Norwegian Ski Team Accused Of Being Literally Nazis For Using Millennia-Old Runes

Apparently, if air comes in and out of your lungs, you are a Nazi. Well, Nazis did breathe, didn’t they? So, there you go, racist! Although it sounds totally absurd, this is the type of argument the left now uses after claiming that the ski team representing Norway for the 2018 Olympic Games celebrates National Socialism by using Viking runes that are at least two-millennia-old and in the written language of their forefathers.

The same old tactic

Various left-leaning rags attacked the Norwegian Olympic team on their outfit, suggesting that the runes promoted racism and demanded an apology and the sale of the sweater to be banned. Like usual, the open borders advocates are the first ones to cry like the victims they are and lie through their teeth.

I knew I saw that face somewhere

They probably imagine that the Norwegian athletes are goose-stepping in their South Korean hotels before doing the Roman salute on the slopes to be more aerodynamic.

A tale of bravery


The rune Tiwaz is the symbol of Tyr, the god of war, justice, and treaties in Norse mythology and the bravest of the Aesir. The Viking Eddas recount how the Gods attempted to trap the giant wolf Fenrir, as the prophecy told that he will grow more restless and dangerous and would eventually take part in the Ragnarök, the Twilight of the Gods.

As a guarantee of good faith, Tyr placed his hand between the jaws of the monstrous wolf Fenrir while the gods, pretending sport but intending a trap, bound the wolf with a magical ribbon, made of the sound of a cat’s footfall, the beard of a woman, the roots of a mountain, bear’s sinews (meaning nerves, sensibility), fish’s breath and bird’s spittle.

When Fenrir realized he had been tricked, he bit off Tyr’s hand.

Such were the deeds of Tyr. The ultimate sacrifice of one’s physical integrity for the greater good and the protection of his kith and kin. An altruistic sentiment that is one of the pillars of Western identity. Is there any value that is more European than this one?

Why are they so afraid?

I believe that what upsets the narrative serfs the most is that these unapologetic Nordics are not constantly groveling for who they are, like their neighbours in Sweden. They send an image of strength and look like the kind of individuals that does not bow down to political correctness. Seeing the “Tor Masculine Sweater” (its official name) is enough for leftists to hyperventilate.

It is certainly not a coincidence if the rune of Tyr is being demonised even more than Algiz, the other rune present on the kit. Those in charge are truly aware of the power that this symbol embodies.

It is a most unwelcome sight for the enemies of freedom in those times where every man is shamed for following his nature and our society is feminised a bit more every day.

The rune of man

This arrow pointing upwards, this spear, triggers something very deep in the subconscious of man. Tiwaz exhorts men to strive, to look for something greater and pursue noble goals. It is interpreted as the key which opens the gate to the skies, that will allow mankind to reach enlightenment.

Being the symbol of courage, unbowed masculinity, and male strength, Tiwaz represents everything the Left hates and fears. It is an authentic European symbol that connects all Westerners to their ancient roots.

It is important to notice that Agal or Algiz, the other rune, was not vilified with the same accusations, even if it was chosen in the past by thought criminals and other bêtes noires of the system such as Dr. William Luther Pierce.

William Luther Pierce

Only the tip of the iceberg

The esoteric nature of Tiwaz and the weight it carries in masculine symbolism might explain why the slaves of the elites sweat with fear when they witness its resurgence and why the mainstream media focuses on an apparently small issue.

Here is a video that Oleg, a fellow Norman and Viking specialist made on the subject, wondering why European children are sent to mosques while runes are seen as evil (don’t forget to activate the English subtitles in the bottom right corner of the video):

You can watch Oleg’s work on his two YT channels, one dedicated to self-improvement and fitness and the other focusing on the history of paganism and its relevance today.

Être de gauche nuit à gravement à votre virilité et à celle de votre entourage

Luckily, the company that sells the sweaters, Dale of Norway, is not run by frail cucks and they refused to back down. They will continue to sell the sweater and provide equipment for the Norwegian team.

Many social media users profusely mocked those who were offended, joking on the fact that the symbol “This way up” or every Tuesday in the week (its name comes form Tyr) should also be banned, following that logic.

Read More: Will The Norwegian People Disappear? 

66 thoughts on “Norwegian Ski Team Accused Of Being Literally Nazis For Using Millennia-Old Runes”

    1. The usual suspects of course.
      What the various “Aggrieved Minorities” clutching their pearls and having the vapours over this, that and the other don’t realize is that:
      If you insist – continually bray – that you’re different and deserve special treatment, then you’ll likely get it. However, “Special” is not the same thing as “Beneficial.”
      Disagree with me if you must. Ultimately, they – all to them – really ought to get a grip. For their own sake.
      Just a thought.
      Often it’s best just to keep you head down and be quiet.

    2. It’s thousands upon THOUSANDS of articles like this, that have truly convinced me (((they))) are behind a lot of it, if not, all of it. I mean, it’s insane. It’s always one of them. Always. Like poetry. It never fails.

  1. Because there is ALWAYS someone looking for ANY reason to be offended, even if it has to come from something innocuous, they will fabricate in their own mind at least, a meaning that just doesn’t exist so they can feel a moment of power through ridiculousness, that forces something bigger than their petty selves, to have to react.
    It is the smallest most petty means of creating relevancy for a person where they otherwise are no one. It is also why it is a favorite technique of SJW types (see again, smallest most petty means of creating relevancy).

    1. DNJ, exactly. After hearing, “racist shampoo,” you’ve pretty much heard it all. Talk about paranoia.

    2. @DNJ, You are speaking/expressing the exact/true feelings of real MEN.
      Why don’t you come up with few powerful articles ? It might sound silly, but I am copying (filing, that is !!) most of your Comments (I would rather like to call them as “Missiles” !!). Your missiles (sorry, comments !) are impartial, straight forward, crystal clear and thought provoking.
      Just one request: Do not leave ROK, under any circumstances !

  2. Streisand Effect.
    Almost everybody watching at home would have had no idea that those were symbols of ancient runes.
    And heck, the rune of Tyr is just an arrow. Are we going to censor arrows next?

    1. And I’m not sure what the people behind Unicode and in charge thereof think of the media’s attack on runes, or whether or not they’re moved by it.
      After all, there is a Unicode block containing runic characters.

    2. Every upvote on Reddit is a vote for Tyr, and subsequently literally a vote for Hitler.

  3. The runes have the power to make us remember (opposite of forget, yes, but also the opposite of dismember), or, another way: the runes remember us. This section of the Hávamál describes pregnancy (the windy tree being the placenta/womb, nine long nights are months, the spear is the umbilical cord) rebirth (“I fell back from there” – you have been born before) and remembrance of who you were in your past lives.
    I know that I hung on a windy tree
    nine long nights,
    wounded with a spear, dedicated to Odin,
    myself to myself,
    on that tree of which no man knows from where its roots run.
    No bread did they give me nor a drink from a horn,
    downwards I peered;
    I took up the runes,
    screaming I took them,
    then I fell back from there.

  4. Even if there are absolutely no reasons to be outraged, the Left will invent some to feed its “Justice Autodafe”.
    The best thing to do is not to bend and keep going.

  5. The Winter Olympics were overly politicized. Between the adoring of Kim Jong Un’s sister, the homo who insulted VP Pence, Ivanka, and the horrendous commercials promoting multiculturalism aka we hate straight white males and conservative minorities. And of course that rancid cunt Lindsey Vonn.Bring the minorities to them? How about fuck you Ervin Kohn.

  6. They are white and successful. I’m sure the SJW’s were salivating to figure out their angle of attack towards them.

  7. Anything White is evil. I fucking hate this fact of Western life.
    The 3rd Reich was the last nation that stood against all this misery we live with today.
    Oh – I’m sure the down voters and chosen-tards will down vote me but I seriously don’t give a rip anymore.

    1. Nobody will downvote you on that, my dear Sir.
      And no, the 3rd Reich was not the last who stood up against this.
      Because WE ARE HERE!

  8. Could we please ban the use of those 2 annoying Snowflake words “literally” and “creepy?” Putting literally in the headline pretty much makes the entire article unreadable.

      1. Figyelj cimbi!
        Folyamatosan figyelik ( az enyemet legalabbis!! ) amig kommentet ir az ember!!
        VALAMI ZSIDO GECI EDITALJA A KOMMENTEKET! Ha anolul irom, s milyest enter-t nyomok, maris vagy blokkolva van, vagy EDITALVA!!!
        Az IP cimem is blokkolva volt, gozom nincs, par hete miert nem..
        Lenyeg: HA angolul a zsido szo szerepel a kommentben, JOBB eklore megirni, mert ez a komment szekcio TELE VAN KIBASZOTT ZSIDOKKAL!!!
        Csak szoltam!

  9. The funny part is that the hippie peace symbol is actually the death rune, which was used by the Nazis.

    1. Yes it is cool! I miss Dr. Pierce – he was a great man, and I am proud to have been a member of his National Alliance for 12 years, and privileged to have met him twice. He was physically a tall man, and I remember how he seemed to fill the door frame when he entered the house where I first met him back in ’93. If he were still alive today he would have a great time with the current situation of our world!

  10. Globally speaking, europeans are minorities. There are more asians and africans on the planet. I don’t think the term minority should be used when promoting the influx of third world peoples into european countries. That’s just old fashioned mixing, and no one should feel bad about being opposed to it.
    African natives, latin american, and poor asian (east indian) peoples can live better lives if they just have less children. The average woman in Niger has 6 kids! Even though she grew up starving. It’s senseless. Why should WE feel bad for their stupidity? Why should WE feel responsible for feeding the mouths they create?

    1. But global warming goy!!! You whites need to stop polluting the world goy!!! You must have fewer babies goy!!!
      Oh no the GDP dropped by 2% goy!!! We need to import a new population to pay the debt goy!!! The birthrate isn’t high enough goy!!!

    2. Whites are the majority on 3 out of 6 continents (Europe, North America, Australia) and that’s why people get confused over this “minority” thing on a global scale.
      They can’t seem to pay attention though… that Australia and Canada combined only have a population comparable to France, despite both places being gigantic in size.
      There’s more Han Chinese and Indians alone (1 billion plus), just in their home nations and not including their huge diaspora, than the entire white race globally.

    3. “The average woman in Niger has 6 kids!”
      Yeah, that’s right.
      And we keep sending food and medicine so they can have more babies. And then come here through chain migration of the refugee programs.
      The Death of the West…

    4. The women has 6 children why? because the government of Niger does not push feminist agendas and control heterosexual relationships. Africa and poor countries are going to be better if they do not give them handouts anymore. Problem is we need to get the 3rd worlders on board with the fight against (((them))). Unfortunately the only people who are fighting (((them))) are White nationalists and Muslims while fighting against each other

      1. The animals of Africa breed as beasts and live as beasts.
        The goal of (((Bankers))) is to brandish the bestial realm as a tool of DEBT and choke the Western world of its civilization, nee, its very existence!
        The Government of Nigeria is British scam and corrals the beasts into welfare cities paid for by YOU, rather than let them rape and cannibalize each other out in the wild.
        It will take GOD HIMSELF to purge this world of the satanic evil that surrounds us!…

  11. It is just the American media after all of the propaganda are butt hurt their affirmative action pet athletes were exposed and the master race Norwegians, Dutch and Germans dominated the Olympics. They castrated Russia because it is too strong for them but guess what cheats never prosper!!! Americans are drugged overrated athletes with a diversity quota. If they cancel snowboarding the US will go home with 0 medals

  12. White identity, culture and strength must be rooted out of every nook and cranny and crushed. Fuck (((them)))!

  13. The real reason they attacked this photo, is not because of the runes. It’s because we have here two blond hair, white skin, northern type, standing with balls, and almost the man, a blond alpha man, without any cuck posture.
    The only ones allowed to be alpha are blacks or browns. White force is “nazi”.
    Apreciate it, when you see the whites don’t giving a fuck to not offend any shit hole race.

    1. This picture is DESIGNED to be incendiary in an (((SJW))) manipulation.
      Yes there is the implication of runes but ultimately it is an NWO transhumanist iteration.
      The creature on the left is a transgender.
      The entity on the right exhibits hormonal distortion.
      You are being brainwashed even as you celebrate what you are told is your sanctionable “Norwegian White Culture” …
      It is a TRIPLE BLIND.
      But this entire fake tweet and article provoking our “outrage” is a SETUP.
      By the way
      Did I mention a PURGE OF FIRE is coming soon?

  14. Can we shriek every time we see a black person wearing “traditional” African-print clothes? Because those clothes are a symbol of rape and cannibalism and genocide, they should not be allowed in polite company.

  15. Well, I just bought myself one off of their website. So fuck you SJW’s. I’ll wear it with pride.

  16. I’d be envious of nordic people too if I belonged to a certain tribe of bastardized wanderers.

  17. ever notice feminism is 99 percent driven by ugly ass white women….minority women involved in feminism and its demonstrations are primarily outliers.
    feminism is cancer..supported mostly by beta white men and white knighting white men…..dont know if anyone else noticed that…or if they were too busy flexing in the gym to impress monthly bloody hatchet gash.

  18. It’s a concerted to push propoganda, brainwashing and pyschological warfare. Everything will be nit picked until races will be fighting each other society will break down, social norms and cultures lost. It’s no coincedence. Shaun King had a good one saying fantasy football draft is racist. They are pushing this agenda. A sign of the end times in Revelation is in society things will become backwards, normal will be unnormal. This is the beginning examples wrong will be right. and right wrong eventually the mark of the beast will be seemed normal because the upside down it won’t be no big deal to take the sign!!!

    1. In the old Norse religion the coming of the end is described thus:
      “Brothers will fight
      and kill each other,
      sisters’ children
      will defile kinship.
      It is harsh in the world,
      whoredom rife
      —an axe age, a sword age
      —shields are riven—
      a wind age, a wolf age—
      before the world goes headlong.
      No man will have
      mercy on another.”
      (from Völuspá)

  19. (((Those))) of whom we do not speak are getting quite restless it would appear…

  20. Dumb and Dumber.
    Once again Picture Number One features a transgender.
    Rune One means Protection From Enemies (Mud Invaders)
    Rune Two means Victory Over Inferior Enemies (Mud Invaders).
    Its time to clear the decks anyway, but Global SJWs are desperate to provoke a reaction from any entity left that is not under their spell.
    As it is thousands of the less than 4 million remaining Norwegians are abandoning their homeland to scum and will soon be absorbed in the cesspool of other ‘diverse’ nations like the Soviet-USA.
    Burn it all down!

  21. Its just another attempt to ban and destroy European history. We are all supposed to be one blob called “White People”. The left can’t stand that whites have a rich and DIVERSE history. They seek to destroy it while yelling “Nazis!”. Can’t forget Nazis but please never speak about or teach children their history.

  22. Those are norwiegan futhark runes. If I’m not mistaken it says T Z T Z T Z T Z all the way around it. They predate WWII by a long shot. In a few story’s these runes have powers.

  23. Now I want one.
    Of course, I’m not Norvegian or Anglo-Saxon, so I really have no right to wear this symbol as it would be cultural appropriation.
    But…I am Irish, and Dublin was founded by the Vikings…so maybe?

  24. I have runes tattooed on my body. Love them, they have deep meaning for me (i.e. nauthiz rune). My girl has nauthiz on her side, as well…
    I also have a sentence in runic characters on my side. Got them both at 52 y.o. Approaching 60 now. Accused of having a “toxic” masculinity by some of SJW females I’d run into over the years, before TM was even a buzz word. Intend on keeping it…
    It is really sad what western “culture” (what an oxymoron) did to our boys over the past 2 decades…

    1. Good job, man. I’m surprised no one here downvoted you or gave you crap about having tats. A few months ago there was an article here about tats, and I was surprised about how many dudes gave me grief for saying I had a few. Crap like “a real tough guy doesn’t need to get tats to prove he’s tough,” etc., etc. Even when they knew mine were mainly related to many years in the military and a fairly elite unit I served in at one point.
      Jealousy, maybe?

      1. A real tough guy doesn’t need anyone’s approval — not even self-proclaimed alphas or tough guys — to do what he likes with his own body.
        I don’t have any tattoos, piercings, embedded RFID chips, or magnets, but don’t look down on anyone who does. Not even the guys with full-face tats — do what you like with your body, just take responsibility for the consequences and don’t expect me to foot the bill.

        1. Agreed. – never really sought approval from the others in significant matters (even though occasional approval is welcomed). Most of my life, I never really gave a damn about what others think or would want me to do. Always respected others’ boundaries and freedoms of choices and NEVER let anyone violate mine…it is quite simple. My tats are not visible to the public if I wear normal attire. I am a professional and they never show in boardrooms. Not that I would care, anyway, just my choice. If you let people tell you what to do, they will gladly oblige…

  25. Why are European symbols considered “Hate symbols.” What were they before the first jew stepped foot in our countries? Symbols. Don’t let Jews defile symbols and the achievements of our ancestors. Jews aren’t the arbiters of humanity. They don’t get to decide anything outside of their own religion and culture. The crucifix offends them, the crescent and cross doesn’t? Everything offends them. They need to grow the fuck up.
    “But Hitler used the swastika and runes!” I don’t give a damn. It just means he wasn’t unique in his use of the symbols. The swastika was used worldwide, runes used all over Europe. He wasn’t unique in his use of Runes either.
    The Star of David offends me, it represents whiny hypocrisy.

  26. The article is truly interesting and honestly it shows the ignorance of the people that tak offence to the Týr rune. It would be as stupid as to take offence to the peace symbol.
    But I first want to ask the author Jean-Batave, why are you using a picture of Egill Skallagrìmsson (my 32 time great grandfather) as your profile picture? I’m flattered and curious of the reason.
    You and others may keep in mind that even though in modern day people views of Viking culture are the ultimate masculinity, where one could only enter the glory of Valhöll by an honorary death in battle, it is also the culture of equality where men and women fought side by side. Women had rights equal to men when it came to land etc. And there was a mutual respect between them.
    The female warriors were known as valkyrjur even though history has made them into myths. But that most likely is because our history was written down by monks.

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