At the risk of breaking a personal journalistic rule of devoting far too much time to an incredibly miniscule and unimportant issue, I must draw attention to a recent win for masculinity. The island nation of Japan recently made a common sense decision regarding the extremely minute portion of its population that is dealing with the first world problem of its genitalia not matching the perceived sex of the owner, known in the West as transsexuals or “gender questioning individuals” to use the word salad nonsensical parlance of the day.
First, I should clarify that no one is being banned, deported, or shipped out of the country in a way that a more aggressive nation like Saudi Arabia might handle this issue. Instead Japan has a simple policy which efficiently handles the transsexual question—one that seems to bewilder and confuse the Western world, who must devote weekly news articles, federal legislation, prime time (((television programming))) and endless discussion on how to handle this fraction of a percentage of its population.
It works like this: do you have a penis? If yes then you cannot be a chick. It’s as simple as that.
With that one universal test, Japan has disposed of the endless head-scratching and policy making by Western politicians, critics, and social justice warriors about how to describe their private parts on government identification cards or which restrooms to pee in. In Japan you will be considered a man as long as you have a penis. End of story.
Likewise, if you have a vagina, you will be considered a woman. No matter what clothes you are wearing, how deep your voice is, or how you choose to “identify” that day. The beauty is in the simplicity.
While Western nations must debate and compromise, legislate and propose, carving out exceptions for this or that behavior and endlessly consulting irate social justice warriors in a futile attempt to placate them, Japan disposes with the entire question of transsexual people with the simple question.
In the Japanese system, Bruce Jenner would not once have been a news story during my lifetime, as he has done nothing newsworthy since winning a 1976 Olympic medal. If and when he actually removes his penis and replaces it with a surgical vagina (Sugina from hereon), only then could he be properly considered a female and could announce he would like to be referred to as Caitlyn. (A person changing their sex is still not a newsworthy story to me, but I suppose there are those who would be interested to know what happened to this former hero of theirs).
Japan: Isolated from Pozzed Western Culture
Japan is a fascinating nation. As an island nation, it is naturally more isolated than most cultures, and is able to control physically and culturally what enters its society. Japan is one of the more difficult countries to immigrate to, and I have been told that Japanese will never fully accept Westerners, even if you take a Japanese wife and live there for decades (and why should they, as those actions will make you no more Japanese than Bruce Jenner installing a sugina will make him a woman).
Japan is one of the only societies in the world that was never controlled by Europeans. It holds on to its traditions, and has a strong history of physical fitness including the samurai warrior. While Westerners are committing virtual seppuku because they touched a woman’s butt in 1984, Japanese businessmen will glibly walk to a vending machine and purchase a high school girl’s panties for sexual purposes.
Odd? Sure, and I’m not going to even go down the road of weird Japanese kinks and bizarre pornography, but the point is the Japanese are proudly Japanese, and will not let others shame them into changing their behavior. I will always remember the line from James Bond’s You Only Live Twice concerning women and men, which made an indelible impression on me since childhood.
What Is A Woman?
Outside of the West in The Current Year, I doubt anyone has given this question serious thought, but today, sadly, it is necessary. If you ask yourself what truly makes someone a woman, It comes down to whether they have a penis or a vagina in their pants.
While there are levels of masculinity and feminity which vary between the sexes, at the end of the day, if you really want to know someone’s sex, you want to know what genitalia they have. All Japan is doing is confirming, yes, that is exactly what sex means.
TransTrenders: Belittling Those Who Are Truly Victims
Just as feminists are opposed to true diversity, the public discussion of sexual dysphoria is a distraction from the minority of people who have real problems with their sexual identification.
Just as those who suffer from the horrible crime of violent rape do NOT want to publicly discuss their traumatic past, those who suffer from rare sexual disorders or chromosomal mutations that affect their sexuality are embarrassed and saddened by their condition. Those who truly have a medical condition which causes their genitalia to be deformed, or not match the sex they mentally feel, or who were a victim of a botched (((circumcision))) want to quietly rectify the problem and live life without others knowing about the unpleasant thing that happened in their past.
The LAST thing they want is to publicly exclaim that they were one sex and are now the other. Which seems to be ALL that being a trans-trender is about. Watch a Youtube video of a prominent transtrender like Justin “Riley” Dennis, and all you were hear is endless talk about their gender identification or their transition (despite the fact that they have rarely if ever actually snipped off the bits and therefore have transformed nothing).
Common Sense: A Lost Idea In The West
By forcing those who claim their sex is “wrong” to surgically correct their sex, Japan is calling their bluff and separating the trans-trenders from the trans-genders. There is no further debate or discussion needed with such a policy. While the West is trying to fire, fine or even imprison academics for using the wrong (read: gramatically correct) gender pronouns when referring to snowflake students, Japan has a simple system: If you want to be a woman, you need to have a vagina. If you weren’t born with one, get one first and check back with us.
A Win-Win Policy
While most of us probably aren’t comfortable with the idea of going to bed with someone who was born a man, the truth is, if one are attractive enough, and has a vagina, men will want to sleep with you, especially if they don’t know about your past (this is a universal truth, not specific to trannies). So if potential trannies really want acceptance by men in the sexual marketplace, this is exactly the model they should be following.
Read More: Are You Ready To Live In A Society That Pressures Toddlers To Become Transgender?
No, asshole. Feminists do not oppose diversity. “Men always come first, women come second” is opposed to diversity. And mentality like this is the reason why you deserve to die alone and most probably will.
it’s Pat!
That last sentence is stupid. For every1 of you, there’s at least 5 women who are willing to let a man take lead. This has been the case for a majority of my relationships. The main reason feminism will never be as popular as it once was is because you have lost touch with your core base, women. Just like the Democratic party towards minorities in this country. If you take a survey of women, you will see that most disagree with your statement & u know this.
LESS than 22% of women identify as a retard feminist.
Obviously, thats all the superfat and mentally ill mudshark cutters who are unworthy of a family.
White guys packing up, tucking their tails and moving to Japan? I guess desperation has really set in! CUCK CUCK CUCK CUCK CUCK!!!!
Femenism is no longer a valid platform in the US because we have true equality, what is left to fight for? Today’s feminist agenda has nothing to do with women’s rights and everything to do with perpetuating the communist regime through lame identity politics. I have worked in a male dominated STEM field for 20 years and have not experienced income inequality, unwanted sexual harassment, or a lack of career opportunities. As a matter of fact, I have often had more opportunities than my male counterparts because females were such a rarity in my field. I am truly embarrassed by so called feminists, and surprisingly really enjoy ROK for the unapologetic views contained in this site. It is a refreshing breath of fresh air.
I am truly glad I am not a young woman in today’s culture with how feminine young men are, I would rather be alone than marry a mangina. Of course, given that most young women are built like line backers, covered in tattoos, and swear like the company gunny today’s average young male has little to no motivation to work for anything since there are so few valid young women on the market. Anyway, keep up the good work ROK! Cheers!
” “Men always come first, women come second” is opposed to diversity. ” Like hell it is. A woman is not meant to lead. Women are less happy when they hold that responsibility. It is unhealthy for them. Would you also say thay unhealthy diet choices contributes to ‘diversity’? No.
“Feminist” claims to be my equal until a not even heavy box needs down from the top shelf…..
I would like to personally address your comment and declare that the following comment takes priority over yours and all future comments. This declaration cannot be overturned.
Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich. Don’t forget the cheese. Bitch
Wow. Irony, much? Is feminist cunts like yourself that will never have a man who will treat you as anything more than a fuckhole because that’s all you deserve, assuming you’re not some 300 pound blue haired lesbian bitch.
a. Women have lower IQ’s than men. Most of the greatest discoveries and inventions (99%) have been by men. Most women cannot do basic math like algebra, vectors, etc.
b. Mental illness is rampant amongst women. Most women are mentally ill. Why else would a nice looking woman would go around with a black thug? Does she not know that associating with a negro would cause her to expel low IQ, violent, ugly looking mini negroes? And the negro is going to beat her up.
Just go to any store in USA or Europe and seeing all the pretty white women with negroes convinces me beyond doubt that MOST WOMEN ARE MENTALLY ILL.
And yes, this is a scientifically proven fact in medical books too–mental illness is rampant amongst women.
“Most women cannot do basic math like algebra, vectors, etc.”
To be fair a small amount of them can, but they are almost always as ugly as sin.
Yes, and a small percentage of women can play sport “fairly” well, most of them are dykes.
Stop revealing your homosexual tendencies & obsession with blacks you closet faggot. Stop judging other men’s physical appearances. This article has absolutely nothing to do with blacks yet somehow you bring us up. We’re on your mind you confused homosexual. Which is quite unsettling.
Black lives don’t matter
Go back to Africa is right in a sense. Black lives don’t matter, here’s the caveat, in the eyes of the US Government.
As men like Marcus Garvey proclaimed Africa is for the Black man. Not Amerikkka. Blacks really only have two options when in comes to the West. Destroy it’s infrastructure by seating ourselves in positions of power like Jews or get the fuck out of dodge and help build our own country or they’ll try to kill us off with Planned Parenthood, Cancerous foods, flouride, cops, etc.
Africa FUBU. For Us By Us. As much as a racist dickhead the above poster is there’s truth behind his wicked sentiment.
Lose the racist shit, troll.
Black people are not humans to begin with. LOL ROLF!!
And men,
as horny as they are
do not go sub specie
“you deserve to die alone and most probably will.”
Female projection. This is a cat lady. Or a bitter young cunt who will become one.
What other ‘woman’ trolls a man forum seeking attention, right!
if you weren’t such a cunt you wouldn’t spend so much time on a website you hate.
Nobody needs to die alone when they can fill their house with cats.
“Men always come first, women come second is opposed to diversity”
go tell that to all your beloved migrants who are invading europe to rape your feminist ass.
Everybody dies alone, bitch.
Dying alone is a lot better than dying around a vile cunt like you.
Plenty of nerds would rather fuck a robot than this feminazi titcow.
Yes. Yes they do.
Youll have to try a lot harder tgan that to even get close to relevency.
Fyi, the forever alone insults are fucking gay. Kill yourself.
Most of the gender identity bullshit is just mental illness. A 6ft. guy with long hair in his granny’s dress is mentally ill. Looks completely ridiculous and will not be addressed as “she” by me. These fuckers are starting to invade the women’s bathroom. I’m taking a piss and beside me are a size 12 set of feet pointed towards the toilet. Make sure you leave the seat in the down position.
I really like this idea about snipping off your bits to really “trans”.
Exactly. Even Blaire White said her(?)self that many so-called transsexuals are little more than sexually confused kids who want to identify with a supposed victim group to earn oppression points.
and I’m not sure buying schoolgirls knickers from a vending machine is that manly
“the truth is, if one are attractive enough, and has a vagina, men will want to sleep with you, especially if they don’t know about your past (this is a universal truth, not specific to trannies). So if potential trannies really want acceptance by men in the sexual marketplace, this is exactly the model they should be following.”
well that was unexpectedly liberal.
I would like to see Brian de Palma’s Dressed to Kill remade with Caitlyn in the crazy psychiatrist role. That would rock
As a correction, Jenner did undergo sex reassignment surgery which makes him finally worthy of the Authur Ash Courage Award. Anyone who carves up a perfectly functioning penis into a non functioning vagina is certainly brave.
To put it mildly, that is going beyond “courage”, but rather to rashness.
Um no, that’s not courage, that is serious mental illness that expresses itself as PERSONAL MUTILATION and self hatred.
Hanging with the kartrashians proved he is mentally ill. He didn’t need to cut off his junk
All of Japan’s teen idols look like chicks with dicks.
The Japanese are proof that Paganism is a workable national philosophy.
Truly I love the Japanese.
Except their birth and marriage rates are in the toilet due to the traditional Pagan concept of worshiping women.
The question is what happens when a tranny gets post-op surgery ? Hopefully they still go by birth certificate
Bigger question
what happens when the goof ball wants to change back?
Will they start dick banks just in case????
Without great legal chatter and wrangling ther can be no entitlement, which is what the US LGBT contrived turmoil is really about. Creating yet another so called disadvantaged whining self absorbed class that enjoys endless handouts and preferential treatment is their goal. Getting something for nothing is a great, but dishonorable gig, if you can get it…
Will Michelle Obama be allowed to travel there?
There are no “chicks with dicks”. There are only “men with boobs”.
I wouldn’t call this Japanese solution “common sense”.
Common sense says that a man who mutilates his genitalia and walks around impersonating the opposite sex, has not actually “become a woman”, but rather *has a severe mental disorder*. What they need is *therapy*, not official status.
I’m in the process of migrating to Japan as I’m married with a Japanese woman and we want to give birth there (as Canada is too expensive for us right now). The irony is I first went to Japan to sell software to the government to keep more migrants out. I know what is said in the article holds to be true and part of my family in law will never accept me – like my father in law. But sharing conservative (which I rather see renamed to rational) views I’ll be okay. And if Japan needs to kick me out I’m ok with that too. There is no such beauty as in homogeneity and our future son being able to have the Japanese passport will be a great start in life.
Is that a wise choice? A friend of mine had been teaching English in Japan for more than ten years, got married to a local lad, got up the duff and left to go back to Australia. She felt the risk from Fukashima radiation was too much. I suppose the media hasn’t bothered to stay on top of what’s going on so…no problem?
Actually we’ve been considering Fukushima but remember it’s a big province and the city is far off the coast. The latest reports say the yearly radiation in the city equals one röntgen (x-ray) scan, which to me is no problem. I’m more worried about earthquakes (experienced one in Tokyo, was scary) or a North Korean rocket gone wild.
Japan is hard to work when you don’t have a portable / online trade and English teacher is really the bottom option. Many indeed move to Australia or Canada, the first I’ve been and Melbourne is quite alright, the latter Vancouver could be an option because we all know Toronto is fucked up. However for birth tourism it’s awesome (refering to the passport option for the baby’s access to North America later).
Living in the Melbourne matrix on the Chinese influxed economic bubble might be all right for a couple years before Australians economy will crash. Then Canada will be a great alternative.
However Japan is still extremely amazing to me as one of the last homogenous countries in the world and being able to live and work there for a couple years is a privilege in itself.
my female cousin worked there for a year and said there were no men there, only little boys . So no wonder all AsianMale White Female relationships end as they do and this chick fucked off. Can’t get no satisfaction.
The Feminine east is great for white men, shit for white chicks.
Glad to hear the Japs have some common sense.
These queers have a mental illness called gender identity disorder, a medically listed condition, in DSM-IV.
The Judaists have been trying to normalize this mental illness.
It is a part of the Jewish plan to destroy white society. It is called “defile, then destroy” -O’Connor.
It is along with promoting miscegenation, feminism, diversity, open borders, 3rd world immigration, negrophilia, homosexuality, etc.
The Judaists themselves are the ones who are mentally ill.
For some examples of their lunacy, see:
mosesneverexisted on zohosites in the com domain.
You cannot change your sex. If you cut off your dick, you are just a mentally ill man with no dick. You are, and never will be, a woman.
Let me rephrase that for you. We are all men, and will always be men, unless you have a womb, hence womb man or woman.
Who are the doctors doing these surgeries? They should be disbarred. You make your living chopping dicks off? Sounds like a mad scientist to me. People were outraged by Kavorkian but not these nutjobs preying on the mentally ill?
You can’t expect politicians to arrest themselves. Everybody’s complicit in the UK and Australia and children are the victims.
Some years ago, even today, they were/are paid to electrocute brains, it’s called electroshock “theraphy”, because it is difficult to become a doctor, people will believe anything those guys say. You cannot loose weight? Try Bypass surgery (The US is one of the countries that spend more money on health and they have one of the highest rates of obesity and drug addiction, unlike Costa rica, who does not spend as much money and have better health, intelligent spending). Your wife is being stupid, or your husband is being a dick, well maybe some days receiving electroshock theraphy will cure it, or we can try to chop your partners frontal lobe it will work better. The field of medicine can be used to shape public opinion and to control dissidents. Like now that it is used to say that you can change your chromosomal sex
Even without a schwanz, if you were born with one and have Y chromosomes, you’re a male. Period. End of story.
Those operations should be banned, BTW.
Are doctors allowed to remove organs so people can sell them? Then why allow doctors to perform other abominations.
Even if a surgeon messes with the plumbing, does a lot of plastic surgery to feminize the face, shoots them full of hormones for the rest of their lives, puts in implants, does a butt-lift, gives them vocal chord surgery, and does a raft of other stuff, in hundreds of years, an anthropologist is going to look at the bones of every single tranny and say “that’s a man, period and stop” – because the male skeleton (especially in the pelvic region) is simply different.
Wider shoulders, bigger hands
you can’t change that….
“Japanese businessmen will glibly walk to a vending machine and purchase a high school girl’s panties for sexual purposes.”
I’d rather purchase the girl – with or without the panties.
Who down voted this?
Yeah, but you can never find a vender big enough.
I’ve often thought of moving to Japan. I’m even in the process of learning Japanese.
Hopefully it’s not to comprehend your silly anime cartoons.
No…? Why would I learn a language to watch a show? The effort vs reward ratio is awful.
Go for it. Like with everything in life!
chicks with dicks you say.
Good for Japan. Those crazy-ass Japs have some weird fetishes, but it looks like they draw the line on “new halfs,” as they call them.
When the whole bathroom debate thing started, a boy I know said simply, “What’s all this stuff? If they have an outie, they use a urinal. If they have an innie, they sit.” According to him, the signs on bathroom shouldn’t say “Men” and “Women”. We should follow the lead of Japan and mark them “Penis” and “Vagina”.
Something so simple a child can understand it (which means it’s beyond the logical reasoning capabilities of liberals).
We need to ban doctors from performing these procedures. Any tranny who tries to trick a man into sex should be guilty of rape.
If you think “Men come first” in Japan, try getting custody of a child.
Yeah I’ve heard that realistically the men are worked to death there.
From what I understand their MGTOW population is huge because of biased laws and culture.
Japan is certainly not without it’s problems.
Japan was controlled by westerners. It was a US colony from the end of WWII until the early 1950s (and we kept Okinawa until 1970)
Japan has a lot of soy and a lot of effeminate culture, two things that are widely blamed in the West. Whilst both still have effects, clearly neither come close to what the real driving force of degeneracy (((social engineering))) is producing in the West.
South Korea is getting a heavy doses of
Western Influence everyday.
Although; it’s not European Sphere Of Influence.
It’s highly American influenced
With colonization having an effect…it makes feminism and western degeneracy easier and quicker to influeance as they get richwr due to greater media influence from them and accepting ut as being more educated.
Its like mental colonization if u think about it.
Waals thinking about this and you that map out to confirm it.
Japan saudi korea etc are more richer then say india morocco or brazil yet the 3 show way more sjwism.
Xx chromosome is female
Xy is male
Surgery cant change that.
We should do our documents that way to shut em up
Dr. Wang, Japan’s Top Sex Change Doctor
Uhhh I guess you wanted to make a dick joke, but “Wang” is s Chinese family name.
I recall reading in (fringe science) “OMNI” magazine in the 80s or 90s a quirky blurb that stated. Male, Female, Herm, Merm, or Ferm? It went on to explain the plight of hermaphrodites that had no restroom of their own. True hermaphrodites are rare, because as a fetus is sexualized in utero the pathway for the plumbing goes one way or the other. So the typical case is either a merm (male internal sexual organs) or a ferm.
The conclusion: The phenomena is rare enough that it isn’t worth bothering with.
Wth is patt?
Has Japan banned smuggling little underage White girls?
Wow Common Sense and Sanity In Japan, we should wish for the Western World to do the same thing.
look trans-gender issues at least highlights the futility of the wests democracy without any look at long term demographics or realism at all on religion or race or family. its gonna end badly probably under some Islamic fascist curtain when they finish their male only Zorg rush into the EU and breed up all the chicks with their great sexual migration.
All western chicks aren’t marriage material and about 100k muslims in the uk marry white women per year white dudes in working class can convert and get virgins, literally. When the islamic population is 5 times bigger and taking half a million women a year ( and still giving us none of their chicks ) and the black guys who are now over 50% of school children in London are taking whats left THE WHITE WORKING CLASS WILL CONVERT AND GET THE VIRGINS. The excess is so many women many muslims i know either take two brown muslim wives or a white girl. Its one way you convert you never leave.
Majority muslim countries always votes islamist if you look at the data across many. It’ll happen sooner than we think not in two hundred years. Thats how the muslim countrieshappen when eventually the discrimination of not being a muslim becomes unbearable.
If you have two men in a ring and one tries to fight and the other to be nice and shake hands who wins?? Thats europe vs the middle east right there.
White europe allows the dating disparity which has fallen on the eastern european men who have no options for marriage now and are rightly angry. The slavs in western europe are more cucked than the east asians without doubt.
There will be a thousand year Reich in Europe, and it will be an islamist one. Its an inexorable slide that way and i am not a radical i don’t care for white folk even though I am one Its just completely inevitable. The middle east is already in the midst of an infinite Reich
A civilization in Europe that is to PC to actually ever engage in any real talk or honest assessment doesn’t deserve to continue anyway. They are appeasing their way to their infinite Reich.
relative asset prices will be so low eventually that you will move to america like slavs move to western europe. Now you can move with dignity like Jews leaving europe in the 1920s. GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL HAVE TIME