It is grim to realise that we have reached a point where our contemporary society is so sick, that it could be healthier for everyone if women were imposed the legal status of property instead of being free individuals. The fact that this absurd method could indeed create a safer society shows how cancerous our “progressive” Western world has become.
How it would work
Women would keep the status of human beings even by becoming property. They would become the asset of a Senior Male Authority (SMA) from birth until his death or their own. In practice, the bond between man and female property would resemble the one between a legal guardian and a minor, incapacitated senior or mentally handicapped adult.
With women being children in adult bodies, the comparison is appropriate. But where the authority of the legal guardian expires in time, the right over female property would not be finite. All decisions would be taken by the SMA (father, older brother, then husband). The auction of a young woman from a father to a suitor of his choice would be agreed upon by setting a dowry.
Purchasing power would be in the hands of the SMA, preventing women to spend male income on frivolous and useless items like female “holidays” (the real sex tourism), designer clothes, drugs, club entrances and the like.
Women becoming property: the barrel bomb of dread game
This measure would include the right of repudiation for the husband in case of serious misconduct. The decision would have to be studied and approved by a jury of adult all-male peers.
Repudiation would be efficient to keep women in line because they greatly fear being called out, held accountable, and losing resources or status because of self-inflicted behaviour, and this proposal would not deprive them from love. On the contrary, because of the affection that a man shows towards his property (added to the blood or family bound), the women he acquires will be safer. His “investment” has both a financial implication in addition to an emotional one.
To the triggered liberals, women are already property in Islam. But all I hear about it from the left on social media are crickets. Contrary to Shariah law, my theory does not include whipping, gang rape, honour killing, beheading or stoning when women are at fault.
10 societal benefits of declaring women legal property
1. No women in the military or police, so men and women would die less.
2. Divorce would plummet and single mommery would become a rarity.
3. No access to funds (under SMA supervision) for women would benefit the global economy.
4. Being a negotiable asset, women would be under constant male protection.
5. Women (and men) would die less of drug, tobacco, alcohol abuse and the heart diseases, cancers and violent or accidental deaths caused by it.
6. Due to heavy competition, women would have to be thinner, reducing the epidemic of obesity and the health risks that it involves.
7. Less child mortality and death during childbirth (women giving birth younger combined with better healthcare hence greater chances of survival).
8. No more left-leaning parties elected as women would be deprived of the right to vote.
9. Conservative governments elected by men would favour traditional families over leeches and degenerates.
10. Less domestic violence as women would avoid damaged men, having no personal resources (and hitting your woman would be like keying your own car: pointless).
7 ways this proposal would bring balance to the sexual market
1. No more welfare policies encouraging women to remain single or raise bastards. Welfare would be focused on those who need it the most, like veterans or the elderly.
2. No more inflated ego and instant gratification through attention whoring on social media. Its restricted access would create saner women. Promotion of degeneracy would be greatly reduced in the mainstream and social media.
3. No Instagram prostitution for wealthy sheikhs, being defiled for platform shoes and handbags with “stylish” patterns worthy of a child doodle.
4. Women would actively seek males based on their ability to provide, as they would have no alternative access to wealth.
5. Males would access a healthier sexual market, their hard work being rewarded by regular sexual intercourse, relative loyalty and children.
6. No more violent third world hordes imported by the votes of bitter women. No more homosexual agenda, gateway to the next great taboo, the pedophile-friendly agenda.
7. Professional advancement and success earned by women through sexual favours, like the one popular in Hollywood, would virtually disappear as adultery would be a valid reason for repudiation. “Promotion through horizontal refreshment” would only be used by already repudiated women, nothing of value would be lost.
L’ami Bonaparte avait de l’idée
It is not a panacea. The nature of women can’t be changed, but women-as-property would be finally held accountable after the “empowered” ones spent such a long time driving the Western world into the ground.
Read More: Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men
This will be the end result one way or another. Either the West wakes up and restores natural order, or the invading barbarians (who we are essentially being paid to come) will do it for you.
i used to think this shit was extreme and hated myself for being half arabic. but as much as i dispise islam i think they definitely got it right when it comes to women. if women aren’t put in their place than its going to end up either as a white sharia states or islamic states. i hope that our descendants will learn this lesson and never again give women the right to vote or freedom.
Check our commenting rules:
Don’t use the word “nigger” or other overt racial epithets.
We’re in a transition to the stock comments, so enforcement is temporary lax, but they still apply.
disagree fully. Male authority only worked in western nations because the men were heavily Christian and moral. We all see what happens to women when men who are not moral are in charge. Look at Islam. Look at the degeneracy in Hollywood. In Fundemental Mormon churches. Men (and women and society) have lost their morality. Give men authority over women, with no morality to keep their male drives in check (lust, aggression, vengeance, impulsivity), you have worse outcomes for women, and men, society overall. Do you really think the non-top tier men are happy under Islam? or in the Fundamentalist Mormon churches in the US? of course they aren’t. That’s why so many of them rape, are driven out of their communities and turn to extremism. Under rigid patriarchy, polygamy is rampant, the father gives daughter away to top-tier men who can pay the most, the non- top tier men are left womanless, and driven out of society, practice pedestary, sex with animals, as happens in many Islamic countries and in the FLDS churches in the US. You didn’t think this one through, Roosh. But it’s bc you think you are being objective, but it’s very clear you filter your ideas through an emotion lens.
Don’t worry everyone, ROK moderators are working hard to reinstate your ability to post racial slurs. Hang in there.
Any idea when the commenting platform will be restored?
I, sadly , have to agree with your vision of the near future. We are on a one way path regardless of who forces the change. Its a dark horizon, and it is approaching very quickly.
West is dead, there is no proper elites in our lands. Only way to change something is by economic collapse, then we will see very funny thing like people in masses attend to churches. When people are not hungry they don’t fight for anything. We must focus on self development and wait for upcoming chaos then maybe some of us will create new leaders.
I hate to, but I have to agree with you .
All of the progress we have made in the struggle to throw off the hateful yoke of religion will be lost.
The idiot masses will flock to the churches thinking that ” god ” will save them, completely disregarding thousands of years of proof to the contrary.
This will give the religious extremists political power and religious tyranny will rum rampant.
Art, science, freedom, tolerance, common sense, education, diversity, justice, fairness, and anything else good will be lost.
Instead of our government being run by fair, wise, open minded people like our founding fathers, it will run by stupid, closed minded zealots who believe in nonsense like raising the dead, dinosaurs walking with humans, or that 1+1+1 =1.
People like our current christian extremists who think constitutional rights are only for them.
When the church is allowed to run the government, the result is the dark ages.
Hey Roosh, what country are your parents from? You’re definitely not white so what are you? Its funny to hear the child of (I’m assuming Middle Eastern) immigrants talk about “invading barbarians”.
Lol holy shit. A google search could help but noooooo lol
And in the far Northern US he can pass as Sicilian so make of that what you will. Not that I consider Sicilians White (maybe a few) but Roosh could get away with claiming Italian American since Italian Americans are kind of expected to look very dark and ethnic.
What’s your ethnic background Roosh?
Its called “Google,” you drooling retard. I won’t even tell you. You gave to learn to use “Google”
There is no rule of gang rape in sharia law. From where did you get this information.
What do you mean by “women being children in adult bodies” ? Do you think that, with the same education, a boy becomes a responsible man, worthy representative of the human race, while his sister remains an immature little girl, unworthy representative of the human race ? Terrible damages had been caused to it and the only ones at fault are women ? So men just have to enslave them and it would be okay ?
By making half of the population a slave to the other half, you put the whole human race at risk of self-destruction. In that logic, why not granting women the ownership ? Mothers are the ones who pass on most of the genes, carry pregnancy to full-term, feed and raise children. They would own their sons, choose them a good master, make sure their property don’t play too much with cars, sex, guns, banks, nuclear bomb and don’t show too much arrogance, too much megalomania. It would be for their own good and they would be safer (and so the whole planet).
“Less domestic violence as women would avoid damaged men.” You just said that the choice of an owner would be made at auction.
“No funds. No access to wealth”
So SMA would forbid women to work, preventing them to have personal resources, making them entirely dependant on men, cleaning the human race since men are the ones who earn and use resources properly ? Irrational beliefs. You disregard nurses, farmers, teachers or whoever sane female workers who earn and use resources properly. You just take in consideration the ones who act dumbly to get a grip on any woman.
“The affection that a man shows towards his property.”
Many men take good care of their property but many others go bankrupt, gamble or want the new car and scrap the last one. They would just have to falsely accuse their wife, the biased jury of adult all-male peers would prove them right, they would be free to buy a younger woman, the last one would be sullied and abandoned.
I approve allowing men to divorce their wife in case of serious misconduct, but if you don’t allow women the same right your system remains as hypocritical as the ones applied in Saudi and Somalia, torture in less.
“Women would be deprived of the right to vote.”
Being a woman and suffer a judgement only applied by men, the effects of political choices only made by men and be subjected to laws only written by men. I can sense tyranny, not protection. Is there an interest in having a woman who isn’t able to take her own decisions ? Men won’t have an other half, but a spiritless slave. They would be miserable and they wouldn’t have the luxury to blame women, for they would be their own responsibility.
You condemn that woman with the sign “I need feminism because all men are rapists” and you do the same, stating an aberration to justify the war “I need masculinism because all women are children”. Maybe both feminists and masculinists should take some distance.
Roosh Valizaded : What do you mean by natural order ? When did western societies did stop to develop in a natural order ? Since Socialism exists ? Capitalism ? Industry ? Technology ? Medecine ? Social movements ?
This article reeks badly of Sharia Law endorsement. While there are some tenets I would agree with, the notion of “property” of another human being is repugnant. There is a middle ground that can be had, but it REQUIRES a consistent and codified “patriarchy” by true conservative valued people, and no one of the fakers that call themselves “conservative” now.
1. No women in the military or police (yes, these jobs require strength and dedication).
2. Divorce (Kill the no fault, divorce should be a final option under severe circumstances, make the parties work and work it out first)
3. No access to funds (bullshit, let the women work in fields they can actually do the WORK, let them spend their money they actually EARN, NO MORE FREEBIES or mandates supports!!)
4. Being a negotiable asset( this is what makes them bitter penis slicers, a no go solution) If they want protection and support, they must EARN IT and provide real trust and loyalty or give them the boot on disloyalty to make it on their own. Reward LOYALTY and INTEGRITY ONLY!
5. Women (and men) would die less of drug, tobacco, alcohol abuse and the heart diseases, cancers and violent or accidental deaths caused by it.( Who cares? Life is for living, your choices you make speeds up your dying, FREEDOM to choose is paramount)
6. Due to heavy competition, women would have to be…( Marketable to the men then want, the marketplace must determine for itself who to shun. Artificial “protections” for women should be destroyed if you want them to ever improve themselves. MAKE THEM LEARN ACCOUNTABILITY SELF DISCIPLINE< SELF RESPECT and many of their behaviors will change.
7. Less child mortality and death during childbirth (women giving birth younger combined with better healthcare hence greater chances of survival) Kill off the no responsibility mindset of irresponsible sex, make women take responsibility for their choices and do away with abortion. Once they suffer for BAD mistakes and decisions of wanton sex, they will die off naturally or get a grip and fix their entitlement mindset when it ALL FALLS ON THEIR SHOULDERS WITH NO HELP!!
8. No more left-leaning parties elected as women would be deprived of the right to vote.( all voting persons should be screened for sanity and common sense, and then you will fix the voting issues, banning women to vote, is not a bad idea until society can gets its head out of its ass and women prove they can actually demonstrate stakeholdership through responsibility and accountability.
9. Conservative governments elected by men would favor traditional families over leeches and degenerates.( DUH…….this is the failure point of our society today, government WITHOUT common sense).
10. Less domestic violence as women would avoid damaged men, having no personal resources (and hitting your woman would be like keying your own car: pointless). I disagree, equal justice before the courts and high penalties for violent crimes and killing off the current poisonous society of entitlement sans responsibility will make all members productive and engaged fearful of risking their relative freedom and safety of courts ruling against them. IF and when all of human kind realizes the responsibility and accountability of their actions, you will nearly eliminate crime, but for right now society REWARDS shiftiness, laziness, entitled mindset and ENABLES crime by failing to deal with criminals immediately, severely and EQUALLY…Justice is a joke, justice has been corrupted by special interests, tiered punishment based on wealth and personal connections. Until that is remedied directly and firmly through accountability and personal responsibility and people being forced to work by not being supported artificially through welfare and freebies…nothing else can be accomplished.
Spot on!
Women are not the only guilty parties in this scenario. You hit the nail on the head with the idea of accountability and personal responsibility. This applies equally to everyone. I support mandated testing for sanity and common sense to participate in governance. However, any reduction in status or personal rights MUST be universal, be it male, female, black, brown, or white. The US is theoretically a meritocratic system; by instituting licensing and testing for everything from voting to reproductive suitability would help realize that goal
This of course what we need to implement. I’ve seen so many exemples where male authority would have been able to save a woman’s future, not only in my own family (Hello Mom), but among my friends as well.
Last iteration ? An 18 yo virgin cute as hell english girl who fell in love with a Turkish/syrian whatsoever refugee through an application, and whom I tried to save by gaming her.
Parents are opposed but won’t say anything against it, because “it’s her life” while they say they oppose #WhiteGenocide. So I had to step in, to raise the problem, burned my relationship with her to the ground, her closet feminist mom now hates me and her father won’t say anything.
To the contrary, we’ve got east europeans. I’m currently in ukraine, And it’s funny how so many times, I would try to approach girls, and the guys will tell me “It’s our girls” or “They have boyfriendo”. I think this country is very shitty, but they still have for now, what we lost in the west. Balls.
Make western men great again, masculinity/virility speaking, the rest will follow.
Women will submit to strong men, lesser men too. Now let’s get back to work.
Thank you for this article.
Imagine never working with another woman. I’d vote in this system for that alone.
Caring for a daughter is already very serious. One of the biggest pitfalls is the selfish and moronic choices she’ll make. Choosing her suitor for her is a safer deal, and what would she miss out on? Women can’t really fall in love anyway. We con them into thinking they can for the price of a matinee movie ticket, but women in film end up with princes and the wealthy unless they meet a man young in most television and film, or they are portrayed as seeking a provider. A lot of women don’t see hypergamy, only act on it, missing a tree for the woods. Free women take from a father more than what he’s owed financially; a marriagable daughter, raised by her father is something to be proud of. A lot of men wouldn’t be proud of their daughters if they knew what I did about their daughters.
I disagree on one point you make. in any control system where you take away free will, free will doesn’t magically go away, and rebellious kids. The more you try to clamp down vice like, the more you will drive the most self determined rebellious into finding ways to get around or escape the controls. You might drive the unwanted remnants of your efforts underground, but you will never eliminate them. if you look at the scale of Far right ultra conservative to far left ultra liberal, I would posit that the best location for where the government / SMA needs to be is near the center of the right side spectrum of conservatism whereby freedom and free will is still found but a firm controlled society. I hate the thought of espousing a less than completely free society, but a polite society, a sane society cannot exist in a complete authoritarian model where freedom doesn’t exist. Our society has declined because of technology, that it emboldens people to act stupidly because of the safety of not having to interact in personal face to face space with no repercussion or fear of immediate reprisal reaction to stupidity and rudeness, but also the instant gratification of attention whoring as mentioned in the article. Something has to be taken away and to make people MORE accountable for what they do and how they act. Believe you me, I fear greatly the future for my daughters and I am working like never before to try and reform my oldest daughter who has succumbed to millenism…
“No access to funds (under SMA supervision) for women would benefit the global economy.”
I agree with the main talking points of this article but how would LESS spending benefit the global economy? This needs clarifying. Us men are so price-conscious that it might plunge the global economy under permanent recession.
Keynesianism has been disproven a long time ago.
That is not keynesianism. Where did I involve gov spending?
Unfortunately, our society- maybe mankind in general- doesn’t do so well with the perfect in-between, and has to wander between extremes. “Women as chattel” is an idea that will only return in the Western world with some sort of disaster threatening- and then only because the need for survival forces women to willingly subjugate themselves to men.
Nice to see someone who understands that our human reaction to a problem is to move way to far in the other direction which only continues the cycle of oppression —> rebellion. Sometimes I ponder whether we are capable as humans to minimize ossilations between extremes. I also wonder if we would have more success if we stop trying to make marriage and relationships asafe place where the people in them repress their sexual agendas. I as a man understand my craving for multiple partners, should I not then respect a womens biological craving for males other then myself. It is not overly exciting to think of a women I know mating with others and me raising others offspring. In saying that the shaming and repression that goes along with the attempt to cram complex human needs and desires down is only going to keep the cycle we complain about going. Maybe we should finish swallowing the red pill, and accept the fact that life is an insecure process in and outside of marriage. Bottling up your womens sexual desires in a marriage is no different then caging and animals in a zoo and saying it’s for there own good. There’s no reason for women or men in your life to run away when they are accepted as they are.
The reason men don’t want to accept female promiscuity is because it is a pursuit that endangers women. In all honesty women shouldn’t want to bed multiple men simply because they risk their life every time they do so. To submit to more than one master makes no sense. You don’t understand biology do you?
The reason men don’t want to accept female promiscuity is because of their insecurity and fragile egos. Women are more likely to be victimized by men they have relationships with than strangers. A woman increases her chances of having strong offspring if she reproduces with multiple men.
if women are going to act like monkeys then I guess maybe they are better off in cages, especially them social justice Warrior types that insist on copulating with anything with a penis because “muh sexual freedom”. case and point look at the posts by Amy
And what does abuse have to do with what I wrote Amy?
A woman is also more likely to have that strong offspring disrespect her and become a criminal since his daddy won’t be around (because sluts can’t lock down strong men, only good girls can).
So, what do you want, Amy? Would you rather the father of your child be incentivized enough to stay around ( you being not a slut) OR by being free and watching his father run away from you since he knows you are damaged goods and you couldn’t keep a man due to this fact?
Of course sluts can produce strong offspring. I have seen it myself too many times. However without a father figure in their life, these children are dangerous to themselves and their mother.
The very men who have the strong genetics to impregnate you are the same men who won’t stick around with a woman who has no problem being a slut.
Strong men can pull sluts and slay them as you very well know. Sooner or later they figure out she has low market value and they dip, because they know if they can get you, they can get someone else. And obviously you know lots of these guys will not pay your stupid ass any child support either. You made your bed now lay in it essentially.
The men who impregnate you and DO STAY are the men who won’t give you strong offspring.
Besides, the more offspring you birth, the less your value is. Making it less and less likely for a strong man to ever take care of you once you’ve gotten pregnant by everyone else.
Can you see just much of a loser mentality a woman has when she tries to play men’s games?
What a bunch of laughable bullshit. You guys truly do live in a made-up fantasy world that you’ve concocted from your moms’ basements. Try actually leaving the house and interacting with people.
Remaining a virgin until marriage does NOT increase your chances of finding a decent man. If it did, that whole dichotomy wouldn’t be rejected by women en masse. The few women I know of who got married in their late teens and who thought it important to be a virgin until their wedding night all ended up in shitty situations. Stuck with alcoholics, cheaters, deadbeats ala Anna Duggar. There’s nothing rewarding about sexually depriving yourself all for some imaginary ‘strong, loving husband and father’.
A man who abandons his children because their mom isn’t pious enough for him would abandon them anyway because he obviously doesn’t give a shit about them. That statement of yours is so unbelievably stupid.
A society where most women were virgins until their wedding night never existed. You idiots are pining for a rose-colored past that never existed. Women in the 1940s had roughly the same average number of sex partners as women today. Shotgun weddings are thankfully a thing of the past. It’s not rational to be so angry about women indulging in natural human instinct while claiming it’s a man’s right. It’s just glaring insecurity, jealousy, and entitlement. The secondhand embarrassment is overwhelming.
Keep repeating it til you’re blue in the face, sister. It doesn’t change the fact men don’t invest in damaged goods, at least not for the long term.
And since you liberals are all about “I fucking love science”, science proves women’s sexual satisfaction decreases with more and miles on their vagina. But hey, hamster all you want. I lose nothing.
No one wants to be stuck with a shitty man long-term. Remaining a virgin until you marry doesn’t decrease your chances of being bailed on eventually. You didn’t address any of my points that pointed out how wrong you are on every count.
Men’s sexual satisfaction also decreases with more and more miles on their dicks ala ED.
I’m not a liberal. I don’t support the import of hordes of Muslims who view women the same way manosphere dwellers do. The less of your types, the better. Manosphere dwellers are the same as SWJs, but worse- whiny, irrational, childish, entitled, crazy, and low IQ.
Your points had nothing to do with the discussion of women’s promiscuity. Bitching about the patriarchy and then going off and worshipping 50 cocks isn’t exactly consistent thinking so trying to justify it with Justin Trudeau style “it’s the current year!!” logic (which isn’t even the discussion) won’t work here. I love how you call us “low IQ” yet you use logical fallacies like strawmen and red herrings to try and deflect from my main point which was women’s SMV lowers with a higher partner count. YOU HAVEN’T BEEN ABLE TO DISPROVE THIS. You cone back with “well in the 40s wimminz had it bad so therefore I need a thousand cocks now!”.
And a proud slut is calling US low IQ? There is something seriously wrong with you if you think you’re better than us simply because you did the untalented act of spreading your legs.
What is high IQ about letting yourself get penetrated by a bunch of different men? It takes no skill. No talent. It takes no intelligence. In fact it makes you quite fucking stupid as every encounter is literally a threat to your life.
But no we are the dumb ones for wanting to improve ourselves and because we point out your flaws when you try and compete with us. Really the truth hurts that your SMV is shot because of all your past lays. Men don’t value you as much so apparently calling is low IQ is supposed to make that better for you, isn’t it? We didn’t make your mistakes, woman. You made your bed now lay in it.
I never used the “current year” fallacy. You completely made that up.
Men’s marriagability with your ideal pious, virgin woman DEFINATELY decreases with each sex partner. The women I know who remain(ed) virgins until marriage because of their religion all married virgins and would never settle for anything less. If you are a promiscuous man, a young pious virgin is nowhere near being within your league. It’s laughable that you think otherwise.
I don’t think I’m smarter or better than you because I spread my legs. I’m smarter and better because I don’t support irrational double standards or violence and oppression against a group of people all because of sexual jealousy.
@Amy, Im married to a wonderful Muslim man and most of my friends are Muslims. Islamaphobes like you piss me off. And your suggestion that women should procreate with multiple men is disgusting. You’re making yourself sound like a slut.
I suppose as humans we need chaos. People seem to be more fulfilled and have a sense of purpose during times of conflict. However, during times of peace people feel meaningless and try to find purpose activism which of course leads to the saying good times create weak men, weak men create hard times, and hard times create strong men. So I guess the answer to whether or not we can avoid extremes is no until something changes. At least for now, us humans seem to be stuck in the endless cycle.
I agree ,this would be a good move for society
No sir it would not. It would lead to women becoming second class citizens. Gender based infanticide, woman abuse and rape would be much easier to accomplish.
STFU already and go make us a sammich.
Never! I’ll only make you pasta
Or carrot soup, but that’s it
Predictable response from a member of the ‘logical, rational’ sex.
Women are second class citizens. The only reason women have equal rights is because weak men gave them to you. If you had to fight for your rights, you would have none.
And why were weak men tempted to give women the vote? For votes! So democracy (and/or republicanism) would have to go.
Monarchy, baby! Tradition worked.
Women did fight for rights. Status quo was challenged.
I’m not talking lobbying and protesting, I’m speaking of going to battle to achieve what you want.
But you’re alright with men becoming second class citizens!
No I’m not. But I don’t want women to be vulnerable to men.
You read the article ,women would be protected from harm but you wouldn’t have autonomy
They would not be protected from harm – most abuse occurs in the family. How would they be protected from harm? Who will police the men guardians?
This Arab like society is flawed
Now that’s a load of bullshit ,women would be allot safer in the arms of a good decent provider then running around catching STD.
What you’re proposing is a Sharia style society where women are cattle. It’s not good for society and it ain’t fair.
“Women would be much safer under a decent provider” yes, but you’re assuming that all males would be good to them and not harm them. Do female domestic violence victims and rape victims in screwed up Muslim lands have the same options as women in our countries?
This article is way too extreme
Tell me, If you had a daughter who as you say, would be the property of her husband, what guarantee do you have that the man would treat her right? And not abuse her in a physical or emotional manner?
Absolutely nothing. Violence is not always visible.
Also you keep missing the point. I am trying to highlight the risks for women if such measures were put in place. I despise how western liberals and Feminazis act, but this is just as bad
You can’t appeal to the readership of this site by telling them how horrible things would become for women, because that’s what they want. They hate women.
I know
No, we don’t hate women. We hate feminism.
If you’re against gender equality and you think women should be property then yes, you do hate women.
Like most of the RoK community, I’m against gender equality but I don’t think women should be property (please do read my earlier post).
Make of that what you will.
I can only imagine the hemorrhage this article would cause leftists if the MSM picks up on it lmao.
Love you guys, you’re the best.
They won’t, because it would instantly bring Islam to mind, and the left doesn’t want cognitive dissonance on Islam.
I see nothing but bleakness. We have a wicked cabal in power
that wants to end freedom in this nation at ALL COSTS.
There simply isn’t enough room in this country between those
that love it, and the gangsters that want to destroy it.
We can’t flee from them because it would be “prejudical” for the
productive class to be ‘seperate” from the maggots and parasites
that operate under the marching orders of Satan-to destroy it.
Good-bye Trump. Good-bye Deplorables. Good-bye America.
I hope some kind of traditional/modern synthesis can be created in a better future, so we avoid both Abrahamic laws and left-liberal crap. But that requires that women take a step back and know what is best for all, in a larger perspectice, and I don’t see this happening. So perhaps – as Roosh says – it will be brute force that decides which side that will be predominant.
I expect women will tire of being men, but they don’t really have the option at the moment given the focus on women’s careers and the manipulation of female pride by the elites.
It is getting to that point and these women have divorced good men and are now with kids approaching mid 30s and 40s with very little mating options and they admit this. Now they are lonely, over-worked, and getting older.
That bugs the heck out of me when an older couple splits up and the divorce rape industry legal sharks tear the place all to hell. Then the woman is heard parroting the same line everyone has heard: “well the kids were all grown and there wasn’t a reason to stay together” as the used old hag sits on a barstool. I’ve seen whole bars full of these pieces of shit. They’d do just fine staying home married even if their hole is loose as an old horse. Shit that would be fine enough for anyone’s dad or grandad. But nooo, the bitch has to prove something and run off and ‘find herself’. Bullshit. And often the beta husbands succumb and give in when her bitching becomes so intense and a good bitch spanking isn’t allowed. So he lets her run stupid like grandma into the snow.
WHAT NEEDS to be allowed when a man’s wife goes past wall and becomes a ‘dry hen’, a ‘fun hole’ and nothing more, WHAT NEEDS to happen then, is the man needs to be allowed to bring a fresh fertile vagina into the harem. YES I said harem. Not for everyone of course, but if the guy has value to the world, that is if he’s a renound physicist or a world class artist or composer or any other noted asset to western culture, then HIS SPUNK does have value. THEN GOD DAMN YEAH he should be legally allowed to at least keep a small harem and line up a multiplicity of pussies as bound wives and breeders. Or a high IQ inventor or prolific writer – HELL YEAH the guy should have the right to fire up a V-twin or even a 4 banger or 8 banger baby engine. “Boom chicka waa waa – tittie nookie naa naah”.
It would be sweeter and better than any dread game. If the wife goes meno and bitchy, get a new young one in and the senior wife’s job is to show the noob the ropes and give advice how the master likes his balls drained. SHE WOULD WELCOME a frank nubile sweet smelling patch of fertile soil in the bedroom. SHE WOULD WELCOME the noob like a beautiful new living room ensemble or like a fine new love seat or other accenting furniture. Women are like that. They have a side to them where they get emotional and they DO look at things that way. Like decorations, jewelry and furniture. Just keep them breeding, tit feeding and servicing their master.
@MCGOO, Therapy. ASAP. I’ll even start a GoFundMe to get you the help you need.
I agree only with half the things you stated. But this sounds like a Saudi Arabian type society. I worked as a teacher in the middle east and I remember a 26 year old girl having to ask her twelve year old brother for permission to go on an excursion.
Another thing is that a lot women are abused by their fathers, husbands or like myself, older brothers, in a physical, psychological or sexual way. Are you attempting to create a society of broken women? This plan has a lot of holes. It makes it easy for violent men to abuse women with no one the wiser
Men are not automatically better suited to handling women. Just bcuz they are on average more logical than we are.
And what guarantee have you that the girls father, brother or husband will treat her well?
This is going to lead to men being uncaring fathers to their daughters. Viewing them as a burden. Unlike their sons.
I don’t like it. Just because the women of your country acts like a hooligan gang does not mean all women deserve treatment
Where things could be changed greatly, I FATHERS, taking charge of their families, wresting the feminists and state control from them, and mentoring and developing their girls into responsible, self respecting, self disciplined and accountable for their actions and feelings, along with the consequences of when they fail to live right (yes TOUGH LOVE by the Fathers, notice I did not and will not condone real abuse, but fully support disciplinary actions, to include disowning them if they prove to be so bullheaded and rebellious that they tear apart a family. Families with authoritative Father figures (yes, PATRIACRCHY). that’s when this society went to shit, when Men were bumped from the prime role as leader and protector and disciplinarian.
And who is going to protect them from physically or psychologically abusive men as fathers and brothers?
The prevalence of these alleged abusers is not apparent at all in today’s society in fact you’re pointing at a statistically small number of men that you even need to be concerned about but you don’t hesitate to make that seem like it applies to all men. quite frankly, if you cannot see the truth beyond your social justice warrior mantra then you fully deserve the future that’s coming at you. may no man intercede on your delusional behalf.
Jennifer it is not like I am advocating this, but what are the percent of abusive men? very low I would say. Maybe in your dating history it is more like 80%, but that is a reflection of you. not the men in today’s society.
Massive R selection takes place in Arab and sub Saharan Islamic cultures. Undisciplined and facet challenged double digit IQ males still find a loophole in the societal structure with bound women beheld before them and thus they breed more of the same, inbreds too.
BUT WESTERN MAN has the creative spark and the drive to mould his surroundings swimming rampant in his DNA. Woman ownership is just what the western white man needs. If the shoe fits, it just may work fine for the western white man moreso than the morass we see in the semitic Arab and the sub Saharan Congoid lines. I would perscribe peaceful Buddhism for them meanwhile.
IT JUST MAY WORK is what I’m saying. “If the tire doesn’t fit YOU, it will spin just fine on the correct size rim”. You see, religion is the same way. Religion is a time honored roll of traditions and covenants taylored for the specific genotype that invented it. Sometimes you have to import a panacea where it has never before been introduced, and voila, a miracle cure works where elsewhere they overused it and wore it out. Kind of like the way antibiotics wear out with overuse or how a drunk can no longer use whiskey to cure a flu. Whiskey is medicine and belongs in the medicine cabinet.
White western men and women would be merrily singing, holding hands and dancing in circles if the men regained ownership and posession, body mind and soul over their beloved women.
A WOMAN is complete and her soul is whole when she is governed by the straight edge and rule of her patriarch. No three points can a woman traverse in a straight line without the compass of her patriarch. Under HIS pull, her direction is magnetic, straight line and forceful in progression with the seedline. THE SEEDLINE is the jewel of the tribe and that’s a mighty weight she carries on her shoulders and upon her soul. Glory be the loyal woman unto her gracious and masterful patriarch!
First of all I do not have an sjw leftist mantra. I don’t support the far left nor the far right
Second that prevalence is low bcuz you live in a western society, where abuse and rape of females are lower than in backward African countries and in the middle east with sexist muslims who believe Allah allows beatings.
And ya didn’t answer my question
My husband ain’t abusive. Nor was I in an abusive relationship. I did however get mistreated by my older bro.
All this is irrelevant.
“Not the men in today’s society” yes your western society, but first of all a lot of abuse occurs in ur country, not just woman abuse either
And two, think of how many women are mistreated and abused in Muslim countries, with societies like the one the author is proposing?
I am against woman abuse completely. Once again I condemn western women’s actions, like falsely accusing men of rape, but this is wrong as Hell
What’s a 26 year old still doing in school going on excursions…is the girl retarded? Isn’t it the rule there to be a wife and mother at that age?
She’s studying to be a teacher
a very measured response
This article is disgusting but I do agree to some extent. Women were given lots of freedom in the New Testament and seen as equals but the male head of house was responsible for her financial and emotional well being. Which in turn allowed the woman to focus on the Church, the home, kids, sex, and whichever hobbies they choose to be involved in. Meanwhile men had the responsibilities of providing, protecting, and leading. Would they be happier at home? Would they be better off by being put in their place? Should the burden of building and leading society be placed solely on men and exclude women? YES! Of course but to call them property is gross abusive language that dehumanizes our wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, etc.
Ok. So have you red the Bible at all?
There is no single world about some “equality” in the bible.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:28-29
that is in reference to be being saved by Jesus and His sacrifice for man, not how a household should be governed; completely separate meanings.
We are “equal” in eyes of God becouse He will look on your valour as a human not for who you’ve been in mortal live. No matter if someone was a king, great warrior or just humble poor guy working 60h a week, we will be judged for our deeds.
Oh yes the feminists favorite clobber verse but when I go to any church I always find that they still have male and female toilets. And furthermore the last time I looked they still had a male and female participate in marriage ceremonies.
If you SJW lot really believed your precious little Gal 3:28 the way that you claim then we should see none of the above. So get back to me when you take the bible seriously in the manner that you interpret and then we’ll talk some more.
Very interesting. I suspect you’ll agree that women are property and men are servants by biological design. The present imbalance has arisen organically from the lack of incentive for men to serve women in a resource abundant environment where sex and childbearing are separated by contraception and the seniority of women finally willing to be wives. The problem I foresee in your proposal is that if you squeeze women back into their box while still having those resources and contraceptives in the society, you will either need a central distribution authority for those women or those women will gravitate towards harems which form around men who are most wealthy and liberal and do the least to keep those women in check – effectively rewarding White Knightery. In order to restore the invisible hand of the Sexual contract, we need to blast welfare and contraception and restore the nuclear family which passes daughter from father to husband.
Lesson from Saudi, the Navy and Army cannot deploy for more than 5 days in row without sparking SERIOUS family crises all over the country.
The dearth of male supervision on the females at home (sisters, nieces, aunts, moms, etc.) due prolonged absence, make them prisoners at home. The few remining males are then quartered by supervision duties and cannot attend work nor anything else. Therefore society views the deployment of uniformed forces for more than 5 days as serious infringement and stress on the whole family. Ironic, isn’t it?
The assumption of course is, that females need ALWAYS male supervision which cannot be outside the family.
Ethically conscionable or not its only a matter of time before somebody launches a new woman backed cryptocurrency called bitchcoin
I disagree with the SMV chart. Your chart says that a woman’s SMV Peaks at 22. But it actually peaks at age 18. I just graduated college last year and most women at the age of 22 have already had 25+ cocks inside of their vagina. Plus all the times they gave oral sex to someone. No way in hell a 22 yr old has that high SMV. I am black and have seen women (Especially white woman) get ran thru by the whole football team. Gangbangs, bukkakes, threesome, double penetration , everything you can name has already been performed on the girl by age 22.
College is a redpill experience. I seen these things with my own eyes. these are the same women who will claim ‘There are no good men left.” What man wants to marry a girl with 25 previous partners?
So true. College girls are already damaged goods. Anymore a woman’s sexual value peaks earlier and earlier
high school girls
That’s not cool on any level.
I am going to disagree with a contributor for the first time. Women don’t need to be property, they need High T men with mad game. We are winning. Every day in the gym, I see new guys sign up and begin their journey. It’s happening and we are making it happen. Good times (80’s and 90’s) make weak men. Weak men make tough times. Tough times make strong men. Strong men make good times.
Lol!!! The gym? I lift and all that but tons of lifters are betas with no game.
Besides are you REALLY telling me that allowing women to run loose and be whores has benefited anyone?
I agree. Lifting doesn’t make you a man but having game doesn’t either. For some reason many guys this days thinking that scoring lots of pussy is everest of being masculine. Our ancient brothers looking on us from graves and lough.
roiders are some of the most insecure guys I know.
Which is why they juice. But not necessarily roiders, but specifically bodybuilders. I remember the forums. It was like a bunch of teenage girls bitching about everything and arguing like women.
repeal the 19th Amendment
less than 10 years after the 19th Amendment,
USA suffered The Great Depression.
Once we repeal the 19th -like we repealed the 18th-
we can get to work ending The Federal Reserve
The problem is more fundamental. So long as any idiot (of either gender) gets to vote, you’re going to get idiotic governments.
Correlation does not equal causation.
None of you would suitable for my daughter.
This article is obviously a thought experiment, setting out an extreme view that very few people, including RoK readers, would seriously agree with, in order to provoke a discussion around gender relations. I feel the need to point this out for the benefit of any SJW journalist reading this; go ahead and write about how “Return of Kings extremists want to enslave all women” if you must, but do so in the knowledge you are deliberately misrepresenting the views of this community.
What strikes me about the straw man argument that women should be treated as property is that it shares exactly the same fallacy as the widely accepted liberal view that equality of outcome between genders should be enforced by society.
How so? Both viewpoints make an inflexible assumption about men and women and seek to force reality to match that assumption using the coercive power of the State. The assumption that men and women have exactly the same abilities and must achieve the same outcomes is just as lazy and bigoted as the assumption that all men are smarter, stronger, and wiser than all women and should therefore be ‘superior’ in law.
The right answer, of course, is not to make any such assumption and to treat people as individuals. Let men be men and let women be women. Remove the assumptions about gender equality being desirable and very quickly men will return to dominate public and professional life while most (but not all) women will revert to caring roles and other feminine activities, usually in the home. There will be exceptions in both directions, but that’s OK.
Yes, you expressed my thoughts exactly! Let nature take its course.
Nobody is treating my daughter like a piece of property. I will flay the skin off the miscreant who dares to, then roll him in salt. I will give him blood transfusions just to keep him alive to truly understand exquisite pain and the unfathomable pitiless void of hopelessness…while he becomes vividly aware of the waking hell of my wrath…
Wonderful father you are 🙂
That is the funniest LARPy adolescent drivel I ever read on the ROK forum . Bro , life doesn’t imitate your cute b grade gore -exploitation flicks haha . Well let’s say you can physically mutilate and torture a small bunch . That won’t stop or scare the entire invading Islamic horde . I mean , you seriously think kebabs who blow themselves up are little sissies afraid of some Ramsay Bolton wannabe?
Putting his “insane torturer” rant aside, would you condone your mother being sold like a slave?
Buying and selling women makes us equal to the kebab hordes we despise. Be rational brother, this is not the way of the alpha.
Don’t worry about this things brothers. Let our society die. Something is going to replace it anyway. Work on yourself and not to try reanimate dead meat.
Greetings from your mother’s vagina,
Seriously I can’t tell whose worse this guy proposing slavery or the people who let their sons dress up like a princess. Are you enforcing slavery because your mom dress up like a pretty princess. If you want to be better than sjw dont write about stupid shit. You’re better than this!
Your mom who is now your dad
ok JB, in my opinion, every red pill man should watch this Handmaid’s Tale show. the way feminist cunts and betas described it as a “must see” and a “feminist show” is quite ironical. they took it as a joke or as some kind of impossible distopia but they ‘ll loose their shit once the control of women despicted in the show (quite realistic to my mind) will be for real and enforced, if soon the birth rates get close to zero in western societies… salut JB
Dear autistic manchildren of this site, get this through your thick skulls: YOU ARE *NOT* OWED SEX, A WIFE, OR A FAMILY. Grow the hell up and stop being entitled snowflakes who think the world revolves around you. Move on from whatever rejection or mommy issues you have and then maybe you’ll stop fantasizing about punishing all women because of your fragile egos and broken emotional health. It doesn’t get any more pathetic than this.
You are not owed the wealth of a man just because of your golden pussy.
Especially if you sire a bad boy alpha biker thug’s bastards child and then vote to use the state’s monopoly on violence to force the betas that you sexually rejected to pay for your hell spawn.
But you do it anyway. For examples, see your fantasy lands: Sweden & Denmark.
Why don’t we all agree that each sex doesn’t owe squat to the other? Men do not owe their wealth nor success to women. Likewise, women do not owe their beauty nor youth to men. However, you should only expect what you put out. Quality attracts quality. If you are a man who is unproductive, entrepreneurship being one of the most masculine qualities, do not expect a high quality wife. Similarly, if a woman does not embody feminine qualities how can she expect a good husband? We should ALL learn to be accountable for our actions and be prepared to accept the consequences.
Well said.
And what makes you think that all women think this or do this? I don’t think men or society owe me anything. I earn my own money and I dont believe in welfare.
but Jessica it is your brethren who have passed laws demonizing and emasculating men in society. It is women’s actions during the last 30 years that have obliterated the family unit and marginalized men. You have to suffer for those consequences regardless of what you say. That is why you are on here because you seek answers to your unhappiness. We all have been seeking that for the past 30 years.
I’m not unhappy. Im married- to a Muslim, believe it or not. He’s not abusive or controlling at all, treats me wonderfully. My friends married to Muslim men are treated like princesses as well. This fantasy that Americans have about the tyrannical oppression Middle Eastern women supposedly live under is amusing. Anyhoo… the past 30 years of feminism were preceded by centuries in which females were unquestionably oppressed. I think we can all agree that the feminist response to that oppression has gone way too far, but thats the way the pendulum swings. You simply were born in the wrong time period. Tough luck. Plenty of men in the West are still getting married and having families (there’s this thing called, you know, Love, that the lucky among us manage to find, that trancends all of these ridiculous gender politics) and instead of being angry that its not happening for you and lashing out at all women, you should work on improving yourself as a person so that you’re prepared to be a good partner to the right woman when she comes along. By the way, Id like to add that i have just as much criticism for the people on the man-bashing Feminazi sites. You all sound psycho.
Work on yourself first instead bitching around. Just becouse you’re women doesn’t give you any excuses. I know women who were stronger willed than most of modern men but those women are all dead and you dear modernised “women” have no right to tell anyone any advice as you have no personalities and even worse you not to try develop any but have no problems jumping with big mouth on men whos want to improve themselfs.
ban women
Who’s gonna make you a sandwich then?
Your boyfriend?
And neither are you owed a successful partner who respects you when your vagina is all used up. Nobody wants your damaged goods, sweetie. All the ones who pretend they do will pump and dump you fast. Hell maybe even one of us.
How about no one being “owed” anything? You seem to be making the assumption that women only value success in a mate. That isn’t the case, especially when many women are successful themselves. Long term relationships require mutual respest, willingness to compromise, and an ability to think about other’s interest than one’s own.
The difference is that modern women’s complaining about not finding good men stems from their own sexual revolution. Make yourself a sex object, get treated like one. But no one will wife you up or become your boyfriend.
In no shape or form has the sexual revolution helped women. It’s given them access to more partners but also to higher chance of single motherhood and lower likelihood anyone is gonna want her after all her baggage and her SMV dropping severely with each bang and each child, never mind each year.
Sorry, women at this point in time have no power in making demands to men. They won the sexual revolution which in turn means the lost the good men.
Any man who wifes/ LTR a slut is going to hurt himself and then she will be dissatisfied. It is lose-lose for everyone. Modern women certainly can’t hope that good men will respect them at all considering their behavior. Sorry. We don’t respect cumbuckets who blew the whole football team not do we respect whores who bang someone they met 10 minutes ago just because they think it makes them one of the boys. They probably don’t need a man’s money but they do want our affection and time. Too bad many of these spinsters will never get it from the men they actually want.
Dear Amy,
Apparently you value an autistic child to be less of a human than you are. Do you realize that autistic children are emotional and have special needs and are in fact protected by God because they are given gifts not afforded to 99% of other humans. They have the ability to memorize phone books and can instantly play a symphony by listening to it just once. Can you please let all of us know why you are using the word autistic as an insult and in apparent anger?
I’m laughing at this woman
No idea who you are replying to but I hope it isn’t me
Its you Jennifer ,your a laugh riot!
Laugh if you want, you are still totally wrong
Remember ROK used to post meaningful material?
Depends on the author. I didn’t expect this from JB. Troy Francis and Kyle Trouble are some of the quality authors on ROK. I suggest reading selectively.
Lol is this a joke? The manosphere should be all about uprooting oneself and chasing foreign pussy?
If being full of shit is quality then yes Troy and Kyle are quality.
Troy used to write articles where he walked down the street in Paris and picked up a French girl after buying her Victoria Secret Panties.
Both have since tried to be more realistic in their “stories”
Kyle Trouble is a so-called retired engineer at 25 who is basically buying foreign women.
This is why Disqus pulled the plug on you ROK. Yet Roosh’s personal site is still Disqus approved. Also looks like the meaningful writers have left this site and now all we have is this bitter drivel and reviving old posts.
You know if you are a true red pill capable man you wouldn’t need to resort to this oppressive nonsense. She knows you will walk out without a beat if she crosses the line. If you have to resort with all this bs that is mentioned means she is too high maintenance of an emotional/resource vampire. You DROP her. A worthy woman you don’t need to layout all this power struggle.
This site used to garner and command respect. That was as little as two years ago. How this site has degrade so quickly. The usual rehash of old articles from 2014 just goes to show the constant quality degradation of the present articles and the merry go round hamster bitter drivel that is populating this site at the moment. Hey Roosh maybe you should stop staying in Eastern Europe and come back to the US where you can be taken seriously. You managing this place from afar is not doing you and your readers anything positive.
This is a fairly transparent attempt to imitate the Legalize Rape article in the hope of gaining its pageviews and publicity.
Problem is, it’s twice as long as it needs to be and neither persuades ironically nor entertains satirically.
I appreciate the work the author did in compiling many serious points among the silly ones, but overall I think the article weakens ROK’s credibility.
Lots of trolls in the comment section.
Also, yeah, I’ve being thinking about this for a while now. Woman should be property, it is nature.
I’m for redpill philosophy as much as the next brother. Pedestalizing is a dumb beta move, but degrading them to property is the other extreme. Kinda like the Alt Reich vs Antifa.
By the way, is Winston Smith still the editor here? He used to demand stronger writing than I’ve been seeing here lately.
To JB:
Your last post on Ukraine was great and I see what you’re trying to get at. Still, it’s hard to believe you came up with this. Sorry, no one is putting a price tag on my mother or sister.
To the average ROK reader:
I’m as red pill as the next brother. Yes, women need to be put in their place (especially the pigs you have in the West. Ugh.) Can’t you find a better way though? Put your bitching beta self aside and be fucking rational. Yeah, yeah AWALT and all that stuff, but would you be comfortable with your mother being sold like a piece of meat?
To give readers some insight, there is always a delicate balance and several things to consider. Here are my thoughts.
1. Longer analysis (except for writers like A.V. Yader) gets fewer views and therefore shorter texts on topics that tend to engage or get views are the general way to go for the editor, Roosh, these days. This was probably an attempt to get more views. It has some points in there if one can interpret it less literally, but I think that very few take it seriously.
2. Many topics have already been adressed, so perhaps it is hard to be original. I think that many of the articles from 2014 and 2015 were more fresh for that reason.
3. Masculinity cannot be disconnected from politics and culture, and personally I like that politics and philosophy can be discussed, but there is a risk involved of repeating the same points and attracting morons. I think there has been too much anti-Semitic content and racial baits. Perhaps the idea is to get more readers from (white) nationalist websites, but it will easily be at the risk of the multiracial (although mostly white) readership and a universal masculine thought program.
4. If you want to contribute with something and change where things are going: do something instead of complaining. Contribute with an article that you want to read, or at least suggest them to Roosh and general writers. Do you think that with Paypal down guys who write here get a fat paycheck? The truth is that I do all my writing for free, except if I were to get more views and readers so that I could sell an e-book or have a number of personal training customers (like indirect payment). I already have a decent middle-income job so it is all about the cause of masculine self-improvement and exchanging knowledge/information. Personally I think I have made major contributions, although there are some minor flaws here and there, and it is subjective which topics and texts readers like.
Always writing, always improving, since 2006.
So what you are proposing is actually Sharia Law?
Funny to read this on a site dedicated to red pill and enlightenment of the modern man.
How to live a life with purpose in a modern world. Regress in time and enslave all women to build a better world? I mean, we can just copy the arab culture and norms. And then bash them for coming to the West…
Thomas did you actually read the article? The writer is not pushing Sharia Law. But his concept is how things worked up until the sexual revolution. The sexual revolution was introduced to hide Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) or in other words environmental estrogens. Up until the 50s there were about 5 to 7% gays and trans. These were caused by endocrine abnormalities. In 67 years that percent of gays and trans has jumped to around 15% of the population and is steadily climbing. This is not a natural phenomenon.
Why are the so less males being born now? I a female mates and conceives and within hours of conception is exposed to EDCs the male fetus dies. It takes far less estrogen to kill a male fetus than a female fetus. Estrogen is the natural hormone of the female. But the enemy of the males.
How gays made? Good question. In the first trimester of pregnancy the brain and its wiring develops. How the brain is wired depends on the level of sex hormone the fetus is exposed to. In a male the brain is wired back to front which is why the male brain works quicker. If a male fetus is exposed to high levels of estrogen during the brain wiring it is wired the female way which is side to side. Thus giving the male fetus female properties. Or virtually making them gay. The opposite of this applies to females. Most females are naturally bisexual so some degree.
Do some research. I have read over 600 peer reviewed articles on this subject starting back in about 1998 I think I first read about it.
You think the Government would not let it happen if they knew about all this. Think again. The US government banned persistent EDC’s in the 1970s. But only the persistent ones. The other such as BPA it ignored. Because its makes up part of its population control policy. It also structures social engineering around it.
That is why today most citizens are just sheeple.
You should definitely read up on neuro-plasticity though.
Fact is that gays are extremely damaged people.
They come from broken homes, have been sexually abused, will sexually abuse, be drug addicted, suicidal and depressive (completely irrespective of society’s acceptance) and anecdotally I know of multiple gays that now lead a perfectly heterosexual lifestyle.
Hormones and whatever may influence certain developments but those are not set in stone and also the result is highly related to the individuals own experiences and choices.
Whatever homosexuality is, it is clearly self-destructive and should be combatted.
I’m married to an Arab man. Wtf do you know about Arab culture and norms, you moron?? Obviously nothing. Oh I’m so opressed, its just awful, all I get to do all the time is whatever i want. Americans are so stupid and brainwashed by th Jew-controlled Western media. Its sickening.
Would The World Be Safer For Women If They Were Declared The Legal Property Of Men? Yes absolutely.
Other men would not touch a mans possessions in fear of reprises. That is the way of men. You interfere with my property I will do my best to interfere with you.
We also need to bring back men only clubs. So the younger males can learn how to be a male and seek advice from older males. Males are only social in all male groups. As soon as you throw a unmarried female in the mix male competition takes over and the male turns solo. But without females around males are much more social. I worked in mines underground. Where women were not allowed. The social cohesion of males in that environment was fantastic. I have never known it since that period of time.
This is a great thought provoking article. The is one hell of a web site and concept. Please keep up the fight. You have my support and the support of all true men.
Frankly, you shouldn’t argue from the standpoint of it being safer.
That’s the dumbest way to put it.
Lefties argue against freedoms for reasons of safety all the time.
Don’t be like lefties.
You should simply have argued for the world being better because of it instead of safer.
Instead of women as property, every man should be the “ruler/king” of his own home. Just like the wisdom found in the book of Esther chapter 1
Food for thought:
1)I married a virgin. She turned out to be an evil bitch with a low sex drive
2)I am dating a “former” slut who loves me to death and fucks me like a pro.
I am not recommending the choices and either of those types. I just say tread carefully and make sure you do your due diligence.
Best of luck to all men
So you married a “virgin” and she didnt put out. Sounds like either you let yourself go or you forgot how to what women find sexy. Now you hide in the Caves of PUAnoka and your actually have a hood housewife you idiot. Dont you know you dont have to buy the cow to get the milk, guess you didnt learn that the first time. Why the fuck do you wan her to fuck you like a pro when it was your job to teach your first old lady that. Your just a sad excuse of a man who thinks telling boys how to slay sluts actually makes you a good role model. You should really just wife up that slut if she loves you so much so you can start putting in the work you need to be a man again. You literally told influential minds looking for knowledge on this site to not marry a virgin. Holy hell man teach kids how to screen dont tell them want to do.
Are those the only two options men think are available, Virgin or Slut? Surely there’s a happy medium between the Holy Mother Mary and Jenna Jameson. Most girls in the West will have had sex with one or more men by their 21st birthday (arguably a good thing- who wants a cold fish in bed, right?). Just how many sex partners makes a girl a “slut” though? 5? 10? 20?
Ever seen the women who comment at Jezebel? We are talking bottom feeders here. No man would want to touch 99% of them.
Hey Roosh, what country are your parents from? You definitely aren’t white so what are you?
he’s half Iranian-half Armenian
Which makes him the child of Middle Eastern immigrant Muslims- who is anti-immigration and Anti Islam. Did I get that right?
It’s all you Jennifer!
Replying to both ur comments. I’m not a Feminazi nor am sexist.
If you have to state you’re not a feminazi, then you are a feminazi. That type A personality seems to gravitate toward the comments section of MRA sites.
Not true. Just stating so you make the assumption
Jennifer says that women being property is called Sharia law. Currently, the system that strips a man of his assets and relegates him to second class citizen with sparse visits to his child or children is Sharia law but without a male equivalent of a burqa.
“you fail to understand your own nature Jennifer. Women are never happy. Repeat this to yourself 1000 times. ”
Human beings tend to be “never happy”. It’s not female or male in particular.
“You were cursed for listening to the snake instead of God.”
A religious story entirely based on irrational beliefs is of very few value in a rational debate.
“The balance of power can never be equal between men and women. It needs to be 60%-40% (man-woman) minimum. 50-50 does not work because you are not our equals in strength and logic and intelligence (for the most part) and we now we see the ramifications of what happens when women have the majority of the power.”
Men have more physical strengh. In terms of physical strengh they’re superior to women. About intelligence and logic, on what studies are you basing your statement ? I have never heard of a human logic who isn’t flawed and impacted by emotions in one way or another.
I have heard that women had more empathy than men, more nurturing qualities, more endurance and they are the ones who carry pregnancy to full-term, feed and raise children. Why these qualities would be of no value compared to physical strengh, in the power balance ?
Do you seriously think that women have the majority of power ? Can you name one active female leader ? Beyond Angela Merkel.
*my bad, Theresa May
@ dckhead_con_artist
That’s not what I’m saying. women don’t have the right to kill fetuses carelessly or forbid the father from his kids or falsely accuse men of sexual assault. Women in the west are monsters.
Don’t misinterpret my words. The alt left is as bad as you people on the alt right. I support neither of you.
Anyway, while women shouldn’t sleep around, get pregnant at sixteen, abort kids freely without conscience, or avoid marriage and momhood, as the conservatives believe and I agree, men should not be allowed to keep them as cattle, we don’t live in Yemen where ten year olds can get married off and divorced, wife beating is allowed and women need a male guardian to leave the home
This is Not a muslim country or to a lesserlendia extent india or honduras etc where women have little rights and are actually oppressed, either by the law or society or both.
This ultra male ideology you rok readers have is fine for now, but eventually will lead to high rates of domestic violence and sharia style laws that are not good for society.
There has to be some compromise between the sexes where women are not like Americans and men are not like Muslims.
you fail to understand your own nature Jennifer. Women are never happy. Repeat this to yourself 1000 times. You were cursed for listening to the snake instead of God. The balance of power can never be equal between men and women. It needs to be 60%-40% (man-woman) minimum. 50-50 does not work because you are not our equals in strength and logic and intelligence (for the most part) and we now we see the ramifications of what happens when women have the majority of the power.
What’s wrong with Muslim men Jennifer? Im married to one, he is wonderful. In fact of all the Muslim men I know (and I know a lot. Several of my American friends are married to them), I haven’t met a bad or abusive one yet. They’re actually much more likely to be run over by their wives than the other way around. The widespread Islamaphobia and Arab-bashing in the West is infuriating and makes me sick. You do realize that there’s well over two BILLION Muslims in the world, right? Thats nearly a third of the world’s population. Why the hate??
and Russian women are any better? To them having a Hermes purse is more important than feeding their children and taking care of their men.
Too few men for them.
Actually women do have the right to “kill fetuses”- or fertilized eggs rather (which are definitely not children, but you think whatever you want) Unless you’re prepared to adopt a foster child or ten, or support single mothers out of your own pocket, kindly STFU about abortion.
Very well said Sir.
I completely agree.
My friends in christian extremist community hate it when I ask them how many they are willing to adopt or support themselves.
The hypocrisy of religion never ceases to amaze me.
It would relieve women of much of what terrifies them: being held personally and legally responsible for their own chosen behaviors.
It’s actually our job to get back control over women as then we may return to the garden of Eden. We need to go back to Scarlett letter days and brand the hos, either that or teach our younger brethren to not see slutty signs as what is attractive. So arise from your couch, kick back that computer chair and go and rule, you pussy. I watch married women and their daughters get nervous just because I give them just a bit of attention. You know how to be a man and if you don’t go have a spiritual experience that teaches you your duty.
Jennifer is onto something. Just being a male doesn’t make you a man. So that kind of system would give power to males over females. A much better system would be to do it over citizenship rights. Only men can be citizens, women belong to citizens. In order to become a citizen a boy should gain a certain minimum of education, physical constitution and a position in the society (or good prospects for it). Until you become a citizen you are a second class citizen, citizen apprentice if you will. You have less rights than full citizens. Basically citizen apprentices and women are on the same level. You can also be demoted from being a citizen if you exhibit inappropriate conduct.
That would reduce the risk of abuse of power and other negative effects while ensuring strong men leading and running the country.
This is the same concept of how America started. Women and Slaves could become “citizens” by being gifted property. Only those that owned property and obviously maintained it were given voting rights. Well just like ancient Greece, too many of the victim classes gained power and swayed the minds of the weak “citizens.” This process is the slow transformation of a powerful nation from a Patriarchy to the imploding Matriarchy. So yes we are the only ones who can both destroy and build up our nation. Which is why I often like to stress that it is our job to advance the Patriarchy. We need to take back the work like blacks got nigga.
I feel like all the guys commenting on here are bitter and not getting laid…so you’re mad at all the “slut” women who won’t love you and worship your sorry broke down asses, like the kings you apparently think you are. You think that you should be entitled to women as your property?Because you can’t go out and obtain a meaningful relationship normally, you literally want to be given a woman as a part of your male right. This post has me laughing! I have read numerous articles on this site that I agree with, which is how I came across this one. I am a 25 year old,straight, white, conservative, & attractive female. I am by no means a SJW, non-promiscuous, and hold a full time well paid job. I have one partner I have been with over 2 years. And you wouldn’t catch me dead at a women’s march in a pink pussy hat. But you’ve really shot all your credibility to hell with this article, making it blatantly obvious how scorned & jaded you feel by females that don’t want to sleep with you. You have all this talk about Alpha and Beta males, but the only guys who would be bitching to this level about women and believing they have to make them property to control them, are clearly Beta males!! An Alpha male would not feel jeopardized enough in his sexual prowess & masculinity to have to stoop to the level of thinking they have to own a girl. My boyfriend of 2 years is the epitome of an Alpha male, and he doesn’t for one second feel intimidated by my own success, nor jealous that Im some wild sexual animal that will take any opportunity I can to get some dick elsewhere,or try to climb the social ladder by means of a wealthier man, ect. So any guy agreeing with this article is clearly a sad, rejected, & angry Beta male that thinks women owe him something since he is insecure with his own inadequacies & compromised masculinty. Now, go have your mommy make you a sandwich Beta boys, since half of you are still being coddled by her playing video games & internet trolling in her basement. You’re going to turn the “decent” girls with morals you supposedly all want against you too with this kind of moronic rhetoric. Christian conservative girls won’t acquiesce to be your property the same as a liberal slut won’t. Be the prize you want to attract instead of groveling like a bunch of pathetic little children about what you think you deserve.
Well this is spot on, and anyone who comments back on this negatively is a Beta bitch boy so they better proceed with caution lest they expose expose the fact they can’t get laid even further. Lol bravo Nora
Try being honest and coming out, you are obviously a closet feminist.
Why do you hate men so much, did you have a strong no nonsense father who had the unmitigated gall to expect you to behave ? Princess.
You sound like my mother, grandmother and sister, a bitter man hater, frustrated by the ” evil patriarchy ” who will not let you run things.
You talk big about how conservative you are, but your language and tone are straight from the feminist handbook, women like you willfully create the beta men you despise, and them bitch about the way they act.
Hypocrite, thy name is woman.
I should know, I grew up with three generations of ball busters like you, and I managed to survive and overcome the toxic feminism they tried to force upon me.
I have successfully run my own affairs, household, finances, lifestyle etc. for almost four decades now, without any help from from the toxic matriarchy.
I am definitely NOT a basement dwelling momma’s boy.
I CAN MAKE MY OWN SANDWICH JUST FINE, and when I do it myself, I do not have to hear the anti male attitude problem from someone like you.
As for getting laid, I have been with the same girl now for ten years, I can get it whenever I want, and she does not have the anti male attitude problem.
You need to drop the facade, start being honest, and confine yourself to jezebel, you will fit in much better over there.
Well thank you for your two sense Bill, I am actually madly in love with a man so I certainly don’t hate them. The only men women truly hate are chauvinists that have to belittle females and try to control their every move to make themselves feel in charge of something. You sound like a whiny little boy who has mommy issues yourself with that “toxic matriarchy” lingo. I never once talked about toxic patriarchy or men being a problem in society. I am sorry you had a hard childhood, it’s time you stop projecting the hate you have for the women in your life onto every women, isn’t that what feminists supposedly do to men? Blame the whole gender for the actions of a few pigs? It’s funny that you call me a hypocrite with supposed daddy issues when you just told me you hate women because your mommy was controlling. Haha, hypocrite thy name is Bill. It’s funny that you also think all conservative women agree with this backwards “female property” ideology you have, I encourage you to talk to 10 conservative females about this article and see how many would share this belief. That’s laughable you think anyone who disagrees must have a different political association. It’s guys like you embarrassing the Republican party by sounding like bigot morons. But anyways thanks for furthering my point, YOU are the problem, sir. Not all men. It’s nice you have a sounding board like this with other angry men to vent out your like minded feelings of female resentment, stay strong guys! Us women are all out to ruin your lives, UNITE Beta’s UNITE!
+Nora You mad bro-ette?
Many men today act inmoral. Today’s lifestyle aren’t fit for it. To give all that power to another humanbeing is over the top. There will always be the cheating one, the abusive one, the addict, the one with mental health issues.
You preach men and women are equal but different, or you preach men are superior? If men are so superior the world would look much nicer. I think where we are now is an extreme point because of a lot of crazy inbalanced years.
There a more men that are genius than girls mire men that are more stupid too. But average iq is close and most women has higher eq.
Go to muslim households, girls are sold off at a young age, often face abusive and domestic violence and are very unhappy when they do not put on the happy face for their husbands.
You know as a young engaged woman hearing all this crap, sometimes just make be leave and live as a man in celebacy.
How many Muslims do you actually know personally? I’m guessing zero. Im married to one. Your commentary on what you think Muslim households are like is both hilarious and offensive.
Hi Jessica
I hate ignorant left wing women like you.
How many Muslims do I know personally? A lot. I’m an ex Muslim and because of that am ostracized by my family. My brothers and my father were no great people.
I’m so happy that your husband is a nice Muslim man. If you were born in my circumstances you’d sing a different tume.
I am now a convert to Catholicism. And sort of happy with the decision. I am married to a Christian and I got a new life now. Please don’t ask me stupid questions like that again
Dont pretend to me plss.
Dear jessica,
I have lived in tunisia both in the big cities and touristic ones and i have spent lots of time in the rural villages, travelled to maroc, egypt and turkey. I was married to one too dear.;) and here in europe i have had lots of muslim friends as a kid/teen, somalian, bosnian, iraqi, tunisian, pakistani, moroccan, west african muslims, persian, you name it. Leyla sa’eda.
Lady, I don’t even know you. Why are you replying to me? I am not pretending to be you, whoever you are.
What do you mean by “women being children in adult bodies” ? Do you think that, with the same education, a boy becomes a responsible man, worthy representative of the human race, while his sister remains an immature little girl ? Terrible damages had been caused to the human race and the only ones at fault are women ? So men just have to enslave them and it would be okay ?
By making half of the population a slave to the other half, don’t you put the whole human race at risk of self-destruction ? In that logic, why not granting women the ownership ? Mothers are the ones who pass on most of the genes, carry pregnancy to full-term, feed and raise children. They would own their sons, choose them a good master, make sure their property don’t play too much with cars, sex, guns, banks, nuclear bombs… don’t show too much arrogance, megalomania… It would be for their own good and they would be safer (and so the whole planet). Fair enough compared to your theory.
“Less domestic violence as women would avoid damaged men.” You just said that the choice of an owner would be made at auction.
“No funds. No access to wealth”
So SMA would forbid women to work, preventing them to have personal resources, making them entirely dependant on men, cleaning the human race since men are the ones who earn and use resources properly ? Irrational beliefs. You disregard nurses, farmers, teachers or whoever sane female workers who earn and use resources properly. You just take in consideration the ones who act dumbly to get a grip on any woman.
“The affection that a man shows towards his property.”
Many men take good care of their property but many others go bankrupt, gamble or want the new car and scrap the last one. They would just have to falsely accuse their wife, the biased jury of adult all-male peers would prove them right, they would be free to buy a younger woman, the last one would be sullied and abandoned. I approve allowing men to divorce their wife in case of serious misconduct, but if you don’t allow women the same right your system remains as hypocritical as the ones applied in Saudi and Somalia, torture in less.
“Women would be deprived of the right to vote.”
Being a woman and suffer a judgement only applied by men, the effects of political choices only made by men and be subjected to laws only written by men. I can sense manipulation, tyranny and cruelty, not protection. Do you think that men granted full powers over women won’t be tempted to abuse them ? Is there an interest in having a woman who isn’t able to take her own decisions ? Men won’t have an other half, but a spiritless slave. Both will be miserable and men wouldn’t have the luxury to blame women, for they would be their own responsibility.
I won’t believe that men are the worthy superior ones and women the unworthy inferior ones. I won’t believe that women belonging to men with zero reciprocity would solve problems. I don’t know if it is because I’m young, female, badly educated, damaged by a self-indulgent society or if you’re insane but I know I was crushed reading you. You condemn that woman with the sign “I need feminism because all men are rapists” and you do the same, stating an aberration to justify the war “I need masculinism because all women are children”.
But woman naturally is the force in the world. It is because of women there are wars, towns, nations for protection. Women are the choosers natural so from evolution and men have to fight for the females lile in animal kingdom.
Women are precious and this is why beta men who cant get them do like this, to control them because they fear them and know they are inferior. Alpha men wouldnt be whining like small bitches like all of you jere on rok.
Women are the only means of men continuing our species. Any man who does not reproduce is a dead-end. We inherit our drive to continue our kind from an unbroken line that traces back to “Adam”(“ruddy”) and “Eve” (< Chavvah = mother), the primordial soup, whatever. Those who have a weak drive or are sterile do not pass their incapability on. This doesn’t mean they are parasites, only that their DNA stops.
As many have pointed out, bigamy increases the value of women as reproducers but tends to shut many men out of the running for reproducing. Even if no man was permitted to have more than two wives (concurrently), as there are far fewer than twice as many women of marriage/breeding age than men, millions of men have no access to women but to invade and rape the women of subjugated peoples.
China has 200,000,000 more men than women of marriage/breeding age. Unless the excess males are willing to share women, a rarity found only in a few small societies in which brothers share a wife or concubine, the excess are frustrated and very open to joining the military so they can go rape women of rival societies.
To totally avoid the possibility of being raped, a woman would have to have her vagina removed or at least closed up way more than the ghastly practice of FGM ever does. (Anal and oral are “sodomy,” not copulation, and women don’t have a monopoly of anuses and mouths.)
“It is because of women there are wars, towns, nations for protection.”
Because women are weak and unable to fend for themselves. Females of many species need males only as sperm donors. The rest of the time they live alone or with other females and their immature offspring.
“Women are the choosers natural so from evolution and men have to fight for the females like in [the] animal kingdom.”
Women are the chosen. Men don’t fight women for sexual connection; men fight or compete with other men for the women.
Evolution is irrelevant. It is so slow that it is of no meaning to us now.
Many kinds of animals fight for breeding mates; many kinds don’t, in case animal and human behavior are being compared.
The real answer is to be an upstanding, moral, righteous, and just man with a reasonable amount of success and able to make a decision. Then you will attract quality women to you who will willingly subjugate themselves to your every desire. There need be no law. Be worthy. If you build it they will come.
Yea, ownership of women… That sounds like a fantastic idea. Although, if I’m honest, I think you’re aiming a little low. Why not introduce leashes to hold them in line so they can’t walk too far out of your range of control. Additionally, selling women should be an option, should your property fail to provide you with the sexual gratification and home making requirements you expect then you should be allowed to sell them. Either privately or at some sort of public town auction (maybe like a cattle market?).
Or maybe you should aim for personal self-improvement, so that you are a generally nicer person and set a better example for those ‘degenerates’ you despise so much. Then, perhaps you will find women will accept you more.
Just a thought.
You are advocating for Shariah Law, it is what it is. No surprise at all, considering the fact that the person who endorsed your article and the owner of the site is a person who is raised on (and inspired by) Muslim beliefs himself.
You are just as exceptional as those feminist useful idiots who are advocating for the same thing to be implemented in Western societies. At least have the balls to admit that you are advocating for a barbaric Third World Muslim society, if you even have one to begin with.
+Nora You sound very masculinized. And your ‘alpha male’ man supports your polyamory? lol riiiight. You are fake news and your lack of manners shows who you really are.
It’s an interesting idea — though predictably producing more heat than light in the comments. Particularly amusing were the virtue-signallers beating their chests about their mothers, sisters or daughters whilst failing to realise that it would not be the case that any Tom, Dick or Harry could sell a woman, but rather only the woman’s current owner, the latter likely being a close family member, a husband or someone who was likely to have loved her. The sale would thus not be frivolous, but rather something which was given the utmost care and consideration by whomever happened to be the owner.
When you make a sarcastic comment and someone genuinely thinks there’s a good argument for fathers and husbands to sell their daughters or wives as they see fit.
It’s an interesting idea — though predictably producing more heat than light in the comments. Particularly amusing were the virtue-signallers beating their chests about their mothers, sisters or daughters whilst failing to realise that it would not be the case that any Tom, Dick or Harry could sell a woman, but rather only the woman’s current owner, the latter likely being a close family member, a husband or someone who was likely to have loved her. The sale would thus not be frivolous, but rather something which was given the utmost care and consideration by whomever happened to be the owner.
only someone with profound insecurity issues could write this drivel…….giving ownership of women to the swarms of weak beta boys is pure fantasy
Just checked back and noticed my comment was removed. Good job, Roosh (assuming this was your doing since you’re the admin, shows how similar you are to your SJW counterparts and how hypocritical you are.
I imagine this comment will be taken down soon. Its hard to believe that, for someone who lambast against censorship with an equal zeal towards supporting Sharia Law, you have no problem silencing opinions that differ from yours.
Where can I donate to this worthy cause?
This site and this childish, semi-literate article are 100% click-bait.
So many beta cucks here lol.
This is why I drink.
This is a gentlemen’s forum. Most people believe in the concept of “safe spaces”, yes? As women, we can read and process the content here; however, we should respect their space. This may be the only place they feel safe to explore their true feelings & opinions.
My apologies for interrupting.
Thinking they can control other life forces and sentient beings. You aren’t the center of the universe. You aren’t the center of society. You’re self-centered and afraid.
I hope you guys get a clue. Jesus, this is sad.
Oh look, a bunch of white males so casually and naturally talking amongst themselves about the “merits” of owning other human beings as personal property. Why does none of this surprise me?
What do you mean by “women being children in adult bodies” ? Do you think that, with the same education, a boy becomes a responsible man, worthy representative of the human race, while his sister remains an immature little girl ? Terrible damages had been caused to the human race and the only ones at fault are women ? So men just have to enslave them and it would be okay ? Isn’t it irrational belief ? Hasn’t it been proven many times that acting in an irresponsible way is human ?
By making half of the population a slave to the other half, don’t you put the whole human race at risk of self-destruction ? In that self-destructive possessive logic, why not granting women the ownership ? It makes sense when mothers are the ones who pass on most of the genes, carry pregnancy to full-term, feed and raise children. They would own their sons, choose them a good suitor, make sure men don’t play too much with money, sex, drugs, alcohol, guns, stock exchange, nuclear bomb… make sure that their property don’t show too much arrogance, megalomania… It would be for their own good and everyone would be safer.
“Less domestic violence as women would avoid damaged men.” You just said that the choice of a suitor would be made by the father, at auction.
SMA would forbid women to work ? Preventing them to have personal ressources ? Making them entirely dependant on men ? Cleaning the human race ? Since men are the ones who earn and use ressources properly ? I find your logic fascinating. Why do you disregard nurses, farmers, teachers or whoever sane female workers who earn their own ressources ? Why do you just take in consideration women who act dumbly ? Why do you ignore men who act dumbly ? Do you think it’s a great excuse to get a grip on any woman ?
“The affection that a man shows towards his property.” Many men take good care of their property but many others want the new car and scrap the last one. These men would just have to falsely accuse their wife, the biaised jury of “adult all-male peers” would prove them right, they would be free to buy a younger woman, the last one would be sullied and abandoned. Without talking about those who like to gamble, those who go bankrupt… And I approve allowing men to divorce their wife in case of “serious misconduct”, but if you don’t allow women the same right your system remains as hypocritical as the one applied in Saudi and Somalia, torture in less.
“Women would be deprived of the right to vote.” Being a woman and suffer a judgement only applied by men, the effects of political choices only made by men and be subjected to laws only written by men. I can sense protection and heavy manipulation, tyranny, cruelty. Do you think that men granted full powers over women won’t be tempted to abuse them ? Is there any interest in having a woman who isn’t able to take her own decisions ? Men won’t have an other half, but a spiritless slave. Both will be miserable and men wouldn’t have the luxury to blame women, for they will be their own responsability.
I won’t believe that men are the worthy superior ones and women the unworthy inferior ones. I won’t believe that women belonging to men with zero reciprocity would solve problems. I don’t know if it is because I’m young, female, badly educated, damaged by a self-indulgent society or if you are insane but I know I was crushed reading you.
You chose the picture of a woman “I need feminism because all men are rapists”. You do the same, stating an aberration to justify the war “I need masculinism because all women are children”.
What do you mean by “women being children in adult bodies” ? Do you think that, with the same education, a boy becomes a responsible man, worthy representative of the human race, while his sister remains an immature little girl ? Terrible damages had been caused to the human race and the only ones at fault are women ? So men just have to enslave them and it would be okay ? Isn’t it irrational belief ? Hasn’t it been proven many times that acting in an irresponsible way is human ?
By making half of the population a slave to the other half, don’t you put the whole human race at risk of self-destruction ? In that logic, why not granting women the ownership ? Mothers are the ones who pass on most of the genes, carry pregnancy to full-term, feed and raise children. They would own their sons, choose them a good master, make sure their property don’t play too much with money, sex, guns, technology, nuclear bombs… make sure their property don’t show too much arrogance and megalomania. It would be for their own good and everyone would be safer.
“Less domestic violence as women would avoid damaged men.” You just said that the choice of a suitor would be made by the father, at auction.
“No funds. No access to wealth” SMA would forbid women to work ? Preventing them to have personal ressources ? Making them entirely dependant on men ? Cleaning the human race ? Since men are the ones who earn and use ressources properly ? Why do you disregard nurses, farmers, teachers or whoever sane female workers who earn their own ressources ? Why do you just take in consideration women who act dumbly ? Why do you ignore men who act dumbly ? Do you think it’s a great excuse to get a grip on any woman ?
“The affection that a man shows towards his property.” Many men take good care of their property but many others go bankrupt, gamble or want the new car and scrap the last one. These men would just have to falsely accuse their wife, the biaised jury of “adult all-male peers” would prove them right, they would be free to buy a younger woman, the last one would be sullied and abandoned. And I approve allowing men to divorce their wife in case of “serious misconduct”, but if you don’t allow women the same right your system remains as hypocritical as the one applied in Saudi and Somalia, torture in less.
“Women would be deprived of the right to vote.” Being a woman and suffer a judgement only applied by men, the effects of political choices only made by men and be subjected to laws only written by men. I can sense manipulation, tyranny and cruelty. Do you think that men granted full powers over women won’t be tempted to abuse them ? Is there any interest in having a woman who isn’t able to take her own decisions ? Men won’t have an other half, but a spiritless slave. Both will be miserable and men wouldn’t have the luxury to blame women, for they will be their own responsability.
I won’t believe that men are the worthy superior ones and women the unworthy inferior ones. I won’t believe that women belonging to men with zero reciprocity would solve problems. I don’t know if it is because I’m young, female, badly educated, damaged by a self-indulgent society or if you are insane but I know I was crushed reading you.
You chose the picture of a woman “I need feminism because all men are rapists”. You do the same, stating an aberration to justify the war “I need masculinism because all women are children”.
What do you mean by “women being children in adult bodies” ? Do you think that, with the same education, a boy becomes a responsible man, worthy representative of the human race, while his sister remains an immature little girl ? Terrible damages had been caused to the human race and the only ones at fault are women ? So men just have to enslave them and it would be okay ?
By making half of the population a slave to the other half, don’t you put the whole human race at risk of self-destruction ? In that logic, why not granting women the ownership ? Mothers are the ones who pass on most of the genes, carry pregnancy to full-term, feed and raise children. They would own their sons, choose them a good master, make sure their property don’t play too much with cars, sex, guns, banks, nuclear bombs… don’t show too much arrogance, megalomania… It would be for their own good and they would be safer (and so the whole planet). Fair enough compared to your theory.
“Less domestic violence as women would avoid damaged men.” You just said that the choice of an owner would be made at auction.
“No funds. No access to wealth”
So SMA would forbid women to work, preventing them to have personal resources, making them entirely dependant on men, cleaning the human race since men are the ones who earn and use resources properly ? Irrational beliefs. You disregard nurses, farmers, teachers or whoever sane female workers who earn and use resources properly. You just take in consideration the ones who act dumbly to get a grip on any woman.
“The affection that a man shows towards his property.”
Many men take good care of their property but many others go bankrupt, gamble or want the new car and scrap the last one. They would just have to falsely accuse their wife, the biased jury of adult all-male peers would prove them right, they would be free to buy a younger woman, the last one would be sullied and abandoned. I approve allowing men to divorce their wife in case of serious misconduct, but if you don’t allow women the same right your system remains as hypocritical as the ones applied in Saudi and Somalia, torture in less.
“Women would be deprived of the right to vote.”
Being a woman and suffer a judgement only applied by men, the effects of political choices only made by men and be subjected to laws only written by men. I can sense manipulation, tyranny and cruelty, not protection. Do you think that men granted full powers over women won’t be tempted to abuse them ? Is there an interest in having a woman who isn’t able to take her own decisions ? Men won’t have an other half, but a spiritless slave. Both will be miserable and men wouldn’t have the luxury to blame women, for they would be their own responsibility.
I won’t believe that men are the worthy superior ones and women the unworthy inferior ones. I won’t believe that women belonging to men with zero reciprocity would solve problems. I don’t know if it is because I’m young, female, badly educated, damaged by a self-indulgent society or if you’re insane but I know I was crushed reading you. You condemn that woman with the sign “I need feminism because all men are rapists” and you do the same, stating an aberration to justify the war “I need masculinism because all women are children”.
comment didn’t show the first two times, maybe third time lucky.
The only sort of man that wants this kind of power over women is someone who either a)wants to exploit them or b)someone who likes taking care of adult children. He’s either evil or mentally insane.
I’m gonna assume the latter.