Numbers are sexist!
gender biased!
Holy shit. I wonder if he got charged anyway. He could have at least told his daughter to go get him another girl.
Honestly, why bother? She was there as a hoe not as his daughter. So just finish the job, pay her the money and move on!
That explains where the daughter picked up her “habits”.
Figures, doesn’t it.
I bet you could find a pr0no with this exact same plot within like 5 minutes of searching the interwebz. It might be in German or something, but its probably out there somewhere.
I bet all the kids in her circle are laughing at her because she started oral sex so late.
Actually it was a screen play long ago. I believe it was titled Hardcore starring George C. Scott.t:
Hardcore is a 1979 American crime drama film written and directed by Paul Schrader and starring George C. Scott, Peter Boyle and Season Hubley. The story concerns a father searching for his daughter, who has vanished only to appear in a pornographic film. Writer-director Schrader had previously written the screenplay for Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver, and both films share a theme of exploring an unseen subculture.
You could have stopped with naming her “Kaylin.” It’s all in there.
Act3: coming to terms with his guilt over how cruelly he has to treat her just to keep her attention.
How about ‘The Aristocrats’?
Only if Bob Saget is telling it.
I dont like blowjobs too
God Bless this comment. It’s an unfortunate thing when the idea of getting a blowjob is more exciting than actually receiving one, which has too often been the case in my experience. To be fair though, receiving mind-blowing head (pun intended?) is like taking the red pill for blowjobs…and that’s when you realize most of them are half-ass jobs.
reminds me of a girl I was fucking in college. called her The Rake.
I love pale girls hur hur hur
50 years ago, some guy imagined kids would be traveling to outer space around now. The reality is we got indoctrination and other sorts of BS hampering human progress.
If all those focusing on social justice focused instead on valuable services, the same sorts of minds that put a man on the moon could figure out how to travel to and from Mars.
I wonder if this is how “dark ages” get started…
Last 50 years the emphasis went from industrial prowess, scientific and technological advancement to social justice in America and much of Europe. Started like a trickle in the 1970s and gradually became a flood that you see today.
How do you think life would be like in America in 2017 if the focus of society was on tangible progress like it was for most of the 20th Century? America would be very different today.
All the elites have been sabatoging the West to hasten the Asian century, and its almost here.
The ironic thing is that all those “I F!!!ing Love Science,” “Christianity held the world back” morons are the ones standing in the way of innovation, progress, and rational thought.
If you had some images of women from the 1960s vs the 2010s it would be even more demotivational.
Batman actor Adam West used to sleep with at least 8 women a night. Look at who Ben Affleck is dating. How things have fallen.
Yeah, but c’mon. You know West was filthy as hell! And being with Affleck just makes them feel sad and soiled.
Ever seen movies from the 60s? Especially James Bond films? What Sean Connery and George Lazenby were doing would not be accepted behavior today. In George Lazenby’s Bond, there is a scene where he has a Playboy Magazine opened to the centerfold section, doing it in plain site of a female. Also see how he behaved with the Bond girls and compare the 60s Bond to today. No comparison.
its starting look like the moon landing was #fakenews as well. doesn’t surprise me one bit.
they may still teach kids that we’ve travelled to outer space. That’s the great thing about propaganda: you can lie
There’s no such thing as outer space.
damn right. There’s nothing there
They can also stuff propaganda in entertainment like they have been doing quite obviously as of late. Almost all the major failures this year had very clear and obvious SJW messaging. Alien Covenant was the most hyped of the SJW movies and it failed, despite the financial failure the studio is allowing Ridley Scott to film more movies. His original film was a B rated popcorn movie, now he is going into all sorts of philosophical baloney with this prequels. That movie was so bad, it made Prometheus look like Citizen Kane, and that was also a bad movie.
Wrong. No purple hair. Not 60 lbs overweight. Not screaming illogical imaginary non-sense. No tattoos. Not holding a dildo.
Back to the re-education camps for you, comrade.
That image looks more disturbing than those from the Hunger Games.
I think it’s actually a still from a forthcoming children of the corn sequel
Children of the cock core trying to reap the benefits from sickle cell anemia.
Good article. It was not a decade after 1st wave feminism and the right to vote was extended to all women that public education became systemic. The mother’s responsibility of education had been relegated to the state. No longer was the diversity of thought from each individual family available. The state run dogma that exists in public education is enforced on all the children. Not only are the teachers hired by the state, the curriculum and standards must be approved by said state. Could this be thought of anything but fascism?
Have your wife stay home and home school your kids, not only does it give your wife responsibility and a reason to not go to work and disrupt the Yin-Yang relationship that should exist in a marriage, but it is necessary to create the diversity of thought necessary for a healthy society. Yes, you will only be able to afford a smaller house and an older car, but you will have a happier life overall should you decide to marry and have a family.
My aunt and uncle are homeschooling their three kids, and there’s quite an age range in there – one’s about to go off to college, one’s in high school, and one’s…golly, third grade (where has the time gone?)
I once had a deep philosophical and theological conversation with their son when he was 10 years old. The kid actually helped me solidify my ideas and provided meaningful counter-arguments. When we were done, he ran off to play in the pool with the other kids.
Anyone who says homeschooling doesn’t work has never met my cousins.
All my kids are far ahead of the public curve in their education, not to mention the variety they get. I hear the same story with any parents who take homeschooling seriously.
it does work when the parents have enough brain, teaching skills and a good relationship with the child I’d say.
This woman travels the world with her son and he seems to lose his vocabulary compared to older videos. I’m not following her channel I just come across this every now and then so I don’t really know.
He’s 5 years
“Hello How do you like our time here?”
“chchuite chchoout”
“If you dont speak normally the people won’t understand you”
“chuite chrood”
“quite good, ok”
“and do you like, that we left Germany or do you want to go back?”
“Yah you like it or ya you want to go back?”
“Yah I want to the valley”
“to the valley? What valley?”
“*points down” That”
“Here. yes. And soon we will move on”
“‘sings* Sea, sea, sea, sea, ship, ship, ship, ship.”
“ok, that is too loud and a little annoying”
He has a very limited vocabulary. He does not go to school or kindergarden.
A key part of homeschooling is teaching. It looks to me like she’s not doing that.
A video everyone must watch:
Does she take her top off in it?
WE (would educate)
Better than any of the recent horror movies I’ve seen, no doubt.
“We haven’t added our privilege points yet!!”
What’s scary is that SJWs are willing to spill blood to avoid scary words and scary feelings while standing on their self-appointed moral high ground.
The regressive left are looking at fascism in the rear view mirror.
It’s exactly what the avowed Marxist John Dewey said: “Education is about socialization.”
The role of education from a Dewey-ian perspective is to create worker drones. It’s about keeping everyone communicating at a superficial level, holding each other in line (as crabs hold each other in the bucket), and “learning your place.” Education is not about teaching how to evaluate new ideas, or how to create, or how to perform invaluable services, or even ethics and philosophy – it’s about cutting unique shapes down to round pegs to fit into round holes.
This is in stark contrast to his contemporary Montessori, who argued that education should focus on honing skills and be tailored to the particular talents and aptitudes of individual students.
Why did you cut and paste someone else’s comment with no quotes or attribution?
I mean, it’s not an original thought, but he could at least change the punctuation or something.
Parceque I agree with him, he has outstrip me
“I do that all the time.” – Gandhi
“Have a Colt 45 and shut the fuck up, Gandhi.” — Billy D. Williams.
gold bob
:O) (Don’t you hate these cute smiley faces on their side – me, too.)
burn the witch!!!!
Good thing we can import educated people from India, China, and Korea. American students should be turned out to the fields to pick cotton.
Only the gifted should be educated. Why force kids who don’t want to learn to be in school for 12 years?
When the modern system of compulsory education was introduced in Massachusetts less than 150 years ago, there were civilian riots and the National Guard had to be called in to implement the plan.
Do you think it is any coincidence that the rise of compulsory education has marched in lock step with the Industrial Revolution?
The curricula is comprised of Satanist Bible teaching of equality in secular acceptance and consumerism.
Honestly, I’d prefer if they taught The Satanic Bible. It’s got more truth in it.
Guys, I’m a product of the American public school system. Can you help me buy a copy of Grammarly???
Here is what we need: the ability to access the public school system in an a la carte fashion: send your kids their for science and math and handle the English lit and social studies at home. The humanities is where they inject most of the brainwashing.
They’re already filling the sciences with brainwashing. It wouldn’t solve the problem, just redirect their efforts.
3 words:
“Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned.”
– Mark Twain
The American public school system is not designed to create critical thinkers. We have no need to cultivate domestic talent since we import the best minds from India, China, and Korea
It’s designed to churn out obedient little socialist taxpayers. All equal – equally inept and equally incapable. But no guts or fortitude to stand up and call *bullshit!*
It amazes me how I need to spend 1/2 hour deprogramming and 1/2 hour “un teaching” before I can start the kids on their 3 R’s (readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmatic!)
No, we don’t put on pink t-shirts and hug bullies in this house. You kick the bully in the nuts and send him off looking for a weaker kid.
American universities should only allow foreigners to enroll. American students can be apprenticed to be shoe shiners.
There’s always Wraslin’ School…
Sounds like a fun profession….pays better than engineering too!
The brainwashing runs deep…
Can’t really blame the kids. When I look at most dads today I feel like kicking them in the nuts too…
Hahahaha so true.
“I just want my kid to have a positive experience here, M’kay?”
Uh, dude, denying your kid the right to fail or scrape a knee is not a positive experience.
It’s child abuse.
reminds me of the bill burr “oh shit! dad’s home!” bit…go hide behind the curtains, etc
Bill Burr is our youth’s last hope.
I was always bad in school. Saw through the bullshit and wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.
It wasn’t until I was about to leave college that I realized how much I hated school. I like developing my skills and working on projects, but school sucks the joy out of it and gives nothing in return.
Since I started looking for work again, I’ve learned a couple of programming languages and tools and built my own servers. I enjoyed it, and I learned. When I get back into the work world, I’ll enjoy it much less but get paid.
School is all the joylessness without the pay.
Because they don’t throw in the deep end anymore. No more bullying, no more disciplining kids for bad behaviour and failure.
It doesn’t set you up to be a spirited human being. Spirit is developed through struggle and hardships.
When I was growing up in Asia we had to clean our classrooms once a week with our group. Thought me the lesson of hardwork.
i’ll upvote anything with Sam Hyde in it
I didn’t realize it, but by the time high school came around, Red Pill ideas were forming in my head. Just watching how the system worked and how various players carried out their game…
Things that used to confuse me suddenly made perfect sense.
The world wasn’t fair, and didn’t owe me shit.
And some people were happy to use me to their own ends.
And whether or not I let that happen was entirely up to me.
Yep. They are socialist indoctrination camps with a specialty in emasculation of males and victimization of females. Sorry to be a conspiracy theorist, but if you look at policies and just how they DECORATE a classroom now (soft lighting and soft quiet spaces) you know the clog-wearing gynocentric social planners are getting jobs in government agencies and departments and WRITE these policies.
Example: Taking down scoreboards in gymnasiums. Scores in hockey or basketball? Who needs that? Everybody gets a PARTICIPATION RIBBON! Everybody is a WINNER!
Example: Kids performance is now expressed in subjective “feelings” terms.
“Super! Great! Pretty darned good! Pretty ok! Improving! Needs a bit of improvement, M’kay?”
When we were kids marks we out of 10 or A/B/C/D or **F**.
Example: Teacher here in Western Alberta was FIRED for giving a student ZERO for a paper they didn’t hand in or just sluffed off so they could say they handed something in!! OUTRAGE ENSUED!!
Example: Boys act like boys but get treated like dysfunctional girls. If boys don’t sit calmly and socialize like females do, they’re simply medicated (and shamed) until they fall in line. They use fancy words like Asperger’s, ADHD, ODD, and other “developmental difficulties requiring medication”.
Not that these things don’t exist, but parents: get a second opinion before someone who has failed as an educator tries to medicate your kid.
letting children go outside to play is one thing but why force all kids to endure a butch lesbo gym teacher making them climb a rope or run a mile?
you don’t see the benefit in being able to run a decent mile, being able to climb a rope or meet certain other standards of physical fitness? Jeez, no wonder you don’t get laid.
For a modern information based economy? Nope. You could be a bulbous headed wheelchair confined invalid with an atrophied body and be more suited for this world than some Ooh ra jarhead.
I get it Peach, but the human body didn’t evolve to be a node on an information network as quickly as the human mind did. Our bodies still need to MOVE, still need to be strained with some exertion. Most people can’t carry two bags of groceries up a flight of stairs without getting winded. People are not living as long, and heart disease is on the rise. Even sitting all day is proving hard on the health and now they have “standing stations” in work places. (Sitting kills circulation and pinches all kinds of nerves and compresses organs etc.)
You could be a bulbous headed wheelchair confined invalid with an atrophied body, but why? Is there not more to life than looking at a screen?
Each to his own, I guess.
Future Man: big swol noggin attached to a frail atrophied premie baby body
distended brain case
its about HEALTH, fool, not financial well-being!
then why are you as “jacked” as you claim?
All I know is that murder ball became dodge ball and then that was banned and now you can roll a ball but it can’t be thrown because that’s just too dangerous and aggressive! (On noes! A kid might get a nosebleed!) Hey everybody, lets sit in a circle and roll a ball around.
My kids can climb a rope like a couple of apes. If other people’s kids can’t, that’s fine (I never could). If kids can’t climb ropes, don’t make them sit there until they have bloody callouses – find something THEY TOO can be good at. Badminton. Ball hockey.
Every kid has SOMETHING they can do if they’re not shamed or laughed at.
Put a bunch of kids in a play park with all kinds of things to climb and swing on. EVERY kid can be active and enjoying themselves and they DO when left to their own devices and given some decent choices.
You want children to be phisically active? Are you mad?
It’s the current year, so get with the times and teach them anal sex is the best thing ever like Teen Vogue recommends.
Oh, and make sure your kids grow up to be transgender gay lesbians.
When I was a wee lad, I took a kickball to the face from a couple of yards away. Looking back, all that hurt was my pride – I didn’t catch it, and they scored a run off my face.
We’ve got all these squishy balls these days – you don’t play dodge rock anymore unless you’re really dumb enough to agree to it. Let them smash one another in the schnoz – it builds character.
“they scored a run off my face”
OMG. Raise my kids to be gender confused identifarians? I’d rather pry my eyeballs out with a spoon and pour bleach in the sockets.
When my boy was 7 he blocked a soccer ball with his face and he came running to me, blood running from his nose and all over his mouth. It was a hard kick, and the small crowd even gasped. As I was cleaning him up he was sobbing softly and he said wanted to quit. And I told him he could quit – it was okay to stop, no problem. But I also told him that the best way to get that team back for a ball in the face was to go and score a goal on them. So, I wiped up the last bit of blood and hugged him and said “So son? What do you want to do?” He got this look in his eye, pursed his lips and said “I want to score that goal, dad.” so I patted him on the back, and he went back out.
He drove and drove. His outmatched little team was just doing everything they could to get the ball down field but they were denied, again and again. They were passing and fighting and driving… they just wouldn’t quit. At 18-0, they still would not quit. My son was driving the ball through other kids legs, knocking them over. It was getting kind of intense for a kids game, but I think the better team actually liked it. It was too easy for them in the first half. It was a real game now.
Suddenly his team-mate (red-head girl, top four of his team) makes this really smart pass and my son picks it up and he’s off like a shot. He dekes out this first kid, a second (smaller) kid kicks the ball against my sons legs and just wipes out. DENIED. Then my boy is charging the goal alone, uncontested, and I saw his right shoulder and leg go back and he kicked that ball with everything he had. WHOOOSH!! Goalie was frozen. HE SCORES!!! He was so triumphant in that moment he got a high-five from everyone on his team, parents from both sides and even the other’s team’s coach. I bit my lip hard as the tears welled up.
Every time my kid wants to quit now I say “Remember the time you got the goal after taking a ball to the face?”.
If he still wants to quit after that, I know he’s just not interested.
My friends and I, bored with dodge ball, invented “catch medicine ball”. The goal was to throw the heaviest medicine ball you could throw, as high up into the air as you could, and then someone ELSE had to catch it. The gym teacher saw us, and laughed whenever someone was knocked over. Good times had by all. Nowadays we’d probably have been expelled and the gym teacher fired and jailed.
No one climbs the rope anymore – too dangerous or something.
The Presidential Physical Fitness challenge that all these schools employ nowadays is garbage. I played video games all day and managed to score well, for Pete’s sake. I even managed the mile run, despite chronic dehydration and a body built for intense bursts of exertion.
presidential fitness challenge? What’s that? Being a beta fatass with enough money to posture like a peacock?
I should have used that excuse: “My body is built for intense bursts of exertion” fuck this endurance shit
If you manage to touch your toes and run a mile in less than 15 minutes, you get a certificate hand-signed by the President’s printer!
I was a porker and ran the mile and wasn’t even last. The kids that walked were last. I was red in the face and almost puking but I ran that damned mile, or slowed to a jog a few times just to catch my breath. After high school in my college years I would go for a 1 hour jog or ride bike for 2+ hours. I used to chase the guys on the racing bikes with the fancy bike shorts with my clunky mountain bike. I’m glad my gym teacher said “C’mon C’mon push yourself a bit!!”
It just means I need to train to gain long-term endurance. I got to where I was a lineman for just about every play in high school, and that wasn’t so hard, but mile runs were still a challenge.
Some skinny guys seem to be able to run for days, and need to train to gain speed. Some larger guys seem to be able to plow into each other at sprinting speeds, but need to train to keep that up for more than twenty seconds at a time.
I got my best mile time ever trying not to look like a pansy-ass in front of my buddy. We paced each other the entire run, never slowed to a jog, crossed the finish line and hurled into the bushes.
I wiped my mouth, turned to him, and said, “Damn, man, it was all I could do to keep up with you.” He replied, “What the fuck? I was trying to keep up with you!”
I couldn’t (and likely still cant) climb a rope. I should have been shamed and mocked savagely. Instead they shrugged and said, “well some people aren’t athletic”
And to my further shame I too was satisfied with this…..
“best shape of any presidential candidate ever”
all the other guys were trapazoids
or worse…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6975679d17042b7d3dfceeb9c9d193a6fde43fde80caf891a978fb979bd3bc79.png
well played
Similarly NONE of us ever really have to use long division in real life, drilling that shit teaches the brain cells to fire sharply when faced with more ‘real life’ problems.
SO – phys Ed is not about mastering any of those inane tasks (rope climbing, dodge-ball, etc), its about conditioning the body for the Long Haul which is life.
I use long division.
THat said, there is value to learning how to be assigned tasks you do not particularly know how to do or want to do, setting your mind to learning how to do them, motivating yourself to getting them done and doing them well. This is a real lesson and one that is important.
Likewise with physical conditioning: Not everyone needs to be able to pull a boat by a rope in their teeth but learning the importance of maintaining some degree of physical fitness is such an essential aspect of life in general
1. YOU use long division because you cant use a computer.
2. I agree with everything else wholeheartedly.
1. nooooooooo, i don’t NEED a computer because i can do long division
2. natch
Speak for yourself. I don’t get paid if I’m not providing that service out at the lake.
yeah, I know and without LAMPS there’d be no LIGHT!
Seems like the Generation Y types are rebelling against the Marxism taught in public schools.
Their leftist teachers tell them Trump is bad but in their eyes the immediate authority is the teacher and school administrators. So Trump becomes a rebel figure in their eyes.
It appears so, we all have to rebel against something. Been fine and dandy since the 1920’s flappers until the 2010’s saw the gay movement. Since then, when gayness was welcomed by the “mainstream”, the only thing to rebel against is the very degeneracy created by this rebelliousness of the past century.
No joke, my son listens to “the piano guys” and classical. Irritating as hell.
God bless Calvin n Hobbes. I read those as a kid, and it was seriously the most intelligent and also funny cartoon strip of all time. It’s not a coincidence what the characters names are.
It is is right, nay, OBLIGATION to irritate and vex you.
dont forget The Far Side
Rock becomes the man
My nice listen to despacito
Should of put this in the sjw bands to avoid article.
No offense, but I’ll believe it when I see it
A good number are doing just that.
I’ve been seeing it locally. The <25 year old crowd.
They are. I have cousins who are under 22 and they either identity as ‘Conservative’ or have such mindsets having rebelled against the mind-virus of Leftism and benefited from having other avenues to access information as well as my influence.
Is generation Z, Generation Y are the retard millennial, all the young teacher having sex with their student are millennial, Millennials were raised by the genX, The “I´m friend of my kids” generation, I´m the cool dad, That´s Why the millennials end up as narcissist piece of shits. Half of milenials are entering the 30s and tasting reality for the first time, there is always a conservative>liberal>conservative cycle the Z generation is seeing their Marxist parent as crazy dudes.
What I am saying is the young Generation Z have parents and teachers who are left wing liberals. They see the dysfunction first hand and many are rebelling against it.
I agree
Kids learnt to use google since 4, a simple google search will debunk all the BS of the left. That´s why the left is in panic mode, they are losing big, they need to censor google and youtube for that reason. Proof that being liberal is being in the loser side is more women are becoming conservative, women tend to change teams when their original team is losing like lacy green. Women have no problem sleeping with the enemy, no loyalty is in their nature they have no moral problem marrying the invader, so being lefty becomes the establishment and being rebel is being conservative funny how liberal becomes the man.
The correct term is “Government School”
I swear, the same guys who design prisons design high schools. Buzzer doors, metal detectors, cafeterias, high fences (sometimes with razor wire), uniformed officers in the halls. All they’re missing is a few cots.
Nowadays school prepares you for career academia, prison, or the military.
There’s a Montessori School down the street (K-Grade 8). Complete with a high fence and razor wire around it. Casual observers think it’s done to keep the bad guys out. I think it’s done to keep the kids in…
I can’t speak to Montessori schools, but Jan Montessori had some great ideas.
Don’t get me started on that…
Next time you’re out and about, take a walk through a hallway of any colledge you see and look at the posters on the walls.
I did so a few monthes ago, and I had a feeling of being in some sort of gay, feminist, third world Islamic Universe – LGBT propaganda everywhere, pictures of empowered black and Muslim women, some weird flyers inviting you to talk about 100+genders and tolerance and acceptance.
Colleges are essentially intellectual sewers filled with Marxist feces to the brim.
I do hope that those of us here who are dads accept that the public k12 school system is beyond saving. If we love our children, we’ll do whatever we must to keep them out of it by either homeschooling or private schooling our children.
I went to a private school until 7th grade. Boy was I in for a surprise on the first day of my new school. I already didn’t care for school but, after that day I really hated it.
Anybody hear about Trump giving a
(Literally) Hitler Youth speech at the Boy Scouts Jamboree? Micheal ‘Fat Loudmouth Moron’ Moore said it was child abuse.
The Left is utterly unhinged from reality at this point. They’re stark raving loons who are so enraged to the point of distraction by Trump that they could likely be serious candidates for mental asylums.
I suppose I could see someone’s point if they don’t agree with what he said but, man their heads are spinning today over….nothing.
When did the left start caring about the scouts anyway? I am under the impression they hate them because they didn’t want fags or girls in their organization but, now that Trump talked to them now they are concerned.
But it’s not about disagreement with him at all, it’s just sheer demonization based on lies cut out of whole cloth. And they can’t stop, they’re obsessed.
As to the Scouts, Obama made it a point to decline all invitations from them to speak at their annual Jamboree. The Left hates the scouts.
They will certainly leave no stone unturned to find something that makes him look like Dr Evil.
They have gone off the rails bad enough now to let their real colors show.
So we have to continue mocking them using the power of nonsense to point out how ridiculous and buffoonish they have become. It’s like defanging or devenoming a dangerous animal.
Pretty much everything I leaned about history, art, technology and military science I leaned on my own or outside the public school system (but includes military training).
I still run into history majors who get blank looks on their face when asked for an opinion on how much the Ems telegram contributed to the Franco-Prussian War, and if Bismarck had a master plan to unite Germany or he just took advantage of opportunities as they arose.
” Bismarck had a master plan”
you are ascribing quite a lot of agency to a herring.
No, it’s the solicitation of an opinion from a person with a history degree: do you believe Bismarck had some sort of master plan to unite Germany or did he just take advantage of opportunities presented.
Honestly, it’s probably a combination of both. But I’d your response is “Who the hell is Bismarck?”, I’d question the value of your history degree.
can i just make a herring joke. jeeeez louise.
Not related to this article but some need to write about this!
Very silly book. I have taught in both Red&Blue states and on both East&West Coasts. The systemic methods underscored by the writer are the only methods possible to “educate” so many numbers of kids on such a small budget. My 2 bones to pick with public education is with the political mind-bending that goes on in CA,& aggregious lack of discipline in our nation’s public schools. Kids can break laws verbally/physically assault teachers/students and nothing is done. Student is back in class the next day or next few days.
I’m also an experienced teacher and I did wonder at this review.
‘The systemic methods underscored by the writer are the only methods possible to “educate” so many numbers of kids on such a small budget. ‘
If you mix ability groups and thus have larger classes, there is no alternative to heavily structured lessons.
The above does not mention intellectual ability.
Gatto is a joke. He is a “Republican” from CUNY and UC Berkeley, which means he is still a radical that “likes Amaerica”. Like most higher-ups he has minimal experience teaching on a day to day basis. I was accosted at an East Bay bar by UC Berkley kids because I didn’t like Gatto.
John Taylor Gatto? He is as self-serving as all university professors. His progressive cred is as legit as it gets. Of course he wants to tear down our current education system.
The only good thing about school was making sexy time with hot teachers- Vinny Pringo
Who is this Pringo character? I’ve seen him mentione dseveral times here.
He’s kind of like Santa Claus, Jesus and Chuck Norris all rolled into one.
Link me something about him.
He’s too big to fit on something as small as the internet.
I can’t, he would come back in time and displace me. Be careful what you say about him because he knows where you live.
He is the internet.
He is the love child of Gandhi and Eleanor Roosevelt, and the only man who has ever ridden a great white shark.
without a saddle. plenty of men have ridden a great white with a saddle
the funniest part of Vinny Pringo is that his name doesn’t register as funny to me.
He heard that…
Just keep saying to yourself over and over and it will be.
One of the most important articles I’ve seen on ROK in recent weeks. However I mildly disagree with this statement:
“We have to accept that humans were never meant to be self-aware after decades of indoctrination, and that once a mind is lost, it is likely lost forever.”
All is not lost.
I’ve seen many instances where a thunderclap of reason, a well-digested “red pill truth” or some other intellectually cathartic moment snaps someone out of it (i.e., try reading “The Bell Curve” for a true eye-opener of what’s being buried by the modern US public education system)…and we even see it occurring right here on ROK.
Higher education is even worse, it’s expensive and despite all the Marxist BS, they are not prepared for working life.
I was a teacher for two years and substituted for a few after that.
In the staff lounges women teachers all complained about how many boys they had and how hard t was to handle them.
Boys need their own classes with five physical activity based lessons per day. Education today is designed to produce factory workers, no more
Good article. It was not a decade after 1st wave feminism and the right to vote was extended to all women that public education became systemic.
‘The mother’s responsibility of education had been relegated to the state. ‘
Who educated the mothers?
Before state education the Church was responsible.
‘ It was not a decade after 1st wave feminism and the right to vote was extended to all women that public education became systemic.’
Who trained the teachers and who built the schools?
What was the curriculum?
Were these schools single sex, age segregated, out of town or borders?
Good article. It was not a decade after 1st wave feminism and the right to vote was extended to all women that public education became systemic. The mother’s responsibility of education had been relegated to the state. No longer was the diversity of thought from each individual family available. The state run dogma that exists in public education is enforced on all the children. Not only are the teachers hired by the state, the curriculum and standards must be approved by said state. Could this be thought of anything but fascism?
Have your wife stay home and home school your kids, not only does it give your wife responsibility and a reason to not go to work and disrupt the Yin-Yang relationship that should exist in a marriage, but it is necessary to create the diversity of thought necessary for a healthy society. Yes, you will only be able to afford a smaller house and an older car, but you will have a happier life overall should you decide to marry and have a family
Roosh, we’re the same age. I’m as fair skinned as fair skinned can be and I grew up in PG county, MD. You must have got some kind of exception because you aren’t 100% white. Far from diminishing anything you have accomplished, which I (mostly) admire and overall support, I grew up in the DC metro and it is a world only people who grew up there can fully understand. Even NYC folks cannot relate and I figured this out early in my USN years. You became red-pilled and created a movement. There’s got to be more to your experiences growing up in MD (even though not PG or DC; not calling you a bamma) that led to who you became.
‘ It makes no sense for me to feed my children through their machine, for them to score another convert to their sick cult.’
Men, if you hand your own children over to the people who control government education, then you deserve to be despised by them in later life.
The problem with self teaching via the internet is that employers will prefer those with college degrees….even if you self thought software programming the employer will look at with the one who has a computer science degree. The system is rigged for us to get into debt.
I feel guilty for participating in the systems. If I knew that I only can learn about computer networking on the internet and have my certification, I would’ve never stepped foot on college. Now I’m figuring out how to pay off that loan….I’m starting to feel guilty.
We need get rid of the public funding of schools and universities, Private funded training center will train kids to decent paying jobs instead of brain washed morons.
It’s the modern form of public schools that are the problem. And by modern I mean that to separate them from traditional american schools. The modern form had snuffed out the last of the traditional american schools in the 1920s but the process had taken decades. As Gatto makes clear in his various works that form of traditional american education is what is practiced in the schools the so-called elite send their children to. It’s actually rather cheap, far cheaper than the public schools we pay for today, but these schools are expensive to keep the riff-raff out.
Anyways the old system worked well enough in preparing people to be thinking individuals and was very local and locally controlled. I have no issue with schools like this. The tax burden to support them would be trivial and the benefits large. Now I also have no issue with a private system but there needs to be something for those who’s parents do not send them private school. But as I mentioned this traditional education does not require anywhere near the resources. As Gatto makes clear in at least some of his works he would pay out of his own pocket for students to be educated in ways resembling it. That’s how he reached and taught the students the system considered unteachable.
It has taken over a century to return americans to the bondage of serfdom thus far. The modern public compulsory schools, based on the Prussian model are key to this. Traditional american schools had to be destroyed and replaced and they were. (See Gatto’s book “The Underground History of American Education”)
There are two key institutions in the USA through which power is maintained the conditions we have today created. The schools and the federal reserve.
“Thanks to the internet, we’ve become so used to interacting only with people who have the exact same niche interests as we do that we are losing the ability to talk to those who differ only slightly from us.”
I have no problem going to sites where people disagree with me or should I say have never learned what I have learned. I recently had a fun thread where I told people where today’s medical care mess comes from and why it was created and who and what is served by perpetuating it. The emotional reactions were entertaining.
It was that “great conservative hero” Ronald Reagan who brought the Soviet style education system to America.
John Taylor Gatto excellent series on education;https://tragedyandhope.com/category/th-presents-the-ultimate-history-lesson/
Excellent.Love what he has to say and will be buying the book.I also appreciate the ROK/Roosh community immensely and truly feel part of it.The future is ours.
I know I’m late coming to the party, but Roosh, you may also be interested in the following title’ The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future(Or, Don ‘t Trust Anyone Under 30)’ . Long title yes, but it explains a lot about the TLDR crowd and other failures of the education system. It’s a bit dated, hence some MySpace references, but that just makes it’s accuracy that much more prophetic.
I agree